#the fact that i jumped on my laptop at midnight to write & post this... <3
ltbuck · 3 months
*⠀a closed starter. ⠀ / ⠀ 𝚁𝙾𝙱𝙴𝚁𝚃 𝙻𝙰𝙸𝙽𝙴: ⠀ as featured on @r3f1ect .
there's a song about this somewhere, Buck is sure. ⠀ something about being in love with your best friend. ⠀ something about being absolutely consumed with emotion. ⠀ it'd be helpful if the person in question wasn't a man, but Buck hasn't exactly been a lucky person in the romance department. ⠀ with an ex-wife who⠀—⠀during their marriage⠀— ⠀cheated for nearly the whole year and a half they were together, and now yearning for someone out of reach. ⠀ but Robert isn't exactly out of reach, is he? ⠀ they've done a lot together: ⠀ they've laughed, ⠀they've cried, ⠀they've yelled, ⠀they've drank, ⠀and they've kissed. ⠀ every kiss they share makes Buck's fucking head spin. ⠀ and every moment he catches Robert looking at him, Buck's heart feels as if he's a sprinter who just tripped and fell.
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so there Buck sits: ⠀facing his best friend on his couch, another night spent drinking at different bars. ⠀another night spent watching Robert flirt and dance with pretty girls. ⠀ another night spent filled with silent jealousy. ⠀but here they were, in Buck's apartment. ⠀ here he was: ⠀with his intoxicated best friend staring at him. ⠀Buck knows what happens next. ⠀as the brunette licks his lips, he scoots closer to Robert. ⠀❝ you have an eyelash on your cheek. ❞ ⠀he says, reaching out to grab it between two fingertips. ⠀❝ you gotta make a wish. ❞ ⠀holding the eyelash in front of his best friend's mouth, his gaze stays locked on Robert's own. ⠀the silence is deafening, and Buck hopes that his best friend cannot hear how loud his heart is beating.
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levisgirll · 3 years
oki it me again uWu back with another request because I really enjoyed the first one!!!💗💗 couldn't find the exact words to phrase this but what about aomine (from Kuroko no basuke) as your boyfriend in university. I look forward to what you will write!!
𝐀𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
text: hello again!! thank you so much for reading my posts and the fact that you like them makes me happy c: 💗💗 I'm glad you enjoyed the other request so, I hope you enjoy this! (also, aomine is my second fav in knb ^^ he's just so attractive oml-)
synopsis: aomine daki, the great basketballer player at your university is your boyfriend! how is it like to have aomine as your boyfriend though? and how does he act with you? (get ready for this-)
Once Aomine is your boyfriend, get ready cause this guy will show off and flex a lot when it comes to you. Whenever you stay and watch his practices, he flexes a lot with his back muscle and he would turn around if YOU saw that. You are just sitting there, all blushed while covering your face, "Oh god, this idiot..."
Sometimes, the basketball club would invite student for 'Learning the basics of Basketball' and the first person he wants to invite is, of course, his girlfriend. While he is waiting for her, he would just sit in the bench and lots of people go to him for help, but he would ignore everyone and say he is tired and to leave him alone. But once he sees you, y/n, entering he is all energetic and comes running to you. "Aomine, let me change wait" , "But darling, I was waiting for like 10 minutes...you have to make up for that."
Once everyone leaves and its just you two, he gets all hyped up cause he loves it when you are alone with him. He gets extra clingy towards you and keeps on hugging you and you can feel his tensed muscular body. "Sweetheart, you looked amazing today."
Okay but this guy, would fuck up and beat any guy that even showed any sort of disrespect. He is not standing there with a glare or bumping into them if someone laughs, or says something mean to you. He will go up to that person and hold them up while saying "Okay, you started this. Come here."  You have to stop him before he gets physical towards them, "Aomine! Stop!! They just said to me to move". "Yea, 'Move you', what the fuck is that? Asshole, learn some manners! Do you know who you even spoke to!"
This guy is smart, so he knows all your university spots, so don't be surprised if you see him out of nowhere. "Hey its that guy! He is always following you!" Kagami would yell out, "Fuck, you have some stalker Y/N" Kagami would say while glaring at him, he was your university best friend. "That's my b-boyfriend."
Your man will also buy you a lot of snacks, and if you say you skipped breakfast. He is dragging you to the university café and will force you to eat after he buys you food.
Oh my god, your boyfriend loves to tease you A LOT. Like there wont be a day he wont tease you. If you somehow changed up your hairstyle, he will make a huge scene. "No WAY! Sweetheart, you look so good! Wow, that's my GIRL! You all heard that??!"
Aomine makes you laugh like crazy, and there also wont be a day he wont make you laugh. He just loves it whenever he hears your beautiful laugh and small giggles, he founds it so cute and you really warm his heart whenever he hears that.
He will never forgive himself if he ever made you upset or cry. Aomine will probably think about it the whole day and he will keep spamming you "I'm sorry" multiple times. If you don't reply back, he would come to your lecture hall and he is gonna make a scene. "Y/N I SAID IM SORRY!"
You definitely boost his ego, like crazy. Whenever he feels low before a match he would call you and he just wants to hear his girlfriends voice motivating him. "Aomine, don't worry you got this! Besides, didn't you tell me the only one who can beat you...is you?" "Fuck, you are right. Darling, I'm gonna win this and I'll come and hug u after this match. Wait for 20 minutes" And he actually does it.
This guy sticks with his words, so if you tell him meet up at 2 pm. He is there at 2pm waiting for you. If he says he will do literally anything for you, he fucking will.
Once he got, really upset and emotional and he said to you during a call at midnight. "Y/N, Dont leave me like how everyone does.". You then recalled about him telling you about this past and how his old teammates left him, so you would say "I wont, I'm your girlfriend aren't I?" And he is up on his bed all hyped hearing that, "Can I see you now!" "Aomine it's 2am and I have a quiz tomorrow bye, shutting my phone love you!" But this guy wont leave you and spam you in EVERY social media. "Nice try, but I know you have discord on your laptop. Wait, I see you online I'm calling you now."
One time, he came to your huge lecture hall and he sat right next to you, and he would just turn and look at you, focusing on what you are doing, and play around with your stuff and hair. "Aomine, I am trying to focus!" You say all blushed and can't even write anything on your notebook. "Of course, cause you are focusing on me right? Sweetheart, I know, I know I am great." Now you wanna smack him.
Whenever he sees you, he gives you that hot smirk of his and it gives you butterflies. "Ha! Wow literally everything I do, you love it don't you?" . Y/N then turns to him and gives a small chuckle, "Don't get ahead of yourself, Aomine." He then goes near you and lays his arm on your shoulder, bring you closer and he would whisper to your ear "Why not? your my girl so, I want to impress you."
You both love it whenever you guys hold hands around university, this guy is really tall so you always feel so relaxed and also great when your boyfriend squeezes your hand, and walks you to your lecture. "Okay now try to focus on your lecture and not your mind all about me alright?"
He actually loves it when you cheer for him and that really boost not only his ego but rather his self-confidence. "Y/N! I'm gonna win this match for you!" He would yell out during the match and everyone is looking at you.
He would go for academic help for you sometimes and you guys meet up in the library to study. You are the reason he passed some subjects, don't get me wrong, he is intelligent but super lazy.
His wallpaper is a selfie of you both and he looks at that before every match. He sometimes pecks his phone when he finds a picture of you.
Speaking about his phone, this guy has a folder with just you, all your pictures, screenshots of chats, even screen records of your voice notes and videos. He just loves you dearly, and he gets so fucking mad if someone touches or even goes near that gallery. He protects that with all his life, your pictures are important and he is not the type of guy to show his friends your pictures, in fact he hates that! "My folder, my girl, and no one gets to see that. Go away."
Whenever he is bored or isn't doing nothing, he would open his phone, and check every social media app to see your online status. "Oh OH, I see you online darling! Answer me, wanna go out and get ice cream? Please say yes."
He is actually such a great motivator and brings your mood up whenever you feel like giving up during university. He won't allow that, like never. "What so you will just give up? Stop? After all this time, you let this one test fuck you up? Don't you dare let that bring you down, you idiot." He actually even inspires you.
Before you go for the whole day cause you had to work on your report he would say "Smile for me one last time?"
When he sees you from afar, he would yell out and say "That's my girl! Don't move, I'm coming for you!" And this guy jumps at you with his embraces and sometimes picks you up. "L-Love put me down!!"
He actually loves teasing you like that in public, he wants everyone to know that are are HIS girl and his only.
He messages you during his practices and even would skip practice to see you.
Y/N: Oh you don't have practice today?
Aomine: Nope! And besides, I am the captain so doesn't matter. (He is not the captain- its akashi but lies)
He says that and then goes on how he knows everything about basketball and the team and he keeps doing that till you can compliment him ‘Please Y/N say anything’ he would think and you know that but tease him back not saying anything.
*meanwhile in his basketball groupchat* 
Kise: aomine, WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?!
Akashi: Probably ran off to see his girl.
Atsushi: Whatever, my chance to leave and eat outside.
Kuroko: Can I join you?
Atsushi: No.
You would treat his injuries and he would just sit there, looking at you with a smirk.
Aomine: "Oh yea, here even hurts darling!"
Y/N: "Love....you are lying aren't you?"
Aomine: "What! No!...Maybe?" 
You let out a sigh "Ah, you are an idiot...stop hurting yourself all the time." He would suddenly lift your chin up and say "You know...that I love you yea? You also better tell me everything and if you need help, just say it" He can be really soft and sweet sometimes, but he gets all cringy and shy about it and he gets up rubbing the back of his head. "I-I mean that's what a boyfriend does right?! Come on, get up I'm taking you out."
Okay, I hope you enjoy this and anyone who did! Aomine is such a dork but a sweetheart and I can see most of this happening :,) 
If anyone enjoyed reading this, please then leave a like or a reblog! It means a lot and have a great day <3
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perksofbeingaharrie · 5 years
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Hello everyone!
Heeeere is the new fic as requested by:
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So this was requested really really long back and I had promised @wonderland-ish that I would start writing it as soon as I was ready. So here we are, I hope you stuck around love!
Enjoy my first ever fic. It’ll be a 5 part one - fluff and angst (ig you can now tell its my favourite genre) and a little seeexx bc we love mmhmm.
Keep safe my dear people and enjoy the fics at home, in your safe haven with some tea and biscuits. Keep warm too!
Like/rebolg and write to me as to how you liked my work! I’ll be posting part 2 tomorrow so look out for it! Lesss gooooo
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut
Life has been surreal since what she can remember. It began with how her father agreed to send to study photography which for years he had thrashed her about as being just a mere hobby. 3 years in college and now here at the O2 and shooting for the worldwide sensation – Harry Styles. Was she even allowed to feel this content with life ever? What was to go wrong?
She often hitched her breath thinking of such questions. But here she was, previewing her pictures on slide show mode to Helene, who sat beside her on the couch at the corner of the backstage room.
She blinks twice, thrice looking at Helene going through her pictures so concentratedly. It was all here before her in the present, truly.
“I think we can select a few from here.” Helene pops her bubble of thought that very instance. “I like this one a lot. Harry could use this for his Instagram.”
“His Instagram?” She gulps, pulling her laptop to her lap.
Helene looks up at her and smiles, matching eyes who know the feeling. “Yes. You are very good, darling. I am glad to have you on the team.”
Shuffling to pack her stuff and head home, she gets up from the couch and pulls her bag to her.
“You should come to this party Harry’s having for us.” Helene says as she gets up to her feet.
Still trying to put away her things quickly and leaving to be in the warmth of her home, Y/N looks up absolutely unprepared for such a proposal.
“Yeah, you should.” Helene insists.
“Uh, but, I don’t have an invite or anything-“
“Oh, no. Harry’s actually been wanting to meet the new photographer anyway. And it’s a small gathering, you’ll get to network well.”
Her chest swells up on hearing Helene’s words. She thinks she has some time to contemplate and then answer but Helene’s already putting away her stuff in haste and has grabbed her wrist, dragging her out of the room.
And it was indeed a small gathering. In fact, it was something more better termed as an ‘intimate gathering’.  The terrace top of the most expensive hotels spanning the skyline of the city hosted tonight just for the 10-15 people of the close-knit Harry Styles’s team. She definitely felt out of place a little.
Conversations died down a few drinks later and presently everybody had found each other hip to hip, swaying to the light music in the background. There were laughs and giggle around, but none of them were sincere and all in lieu of the alcohol coursing through the air.
She smiled about a little here and there, and finally with a little resolute, found her place by the bar on one of the stools, watching everyone from a distance. The one drink in her hand stayed whirling in the glass itself only. At one point she felt that the alcohol in it must have evaporated into air because she just could not feel its effect. She just could not feel its effect enough to want to let loose and join them.
She is happy anyway, watching and indulging for a while tonight amongst people she doesn’t think she’ll meet any before a year from now. She is content with the fact that after tonight she’ll be back to her daily routine, from going back and forth to her daily tid bit photography to editing and blogging and everything that she has been doing for what seems like forever.
Her mind is distant in thoughts of her home and known and she never notices when he – he, Harry Styles – comes up to stand beside her at the bar.
His deep voice drops the loudest rung in her ear as he orders his drink, and she looks up, flushed, half from the alcohol and half from an unknown embarrassment.
“You are the new photographer, aren’t you?” He says, at the same time accepting his drink from the bartender with his signature smile.
She nods, unsure of what else she could reply with so somehow they get to conversing more.
“Well, you’ve done a really good work. I liked the pictures from your camera.”
She gives a genuine smile for his genuine compliment. “Thank you. These two days have been really really wonderful for me too. I am glad I could do my work nicely.”
They silently enjoy their drinks for a while, looking across them at the night and nobody intends to break the silence. It’s awkward, but somehow, nobody says a word. She gulps the last sip of her drink not a moment later and feels the need to break away from the proximity they both stand at.
As she slides out of her seat and stands to her feet, he turns to her abruptly and gulps away the reminder of his own drink harshly.
“Do you feel like getting away from here?” He says, looking at her. “Because I really need to.”
She parts her mouth, breathing out in astonishment. “Uhm, but, this is your party? How can you leave like that?”
He points his finger towards his group at a distance. “It clearly is not the party for me. I just needed something to fill up the loneliness I feel after every concert.”
She dares to make an eye contact with him; and his green eyes look the prettiest when honest.
He leans in closer and completes his line against her ear. “And honestly, this scene just does not do.”
He begins walking backward towards the exit, his eyebrows shooting up at her as if challenging her to give in. She feels this exhilarating rush at his nab. Looking around, she does not have time to think twice or thrice and she eventually does give in.
She jogs down the stairs in a child-like haste, a sudden fear erupting in her heart that she has missed him. But as she reaches the end of the staircase, she finds him putting on a grey beanie over his lousy hair and a coat that almost covers up his chin.
“Can’t let nobody know I’m wilding out tonight.” He chuckles at his own words. She smiles, pleased, grabbing her coat from the hanger as well.
He is trudging away even before she has tied the coat around her waist and she is on the run after him.
“What are we even doing by the way?” She asks over his shoulder.
“I was thinking of some ice-cream? Let’s start from there.”
