#the fact that he went back for his tweets makes me so happy
luchorgasm · 5 months
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Candy forever 🥰
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anangelwhodidntfall · 11 months
Spooky Basket: Lewis Hamilton
Formula One Masterlist
word count: 800
description: You and your boyfriend surprise each other with spooky baskets for halloween
A/N: this was supposed to be posted halloween but work and school got in the way! So Happy Late Halloween 💖
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Lewis was checking his notifications while he waited for you to get off of work when he saw your tweet that said "it's fine I didn't want a spooky basket anyway 😭." He closed out twitter and went to google to see what a boo basket was and began getting some ideas on what to do for you and decided to make you one for Halloween. He saw you walking out of your building and quickly locked his phone before climbing out of his car to come greet you. 
"Hey sweetheart, I missed you. How was work today?" He asked wrapping his arms around you and placing a kiss on your lips. 
"Hey baby, I missed you too and it was alright, my feet are killing me and I'm hungry." You said. 
"Well why don't we get you off your feet and go grab some takeout before we head home? And then after we eat, I'll give you a nice foot massage." He offered.
"That sounds nice. Hey do you think Saturday you could come with me while I grab the stuff I need for um Angelica's boo basket?" You asked him as he helped you into the car. 
"Of course, you know I love spending time with you while you run errands." He said placing a kiss on your lips. 
You guys headed to y'all's favorite takeout spot before heading home where you ate and were given the foot massage you were promised. 
While you were at work the next few days Lewis worked on your spooky basket that way he wouldn't risk you finding out about it because he truly wanted to surprise you on Halloween with it and the special halloween flowers he was having made for you. After he finished it up he went your best friends house to leave it there until Halloween which was in two days so you didn't accidentally find it. 
"She's gonna love this? And the flowers you are having made." Your best friend said as she looked at the basket. 
"You think so? I've never done anything like this before but I saw her tweet and wanted to surprise her with it and the flowers." He said nervously.
"She's gonna love it Lewis just for the fact that you took the time to make it for her." She said squeezing his hand. 
"Thank you again, I'll probably come get it Monday night if that's alright with you." He asked. 
"That's perfect with me, and if I'm not here Kyle knows where it is and can give it to you." She said as Lewis nodded his head before heading out.
Your friend smiled after Lewis left, because little did Lewis know is that you had made him a spooky basket weeks ago and had been hiding it with her so he wouldn't find it.
It was the day before Halloween well more so a few hours before it and you and Lewis were on the couch watching a horror movie together when the doorbell rang. You looked at him confused as he got up to answer it before coming back inside with a huge bouquet of flowers. 
"You got me flowers?" You asked him. 
"Not just any flowers but special Halloween ones, I hope you like them." He said handing you the bouquet. 
You took them and were shocked to see he had you custom flowers made that were decorated with ghostface and the wrapping paper said "let me murdered that pussy" which made you laugh. 
"Thank you so much baby, I love them and as for that quote you will be never be denied doing that." You said as you kissed him. 
"I'm glad you like them and good to know but this is part of your Halloween gift, do you want the other half now or do you want to wait until tomorrow?" He  asked you. 
"Would it be wrong to say I want it now because I'm curious to see what the other half is." You asked him. 
"Not at all. I'll be right back sweets." He said placing a kiss on your forehead before disappearing down the hall. 
A few minutes later he returns with a Halloween bucket in your hands and you look at him in shock because he didn't actually make you a spooky basket for you? Did he?? He handed you the basket and you wordless sat there looking through it which was making Lewis nervous. 
"I'm sorry if this isn't the best but I tried because I know how much you wanted one. I hope you like it, i worked really..."he started to say before you threw your arms around him. 
"Thank you...so much baby. You don't know how this means to me that you made this for me. I love it, the flowers and you so much." You said to him. 
"Your welcome sweetheart. You know I do anything for you especially to see you smiling like you are right now. I love you so much sweetheart." He said placing a kiss on your lips. 
"I love you Bubs. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go get your gift." You said leaving him confused as you disappeared down the hall. 
Lewis sat there confused until you returned with your own spooky basket in hand that you walked over and handed to him. 
"For you." You said as you took a seat next to him. 
"Awh sweetheart you shouldn't have." He said as he looked through his basket. 
"Of course I did. Your my man and you deserve a spooky basket as well." You said making him smile. 
"Well thank you sweetheart, I love it and you so much. Happy Halloween my love." He said placing a kiss on your lips. 
"Happy Halloween Bubs." You said smiling at him. 
Y/N added to their story!
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Y/N added to their story!
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Lewis Hamilton added to their story!
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vanishingstarrs · 11 months
wish on an eyelash
keigo takami x singer/influencer!reader, established relationship
( this is very much fluff and indulgence, take a shot if you’ve ever thought abt hawks n his eyeliner bc c’mon we all have, it’s hot as shit )
You’d taken your time, setting up your special ring lights and tripod, writing down the questions you’d be answering during your video, and making sure all your makeup supplies were set out in an order that wouldn’t make it obvious which order they went in.
During your last live video, you’d been asked multiple times for your boyfriend to do your makeup for a video.
Now, your boyfriend was a busy man (being the number two hero and all), but your audience had been requesting his presence in a video for some time now and you had to admit the idea sounded quite fun. Keigo was always welcome to your ideas, happy to show up during your lives if your fans asked where he was and eager to help you with your set ups whenever you were going to film something new. He’d actually done a voice over for you once a few months back (your fans had went nuts over that) when you lost your voice post concert and you’d promised to get your routine up before a certain point so it shouldn’t be too difficult for him. That, and the fact that he liked to watch you get ready most days.
You’d tweeted out a week earlier for them to send in some questions as a bonus while he did your makeup.
“We ready, baby?”
A pair of familiar hands hugged you around the middle, your boyfriend resting his chin on your shoulder and kissing your cheek repeatedly.
“Just about, you wanna approve the questions we’ll be answering this video?” You asked, holding up the notebook for him to see.
“Nah, I’m an open book, plus I trust you chose appropriate questions.”
“The amount of people that are curious about our sex lives is insane.” You rolled your eyes as you took a seat on the floor and patted the spot next to you for him to sit too.
He glanced at the coffee table, you guessed he was trying to picture the order of things.
You started off the video with your basic greeting that you always used before introducing your boyfriend (as if he needed an introduction) and he grinned as he gave a wave to the camera,“I’ve been looking forward to this all week.”
A nervous smile lit up your face as you clapped your hands together and explained the gist of what your viewers would be seeing today,“As you all have been requesting, Keigo will be doing my makeup for me today. A bunch of you noticed he watches me get ready a lot and said he should be able to do it and—”
“I’d never turn down a challenge.” He cut in, smirking,“Trust me, I got this.”
“For my sake, I really hope so.” You then picked up your notebook,“As a treat so you guys won’t be too bored, I sent out an ask for questions, many of you guys always wonder about our relationship and while we do like to keep things private, we thought a little insider from us couldn’t hurt.”
“Do you know what you’re gonna start with?” You asked your boyfriend and he grinned, surprising you by picking up the correct item.
“You gotta prime your surface first, don’t ya?”
You turned your body toward him instead of facing the camera so he could begin, Keigo placed both hands on your face and kissed your nose before adjusting your position.
“Alright, first question.” He said as he uncapped the primer.
You glanced at your notebook out of your periphery,“How did you and Hawks meet?”
“Of course.” He rolled his eyes playfully as he rubbed the primer in with his fingers, letting it dry while he scanned the table for his next item.
He faced the camera briefly,“We met at the grocery store, we’re boring people, okay?”
“Truth.” You giggled, as you were sure people expected a much more exciting story.
Keigo, now armed with an eyebrow pencil, began running the brush through your brows before slightly marking a few empty spots. You grinned, he knew you so well.
“I’m sure many of you think we met at that gala where I interviewed Keigo on whether he preferred chicken or beef and he said—”
“Take me out to dinner and find out.” He quoted himself from that night.
You laughed,“Sorry to disappoint, but by then we’d actually been on a couple dates and I very much knew the answer to that question, I was asking stuff from his fans. We were pretty lovesick already at that point, I think, and then everyone started shipping us.”
“Unbeknownst to you all, we were seeing everything and just laughing.” Keigo chuckled.
He tapped his chin as he picked up an eyeshadow palette and opened it up to sniff it.
He searched the pile of brushes while you asked the next question,“What was your first date like?”
“Ooh, I have this one!” Keigo dipped his brush into what he guessed was your favorite color based on how much was missing,“Initially, I wanted to fly her to our date spot, but since I happened to know how deathly afraid of heights she was… I knew it wouldn’t happen — not on the first date, I thought — so we took a nice little stroll there, I picked her up and she was wearing a sparkly dress and looked oh so pretty—”
“There’s a picture of me in that outfit up on my accounts, actually, if you know you know.” You commented before he grabbed your chin and instructed for you to close your eyes.
“I took that picture.” He made sure to clarify, and you felt him tap something (glitter, you were guessing) into your inner eyelids as he continued,“Anyway, I had this gazebo set up really nice, lots of lights, flowers, cute shit, and we had dinner and talked the whole night, super romantic. By the end of it, she loved me—”
“Don’t lie!”
“You did, dove, I mean, c’mon, you let me fly you around by the end of it.”
“Okay, I did.” You sighed,“But only because you made me feel like I could really trust you.”
“And have I ever given you any reason to doubt that?” He looked into your eyes and again, you sighed.
“Whatever. What’s next?” You pointed at your makeup pile that he was slowly going through, putting aside what he’d already used.
He went through and placed foundation all over your face, making sure to blend it into your neck while you went through a few more questions.
“Who does Hawks’s eyeliner?” You giggled.
Your boyfriend scoffed, facing the camera with a deadpan expression on his face,“Okay, I’m saying this once and only once, much to contrary belief, the ‘eyeliner’?” He rubbed at his eye and even dragged his finger down,“Is not makeup, it’s not a part of my costume or a fun little gimmick, the closest I can get to explaining it is a beauty mark. It’s permanent.”
“You tell ‘em, babe.” You continued to laugh, only to stop as he picked up your actual eyeliner.
“Just for that we’re gonna replicate this on you.”
“Awe.” You pouted,“I can’t pull that off.”
And he knew it too since you only ever applied eyeliner very minimally.
“Shush and hold still.” He paused the step he was on to attempt the new look for your eyes.
“I’d like you all to know, Keigo is very much holding his breath right now and his mouth is wide open, he’s definitely one of us.” You said smugly, an inside joke only those who wore makeup and did anything eye related could understand.
“Hold on, shh.” Your boyfriend paused as he swiped a finger under your eye and held it out to you,“Make a wish.”
This wasn’t a rare occurrence actually, you often lost many eyelashes due to rapid blinking whenever your eyes became strained and he loved for you to make wishes. You often did the same to him; and so you closed your eyes and thought of your wish before blowing away the eyelash.
He grinned and pecked your lips,“So what’d you wish for?”
“Can’t tell you, it won’t come true.”
He pouted, but knew the rules just as well. He finished up his eyeliner and immediately resuming his last step. Now you were the one pouting,“I wanna see.”
“Nope, wait until the end.”
“Next question, lovebird.”
You continued through the questions until Keigo seemed satisfied enough with your looks, finishing off with a kiss to seal the deal and you smiled,“Done?”
“No lipstick?”
“No point.” He shrugged, leaning back on his hands,“I’ll end up eating it all off in a second anyway.”
You didn’t bother correcting him, picking up a mirror to check out the eyeliner that he actually made a little thinner than what his non-eyeliner looked like and you smiled, it didn’t look half bad and he got all the steps right. Though he didn’t do them in the order you did them, they weren’t technically wrong and you looked pretty alright.
As you finished off the video, your boyfriend waved at the tripod and you shut off the camera.
“Well, I’d call that a success.” You smiled at him.
“Great, wanna go get ice cream?” He looked up at you in adoration before teasing,“I wanna show off my hard work.”
You smiled, you already had your wish.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
Hai, I wanted to air out some HH feelings and thought this was the best place to do so. I never watched the original pilot. After the first trailer dropped I figured that the show wasn't gonna be for me, it just wasn't my comedy style. But I did watch Addict when it dropped.
I thought it was really cool that a fan song got an officially animated mv! And I thought that it did a really good job at being subtle with Angel's SA...until the end. They added a whole new verse to the song to, from how I saw it, put in a flash back to an SA scene. I don't know why people don't bring that up more with Addict. A whole new verse to do that scene. Especially since it's supposed to be the hopeful/uplifting send-off after the credits.
But then when Michael was let go I went to the replies on his tweet. I stopped looking through them after I saw 3 different people post a gif of the SA shot in Addict under their well wishes. Just...why would you put something like that under your "We'll miss you! We loved your performance! Good luck" message to a VA? Why include the worst act against that character to your VA send-off?
That was when I really knew that Angel wasn't going to be handled well. Not just because of the needless scene inclusion at the end of Addict, but because of how the fans were treating it.
I wish I could say that I didn't see Poison coming. I wish I could say that I thought they would wait longer than episode 4 to show it. But honestly, I expected that shit to drop in episode 2. I expected there to be reoccurring scenes for the whole first season.
