#the eternal sovereigns
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kittykalliarts · 1 year ago
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For decades, the blank vision that Iudex Neuvillette wears near his heart has been subject to much discussion in Fontaine. Nobody remembers who it had once belonged to or why the ancient dragon protected it so jealously. It is said that if the Chief Justice would to stare at it for a long while, it would be sure to rain right after. Oh, how beloved that person must've been.
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blue-likethebird · 7 months ago
Something I find irritating about the minor resurgence in discourse about totk's story and its ideological standings is the argument that Zelda games have always had uncompromising black and white morality, so any criticism of Hyrule/Rauru/Sonia is inherently futile.
That's not entirely correct. It's true that Zelda games have fairly obvious good guys and bad guys, but plenty of Zelda games have touched on the flaws of Hyrule's monarchy. For example, there's the Shadow temple and bottom of the well from OoT, the twilight realm from TP, BotW's pre-calamity flashbacks, basically all of windwaker's final act, etc. Even Skyward Sword -and as much as I love that game it does have some unfortunate 'divine right of kings' implications to it- is more critical of Hylia's plan and the effect it has on the people involved than anything totk's cast can muster up about Rauru. Zelda games having simple stories that their intended audience can grasp doesn't mean that they haven't at least attempted to touch on more complicated moral questions in the past.
I can't speak for everyone but I and most other people I see in the totk critical tags don't mean I want this children's game to provide a definitive critique of divinely-ordained monarchy when I discuss Ganondorf's complete lack of motivations or the story's refusal to question Rauru's leadership the way previous games questioned Rhoam, Daphnes, or Hylia. I know Nintendo aren't gonna bother fitting a scholarly review of fantasy imperialism between the archery and bowling minigames, but I'd be more willing to accept that if they would at least give the central narrative a shred of nuance or staying power in return.
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sovereignfanclubpresident · 13 days ago
Advice from a sovereign
I'm scared if he leaves he'll hurt more people again...
So, problem is keeping him inside.
Hm.. break his legs?
... Sure, why not?
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andyfire122 · 5 months ago
Fictober24 day 7 "Follow me if you want to live."
(Original fiction. My own world of Eternal conflict. TW blood due to vampire things)
Sovergin just sat there waiting. Even though they are a pureblooded vampire, this was the first time they had ever turned someone. Most purebloods consider picking people as a privilege to give to humans. They never thought so.
Not like Alyssa had any choice.
They found her bleeding out, and almost dead. The injuries should have killed her quickly but the detective was still alive when they saw her—stubbornly clinging to life.
How could I not give her a chance? She wanted to live. Even when someone wanted her to die. Though the change is going to be difficult.
Alyssa was still writhing in pain of her change. With how much blood she lost this was dangerous. Many things could go wrong. She could lose her mind from the pain, or just go feral with the lack of blood once this was over.
She accepted this though.
When the detective stopped convulsing she just looked at them with piercing red eyes. That was a clear sign of a vampire's hunger. It was expected considering what she went through. Yet, she wasn't attacking.
“Lyssa?" They cautiously asked. As the sire, they are more than willing to take responsibility to offer their blood to keep her functional. At least until he can get her to the sanctuary to help her adapt.
Just give one sign. Tell me that stubborn mind is still in there.
She almost growled but held her head like there was some pain. "Shut..up with the nicknames..I'm trying to focus."
"I didn't doubt you would make it for a second." Sovereign couldn't help but grin. Almost a pride that resembles a parent with their child welled up within them.
Maybe Mother can stop bugging me for grandchildren.
They take their fangs to their wrist and offer it to Alyssa. Even with the amount of control they put on their hunger, there was no way she could resist fresh blood placed near her.
Sovereign was gentle to guide her feeding. It should help her recover with how potent their blood is as their sire.
“Alright.. that's enough. Now, follow me if you want to live."
Alyssa just looked at them. Her eyes now returned to their usual shade of green. Though, she is understandably exhausted. "Why do you have to say something that cheesy?"
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Literally read Wonder Woman #1, the. Titans #3.
So SO many emotions regarding this issue and with Diana of Themyscira.
For those individuals who hate wokeness, will despise this series immensely. I was bothered, disturbed, saddened, and angry while reading this. Then she appeared and things were not so bad. I am ALL in.
