#the feeeeeelings
magicalplaylist · 8 months
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The Sword and the Shield
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
Okay so I spent like the last 2-3 days re-designing the Sister location gang and thinking of all this lore and angst and what not. I even whipped up some drawings of them with my new designs and everything was going well..
Buuuut then my motivation to keep drawing kind'a died off a bit. I didn't really feel like bringing the drawings to completion.. So I thought I would make some memes with the fully colored references I spent hours on.. So that all that work wouldn't go to waste! <XD
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Not me also adding lore in there XDD
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saltpepperbeard · 8 months
no because again, i feel like the costuming changes are so very intentional. AGAIN, i am kissing the costuming department on their mouths.
because in the last episode, stede was red. stede was the red silk. stede was a fine thing. he was closer to himself, closer to ed’s heart. he was excited to find new clothes and glowed under the light of the moon.
and he continues to wear red into episode 6 when he’s alongside of ed and encouraging him to “turn poison into positivity.”
but then a switch occurs. in episode 6, he suddenly switches to blue. when he kills a man in cold blood, when a bit more ferocity comes out, he is in blue.
others have pointed out that this color on him represents forced masculinity, that it represents him trying to fit within the stereotypical box of “blue instead of pink.” and i think that’s just it. i think it’s very intentional.
because he’s trying to be ruthless instead of forgiving. hardened instead of soft. what he believes to be a “proper pirate/man” as opposed to someone who got stoned for picking flowers.
blue, and not red. cold, and not warm.
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seiwas · 6 months
do you think aizawa feels conscious about his prosthetic leg sometimes? 🥺
(that, he thinks about the metal—primarily titanium, alloyed with aluminum and copper—and worries that it’s too cold when it touches your skin; that it’s too hard when his knee fits itself into the back of yours)
does he keep his distance because of it? leaves a space between the two of you whenever he can?
will he listen when you tell him that it doesn’t matter, that you don’t care?
(that you like the cold as long as it’s him; that you don’t mind the feel of metal, smooth on the surface and tough against your calf, because it reminds you that he survived)
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storge · 8 months
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Yes, this is it. Confidence, making the other person want to listen to you.
Perfect Marriage Revenge (2023) 1.02
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digitalstowaway · 5 months
At one point Lan Qiren has held his nephews' hands, carried them in his arms, wiped their tears, picked them up when they fell, fed them, straightened their clothes, taught them to hold a brush, etc. etc.
I think about that a lot
And then I think about how Lan Qiren has just so desperately wanted his nephews to turn out well, how he wanted them to be different from their father.
And I wonder if Lan Qiren watches Lan Wangji get whipped 33 times and thinks about how once his little hand could only hold two of Lan Qiren's fingers at a time.
And I wonder if Lan Qiren sees Lan Xichen in seclusion and remembers when he struggled to hold chopsticks but tried again and again and again until he got it right.
If through everything, when he's scolding and punishing his nephews, he thinks back to their first days in his classes when they sat so seriously at the very front. Their chubby faces determined to do well.
Lan Qiren is definitely misguided and harsh, but I think he's also extremely motivated by his love for his nephews. They were thrust upon him, and he raised them the best that he could.
Because that's the other thing--Lan Qiren didn't decide to have these kids. They aren't his sons. But he did what he thought was best for them. He scolds them, he punishes them, but he's at least always there.
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andromeda-vita · 20 days
helpp might as well post this to the masses (if u saw this elsewhere!! wrong! u didnt)
..how is he possibly coping after his absence honestly . doesnt that start to get lonely after a while ?? always worrying that people kinda moved on from you ?
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i just wanna give him a hug . poor guy cant get a break ever
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divinebunnii · 19 hours
morning breath ain’t gonna stop me from morning sex
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maximilff · 2 months
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i love her so much
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nightgoodomens · 2 months
David and Ty: We absolutely smashed it today, husbands, daddy, big daddy, he’s so sweet etc etc Michael Michael Michael ❤️
Michael: 😊 Who’s that? Mabli: Unkle David
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powderblueblood · 6 months
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‘salt in the wound’ by boygenius / ‘flight of icarus’ by caitlin schneiderhan
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starkerobsession · 1 year
After Tony and Peter first get together, Tony notices some changes in Peter. Firstly, he almost never talks about school or his classes. Secondly, he doesn’t talk to Tony about what he and Ned do when they hang out and what sort of crazy Lego set they’ve challenged themselves to next. And lastly, his overexcited nature has been toned down so much that Tony starts to worry that he’s doing something wrong.
One day Tony asks him about it and Peter gets all embarrassed and doesn’t want to answer, but after some encouragement Peter finally reveals that he doesn’t want to do anything to remind Tony of how young he is. And Tony is heartbroken. The fact that Peter feels he needs to change himself for Tony to stay interested?? 😭😭
Tony reassures him that he fell in love with a highschooler and he knows who he fell in love with, and he wants to hear about Peter’s school day and his Lego adventures and all the silly things that excite him throughout the day like how he aced his science test or how his favourite video game is getting a sequel or that he did a triple backflip off a building today and landed with elegance and dignity and got a round of applause from bystanders. Tony wants Peter to be himself around him, and he assures Peter that he won’t suddenly remember Peter’s age and get turned off.
Because he loves Peter. He loves his nerdy, hyperactive, silly, brave, smart, kind, too-good-to-be-true boyfriend, and nothing will change that.
So Peter relaxes, smiles, and recounts the ups and downs of his schoolday to Tony for the first time in weeks and they both feel much better ❤️🥺
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iiscpr · 10 months
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a little god in my hands
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
literally one of my favorite historical romance micro-tropes is when the hero goes to the heroine's brother (usually because the heroine has been all *Eartha Kitt voice* "Ha!!!!!! STUPID!" to a marriage proposal) to be all "waaaaaaa go make your sister marry meeeee"
and the brother is all "I shall not make her do anything she does not wish to do because I am properly the hero of a previous book or the hero of a future book and that means I must exhibit a minor regard for gender equality""
to which the current hero goes "welllllll 🥺 she may be pregnant lmao idk it's been like half an hour but SHE COULD BE"
and you just have this long dramatic pause where it sinks in and you can feel the brother hulking out
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userlaylivia · 6 months
the way klayley had so much growth and development gah!!! the way he became so protective over her and was desperate to find her when she was kidnapped, the way he threatened jackson and warned him to not betray her and sorry but he seemed jealous over her relationship with jackson a couple times and even elijah like what was the reason?? they came so far and I'm sobbing!! unpopular opinion but klaus grew and changed more around hayley (and cami) than he ever did caroline he didn't change at all around caroline but did around them!! klayley/klamille>>>>>>>klaroline everytime!!
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smolfangirl · 29 days
I'd love a scene where Anne says in company that she has quite given up on marriage for herself, and Captain Wentworth hears it and it hurts. I want him to be angry, angry at her and the world for declaring herself not worthy of any man. I want him to argue a little, to get heated in his reply, until someone wonders how he'd know she'll make a great wife and mother if he barely knew her at all in the year six, and he has to check himself. I want him to think about it at night when he's in her bed in a random room in Kellynch and can't sleep.
Oh fanfic gods, send upon me all your angst
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