When Addict just *had* to shove that scene in at the end and the video got so popular I knew they would go bigger with more budget. I wanted to think I was just doomstorming (brainstorming while filled with dread), but the fact that they had done such a great job with the subtlety and threw it all away at the end for shock value sat wrong with me. I honestly don't know why nobody brings up that ending scene of Addict.
And I wanted to have hope! Addict had shown Angel dolling himself up to wreck havoc with Cherri and I thought that would be something! That he would have wrecking shit be a kind of escapism or therapy and he'd be trigger happy or explosive happy, or that Cherri would just...be there for him at all! But she's gone from what I've heard, and now we have Poison.
It makes me feel like a loser, baby.
Speaking as someone who loved Addict, hell, who remembers Addict as their gateway drug into Hazbin? These are all extremely valid points! Also, that thing with Michael is vile, this fandom's got zero sense of how to behave then or now and he really did dodge a bullet.
Me, I never minded the ending to Addict so much because, while we do see that shot of Valentino raping Angel, it amounts to a split second. More importantly, the video ends with Angel daring to believe that things might be better at the hotel, and then Nuggets kisses him and he smiles and it's a happy, hopeful note.
One thing we can agree on, I think, is that Poison makes Addict look like high cinema. It's all of the worst things about Addict and absolutely none of the good.
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pray4saint · 1 year
general sfw dating gnf hcs?? maybeeeee a little bit of fluff? i’m in a very fluffy mood xD
thank you! 🤗
moving in w bf!george hcs
masterlist & descrip. pg. 13+. girlfriend!reader. fluff.
a/n. yeah noah ofc 🤭 (i apologise for it being so late i went camping w my cousin & i'm writing on 6 inconsistent hours of sleep + a redbull) also this started as basic hcs and turned very specific hc list but still i like it
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when you're in public and he gets nervous – despite how much he told you he probably wouldn't be super into pda – he wraps his arms around you and tucks his head into your neck because it grounds him
bf george who insists that despite the fact that you're dating, you still need to go on actual dates together AND lets you pick everything when it comes to it
”d'you wanna do dinner, dancing, arcade, bowling, carnival?..” you ask, and your boyfriend shrugs, making you sigh. ”whatever you want lovey.” ”george i pick every single time, why can't you?” ”because i want you to be happy with our dates.” and as annoying as it is, you can't help how it warms your heart and how thoughtful he is.
george also invites you to every streaming/youtube event, and is 100% prepared for if you say yes or no
if it's a yes, he gets all excited and helps you pack, reminding you of a few essentials you tend to forget and while you're there he'll spend more time backstage with you or try to leave a little early to sightsee with you
if you tell him no, he understands and leaves you with a few of his hoodies, kisses you goodbye before he leaves, always finds a way to mention you on stage and ALWAYS brings back a souvenir from his trip for you
also around the six month mark of your relationship he asked dream n sap how they'd feel if he asked you to move in with him
of course they didn't mind, you were well liked by both of his roommates and he assured them that if you said yes that you'd sleep with him in his room
the only concern his friends had – mostly sapnap had – was what the situation would be with, and i quote 'how much fucking' you guys would be doing in the house, and he responded quite simply 'we're not you sapnap, we're not absolute horndogs.' (although who knows, maybe you are, maybe he lied)
still, george waited until you'd been dating for nine months to ask you to move in
”lovey, i uh, gotta ask you something.” you were walking back to his car from a bowling date, it was late and it was dark. ”go on.” he stopped walking, and you turned to face him. ”do you want to move in with me?” he gave you a small smile and you could see his hands tensing up. ”do your roommates know about this?” you faked concern but still he nodded, yes. you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. ”yeah, course i do georgie.”
that mf went home with the goofiest grin on his face that night, and absolutely would not shut up about it for a week before you actually moved in / it made sapnap n dream rethink their life choices
still even after he asked you, you guys had a serious talk about it all, if he'd be willing to make space in his room for some of your things and of course he was, if he'd be willing to let you use his office once in awhile when you were sick so you could work from home and obviously he agreed
”holy shit what happened in here?” sapnap had peeked into george's room when he heard you and george laughing like little kids just to see you two trying to move your nightstands in to replace his. ”george i don't know if you know this but your room has been y/n-ified.” he joked, and george only laughs while you removed your hands from the table and grabbed a throw pillow from his bed, firing it at sap's head. sap ran out, shutting the door behind him.
the most noticed thing though that changed was when he streamed, chat noticed how there were some extra objects floating around the room that were clearly not his, sapnap's or dream's
sapnap tweeted about it later saying 'guys it's more than george's office- the entire house is filled with y/n's shit'
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pray4saint© do not copy, translate or repost my work without my express permission.
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smolwritingchick · 8 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 72- You Were Worth The Wait
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Chapter Summary: Jennie tells Jungkook exactly how she feels about him.
Words: 9,000+
Author's Note: We made it! I was watching one of my soap opera couples and had to add one of the cute lines she said to her significant other on the show. It fits nicely. Now for the next challenge...writing Jennie and Jungkook as a couple!
Un-thinkable (I'm Ready) by Alicia Keys always makes me think about Jennie and Jungkook. It's so cute. I like how to lyrics change from "I think I deserve it." to "I know I deserve it.". And it reminds me of Jungkook telling Jennie that she deserves all the love she's getting.
Jungkook was grinning ear to ear when watching Jennie’s recent tweet with her manager’s daughter. It was pleasing to see her smile but also seeing her face made him think back to that day he told her how he felt.
He felt vulnerable that day, letting all his defenses down as he poured his heart out to her. After standing by, admiring her, he had finally said everything he wanted to tell her. She was the one he wanted to be with and he felt assured that this was the woman he wanted to be in a relationship with.
The Golden Maknae couldn’t help but think of how nervous he was before knocking on her door. How sick to his stomach he was as he thought about her feelings and if he was prepared to face the consequences if his confession went south.
Jungkook thought about the conversation he had with Namjoon after letting him know that he finally told her how he felt. Namjoon was proud that he confessed and liked the fact that he was still considerate of her feelings, understanding that he told her on short notice and he would still be friends if she didn’t return his feelings. But Namjoon had a strong feeling that she would, so Jungkook did not need to worry.
“Why are you so worried?” Yoongi grumbled from his nap on the couch.
Jungkook turned to him. “What do you mean, hyung?”
“Jeez, stop whining. I’m pretty sure she feels the same. Just relax and wait for her to come back. You kids overthink things too much. It’s pretty damn obvious to me that she likes you, anyway.”
“I-I’ll wait for her to confirm it when she comes back.” Jungkook looked down shyly.
Every time he heard his hyungs say that she liked him too, it had given him a lot of butterflies in his stomach.
Yes or No, Jennie? Only time will tell...
The next day, after her photo shoot and interview with Billboard, Jennie felt elated about when it would be released to the public. She decided to go get lunch after the long morning. While walking through the streets of LA alone, she couldn’t help but notice two extremely familiar figures and decided to follow them to get a closer look.
Was it who she thought it was?
As soon as she heard one of their voices, it confirmed everything.
“No friggin' way. You gotta be kidding me. I can’t believe this. Tony? Nate?” she called out.
The two men turned around and widened their eyes. “Jennie!?” Nate happily yelled.
“Jen!” Tony beamed.
“Yooooooo!” she ran over and hugged them. “It’s been forever! I missed you guys!”
“We missed you, too! What brings you back to LA? I thought you were in Seoul.” Tony asked.
“I had a few interviews. Gosh, how have you two been!? We need to hang out, like right now! I’m on my way to eat, are you doing anything?”
“Actually we were on our way to grab something to eat, too. Let’s go, we’ll show you this nice spot that has some good ass food.” Nate suggested.
“Definitely!” Jennie beamed.
Once they got settled in a nearby restaurant and got their food, they began catching up like old times.
“BTS has soared since American Hustle Life.” Nate praised.
“Oh yeah, I am so proud of us. We are grateful for you guys. It’s just crazy how things are now for us. Getting our first win for I Need U, gaining more fans, and just sharing more quality music for the world, I’m very happy with where we are at, right now. What are you guys doing? You still working on music, right?”
The two men sounded so enthusiastic about their music projects and Jennie couldn’t wait to hear what they had in store. She admired their hustle and work ethic even after American Hustle Life.
“Now the real question is are YOU working on music? Where is that album, girl?” Tony asked.
Jennie laughed. “I have a ton of songs on my computer that I wrote. I have to record all of them but the first thing is making better instrumentals. Everyone is always asking these days. It makes me nervous. I don’t think I’ll be releasing anything, any time soon.”
“Well, I want you to let me know when you begin working on it full time because I want to help you with the album.” Nate offered.
That surprised Jennie as she stared at him in disbelief. “Are you deadass?”
“Yeah! And me too. We can always help you, y’know?” Tony added.
“Wow, thank you, that would be great. I could use all the help I can get. It’s nice to work with a team on a project like this. Suga and Rapmon also have been glancing at what I’ve been working on. They told me they can see what I’m aiming for. I just don’t think it’s anywhere near done.”
“It’s best to take your time with the music. Now is it a mixtape or album?” Tony asked
“I got a lot. So, I plan to drop EPs and a full album. I'm starting with the EP first, to show off who Jennie is. I do want to create a full album down the line as well. I kind of wanted my songs to go by a timeline for the album. Back from when I started in Amity until where I’m at now. So, kind of like a story. I want to express my emotions. Like how happy I was in Amity, then how angry and sad I was in Amity. Then moving on to BTS, feeling various emotions from that. Like how I passed out and had that concussion, you know, just a whole story of what I have gone through in life. The good times and the bad times. And then some random songs, too.”
“I see. I like the idea. Yeah, hit us up when you’re finally ready. I just hope it’s soon. I’m gettin’ real eager to help you with this.” Nate grinned.
“Will do. BTS misses you guys, so much. You gotta come down to Seoul when you get the chance.”
“Oh yeah, we got to. Gotta talk about the good old days at American Hustle Life.”
“For me, haha I dunno about them. I think they’re still traumatized with vans, thinking they’ll be kidnapped like last time.” she laughs with them.
After their lunch, they take a photo together with Jennie tweeting, ‘My album is coming out 20-eventually! Ahahaha good to see you guys! Glad I ran into you two! Missed you! Thank you for everything.’
Some fans had tweeted under the photo:
‘Is this real!?’
‘Someone check on Jimin! Lmfaoooo’
‘Tonyyyyyyyy! Nateeeeee! The memories!’
‘Who are they???”
‘They were the mentors for BTS during American Hustle Life! Watch it!’
After lunch, Jennie finally met up with Kevin to go shopping at Target for a few items so he could ask out the girl he liked. She was amused to see how nervous and out of place he was as he tried to find the most random things to put in the cart.
“Um, I don’t think you want to give her that.” she took out the box of baby toys.
“Oh shit. I thought those were something else. Ah...sorry. I was trying to find a plush doll for her or something.” Kevin nervously said.
“Dude, relax. You’re going to be fine.” she patted him on the back and continued to push the cart into another aisle. “Get her this.” she grabbed a big Tweety Bird plushie.
“I am so glad you’re here. I wouldn’t know what to get.” he took it and put it in the cart. “I just want to make it simple, cute, and special.”
“I think you’re overthinking it. She is going to love it.”
While Jen and Kevin were shopping around they were unaware of some sasaengs that had followed Jennie, taking photos of them. From the angles of the pictures, it looked like they were dating because of how close they were. Once they got what they needed, they posted the photos on Twitter and it spread like wildfire.
‘I found Jennie and Kevin!! Aren’t they cuteee?!’ was the caption for the tweet.
While browsing on her phone, Jennie had gone to her latest photo to see various comments flowing in. The most common comment she had gotten was that she and Kevin were relationship goals. It made her confused but she laughed it off and commented, ‘Lol @ these comments. **Best friend goals, actually.’
But then she saw that there were dating rumors about them. And of course, it had to be on Allkpop as she scrolls through.
‘BREAKING! BTS’ Jennie dating?!’
“What...? How do you...” she stood there puzzled. 
How could they write an article and have a photo of them that quickly when they are already here at the store?
Jennie set her phone back in her pocket and turned around. “Is someone watching me?”
“Everything cool?” Kevin turned around and saw her walking away. “Aye! Jen! Ayo Jen! What’s the problem?” he grabbed the cart to follow her.
“Someone is following me. Someone snapped photos of us and now there’s another article talking about me allegedly dating. Again.” Irritation was evident in her voice. “I cannot catch a break, huh? Why is all this coming at me, now? A guy and a girl can’t be friends?”
Kevin ended up laughing. “Wow...they just won’t quit huh?”
“Terrible timing, right now,” she responded, thinking about Jungkook. "Stupid Allkpop for their article. Just why now? Stop believing the littlest things and making a big deal out of something so simple.”
She decided to just ignore it for now and have the last laugh. This needed to end today. She was tired of the speculation. It was like she could never get peace by hanging out with Kevin without someone assuming they were dating. Any guy for that matter.
“Okay, enough ignoring,” Jen muttered and grabbed her phone to go on Twitter. 
All right, she did say she would ignore it but she wanted to call out whoever followed her.
She tweets, reblogging the Allkpop article, ‘EHHHH WRONG. Change the headline to BTS’ Jennie helps friend ask out a girl he likes. #ThinkBeforeYouWrite #SoompiWillAlwaysBeBetter #LetAChickBreathe’
Kevin laughed at her response. "I love how you call them out like it's nothing,"
She chuckled with him. "They just be getting on my fucking nerves, I swear,"
After calming down, the two continued to shop. 