She nods earnestly, following his lead. Her clock tells her that it is almost 12 and so she doubts if there would be any ice-cream outlets open nearby. But the way his broad shoulders and long legs take on the road so knowingly, she cannot think about hesitating now.
They arrive at a cross section and wait for the signals to turn red so they can walk over to the other side. In a blink, the lights do change and she jumps forward to cross the road. A hand comes clasping around her wrist and pulls her back.
“Careful.” He says, entwining their fingers together. “Just so we are safer.”
The giddy smiles they share lightens up the night like no other.
They are walking for a long time, careful of the crowd, traffic and recognizable faces. Harry walks majority of the while with his head ducked low. He keeps a tight grip around her fingers nevertheless, tugging at places where he wants her to walk fast and constantly squeezing it too to remind her of their interlocked hands. It’s good it has happened to be winter in London or she would have sweaty palms by now and that would have been embarrassing.
They finally stop by a little tucked in shop by the roadside, and they have walked quite some distance now. She hardly looks around to be able to recognize the place before he pulls her into the shop. The little wooden doors are shut and they enter a warm, little cafeteria scarcely littered with tables and small chairs.
“I’ll take my usual, please.” His voice comes distinct in the peaceful room that she is still scanning around. “And, she would like to select.”
She looks up at him and then at the man behind the ice-cream counter. “And what is the usual?”
“Mint and chocolate.” Harry tells her, leaning his body against the cold screen.
“I think I’d like that too.”
“Right away.” The ice-cream man smiles. “Waffle cone or a cup?”
“Cone.” They say in unison.
“So, why photography?”
They are sitting on cold railings by a quiet parking lot, hardly any cars seen nearby. She feels like the reckless teenager again with him, running about in the city at midnight, eating ice cream when it is about to snow and hanging out in parking lots. She feels younger and much calmer than she ever would have.
She chuckles lowly, looking at her feet. “I think my answer would be the same to yours if I asked you – ‘why music?’”
He looks at her longingly for a moment, then nods and chuckles like her before. “Right.” He finishes the last of his cone and brushes his hands against his pants. “You do not enjoy talking as much, I see.”
She shakes her head, finishing her bite as well. “Not really. I just do not like making small talk. That’s the lousiest concept ever. It even more awkward than just staying quiet.”
He nods again, agreeing. “Right. I feel the same way too.”
They breathe deeply the cold air in through their nostrils.
“It kind of gets too loud sometimes where I am, you know? Even I like some silence sometimes.”
She nods, smiling. “You mean, your friends?”
He makes a face as if taking some time to think before answer. Only at the end, he chuckles and shakes his head. “Everything actually. Even the music I make.”
“I understand. Even my eyes hurt sometimes from looking at the same thing, trying to find inspiration.  I think it’s common for the creative brains.”
“True.” He nods. “But I don’t think you’ll disagree with me when I say that my friends and team are pretty loud. I mean, you didn’t look pretty interested in knowing them either. I needed a little break from that too.”
She hides her mouth as she gives a suppressed chuckle. “I am sure your friends aren’t that bad. In fact, they are really nice – they let me into the group even for a while. I just thought it might be useless to try to fit in if I am only going to be seeing them the last time tonight.”
“Oh, yeah, right.” He sighs. “But what if you were to see them more often?”
“Then, I might take some time but I’ll blend in too I guess.”
They look at one another and smile with their eyes.
“And what about the loneliness you talked about earlier? Why is that?”
He bites his lower lip, looking away in a distance. “I feel the fullest and at my best on stage. I am so energetic, so careless, so carefree performing. There’s people just loving how I am, accepting me as I am and just letting me be. When it’s all over, I am back with people who will tell me what I did, how I performed; they’ll tell me if I was good, if I was bad. I just miss being that free in real life too, y’know. I miss that feeling with all the people around. I feel-“
“-lonely in a room full of people.” She completes for him.
They share knowing smiles. His heart feels full looking over at her lips curve up. She feels the familiar warmth spread inside her.
“How about some nice hot-pot dinner to end the night?” He gets up to his full height.
She nods.
“And I think we can talk some more too.”
She is called in for work early the next morning. Still gorgy with sleeping only after 3 last night, she could not bother to go through the trouble to making breakfast and only grabs a bagel from the cafeteria downstairs.
She walks into the studio she was called in for, and is greeted with Helene standing at one corner setting up her camera on the pod.
“Oh, hey. Come on in.” She smiles, pulling out a folder from the corner desk and walks over to her.
“Hi, yeah, you called in so suddenly?”
“So, uhm,” She opens the folder and flips through a few pages. “We were hoping if you would like to join us for the tour?”
“Wha-“ She feels the folder on her palms. It is a contract that would sign in her in as Harry’s team for the entirety of the year round tour. She looks up from the contract at Helene and then back at the contract.
The door behind her chimes again and enters Harry, rubbing his palms together for warmth.
“So,” he says. “Is she joining us for the tour or not?”
Her eyes widen. He grins at her reaction, raising his eyebrows at her in the challenging stance he would do. She bites her lower lip and suppresses a grin but it is hard when she feels her heart could burst at the very moment.
PART 2   o    MASTERLIST   o  PART 3  o  PART 4
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Not Nineteen Forever (19) (Branjie/Scyvie/Ninex) - Ortega
a/n: hi pals! so this was probs one of my top 3 fav chapters to write out of the whole fic. it’s got so many things that i just love, and i so hope u will love it too. i should probs make it clear that this isn’t the end of the fic! it’s going to have 21 chapters, so there’s two more to come after this (omg only 2????? bitch wtf???? WTF???). thank u guys for all the love my ask box gets flooded with after every chapter, i’m always so so excited when i see it so thank u so much, i really appreciate it!! here we go with n19f19 xoxo
please note: this fic contains young adults often behaving in irresponsible/unadvisable ways with regards to alcohol, drugs and sex. if you are someone who feels as if they could be heavily influenced by fic and incorporate what happens in the plot into ur own life, pls steer clear!
summary: Brooke, Yvie and Nina are three flatmates who forged a friendship in their first year of university and picked up some other waifs and strays along the way. Now in their final year, there are feelings that need to be unravelled and confessions to be made whilst navigating drunk nights, hungover mornings, takeaways, group chats, library meetups, cafe gossiping, and the small matter of getting a degree.
last chapter: there were confessions of love in a karaoke bar.
this chapter: a month on from the events of last chapter and with final exams and dissertations looming, Brooke thinks she can avoid Vanessa until graduation without having to confront anything that’s happened between them. this proves difficult when she’s trapped in the library with her.
Brooke was fine. She was more than fine, actually, she was good. She was calm, serene, fucking zen. If it wasn’t for the dissertation she had to hand in a week from now she would have ascended to Buddha-like status, doling out study tips to her friends like proverbs.
Brooke had always been good at exams. She’d been a straight-A student back in Canada, the whole process of revision coming naturally to her. She’d bought designated ringbinders for every subject, poring over textbooks and copying information out in messy cursive until she’d filled her whole refill pad. When she’d walked into the big assembly hall on exam day, she didn’t get the usual churning of her stomach or shaky hands that her friends had always described. It was almost as if the hall reminded her of taking ballet exams when she was a girl- she knew what to do, she had all the information in her head somewhere, and all that was required of her was to think and write.
Essays, however, had never come easy, which was a shame as they essentially formed the basis of Brooke’s degree. There wasn’t the fast-paced element to essays as there were to exams, and lengthy deadlines gave Brooke time to overthink, redraft, panic, delete, then do the whole process over again. She’d never fully got the hang of them; add in the fact a different tutor marked what she’d written every time and her grades were practically a lottery. She knew this element would follow her throughout her career- writing, fashion design, God even her ballet exams from years ago- it was all a form of art, and art was subjective. She knew there were designers out there that were universally respected, but none were universally liked. Nothing was universally liked. In an exam, there was a set of right or wrong answers, but essays were open to interpretation. An interpretation that her degree classification depended on.
Stretching and feeling her spine bump against the hard plastic chair, Brooke let out a huge breath. She could still see her Mum’s face if she remembered hard enough, when she’d told her her very first mark on her very first uni assignment back in first year; the way the woman’s face had faltered a little but forced a smile and a congratulations. It was the first mark below 70% Brooke could remember in a long time, and her Mum’s disappointment still stung. Brooke was currently sitting on a 2:1, but only just. Her dissertation was going to cement what degree she received and Christ, Brooke would be lying if she said the pressure wasn’t getting to her ever so slightly. It was at the stage where she was taking a beta blocker each morning before spending most of the day in the library. Sometimes she’d take another in the afternoon if she felt herself starting to panic. Maybe that was the reason she was so chill.
Looking at her laptop and the block of black text against white digital paper, she rubbed her eyes and glanced through the huge floor-to-ceiling pane of glass to her left. Her own sleepy face gazed back at her, the view rendered invisible due to the pitch black outside. Brooke didn’t dare look at the time, but she knew it had to be late if it was this dark at the end of April. Casting her eyes to Nina, she couldn’t help but give a snort of a laugh.
“What the hell are you doing?” Brooke asked, looking at the exploded rainbow of colour-coded flash cards that were strewn across the girl’s desk and spilling out onto the floor. There were scribbly neon post-it notes stuck all over her laptop screen and Nina probably had half the library stacked up in high-rise tower blocks on her desk. A quick glance at her screen showed Brooke that Nina had roughly sixty tabs open.
“My goddamn best.”
Brooke let out another laugh as Nina gestured helplessly at the mess in front of her. “Jesus Christ, Brooke, how the hell am I going to be a teacher if I’m this disorganised?”
Brooke gave a little shrug and raised her eyebrows. “I dread to think what your classroom desk is going to be like.”
“Probably going to accidentally kill a child on my first day. Nudge over a big pile of papers on my desk, boof. Dead,” Nina giggled, then let out a huge laugh and instantly clamped her hands over her mouth in embarrassment. The action made Brooke laugh out loud too until the pair were having a silent laughing fit in the exact place they weren’t supposed to be making any noise.
To be fair, the top floor was pretty empty given the late hour they were there. The few people that were left were already packing up their things and leaving, laptops shut in a manner of resignation. The yellow strobe lights that hung above gave the whole place a clinical glow, and the patterns on the fuzzy green carpet all seemed to merge into one. As Brooke ran a hand through her hair and was about to check the time on her phone, loud chimes rang out over the speakers built into the ceiling.
“Would all students please be aware that the library will be closing in ten minutes, that’s ten minutes. Thank you.”
Brooke almost jumped out of her skin. She blinked, then looked at the four numbers in the bottom right-hand corner of her screen. “Nina. No way is it almost midnight.”
“God. I’m not even surprised anymore. At this point it feels like we live here,” Nina groaned, cracking her back in a way that made Brooke wince then rolling her shoulders. “I guess we should head back to the flat.”
Brooke’s ears pricked as she heard a commotion from the other end of the floor. It sounded like a thunder of footsteps and a hissed argument. Turning slowly, Brooke’s heart sank as she saw exactly who she’d hoped she’d be able to avoid until graduation day.
Silky and Vanessa were standing at the printer a mere two sets of desks away from her and Nina. Silky seemed to be printing something out and insisting she wouldn’t be long as Vanessa tapped her heel against the carpeted floor impatiently, her Converse almost wearing a hole in the floor. Despite the late hour her makeup was still perfectly applied, and her hair was half hanging loose over her shoulders and half swept up into a haphazard topknot. Brooke pictured Vanessa growing frustrated at her desk, fretting over some form of past paper and tearing her hands through her hair, tugging her brown locks up and securing them with a hair tie. Brooke hoped she wasn’t too stressed about her finals. She remembered that when they were together Vanessa had had some form of big essay due, and she’d sat up in bed exhaling and worrying, typing furiously with her long nails crashing against the keyboard of her laptop like angry waves. Brooke had quietly brought her tea, wordlessly pressed a kiss to her temple, and Vanessa had cast her a soft smile that had made Brooke’s heart set alight.
Just then Silky looked across the room, saw her, and began to wave. Fuck. Brooke watched as Vanessa cast her gaze over to where she sat. Her eyes widened when she laid them on Brooke and she tilted her head to the sky, barely hiding a gigantic roll of her eyes as she followed Silky over to Brooke and Nina. Brooke had in the time it took for the girls to reach their desk to decide how she wanted to play this. It was a tough decision. Because in the month-and-a-bit since their dalliance in the hot tub, and an even shorter time since her crying meltdown to Scarlet in the Swan toilets, Brooke had developed a hard, harsh exoskeleton for herself that involved channeling all the love and regret she felt for Vanessa into venom, poison and dislike. If Vanessa wanted to be petty and unkind and rude to her, then fuck it. Brooke would be the exact same back. She’d tried it out already- responding to thinly-veiled barbs in the groupchat, ignoring her if they saw each other. Brooke didn’t want to act that way, didn’t want to do any of it, but she forced herself to do it in the way a small child had to be forced to eat vegetables; it was what was good for her. Good for them both. It was better that Vanessa hated her. She’d tried loving her and look where the fuck that had ended up.
The issue was, the frosty behaviour she’d return to Vanessa was uncontrollable. She knew it was causing vibes and tension in the group, splitting them all up and causing cracks and fractures in a time where they were meant to be closer than ever. Yvie had had words with her, as had Nina. It hadn’t got them anywhere. Brooke had tried to reach out to Vanessa, offered her so many olive branches that Vanessa had just started beating Brooke black and blue with them. Brooke knew it was for the best if she acted like the complete bitch that Vanessa thought she was.
“Hey, sisters! What you both doin’ here so late?” Silky asked cheerfully as she reached the girls. Brooke stuck a smile on her face, tried not to look at Vanessa and then failed. Her thick eyelashes were cast to the floor as she scuffed the carpet with her shoe. Brooke felt a stab at her heart. Luckily, Nina took over.
“Christ, I was just saying to Brooke it feels like we’ve moved in here. My diss is due on Friday and I’m stressed out of my mind. What’re you guys up to?”
Silky waved a thick stack of paper at Nina as if she was showing her evidence. “We were down on floor one but the janitor’s chucking people out. I needed some readings and figured he’d get up here last, so I just came to the top floor to use the printer.”
“Yeah, and we’re done now, so let’s go. I need to pee before we leave,” Vanessa muttered to her flatmate, her voice dull as she still didn’t tear her gaze from the floor.
Nina’s cheerful smile faltered. Silky, to her credit, looked embarrassed by Vanessa’s sulky behaviour. To Brooke’s dismay, Nina shoved all of her index cards onto her laptop keyboard and slammed it closed. “Well, hey! We were just leaving. We’ll come with you.”
Vanessa’s face twisted into one of discomfort. “Nah, Nina, really, it’s fine. I’m gonna head to the bathroom anyway-”
“We can wait for you! It’s no big deal!”
Brooke’s heart sank. Great. An excruciating walk back outside with the girl that hated her most in the world. Just as she was about to bullshit a reason why they couldn’t, Silky enthusiastically agreed. Brooke watched Vanessa bite her lip in frustration, give a forced fake smile and nod. They were both united in the fact that it was a situation neither of them wanted to be in. It was the closest Brooke had felt to Vanessa in a while.