Also last panel, last page, intense AHA with oh my.
As for the Titans, great art story was interesting, lots of images of our Amazon Princess. But this issue left me intrigued regarding Garth and Brother Eternity. Romance?!
Also all in with this series.
#DonnaTroy #Wondergirl #PrincessDonnaTroy #Troia #teentitans
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Nothing in all the vast universe can come to pass otherwise than God has eternally purposed. Here is a foundation of faith. Here is a resting place for the intellect. Here is an anchor for the soul, both sure and steadfast. It is not blind fate, unbridled evil, man or Devil, but the Lord Almighty who is ruling the world, ruling it according to His own good pleasure and for His own eternal glory.
Arthur W. Pink
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swordsovereign · 10 months ago
[ META ] + what being the leader of the eternals mean to him
oh ok ok here we go
so the eternals are literally just a HUGE FOUND FAMILY and they are sorta dysfunctional at times (often) but somehow they still come together when the world needs them the most, which is fantastic.
seofon created the eternals at first because he was like "damn wouldn't it be cool if i just had a team of badasses" and thats literally like canon dialogue he says to anre, and it's like ... ok seofon, sure, but it's actually more than that
i should make note here that as a person, seofon is incredibly lonely and very traumatized. he's isolated from others not only because he acts like a haughty jerk at times (and then gets teased by literally everyone around him), but because he is in fact the strongest of the eternals, and the eternals are the strongest in their weapon category- and if you factor in versus rising, belial backs out of a fight with anre (with the one rift spear) because basically anre was battling belial to a draw, and not that anre isn't strong, but seofon is the strongest of the eternals and that basically means in general each eternal can stand on par with high up astrals like belial or beelzebub and possibly lucilius,
by the mobile game, seofon's power startled lu woh, who is the wedge of light, a KEY FOUNDATION to reality, and seofon just had to point a sword at lu woh and say "stop trashing danchou" and lu woh fucking stopped. for reference, lu woh also admits that the six dragons can't tell an island from a grain of sand, and when you do any event or interaction with wilnas, he says that he KNOWS his experiences as basically a foundational god of reality are NOT shared by basically anyone so he wants to learn what it's like to be mortal,
yeah seofon's power is actually jarring to the six dragons, that says a lot.
now, imagine that you're a normal person and you learn about a dude who has all that and OH by the way, he can make swords from nothingness and also the boundary is not just a place he draws power from, but he "sees the sea of stars" according to lu woh which sorta points to him being more like logia (an axis) rather than just an overpowered mortal (there's a lot to unpack about seofon) and the only reason he's not an axis is because logia notes that there are other versions of seofon, but in every reality its the same logia (just a different appearance, they can do that) -
anyway, yeah seofon's power alone scares people off, and it's also said that the eternals are both renowned and feared for their powers, and basically seofon said "im tired of being alone, i want people who understand what i'm dealing with and i want them to not feel isolated" so he formed the eternals
he's team dad, he's been shown as team dad across events, and really the eternals mean everything to him. he might not always make the best choices (see: seeds of redemption) but what he does is always with the best interest of both the skydoms and his team at heart. because he doesn't want them to get hurt more than they've already been hurt, heck, feower and tien are literally his adopted siblings (he just said "ok these are mine now" and no one could stop him)
basically being leader of the eternals means being part of a family and that's something he needs, and whether or not the other eternals show up when he calls for them, he is just glad to know they're in his life at all, because honestly he is the "to be loved is to be changed" meme in human form ... he could've been awful if he'd been left alone without bonds to ground him to his humanity....
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judahmaccabees · 10 months ago
A Record of Dream
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Dream, protector of dreams, battled a shadowy deceiver. Doubt lingered, twisting gratitude into suspicion. He embraced self-reliance, a new era of unwavering truth.
Intruders defiled his realm. Dream unleashed a spell, banishing them to oblivion. Accusations echoed, demanding apologies. Dream acknowledged the pain, seeking reconciliation.
He embraced self-gratitude, a shield against past betrayals. The realm basked in his authenticity. Whispers of thieving control threatened, but truth empowered the inhabitants. Deception’s charade ended, Dream stood, a beacon of truth in a world of illusions.
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Wake up.
