#the equalists
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matt0044 · 7 months ago
The Equalists were a cult with Amon as an ultimate grifter.
Yes, non-benders weren’t given the best opportunities in Republic City buuuuut it was an anger and discontentment Amon took advantage of. The Equalist were galvanized into thinking they were heroes who would save the world by controlling it.
Sure, he was for creating an “equal” world but one that subscribed to his way primarily where he was at the top. In this age of Social Media, I think we have seen many modern day examples brought to life.
Now a foible I will give to Book 1: Air was that not much time was spent showing non-benders who didn’t ask for some war. A bit more of the non benders who supposedly broke curfew and unfairly persecuted by cops.
Otherwise, yeah, Amon would’ve been a great YouTuber if LoK’s timeline had internet.
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espeonkin · 10 days ago
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ladyelainehilfur · 1 year ago
lowkey I'm on the Equalists' sides 😭 it's not like the real world is any better but if there were people with superpowers, I'd wanna knock them down a peg too! "oh no what am without my bending" YOU'RE JUST LIKE THE REST OF US!!
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lovelooksgudonu · 7 months ago
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asami warm up sketch
anon ask for Asami with a gun, so I'm back with my bullsht. Equalist Asami, but she has a gun and a motorcycle
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dalekofchaos · 1 year ago
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AU Asami is Amon by nikoniko_808
Give me the forbidden enemies to lovers Korrasami
Okay I wrote up my own au of Asami as Amon
Hiroshi and Asami witnessed the death of Asami’s mother at the hands of the Red Lotus society. Asami swore revenge on all benders. The corruption of Benders has gone too far and Asami and her father cannot let it continue. So they create a movement. The Equalists. Near the end of season 1. Asami would be nowhere to be seen. The Krew believes the Equalists have kidnapped Asami and when Korra confronts Amon, they don’t see her.
Tarrlok is still captured by Amon, when Korra sees him and they chat, he tells the whole story of Amon as it happened in the show to her and everything. Like it goes in the show. Korra and friends go to confront Amon at the arena where Tenzin and his family are about to lose their bending. But they don’t because she gets there in time. She accuses Amon of being a bender, as per Tarrlok’s story. Amon doesn’t unmask. And he isn’t a bender. Tarrlok lied to get Korra to confront Amon so that he could capture her and he could hopefully save his own skin for the service at least. They fight. Amon takes Korra’s bending in a big demonstrative way. So all the crowd can see what comes to any benders, especially The Avatar who stand against him. Then the reveal happens. Asami is Amon.
In order to get her bending back and learn how to give others their bending back (yeah, Korra wouldn’t get it back at the end of Book 1 because consequences? What’re those?), Korra has to go on a quest to learn her bending(her masters would be Toph, Katara, Izumi and Tenzin) in the Spirit World to understand everything. Korra does not cry about loosing her bending because she realized she’s still The Avatar and has to go to The Spirit World to get her bending back, to help everyone get their bending back and stop Asami
Throughout the series, we would meet Kya, Bumi, Izumi, Eska, Desna(Eska and Desna would be Korra’s siblings in this universe, because fuck Unaloq) Opal and Kai. We have the same romance between Bolin and Opal and Jinora and Kai. We would also meet Varrick and Zhu Li, because they are comedy gold. They would all help in the fight against Amon and the Equalists.
In Korra’s venture to the Spirit World,
she would still see Wan’s story(because that’s the only thing I liked about Book 2) and I think in her journey in the spirit world she would see Asami’s story, in which her family were victims of the Red Lotus society and Asami learned to take bending away in the spirit world. Not only that, we would find out that Asami would be bonded with Vaatu. Asami is the darker Avatar.
Before she leaves The Spirit World she connects with all her past lives to ask what she should do about Asami. Korra has her Aang moment where she has too has to decide what to do like he did with the fire lord, only this time there’s more to it than just stopping the bad guy. It’s about the person she loved. She can restore everyone’s bending by reversing Amon’s convergence, but she can’t do that so long as the avatar spirit is split. And as long as Asami is part avatar, she can go into the avatar state. That’s still pretty damn dangerous even with only water and blood bending. Korra realizes the only thing she can do to stop Asami? Love her.
After her journey to relearn her bending and journey in the spirit world, Korra travels the world to gain allies. From the Fire Nation, Earth Kingdom, Water Tribes and Air Nomads. Korra unites the world against Amon and the Equalists.
In the final fight, Korra defeats Amon. She exorcises Vaatu from Asami, thus ending the dark Avatar and stopping Amon’s convergence. She reverses what Asami has done and uses it to restore everyone’s bending. So she has to come to the hard part. Amon makes it clear, no matter what, even without the ability to energy bend or without Vaatu, Amon will never stop, Benders will never be safe. Korra shows Asami what she was denied. Korra loves her and forgives her. Asami gives up and accepts whatever punishment.