Nina and Silky filled the silence on their way to the library toilets. They were only beside the lifts so not that far away, but every step felt as if it lasted a million years. Finally, mercifully, the girls came to the toilets and Vanessa ducked inside. As they waited, Brooke just wished and hoped she’d be quick so the awkward situation would be over sooner rather than later. One minute turned into two, and Silky became impatient. Brooke watched as she wrenched open the door and yelled inside.
“VANJ, C’MON! THE PLACE IS CLOSING SOON!” she shouted into the room, muttering under her breath something about Vanessa having a bladder like the Hindenburg. Brooke tried to be patient and cast her eyes up to the ceiling. Looking back into the floor of the library, she was alarmed to find it completely empty, void of people. It could have been that she was startled, but she gave a shout into the bathroom too.
“Vanjie, hurry up! Jesus!”
At this point Vanessa was standing blasting her hands with air from the dryer. She shouted something back at Brooke that Brooke couldn’t hear over the air jets, but she could hazard a guess as to what it was. Finally, Vanessa stormed out.
“Fuck me, will you girls hop off my dick? Can I not pee in peace without you rushing me along? We’ve got ages! It’s fine!”
And then everything was suddenly plunged into darkness.
Brooke gave an involuntary cry of fear, felt someone grab her hand. Looking down at her interlocked fingers and then up to who it was connected to, she was shocked to see Vanessa, her face illuminated in the green fire escape sign and completely petrified. All at once she seemed to realise what she’d done and dropped Brooke’s hand like it was made of hot metal. Nina had fallen silent, her expression one of shock, and Silky was uncharacteristically quiet.
“Fuck,” Brooke found herself saying. Her mouth had gone completely dry.
“It’s fine. It’s fine, they’ll just be turning off the lights before they lock up. Let’s just hurry up and get the lift,” Silky reassured them, but Brooke didn’t miss the worried frown that was set on her face as the four of them walked quickly. Vanessa reached the button first, scrabbled at it with her fingers. The little white light that usually illuminated the panel didn’t turn on.
“Oh my God this can’t be happening,” Nina whispered, her voice panicked and fast. Silky rested a reassuring hand on her shoulder, but the frown on her face was deepening. Reaching out, she pressed the same button firmly, jamming it into its little metal pad. Nothing. The girls stood in silence for only a few seconds, listening for the metal whirrs and clunks that the lift usually made on its way up or down the building. Nothing came.
“Stairs,” Vanessa said simply, her voice full of worry as she suddenly dashed in the direction of the stairwell. The three other girls followed and all pretence of remaining calm and walking was truly out the window as their trainers squeaked over the linoleum, feet thumping harshly against the steps as they tore down flight after flight. Brooke’s pulse was speeding so fast she thought she would have a heart attack, and the bones of her feet began to hurt more with every step she launched herself down two-at-a-time. Breathless and frantic, they finally reached the bottom floor, Vanessa crashing through the double doors at the bottom of the stairwell and speeding across the lobby to the main entrance. Brooke was hot on her heels, her heart now painful in her chest and her breath coming in thick, uncomfortable wheezes. Any hope she’d had sank to the floor with her gut as Vanessa pounded the automatic doors and almost wrenched the fire door off its hinges in an attempt to get out. It was to no avail.
“Oh my God. Oh my God,” Nina repeated, her hands flying to her face as it blanched in fear.
“Fucking shit- HELLO? HELLO? WE’RE STILL IN HERE!” Silky yelled at the top of her lungs to nobody in particular.
“Guys, I don’t like this,” Brooke said, hearing the shake in her own voice as her eyes darted around the huge, dark building frantically.
“No shit, really? I’m having a fuckin’ whale of a time, personally,” Vanessa hissed, casting a glare her way before going back to shaking the doorhandles in a futile attempt to open them. Brooke felt her face curl up in a sneer, all the fear she’d felt previously moved into a convenient little box and replaced with all-consuming anger.
“Ugh, JESUS, Vanessa, of course, of fucking course, we’re literally locked in a uni building with no way out and you choose to start picking a fight with me. Big fucking-”
“ENOUGH!” Nina shouted, Brooke taken aback. She had known Nina for almost three years now, and in that time she’d never heard her shout. Well, she’d heard her shout with happiness or joy or fear, but never anger like this. She felt like one of her primary school kids as Nina continued. “Both of you just shut the fuck up for one fucking minute! Can we at least just find a way out of here before you start a fucking domestic?”
“I’ll take the cafe,” Silky said decisively, shouting to the others as she ran in the opposite direction. “Nina go right, Brooke and Vanjie go left.”
Brooke narrowed her eyes, looking again at Vanessa whose gaze mirrored Brooke’s. Relenting and not wanting to risk another telling-off from Nina, Brooke obediently tore off in the direction Silky had told her to go. She weaved her way through desks and bookshelves, checking every window only to find them all locked. As she was losing hope, the dull, green light of a fire escape sign caught her eye. Brooke sighed with relief as she tore towards it. This was surely a guaranteed way out. Reaching the tall door, Brooke slammed her hands on the cold, metal bar that lay across it, pushed down, and waited for the cold night air to hit her face and calm down her panic.
Brooke frowned, trying again and pushing harder at the bar. This time she got her shoulder involved, leaning all her weight against it. It didn’t so much as budge.
“We’re outta luck. They’re all locked from the outside.”
Brooke turned to see Vanessa walking purposefully towards her. Her tone was frustrated, but not towards her at least. Brooke felt relieved. She was beginning to regret snapping at Vanessa earlier, even if she was meant to dislike her. She wondered if she felt as scared as she did. Brooke thought about how Vanessa always hid her fear, remembered the time they watched some shit, gory horror movie at hers when they were together. Brooke had flinched and squealed and buried her face in Vanessa’s hoodie every two seconds while Vanessa had laughed at her, told her it was all fine and fake, but Brooke could feel Vanessa’s heart beat fast in her chest and her stomach muscles tensing every time a new horrific sight appeared on screen.
Vanessa leant against the bar that Brooke had tried, punctuating it with an angry kick of her foot. “That shit’s illegal, you know. Locking a fire door. We could sue fuck outta them.”
Brooke couldn’t help the laugh that escaped. “Yeah I’m sure we, twentysomething students with collectively hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of debt, have both the resources and the influence to sue the university. They’d shit themselves.”
She watched as Vanessa looked at her, a glare about to appear in her dark eyes, then disappearing as she allowed herself a small smile and a single snort of laughter. There was a pause of silence. Brooke decided to fill it. “Let’s find the girls, maybe they found a way out.”
As they passed by the floor-to-ceiling windows again, Vanessa suddenly gasped and tore off to bang on the glass. Brooke followed her eyeline and was overjoyed to find what looked to be a janitor, finishing up and walking away from the building. She joined Vanessa and pounded her fists against the window, shouting randomly if only just to make a noise. Her hope began to die, however, when instead of noticing the absolute cacophony of noise the girls created, the man simply got further and further away. Brooke watched as he got his phone out, a long earphone cord attached to it. She slumped against the glass and let out a helpless moan.
“Fucking shit bitch ass motherfucker!” Vanessa hissed in anger, pounding on the glass with her knuckles one last time. Brooke watched as she took a step back from the window, flexed her fingers and gave a hiss.
“You okay?” Brooke found herself asking. She could already feel herself frowning in concern as Vanessa nodded briskly, shaking her hand out and sticking the knuckle of one finger in her mouth.
“Fine. Just got a lil’ over-enthusiastic, cut my finger,” she spoke around her knuckle. Brooke felt a pang at her heart. She took a step towards Vanessa.
“Let’s see?”
Vanessa gave another laugh, harsher and more sardonic than her first had been. “It’s fine, Brooke, I don’t need you to kiss it better.”
Brooke held her hands up, unable to help the way her eyebrows flew up her face. “Okay, I’ll just go fuck myself!“
“Yeah, do that,” Vanessa muttered quietly, sitting on a desk beside the window and pulling her legs up to cross them. Brooke, in lieu of snapping back at the girl she’d once called her friend but had never called her girlfriend, did the same. They sat in a hostile silence, thoughts running around Brooke’s mind as to what she could do or say. So many options flooded her head that it was hard to see any of them clearly for what they were. It turned out she didn’t need to give any of them that much thought, however, as Nina and Silky soon appeared from the other end of the building.
“Oh, good! You’ve not killed each other,” Nina said brightly upon her return. Brooke snuck a quick look at Vanessa, then rolled her eyes.
“Guess you’re as shit out of luck as we are?” Silky asked, her voice quieter than usual by at least a few dozen decibels.
“Can you believe they locked the fire doors? Fuck them, man, imagine there was a real fire?” Vanessa spat bitterly. Nina sighed heavily and shifted her weight from one foot to the other.
“We could try calling someone?”
Brooke frowned. “Who could we call?”
“The police?” Nina said immediately, her naivety causing the others to burst out laughing.
“And say what?! Hey listen, we know you’ve got murderers to catch but we’re locked in a uni building, could you bring round a big battering ram and knock the door down?” Brooke laughed, not missing the way Vanessa laughed in response and feeling a twinkle of pride light up in her heart.
“Well, could the fire brigade get us out?” Nina suggested, Silky groaning and pulling her hands down her face.
“Nina, you need to lower your expectations of what an emergency is. Four dumb uni students trapped in the library is not gonna be considered an emergency. We’re not in danger, we’re all breathing, and none of us have been set alight. That counts the big three out immediately.”
“What about a locksmith?” Vanessa shrugged. Brooke screwed up her face.
“Ah, for those locks that automatic doors have on them,” Silky deadpanned. Brooke laughed at the comment, clearly a little too loudly because Vanessa was back scowling at her again.
“Hey, they do so have locks, bitch.”
“I don’t think you can ask a locksmith to open a house that isn’t yours,” Nina frowned. Brooke raised an unimpressed eyebrow at her.
“I love my house, the university library.”
“Shut up! You knew what I meant,” Nina protested, as the other girls gave a laugh again.
“Surely there’ll be some phone number online for the janitor or something?” Brooke thought suddenly, Silky quickly taking out her phone to check. There was a moment of silence as the girls held their breath in hope. Finally, Silky let out an overjoyed cry.
“Cleaning supervisor main area- based in central library! Yes ladies! We’re fucking outta here!”
Brooke smiled so hard that her face hurt as Silky held her phone to her ear. Thank God. The nightmare was over, she could go back to her flat and not be literally trapped in a building with her ex. She would soon be-
The four girls jumped as a faint ringing of a phone could be heard from out in the lobby. For the hundredth time that night, Brooke felt her heart sink.
“I don’t really know what we expected from that,” Vanessa sighed, looking every inch the kicked puppy.  
It was quickly decided that their last hope were the girls who weren’t in the library, although this went down the drain fast as it was discovered that Yvie was over at Scarlet’s flat and they were both asleep, neither Akeria nor Monet were picking up, and Plastique had gone home to revise.
“What about Monique, Vanj? Could we try her?” Nina asked. Brooke was confused at the way Vanessa’s face twisted in discomfort, a little line setting deep on her forehead.
“Nah, she, uh…she won’t pick up,” she said simply, Nina nodding quickly and neglecting to ask any more about it. It didn’t stop Brooke from being intrigued.
“What the fuck are we gonna do, then? We can’t just spend the night here,” Silky’s voice was disbelieving. Brooke gave a resigned shrug.
“Silk, I don’t think there’s any alternative. It’s only a few hours, the place’ll open up again at six. We can go upstairs and sleep in those little pods they have for group projects. Then by the time we wake up again, it’ll be morning and we can all go back to the flat,” Brooke explained calmly, although inside she still had a lot of anxiety rattling about and the dark of the library wasn’t helping.
The girls reluctantly agreed that it was probably the only thing that was left for them to do. In nervous silence they climbed the stairs to the first floor, where Silky immediately set up camp in one of the pods, stretching herself out along the seats that had once been cushioned but had been flattened by hundreds and thousands of sets of bums over the years. Nina took one and set her laptop back up again, arguing that she’d actually been on a pretty good streak before she’d had to pack up and wanted to see if she could churn out another thousand words before she went to sleep. Brooke peeled off from the girls and took her own pod, her tall body unable to fully fit along the seats. As she attempted to sleep, one thing kept stopping her as it usually seemed to around this time of day. She sighed, tossed and turned as she thought about Vanessa. It had all gone so badly wrong. The more she tried to get her off her mind, the more memories she was reminded of. Hurting Vanessa was easier than loving her; snapping at her and being snarky made Brooke feel bad and a bit of a bitch, but loving her and torturing herself for what an idiot she’d been made her feel ten times worse, as if her heart had been removed from its sheath in her ribcage and been stomped on, kicked about, stabbed with a blunt knife and dragged through broken glass. Any attempt to sleep was futile. Brooke’s eyes hurt with fatigue as she sat up, rubbed them and stretched. She would go and see if Nina was still awake, maybe sit up and annoy her for a while.
As she crossed the floor she noticed a small movement out of the corner of her eye. Vanessa was sitting on the floor by the window, her legs crossed and eating a packet of crisps she’d managed to procure from somewhere. Brooke thought she looked so tiny compared to the huge pane of glass and the world that sat outside of it. Now that the lights were off, Brooke could see every detail that lay beyond the window- the soft yellow glow of the streetlights that faintly illuminated the park beside the library, the pink and white marshmallow cherry blossom trees that lined each path. A memory shot through Brooke’s mind like a lightning bolt- the eight of them in second year after their exams had all finished, having a barbecue in the park as the sun beat down and frazzled them all to a crisp, the smell of sausages and weed carried on the light breeze and the warmth in Brooke’s heart as Vanessa had teased her about something, the girls all laughing at Brooke’s embarrassment and protests.
God, they’d all been so happy.
Without really knowing what her plan was, Brooke walked over to where Vanessa was sitting and sat down cautiously beside her. The other girl looked at her, as if she was deciding whether to glare or smile. She ended up doing neither.
“Can’t sleep either?” Brooke chose as her opener, immediately regretting it for the cheesy line from a film it was. Vanessa gave a sarcastic chuckle, gestured around her.
“Apparently,” she said simply, Brooke looking at the carpet and kicking herself. There was a moment where the cogs in her brain whirred quickly, trying to come up with something else to say. Vanessa surprised her by speaking again. “I ain’t been sleeping too good lately anyway, though, so. I guess it don’t matter.”
“Me neither,” Brooke felt something click inside her, a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins as she spoke again. “Vanessa, we need to talk.”
Vanessa kept her eyes trained on the pane of glass in front of her. “We are talking.”
“God, Ness, please don’t make this harder than it already is,” Brooke sighed, her face pleading. Vanessa’s head snapped round to face her and her eyes were what could only be described as murderous.
“Hard? Don’t fucking dare talk to me about hard,” she said, slowly and carefully and causing Brooke’s heart to frost over in fear. “This year has been shit, absolute shit, the shittest year of my life. You broke my heart- no, fuck that. You broke me. I had to take my goddamn feelings and put them all back together again, start from scratch while you swanned about absolutely fine. I am having to fight to get my average up because of the days I spent in my flat crying instead of going to lectures. Do you have any idea, Brooke, what this has been like for me?”