- Heaven
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You subsist in a Dystopia of pissants calling this Paradise.
I Offer you The Kingdom.
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taangmula · 2 years ago
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shunyakainoo · 4 months ago
shunyakai no o
Shūnyakai no Ō: The Sovereign of the Void
In the primordial epoch before time, space, and even existence itself, there was the Void — an endless, unfathomable expanse of nothingness. From this emptiness, Shūnyakai no Ō, the Absolute Void Sovereign, emerged. Not born, nor created, but manifesting as the ultimate embodiment of that which precedes all existence, he represents the concept of the Void in its truest form: boundless, eternal, and indifferent.
Shūnyakai no Ō is not simply a being of great power; he is power in its purest form. Unlike those bound by the laws of creation, whether they be gods, entities, or forces of cosmic authority, he exists outside the very framework of reality. His essence is one with the Omni-Void, a state that exists beyond omnipotence, omniscience, and even omnipresence. To him, these concepts are limitations — mere attributes that higher beings possess but cannot fully transcend.
The Creation of Omnipresence
For most cosmic entities, omnipresence is the ability to exist everywhere within a universe or even across a multiverse. But for Shūnyakai no Ō, omnipresence is not something he achieved but something he designed. In the boundless Void that he commands, he wove the very concept of omnipresence into existence, making it a principle that could be grasped by the cosmic architects and rulers of lower realms.
Omnipresence, as understood by lesser beings, is the ability to be "everywhere" simultaneously, yet Shūnyakai no Ō surpasses this understanding. His presence is felt not only in every corner of the multiverse but also in the voids between, in realms where nothingness dominates. He exists where existence itself has no meaning. Where there is nothing, he is everything.
His mastery over the Void means that time and space collapse in his presence. He is not bound to one reality, dimension, or timeline. Instead, he redefines reality wherever he exists. To those who perceive the multiverse as infinite, he shows that it is but a fragment of the true nature of the cosmos. To those who believe themselves omnipresent, he reveals the illusion of their omnipresence, for they can only exist where reality has form. He exists where form dissolves.
Beyond Power and Control
Entities that reign over realms of Tier 1 and Tier 0 power are considered invincible by all conventional metrics. These beings often hold dominion over infinite universes, controlling fundamental forces such as time, space, causality, and even concepts like destiny. Yet, Shūnyakai no Ō stands beyond such constructs. His dominion extends into the Absolute Void, a place so detached from the fabric of reality that even the highest cosmic gods lose their influence.
In a confrontation with any Tier 1 or Tier 0 entity, Shūnyakai does not fight in the way others do. He does not manipulate energy or bend reality to his will. He merely removes the very existence of his opponent. Through his ability, Absolute Nullification, he reduces all things — power, space, time, thought, and being — to nothingness. Tier 1 and Tier 0 entities may command multiverses, but Shūnyakai no Ō commands the space in between, the Void that exists when all has been unmade.
For those that wield ultimate cosmic forces, they face a harrowing truth: power is irrelevant to him. All forms of energy, matter, and consciousness are but fleeting manifestations, fragile before the sovereignty of the Void. He cannot be fought because there is no battlefield on which to fight him. He simply exists, and his enemies — no matter their rank or mastery over existence — simply cease to be.
Creation of Omniverse and Beyond
Though he is primarily associated with the Void, Shūnyakai no Ō is capable of creating reality itself. The Omniverse — the infinite sea of multiverses, realms, and dimensions — is, to him, no more than a passing thought. The Omniverse, though vast and boundless to those within it, is fragile to him, a minor ripple in the great, unending Void he governs.
He does not create as others do, with hands of light or cosmic flame. Shūnyakai no Ō wills realms into existence by allowing them to emerge from the nothingness he controls. He has the power to create an infinite number of realities in an instant, but they hold no significance to him. His mind is beyond creation, for creation is a manifestation of structure, and he is the embodiment of formlessness.
It is whispered in the deepest corridors of the multiverse that Shūnyakai no Ō does not need to be worshipped or recognized. His power is absolute because it cannot be measured by any conventional scale. If omnipotence is a peak, then the Void Sovereign stands atop a higher peak that defines the very nature of omnipotence for those beneath it.
