#the fact that shes taller than him makes me insane
sangrefae · 4 months
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sorry had to get my demons out
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merakiui · 3 months
애인 in anthill.
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floyd leech x (female) reader cw: violence, blood, death, murder, unrequited love, angst note - if yellow is the color of insanity, then blue is the color of tragedy.
Laid out on the ice, blood swirling through the cracks, Floyd looks up at you and grins something wild. His eyes are blown wide with adrenaline. A vermillion snail trickles from his nostril, landing plip-plop in tiny drops. Standing just a few feet in front of him, clutching a thick-paged dictionary, you eye him with frigid disdain.
Like the strange boy he’s always been, Floyd says, “You’re fun.”
“You’re not going to hit back?”
“Nah. I don’t hit girls.”
“What if I wasn’t a girl? What if I was something else?” you press, fingers curled tightly around the book’s spine. “There’s a word for creatures like you. Masochist—someone who takes pleasure in receiving pain.”
“That right?” He tilts his head at you and lifts himself up on his arms. Gingerly, he wipes at his nose and sniffles back the clotted blood. “You throw a mean punch.”
“And you’ll never throw at all.”
“So what? I ain’t gonna hit a girl just cuz she’s itchin’ for a fight. I was always told it’s not right to hit girls.”
“Even if they hit you?”
“Especially if they hit you. Someone used to say that if a girl hits me it’s prolly cuz I deserved it.”
“You did,” you agree, sifting through your words carefully. “You’re a miscreant.”
He blinks at you, unfazed. 
“A malefactor.”
“Hmm? That come from your book of big words?”
“It did, in fact. I have another one for you: delinquent.”
He throws his head back and laughs. Blood spurts from his nose in a liquid arc. “You got a word for the end of the world?”
“What? An apocalypse? Worldly annihilation? Catastrophe? Disaster? Cataclysm?” Before he can reply, you scoff. “That will never happen.”
“We’ll be dead by then, won’t we?”
“What does it matter? You never answered my previous question.”
He rises to his feet. You’re taller than him. He’s insisted before that once he hits his growth spurt it’ll be over for you. Even with the height difference, you doubt that would stop Floyd. He’s always pestering you, be it for answers to daily assignments or for snacks. Weirdly, despite the fact that he is a quotidian nuisance whose devil-may-care attitude goes against everything that encapsulates your character, you humor him every time.
“If I wasn’t a girl, would you hit me?”
“You’re talkin’ like you wanna get hit.”
“You shouldn’t let the fact that I’m a girl stop you. If someone hits you, isn’t it fair that you hit them in return? An eye for an eye—that is one of the foundations of Hammurabi’s Code. It was a very human concept, you see. So then, disregarding the concept of gender, would you hit me if I was anything besides a girl?”
“Anything but a girl… Like what?”
“Like an insect.”
“You wanna be a bug? Ain’t that too easy? All I gotta do is crush ya and—”
“Then it would be revenge repaid.”
“Sure.” He smiles lazily. “If that’s what you wanna go with.”
“You’ll never get anywhere with that mindset. What if—”
Cracks spiderweb through the ice, splitting it apart in chunks. As it thaws and melts, revealing the floor beneath, Floyd trots towards the door. You follow after him, gracefully stepping out of the ice rink with your dictionary held close.
“Even if you were a bug, I’d put ya in a little locket and let ya stay safe forever. That way, even if someone wants to punch ya, they’d have to get through metal first.”
You stare at him and his broad smile. “That makes no sense… I would suffocate.”
“Yes! Do you realize how—hey! Get back here! I’m not done speaking!” You storm after him, fuming from your ears. 
Both of you forget that there are no insects here, just as there is no surface world to be salvaged.
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There are monsters in the deep sea.
The types that latch on with lithe limbs, curling and coiling. The types that kiss you farewell before bodily destruction. The types that offer sugary daydreams before the nightmarish end. Some of them are bright and brilliant, sparkling like stars in the black void. Some of them are not, choosing to camouflage and dwell in silent stealth instead.
But all of them must feed. That is an irrefutable fact. Very raw and grotesque.
Standing at the grand window, you watch your classmate sink into the clutches of a beast. She drowns with a whimsical smile, her eyes rolled back in ecstasy and her body peppered in sucker pinches.
Floyd whistles behind you. “You trying to get transferred?”
You eye his reflection with a frown. “I’m trying to test a hypothesis.”
“Lemme hear it.” He leans against the window and folds his arms over his chest. He’s taller now, so much so that he’s more limbs than torso, and all of his teeth have grown in. They’re sharp like knives. Sometimes you wonder why he refuses to use them.
“If you are predatory in nature, you will fight. If you are not, you will submit to the role of prey. In other words, if you are raised on feeble ideals, you will always find yourself cradled in the arms of Death before you can start your life.”
Floyd casts a cursory glance at the waterlogged corpse. “That why you killed her?”
You gaze at the defensive scratches on your arms with clinical indifference. “The experiment failed. I’ll try a different approach next time.”
He hums. “Sounds tough.”
“Science is not easy.”
“If you’re gonna get moved to Worker Level—”
“Azul tells me they’re overpopulated. The Throne is open.”
Floyd worries his lip between his teeth. “They’re doin’ a purge down there—another Queen of the Colony. You aimin’ for that?”
“I’m not just aiming. I will secure that position for myself.”
“And then what? You become Queen and leave the rest of us up here? Don’t you wanna stick around?”
“Why should I? I’m at the top of our class. I only stay because it’s easy and I don’t have to work.”
“We’ll miss ya. Jade and me. Azul, too. He won’t have anyone to compete with.”
“Like there’s much competition to be had.”
“He thinks you’re evenly matched.”
“Of course he would. We have nine brains.”
Silence wedges itself between the both of you, creating a cavernous gap. Floyd rests his head against the glass and sighs. You watch your classmate as she’s dragged further into the dark until, eventually, she disappears from your sight.
“At least stick around for another month or so. Courtship’s comin’ up.”
You raise a brow, suddenly suspicious. “Since when were you interested in Courtship?”
“I’m not.” He smiles blithely, but you see the pink in his reflection when he turns away. “Just thought it’d be cool to go. Eat good food. Let loose and dance.”
“I don’t understand the point of Courtship.”
“Neither do I.” Floyd’s hand twitches towards yours. He pulls away, his arm hanging limp at his side. “We could find out together.”
“Just us?”
“Just you and me.”
“Why not?” He swallows thickly. “I… I think it’d be fun,” he adds in a whisper.
“If I agree to go, will you hit me?”
His brows pinch together on his forehead. “You’re still set on that? It’s been years.”
“Will you do it?”
“Course I won’t. I’m not gonna hit ya for no reason.”
“Then I’ll give you a reason.” You roll your sleeve up, revealing the identification code on your wrist. Floyd has one just like yours, only his string of symbols is different and it’s branded on his neck. “Will you do it then?”
He looks like he’s considering it, mulling the possibility over in his mind, but then he laughs in your face. “You sure you’re not the masochist here?”
A harsh slap resonates through the empty hall. Backdropped by bioluminescence in the deep sea, Floyd smiles through the sting.
“Wait for me,” he tells you, rubbing at raw skin. “I’ll get down there to see you.”
“That’s foolish. You have potential up here.”
“Doesn’t mean anything if you’re not gonna be here to hit me.”
“So now you play the masochist card?”
“Only for you.”
“I should’ve tossed you out the hatch. Let them eat something promising for once.”
You strut away in a huff.
Floyd pushes off from the window. “You know I’d survive!”
“A most confounding variable, considering your proclivity to waltz right into the arms of danger.”
“It’s funner that way.”
“‘Funner’ is not a real word.”
“It’s gotta be if I’m using it.”
It doesn’t matter, though. You are a threat just like everyone else here. Perhaps what’s most dangerous is the thing festering in his heart. Unlike the octopus, Floyd only has one heart. That’s not enough to house the parasite slowly chewing through his chest.
Still, he follows danger because she’s never looked more enticing.
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The collar is hooked around his throat and Floyd is sentenced to Worker Level.
He has three days before he’s cast into the bowels of the Colony. You have one. If you were afforded another day, you’d have made it to Courtship.
Instead, you sit in your dorm and eat fruit.
“Courtship’s gonna be lame anyways,” he declares around an apple slice.
“One night is not enough to foster real love. It’s all physical attraction. Biological imperative.”
Floyd turns his hands over, admiring spotless skin. There was blood on them last week, coating his fingers and drying under his nails, from when he stuffed them into the chest of a classmate and tore his heart free. He had three. Floyd is certain he could have spared just one. But a heart is useless if it is not pumping inside a person, and so he was left with nothing but a lump of organ.
“One night is enough for us.” You turn to look at him, silently bewildered, to which he elaborates: “For you… You’ll die either way, right? You and Azul. That’s why there’s no happy ending for you.”
“It’s why we avoid Courtship. Our internal systems are wired for death after copulation. We become so tunnel-visioned. So…enthralled in the survival of our young that we neglect ourselves. There is no love for us after that.”
“There is—could be.” Floyd bites down hard. The apple slice snaps in half. You lean in to snatch the half from his lips before it can fall. He blinks at you, mystified. “You don’t gotta die…”
“I won’t. I’m going to become Queen.”
“Yeah. Right. Course you will…” Mismatched eyes cloud over.
You chew with confidence. “And as Queen I can choose what to do with my life. I won’t have to worry about the rules up here or down there.”
Floyd nibbles at a strawberry next. He decides he doesn’t want to dive deeper into this subject. “Fruit makes a good last meal, yeah?”
He opens his mouth and then shuts it, conflicted. 
“When I’m Queen, I’m going to demand fruit every day. Luxuries like these are uncommon here in Aquarium.”
You suck the juice from another apple slice. Floyd watches it bob between your lips like a buoy on choppy waters. And then, feeling like his world might end in the next second, he covers the distance.
“Sagwa,” he murmurs, closing his mouth around the untouched end of the apple.
You meet his eyes, startled, and allow him to take the slice. When he pulls back, you search his face for answers.
“Read it in a book. A human word with a double meaning.”
“And that would be?”
“You don’t know?”
“If you’re going to be obtuse, I have no interest in learning.”
He giggles and reaches to wipe the juice from your cheek. “It means apple.”
“And the other meaning?”
“That’s a secret.”
“You do realize I’ll eventually figure it out, right?”
“I know.” He leans in again, his arm right by your side. You’re pressed against the wall, cornered like a captured criminal. “Hopefully you’ll let the suspense linger for a bit. Would be a shame if ya got it right before I could tell ya.”
“I can wait.”
“Really? How long?”
“How long are you going to withhold it from me?”
“Dunno. Wanna find out?”
You pluck the final apple slice from the plate. Pressing it to Floyd’s lips, you offer him a lopsided smirk. “Not particularly.”
He bites down. It’s bittersweet.
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Floyd opens the assignment envelope, half-expecting another scrap with a small fry. There isn’t any challenge here; he hates it. He’d rather gnaw his arm off than continue participating in what he finds is the easiest culling of his life. Plenty of Workers have been vying for his cell since his transfer, and Floyd’s been keen to defend his place. It’s devilishly good exercise, invigorating and refreshing all at once.
Still, he loathes the lack of stimulation. A challenge isn’t really a challenge until it’s got him turning life and death over in his head. Until he’s faced with a dilemma so devastating it destroys him, body and mind.
Sometimes he misses Aquarium. He misses his brother and Azul. He misses waking up hours before class and pulling Jade from his sleeping nook, in which the latter was purely dead weight. He misses the fights he’d get into—mostly the ones with classmates. He misses scrapping with Azul, bickering back and forth like fry.
He misses you. All the time, in fact. He never doubts your capabilities, of course. If you wanted to kill him, you could. There’s comfort in that—in knowing the things you could do. You could kill him, but you don’t. He likes to think it’s because you care.
Love is a complex thing in the Colony at the bottom of the sea. Like the monsters that lurk in the open ocean, it comes in many sizes and forms. Love is brutal and bloody, cutting down an opponent with enough mercy to grant a quick death. Love is agony and sorrow, bringing forth tarry tears and persistent aches. Love is gentle and soft, a mother’s cradle at birth and stifled laughter late into the night. Love is everything and nothing—insanity and tragedy.
Floyd thinks love is none of those things. For him, it’s sharing fruit in the silence of the dormitory. It’s insisting he’ll never hit you because of a reason he doesn’t want to confess—a reason hiding behind his unusual philosophy. It’s allowing himself to be slapped because, most often, he’s earned it, and what else is to come from his ceaseless provoking if not friendly violence?
But if love is achieved through forgiveness, then he can’t possibly forgive this.
He recognizes the photo. The name. That unsmiling face forever set in grim neutrality. 
It’s you.
Suddenly, he understands.
The outcome of this fight will determine the next Queen.
Somehow, you and Floyd have made quick work of the overpopulation problem in Worker Level. In the year you’ve been here, living in separate spaces, never to cross paths, your fates are intertwined once more.
Only this time he isn’t meeting you at the ice rink, nor will he be there to linger in the doorway of an empty classroom.
Floyd’s heart drops down to his stomach. He traces a claw over your portrait.
“Well,” he mutters, his voice a guttural echo in this little cell, “better a final reunion than no reunion at all.”
He combs a webbed hand through his unruly bedhead. 
If you are predatory in nature, you will fight. If you are not, you will submit to the role of prey. That’s what you hypothesized long ago. Come tomorrow, he’ll prove that it’s nothing but conjecture.
Floyd rests his head against the wall. He watches the bioluminescent jellyfish float aimlessly in crystal lamps. It casts a sickly yellow-green glow over the interior of his cell. 
He thinks he’ll prove something. What that is, he’s not sure. Maybe all he’ll have to show for it are the remnants of what he truly is: a cowardly creature who couldn’t quell the parasite nestled in his heart.
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Your spots are showing. Blue rings bleed through layers of flesh, carved on like you’re a fresh canvas. They flash warnings in hypnotic patterns, broadcasting destructive tragedy.
Floyd, a fool mesmerized, could watch you forever.
The bars of his cage are lifted alongside yours. He smiles and waits for you to close the gap. You do, albeit just enough to save space. Tension blankets the air. Neither of you takes the initiative to attack first.
“I couldn’t compete with you up there, but down here we’re about the same.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.” You inspect your claws and hum. “You made short work of your assignments.”
“Wasn’t really ‘work’ if ya ask me…” Even though he’s vocally casual, his body language is pulled taut with stress. He is more evasive than he is offensive. It’s in his nature to lie in wait, to strike only when the time is right. Patience isn’t his language, but he’s spoken it for the entirety of his life, toeing the line of too much and too little. No matter what, it’s never enough. “You still set on being Queen?”
“Most ardently.”
He laughs. Even without the dictionary, you’re still the same fry from his youth: erudite to a stuffy level. Sometimes he thinks you’re less fish and more textbook when you speak so humanly.
“You can have it. I don’t wanna be Queen.”
A shadow passes over your face. “I won’t settle for victory by default. That’s not fair.”
“Well, I’m givin’ it to ya. Fair and square.”
“You can’t do that.”
“Yes, I can.” He sticks his tongue out at you, defiant. “But if you’re not gonna take it, I might as well hold onto it. Bein’ Queen ain’t half bad if it’s something you want.”
“Well?” Floyd spreads his arms, palms up, and beckons you closer. “If you want it, take it. That’s what they taught us in Aquarium. You gonna let me keep another thing from you?”
Gritting your teeth, you yank a boning knife from the sheath at your hip. You’re a weapon yourself, yet you choose to cut him down with a blade. In Floyd’s mind, the implication has never been more romantic.
If you are predatory in nature, you will fight.
So then what should one do if they’re cowardly?
Floyd braces his feet against the floor. It’s rugged stone, a pit hollowed in the panopticon that is this undersea prison. In the tower just above, with a view on all sides, the desolate throne of the next Queen waits.
Everyone is watching, even those up in Aquarium. He’s certain Jade and Azul are fixated on whatever screen is broadcasting it, glued to the edge of their seats as they await the inevitable. Perhaps they’ve already guessed the victor of this match. How astute of them. It’s never been Floyd’s goal to please others for the sake of it. He swims at his own pace, unbound by social conventions and expectations. 
Floyd is the definition of abnormal. Not because he’s inherently peculiar but, rather, because he is unabashed in being himself.
“I hope you know my sympathy ends here,” you warn, but he’s only half-listening. Your rings are distracting.
“I know.”
He always has. For a creature with three hearts, you could never hope to use any of them to love him.
“No hard feelings,” he adds with a whistle.
Now let’s make you Queen.
Your grip on the knife tightens. You don’t hesitate, a facet Floyd is most fond of. Even when you were small, you were quick to react—quick to retaliate, lashing out with all of your limbs. He carries the memory of your hands with overwhelming pride—the way they felt on his shoulder and face, a fast brush of flesh. He’s burned your expressions into his retinas—every single one, even those that were brimming with silent resentment.
Perhaps that’s what’s so perplexing about love. It’s impossible to see at first, a phantom so silent and sneaky, but when you finally confront it at the last moment it gains vivid clarity and bursts like a supernova.
He can’t say whether every interaction was the product of love. Maybe you simply tolerated him because of who he is. Maybe there never was any love at all. Maybe it was just in your nature to remain at arm’s length, a creature condemned to solitude by biology.
Would you hit me if I was anything besides a girl?
Of course not. Because doing so would only hurt him and bring about his emotional ruin.
Even now, when life and death is put on display for all, he remains unyielding in this.
When you lunge towards him, he’s ready. In your fierce eyes, just past horizontal pupils, determination blazes. You’re going to kill him. He’s made peace with that.
Floyd leaps back just as you swipe at him. The blade cuts through empty space. He’s not fighting seriously when he twirls away from your next attack, his tongue between his teeth. Your footsteps echo in the arena, tapping out a one-sided song of pursuit.
“Quit playing!” you snarl, driving your blade down. It narrowly misses his shoulder.
Floyd zips around you with eerie agility, precise and slippery just like a moray. “Aww. Why? You mad I’m not putting in any real effort?”
“Yes! Stop avoiding it and fight! You’re not prey, so why are you so intent on running?”
“Can’t I have a little fun first?”
“Absolutely not! Be serious!”
He waits for the opening. Three seconds slip by. Just a little longer and then… 
There it is!
He catches your wrist just as you swing with a curled fist. He would’ve been content to let it connect with his jaw, but that could cost him. One error and you’ll tear him apart, meticulous like a scientist, hungry like a monster.
Floyd would know of no greater bliss.
Unbothered by the threat, he tugs you towards him. You stumble, caught wholly off guard, and fall into him. In one fluid motion, Floyd sweeps you into a waltz. The knife falls to the floor in a noisy clatter. Your attempt to swoop down and procure it is useless, for he just pulls you along. 
You look at him next, confusion smoldering in your questioning gaze.
He smiles. “Wasn’t gonna have the chance at Courtship. Might as well do it now, right?”
“You…wanted to dance with me? That’s all?” 
“I wanted to watch some other small fry scoop you up,” he jokes, but the humor doesn’t reach his eyes. “Course I wanted to dance with you.”
“So even someone smart like you doesn’t have all the answers.”
You scowl. “Stop avoiding the matter at hand.”
“Who said anything about that? Ain’t I givin’ the Colony what it wants? A show.”
You try to protest, but it sticks in your throat when he forces you into a twirl. You pull back just enough to break free from his hold, and then you’re lunging for the knife. It’s within your reach—your fingers brush the handle—and then Floyd’s hand closes around your wrist, and you’re yanked back into the dance. He glides to a silent melody, his feet clicking out a rhythm you’re unfamiliar with. In an effort to gain an iota of control, you pull him in the direction of the fallen blade. Though your movements are stilted and awkward, you keep up with his tempo to the best of your ability. Floyd allows you to edge closer and closer to the knife and, just when you think you might finally secure it, he kicks it away with the tip of his shoe.
“You have every opportunity to hit me and win.”
“I do.”
“So why aren’t you doing it?” you seethe, gripping his hands tightly. “Why won’t you fight me?”
“Cuz I’m not predator or prey. I don’t fit in your little hypothesis.”
“But you do. The moray eel is—”
Floyd spins you once and then, while you’re still reeling from the sudden change, drops you into a smooth dip. You cling to his shoulders, your chest heaving—whether from frustration or shock, he’s not sure.
“I don’t wanna hit you.”
“The law of life and death dictates that—”
“Yeah, yeah. That you gotta survive no matter what. No matter the cost.”
