#the episode is mad as a hatter btw!
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helpfandom · 6 months ago
Hi, I stumbled upon your Yandere BTAS, which, along with Cape Crusader, is new. These are my top two favorite iterations of Batman. I was wondering if you could do BTAS-Bruce Wayne/Batman with an autistic Y/N. Where his need to protect leads to full-on smothering and Y/N is forced to stay in the manor rather than attend public school, etc. Can be headcannons or full stories. btw, I love your work, especially the yandere platonic.
Thank you anon!! I haven't seen Caped Crusader so I went with B;TAS!!
I actually got my autism diagnosis which was interesting, because so many traits I didn't realize were autistic traits, so I'll probably redo my asks about autism soon.
Can anyone guess the episode this comes from?
@lonleydweller and also @artisticdoofusxx because I think you would like this one
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He met you, somehow, the details are irrelevant, but most likely through just interacting with his city, or perhaps he heard your name muttered through the city, no matter what, he's a little interested in how a kid like you gets through Gotham City with it's hustle, bustle and crime filled nature.
Naturally, at the start, he's not going to do much until Robin mentions a classmate of his with the same name as you and the same characteristics and... it's you. The same person he was curious about.
Well, why not do some research anyway?
He's certainly... intrigued with you. Far more than his normal obsessions would be, he's just... a little worried. (Far more than worried, really, it's bordering on insanity with how often he finds something and thinks of you - whether it be a crime he worries that you could have been the victim of, or simply a busy street that seems overstimulating to even him, the dark knight. He practically becomes a hypochondriac when he thinks of you, not worried about him, but worried about you.)
But when he finally does muster up enough reasons and courage to do it in his mind to actually kidnap take you home? He's far, far worse than he was then. It's already stressful enough for you to have been kidnapped by Bruce Wayne, the most successful man in Gotham, but his smothering borders on suffocating when you finally get used to living a new space, everything you've ever looked at or considered being spotted there in the mansion, but you're not allowed to leave, to see those you considered friends. Only Dick and Alfred and HIM as your only source of human contact.
Oh, and if anyone finds out that you, Bruce's newest and latest child is autistic, and decides to attempt to capitalize on that?
You are never seeing the outside again after that.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years ago
Hello!! :D Hope your day has gone well!!
What are your thoughts on various Mad Hatters? Which one is your current favorite??
(Also could you recommend a Jervis comic mayhaps?? Been wanting to try read Batman Rogue comics ^^)
Asdfghh where how where how...where do I begin with the mad lads asdfghh I'll give a tiny explanation as to why I love the versions I write for, that's a decent place to start lol. So, sorry not sorry you've opened the floodgates lmao, because of that there's a read more tab, sorry if you weren't quite expecting this lengthy response.
Arkhamverse Jervis: Definitely one of my favorite voices for him by far (Roddy for BTAS/TNBA is still a huge favorite). Also, his voice tapes with Strange in City absolutely twist my heart every time (not to mention the end of his mission when you go back to see him. He only wanted a friend hng), I think they could've done a lot with him, his short mission in City left much to be desired. The Wonderland hallucination in Origins and the storybook from Knight where amazing. While the writing is a wee topsy turvy, I do adore how they showed progression to his unyielding mental state (via, rhyming, literally Batman or anyone being Alice, and any word associated with Wonderland must be a part of it in Knight). And in City hinted at just how unnerved Jervis can be about himself and how he feels when he's lucid. I definitely get inspired by a lot of his character beats and traumas for sure (in my writing btw lmao)
BTAS Jervis: Ahaha the golden mad lad, my first Hatter encounter! I've always been a fan of Alice in Wonderland when I was watching BTAS (wanting to know what the hype was about as an animation student) so when I saw an episode called Mad as a Hatter I was intrigued lmao. I had no idea Jervis even existed and what a super strong intro episode too. Again Roddy is probably my favorite voice for him. Just...it's so warm and pleasant to listen to. I also appreciate that they didn't make this Hatter a one-trick pony? Nowadays a lot of DC writers sorta stick to the kidnapping/murdering women thing but BTAS Jervis literally tried to stop Batman before Batman could even do anything, so he can get Batman out of the way, he stole from Gotham's elite so he can run away on an island of his own? Also probably one of the more mentally stable of the Hatters and definitely the most romantic.
