#the eye colours are based off their tarot / abilities
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timethehobo · 8 months ago
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Veilguard male companions but make it Persona.
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makingspiritualityreal · 1 year ago
Firstly, I love your posts soo much!!
Maybe it is the effect of pluto and sun transiting the Aquarius!! that I have an idea..just hear me out.
I wish there were some free open astrology forums that helped people by telling them one positive life event that individual can look forward to based on their charts.
In fact, it would be so nice if the predictive astrology could start offering predictions about more positive events to look forward to such that it becomes slightly easy to bear with what's happening at the present.
Just saying...
Are Predictions Important in Astrology?
I appreciate your message, and it is an excellent time to talk about my perspective on the subject.
I am not a fan of predictive Astrology. I say this as a person who completely understands how it is to feel such despair that you feel like you can't go on another second without having the assurance that your life will get better soon. That's also why people turn to more abstract means of divination, such as tarot.
However, these tools should be used to understand the flow of your life and what your current growth path is about. They're not a take out menu that you pick from. Insistence on predictions has caused many astrologers to be treated very instrumentally. Some people think a psychic is someone who's supposed to just deliver the version of the future that the client is going to like to hear. "you will get married in a year and it will be a June wedding" yeah right lol.
I know many good astrologers. I have yet to see even the best ones I know make a single accurate prediction. When events such as death, loss or illnesses in my family were happening, it was always a surprise. We're not supposed to know such things. Fun fact, my psychic abilities were tingling, up to a year ahead even, but I always ignored them in key moments.
I will explain it to you through an example. My mother died prematurely when I was barely out of high school. She was a single mother, and her death put me on the outs with the rest of my family, that showed their true colours in a difficult situation. It was a shock to everyone because she was very physically healthy and fit, and way too young to die and yet it happened.
A year before her death, she left me alone for the summer in the condo where I grew up with her. I was working in my hometown at that time, in between college semesters, and she found an extra paid summer job with some of our family members that live abroad. It was the first time in my life, that I was without her for that long, and to be frank, I loved the independence, like any very young person does when you let them "off the leash". I remember very clearly the day she left. We used to have family pictures taped to a glass door on a living room cabinet. My grandfather was an avid photographer and we always had plenty of photos with him around. One of the pictures was a close up of my eyes. Because the glass cabinet was positioned close to the living room window, the sun was always streaming in on it. That can cause discoloration in printed photos. On that day, the picture of my eyes had the sun leave long marks on it in such a way, that they looked like tears.
I believe this to be the strongest psychic experience I've ever had, even though I still had years of spiritual learning ahead of me at that point. Because upon seeing that picture, I knew my mom was going to die, and that it was going to cause grief in my life, even though it took over a year for that prediction to come true. I never told anyone about it, and never took that feeling seriously.
Why? Because it was so unbelievable. Because logic was against it. Because I had my own personal feelings and egoic consciousness, that had completely different feelings and desires about my life circumstances. And because it wasn't yet the time of my life when I was mature enough to treat my spiritual journey seriously.
And that is how it was meant to be at the time. Looking back on it now, I remember the feeling of prediction more as a moment of awareness. It was like seeing an inevitable chain of events unfold. Something in my consciousness was smart enough to be able to see so far ahead. Spiritually, I believe it was a warning from my spirit guides, and in a way a friendly one. "Get used to being alone and handling life alone for more than one summer vacation because it's soon gonna become your reality". But I couldn't take it seriously, because my mom and I were fighting a lot at that time, so missing her was not what I had in mind at all. I craved independence, and that feeling was my reality, which I took more seriously than some abstract premonition. In a way, knowing didn't really help me at all in the moment.
And that situation shows perfectly what the problem is with predictions. Human beings are limited by their egos and their flaws and their lack of perspective. That makes them reject whatever doesn't currently fit into their narrative. People don't want a real prediction. They want to hear they're going to get the cookie they're craving. Then they want it over and over and over again.
I understand my journey now, so many years after all these events. But it took so much growing up, that no prediction would ever fix.
There is always something to look forward to in life. Don't try to control it, and let it come to you. When the Universe wants to put you through a certain experience, it will, and there is nothing you can do about it.
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thed4rkhand · 3 years ago
planets through the first house
Planets through the first house
Ready for yet another astrology post? We’ll be covering the results of different planets when placed in the first house of a birth chart. Remember that astrology is super fickle and changes dramatically with sign placement, aspects and conjunctions. So without any further delay, lets get into it! Do reblog and like, it took me a lot of effort to compile my observations! Feel free to leave feedback!
Trigger warning- too many, these are just my observations. Also i didn’t proof read, so spelling mistkes could be there.
for Rahu, look at the saturn part. (north node)
for ketu, look at the mars part. (south node)
Sun in the first house-
When sun is in the first house of a birth chart, the person may be heavily influenced by their father. They may look like their father or have a similar personality. Such people tend to be perfectionists, its their way or the highway. They may have a tendency to gain weight easily, however if its in scorpio then they’ll dramatically shed it and gain it, in a loop. They are extremely magnetic people. They may deal with foreigners on a regular basis, or speak a foreign language. They may deal with the government very often and may work for the government as diplomats. They may obtain their higher education abroad. They can remain quite childlike till much older. They can be very protective of their community, traditions and religion, and aim to spread awareness about it. These people are actually rarely concerned with someone’s exterior, because often times such people have such good intuition and spiritual powers (some are literally called mystics because of this), they can literally see through someone. For this reason, they actually don’t like associating with too many people, despite having a very charming personality. These are the kind of people that keep searching for ‘the one’. People may approach them regarding projects first, and they may work for the government. They may have extremely powerful enemies, but they shall defeat them. They may be closer to their mother’s family and culture. They may have a peculiar accent when talking, and many people will compliment their speech. They may have frizzy and big hair. They’ll have heavy acne in their younger years. They’ll have small squinted eyes, often accompanied by crows feet. They’ll appear much younger, and so will their mother. Their mother might be very short. They hate being indebted and like paying off loans quickly. They’ll have beautiful hands, and they have a habit of growing their nails. Many of them like to sing. Their father could’ve been a teacher or worked in heavy research based fields, maybe even a musician or doctor. Their life may go through rapid ups and down throughout. They may be extremely fond of cattle and horses, and hate flying. They may interject and cut people off in conversations. They will fall for married people or people in relationships, they will be good cooks and feel alienated by their mothers. They may wear glasses early on, and also they’re into fire rituals or fire. (pyromaniacs?). you will critique people and say terrible things you don’t mean when angry. You will have a large forehead or a receding hairline. You’ll have nightmares and premonitions about death and illness. You might be very very fond of gold or golden colours. You will be argumentative.
Moon in the first house-
When moon is in the first house of a birth chart, the person is heavily influenced by their mother. They may resemble their mother or have a similar personality. Such people are extremely moody and are always preoccupied with other’s opinion of them. They may have a tendency to fluctuate between their body weight, and are likely to have body dysmorphia. They have short necks and generally are short in height too. They’re very critical and over-analyze everything and everyone. Sometimes, even unconsciously, they manipulate people to suit their needs and whims. They get side tracked too often and have difficulty focussing on one task at hand, often amounting to laziness in other people’s eyes, even if the native is extremely hardworking in reality. However when in comes to personal care, they tend to do things in a very half-hearted manner. These people are also prone to isolating themselves from others, especially when things get hard. Such  people tend to be famous or popular in friend circles, or at the very least well known. They can be extremely picky people and often can be obsessive in their thoughts. They may follow their mother’s footpath professionally, and may want to pursue fields related to law, beauty/architecture and biology. Their mother’s were very involved in their life. Such people are always on the internet trying to look up astrology posts, tarot, etc. They like knowing whats going to happen and like to be prepared for it. They can be extremely manipulative when they want to be. They may see a lot of prophetic dreams, and their mother or them often have pressure buildup in their ears or can hear random sounds or voices. They enjoy looking at stars and the night sky. They enjoy a strange fascination for water and looking at people’s eyes. They could be into massaging people or have ‘healing hands’, or their mother could.
Venus in the first house-
When Venus is in the first house of a birth chart, the person is heavily influenced by their colleagues, significant others, or their families. They’re extremely swayed by people’s opinions of them, and often because of this are very unsure in their abilities. Big doe-like yes are often seen with this, and an inmate ability to gain beer-blotches on their face. They attract people to them. They may have bad relationships with their families, and their mother could have had a miscarriage just before them. They can be hyper sensitive regarding taste, smell and sound. They may be excellent singers or play musical instruments. They dress up glamorously for parties, but when at home or alone, they’re usually roaming around like they’re homeless. They suffer depression if they’re not looking their best even, heavily into working out and grooming. They may be extremely religious or spiritual and may mediate a lot. They explain concepts very well and can be some of the best teachers around. They usually attract female friends. They love the smell of musk and love digging deep and researching, even stalking. They could be into ancient civilizations and history, photography and art, gardening and plants, fascinated with concepts of violence and death. They sit on their bed and work, they love the sound of fire crackling and fireplaces, they gain when in relationships and love asmr sounds. The most competitive people ever and so very possessive of their own goods, also back and forth with morality (eg. One day spiritual and the next they love material goods, one day vegan and then back to being a non-vegetarian)
Mercury in the first house-
When mercury is in the first house of a birth chart, the person is heavily influenced by what extended family or acquaintances think of them. Such people are also very concerned about their health, and can be hypochondriacs. They may also at all times think that people hate them, without any reason. They could be great speakers or orators or writers. They can have a great imagination, that is extremely vivid and unique, especially as a kid. They may want to pursue careers related to beauty with such a positioning, or even theatre or music. They may have a very unique appearance, and may appear androgynous. For women, they could look like their fathers, and for men, they can look like their mothers. They may be into research and like getting to the bottom of a matter. They may always have this appearance of half-closed eyes, they never open them fully. This gives them this drowsy look. They love making spread-sheets and calculating their expenses. They could have liver or kidney issues. They may get into occult due to their siblings. A lot of transformation comes into their life due to their family and pets. They may want to live abroad. They may have addiction issues to substances like alcohol and drugs. They may have troubles with their father. May cause rifts between your mother and your father too, causes them to have a love-less marriage. They may be called snake-like, dream of snakes and walk with a very purposeful walk, they kind of sway alot. They may be extremely secretive in life. You may have lactose intolerance, and may be envious of other people’s success. You or your parents have a lot of unaccounted wealth. Such people could hear voices in their heads, see prophetic dreams and have fears of the deep water. This could make someone very tall as well. May be fond of children and old people. Either extremely thick eyebrows or no eyebrows. Dimples are very common. Long necks and dark circles, deep sunken eyes. Very cutesy appearance. Skin is discolored and if the position is afflicted, skin diseases are common. Long hands and loves instruments like the piano. You can separately raise your eyebrows and the most, I mean the most, theatrical ones.