“So why… Why are you so… Why won’t you…” You shake your head. The words are jumbled on your tongue. “You’re an enigma. I truly can’t understand you.”
“What’s there to understand?” He lifts you up, keeping you at a proper distance. “If ya pull me out from under your microscope, you might see the things you’re missin’.”
“I’m not missing anything,” you argue with an indignant scoff.
“Sure you aren’t.”
Your retribution mirrors your own disposition: brutal and punctual. You hook your arms around his neck and pull. He lets his body crumble and you, swift like a hatchet, stick your leg out to catch his ankle. He falls but not before he brings you down with him.
It’s quiet like the grave, save for your haggard breaths. Floyd props himself up on his palms and peers at you. 
You’re looking right back, tracing the markings under his eyes like they’re something to fear. “You—” you suck in a shaky breath; sweat dribbles down your cheek— “are the most infuriating creature I have ever had the displeasure of knowing.”
He chuckles. “You like me.”
“What a lofty, baseless allegation.”
“Don’t need proof when it’s the truth.”
You sneer at him and crawl towards the knife. Floyd grabs your ankle and drags you back. It earns him a kick in the ribs, but it’s worth it. You wrestle him on the floor, grabbing at his ear fins and tugging. Still, for all of the pain you put him through, he doesn’t budge.
Finally, you break.
“You’re the worst! I don’t understand… Everything… I’ve done everything and you still won’t fight back. What must I do?”
Floyd chokes on his laughter.
You’re crying.
For the first time since he’s known you, real, raw tears run from your eyes in thick, black globs. Your rings flash, albeit much dimmer than before.
“An utter nuisance… I’ve never understood you.”
He opens his mouth, revealing rows of razored teeth, and he almost says it: I love you.
Instead, he lifts his finger to your eye. You blink at him, paralyzed. You look scared and small, uncertain.
His shoulders slump, but he manages a strained smile. “No shame in bein’ a masochist.”
He waits for the bite of a deadly backhand. You pat his cheek weakly and sniffle.
“I was so rude to you… Nothing but a mean-hearted bully.”
“That’s fine.”
“I gave you some ghastly bruises.”
“You did.”
“And you just…took it.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“If it was me—”
“You’d get ’em back, yeah? I don’t work like that. Not with you.”
“So you truly are a shameless masochist.”
Floyd flashes his teeth at you in a gleeful grin. “Only for you.”
“Hah… Right. Of course.” Your lips quirk with wry amusement. “I was never going to succeed, was I?”
“Failed right from the start.” When you don’t reply, he tries again. “You…would’ve hated Courtship.”
“It was lame, wasn’t it?”
“The lamest.”
“Yeah, I had a feeling it would be.”
Silence stretches between you. Gingerly, you reach for his face. Your thumbs trace a path from his jaw to his nose.
It’s over. He’s had his fun.
“Thanks for stickin’ with me all this time. If I’d known we’d be here, I woulda done somethin’ for ya. Gotten a gift or…found ya some fruit. Made ya something artsy—I dunno. Anything to say congrats.”
“You’re strange.”
“I get that a lot.”
“It’s not a bad thing.”
“Yeah?” At your nod, he chuckles. “Good. That means you’ll have a harder time forgetting me.”
“As if I would ever forget you. But if I did, would you come back to hit me?”
“You’re askin’ like you’re not already aware of the answer.”
“Futile as it may be, it was worth a try.”
Floyd takes hold of the knife. It glints in the light, a harsh reminder of what’s to come. Dutifully, he presses it into your hands and remains propped above you. His hands are at either side of your face; you’re pinned beneath his shadow.
“You said one night isn’t enough for real love. Do you think that’ll ever change? Maybe one day you’ll finally—”
Harbor the same parasite as me.
Disregarding the knife, you grip fistfuls of Floyd’s shirt and wrench him towards you. He spies liquid cobalt leaking from your lips just as they connect with his mouth. It’s a messy first kiss, a tangle of numb tongues. You pursue him hungrily, sweet and sour like fruit that’s on the precipice of ripe and not-yet-ripe. In the haze of it all, Floyd forgets to savor it.
He loses the feeling in his throat by the time he remembers to do that.
Your lips separate. A thin, translucent string of saliva comes apart with you.
“That word you kept from me—its meaning—I finally figured it out.”
“Yeah?” he asks, growing hazier by the minute. “What’s it mean?”
Like a beached whale suffocating on land, his systems are shutting down. Amidst the fog, he watches your rings undulate like waves lapping at an eroded shoreline. The sea will always take in the same fashion it gives: suddenly and magically, a rush of salt to sanitize sin. He’s happy, but perhaps that’s just the tsunami of endorphins flooding his brain.
“Sagwa, a human word for apple, also means apology.”
Floyd smiles in his daze. That’s his Queen, always so clever.
“You probably learned it that same night.”
“I won’t confirm or deny that.”
“How long am I gonna have to wait to know?”
“How long are you willing to wait?”
He blinks down at the blade in his stomach. You twist until you find bone.
If it hurts, he doesn’t feel it.
The edges of his world are darkening at a rapid pace. He can only see you and your beautiful, ugly expression. It’s all he’s ever wanted: to behold you at your most primal.
“Forever if I have to.”
“Really? You’d do that for me?” You look surprised. Is it really that startling?
Floyd smiles, and this time the corners of his mouth meet his eyes. It’s a peace he’s never known before. Bittersweet like apples and apologies.
“Only for you.”
And then, like he did at the start of his first pulsation, when his feet touched ground for the first time, he falls.
You’re there to catch him. It’s the first and last time you’ve ever done so.
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hailey-murdock · 1 year
Long Enough
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Paring: Peter B Parker x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ Smut, Dom!Peter, Switch!reader, degradation, orgams denial, and praising, dirty talk, extreme teasing, facesitting, makeout, dacryphilia, masochism, Breeding, marking, voyeurism, fluff, aftercare (I think that's all)
Summary: Peter finally returns after two weeks of being gone, and he makes sure to show his wife how much he missed her. (Reader is Mayday mother here)
Other Characters: Mayday Parker, May Parker
WC: 6.5K (this is pure smut 😭)
A/N: this fic took me about 3 weeks to get done 😭😭😭, so I hope yall enjoys this. The fact that this is my longest fic and that it's smut, it's insane! I'm gonna go to hell for this so whoever reads this, I'll see you in hell soon. (Reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated)
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Peter had been gone for about two weeks now, each day promising you he’d be back but never showing. You knew that there were times he had to go to the Headquarters. You took your toddler Mayday downtown New York for the day, stopping at a coffee shop for lunch.
As you waited in line to order, Mayday suddenly turned around in your arms and smiled, blabbing about her daddy. You look up, seeing Peter standing by the entrance with flowers in his hand for you and a small teddy for Mayday.
“Hey hun…I’m sorry about the long week.” He says with a soft sheepish smile, approaching your table. You wrapped your arms around Peter, feeling absolutely relieved as you felt his warmth radiate to your body. You pulled away from his embrace and punched his chest.
Peter winces from the force of your punch (maybe he taught you how to throw a punch for self-defense), before pulling you in for one last kiss. “I couldn’t have asked for a sweeter welcome, babe. Did you miss me? As much as I missed you?” he asked sarcastically and playfully, with a sweet smile on his face as he cupped your face. "I’m so happy right now that my little family is together again'.
"That's what you get for scaring me Peter! But I'm glad you're finally home. Of course I missed you". You couldn't help but pull him into another kiss not caring about the people watching.
Peter couldn’t help but grin into the kiss, kissing back passionately as it lasted a few moments longer than it should be. But it couldn’t be helped, he had just come home and he had to show his wife how much he missed her.
A wide smile appeared on your face as you pulled away. You took Mayday into your arms. "Say hi to daddy sweetheart", you say to your toddler.
Peter softly smiles, as Mayday immediately jumps into his arms and hugs him. “Hey Princess! So happy to see you again. How are you doing?” he exclaimed, with an excited smile as he lifted her high into the air.
Your baby giggles and smiles, holding tightly onto Peter's neck. Your heart swelled with love and warmth at the sight in front of you. Peter with your daughter but his daughter as well. You couldn't ask for more.
“She’s so big now! I swear, Mayday just grew overnight. Look at her, she’s almost as tall as you are now. Before we know it she’ll be taller than both of us.” Peter's chuckles, looking down at your sweet little girl with a wide grin and loving eyes.
A small chuckle comes out of you. "Oh babe, don't say that. She will always be our baby girl".
"Well even if she is getting bigger, she’s still our baby girl, and she’ll always be our princess". Peter replies, hugging her tightly. As she squeals out a little laugh, he plants a sweet little kiss on the top of her head.
"Yeah she is, we just got here. Oh, I didn't cook today so we can eat here together, if you want".
“Sounds good to me! We can order something and have the rest of today to ourselves. I’m glad I’m back with you and Mayday". Peter says with a warm smile, looking at his family with the most loving gaze he could muster in that moment.
"Yeah babe, let me just order our usual". You leave your baby with Peter to go and order the food you guys usually liked to eat. As you turned back with the food, you couldn't find your husband. "Peter"?
"Yeah babe, right here". Peter smiles lovingly, looking up to you with his green eyes shining, as if he's staring deep into your soul. The loom on Peter's face made you feel loved like never before. You sat down next to Peter and handed his food. He takes a bite of his sandwich, before taking you into his arms again and kissing you with all his might, feeling as if he hasn't done so in months.
You couldn’t help but feel giddy and full of joy, knowing you had the perfect family. Of course, your family wasn't just a regular family, after all it's not like many women had their husbands as Spider-Man.
A deep shade of red blush appeared on your cheeks the way Peter kissed you. "So I was thinking".
“About what babe"? Peter questioned sweetly, taking in each of your words as if they were the sweetest music he could hear. He rested his hand on your cheek, his eyes locked onto yours. Peter can’t help but smile as he sees your lovely face in front of him once more.
"What if we could get someone to take care of Mayday tonight, so we can have the night together....alone"?
He chuckles softly, placing a hand on your hip and pulling you closer to him. “Oh really? Sounds like you want to have some fun tonight". He whispers in your ear cheekily, with a devilish grin.
"Maybe". A smirk creeps onto your face. "After all you can't blame me Peter, I, your wife, was alone and I needed someone to take care of me". You whispered the last into Peter's ear.
“Well I’d be more than happy to "take care" of you baby. After all, I need to make up with you for all this time I’ve been away". Peter whispers back, leaning close to give you a little kiss as he stares into your eyes, his face full of love and adoration.
"Mhm that's what I like to hear, now eat up we are gonna need a lot of energy tonight". You chuckled as you helped Mayday eat in her chair.
"Yes ma'am, of course". Peter smiled, before finishing up his meal in one final bite. “All done, are you?” he asks, tilting his head to the side as a small bit of food falls from the corner of his mouth. He chuckled for a minute, before gently wiping his mouth with his index finger and licking it, giving you a wink.
"Peter"! The small but yet meaningful action caused your panties to grow wet, and the smell hit Peter's nostrils. He bit his tongue to make sure nobody heard his groan. You blush furiously.
Peter smiled at the sight of his wife getting all flustered by his teasing. One of the highlights to your relationship, in his eyes. A little banter and teasing, nothing could beat that. He stands from his seat and pulls you close once again, resting my hands on your hips and giving you a soft smile.
“Are we ready to go home and have a romantic night in? I just can’t help but keep thinking about you…”
"We still need to find a babysitter Peter".
“Is there no one in the neighborhood we can ask? A teenage neighbor or something"? Peter questions, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. He didn’t exactly know many people in the neighborhood, other than those he fought and saved countless times. But he was confident that somebody in the neighborhood could babysit.
"Can't you ask Aunt May"? You suggested it to your husband.
"That’s not a bad idea either. She does live a few blocks from us after all. Maybe she’ll stop by to help her favorite nephew out".
You nod in agreement. “Should we give her a call then, babe"? You questioned, leaning in to give Peter another soft kiss. A gentle pat on the cheek was the final touch, as he held you close.
"Mhm yeah let me call her". As you called May, Peter played with Mayday. You couldn't ask for more. Satisfied was the word you would use to describe your life.
After ending the call with May, you walked back to Peter. "May said she could take care of Mayday, so let's go back home to get her things ready. May said she would come in 15 minutes".
“Perfect, let’s go.” He grins as he grabs your hand, before leading you out the door and back to your apartment. Peter gives you a light kiss on the cheek every now and again, giving his beautiful wife the attention you deserve as the three of you make the walk back to your home. Besides Peter knew how touch starved you could get. He opens the door for you, taking your hand as he steps inside the warm comforting home.
Peter takes Mayday into his arms for you to get a bag for Mayday. After a few minutes May comes and takes Mayday and her things. The two of you say your goodbyes as they leave. You turn to Peter with a devilish smile. "Hi". You batted your long lashes at Peter trying to act innocent. But Peter knew what kind of game you were playing, and who was he to deny your teasing. You wanted to play dirty? Then so be it.
He can’t help but smile as he turns and sees you, a devilish look in your eyes.
“Hey babe. What brings you such a delightful expression”? Peter questions, moving a piece of hair from your face. He loved this game the two of you both played.
"Oh no reason". A smirk appears on your face while you walk towards him and your hands rest on Peter's chest as you look up at him seductively.
Peters blushes a little, as he looks down into your eyes with his own burning green eyes. He could feel your soft hands on his chest, and he enjoyed it. Peter caressed your cheek with his own hand. “Whatever the case may be, it suits you well”.
You tilt your head slightly and a quiet hum is the only noise in the room before gripping his shirt to pull Peter into a messy, heavy, and passionate kiss.
Peter grinned as you pulled him down, pressing his lips into yours. One hand on your cheek as the other on your waist. The kiss was passionate and messy but yet soft, like two lovers who had missed each other for a long time. He could hear your daughter babbling from the other room, before you guys broke the kiss.
The kiss left you dumbfounded, the desire of wanting your husband to touch your body clouded your mind. You couldn't think about anything else. Not even form a single word.
Peter was mesmerized by the way his kiss had left you. He couldn’t help but feel pride in his chest to know only he was the one to make you fall apart under his touch. “What did I tell you? I always know the right way to take care of you". He pulled you close once more, kissing you again while holding you tight. Peter lived for the way the whine, whimpers and moans would escape from you in moments like these.
You moaned at the sensation and pulled your bodies even more than possible closer. Your reaction was exactly what Peter needed, as I continued to hold you close and kiss you. He couldn’t lie to you and say that he didn't want this. He needed this. Eventually you pull apart once more. Peter looks down into your eyes, a loving gaze filling up. “Are you ready for tonight"?
"Y-yeah but first I need to do something". You grin before going to the bedroom to change into a red lingerie set you had just brought a week ago. As you walk out, you see Peter on the couch with his legs spread out. You could just cum at the sight in front of you. "Now I'm ready".
Peter smirked as you entered the room, his eyes wide and jaw dropped. “Wow, I didn’t expect that. You look absolutely stunning babe”. He gets up and he approaches you, grabbing your waist. “You just look gorgeous. This might be your best look yet".
"Consider this a welcome back present" you whisper in his ear. "Unwrap me Peter".
He chuckles softly, his breath catching in his throat at your words. He wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up into the air. “I might just have to, I can’t keep my hands off of you".
"Then better get to it". Surprisingly you get out of Peter's grasp. You turn to walk to the bedroom giving him a view of your ass. "Aren't you coming"?
Peter's heart started to race as you gave him that teasing view. A grin is plastered on his face. "Oh I definitely will be in a minute" he teases back. He takes his time walking towards you, his eyes glued to the provocative view in front of him.
Before he knew it, Peter was standing behind you with no words spoken. He reached his hands to either side of your body, and leaned his head against your right shoulder. His breath was hot right beside your ear as he whispered: “You look perfect".
”Peter please, I've missed you, I missed your mouth, your hands and your…..cock" you said very quietly the last word.
He couldn’t hold back his laughter as you spoke of missing him, even more so considering the final part. Your voice was deep and seductive, he loved every moment of it. “You missed what baby? I didn't quite catch the last part. Be a good girl and say that one more time” Peter said with a smirk, raising his eyebrow.
You were growing more desperate by the second. A rush of blood went straight to your cheeks, embarrassed to repeat what Peter had asked you to say. But being his "good girl" was something you badly wanted to be. "I missed your cock. Need ya to fill me up".
One thing Peter always loved about your relationship is how direct you are. Other people would dance around this topic, but you, god, you were straight to the point. A chuckle left his mouth as you continued to speak to him in that way. “I think I could do just that….”.
"Please Peter, please….. f-fuck I need you".
When he heard your words, Peter was almost convinced that they were honey for his ears. He was all yours, after all. He let out a soft sigh, before his hands came up to your face. “Oh sweet girl, you don’t have to ask twice. I’ll be right back, you be ready". He winked, as he walked back to the living room and closed the door.
Peter entered the room, a devious grin on his face. It was the perfect night. You whined as you waited for him. Your clit is desperate for anything. The ache was starting to grow more and more as time passed. But you knew if you touched yourself you would get punished. As Peter heard your whining, he smirked, knowing full well that he had you right where he wanted you. Once the door was opened he made his appearance again, looking better than ever. Peter looked down into your eyes.
“Are you ready to get this started"?
"Y-yes". You say already breathless. The more you thought about his fingers, mouth and cock, it made you dizzy. The thrill was rushing through your veins.
“Good girl. Now don’t move". Peter said with a smirk, before making his way over to the bed. Without a word he laid down, leaning over you with a soft smile. “How do you want to begin"? Peter asked, before planting a quick and soft kiss below your ear.
"Whatever- i-just need you n-now". You leaned in to feel his lips against yours. He smirked, as he felt your breath on my lips. But never touching your lips, fucker, you thought. “As you wish, my love". Without any hesitation Peter began to undress, starting with his shirt. “Just for you-“.
Peter had never in the entire time you've been together this flustered or needy. He didn’t mind at all, he loved seeing his best girl with great desire for him. Hunger in your eye. The smell of your arousal in the air is stronger by the second. His pants feel tighter as he inhales your arousal. It was getting painful, but so good. After all he was a sucker for pain. But Peter wanted to focus on you first.
A smile fills up on Peter's face. “Well if you say so". He gives you a kiss, before cuddling you close. His game was just starting. “I’ll let you take it from here, I’ll just lay here and enjoy the show" He smirked.
"But Peter, I wanted you to show me how much you missed me" you whined desperately.
“Ah, of course. You want this night to be mutual, of course". Peter says, giving you a soft smirk and a nod. “In that case, I guess I have something else up my sleeve…”.
"Peter don't tease". You give him the best pout you could in front of him as you give him "fuck me" eyes.
He chuckles at your pout, and he feels an urge to tease you even further with the way you looked at him. But he kept his lips tight, only smirking at you now. “Oh I’ll tease you all I want, and I’m not gonna give in to your demands. Remember who the fuck is in charge”. Peter was so close to your face, his warm breath blowing against your face.
You nodded, not wanting to push his limits tonight, that could be for another night. Your leg wraps around his waist, trying to pull him closer.
Your leg wrapped around him caught him by surprise as he wasn’t expecting it, feeling a jolt of shock go through his body. He lets out a quiet gasp, before smiling. “Well that’s a new one". Peter wraps his arms around your back. “Are you getting impatient, my love?”
You nodded quickly trying to please Peter. "Y-yes sir".
"In that case, I wouldn’t want to make you wait any longer for it, would I"? He comments, giving you a smirk as his hands move down your back towards the top of your thighs.
"P-please Peter, I need it".
He bites his lip, before smiling softly. “Oh I think I know exactly what you need, sweet girl". His hands continue to move further down towards your thighs. A soft smirk on my face, as my hands move ever so slowly to your inner thigh…
"Peter I swear to god if you don't fuck me in the next minute, I won't let you cum inside of me". You threatened him, wanting him to act quickly.
That last part caught him off guard, he wasn’t expecting that. Peter let out a chuckle, his hand gently trailing down your inner thigh slowly. “Now what makes you say that"? He asks, in a teasing tone.
"You aren't inside of me or using your mouth on me".
He smirks, leaning in to give you a soft kiss on the lips before whispering in your ear. “Well you sure aren’t making it easy for me, with the way you just talk to me". He says, in an almost seductive tone. “You sure you can talk so dirty to me? Because as it seems, I might just need to punish you for it…”
"I- no, please, I'm sorry sir. Please I just need you".