“She skateboards too, y’know.” he brought up.
“Ooh really? Why not ask her out at the skatepark where you two hang out?”
“That’s a good idea. Okay, let’s do that.”
“Let’s buy some chalk.” she went to find the school supplies aisle. “I have just the plan.”
Arriving at the skatepark, Jennie planned out everything for him, asking him to help her draw cute messages in chalk on the ground. Kevin had added a few inside jokes that he and his crush share, too.
“Do you think that ‘Will You Skate With Me and Be My Skater Girlfriend’ is too cheesy? You said she loves cheesy quotes. Is that too much?” she asked.
“Nah, it’s perfect. And I’ll place the plushie and flowers right here on the bench.”
After setting things up, Jennie and Kevin were proud of their work. 
“All right, I best be going,” Jennie announced.
“You leaving, now?” he panicked.
She let out a laugh. “Kevin, breathe. I’ll watch from afar and then I’ll leave. I gotta get ready for Angelina’s party. Just tell her everything you told me. Tell her exactly what you’re feeling and be 100% honest. She is going to say yes. I know it from what you told me about her.”
He nodded, feeling more confident. “Thank you. Really Jen. You a real one for this.”
“Of course.” She pulled him in for a tight hug. “I’ll be watching~!” she walked away.
Keeping a safe distance, she had seen him meet up with the girl. She looked so happy to see him. It was pretty obvious she liked him a lot. After they had skated around, the girl soon noticed what was written in chalk and turned around in shock. Her face looked so happy as Jen’s heart fluttered. Gosh, this was getting her in her feelings as she thought about Jungkook.
Filming, Jennie squealed in the background as she watched how the girl jumped into Kevin’s arms. “I am crying~. Oh mah God, look at how cute they are! Goals~! Black love is so beautiful,”
She posted the adorable video on Twitter with the caption, ‘Kevin, you did amazing! I am so happy for you. I’m wishing you both many beautiful years of dating. You had nothing to worry about.’
After taking a selfie with his new girlfriend, Kevin posted the photo on Instagram with the caption, ‘She said yes! This is a dime I can’t pass. Thank you, Jennie, for helping me plan this. I owe you big time.’
Jen commented, ‘Anytime buddy! Glad I could help you confess to this special lady. I would like 3 bags of smarties please!’
Kevin commented back, ‘Lmfaoooo, I got you, girl.’
On her way to Angelina’s place, Jennie decided to post a selfie of herself looking completely done at those who always make pointless assumptions and wrote the simple petty caption, ‘Salty...’ to throw shade at those who were quick to judge.
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It also looked like Allkpop had deleted the article instantly after that and ARMY took over to roast them for their nonsense.
Finally arriving at Angelina’s place, the two friends got ready together for her party.
“So what type of party is this again?” Jennie asked.
“I just wanted to have a random party at this big venue because I was bored and missed hanging out with some familiar faces such as yourself. We’ve all been a little stressed with work and other obligations, so it will be nice to let loose and dance around a bit.
“Jennie! You’re back! Finally! I missed you!” Tyrone, Angelina’s little brother ran up to hug her.
“Hey! I missed you, too! You being good?” she beamed.
“For you.” he grinned, staring at her with heart eyes.
“You idiot, if you don’t stop flirting with her. She’s taken!” Angelina killed his vibe.
“What!? You have a boyfriend? Who is he? Is he cuter than me?”
“I-I don’t have a boyfriend-“
“Not yet.” Angelina cut her off with a smirk. “Now get out of my room.” she shoved him out and shut the door, locking it despite his protests.
“You’re so mean.” Jen laughed
“He’ll live.” Angelina shrugged and went into her closet. “Diana left your outfit in here somewhere...”
While Jen sat on Angelina’s bed, she looked at the missed text messages from Jimin and Tae. They had sent her multiple candid photos of Jungkook, making her heart flutter. He looked so cute today.
Jimin: BEHOLD! Your future boyfriend! Kekekekeke [7:17 P.M]
Jen: LOL for goodness sake... [7:33 P.M]
Taehyung sent a photo: Don’t you think your future boyfriend is cute? [7:33 P.M]
Jen: Of course [7:34 P.M]
“Got it!” Angelina handed her the outfit. “Well, it’s a big skirt and this black lace bra. Diana said something about you always having an eye on this outfit but could never wear it in Korea because they’re more conservative over there, right?”
“Yeah! She really got me this? I gotta thank the stylists and her for bending their backs for this outfit. I always wanted to wear this. What are you wearing?” Jen asked. Once Angelina showed the dress, she widened her eyes. “Girl! You about to get Namjoon to take a flight to LA to see you, ahahahah!”
“That would be so nice, hahaha.”
After showering, straightening her hair, and putting it in a high ponytail, she connected Angelina’s phone to her speaker in the bathroom and pressed shuffle while applying some light natural makeup to complete the look in the mirror.
Angelina walked into the bathroom to join her and stared in awe. Jennie turned and stared at her in awe as well. The both of them were stunned at how good they looked.
“What?” they say in unison. “Sorry, you’re just glowing!”
Once they realized they were talking as one, they ended up laughing. 
“That lovebug bit you pretty hard. You can’t stop smiling.” Angelina added.
“Me? What about you? You look so happy, I love seeing you like this. I like this vibe, let’s keep this.”
“For sure~!” she said and walked into her room while Beyonce’s 7/11 played. 
Angelina was recording herself lip-syncing to the song on Jennie’s phone as she traveled back to the bathroom, while Jennie was performing the choreography by the mirror, in her own world.
Man I swear I kick it with you
Girl I wanna kick it with you
Man I know I kick it with you
Yeah I spin’ around and I kick it with you
Shoulders sideways, smack it, smack it in the air
Legs movin’ side to side, smack it in the air
Angelina stood there stunned when she saw her best friend twerking. “OKAY!”
“Oh crap!” Jennie stopped and laughed, covering her face. She ran out of the room, looking adorable while Angelina continued to laugh.
“Yooooo and I was filming the whole time! That was perfect timing! Ahahah!”
Posting it on BTS’ Twitter, Angelina tweeted, ‘What are we going to do with her? #HackedByAngelina’
After they were ready, Jennie filmed Angelina to hype her up. “Okay, girl! Strut! Look at good she looks tonight guys!”
“Stop...” she covered her face, letting out a giggle.
“You did it to me, I’m gonna do it to you. That outfit though! Legs for days! Who is you?!” she hyped her up. Angelina gave in and strutted around, posing while Jennie continued to give her praises.
The two even decided to take some photos before going to the party. The one photo of Jennie posing happily in her outfit had caused all the members to comment about it.
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‘PLEASE be wary of guys trying to make a move on you, sweetie. :) :) :) #JinIsSTRESSED'
That caused Jennie to laugh. Poor Jin. He was probably freaking the hell out in Seoul right now. But he just really cared and wanted to make sure no one would try any funny business.
‘I second the motion! !!! Whaaaa please be careful, you may make guys faint from your beauty #Jimin’
‘I third the motion! What a stunner #Rapmon’
‘Fourth the motion! Ahhhhh munchkin you look so adorable!! #JHope’
‘Fifth the motion! Sooo cute Ennie! #V’
‘Sixth the motion! You look nice, kid. #Suga’
‘Seventh the motion! Just wow... #Jungshooked’
Jen tweeted back, ‘LOL, I won’t! Besides, I am already locked down <3 Love you ARMY!’
But lowkey the tweet was meant for Jungkook to subtlety let him know that she was already his. She hoped he read through the hints. 
During the car ride to the party with Diana and Angelina, Jennie made a quick Twitter video to vent about her struggles with finding smarties.
“There were NO smarties at the store! None! How!? Who took the last bag of smarties!? I wanna find the person who keeps taking my smarties!”
“Wasn’t it you who kept going to the same store getting bags of smarties and eating them?” Diana brought up.
“Oh wait...” Jen realized it was her the entire time and the car erupted into booming laughter.
Salty, Jennie looked down in embarrassment.
“I am judging very hard right now,” Angelina said in the background.
“Anyway, how y’all doing today?” Jen grinned sheepishly, fixing her hair before ending the video.
After posting the funny video, she saw a text from Jimin,
Jimin: Jungkook keeps whining about how beautiful you look in that outfit. I recorded his rambling ahahah. [8:45 p.m]
Putting on an earbud, she played the voice recording and had a smile on her face.
“...utiful she is? Just wow...it’s like every day she gets cuter and cuter.” she heard Jungkook ramble.
‘I wonder what else you say about me when I’m not around.’ Jen thought with a smile.
“She is so in her feelings. She can’t even stop smiling.” Diana called her out, snapping Jen out of her thoughts.
“Huh? What?” she took her earbud out.
“I said, what exactly are you going to do when you see Jungkook?”
“Uh...say how I feel?”
“You’re going to freeze,” Angelina predicted.
“I am not going to freeze. Why would I freeze? I’m going to be cool and calm.”
Diana snorted while Angelina added, “Oh, trust me, as soon as you get back, you’ll go to Jungkook with open arms.”
“Okay, yeah.” Jen shrugged.
“Open heart...” she went on
“Open mouth...”
“Open legs...” she teased.
Jen covered her ears, “Ugh, my virgin ears.”
A few nights later, Jungkook was in the dorm, upset at the 95 Liners because they had brought up Jen’s dating rumors with Kevin in a teasing manner. He had gotten a little jealous and even though the rumors were false, he couldn’t help but feel bothered that his hyungs kept trying to tease him about it.
Periodically, the Golden Maknae would roll his eyes at their words. The 95 Liners were planning on going out to eat with Jungkook but thought of a plan to make him stay home so he could be alone in the dorm when Jennie arrived back. Jungkook didn’t know when she was coming home so it would be nice for the 97 Liners to have some alone time to talk things out.
After a few teasing words, Jungkook angrily shoved them out of his room and slammed the door, letting them know that he didn’t want to go out anymore.
“I think it worked.” Jimin high fived Taehyung and went to call Namjoon while heading out to go eat with Hobi and Jin.
With Jennie, back in Seoul, she went straight to Big Hit’s building to meet with Yoongi. When she went into his studio, she handed him the headphones that he had wanted from LA.
“Niiiice. Thanks, Smartie. I appreciate it.”
“Anytime! They were pretty easy to find. I'm surprised they didn’t have them here in Seoul.”
“So, how are you doing?” he relaxed in his chair as she took a seat next to Namjoon who was also in the room.
“I’m great,” she replied with a smile.
“And how are you truly doing?” Namjoon asked, seeing right through her.
“The kid is on your mind, isn’t he?” Yoongi took her silence as a yes.
“And you love him, too,” Namjoon confirmed. “Nervous to see him?”
“Very,” she replied.
“The kid...I never saw him act like this with a girl. Not even IU. You clearly did something to him. And I’ve been watching you. Even before he confessed, your demeanor showed that you love him, too.” Yoongi observed. “Look, I know you’re a bit on edge with this whole thing. But go with your heart, smartie. Not with your mind. Your mind is giving you all these doubts and fears but you need to listen to what your heart is telling you. And besides, you two are like puzzle pieces. Can’t fit anywhere else but together.”
“His confession made you acknowledge your feelings for him,” Namjoon added. “He woke something inside you that you’ve been trying to keep away all this time because of the fear of ruining the friendship. That this would change things for the worse. But he took that risk, and finally told you how he felt.”
“Did you know that he went to talk to Bam Bam about his feelings for you because he knew that Bam Bam liked you, too?”
Jen soon thought about the conversation she had with Bam Bam on Facetime recently. Now she understood everything.
“I really like you. I have for so long. You are just...truly amazing and I know my dating ban isn’t up yet but when it is, I was wondering if we can go out on a date sometime.”
That surprised her. Before she could speak, he went on,
“That was what I wanted to say before I found out that there is someone who has way stronger feelings than me. Someone that makes you so happy, that I can’t help but support you two. And when I look at you and him, all I can say is, Ah...the Golden Maknae always wins.” he playfully whined and let out a chuckle. “But he deserves you and I hope he treats you well. And if you ever get over him, I’m always here.” he grinned as she laughed.
“Thank you, Bam Bam. But I don’t want our friendship to end over this. Or make things awkward between you and Jungkook. I don’t want to be that girl that ruins a friendship like that.”
Bam Bam shook his head. “No, no, never. I prepared for this. Ever since the GAYO shows. After watching you and Jungkook, I knew it was going to be him. Ahhh...this is like Taeyeon all over again when I liked her but then Baekhyun took her away. One day I will find love. But Jennie, you are one of the sweetest and most enjoyable people I know. Our friendship will never end over something like this. You will still have a special place in my heart and I will be supportive of you guys.”
“He must have said something that made Bam Bam realize that his feelings were stronger.” Yoongi went on. “So, I know for a fact that kid isn’t going to give you away that easily just because of some false dating rumors with your friend. Let’s face reality. The Golden Maknae has you locked down. And you have him locked down. Go to him. Simple as that Smartie.”
“Where is he?” Jen asked.
“Dorm,” Namjoon answered.
“He’ll be happy to see you. And he’ll probably be bouncing up the damn walls once you tell him that you love him, too.” Yoongi smirked and gestured for her to leave. “I trust you kids will become a couple before this night is over.”
