#the farmer and the bog body
takataapui · 3 months
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'the farmer and the bog body' by Riwhi Kenny (takataapui)
this is a two player game about a tender conversation between the titular characters. players trade 7 questions back and forth, with each question asked leading down a different branching conversational path.
played with nothing more than this pdf, and a willingness to dive into each other's answers, the two players of this game will create an evocative and rich story, drawing together the past, present, and future of each character.
download 'the farmer and the bog body' now here, for only $3USD.
(all proceeds from any of my games go towards my top surgery fund)
this game is published as part of KiwiRPG week, find out more about Kēmu Whakatau O Aotearoa | KiwiRPG here.
252 notes · View notes
sarahsmi13s · 1 year
Chapter 8
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pairing: bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw x twin sister!reader; jake ‘hangman’ seresin x bradshaw!reader
characters: y/n bradshaw, nick bradshaw, jake seresin, bradley bradshaw (mentioned) penny benjamin (mentioned), hayden kazansky, serenity hart (hayden’s gf and nick’s baby sitter), random booth workers
word count: ~6.3k 
warnings: extremely fluffy, jake being domestic and sweet, nicky being an adorable child, mentions of deployment, just a very very fluffy chapter, mentions of food and desserts, the use of the word ‘smile’ a lot, let me know if i missed any
a/n: i am so sorry it’s been nearly two months since the last update, i got bogged down with school and summer classes, i ended up writing a whole new chapter to dive more into jake and duckie
so despite the wait, i hope you like it
series summary: daughter of goose and carole and twin sister to bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw, y/n bradshaw also got her papers pulled when she tried to enlist in the Navy. which turned out to not be as bad as she thought.
chapter summary: jake as spent weeks trying to get to know nick and duckie, hoping to show her that he was willing to be there for both of them. duckie can see that and she wants to face her fears and dip her toe in the water. so during a morning at the beach that jake stumbled upon, she asks him to go to a farmer’s market with her
duckie universe
ch 7  ch 9
For the next few days, that turned into weeks, Jake talked to you, getting to know you and your son; and both of you getting to know him in return.
He sometimes caught you and Nick at the picnic table and he would go outside, ignoring his friends’ teasing as he did. He then talked exclusively to Nick, getting the kid to laugh and would occasionally catch you watching him. 
Jake really wanted to win you over and show you that he was all in, that he wanted to love you and your son.
And you could see that.
You, Jake, and Nick were on the beach, sitting on towels and facing each other as Nick sat in between your legs and played in the sand. “So, you run on the beach on your days off?” You asked, replying sunscreen to Nick’s arms and back. Jake nodded and took a sip from the water you had given him, “Yeah, it’s nice. You know, run a few miles, cool off in the ocean, run half the distance and do a cool down walk the last half.” 
“And I assume you like the added difficulty because of the sand. You seem to like to challenge yourself.” Jake chuckled and nodded, “Yeah, yeah, I do like to challenge myself.” 
You smiled and put the sunscreen away, “Challenge paves the way for change and can make you better. If you know you can do something, you aren’t really challenging yourself are you?”
Jake’s smile matched yours, “No, no you aren’t. But mental challenges and physical challenges are different. Like I know-” He pointed to his head, “-that I can run 8 miles. I’ve done it before, I know I can do it. But is my body going to let me or is it going to try and stop me from finishing my run.”
Before you can speak, Nick gasped as he dug in the sand.
“What did you find bubba?” Jake asked immediately with interested eyes. 
You smiled and looked down at Nick’s hands as he held a shell in them. “That’s so cool Nicky!” You said as he showed Jake.
“Look Han’man, a shell!” Jake grinned and held his hand out, “That so neat! Can I hold it?” Nick nodded and put the shell in Jake’s much larger hand, turning what looked like a big shell into a normal sized, or even small, shell.
Nick giggled as Jake carefully held the shell. You played with Nick’s blond hair, “You gonna add it to your collection bubba?” “Can I, Mama?” He asked, looking up at you hopefully. “Of course sweetheart.” 
“Oh, wait, hold on…” Jake objected gently. “I don’t think you can add this one Nicky.” 
The toddler turned to Jake, pouting, “But.. why?” 
Jake felt his heart twist at the pout on the little boy’s face, tears threatening his teal eyes. He didn’t like it when kids cried, especially if he’s the reason.
But he saw this as a learning moment for the 3 year-old. 
“Well, come take a look Nicky,” Jake said as he shifted and Nick scooted closer. “Look in there, do you see it?” 
Nick tilted his head and leaned in closer to the shell in the pilot’s hands. You leaned as well, curious as to what Jake was talking about. 
That’s when you saw the little legs and pinchers curled up inside the shell’s opening. “Oooh, I see. Do you see it baby?” You rubbed Nick’s arms as he looked closer and huffed, “I don’t see anything!”
Then the little hermit crab peaked its head out and started to walk around on Jake’s palm.
Nick squealed and got in your lap, a little scared by the new creature. “It’s okay Nicky. It won’t hurt you,” you reassured him. “What is it?” Nick asked in a hushed whisper, leaning a little closer and becoming more intrigued.
“It’s called a hermit crab,” Jake explained. “Hermit cwab?” Jake nodded, “Yeah, they like to hide in their shells and be alone sometimes. And something that’s really cool is that they get new shells when they outgrow their old ones.”
“Ooooo,” Nick awed as he looked even closer at the little crab.
You smiled as Jake continued to talk to Nick about the sea life in his hand.
Nick loved the water and the beach. He loved to collect shells and give them to people on their birthdays or when he thought they looked sad, because shells made him happy and he figured they would make other people happy too. He loved marine life too, turtles and sharks mostly. But you now had a feeling hermit crabs would be added to the list.
“So, since hermit crabs make some types of shells their homes. You always need to check and make sure that the shell is empty before you take it home,” Jake told your son as he sat the little hermit in the sand and watched it scurry off.
Nick nodded curtly and saluted Jake, “Aye aye, Capan Han’man!” Jake grinned and saluted back. Nick ran over in the hermit and squatted down to watch it scurry and dig in the sand, making you and Jake fall into a fit of giggles.
You calmed down and smiled at Jake again, admiring the way the morning sun made his hair shine and the sweat made his skin glow like Adonis.
“Um, there’s a farmers market just downtown this weekend. Would you want to…” You trailed off feeling a little forward for asking and anticipating the turn down.
But Jake looked at you curiously, wanting you to finish your question.
You smiled nervously and started to lift sand into your hand before letting it fall through your fingers. “Would you want to go with me?”
“It’s totally okay if you don’t! I’m sure you have plans or want to spend time with your pilot buddies. I just wanted to offer,” you spat out after your question before Jake could answer.
You braced yourself for the sympathetic smile before the decline of your offer, but all you received was a genuine smile with a nonchalant shrug. “Sure, sounds like fun,” he smiled at you, his green eyes shining before he covered them with his sunglasses.
Smiling, you let out a relaxed breath before looking back at your son.
“Hey Nicky wanna get in the water now?”
He nodded vigorously, “Yes Mama!”
As the morning turned into afternoon, the forecasted rain clouds rolled in.
“I think that’s our cue,” Jake chuckled as he pointed at the sky. He needed to get back to his room and study, since they had to take the day because of the weather, but he loved hanging out with you and Nick and really didn’t want it to end.
“I think our cue was Nick getting fussy at the sand on his feet. He got really tired after lunch, and all the playing and sand castles. So thank you for that, Jake,” you smiled as you started to pack up.
He smiled and helped you, “My pleasure, I’m sure he’ll go down easy for a nap.” You nodded, “Oh he will. As soon as I get him in the bath, I’m sure he’ll be falling asleep.”
Once everything was packed, you slipped your swimsuit cover back on.
“That’s a really nice color on you by the way,” Jake complimented as he shook out your towel and folded it before repeating the process with the other.
You looked down at your yellow cover up and smiled, “Thank you!” He smiled before picking up what he could hold, “You’re welcome. But I mean, you look good in about every color I’ve seen you in.. but yellow just really makes you glow.”
The heat that warmed your cheeks went deeper than the sunburn as you giggled a little.
“This was my mom’s actually. She loved the color yellow,” you smiled as you smoothed over the dress. Jake smiled, “She’s got good taste.”
You smiled wider before unlocking your car. “You can just put it in the back, I’ll be there in just a second.” Jake nodded, “Yes ma’am.” He smirked at the lip bite you tried to hide as you turned around.
“Nicky! Come on bubba, we gotta go home.”
Nick stomped his little foot, “Wanna stay!”
You crossed your arms, “Nick, we gotta go. It’s gonna rain.” He continued to play in the sand, “I like rain Mama.”
You sighed and hung your head before going to him. 
“Okay, you get two options,” you held up two fingers. “We go home and we can have a movie day for the rest of the day. Or we go home and we can read by the window. But we are going home, it’s not safe to be on the beach in a storm.”
He pouted and continued to dig in the sand, “Don’t wanna go home…”
You knelt in the sand and gently made him look at you, “Why don’t you wanna go home?” “My hermit cwab…” Nick said, tears pooling as his lip quivered.
“Oooh,” you nodded, realizing why he was so upset. “You don’t wanna leave your buddy, do you?” He shook his head and sniffled, “Wanna take him home…”
You sighed. You understood how he felt. When you were his age, maybe younger, you watched ducklings in a pond at the park and when one let you pick it up, you didn’t want to put it down.
Then your parents told you that you had to leave the park, you cried and cried because you didn’t want to leave your new friend. But your dad found a way to make you feel a bit better.
“Hey, Nicky?” He wiped his eyes as he sniffled and looked at you. “How about I take a picture of you and your hermit crab? That way you have him with you?”
His eyes lit up, “Reawy?” You nodded and pulled out your dad’s polaroid that you had brought with you, “Yeah bub, let’s find him.”
You and Nick dug in the sand for a little bit and you found the little crab. “I found him bubba!” Nick gasped and giggled, “Bootles!”
Your brow furrowed as you laughed, “Bootles?” Nick nodded, “His name is Bootles!” You smiled, “That’s a very good name baby.”
“Okay, hold your hands out. And remember, be gentle,” you instructed as you placed the small crab in his hands. “Okay, say hermit crab!”
“Hermit cwaaaaab!”
He grinned and held the crab by his face as you snapped the photo.
You pulled out your phone and snapped a few more photos while the polaroid developed. “Okay baby, we need to head home.”
Nick nodded, “Bye Bootles!” He placed a little kiss to the shell before sitting the crab down and watching the creature scurry off.
He ran over to you as you put the camera away and looked at the developed photo, “Let’s go home Mama.” You smiled, “Alright baby.”
You smiled at the photo and put it in your bag before standing and holding your hand out, “C’mon Nicky.” He pouted a bit before making grabby hands at you, “Don’ wanna walk.” You sighed and rolled your eyes playfully, “Okay baby.” You grunted a little as you picked him up, “Let’s go home.”
Adjusting your bag, you trekked up the sand back to your vehicle, keeping Nick up on your hip.
By the time you get to your car, Nick was fast asleep on your shoulder.
“Little man all tuckered out?” Jake asked as he put the last of your things in the back of your vehicle.
You giggled, “Yes, very tuckered out. I’m really considering just a movie so he can sleep through it.” Jake smiled and opened the back door for you, “That way you can have a nap too.”