TNBA Jervis: Aww Ratter, sweet mad lad. I love rodents so the fact that the fandom has dubbed this version ratter and for the right reasons makes me so incredibly giddy. He's supposed to technically be BTAS just a different design, and as jarring as the changes may be, I think it still works, and again we see different motivations of Jervis other than him finding an Alice.
Secret Six (2006) Jervis: Hehehehe definitely one of my favorite Jervi. I absolutely love this mad, brilliant, druggy, powerful, silly nudist. This version is a prime example of just how powerful Jervis can be and why he should be depicted more as a threat (I have a thought that most of the time, Jervis leans more into his whimsy/playful attributes as a way to catch enemies off-guard, that's not to say he isn't that way in general, but I can see him using it to his utmost advantage). Also just wanna point out that this version was written by a woman, Gail Simone, who has canonically pinned Jervis to having amazing rizz and not to mention fangirls/fanboys that wanna marry him (and has an incredible "head" game) and I will forever love her for that.
Joker's Asylum Jervis: Aww, ohh, dear sweet mad lad, gotta grab tissues for this guy. One of the stronger of the Mad Hatter-centric comics. This comic delves into Jervis' psyche which a lot of DC writers almost refuse to even look at or consider (like...guys, I can do it...if I can do it I KNOW you can too). This comic shows what the Arkham games hint at, and that's that Jervis has/feels REMORSE. Probably one of the few rogues that do, he genuinely can't help it. He wants to get better, he wants to not be a threat. He wants companionship but fails miserably every time and the cycle continues. When I read this comic, it wouldn't leave my head for days. It is definitely what inspired my fic Love and Suds because my story is somewhat of an "what if" scenario like what if he did have someone there when he was spiraling and trying to fight off the delusions and madness.
Gotham Jervis: asdfgjkjj it...it took some time for me to like this one lmao. I have grievances across the board with Gotham as a whole. What they did to Jervis is no exception to that, he's interesting that he's a pure hypnotist and how apparently there are rules to that. It's one of the first (if not the only time?) Jervis isn't a scientist, but purely a hypnotist (before becoming a hypnotist criminal, it happens). I won't go too deep into him, esp. if you haven't seen this version but yeah just...he has potential he really does, he's just another example of a Jervis done dirty (and not the fun way)
Harley Quinn The Animated Series Jervis: red-head jervis, red-head jervis, red-head jervis my beloved. I love Jervis with red hair almost as much as blonde (and that's just personal preference cause I'm blonde lmao) From an artist stand point, his design is just really, really appealing to me. The bright complimenting colors, the wild spiky hair, the teeth, and the coke fingernail was a neat added detail (a buddy for S6 for sure). He was so criminally underused I will never forgive the show for what they did (him and other rogues as well). He's also very giddy, fun, but also still demented and violent.
To say the least...I can't choose just one current solidary favorite, I have grown to love them all in various ways, from their design to their personalities and voices. But my top three will definitely have to be; BTAS, Arkhamverse, and Secret Six. Joker's Asylum is also a super super close fourth. When I write for my "general" Hatter, I usually borrow traits, traumas, and mannerisms from these four.
As for comics I would recommend, here's a couple Jervis-centric ones to get you started. Also be weary and make sure you have an ad-blocker just in case. You shouldn't have to know too much backstory from other comics to understand them.
Secret Six (2006) Issue #1
Joker's Asylum: Mad Hatter
Sorry this got so long lmao, but thank you for letting me infodump and fixate on the Mad Lads, I've been having a rough time lately, and this has definitely lifted my spirits thinking about these guys lol.