Mars in the first house-
When mars is in the first house of a birth chart, they’re very conscious of their own opinion, or are always thinking that someone may be watching them, like paranormally. Also, they’re largely confident in themselves, for they don’t really pay that much attention to others. In fact they’ll go out of their way to rebel. They could have suffered through acne, heat boils and other skin diseases. They have frizzy or curly hair, and very reddish complexions. These are the people who blush so easily and prominently. You may have skin scarring with this, as simple as acne marks and freckles, to larger scars and burns. So expressive, the type of people who can separately raise their eyebrows. They tend to be the type who change their appearance so very often, from weight fluctuations, to piercings, to hair colors, wardrobe rehauls, and all. They can have an element of looking foreign or different. They may have huge eyes and they’re almost protruding or absolutely sunken, massive cheekbones or hallowed out cheeks. They may have this mysterious look to their eyes, and this always sad or lost look. Eyes are very red, and often they have issues like sinus or nose is always blocked or watering. They may have hidden wealth, also the type of people to have the type of personality where you would never suspect they’re into occult. They are very close or have some karmic relationship (could be negative) with their father’s brothers. They also always think about escaping, largely to forests and retreating there for a bit. Very into finding cures and deep research. Also love dears, might worship shiva and are addicted to coffee. Also fasination with the moon. People might attract stalkers with this. Hoarders and so critical everything and everyone, especially hoarders of photos. Photographs memory and love for photography and art. Love for music and music instruments, and may own one and keep it in their room. Fidget by tapping pens or feet, have to make a sound. Can be argumentative and terrible tempers. They love garlic and onion and root vegetable stuff honestly. Also weird affinity for horses and speed. Also they love seats with hand-rests, the comfy sink into ones. They’re the types who go for the head of the table seat. Also we’re you born via a c-section and not natural birth? Something is off about your birth, could be the only child.
Saturn in the first house-
When Saturn is in the first house of a birth chart, it makes people extremely unconventional and almost a social outcaste. They can sometimes have these half shut lazy eyes, where their eyelid is heavy and big, and they always appear to be drowsy. They may be alarmingly fond of animals, especially large wild animals. Also they’re absolute perfectionists, they just get up and destroy the things they created and don’t like. Also rain or thunder ASMR. They’re also neat freaks, they like their stuff kept a particular way and don’t go around cleaning their room or touching stuff. They are usually influenced by their mother and are quite close to them, unless you’re born in the evening or night time, then you’re absolutely like your father, resemble him and act like him. They may hear a lot of sounds very regularly, in their head. Could be schizophrenic or just hear loud thumping sounds. Possible love having musically instruments in their house and could play one, or they know a lot of musicians. They may be the youngest in their peer groups or colleagues, sometimes oldest. They do have old-soul personalities though. They love doing volunteer work at shelters and looking out for the underprivileged. Their upbringing could have been strict. They make friends from around the world, you’ll actually notice that they might have a lot of middle-eastern friends or be intrigued by their culture. They could have problems with their backs and legs. Further, they may be very no-nonsense strict teacher kind of person. They can also alternatively be the life of the party person, or both really. They could either be extremely happy and jumpy in public and really broody in private, or the other way around. They work so hard yet rarely get results. They suffer through a lot of ups and downs in life. Usually this gives an innate ability to lose weight and appear rather slender, also tall. This usually gives some kind of unique features to the face, large eyebrows, pointy cheekbones, small mouths, exaggerated features and this kind of drugged up look in their eyes. For women, this gives a curvy look to the body, with great breasts (in relation to proportions). People love cheese here, also they are great with children. They get blamed for cheating or other issues when they haven’t done it. You go against dogmatic thinking. You may attract men and women. Great looking feet and omg the obsession with shoes? Stop it already, you don’t need more. Also stop looking at the watch and making schedules, stop being obsessed with time, or really stop procrastinating.
Jupiter in the first house-
When Jupiter is in the first house of a chart, one is usually undeniably lucky in life. People with this placement tend to be tall, and if not then they have a big bone structure. They will have beautiful feet. They gain weight easily. They are heavily influenced by their fathers and spouses. They like scholarly debates and discussions and dislike arguments. They are fond of foreign cultures and the other dimensions, they believe in religious interventions and god. They can be a bit conservative in nature. They were either born in a comfortably rich household or will have it later. They or their parents own more than one property. Their mother has bad health, and could’ve fallen sick after giving birth to them or never had children after them. Their mother is spiritual. They could obtain higher education abroad. They could be into fields of liberal arts, especially law and academics (like wanting to become professors), they could alternatively also be musically inclined. They will have an enchanting speech and aura, and people will commend their oration. They can be into writing. They could enjoy traveling a lot. They keep looking for love, it is one of their priorities even from a young age. They feel connected to spirits or gods, and often feel that there is something off or unique about them. They may have clairvoyant abilities and may practice activities of the occult or astrology. They usually have on and off relationships in life. You chase people you like. You need intellectual compatibility in a relationship. Very choosy about clothes, friends, vacations and all. Don’t wake them up from sleep, they love sleeping, or alternatively never get enough sleep. You do things smartly, not with hardwork. You may be interested in real-estate. They get into spirituality very young, around 16 when Jupiter matures. They pretend to be more knowledgable than they are in certain areas, might fib. They’re proud of their occult knowledge. Their is a polarity in their personality that everyone sees and what their close friends see. Maybe they’re extroverted outside and very introverted inside. Or maybe they have family issues and never speak about it. Could be anything. Also a polarity in wanting material gains like status, success and money, and wanting liberation and wanting to become spiritual. They keep going back and forth. Also they keep changing their opinions on things. Notice they have good hands too. Also acne and scarring. Terrible tempers, and can be asexual or aromatic, or just don’t like to show that side to themselves. The letter ’t’ may be relevant to them, either in their name, their family, or their spouse. Don’t invoke spirits of the dead please, don’t keep trying to shift realities either, chill. They keep their nails long. People usually don’t know that a native is into occult, as they have a very different outside persona.
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cosmicbrowniefan · 3 years ago
( just want to preface this by saying that this concept is so cute , thank you for taking the time to cater to everyone's individuality by making the matches so specific ! you rock ! )
she/her female; 5'6 ; long blonde curly hair & green eyes ( or 'orbs' as a03 would demand . . my attempt at a joke has now sent shivers down my spine ) with funky coloured eyelashes *many thanks to mascara*, naturally dark brown but sometimes purple depending on my persuasion. fairly tanned skin with a small number of freckles here and there ; bisexual , lover of all - gender is no concern.
personality: who even knows these days . . thus , my first instinct is to scribble indecisive down. extroverted until i get super burned out , but otherwise fairly laid back. watching the world go by is a speciality of mine , it's cool to just watch people do their thing. beleiver in fate & destiny and all that jazz , maybe a little overly into tarot despite my lack of knowledge. i like to yarn about a lot of topics , usually in a conversational way instead of lecturing someone ( i hope this is the case ) but i'm ultimately a lover of language in general , stories from far and wide. loving someone from afar is a speciality , perhaps with a side peppering of commitment issues.
hobbies: music music music , whether that be listening , observing , reading , discovering . . whatever. picking up books new & old , cultivating a sense of art out of pretty things , comprehending astrology to the best of my ability , learning the greek language , taking a deep dive into character based analysis' , journalling ( when i remember ) , al pacino's filmography , spending time with my dog , rock history & actual physical rocks . . gemstone style . . if that counts as a hobby. ooh also , alien stuff ? i'm always eager to hear about ufo / space concepts , tell me everything !
likes: lava lamps *watching the goop goop * , hats of all shapes and sizes , making hyper-specific playlists for moods that come around once in a blue moon , louis theroux weird weekends , painted nails , the concept of urban exploring ( respectfully ) , green grapes & green apples , night owls as a fully fledged one myself , travelling for the sake of travelling ie. drives with no destination in my mind , the sound of rain , slow talk-y rambles and finally , a perfectly timed and co-ordinated 'your mum' joke
dislikes: my own aforementioned talk-y rambles when they go astray , confrontation , the complete dark , those with a high level of entitlement , headaches that just won't seem to be shaken , sharp noises , lack of general manners ( or those lacking in kindness ), any form of arithmetic , rough surfaces , for the most part : attempts to group people rather than viewing individuals in a case by case basis , reading the rules of any game.
anything extra: i have adhd ? no surprises there , so a level of compassion towards that would be nice from my hypothetical partner. on another entirely seperate note , i have no tattoos but think they're pretty groovy.
i ship you with...