Brooke was silent as Vanessa continued relentlessly. “And then I finally got myself to a place where, hey, maybe I could be friends with you again! Then what happened? All the old feelings came back, didn’t they, and then we fucking…slept with each other and-”
“Hey, no,” Brooke jumped in, frowning and unable to listen to what was to come. “Don’t try to pin that on me, Vanessa, that was all you. It wasn’t me that fucking…straddled you in the hot tub and stripped off and talked about the sex I was having with other girls, was it?”
“Oh, no! You’re right. You’re correct,” Vanessa smiled sarcastically, soon getting replaced with a scowl. “You only got with me incredibly intensely in front of seven of our closest friends, who knew all the shit that’s gone down between us and watched like a fucking soap opera.”
“Well I didn’t hear you complaining at the time!” Brooke bit back, causing Vanessa to fall silent and play with a thread of her ripped jeans. Brooke let out a breath she’d been holding, took in a huge gulp of air. “Look, this is…this is off to a bad start.”
Brooke watched Vanessa’s throat move as she swallowed, her eyes cast downwards. Brooke was good at holding in her feelings, bottling them up like her life depended on it. She was terrified of feeling too much. She had no idea how this conversation was meant to start, but she knew she had to have it.
“Vanessa, I am sorry. I know it doesn’t mean much to you, but for what it’s worth, I am. I’m sorry for going about everything the wrong way. I’d never…done anything like this before, never properly seen anyone like I was seeing you, so I didn’t know how to behave. And fuck, maybe I was leading you on, and I’m sorry for that too. I just didn’t know what I wanted. Well, I thought I knew what I wanted but then I just…didn’t any more. I’m sorry for hurting you. I didn’t realise how much you liked me until it was too late,” Brooke cut herself off, sighing and feeling a bubble of sadness rise up in her throat. “Fuck, I’m trying to put it all the way I want it but nothing’s coming out right.”
Vanessa was looking at her, she knew it, but Brooke’s gaze had dropped to the floor. She brought her knees up to her chest. There was so much she wanted to say to Vanessa but none of the sentences she constructed in her head seemed to be sufficient.
“That night. You said that you missed me,” Vanessa’s voice was soft and small as she spoke, stripped from all the venom it had held before. “Did you mean it?”
Brooke jumped in instantly. “Yes.”
Vanessa was now looking at the floor, picking at her shoelace. “And did you mean…as a friend, or…just the sex, or…”
Brooke took a deep breath. I love you I love you IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou. The words were so close to coming out, but she stopped them. Now wasn’t the right time, nowhere near the right time. She tried to think about what the perfect response would be, sighed, scrapped it, and decided to just simply speak. “I miss you as…everything. I miss you as whatever you want to be to me. I’ll take whatever you’re willing to give me. I just miss you for all that you are, the person you are. I miss us,” Brooke paused, realised her last remark was slightly risky. “Interpret that…however you want.”
Brooke snuck a gaze at Vanessa. A thought struck her as memories ran round her mind, and now she had started talking it seemed she couldn’t stop. “Do you remember after we…after lazerquest. Yvie’s birthday. We met up and we spoke about things and you said something. That whatever happens, we’d be friends always. Do you remember?”
Vanessa gave a little laugh. “You can wear a set of armbands in a current, don’t mean you won’t drown.”
She saw Brooke’s confused look, shot her a bashful smile. “I never expected to…end up feeling so strongly for you at the start. Didn’t expect to get as crazy about you as I got. Man…I wish you could turn feelings off.”
Brooke felt herself frown, a deep regret settling in the pit of her stomach. “I wish that too.”
She didn’t miss the brief look of surprise that flashed across Vanessa’s face. In the lull in conversation that followed, Vanessa wordlessly pushed the packet of crisps towards Brooke. She took one. Chilli heatwave wasn’t her favourite flavour, but it was a peace offering, and she’d take what she could get.
"So I stopped sleeping with Monique,” Vanessa commented, shrugging a little. Brooke blinked, almost choked on her crisp as she raced to get a reply out.
“Uh, yeah, I did notice you were a bit weird about things when Nina said you should call her.”
Vanessa pushed some hair out of her face, puffed her cheeks up with air and blew out harshly. “Monet kinda told me…she was catching feelings, and obviously I wasn’t there for that. So I said to her we shouldn’t keep going.”
Brooke felt a little twinge of pain for Monique. The poor girl had a crush and was just caught in the crossfire. “And how did she take it?”
Vanessa stared through the glass, her gaze steadfast. “I could tell she was sad. Disappointed. She didn’t start cryin’ or nothing, but…God, I still felt bad. I liked her, you know, she was a great girl. Maybe there’s a parallel universe where she took my heart and patched it all up again and we ended up together but…that’s not what it was for me. And the more she said she understood and that she hoped I’d find happiness, the worse I felt for having to tell her I wanted something different.”
Brooke nodded. She wanted to tell Vanessa that she knew the feeling all too well, but she didn’t want to interrupt her. Vanessa turned her head slowly, finally making eye contact with Brooke, and her eyes were the softest they’d been in a while. “I guess what I’m sayin’ is…I know now what it must have been like for you to break it off with me. And yeah, it completely fuckin’ wrecked me but…you did what you had to do. So…I forgive you, Brooke Lynn.”
Brooke couldn’t quite believe Vanessa was in front of her saying all this. Instinctively she wanted to launch herself forward and hug her, thanking her for her change of heart. Just as she’d convinced herself she was almost going to do it, Vanessa spoke again. Her voice held a slightly more steely note to it now. “But I don’t forgive you for kissing me or for that night in the hot tub. That really fucked with me.”
Brooke fought the urge to snap a childish you started it at her and instead said a soft okay. She also fought the urge to reach out and place a hand on top of Vanessa’s. The building was still pitch black and silent and the girls had reached a conversational purgatory. Vanessa had forgiven her for some of her mistakes at least. This was the closure Brooke had wanted. Despite herself, she found herself opening her mouth. There was so much still unresolved.
“You must kind of hate me for that."
Vanessa snorted, tilted her head to the sky. "I do and I don’t.”
A small silence. Brooke knew what she wanted to say, knew what topic she wanted to breach, but it meant plunging head first into the icy chill of the great unknown, and as much as she wanted to talk about it she was terrified of doing so.
“Is that because part of you loves me?”
It was out before Brooke knew it. Vanessa had frozen, her body unmoving with her head still positioned towards the ceiling like a terrifying Exorcist yoga pose. Brooke could immediately predict it, could practically hear it- Vanessa’s quick, sarcastic response, don’t flatter yourself, her getting up and thundering away to another part of the building in some angry game of hide and seek. She couldn’t face any of those options, so Brooke continued talking. “I was in the bathroom at the same time. In the next stall along from you and the girls. I heard you say that you never got to tell me. Did you mean it?”
“Why are you asking me this, Brooke? Is it to add insult to injury? Is it not enough knowing that the girl you broke it off with can still come crawling back into bed with you so easily, you have to rub salt into the wound by getting me to fucking…” Brooke heard Vanessa take a big deep, shaky breath, felt the tears prick at the corners of her own eyes. “…admit that I’m in love with you, yes, okay? I love you. What’s the reason?”
“Because I…fuck,” Brooke jumped in then immediately stopped. She felt her jaw wire itself shut, almost paralysed with fear. She didn’t know if she could verbalise everything she was feeling. “I’m not good at talking about this stuff.”
“No shit, Miss Marple,” Vanessa quipped bitterly, her eyes back looking at the carpet and avoiding Brooke’s gaze. The lack of eye contact helped Brooke. She carried on.
“You know, I used to lie in bed before I went to sleep and rehearse what I would say to you to tell you I liked you,” Brooke gave a laugh, remembering when things were more simple. “Except none of it worked out that way. And now I’ve actually got a second chance at it, I’m almost too frightened to say it. I completely fucked it with you, Vanessa. You’re an absolute one of a kind person. Your smile just makes me happy whether or not it’s directed at me. The love and loyalty you have for your friends makes me proud of you. You’re so determined and hard working and you’re smashing your degree. And you’re kind. You see the good in everyone and you’re not afraid to feel and tell the world all about it. All these things that I just…love about you. It took me being away from you and making the biggest mistake of my life, and that night when we were together like everything was back to normal, it took all of that to make me realise that I’m…fuck..”
Brooke almost hadn’t realised she was crying until a sob bubbled up in her throat, almost choking her. It was almost like her body’s survival mechanism, trying to save her from the potential rejection she might face once the words were out.
Fuck it.
“I’m in love with you. I love you so much that it scares me. It scares me more than being fucking…trapped in the library in the pitch black with no way out,” Brooke let out a hybrid of a laugh and a sob. By now, Vanessa had lifted her gaze to look at Brooke, and Brooke had shifted hers so she could protect herself from Vanessa’s reaction. “Because I don’t want to hurt you again, and you deserve better than someone like me.”
“Then don’t,” Vanessa said quietly.
“What?” Brooke whispered, confused. She tugged the sleeves of her jumper over her hands and jammed them under her eyes, used them to stop the tears from escaping.
“You said you don’t want to hurt me again. Then don’t,” Vanessa repeated patiently. Brooke blinked. She had no idea what that meant, so she went with the knowledge she had at hand.
“I love you, and you love me,” Brooke said softly, finally meeting Vanessa’s eyes. “Can we…do something with that information?”
Vanessa let out a loud blast of a laugh, making Brooke giggle even though she didn’t know what was funny. “God, that’s the most Brooke Lynn Hytes way of asking me out ever. Can we do something with that information.”
Vanessa’s smile was infectious. It lit up Brooke’s heart and she wanted nothing more than to lean forward and kiss her gently, to make Vanessa hers properly this time. As her smile faded though, Brooke felt her hope fade too. Vanessa let out a world-weary sigh. “Brooke, I don’t…I don’t know if I can do this all over again.”
Brooke’s heart dropped to the floor and shattered. She wanted to say something, fill the silence and reassure her, but nothing came out. She had opened up, and it had all been for nothing. This was her karma- she had broken Vanessa’s heart and now here was Vanessa breaking hers. She felt crushed. Lacking the energy to do it properly, she nodded her head once, the action small and probably barely noticeable.
It was so quiet that Brooke could hear Vanessa swallow beside her, hear her breathing deeply to calm herself down before she spoke. “You never hear it in the movies but sometimes…sometimes love isn’t enough, you know, sometimes you need to put yourself first, and sometimes the person you love ain’t necessarily the one who ends up making you happiest.”
Brooke felt her chest grow tight, felt ashamed as her head hung to the floor. She saw two tears fall from her eyes and drop onto the carpet, making identical, miniscule ponds.
“But then also,” Vanessa continued, the but aspect causing Brooke’s heart to dip and soar upwards as if it was on a rollercoaster. “I love you for a reason, don’t I? The way that you say shit that’s all sarcastic and funny. The way you make me laugh. The way you’re always blunt and truthful, and when you say nice things to me it feels like you’re just saying a fact. The way you got this childish, immature streak to you that makes everything feel like an adventure when I’m with you. You listen in the best way, ‘cause you never try an’ force advice down anyone’s throat. You’re always so concerned about everyone you care for and want them to be happy…and even though you ain’t good at expressin’ it, I know you have feelings and I know they scare you. You’re like a fuckin…model, you’re so beautiful and perfect. So that’s as simple as it has to be, right?”
Brooke looked up and saw tears in Vanessa’s own eyes. All the honesty was so raw and painful, like burnt or grazed skin, and it hurt and stung as if it was real. It was real. Brooke hid a sob, took a deep breath. “I don’t, uh. I don’t know where we take this.”
“I want to be with you. I want to love and be loved, feel my heart fuckin’…burst like it’s made of confetti,” Vanessa continued, letting out what could have been a sob or a laugh. “But I want to be happy. I don’t want to be hurt again. I’m scared.”
“I’m scared too,” Brooke nodded, feeling the tracks the tears were making down her face. She sighed, the pain in her heart too heavy for her to carry. “Fuck, maybe we’re just not meant for each other, maybe we got our chance already. Maybe nothing should come of this-”
“But, fuck, I love you, Brooke! And you love me,” Vanessa sighed in exasperation, her mascara collecting under her eyes as her own tears continued to fall. “And that…that means something.”
“I love you,” Brooke repeated, in case it counted for anything. It meant the world to her. Vanessa gave a sad smile, reached out and took Brooke’s hand and laced their fingers together. She squeezed Brooke’s hand twice, and the simple gesture made Brooke hopeful that everything was going to be okay.
“Shit, I waited so long to hear you say that and now it’s like…” Vanessa began sadly, trailing off. Brooke didn’t push her to finish her sentence. Instead, she squeezed her hand like Vanessa had done with hers. The action seemed to work as a prompt, because she spoke again, tilting her head with curiosity. “What do you want outta all this?”
Brooke knew immediately. “I want you. I want us to be us again.”
Vanessa let out a soft sigh, paused. “Okay, well. I don’t know what I want right now, Brooke. An’ it’s gonna be hard to start again. So you’re gonna need to give me time to decide.”
“That’s okay. I’ll wait for you. You can take all the time you need,” Brooke reassured her instantly. “I’ll still be here.”
Vanessa’s hand shifted in her own. Brooke watched as she frowned a little, cast her gaze her way again. "You mean that?”
“I mean it. Whatever you decide. Whether we’re worth an extra chance or not. I’ll wait for you.”
A small smile crept onto Vanessa’s face as Brooke waited for her reply. “That’s the most romantic shit anyone ever said to me.”
“Well, it’s just the truth,” Brooke muttered, feeling her cheeks grow hot and glad that the dark room would hide her pink blush. Then, getting an idea and feeling a little spark of that childishness and immaturity Vanessa seemed to love so much, Brooke let go of Vanessa’s hand and held out her other one for her to shake. The other girl looked at her, a funny, confused smile on her face as she took her hand and shook it obediently.
“Hey. I’m Brooke Lynn,” she began, trying to suppress her smile as she spoke. Vanessa giggled, falling back a little then leaning forward.
“What are you…”
“Starting again. What’s your name, beautiful?” Brooke teased, all the darkness somehow bursting into colour as Vanessa laughed beside her, swatting her on her arm with her hand. She hadn’t seen this Vanessa in so long; happy, laughing, cheerful and playful. Brooke could’ve cried with how much she’d missed her.
“This is some dumbass shit, you know that?” Vanessa giggled, but Brooke could see the blush on her own cheeks illuminated by the streetlamps outside. Vanessa appeared to see her expectant face, laughed a resigned laugh and indulged her. “Nice to meet you, Brooke. I’m Vanjie. Well, Vanessa, but everyone calls me Vanjie.”
“Can I call you Vanessa? It’s pretty. It suits you.”
Vanessa laughed again, making Brooke give a chuckle too. “Bitch! You never flirted with me this hard the first time.”
“Well the first time we were friends, so I couldn’t flirt with you. Not properly like I wanted to anyway,” Brooke laughed, taking a Dorito and throwing it at her playfully. Vanessa squealed, toppling herself out of the way. “You, on the other hand, flirted all the time.”
“I’m a flirtatious person! You shouldn’t have taken that shit personal,” Vanessa protested, attempting to look offended but unable to wipe the smile off her face.
“So Vanessa,” Brooke carried on, trying to stop herself smiling as she carried on with the charade. “What are you studying?”