“Oh no, I have so much to do today,” you said as you put Nick in his carseat. Jake nodded, “So, this was your desired outcome?”
You looked at him over your shoulder and giggled a bit, “Is that bad?” 
Jake shook his head as he gently shut the door, “No, it’s strategic. Take him to the beach, tucker the little guy out, get home and make sure he’s asleep, and then boom, you’ve got him out of your hair for a little bit to do what you need to do.”
“I feel like he might catch on eventually, but I will milk this strategy until then,” you laughed as you got in the driver’s seat. Jake laughed as well as he leaned on the top of the car and the door, “A mama’s gotta do what a mama’s gotta do.”
You smiled and nodded, looking at Nick sleeping in the rearview mirror.
Looking back up at Jake, you found him already smiling at you. “Thank you for today Jake,” you said softly, your cheeks heating up a bit. “Nick had a lot of fun.”
“What about you?” Jake asked, with a hint of hopefulness in his tone.
You nodded. You had had fun today, Jake was making you laugh and blush, and you started feeling something you hadn’t felt in years.
And if you were completely honest, it was starting to scare you. But there was just something about this that you couldn’t let go of; no matter how scared you were. However, you had to go slow and be careful, for both the sake of your heart and the sake of your son’s heart.
“I had a lot of fun today Jake. Thank you,” you smiled up at him. “Though, I am sorry that you had to stop your run.”
He shook his head, “Don’t worry about that. I can go to the gym on base and hit the treadmill. Maybe the stairmaster.”
You giggled, “Well, I hope you have fun with that.”
“What time should I pick you up this weekend?”
You blinked at him confused for a second before you remembered, “Oh right right! Um, does 0830 sound good?” He nodded and smiled, “Sounds perfect. I’ll see you then.”
“Here let me get you my address,” you said before digging in the console for a pen and sticky notes.
Once you found them and wrote down your address, you gave the sticky note to Jake.
“I’ll see you then?” Jake nodded and smiled, “See you then.”
You nodded back and smiled, “Alright, have a good rest of your day Lieutenant.” “You too, mama.”
He closed your door and watched you drive off before looking down at the yellow sticky note, “I need to find out what flowers she likes…”
A few days later you’re getting ready for your trip to the farmer’s market with Jake.
Now this wasn’t a date, no not at all. Just an outing between friends. Time for you to get to know Jake when he wasn’t around Nick. But it was not a date.
You applied your mascara in the floor length mirror in your room, humming a song to yourself as you did so.
“Maaamaaa?” Your toddler called from your bed.
“Yeees Nicky?” You asked as you screwed the lid back onto your mascara.
“Why can’t I go wiff you and Han’man?” He asked as he bounced on your bed.
You sighed a bit and caught him, “Because, mama and Hangman are going to be walking about in the heat and sweating, it wouldn’t be fun for you baby.” You grinned and began to tickle him, “I think Hayden and Serenity have a lot of fun things planned for today.”
He giggled and curled up to escape your hands, “Ah! Mama!” You laughed and continued to tickle him as he flopped onto the bed. You kissed all over his face, “Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!”
You pulled back and took a breath, “Okay baby, Mama has to finish getting ready.” Nick giggled and starfished in the middle of the bed and you went to your bathroom. “You wanna help mama brush her hair?”
Nick nodded, “Yeah!” He rolled onto his stomach and slid into the floor before going into the bathroom.
“Duckie, you look good. You sure this isn’t a date?”
“Yes, Hayden, I’m very sure this isn’t a date. I actually have a list of things to look for,” you said, matter of factly.
Hayden put his hands up, “Okay, okay… But I mean you look-” “Hayden, you’re pressing,” Serenity said as she played with Nick.
“Right, sorry. But still, you look great, Duckie.”
You smiled and ruffled his hair, “Thank you Hayden.” You slipped on your shoes and clipped your hair up with a claw clip.
“Okay, I’ve still got fifteen min-” Your sentence is cut short by tires in your driveway. You chuckled, “Military man, should have guessed he’d be early.”
You waited for a honk or something but one never came.
But, then there was a gentle knock on your door.
Your heart rate elevated and you couldn’t hide the grin as you went to open the door.
“Jake,” you said a little breathlessly, smiling as you took in his appearance.
His blond hair wasn’t gelled, allowing it to fluff and rest against his forehead. The green checkered shirt he was wearing matched his eyes and showed off his biceps and tanned arms. His light wash jeans hugged the tops of his thighs but were loose the rest of the way down and bunched around his ankles, brandishing his brown cowboy boots with the contrast.
“You look… good,” you smiled, eyes trailing back up to his eyes.
He chuckled, smiling to show off his forming smile lines, “So do you, Y/N.”
You felt the heat on your face as you bit your lip and looked at your shoes bashfully
You turned as Jake looked around you and inside.
“Nicky, hey buddy,” Jake smiled as Nick ran over. Nick wrapped his arms around Jake’s leg, “G’moorrnniing!”
Jake squatted down to give him a proper hug, “Good mornin’ little man!” 
Nick put his hands on Jake’s shoulders, “Have fun wiff Mama today! I not going cause Mama said I would get too hot and I wouldn’t have fun. So, I’m playing with Hay and Ren today!”
“Well that sounds fun, and I promise your mom and I will have fun. I’ll make sure she gets home safe.”
Nick nodded before running back to the living room as Jake stood back up.
You smiled and looked at the floor before looking up at Jake, catching the flowers in his hand. “You-you brought me flowers?”
He furrowed his brow before looking at the bouquet in his hand, “Oh! Yeah, yeah, I did. I hope that’s okay. I know this isn’t r-really a date, but-”
“Jake, Jake!” He looked back up at you and you smiled softly, “They’re lovely, thank you.” You gently took them from him, your hands brushing together and making you both blush.
“Would you like to come in for some coffee? We’ve got about thirteen minutes before we need to leave,” you offered, holding the flowers to your chest. He smiled, “Sure, that sounds great. Thank you.” You smiled and led him into your home, “Kitchen’s this way.”
“Where do you keep your vases?” Jake asked once you got to the kitchen. “Oh, um, I think they’re under the sink.” Jake nodded and looked under the sink, “Ah-ha! Gotcha!”
He stood up, “This one okay?” You turned from the drawer you were digging in to see the tall mason jar. “Oh yeah that’s perfect.” He nodded and stood to rinse it out and filled it before sitting it on the island.
“Thank you, Jake,” you said as you smiled, putting the cut stems into the water.
You turned to the cabinet, “Iced coffee or hot coffee?” “Hot if you got it.” You nodded and grabbed a mug and poured him a cup.
“Here you go, there’s sugar and dry creamer, liquid creamer is in the fridge, if you want it,” you told him before grabbing your mason jar glass and opening the fridge.
He thanked you before adding a little bit of sugar. “So, have they done this farmer’s market before? Or is this like a new thing?”
“Oh they’ve done it before, started back when I was a kid. They took off for a while, started it back up a few years ago. Actually the year before I moved back.”
He nodded and sipped his coffee as you sirred yours.
“And a lot of the booths are military families.”
“Oh really? That’s cool.”
“I think there’s a care package booth too. They… They um,” you smiled a little to yourself. “They put it together right there in front of you. My mom would get one made for my uncle every year if he was deployed when we went.”
Jake smiled, “You said your brother was on deployment right?” You nodded back, “Mhmm.” “Well we need to make sure we stop by that booth.”
You looked up at him, “Wait really?” He nodded and sat his mug down, “Of course. I can tell that you and your brother are close, even though I may or may not know him.”
You snorted a bit, “Right, I haven’t told you about him. Honestly, I’m surprised you didn’t ask Penny about him.” He crossed his arms and shrugged, “I won’t lie, I did want to ask. Buuuut, I figured you’ll tell me when you want me to know. I’m not entitled to that information.”
And there were the butterflies again.
Yeah, he did the bare minimum and didn’t try to find out more about you through other people. But the fact he was willing to admit it and be upfront with you was something you really liked, especially after being with Chad.
“Thank you,” you said before sipping your coffee. Maybe today you should tell him; just let him know in case there is any tension between them and if that’s a turn off to being friends, or more.
“Of course.”
You both smiled and continued to drink your coffee and talk for the next fifteen-ish minutes.
“We should probably get going, it opens at 0900 and it takes about 30-45 minutes to get there,” you said when you noticed the time on the microwave.
Jake nodded and rinsed his cup out, “Where do you want this?” You blinked for a second, a little surprised he didn’t just leave it in the sink. “Oh um,” you checked the dishwasher and saw that it was full. “You can just leave it in the sink, I’ll wash it when I get home.”
“Nonsense,” he waved you off and pointed to your glass. “Are you done?” You looked down, “Oh yeah.” You dumped out the ice and put the jar in the basin, “I’ll wash it. It’s not a big deal.”
Jake ignored you and grabbed the rag. “Jake, you don’t have to do that.” “It’s not a problem. You invited me in for coffee, it’s the least I could do. And plus, it’s two dishes.”
You smiled gently at him, “Thank you.” He smiled back and watched you go to the living area.
“Nick, come give Mama a hug.”
You and Jake walked past the booths, laughing and stopping when you see something that is on your list.
“Hey, isn’t honey on your list?” Jake asked, stopping as he saw a table full of jars of honey. You hummed and looked down at your list. “Oh, yes! Yes it is.”
Jake smiled as you came over, smiling as you looked at the jars.
“Hi, how can I help you?” The lady behind the table asked with a sweet smile.
Jake watched you smile back, just as sweet. “Hi, I was just wondering what flavors you had?” “Oh we have regular, orange blossom, and lemon honey syrup.”
You bit your lip, “Man, I want all of them..” You looked down at your list. “Okay, I’ll take a pint of regular honey and the lemon honey syrup.” She smiled and grabbed the two, “Is that all?” You nodded and pulled out your wallet, “Yes, for now, I may swing by before we leave.”
She nodded as she wrapped them in tissue paper before putting them in a little crate then into a paper bag.
“That’ll be twelve dollars.” You smiled and handed her the cash, “There you go.”
“Thank you, you two have a good day.” “You too thank you.”
You looked back at your list, “Fruits are next and then care package and then roam the crafts.” Jake chuckled and nodded, “Okay, I’ll catch up in a second.”
You smiled at him, “Alright.”  You thank the lady again before walking away to the fruit stands.
Jake watched you walk away before turning to the table. “Can I get you anything sir?” “Yes,” he smiled and took out his cash, “I will take two pints of the orange blossom.”
The woman gave him a slightly knowing smile as she did what she did with yours. “Twelve dollars.”
He smiled again and gave her fifteen, “Here ya go ma’am, keep the change.” She smiled as Jake walked away, “Thank you, have a good day!”
Jake found you at a peach stand, “Peaches?”
Your head whipped up and you smiled at him, “Nick loves them, his dad loved them too.” Jake smiled as he saw that glimmer of love in your eye.
You and Jake held eye contact for a moment, just looking at each other with smiles on your faces.
A baby giggling in the booth next to you knocked you both out of your trance.
Jake jumped a bit and shook it off, “Wha-what do you make with the peaches?”
You giggled and picked through the peaches, “My mom had a cobbler recipe that I love and Nick likes it too. I’ll juice them and make tea. Then other times we just eat them.”
“My grandma makes amazing peach cobbler,” his eyes trailed to the apple stand. “Her apple pie however, is what she’s known for.”