Feeling motivated, Jennie thanked Namjoon and Yoongi for their words and went to the door.
“And smartie?”
“Nothing is going to change when you two date. Besides you both dealing with Jin and his protectiveness and us watching your romance 24/7, things will remain the same,"
“Agreed. You two make each other happy. And we’ll all be happy to know that our two maknaes are happy with each other.” Namjoon smiled.
“Now get out of here and get your bunny so I won’t have to hear him whine about how much he wishes to be your boyfriend. I’m this close to killing the kid.” his words made her chuckle and she left the building.
Her phone buzzed and she got a text from Taehyung,
Taehyung: Fair warning...Jungkook is very angry with us.
Giving him a call while on her way to the dorm, she asked, “Um, whatchu mean you pissed him off? Oh God...what did y’all do?”
“We didn’t do anything!” he giggled
“Is that Ennie? Hi Ennie! Are you on your way to the dorm!?” Jimin asked in the background.
“Yeah, I am.”
“Okay, Jungkook is a little angry because we may have...teased him about your dating rumors and assumed you’re dating Kevin-“
“I cannot believe y’all!” she exclaimed as they giggled. “What this your plan? Cause if so it sucks!"
“At least you two will be alone~!”
Sounds of angry grumbling were heard in Jungkook’s room as he violently mashed the buttons on his controller while playing his video game. Jimin and Taehyung had successfully pissed him off tonight and made him not want to join them and the others for a bite to eat.
So here he was, by himself in the dorm.
His Hyungs played too much. He wanted to kill them for teasing him about Jen’s dating rumors. He knew they were only joking but his jealousy crept on him as he imagined her with another man. 
Detecting whimpering, he looked down at the floor to see Tony rubbing against him. The dog could sense his annoyance and began to feel sad, trying its best to cheer him up. It did ease his irritation as the Golden Maknae relaxed a bit.
“I’m fine, Tony. Just thinking about Jennie.” he let out a sigh and petted him. Tony snuggled against him as another whimper was heard. He picked him up and let him rest on his lap, resuming to pet him. “Do you think she loves me, too?”
Tony had barked cutely in response, causing him to smile. “Ah...I don’t know what I would do if she said yes to me...being in love with her for so long and finally telling her my feelings and then her returning them? I don’t know how I would react...seems like only a dream, huh? And you miss her too, huh? Jennie will be back soon, okay?”
Pausing his game, Jungkook set Tony down and went to the kitchen to make sure he had food and water in his dishes. Afterward, Jungkook decided to take a quick shower and put on a pair of pajama pants. Neglecting a shirt, for now, he dried his damp hair with a towel and placed it over his shoulders. His irritation seemed to have simmered down throughout the rest of the night as he played video games in his room to make himself feel better.
Meanwhile, Jennie had finally made it back to the dorm, placing her bags in her room. 
Tony had eagerly ran up to her as she let out a giggle, kneeling to pet him. “Tony! I missed you! You really missed me, huh? I knew you’d be in here. I brought you a new toy, see?” she presented him with a new ball as he got hyper, with its tail wagging around happily.
She tossed the ball and Tony ran around to play with it. 
Standing up, she went into her bathroom. All that confidence she had to go in and tell him how she felt went out the window as her butterflies got worse.
‘Breathe girl...’ she looked at herself in her bathroom mirror. ‘Why are you so damn nervous? Relax!’
This was going to be a bit more challenging than she thought. She wondered if this was how Jungkook felt when he made the first move.
Soon after, she thought about her previous conversations with friends asking what she was going to do and say to Jungkook when she saw him. Truth be told, she had a plan but the closer she was to his door, the more the plan fell apart. She couldn’t think of any coherent thoughts because her nervousness got to her once again. Although jetlagged, she wanted to say how she felt tonight. But her first goal was to be able to knock on his door. She had been standing in front of his door for a few minutes now. Hesitating, she paced back and forth.
‘Okay...walk in, tell him, hey, I love you, too.’ she thought. ‘No, no. Don’t do that. That doesn’t really sound realistic. It’s too sudden. I’m not going to be able to walk in and be that abrupt. Don’t be so cliché with this, either. Ugh...why is this so hard? I dunno what I’m doing.’ she rambled in her head. 
Looking back at his door, she screamed in her head, ‘Ahhhhh, would you knock on his damn door? Stop stalling!’
Blowing her cheeks, she whispered to herself, “Don’t be a coward. Just go for it.”
Pulling herself together, she knocked eight times in rhythm.
No answer...
‘Was he here?’ she thought.
She knocked three times, trying again...no answer. But she heard a video game playing in the room. So, she knocked once more.
Jungkook had ignored the knocks as his irritation built up, once again. He thought his hyungs left but it looked like they wanted to bother him some more. However, maybe if he ignored them, they would go away. So, he proceeded to game.
Once he heard another series of knocks, he finally grumbled, “Go away, hyung...”
‘Kookie, I am not your hyung. I am your future girlfriend. Open this door.’ Jen thought as she knocked again.
She wanted to say it out loud, but she couldn’t find her voice as her heart raced when she heard him speak.
“I said go away!”
This time he sounded even more bothered.
‘They must’ve really pissed him off tonight.’ she thought. 
She underestimated Jimin and Taehyung telling her that he was angry at them. But she was going to keep knocking until he answered. He’ll crack eventually.
“Hyung, leave me alone, already! I am not in the mood!” he added.
Jen’s nervousness peaked, and she chose to cease her knocking, getting second thoughts. Maybe she should wait until he calmed down. She turned around, about to head back into her room but stopped.
He was going to open that door, see her, and realize she wasn’t Jimin or Tae trying to bother him. She had been waiting to see him again and she was going to see this man tonight.
Knocking once again, she heard a loud noise and heavy footsteps towards the door.
‘Oh God, he’s coming.’ she took a step back in alarm.
Fed up, Jungkook quickly slammed his controller down and yanked his towel off his bare shoulders. Somebody was about to die tonight when he saw who was at his door.
“Damn it, I sai-”
Feeling a huge breeze as the door swung open, Jennie looked up from her feet to meet the annoyed gaze of Jungkook. When she took in the sight of him, she took in a sharp intake of air, as his brown irises met hers. Once Jungkook realized that he was staring at the girl he loved, his eyes softened, and his body relaxed spontaneously.
“Jennie,” he murmured in surprise.
It was official, he was still smitten and she managed to calm him down by just looking at him. Like her friends predicted, Jen froze and forgot everything she was going to say. Her pep talks did not prepare her for this. Especially because of how he said her name and how he was staring at her like he was about to kiss her again. Deep down, she wanted him to. But she knew he wasn’t going to go that far like when he confessed. He wanted confirmation of how she felt. And tonight, she was going to confirm her feelings. At least try to because her mind was getting out of control when she realized she was finally looking at him for the first time since that day.
‘Abort mission! Weewoo, weewoo, weewoo, weewoo! Abort mission!’ Jen panicked mentally as she averted her eyes.
Was she going to be able to do this and get over these butterflies?
Snapping back to reality, she cleared her throat, stammering, “H-hey. I just got back and was wondering if you had time to talk.”
‘Really Jen? Ugh.’ she scolded herself. 
She wanted to hit herself for saying that. Maybe she should have said something different instead of that statement. But Jungkook nodded and let her in as they both went inside.
"You can shut the door. I bought Tony a new toy. He'll be occupied with that," she informed.
“You sure?” Jungkook asked a little too eagerly.
The sound of his low voice had made her heart flutter. She then noticed that it was almost like he was asking because he anticipated that something was going to happen between them.
“Yeah.” she nodded. “I want to be alone with you. No distractions or interruptions.”
Once he shut the door, it was official, she was alone with Jungkook in his room. The rest of the members were nowhere near the dorm, it was just them. 
Jen observed her surroundings in his room. Stuff that she hadn’t noticed before until now. Like how he still had that sketchbook she gave him when she celebrated his birthday for the first time. It was filled with a few sketches of him and her together. And how he had a picture of him and her on his nightstand. It was all making so much sense to her, she wanted to slap herself for being this clueless and making this man wait for her for so long. How she took this long to accept what she was feeling.
The room felt warm from the heat blasting in his room. Huge difference from the uncomfortable coldness outside in the snow.
Pushing her hair back with her hand, she uttered, “I’m sorry for showing up here unannounced and out of the blue. I can see you’re a little irritated with the guys.”
“Ah, it’s okay. I’m fine, now. Seeing you back in Seoul safely cheered me up, real quick.” he smiled and took a seat on the edge of his bed. “Is everything okay?”
"Yeah. I just wanted to speak with you.”
“Are you all right?” his voice changed into concern.
Jennie began to pace around as the nerves got to her while she tried to gather what she wanted to say. 
“Why am I so nervous? I had this all in my head, perfectly. Now, I understand how you felt.” she stopped pacing around and turned to him. “But when you said what you said that day, it was from the heart. So, I should do the same. That day you confessed to me, it got me thinking. A lot. A lot of feelings built up. Hidden feelings came up from the surface.”
That statement made Jungkook’s heart pound as he continued to listen, giving her his undivided attention. 
Hidden feelings? Did she...feel the same?
“I have been thinking about you a lot. More than usual as of late since that day. Since I’ve been away, I thought about some things I love about you.” she went on. “How you sleep with your mouth open, it’s the cutest thing ever. How you’re like a personal heater for me when I’m in your arms. How sweet you are to everyone. How you are so passionate about your work ethic when it comes to Bangtan. How good you look in white shirts and Timbs...well, good isn’t exactly the best word I would use but...you know.” she felt her face warm up as he smirked softly, feeling good about himself.
Jungkook made a mental note to wear even more white shirts with his favorite brand of shoes if she enjoyed seeing him in them so much. He didn’t know he had that effect on her. He pondered what else she liked about him as he looked at her expectantly.
“I’ve been watching you, too.” she pointed out. “You tilt your head out of habit when you’re challenged. You even did it before you confessed to me. When you get jealous, you do that thing with your tongue. That thing where you poke the inside of your cheek. I always peeped that. And you often do it when it involves me and other guys that get a little too close in your eyes.”
Jungkook stared at her in astonishment. He didn’t realize he had made it that obvious. But hearing all she had to say gave him hope that she would return his feelings. So, he kept listening, eager to know where she was going with this monologue.
She carried on, “This right here is probably not going to be perfect. It’ll probably be a mess due to my mind being all over the place. And it is all because of you. Because now I can’t shake this feeling away. But deep down, I realized that I didn’t want to. I don’t want to shake this away. Not when it comes to you. Y’know I was just that foreign girl in K-Pop, finding my way in this industry. I met seven awesome guys. And one guy was a little more on the shy side and I wanted to speak to him, more. So, I did, bringing up Iron Man and the rest was history. Fast forward, I noticed that he was opening up more to me, which I was grateful for. And then he called me his Golden Best Friend and gave me matching friendship rings, promising to cherish each other. Then, I ate lamb skewers for the first time with him and he...told me my skin was beautiful and made me feel special while I helped him with his English. I...” she trailed off, shaking her head.
This was harder than she thought. She just kept rambling and couldn’t find the right words to say to him or how to bring the topic up. She stood in front of him, letting out a deep sigh as she tried to pull herself together. 
“Why can’t I think of the right words? I keep losing my train of thought, I dunno how to bring it up...” she said.
Looking up at her, Jungkook grabbed one of her cold hands and gave it a gentle squeeze with his warm hand.
“Take your time,” he spoke softly. “Be honest and say what’s on your mind. Don’t hold back. Even if you ramble, I’ll listen. So, just take your time.”
She nodded. “Jungkook, you were right about everything. I did get jealous when those girls talked to you at the costume shop. I guess...I don’t like when girls get too close for comfort with my man, flirting with you as if I’m not there.”
Her man?
Jungshooked, his lips parted in shock as he replayed her sentence in his head again. Feeling a sense of euphoria, he released her hand and began to stand up. Before he could stand, she placed a hand on his shoulder and made him sit back down.
She wanted him to just sit and listen to everything that was on her mind just like she had listened to him about how he felt. And at this point, as he did with her when he told her how he felt by his actions, she wanted to do the same along with her words to express how she felt about him.
With that in the back of her mind, she went on to express herself, “Jungkook, what you said to me and what we did in that room is something that I don’t regret. Just like what you asked me in that room, I cannot...think of a good reason as to why this shouldn’t happen. I want this. I want this to happen. I want what we have to go far.”
Jennie felt like this feeling was right as she continued to speak to him, admitting everything she was feeling while she held his loving gaze.
“You have been on my mind ever since that day. And I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t stop thinking about the kissing. I can’t stop thinking about me...in your arms. Together with you.”
‘I can’t stop thinking about you, either.’ Jungkook thought as her words captivated him, making his heart pound.
“I have tried my best to get you out of my mind. I have tried my best to avoid you. The music I listen to, makes me think of you. The places I go have some type of reminder of a precious moment we shared over the years. Those closest to me can’t even help me because they are constantly talking to me about you. And no matter what I do, no distraction I try can keep me away from those happy thoughts I have of you. Of us. How happy you make me.”
