#the eternal fandom
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papergardener · 6 months ago
fun fact I wrote a fic with basically this premise (and Daegal lives because it's what he deserves)
My favorite Merlin head cannon is that Arthur knew Merlin had a secret that they didn't talk about because it would get him in trouble with the law
but he always just assumed the secret was Merlin that preferred men.
feat: this scene
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theminecraftbee · 25 days ago
you know the funniest thing about the pokemon fandom is that everyone i know is currently SO EXCITED they didn't announce gen 10. like everyone else i know who is a pokemon fan is going "LET'S GO THEY DIDN'T ANNOUNCE A NEW GAME!!! LEGENDS IS IN THE HOLIDAY SLOT SO THEY PROBABLY CAN'T ANNOUNCE IT LATER FOR THIS YEAR!!! IT WON'T BE UNTIL NEXT YEAR!!! LET'S GO!!!" and, well, that perhaps says something about,
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hinamie · 2 months ago
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i fear i can never date a man bc none of them will ever be makoto tachibana
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wombywoo · 1 year ago
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eggcromancer · 10 months ago
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It's been a while~🌻
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drenched-in-sunlight · 3 months ago
one thing that i find interesting is that even though we never get to interact with Marika directly, only knowing her via obscure cutscenes and other characters' dialogue... she actually displays a wide range of emotions as much as any other NPCs.
her statues depict her as having a warm, gentle smile:
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the Mimic veil description points to her playful, mischievous side:
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(it's a popular theory in the JP/Asian side of the fandom that it's sth from her childhood - hence the "Marika's Mischief", not "Queen Marika's", and she used it to escape the grisly fate befalling her family.
additionally, its equivalence in Dark Souls is also something described as "the mischief of a young girl who sought relief from the solitude of the woods at dusk", aka Princess Dusk who hails from "Oolacile, land of ancient golden sorceries", but i digress)
her portrait, the story trailer's "Queen Marika was driven to the brink" and Gideon's dialogue after the player defeated Malenia pointed out her sorrow:
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(back when i first played the base game, this is the portrait that drove my eyes most in Roundtable Hold. i kept gazing at her - the Queen with permanently lowered eyes, and thought "there is a girl in there")
The bat lady's song, Messmer's entire Crusade, all those conflicts to establish the Erdtree, shows her anger, and the cruelty she's capable of:
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Then there's Shaman's village, the clinic underneath Shadow Keep, the golden braid, the Minor Erdtree, the sealing of Death - that points to grief, trauma, survivor guilt, kindness, and the ruinous drive for revenge that results in the above path down hell:
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(there's also a theory for the Crusade's headless statue being a reminder for the Hornsent of what they put Marika's mother through, but it's not concrete canon so here is the link if you want to check it out)
The fact that all of Erdtree's incantations are heal and protection spells (with only one exception of Wrath of Gold spell which was found after the Elden Ring was shattered), the Capitol's Perfumers originally being blessed healers, and that all Erdtree blessings come in the shape of tears give the picture of Marika's gentle wish at the beginning: to heal everything and everyone.
(and to me personally, there's a kind of vulnerability and honesty in showing your tears to the world and let it be your power to heal at the same time.)
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the eye she blessed Messmer with (i do think the Eng translation at some part lost the sentiment of the JP text - that the eye is always referred to as a blessing)
the blessing flask that - unlike its Dark Souls equivalent (which ranges from 6-13 flasks), only have 4 available to us player, heal all ailments and status effect, and specified as sth made for Messmer.
the Marika's soreseal in the Haligtree + the waterfall near Godwyn's final resting place
the Regal Omen Bairn (that was fashioned after the Jizo statue - sth made by grieving parents wishing for protection for their deceased child in the afterlife)
the blessing, gifts, equipment that Messmer and Godwyn's personal knights all get
the fact that Marika's bedchamber and the Impaler's Catacomb (which is the only catacomb in the base game to have the spike trap mechanic used in catacombs in the DLC) remain the proof of Messmer's existence in the base game
how Godwyn's ending is the only ending where the mending rune is placed on the position of Marika's womb (the lower arc or the Elden Ring - also referred to as the basin in which its blessings pool)
that's a whole barrage of motherhood. the love, the fear, the postpartum depression, the guilt and anxiety, (the occasional scheming for revenge with her son). and despite how flawed and tragic that love ends up being for all of them, it is there.