They carried on like that all through the night, being silly and getting to know each other again right from the very beginning. They had missed out on so much conversation over the past few months that it was actually nice to catch up, to re-establish herself in Vanessa’s life. She was looking at graduate jobs in events management for after uni and thinking of moving home to save money. For a fleeting moment Brooke almost suggested that they move in together but she was glad she had the sense not to verbalise that, a thought that was perhaps better bottled up and saved for another time. After all, Vanessa hadn’t even decided if she wanted to be with Brooke or not yet. Brooke had to cling on to the hope that maybe she would, because she had nothing else. Well, that was a lie. She had Vanessa’s smile and her laugh, the twinkle in her eyes when Brooke made a deadpan comment. She had the way Vanessa opened up to her, told her how scared she was of trying to navigate the world on her own after she graduated. She had the way that Vanessa shuffled close to her when the sun eventually began to rise, its glow a burnt orange ombre into a soft yellow which faded into the gentle blue of the morning sky. She had the way Vanessa’s head fit perfectly into the crook of her neck as, worn out and exhausted, she closed her eyes and dozed off in Brooke’s tentative arms.
Most of all, she had the fact that Vanessa loved her, and Brooke loved her back. And even though it hadn’t been the movie scene confession Brooke had been expecting, that fact, the sunrise, and Vanessa sleeping softly against her chest was enough for her for the moment.  
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subbyboymax · 4 years
I want to ask you all of them 🙈🙈
So why won’t you ask all of them? Huh anon?
Jk I love you whoever you are. As requested:
1. Zodiac sign 
Taurus. I don’t really pay much attention to zodiac stuff but I’ve heard from friends that I fit the stereotypes somewhat.
2. Sexual orientation 
This is hard because I’m kinda questioning atm, but I would say I like women and identify as NB using male pronouns which I personally feel is accurate to me, but I still am unsure myself what that actually means. I am still figuring myself out.
3. Relationship status 
Single and honestly looking. I’ve had one girlfriend in high school and I’ve had romantic interests since but I have such low self confidence that I end up being too nervous to really pursue a relationship.
4. Someone you miss 
My friend Rebekah. I miss her a lot. She’s like a sister to me.
5. Person who’s arms you’d like to be in 
Hmmmmmmmmm... anyone really...
6. What you find attractive in Men/Women? 
Typically I find personality attractive and looks don’t really matter, but usually someone’s smile and eyes draw my attention the most.
7. How tall are you? 
5’7 or ~170cm but I wish I was more smol.
8. What you love about yourself? 
Already answered
9. What you’re doing tomorrow? 
I’m probably going to exercise and play games with my gaming clan.
10. What are your future plans? 
My goal is to become an electrician, but I also want to go to various Asian countries and try to improve my Asian cooking by studying the food culture all over east asia.
11. Your last night out in detail?
Oh god I don’t even remember the last time I was out at night... I guess it was last year when I had my heart broken and I went to a really nice bar and spent $200 on alcohol and was GONE. Never again. Ended up being hung over for the first time in my life.
12. Your favorite book? 
Hmm... favorite book(s) would have to be the Ranger’s Apprentice series of books. Good story, good characters.
13. All of pets you’ve ever had?
I’ve had so many pets I could make a whole post about them and may do that later.
14. Something that changed your life? 
Unfortunately too many things have happened to change my life more than I would like. I still can’t really answer this question fully.
15. Do you remember your last dream?
I was basically playing a game that turned out to be an isekai and I basically had a SMG and had to fight off a dragon. Shit was weird but very vivid. It’s weird because I don’t particularly like guns or dangerous stuff in general. 
16. What your last text message says? 
“Keep me posted! We should meet up and have a toast to it!” was sent to my friend Renè, who has been my best friend since birth pretty much. Our parents were close while they were pregnant with us and we are practically brothers. He’s getting a house near where I live and we will live in the same state for the first time since we were 8 years old. Obviously we will social distance but we still had to celebrate and see each other to mark the occasion.
17. Do you respect your government and the way your country is run? 
Absolutely not. Please vote biden if you live in the US. Even if you hate the idea of voting for biden, he’s better than trump. If hillary had won, she would have been putting her third justice on the supreme court. Biden is the only chance for our freedom and for the freedom of many people. I am terrified of 4 more years of trump.
18. Where you would like to live? 
South Florida, where I was born.
19. Your  favorite flavor of ice cream?
Depends on my mood, but typically strawberry.
20. Last thing you ate?
Pizza that was left over from last night. 
21. Which swear word do you use the most? 
Fuck. Like I use it so much it’s stupid.
22. Your plans for summer?
Heh... plans...
23. Any upcoming concerts?
Bruh if only. Like I work as an usher and as a stagehand, so if any concerts were happening at all I would JUMP for joy. And I am CHONK so jumping is not exactly the most comfortable thing to do. 
24. Something that you’re proud of?
That I am finally committing to getting therapy for my long list of traumas. 
25. Do you still talk to your first crush?
I wish I could, but she’s not part of my life anymore, sadly. She was a good friend. 
26. What language do you want to learn? 
Japanese, because I really have a strong interest in their history and culture and want to go sightseeing there someday.
27. Where have you lived before?
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and St. Louis, Missouri.  
28. Eye color?
I think it’s green or something but it changes depending on the light because it’s sometimes more silvery idk.
29. Favorite style of clothing?
Traditional Japanese formal wear. It’s always been an interest of mine. 
30. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
All of one minute to throw on an outfit and get socks on. I wish I had an eye for fashion but hopefully if I ever have a partner, they will help me with my style choices a bit lol. 
31. Where did you go today?
Nowhere, because pandemic lmao. 
32. Where are you right now?
In my room wishing I could have cuddles. 
33. How many countries have you visited?
None because money is not exactly a thing we have an abundance of.
34. Something old?
What does this mean? I guess I have my great grandfather’s old stamp collection. 
35. Something new?
Hell if I know, I’ve had nothing new in months.
36. Something inherited?
My laptop.
37. Is death more scary than life? 
Hell no. Death is easy. Life is scary and overwhelming but it’s worth living the life you have. You only lose out on life by dying before your time. You gain nothing in death, despite it being less scary and uncertain than living is. Keep living to experience everything you can and have no regrets once you do pass on.
38. Experience you’ll never forget?
The time my high school crush complimented my hair in physics class. I get very few compliments and I never feel that attractive so I hardly focus on my appearance but I had brushed my hair that day and the fact she commented on it made me smile very wide.
39. What’s your favorite part about today so far?
Honestly today has sucked and I have been dealing with depression but I am trying to stay positive. Hopefully the answer to this question changes later today! 
40. Who is your hero?
My Great-Grandmother. She was part of my life until I was 17 and she taught me that kindness and compassion is the most important trait for a human to have. She was the most amazing woman I have ever met in my life. 
41. Are you happy with where you live?
I love this house, but it’s definitely not perfect and I would love to have my own place someday. 
42. Do you like your handwriting? 
Ew no it looks like alien language. It’s so bad. I can barely read my own writing.
43. What do you wear to bed?
Typically just underwear, or in the winter I will wear a T-shirt and fleecy pants.
44. Tea or coffee?
45. Chocolate or Vanilla? 
Chocolate hands down. It’s such a varied flavor imo. 
46. Are you excited for anything?
Being okay someday. 
47. How late did you stay up last night and why? 
Midnight because sleep is hard.
48. What’s your ringtone?
I’m boring and keep my phone on vibrate so no ringtone.
49. Did you have a dream last night?
Yes, I said it earlier. 
50. What keeps you going each day?
Honestly no fucking idea lmao.
51. Picture of yourself?
You’ll have to DM me for that one, friendo. Anons get no face pics!
Also for the other people who sent in asks, I saw them, but I figured I could just use this ask to consolidate and not spam posts. Thank all of you for sending in asks, you are the best <3
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jeonandjoonie · 5 years
All for Seokjin, Part 2 (Final)
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All for Seokjin part 1, Part 2(Final)
Your attempt to get with Seokjin. college au. Seokjin X Reader.
word count: ~4.5k
W: writing may not be perfect!, but i hope you enjoy it :)
Yes, it’s true. Here you are in the passenger seat while Seokjin drives you to the forest.
You felt like a princess when you took his hand in front of all those people. Seokjin squeezed your hand before scurrying off gleefully to pack a second backpack for you.
You heard snickers in the room, so you quickly dropped your hand to the side when you came back to reality. You stood there for a moment fighting the urge to hug your hand and caress it onto your face.
The room was silent until Yoongi spoke up. Being the one who invited you, he felt responsible for you.
“Hey __-“ He began
But you quickly cut him off not wanting anyone to destroy this perfect (and ridiculous) opportunity.
“This is such a great opportunity for me” You plastered on a grand smile on your face. “I’m so happy”
You didn’t bother to sweep the room knowing they were probably giving you looks that will crush the courage you had in you. You did however hear Taehyung laugh saying, “It’s like a dreams come true!”.
Thankfully Seokjin came out carrying two backpacks. “Here” he said panting, “ the supplies you’ll need are all right there”.
Scoffs, snickers, laughter, whispers, and every other noise that a pack of young adults and a high schooler could do in times of amusement and pity were heard.
And out the door you went with him. You placed the bag on the back seats of his black pickup truck. Expecting him to be watching you, you gracefully sat yourself on the seat and bucked your seatbelt as you imagined a swan would. You turned your head towards him with a small smile.
Even if this “activity” was odd you still had to use this opportunity and milk it for all its worth.
However, Seokjin was happily munching away on a granola bar as he scrolled through his phone.
You felt the vibrations of your phone in your back pocket. Already knowing it was probably everyone telling you to go back, you decided to put your phone. You didn’t need any distractions. You did however pit your location on, you know just in case.
“Alright’’, he said loudly not caring that it was close to midnight by now, “Let’s get going…” he stopped and eyed you warily as you gave him your coy smile”… partner” he hesitated.
Wow, partner? What does that mean? Is that a “Howdy Partner!” or a love partner. Nonetheless you knew you had to respond before you both end up in an awkward silence.
“Yes Seokjin…or err partner” you repeated his nickname and watched as he blushed turning his head. Yeah you did that. You smiled proudly at yourself and counted to ramble on about your interest in extraterrestrial life. Earning a chuckle or two when you mentioned how you first begin your interest after watching History’s channel, Ancient Aliens. He laughed and shook his head as if indicating what an amateur and naïve beginners’ step that was. You continued your monologue and spoke of how you wished they were nice and would teach humanity and help us in advancement. At this Seokjin also laughed and looked at you with a smile on his face.
Were these good signs? you thought to yourself. So you continued to ramble on about peace and prosperity.
Once you’ve both got off the highway and started to drive towards broken paved roads with no streetlights you began to feel uneasy. The darkens suddenly scared you a little. Once you took a breath from your rambling you realized you didn’t even let him say anything besides, “really” and “oh”.
“You know… partner” Seokjin begin eyeing you as he started to slow down on the uneven road path headered towards the forest. “Once we enter the forest you can’t talk anymore. Only speak if It’s necessary, okay?”.
“Okay”,  You replied robotically wanting to kick yourself for going off on a nervous rambling. You hoped he didn’t think of you as a narcissist alien amateur.
“How about you?” you asked him in a way to save yourself.
“Me?” Seokjin laughed, “that’s a long story”. He titled his head to the said keeping a smile on his face. You expected him to say more as you continued to stare at him expectantly.
He turned to you Feeling your stare, he turned to you seeing your fixation no his elongated arms on the steering wheel.
Ooh um” he coughed bring your eyes to his face. Seokjin looked back to the road.
“Yes, it’s actually a traumatic experience. I don’t like to talk about it”.
“Oh, oh, yeah, right, you don’t have to tell me” you reassured him. Poor baby.
Seokjin sighed, “Well its more so, I don’t want anyone to deny my experience”.
You looked at him waiting for more.
“People are always trying to write it off that it was something else like sleep paralysis or I don’t know”.
You blinked at him. He peeked at your curious expression.
So, he quickly let out his story that was in fact not long.
“I came out here to camp with my family about 3 years ago. During the night I woke up and I was surrounded by people only they weren’t people. They were aliens, I know it.” his grip tightened on the steering wheel. If it was on any other occasion you knew you would find it extremely hot.
“I want back to sleep or unconsciousness” he continued “and when I woke up, I was back in my tent with my older brother sleeping next to me. It was early morning the sun was just coming out. I couldn’t get up until he woke up. I was scared, honestly, I begged my family for us to go and I told them. They didn’t believe it of course but we left. After that I started my search and research. I know it’s real, but it’s scary. What were they doing to me?”
You didn’t know what to say to him, so you opted with “why are you looking for them?”
“I don’t know…because I’m an idiot, because I’m trying to get over my fear, or maybe its cause I’m trying to prove to myself that it was real” he softly said.
Poor baby.
Poor sweet baby.
He was in a turmoil. And here you are admiring his long eyelashes and pink plushed lips. Do you really deserve him? Yes, you can be supportive.
“You probably think I’m crazy” he turned his head and giving you a hopeless smile. The car stopped.
“Seokjin I don’t know if what you experienced was real or not, I can’t tell you that, but I’ll be here by your side”.
“Thanks partner” he said patting your head.
Your heart fluttered as you felt the palm of his hand pat your head. You felt yourself melt into his touch.
“Let’s go, yeah?” he whispered.
“eah” you reposed in the same tone hoping to keep the seductive and vulnerable vibe going.
“WHOOO” Seokjin suddenly shouted making you jump in your seat.
“LET’S GO” he practically kicked his car door opened and jumped off the truck headed towards the side door to retrieve both your backpacks.
You remained in your seat stunted by the shout and deflated by the disappointment of no romance.
Who knew this guy was dramatic.
“So Seokjin” you said removing your seatbelt. You turned your head around to watch as he draped the backpacks over his body. Aww was he going to carry yours. “what are in those?”
His head shot up, “Just supplies” he mumbled.
“Like what?” you may be in love, but you are no fool.
“You know the essentials’” he shrugged. Noticing that you made no attempt to move he sighed. “Fine”.
He removed both bags and placed them back on the seat. He unzipped the bag and you saw its contents.
Well not all food but the majority were snacks. You almost gasped with the variety of them.
“this is all food” you stated with wide eyes.
“No” Seokjin defended himself as his ears become red “ there’s also other stuff here, see?” he moved the boxes and plastic wrappers to the side, showing you a blanket, heat packets, flashlights, water, and a laptop.
“That’s it.” you responded. You don’t know what you were expecting, but a knife maybe, probably some expensive tech you never heard about.
“what about the other one?” you asked.
“It’s the same thing” he said “ but if you must look” he unzipped it to reveal more snacks. He twirled the food around and revealed to you a blanket that had alpacas on it, more hot packets, and headphones.
At this you laughed. He was so cute. Seokjin only blushed more.
“Yah, get off now let’s go”.
You came around to his side and found both bags on him.
“Do you want some help?” you asked him.
“I got it” he winked.
He winked at you that’s two times this night.
“So how long do these take” you asked following close behind him.
“I’m only out here for an hour or so”.