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jonathan byers!
how you met: through eddie!! eddie and you are kind of the twins of chaos. you’ve been friends for YEARS and everyone always kind of expected you two to get together, but just like robin and steve, you’re platonic with a capital p. no matter how much you love eddie, he’s just not your type. anyway, the sexually ambiguous six (the fruity four plus jonathan and argyle, that’s just my name for them) were hanging out one day and eddie realized he left his wallet at your house. you brought it over to the byers house to drop it off for him and jonathan was the one who answered the door. it was very much a cliche, ADORABLE meeting between you two, where he could barely say a word and was just staring until you spoke and knocked him out of it. wanting to get to know you more, he invited you in to hang out with everyone.
his first impression of you: for lack of a better term, jonathan met you and immediately wanted to study you. everything about you was just fascinating. your mannerisms, your interests, your sense of humor, the way you can talk deeply about any topic, your music taste, your love for culture and history and the world. not to mention, you looked like a priceless work of art yourself. he was just instantly drawn in by you and that interest has not wavered for a SECOND since you met.
how you got together: jonathan had been hyping himself up for a while to ask you out, but he hadn’t yet because he wanted everything to be PERFECT. he just felt like he couldn’t come up with a good enough way to ask you out. one day, the sexually ambiguous six (plus you) were hanging out and you went upstairs to get some water and the other five CORNERED jonathan and asked him all about when you guys were going to finally get together. he turned bright red and explained his dilemma about not thinking anything he said or did would be good enough. eddie immediately cut him off and said that you would love anything he came up with. jonathan shrugged and started rambling about just how perfect and fascinating and adorable you were and about how he thought he might not be good enough or interesting enough for you. what he didn’t realize was that, while he was saying all this, you had come back downstairs and were standing behind him listening to it all. jonathan only realized when he finished talking and looked up to see everyone grinning and staring behind him. he looked back and felt dread just FLOOD his body, and put his head in his hands right away. the other five quickly all made excuses to go upstairs and passed by you, each patting your back on the way. you came into the basement after and tilted jonathan’s head up, smiling at him and said that that was just about the most perfect way he could ask you. surprised, he raised an eyebrow and started to say something, but you cut him off with a kiss <3
what he likes most about you: jonathan thinks that your knowledge of the world is just fascinating. you seem to know a little bit about everything and he LOVES seeing how passionate you get. not to mention that you being knowledgeable and interested in everything gives you a way to connect with basically every person you meet. jonathan loves seeing you meet someone new and then within a matter of minutes you’re having a deep discussion about one of their interests. he especially loves how much you’re able to bond with will and he thinks it’s super sweet and endearing seeing you guys hit it off. you always find a way to make everyone feel loved and valued and it’s one of his favorite things about you. physically, jonathan loves your eyes and the incredibly cool makeup you do.
what you enjoy doing together: every saturday, you guys switch off and plan a surprise date for the other. in the past, you’ve gone bowling, roller skating, thrifting, hiking, berry-picking, to old bookstores, you name it, and you two have done it. these saturdays are always something you look forward to, but your most favorite one was a saturday the day after you two had been out to a party the night before, and you were both incredibly tired. it was jonathan’s turn to pick out a date, and, sensing that you both needed a rest, his date plan was you two staying at his house, watching his lava lamp, listening to music, AND he let you paint his nails, which you had been begging him for forever to let you do. it was the perfect day.
bonus headcanon: as you know, you're best friends with eddie munson, and jonathan gets a little jealous and sad occasionally. BUT you're able to reassure him so it's all okay :) not to mention he gets super cuddly and clingy when he worries so you get extra snuggles out of it <3
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serendipitybutterfly · 5 years ago
Kim Taehyung in Romance:
*These general readings are meant to be just that, very general. How a person acts in a relationship will be dependent on many factors and most people are likely to act differently depending on who they're with to some degree or another in any kind of relationship, romantic or not. This is just a light, general overview with a focus on the members core personality traits / tendencies when it comes to romance.
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Are you seeing what I'm seeing? We got the 2 of cups here, we got the 10 of cups here, we got the 10 of pentacles, and we got the star! Why not every love and marriage card just come out and call it a day? Where to even begin... Ok...
So let's start with the tarot... I wanna say straight off the bat that I don't necessarily think Tae is like this... Yet. Like I definitely get a vibe of this being him in the future when he finally has a serious long term relationship... While I was shuffling, other cards were flipping over and peeking out that were giving me an altogether quite different impression than what finally came through with this reading and honestly I had to shuffle for a long time for him and eventually had to make the question really clear... WHAT IS HE LIKE WHEN HE'S IN Love??? before the cards were ready to be clear with me in return cause... Honestly the way I was starting to feel before was like??? Is this guy about free love?? Is he really that kind of hippy bohemian??? What is going on??? Loll But seriously, I don't think this guy actually has had a real serious relationship yet... Like, I get the vibe that he's a free spirit and a huge flirt (like his bestie) but I don't think he takes it further than that very much. Let's leave it at that...
So on to the actual reading! 2 of cups and ten of cups paired up... So that is pretty clear to me. When this guy falls in love, really in love, he immediately starts thinking about marriage and kids. Like, let him fall deep and that on his brain instantly. The ten of pentacles also making an appearance also hammers this home. This guy not only thinks emotionally or passionately about getting married and starting a family, but he thinks about the practicalities too.
The 9 of wands paired with the 10 of pentacles here lets me know that while this does quickly come to his head when he falls in love, he is very practical and guarded and cautious at the same time... He'll be careful about who he chooses to marry for sure. Note that the 9 of pentacles in this deck features what seems to be a couple sneaking off for a private rendezvous out in nature... I think this could be representing Tae needing to be guarded, protective, and sneaking away to private places when he meets the one for sure... I also think it's saying that when he finally gets married and starts a family with this person he will be very protective of them and his kids... Maybe he will buy a family home in a remote / private / secret location... Hmm seems like he will maybe make his home base be somewhere quite private, secure and far away in very lush natural surroundings...
Then we have the Tower and the Star paired... I mean... Wow. I gotta stress again, I think this reading is telling me about the future and about a very specific situation / relationship that he will experience... This hasn't happened yet but when it does it will hit him like a bolt from the blue... He'll fall in love very quickly and feel like it's his destiny to be with this person. The Star card in this deck also shows what looks to be a couple up on their roof stargazing together... In fact 4 of these cards actually show couples, the 20 of cups shows a family of deer (but we know it's one of the big love and marriage cards) and even the Tower shows two small figures falling from the top after being mutually struck by the lightning... No wonder he's so quick to start planning the wedding!
Now the archetype cards I pulled really show me an interesting dichotomy of Tae's character as a lover... On one hand, we have the card Dilettante which gives me a real youthful, free spirited vibe... A return of that more scattered, freedom loving energy I got at the start... This energy gives me the impression that, even deeply in love, Tae values freedom and flexibility... The ability to pursue multiple interests, ideas, hobbies, travels... Even maybe to continue being quite flirty with other people... He could easily seem capricious and flighty to some I'd imagine. On the other hand, there's this real weighty, solemn and serious energy coming through with Messiah and... Get this... The God card! So yeah, I think something about Tae is very commanding and commands reverence and respect. There's a lot of maturity to this energy so... Again... I'm feeling this is him in the future. I think he will grow into a real 'man of the house' type and be veryyy respected as a leader in this relationship coming to him... It's very interesting this mix of very youthful, light energy and then this sheer power! I also am feeling a strong spiritual leadership coming through here and that reinforces the vibe I keep getting that Tae will continue to grow in his spirituality and his spiritual beliefs will be solidifying.
With the oracle cards I pulled I'm just feeling a reinforcing of these messages really... The 'Getting to know each other' card feels to me like despite being hit by the bolt of love at first sight, Tae is pretty sensible at heart and will indeed make a point of trying to learn as much about his love as possible before jumping head first into anything... This card almost has an interview vibe to me lol... Like an interview for marriage... I'm sensing this is true for both parties... And even their families will be involved in this assessment I think. I think a lot of eyes will be watching in general... Makes sense why he wants to escape to his secret place...
The Spring card with the bunny... See your seeds grow... Asdgjlgdafbklkhhj... Do I even need to explain?... Um so yeah, this dude really is thinking about kids early OK... It'll be on his mind once he starts taking a relationship seriously for sure. He'll be imagining seeing his seeds grow... An additional message here is that I see that he will put in the effort to make his relationships work... You reap what you sow essentially...
The Rainbow Blessings card makes me think of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow... Tae can seem like that. In his relationships he will shower his lover with the spoils of his abundance... I think lavish gifts are his love language... That's how he'll comfortably express how much someone means to him, by showing it with his wealth. I'm definitely seeing that, being with him, you won't need to worry about money... He's very abundant and prosperous. I also see that he himself is like a blessing raining on one's life. To get all soft for a sec... He has many colours to his personality but all are precious in their own way and it's a great fortune to share one's life with him...
So yeah... Wow... Again, I really think this is more about future Tae than present Tae (who I kinda get the feeling is probably pretty inexperienced in relationships at this point... Just getting that vibe), but he certainly gets a love story in a future!
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zorya-wellness · 4 years ago
Tarot and Books: TOP 10 Books on Tarot for Beginners that Will Help You Become a Professional FAST
It’s not a secret that nowadays, many start their Tarot journey by watching YouTube videos, Instagram IGTVs and Reels and simply reading posts on the internet or social media.
Are the books dead then?
They are absolutely not.
While all mentioned above provides with an enormous amount of information, this knowledge should not replace a proper education that includes courses and literature.
As someone who spent approximately 100 hours on educational COURSES ONLY, studying from various professional across the globe, I can still say that when I read a good book on Tarot, some aspects are mind blowing and eye opening.
At this time, there are so many different books available to purchase, both hard copy and electronical. Some give away their books and guides for free, while others come up with beautiful Tarot decks in addition to their published work.
What I’m really trying to say here is that for a beginner it will be difficult to figure out which book is worth investing in and which one is a waste of money.
For example, does a beginner need “The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals” by Mary Greer? What about “365 Tarot Spreads: Revealing the Magic in Each Day” by Sasha Graham? Does a beginner really need all these spreads when they are just starting out getting familiar with the energy of the cards?
Let’s figure it all out.
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Does A Beginner Tarot Reader Need to Read Educational Books?
Of course, educational Tarot literature is necessary for beginners, especially those who are barely familiar with Major Arcana Tarot cards meanings. You need to understand key symbols, variations of interpretations and combinations.
On the other hand, here is something you need to be mindful of: nowadays SO MANY Tarot readers and authors start writing books based on their own PERSONAL views, interpretations and “author’s created techniques and methods” that sometimes they start to deviate from traditional card meanings and interpretations.
Is it good or bad?
Neither, really. When you advance in Tarot, you will start feeling each card in your own way and may also see some aspects slightly differently and that’s quite normal. BUT for a beginner it’s just not good at all.
When you are just being introduced to the world of Tarot, I always suggest that you stick to the classics. You just can’t go wrong with a traditional Tarot deck and a few good books to support your education.
Author’s opinion can certainly broaden horizons, improve and stroke your imagination, and really explain how the traditional meaning of the card can be expanded.
On the other hand, some beginners that don’t want to invest in proper education, may take this “point of view” as the holy truth and the only way to interpret the card.
As a result, their readings will be of poor quality and it will take time for them to understand why.
It’s important to mention that some of the books that come as a package with a Tarot deck are a true masterpiece and also a must-have when you are working with their deck. And truly, in my humble opinion, you should only buy a deck that comes with such book and not the teeny tiny black and white book that gets lost in your drawer.