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(there's a whole subplot about how Messmer is the only demigod to be called ugly in-game (Hornsent npc dialogue) while Boc's questline is about how his mother being the only one to always assure him he's beautiful, despite everyone else calling him ugly. and how each NPCs questline does reflect a wider theme seen in Marika and her children. but again, i digress)
every time i think of her, Marika is a constantly shifting kaleidoscope, holding everything from within (the beauty and the malign, light and dark, birth and death, she's warm and gentle, she's cruel and unjust, she's strong and kind, she's weak and resentful, she's sweet and she's bitterness made flesh)... and i could only stand there and admire it all.
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gynnnicsworld · 11 days ago
You know Sterek has been frequently 'cancelled' and attacked for basically being the most popular ship in the TW world, right?
Because of the age gap between them, right? Well, I have to complain about it, because it really pisses me off that they're discarding the beautiful, slow-burning love story that exists between Stiles and Derek in CANON. Because damn it, they liked each other.
It bothers me that they tarnish Sterek's image for things like being a "pedo" ship when NO, they're not. They're trying to lump us all into a "sick shipper" category.
If we're being honest, Sterek has probably been the story with the most backstory, where we've seen how each season has seen the closeness between Stiles and Derek grow, where they've gone from 'hating each other and having to deal with each other because of Scott' to genuinely caring for each other to the point where Derek would take a bullet for Stiles or Stiles would go against the entire FBI to protect and get Derek out of whatever mess he was in.
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They care deeply and genuinely for each other, so much so that Derek preserved and fixed Stiles' Jeep, keeping it in his garage as a sort of memento or anchor for him.
It bothers me so much that they talk shit about Sterek when this couple exists:
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sorry but parrish/lydia was a canon pairing between a teenager and an ADULT and if that wasn't enough, an adult from the sheriff's department.
Why aren't people talking about this more? Why are they attacking Sterek instead? Sterek: a couple that wasn't canon during the show's run, and we only got confirmation of feelings for each other through the actors and through obvious hints in the show. But directly, it was never a canon couple between a teenager and an adult guy. They were together.
I put the adult that way because Derek's age was never confirmed as such. At the beginning of the series, Stiles says Derek is only a couple of years older than him and Scott. So at the beginning of the series, Derek was between 18 and 19 years old. But later on, they address the fire, so they change the age again, but they never say exactly how old he is, so canonically Derek could be 2 to 5 years older than Stiles. You choose what age gap to give them.
While Lydia, about 17, and Jordan Parish, over 20, are a CANON couple.
Anyway, hypocrisy and homophobia, right?
But there is a VERY important theme between the Derek/Stiles relationship, which if you ask me made the possibility of a relationship between the two of them impossible while Stiles was still a high school student and perhaps only when Stiles was older could something exist between them.
The existence of this damn bitch and what she did to Derek.
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I hate her as much as you do, and it disgusts me to have to watch Teenage Derek with her.
But it's important to what I wanted to say; it's why I think Derek repressed his feelings for Stiles.
According to the Teen Wolf book, Kate was Derek's substitute swim teacher, who used certain hormones and scents to attract the teenage Derek to her. YES, that was not only a relationship rife with manipulation, power imbalances, and pedophilia, but she also ended up orchestrating the murder of Derek's family at a moment of vulnerability for Derek because Paige's death hadn't happened long before.
We all know Derek blames himself for the death of his family, and he hates Kate. He knows what she did to him. He knows he was manipulated by an older woman and that he fell for her.
Derek has serious trust and self-confidence issues.
He doesn't believe he's worthy of love or peace.
His anchor until Season 2 was anger because his life was infested with anger/hate/rage.
So he sees himself as something bad, something that hurts, someone who destroys what he loves. He's a victim of sexual abuse, even though he doesn't admit it.