“I have felt so many different emotions when thinking about this. I even felt a little scared to be in this scenario with my best friend just like you said that day.” she acknowledged. “I always thought about the what ifs...if this feeling is wrong. If this should not happen because of how long we’ve been friends. Because of the position we are in as a group. But I need to stop doubting and just go with my heart. Not the doubts in my head. I can’t be scared to give someone as precious as you, my heart. The fact of the matter is...I was already yours before you confessed to me. It just took me a while to realize. I’m yours and I want you to be mine.”
She began to run her fingers through his damp hair as his eyes went round. “You were right about everything," she said. "This is not one-sided. I want you more than you can ever imagine. More than you think and more than I thought I did. I want you today, tomorrow and forever,"
She wanted him...more than he imagined?
Jungkook felt his throat tightened as he tried to keep himself composed. His emotions were running high listening to the woman that he loves talking about how much she couldn’t stop thinking about him like he couldn’t stop thinking about her. And the fact that she wanted him too made his eyes sparkle with elation.
“Your admiration for IU is the cutest and I hope one day you’ll gain that courage to meet her and possibly collab. Your smile makes my stomach flip and I can’t help but smile back," she smiled. "Your voice is like honey. When you sing, when you speak, I love listening to you. And when you told me that I was yours in my ear, I could not get it out of my head. You just do things that make me go crazy. And your laugh has got to be the best thing I have ever heard. Like it is just too infectious, I love it. Before I came here I talked with Yoongi and Namjoon. Yoongi told me that we’re like two puzzle pieces. Can’t fit anywhere else but together. And I believe him. I realized that I waited for you and you were right in front of me the entire time. It just took me a while. Me and my stubborn behind.” she let out a chuckle and shook her head.
Jennie took a good look at him, smiling. “You...make me feel things that I have never felt before. When I’m with you, you make me feel warm and giddy inside. I’m not worried at all when it comes to you. I can be myself around you and since day one you accepted me for me. Thinking of you since I’ve been gone made me think of a lot of things I want to do with you. I want to eat pocky and play video games with you. Kicking your fine ass in whatever game you want to play is going to be something that I’ll never get enough of.” she giggled when Jungkook playfully narrowed his eyes.
“Oh really?” he raised a brow as a competitive smirk came across his lips.
After giggling, she went on, “I want to even dress up as Iron Man for you one day just like you dressed up as Captain America for me. I'll always be your Pepper Potts. No doubt about it. I also want to go bowling with you. I want us to dance together, go on dates, and drive the members crazy with our pranks. I want to sing you to sleep and give you all the massages you want. I want to take care of you and cherish you just as much as you cherish me. I want to hug you as much as I want, I want you to be my first, I just...want to do a lot of things that I haven’t experienced yet with you. Only if you let me.”
She caressed his face and ran her thumb against his bottom lip. “And I don’t want no pocky stick or mistletoe to kiss you. I want to kiss you on my own. All of that and more that I want to do but not as your friend...” she trailed off and took this moment to slowly move to straddle him.
Jungkook was caught off-guard by her sudden actions as he placed his hands on her hips. Seated on him, she rested her arms on his shoulders as they gazed at each other, anticipating what was going to happen next.
“In reality, we are going to have disagreements. Now, I know I can be a little petty-“
“A little?” he raised a brow with a smirk
“Excuse me?” she remarked with an amused smile.
A mischievous glint appeared in his eyes as he let out a throaty chuckle. “I had to.”
After their chuckling, they went back to being serious.
“Okay, really petty at times. We are going to be upset at each other and irritate each other once in a while. But no matter how bad our disagreements may be like you said, we will work through them together.” she asserted. “I won’t give up on us, no matter how difficult something may be. We will make this work. I promise to be patient with you and hold you down. I’ll be there to pick you up and I will be there to help you through anything. Nervous before a performance? I will be there to keep you at ease. You want me to listen to one of your covers before you share it with ARMY? I’m a call away.”
She gently kissed his cheek, then his nose, and then his other cheek. The urge to kiss him rose tenfold and Jungkook was feeling the same way from her words and how close she was to him.
“I promise to always keep an open mind with you and make sure to do things that you would like to do. I promise to always be honest and listen to you. I promise to make us a priority, fight for you, and remain 100% committed to you. I promise to be there for you on your worst days, not just your best days. I promise that we will take adorable photos and videos together, and I will be secretly filming you sleeping and trying to prank you in the process.” she teased with a proud smile.
Jungkook shared a soft laugh with her before resuming to listen to her loving words.
“There will be times when I will fail you. I will fall short,” she admitted. “But I won’t tap out, okay? I'm going to be protective of you like you are with me. I'm going to support you if you want tattoos, change your hair, or anything you want to do. What we have is real. And also, I highkey want us to be the cutest marvel loving couple ever. So, let’s make sure to do that, okay? Let’s like, dress up as our favorite Marvel characters when going out somewhere. Maybe even New York Comic Con or something as a cosplay couple,” 
Jungkook let out another laugh. He found her adorable. Gosh, he loved her so much.
"I'd love that," he said softly with a huge smile on his face.
“This warm feeling I got with you in that room when you told me you loved me wasn’t the only time I felt this way. I felt this way for a long time. Even before you confessed to me.” Jennie nodded to herself, caressing his face. “I accept it now. I accept this feeling I get when I’m with you. No one else gives me this feeling but you. No one else makes me feel wanted like you. Saranghae, Jungkook.”
Once she announced her love for him with no hesitation, Jungkook looked at her while his throat tightened again as he tried to hold back the tears.
She...loves him too?
When she didn’t hear him respond, Jennie began to feel a little nervous. 
“Please...” she said softly. “Say something.”
Jungkook looked down, trying to keep himself composed as his body had softly shaken.
“Say it again.” he looked back up with tears in his eyes.
Seeing his eyes water made her eyes begin to water as well while her heart flipped. 
“Saranghae, Jungkook.”
“One more time.”
The feelings began to be too much as the tears of joy streamed down his face and tears began to stream down her face. He wrapped his strong arms around her while she buried her face in his neck with her arms around his neck for a hug.
She pulled away as Jungkook’s smile grew wide. She wiped her tears and wiped his, letting out a soft laugh.
“I remember telling you that whoever your future girlfriend will be, she’ll be very lucky to have a guy like you. And you would always reply that you were the lucky one," she said. "But no, I believe that I am the lucky one because I get to be with someone as special as you. You chose me out of everyone. Gosh, I’m sorry for making you wait so long.”
“Don’t be. You were worth the wait.”
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After he said that, Jennie pressed her body against him and collided her soft, cold lips with his, overwhelming him with emotions. He gripped her hips tightly when he felt her cold hands on his muscled chest, making him shiver slightly. The kiss started slow and sensual as she took her time, to show him how important he was to her. Their noses had pressed together periodically while his warm lips moved in rhythm with hers.
Running her hands down his chest, she heard him let out a soft groan, making her heart race. Deepening the kiss, their kissing became more urgent and demanding as she ran her fingers through his hair. Her lips soon moved to his neck as his breathing quickened. She was really starting to enjoy straddling him. Since he did all that he did to her, kissing the hell out of her during his confession, she wanted to do the same and then some.
“Jennie.” he managed to breathe out as he found the confidence to let his hands wander, landing right on her rear, gripping his softly.
Since it was getting too hot, she unzipped her jacket while their intense lip locking continued. Each kiss was better than the last as Jungkook let out a soft grunt whenever she had moved while straddling him. Her loving kisses were making his heart pound and she was so gentle with him as he melted to her touch.
Jungkook soon found his back meeting the bed when her cool hand gently pushed him back. Once they slowly broke the kiss to catch their breath, Jungkook looked up at her, watching her take off her jacket, leaving her in her shirt. His chest was heaving up and down as he watched her and looked down at where she was sitting. Her hand was on his chest as she thought about how tempting this position was.
Grabbing her hips, Jungkook spoke, "Keep going. I don't want us to stop. Not yet," 
He had been waiting for this moment for so long, he wanted to stay like this and keep kissing her. 
She responded by leaning down to continue to kiss him, caressing his face. Jungkook began to sit up with an arm around her waist. He then easily turned them around so her back was on the bed. Pressing his body against hers, he slowly leaned down to give her a series of tender kisses, making her breathless as she held onto him tightly. His warm kisses traveled down to her neck as he felt her squirm underneath him.
“I found your weakness, huh?” he teased against her ear with a smile as he felt her hand on the back of his head.
She tried to speak but couldn’t as her heart began to race when she felt his warm lips on her sensitive neck. She couldn’t turn them around so she could be back on top, either. Her breathing got deeper and her cheeks flushed as she tried to fight any sounds with their legs getting tangled with each other. Gently pinning her wrists on the side of her head, he slowly moved his hands up to intertwine his fingers with hers.
He then gave her slow, sweet kisses up her neck, to her cheek before saying in her ear, “You are so beautiful,"
After some more kisses, he moved back to look down at her with a smile as she returned his smile. He then started to give her playful kisses all over her face, making her giggle, trying to push him away.
“Let’s make this official,” he announced and got off of her.
“Official?” she sat up and watched him go into his closet, taking out a Timberland box. She scooted up to remain seated on the edge of the bed, waiting for what he was going to do. 
Jungkook kneeled in front of her and took off her sneakers while Jen let out a laugh.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
Opening the box, he revealed it to be a pair of Timberland Women’s Glancy shoes, along with some recently bought Smarties. On the inside of the top of the box, it read, 'Will you be my Golden Girlfriend?' with cute drawings around it, which made her heart soar.
Jungkook looked up at her with a big smile. “I brought these Timbs for you the day after we ate Lamb Skewers for the first time.”
“Will you do me the honor of wearing Timbs with me as my Golden Girlfriend?”
She happily nodded, letting out another giggle. “Yes! Absolutely! I would love to, Jungkook!”
When she put them on, it was a perfect fit as she stood up and walked around, loving the shoes.
"You look great in them. Wow, perfect fit. Now we can wear Timbs together.”
“And Nike.” she cheered.
“Hey, watch that tone of your voice. Say it with more enthusiasm.”
“And Nike! Yeah!” he sarcastically said, making them both giggle.
“This is kind of funny. I brought a pair of Nikes for you.”
“A-are you serious?”
“Yeah, I’ll go get them.” she took off the Timbs and put them back in the box. Leaving the room, she went to her room to grab the Nike box. Coming back to his room, she pushed his door back so it could only be opened slightly.
As they both sat back on the bed, she opened the box to reveal red and white Nikes. 
“Ta-da!” she cutely announced. “Now we can also wear Nikes together, too! Will you do me the honor of being my Golden Boyfriend and wear Nikes with me?"
“Just for you. Of course, Jennie. ” he smiled and tried them on.
“Good, I wasn’t taking no for an answer.”
He smirked and checked them out. “These look awesome.”
“I’m glad you like them.” she let out a tired yawn as the jetlag got to her.
“Let’s go to sleep. Sleep on me, I know you’re jetlagged.” he took off the shoes and prepared his bed. 
Laying on his back, under the covers, she crawled on top of him, sighing against his warm, comfy chest. Putting the blanket over them, he wrapped an arm around her.
"Jungkook, I love you," she looked up at him with a smile
"I love you, too," he smiled and kissed her. 
She laid against his chest and he kissed the top of her head, watching her doze off immediately as he tenderly rubbed her back. Tony stepped in, opening the crack of the door slightly, and jumped on the bed, snuggling next to his parents. 
Jungkook glanced at Tony and then Jennie. There was no place he would rather be. He was happy.
Drowning in his happy thoughts, he dozed off, too.
A few hours later, Jimin knocked on Jungkook’s door. “Jungkookie? You still mad?” he opened the door and walked in.
Seeing JenKook asleep together made Jimin cover his mouth to avoid screaming in glee. Running out of the room, he dragged Taehyung to show him as they both started silently jumping around, freaking out. Rushing over to the bed, they took a few selfies with the peace sign while Jennie and Jungkook were oblivious, in their own world of sleep.
“I can’t believe it! Look at this!” Jimin whispered excitedly.
“I know!” Taehyung added in a whisper. “We did it! Finally, they’re together!”
“What is all this ruckus...?” Yoongi grumbled, walking into the room to see what the commotion was. “What the-are you-are you cryin’? The hell is wrong with you?” he asked the 95 Liners who were wiping their tears of joy.
“Look!” Taehyung pointed to JenKook.
Yoongi smiled at the sight. “About fucking time.”
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bladeydp · 4 months
I only learned about this shameful affair a few months after the release of Fake Worlds End in late 2023. In this post, I will describe what happened and my subjective opinion of lunariamv as an active domestic Charon fan on the Internet.
First let's understand who lunariamv is. lunariamv is an online game maker (active on Tumblr and tiktok) who has been reviled by charon fans overseas for pirated charon games. lunariamv started out as a painter, but one day he started to imitate charon's games. At first, it was just the imitation of the painting style, and then gradually began to copy the original. lunariamv's Doom Stones is a direct copy of charon's Makoto Mobius. Not long ago, lunariamv copied Mikoto Nikki again.
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Now let's talk about my personal feelings
My favorite charon character is Mikio from Makoto Mobius. I've only been active on Twitter for six months now. The first time I saw the Doom Stones CG I naively thought it was some unfinished work by charon. And then I was misled, like an idiot, and I posted it on Twitter. Later, under the explanation of the Internet fans, I found that what I saw was something contrary to heaven. (I ended up deleting that tweet because it was disgusting to think of copycat stuff as a family thing) and lunariamv drew Mikio as a man...