 You both started walking down the marked trail. Remembering his rules of no talking you reminded silent. Refraining yourself from asking him about the essence of who Seokjin is?
Seokjin walked casually down the trail ever so often picking up pace when he heard a noise or rustle from a bush.  He then suddenly turned left, walking off the trail. Surprised and slightly worried you quickly jogged behind him grabbing a hold of his arm.
“Hey Seok-“
“GAHHH” he yelled pulling back from you.
You stared at him wide eyes.
“I’m sorry are you okay”
“You sacred me” he said a hand to his chest looking at you as if you are in the wrong.
“I’m sorry” you repeated. “did you forget I was here?”
“No, no, what” he slurred out his words at a rush to save himself. “Of course, not” he looked away from you “I may be kind of afraid” he confessed “this scary stuff kind of scares me”. He smiled shily at you.
Huh, then how does he do these routinely alien hunting?
As if reading the question on your face he confessed “I usually just get out for a bit until I get too freaked out then I run back to my truck and just wait it out there”.
You looked at him. “OH, right”.
“Sorry” Seokjin said “I’m not that great, huh”. He placed both his hands in his pockets. “I didn’t turn out to be who you thought I was, did I?”
At this you felt blindsided. Who did he think you thought he was? Did he know? Did he catch on to your mini stalker lifestyle and feelings towards him?
“I-I” you gulped like a fish.
He sighed, “not the great handsome alien hunter you expected”.
He took your silence as a cue to begin a monologue.
“I know with my handsome face, that people expect me to become an actor a model- which is what I’m studying for, on the dean’s list and already have been in every production crated by our university and the small theathre in town. I’ve been stopped by so many entertainment agencies. But regardless of that, I-“
Before he could ruin anymore of the image you created of him in your mind you lifted a finger to his lips “Seokjin shhh, be quiet”.
With your finger on his lips seokjin felt the pad linger and slowly drift downwards pulling apart his lips as you arm lost strength. You felt your courage diminish as you felt the smoothness of his plush lips. Lush. Fluff. These are the lips, the face, the puppy eyes that you’ve dreamt about for years.
“Partner” he tried to whisper as your finger still lingered on his lip.
You shuffled closer to Seokjin until you were almost chest to chest. You let your finger trace the outline of his lip. Resting your hand to cup his face.
Your heart was calm. You always imagined your heart to be racing one hundred miles per hour in the moment that you were to kiss Seokjin. You also didn’t expect to be off in the forest somewhere at 12 am looking for aliens.  But your heart was calm you felt at peace as if this is where you were supposed to be. In this moment you were focused on Seokjin and Seokjin only. Trying to figure out how his skin feels so smooth and moisturized under your palm. You stared fixed into his eyes. He stared right back.
Soekjin leaned in closer to you as you slowly titled your head up.
You can’t believe your about to kiss him. Is this real life? Is this a dream? How did this even happen?
You felt the warmth of his body all over you and his quick breath (which by the way smelled of mint, is there anything wrong with him?) fawn on your face in a graceful wave of blessings.
You didn’t want to close your eyes, but he did, so you didn’t want to be that wiredo who kept them open. You didn’t know when you’ll have a chance to be this close to him. As you fluttered your eyes and where looming over each other’s lips, you felt Seokjin finally wrap his arms around your waist.
This was the moment. Your kiss with Seokjin. And given the fact that he grabbed you would indict that he also wanted to kiss you. All those years of pinning after him.  Your plan to befriend his friends to become closer to him all have worked out. It all happened so fast. You thought it’ll be months before you would be in this position, but you wouldn’t change it for a thing. Not when it presented itself before you in the chilly night with the moons light as your backdrop. If kissing him took about a week, imagine marrying him. Within a month you’ll be his wife!
This is it. This is what true love stories, fairytales, miracles, and all of the above are made of.
This moment with him.
With Seokjin, this handsome film and acting student and self-proclaimed alien hunter.
You both jumped away from each other’s arms. Seokjin yelled once again from the loud sound.
You were in such a shock yourself. You didn’t even have a second to consider blowing your head off for the missed opportunity to kiss Seokjin.
What the hell was going on?
Who dared interrupt your perfect moment.
At this point, fueled by Seokjins yells and trembling body, you grabbed his arm with such ferocity to hid behind some bushes you saw on your right.
Your eyes saw red. You felt absolute rage. Your heaven soon turned into a darkens that angered you. The moonlight now mocked your hopeless attempt.
“H-hey….partner” you finally heard the shaking boy whisper next to you. You turned to look at him. Upon seeing his shaking from and fearful face you pitied him. You placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him.
“Do-yo-you think it’s the aliens?” he asked you with his wide eyes. The eyes that hold his soul.
“I don’t know” you said truthfully. Honestly what was that notice? Was it aliens? You were not ready to face aliens.
“Oh my” Seokjin muttered to himself upon seeing the color drain from your face.
You really hoped it wasn’t, but you remembered your mission was to capture aliens for him.
“Do you want to go see? I think the sound came from over there” you pointed to the direction. Both your heads turned to the sight. Suddenly a mixture of green and purple colors shone from between the trees. Before Seokjin could start yelling again you quickly clamped a hand over his face to muffle the yells that were inevitable going to come out.  Seeing that he was frozen in his spot. You shakily reached for the phone in your pocket and began to record.
You almost dropped your phone upon seeing the screen of your phone. The lights were not being captured!
But when you looked up the green and purple were still there.
“Seokjin…Seokjin”, you grabbed onto his arm, “we need to get out of here”
You showed him your phone and the lack of green and purple colors showcasing from the screen.
You watched as Seokjins face morphed into fear.
He grabbed your arm and dragged you back to where he assumed was the trials which had to be opposite from the light source.
It wasn’t. After running plenty away,  you both were panting out of breath. You looked at the damage which were your shoes that were filled of dirt and twigs and who knows what else.
“Are you okay?’ he asked you flipping his hair in a way that shouldn’t be considered sexy in this crisis.
“Yeah” you replied looking back “do you think we’re far away?”
“I hope so”
“Do you know where we are?”
“No” he admitted.
You looked at your phone.
“It’s okay, my location still connects”, you said before he could beat himself up even more , “We can get out” you said more to yourself. You started to follow the compass on your maps app trying to find a way out.
Panic must have been shown on your face as Seokjin quickly stopped you from turning your head around and out of your body.
“Let me try, I know the trials of this place” he zoomed into the maps to reveal the trial names.
“Ahh”, he said, “ there. Follow me”.
“Wait”, you called out to him, “give me the bags”
He looked at you with that cute confused look. How can everything about him be so adorable.
“You’ve carried them this whole time, they must be heavy by now”.
“Oh”, he looked down blushing, “I’m okay”.
“No” you protested reaching out to the strap around his chest. At this proximity you were both simultaneously reminded of the kiss that was about to take place. Blush appearing on both your faces you quickly released your hands.
“Please” you said looking back at his face to see him looking at the ground as he played with the dirt with his shoes.
He looked up and gave you a shy smile “okay, but only for a few minutes. Then I’ll get them back”.  You nodded happily. Finally, you will be able to help and assist your man.
Once you placed both backpacks around your shoulders you both started to walk towards Seokjins direction.
You gasped when you saw two red marks on both his shoulders that were caused by the backpacks.
“What’s wrong?”, he asked turning to you with fright in his eyes. He looked like he was ready to bolt.
“Nothing” you replied Shaking your head not wanting to alarm him. You’ll deal with it once you were both in the safety of the vehicle.
“I just…wow! This really is heavy”, you commented, “You’re so strong”
Seokjin turned around and laughed “thanks partner!”.
Partner. Once again that word. You started to become suspicious that maybe Seokjin forgot your name.
Are you just becoming paranoid after witnessing an event that your brain is currently in the process of hiding in the depths of your mind?
Does he know your name? You want to hear him say your name.
“Seokjin” you said once again this time walking alongside him.  “where do you get partner from?” you feigned a chuckle, “haha I haven’t heard it used unironically before”
“Oh, uhh ummm” Seokijn quickly turned his head so you wouldn’t look at is face or more so that he wouldn’t see your face and feel the guilt.
You placed your hand on his arm to stop him. He halted with his body directed forward.
“Seokjin, do you know my name?”
He sighed and slumped his shoulders.
“No” he whispered, deflated.
Ouch. Humiliation and utter devastation are not strong enough words to describe your feelings at that moment. Here you were thinking Seokjin was calling you “partner” as an endearment but it’s because he forgot your name.
You retracted your hand as if burnt. It hurt.
Before you go into overdrive in your questions and begin to over think and become insecure you simply nodded and continued forward.
“Hey, I’m sorry” Seokjin said catching up to you.
“I-I just didn’t think I’ll see you again, I don’t remember….it just didn’t stick”
Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
Were you not memorable? He didn’t think he’ll see you again? It didn’t stick?
You would think you would burst into tears, but it felt as if you were pinched back into reality.
You continued walking feeling the anger building inside of you. You didn’t know where you were going, but at this point you didn’t care. You just wanted to get away.
Cursing at yourself you realized you should of just played it cool and not shown how upset you were about it. But it was embarrassing how you took every opportunity to say his name, even to the point of over doing it.
Seokjin walked behind you like a scolded puppy, but you didn’t care you were tired and felt pathetic.
Well at least he had some sense to remain silent. He would occasionally tell you “left” or “right”  to direct you out of the forest. Upon reaching the clearing and seeing his truck you abruptly snatched your phone from his hands and stomped to the passenger side. Waiting for him to open it. With another defeated sigh he unlocked the doors and climbed in. You threw the bags to the back waiting for the drive to begin.
You knew you were being rude, but what’s the point, he already indirectly rejected you. (insert sad face).
What you thought could be gold ended up being fool’s gold.
…But wait a minute you thought as you started to go through the day’s events trying to locate the red flags…
“YOU WERE GOING TO KISS ME”. You shouted. Once again giving Seokjin perhaps his 15 scare that night.
You turned to him, glaring at him.
“You were gonna kiss me and you didn’t know my name, because it didn’t stick or was is because you didn’t think you’ll see me again?”
“No, I-I- uhh”
“Oh, I see. You’re a hit it and quit it, got it”.
“No , no, no” Seokjin tried to defend himself as you accuse his gentlemen manners.
He stole glances at your fuming form that was still glaring into him.
“It’s not like that, I just didn’t remember”
You still stayed glaring at his pretty head, damn him for still looking undeniably attractive and cute.
“Listen, it took me years to memorize my government ID number”  
You scoffed.
“I’m sorry, I just- I just didn’t remember, I was hoping I’ll hear it somewhere, but it looked like you really liked it when I called you partner so I just left it at that”.
At this you rolled your eyes.  No matter what men will be men.
“I really like it” you mimicked him.
Seokjin this time seemed to be getting upset as he huffed and quickly turned the wheel, stopping the car to a halt. Thankfully you were back in the city and pulled a side a large street. At that moment you wished you were wearing peals so you could cutch them at the fierceness and fast turning of the car. Seokjin placed the car in park and turned on the emergency lights.
Oh, this is serious, you thought to yourself as he unbuckled his seat belt so he could turn fully towards you.
“You really like me, don’t you?” Seokjin asked trying to meet your eyes that quickly down casted.
If you were expecting anything it was not that. Pulling over the car and telling you to “get in the back seat now, cause you made Daddy angry” seemed more probable then this detrimental question.
“What do you mean?” you asked him as you nervously clipped the nail polish off your nails.
“When you are me, seeing that look on a person face usually means one thing”
Wait. what. Was he really hyping himself up right now?
You trend you face up to see him sigh and slowly shake his head.
“Just a heads up, pretty people should know when someone likes them, you get the looks all the time, it’s really noticeable when you focus on them”.
The humiliation that you already had seething inside you engulfed into higher flames that turned icy cold.
At this point you were speechless because you didn’t know if you should cry or slap him.
You wanted to look away from his (beautiful) face, but it was hard to look away at the angel of death as he takes away any remaining life that you have left in you.
“Pretty people should know”, he repeated staring straight into your soul,  “So tell me, why don’t you know?”
You heart stopped.
“The truth is…I kind of blacked out when you first came, then a second time when you said your name”. Seokjin looked down his face turning red at his confession. He scratched the back of his neck looking forward, straightening his body.
You in turn kept staring at him. Now your heart felt like it was overworking itself. Is he really saying what you think he is saying?
“I didn’t ask you again because I didn’t want to make a bad impression and you honestly looked like you liked “partner” he said the nickname with a little sadness. Now feeling betrayed by the name. “I was going to text Yoongi, for your name but then the whole lights thing happened. I’m sorry”.
You wanted to believe him, but he was an actor and he could be saying all this just to save himself. But why would he care so much? because you were Yoongis friend who was going to start rapping or maybe its cause it past 1 am and you are both stopped at the side of a lonely road in the city.
He sneaked a peak at you and upon seeing absolutely no change from your expression since his confession, he got scared and begin to ramble.
“Honestly, I was about to kiss you. You should know I don’t just kiss anyone. I am exclusive. I’m Kim Seokjin, member of Bangtan and promising actor of our university”
In his ramble you quickly bookmarked the  words “member of Bangtan” in your mind for future questioning.
“You should know that a handsome alien hunter like myself wouldn’t kiss someone he didn’t like”.
“Can you stop blaming me for everything” you finally spoke out.
“I’m sorry”, he quickly said, “I’m not good at confessing , I’m sorry, I never done this before”.
You snort, out of everything you believe that for sure.
Should you believe him?, should you trust what he says? I mean it’s just your name, right? This is what you wanted and here he is the main man telling you in his out of touch inexperienced way that he likes you. It would be arrogant for you to write him off for that mistake. And to think that your beauty made him go blank does a lot to your ego. After spending a night with Seokjin, the image that you created in your head of him was completely shattered, the many day dreams you envisioned with him from the little times you’ve seen him and heard of him, explained nothing or showed nothing to who he really is as a person. This person whom you are sitting next to is the real Seokjin, not the idol image you’ve grown to believe and yearn for. This was real, just as much as you are real. And he deserves the respect of you to judge him for who he is and to like him for who he is and not for the idol-like image you made of him in your brain. 
Seokjin smiles at you, a last attempt to show you his sincerity. You liked this Kim Seokjin way better than the one you made up in your mind.
“So” you asked placing your hand on his shoulder smiling up a him, “For how long have you liked me?”