Lastly, I’ll say that the best and most perfect Tarot book is the one that ignites your imagination, inspires you to learn and practice, and really helps you to believe in your abilities and trust your intuition.
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What Types of Tarot Books Will You Find on The Market?
Before I give you the list of my Top Tarot books, let me explain to you what you can learn from them.
Tarot literature should be divided in the following categories:
· “Base” Books: these are your “must read” books that will help you to understand the cards well and really feel each card. They will contain practical examples and advice, as well as useful spreads with guidelines. These are the Tarot books I will be focusing on below in this Blog post.
· “Additional” Books: these Tarot books provide with additional materials to improve and deeper understand Tarot from all the different angles, mystical and occult studies.
Some examples would include numerology, Kabbala, astrology, reversed Tarot cards, Tarot and Ritual Magic, as well as some author’s unique techniques for using Tarot. An example could be creating a psychological portrait of a person using Tarot cards.
These are definitely NOT must haves for Tarot beginners but you can selectively purchase them later on based on your interests and also gaps in your knowledge.
I included reversed Tarot cards in this section because MANY Tarot readers, myself included, do not read cards reversed. It is absolutely not a must and you can give quality readings just the same without reading reversals. In fact, I’ve noticed that they tend to scare the beginners off from learning Tarot because people find them confusing.
· Literature That Comes With a Deck: this is something I have already briefly touched on in this Blog post. These books are written by a person that created a Tarot deck and wishes to make sure that a person using it, understands where they are coming from and should the meaning deviate from the original, it would be explained in a great detail why and what it means for you.
A good example of this is using Tarot: Journey into Egypt Tarot deck that is absolutely gorgeous and one of my favorites. This deck is definitely NOT suitable for beginners. Not only there are variations of card meanings based on the history of Ancient Egypt, the creator of the deck chose to switch Fire and Air elements in Wands & Swords suites and this dramatically changes how you would read the elements energy in a spread.
What Are Some of The Best Tarot Books for Beginners?
I want to just put it out there: these are some of MY PERSONAL TOP books for beginners and some Tarot readers may disagree with me and have their own list.
I trust that you have read some of my other blogs or have been following me on Instagram for a while to really establish a connection and understand what type of a Tarot Reader I am.
“The Key to the Tarot” which was later expanded and republished as “The Pictorial Key to the Tarot” by Arthur Edward Waite
These books are mentioned first because most people start their Tarot journey using a traditional Rider-Waite Tarot deck.
The book "The Key to the Tarot" describes symbolical and divination meanings for Rider-Waite Tarot deck and they are offered by the creator of the deck himself.
This really is the SOURCE for your Rider-Waite Tarot studies and a Tarot beginner should never skip this book because no one can give you better information than the creator.
Whether you are going to use Tarot for divination, meditation or magical and ritual work, this is your NUMBER 1 BOOK.
"The Holy Kabbalah" by Arthur Edward Waite
Now, IF you are planning on sticking with Rider-Waite deck for some time and work as a professional Tarot reader with clients, you should really consider "The Holy Kabbalah" book.
You probably heard people ditching this deck because it is highly "kabbalistic,” but this is some very powerful and ancient stuff and you really need to consider this before you switch this deck for some rainbows and unicorns.
This book by Arthur Waite is a very rich in information and well documented source. 
"The Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot" Book by Evelin Burger and Johannesburg Fiebig
This book is my absolute favourite companion to this day. I have mentioned it before in my other blog post because I am so in love with it, I feel like it is worth preaching about it again and again.
I was actually quite hesitant to purchase it.
It was my FIRST Tarot book and I bought it together with my first deck! So, here it is my absolute beginner book suggestion from a perspective of a beginner!
I have no regrets about purchasing it. I referred to it a thousand times while I was studying cards and here is why.
It was always my goal to become a professional. And I believe that as a professional you need to know your cards inside out.
And you can’t really do this without understanding properly WHAT IS ON THOSE CARDS!
What does the tree mean? What about a blue colour? Is this an astrological symbol?
You NEED to know these things! Because this blue colour or astrological symbol of Venus repeat thought the deck and unite the cards that contain them.
You will be able to truly know your deck when you know those symbols. And it’s the same thing with any deck. If you go with Thoth Tarot, you will need to spend some time learning about Alchemy because this was Crowley’s thing. And if you want to use Rider-Waite deck, you will need to learn his techniques and methods.
In this case, this book is your best friend.
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The book gives a short description for each important element of the Tarot card. It also gives a short basic meaning of the card AND its meaning as a card of the day which is amazing because most beginners start to practice Tarot by pulling their daily card and journaling it.
Lastly, which I think is great, is that it gives Tarot card’s meaning in love and relationship. And let’s be real, relationship questions comprise 70% of all Tarot reading, if not more.
"Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot: The True Story of the World's Most Popular Tarot" by Marcus Katz
This book is considered to be one of the best on the market for Rider-Waite Tarot.
From this book we can learn more about the lives of Pamela Smith (the artist of the deck) and Arthur Waite.
Just when I started reading this book, I could already feel so immersed in the world of Waite's Tarot. The author of this book did an incredible research job to put all this information together.
This book has it all, from descriptions of each Arcana and examples of spreads and understanding how to use them, to the lives of two great people that gave us the most used Tarot deck of all time.
You will really feel being a part of the wonderful world of Tarot after reading this book.
“21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card” by  Mary K Greer
Mary K Greer has come with a truly unique and wonderful method that gives you 21 ways to interpret each Tarot card.
Just as the Fool travels through “The Journey of the Hero”, the author offers anyone to join the journey and experience the transformational power of Tarot.
You will learn the mysteries and wisdom of Major Arcana and live through the cards to deeply connect with them and understand their true meanings.
Mary K. Greer shares her personal and unique knowledge and approach to Tarot that in turn will help you to get the answers to the most important questions using Tarot cards.
What is most encouraging is how she  really draws out from your heart all those hidden negative patterns and emotions and guides you on how to turn them into positivity and growth.
The author also helps you to create your own new reality and encourages you that no matter where you are right now in your life, you can always start your journey again from scratch and accomplish your goals.
To sum up, the book will teach you the following:
· How to create and maintain a Tarot journal properly (throughout the years of my work with Tarot beginners, I have noticed that many start Tarot journals but don’t seem to go through with them for a long time).
· It will teach you the author’s own method of learning each card and obtaining additional information when necessary that still is applicable for your traditional cards use.
· The book will provide you with rather novel ways and methods of Tarot spreads interpretations.
· It will really broaden and deepen your understanding of each card which in turn will help you to interpret combinations better.
I personally think that this book is a real gift to those trying to become good Tarot readers from the start, but also to those who want to improve the quality of their own life and relationships with others.
The book of Mary K Greer 21 “Ways to Read a Tarot Card” is not only about studying the cards, like most others, it’s also about how to transform your life with Tarot.
And, honestly, lately I have seen a lot of beginner Tarot Instagram profiles of people trying to use Tarot to get through trauma, loss and challenges. But people tend to give up quickly because all they do is read cards daily for themselves and if this is all you do, trust me, you will get bored quickly.
This book will help you on this journey and will teach you how to use Tarot for transformation, growth and happiness.
Tarot for the Healing Heart: Using Inner Wisdom to Heal Body and Mind by Christine Jette
The book focuses on the utilization of your inner wisdom to heal your mind and body.
It is a very powerful book written by a nurse with 30+ years of work experience, bachelor in Psychology and a professional energy healer and a Tarot reader.
Wow don’t you think she’d have a lot to tell??
Because she definitely does.
Her focus is using Tarot cards for healing and, in particular self-healing.
So often I see people trying to use Tarot to overcome trauma, to heal their body and soul and they just struggle to figure out how to do this.  
While I mentioned Mary K. Greer teaching somewhat similar things in her book, this one really expands the subject of healing.
The symbology of Tarot carries the healing messages that can activate and kick start self-healing processes in your body, ultimately guiding you to becoming whole again. And feeling whole is what paves a path to healing.
And in this book, healing process is divided into 4 levels by the 4 Suites of Minor Arcana in Tarot: physical (Pentacles), emotional (Cups), psychological (Swords) and spiritual (Wands).
By using symbology and Tarot spreads provided, you will be able to get information on which level is blocked and what you need to do to lift this block and allow energy to flow freely again.  
“Tarot Tips” by Ruth Ann Amberstone, Wald Amberstone
This books is very unique in a way that it’s is more of a Q&A writing style.
The Authors Ruth Ann Amberstone and Wald Amberstone at this time have over 70 years of Tarot experience and are founders of The Tarot School.
The Tarot Tips books is composed of techniques and methods of work with Tarot cards. It contains information and very clear answers to 78 real questions that were asked by the Tarot readers from the various Tarot schools and backgrounds.
It will be equally beneficial to a beginner and an advanced Tarot practitioner.
If you are a beginner, the book will give you some incredible insights, ideas and recommendations on how to use Tarot.
This wraps up my list for some MUST have Tarot books that every Tarot beginner should read.
Thoth Tarot Books
Of course, it’s necessary to mention Thoth Tarot, particularly for those who are starting with it their Tarot journey. While I myself don’t recommend this, I have met those who used Thoth Tarot deck from the very beginning. There are way too many books on Thoth Tarot, so I want to tell you which ones I do AND do not recommend.
“The Book of Thoth” by Aleister Crowley
It is always best to start with the book written by a person who created the deck. Even though not all deck creators are the best writers and the books can be tedious and, at times, difficult to follow, you should still give them a chance. You should also check out other books by Crowley because he really was an incredible person. 
"Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot" by Lon Milo DuQuette
This is also a very good work and is absolutely worth a purchase. The book gives cards descriptions and elements that Crowley added or changed based on his vision and work he’s been doing during his life.
Books I do NOT recommend:
“Tarot: Mirror of the Soul: Handbook for the Aleister Crowley Tarot” Book by Gerd Ziegler
“Keywords for the Crowley Tarot” Book by Brigitte Theler and Hajo Banzhaf
These books I would recommend to avoid amongst others “best sellers” for Thoth Tarot, due to the many inaccuracies and wrong interpretations. I don’t blame some of the authors. Thoth Tarot is not easy to understand and not everything was explained by Crowley himself, but you can clearly see that some people haven’t even tried.