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lunariamv, don't you get it? The decision to change the original in order to make it look less identical is disgusting...)
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(" I don't Want People Who are hindering Me to Interact with Me "is like a thief declaring that he is stealing from people around him and not to stop him.) He claims to be artistic and aesthetic without any consideration for anything else, like A saying to B: "I like your dress, but you will be mediocre without it, so I will get the same dress as you." Let me make my position clear: I do not oppose those who learn from charon's painting style, and the later development of painting style depends on the reference in the early stage. But isn't it a little cheeky to copy the plot? lunariamv claims to be a charon fan, but she would rather draw a fan map of her own game than a fan map of charon's own character. In addition, lunariamv's early works were found to have been copied by overseas charon fans.
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Like Matsuri? That's right, because lunariamv doesn't make people.
However, lunariamv explained the plagiarism: "I didn't do it intentionally, it was just for fun."
One day I robbed your house of every penny left, and when I finally tell you, "I didn't mean to rob your house, it was just for fun," you will be happy.
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Why are you calling this guy Mikio? You probably know that I like Mikio, and I think you're getting back at me and the other Charon fans, right? lunariamv, I should have known you had no shame.
And this guy is trying to mislead his uninformed fans by branding his game as a Charon game.
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lunariamv posted a video of herself playing the game she copied from Charon on YouTube. lunariamv's YouTube account:
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I argued with him in the comments section of YouTube and was met with sophistry:
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Even if you have no business purpose, no intention of making a profit, but you have done such a reckless thing, especially against the Charon group, lunariamv, I just want to ask you, is your conscience being eaten by a dog? You don't talk back to other fans, you don't talk back to me, you use the law as a shield when I'm judging, do you really think the world revolves around you?
So I went to tumblr to argue with this asshole. Continue to expose this guy's evil deeds under this guy's blog, and then he responded to me like this:
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Who gave you the courage to be a thief and scold me for exposing your ugly face? First: No one listens to your guile, your guile is against ethics. Second, other fans are helping me. I only look at the facts. Third: I am 18 years old. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and had symptoms of delusional disorder. But I'm not retarded. I think lunariamv's comments have violated my right to personal dignity, mocking me as childish, retarded, and incapable of respecting others. No, have you ever respected other fans who come to you to talk to you alone? (There are private messages from overseas fans about how this guy's stolen work compares to the original, but this guy doesn't reply) Do you respect Charon? You're talking about respect here?
Not only was I scolded, but lunariamv wrote a short essay in order to "repay" my exposure:
(I have three requirements for you :1. Stop infringing 2. Delete the works that involve plagiarism 3. A public apology to Charon makes it spam?)Stop using the law as an excuse. I've seen that too many times before, "I don't take Inspiration as my own," and when you posted your last rip-off and shamelessly called it original, how did I tweet it back at you?
Just because you acknowledge and praise the original work doesn't mean you can copy it, but if you acknowledge and praise the renovation of my home, you can pick the door lock of my home? What bandit logic...) How can you proudly compare yourself to everything in the world? A: Do you think in other people's shoes? Don't you ignore other fans when they explain to you calmly? In my private letter to you, I just repeatedly emphasized my three demands. Did I verbally attack you? Isn't it true that you plagiarized? (" I'll Take Criticism with a grain of Salt, "and then you posted this quibbling essay.)
"You want the same thing as Charon, Please don't expect it," Then you don't fucking get involved with Charon, you can't be original? Your work is too misleading, and some Charon fans who don't know the truth have begun to defend you, really fucking "Congratulations, congratulations" ah)(you have violated the bottom line of Charon and Charon fans again and again, my evaluation is either apologize or delete the number roll, pretend what big tail Wolf)
This guy played Fake Worlds End and still insists he didn't plagiarize, knowing Charon went through a plagiarism scandal and still plagiarized, so it's a little cheeky to defend herself, right?
By the way, this guy is already copying mix ore.
Finally, I gave it to lunariamv with one of our famous Chinese poems. Anyway, that guy doesn't understand the broad and profound Chinese culture.
あなたは少し能力と度胸があるならば、私の郵便受けに来て私のフィードバックを探します:[email protected]
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Hazbin Hotel as Owl City Tweets
So if you don't know, Owl City is the music artist behind the songs Fireflies and Good Time feat. Carly Rae Jepsen. Aside from just his music, however, he is my favorite account on Twitter, along with the only reason I still have the app on my phone. He's made some iconic posts over the years that I think deserve to be seen by more of the general public. Here's to hoping this idea goes well, because I think the idea of assigning quotes from a devout Christian who refuses to swear in his music to characters from the Hell show that kill each other and swear once every five seconds, is gonna be a fantastic combination
Charlie: Happy Mother's Day to my mom who's always been just like a mother to me OR Just heard my first robin of the year singing. Actually the robin was scolding me cuz it was annoyed that I was walking under the tree it was sitting in but still
Vaggie: I socialize by seeing someone I don't wanna talk to in the store and then leaving.
Angel Dust: Roses are red, Violets are blue, To all my haters, I'm 2fab4u OR If I had a dollar for every time someone called me ugly I'd be broke cuz I'm perfect lol later haters
Alastor: Most people don't realize this, but you can go to Starbucks without instagramming it OR If you say 'swag', 'yolo', or 'cray' one more time, I'm going to punch you in the throat :) OR I once killed a man for a klondike bar OR Oh look it's 3:30 AM, I should go to the kitchen and make a 10 course meal.
Sir Pentious: Dang girl is your name pizza roll because I love pizza rolls OR I flirt by seeing an attractive person and not talking to them.
Niffty: Mom said I could join your gang.
Husk: Do you ever just wake up and go "nope" and roll over and go back to sleep
Vox: It's 4AM so it makes sense that I'm on the wikipedia page for eggplant OR 7 divided by 8 is 0.875 in case you find this fact very interesting
Valentino: I installed a skylight in my apartment. The people who live above me are furious OR Brush your teeth unless your dentist is a cutie.
Velvette: "They're like, 12" = everyone younger than you OR Roses are red, My battery died, My laptop is dead, RT if your cried
Lucifer: Things I'm bad at: 1) Getting out of bed 2) Talking 3) Being a person OR went outside. immediately went back inside. crazy day. OR *phone vibrates* Yay I got a text I'm not an actual pathetic loser *reminder to refill depression meds*
Adam: I just drank 3 capri suns... get on my level OR Hello 911, there's a handsome guy in my house. Cancel that, it's me.
I went into this thinking 'hey a lot of these are gonna fit Lucifer probably' but no. Why did so many of them fit Alastor-
Read the tags
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itsasweater · 1 year
I'm honestly not bothered by Portwell's shipping Mack and Gina because they are doing exactly what I expected lol. Portwell's have always been very transparent.
I remember posting on here during season 3 if people ship Gina and EJ because they actually like them or if they just did it because it kept Ricky and Gina apart, it certainly seemed like the latter to me. The reason for making that post was because I got the feeling that many Portwell's were just undercover Rini's shipping Gina and EJ together because of the same fact that it meant keeping Ricky and Gina away from each other. I got some responses to that post denying that was case and that they actually really did like Portwell for legit reasons, which is fair enough. However, after the season 3 finale and the way it ended with Ricky and Gina kissing, my suspicions seemed justified because Portwell's started posting the Rini finale kiss from season 1 comparing the two. Even that hqportwell twitter page was tweeting about Rini and Portwell's liking a bunch of Rini posts, the likes are visible to the public people if your account isn't private lol.
Also, after season 3 all I saw from Portwell's was that the show made Gina totally different from season 2 and that she was not the same. Mind you these comments were only made once she broke up with EJ and kissed Ricky, funny that. If you actually cared about Gina as a character and actually understood her you would realize she was not her actual self in season 2. I mean, Gina had a song called Balance in season 3 where she mentions that the real her is going to shine, not the old her (season 1) or the 2.0 her (season 2) but the combined version. Also Sofia even mentioned in an interview how Gina wasn't herself in season 2, she knows her character better than anyone else. Let's be honest, yall only liked her in 2b once she cut off Ricky because it meant she was no longer a threat to Rini. Even during season 3 I remember people shipping Ricky with Jet and Val but once the show started hinting at him and Gina again it changed, all of a sudden it was Ricky needs therapy before he is with someone else lol. If Ricky needs therapy before getting in another relationship because of his home life, why was it/is it not the same for EJ? Is his relationship with his dad not terrible and strained? He should be in therapy as well according to yall instead of being in a relationship. This way of thinking is also very dumb, to suggest that someone who needs or is in therapy can't also be in a relationship or in love.
So, this was a long way of saying that I'm not surprised that Portwell's/Rini's/Jolivia's are shipping Gina with Mack because they have always been very transparent. They don't care about Gina or her happiness, they care about her not being with Ricky be any means necessary. This was obvious by immediately blaming Gina for everything during and after season 3 while believing EJ handled everything perfectly. Once Gina was not paired with EJ anymore, propping him up or giving him more screen time they went back to hating her. I know it can be annoying for some people to see Gina being shipped with Mack but try not to let it get to you, they refused to see or just didn't understand the story the show was telling with Ricky and Gina since the homecoming episode. This fandom has a big media literacy problem.
While I love Rina, Gina is more than just who she is with. I think she is the best character on the show, she is super talented and a star. I'm excited too see the show finally dive into more detail on her home life with her mom and how that has affected her.
I seem to always go on a tangent and these posts end up being longer then I intended them to be lol My apologies. Thanks for reading all of this if you did.
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i-am-baechu · 1 year
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Chapter Eleven: The One About Trouble
Summary: “Did you just ask me if I sell coffee in a fucking coffee shop?” And with that, Taehyung was smitten by the Barista in the crazy flower sweater vest. Friendships will form but most importantly Taehyung will finally meet his soulmate. 
Genre: Idol au, strangers to lovers au, barista reader!, slow burn (friends with benefits to lovers kind of), semi-short storyish format, friendships, romance, angst, comedy, and smut
Main pairing: Idol! Taehyung x Barista! Reader 
Side ships: Hoseok x OC 
Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, homophobia, smoking cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol usage
⇜ Masterlist ⇝
Three days wasn’t enough but it was better then nothing is how Taehyung saw it. He wanted to be with her for at least a week but his manager told him that was impossible. He had a tour and even though he loves Armies, he just wanted some time with Y/N. In the three days they had, they went on dates or they had sex at her apartment. What else can a person want? It was perfect until Nikki walked in on him eating her out, that ruined the whole romantic aura. 
Saying goodbye was hard. He knew Y/N was upset because she couldn’t go with him to the airport, their last goodbye was in their apartment. She tried her best not to cry but he saw her tearing up and it broke his heart. The two cuddled for the final hours and kissed before he walked out of her door. It was sweet but sad. 
On the flight to Japan, Taehyung was stuck in his thoughts. His thoughts were clouded with Namjoon and this whole mess. The fact that he was too chicken to tell Y/N that he loved her and he didn’t know when he would see her again. It was a lot of emotions to feel especially when you're by yourself. When the plane landed, he had to force a smile or look relatively okay. He didn’t want to worry the fansites that were waiting for him. He couldn’t afford more rumors. When it was spread that he was going to New York, people were confused. He had a concert in Japan, what business did he have in New York? The answer they gave out was it was private business. It was annoying that people wanted to know what he was doing 24/7 but he couldn’t be shocked. He was an idol, a famous idol at that. 
He walked into the hotel with his staff showing him his room in a rush. The hotel staff were trying to take pictures of him and they didn’t want people saying the small hickies on his neck. He walked into his room and smiled when he saw Jimin waiting for him with food spread out on his table, “Welcome back!~” 
Taehyung smiled at him and gave him a peace sign, “I didn’t want to come back but here I am.”
Jimin gave him a hurt look and let out a small gasp, “You wanted to leave me. Why because you were fucking Y/N?”
“Why would you think that?” 
“You have that glow of getting your dick wet.” 
Taehyung rolled his eyes and rolled his bag near his bed. He took off his jacket and tossed it on the bed, “What’s been going on while I was gone?” 
“The usual...well.” 
“Well, what?” 
Jimin took out his phone and handed his phone to him, “There’s a K-pop news page that tweeted out that armies saw you with Y/N. Holding hands and kissing...so far, the company doesn’t see it as a threat to anything because it's not a popular account. People just think it's people talking out of their asses but Namjoon saw it and wasn’t happy about it.” 
Taehyung took the phone and raised his eyebrow at the tweet, “I mean there are no pictures attached so that makes me feel better...why is Namjoon upset?” 
“He thinks you're just doing shit without thinking.”
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Taehyung rolled his eyes and handed his phone back to Jimin, “I was covered up and no one came up to me. If they saw me, so what? I’m an adult and I’m allowed to date.” 
“No one is saying you can’t...we just want you to be careful. I don’t want to see Y/N get hurt.” 
“She won’t get hurt...what did the others say?” 
“Everyone just agreed we didn’t want to see Y/N get hurt. Namjoon is just upset...” 
Taehyung sighed and sat on the bed with a frown, “What should I do?”
“Talk to him in the morning. Don’t fight.”
“I won’t fight...I think.” 