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Resting with them while on break
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a/n- this was a request. it was a lot of fun to write.
summary- what their break would look like with you
Warnings- none pure fluff
Word count- 1.8k
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it had been weeks since the two of you had seen each other. 
you drove to the airport parking in a spot towards the back of the lot
you could see the reporters and cameraman in front of the gate. 
it was midnight and you were a little sleepy but filled with excitement 
you had on a pair of large frame reflective sunglasses and were wearing  black sweatpants matched with a hoodie of the same color and the hood was a shield against the cold a.c of the car.
you looked around making sure no one was taking pictures
you then looked to see the members boarding the cars sent by the company 
soon one of the black vans approached your car.
jin taped on the passenger side window as you unlock the doors
the both of you sat in silence taking each other in 
“I missed you,” you whispered 
“I'm here now for a while.” he gave you a bright smile that brought you to tears every time 
the both of you stayed inside cuddling for at least a week 
you would get back into your routine after a while 
Jin would work on his vocals and rest while you went to work 
both of you would eat dinner together almost every night
it would be another month before he got into his normal work schedule and he would enjoy just staying home and focusing on his side projects and you
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although sometimes being the most reserved person in the room he was completely and utterly in love with you
this meant that when he found out there was going to be a break coming up he decided it was time for a real vacation
you were sleeping when you heard the click of the door opening 
you weren't expecting him to come back so soon
“Yoongi baby you're back I missed you so much,” you said while rubbing your eyes voice raspy from just waking up
“pack your stuff! we're going on vacation.” he exclaimed
“I have work.” you lay back down not comprehending the fact that your boyfriend was back 
“Call in sick come on.” he jumped on the bed laying down next to you 
you began to snore already back to sleep
“(y/n) the flights in a couple hours and you're gonna love where we're going.” he uncovers you causing a shiver to run down your body and startle you awake.
you opened your eyes to see his shining in the dark with excitement 
“where are we going” you were still sleepy but seeing his face made you smile
“You'll see when we get there.” he smiled from ear to ear
you rolled on your back looking up at the ceiling “my boss is gonna kill me. Karen's gonna have to take over my shifts.” you laughed 
“I think you're burning up honey. Maybe you have the flu. I can tell this is a bad case. Two weeks of being out of the office” he placed the back of his hand on your forehead 
It was a long flight to the Caribbean 
you both laid in the white sand beaches for hours on end getting nice and tan
“Can we do this every break.” you sighed sipping on the colourful drink in your hand.
the sound of the crashing waves filled your ears the smaller ones brushing against your feet.
“yes,” he answered also sipping on his drink and getting all the sun he could so people would stop calling him so pale
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he was gone for so long you almost forgot the sound of his voice in real life
“I’m back.” you heard him scream as he ran to hug you in your living room 
“I missed you so much.” 
for the next month the two of you cooked at home and enjoyed each other's company
Although it wasn’t a big fancy trip or anything out of the normal it was nice to live a semi-normal life again
“It feels perfect here with you,” he said looking into your eyes while holding your hand and bending down slightly 
“It does.” you were both walking through the grocery store looking for a bag of instant noodles 
it was nice how moments like this felt romantic and fairytale-like when you were together 
it didn't matter where you were as long as you were together 
it was such a cliche but maybe you both loved that 
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he didn't take breaks 
when he came home after a long tour you were prepared to have him still working late into the night and taking calls all the time 
You worked hard and took your career as seriously as he did 
this was exactly why the two of you were perfect for each other 
your favourite thing to do was to sit in silence in front of the computer working while he sat across from you doing the same thing.
that's what you did on most days 
this year the Joon has decided to spice the normal routine up by making an effort to go to every café in the city
“The coffee here is better than yesterday's,” you said taking another sip from the large glass
“Yeah it's stronger but it's still not better than mine.” he continued typing on his laptop.
“true.” you closed yours causing him to look up “let's go home. we can take the long route and you can make some of your coffee at home.” you put your laptop in your bag as he did the same 
both walked the scenic route enjoying the silence 
“It can't get better than this can it?” you head on his shoulder sitting on the couch watching the series you both were binging. you were blowing on the cup of coffee you were promised earlier.
“yes, it can. This girl can finally dump her boyfriend” he pointed angrily at the television 
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it had been such a chaotic year that he just wanted things to go back to normal or as close as they could get 
“let's just stay in today.” he pleaded. he held you close to his chest preventing you from standing up from the bed.
“I have to go to work.” you were so tired from falling asleep at five am waiting for his arrival 
“why don't you just stay five more minutes.” he knew what he was doing moving his hand up and down your back lightly kissing your head
“Ok five more minutes.” you dozed off
the both of you stayed cuddled in bed until two past noon
your eyes fluttered open to see his chest you snuggled yourself into it feeling the grip around you tighten 
“shit I think it’s been more than five minutes.” you heard him mutter in his morning voice even though it was firmly the afternoon 
“who needs a job anyways when you can sleep” you joked 
this was how most days went just cuddling and sleeping and eating for the first week and a half 
then your boss called you into her office and said your cat couldn't get sick every day for at the same time 
you both spent every hour together when you were home 
the activities were cooking, cleaning, watching T.V, talking about people you didn't like, saying you need to visit your parents, remember that you hadn't visited his in a while, and then deciding it was probably best to call. this repeated daily 
it was the best time you both had had in months just living your lives in a somewhat normal way
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He always took his breaks seriously 
taking it as an opportunity to reflect on his progress and step away from the media except for important events.
This year he had opted to go away for a week to a temple in Nepal 
“why do you want to go there?” you asked him when he had first proposed the idea. 
you had known him for too long knowing very well the two of you would be on a plan within the week
once he had his heart set on something it was impossible to convince him otherwise and the way he brought it up suddenly meant he had thought it over and was just telling you
“I think it’d be a nice change of pace and it's one of those things people have to do before they die.” 
as you thought within the week you were boarding a flight to Nepal 
it was an interesting week of sightseeing and “soul searching” as Tae referred to it as
“Should I shave my head,” he asked you while you were walking on the balcony of the room you had rented looking at the Himalayas 
“I don't think the world could handle that. they aren't ready for a ‘2007 Brittany’ V” you laughed at your joke.
He laughed at you laughing at your joke 
“Thank you for following me on my spiritual whim. I love you (y/n)” he smiled looking over at you
“I- bold of you to assume I didn't come here for my own spiritual needs.” he laughed this time at your joke. “I love you too, next time can you make us go somewhere warm and sunny with beaches instead of temples and island music instead of prayers?” 
“I promise next time I’ll let you pick.”
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It was a break and that's exactly what he wanted 
a nice period of rest with the people he loved and a step away from the media
This meant that you spent most of your time at home enjoying each other's company and occasionally the company of your friends 
both of you went out other than walking your dog and work only for visits with your families 
Jungkook spent most of his time practising his language skills and other hobbies he had picked up
“can we go get dinner,” you asked him wrapping your hands around his waist from behind 
“but what if someone sees us?” he whined 
you leaned your head into his back sighing “lucky them.”
“do you really wanna go?” he turned around putting both his hands on your shoulders looking into your eyes
Twenty minutes later you were eating tacos at the only Latin American restaurant around 
you had taco grease on your face and he stuck out his thumb to wipe it away
“what would I do without you.” you sighed giving him puppy eyes
You didn't know if it was the taco high or his fluffy hair that had you feeling so enamoured 
“I don't know.” he gave you the same look
there were always moments like this when you both enjoyed a simpler routine rather than the hustle and bustle of his work that many times controlled your lives
A/N- I’ve been trying a lot of new things lately regarding one shots and series. I’m not sure I want to post them cause they’re long but I really like the ideas I’ve been putting to paper. Mostly AU stuff. If you’ve made it this far thank you so much for reading, check out my masterlist and reblog <3
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writingbarnes · 6 years
Best Regards, Steve Rogers
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Summary : You really didn’t hate Steve Rogers, the resident graphic designer with – as Scott had put it – a heart of gold and zero self-perseverance. You really didn’t think you bore any resentment for the tenant who lived next to your apartment. Or that was what you were trying to think for the past month until you saw three post-it notes stuck on your apartment door when you got home from a meeting. NEIGHBOR AU!
Character : Steve Rogers x Reader  |  Genre : Fluff,crack, failed attempt at angst |  
Words : almost 2.5K
Author’s Note : Sometimes you get months of writer’s block and then you finished a one shot in a few hours :))) What is writing. I have like 2 version of this so if you see the kpop one that’s me 🤷
Enjoy <3 Tell me what you think! Thank you @pleasecallmecaptain for reading this mess and for the inspiration behind the rain boots lmao
You didn’t hate your neighbor, really. You barely knew the guy! Your landlord only told you his name was Steve and that he was a graphic designer. “Maybe you know each other!” Scott, your overly optimistic borderline dopey landlord had said when you mentioned you were a music producer. That was not how it works, but you couldn’t really destroy your landlord’s excitement, so you replied with a smile. You didn’t think you’ve even met the guy when you first moved in aside from the note slipped under your door telling you to stop making loud noises at night. It would have been fine if it weren’t for the fact that he took the time to doodle dying stick figures on one corner with one stick figure clanging cymbals on the other corner (you might have ended up replying with a very bad doodle and an equally passive-aggressive note but that was not the point).
You really didn’t hate Steve Rogers, the resident graphic designer with – as Scott had put it – a heart of gold and zero self-perseverance. Bucky Barnes, the resident grumpy cat lady who happened to be your cousin, had also told you the same thing, although with a very much more interesting choice of words (“the dumbass who’d jumped off a plane without a parachute because he thinks he’s cool” Bucky said as he helped you unload some boxes). But then again, you’ve spent most of your life with Bucky and you knew the guy never said anything nice to anyone except for his cats. Hell, he even told you, his favorite cousin, that you looked like 'the hairball his cat hacked up’ when you fought off some bullies who made fun of his prosthetic arm.
“He’s not that bad.” Natasha, the scary redhead lady who lived two floors above yours commented the other day. She had accidentally listened to Bucky’s very creative opinions on Steve. “Kinda dumb when it comes to girls, but a very decent guy. You look like you can get along with him.”
“Excuse me, are you implying I’m kinda dumb too?” You asked.
Natasha only flashed you a grin as she sauntered off and it reminded you of Bucky’s cat that would always try to claw your face whenever you came too close to it.
“Come to think of it, you are similar in some ways,” Bucky commented offhandedly as he picked up another box. “You have that look on your face.”
“What? Beauty?”
“It’s more of a perpetually confused look. But whatever helps you sleep at night.”
(You chucked your sandal at his head at his comment.)
So yes, you really didn’t think you bore any resentment for the tenant who lived next to your apartment. Or that was what you were trying to think for the past month until you saw three post-it notes stuck on your apartment door when you got home from a meeting.
“Do you want me to buy you a headphone? :(“
“It’s amazing how you and Bucky are friends for so long! I wouldn’t have survived it.”
And more intricate doodles of what you thought was you screaming while the other stick figures cried in the corner.
Steve Rogers was a little shit and you didn’t know why everyone thought you’d get along with him. You, as the mature adult that you were, decided to play loud music that night only for Steve to slip more notes and stupid passive-aggressive doodle at midnight. The exchange went on for the next three months. Which was why you were now lying on Bucky’s couch, asking him for more revenge ideas. You had played most of the songs on your favorite playlist, to the ones you hated. And you had collected a pile of post-it notes with doodles and weird notes that you were sure were filled with more passive aggressive messages and insults.
“He’s a little shit, Bucky.” You groaned.
“You have one more thing in common then,” Bucky replied.
“I am not!”
“Didn’t you try to make better brownies for the new neighbor last week?” You opened your mouth to retort, only for Bucky to cut you off, “and both of you ended up sending tons of food to our poor neighbor by the end of the week.”
“He started it.” You grumbled.
You should have known better. You should have left the apartment when you realized Bucky was silent for a good minute before his lips curled into the most obnoxious smile you have ever seen.
“[Y/N]…” he started with a manic grin. “Do… do you have a crush on Steve Rogers?”
You definitely did not have a crush on your tall, cute neighbor of yours that always tried to get on your nerve. And the heat on your cheeks was definitely because of the hot weather. Nothing to do with how Bucky kept staring at you with that stupid grin or the thought of Steve that popped into your mind.
“Hey, [Y/N].” You jumped at the voice and quickly turned around to face Steve standing by his door with his eyebrows raised. His lips quirked into a smirk at how wide-eyed you were.
“Steve.” You nodded, trying to calm your racing heart.
“Hey, can you play those cute songs you blasted the other day? I kinda like it.” Wait, what?
“Do you not have iTunes, Steve? You know you can buy the tracks online, right?”
“It’s free.” He shrugged. “I’ll draw you some doodles if you want.”
You gawked at him. Steve, bless his heart, had the decency to look a little sheepish for a mere second before he went back to his annoying self.
“Don’t forget to play the songs!” He grinned before he entered his apartment, leaving you gaping at his door in confusion and shock.
“Were you trying to flirt with her?” Sam asked the moment Steve closed the door behind him.
“Cause that’s so pathetic.” Sam snorted, ignoring how red his best friend’s face had become. “Man, I told you to be all cute and romantic and you decided that sending weird notes and doodles are romantic?”
Steve groaned and buried his face in the couch while his best friend watched him from the kitchen, clearly used to his antics. “Wh-ami-sup-to—do!”
“Well, you could start by actually talking to her and not acting like a kid. She’s pretty nice once you get to know her.” Steve quickly turned to Sam, his eyes wide.
“You’ve talked to her?!”
“She gave me some brownies, which, in my opinion, taste better than yours.” Sam shrugged, sipping his coffee while he enjoyed the sight of Steve flailing on the couch, mumbling more incoherent words. “I can’t believe you have a crush on your neighbor and your first idea is to tell her she played her music too loud.”
Steve was about to reply when he heard it. The bubbly pop music she had played the other day. The songs he requested her to play for him. His face bloomed into what Sam described as ‘disgusting, love-sick, puppy face’.
“Do you think she likes me too?”
“Jesus, you’re really pathetic, Steve. This is why you’ve been single all your life.”
You really didn’t think you liked him. You were just entertaining him. Maybe he was too broke to buy one track on iTunes. Maybe his laptop broke. You were just doing him a favor. Definitely not because he flashed you that cute smile that morning when you picked up your mails. Not because of the way your heart beat a little faster at the sight of him helping your neighbor and playing with some random dogs by the street. Most definitely not because of the butterflies in your stomach every time he greeted you in the hallway. It was just a favor.
But when you jumped out of your couch to run to the front door, beaming from ear to ear at the little notes and cute doodles he drew you for the day, you knew it wasn’t just some simple favor for a neighbor. He drew you a little cat and you thought it was you, judging from the frown on the face and your favorite dress. It was too adorable and you ended up sticking it on the fridge along with the other doodles he had given you.
You were, as Bucky had said, completely and utterly fucked.
Friday was supposed to be a good day. But it rained the moment you exited the building and you had to deal with traffic. As if it wasn’t bad enough for you, you ripped a hole on your rain boots on your way to a meeting. You had to sit with wet socks for a good three hours, freezing your ass off because you had also forgotten to bring your favorite scarf. The client ended up not liking the song and ordered you to do more revision, much to your frustration. But the highlight of your awful day has got to be the time when you realized you’ve forgotten your keys and locked yourself out of your own apartment while Scott was away for a vacation with his daughter and Bucky was visiting his family for the weekend.
“Great.” You sniffled, rubbing your nose pink as you sat down in front of your apartment. Your hair and clothes were wet from the rainstorm and you wondered if your makeup was still intact or if you’ve already turned into a sad raccoon. You were too engrossed in your pity-party for one to notice the opened door next to you. You didn’t even notice it until said person crouched in front of you with worry plastered all over his face.
“[Y/N]?” Steve hesitantly called.
He smelled like pine and fresh soap and something else that made you feel at home. You looked up at him, startled at how worried he looked.
“Are you okay?”
At his words, you sniffled a little louder, your eyes burned with fresh tears. He gently put his hand on yours in comfort and it was like a dam broke, the tears you desperately tried to keep in check rushed down your cheeks.