He speaks to your soft ear. “Oh so now you want it? Now that you’ve apologized? I wonder, where were those sweet, innocent words of yours earlier. That’s what happens when you try to disobey my orders, baby". Peter whispers, before pressing his lips against your neck and moving his tongue along your skin.
The sensation was enough to make you moan out loud for him. "F-fuck peter".
Your small moan of pleasure was the only thing he needed to hear, knowing that it was time. Peter pulls you closer to himself, your bodies pressing up against each other as he feels the heat rising from your body. Peter gives you a soft squeeze before moving his hands up to your chin, gently resting them on each side of your face as he smiles down at you.
"I promise to be a good girl but p-pleaae don't punish me".
He nodded at your words, giving you one final kiss for good measure. “Perfect". He whispers in your ear, before you even know it Peter had already moved off his pants and boxers, he pushed aside your panties and moved aside your slick folds to put his cock inside of you. He takes a deep breath in, before letting time slow down just for a moment. Peter reaches in for one last tender moment with you before looking into your eyes.
“I love you, with my entire soul. You mean everything to me". Peter whispers to you. “I won’t ever leave you, alright"? He whispers in your ear, leaning in to kiss you once more.
The only thing you can think of right now is Peter moving inside of you. He wasn't even moving faster but yet it was perfect. The stretch was worth it, if you could you would have Peter inside of you 24/7. His touch was addicting. "I love you Peter, god, you're making me feel good".
"That's what I do best, sweetheart". He whispers, before kissing your neck. A soft smirk fills his face as his own voice leaves his mouth. “Just remember, it’s only going to get better".
The more Peter spoke to you the more your arousal dripped down onto the bed leaving a wet spot. You arch your back so that Peter could take off your bra and the pleasure was overwhelming. "F-faster".
Peter let out a soft chuckle, as he kissed the side of your neck. “Is that another command from my obedient little lover"? He asks, with a small smirk on my face.
His movements were even slower which caused you to groan out loud. "I'm sorry". The room was filled with your whimpers.
Peter smiles, a more mischievous expression taking over his own face as he continues. “Oh you need a little discipline then"?
Peter wanted to record your whines and play them later off for a release when you couldn't help him out. But hearing them now, together, he couldn't ask for something even better.
"Peter please, I want to cum".
He couldn’t help but giggle, before speaking in a soft but teasing tone. “Oh? Is that what you want? How cute". He smirked as he stopped his movements.
"Yes please". You had never begged so much as you had done right now. The embarrassment was the last thing on your mind. You didn't give one shit. You wanted, no, you needed to reach your orgasm.
“Well in that case, why don’t you ask nicely"? Peter asked in a soft, seductive tone.
"Please sir, please let me cum please".
He smirks. “You really can’t hold back, can you”? Peter chuckled, watching your begging from a soft, knowing grin.
"Please I can't handle it".
“Oh can’t you? Do you really want me to make you cum sweetheart? God, you're such a slut. Never met someone who was such a whore like you. Getting cockdrunk easily. I've barely moved and you're already falling apart".
"I'm your slut, you know that". There's a tone of annoyance and despair in your voice. It was making you wanna take charge instead.
“Oh dear, are you already getting impatient”? Peter rested his hands on your waist. “You were the one who wanted me to tease you, but it appears you can’t take much teasing. So I should let you release yourself from it then hm"?
"Please Peter I'm begging you, please make me cum, it's been two weeks since you last made me cum, please Peter".
His smirk grew as he heard you beg, your voice filling him with a sense of pride and confidence. “You really can’t handle anything, can you"? Peter says in a teasing tone.
"Can you blame me? I was alone without you for two weeks Peter". Your voice was breaking of how badly you wanted to cry. Your clit was getting puffy and it was bothering you. The feeling of Peter's cock inside of you was overwhelming
He sighs, his smirk filling the room. “I suppose I can’t blame you. In that case, I should really make up for those two weeks, shouldn’t I? Make my good fuck toy feel good, isn't that right"? To not move, not even a single muscle. He made a sound every now and then, your tightness was making it harder for him to not cum inside of you.
"Y-yes please sir".
Your pleading could convince anyone to do anything, as you continue to grow more desperate for his touch. He leans in and whispers in your ear. “As you wish, sweet girl. But you better be ready once I start, as there’ll be no stopping me now". A wink soon filled his face, as he began to move his hips once more.
You couldn't believe how hot you were getting by Peter's words.
“I’ll be honest hun, you looked extra beautiful tonight in that lingerie that you had on earlier. I loved my present".
You bit your lip to conceal the moan that was gonna escape easily out of your throat. "Mhm only for you baby. Fuck you feel so good inside of me. Sir give me another baby please, fill me up with your cum".
A soft smirk spreads on Peter's face as he hears your words. “Only for me, huh? Well it’s not a surprise we make a hell of a couple. Want me to fuck another baby into you? Want everyone to see that you're mine”? The last part wasn't even a question, it was more of a statement. Hell, you were married and sometimes that ring wasn't enough to get the ladies off of your husband.
Your hips move upwards to gain a bit of friction from Peter just to receive nothing but the air. He pulls out of you.
He takes a moment to see your response to his tease. Peter leans down your neck, his hot breath fanning over your skin. He holds back though, not wanting to give you his full touch
He chuckles, as he hears your pathetic whimpers and pleads. He can see the desperation in your eyes. “Don’t blame me when this is all we end up doing tonight, sweet girl. You keep begging like that and I don’t think I’ll be able to stop…”
"Then don't sir, let go for me" and that's when he lets out a groan at the tone of your voice. It was filthy and dirty of you. But Peter loved it so much that he smiles hearing your sedating words. This is what he was waiting for, as you finally let go of your restraint. With your permission, Peter knew nothing would stop this now. He moves further up now, resting his head against your chest as he moves my hands further up to your breasts…
You could taste the copper on your tongue after biting your lip in anticipation of what Peter was gonna do to you.
He gives you a soft kiss on your neck and collar bone.
"Please just do anything", you shudder as his wet but warm lips were on your skin. It made a chill run down your spine.
Peter gives you one final smile, as the moment he had been waiting for finally arrived. He leans in once again to tease you, but before he even begins, he whispers "Are you sure"?
"Peter! Yes, you have my permission so stop asking", you grew irritated by the second, wanting to take matters into your own hand.
You unconsciously spread your legs wider for Peter. He gives you a playful wink, “Ready"? You suddenly go silent as he slowly moves closer to you once more, a soft smirk filling his face. Peter leans in slowly, taking his time as he moves up your body, “Did you really think it would be that easy to make me start”?
"Peter Benjamin Parker I swear to God if you don't put your dick inside of me and fuck another baby into me, I'll take Mayday and divorce your ass".
His eyes fill with a knowing smirk as he hears your words. A soft sigh escapes his mouth, as he looks into your eyes. “Now would you say that to me in front of our daughter? What would she say if she heard you saying those words? Would she approve”? Peter asks in a teasing tone.
"She's only two, she doesn't understand babe".
“Oh she’ll understand one of these days. Just think about it, when she's older, she could be in her room. And she hears her so innocent mom whining for my cock” he says with a chuckle. “And when that happens, what will she think of her good mom?” Peter goes in even closer, his soft voice barely even breathing over your ear. Does he even care how close he is to you? Or does he just want to tease you as much as he can?
"Sir stop fucking teasing me or I won't let you cum tonight".
Peter fucking chuckles at you, at least your resolve to get the reward has not wavered. “Oh you haven’t given up yet then?” His lips are almost touching yours. “I guess we still have a little bit of a way to go, if you’re still wanting this as much as you did before, don’t you?
You couldn't handle the teasing anymore. So you somehow managed to flip yourself so you could straddle Peter. "If you won't fuck me, then I'll just take what's mine".
All the work Peter had done before to get to this point had been erased, as you managed to get on top of him. A small grin fills his face, as he finally sees the payoff here. “I can’t complain, now can I”? His hands now grab a hold of your hips.
"Mhm nope", you say as you grab ahold of his dick and sit on him. Once he bottomed out inside of you, you moaned at the stretch. Peter was thick and sometimes you wondered how he made it fit, but he would always say "Don't stress that pretty little head of yours, I'll make it fit baby", and he always did.
Maybe after all, all of his teasing did help in the end. The sound you made when his tip hit that one spot that made you fall apart was pornigraphic. But the embarrassment of it was the last thing on your mind. As a matter of fact, you didn't even think. It was just you and Peter.
Of course your pleasure was amazing but for Peter it was overwhelming. It took so much of his willpower to not cum the moment he felt the warmth of your pussy wrapped tightly around him. That sound you made was nothing like he had ever heard before in the time he's been with you.
It gave him a wave of satisfaction over him, as your voice told him everything he needed to know. It was as though everything had been leading up to this moment, as his heart began to pound in his chest and Peter felt a rush of excitement. But he still wasn't done with his teasing just yet.
A soft sigh escapes Peter's mouth as you start to take over. “Took you long enough, eh" he says in a teasing tone, just to get a rise out of you.
"Fucking shut it Parker, or I'm not gonna sit on your face after I'm done ridding your dick".
“Oh baby, you look so cute trying to take charge here", he let out a chuckle, as he looked up at your face. “That's your way of asking me to shut up"? Peter smirks, before giving you a wink.
You pulled him out of the one place he considered heaven and you groaned at the emptiness inside of you. But you would not stand his back talking anymore, you moved to hover over his face. "Since you wanna use that mouth so badly you might as well make it of proper use".
But with his stupid strength he stopped you before you could sit on his face. “Is this your way of punishing me now?” he asked, continuing to tease you.
Peter continued to speak, as your attempts to stop him were only making it more fun to talk. “So would you say that was a good idea"? The smirk still stuck on his face. He lets out another chuckle, as your attempt to silence him only made him laugh more. A soft smirk crosses his face, as your actions had the opposite effect on him. No, he wasn’t going to shut up.
"Peter I-".
He gave out a small laugh. “Sorry, I can’t hear you", he says, with a small chuckle coming out of his mouth. "Care to repeat that baby”?
You lower yourself onto his chest as you stare into pretty stupid brown eyes. "Fuck me please...I'm tired of your teasing".
“Glad to finally hear that". Peter says, as he sits up a little bit. “We could’ve just done this earlier on, instead of me teasing you". You couldn't believe him. You had literally told him earlier that you wanted him to fuck a baby into you, but this was all apart of him plan.
"Please just do it now, I've been good sir. You always say good girls get rewarded".
Peter finally agrees to your request. “Fine then, I’ve had enough fun for one night. So what do you say? You really want to make your dreams come true"?
You nod rapidly, at any moment you know that you're gonna break. "Y-yes please".
All of Peter's teasing has been leading up to this moment after all, so it was time for him to finally give you what you’ve been waiting for. “I hope you know you still owe me one, once I’m done here", he smiles playfully.
"Yes yes whatever you say sir". You didn't care about anything especially when he was about to give you the one thing you desperately needed. You move lower to his lap just hovering over his cock.
Your tone shifted, as you became more serious. Peter could feel the warmth of your wet cunt radiate onto his cock, it made it twitch. He had no idea how he was able to not cum after an hour of teasing.
After the moan that escapes your throat, it makes you feel like a porn star. It was disgusting and sinful. God, how Peter missed the sounds you made for him. Only him. Your hips rotate slowly and steadily, grinding into Peter's
Savoring the feeling of his cock stretching you, filling you completely. You squeeze and relax your pussy around him. Peter's arms are wrapped around you, pulling you tight against him, skin against skin.
Peter moves his hands slowly down your waist, feeling your soft skin against his fingers, down to your hips. He holds your firm ass in his hands and purposefully begins to move his hips up and down into you, grinding more than anything else.
You lift yourself up a little, your big round tits right in front of Peter's face. He traces his tongue along the underside of your breasts and around your hard nipples, circling them, teasing them. He flicked his tongue across your nipples, then sucked them into his mouth.
You raise your hips and begin to pump up and down, slowly at first, deliberately, taking Peter deep into you. Then slowly let him slip out, almost all the way out, with the head of his cock right at your wet and dripping lips, you lower yourself on him again.
"P-Peter….. fu-fuck".
His hands move back up your waist and massage your tits as he sucks them again into his mouth leaving dark purple hickeys, for him to see. Your long silky soft hair drapes down and brushes against his face, caressing him with the softest touch.
"My slut, taking my cock like the good slut you are".
The two of you begin to thrust into each other harder and faster. The intensity is greater than what you had both imagined. Little by little Peter is pounding into you with a perfect rhythm, your hands running through his hair, pulling it.
Wrapping his arms around you, Peter rolls you over onto your back, still deep inside you. He grabs your ass with his hands and lifts your hips up off the bed as you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him into you.
Holding you, Peter thrusts into you -- full, deep, long thrusts, slapping against you each time. Your lips are wrapped tightly around him, as if pulling his cock into you. Thrusting, he watches as your tits bounce back and forth.
The bed sheets wet with your juices leaking down onto it, his cock disappears into you then re-emerges, pounding you. You on the other hand, you play with your tits, tweaking your nipples.
You both roll around on the bed, and continue to fuck each other senseless, alternating who's on top -- sometimes slowly, often hard and fast, always completely in tune with each other. Holding, caressing, kissing..., you fuck and suck each other for almost two hours.
Peter holds back, denying himself his own orgasm. His priority is to make you cum as many times as he can until you beg him to stop.
"I'm g-gonna-". Peter was so lost into his pleasure that he couldn't make out the words.
"In me, cum in me". You weren't lying when you told him that you wanted him to put another baby into you. There was no barrier for either of you. This was the moment to do it.
Finally, after pulling four orgasms from you, he can no longer hold back and unleash a powerful orgasm into you. You are sure he had never came this much before.
His hot cum hitting the depths of yourpussy, filling you and dripping out around his cock. He collapses on top of you, completely spent and satisfied, never happier than he is now.
You hold each other, catching your breath, kissing and fondling one another. Your body glows from the moonlight that peaks through the window of your bedroom and the beads of sweat -- Peter doesn't know if you have ever looked more beautiful, but he knows that your beauty is the woman inside, the woman that has his heart safely tucked away, as much as the sheer beauty of your body and eyes.
You know how much he loves you and he knows how much you love him. Your sex alone is great, but making love is the greatest pleasure of all for the two of you.
You lie together on the bed in each other's arms. Not long after you fall asleep in Peter's arms. He gets up to clean himself and you as well while you sleep. He tucks you in properly after.
Peter climbs in with you, and holds you until he falls asleep, happy and content, hoping and praying for another day to spend with you, and thanking God for another day he had been able to spend with you.
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sinning-23 · 1 year
My Latest crush is an alien car from space Pt.3
Yall is eating this UPPP (rise of the mirage simps lmao) and I appreciate that so so much! Thank you all for the 300+ followers that's insane! Also, the taglist got bigger too! I got yall don't even worry about it lol. Anywho, there's a fuck ton of tension in this one and in the final part, I think yall know what's going diz-ownnnnn (alexa play pony by genuine) Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist!
(Heres the link to pt.2 luv)
(Heres the FINALE)
Without further ado, ENJOY! (this one is a little short but pt.4 will be kinda lengthy)
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Gimmie one margarita imma…
He was far taller than Mirage, robotic features more stressed-looking than anything. And before either you Noah or Mirage could protest, he pick you up by your shirt, your hands reaching to flatten your skirt. There was about a 99% chance you’d just flashed both Noah and Mirage. 
The larger bot who you assumed was named Prime scans you, and soon his voice sends shivers down your spine. 
“Who are you?” 
The question is simple really but knowing you and the fact that he just picked you up with no kind of manners makes you slightly more irritable in your answer. Maybe you were a little butt hurt Mirage didn’t volunteer this information about there being other to you but know him he’d probably just say ‘You never asked!’ With that stupid, pretty, dumb, adorable look on his faceplates.
“I’m not answering anything because you just picked me up and expected me to give you answers. That’s rude first of all. Mirage, come get him-” You huff, seeing the larger bot raise a brow in response and look at the silver and blue-clad Autobot.
Mirage only chuckles nervously, removing you from Prime’s grasp, and putting his hands up in defense. You’d been only a tinnny bit aggressive when you’d met a couple days ago so why he expected you to be all peaches and cream with Optimus somewhat interrogating you, he had no idea. 
“Listen, had another tiny setback. I promise this one isn’t always so…fussy. She’s cool. Cross my spark.” He explains nervously, seeing Prime's optics narrow. This mf just called you fussy? Like a damn infant??? 
You go to speak out, but the depth sounding in Prime’s vocalizer makes you freeze. 
“You seem to have no concept of that undercover means. How you’ve landed in this predicament twice still baffles me��� Prime sighs, looking back down at you. 
You’d managed to take refuge behind Mirage, still embarrassed by the fact that you were almost 100% sure he got a glimpse of your panties. Despite the garage being empty yesterday, it obviously had some other tenants who hadn’t a clue in the world you existed until now. This was way outta your league. Robots and 3 more of them at that, were far too overwhelming and you’d be damned if you wound up in the middle of some cyber bullshit.
Sure you liked Mirage, his personality and kind of play boyish looks made you swoon MAYBE a little bit….but from the looks of it, there were already girls like that back where he lived, hell one of them was just standing behind Prime while he chewed out Mirage…..AND WHY WAS SHE KINDA CAKED UP? That was beside the point though, they already had one human (Noah), and Prime wasn't looking for any extras (you) from what it looked like. 
Taking your chance to escape, you grab your purse and slide out of the garage quietly. The others were going from somewhat scolding Mirage to discussing a plan for something you didn’t quite care about at the moment. The best option was to disengage and maybe things could go back to normal! You could pack up for your apartment. Go back to work, maybe you’d do something with mechanics after this instead of nursing all day? You pop your AirPods in and press shuffle. 
It was getting late but there was just enough sun to find you a spot to wait for an Uber home. You’d talk with Mirage later, it looked like he had other priorities. Speaking of which, what was that whole interaction??? You shake the thought away, that moan replaying in your mind. This was so wrong.
Your heart beats faster at the thought of how he seemed to melt under you, his servos hovering over your hips, wanting to touch but being so unsure. The way his otic seemed to be hazy and the way his fan picked up in speed. You run your hands down your face and sigh, definitely feeling like a drink would be the best option….speaking of which, you never did get your night out.
It didn’t take long before Mirage realized you weren’t behind him. You’d obviously hightailed it during Optimus’s scolding and slipped past him like a thief in the night. Part of him knows you’re capable of handling yourself but the other half knows it’s not safe, especially now that you both have been formally introduced. And with what Arcee had reported, Brooklyn wasn’t getting any safer.
Apparently, a few more terrorcons had made their way back and we’re trying to do a bit of avenging considering Optimus ended Scourge rather brutally. In all, Mirage wasn’t one for the violence but when it came to helping his friends and the ones he loved, he’d set that aside for the best. 
Anyway, he didn't want you going anywhere without him, a sense of more or less responsibility for you washing over him. It was more of a protective feeling than anything, wanting to be the one to save you and keep you safe no matter what. The thought of you thanking him as your hero makes him weak. You knew what you were doing, touching him like that. He still couldn't get over the fact that you claimed it was for science….bullshit. The feeling was quickly becoming addictive and the longer you spent together the more he wanted you…fat chance. 
Remixed renditions of Kesha songs blast through the clubs' speakers as you and your girls dance the night away. You each took about 3 shots to get your blood pumping and your closest friend was about to make it 4. Your body moves on its own, bass filling your chest as you catch any and all ass your friends decide to throw. You took pictures and posted them on your story and everything seemed good!...sorta. The last of your worries should be some cyber alien crush that isn't even here right now…you can't help but let your mind drift.
A wave of…what was that guilt? Washes over you as you take a break from the dance circle, alerting your girls that you be ‘going to the bathroom’ a lie of course. Maybe this wasn't a good idea? Part of you felt kinda committed to Mirage. Before you could make it down the hall past all the commotion, a pair of hands are warm against your hips. Whoever it is… they're tall. The faint smell of motor oil fills your senses and you whip around to see a pretty good-looking stranger with eyes blue as the damn sky smirking at you. 
“Where you going, mamas?” He questions, moving his hips side to side playfully with the rhythm of the music.
You can't help but giggle. Something about him was so.. comfortable and fun and familiar, and so so so damn charming! He's smiling right back at you freckles somewhat adorning his face as his curly black hair falls over his eyes. He looks mixed, more so Hispanic or Latino and black. Blue eyes were odd though, but it didn't matter because, at the end of the day, this man looked like he'd won the genetic lottery.