"Tarot and Astrology: Enhance Your Readings With the Wisdom of the Zodiac" Book by Corrine Kenner
I want to also suggest you a few books that I would include into my "Additional literature" section because if you want to really dedicate your time to study Tarot on a professional level, sooner or later you will get into other aspects that are integral parts of divination.
Astrology has a very big influence on Tarot and I think Corrine Kenner has done an amazing job to put everything together for the reader.
The book starts with Astrology basics with regards to Tarot but also talks about the twelve signs of zodiac and the planets.
I personally offer 12 Houses of Astrology Tarot reading every year in December and it's always a huge success because it is an extremely informative and fun reading, so a book like this helped me to connect even deeper with Astrology.
Some actually use Astrological aspects of Tarot to predict and plan dates, so if that's something you are interested in, this book will also be very helpful for you.
Bonus Book 📚✨
"Understanding The Tarot Court" Book by Mary K. Greer and Tom Little
Lastly, I want to include this book because we all know that Courts cards tend to be the most difficult to understand and interpret in a Tarot reading.
While some think that Court cards solely describe a specific person, the authors of this book give a suggestion on how to use these 16 cards as a tool to describe different variations and sides of personalities of the querent and people in their life.
Whichever method you choose to follow, this book has a massive amount of information and will definitely make your Tarot journey so much easier.
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pastelpurpleprimadonna · 7 years ago
comic idea-Magicks (based off my notes of course)
basic break down
B-Mei gets found out as being a half-demon and magnhilds daughter (she's a huge deal) and is taken by zalgo and p much is now stuck in the underrealm and goes to the Institute, she befriended ms.p, ben, jeff, kagekao and eyeless jack (in that order) and is struggling to adjust to her new life while being under the constant watchful eye of zalgo and his council
M-After adjusting to her new life her main goal is to graduate from the Institute and learn magick from strong witches (like ms.p), she also meets sheila in her magick shop after finding out she was one of her mothers friends. Mei’s new goal becomes figuring out who her moms were, and how does Lila fit in with her family while maintaining her studies and her friends, it’ll be hard but she won’t give up
E- probs won’t be one, i’ll pull a homestuck >:)) (or lose interest and disappear from the internet)
friends/allies: Ms.p became a close friend of hers after finding out about their love for magick and that shes magnhilds daughter. Ben mostly because of p, jeff met her through ms.p (he and ben aren’t really on talking terms) she met kagekao bc of jeff and now he mostly whisk her away on boring days, jack isn’t so much a friend but more of an ex-soldier that admired her mother, he’s someone she can rely on if she’s in trouble or needs help (possible love interest for when she’s an adult??)
my interpretation of magick: i can’t really get into “black magick” or “white magick” to me magick is a neutral spectrum, its not good or bad it entirely depends on how someone uses it. Only a few people (like 1 or 3 a year) are born with the ability to use magick. Magick is absolutely powerful af and can be used for literally anything. The only reason witches haven’t taken over is bc zalgo keeps witches in check, he really doesn’t care if they go around killing people just as long as it isn’t the entire human race. If a witch gets out of control zalgo usually imprisons them and “reprimands” them for a few hundred years and lets them go knowing full well they won’t do anything stupid again (the only reason he doesn’t kill them is bc there was a huge witch shortage, practical extinction of witches and he needs to keep the numbers going up instead of down) so everything works out perfectly. Spells are usually only five to 10 words long, witches like keeping things simple. Potions don’t need stuff like “dragon fangs” or any weird stuff like that, they usually consist of stuff like blood, plants, body parts (human/animal) and different kinds of gemstones, plants and gems have their own magickal properties. All different kinds of gems and stones have magickal properties/value/abilities but only magick users can use/recognize them. They can do all sorts of different things from calming anxiety/fear to giving a magick users spells extreme boost. Witches usually keep together in covens to help young witches control their magick and teach them everything a young witch needs to know. Every witch usually settles with one “type” of magick, like animal magick, fire magick, water magick, colour magick..etc..etc. Most witches tamper around with different types until they figure out what kind they like the most or connect with. All witches can use any type of magick but most choose to limit themselves bc it’s easier. When a witch tries to tamper with all kinds of magick instead of settling down with one type they have a very high chance of becoming a sorceress or sorcerer, those usually happen every few kiloyears.
Witches can’t die, once a person uses magick it’s stuck with them for life, magick is like art. The more you use it the stronger it gets and it sort of wraps around you in a “cocoon”. Witches, when harmed go into a standby state and their magick protects them until someone (ever) comes and heals them but witches can’t get hurt by things like colds, diseases or broken bones. The 2 main things that can put a witch in their standby state is either water or fire.
theres my interpretation, it's pretty boring bc im picky as heck about about magick mostly bc finding good ya books about witchcraft is hard, this one had that witches could only use magick if they had wands, very disappointing. Another one said they could only cast spells if they were wearing a bracelet with gemstones. Bleh. Matchmaker magick??? just making people fall in love or connecting soulmates, its cool but i’m more interested in spellcasting, demon summoning and potion making, finding good witchcraft ya is hhhaaaarrrrddd, my book taste are soooo picky and its agonizing. I just don’t really like the whole “everyone is born with one type of magick” i like when they can do literally whatever they want but choose to do one type of magick, it’s just more interesting to me. Tarot cards and other witch-y stuff will be involved once i learn more about it.
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tabletoptrinketsbyjj · 7 years ago
Trinkets, Valuable, 2: More useful than simple baubles touched mystery, these items have either a clear purpose, a reliable ability or are made from a fairly costly material. The items could fetch fair prices to collectors of the strange, jewelers, antique or art dealers or simply to barter with if the owner is short on actual currency.
A beautiful set of gold filigree tarot cards inside a velum lined box. This deck once belonged to a fortuneteller who fell afoul of darkness.
A black wedge that weighs one pound and becomes one pound heavier each month it remains in the possession of the same creature
A blanket which renders any creature wrapped in it invisible, but only when they are unconscious and snoring.
A bolt of opalescent silken fabric that ripples and sparkles when kissed.
A bottle of ink that never goes dry or runs out
A bottle of red wine which appears thick and viscous. Anyone drinking even the smallest sample will be cursed with hematophagy, meaning they now only gain nourishment from fresh blood. The curse can be broken by laying naked in bright, direct sunlight for eight uninterrupted hours.
A chain of alternating silver and bronze links. The silver links are ethereal, while the bronze links are not, but they can still interact with the other links.
A clear glass rod that becomes a Random Color based on who is currently holding it (It is always the same color for the same people).
A coin pouch containing four slender golden ingots that are no larger than a grown man’s finger. Each is stamped with the sigil of a stylized spider.
A coin purse containing a dozen gold coins, each meticulously defaced and crudely carved with the face of a grinning goblin.
---Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
---Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A beautiful set of gold filigree tarot cards inside a velum lined box. This deck once belonged to a fortuneteller who fell afoul of darkness.
A black wedge that weighs one pound and becomes one pound heavier each month it remains in the possession of the same creature
A blanket which renders any creature wrapped in it invisible, but only when they are unconscious and snoring.
A bolt of opalescent silken fabric that ripples and sparkles when kissed.
A bottle of ink that never goes dry or runs out
A bottle of red wine which appears thick and viscous. Anyone drinking even the smallest sample will be cursed with hematophagy, meaning they now only gain nourishment from fresh blood. The curse can be broken by laying naked in bright, direct sunlight for eight uninterrupted hours.
A chain of alternating silver and bronze links. The silver links are ethereal, while the bronze links are not, but they can still interact with the other links.
A clear glass rod that becomes a Random Color based on who is currently holding it (It is always the same color for the same people).
A coin pouch containing four slender golden ingots that are no larger than a grown man’s finger. Each is stamped with the sigil of a stylized spider.
A coin purse containing a dozen gold coins, each meticulously defaced and crudely carved with the face of a grinning goblin.
A crystal beaker with the measurements in some long forgotten standard, etched in platinum.
A cube of ice that never melts
A dented iron tankard that turns anything poured inside into raw sewage.
A fist sized clear glass sphere with an iron arrowhead inside it whose tip always points at the sun.
A fist sized, unbreakable glass pyramid filled with what appears to be ice or snow. It is always cool to the touch.
A fist-sized gemstone that changes colour corresponding with the time of day, along with the phases of the moon (assuming you have one moon).
A fist-sized glass sphere that floats through the air, never straying more than two feet from its owner
A five-foot length of string that is capable of hanging perfectly horizontal without being tied to anything. It cannot support any weight however.
A flat circular stone which causes its bearer to smell like wildflowers.
A flute with buttons rather than holes so you can play music without blowing into it
A foot long glass rod that shatters easily but then instantly reforms from the shards
A foot long steel rod with a crystal embedded in its tip, which emits light when within a magnetic field.
A foot-long glass rod that, when placed in a container of liquid, will stir until it is taken out.
A glass eyeball that emits a projection of a human face that changes expression depending on the direction in which it’s looking
A glass jar filled with an edible, creamy white substance that fills back to the top each day at dawn. The substances tastes sweet but has zero nutritional or caloric value whatsoever.
A glass rod that projects a three-foot square, two-dimensional image of an unknown creature on any flat surface.
A golden armband forged in the shape of a serpent eating its own tail. The serpent is masterfully crafted and its eyes, fangs and the tiny scales covering its body are finely detailed.
A golden mechanical songbird. It is capable of playing three different tunes.
A green glass marble that floats next to its owner and whistles when they are angry
A hand crank music box which plays a melody that causes listeners to think they are dreaming.
A horn and horsehair toothbrush with bristles that always have exactly the right feel for the user and leaves the mouth feeling clean and minty fresh. The toothbrush automatically sterilizes itself if the brushes are submerged in water for one minute.
A jar of face paint that starts out black and changes color to match the bearer’s mood while worn
A knapsack that temporarily (and seemingly randomly) changes the color of anything placed within it. The change wears off five minutes after the objects leave the bag.
A knife block carved from jade, holding four knives, each with a handle made from jade and set with pearl fasteners. The blades are of bright, sharp, steel.
A large, sealed waterproof tube containing a bolt of a luxurious satin-like cloth
A leather map case that creates one sheet of new paper each day
A long-handled silver spoon that brings everything in it to the perfect eating or drinking temperature
A magical animated broomstick that sweeps only the ceiling. Can only be deactivated by touch.