You smiled at him, “So are apples your favorite?” He chuckled and shook his head, “No actually. I love oranges. Always have.”
“Any desserts your mom makes with them?” Jake nodded with a huge smile, “She makes a loaf cake, it’s amazing.” You smiled, “That sounds delicious.”
“I’ll have to make it for you sometime.” You nodded and finished picking out your peaches and giving them to the woman to weigh, “I would like that.”
“Thank you,” you said as you traded eight dollars for the fruit. “Okay, just a few more booths. Then we can go to lunch.”
Jake nodded, “We can check out the food trucks.” “Oh, yeah! But if we get snow cones we can’t tell Nick… or Hayden.” You and Jake laughed as he made a zipper motion over his lips, “My lips are sealed.”
You nodded, “Thank you.” You grabbed his hand, “C’mon let’s go.” He grinned as you pulled him along, fruit stand to fruit stand.
“Okay, let’s go get that care-”
“Miss Bradshaw!”
You turned over your shoulder, “Oh Cheyenne! Hi, how are you?” “Good, I’m good. How are you?” You nodded and smiled as you walked over to her booth, Jake right behind you, “I’m good, Cheyenne.”
“Nicky not with you today?” She asked as she stood up. “Oh no, he’s with Hayden and Serenity today. He would have gotten too hot or run around.” She nodded, “I can understand that. Max is the same way. Except he’s seven.”
You and Jake laughed as she huffed with a grin, “Which is why he is at our dad’s house today.”
Then Cheyenne noticed Jake, “Ohh, who is this?” You blushed and looked up at him, “This-This is um, Jake. He’s a pilot for the Navy.” She nodded, “Oh, and he’s your friend right?” Her emphasis on ‘friend’ making you and Jake blush.
You and Jake looked down at the table. “Oh, did you make these?” Jake asked, trying to change the subject. 
“I did, and Miss. Bradshaw, I made this for you to send to Bradley.” She held out a crocheted rooster to you. “Oh my goodness, Cheyenne! It’s so cute, he’s gonna love it. Thank you!”
She smiled, “You’re welcome.” You looked up at her, “How much do I owe you?” “Oh, no, Miss. Bradshaw, it’s free.” “Are you sure? You must have spent days on this.” She nodded, “I’m sure.”
You smiled at her again, “Thank you.” Cheyenne nodded back with a smile.
You looked down at the table and saw something, “Awe Nick would love that… but he has so many stuffed animals already.” You bit your lip and bounced on your toes.
After the internal argument you groaned. You wanted to get it for him but you still needed to get Bradley’s care package squared away. “I’ll come back and see if it’s still here.”
Jake watched you walk away and looked at the table. “I think you know what I’m about to ask.”
She laughed, “For little Nick Bradshaw? Five dollars.” “No, don’t do that. How much, actually?” “Ten.” He nodded, “That’s better.” He held out a ten and she put the crocheted animal in a bag.
“Here you go Jake.” “Thank you, have a good day,” he smiled and walked toward the care package booth.
“Jake?” Cheyenne said as she came up to him.
“She likes you. A lot. I can tell in the way she looks at you.”
Jake smiled and looked over at you, “I like her a lot too.” Cheyenne smiled and nodded before going back to her booth.
He chuckled and shook his head, his heart feeling a little lighter that he wasn’t seeing things when you looked at him.
He made it to the booth as you were finishing up.
“Bradley is going to love this, Y/N!” You nodded with a smile, “I know and can you put this in there? It’s from Nick.” “Oh of course, I bet Rooster loves getting these shells from his nephew.” You smiled again, “Yeah, he sends some back from Virginia Beach sometimes. Or wherever they’ve docked.”
The woman behind the table smiled, “That’s so sweet. Let me get this totalled up for you, I’ll be right back.”
You nodded and turned as you saw Jake approach.
“Got it all sorted?” You nodded, “Sure did.”
He smiled down at you, his hand moving to rest on your lower back, but he forced it down. “So, roaming the crafts is next?”
You nodded, “Yes! And then lunch.” “Sounds fantastic,” he grinned at you as you smiled up at him.
“Thank you for coming with me today Jake.”
“Of course, I’m having a lot of fun actually.”
You nodded and smiled wider to match his smile, “I’m having a lot of fun too.”
“Okay I have a question,” Jake proposed as he sat down with his burger and fries.
You froze a bit, before nodding as you sat next to him, “What’s up?”
“Well, it’s not so much of a question as it is like a statement that could wind up being a question,” he rambled with a fry in his hand.
You giggled, “What is it, Jake?”
“I think I know your brother.” You stayed silent but nodded. “Now here’s the question, is it Bradley Bradshaw, a.k.a Rooster?”
You sighed and nodded, “Yeah, that’s my brother.”
He nodded, “We were in flight school together.” “Really?” He nodded again and took a bite of his burger, “He wasn’t the biggest fan of me to be honest.”
You shifted a little as you brushed salt off your pretzel, “Oh…” You cleared your throat, “Does that- does that change-” You point between you and Jake, “This?”
“No, no not at all. I don’t care how your brother feels about me, I care about how you feel about me.”
You nodded again and opened your mouth to speak but he continued.
“And I totally understand if his opinion matters to you and you-”
“Jake, stop.” You cut him off and held your hands up, making him stop talking. “Take a breath.” He nodded and inhaled.
You giggled, “Okay, now yes, my brother’s opinion matters to me. But I’m also a big girl and can make my own choices. From what I’ve seen, from what you’ve shown me, you’re a good guy, Jake. A great guy. That matters more.”
“Yes! Jake, in flight school, you and my brother were basically rivals. No one is a fan of their rival.”
“I guess that’s true,” Jake smiled.
“And as long as you two don’t fight in front of my son and keep the jabs and smartass comments to a minimum around me, I think we can make it work.”
He nodded, “For you, I can do that.”
You smiled and nodded, “Good. Now let’s eat.”
Jake parked his truck in your driveway, “Let me walk you to the door.”
You smiled and unbuckled, the door opening as your hand reached for the handle. “Thank you Jake.” “Of course.”
You grabbed your bags and Jake walked with you to the door.
You sat your bags down and pulled out your keys.
“Is that a duck key chain?” Jake asked, his head tilted with a smile gracing his lips. You nodded and smiled at him, “Yes, it is.” He held it in his hand, a small twinkle in his eye, “It’s adorable.”
“Thank you, my uh… my nickname has been Duckie ever since I was two. My dad had gotten me a duck stuffed animal and I would not let go of that thing,” you said with a light laugh.
Jake smiled at you, “That’s really sweet.” You nodded and unlocked your door.
You opened it and turned back to Jake, “I had fun today.” He blushed and smiled, “I had fun today too.”
You and Jake looked down as Nick ran to you.
You bend down and pick him up, “Nicky baby! Did you have fun with Hayden and Serenity today?” He nodded and looked at Jake, “I did Mama! Did you and Han’man have fun?”
Jake chuckled and tickled Nick’s ribs, “We did little man! And I brought you something back.”
Nick gasped and your brow furrowed as Jake pulled something out of the bag you hadn’t realized he was holding.
Your jaw dropped when he pulled out the crocheted manta ray with a little cowboy hat; the one you saw and wanted to get Nick but was gone when you had gone back by the table.
“That’s for me?” Nick gasped as Jake nodded and smiled. “It is Nick!” “I wove it! Thank you Han’man!” Nick stretched out of your arms to hug Jake, which Jake gladly did with his free arm. “You’re welcome, Nicky.”
Jake put him down and Nick looked up at you, “I’m gonna put this on my bed, Mama! With my turtle!” You smiled and ran a hand through his curls, “Alright baby, have you had lunch yet?” He nodded, “Okay. I’ll be in in a minute and we can Octopus.” “Okay!”
You and Jake chuckled as he ran in and to his bedroom.
You looked up at Jake, “Jake, you didn’t have to get that for him.” He nodded and looked at the bag, “I know I didn’t. But I wanted to.”
“Well, thank you Jake. He’s gonna cherish that little cowboy manta ray.” Jake blushed and looked through the door, “You think so?” “He’s putting it on his bed with his turtle, the turtle his dad had when he was a kid,” you said, tearing up slightly as you smiled.
Jake’s heart clenched at your tears but it fluttered because Nick thought of him so highly.
“So yeah, I think he’ll cherish it,” you smiled softly as you messed with his shirt a little.
“I got you something too,” he said as he reached into the bag and pulled out the jar of orange blossom honey.
You smiled and took the jar gently, “Jake…” 
“You said you wanted to get all of them, and I wanted to get some orange blossom honey-” You looked up at him, the smile still on your face, “‘Cause you love oranges.” He nodded, a smile matching yours, “Yeah, and I really think you’ll like it.”
“Thank you, Jake. And it’s a good thing I went back to that booth, cause I remember you asking about the syrup…” You pulled out the jar, “So I got you some.”
He took the jar and smiled, “Thank you, Y/N.” You nodded, “You’re welcome. It works great in teas and even water. Maybe whiskey, but you didn’t hear that from me. It’ll help with sore throat as well, works with Nick great.”
Jake chuckled, “Ever wanna know if something works, you ask a mother.” You nodded and held the jar close to you.
“Thank you again Jake, for coming with me today.”
He smiled and nodded, mirroring your actions with his jar, “Thank you for inviting me. It probably sounds a little silly but… it felt like I was back home for a few hours.”
You shook your head, “That doesn’t sound silly at all.” You smiled softly at him, “It sounds really sweet.”
“Thank you,” he said softly with a grin on his face.
You went on your tip-toes and kissed his cheek, “Have a good afternoon Jake. Thank you for today. We should do this again.” He nodded and watched your lips as you went back to your flat feet, “We should. I’ll figure something out and we can talk about it.”
You nodded, “That sounds great. I’ll see you later, Jake.” “See you later, Y/N.”
You and Jake smiled at each other for a moment before you shook yourself out of it and went inside, waving bye again as you closed the door.
Jake smiled and looked at the jar before walking to his truck.
Once you closed the door you leaned against it.
You sighed and looked at your jar, smiling like a fool with your heart fluttering like you were a teenage girl before groaning as you heard his truck leave.
“Shit… I forgot to get his number…”
duckie and jake got to spend a day with out nick. it wasn’t a date, just a nice friendly hang- who is duckie kidding, it was totally a date
and jake got to learn who her brother was, but that doesn’t matter to him. what matters is how duckie feels and how nick feels about him, not bradley.
so now they’re planning another ‘hangout’ and let’s see if they can finally cross that path into being more than friends
my ducklings <33: @roosterscockpit @milesdickpic @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @hisredheadedgoddess28 @malindacath @avengers-fixation @shawnsblue @caitsymichelle13 @classycolorpeach @mayhemmanaged @startrekfangirl2233 @bobby-r2d2-floyd @twsssmlmaa​ @horseshoegirl​ @babyreads​ @amatswimming @callsign-athena @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @cassiemitchell​ @callsignwidow @kmc1989​   @goodstuff28​ @pjngpp3501​ @lunamoonbby​ @joyfulpandamiracle​ @craftyinfluencersandwich @averyhotchner​ @emily-roberts​ @teenwolf01 @sunderland-6​ @bethabear12​ @coldmuffinbanditshoe​ @dempy​ @djs8891​ @ingoaliesitrust @novavida​ @tigerfan24 @lynnestra44​​ @lilmonstrjedi
apologize if i missed anyone! go to the duckie universe masterlist and comment or reblog if you would like to be tagged!
i’ll put the ones that didn’t work in the comments!