But Stiles became that little glimmer of light annoying, but a light in his dark life filled with negative things. Stiles earned his trust. Stiles fought every step of the way and broke down that wall Derek built around himself to keep people away from him, because trust means giving someone the power to hurt you. Oh well, Derek's mind worked that way. Unbeknownst to him, Stiles earned that trust.
And that's where we have this scene.
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This is where Derek lets us see how important Stiles has become to him, Stiles became his anchor.
At this point, it's undeniable that Derek already has feelings for Stiles. He trusts Stiles blindly. But then, why didn't Derek do anything to have Stiles? Because Derek is a victim of sexual abuse by a woman who took advantage of him in high school. And Derek never dealt with that trauma, or we were never shown to have it that way.
Derek dates women, of course—Jennifer (who also manipulated him), Braeden, etc.—whose relationships didn't end well or were never serious.
But not with Stiles, because Stiles is like that extremely important thing where he can't ruin that connection they have, he can't taint or sully this relationship he has with Stiles. It's too important to Derek. Plus, the untreated traumas surrounding his abuser are a clear impediment to starting something real, something serious. And everything seems to indicate that Stiles is THAT person his unconscious heart has chosen.
That is, to start any romantic relationship with Stiles, Derek has to face all of his demons, all of his traumas first, in order to give Stiles what he believes Stiles deserves.
Kate ruined Derek's heart and mind a lot, plus Derek already had a wounded and bleeding heart since Paige.
So, a relationship as such didn't exist in the series between S/D, and it was quite unlikely that it would, but the feelings were always there.
That's why I don't understand why they keep attacking a couple who has SO MUCH backstory, and who if they ever dated, it was definitely when they were already adults and able to deal with their own issues.
The sheriff's line about the jeep and Derek always makes me think that the sheriff was always aware and noticed everything. He never disapproved; on the contrary, he supported them, because he knows there's no one who deserves each other more than those two. It was also a clear confirmation that Derek always had feelings for Stiles, complicated feelings he didn't know how to address, but whose feelings led him to treasure and fix Stiles's jeep.
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nightingale2004 · 4 months ago
Sterek au ida
Mieczyslaw 'Stiles' Stilinski, the god of strategy, wisdom, and mischief
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And Derek Hale, the god of the moon and wolves
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 7 months ago
cute first date idea: you escape hell and bring me a lantern and i ask you questions about being a ghost and then you read to me as i slowly die of hypothermia and internal bleeding i sustained from getting hatecrimed 💕
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dobodleaday · 8 months ago
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07.24.24 Big Hater and the Littlest Hater
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shanastoryteller · 7 months ago
The day his deal comes due, Sam goes missing.
Dean tells himself it’s nothing, that he’s gotten caught up in some research, some last ditch, hail mary nonsense and that he’s just turned his phone off and everything’s fine, that he wouldn’t do something stupid, that he wouldn’t break his promise.
He tells himself that for the first two minutes after he cracks his eyes open and sees the empty bed across from him, and the first time his call goes straight to voicemail, and not much after that. Sam’s broken his promises over things significantly less important to him than his brother’s life.
Dean is dressed and in the Impala five minutes later, heart thudding wildly in his chest. He calls Bobby, Ellen, everyone he can think of, but none of them have heard from Sam, none of them have eyes on him. Sam was with him last night, even if he boosted a car, there’s only so far he can get.
He keeps calling, keep searching, desperate to stop whatever he’s trying to do, to find him, to see his brother one last time before he’s dragged to hell. To make sure Sam is going to be okay after he’s dragged to hell. But the hours tick down, the sun sets, and he can’t find a trace of him. He’s so exhausted and heart sick that when he goes to call Sam again it takes him a long time to read the number on his phone, eyes swimming, the time not making any sense.
That’s not possible.
That’s not –
His phone rings, blocking out the time with Bobby’s name across the screen, and he answers it but his throat is too thick to say anything.
“Dean?” Bobby says tentatively. “Are you – I got an email from Sam. It just said, I mean, did–“
“What did it say, Bobby?” he asks, even though he’s sure he knows.