A magnetic iron wedge that always points east when placed on the ground
A marble sized glass orb that orbits the head of the last person to touch it.
A marionette with a ceramic face that has a long hook nose and blue eyes, covered in flowing multi-colored silk, and a cross of light blue-silver metal and resilient strings made of the same. The toy is five feet from top to bottom.
A masterwork suit of feather-light plate mail which seems to have been made for the exclusive wear and use of a standard sized housecat
A metal ball that perfectly camouflages itself to whatever it’s touching. It turns white when you whistle at it.
A metal rod bent into a triangle that frightens off small animals with its mere presence
A metal rod that makes anyone who touches it sneeze, but never more than once every few minutes
A metallic mask that fits perfectly on its wielder’s face and changes expression when he does.
A mirror in a silver pointed starburst setting with wide triangular leaves. The top has a large round intaglio black opal, and each of the wings are cameo-set with round moonstone and onyx.
A monocle that shows different colored auras around people depending on the time of day they were born
A painting of an ogre eating a sheep that has a dark somber quality to it. The frame is made from silver and is set with a dozen, intaglio-cut rose quartz
A painting set in a silver frame that shows a new, beautiful scenic image of a place in the material plane every day
A pair of large brass shoulder pads that make the wielder’s body shimmer with golden light when worn.
A pair of pants that fit perfectly and never seem to get dirty but are always uncomfortably chilly
A pair of shining silver balls that chime when clicked together.
A pair of silk stockings that are always warm to the touch
A pair of tailor’s shears that can cut through any kind of leather.
A piece of lava rock that is cool to the touch but never stops flowing with bright red lava
A pouch of six seeds that, when planted, grow into thick shaped bushes over the next twenty days and function as hollow shelters large enough to accommodate one hound-sized animal each
A pretty silver hairpin that can be easily used as a lockpick and never suffers any kind of damage when used for such purpose
A quill pen that only marks on living flesh without the need for ink. The marks fade in a week
A Randomly Colored metal sphere, three inches in diameter that floats one inch overtop of any solid surface it’s placed on. It can support one pound of weight while floating.
A red rag intended to be wrapped around the scabbard of a sword. It magically whisks away blood and other liquids from a sword as it is sheathed.
A rolled-up piece of metal that plays soothing music when it gets warm
A sandstone pyramid that gives off a Randomly Colored light as bright as a candle, for one hour at a random time each day.
A scarf made of Randomly Colored silk but is virtually indestructible and cannot be dirtied or stained
A sealed scroll tube containing deed proclaiming the bearer of the parchment as the owner of a house in an underwater city. Both the scroll tube and the parchment are completely waterproof.
A set of five small metallic plates that can be set to orbit around a single creature’s and display ever-changing, unknown symbols
A set of four steel arm and leg bands which cause small harmless sparks to dance across the wielders body at all times, if all four are worn.
A set of salt and pepper shakers shaped like the front and back half of a unicorn, made of porcelain and inlaid with gold and silver
A set of small silver figures, each representing a different circus performer in a different pose. There is the Master of Ceremonies with his arms outspread, a strongman lifting up a barbell, an acrobat standing on her hands, a lion tamer with a lion, and a monkey riding an elephant.
A set of three glowing crystal rings that slowly orbit whatever they are placed around. They can be used as a bracelet or necklace.
A shadowbox which contains a large, perfect, glowing specimen of a moth. The specimen goes through its entire lifecycle as long as the box is closed. When it is opened, the specimen is found freshly preserved in whatever state of life it was at the time. When it grows old and would die, the old specimen is apparently removed, and a new egg appears in the box to live out its life.
A sheet of papyrus that captures a person’s portrait when a command word is spoken (reusable if the command word is known).
A short silver chain joining two crystal rings together. It’s fairly obvious the rings are meant to be worn on adjacent fingers with the chain serving as additional decoration.
A shrunken, shriveled head of a halfling. This morbid fetish has eyes which dart to and fro when the living are nearby. The owner of the head can command it to sing songs about heroes of old, which is does reasonably well.
A silk scarf that if passed over anything while being focused on, will instantly matches the colour of that object
A silver cylinder that, if spoken through, makes the user’s voice sound wavering and strange
A silver fork that makes every word the holder hears seem incredibly rude and offensive
A six-inch metal string that stretches to eight feet without breaking
A slender glass rod that translates everything said while holding it into a language no one can understand.
A small and incredibly detailed (And strangely beautiful) stone statuette depicts a huge worm-like creature bursting forth from the ground. It is obviously the work of a master craftsman. Perceptive PCs can even make out a tiny pair of legs protruding from the creature’s mouth.
A small ceramic disk, that makes quiet soothing noises that are only audible to creatures within five feet of it. Most beings find the gentle sounds aid them in falling asleep in unfamiliar places. The disk can be turned on and off by tapping it gently.
A small coin purse containing six pellets that, when dropped into liquid, remove its flavor and color
A small crystal sphere that glows as bright as a candle under starlight
A small glass flask containing the hair of a desert dwelling creature, the hair absorbs light during the day and glows at night. If exposed to the sunlight during the day it will shed light equivalent to a candle.
A small golden bell that gives off rich sounds when rung
A small golden button with a few green threads still attached. A prancing unicorn is embossed on the design of the button. If sewn on a garment and then worn, the button will teleport away the user’s clothing to a fairy circle.
A small golden jewellery box covered in strange decorations and unknown writing.
A small golden statuette of a man that is constantly river dancing.
A small grey stone disk that grows darker in color when within 100 feet of water.
A small hand mirror that makes anyone who looks into it feel handsome / beautiful and physically desirable.
A small hand mirror that shows a much older version of the viewer
A small hourglass necklace which has been crafted from pure silver.
A small ink pot that was cleverly fashioned from a tiny hollow stalagmite. The top of the stalagmite has been sliced off and reattached with an intricate set of hinges forged to depict two nesting bats. A silver clasp holds the pot shut. Of the matching quill, if there ever was one, there is no sign.
A small jewllery box that, when touched, creates the disconcerting rustling sound of hundreds of small insects coming from inside. The volume of the noise increases the more the lid is touched and starts chittering angrily if the lid is opened. The box is empty unless items are placed inside of it.
A small marble birdbath, inlaid with gold.
A small metal ball that tastes like sweet mint and leaves the tongue stained yellow if sucked on. The flavor never runs out.
A small metallic potted shrub that produces several brightly colored glass beads every week. The shrub needs to be watered with liquid contains heavy metals, silica or finely ground quartz in order to flourish.
A small model of a castle that matches a real one exactly and changes to match new alterations.
A small painting that displays a different face every day. Usually the face is smiling, but on every fifth day it is weeping. No face is ever repeated and the quality of the painting itself is exceptional
A small pink stone that, when placed under the tongue, causes harmless fog vapor to spill from the mouth, until it’s removed.
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mageintime · 8 years ago
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It’s late so I’ll do his Bio later but. Aleer and his friend, “Mr. Demon”
Bio/design notes are now under the cut!
Name: Aleer
Age: 12-13 (He Smol)
Origin World: Lyuhx
Hometown: Nohxe
Tarot Card: The Sun
Abilities: Retrocognition, Mediumship
Hobbies: Despite being very blind, he enjoys making little arts and crafts, as well as painting and colouring. He keeps all of his supplies immaculately organized and his sister, Talaitha, told him which colour was where so he can pick which he wants. Though he has some memory of what colours look like, he associates colours mostly with feelings and tactile sensations, and believes he can communicate his emotions more fluidly based on what colour he uses even though he can’t actually see the end result. Along with his slight obsession over colour-feeling representation, his creations tend to be very tactile in nature, as they’re far easier for him to enjoy than something purely visual. 
Personality: A Sweet Summer Child, not yet burdened by the anxiety and insecurity of teendom, Aleer is mostly concerned about his sister’s well being, as well as staying way the fuck away from his parents and the law academy they had enrolled him in.  Soft spoken and something of a wallflower, he tries not to get too involved with those around him, and any amount of prolonged social interaction (especially at his job) tires him out quickly. 
Backstory: Born with a slight sight impairment and a talent for retrocognition, Aleer’s parents decided to speed the process along and blind him themselves, enrolling him in a state law program to reap the benefits of it. Although the people of Lohkexe believe that the blind are natural oracles and thus suited for power, Aleer quickly learned that this is mostly false. The fact that he could actually see the past soon became an issue among his peers, and would have landed him in trouble had his older sister Talaitha not rescued him from it by technically kidnapping him (Does it count as kidnapping if Aleer was 100% okay with it?). Now living with his sister, he works part time at the circus she preforms with as a fortune teller. 
He at one point befriends an imp that he refers to as “Mr. Demon” (the imp doesn’t have a personal name and thus doesn’t correct him). “Mr. Demon” is probably the most benign imp possible, far preferring hanging out with this kid than being expected to mop up gore at home. He sticks around as a seeing-eye buddy. 
Outfit Notes
Judge’s Cloak: The social climate is fairly conservative, and thus most of the clothing is fully covered and hides a lot of the person’s actual shape from others. The Judge’s Cloak consists of two main portions: the larger floor-length shawl, and a smaller cape piece white reaches the back of the knee. Wit this outfit, he wears a single chain as a mark of rank, and the pattern on the shawl represents the world being upheld by the judges. 
Inner Outfit: What he wears under the Cloak, although since the populous doesn’t ever see what’s under the Cloak, no one questions him wearing it around as normal clothing (Talaitha can barely make rent, never mind buy him new clothes, so he wears the few things he brought from the academy). The designs on these pieces similarly represent the upholding of the law, as well as the high position of enlightenment held by the judges. 
Mr. Demon was designed to look like a weird cryptid-demon hybrid, somewhat based off his original design. Also, I thought the white accents looked cool, so there’s that. 