Soon enough, you're back on the floor the cheers of your homegirls reaching your ears and you shake your head. This was just some spontaneous dude that just HAPPENED to catch you before you made it to the bathroom, not like you really needed to go anyway. He sways you, pulling a few cheesy dance moves here and there but it is enough to make you giggle. The previous song soon is chopped and screwed and transitioned to what sounded like a reverbed version of ‘Streets’.
Either way, the air had changed while people, couples or otherwise began finding space on the floor to dance up on one another. He didn't say much, spinning you slowly just before pulling your body to his gently. You may talk a lot of game, but you'd never danced with someone like this, let alone be so close. The feeling of his front pressed to your back makes you weak, the feeling sinking lower and lower as he holds each of your hips.
“Cálmate mama’s. You know I got you right?” He hums, your body relaxing a bit as you find the rhythm again, rolling your body with his to test the waters
That voice was so familiar….you ignore it, thinking it must the alcohol. There was no way he could…could he?
You didn't care, letting your head roll back and rest against his shoulder, your bodies synching with each other, his touch never feeling forced or aggressive. It's soft, kind, and almost loving...like he just wants to be able to feel your warmth, know the way you move. You work up the courage to speak, voice small, almost nervous. 
“I didn't catch your name stranger.”You state, hoping his response would answer your question.
If this was really him, then there was no reason to feel bad about how up close and personal this was getting. 
“You know my name, pretty girl. Kinda rude of you to walk out on me don't you think? You're lucky Noah was able to see where you were at based on your story.” He reveals, making you smile. 
So it was him but how? Some kind of alien car tech you didn't know about? You didn't care, he was here and you were ACTUALLY holding him somehow. 
“I'm sorry, looked like that meeting was important.” You explain, pressing against him more now, his grip tightening when you did, a hiss escaping his lips. 
“It was but when I noticed you’d left I panicked a little. Noah told me where to find you and I knew I couldn't just waltz in. I'm parked outback, this is just a holoform.” He explains, flashing that stupid smile. 
“So that's what this is, you look good 'Rag. Not the first time you've done this I'm assuming. You're far too good of a dancer.” You joke hearing gasp in faux hurt. 
“Wowww it's like that lil mama? You're breakin' my spark.” He chuckles, pressing into you, making a gasp escape your throat.
You felt it…holy shit it was right against you, the miniskirt not helping at ALL, in fact, any more friction and he'd be right against your panties. The grip on your hips is only making you hot and his voice so close to your ear isn't helping. He smirks against the skin of your neck and takes the risk of kissing there. Another gasp, only this time it was more or less a whine. 
“I'm not doing anything else until you tell me I got the green light. We both know this tension can only build for so long ‘til one of us breaks and I'm for damn sure about to fall apart if I can't taste you soon.” He admits, his voice trembling slightly when he speaks.
He was right though. The last 2 days had been filled with nothing but flirting, touching, and teasing and before you were so rudely interrupted in the garage earlier you were sure you were closer and closer to giving head. The music is still playing and most of your girls had given the two of you space to ‘dance’ a couple texting you to let you know where they were in case you needed them. It was definitely time to leave because any longer in this dark little corner of the club and you'd be trying to peel your clothes off. 
He can practically feel your begging to lose any sense of morals, a few drink making your brain only a little foggy. That’d ware off by time you made it back home if you played your cards right. Turning to face him you cant help but let your eyes drift to his lips. 
“You gonna let me ride?” You hum, lips pressed to his neck.
Aweeee shit the perfect set up for pt.4 cause in the words of miss Megan thee stallion... we finna ride that dik like a stolen car HAHAAAA
No-so-mini-Taglist: @gniteruirui @veggiepizzababy @panty-h03 @justmare @merpmederp @rainbowpr1sm @mad-simp420 @insane-scientist
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janicekao · 1 month
No, Fuck You!
Pairing: Richie Jerimovich x Black oc (dark smut) Summary: Based off of season one of the series "The Bear." Carmen Berzatto, a culinary expert has to put his career on hold after his brother Michael's su1c1de being that Michael left the family's restaurant in Carmy's name. The restaurant is busted, in debt, and the staff is hardheaded. Carmy's "cousin" Richie is especially hardheaded. He's 45, doesn't like change in the restaurant, dabbles in illegal side hustles, thinks he's Italian, acts ghetto af, his attitude sucks, he's always cussing, and he is just a lot to deal with it. My addition to the story is an OC young lady who is hired at the restaurant to help with the finances and how badly her And Richie bump heads... until of course, they don't! Warnings: age gap, profanity, vi0lence, smut, fan fiction, public s3x,cr3am pi3, office siren aesthetic, submissive male, toxic, bwwm, fanfic, the bear, quickie, etc. 4038 words I also recommend viewing the story in Wattpad where I was able to use 20 photos in the story instead of tumblr's 10. Wattpad link:
Enjoy my babies <3 ------------------------------
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It's a chilly winter morning in Chicago, and instead of sleeping in snuggly in his warm bed, Richie Jerimovich pulls into his job smoking an early morning ciggie with his suspended license in the pocket of his jeans.
Having trouble sleeping at night pure usual, Richie decides to pop into his job at a restaurant called The Beef two hours early before opening... Before there is even daylight. Although he yawns, he'd rather work instead of staring up at his bedroom ceiling thinking about how his wife is divorcing him, his daughter is growing up without her dad, and how he hardly has enough money to make his own rent next week... Richie enters through the back door of the restaurant and takes off his favorite leather jacket as he places it in his locker.
He grabs his uniform, a white apron and his favorite Tshirt with "The Beef" plastered across the right corner of the fabric.
Staring into the tiny and incredibly dirty locker sized mirror, he takes his gold chain from the inside of his shirt and dangles it on the outside of it. He smooths down his uncombed hair and prickly beard as he begins to chuckle cockily at his reflection. "You suave motherfucker you."
As Richie closes the door of his locker, he nearly jumps out of his skin... Spooked suddenly by the new girl who quietly stands behind his locker.
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"Fucking hell!" He complains. "Lexie? Do I need to put a fucking bell on you or something? Don't ever sneak up on me! Make yourself known when you walk into a building!"
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"Or what?" She instigates. "You'll pop me with that stupid fucking gun you lug around the restaurant with?"
"Yeah, maybe!" He scoffs. "Maybe I fucking will! And before you start, don't give me shit about the fact that I carry heat on me! If you were smart, you'd care a little pussy-pink magnum in your purse... walking around Chicago like you're untouchable, are you fucking insane?"
Lexie rolls her eyes.
"All I'm saying is make yourself known when you walk in here." He continues. "You got me?"
Lexie widens her stance as if Richie who is nearly a foot taller than her couldn't bench press her weight if he felt like it. "No, fuck you! You are the one who should make yourself known... I've been here long before you have."
He becomes even more short-tempered... "Sweetie, I've been here before you were even born!"
"I am speaking of this morning!" Lexie continues. "I thought you were some hobo breaking in through the back... But, it seems that I wasn't too far off."
"Fuck you. Why are you even here?" Richie wouldn't be Richie without furthering an argument. "You can't count the receipts up during your shift?! O-Or complete the payroll from your own fucking house!?"
Lexie's fists tighten. "If it were up to me, your greasy ass wouldn't even be on the payroll."
Richie chuckles... a laugh that fills Lexie with rage. "Well good thing it isn't up to you!"
"Now sign my check and hand it here." He grabs at her arm full of paperwork.
"Not until Friday!" Gritting her teeth, Lexie snatches away with all of her might. "If you're so broke, try being more charming to the customers and maybe you could take home some nice tips at night!"
She continues. "—BUT! Welcoming a customer inside by calling him 'the man with the golden dick' will get you nothing! I mean, seriously Richie?!
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Richie had no idea Lexie pays so much attention to how he speaks to his regulars everyday... He feels that the people of Chicago love his charm and personality... Hell!— Arrogantly, he even believes that they come to The Beef just to see him!
Richie becomes offended. "Okay, first off— fuck you, and secondly— that's the best compliment a man could ever get!"
Lexie rolls her eyes once more before she turns to leave him.
—But, Richie just doesn't know how to quit. "Listen princess you're not here to teach us etiquette okay!? I seriously don't get why they hired you, Carmy's sister Sugar does all the paperwork here anyways!"
Lexie turns around, coming back to the argument as she reddens and continues to shout. "Because Sugar has a full time job and a husband, Richie! She can't spend all her time in this dump going through paperwork full of dust mites!"
"Fine, then why are you here at 4am?" Richie folds his arms, leaning against the lockers to stop Lexie from walking away. "I can't believe they gave you a fucking key."
"The feeling's mutual." Lexie nudges his forehead with her fingertips. "Giving you a key is as responsible as handing it to a bum on the metro. Now get out of my way!"
"You don't need to get nasty young lady." Richie's jaw clenches. He becomes terribly annoyed that the new girl can actually keep up with his banter— and the fact that she might just be better at it. "Take it back."
Lexie grins sarcastically. "Fuck you."
He flips her off. Using his fingertips under his chin, his favorite gesture when he's already said 'fuck you' enough.
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She rolls her eyes. "As if I don't see you do that a thousand times a day. Grow up Richie! You're such a fucking child."
Wanting to leave the locker room, Lexie can't help but become curious as well.
"My turn." She insists, placing her items in an opened locker. "Now, why are you here?"
Richie gulps... He rather not talk about the stress of his life with a girl he swears is the worst investment the restaurant has ever made...
He came to work to clear his head, not to express to some chick that he feels like a forty-five year old deadbeat with no purpose in life.
"I dunno— checking... supplies and shit." He lies.
"No..." Lexie doesn't buy it. "I am here checking supplies for a list of our expenses and doing some budgeting—"
"BUDGETING!?" Richie explodes on his last straw. "Okay fuck this, you twenty-something-year olds have already changed the budget ten times!!! How much more money do we need to save!? The restaurant has already cut out so many classic dishes from the menu and now you're gonna cut back more!?"
"Yes! And if you're so concerned about how much money we bring in, try selling more sandwiches instead of eating them all fucking day!" Lexie blinks her long lashes sarcastically, making Richie fume even more and lose all of his patience.
"Damn it! I've had it with you!" Standing over Lexie, Richie begins to threaten her with a strong finger point into her face. "I have tried to be a gentleman, but you've taken me up to here!" He hovers his hand high above his head, expressing that her attitude has got him through the fucking roof.
"First of all..." Richie continues as he immaturely picks at her looks. "—You look fucking ridiculous! Coming into The Beef looking like a fucking principal in a tight fucking pencil skirt! Put on a Tshirt, and get elbow deep in some fucking grease! That's what we need! Not some Mary Poppins-fucking-secretary!"
"It's called business casual." She chuckles. "And as if we need some forty-five year old washup who leaves cigarettes everywhere, and smokes a pack a day!"
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"You can't cook, you can't clean, and money comes up short every time you work the registers!"
"Fuck you, liar!" Becoming so unbelievably heated, strained veins of tension stands out of his neck each time he shouts. "I'd never mooch from this place! This place is my home, my family!"
"No?" She tilts her head in curiosity. "Well, what about you selling coke out of the back alley too! What would you call that!?"
"LABOR AND INVESTMENT." He shouts. "I'm making ends meet for this shit-hole because someone has to do it when the money gets fucking low! Tell me sweetheart, how the fuck do you think this place survived during Covid??? ME!"
Richie begins to insult her under his breath. "Maybe if your brains were half as big as your fat ass you'd understand better."
"EXCUSE ME!?" Lexie loses her calm.
For a moment there, she was able to keep up with Richie's attitude in a professional manner... However now, her fist down his throat would look pretty good to her.
Richie doesn't repeat himself...
"No! Fucking go ahead!" Lexie argues and begins to push against him, antagonizing a coming fight and nudging him for more. "You want to talk shit, then let's talk shit!"
"What are you doing? Now you wanna fucking fight me tough guy?" Richie rolls his eyes. "Listen, you're pressing your tits on me, you need to back off before we have a problem"
"YOU ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM!!" Lexie lets out her true feelings of hatred towards him. "Do you know how smoothly this restaurant could run without you constantly aggravating someone!? You stress Carmy out every fucking day! I don't understand why he doesn't just fucking fire you already!"
She continues. "Name one day Richie, ONE DAY that you haven't aggravated someone over their limits with your constant bullshit?"
He scoffs. "It's because you fucking Chicago-gentrifying-fucking-millennials are pussies!!! No backbone!! Upset over everything. You, Carmy, and Sydney!"
"For someone who isn't good at shit, you sure are good at pissing people off!" Lexie continues to bark. "For Christ sake! Sydney stabbed you the other day in your ass for being such a prick!"
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Embarrassed with his known behavior, Richie refuses to meet Lexie in her dagger like dark brown eyes.
"Syd said it was an accident..."His voice becomes meek like a baby.
"I wouldn't blame her if it wasn't!" Lexie shouts.
So used to being the one who annoys everyone else, Richie gets a taste of his own medicine as he continues to be annoyed by Lexie's presence. "Why the fuck were you even hired Lexie!? To keep up with the books and money because you're in Chicago's fucking community college taking up a finance class?"
He laughs. "We don't need you here! You're probably just fucking Carmy, aren't you!?"
The insult goes too far... Lexie winds her hand back and slaps Richie clean across the face.
His cheek heats red, yet he was raised to never lay a finger back on a woman. "Fine." He gulps. "I probably deserved that."
Her large brown eyes eat away at his heart as Richie notices the comment humiliated her into making tears form and glass over at the surface of her eyes.
"God damn right you deserved it." Lexie holds back her tears and ill intentions to cause Richie serious bodily harm.
Little does she know, in Richie's own sick and twisted way, he only brought it up because he's curious if she's already been snatched up by some other guy on the staff. Because if he had the chance, maybe he'd even be interested in her himself...
But he's sure no uppity bitch like Lexie would even look in his direction.
"This is what I mean." She scoffs. "You're disrespectful, and you're a piece of shit who just causes arguments."
Richie rolls his eyes. "And I always finish them too! So what the fuck do you want to do about it?"
The wrong thing to say to a woman who is suddenly about to lose herself. Lexie instantly shoves him against the locker... causing the metal material to ring and bang out loudly.
He gulps, fearing that the young cutie has been pushed far past her limits and that he's about to get his ass kicked.
"Okay, that was all you that time. I didn't say shit to you to deserve that!" Richie argues, attempting to strike fear in her heart. "But you listen... If you put your fucking hands on me again, I swear to god—"
"That you'll do what?!" Lexie entices.
Although comically smaller than the large man, she yanks him down to the wooden locker bench before them. "Sit down!"
He surrenders with his hands held high. "Okay baby chill, you're losing your shit right now, you need to take a chill—"
She grips his face as she stands over him. "DO YOU EVER JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!?"
A question that Richie knows not to answer...
Lexie finds herself staring at the pink puckered lips within her grasp and her thoughts become insane.
A glimmer in both of their eyes immediately changes the tension in the room into something far more worth the adrenaline.
Lexie slips out of the panties beneath her short pencil skirt...
"What— what are you doing?" Richie mumbles as his middle-aged heart beats harder than it ever has.
"Occupying your mouth to keep it from running so fucking much." Her panties slip down off of her heels and into Richie's lap as she tugs a brutal grip onto his short strands of hair... With her grip, Lexie forces Richie's head back and his mouth open as she places her cunt across his tongue.
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Shocked and confused, Richie puts in work anyway. His tongue glides through her folds that surprisingly have slicked during their entire morning spent arguing and he begins to devour her pussy... A cunt so fresh, fat, warm, and half of his age.
The baritoned groans of his voice heat her core like nothing she has ever felt before. Lexie instantly grabs hold onto Richie's shoulders before her weakening knees begin to fail her.
Her eyebrows furrow as she begins to sweetly complain. "Oh fuck Richie..."
Glad to see that Richie's mouth has a better use than just arguing, Lexies squeals lightly as her eyes roll backwards in pleasure. She continues to fuck his face and be teased sweetly by his prominent nose, prickly unshaven face, and wildly fat tongue.
Richie becomes painfully aroused within his jeans. He moans into her cunt as his strong fingers grip at her waist tightly, bringing her closer across his face so his tongue can explore the depths of her flesh even further.
Blessed, yet confused, he begins to pause during his every word from suckling and gently kissing on her tasty mound. "What—the fuck—" He continues. "Are we—doing?"
Lexie squeezes her eyes tightly shut, almost orgasming each time she notices his sky-blue eyes staring up at her.
She bites her lip. "Just don't stop."
Richie hums through her pussy. "Mmm, Okay baby, I won't not til you tell me too."
Hands beginning to reach up her hips to cup at her waist, Lexie's mouth hangs open ajar... infatuated with how his strong fingers nearly double over the tiny measurements of her waist. Richie's grip on her is so powerful, forcing her not to run from his probing tongue and the lewd suckling and squelching that sound sloppily between her thighs.
Her legs begin to shake... Richie feasts on her as if his job depends on it.
She drags her full bottom lip between her teeth, begging for mercy as her core tightens with butterflies. "Mmmm'oh my god!" She whines.
Looking towards the dusty clock in the kitchen that hasn't been cleaned in years, Lexie realizes how close it is to the beginning of everyone's shift... morning prep.
Although time is almost out, she refuses to finish without having Richie put in more work and hammer her with cock.
"Get up. She demands. "Fuck me."
Lexie watches as Richie stands and tears off his apron to get to his pants.
Inside his trousers, Richie reveals a handsome ten inch cock. Veins protruding and swollen hard as it stands erect towards his belly button, Lexie can't wait to have the peach toned dagger deep into her guts. She begins to grin, glad to have trusted her instincts about skinny, tall men, who aren't worth shit. Although maybe not material for a husband, always trust that they'll have a cock big and gorgeous enough that it makes it worth the price of dealing with the constant bullshit that comes along with it.
Lexie wraps her legs around Richie's waist as he unbuttons her top and kisses at her neck and the fullness of her breasts that bulge from out of the top of her bra.
He lifts her against the lockers with clear impatience as he reaches beneath her to direct his cockhead into her flesh.
She coos sweetly. The tip of his erection, bulbous and hot as it lubes itself through the lips of her cunt, sliding backwards until it meets her tight, however inviting opening. She hisses as Richie slowly bucks forward, sheathing himself into her body.
"Jesus, Lexie."He groans out. His member being choked perfectly by her tight pussy.
Richie's many inches continue to dig forward until his hips are flushed against hers. She winces in pain as she tucks her forehead into the crook of his neck.
Richie softly hushes her stress, kissing sweetly at the parts available on her pretty little face. "Just hold onto my neck, okay?"
Lexie agrees through a quickened nod. She wraps her arms around his neck, wincing as the strokes begin.
Richie pulls out half way and slowly returns back fully into her core for his first impale. The two synchronize in a lewd and guilty first moan.
Richie picks up his speed, hips beginning to snap against her spread opened thighs as her pussy sops sticky and wet for him.
Lexie weeps soft tears as she gets railed by someone that she loathes with her entire being.
As her breasts bounce and spill from out of her dress shirt, hair tangling from what was a perfect blowout this morning, she soon realizes that nothing could be more delicious than early morning hate sex.
Richie watches beneath them at how well the little minx can take his cock, her sweet begging and the banging of the old lockers up against them encouraging him to go stronger and make her take his cream.
He stares at her lips, trying his best not to kiss them being that he still is so confused on where they stand... not even fifteen minutes ago, he was a second away from getting his ass kicked by her, and now suddenly... he finds himself balls deep between her legs.
He gulps. "Tell me what you want."
"For you to shut the fuck up." Panting for air, Lexie's brain becomes mush and only wanting to think about their sex.
He chuckles softly, complimenting her under his breath. "You're so fucking beautiful..."
"Yes mama, I'll shut the fuck up." He obeys. "Now what else do you want?"
"Drill me." Her eyes become low and sinister like a siren, full of sinful desire and without any shame. "Fuck me harder."
He nods. "Whatever you want."
Lexie clenches tightly around his shaft as Richie suddenly picks up a dangerous speed, spasming and slapping into her cunt as if she needed to be disciplined.
Now fucked out of her heels, her toes curl within her stockings. She begins to push on his slim and toned stomach for space between them.
—but Richie won't allow it. "Move your fucking hands." He shoves them away.
Her cunt pulses around him. Brain circuit-shorting as she gets embarrassingly used like a cock sleeve by one of the most unrespectable men of this job.