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sars-wulf · 5 months
From Dust to Dust AU explanation:
The story behind this AU is that Anne is a farm girl. She lives in the new state of Texas, and is your average honest farmer. But one day, when she’s away from home, the outlaw, Bog and his gang raid her farm under orders from mayor Andrias to squash any dissenters. Anne’s parents are vocal about Andrias’ acts of corruption and they’re a thorn in his side, so he has them killed. They hurt Hop Pop, and scared Sprig and Polly.
Anne actually meets them on her way back, and Bog says “you’d better go on home, Boonchuy.” He doesn’t kill her because he doesn’t see her as a threat.
She arrives to the burning farm, and is just in time to see her parents take their last breath. They die warning her not to do anything, as Andrias is untouchable. But Anne doesn’t listen.
She takes her father’s revolver, and her mother’s bloody yellow poncho, and leaves in the middle of the night to avenge them.
On her journey, she catches up with bog and his gang, but they defeat her before they shoot her in the chest. They leave her body for the coyotes to eat, but her trusty steed, Bessie, drags her to a light in the darkness. This light is the camp of one Tritonio. Tritonio patches Anne up, and teaches her how to shoot a gun, shoot on horseback, and over all just how to survive. They even rob a train together!
After Anne learns all she can from him, he leaves (not after stealing her cash). Anne wanders into a bar to find a job doing bounty hunting, and encounters Sasha “the blood heron” Waybright.
Sasha helps Anne retrieve her stolen horse, and they end up bonding over wanting to capture and kill Bog. Turns out that Bog was part of Grime’s gang, and he ran off after shooting Grime in the arm, leading it to get amputated. They’re both after revenge. They end up bonding even more and Sasha catches feelings first. She rides off into the night as she can’t fall in love, she’s a hardened outlaw. So she leaves Anne alone, heart broken.
ATP, Anne has made a name as Calamity Anne. She’s a bonafide outlaw now, and she’s getting closer and closer to Bog and his gang. One day, she walks into a bar and encounters the sheriff, Marcy.
Marcy was Anne’s childhood friend, and they had a sort of strange will they won’t they thing. Marcy has been looking for Anne all this time, and Anne is looking for clues on Bogs whereabouts. They talk for a bit, but Anne finds out that Marcy is supposed to bring her in. She panics but a confidant of Bog’s sees her and calls out her name and causes a bar fight.
Marcy is like “YOU’RE CALAMITY ANNE?!?”
And Anne is like “Did the shoot out clue you in or was it the guy calling my name out?”
Marcy tries to convince Anne to give up her outlaw ways, but Anne is hellbent on killing Bog, and then going after Andrias. Anne catches up with Bog and his gang, and she kills them, FINALLY. But Marcy was watching from a distance and she’s shaken by how cold blooded Anne has become. What happened to the warm farm girl she fell in love with?
Marcy is also gathering evidence and documents to expose Andrias’ corruption. She begs Anne to wait, but Anne can’t wait. She needs to see that man dead in the ground. They part ways, finding that they can’t be together, if Anne is an outlaw and Marcy is sheriff. Anne rides off into the sunset, her heart grows colder as she hears Marcy’s cries for her to come back.
Now, about sasharcy. When Marcy was just a deputy, she met Sasha. Sasha wanted to get some incriminating documents for her gang to use. So she used Marcy, and basically swindled her into falling in love with her. Unfortunately (fortunately), Sasha kinda felt something back. So she runs away with the documents, never to be seen again. Marcy had her heart broken that night, and it was one of the reasons she doesn’t trust Sasha after they all get together.
One day, deputy Yunan is sent to capture Anne. After an intense firefight, Anne is captured, and dragged to the town to be executed. Sasha hears about this, and decides to save her, as she’s done some soul searching and doesn’t want to give up on love anymore.
Marcy also hears about this, but by the time she makes it back, Anne has already disappeared and the town is in chaos. She displays the evidence to everyone and gets Andrias outcasted from the town. But after that, she runs after Anne and Sasha, hoping to catch up with them. She also discards her sheriff badge, tired of politics and the job she’s become disillusioned with.
Marcy catches up with the two outlaws, and joins them in trying to go after Andrias, who has now fell into his role as a crime lord. Anne learns to open her heart up again, and finally accepts the two women as her romantic partners, (only after a lot of sweet talking and I’m sorry’s). Ofc Sasharcy gets together after they have an argument and tussle on the ground, kissing. Hate kisses!
There will be more details later, but this is what I have for now!
Thanks for reading all of my rambling lol
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oumaheroes · 1 year
I'm going feral with your wip list!!!
Please tell us, will there be more Earthbound?? Can we have a snippet of Cymru fies crowded? What is Bog Bodies about? And Treches??
There will be more Earthbound! Aside from the epilogue I've been trying to give it since 2017 :') there will be a few more character stories and maybe a bit more world building
Bog Bodies will be North and Ireland observing the nearby archeological excavations of an peat old bog, following the discovery of a body by a local farmer (likely set in 2003)
Trenches was/ is a quick story with Arthur and Francis, my favourite kind where I just let them chat and see what comes out of it
And you can have the very very beginning of Cymru's chapter from the Do Not Go Gentle series!
Cymru first dies crowded. He cannot remember ever being unfamiliar with death. Lambs die. Birds die. Plants die- the earth turns over and around and things fall forever into the night, whether you understand why or not. The humans talk about death like an ending, something inevitable that comes for them as though life is a rope forever pulling them forwards until it one day, it runs out. It is all around him, every day. Mama told him about death herself, one of his earliest still clear memories. ‘One day, the time will come where the same will happen to us all.��� Mama, tall and strong, huddled down like a child in front of their fire. Cymru had sat enfolded in her lap, watching Alba’s eyes harden through the dance of the flames, ‘A final end from which we will never wake. But until then, you will meet death many times, and it will never get easier.’ Cymru remembers hoping for an alternative ending, or a solace that would ease his fear rather than grow it. But Mama often told stories like this, where the terrible thing remained terrible and the poor and downtrodden continued to lose, and he recognised that this story was one that wouldn’t get any better. He had focused on her breathing at his back, the soft warmth of her chest and stomach, to make her words feel better.
‘Remember, that it is something that must be done, like breathing and eating. It is as much a part of life as living is.’ She had kissed his temple, lips pressing hard and lingering there to speak softly near his ear, ‘I tell you this, because it is something that must be done. And knowing that makes it easier to bear.’ He has never found those words to be true.
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k00295122 · 8 months
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Today was my first day of the animation discipline. The day was spent coming up with ideas and then storyboarding it, ideally a narrative limited to two sentences.
Thinking a narrative to my theme was more difficult than I thought it would be. The subject matter, plot and characters are all possible links, but I have trouble showing these links instead of just telling the audience. Writing out keywords and subject matters from my previous works helped me focus my ideas into this medium. Establishing the message ahead of time to hint at in the actual content.
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Exposition that I have to translate into 10 seconds:
The bog built up higher than most mountains 
The lower layers were harvested for peat and feul. It weakened the bottom layers. The base was made brittle as the farmers whittled away at the bones of the mountain. It was only a matter of time before the tip was sent toppling down the mountain sides. Landslides are common now. 
The top layers have rare flowers that only grow in the low nutrition high altitudes. They’re resilient, but probably won’t survive another landslide.
Enter the snooty scholar and botany enthusiast, (name). Who decides that surely she’s smart enough to survive the Incredibly Dangerous Carnivorous Undead Wetland Mountain. She wants to save and preserve these one of a kind flowers. 
The Wetland Grave is a unique form of wetlands. The higher altitudes have forced the already low nutrition plants to resort to new methods of feeding- starting with the bog bodies. It’s like a snake eating its own tail, consuming itself to satiate its own hunger. Luckily, the humans that farm it are unfamiliar with its plant life. They’re a good source of food.
As the altitudes get higher, the plants become less familiar and more dangerous. There’s even less nutrients in the shallow mountain soil, and so the plants are more hungry.  The Two Sentence Story:
The botanist walks into a forest and finds a suspicious looking plant. She finally concludes that the plant is dangerous, leans on a tree while she’s thinking and gets eaten alive by the tree.
Plot twist it was the tree that was the real threat.
The storyboard has ended up being much longer than expected. I had intended for it to be a little bit longer, since my medium would be primarily cut out animation, but I won’t be able to make a fully animated version of this in the time I have. I’ll either have to cut out a lot of the extra scenes or have the story told as an animatic with a few animated section.
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myhauntedsalem · 2 years
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Mummified Bodies
Throughout northern Europe, a small population known as the bog people continue to offer unbelievable insight into ancient life. It consists of around 500 skeletons dating back to 800 B.C. and 200 A.D that were discovered at the bottom of numerous bogs.
The mummified bodies are almost perfectly preserved — eyebrows and all — allowing modern science to discover never before known details about their origins.
Farmers began discovering the preserved bodies in the 1800s. Bogs are acidic and low on oxygen, which preserves human skin, hair, clothes and stomach contents exceptionally well.
Plus the bogs’ accumulated layers of dead moss seal everything in.
The most famous of the bodies is the “Tollund Man.” Found in 1950 on Denmark’s Jutland Peninsula, the man is so well-preserved that he still has his five o’clock shadow.
Found with a rope around his neck, scholars think the man was a human sacrifice rather than a hanged criminal because of his body position and calm facial expression.
Originally thought to be lowly criminals or commoners, new chemical tests are putting that theory into question. Research shows that the bog people traveled long distances and had clothes that were made in foreign lands.
One of the bodies, known as the “Huldremose Woman,” wore clothes that were dyed blue and red and, possibly, had a ring on one of her fingers. Having dyed clothes and jewelry were signs of wealth — an interesting note in unveiling her true identity.
With new developments in strontium isotope testing technology, researchers are now studying the subjects’ hair to learn about their travel records. The results of these tests are still unpublished, but early indications are clear: The bog people traveled, a lot.
Now, the real question is who they were and why they died — wealthy travelers, affluent traders, or something even more important? This question may never be answered, but with more scientific clues being unearthed, researchers are excited to learn as much as they can about these mysterious people.
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jadegem20 · 1 year
Ængus the Prize-Winning Hog
Through the rolling hills and down a steep incline layed a shallow cranberry bog that sparkled in the sunlight. It was filled with thousands of deep red, swollenly ripe berries. The bog had just been flooded and the water was crisp and fresh on that cool October morning.
Wading beside the raking farmers, and gobbling as many sour berries as he could, was Ængus. He was a small pink pig covered in sparse white hairs. He loved this time of year when the leaves turn and the air smells like apple cider.
He would always find himself swimming through the cranberry bogs in the morning to lazily catch his breakfast. Then he would waddle up to the sprawling fields of sweet corn for lunch. Lastly, he would always end his day with a trip to the local pumpkin patch so he could snack on the gourds while the children rubbed his belly.
On this day, though, as he took his morning dip, Ængus heard the farmers talking about the state fair that was just two towns away. They talked about the many dishes of sweet and savory foods that were being judged. They talked about the rides and games that made people laugh and scream with excitement. Most compelling of all, at least to Ængus, was the talk of the shiny blue ribbons the judges give out to contest winners.
Ængus could just imagine standing still and tall as a ribbon was draped around his neck and the whole crowd cheered. He just had to have a ribbon.