Jimin sighed and sat on his bed, “Taehyung, no fighting. Please.” 
“I won’t.” Unless he starts one. 
* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . * 
Taehyung wasn’t nervous like how he usually is meeting his leader in private. He felt more annoyed. He understands that he would be upset if he was ruining the group's image or something but he wasn’t. There were no pictures of him with Y/N so it was just a brainless rumor (even though the rumor was true, no one needed to know that). He couldn’t tell if Namjoon was upset with the group or if he was upset because he was with Y/N. 
He knocked on the door and heard a low “come in”. He opened the door to see Namjoon sitting on his bed watching his tv. Taehyung let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his neck, “Joon, you wanted to see me?” 
Namjoon muted the television and looked at him with a small smile, “Hey, I just wanted to talk to you.” 
Taehyung nodded his head and walked deeper into the room with the door closing behind him. Sealing his fate. He sat in the chair in the corner as Namjoon sat across from him. The quietness in the room was making him uncomfortable but he didn’t want to say anything. He didn’t want to start the conversation on whatever he wanted to talk about. Namjoon sighed and leaned forward a bit, “Tae, there are rumors of you with Y/N.” 
“There were no pictures, it's just pointless words.” 
Namjoon shook his head and looked at Taehyung with a serious look, “It’s not rumors though, it's the truth. You can’t just walk around like you’re not famous.” 
“I was covered up...listen no matter what I do, they're going to follow me or make rumors up. I just want to live my life.” 
“You can live life-”
“Apparently I can’t. Y/N was covered, no one saw her.”
Namjoon sighed with frustration and leaned back in his chair, “You don’t understand...you can ruin her life.”
“I can ruin her life, how?” 
“You're famous...she’s not.” 
“That doesn’t matter, I’ll protect her. I love her and she loves me.” At least I hope she does...
Namjoon stared at Taehyung with a sharp look but Taehyung didn’t look away, “Look-”
“No, you look.” Taehyung stood up from his chair and looked down at his leader with a heated look, “I don’t know if you're doing this because you like her or something but you can’t just tell me I’m going to ruin her life and expect me to be okay with you.”
“I meant it from-”
“Are you doing this because you want to be with her?” The silence in the room made Taehyung chuckle and shook his head, “Are you fucking serious?” 
“Taehyung, I’m not doing this-”
“Then answer my fucking question. Are you doing this because you want to be with her?” 
“I’m doing this because I want you guys to be safe.”
Taehyung shook his head and clenched his fist, “You're still not answering my question...Namjoon, please. Just be honest with me.” 
Namjoon sighed and looked down at the carpet. This was all Taehyung needed to see. He walked out of the room but before he left the room, he turned around and looked at Namjoon with a glare, “She’s my partner. Respect that.” and with that, he left the room. 
He didn’t go back to his room but instead, he went straight to the hidden park behind the hotel. He went to a bench and let out a deep sigh, he wanted to smoke really bad but he wasn’t going to do that. He took his phone out and called the one person he needed to talk to, “Tae, is everything okay?” 
“Baby...we need to talk...I can’t hide this from you anymore. It’s about Namjoon.” 
“Did you guys get in a fight again? Was it about me?”
Taehyung sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, “Yeah...it was.”
“Did I do something to make him hate me? I was always kind to him and even brought him cakes whenever I had leftovers.”
I wish he hated you, that conversation would’ve been easier, “That’s the thing, baby...”
He heard a confused laugh on the other side and he could picture her eyebrows going down as her nose scrunchies up, “What’s the thing?” 
“He doesn’t hate you.”
“Oh? Then what’s-”
“He likes you.” The silence was unbearable for him and he stood up from the bench. He rubbed his neck in a nervous manner, “Baby? Are you okay?” 
“I-I’m shocked...I don’t know what to say. Is this why you guys have been fighting?” 
“Yeah. I just don’t know what to do about this because I’m crazy for you and he's my leader.” 
He heard her sigh on the other end but it wasn’t relieving any stress, “What are we going to do? I don’t want you to keep fighting with him. You guys are brothers and have been through so much together. Don’t let me ruin that.”
“I don’t know what to do. I have never been through this before and I don’t think Google can help me.”
“What did you guys get into a fight about today?” 
Taehyung looked down at his shoes and kicked a rock as he sighed to himself, “There was this Twitter account that basically started rumors that I was with my partner. There were no pictures so no one believed it so don’t worry about it. He said I was going to ruin your life because I’m famous...”
“You made my life better...don’t think otherwise. I hate that people talk about you, it’s your life you should be able to do whatever you want.” 
“That’s the life of an idol, baby. I made your life better?” 
“Of course you did...you made me happier and I couldn’t ask for a better person in my life.” 
He felt his heart flutter at this confession and he wanted to kiss her at this moment, “You made my life better too. What are we going to do?” 
“I’m not sure. What did you do with your ex?”
“Oh, baby...that’s a story to tell...” 
“Did something similar happen when you were with them?”
“No...actually Namjoon was the one that helped me break up with them. Well, it was him and Yoongi that caught her cheating on me.” 
He heard a small gasp and he let out a small chuckle, “You were cheated on!?”
“Yeah with my best friend but this all happened when I first debuted so I didn’t have media attention. This is the first time I'm going through something like this.” 
“I mean there were no pictures so that's good for us but with Namjoon...I have no idea. You should talk to Yoongi, I feel like he would give the best advice on what to do.” 
“I’ll do that...Y/N, I...”
“Yes, Tae?”
“I’ll talk to you tonight.”
“I’ll talk to you tonight, bye ~.” 
He pressed the red button and let out a frustrated sigh, “It’s not time to tell her...with everything going on, it doesn’t feel right.” When will it be the right time to tell her? 
Extended Ending:
Taehyung went back to her hotel room and closed the door. He leaned against the door with his eyes closed trying to figure out his thoughts. He shook his head and went towards his bed with his shoulders slumped down. He sat on the bed and took his phone out, pure annoyance came through. He answered the phone and shook his head, “What do you want?” 
“Is that how you're going to talk to me?” 
“Aria, hurry the fuck up. What do you want? 
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majaloveschris · 1 year
Yeah, imagine if this is his happy face and body language. Which we all know it's not; they are talking bullshits. We've seen him happy with family, friends, and ex-partners. He looked nothing like he did around Alba. // have you guys considered the possibility that the looks stressed and unhappy not because of her, but because of his fans who constantly want him to ditch a woman he loves?
Like he's legit in love with this girl, claimed it on sm twice, his family and friends all showed support and welcomed her, she and her friends tried to clean up their images by apologizing and deleting questionable stuff, but still the public is hunting them down. He could not spend his time freely with her without being judged, he could not fly to her without being judged. You know it's totally possible that the flight to PT was him, but seeing all the hate on sm maybe he decide to fly commercial back, at least to appease the fans at the con? So people think it was not him and not riot...And it worked.
Can you imagine having to go to such lengths just to be with the one you love? I wouldn't be surprised if they are indeed engaged but is too afraid to announce it for fear of tanking Ghosted. Of course he would look stressed and drained, but it's not because of her.
Okay, but if the fans are the reason, why was he so awkward during the scare videos and on that kissing picture? Those were taken way before this whole drama started; what was the reason then? Why did he act the way he did during the NYC pap walk? Nobody asked them to parade in Central Park. Or was he like that because he knew how fans would react? I doubt he would act around her the way he has just because of that. And what about Disney? They supposedly didn't know they were being recorded. And nobody asked him to post videos and stories of them doing stuff, but he still did it. And it's not about them being so happy together; he's dated other women too, but he's never felt the urge to do so. It's really out of character for him. And don't say it's because he is truly in love with her. For example, he's dated Minka for years, and he wasn't so distant with her, not even in public, so that doesn't make any sense to me.
What about Jenny, for example? People didn't like the fact that she was still married when they got together, but it didn't seem like he cared about it. Fans didn't like her, but I haven't seen him act the way he did with Alba, especially when they didn't even know they were being photographed.
Yeah, because Lisa liking a comment calling her a racist is so supportive. Only Justin apologized and deleted his tweets, and we all know Alba has done equally questionable things. And I don't even want to talk about Kiko.
He wasn't on that Portugal plane, that's for sure. I don't think we are that important that he flew back on a commercial flight just because some people thought he went there. Nobody could've proved he was there, and I doubt people who went to comic con would've started calling him out for going to Portugal. And then who flew back with that plane? Did it fly back without a passenger? Or do you think nobody would've recognized him at the airport or on the plane? And why would've he flown there like a week before Comic Con when he had plenty of time before that because he'd wrapped "Red One" way before? He wasn't on that plane; it's as simple as that.
I don't think they are engaged or together at all, but that's just my opinion 🤷‍♀️
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enumchase · 1 year
Okay as my all-time favourite Ted lasso artist and blog; what are your honest thoughts about the finale episode??
i've still only seen the episode once but just for you, sweet nonnie, i will rewatch it for more thoughts, but for now:
LOVED probably 80-90% of the episode and it was bittersweet and emotional af
every single one of the callbacks made me so happy especially the offside and nate's play
the so long, farewell scene?? are you kidding me???
trent. TRENT. my sweet gal. my little guy. i'm glad we got a final few ted/trent scenes in there and so grateful for the crumbs and mr lance's wardrobe.
i'd hoped for the whole season they weren't gonna do the love triangle thing with roy & jamie again, but unfortunately they did and even left it till the finale which was disappointing, but i did like how they resolved it, even if the throuple didn't happen (:/ or at least didn't happen onscreen)
i needed more nate this episode - i was hoping he wouldn't return just as a kitman and i wanted to see how that conversation went, but as always nick delivers on the stuff he DID get and i'm eternally grateful for his presence in the show
seeing the full diamond dogs just brings me so much fucking joy god i love six (6) men
barbara is such a little freak i love her and everything about her
one final triumph of tony head's rupert was incredibly satisfying to see i love old men. but WHERE IS BEX. i needed to see the rebecca/bex/ms kakes revenge storyline
re. the tedbecca of it all, i really thought they were gonna do it till the airport scene and am still surprised they didn't, which meant that the first fakeout scene was absolutely uncalled for and felt really in bad faith after the fact, even as a person who does not actively ship them
now for the stuff i REALLY. really. did not like, as evidenced by a number of dozens of tweets and two long stern worded replies in brendan's ama: absolutely unbelievable that beardjane were endgame when basically no other established ships/relationships ended up being endgame. very disappointed about the direction the show took them in and the writers' not realizing how harmful it can be to celebrate a toxic and abusive relationship. most important i think beard deserves better than jane but maybe that's just the beard fan in me talking.
i wish ted & beard would've had a deeper conversation re. jane & leaving london before they literally got on the flight, and gave us more resolution with these two men whom i dearly love and want to see more of - it does NOT help when brendan says they "don't see each other for years" because cmon. this is a feel good tv show. you don't have to bring your "real life friendship" stuff into here. make us feel good about ted leaving please.
and finally, ted leaving, which i definitely expected. i just didn't expect that the people trying to make him stay to not have any effect on him at all. i agree with others that ted seemed quite distanced and detached for the whole episode, but they'll most likely never end up addressing this ever again. i wish he'd explored more options than just "leave permanently and never come back" - and ended up being the same place he started before he came to london, but i appreciate the effort he is making for henry.
as for the future of the show, i hope there'll be a spin off with maybe some of the existing characters but definitely a whole new showrunning/writing/creating team, i would love to see other's interpretations for the characters & universe i've grown to love over the past year and a half.
so yeah, that's about all i can think of re. the finale. i was holding out for the last 15 mins of flashforward montage to be a dream sequence but brendan debunked that theory pretty definitively yesterday, so there's that. i appreciate the show for what it was to me and forgive it for what it wasn't, and i will still be enjoying the bits i enjoyed from it wholeheartedly - it was not a perfect show, but it was a great show to have enjoyed over the past year and a half and to have shared with the rest of y'all. i cannot wait to see what the universe, and everyone who was involved with the show will go on to do next and you'll be damned if i wasn't gonna follow jimmy lance's career until he is fully out of work. richmond till we die <3
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thisiskatsblog · 11 months
louis posting an instagram video where he mentions the paris rainbow lights fan project and shows pride flags and talks about his connection with fans etc feels like a way to appease us and is very insidious and i'm seeing him in a very different light tbh, i simply cannot forgive him for shitting all over us then trying to appease by showing pride flags and talking nice about a rainbow project it feels very disingenuous, back in 1d days these counter moves of love towards the lgbtq+ community after a denial or a shut down or whatever would feel authentic and brave but i'm seeing it from a very different perspective these days and i don't know how to feel, i'm just very much done with louis i think and as a queer fan i feel heartbroken because he used to be my home and now he's completely unrecognisable to me, oh well, things change and i hope he's happy with his 14 fans by the end of it bc he's giving us the shovel in which we bury his career, lots of people have said the chicken thing was their final straw and are leaving in droves (i'm one of them) so i wish him luck and hope all this shit was worth it for him, i have no empathy left for him and it's time to call it a day and just speak to my fandom friends and not support him directly via money social media mentions etc
(((anon))) (if you're into hugs, sounds like you needed one)
Thanks for bringing up that Instagram reel - I actually hadn't seen it in full yet, just some snippets on Tumblr here.