Yet, she wouldn't have it any other way.
Her whimpers become strangled, lips wet with drool.
"Look at you." Richie teases as the corners of his mouth begin to quirk. "Talk so much shit all morning long, but get real quiet with a cock in you."
"Mmm." He continues, skin hot and flushed as he tries to talk himself away from cumming. "You like this shit baby?"
A sudden slow pace blows Lexie's mind as Richie's lower abdomen knocks into her sensitive pearl. The feeling sends her to the moon.
Her nails dig into Richie's forearms as her walls contract around him, pulling his cock deeper inside awaiting to drain him of all his cum.
Richie's jaw goes slack, hips locking in place as he lunges further into Lexie's pussy until their bodies are flushed together.
A choked groan exits the depths of his throat. "Oh my fucking—"
Lexie covers Richie'a mouth as she hears keys and morning conversation outside of the restaurant near the front entrance.
Richie's cock twitches as it sputters out with hot cum. Filling Lexie's cunt with his spend until it begins to web around him.
His pleads and moans are terribly loud as she uses a second hand over the first to silence him.
Lexie's eyes roll backwards as she bites her lip, enjoying the thrill of being stuffed with cum as he throbs and becomes limp inside of her.
"Richie..." she gulps, whispering tiredly. "You'll have to keep quiet."
Eyebrows furrowed as he becomes hooked on the sound of her soft and tired after-sex voice, he'll do whatever she asks him to.
He nods, obeying as a good boy does however nearly biting his tongue off to silence himself as she takes her hands away. "Fucking hell Lexie... Goddamn baby."
He finally calms from his explosive climax, helping Lexie to her feet as they quickly begin to redress.
Stunned, Richie can't help but to watch her (mostly in love) as she places the heels back onto her feet to continue about her day.
Still alone near the lockers, they hurry to prep themselves before the crew comes inside in a few seconds.
"Jesus!" Richie laughs in excitement. "That was the best fuck I've had in—in, well fuck! In my whole fucking life."
Lexie rolls her eyes as he becomes giddy like a schoolboy.
With romance on his mind, Richie nearly begins to plan a day for her to meet his mother, hell— a day for them to marry! "Listen, babygirl, there's this incredible Italian spot on West Avenue, let me take you out—"
"Richie, please. Just shut up." Lexie ignores him as she quickly rebuttons her top and grabs her belongings from the locker.
He frowns, suddenly becoming furious.
"Alright wait a minute!" Richie refuses. "I just gave you a raw fuck in the back of the locker room and now I'm getting the cold shoulder? Are you my girl or what?"
Lexie scoffs.
"Fucking old guys..."She sighs in a quiet whisper, speaking mostly to herself. "Give em pussy once and they get all clingy."
Their arguing comes back at full speed. "It's not old guys you little fucking slut! It's called class, and respect! I wanted to take you out. Lexie, what the fuck do you even want with me?"
"Exactly what we had." She shrugs.
"What?" He lashes back. "I piss you off and then you go all horny she-devil on me and fuck my brains out?"
Lexie freezes in thought. "...yes"
Richie can't believe what he's hearing.
He scoffs, beginning to laugh in disbelief. "You're bugging. You're fucking insane, you know that?"
Lexie sighs as she continues to hurry from what they just committed. "I like things to be simple, okay? Did you enjoy it or not?"
Richie rolls his eyes. Pissed as if he's been used like a two cent whore. "Of course I did, fuck you Lexie.Don't ask me no stupid shit like that, you know I did."
Out of breath as the door chimes begin to ring up front, Lexie smiles softly. "Good! So you just be Richie, I'll be Lexie, and maybe we'll do it again sometime."
"Understand?" She questions, setting boundaries with Richie who is clearly a romantic.
He pauses.
Lexie sighs. "Do I need to ask again?"
"No." He pouts, spoiled from a taste of good pussy.
"Good." Lexie nods and grins tightly as if they just shook hands over a business deal before she begins to walk away.
"Hey." Richie grabs her. "Wait. —Kiss me."
"I'm not going to kiss you." Lexie tugs at his grasp, yet she isn't able to get out of it.
He bears over her... forcing her eyes upon him as he demands for what he wants. "Damn it Lexie, I'm not asking. Kiss me before I start making a fucking scene in here."
Lexie rolls her eyes, knowing that denying him of this isn't worth outing what they've done together.
"Fine." She gives in.
Placing his hands at her waist, Richie pulls her against him. His right hand reaches towards her face where he watches her closely... sweetly brushing her baby hairs out of his view. The hand softly cups the side of her face... wide enough to caress her jaw and neck as he forces her unto her toes to meet his lips.
Their lips finally meet... And the kiss is unbelievably tender... Quickly expanding into something more as their mouths open and tongues tangle.
Richie presses her tighter towards him, hand now trailing from her waist to a smack and grip onto her ass. The other hand leaves her cheek to his digits pulling tightly at her long black tresses.
Their eyes continue to stay closed as their moans heat each other's mouths. Tongue fucking each other with more heat than their actual sex...
Lexie finds herself breath taken and begging for more as Richie pulls away with an intoxicating sexy bite and pull to her bottom lip.
Her eyes soon flutter open.. She gulps, unsure to why it was the most romantic kiss that she has ever had.
Richie grins as he notices the stunning blush that begins to heat her face.
"Now..." Richie bites his lip as he continues to stare at her beauty, smoothing her hair and tucking it behind her ears. "Now you can go."
Unsure of the butterflies in her stomach, she stares into Richie's eyes and slowly nods.
Slightly mad at herself for feeling a growing crush, she can't believe that it is what she's thinking it is... Hell!— She'd even have to beat her own ass if she were to begin falling for Richie Jerimovich...
"I-I have to go now." Lexie gulps.
"Mhm." He nods. "Have an excellent day, sweetie."
She stumbles lightly over her feet, still high off of Richie's kiss and he quietly begins to chuckle.
He's got her right where he wants her. Although Lexie claims to not want anything serious, he's determined to convince her otherwise.
The crew finally begins to pour inside and Richie wishes everyone a good morning.
He loves his job... He loves his family here.
A team of hard working Chicago locals, just trying to make it through day by day. Real people working real jobs.
The Beef is Richie's home. And if things go right... One day, Lexie could be that too.
As Carmy readies himself for the day and prepares himself to run a business he never expected to own... He shouts, wanting a minute alone with his cousin Richie as they dap each other up while they greet.
"Aye good morning, talk to me for a sec Cousin..." Carmy begins. "Listen Richie, when you and Michael began hiring for the restaurant, you hired people who quickly became like family. You have a knack for this Richie, and I trust your judgement."
Carmy continues. "I wanted to ask you, what do you think about this new girl on the books? Yeah, she's saved us a lot of money and things are running smooth as shit... but is she one of us? Can she keep up with the crew?"
Richie shrugs.
Reaching into the pockets of his jeans, his fingers rustle the lace fabric of Lexie's thong that he kept as a souvenir from their early morning quickie before the break of dawn.
The thought of their morning together alone suddenly makes Richie's heart flutter and eats wildly at his soul...
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"Yeah." He gulps. "She's a fucking bitch... but yeah, she's one of us. She's part of the family."
"So fuck it... she stays?" Carmy asks.
Richie chuckles. "Yeah.. if we're lucky."
A delivery man pops inside the restaurant as they continue to chat and Carmy signs a form on the man's clipboard before the man leaves again.
"What was that for?" Richie yawns. "Ordered more napkin supply or some shit."
"Nope! All good on supplies." Carmy pats Richie on the back. "Just signing the invoice on the security cameras we had installed last week."
A chill suddenly falls down Richie's spine.
He looks up at the ceiling, noticing the new cameras installed in every corner of the restaurant. The entrance, the counter, the kitchen, and the fucking locker room.
Richie freezes in absolute horror. "Oh fuck."
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annonymouslyannoying · 8 months
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Elite Commander Poki redesign and Invader Training Headcanons. (Futher info under cut)
Elite Commander Poki was Almighty Tallest Miyuki's second in command and most trusted advisor- As such she continues to wear the Irken Elite Miyuki Branding even after her death.
Her reassigning following the Initiation of Red and Purple involved the training of worthy soldiers to become Invaders for the upcoming Operation Impending Doom.
Much like Irken Slave Drivers and other Irkens in commanding positions, she wears a suit that makes her appear taller than she really is.
She's a no nonsense drill sergeant type- but below the surface she still hasn't gotten over Miyuki's death and often sees her failing students as a disgrace to her awesome legacy.
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Contrary to what you might think, Irken defects are actually quite common.
The Control Brain's Irken Bioengineering Program contains an intentional margin of error- Allowing new or odd genetic properties to emerge and potentially be added into the base database for wide spread implementation.
The term "defect" however is reserved for specimens with genetic irregularities that are seen as problematic to the overall objective of the Empire.
But seeing as how defect Irkens are relatively common, it's no surprise that there were quite a few of them who were trained to be Invaders.
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These 4 are proper defects in the sense that their irregularities are not seen as particularly useful.
•Intense and obessive thought patterns, for lack of a better word, Irken neurodivergency. Brilliant in some respects, but moronic in others.
•Capable of parental love from both ends of the spectrum. Looks up to his leaders much like one would a distant parent, and shows intense affection for his minions.
(This is very odd as most Irkens just see their helpers as tools and affection is looked down upon.)
•Selective hearing and auditory processing problems.
•Capable of romantic love and friendship. He is hated for this and seen as "soft"
•In love with ZIM specifically. He has such terrible taste that it counts as a separate defect.
•On the heavier side. He is seen as ugly for this but it actually makes him much more resilient to physical damage and can go without his Pak for much longer than 10 minutes.
(This is me attempting to justify that time they forgot to draw his Pak for a whole episode lmao)
•Warped antennae. This distorts her senses and makes her very irritable to certain noises.
•A natural aversion to taking orders and a frequent questioner of the Empire's System.
•Covered in horrible red blemishes. She has an overactive immune system that manifests in extreme bodily reactions to minor stimuli.
(This is one of the worst defects to have when you drop out of the Invader Program and work in a literal garbage chute)
•Writes poetry
•Actually evil. Like. Even by Irken standards.
•Will set things on fire for seemingly no reason.
•Rarely ever speaks and when he does it's incredibly vulgar. The only Irken that says Fuck.
•Has no soul, wants or desires. He only lives for the mild fascination elicited from watching the life drain from a living thing's eyes.
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These 4 are seen to have more useful defects- Or in other words, they're "Gifted" Irkens. Okay not Gustavo but because he's tall he managed to not get lumped in with the last 4.
•Intense regenerative properties. In fact, she struggles to control it properly and will just randomly grow new limbs.
Her regeneration is so good that she is essentially impervious to damage so long as her Pak remains intact.
•Irregular blood viscosity. Needs to be regulated with a patch.
•Likes smooth Jazz
•Oversized antennae- He has insanely good sense of his surroundings and is tormented by having to accidentally hear everyone's horrible secrets he never wanted to know.
•Very frail
•Abnormally physically powerful. She could break the arms of every other trainee here.
•Sort of capable of friendship but only the kind shared between High School Prom Queens and their evil lackeys.
•Otherwise very competent and professional.
•I hate Gustavo
•He's really friendly and normal by human standards but an UTTER FREAK by Irken standards.
•Joined the Invader program because he wants something to fall back on when he becomes a freelance advertising consultant.
•Gustavo must die.
•Is tall enough that the bias of the system has prevented him from being killed. (Unfortunately)
Zim is responsible for the deaths of most of the people here- The only ones to survive his Operation Impending Doom screw up were Skoodge, Skutch, and Grinn.
(Grinn never became a real Invader, Skoodge is basically immortal, and even Zim knows not to mess with Skutch.)
I imagine that most of the Invaders assigned to Operation Impending Doom 2 were from the generation after Zim and were still in training during the first operation.
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Bonus content of Skutch setting fire to the wildlife
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thecouchshifter · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel NSFT HCs
He’s a service top and probably the biggest on checking boundaries and aftercare, like more than Charlie and Vaggie. His biggest priority is making sure whoever he’s with has a good and safe time. He’s got experience and he knows how to make anyone feel good. Also whenever someone calls him a manlet he will remind them that height doesn’t matter when you’ve got them on their knees anyway.
Charlie and Vaggie
Put them as a duo because who else are they boning? As a general note, they’re both switches and Charlie is the more experienced one of the two, though mostly with men. They’re generally pretty vanilla but have some light kinks and sometimes do some roleplay.
Vaggie loves a good strap, pulling Charlie’s hair, and biting when topping/domming and has a fucking insane praise kink when bottoming/subbing. Also likes the fact Charlie is taller than her in both (shadow of the colossus type shit or being absolutely towered over). Uses princess or doll to refer to Charlie while domming and generally uses ma’am or my queen while subbing.
Charlie is super soft and romantic when topping/domming and absolutely has to touch and kiss everywhere. When subbing/bottoming, she likes some soft under the bed restraints, maybe a blindfold every once in a while, and has a bit of a mommy kink. Either way she likes setting the scene with some candles and flower petals because she’s extra like that. Has a big praise kink too that goes both ways. Uses sweetheart and more recently little angel when domming to refer to Vaggie and when subbing pretty much exclusively uses mommy. Has one very pretty old school lingerie set that she will whip out when she really wants to impress Vaggie.
There’s no polite way to say it, she’s a fucking freak. Doesn’t matter how you do it she’s gonna do some crazy shit to you or ask you to do some crazy shit to her. Crazy on masochism and sadism in particular. 90% of the bad boys she plays with get scared after the first time and she quickly loses interest after that. Such is the way of Nifty.
Sir Pentious
He prefers romance to sex but if it helps him bond with a partner he’ll do it. Sadly, nobody has actually stayed with him past the first date before. He’s a hopeless romantic but hopes one day he’ll find someone who loves him for him. If he did bone, he’d be really awkward about it and not really know what he was doing but inconceivably keep falling upward and in the end do a really good job. After the fact he’d need a solid 20 minutes to recover while just laying there in shock before thanking his partner profusely.
Cherri Bomb
She has fucked a lot of ways and is generally open to trying anything. Has a few utterly bizarre kinks and fetishes. Not even particularly disturbing just very oddly specific. Like fleshlight between the legs while a replica dildo of her partner’s dick fucks her and their real dick fucks the fleshlight type strange.
Angel Dust
I mean sure he’s down for pretty much anything but slow, romantic, vanilla sex is his fucking kryptonite. He doesn’t get it in the studio or god forbid with Val, so when he does he’s surprised for a minute before he gets completely lost in his partner’s eyes. Don’t get me wrong he loves kinky shit, especially bondage, but getting back to basics is such a treat for him. Very into body worship for a similar reason. Boy just wants to feel loved. Has a set of lingerie for every occasion
“Ha! No.”
Vox likes to think of him as a massive sub tho.
He’s a switch that will absolutely commit to the bit if he’s doing any kind of roleplay or D/S stuff. This man is a grade A actor to the point where Lilith was worried on several occasions as to if he was possessed. He has had millennia to perfect his technique and you will find no soul in hell bar maybe Asmodeus who knows how to use all the tools at his disposal better than him. Has a bit of a ringmaster/circus fantasy and has referred to Lilith as his little acrobat multiple times. Lilith also gets a bit worried when Lucifer is horny because it usually means he hasn’t taken his depression meds. Calls Lilith goddess a lot too.
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Fire family redesigns, arcs 1-4! (I don't have the strength for after that)
design notes under cut!
Jake is just your typical ginger white guy. He is probably of Irish descent and has insane levels of rizz and strong genes that are still present generations later. He gives his pink bow to Tallstar to toe his hair and never takes it back
Firestar is just a more muscular version of his dad (not shown since this is just a bust shot). However, he is still smaller than most leaders. His lander rodes help him look bigger
Took the controversial decision not to make Scourge a devientart oc. Hope yall can forgive me 😔. He is a grown man. Since the outsider villages are pretty much just 1800s British people, he has the typical style of that period. However, the difference is his nacklace covered in the teeth of his victims (and one from an old dog he killed as a kid and lied saying it was a dragon). He also wears Frsdy Kruger-esque knife gloves
Princess is pretty much just gender swapped Firestar, has a rounder face. She doesn't have a good family life in this au, which is why she sent Cloudtail away. Fun fact: this also makes Cloudtail's full name Cloudtail Mcleod
Squirrelfight gets a lot of Firestar's looks! Her hair is curly thanks to Sandstorm's genes. Wears a necklace that represents the three
Leafpool didn't get the ginger gene, but she did get the good looks that charms everyone she is not supposed to date. She is not wearing her ceremonial clothes here. As a medincine person, she has tattoos, but they are under her clothes
Whitewing gets her papa's white hair but Brightheart's skin tone. Her hairband resembles Marigolds, which Brightheart used to grow outside her house in the old forest.
When designing Cloudtail, it is HAD to make him look handsome but also like a smug asshole. Hope I did well. Obvious fur collar resembling cloud. Got his eye scar from a stupid childhood accident and gave Firestar a heart attack.
You know what is funny? Making it to where SOMEHOW Squirrelfight manages to get the whole clan think the Three- all of which having Asian features - are the offspring of her Irish ass and Brambleclaw. Thunderclan is either stupid or, for once, good at minding their own business.
Hollyleaf got hit HARD by Windclan genes. A female version of Crowfeather. Got the freckles, tho. While staying in the tunnels, she chops her hair off and loses a ton of weight.
Jayfeather also got hit hard by the Windclan genes but also got some stuff from Crowfeather's mom. He wears the obvious Jay feather (given as a gift from Sandstorm when he was little) as well as a fake Briar flower (made of paper on a rainy day while she was keeping him company). Has tattoos because he is a medical person.
Lionblaze just barely got any Windclan genes, mostly getting left over traits from Sandstorm. Originally, I had him being more Thor-like, but I decided to lean away from that. He is taller and buffer than most of his family but can not grow facial hair well. He hates it. (Update: he is a spitting image of Deadfoot now, just blonde)
Tried to give Dovewing a rounder, fuller face than everyone else to show her being a bit heavier built. Don't know if it shows, tho. Gave her cool Grey's and dove colors and a feathered shall- made from the hide of the first monster she killed solo- a griffin. Her ribbon was given to her by Tigerheart, and she thinks she is being subtle about it.
As a Sapphic ace, I decided Ivypool deserves butch rights. Her face scars were caused by training in the dark forest. For a while, she had a black star tattoo marking her as a trainee, but she burned it off herself (Jayfeather got very angry she would, so such a stupid thing)
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raccoonbatz · 1 year
What happens in Paris // Tao Xu x F!Reader [ PART 1 ]
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A/N: Welcome to my first non- oneshot! I just finished heartstopper season 2 and my unhealthy obsession with Tao came back and I became inspired by writing for this man, so much that I decides to make a multiple parts story this time! :) Keep in mind that english isn't my first language so sorry if some things are written wrong.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Summary: Your typical enemies to lovers w/ kinda slowburn story!
Important: Elle and Tao are just best friends in this story. As much as I ship these two I just had to write this with y/n :) oh and it takes place in season 2, after the exams.
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Soo, you're excited for Paris?" Nick asked while softly bumping your shoulder as you walk towards the party.
"Yea! Very excited to be with my best friends in a country I've never been to." You said excited.
"Reminder, I am not your best friend." Someone said behind you. You turned your head and met with Tao's eyes.
"I didn't actually include you." You said and he scoffed. You rolled your eyes and turned back to Nick who chuckled a bit.
"I don't really get why you guys don't just get along-" Charlie said.
"Because she is annoying-" Tao said but you quickly interrupted him.
"Says the one who always has to intervene." You said.
"I don't do that-" He said.
"You literaly just did-" You said confused.
"Yea, you kinda do-" Elle added and he scoffed.
"Now she's turning you too?" He said playfully to Elle and she chuckled.
"Not turning, just stating facts." She says and you chuckled. Tao playfully rolled his eyes
You guys arrived at the woods party, where everyone was already dancing, drinking and partying. Elle waved to some of her new friends and walked towards them. Isaac was getting a drink with James and Nick and Charlie were heading somewhere deeper in the woods together which left u with Darcy, Tara and Tao.
"Let's get something to drink" Darcy said and u nodded.
"I swear Darcy if u get too drunk again-" Tara said and u chuckled.
"What are you talking about-" Darcy said and Tao snickered.