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houseofswords · 5 years ago
Louise Bordelon
Theme song / Moodboard
Full name: Louise Anne Bordelon Gender: Female Age: 41 Birthday: 30th June
Myers-Briggs: ENFP Zodiac: Cancer Tarot card: Nine of Wands
Nationality: American Birthplace: New Orleans, Louisiana
Sexuality: Heterosexual Relationship status: Single and proud
Occupation: Stage technician (previously a parade float mechanic, car mechanic)
Height: 6′4″ Weight: 210lbs
Hair: Thick, coarse and a little unruly, currently dyed bubblegum pink. Her natural hair colour is dark brown. Usually tied into a short ponytail. Eye colour: Hazel
Physical characteristics: She’s tall, broad-shouldered and bulky, with big arms, walnut skin and a flat chest. Her face is sharp and angular and she has a strip missing from one of her eyebrows, presumably from a past injury. She doesn’t care for looking ‘ladylike’ or being much of a lady at all, dressing however the hell she wants. Other traits: Louise has a few small scars on her hands and legs from various scuffles and her kickboxing. She also has some moles and beauty spots on her face, shoulders and back. Tattoos: Flowers and hummingbirds on her right arm, a flaming tiger and phoenix on her left, roses on her hands, and a dragon on her back with its tail circling around her waist.
Clothes: At work she wears a spaghetti strap tank top and denim coveralls, which she keeps rolled down to her waist when she’s not doing repairs that require her arms to be covered. At other times she likes baggy cargo pants, studded jackets and brightly coloured tops which often have rude slogans on them.
Personality: Louise is brash, confident and has no qualms about voicing her opinions, even if no one particularly wants to hear them. She hates people who are all talk and no action and when something needs doing, she’ll roll up her sleeves and get her hands dirty. She’s not one to back down from a fight and is always ready to stand up for herself and those she cares about. Louise loves to take risks and to get out there and try something new, and can be counted on to go straight for the biggest, scariest rollercoaster first.
Motives: Life is too short to be wasted, and Louise believes in living it to the fullest. But even she can’t run from guilt and regrets, and her mistakes weigh heavily on her as she seeks a way to shrug off the shadow of Holyhead and roam free again. She can see what the place is doing to her friends, and for the first time in her life she knows how it feels to be a caged bird, trapped and unable to keep the world from falling down around her.
Values: Freedom is a personal, sacred tenet for Louise, closely followed by speaking the truth—both to others, and to herself. She strongly believes that problems should be faced head on, risks should be taken, and bullies brought down. After all, the world is full of people who don’t care, and making a difference starts with you.
Fears: She’s terrified of the thought of failing to protect those she loves the ways she’s failed the theatre staff. This manifests in an at times overbearing ‘mom friend’ mentality. She’s also afraid of losing her money, her safety net if she ever gets out of town, and bases a lot of her self worth around the quality of her friendships.
Weaknesses: She likes to speak her mind and often offends people, whether she means to or not. Her stubbornness and hot head often land her in trouble, and when they do she refuses to back down. Once crossed, she tends to regard the offender as irredeemable and won’t give them a second chance again.
Quirks: Louise likes to come up with annoying nicknames for all her friends. She also peppers her speech with Cajun French, sometimes switching to speaking in it entirely. She talks with her hands and gestures a lot, and tends to clatter around and make noise when angry.
Skills: Louise has strong mechanical and fabrication skills. She’s had to mock up replacement suit components for the characters several times when there’s been delays from the manufacturers. She’s also very good with electronics, knows how to break and open a wide variety of locks and security systems, and trained in first aid. She’s very fit and strong and a formidable fighter.
Hobbies: Louise likes to sing and dance, and doesn’t care whether people are looking or not. She enjoys kickboxing, plays for a women’s football team occasionally, and enjoys amateur photography when she’s not doing sports. She makes her own costumes for Halloween and for geek conventions.
Favourite music: Punk rock, industrial, death metal. She loves Nine Inch Nails. Favourite films: Alien, Nightmare on Elm Street, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Silence of the Lambs, Predator, Jurassic Park, anything with awesome makeup and practical effects Favourite food: Bacon, bagels, french bread, coffee, ginger beer, sour candy Favourite animal: Hummingbirds Favourite colour: Her favourite colour is actually emerald green, not pink, as much as her hair says otherwise. Pink is her second favourite colour. Likes: Bright colours, kids, exciting places, loud music, vinyl records, sour and spicy food Dislikes: People being indecisive, people who don’t do any work themselves, having nothing to do, when people knowingly put others in danger
Misc. info: Louise and Mike play in a garage band together, though have trouble keeping four members
Superhuman: Louise goes by the name Forge, and has the ability to spontaneously fabricate simple objects out of concrete, stone and metal. Victorian Gothic: Dead in the Water: Every captain has a first mate. Louise is Mike’s, and does all she can to keep him from slipping deeper into dark waters. She’s seen more than her fair share of souls destroyed by the sea, and hopes that his can still be saved. Swords and Sorcery: A blacksmith and engineer by trade, Louise is good at fixing whatever her ragtag band of adventurers break. That doesn’t mean she isn’t good at breaking a few things herself, and likes to remind their enemies of that with her enormous crossbow. Gotta Catch Em All: Louise is a gym leader who specialises in poison types, and encourages all who come to train in her gym to be confident and believe in their own capabilities. Blood and Wine: Louise is a perfectly legitimate businesswoman, making perfectly legitimate horseshoes and doornails. The whole ‘booze running with Mike and letting him hide it in the cellar under her workshop’ thing is just a hobby. Behind the Lines: Louise could have made a pretty penny turning over the battered group of soldiers she found sleeping in her barn one night. It’s fortunate, then, that she has a vested interest in smuggling POWs out of France. Apocalypse Now: Squabbles in the wasteland tend to involve bullets. Lucky for them, there’s one person dedicated to preserving the lost art of making stuff go boom.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years ago
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The ULTIMATE Amazon Witchy Shopping List for the Holidays 2018
Looking for the perfect gift for that witchy woman or magical man in your life? Are you also an Amazon shopping fiend? I must confess, I love the convenience of adding items to my wish list for later purchase, PLUS the free 2-day shipping Amazon offers. Here I’ve compiled the ULTIMATE list of Amazon witchy gifts for the holidays including the most coveted tarot and oracle card decks, new non-fiction and fiction witchcraft books, crystal must-haves, tea and tea accessories, AND modern kitchen witch gadgets. Add them to your Amazon shopping cart or wish list for easy witchy shopping this holiday season!
DISCLOSURE: I may earn a small commission for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website. Your purchase helps support my work in bringing you information about the paranormal and paganism.
Amazon Witchy Shopping List
What will be covered in the Ultimate Amazon Witchy Shopping List:
Divination Wish List
Crystal Must-Haves
Non-Fiction Witchcraft Books – New Releases
Fiction Witchy Books – New Releases
Teas and Tea Accessories
Modern Kitchen Witch Gadgets
Divination Wish List
1. The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck
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The same artist who created the Wild Unknown Tarot, a popular Tarot deck, has recently released the Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck. The artwork is gorgeous and the vibe is amazing. It’s probably already on your loved one’s witchy wish list.
2. Mystical Shaman Oracle Cards
The artwork on the Mystical Shaman Oracle Cards is enough to want this deck. Nevermind the amazing earthy, peaceful vibes exuding from it! If that isn’t enough to draw you in, what about the 400+ 5-star rating on Amazon? Most oracle decks don’t get that kind of rave review. This deck is all about ancient sacred symbols, archetypes, and collective consciousness. The perfect witchy gift for the holidays!
3. Lapis Lazuli Rune Stone Set
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Not only is a rune stone set a wonderful thing to have, but make it a lapis lazuli rune stone set and the witchy woman in your life will love you forever! Lapis lazuli is a stone connected with the third eye and ancient ancestors and so makes the perfect material for a rune set. The runes are one form of divination every Norse or Celtic witch should learn to use.
4. The Fountain Tarot
Released in October of 2017, The Fountain Tarot by Jason Gruhl and Jonathan Saiz is highly rated by Amazon witches. The silver-gilded and rounded corner cards featured beautiful oil paintings created by artist Saiz. Pick up the deck with the guidebook and watch your witch go ga-ga this Yule season!
Crystal Must-Haves
1. Healing Crystal Wands
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This specific set of crystal wands has been on my witchy shopping list on Amazon for quite some time, and I’m hoping someone gets the gist! For 25 bucks, how can you go wrong with four 2″ crystal wands? The essential stones are included: rose quartz, clear quartz, obsidian, and amethyst. This set makes a great starter stone set for beginners. Add it to your Wiccan supplies list or purchase it now and save it for the holidays.
2. Best Amethyst Cluster 1/2 to 1 lb.
Who doesn’t want a huge piece of amethyst in their bedroom? Box and wrap up this large amethyst cluster for that crystal lover in your life. Then tell them to place it on their nightstand for soothing, connected dreams this holiday season.
3. Crystal Elixir Bottle
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I’ve seen these all over FaceBook and social media and have heard good things so far. The crystal elixir bottle allows you to drink crystal-infused water anywhere and everywhere. Super-charged water on the go!
4. Himalayan Salt Lamp
If you or the witch in your life doesn’t have a Himalayan Salt Lamp, time to get one. Or add another to the collection. The Himalayan salt lamp cleanses the air of negative vibes and lets off a very soothing light wherever its lit.
Witchy Non-Fiction New Release Books
1. The Illustrated Herbiary
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The Illustrated Herbiary: Guidance and Rituals from 36 Bewitching Botanicals by Maia Toll and Kate O’Hara was released in August of 2018 and has already received rave reviews from the Amazon witchy shopping community. In addition to having an illustrated guide to magical plants, a deck of small cards comes with the hardback book. A must-have for the green or garden witch’s collection.
2. Colouring Book of Shadows: Planner for Magical 2019
Alright, who doesn’t love to colour? Colouring is therapy for the soul. Even better if you can plan out your schedule and then colour at the same time. It makes magical planning that much more fun! Add a colouring book of shadows and a pack of coloured pencils to your witchy shopping cart for the holidays and the receiver won’t be disappointed.
3. The House Witch
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From the author of The Green Witch comes the next in her practical series The House Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock. The release date is November 20, 2018, just in time for Yule and Christmas! Learn how to create a magical sacred space with rituals and charms for the home.
4. Familiars in Witchcraft
An exciting new release set for 2019 written by Maja D’Aoust all about familiars and magical spiritual assistants from all over the world. Familiars aren’t just a fluffy household pet – they’re much much more than that. This is explored in depth in this book…pre-order for your witchy loved one!