So, that fateful morning, Ængus finished his breakfast, dried off on the shore, and started walking to the state fair. He traveled through the red, yellow, and orange countryside admiring the cool fall breeze and the crunch of the leaves beneath his hooves. After about three hours and a ride from a farmer, a trucker, and even a cyclist, Ængus had made it to the state fair.
The old farmers had not done the fair justice in Ængus’s opinion. Music from a band filled the air and complemented the sweet smell of food and fall. Ængus watched as a young girl smacked on a candy apple and an older boy tasted each of the pies that were out for judging. Toddlers were bobbing for apples while their parents enjoyed warm cider. Everywhere he looked there were red, yellow, and orange decorations.
Soon he came across a small stage with a big banner. “Vote For the Prize Winning Hog!” This is what he had come for. He studied the other pigs that had gathered around the stage and thought they were quite lacking. None were quite as pink as he was. None were quite as plump. He would be the best pig and win the blue ribbon!
As the farmer started showing each of the swine, a small crowd gathered and watched. They didn’t watch too closely, some were distracted by their cider or candied apples, others found the hogs boring and just decided to find something more interesting to do. But when Ængus waddled onto the stage, something changed.
The crowd watched and admired just how perfect a specimen Ængus really was. From the powdery pink of his skin to the perfect spiral of his tail, he really was the best pig. As he stood on the stage the crowd grew larger and larger. After just two minutes, most of the fair had come to gawk at him.
Ængus did not mind. He quite liked the attention. He held his chin high and even spun around a few times so everyone had a chance to glimpse at his body. He decided to strike a pose by turning sideways and sticking one leg forward and one leg back. The people swooned at the swine. Ængus smiled, the crowd loved him. He pranced around the stage and twirled a few times.
The cheers grew louder with every step he took, “Ængus the prize winning hog!”
He hopped a few times and danced his way across a piano that was nearby. The cheers swelled in his chest, “Ængus the prize winning hog!”
He continued his tune on the piano and a few people also took up instruments and joined in. Soon he was oinking along to the music as the crowd danced and cheered, “Almightier than God! Ængus the prize winning hog!”
Somewhere along in the haze of bodies and shouts, the blue ribbon was slipped around Ængus’s neck. It hung low and heavy with the weight of a thousand hungry stares and a thousand more desperate wants. Yet, he danced with the crowd, played his tune, and listened as the crow chanted along:
“Ængus is the leader Ængus is the brother Ængus is the father Ængus is the Savior Ængus is the answer Always and forever Ængus will protect you Follow him forever Ængus for Governor! Ængus for President! Ængus for Chancellor! Ængus for Everything!”
The party lasted day in and day out, sun up to sun down, sun down to sun up, day after day after day, until the weather cooled enough to see the breath of your closest neighbor. Even still, the crowd wanted to dance, sing, and celebrate. But not everyone in that crowd was pleased.
As the first snowflakes of the season brushed the delicate white hair on the rump of that prize winning hog, a tall muscular man climbed onto the stage. He stood steady in heavy leather boots and wore a stark white apron outfitted with a utility belt of sharp knives. Ængus felt unease filling his stomach as he looked over the man. He watched as the man smiled at him. A mouth full of glistening pointy teeth. Ængus swore he could feel the greedy hunger in the man’s gaze.
He aimed his barbed smile at the quiet crowd, “Aren’t you people forgetting an important tradition?”
The wind picked up murmurs from the people as they wondered who the man was and why he stopped the party. The man paced in a small circle, seemingly unaware the crowd was whispering about him.. He pulled a long sharp knife from his belt and slowly raised it to point at the pig. “The winning hog is feasted upon on the last night of the fair,” The Butcher rested his hungry eyes on the perfect swine, “And that night, is tonight.”
The chill in the air had nothing to do with the goosebumps that crawled their way across Ængus’s flesh. He looked over at the murmuring crowd and imagined their gaunt faces from the long days of dancing. He imagined the gnawing hunger squeezing their stomachs and the thrill of their mouths watering as they anticipated fresh meat.
Amidst all of the murmuring, hunger, and watering mouths, Ængus saw the golden blonde locks of an angel float up above the crowd and make a proclamation, “What if we changed the tradition?” There was a small buzz of agreement flowing through the people. “Are you suggesting we let this impeccable pig go to waste?” The Butcher looked over at Ængus and his tongue snaked around his dry lips, the hunger clear on his face.
Another angel called out, closer to the front this time, and draped in white, “That's just an old wive’s tale!” The hum of agreement was louder this time.
With a fabricated hand over his heart The Butcher feigned a deep aversion to the idea, “Even the notion of breaking tradition is a slap to the face of history and could curse the town with a bad harvest.” In the glow of the warm decorative lights, Ængus watched as a final angel made a stand, “I think The Butcher is just out for blood.” The hum of agreement grew into a roar of animosity as the crowd sized up The Butcher.
“Don’t you see I am one of you,” The Butcher said, anger and fear mixing on his face, “I am doing this for the people, he is just a hog.” The people didn't listen to the pleading butcher, instead they looked over at Ængus. There was fury in their eyes, but also something else. A question. They were looking for him to give permission. They wanted Ængus to approve. They wanted him to lead. The sudden realization hit Ængus like a truck: he had come for fame, but he had received power too. With a small curt nod, he watched with his jaw hanging open as the crowd moved as one.
“Run Mr. Butcherman!” the first angel taunted with a sickening laugh. Others joined in on the teasing as the mass of people descended on The Butcher.
The Butcher saw that he had lost and decided to run. He ran through the fair with its sweet smells, candied apples, and cider. He ran through the red, yellow, and orange decorations. He ran right through the forest and left a trail of sticky red blood as the leafless branches clawed into his chest.
For the first time in his life as a prey, Ængus felt the blood of a predator pounding through his veins. He hunted right along with the humans, calling, tormenting, and pursuing The Butcher until late in the bitter unforgiving night. Finally, when the fun of the chase had worn through their cold bones, they captured the butcher and celebrated with a feast, but it wasn’t Ængus that roasted over the triumphal fire.
With full stomachs and the burning warmth of the fire filling the air, the people sang out:
“Ængus is the leader Ængus is the brother Ængus is the father Ængus is the Savior Ængus is the answer Always and forever Ængus will protect you Worship him forever!”
Ængus let the celebration wash over him. The people served him full plates of roasted meat and treats scavenged from what was left of the fair. He imagined the people chanting his name and indulging his every want until the day he took his last breath. Comforted by the thought he slowly fell asleep, dreaming of that sour cranberry bog, barely noticing the biting cold of a long hard winter setting in around him.
This story was inspired by the song "Ængus the Prize-Winning Hog" by The Toxhards. Great music. I thought it would be fun to write their song into a short story.
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dont-leafmealone · 2 years
fix-it fic this, mourning and grieving fic that. what about coping with a character's untimely death by composing a premise in your head about some future explorer, a farmer or a builder, discovering their shallow tomb, those who investigate concluding based on the careful interment and mementos left with the remains that despite the somewhat hurried and makeshift nature of the burial, they were held in high regard and cared for by those who tended them, and were honored for their death in battle. what about the little details preserved by time, hair and clothes and the trinkets and weapons tucked away within them. what about the reverse-engineered story that can be gained from the variations in the cloth and leather and metal, from shattered bones, the wheres and whys and whens. what about them being finally laid to rest again, unnamed but known, maybe more than they ever were in their short life. what about that weird fic that ends up put on the shelf in the back of your brain because you need to at least pretend to be normal about said character (and about bog bodies).
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scandistar · 2 months
✨Charrelin Morensis' hoof-care!✨
Her dad taught her how to maintain her hooves when she was little and she has followed his routine ever since. As a child, all the way up to adulthood, she has been very active. Always moving and spending time in the great outdoors, but the wear and tear from the environment can’t keep up with the growth of her hooves, so she has to trim them on the regular.
She has a drawer full with the right equipment, the kind you’d expect a cattle farmer to own. Nippers, rasps and small, bent knives specialized for cutting horn. Her feet always look so small after a trim. And, for the sake of comfort and aesthetic, she’s thorough about polishing the rough surface that’s left when she’s done, applying a hefty amount of wax to make them smooth and shiny. Her steps sound wonderfully crisp and strident for a whole week afterwards.
Her parents were incessant on her keeping her hooves clean, especially in the house. After spending hours outside with their farm animals, her hooves would always sport a thick coat of mud, grass and gravel when she returned home, so there was no coming inside until she had washed it all off. As an adult, she shows respect by cleaning up before entering someone's abode. She always carries a pick, a brush and a cloth, and she’ll request some water if they have any to spare. It takes her only a few minutes until they’re squeaky clean. Sometimes when she’ll have to venture through especially nasty settings, she just covers her hooves in binds or tailored leather boots. They're not all that comfortable and she'd much rather be barefoot, but if it's either boots or being in direct contact with toxic bog water or a tavern floor after a rowdy night, she'll choose the boots.
Like most creatures with organic body parts, her hooves have suffered damage and infections before. She has become temporarily incapacitated once or twice by the pressure of cysts and the itching pain of infections. She'll treat those with a deep trim, apply a couple of herbs and anti-bacterial salves, then wrap up her wound and adopt a cane for a short while until her hoof grows back.
(I have been obsessed with watching The Hoof GP on youtube for the last couple of days)
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takataapui · 2 months
Play a boggy ttrpg for World Bog Day!
Today (Sunday 28th July 2024) is World Bog Day, and may I offer one of my 7 wetland themed ttrpgs to celebrate?
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‘so, you’re a small patch of moss in a big bog…’ is a solo-journaing game about being a patch of moss in a wetland facing your future of becoming peat. explore grief, mortality, and inevitability.
'the bog eternal’ is a solo-journaling game about being a bog fighting against people trying to harm you, with only your natural traits. totally not an allegory for anything beyond that… I’d totally tell you if it was, deeeefinitely not an allegory for transness, nope.
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'you’re going to your ideal wetland’ is a solo-journaling game about creating and traveling to your dream wetland, emotions about climate justice, and naming that wonderful place.
'johnny bogg: a boggy shopping trip adventure’ is a solo-journaling game about going to a plus sized masculine clothing store that happens to be in a bog. play to find out what strange bog things happen to you there. will you make it out unchanged? or will you get some cool boggy clothes? don’t forget to fill out your customer satisfaction survey!
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’it is a beautiful day in the wetland and you are a horrible bittern’ is a solo-journaling game about being a menace of a bird, harassing those stinky humans coming into your wetland, and dealing with the consequences of your actions. play to find out whether you’ll be able to bring back the restorationists after you’ve scared them away.
'the farmer and the bog body’ is a two player game about a tender conversation between the titular characters. players trade 7 questions back and forth, with each question asked leading down a different branching conversational path.
played with nothing more than this pdf, and a willingness to dive into each other’s answers, the two players of this game will create an evocative and rich story, drawing together the past, present, and future of each character.
(the farmer and the bog body is available for $3USD)
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'bog body, watching’ is a drawing game about change, rot, and legacy. you play as a body in a bog, watching the world change around you, while you remain deep within the peat of your wetland. explore how the things you once knew are different now, in the changing years following your burial in the bog.
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dungeonofthedragon · 3 months
Kiwi RPG Week releases: Day One
The Farmer and the Bog Body: a conversation between a body that's been in a bog for centuries, and the farmer who just dug them up.