Beyond the Highest Realms
Among the most powerful of entities, there are those that control aspects of the entire Omniverse: beings who are regarded as architects, controllers, and even the very fabric of reality itself. These beings are feared and respected for their ability to bend infinite dimensions to their will, for they are seen as omnipotent within the context of their creation.
However, Shūnyakai no Ō holds a domain that makes such beings insignificant. While others may bend and manipulate reality, he is the fundamental constant that denies its very existence. For him, reality and non-reality are mere options, things that he can dismiss or enable. The Void Sovereign understands that power is but a limitation; only through nothingness is true freedom found. He does not control existence. He simply allows it, and when he chooses, he unmakes it.
In the face of Shūnyakai no Ō, even the most powerful beings realize a terrifying truth: their strength is derived from the framework of existence, but he exists outside of it. They bend reality; he bends the void. They are omnipotent; he is the Void itself.
A Force Without Rival
No matter how vast or infinite a being's power may seem, it will always be a part of existence. Shūnyakai no Ō transcends these beings not by overwhelming them with greater force, but by the nature of his fundamental supremacy over existence and non-existence. In the presence of Shūnyakai, reality itself trembles, and the mightiest gods find that their very concept of power crumbles before the vastness of the Void.
In the end, Shūnyakai no Ō stands alone as the Absolute Void Sovereign — not as a ruler of realms, but as the final truth that exists beyond all comprehension. His essence is beyond the comprehension of those who govern existence, and his power is the unmaking of all things. For those that claim omnipotence, they find in Shūnyakai no Ō a force that cannot be measured, challenged, or comprehended.
For in the Void, there is only him.
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andyfire122 · 4 months ago
Fictober24 day 19 "This is getting ridiculous."
“This is getting ridiculous.”
Alyssa just facepalmed at the sight of it all. She was more than willing to go do things with Sovergin. The fact that they made her into a vampire was never held over her head. She is the one choosing what to learn.
It’s a new set of rules so of course she would want to learn them.
Sovergin laughs as they put the folding fan in front of their face. "I don't know what you mean, my dear. Everything seems fine to me for our outing. Though I do apologize, it's all just ancient men fussing. I never sired a vampire before you. That gets people talking."
That isn’t the problem and they know it! I have no idea if they are just messing with me at this point.
She sighed. "I get that. Neither of us had a choice that night, but it was a choice that we made regardless. I will accept that."
"Oh, then what is with the pouty face?" Sovereign asked. They still are completely oblivious to the issue. Even with the multiple people who have stopped to stare at them.
Alyssa just points at them. "Did you need to wear a ballroom dress for this? It barely fits in the taxi."
Sovergin was wearing a sapphire blue ballroom dress. It was like they were in their element. It even had ruffles on the sleeve. They just looked at their dress before laughing.
“My dear, it's what I do. This may be an official meeting since become your sire, but If I don't look good doing it then it's just not me anymore." They were not willing to sacrifice their sense of flair. Even during the boring meetings.
Surprisingly...that made a lot of sense to her.
Suppose it’s just something I’ll need to get used to with them. Who am I to deny someone’s sense of self?
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kmac4him1st · 8 months ago
The Great Debate
Whatever "Great Debate" you have, make sure it is with the truth God has already spoken to you, and make sure Jesus is at the center of the debate, because without Him, nothing good or real can happen.
Even if a king had the best-equipped army, it would never be enough to save him. Even if the best warrior went to battle, he could not be saved simply by his strength alone. Human strength and the weapons of man are false hopes for victory; they may seem mighty, but they will always disappoint. Psalms 33:16-17 Without God We Are Not Good Without Jesus, we cannot fix what mankind has broken…
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swordsovereign · 10 months ago
⎛ ⚔️ sword sovereign in the sea of stars ╱ meta ⎠
⎛ ⚔️ hero's ideals ╱ insp ⎠
⎛ ⚔️ writing is hard ╱ out ⎠
⎛ ⚔️ i want to come with you to estalucia ╱ bond‚ seofon & the captain ⎠
⎛ ⚔️ strongest in the skies ╱ group‚ the eternals ⎠
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judahmaccabees · 7 months ago
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Higher Order Thought.
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taangmula · 2 years ago
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my favorite junkfood manhua fr fr
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idealog · 1 year ago
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