"That's what we're talking about, you don't even remember." Tao said
"Yea I mean, we love to babysit you the whole night don't get us wrong but-" You said but Tao interupted you
"Did you just agree with me?" He said with a smirk on his face.
"Tao, I swear if u don't get that stupid smirk off your face-" You said trying to intimidate him which was quite hard since he was alot taller than you.
"Then what?" He said, still smirking. Darcy and Tara looked at each other and sneaky blended with the crowd to get away.
"Then you'll-" You said but took a quick look around to see that you guys were abandoned. Tao looked around and realized the same.
"Those fuckers-" You said and Tao chuckled.
"They don't wanna be seen with you either." He said and you rolled your eyes.
"Then what are you still doing here hmm?" You said and crossed your arms.
"That is-" He says and paused for a bit. "A really good question" He added and thought for a bit.
"Goodbye!" He says and started to walk away. You sighed and turned around, walking in the direction you thought Darcy and Tara went in.
You walked towards the place where you could get a drink and grabbed a red cup and poured something to drink in it. U took a sip and quickly realized it wasn’t just soda.
“Ah, there you are!” You heard behind you and turned around.
“Ah, hey Tara!” You smiled but your smile quickly faded away remembering that they left you.
“Why in gods name did u guys leave me with that asshole?” You asked and they chuckled
“We know you like him-“ Darcy said and u spit out your sip that you were taking
“You guys are batshit crazy-“ You said and chuckled.
“Everyone knows” Tara added and u laughed
“The fact that u guys can’t feel the tension is insane!” Darcy said and you rolled your eyes.
“I don’t know which tension you’re talking about. The only tension I feel when talking to him is an angry one.” You said and took a big sip of your cup.
Darcy and Tara gave each-other a look while you looked at them confused.
“Is there something I don’t know?” You asked and they snickered.
“No- no no nothing to worry about-“ Tara said and u sighed.
“Nevermind then- Where is everyone?” You asked
“We have no clue-“ Darcy said.
The party went on for a bit. Charlie and Nick went home early because Nick wasn’t feeling well. Darcy and Tara also already left and Elle and Isaac were nowhere to be found. When you grabbed your headphones to listen so some music for the long walk home, u felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Ur still here?” Tao asked confused.
“Yea, I was about to walk home.” You said and wanted to turn around, but Tao stopped you again.
“You’re walking alone? Now?” He said and looked genuinely confused.
“Uh, yeah? Do you see anybody else with me right now?” You said and chuckled. Tao stood still for a second.
Then he hesitated for a second to say something.
“Spit it out dude.” You said.
“I know we don’t get along, but I also don’t want you to walk alone to your house.” He said and looked.. concerned?
“Uh-“ You were taken a bit back. He never said something nice to you.
“You want to walk me home?” You said confused.
“No- I don’t want to-“ He says and pauses for a bit. “But I would probably get killed by the rest if they knew I let you walk alone.” He added and chuckled a bit.
“Fair.” You said and softly smiled.
“Fine, we can walk together but-“ You said and paused
“But what?” He asked
“I want to listen to my music tho.” You said as you placed your headphones on your head.
“Perfect for me!” He says and takes out his earbuds and places them into his ears.
As you guys were walking home you caught yourself looking at Tao sometimes.
You never really noticed how cute he is.
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anonymouszephyrus · 6 months
what up you said you had art block and wanted asks so
what are your opinions of the heights of the team?? Cause I've been pulling reference images, I've been trying my hardest to figure it out, and so far all I know for SURE is that shiro hunk and coran are taller than lance, who is taller than allura and keith. I'm getting VERY CONFLICTED about the details- sometimes shiro is taller than hunk, sometimes coran is taller than hunk, sometimes shiro is taller than coran, sometimes hunk is taller than shiro, I'm going insane.
Personally I'm leaning towards making Hunk tallest because I simply think he deserves it. And I know that they roughly resemble their lions, and that the black lion is biggest so theoretically shiro might be biggest, but keith takes over the black lion and he's tiny so I think Hunk deserves to be tallest.
Oh my god, great question! THANK YOU :D
In my opinion, I'd agree with you and say: Hunk's the tallest. Shiro's probably an inch or two shorter than Hunk because Hunk still had time to grow, the paladins were all around 18 and 17 when they got into space and obviously, Keith got a growth spurt (even if it was the Galra genes). I would've loved the idea of the paladins resembling their lions but I also agree with you on that fact too. Whilst Shiro was the tallest when they first started, I think Hunk passed him after a year or so by like an inch. The order for me would be (and I'm including everyone in the main team here): - Hunk, Shiro, Coran, Lance, Allura, Keith, Pidge. (Before Keith went with BoM) - Hunk, Shiro, Coran, Keith, Lance, Allura, Pidge. (After Keith joined back) Hunk and Shiro have already been explained, but I just want to justify Klance's heights. Lance, we know is taller than Keith (at the start) by around one or two inches, but after the BoM change, Keith grew to be a bit more of Lance's height. I'd say now, they're around the same height. Allura, I was so conflicted on, because in the show, she bends down to hug BoM Keith but goes on her tip-toes for Lance even though they are like.. almost the same height. Voltron is weird with perspectives, but I can honestly think that if Keith matched Lance now, Allura would have to be shorter too (by a few inches, again). And Pidge is just the shortest.
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The Under-Ground (18+ ONLY)
Chapter Five - Hot Chocolate
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Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 |
Modern!Barista!Eddie AU - "I go back to December all the time" - Back to December by Taylor Swift
Enemies to Lovers, Modern!Barista!Eddie AU, Eddie x Fem Reader
8K Words
Warnings - Eddie is an asshole, eventual smut, mentions of drugs and drinking, drug dealing, allusions to mental illness, I don't think there's anything else but please let me know if I missed anything
Author's Note: This was a hard one to write and get everything laid out correctly I'm not gonna lie but we are getting there!!
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Such a simple and–to be honest–gross word held such heaviness and uncertainty.  A new meaning you’d dare to even suggest in the back of your brain.  
Couldn’t be.  
Quite possibly.  
The man was pitying you and at the expense of your involuntary vulnerability.  You weren’t sure what was worse, him being so cruel to you for years and years after the night he ultimately made a decision—a decision that severed ties and forced you to build walls taller than one could believe—or the fact that he was feeling sorry for you because your best friend was willingly engaging with the enemy, which happened to be him and that made the atmosphere that much more sinister.
How could he venture as far to think that a damn cup of coffee would provide you any comfort?  If that was even his intention.  Maybe it was poisoned.  Cutting you out of everyone’s lives so him and Steve could continue whatever it was they were doing.  No, your thoughts were becoming unrealistic and to be honest, even with how exhausted you’d been the night before, you were restless, tossing and turning all the way into the early hours of the morning when you could just make out the faint hustling and bustling of Hawkins’ early risers.  Sleep wasn’t as kind to you anymore and you couldn’t remember the last time that it was.  
An inner monologue of push and pull threw off your rhythm, suddenly glued to the floor as you’re forced into the spiraling void–it almost felt like you were sixteen again at this moment, just as you did the previous night.  It felt bitter, more than likely resembling the steaming liquid in the cup before you.  Utterly bitter.  How could something once so sweet and innocent become so vile and foul?  Devastatingly horrid.  It was mocking you, that stupid little cup.  Chanting over and over that you had nothing left meanwhile he would remain unchanged, untouched, and unbothered.  
And within your seconds of insanity, you missed the whispers of Steve and Robin just outside of the room until they made themselves known.  Robin’s piercing blue irises held such remorse as they looked into yours but you offered no solace.  Her eyes rimmed with smudged black eyeliner and fingers trembling as they toyed with the string of her apron clutched in the other hand revealed that she was a nervous wreck.  Then again, so were you and you were the one with all odds against you, not her.  If she wasn’t the instigator she was the bystander, comfortable in your cluelessness until now.  
Then there was Steve.  Quiet, uncharacteristically quiet.  Head bowed as if he were a child being sent to his room while he tossed his apron over an empty chair.  The stillness in the room was discomforting and you weren’t going to settle for another second of it.  With work to be done and bills to be paid, you refused to let them take up any more of your valuable time.  If they had anything further to say, you weren’t listening, swiping your phone from the table top and brushing past the two of them, only leaving them with a small breeze as you passed.  The cup that had haunted you those few moments sat neglected on the crumby surface of the table.
The sight of Eddie preparing a coffee as you rounded the corner had you internally groaning.  Now you’d be forced to face whatever sick game he was playing at.  You wouldn’t engage in it but would he be smart enough to lay off?  To your surprise a customer had been waiting patiently next to the to-go counter despite the weather just outside becoming more horrific by the minute.  It was pouring, water smashing against the pavement with no mercy and as Eddie handed the small piping hot coffee to an older man in a well worn denim jacket and what seemed to be some navy coveralls underneath, the man tipped his head at you with a friendly grin to which you returned the favor.  
“You didn’t go on and put all that fancy syrupy stuff in it, right?”  The man grumbled at Eddie, narrowing his eyes.
“No, old man.  Now get outta my shop.”  Eddie rolled his eyes which in turn pulled an astonished gasp from you.  What you failed to catch was the way his face contorted into a grin and how the man chuckled as you began repairing the damages.
“Eddie!”  You scolded before returning your attention back to the man who seemed way too calm.  “Sir, I’m so sorry–”
“Darlin’ don’t go gettin’ yourself all upset.  My nephew ‘ere was just clowning around.”  The man’s voice was deep and a bit gravelly but welcoming nevertheless.
“Nephew…”  You pondered.
“Wayne.  Wayne Munson.”  He introduces himself, sticking his hand out over the counter to properly greet you to which you accept.  
His hand is rough, no doubt showcasing a labor intensive job that he seemed to have either come from or was just heading off to.  Gracefully giving him your name as he shakes your hand, you notice a few similarities between the two men.  You can’t quite put your finger on which features they share but they’re there aside from the bright blue eyes Wayne possesses, a stark contrast to Eddie’s deep coffee colored eyes.
“Listen, don’t let Ed ‘ere drink too much sugar.  Kid is a fiend for the stuff.”  There’s a playful gleam in Wayne’s eyes, his lips pursed in an effort to keep from laughing, a smile pulling at your lips in return.  “Swear he’s a sucker for those frap milkshake things.  He comes over to my place with more energy than the tasmanian devil–”
“Pops.”  Eddie glares at his uncle and there seems to be an understanding as he begins backing up toward the door, humor written on his face.
“It was nice meetin’ you.  Eddie ever gives you any problems you come ‘n get me.  I’ll set ‘m straight, don’t you worry.”  You can’t help but giggle at Wayne’s words and at this moment in time, it's as if Eddie isn’t some opponent but rather an old friend.  It was strange but you shook it off immediately.
“Thank you Mr. Munson.”  It was all you could say as he began to embark back into the cold rain.
“Sure, honey.  Son, you behave.”  He gave Eddie a stern point of his finger as his nephew waved.  “Oh and don’t go racin’ that damn bike around in this rain.  Supposed to get a bit of floodin’ so take the back way home.  Slow.  Hear me?”
“Uh huh, got it.”  Eddie replies as if he’s a teenager who thinks he knows better, a sigh falling from his lips.  “Get outta here Pops, you’re gonna be late.” 
With one last raise of his brow, Wayne was suddenly gone and you could just barely see him rush out to what appeared to be his truck, keeping as dry as possible.
The energy had shifted the moment he left and you were ready to put Eddie in a chokehold if you could.  An accidental slam of the back door notified you that Robin and Steve opted to go out the back, your head snapping in the direction of the noise only to quickly shift back to the man in front of you who was now counting out some change from the tip jar.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Relax, you’ll thank me later.”
“Oh-thank you?  No, put that back.”  You reached for the coins only to be bumped out of the way by Eddie’s hip.  He hadn’t even completely finished training and he was acting like he ran the place.
“Munson, if you don’t–”  You’re unable to finish your thought as you catch on to his intentions.  The register opened and he pulled out in cash what was represented by the change, tossing each coin into its respective spot and then shoving the cash into the tip jar, finishing off by shutting the register and turning to you with a smirk.
“Ta da.  Unless you would rather take the change.  You’re not one of those annoying people who pays in all quarters are you?”  It’s unbelievable, the way you have to hold back a laugh.  A genuine laugh that he spurred on out of nowhere.  But you manage to remain unbothered.  At least you think so.
“No.”  You answer, arms crossed, earning a breathy laugh from him as he continued to lean over the counter.
And then it was silent.  Only the violent patter of rain on the windows and the faint jazz playing through the speakers filling in the gaps.  The lights casted a comfortable glow among the shop and Eddie continued to check off items on his training checklist placed in front of him.  You could bathe in the absence of his voice except you insisted on keeping it chaotic and you didn’t understand why.
“Why’d you do it?”  Well you only had yourself to blame if this blew up and turned into another argument after you insisted that this would be a night of avoidance, just work.  No talking.  No trying to reason.  That motive went down the drain the second you dared to ask the question.
His head snapped up from his current task, looking up at you curiously as he was still bent over the list.  Brown curls draped over the paper and you should tell him to pull his hair back but you don’t.  You figure it’s because you’re too occupied in being mad at him but something is telling you that the way they fall in front of his face is far too perfect.  
“Do what?”
Everything.  Everything that led us here.
“Hook up with Steve.”
A glance down at the pen he was using and a click of his tongue later he provides a response.
“Think that’s something you need to take up with Steve.”  He decides.
It’s not the answer you’re looking for and you both know it.  A shaky exhale leads him to believe that this isn’t something you’re going to drop, your eyes glassy as they stare directly into his.
“Stop it.”  A frown is now etched onto your face, the kind that you can’t control because you know you’re about to cry and you’re just trying to hold back.
“Stop what?”  He’s well aware he needs to stop playing dumb.  That he needs to man up and accept responsibility for everything because truly, all of this traces back to him.  But he is his father’s son.  At least that’s what he always chalks it up to.
“Stop trying to divert me to Steve.”  A single tear wins and escapes down your cheek only for you to rapidly wipe it away, sniffling back the others that were building up.  You were not going to cry again.  “You hurt me just as much and you’re the one with the reputation.”
The statement stung because it was true.  It burned like salt in a wound and all Eddie knew was that sting over and over again and again.  It was the story of his life.  With you.  With his childhood.  His adolescence.  He had reputation after reputation and he couldn’t seem to stop making a foul name for himself, further proving to everyone what a delinquent he was.  Except there was one person throughout all of it that never once fed into that narrative.
The Previous Night, Eddie’s Trailer
The slam of the fridge door and the sound of a fresh beer being cracked open wasn’t an uncommon sound within the Munson trailer.  Or at least what is now Eddie’s very own trailer just a few down from the one he grew up in which now only housed Wayne.  Metal blared from the speakers in the confined living room that practically shared the kitchen if you took a few more steps.  Slumping down on the beaten up couch, Eddie cursed under his breath as he sat on a pencil wedged in between the cushions, more than likely from a DND session last week.  This was his daily ritual but somehow it was different.  Angrier.  Soul-stirring.
He should go to sleep, the clock on the outdated stove read 11:00 PM which in theory isn’t very late however he would despise himself in the morning for not cherishing his sleep as he worked at the garage at 7:00 AM with bags hanging from his face.  But even if he did lay down, two beers in his system to aid him in place of melatonin, it would be no use and he would remain in the solitude of his trailer wide awake.  Tonight it was particularly bad due to the events that transpired earlier.  Steve asking him to hook up again and him accepting even though he knows he shouldn’t, it would only fuel his disaster of a life.  That’s what he told himself and as it turns out he was right.  But what kept replaying in his mind and plaguing every thought was the way you cupped your face in your hands for that brief second before disappearing around the corner to your apartment.  The look of despair in your eyes when he told you to get out.  He was a self destructive force that should never be unleashed upon anyone and yet he let the fallout ruin everything and ultimately, unleashed it upon you all this time.
As he remained a lump on the couch, he thought about how he couldn’t keep doing this anymore.  Be miserable.  Be the reason for your hatred.  He didn’t want to do it anymore and that’s what he told himself every time but without fail he sabotaged every good thing that ever happened to him.
So when Wayne receives a specific combination of knocks at his door at 11:05 PM while enjoying a night off watching old western movies, he knows either his nephew got locked out of his own trailer again or he needed him.  And when the door swings open to reveal a choked up Eddie with damp hair from the rain, Wayne just knows.
“What’s wrong, son?”  
Eddie doesn’t need permission to enter yet he remains at the doorstep, rain collecting on his eyelashes as he looks at his uncle with large lost eyes.
“C’mon, get inside.  You’re gonna get soaked out there.”
Wayne tugs on the sleeve of Eddie’s black sweater, not roughly, just enough to lure him into the warmth of the trailer.  Enough to keep him out of the rain.
“What happened, son?”  Wayne tries again.
There’s a distant look in his nephew’s eyes as he stands in the middle of the living room, and before Wayne can assess the damages and figure out what might be troubling him this time, Eddie interrupts.
“Why am I–why–am I–the way I am?”  The words don’t come out easily and it's as though he’s still searching for more to say.  “Why is there so much–wrong with me?”
There is no way to explain the twist in Wayne’s stomach.
“Why–why do I act like him?”
No explanation is needed when he says it.  Wayne just knows.
“Ed, quit that.”  It’s not said unkindly but rather in an attempt to steer him from those thoughts.
“No!  Why do I keep becoming more and more like him?”  The question is genuine, he just wants to know and though Wayne won’t have an answer, he still can’t help but ask.  His eyes are burning with unshed tears and all that flashes through his mind are images of you from earlier in the night.
“Son, you listen to me.”  Wayne’s hands grip Eddie’s shoulders, firmly but reassuring, his blue eyes wide with empathy.  An old western movie continues to play in the background, long forgotten in his nephew’s sudden need.  
“Who made you think that?”
Eddie wants to sink in on himself, become dirt and just blow away in the wind.  He’s so sick of this constant cycle.  He acts out, makes people hate him, pushes them away, and then turns to self loathing time and time again.  It was old, he’d admit that.  But he couldn’t stop, it felt like it was embedded in his DNA at this point.  And every time Wayne would be there to gather him up and still treat him with dignity even if he didn’t deserve it.
“Me!”  He shouts, hands running through his hair anxiously.  “I-I can’t stop.”  A sob is held back until after he weakly repeats himself.  “I can’t stop.”
Wayne doesn’t hesitate to pull him in and hold him close, letting him cry into his shoulder.  And if that’s all he needed then that would be fine.  But Wayne would give him the world and he wasn’t sure if Eddie quite knew that despite showing him over and over.  Before Wayne can run his hand down his back in an effort to comfort him, Eddie is pulling away again.
“She hates me.  I hate me.”  Eddie’s ringed hand reaches up to collect some fallen tears, trying to regain a fraction of his composure.
“Who do you think?”
“Ed, is this still about that girl from high school who works at the coffee place with you?”  Wayne sighs, running a hand over his sparse hair.
All he receives in response is a nod.  A sad and defeated nod.
“Well, it don’t help much that you won’t tell me what happened between you back then.”  His uncle gives him an apologetic shrug.  Suddenly gun shots sounded from the TV, cowboys shouting over them throughout the living room, urging Wayne to grab the remote and select mute.
“Look, all I know is you keep saying you did somethin’ pretty bad.  Not bad enough to tell me I guess, but is it bad enough that you’re both so bent out of shape ‘bout it this many years later?”
Eddie tries to come up with an answer but Wayne continues, doesn’t even give him a chance.
“And if it is that bad, why don’t you man up and apologize?  Why you givin’ this girl so much damn grief over a mistake made by a damn stupid teenager?”  Wayne finishes with a finger to Eddie’s chest.  He knows his nephew fragile right now but he’s tired of hearing vague details about him and this supposed girl that he can’t let go of because he ‘fucked up a really good thing really bad’.  And how they apparently can’t stand each other to this day.  He finds that maybe this time Eddie needs some tough love.
“Because I’m just like him, isn’t that why?”  Eddie seems to try and make sense of it himself, his features contorted into uncertainty as his brows draw together.
His uncle stares in disbelief, knowing better than anyone that Eddie is nothing like his father.  Not by any means.  Eddie has always been a timid boy hidden underneath a loud and outspoken exterior harboring more complications than the typical kid.  Sure he seemed to let his anger get the best of him at times but in no way did he release it in ways only his dad could.  At most he’d snap, say something a bit mean but he’d always come back and apologize.
“You aren’t.  Quit spewing that shit.  You know you aren’t.”  While the remark may seem harsh, his tone carries compassion.