Bobby sucks in a breath at his voice, because he knows just as well as Dean that he should be screaming in hell right now, not answering his phone. “To take care of you.”
Dean drops the phone, hears Bobby still talking as he grips the wheel and presses his forehead against the back of his hands. This is what he’d been afraid of. This is why he hadn’t wanted to mess with the deal in first place. This is the one thing he’d begged Sam not to do.
It's easy to find a crossroad.
The demon is laughing at him when it shows up, wicked grin in a pretty face. “That didn’t take you long, boy.”
It’s a different demon than the one he delt with, obviously, but Dean figures they all know the same shit, since demons are a bunch of gossips. “This wasn’t the deal. My brother lives and I die.”
“You traded your soul for your brother’s life,” she corrects, so amused by all this that all he wants to do is kill her, to exorcise her, to make her scream. “Just like your father traded his for yours. There’s no reason Sammy can’t make his own trade. Man, but is your family fucked up. Maybe if you’d just settled down like little Sammy wanted, you wouldn’t all be bargaining for each other’s lives like haggling at a flea market.”
“Untrade it,” he snaps. “My soul for him alive, come on, no year, no waiting, you bring him back and take me to hell right now.”
She laughs in his face. “You don’t have anything to bargain with, boy.”
“My soul,” he repeats, “That’s what this is about, isn’t?”
“Oh, it’s what it’s all about,” she says. “But Sammy’s a clever boy. You know that, don’t you? He didn’t trade his soul for your life, he didn’t have to. You didn’t die. No, he traded it for your soul. Sorry, honey, but your credits been declined.”
At first he doesn’t understand. Sam traded his soul for Dean’s, exactly, so there’s no reason he can’t trade it right back. Then he gets it.
She sees the exact moment it clicks, the moment despair and horror sweep across his face too quickly for him to stop them. “That’s right. Little brother owns your soul now. For some reason he didn’t think you’d take proper care of it. You have it because that’s where he wants it, but no one will be making any deals with you, Dean Winchester. You can’t sell a soul you don’t own.”
“You can’t,” he has to clear his throat, “you can’t just come in and change things at the eleventh hour-”
“Eleventh hour?” she interrupts. “Sammy made his deal eleven months ago.”
His mouth is so dry he can’t speak.
“Isn’t it funny?” she asks, head cocked to the side. “All this time, the deal he’s been trying to get out of wasn’t yours, but his own. Maybe the two of you might have even managed it, except you just wouldn’t help, would you? Insisting that he not research, that he not look for a way out, and he spent so much time trying to convince you, coaxing you to talk about your feelings when he knew you were safe, all he because he thought it would make you feel better when he was gone, because he couldn’t tell you the truth and talk about how scared he was, so talking about your fear was as close as he could get.”
Dean’s going to be sick. “Don’t – please, please, I’ll give you anything-”
“You don’t have anything,” she says, gleeful. “You want to know why I agreed? The thing that made it just too delicious to refuse? Sammy’s down there, just starting in on an eternity of torture, and all he has to do get out of it is give up your soul. It’s his, after all, and he can put the original deal back in place any time he chooses. Just one moment of weakness on his end and his beloved big brother will be on the rack instead.” She sighs happily. “It’s almost as good as anything we’re doing to him down there, the knowledge that if he slips up for even a moment then it would all be for nothing. I couldn’t have found a way to twist the knife deeper if I tried.”
There’s vomit crawling its way up his throat and he has to swallow it down before he can speak. “I can’t – I’ll do whatever you want, please, there has to be something.”
She leans forward, cruelty and delight shining in her eyes. “The only thing you can do is what you’ve been telling your precious baby brother to do for the past year. Accept it. Move on. Live a good life so his sacrifice isn’t in vain.”
God. How can she – how can Sammy expect him to –
He’s doubling over, finally upchucking what little he’s ate today, and he’s dry heaving on the dirt when he hears the fading sound of her laughter.
This can’t be real. This has to be Hell, he has to be in it right now. He has to be.