“I can’t get inside!” You wailed, slapping the door pathetically.
“Shit. Please don’t cry. Oh, shit–” Steve panicked. “Do- do you want to come inside? I can make you some tea?”
You really didn’t know why it just made you cried harder.
“Y-yes.” You hiccupped between your tears as you let Steve guide you inside his apartment.
Steve’s apartment was like how you imagined an artist’ apartment would look like. Books scattered near the bookshelf, his laptop propped on the coffee table with sketches strewn all over the floor. There was a small pot of cactus by the window. It was oddly endearing and so was Steve.
“You can sit here.” He offered, grabbing all his sketches and dumping it on the lone couch beside you. “I’ll get you some towels and clothes? Will that be okay? I can make you tea too.” He rambled.
You can only manage a weak nod, trailing behind Steve while he dug out a  T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants from his bedroom.
“You have a nice apartment.” You said between hiccups. “I like the little cactus.”
He laughed and it almost sent your heart into overdrive. He had that adorable blush on his cheeks as he led you to the bathroom, explaining which one was soap and which was shampoo in case you want to use it. You didn’t really pay attention to it, too focused on the way he smiled and the affectionate pat on your head before he left you alone. And if you accidentally used the soap on your hair, it was understandable. You were sad and tired.
Steve was sitting on the kitchen counter when you finally stepped out of the bathroom with a T-shirt and sweatpants that were definitely too large for you. You tried to pull up the pants as you waddled to the kitchen, trying not to trip on your pants by accident (damn Steve and his long legs). He quickly looked up, face blooming into a warm smile at the sight of you standing in front of him (his brain short-circuited at how adorable you looked in his clothes but he would never tell you that).
“TEA!” He said a little too loud, blushing as he almost shoved the hot mug at you.
“Thank you.” You hesitantly took it, sipping and sighing in relief as it slowly warmed your body.
“I have to finish some work first but you’re free to do anything here. You can grab anything to eat if you’re hungry or you can just sleep. Just–,” he paused, “just make yourself at home.”
You dumbly nodded while Steve ran to the living room, wanting to get away from you as soon as possible so you wouldn’t see how red his cheeks were. Too tired to do anything, you decided to join Steve in the living room. You walked past the fridge, smiling at the little notes he had until your eyes caught the familiar notes and handwriting that definitely belonged to you. The little ugly doodles you did for him, the weird messages. You froze as it dawned on you. Steve had kept every single note you have sent him and stuck them all over his fridge.
“Hey are you ok–,” Steve’s question died when he saw you standing in front of his fridge, holding a piece of paper.
“You kept this?” You softly asked.
“Uhh–,” Steve’s mouth slightly opened, trying to find an excuse that doesn’t scream ‘I have the biggest crush on you’.
“That’s really sweet.” You giggled, feeling warmth creeping up your face. You didn’t know if it was the tea or the weather that made you look at him in the eyes and said, “I kept yours too.”
Steve was sure his brain stopped working the moment the words escaped your lips. You kept his doodles. The doodles Sam thought was dumb. He thought he heard you said it was cute and you really liked them, but he couldn’t really hear it over how loud his heartbeat was. So, being the smart person that he was, he took a step closer towards you and blurted out, “I really want to kiss you.”
(He did get to kiss you, only to panic a moment later when he felt how feverish you were.)
“I’m okay.” You insisted as Steve dragged you to his bed, forcing you to take some medicine and get some sleep. “Kiss me, please?”
“You’re really sick, [Y/N]. Let’s talk about this tomorrow okay? When you feel better.” He smiled, though he still planted a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Okay.” You cutely nodded and Steve swore he died and went to heaven as he watched you reached out your hand to hold his.
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bipolarwitchcraft · 5 years
Awnser all the questions of the post you recently reblogged.
Yeet 1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?-water bottles. I like metal ones. 2. chocolate bars or lollipops?-lollipops3. bubblegum or cotton candy?-cotton candy4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?-a pleasure to have in class and a creative writer. I wrote a lot of stories and was told by a few teachers I could be a published author when I got older. I hope they’re right. 5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?-cans the easiest 6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?-boho goth county would accurately describe me7. earbuds or headphones?-earbuds but not apple earbuds Bc they hurt8. movies or tv shows?-tv shows under 30 mins bc my attention span is 2 seconds (excluding the Orville and 911 bc those are amazing shows)9. favorite smell in the summer?-well water and main and tail shampoo10. game you were best at in p.e.?-volleyball. If I didn’t have to play 2 sports to be in athletics I would have played it in high school. 11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?-I don’t eat breakfast usually at school but when I work at camp I’ll usually have 2 eggo waffles and peanut butter maybe with a plum or something 12. name of your favorite playlist?-drive songs 13. lanyard or key ring?-key ring. I can’t stand having my keys on a lanyard 14. favorite non-chocolate candy?-Swedish fish 15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?-the secret life of bees and of mice and men. They are the only two I actually read all the way through and didn’t sparknotes lmaoo16. most comfortable position to sit in?-completely slouched in a chair with on leg crossed 17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?-my serape ariat cruisers or my berks 18. ideal weather?-70s to mid 80s with a nice breeze 19. sleeping position?-I’m a stomach sleeper lol but I usually try to fall asleep on my left side 20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?-note book. My favorite are the 5-star note books. College rule. One subject. 21. obsession from childhood?-dinosaurs and rocks. Still relevant today as a geology major22. role model?-don’t have role models. They always disappoint. Just be a decent person and do what you enjoy. 23. strange habits?-I rub the corners of blankets and pillows and such on and under my thumb nail. But only my right. I also poke my tongue out of my mouth a little when I’m riding. 24. favorite crystal?-I’m a sucker for amethyst. But quartz is also a favorite. I have natural quartz clusters all over my backyard at home. 25. first song you remember hearing?-besides like baby songs it was probably something my dad was listening to so I’m going to say Loser by Beck or Sweet Home Alabama bc those have been staples of my life. 26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?-ride and then immediately jump in the lake 27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?-read 28. five songs to describe you?-I don’t know enough about myself to know what describes me but my favorite songs rn are ‘99’ by Barnes Courtney, Colours by Grouplove, Pumped Up Kicks by foster the people, Talk Too Much by Coin, and Broken by lovelytheband 29. best way to bond with you?-talk to me 30. places that you find sacred?-nature, whataburger at 3am, and my room 31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?-I always feel badass when I wear my show chaps 32. top five favorite vines?-omg so many. Road work ahead, Adam, any from that kid that wear his hoodie and has his ears sticking out (snoooooooooop), well when life gives you lemons, you either kill your self or get killed what you gonna do 33. most used phrase in your phone?-lmaooo34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?-tide pods with gronk 35. average time you fall asleep?-midnight ish 36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?-ummmm it was probably some iFunny shit 37. suitcase or duffel bag?-duffle 38. lemonade or tea?-sweet tea 39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?-lemon meringue pie from Bluebonnet Cafe 40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?-some much. Some let a rooster loose in the main hall and no one could catch it, some left stink bait in the locker and the whole school smelled, some just showed up and gave my ag teacher a calf, we had a interim principal who we called Bernie Sanders which he hated and sent out a announcement video telling us to stop and we only got worse 41. last person you texted?-my mom42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?-jacket pockets 43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?-oof I’m a sucker for a cardigan 44. favorite scent for soap?-lavender 45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?-fantasy 46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?-over sized t shirt47. favorite type of cheese?-mozzarella 48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?-I feel like I would be a strawberry bc im a strawberry blond/a redhead 49. what saying or quote do you live by?-sometime it just be like that 50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?-this video has my gasping every. Single. Time. If you’re sad PLS WATCH: https://youtu.be/23B017ZVIx451. current stresses?-finals and getting my wisdom teeth removed 52. favorite font?-I only use times new roman lol I don’t type a lot 53. what is the current state of your hands?-dry but my nails are getting long which I’m glad about54. what did you learn from your first job?-I worked retail so I learned how to handle people at their worst lol 55. favorite fairy tale?-I like the Disney Rapunzel, but I also like the original telling if the little mermaid 56. favorite tradition?-watching the 24hours of a Christmas Story during Christmas 57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?-self harm -body image -fighting 58. four talents you’re proud of having?-creativity through writing, riding, baking, common sense59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?-bro60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?-yoooo61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?-I’ve read too many books to have a favorite line from just one lol, but I heard “I’m a grown up ass man I can do what I want” on AP bio which was pretty funny 62. seven characters you relate to?-Nina Zenik from Six of Crows. That’s it. She’s the only one. 63. five songs that would play in your club?-I cannot stand clubs or bars so none lol64. favorite website from your childhood?-fucking moshimonster.com and girlsgogames.com 65. any permanent scars?-yep. I got burned as a baby and still have the scars on my fingers 19 years later. I have a lot more as well. 66. favorite flower(s)?-I’m more of a succulent person so cactus flowers 67. good luck charms?-I don’t really have any 68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?-I had ranch flavored soda once so that takes it. But I don’t like cheap beer either. 69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? -a daddy long leg spider is the most poisonous spider but their fangs are too weak to pierce human skin 70. left or right handed?-right 71. least favorite pattern?-houndstooth 72. worst subject?-calculus 73. favorite weird flavor combo?-hot Cheetos and sour cream74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?-575. when did you lose your first tooth?- 5 y/o76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?-mashed 100%77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?-jade succulents 78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?-I like sushi from HEB 79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?-school id80. earth tones or jewel tones?-earth times 81. fireflies or lightning bugs?-firefly 82. pc or console?-Uhhh idk??? 83. writing or drawing?-writing 84. podcasts or talk radio?-talk radio 84. barbie or polly pocket?-Polly pocket. Forbidden gummy 85. fairy tales or mythology?-mythology 86. cookies or cupcakes?-cupcakes with no icing 87. your greatest fear?-bugs crawling in my ear 88. your greatest wish?-to be successful and happy with a S/O and a daughter on lots of land89. who would you put before everyone else?-my parents 90. luckiest mistake?-There are no mistakes. Everything happens for a reason. 91. boxes or bags?-depends 92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?-sunlight93. nicknames?-my dad calls me sissy bug and my mom calls me bamber and my friends call my dumb bitch lol so 94. favorite season?Spring or fall. They’re basically the same in Texas. 95. favorite app on your phone?-social media apps96. desktop background?-I don’t have a desktop but my laptop is just a pre downloaded galaxy ones. 97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?-mine, my moms, my dads, and my dads business 98. favorite historical era?-ancient Egypt and the 60s
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anxiouslyfred · 6 years
A Quiestiony Tag Thing
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better (make a separate post)
Tagged by @fiive-second-cookies 💜
1) Nickname
Borris, Beckany 1 (though that was mainly childhood), Bert, and god knows what list of names from Mum, 
2) Zodiac
3) Height
5′9 I think 
4) Last movie I saw
Mary Poppins Returns and it’s utterly brilliant
5) last thing googled
I think it was a vehicle at work or something but laptop says ‘neil gaiman hugo award’
6) Favorite musicians
Malinda Kathleen Reese,Thomas Sanders, Pink
7) Songs stuck in my head
‘Beautiful Briny Sea’ from Bedknobs and broomsticks, merged with ‘Can You Imagine That’ from Mary Poppins Returns
8) Other blogs
Just @kindnessisstillhere which is my main blog
9) Do I get asks
rarely, though the last couple of weeks I’ve had one on each friday on my main, that amused me a little just cause of the time span
10) followers
121 and I love you all
11) following
127 and some of them confuse me so much cause I have zero clue when I started following them
12) amount of sleep
about 7 hours each night, more if it’s the weekend
13) lucky number
7, 13, and 42 are generally my lucky numbers, or sometimes just 713
14) What I’m wearing
fluffy fluffy pyjamas cause I really should be curling up to sleep now (it’s midnight)
15) Dream job
Poet and author, but seriously I struggle with knowing how to actually go about getting in touch with writing agents or publishing companies even though I have typed up a book I need to go back to editing and am writing another in my fiction diary currenty
16) Dream trip
Ireland, Scotland, or Disney World, literally I just want to know the Celtic histories of my country even though that got pushed to the other parts of the UK by history
17) Favorite food
ginger bread and hot chocolate, 
18) play any instruments
I used to play some recorder and some keyboard but I’ve long forgotten that I think. the kids keyboard I had had some fun but mildly frightening backing tunes when I was home alone
19) Favorite song
'Running’ by Malinda
20) Random fact
About me? I have 6 puppets I made myself, all with distinct personalities to the extent I will refuse to let others control at least 2 of them probably more. Mum called them her grandpuppets for a while because I have no inclination to find a romantic relationship at all let alone have kids
Random fact in general? a lot of octopuses are able to control their colouring and change it as they swim
21) Describe yourself as aesthetic things
A vibrant patchwork quilt
A princess dress and a cycle helmet
Hot chocolate in front of a window with rain outside
a pile of blank notebooks and a pile of full ones
a fluffy blanket burrito
I’m not sure who I want to tag, but @alex-cain and @rosetherandomreblogger have jumped into my mind, other than that, if you want to do this, then I tag you as well
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viridiandruid · 3 years
Tumblr media
I posted 19,071 times in 2021
45 posts created (0%)
19026 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 422.8 posts.
I added 70 tags in 2021
#shouts in the forest - 49 posts
#yeah - 3 posts
#mood - 3 posts
#posts that make me think i might have adhd - 3 posts
#midnight mass - 2 posts
#but also - 2 posts
#whats up with that? - 2 posts
#queen of the south - 2 posts
#i know his dick is big - 2 posts
#just bioenginner things - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#note: this only works if your players write backstories that dont involve dead parents and have actual details
My Top Posts in 2021
Me, after working 8 hours on a computer: Ugh, I'm never looking at a computer screen again
Me, as soon as I get home and open my laptop: oh boy a computer screen!
5 notes • Posted 2021-09-02 12:33:35 GMT
Some people say magic doesnt exist and yet everyday I look into my scrying glass and determine the weather so I know which fashion trends will be best suited
5 notes • Posted 2021-01-21 13:46:05 GMT
When people forget shapeshifters exist
7 notes • Posted 2021-01-25 02:29:51 GMT
I thi k straight porn directors could learn a thing or two from gay porn directors
For example, take th popularity of "str8 to gay" or "gay4pay" porn. Now make it heterosexual.
I propose a porn category where straight guys "who have never played with their ass" get pegged by women for money.
I'd call it... strapped 4 cash
12 notes • Posted 2021-08-08 17:22:20 GMT
I know it's a rather recent development but is anyone gonna talk about how insidious it was for ka*tlyn b*nnet to immediately jump on a "I'm gonna fuck your dad" joke with a rape accusation. And not only that, it got near immediate acknowledgement from the press
If any white dude had made that joke, no one would have batted an eye because that joke is made all the time. In fact, I'm willing to bet a gay white man making that joke at her wouldn't have even gotten that accusation thrown at him.
But a white woman immediately jumped on a chance to turn a black man into a predator, and a gay black man at that.
Maybe it's not my place to begin this conversation, but I saw that Twitter thread this morning and it's been festering in my brain all day
117 notes • Posted 2021-03-30 23:43:10 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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