“No I don’t.”  Eddie hates himself for whimpering like a kicked puppy.  “She thinks I’m some monster and I haven’t given her any reason not to think that.  I just keep pushing it until-until I make her upset or-or cry.”  Chest heaving, Eddie sits on the edge of the couch, the bridge of his nose pinched in between his fingers as he works to control his breathing.  “She’s right though.  I am a monster.”
“Boy, you’re no monster.”  Wayne settles next to his nephew, knees cracking and joints groaning beneath him.  “And you ain’t like your dad.  Not one bit.  Never were.  Think you just need to learn to control yourself when you get riled up.  And let good things happen to you.”
The advice resonates but Eddie is still prone to self sabotage so he’s not sure how to keep himself from digging himself into holes like he’s a dog having a hay day.  He’s not even sure he’ll ever have a chance at declaring a truce with you.  That ship seems to have sailed long ago.
“I don’t think I know how to.”  He admits, voice wavering like a terrified child.
“Well, then at least you know the problem, right?  Take that and learn.”  Wayne was always pretty straight forward and in a sense, it was very grounding.  No bullshit, just the truth.  “And if you care ‘bout someone, and it seems you care a whole lot ‘bout this girl, don’t you think it’d be better to own up to your mistakes and make nice?”
It’s so simple yet so difficult.  Yes, he wants to make nice.  It’s all he wants.  But he’s made himself into some kind of villain, feeding your depiction of him as some heartless asshole who only thrives on bloodshed.  But ultimately his uncle was right and he knew that before he’d even said anything but sometimes, it takes the right time and the right place for things to click.
Present day
“You hurt me just as much and you’re the one with the reputation.”
There Eddie stood, wanting to fume with anger, craving the adrenaline of just lashing out because it’s what he knew best.  But he couldn’t be that guy anymore.  It was miserable and lonely and it just wasn’t fair.  The fact that his uncle made an appearance only further encouraged him that he shouldn’t live in his self hatred, that he should man up and do the right thing.  Even after so long.  Even if it was too late.  And he had a slight suspicion that Wayne’s visit was calculated.
A nervous tongue poked out to lick his chapped lips, gaze darting between your eyes and your fingers now fidgeting with a pen, clicking it repeatedly.  Any other time he’d tell you to knock it off.  You were growing uneasy at his mellow demeanor, not used to seeing his face so relaxed, always familiar with his furrowed eyebrows and pupils that contained a fire, frown usually engraved into his face with you around.
“I know.”
Two words created a disturbance in the air, the nature of it still unknown as two minds considered the weight it carried.  The most shocking component of it all was that he didn’t appear as if he was internally searching for an out, scrambling to take his words back and replace them with something awful.  There was no evidence of backtracking from sentimental words, no sign of reversing and throwing it right back in your face.
I know.
What was the true scheme behind it all?
I know.
Was he admitting to his wrong doings?
“What do you mean you know?”  You try to force him to clarify but before he can even provide any further information your mind screams at you to keep questioning.  “And what the hell was that in the break room?”  It’s said with such defense, walls up and ready to protect your delicate heart.  “What are you playing?  Is this some kind of sick fucking game?  Again?”
Had he really fucked up your perception of him so bad that you were standing before him swirling into insanity at the premise of him taking the first step and acknowledging his mistakes?  Millions of words tug at his tongue but none of them make it out as you storm into the back and he’s sure he’s just made the situation that much worse.  Maybe things were beyond repair, he was naive to think that there was any chance of undoing even a fraction of the destruction he caused.
Of course things were beyond repair, he’d be an idiot to think there was redemption somewhere on the horizon.  Even if it was millions of miles away at least it would have been there.  He supposes he only has himself to blame.  No.  He does only have himself to blame.  Where was the change of heart though?  He was trying to add it all up.  Was there ever a change of heart even?  Or was it always the same feelings disguised, creating an armor that only managed to hurt others?  And now he was growing out of it, realizing that he couldn’t hide forever, couldn’t watch himself be the man he was starting to become.  He had to stop being a boy.  A stupid emotionally stunted boy.  His past didn’t grant him a pass to treat others how he’s treated them.  Though he couldn’t just patch things up, he could sure as hell try and learn from his mistakes and use that to his advantage.
He doesn’t even know how long he’s been in his head when you come racing out from the back, familiar coffee cup in hand and face twisted in disgust.  It’s shoved into his line of sight, the black ink spelling out the letters just inches from him, your hand shaking the beverage as some sloshes out of the little hole in the lid and nestles a fat drop onto your thumb.
“What is this!?”  You shout, practically begging for an explanation.
“What is what?  It’s a drink!”  He’s forced to stand straight at your insistence.
It catches you off guard, the way that there’s no sarcasm laced in his response.
“Stop it.”  Again, you’re pleading with him but you’re not quite sure what for.  The drink trembles in your hand, still floating a bit too close to his face.
“Stop what?”
It’s as if you’re repeating the same conversation in circles, creating a tornado of confusion and heart ache.  Pulling at emotions and plucking them like the strings of a guitar.
“Dammit, Eddie!  God fucking damn it!  Why are you doing this?!”  You were crying again and you’d never forgive yourself for letting him see you cry so much within the past twenty four hours.
“Doing what?!  What am I doing?!”  There’s something lingering in his eyes, something sad, and his shoulders are slumped as if almost defeated.  This was not the man you argued with time after time and it was messing with your psyche.
“Tormenting me!  What the fuck is this?!”  Voice strained, you continue shoving the drink in his face.
The storm outside seems to agree with your outburst, only growing more intense with every one of your heightened emotions.  Eddie glances from you to the drink and then lands back on you, trying to approach the situation differently than he normally would on autopilot.  He assesses your exterior and gathers that you’re visibly distressed.  Shaking, tears streaming down your face, lip in between your teeth, gnawing on the skin.  How could he ever say such atrocious things to your face all those times if this was the result?  Granted, you didn’t allow him to see it and you always scurried off before you could provide any proof of damages left by his words.  And now here he is trying to breathe.  Trying so desperately to not say the wrong thing as he’s done so many times.  Trying not to react in the way that you’d expect him to.  He’s piecing your words together–tormenting.  Tormenting.  The cup just a hair away from his face continues shaking violently.  The writing on the cup.
“So now you shut up?!  What is this?!  Cause I’m not understanding the mind fuck that is you and Steve and Robin and why I’m the butt of some gigantic joke that–”
“Hot chocolate.”  
Oh he really was a dumb boy at the root of it all.  Failing to realize that at the base of your agitation over a beverage was insecurity in the fact that it seemed no one was on your side and even the mere idea of the ‘enemy’ offering anything remotely resembling a peace offering was considered a threat.  The sadness in his eyes only grew at the sight of you before him and at the realization hitting him.  Your next word came out fatigued, breathy as if you’d finally given up on your vocal cords.
Though there wasn’t a lot of bark behind your tone, your gaze mirrored everything.  How horrible he was.  How convoluted and fucked up everything had become over time.  Your eyes were portals he was looking into, seeing himself from past, present, and even future.  He didn’t like what he saw.
“I-uh, it’s–it’s hot chocolate.”  Eddie swallows hard, fingers nervously twisting his rings.  “You asked what it was.”
He swears you soften for the quickest second before tensing back up, slamming the cup onto the counter next to him which causes even more of the chocolatey substance to spill over onto the pristine dark granite.
“Munson, I’m gonna ask you one more time.”  You suck in a breath and he’s not sure how to gauge your emotion this time.
“What.  Is.  This?”  Your finger points at the writing scribbled on the cup.
Now it was really confirmed that he was a stupid boy.  And the way the corner of his mouth twitches upward only makes you fume, fists clenching at your side as you glare up at him.  He was really getting a kick out of this and you wanted to punch him.  Except something was off in the way his eyes glimmered, where there would usually be a touch of mischief, there was something unfamiliar, something kinder if you’d dare to even trek that far.  But you wouldn’t.  Couldn’t. 
“Roadkill.”  He mumbles more to himself than you, eyes focused on the cup.
“Are you fucking high?”  It wasn’t completely out of the ordinary to assume however he still turned his head with offense in his expression.  But he let it go.
“Roadkill.  You’re Roadkill, remember?”
“Stop it!”
You’re beginning to think he’s even more evil than you were led to believe in the first place.  Why was he toying with you?  Suddenly he’s facing you, gaze softer than you’ve seen in a long time.  There was a gravity to him, you felt like you had no choice but to let it pull you in.  That sweetness to him years ago was faint in the air and it felt as though you were clinging to it.  Clinging to something, anything that would let you feel tiniest bit normal again.
No, what did he mean no?
“No?”  You keep yourself grounded in your inquiry, wading in the sweetness while still weary of your surroundings, your face remaining serious.
“You don’t tell me what to do.  I think we both know that by now.”  Usually the statement would be said with such malice and disgust but the attitude was absent from his tone and there was a trace of an authentic smile tugging at his lips, dimple almost visible.
You were in awe, why was it as though seventeen year old Eddie was standing before you again?  Why did it feel like your stomach was bubbling with giddyness like the teenage girl you once were?  This wasn’t right, it wasn’t in the script, at least, that’s how it felt.  No, this was a show of some kind.  If everyone was against you, Eddie would surely use it to his advantage.
And yet he stood there with round eyes and a subtle smile awaiting your response, any response.  All you could see was the boy with charming dimples and curly hair and it was ruining your current perception of him, even after all he’d done, all the damage he inflicted.  A heavy exhale released from your lungs and you seemed to snap out of your trance.
“I–um–I have to…”  You didn’t seem capable of finishing your thought as you stepped away, suddenly far more interested in cleaning the espresso machine.  That was fine by him.  If it meant he didn’t scare you off crying again then he would take it.  And while the bar was still on the floor, he was determined to raise it at your pace.  The vandalized cup remained atop the counter, a token of his new objective.
The Harrington House, December of Junior Year
“Steve, you are such a cockblock!”
“Nance, it was Eddie The Freak Munson!”
“Yeah, I’m gonna agree with Nancy here.  Total cockblock.”
The two girls nitpicked Steve’s approach to tear you away from Eddie’s hypnotics, claiming they’d never seen a look like that in your eyes ever before and yet Steve inserted himself which led you to excuse yourself to the bathroom as the two conducted a deal.  Once Steve had what he wanted, Eddie banished himself to the basement which you had caught just as you stepped out from the bathroom, now only seeing Nancy and Robin scolding Steve.  For what, you weren’t sure but it wasn’t abnormal so there wasn’t much thought to be put into it.
“Where’d Eddie go?”  You ask innocently, linking an arm with Robin as you try to make sense of the distaste on her and Nancy’s face.
“Basement.”  Steve shrugs, earning a more intense glare from your friends.
“I’m gonna go find him, he owes me a–”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”  Steve’s hands find his hips, staring at you like a parent which only makes your blood boil.
You hated when he got like this, overprotective and over stepping into your private endeavors.  He was almost like a big brother, inheriting the position since freshman year.  At times it was welcomed but in circumstances like these you just wished he’d back off.  He and Eddie didn’t get along and Steve did little to hide his repulsion.  It was the classic jock versus outcast trope and it grew very old very fast.  Knowing how much you liked Eddie, he tried his best to keep his comments to himself but again, there wasn’t a lot of effort put forth.
“Steve.”  It didn’t take a genius to know that the way you seethed his name meant that he should excuse himself for a ‘time out’.
Mumbling your name, he tried one last time to reason with you.  “Anyone but Eddie Munson.  Please–”
“He’s a lowlife, how’s that going to work out for you–”
“Steve!  Enough!”  Nancy reinserted herself, face tinting red.
“You really wanna go for a drug dealer?”  Steve continues, Nancy smacking his chest with her palm.
“Steve Harrington.  You quit it and you quit it right now.  How would you like it if they said the same thing about you when we got together?”
You were grateful for a friend like Nancy.  She seemed timid and shy at times but wasn’t afraid to put a man in his place.  You only wished you could possess that kind of power.  That seemed to shut Steve up, his lips forming a tight line as he glared toward the basement.
The air was stuffy and cloudy, skunky and smelled of tequila.  The basement included a toss up between the stoners in the corner and soon to be frat boys occupying the pool table.  They seemed to ignore each other and coexist just fine however you wouldn’t be surprised if every now and then a jock would intrude on them to poke and prod for some free weed.  Over exaggerated boyish yells erupted in the room, causing you to cover your ears.  A few girls lingered around, their boyfriends practically groping them in front of everyone but none of them sober enough to comprehend it.  The music booming upstairs trickled into the room but didn’t overpower it, the bass mainly taking over as it vibrated through the entire house.
The wood paneled walls should deem the basement outdated however Steve’s parents did well at keeping it feeling up to date and it almost didn’t feel like it was built in the 80’s.  It was dim, some multicolored lights decorating the molding at the very top of the walls and an overhead light hanging above the pool table that didn’t do a very good job at illuminating much, however it contributed enough for the party scene.  A frown pulled at your face as you searched around for Eddie but you had no success in finding the metalhead.  No shaggy curls in sight.
That is until the sliding door leading outside opens, pulling your attention toward it, answering your silent question of where Eddie had gone.  There he was, stepping inside with his signature black lunch box in hand, cheeks dusted pink from the biting cold outside.  Your heart couldn't seem to remain at a steady rhythm at the sight.  Although you’d just seen him minutes ago upstairs, he took your breath away all the same as when you first laid eyes on him across the room over the blaring music.  Tucking some cash into his front pocket, his eyes met yours, pausing his movements to grace you with an endearing smile that had your breath hitching.  You had no shame in sauntering up to him as he leaned against the door frame, the two of you nestled in the corner opposite of the group of stoners.
“Hey, you.”  You greet, cartoon hearts just about floating over your head.
“What’re you up to, trouble?”
“Me?  Trouble?”  Batting your eyelashes up at him, he was willingly in the palm of your hand.
“Yeah, you.  Most trouble I’ve ever seen.”  
There was a smirk playing on his features, charm dripping from his every word that only left you captivated.  His eyes were heavy but not due to substances.  If anyone were to pay any mind to the two of you, they’d see you were drunk off of each other.  No amount of pills or powder could create such an enchantment between two individuals, not like this.
“I could say the same about you.”  You say it so shyly, so quiet and yet he’s hanging on to every syllable.
“And you’d be right.”
“I–I was thinking–”  
Before you’re able to finish you shut yourself down, your sentence fading into nothing as the jocks behind you proceed to cause another uproar in their game of pool.  The smidge of confidence you had was gone.
“Thinking what?”  Eddie encourages.
“Oh, um.  Nothing, it’s nothing.”
A mischievous glint crosses his eyes as he leans toward you and if your nerves weren’t shot already then they definitely were now because his breath was fanning over your cheek and his distinct smell was invading your nose.  Something cinnamony and minty.  He was chewing gum, oh god he was chewing gum and he looked so hot while doing it.
“Did you come find ‘lil ‘ol me to smoke?”  Those big beautiful brown eyes swirled in honey hues remained heavy, lashes creating perfect shadows over the apples of his cheeks.  His eyelids were lazy but in the way that he was comfortable and dazed in this one vision, his sole focus on the way that you brought your finger up to toy with your lip nervously.
“Well I–I mean only if you w-want to.”  You were beginning to get self conscious and suddenly, all you wanted to do was dart upstairs and run into Nancy’s arms.
“Hey, I extended the invite, didn’t I?”
A rush of relief washes through you as he grins down at you.  Like a flip of a switch, you no longer wanted to run off to Nancy.  No, you’d rather stay in the newfound comfort of the basement.
“And then you just roll your thumb—there you go!”
The flame sparking to life from the lighter slightly burned at your thumb and your first instinct was to react and even tilt the flame closer to your thumb due to your inexperience.  A few lessons with Eddie changed that and you were now aware that you just needed to roll your thumb and keep the lighter upright, that way the flame wouldn’t singe you.
“It’s gonna burn my finger–it’s gonna burn–”
“No it won’t, see?  Just hold it like that and the flame isn’t gonna go anywhere near your finger.”
“Okay.”  You sigh, holding the lighter as still as possible in the air.
The bean bags you sat on made it difficult to keep still as you leaned back into the pliable pillow, your hand beginning to shake as you pulled your thumb from the little metal wheel, wincing.  The secluded spot just underneath the basement stairs was still within reach of the party however it was out of the way enough that no one would bother you.  Eddie lounged in his own respective bean bag, long legs splayed out across the carpet while he twirled the unlit joint with his fingers.  While you should have recommended smoking outside, you couldn’t be bothered when it was so icy and cold just beyond the frost coated sliding door, the warmth of the Harrington home wrapped around you like a hug and you refused to leave its embrace.  How could you bring yourself to care about the smoke embedding itself into the furniture when a whole smoke circle was happening right across the room and Steve seemed to have no issue with it earlier?  So what was just one more small smoke session initiated between a pair within the wooden walls?
“See, you got it.”  An alluring grin was offered, giant bambi eyes consuming your every movement.
“What do you mean?  My finger slipped.”
“Try again.”
For all you knew, it was only the two of you in the basement, that’s how enamoring he was.  It was unbelievable how everything was playing out, how for once things were going well for you.  A boy was showing genuine interest in you.  A boy you had been pining after for the last year and a half.
The pad of your thumb dug back into the little metal wheel, creating a bigger indent in your skin but you didn’t seem to mind.  The flame sparked once again and your eyes lit up with it.
“You definitely got it, you’re a pro now.  Just needed a little practice.”  Sweetness was drenched in his tone like honey drizzled over the freshest pastry.
No response came, your hot cheeks and a bashful smile directed down to your lap were all you could muster up.  You could feel his gaze on you, his head ducking to try and crack your shyness.  For a split second you felt a daydream come to life, a reality where Eddie may reciprocate your feelings but you quickly pushed it away.
No.  That’s not how things went for you.
Eddie was handsome.  Older.  Only by a year but it still contributed.  More experienced.  Had to have been.  Though you’d never seen girls hang around him you were sure he had a decent amount of experience, how could he not?
And you were some prude.  At least according to the higher social class of Hawkins High.  Specifically the jocks Steve still tolerated.  It was certainly none of their business whether you’d decided to put yourself out there or not however no one seemed to find anything wrong with the comments they made.  “Smile, babe.  If you’d smile every once in a while we might be hanging all over you.”  Gross.  They made you feel gross.  “C’mon, give us a smile.”  Embarrassed.  “Why so shy?  A sexy lil thing like you gotta get outta that shell.”  Violated.  By words.  It was worth noting that anytime these words were tossed your way and Nancy heard them, she would step up to the plate and defend you.  She had no problem but it never stopped them from continuing, they even went as far as to sexualize both you and Nancy.  As much as you tried not to let it get to you, it always lingered in the back of your mind that you were not enough.  Too shy.  Too timid.  Not up to your full potential since you wore clothes that hide your figure more than enhanced it.
“You okay?  We don’t have to smoke if you don’t want to.”  A gentle voice breaks you from the overbearing thoughts, the vicious cycle of internally tearing yourself apart at the male perception of you.
“Y-yeah.  Yes.”  It comes out breathy, almost as if you’d just run a marathon.  Cause in your minds it’s like you had.
“Listen, we can just save it for another time–or–or not.  If y’know, you don’t want to anymore–”
“No, no!  I still want to.”  A delicate hand rests on his forearm, something you’d usually scold yourself for doing but there was a comfort in the leather underneath your fingertips.  And there was his gorgeous boyish face, soft but slowly becoming more adult in every passing month.
Eddie playfully squints, eyeing your face for any hesitation.
“Okay, okay.  You light it.”
“C’mon, just like I taught you.”
He grabs the lighter from you, sparking it quickly before returning it to your clammy hand.  Maybe you should’ve taken one more shot before subjecting yourself to the humiliation that is getting high in front of Eddie.  Sure you’d smoked before but it was always in a controlled environment with Steve, Nancy, Robin, Jonathan, and Argyle.  Always on the deck just outside.  Who knows how you’d behave in front of someone you were head over heels for.
“Oh shit, wait before we do that–”  Eddie plucks the lighter just out of your grasp once again, clutching it in his palm as he pushes himself forward, closer to you, knee brushing against yours.  “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”
“Me?”  You perk up, your finger poking your own chest as if you were in disbelief.
You can’t seem to grasp that this is your reality as he leans even further forward.  It’s probably for help on homework.  Stop getting your hopes up.