The Spirits of Wyvernfall (Kickstarter): haunted mystery adventure for a level 5-7 D&D 5E party.
Plus, an actual play of Arcane Crimes Division!
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xtruss · 8 months
He’s The Most Famous of Europe’s Bog Bodies. But Who Was Tollund Man?
Was He a Human Sacrifice? A criminal? Scientists are Still Piecing Together Details About the Life—and Death—of the Man Mummified in a Danish Bog Some 2,400 Years Ago.
— By Erin Blakemore | February 6, 2024
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The Tollund Man was discovered in 1950 in the Bjældskovdal bog in Jutland, Denmark. His mummified body was found in a sleeping position with a leather cord around his neck—and scientists have been analyzing his ​remarkably well-preserved remains ever since. Photograph By Robert Clark, National Geographic Image Collection
When a family cutting peat for fuel unearthed a mysterious body in a Danish bog in 1950, they assumed the well-preserved corpse was a local murderer’s latest victim. In fact, he was anything but: Although the man had been killed, his body dated from the Iron Age about 2,400 years ago.
Now known only as the Tollund Man, his incredibly preserved face, stubbled and slightly smiling, has ensured him a place as one of the world’s most famous bog bodies—made even more mysterious by the fact he was the assumed victim of human sacrifice.
In the decades since his discovery, scientists have studied Tollund Man extensively and pieced together more details about his life and death. Here’s what to know about the naturally mummified man.
Who Was Tollund Man?
A brown, bronze like mummified body of a man laying on his side in the fetal position on a square pile of brown earth and soil, with a braided rope around his neck against a black background.
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Although Scientists know that Tollund Man died of hanging, they're not yet sure why. Could he have been killed in vengeance—or as part of a Ritual Sacrifice Photograph By Ian Dagnall, Alamy Stock Photo
The presence of wisdom teeth suggest the Tollund Man was at least 20 years old when he died in Denmark’s Bjældskovdal bog in Jutland, but researchers think he was actually between 30 and 40. Radiocarbon dating indicates he died at some point between 405 and 380 B.C.
Standing at about 5 foot 3 inches, the Tollund Man was discovered in a sleeping position with a rope around his neck. An autopsy revealed he had died of hanging, noting his extremely well preserved head and face.
After his death, the acidity in the peat bog preserved Tollund Man’s bones and many of his soft tissues, including an intact yet shrunken brain and intestines complete with their contents. Tollund Man’s skin and nails had cured and blackened over thousands of years spent in the oxygen-free environment of the bog. But their full decomposition was blocked by the chemicals that are produced when sphagnum moss, the main moss that comprises peat, degrades.
Today, his body is preserved at the Silkeborg Museum, a Danish cultural heritage museum near the place of his discovery.
Who Were His People?
Tollund Man lived during the early part of the Iron Age in the years before Rome conquered the majority of Europe. During the period, Jutland was well populated and home to villages and farms. The era’s farmers grew grain, kept animals, and engaged in religious rituals that involved leaving sacrifices—often food or weapons, but sometimes human bodies—in the local bogs.
Modern-day researchers suspect these bogs were seen as supernatural sites with connections to the gods and the afterlife. But since the Jutland dwellers left no writing behind, it’s unclear what actually drove their religious rituals.
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Tollund Man was found in this bog in Denmark. What makes bogs so good at preserving bodies? Archaeologist Isabella Mulhall told National Geographic in 2023 that factors include the lack of oxygen, the acidity levels, and moss found in bogs that blocks the decomposition process. Photograph By Robert Clark, National Geographic Image Collection
What He Wore
Bogs are famous for preserving clothing along with bodies, like the knitted clothing that surrounded a Scottish bog body found in 1951. But Tolland man wore much less apparel: He was buried naked, clad only in a cap and belt.
Further investigations have revealed that Tollund Man likely wore shoes for part of the year, but also walked barefoot much of the time. Stubble on his face indicates he must have shaved.
His Last Meal
In 2021, researchers discovered the contents of Tollund Man’s last meal—porridge containing barley, a variety of wild seeds, flax, and fish. The gut analysis also revealed that unlike some other famous bog bodies, Tollund Man wasn’t under the influence of edible hallucinogens or other medicinal plants when he died—signs that typically indicate a human sacrifice.
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His Death
But scientists say Tollund Man could have been the victim of a ritual sacrifice. The wide variety of types of seeds and weeds found in his gut are similar to those discovered in the digestive tracts of other bog bodies thought to have been sacrificed.
“People have suggested that they’re forming a human sacrifice because something’s going wrong in the environment,” archaeologist Henry Chapman said of those victims in a 2021 interview with National Geographic. Those cases have led researchers to believe that the sacrifices involved eating a wide variety of types of food before death, perhaps in response to environmental changes that threatened farming or food sources.
Another possibility is that Tollund Man’s death could have been more sinister: Perhaps he was a criminal or died by suicide, or was part of a vengeance killing thought to have been a practice in northern Europe at the time. Other bog bodies found throughout the region show evidence of purposeful killing and even gruesome abuses of the corpses.
But though he was clearly killed on purpose, Tollund Man’s body was also carefully buried, and his mouth and eyes closed. Ultimately, that careful burial, his hanging, and the fact that cremation and grave burials were more common at the time than throwing bodies into bogs is why many researchers do believe his death was part of some kind of sacred sacrifice.
His Remaining Mysteries
Though it’s been nearly 75 years since his discovery, Tollund Man could continue to yield more information to curious archaeologists. During scientists’ initial experiments with the bog body, his head was carefully preserved and was put on display in Denmark. But his body dried out and was misplaced—yes, misplaced.
For decades no one knew where the bog body’s limbs and organs were. This led to a bizarre treasure hunt in the 1980s, when researchers armed with new technologies realized the potential worth of the rest of the body and asked for the public’s help locating the remainder of the corpse.
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Commonly found in bogs, sphagnum moss releases an acidic sugary molecule that takes up the nutrients that would otherwise nourish microbes that cause decay. This helps mummify corpses—though sphagnan also leaches the calcium out of bones, weakening them. Photograph By Robert Clark, National Geographic Image Collection
It turned out that the severed parts had been housed at a variety of museums and institutions throughout Denmark. The hunt yielded everything except for the internal organs and the bog body’s right big toe, whose location remained a mystery until the children of the former conservator returned it to the museum after their father’s death.
“Now nearly all body parts are in the museum[’]s possession,” the Silkeborg Museum says on its website. “Should anyone, however, come across a mysterious jar containing what might [be] his internal organs, we would be most interested to hear from you.”

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The Tollund Man's thumb was among the appendages that were amazingly well preserved after thousands of years in the peat bog, a natural medium for mummification. Photograph By Robert Clark, National Geographic Image Collection
These remains could still produce more insights, though researchers have so far been unsuccessful at obtaining ancient DNA from Tollund Man’s tissues.
In the meantime, the bog man has inspired everything from poems to music to children’s books—a testament to the ongoing fascination he invokes in both scientists and the public. “He is not merely a museum piece, but a man,” one archaeologist told The Age in 1956. “We refuse to believe in his death. There is a living man behind the warmth and fine humor of his face.”
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corvidmagicae · 1 year
How offended would Bri be if, at a social gathering, one of the main dishes served was Murkrow cooked in a manner similar to a chicken? (They're about the same size and weight)
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Not offended at all, actually.
She'll cull birds from her flock if they're causing too much trouble, much like any other farmer with a problem bird. Though while she will threaten to eat them for misbehaving, she typically... just doesn't. Murkrow just typically aren't good meat birds. There's not much value in eating them. Now, she'll cull a problem from her flock, but she'll normally bury them in the bog, or make proper use of them out of respect for the body.
Now, if someone served Murkrow as a dish and she realized it was one of HER birds, then she's got some choice words since she didn't allow that. She's possessive of things she deems 'hers', and that includes her birds, and she would not have allowed one to be eaten without permission.
All of this only applies to naturally born Murkrow. Birds that used to be human beforehand - and weren't naturally born crows - return to their original human forms upon death.
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swldx · 1 year
BBC 0435 14 May 2023
12095Khz 0357 14 MAY 2023 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55444. English, dead carrier s/on @0357z with Al'Seela modulation in the bg, then ID@0359z pips and Newsroom preview. @0401z World News anchored by Chris Berrow. Voting has begun in Thailand's general election, where the daughter of ousted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra is the frontrunner. The election is being described as a turning point for a country that has experienced a dozen military coups in its recent history. Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, the army general who led the last coup in 2014, is seeking another term. But, he is facing a strong challenge from two anti-military parties. There are hopes a ceasefire will take hold to end five days of fighting between Israel and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) militants in Gaza. Washington welcomed the announcement of the ceasefire, and said US officials had worked with regional partners to achieve the resolution. The mediation efforts were led by Egypt, which urged both sides to adhere to the ceasefire agreement. The number of victims of a starvation cult in Kenya’s Shakahola forest has risen to 201 after 22 more bodies were recovered, according to a regional governmental official. The victims have been dug up from their makeshift graves in Kenya revealing many had parts of their organs ripped out. Police investigating the case believe the corpses may have been victims of human organ trafficking. North Carolina Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper on Saturday vetoed a 12-week abortion ban that the state legislature passed, setting up a confrontation between the state’s competing parties and branches of government. Google climate impact estimates seem to overestimate impact from trains while underestimating impact of airlines. Turks vote on Sunday, in the most pivotal elections in their modern history, to decide if Recep Tayyip Erdogan remains as president after 20 years in power. His main rival, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, promises to scrap many of the powers acquired by President Erdogan after he survived a failed coup in 2016. At least 33 people were killed when gunmen opened fire on vegetable farmers in a jihadist-hit region of Burkina Faso, the governor said Saturday, as the country struggles to stem an insurgency. A state of emergency has been in force in eight of Burkina Faso's 13 regions since March, including in western Boucle du Mouhoun. @0406z "The Newsroom" begins. 250ft unterminated BoG antenna pointed E/W, Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2257.
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itsmiraclematter · 2 years
In a small halfling town, a family of farmers were celebrating. Their rabbits had a new litter to raise. One in particular was strange… it was born already with fur on its skin. As the days moved on, the peculiarities increased. “Fluff,” as they called him, was already the size of an adult rabbit after only two weeks. But then he kept on growing… and he kept on growing. Soon they had to bring him out of the farm and into their own home. And then, the most peculiar thing of all happened. He began to talk! The giant bunny was talking now, calling them “mom” and “pop” and “sis.” He continued to grow and shift, now fully anthropomorphic, around 6’8” tall.
Fluff was the talk of the town. A gigantic rabbit, incredibly friendly, had become the newest member of the population. Soon enough he was insisting on helping everyone with the chores most difficult to them. Cutting wood, herding cattle, and building houses. His community service and general upbeat and polite attitude made him a family member to all who lived there. The biggest surprise was when he came back to town after wrestling a swamp lizard to death from the nearby bog the town was situated in, like a mongoose who just took care of a cobra.
And then the “sickness” came. A plague that ravaged the town. First the rashes, then coughing blood, then boils on the skin and necrosis, then death. Fluff didn’t know what to do, so he picked up the pace. Helping more people, herding more animals, doing more chores, attending to the sick and helping the remaining healthy few. Then it reached his family.