During Book 3, Asami would work with Korra in stopping and killing the Red Lotus society. However, when Zaheer is stopped. He is left at the mercy of Asami and for everything he’s done and turned her into. Asami kills him.
Book 4 happens. Asami’s redemption is rebuilding Republic City and using Future Industries to repair the damage she’s done as Amon. Blah blah blah Korra stops Kuvira blah blah. Asami earns her redemption and the love of Republic City, the krew and more importantly Korra. Ends with Korra and Asami venturing in the Spirit World and ends with a kiss.
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musenilla · 11 months ago
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“Let this be the last time Avatar.” - Equalist!Asami AU aka what we could’ve had 😔🔥
Saw somewhere that Asami was supposed to be part of the Equalists in s1?? and that her and Korra would fight before they officially meet?? oHHH THE POTENTIALL NO ONE TALK TO MEE
Anyways, have some korrasami + some lovely extras I’ve done over the past week. Gonna go headfirst into continuing commissions now byee
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whatifitookalilnap · 7 months ago
Equalist Asami is doing her best okay:
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xenaisnumber1 · 10 months ago
LoK really planned on making Asami an equalist but loved her so much they decided to have her turn on her father and have Korra fall head over heels in love with her huh? The power she has.
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backwards-blackbird · 2 months ago
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...Yeah, the revolution can wait. ❄️
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slutpoppers · 3 months ago
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Tenzin being the baddest ever.
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waywardpersonsuit · 2 months ago
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risingsoleil · 2 months ago
Equalist Pema x AU Linzin Idea
If you're wondering why I was MIA again, you guessed it.
I was abroad. I try to be creative even on my trips, but I'm either too exhausted or focused on enjoying my time lol
Anyway, so I've been thinking about Pema becoming an Equalist in AU Linzin's world.
Here's the breakdown:
Before Pema confessed, she had heard rumors about Lin murdering people for her job (they were criminals). It only fed her reasoning why Lin was never the right fit for Tenzin and their kids. She would gossip about this with the other acolytes
Pema transfers to another temple, but finds the routine really dull and that she's lost a sense of purpose. This goes on for several years. To reinvorgate her interests in the Air Nation, Pema decides to take on more nomadic activities for the temples. She works on other temples, but pretty much avoids RC
Somehow she does end up back in RC as tensions increasingly rise between nonbenders and benders. Linzin and their children have grown much older now, and Pema tries to keep them both out of her mind
Pema ends up at an Equalist rally and is drawn to the rhetoric that is preached. The triggering and humiliating rejection Tenzin gave her, along with Lin being Lin pushes her further toward the Equalist movement
Amon gets wind about an acolyte showing interest in their movement and has some of the more senior members of his agenda meet with Pema to lock her in. Finding out that she has some hard feelings toward Lin and Tenzin only makes her a gift to Amon
Pema goes MIA with the acolytes and quits. Doesn't say anything, returns to normal clothes and looks like any other person on the street (As she usually does anyway, so not that difficult to begin with)
Knowing taht she's not welcome on the island, Pema makes connections with other acolytes in town. She uses a fake name to talk with them and get information about Tenzin and his airbending children, in a non-creepy way. Amon's already got enough info on Beifong, and Pema only gets triggered when it comes to her.
When she finds out that Amon can take away bending, the gears turn in her head. She could bring Amon the airbending kids and have him equalize them. Then Tenzin would once again be the "last" airbender, and forced to create more airbenders. With her. Or would it just be worse if he lost his bending, too? Decisions, decisions.
Also, taking away bending is such a pacifist strategy to promote equality. Even if she would love to slap Lin
But Jin Beifong and Areum Beifong need to be equalized definitely. Lin too, if they can get her because she's such a bitch
By chance, she meets Kang and Areum and "befriends" them to get even more accurate information about the family. They think she's some nice woman who doesn't like any of the tensions in the city
You can decide the choice for the final outcome:
Pema tries to confront/fight Lin, she falls off a cliff and Lin tries to save her. She doesn't make it
Pema goes to jail
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lovelooksgudonu · 10 months ago
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asami sato <3
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strayconstellation · 10 months ago
don't you look good in red?
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song inspo linked to pic
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whatifitookalilnap · 7 months ago
Equalist Asami is having love problems:
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wolfgirl-thals-0606 · 9 months ago
Inside me are two wolves:
One is kinda glad we didn't get the Equalist Asami + Redemption arc in LoK. 1) the whole problem with the first two seasons is that the creators thought that was it. Any attempt at redemption would've have been really rushed and rough. 2) a redemption arc would've only been compared to Zuko's arc, and been fuel for the Korra haters whether it was done well or not. 3) she's awesome as a protagonist who turns on her father and stays true to her ideals.
The other desperately wishes we'd gotten hot villain Asami Sato with an enemies to allies to friends to lovers arc with Korra.
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