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hinamie · 4 months ago
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back on my free! brainrot
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darkxsoulzyx · 8 months ago
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Here is my mass-revenge for everyone on Artfight up until a certain point (I’m so sorry if you didn’t make it in, this took me a few days to make 🙇💀💀💀)
(Credits/tags under the cut)
TV/Dark: @darkxsoulzyx (ME)
Virux: @bunrux (and whom the attack is addressed too because wE’RE LINKED TOGETHER)
Indigo: @astral-olive
Ace/Luria: @gufaspins
Invalid: Breadmaster (artfight)
Nihility/Tizo: @cinnabynn
Puppet: @dustyisegg
Stitch: idiotofthecentury404 (DeviantArt)/cheese_idiot2 (Twitter)
Luna Phasma: @stefdarkblood
Tasia: pinnipuff (artfight)
Ace/Soi: yekorav (Instagram)
Ali Surna: @alisurna
Hollow/Fatality: @inkywellcrow
Beast Sans: FernTail06 (instagram)
Candyland DCA/Sandman: @garbagechocolate
RELLIK: @s0l-st-ice
Alex: @boredlydoodling
Livvy: flowerry_._ (tiktok)
Floral/Unknown: Holy_Mol_y (Twitter)
Crash: @russianfig
Vitrum: @mossdoesartshit
AbsentCat/Mystery Apocalypse: Absentcat (tiktok and YouTube)
Rootsy: @awoscorner
Eli Jin/Fry08: @sandeewithtwoe
Rosy Sans: @justabirds-art
Judas: @claie171art
Comedy/Tragedy: @woolysstuff
Faolan: @the-jadedknight
Kai: @blizzysnowolf
Scot: @usercookie2008
Thane/Nyx: Khaotic_Order (Twitter) Khaotic_order_ (instagram)
Moss: @swiftmitsu
Chiib/H.O.PE.: @chiib-foxx-artz
Glitter: @kandidandi
Motus: potato_mochi_679 (instagram)
Tempean: @zef01
Loanen Riverside: nox_starswimmer ( instagram)
Twister/Wraith: @marinavoyageuse
Aya: @domijeannes
Exp: Cut_It_Out (Artfight (and I’m assuming Amino?))
Oh, and if any of you were curious about how much it was worth… >:)
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jade-bright · 6 months ago
The duality of Sterek, is to put it simply, very beautiful
Because we have Stiles finding Derek attractive when he's all soft wearing his thumbholed henley's. Add bed hair and the squinty eyes of a sourwolf that just woke up from an impromptu nap? Yeahhh, fuck his assignments, Stiles is staying in this bed for as long as Derek wants him to.
In turn we've got Derek who fucking gets heart eyes whenever Stiles wears any of his clothes. Stiles in just his shirt and boxers? In his leather jacket? Yeah, Derek's staying close with his arm around Stiles' waist so he can inhale their scents mixed together.
Then there's when they're fighting...
Cause on the one hand, there's Stiles always finding it hot when Derek goes all wolf like and feral when fighting other supernaturals or hunters, but Derek also finds it hot and is at risk of falling to his knees or going over and picking up Stiles' when he's the one using his bare hands to beat up someone that had threatened Derek, the wolf is just very pleased.
On the otherrr hand, Derek always has to steal a kiss after a fight that involved Stiles' having to use a gun, because he just has to get a taste of his mate's victory smile. Oh god, and the first time Stiles witness Derek using a gun??? Stiles demanded they have another honeymoon.
Anyway, soft vs. feral sterek and feral fighting vs gun fighting sterek. One always finds the other attractive no matter the situation.
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drenched-in-sunlight · 9 months ago
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some happiness could never be reclaimed
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amariram · 8 months ago
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In my mind, after his death, Merlin tried so hard to remember all Arthur’s little details.
The way he used to wrinkle his eyes when he smiled at him. The shape of his mouth. That perfectly imperfect curve of his nose. The Crown on his blonde hair. His callous hands.
But after years he realized that he couldn’t really remember any of it. Not his face. Not his voice. Not the way he used to make fun of him.
Five hundred years later he still misses him with all his heart but the truth is he doesn’t even remember Arthur anymore, not really.
He is in love with a memory.
And still, he will wait for him forever.
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