No more. Fluff couldn’t help his community and family by staying. He gathered up the gifts the town gave him to help protect the town, saddled all of his family members onto his body, and trudged through the bog, then the plains, then the mountains. Searching, searching for somewhere that would help his family. They now lay with a kindly apothecary who attend to their daily needs on the outskirts of a large city, meanwhile Fluff continues on, searching for any cure.
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lailoken · 3 years
“:Pharmacopoeia: [Pt. 2]
Acacia (Acacia spp.). The Blossoms, as well as the Leaves of Our Tree, may be added to the bathwater for the magical work of Fortification, or nourishing and strengthening the Mind and Spirit. 55 grams of the fresh blooms, steeped in one litre of boiling water for 20 minutes, provides a virtuous Balneum.
Basil (Ocimum basilicum, O. sanctum). A Bath made from strong infusions of Fresh Basil is a superior Solar Rite of Self-Love. The friendly Genius of this plant aids in fortifying Courage and Will, as well as lending clarity of Mind. For this purpose, steep two handfuls of fresh sprigs, leaves, and flowers in one litre of boiling water for 20 minutes before straining and adding to the bath. Stronger infusions lend more power, especially when the spicy leaves are employ'd as a scrub. Basil is efficacious for charms drawing lovers, or money.
Broom (Cytisus spp.). Regard'd as a pest by farmers and some botanists, our Herb makes for a virtuous lustration. In particular, it owns the powers of obsta- cle-breaking and motivation, and is specially good at disrupting inertia. For a hot bath, steep between 150- 250 dried blossoms or approximately 300 fresh in 1.5 litres of boiling water. After steeping 30 minutes, strain and add to the bath.
Calamus (Acorus calamus). Our Root may pleasingly be added to ritual baths prior to magical workings, especially those involving sexual magics or oracular work. Calamus has strong affinities with the water element and was employed in the Herb-sorcery of ancient Egypt and Sumer. Harvesting the fresh root from bog or marsh is preferred, as the spicy root-odour is so much more alluring fresh than the rank, wither'd nubs from the Apothecary's jar! For a strong decoction, employ 33 grams of the fresh Root, or 50 of the dried; bring to a boil in one litre of water, and steep for 15 minutes. Most Essential Oil of Calamus commonly available is of dubious quality. Let the Skill'd One distill oil from living, vigourous roots and use sparingly in Bath and Balm.
Carnation (Dianthus spp.). Gillyflowers, as Carnations were known to the medieval apothecary, are an excellent agent of simultaneous Exorcism and Invigoration, a friendly spirit most pleasing to the gods. Carnation baths prior to works of High Magick rival both Agrimony and Vervain in efficacy. Of fragrant carnation, take 40 blossoms and infuse in a litre of cold water for 3-5 hours. Add this infused water, along with the flowers themselves and a few fresh ones, to a lukewarm or cool bath. Employ the flowers to scrub the body.
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita). Perhaps the most comforting Herb taken as a bath, Chamomile is excellent for reducing trauma, and may be considered an elemental correspondence of the Watery Part of Earth temper'd by the Warm Virtues of Sol. For a healthful slumber or to relieve extreme nervous tension, a bath may be made with the fragrant blossoms, and will readily offer its Gifts. Use 50 g. of the flowers steeped in 1 litre of boiling water. A strong infusion of the golden Blossoms makes an excellent traditional gambling potion for washing the hands prior to throwing dice or cards. If using Essential Oil of Blue Chamomile, add 3-5 drops to the bath, increasing as desired.
Chaste Berry ( Vitex agnus-castus). The Candomblè abô, or sacred baths, employ various species of Vitex against the Evil Eye; 'tis also esteem'd as a suffumigant. Of the dried or fresh berries, use a decoction of 18 g. of the Herb to 450 ml. boiling water. Of the leaves, use 33 grams in 650 millilitres of water.
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum). The Genius of Our Bark invigorates and fortifies, but it is especially skilled at promoting the powers of Harmony. Thus a Cinnamon ablution serves prior to a confrontation where a harmonious outcome is desired. Other excellent uses for this bath are as a preparation for Sexual Magic workings with a partner, or for fertility rites of conception. For a Cinnamon bath, make a strong decoction of 60 grams of crumbled twigs or chips in 550 millilitres of water. Avoid the Essential Oil as it is a dermal irritant and lacks certain Virtues of the Genius present only in the bark.
Cymbopogon (Cymbopogon spp.) A fragrant and wondrous plant genus which includes a number of different species of fragrant, tropical grasses. Three are widely known and prais'd, especially in the form of their Essential Oils rendered up as True Gold by fractional distillation; these are Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon citratus), Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii), and Citronella (Cymbopogon nar-dus). All bear exquisite perfume and are suit'd to cleansing of the Oratory as well as the Brethren and Sisters of the Wise who enter the Temple. For infusions, use 44 grams of chopp'd rhizome and grass to 600 millilitres boiling water, steeped thirty minutes. The Oleum Essentia may be used freely in Compound'd Mists.
Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menzesii). Not a True Fir in botanical nomenclature, Our Tree is nevertheless a fast-growing evergreen conifer with an Eager Spirit of Cleansing. Native to North America, it is now widely cultur'd for its versatile timber. Its pitch excels as a fumigant and the citrus-odour'd Leaves make an excellent Philtre of Cleansing and Exorcism. Several American Indian nations in the Tree's native range traditionally employ'd a decoction of the branches and twigs as a purifying body-wash in sweathouse rites. For a wash or asperge, a strong decoction may be made with a generous handful of the pulverized leaves or green branches boil'd twenty minutes in 650 millilitres of water and strained. These potent leaves render up their Goodness in tincture by means of Aqua Angelis; indeed, the Green Magus skill'd in extractions will know this to be true.
Fir (Abies spp.). The leaves -needles, as they are known- are employ'd for their magical properties of Illumination and Inspiration. Several handfuls of the young shoots may be decocted in a litre of water. This is an appropriate ablution for rites of Pan, especially if the sorcerer is to invoke the rustic god, for this is His Tree. If employing essential oil of Fir, begin with 3 drops in bathwater.
Geranium, Scent'd (Pelargonium spp.). Scent'd Geraniums proceed forth from the Mansions of the Greenwood like a parade of fair-odourd jewels, remarkable in beauty and divers aromas. Almost all species of Pelargonium wield potencies of Banishing and Exorcism, and simultaneously the Power of Brightening: these spirits encourage great cheer unto all wherever their virtues extend. Rose, citrus, mint, nutmeg, pine, and even chocolate-scent'd varieties may be found, having unique aromatic notes that provoke, in addition to the aforemention'd qualities, a most unsettling Strangeness of Thought. One handful of the whole leaves, infused in 600 millilitres boiling water, produces a fragrant and potent liquid useful against noisome spirits. Tincture freely.
Hops (Humulus lupulus). Baths of the Herb are, in general, soporific and useful to allay Moods. A bath made with 50 grams of the dried fragrant blossoms, steeped in a litre of boiling water, will provide calm. However, by acquaintance with a friendly hop-farmer, or tending the Vine oneself, one may make use of the spicy blossoms, peerless newly-gather'd, and in no way compare to the inferior dried Herb, many of whose Virtues have fled upon dessication.
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis). Ours is an Herb of the Mint Family possessing supreme antibacterial virtues. Hyssop was used, in times of European plague, along with Juniper, for strewing and combatting the Vapours of Affliction. It has a long history of being used to consecrate spaces and persons prior to magical workings. An ancient recipe for Hyssop Water, used for purification of the Sorcerer prior to the Work, is made thus: "A bunch of vervain, fennel, lavender, sage, valerian, mint, garden basil, rosemary, and hyssop gathered in the day and hour of Mercury, bound together with a thread, spun by a young maiden, when dipped in water and sprinkled, will chase away all phantoms that shall hinder or annoy." A simpler infusion may be made with 40 grams of the Herb steep'd in I litre of boiling water.
Jasmine (Jasminum officinale). The Jasmine belongs to the Olive family, known as Oleaceae, from which so many beneficial and virtuous Herbs proceed, so we may take refuge in its noble lineage. When considering the types of magic Jasmine may be put to in sorcery, Lust and magnification of the Sexual powers are first and foremost. For men, this is the Spirit of Satyros; for women, the charms of the Nymphae. For magics of Attraction it is unparallel'd, as well as in Sexual or Nubility rites. Unfortunately, the range of the plant is very limited, and in northern latitudes must be grown in a glasshouse. One may employ the oil, known as Jasmine Absolute, in the quantity of drops per 100 litres of water (Jasmine absolute is costly; thus the oil amount is also a consideration of frugality) or, if access to a blooming Jasmine is assured, about 80 flowers added directly to the bath. Two false-Jasmines are worth mentioning, as both have similar, though less pronounced, magical virtues as the classic Jasmine. The first is a hardy plant known Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides); the second is Potato Jasmine (Solanum jasminoides). Both may commonly be found at nurseries. Of the two, the former has a richer and more complex scent. Both plants are prolific bloomers in a variety of cultural conditions. For a hot bath, use at least 75 blossoms of Star Jasmine; or at least 100 of Solanaceous Jasmine. For a cold bath, knead 30-100 flowers of each kind into four litres of water and pour liberally on head and body, letting the perfumed waters air-dry on the skin.
Juniper (Juniperus spp.) For treating nervous conditions, a bath made with the Berries and fronds is much esteemed. A handful or two of the fresh, pulverized Shoots and Fruits may be ground and placed in a cheesecloth bag and add'd to the hot water of an ablution, several minutes before entering. Dried leaves may be used as well; a purposeful decoction can be made from 33 grams of the dried leaves, simmered in 1.5 litres of water for 20 minutes.
Larch (Larix spp.). Rare though the tree is in the literature of sorcery, its virtues should not be overlooked by those living beneath its branches. A strong spirit of Courage, Triumph, and Protection, the Genius of the Larix will stoutly defend all who are its allies. An ablution of Larch leaves is noted for its properties of Centering and Inspiration, as well as Fortifying and Invigorating the spirit of the warrior riding into battle. Make a decoction using 1.5 litres of boiling water, in which are simmer'd 85 grams of the young shoots, well-chopped, for twenty minutes. Strain the brew and add to the bath. Galangal (Kaempheria galanga ; Alpinia galanga). Washing one's hands in a tea brewed from Galangal root is a potent charm for success in gambling, as Root Doctors and other Voudou sorcerers know. The Root's magical provenance of empowering the Derma is, in a similar way, hail'd by Ritual Magicians who blend its Oleum Essentia into the famed Oil of Abramelin. For use as a potion or hand-wash, employ 40 grams of the fresh Root in 1 litre of water; bring to boil, then simmer in a covered vessel for 15-20 minutes. If circumstances force use of the dried Root, employ double the amount, as many of the virtues have, by this time, escaped into the aethyrs. For ablutions prior to magical rites, the amount may be increased greatly according to Need.
Maize (Zea mays). A number of Yoruba-derived religions in the Americas employ Maize as an Ally for women in childbirth. In Candomblè abô, Maize is sometimes added to the bathwater. Sweet corn may be knead'd in cold water for an Enchanted Bath that summons all the good things provided by the Sun and Jove; such magics might encompass general Beneficence, Healing, or the sudden influx of monies, goods, or knowledge.
Mint (Mentha spp.) The Herb is easily grown and readily dominates moist ground. Strong infusions are an excellent feature of a cleansing brew or as an adjunct with other Herbs. Peppermint and Spearmint are very easily found, the former being somewhat more aggressive in magical action. Infuse 80 grams of the fresh, chopp'd Herb in 1 litre of boiling water for twenty minutes, using a plant press to press the marc dry.