I don't know how much of your negative feeling towards that reel stem from the fact that you thought it was posted after Parmageddon to appease LGBTQ fans. If it makes a difference: seems that actually, the reel was posted before the Twitter chat.
I feel some thought went into it, and there’s definitely a shitload of rainbows in there, at quite interesting moments of the narrative.
I'm inclined to believe it's genuinely trying to say something, trying to express gratitude for the rainbow projects -without saying so explicitly - ok - I'll grant that - but it doesn't seem disingenuous to me.
The tweet, on the other hand, comes across as such a ridiculously far fetched comment. Why would he even bring that up?
Like I said, I cannot make much sense of one thing next to the other. I'm not even trying to anymore, to be honest.
And I do understand that this is different for you - for many people maybe. For very specific and very personal reasons that I can't really ever put the finger on, I have a strong undercurrent of (blind?) faith in Louis and the tweet didn't shake that enough for me to leave the fandom. And I fully understand that not everyone feels that way. That you can’t feel that way if you don’t have the same very personal reasons that I have.
Clearly the balance is different for you, for others, and particularly for a lot of LGBTQ+ people. The conflicting messages are confusing, they are painful, and they do lead people to believe they are safe when maybe in the end they are not. It's not a great situation. And it's totally valid, and acceptable, and healthy, perhaps, for someone to decide to leave that situation.
Sorry to see you go but I hope leaving brings relief and makes you happier.
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lawbyrhys · 2 months
The Logan Paul v. Coffeezilla Lawsuit: Part Two
Here's a situation I never thought I'd be talking about, but here we are! Let's dive on in to Logan Paul's huge defamation suit against Coffeezilla.
Finally, the lawsuit itself! Let's get into all the details of what exactly is going on in this wild case between these two YouTube juggernauts.
By the way, I'll be referring to Coffeezilla as Findeisen in my work about this case because that's his legal last name, and I didn't pass the bar and get a BigLaw job to spend my free time dictating the word "Coffeezilla" into my iPhone as I'm stuck in LA traffic. I'm gonna do it the legit way. Sue me, or don't—you know I'll win. ;)
Check back for updates as the case goes on; I will publish them when I have time to work on them. Let's get into the lawsuit as it stands now.
Logan Paul is the plaintiff in this lawsuit, and he filed the case in the US District Court of the Western District of Texas—Federal Court. Findeisen is based in Texas, while Paul resides in Puerto Rico. The latter made an interesting choice by filing in federal court, as Findeisen can't use the anti-SLAPP laws afforded in Texas and applicable in Texas state court. A SLAPP suit—meaning Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation—essentially means you can't sue your critics into silence or otherwise use your power combined with that of the justice system to intimidate or censor them. This also means the Texas Citizens Participation Act, an act that allows defendants to file to dismiss such a suit that infringes their free speech. Both of these statutes save time and money for the defendant, especially the latter, which would halt the suit before it even enters discovery, but why would Paul want to spare Findeisen any expenses? He doesn't, so he didn't. We can thank the 5th Circuit determined these laws don't apply in federal court; Paul's counsel appears to know the law, so that's something.
Now to the actual lawsuit; like, really this time.
Paul alleges that Findeisen's comments about his CryptoZoo debacle "perpetuates a false narrative that CryptoZoo was a scam orchestrated by Paul," continuing that Findeisen, "knew he was making false statements when he published the videos." All of this started as soon as Findeisen started publishing his commentary content to YouTube in December of 2022. Paul commented at the time, "You led the charge to drive and monetize a narrative telling millions of people that I'm a fraud or I tried to scam my audience. That is patently false." At the time, Paul said Findeisen didn't reach out until December 24th for "the facts," but the latter claims he reached out in October of 2022, ultimately getting no reply. This was enough to get Paul off his back for the timing being, even prompting the would-be crypto mogul to praise the commentator for "bringing [the situation] to light." This wasn't enough of a white flag for Findeisen, though, and he told Paul he'd continue to watch the story and advised the latter that, "the right thing to do here is file refunds; that's what this has always been about."
Since Paul confirmed Findeisen was being truthful, where's the defamation? Besides, Texas has a one-year statute of limitations on libel claims; it's been nearly two years. So, what now?
Shortly thereafter, Paul announced his new "three-step plan" to fix things, and it goes as follows: he would burn his coins so he had no financial interest, offer a rewards program worth $1.5M for disappointed players so they cash in and get out, and finish and deliver the game. Some of his fans weren't happy with that, though, and so they sued him, going into arbitration and being represented by none other than AttorneyTom himself, Tom Kherkher.
Six months after all of this went down, Findeisen tweeted that Paul had blocked him, writing that "Paul is the type of dude to thank you when you expose his scam, then block you when you remind him to pay up." This tweet is the first real example of defamation given by Paul, alleging it as libel per se, or a statement so damaging on its face the plaintiff doesn't need to prove special damages; essentially, it's damaging enough as is.
Understanding what actual defamation means in a court of law—I have made a post about it as a general referential educational tool already—Paul claims that the above statement was damaging to his reputation, saying that "the accusation that Paul operated a financial scam is one that tends to harm his reputation, so as to lower him in the estimation of the community, or deter third persons from associating or dealing with him. The June 29, 2023 X post is libelous per se as it tends to affect Paul and his profession or occupation and accuses Paul of engaging in illegal conduct."
Interesting, though, as Paul's profession does not fall within the realms of development, finance or business, and rather within the social media space, the allegations of libel per se are applied narrowly at best in this situation. Regardless, though, Paul claims Findeisen knew CryptoZoo wasn't a scam, and posting otherwise would lead others to believe differently. Essentially, Paul is casting the blame onto his various business partners in the endeavor while claiming Findeisen's prior research and documentation validates the former in his role as a mere "hoodwinked" victim in all of this, too, but took it too far as the research swung out of Paul's favor and crept into territory that would "intentionally defraud people in order to increase [Findeisen's] own profile by continuing to attack a well-known celebrity."
A glaring issue with this, though, is not only would Paul have a hard time proving concrete damages as a result of Findeisen's claims, but he'd be hard-pressed to prove the latter's characterizations of him untrue, as everything stated by Findeisen was factually based in the reality Paul and his team had created. It's funny that everybody agrees CryptoZoo was a scam, and there's fault to be assumed; the question flying around is, who is actually liable to assume that fault? There's a lot of pointing fingers here.
On June 30, 2023, Findeisen released another video to YouTube, "Logan Paul's Scam Isn't Over," and Paul hit him with a libel per se allegation once again. This is essentially the same as above, with updated claims such as Findeisen's naming of CryptoZoo users as "Paul's victims," and the insinuation of Paul's guilt throughout the June 30 video expose.
Again, the plaintiff's claims here are essentially a reiteration of what is stated above, with Paul claiming Findeisen knew he was promoting false claims in his videos and the latter pointing out that despite Prime's multimillion dollar success, none of Paul's fans had been reimbursed thus far. Paul claims the beef could be squashed if Findeisen reached out to him instead of getting with his manager, while Findeisen says he tried and was met with Paul's criminal defense counsel instead.
The next post will be a continued explanation of this suit, starting with a total breakdown of what Paul's lawyer, Jeffrey Neiman, had to say in response to Findeisen's attempted contact. Important to not here, though, is Neiman "regularly defends individuals and corporations in white collar criminal litigations."
Check back for part three soon. What do you think of this case so far, though? Do you think the defamation allegations are accurate? Whose side are you on? Let me know all your thoughts!
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sylvie-brett-two-ts · 2 months
I know you said you were not going to say anything else about this topic but I only just saw your posts and wanted to add my ten cents to the discussion as I love reading your posts and so hope this is okay and I apologise for how long it is. It is in no way transphobic or hateful either btw.
Basically seeing how he openly retweeted that post was very odd to me as he has never been one to talk or post on politics, especially controversial topics as he knows how touchy what his parents politics are like, and just anyone has to look at the likes of JKR for example to see that promoting such a thing is career suicide basically.
But that is what stood out to me. That while his costar did it privately, and under her married name with all the understanding that her posts would remain private too and that she had the right to privacy like we all do, that he did this so openly. It was obviously after the wedding episode had aired and he doesn’t have anything else left in his career.
That’s why it stood out to me. That it feels as if he doesn’t care about his career anymore and that he almost doesn’t want his career back? But it was risky also in the fact that his wife could’ve easily lost her new job if it had blown up as she works with children and neurology/neuroscience and the post was about children and doctors.
I don’t know what he was thinking but it came across to me as someone angry? But not just about the topic of the tweet, but it felt like frustration or discontent as it was just so out of character for him to do so openly. Maybe he isn’t enjoying life in Boston or not acting as much as he hoped he would?
Anyway I’m happy to see you back even if it just talking about Brettsey as I’m happy to do that too.
Hi again anon, I don’t mind talking about what he did, I just don’t care to talk about an actor’s personal life, especially one that I lost respect for. I was a little caught off guard that he retweeted it, but I wasn’t all too surprised that he agreed with it because he’s been liking things like that on Twitter for years. I’m not sure if it’ll impact his ability to land jobs, I doubt it simply because 1) he’s super well known and 2) no one outside of the fandom really talked about it. I think if he wanted to work, he’d land a job pretty easily. He filmed that Disney plus show in summer of 2022, so I don’t think he’s done acting just because he left CF. I also don’t think that his wife could lose her job either, she wasn’t the one that posted it.
I think it’s a bit different from JK Rowling because she made comments consistently on camera and the videos always went viral. There weren’t any journalists that commented or wrote stories about his retweet or liked tweets, or Kara’s FB posts for that matter. Tbh I don’t think it was something he even thought twice about before or after he retweeted it, which makes it that much more callous.
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So there's this post about the new Peter Pan and Wendy movie bemoaning the creative bankruptcy of the movie because of the reason for Tinkerbell not glowing. I can't exactly blame Tumblr for this line of thinking, given most Disney live action remakes are creatively bankrupt, plus the fact the movie wasn't actually out yet. I'd probably also have implicitly agreed with the post and moved on if it were about the new Pinocchio or Little Mermaid or something.
Peter Pan and Wendy is out now though, and I really liked it, which compelled me enough to check up on the context of that quote. And while it's not so different from what the tweet describes, I do think there's some nuance that deserves sharing.
Here's the full quote from SFX:
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To me, this doesn't read like somebody who removed this particular aspect of Tinkerbell's visuals out of a completely shallow attempt at realism. Not only was it simply what was arrived at as the most fitting look for her, it doesn't even seem like removing the glow was much of a conscious choice. "That's something that never even occurred to me" doesn't make it sound like something he's taken a super hard stance against, as many seem to interpret it.
I also want to defend the decision as it relates to how this movie looks, both in terms of the movie's themes and just the cinematography in general. David Lowery, the director of the wonderful The Green Knight and the other-apparently-not-terrible-disney-remake Pete's Dragon, has not only done this purposefully, but it's his entire style. Green Knight and A Ghost Story are both acclaimed movies that deal with supernatural and mystical elements, but forgo effects and dramaticism in favour of a more low-key, spare and picturesque visual style. This isn't some $200m movie that Disney has filled to the brim with CGI garbage, as seems to be the case with Little Mermaid, and this isn't Cruella shooting scenes on green screens with flat lighting for no reason; this is a director with a purposeful style achieving such with real locations and practical sets and costumes. And while Peter Pan and Wendy's visuals aren't mindblowing or anything, I do think it manages to look quite nice at times.
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Critical to all this, I want to emphasise that Lowery choosing to do a Peter Pan movie with a sense of realism is not merely some outdated idea that realism = more mature or something. It is an active component of the movie's themes. Neverland looks and feels like a random island out in the middle of nowhere because that's what it is in this movie. It is not the perfect paradise of fun and adventure that Peter makes it out to be, and Wendy recognizing this is a part of the movie's core message: that one shouldn't be afraid to grow up, because there is beauty and happiness to be found even in the mundanity of real life, not just in the fantastical ideas of childhood whimsy. Does Neverland seem so much less whimsical than that of the 2004 movie version? Sure. But that doesn't mean it isn't also beautiful. And that's how she realizes she doesn't need Neverland to be happy, that she doesn't need to run away, she can find purpose and happiness in the challenges and joys that growing up will put before her.
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Tying back to Tinkerbell, all of this is to say that perhaps the toning down of her magical elements wasn't totally without nuanced thought. Maybe it could have worked, maybe it couldn't, I'm not the director and didn't see what they tried. But given how well I think this movie balances its realistic tone and its magical elements (it's not a complete rejection of anything magical; the fairy might not casually glow, but she is still blowing magic fairy dust on kids to make them fly from happy thoughts) I'm inclined to take him on his word that he knew what he was doing. Maybe trails of sparkling fairy light everywhere she went did come off a little too whimsical for how he wanted Neverland to appear. You may not personally enjoy that take, but I do think it's one born of creative intent, and it's one I like a lot. And isn't movies daring to take a stance over appealing to the widest possible common denominator something we've been yearning for?
I implore people, if you think you might be interested in this movie, go watch it. Pirate it, if you have to. It's a legitimately good movie that's being screwed over by a complete lack of marketing from Disney and internet chuds reviewbombing every online score because they're still mad about a black Tinkerbell. Trust me, even if the movie isn't setting the world on fire, it deserves better than that. Especially when Little Mermaid is gonna make ten bajillion dollars in a month.
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