5. In the Shadow of Salem
In the Shadow of Salem: The Andover Witch Hunt of 1692 is a historical account of another piece of the Salem Witch Trials’ mystery. Written by a scholar and archivist, In the Shadow of Salem details familial rivalries and reveals another aspect of the witch hunt craze in Colonial America that hasn’t been discussed in detail until now. If your witchy loved one is in to historical accounts of witchcraft, this book is a must-have for the holiday season!
New Release Fictional Witchy Books
1. The Cotton Family Series
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The Cotton Family Series is one of those witchy fictional series that every witch would love. Real tidbits of American and European folk magic are woven in to a tale of the paranormal, witchcraft, and love to make for a wild ride of a read! Ancient Spirits, Book 3 of The Cotton Family Series has been released and is waiting for eager witchy eyes! The perfect witchy shopping gift for the holidays.
2. Only the Stars Know Her Name
Only the Stars Know Her Name by Amanda Marrone is a historical fiction book about the lost daughter of Tituba, an accused Salem witch. Set to be released next year in hardback, pre-order as a witchy shopping holiday must-have!
3. Sea Witch
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Sea Witch by Sarah Henning is described as “Wicked” meets “The Little Mermaid”. Any lover of the ocean and of witchy fictional books will love Sea Witch this holiday season. Add it to your witchy shopping cart!
4. Circe
I’ve been drawn to the Greek Goddess Circe for years, and this book by Madeline Miller made me fall even more in love with this goddess! A #1 New York Times Bestseller with good reason, you can purchase this book as a paperback, e-book, or even as an audiobook (which I fully recommend!) Entertainment and mythology together in a sweet gift.
5. Witches of New Orleans Series
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I can’t help but adore any witchy story set in New Orleans. What a magical place to base a series of witchy books. This series by JD Horn is a fun, magical read and the newest in the series is set to be released in June of 2019. Purchase the first two and pre-order the third!
Teas & Accessories
1. Heavenly Tea Leaves Tea Sampler
If that magical person in your life is an herb or tea lover, grab him or her a tea sampler off of Amazon like this Heavenly Tea Leaves Tea Sampler. Great tea for a great price this holiday season!
2. Butterfly Pea Flower Tea
I recently started drinking this tea because of its beautiful blue colour. Not to mention, add a slice of lemon to it and the blue turns to purple! Magic in a teacup. One of my favourite loose leaf teas!
3. The Lotus Glass Tea Tumbler
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One of my favorite witchy holiday gifts was a loose leaf tea infuser. But even better is one that’s portable with sacred geometry on the sides. Tea with a divine vibe!
4. Adagio Teas Bottom-Dispensing Teapot
Every witch needs a bottom-dispensing teapot. Convenient and easy to use for magical brews and teas. Strains the leaves right out for you, so no more picking the leaves out of your teeth.
5. Teabloom Flowering Teas
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The prettiest teas around are the flowering teas. Get a clear flowering tea teapot and then the Teabloom flowering teas to go along with it. What a wonderful witchy gift idea!
Housewares for the Kitchen Witch
1. Herb Scissors
A super efficient way to break up dried herbs in the kitchen is with a pair of sharp herb scissors. These are a must-have for any kitchen witch this holiday season and make a perfect stocking stuffer (just make sure to leave it in the packaging!)
2. Ninja Ultra Prep Food Processor
Make a magical basil pesto, energizing fruit shakes, or grind up some herbs with the ultra prep food processor. Every kitchen witch needs the ability to quickly grind ingredients down. Add this to your witchy shopping cart for the holidays.
3. Mortar and Pestle
In addition to using a mortar and pestle to grind down peppercorns and other hard herbs, it can also be used to make red brick dust and cascarilla powders. A marble mortar and pestle is a kitchen witch must-have. Get him or her one as an amazing gift.
4. Stand Mixer
I don’t know about you but when the holidays come around, I am a baking machine! It would be much easier to save my hands and have a stand mixer in the kitchen. Every baking kitchen witch could use a sturdy and pretty stand mixer like the kitchenaid!
5. Instant Pot
For the kitchen witches who don’t have time to cook over an open fire, the instant pot is a wonderful present that won’t be forgotten. A witchy shopping must-have! It’s a crock pot on steroids! A pressure cooker that cooks soups and stews, hard-boiled eggs, and other yummy meals in little to no time at all! And Amazon usually has a great deal on instant pots over the holiday season.
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qxwshelly915-blog · 8 years ago
Early Moments.
The Valley from the Queens is a place in Egypt where partners of Pharaohs were actually hidden in historical times. The ancient Sumerians, some of the earliest worlds which embellished shoes with bangles, used ankle joint links as a sign for riches of her hubby. If you have any issues pertaining to where by and how to use yellow pages advert 1992 - Going at generic_anchor_text.dat,, you can get hold of us at the web-site. I am actually certainly not heading to mention so much more listed here, apart from that this book performs my (quite brief) checklist of ultimate must-reads for any individual that wants spirituality and our origins. In old opportunities it was actually important to remove bacteria and louse coming from the heads of individuals utilizing the hairbrush. In early times arrangements made of garlic and various other fragrant natural herbs were actually lugged by brides to prevent ghouls to maintain the bride safe on the day of her wedding celebration. That is actually acknowledged that there may be complications in effectively translating a term or even suggestion. Today, present day times have a bunch of choices when this pertains to the differing approaches in astrology. The phrase, most likely off homing pigeons, implies to relocate in the direction of an intended, however this does not create a ton of sense so you could find why an identical phrase, refine", implying to improve or even develop, is commonly swapped. Currently you can easily view a variety of analyses of the historical concept style patios, pool, rotundas, backyards, decks, and verandas throughout the nation. The Ace of Diamonds by itself predicts cash or an interaction for the customer. The excursion will definitely open your eyes to one more globe as you see wrecks still certainly not totally recovered, hiding incredible ancient art works. Having said that, as times modified, much of the definitions from these blooms were actually lost to the community as well as new brides began selecting blossoms based upon their accessibility, colour and also condition. Daczynski, that also finished sales training in real property and also insurance coverage, discovered the direct benefits from the TM plan as a sales training tool as well as cultivated his sermon notes in to this extremely practical book. These names are actually remainders of old constellations that have been actually shed, removed or dismissed. However forgiving this, Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Moments is just about anything but a goofy work. Until you have actually lived in an additional nation, you'll have no idea from how privileged our company reside in South Africa to have the lovely light weather we have obtained. Nonetheless that is actually recognized that during the same time, the paired superstars were actually referred as Gilgamesh and also Enkidu due to the early Babylonians. Historical files suggest that the ancient Egyptians placed reduce flowers in vases. Beans continue to perform a crucial, if sometimes disregarded, duty in the diet plan from contemporary guy, providing fiber, protein and also iron while staying numerous, cheap and also versatile. This practice dates back to at the very least 618-906 A.D. Aside from placing the reduce flowers in water at their temples, the old Mandarin presented their affection and also gratitude for florals in other techniques at the same time. Memory card clairvoyancy is actually embeded in the Tarot card, and has actually been conducted through viewers given that old times. This really definition has today been made use of due to the advertising community to disperse relevant information to the masses. As additionally observed earlier in historical Egypt the Greeks additionally believed in Gods like nymphs that dwelled grottoes and flows. Marital relationship, like a number of the transactions in historical Rome was controlled through arrangements. This Cougar importance has been actually used in garden water components from ancient opportunities via to the present time. Our company observe that in films as well as in some cases its portrayed in commercials, as mentioned over, however its own still restricted, at the very least in the USA. Cologne went to the centre of aesthetic appeals as well as rehabs for each males and females in Old Egypt. Your individual collection from historical Classical cover-ups as well as various other works of art are going to offer your residence a distinct touch. The Egyptians thought that topaz was actually tinted with the golden radiance of the sunlight god Ra. The old Greeks believed that this had the energy to increase one s stamina and also produce its own individual undetectable in the event of emergency. This last part is just what offers this publication specific significance for aboriginal folks. There are wonderfully detailed wall structure art works and also alleviations embellishing the tombs, providing our team further relevant information regarding life in Early Egypt. Theater as we understand this today has its own roots in historical Greece, where tragedy as well as dramatization played to puffinessing groups. The 'fairly present day' from the historical Classical hairstyles featured 'kinking' - a type in which surges were generated in the hair, using a hot iron. Oenophiles might do not have the vocabulary to define it, however a historical drug store is positive remains he found on 9,000-year-old ceramics fragments from the ancient Chinese town of Jiahu are coming from the world's first fermented beverage. German's having said that can easily alter common syntactic arrangement, beginning a paragraph with other option from terms. In old times bouquets constructed from garlic as well as various other fragrant herbs were brought through brides to fend off fiends to maintain the new bride secure on the time of her wedding. It is realized that there can be problems in efficiently translating a term or concept. Today, contemporary opportunities possess a considerable amount of choices when this concerns the differing strategies in astrology. Dousing - Divining Radiesthesia is actually a phrase, that was actually coined in 1920 by the French abbot Alexis Bouly and also it comes from the Latin term Span" (radiation) and also coming from the Greek phrase Aisthesis" (feeling). The architectural logic that molded the mind scientific research is actually within the structure from the ancient Greek theory, the theorems from Greek Philosophers which helped shape the Fifth Science. This exposure means that our hair should be actually combed for its health and wellness a lot more than in old opportunities. Within this manual written in 1906, Jim as well as Della Dillingham Youthful are a couple in love, but that may scarcely afford their home. Old Times likewise holds a few roleplay topics, along with offering social and also leisure subjects. The trip will open your eyes to one more world as you find wrecks still certainly not fully recovered, concealing incredible early artwork. Having said that, as opportunities altered, most of the significances from these blossoms were dropped to the community and new brides started deciding on florals accordinged to their form, accessibility and also colour. In old times, opal had been actually considered the luckiest and most enchanting of all the jewel's due to its own' ability to showcase a large number of colours. Heaven shade from blue-green was actually believed to have strong supranatural residential properties by a lot of early societies. Susinum was actually a specific favorite, and also the very competitive nature shows that in ancient times, some form of uniformity and also requirement was actually counted on. Natural herbs have actually been made use of since historical times to heal weak points and also disorders which hinder ordinary method of obtaining construction in a male. Throughout one of the historical Classical periods, there is actually a record from the hair being short, chin-length and also curly. Correctly, the Universal Thoughts is actually the communicator to the Universal Heart, which subsequently acquires Words.
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