Orange (Citrus aurantium). For the purpose of an enchanted Bath, three parts needs concern us. The first is the fragrant leaf, whose goodness reaches its peak just prior to flowering. These leaves, crush'd, steeped in cold water, added to the bath, promote much of the same simultaneous relaxation and stimulation as does Lavender, but with a Solar, rather than a Mercurial, emphasis. 150-200 grams of the fresh leaves, mashed in a solitary litre of lukewarm or cool water, suffices to provoke a most pleasant perfume. The gentle flowers, also called Neroli, may be added to the Bath in the quantity of 50-90 blossoms: it is recommended that they be added directly to the water, and their petals used to scrub the body. Their virtues tend toward Beauty, Invigoration, Fortification, and Lust. The rind of the fruit also possesses much virtue and may be made into a hot infusion, to bring Joviality or thwart rude spirits. Employ 100 grams of the rind, steeped in 1 litre of boiling water for 30 minutes. Scrupulously avoid using citrus Essential Oils in the bath: it can irritate the Derma and increase photosensitivity.
Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium). Another True Mint, Pennyroyal exceeds in cleansing virtue both Spearmint and Peppermint, and possesses a vigilant warrior Genius which gleefully annihilates flocculum abomini. In this, she is best used as an Asperge, Wash or Mist. Similar in many ways to Hyssop, her principles are well-retain'd in tincture, though infusions are also impeccable. The sorcerer is enjoin'd to employ the whole herb when flowering, as the blossoms provide added banishing vigour, without compromising the integrity of the Leaf. 50 grams of well-leav'd infloresences, cut and mashed, steep'd in a litre of boiling water for twenty minutes, yields a masterful infusion. As the Herb has strong action on the Womb, baths of Pennyroyal should be avoided by pregnant women as a general precaution. Pennyroyal gives a fine tincture, especially in ethanol exceeding the proof of 100.
Pericon (Tagetes lucida). Decoctions of the fragrant plant have been used for healing and purifying baths, but it is difficult to procure outside Mexico. As this is an Herb with a potent and varied magical pedigree, seeds are worth seeking, so invite this marvelous Green Spirit into the magical garden. A decoction may be made using 50 grams of the fresh, chopped herb, including the stems and whole blossoms, in one litre of water. Boil and simmer in a covered vessel for 5 minutes, allowing the decoction to sit off the fire for an additional ten minutes. Of greater excellence is a strong infusion, employing 100 leaves steeped in 350 millilitres of boiling water.
Pine (Pinus spp.). To convoke the genii of the Imaginal Mind, an invigorating Bath may be made with the young shoots. Several handfuls, after they have been truly ground, may be add'd to the hot bathwater some minutes before 'immer- sion. For a Balneum of superior strength, simmer 65 grams of fresh, chopp'd Pine needles in 1.5 litres of water for 20 minutes; strain, and add to bath.
Rose (Rosa spp.). A warm or cold infusion of the petals may be used for Ablutions of Fortification, that is to say, beautification, and the gentle but potent repair of injured psychic structures. Rose may also be employed in the magical manner of Balm of Gilead, a rare and precious resin now virtually impossible to obtain, known for its powers of consolation to the Heart. Roses may be used fresh or in the form of Rose Water; Rose Absolute may augment the Balneum in the quantity of a half dozen to ten drops in the hot water. Rose water is a supreme Asperge, especially for purposes of Consecration, and may be used in the form of a Mist. Rose water or Hydrosol are readily available. A Compound'd Mist may be made using the Standard Formula with 4 drops Otto of Rose.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). In general, this Herb has a strong and ancient association with mankind, and has serv'd as an Ally in many Endeavours. It is abhorrent to most Foul Spirits and entirely appropriate for their dispersion. For treating nervous conditions, a bath made with the fragrant Leaves, has been much esteem'd, and if flowers be gathered in sufficient quantity, their powers exceed that of the Leaves by a factor of three. A hearty infusion is generated of 70 grams of chopp'd sprigs to 800 millilitres of boiling water, steeped for half an hour. Better still is the Essential Oil, extracted by one's own cunning or obtain'd from a good distiller. A Compound Mist of Rosemary is made by dissolving 40 drops of Essential Oil of Rosemary in a single fluid ounce of Perfumer's Alcohol, then adding 80 ml. of distill'd water. This may be mixed and added to the Atomizer. To commune with Rosemary Spirits, retire at sunset to a candlelit bath chamber, drawing the hottest water possible. Burn dried rosemary leaves and wood continually as an incense of beckoning pleasing to the plant. Into the water pour two litres of masterfully-strong decoction of the plant's leaves and flowers, as well as five large Rosemary branches, freshly cut, leaving some hardwood and greenwood stem in the water. Immerse into this Fragrant Potion, covering as much of the body as possible, beckoning the plant as the Mind is subsumed by Green Reverie.
Rue (Ruta gravaeolens). Rue has an ancient magical pedigree of exorcism and protection from Maleficia, especially the Evil Eye. Baths of strong Rue infusions are useful for persons harass'd in the night hours by unwanted spirits. Conversely, in some streams of popular lore, sorcerers of malign intent utilized Rue in potions to effect destructive magic. Our Herb works as a hot infusion, added to a hot bath, or a cold infusion, kneaded in water and poured over the body. For the former, steep 50 grams of Rue in 1.5 litres of boiling water for 30 minutes, then strain and add to the bath. For a cold bath, knead 65 grams of fresh Rue in 2-3 litres of water in the Ritual Bowl for 20-30 minutes, invoking the Genius of the Herb as the leaves are shredded. This philtre should then be poured solemnly over head and body in small cupfuls. As an herbal medicament Rue possesses abortifacient properties; pregnant women should avoid a Balneum with strong Rue content, as it may adversely affect some sensitive individuals.
Sage (Salvia officinalis). Harvested fresh, well-steep'd, strained and added to the Bath, Culinary Sage is an impeccable friend for the magical purposes of Illumination. Of the fresh or dried leaves, one should steep 55 grams in a litre of boiling water. It is advised that for longer, more deeply-focused Baths, one may wish to burn the dried leaves as an accompanying incense. Sage wood and twigs contain additional virtues especially suited for Determination and Focus; these may be decocted in a ratio of 30-50 grams of the twigs to 1 litre of water. Other Sage species, while their Genii vary considerably, are also appropriate for Illuminating and Fortifying Work, such as White Sage (Salvia apiana); Pineapple Sage (Salvia elegans); and Black Sage (Salvia mellifera), the latter resonating with Cain of the Forge.
Sagebrush (Artemisia spp.). Verily, without doubt, and truly: Our Gray Lady of the Waste is a peerless Ally for driving off rank Ghosts of Offense. Numerous species of desert Artemisia are all known as Sagebrush. A number of North American nations used various species of wild sagebrush as a cleansing bath, sometimes following the Sun Dance, or in sweat lodges. Many tribes burned the plant at the beginning of ceremonies, to both purify and "open the ways". A philtre from the Herb may be made by way of Solar infusion: put 40 grams of the fresh Herb into a 1-litre jar, fill with water, and allow to steep in the sun at least 5 hours. This should then be strain'd and used at room temperature to wash the body, much in the manner of Rue. For a traditional bath, steep 60 grams of the fresh Herb in a litre of boiling water for 20 minutes. Strain and add to bath.
Sassafras (Sassafras albidum). Prior to entering situations in which one will assuredly be under spiritual attack, a Balneum of Sassafras Leaves will provide a protective armour. Use 40 grams of the dried leaves steeped in 1 litre of boiling water for 45 minutes, or better still, knead 80 leaves in 3 litres of cold water. The bark is also efficacious; decoct 20 grams in 750 millilitres of water for 20 minutes. Avoid the Essential Oil for all but the most powerful Asperges.
Spruce (Picea spp.). A strong decoction of 75 grams of the fresh, pulverized shoots may be added to the hot water of the Balneum; in this way the Genius of the plant will especially grant the powers of Illumination. Such baths with Spruce are naturally balancing to the body's streams of power, and stimulate the nerves. Virtuous floor-washes can be brewed with Branches of Spruce for purifying funerary rites, keeping the ghost of the deceased from lingering. In Sweden, Spruce needles are placed as a Ward outside a church to keep trolls away. The fresh leaves, chopped and beaten, may be drown'd in Perfumer's Alcohol for one lunation, yielding an Emerald Essence of great savour to the Nose and Spirit. The beneficence of this Philtre where routing septic spiritual matter is concern'd is readily demonstrated. Strong infusions or decoctions of Spruce, also excel as asperges prior to collective works of magic.
Tobacco (Nicotiana spp.). Decoctions or infusions of varying strengths may be used. The chief powers lent are the attraction of Beneficent Spirits, the type of which may be of aid in all manner of sorcery, but particularly those imparting informations from the depths of the Astral Well; or those promoting the increase of Wealth. Those bearing the Arms of the Warrior are advised that one may also conjure, with Our Good Leaf, the principalities resonant with the acts of Conquest and Acquisition, or Mars in Good Favour with Saturn. For ablutions, the preferr'd method is to employ 65 grams of the fresh leaves, knead'd in 2 litres of cold water, steeping for half an hour, then employ'd in a cold bath.
Valerian (Valeriana officianalis). A strong decoction of the fragrant, chopped Root may be employed for a Purification or Relaxation bath. Use 20 grams of the dried Root to 750 millilitres of water, simmered for 20 minutes. If, by the good graces of the spirits, the plant dwells within thy Medicine Garden, there is no more pleasant a Root-Bath than that freshest radix given us by Valeriana; 33 grams, mashed well, infused into a 450 millilitres of hot water, and a similar amount infused in cold water, adding both to the bath.
Vervain ( Verbena spp.). A certain folk potion of Old known as Juno's Tears was made from Vervain steeped in water; the resulting extraction was used for house-cleansing, and possessed an uncanny aptitude for chasing Noxious Spirits. When the fresh plant is employ'd, a quantity of flowering tops in the amount of 30 grams should be used, well-steeped in 800 millilitres of boiling water for half an hour. The herb merchant generally sells Vervain in its dried form, the Leaf being cut and sifted, but with blossoms absent. Of dried Vervain, use 45 grams in a litre of boiling water, steeped 30 minutes.
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium spp.). A fragrant plant of the Sunflower kin, Our Herb makes a fine restorative Balneum. 50 grams of the plant, with fresh, flowering tops preferred, steeped in one and one half litres of boiling water for the space of 20 minutes, creates an ablution that aids in helping the Flights of Mind achieve concrescence. In accordance, this bath is esteemed for divination, wherein Spirit becomes flesh in the form of a Hallow'd Sign. All Artemisia species are hallowed unto Lilith, and especially Dragon Worwmood (Artemisia dracunculus), known to the vulgar as Tarragon. According to lore, this plant sprouted on the ground trodden by the Crafty Old Serpent after he was expel- I'd from the Garden. Dragon Wormwood and Absinthe Wormwood are both appropriate herbs for dedicatory baths unto Liliya.”
‘5: Of The Balneum Sagax’
Ars Philtron:
Concerning the Aqueous Cunning of the Potion and its Praxis in the Green Arte Magical
by Daniel A. Schulke
347 notes · View notes