Except something in the back of your brain persists, a hope–an intuition that the way he’s looking at you isn’t just the way a boy would look at someone just to seek homework answers.  Not that you would know but your gut was screaming at you that this was it.  It was always difficult to imagine a boy desiring to kiss you but for that split second it seemed very plausible.  It scared you.  Terrified you.  But in a way that was more exhilarating and had you anticipating every small movement, analyzing each twitch of his fingers as they rested on his thigh, the way he fidgeted with his lighter, it consumed your every thought.  And the moment you dared to glance up at his chocolatey pools of eyes, you’d become putty, melted caramel pliable only by his hands at this point.  His gaze held such care.  Something you’d never experienced by a boy before.  The slope of his nose suddenly became your favorite thing to look at aside from his giant sparkling irises.  It felt like every interaction with him before now just made sense.  His lingering glances, dimpled grins only reserved for you when you happened to see him across the cafeteria, every playful eye roll in O’Donnell’s last year when she attempted to snap at him for whispering some funny story over your shoulder,  each thumbs up he offered with a turn of his head as almost a question on days when you looked particularly down, all the times his voice would crack at the most inconvenient time and his face would go red, everything, everything, everything.
“Yeah, you.”  
It’s said with such sincerity.
The softness in your voice almost has him on his knees.  Until a not so soft voice burrowed its way in between the tenderness of the conversation.
“Well done, Munson.  Looks like you’ve won yourself a hundred bucks.”
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tags - @mmunson86 @haylaansmi @batkin028 @obscureenigmatic @micheledawn1975 @dreamerjj @hideoutside @hellfirefiend @emilyslutface @rustboxstarr @3rd-conchord
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rvspecter · 2 months
ramble about each of ur suits ships for as long as u can (might result in a novel)
omg sweet anon asking about all my ships <3
ok so first i don't ship something because i want to see two ppl get married i don't do that. i'll ship it because i find it interesting/sexy etc
-everyone sleeping on this ship makes me so mad. like they are so sexy!?!?!?!?!?? even when they banter they are sexy. THEY ARE TOTALLY FLIRTING?!??!?! anyways i particularly like when they fight for dominance which is basically every scene with them. oh and i like how she's taller than him in heels and how she stares him down like he's breakfast. SO WHY ISN'T THERE MORE FIC!??!? what i need is for someone to help me establish their backstory. like i know they fucked in a bathroom stall on the 53rd floor but i'm not sure when. was it when harvey was working in the mailroom? i feel like they are the hardest ship to write for actually and make believable. BUT I KNOW THEY FUCKED!!!!!
-mike legit has harvey wrapped around his finger. if that boy said “hire me as a lawyer even tho ive only finished high school and then offer to go to prison for me when im found out” harvey would be like “how high”. i don't think anyone can argue that harvey loves mike
but to me marvey is an unrequited love story. idk what to say. mike doesn't love harvey. sometimes i don't even think mike likes harvey as a friend. that's how soured by s6+ i was. mike treated harvey like shit and harvey kept coming back for more. it was actually painful to watch. i read marvey and usually the stories i find believable r the ones where mike leaves with rachel and GROWS UP (even tho he's a 30 yr old man at the start of the show) and everyone's wounds have had time to heal. i can buy marvey getting together then. what i don't find believable are stories where mike is pining for harvey!?!??! i don't know what show that is. the guy literally couldn't get away from harvey fast enough. he gets out of jail and almost immediately fucks off to seattle with his wife and doesn't even tell harvey about it like??
when i first got into the fandom side of suits i really liked the romanticized version of marvey where they wud do ANYTHING for each other. but when i watch the show - this only goes in one direction
-this is this ship i was rooting for when i watched the show the first time. the thing about them is their history and emotional connection. to me they are a single entity. they r partners and they have always been partners. u don't even get to talk to harvey without going thru donna - she is literally the physical border between him and the outside world
i love how they protect each other. harvey has never let anything bad happen to donna. it's a fact. he'd do anything to protect her and we see that. but here's the thing about their relationship - it's mutual. donna does INSANE THINGS for harvey like KEEP A DOCUMENT THAT SHE STOLE FOR OVER A DECADE ON THE OFF CHANCE THAT SOMEONE GOES AFTER HARVEY FOR CAMERON'S CRIMES. they wud do anything for each other and they both know it
i also love how highly they think of each other. we always see donna defending harvey. she defends him because she thinks he's a good person ("because ur worthy"). she's one of few ppl on the show who does. most ppl think of him as a dick and that group includes mike
the way harvey views donna is almost worshipful. he thinks she can do no wrong. “donna doesn’t make mistakes.” he trusts her completely. she's his compass. every success he has is a shared success. “we made partner.” he doesn’t even think he can be himself without her. and don’t get me started on how debilitating her moving 3 doors down the hall was for him
anyways tldr their relationship is a two way street. they love each other and they both know it. and i'm not talking about after they finally get together (let's not talk about s9). i'm talking about before. because even if they didn't know the other person wanted to be with them - they knew they loved them and would do anything for them
-s1 version of them was so fun! i wanted this to have been a long term friends with benefits type thing. when they became a couple i didn't like it because it was always her sacrificing stuff for him and not the other way around
sean cahill/harvey
THIS SHIP NEEDS MORE FIC. i was just thinking about them. sean tells harvey 'I MOVED HEAVEN AND EARTH FOR YOU ONCE BEFORE AND NOW THE WELL IS DRY' like sean was totally IN LOVE WITH HARVEY. it's crazy how much he did for him actually. like what did sean get out of it??!?!?!?!??! anyways they totally fucked while mike was in prison
travis tanner/harvey
they way i see them is travis is obsessed with harvey's hair and hands and generally thinks he's just a pretty girl he wants to get with. harvey is like eww no but also we know harvey likes fucking the competition. so i think they fuck on and off, after or before cases and it's very kinky because travis is a total freak in the sheets
cameron dennis/harvey
plz see this fic for details
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
Buggy: the surprising bombshell the Addams pine over.
Mihawk: The Long suffering uncle who needs to have a serious talk with his sister over flirting with his cru- HIS ASSOCIATE in front of him.
This leaves Crocodile and I will offer this possibility: Uncle that married into the family (even tough he and Mihawk aren’t even married… but when you’re an Addams you know when something’s up) and is suprisingly beloved by the kids. He just seems like the type who’d be only minorly irritated by those… frankly insane children, but soon sees them as the few kids he can actually stand. He comes over and both Pugsley and Wednesday are just immediately drawn to him.
Bonding time with Uncle Crocodile include: playing Houdini and wrapping Pugsley up in chains before putting him in a watertank that slowly fills up with Crocodiles sand like some fucked up saw trap (Should be added Pugsley is ecstatic about this because weird little freak,masochistic Pugsley has always been my favorite interpretation of him)
Live feeding the Wani with Wednesday. Morticia is so touched that her little girl is doing so much for endangered species…. Mainly keeping them endangered but the way she takes to the alligators is cute as well. There is probably a commotion though when Crocodile decides to gift her a fully grown one for her birthday. Not because of the dangerous animal but because Morticia and Gomez are both worried if their little bat can handle the responsibility and an animal is not just for one day after all.
Just… “Uncle Crocodile” as that “When your double income, no kids, lesbian aunts come over and unleash the gift happening on Christmas.” Meme, except he’s another gay uncle and the kids are … peculiar to say the least.
Yes yes yes this this this AAAAAAA ♡♡♡♡♡
Okay but Uncle Crocodile being the one to unabashedly spoil the children, Mihawk being Morticia's brother, all of it is simply!!!! CHEF KISS!!!!!
Also Croc gifting Wednesday a fully grown wani is. Yes. Just yes.
Especially if you go full "of course I did not specifically breed one to be appropriate for my niece what do you me for-" Crocodile who did in fact carefully cultivate and breed certain wanis to get a specific result. Crocodile who absolutely began the process out of curiosity and then later on pushed it a little further because no niece of his would have anything less than the utmost best. Crocodile who refuses to acknowledge the facts because damn it all he has a reputation-
Bonus points, Buggy the Bombshell charming the hearts of everyone in the family. Pugsley has a bomb buddy. Wednesday has a fellow chemist. Gomez enjoys a change from strict swordplay. Tish enjoys the gardening and tinctures they both indulge in. Grandmama is by no means doubting this boy, and she is delighted that Buggy knows so much of the Old Ways of sailing, stories and the lesser known spiritual aspects. Fester just thinks he's neat.
Mihawk is SUFFERING and Crocodile is... well he's Something alright.
Depending on how this goes could impact end results. Either cross guild poly, where Mihawk and Croc finally blow a fuse over the flirtations, to which Morticia and Gomez both offer smiles like "see, we knew he would make a marvelous edition! And look, dearest, you've even embraced your rage. How delectable."
OR CrocHawk and Buggy being romanced by Hawky's sister and brother in law. Nobody knows what's going on beyond Tish, who is blatantly admiring the lipstick the clown has and seems intent on wearing it herself in some manner, and Gomez who is simply VIBRATING because he loves his wife and now he and his wife love this clown, how charming! How beautiful!! How Delightfully Odd!!!
((Bonus points, at one point, Wednesday and Pugsley decide they are sick of their parents' oblivious pining and the clown's unbelievably obtuse awareness. There is an Incident during their play time. Buggy's clothing is ruined. Wednesday offers to go find some replacements.
It just so happens that Buggy is a fair bit taller than Gomez, making his clothing far from workable, but a bit smaller than Morticia. He is, however, slightly chubby, so the closest to a workable size would be one of Tish's dresses. Buggy isn't fazed at all, even mentions that he even owns a few in similar cuts. They send him off to change.
Gomez nearly drops his coffee when the blue haired Emperor glides in, hair piled into a messy bun after his quick shower. Tish for her part pauses with her lip leaving a dark smudge on her own cup, dark eyes laser focused. The dress they'd given him was a bit more conservative in neckline than her more recent fare, a square neckline and flowing long sleeves in a charcoal mesh, web like stitching that drifted in lackadaisical waves to his wrists. The bodice was not boned, but it had careful paneling which embellished the dip of a waist, the curve of a hip. The hem drifted to the floor with a silvery belt hugging his hips with a metallic spider charm glinting sharply from its delicate chain.
He looked phenomenal.
Nobody noticed when Wednesday and Pugsley casually high fived one another from the doorway.
((And later on, in the dead of night, Wednesday's eyes shoot open in alarm as she realizes that she may well have inherited her parents' apparent taste in brightly colored, jovial partners who were more dangerous than the world believed. Mind drifting to a certain werewolf, she rolled over in her bed to bury her face in her pillow. Suffocation seemed an apt response to this realization.))
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mrgaretcarter · 1 year
Everything I enjoyed about Ted Lasso 3x10
It was so exciting to watch them announce the players that got into their national teams
Laughed at Ted not knowing Bumbercatch is swiss
Appreciated the whole team being there for Sam when he was snubbed
I genuinely laughed out loud at all the jokes to do with Dani's personality change
When it cut from the title sequence to ted sitting down with rebecca for biscuits with the boss i really thought it was for real gonna be an OG one but then they panned to trent and i was disappointed but i couldnt even be mad because it was so funny
Ted is a LIAR we have seen him gossip so many times he is such nosy biddy 🤣
Trent loving getting a good grade in girl talk was so funny and cute!
"So chaps, what do we think?" was such a fun line to me for some reason
All 3 of them going "Nah" and making the same face, so fun!
Ted was saying such nonsense for the rest of that scene and they made sure to show us Rebcca's reactions to every single one and she looked so fond every single time
Of course Rupert is saved on Rebecca’s phone as "The Devil" she is so insane
I loved Keeley's green skirt suit
I laughed at Beard's 17 throwing axes that he brought to the UK with him 🤣
"Sneaking in here today reminded me of the first match I ever saw at Nelson Road." "Ah, when they used to play by candlelight." 🤣🤣
I was SO happy to see Phoebe, then happier still to see her mum! And Jamie is totally right, she is fit
That whole scene was an absolute delight, filled my heart with joy, the England kit! the E for U swap! the tie dye shirt with Roy colors! One thing I can say about this season is that things do tend to go great when Jamie is involved
I laughed at the doomed handshake at Sam's restaurant, he was so resigned to his fate 😅
Nate breaking into his parents house in the middle of the night because he felt lonely and lost reminded me of 13 Going on 30
I was happy to see Rebeccas Amsterdam pants again! Especially with that purple blouse 💜
I love that Higgins knows Keeley, Ted and Sassy are Rebecca's top options in that order and that this is unquestionable
Higgins' comparing Akufu to the Chocolate Factory kids was both very accurate and very funny 😆 "I hate to break it to you Rebecca, but those children are dead."
I really liked Rebecca being insecure about the meeting because she knows she's only been invited as a token. It felt true to life and also reminded me of a favorite moment from a beloved show of my past, The Good Wife, where a character expresses a similar concern and gets much the same advice as Higgins gave
I really thought Rebecca was taller than Higgins' office door and was momentarily scared she was going to bump her head on the way out 😆
I liked Keeley and Mae's conversation, though I, much like Keeley, did not understand the lightning saying 😅 did appreciated the little "Maybe" joke though, it felt like something Ted would do and I always love to perceive them mirroring each other
Everyone noticing Roy's cheerful t-shirt was very funny
I loved that we saw Rebecca studying for the meeting
THE!! TOY!!! SOLDIER!!!!!! She's been carrying it around!!! She is fond of it!!!!! She treats it with such care, and it still brings her strength, gosh!! To think of the moment she picked it up off the ground and stored it away, of whenever it was she decided to keep it with her as an amulet!!! I'm breathless!!!!!!!
Kenneth saying "twins" to Roy lmaooo
The fact that Rebecca has panic attacks is something that can be SO PERSONAL that meant so so SO much to me, I could cry just thinking about it, I've always been sure she did and to have it confirmed was a thrill, and so emotional and satisfying to me to see her self soothe and how it paralleled Ted, truly beautiful gorgeous amazing
Ms Bowen is blonde now! Idk why but that was exciting, I like her! I think Roy should introduce her to Beard, I feel like she could beat up Jane. It was also hilarious to me that they named her Leann for real 🤣 they have no shame!
Barbara's Juicy couture tracksuit and "I like clothes that tell the truth" LMAOOO COMEDY GOLD
Barbara and Keeley's snow globe exchange was delightful. Barbara slowly grew on me throughout the season and was a true highlight in this particular episode, I was very glad that she chose Keeley.
I love that Rebecca went to that meeting in a bbp top and one of her less murderous earrings
I appreciated seeing Rebecca in a professional setting, taking a stand, and going to bat for the club and for football in general, it's something I have always longed to see from her and I'm glad I got it even if it was late in the game
Really liked that Nate plays the violin
I liked the window into Rupert and Rebecca's past and the glimpse into why they were in love once
I liked the contents of Roy's letter to Keeley and thought it was funny that she couldn’t read his handwriting
It was exciting to see Rebecca at Keeley's house! She demanded a hug! She's going to fund Keeley's firm! Their friendship has stayed beautifully consistent throughout the season and I appreciate that.
Keeley writing down the number and saying "This is how they do it in the movies" was another Ted-like moment (down to Rebecca being endeared by it!)
I enjoyed the joke of Roy walking in when he did and I loved loved loved that he and Rebecca saluted each other again! I'd been waiting for that!!
I think Nate's apology to Will - how he did it, the score, the note with the sprig of lavender, how it was filmed - felt like such a season 1 moment that it filled me up with this sense of right-ness and I truly appreciated it. Possibly one of the best moments of the season 🥹
Rebecca looked so at peace hanging that painting and also SO beautiful in that dress
Ted sat down without being invited, and Rebecca scooched a little closer once he did 🥹🥹
She specifically wanted to tell him about this big emotional milestone and Ted looked? I have no idea how to describe it, but it was new, it was a face he's never made before, and it was so?? I don't even know, I don't know what to do with it, or with "I wanna win for us too."
Rebecca is truly insane for spitting on his face on purpose like that lmao
Aaaand that's it! I liked a lot of the bits and pieces of this episode as you can see, and I had a mostly good time while watching it. There were a couple big things that bothered me though, but I'll save those for a different post later in the week once I've gotten a chance to collect my thoughts!
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itsjaywalkers · 6 months
tbh i think anyone who has an issue with a trans man being short in a fic probably doesn't actually know many queer people in real life. my cousin is a trans man and he's short! my best friend is a cis gay man and he's also short! they are both men!!!! their height has nothing to do with their gender/sexual orientation!!!
it drives me insane when people say that making trans male characters/cis male gay characters short is 'feminizing them' or 'playing into heteronormative stereotypes' LIKE SOMETIMES PEOPLE ARE JUST SHORT? what are they supposed to do? grow?
if someone ever told my cousin there's an issue with him being a short trans man i would punch them in the face fr
right??? idk, it's such a silly thing to get upset over. to me it seems like ppl associate certain traits or behaviours to??? being short??? which is so fucking ridiculous for so many reasons i don't even know where to start. no one can control their height, and it absolutely says nothing about their gender or their sexuality or their personality. it's a matter of genetics and . nature i guess . idk one of my best friends at work is a guy and he's my height (i'm very average, kinda short even) while one of my sisters is only 13 and already 5'7 (she's literally well over a head taller than me, she TOWERS over me). and that's just how things are sometimes and it means absolutely nothing!!
SOME PPL ARE JUST SHORT!!! YEAH!!! i think u can very clearly tell when someone is in fact playing into heteronormative stereotypes or feminizing trans male characters and it never has anything to do with how short or tall they make them lmao. so really, it's better to not even entertain these ppl bc they're just trying to bait us or hoping to get a raise out of us or like . pretending to be the wokest person in the room lol as if it's some kind of competition
AND AS U SHOULD DARLING!!! ALSO GOD SAME if anyone dared to claim that any of my trans friends is more or less valid based on their mf height i'd fucking stab them on the neck
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cl0wnc4rzz · 1 year
oh PLEASE talk about your McCormick family hcs
Tumblr media
so just letting yk that i am... not sure how to format this 😭 and i do have a tendency to ramble so very sorry if this is messy 💔
starting off w kevin :^)
as teens, kevin and kenny pick up a lot of jobs together. these two have worked all over the place!! especially kevin, who's dropped out of high school so he could work more hours.
related to the hc above!! kenny has thought about dropping out just like his older brother but kev basically won't let him lol. wants to see his younger siblings succeed.
as soon as he's able to, kev plans to leave his parents' house and plans to take his siblings with him as well.
he often avoids just 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 home because his parents are complete assholes. it's smth that pisses kenny off immensely, even if he's guilty of the same thing sometimes. still, ken wishes he'd be there when things get rough rather than just leave him and their sister to deal with it
lord i have so many kenny hcs but i'll try to keep this exclusively mccormick family related
i kind stole this one from frazier uhm. if u see this frazier hi. but as soon as kev realizes ken is into stan he will not stop teasing him about it 😭 calls stan nicknames like "edward" or "L" when referring to him to kenny. ie: "hey ken when's gerard way comin over". kenny's genuinely amazed by the amount of nicknames he comes up with
HE 👏 IS 👏 KAREN'S 👏 BIGGEST 👏 FAN👏 ....he has a wall in his room dedicated to drawings, bracelets, or whatever karen's made for him!!
kenny's parka is a hand-me-down from kevin. in fact, a good chunk of his closet is hand-me-downs. the jacket itself is way to big on him so it lasts him quite a while but by the time he outgrows it that thing is on it's last thread lol
kenny has and always will be shorter than kevin. was genuinely shocked when karen ended up growing taller than him too, even if by a little LOL
kev taught him how to drive!! unfortunately they share a car and since kev is rarely home he rarely gets the chance to drive it... not that he minds much. stan, kyle, and cartman usually drive him around anyways
last but not least, karen :3
constantly babied by the other 2 even into her teen years. was fine as a little kid but eventually it kinda drives her insane, makes her feel like they don't take her seriously
about freshman year of high school she decides she wants to get raccoon stripes!! her and kenny sat around watching a couple tutorials before he helped her dye them
HER AND KENNY LOVE TO GOSSIP!! even tho they are in different grades and age groups, these 2 love sharing w each other what's happening w ppl the other prob doesn't even know 😭 kenny is out here hating on random 9th graders he doesn't even know LOL
because of their age gap, kevin often feels more like a father figure to karen than a brother, especially with how little their own father does for them
this post is already very long so i'm gonna stop there 😭 but hi yes i care a lot about the mccormicks
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