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zapsoda · 2 years ago
also btw to all my welcome home enjoying mutuals ive been spinning that alice in wonderland au from those other posts around in my head like crazy. i think it wouldd be awesome if they had a lil alice in wonderland parody type episode like how anime does. like black butler and ouran okay. anyways ive been doodling. i have ideas
but mostly i think mad hatter wally would have a paint water teacup and a tea teacup (because hes painting ehehe) and he would get them mixed up and drink the paint water in a funny gag. just as every artist has.
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emocatkeith · 4 years ago
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My very first screenshot redraw! From the episode “Mad as a Hatter”; if any of y’all seen my recent posts, you can tell it’s my favorite episode. I think this is my favorite scene, where Jervis looks downright deranged at this point. I also just like the lighting and pose.
Btw appreciate the file name I made for this
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captainshazamerica · 4 years ago
APPLAUSE FOR OLD MAN BRUCE 👏👏👏 I'm glad bruce actually did it. Jason my son he's lost his shit entirely and ahem episode 3 don't wanna say too much in case you haven't watched that one yet but boy my fave excuse me jason! F*ckk. Okay but I feel kinda robbed like we coulda had a backflash of batgirl and jason as robin and bruce mildly scolding him for his choice of language while babs pisses herself laughing love to have seen him go off on mad hatter and hatter being like batman you have instilled absolutely zero manners into your little cape wearing child. this guy as jason/robin plus the characterization is perfect this redhood on the other hand is very interesting very heartbreaking and I very much wanna whack him with something although that's what started this mess sooo maybe not btw thanks for the not link lol I managed to get an app thingy to avoid pop up shit but the freakin audio is a couple secs out on the video and it stops and starts kinda but at least it works so, I had to use Yt to rewatch the fight scenes DUDE dick smiling and kinda teasing the bad guys before he eskrima's the shit out of them and electrifying the stair case was yooo Gar fanboying in wayne manor and the bat cave is EVERYTHING and and gar watching nature docs and talking to jason as if he's there😢 and oh my gosh mama kory telling gar and kon what happened and trying to make sure they don't end up that way 😢 I f*cking love her and her suit! starfire looks the best outta everyone's suits, nightwings suit is okay aside from the ken doll situation at this point I feel like they were trying to make a dick joke with that cuz like why 😅 Inside wayne manor is mostly green like what's up with the decor bruce, isn't green jokers colour? It feels weird to sign this but hi it's batanon you could probably tell that anyway
RIGHT! I WAS THINKING OF YOU WHEN BRUCE DID THE THING! i was like OMG BATANON WAS RIGHTTTTTT! I can't believe dc actually did it! Proud of them, even tho this bruce is even more emotionally constipated than usual xD
OMG RIGHT! Gosh I wished they would have actually shown that jason cussing out the mad hatter scene omg, that was pure GOLD and SOOO in character omg, I can picture it soo well though!
Speaking of, JASONNN, boy, like it was just as much angst as I was expecting omg. And right, isnt his acting amazing?! Gosh that kid is killing it, you can just see he is putting his heart and soul into the role! and they absolutely NAILED Red Hood's intro scene, like he even said some of the exact lines from Under The Hood! And yes, Im so glad you also like the characterization cause the opinions seemed very mixed. I personally like the route they are taking and keeping us guessing by not making it exactly the same and having stuff be revealed in time and us just having to guess and pick up clues! Like I DEF think Scarecrow is behind it/him/is apart of it. That gas he took before he died reminded me so much of fear toxin in looks and reaction (the way his pupils dilated), like it seems like anti fear toxin.
"I very much wanna whack him with something although that's what started this mess" OMG I literally laughed out loud omg nooo xD
And Im sooo glad you were able to watch it!!! aw man, sucks that it keeps glitching tho :(
Omg i LOVED Dick's little smirk and the constant swinging of the eskrima's and teasing and ahh, its so in character! I love where they are taking Dick this season and how he is trying to save Jason and called him his brother and ahhhh
GAR IS SO PURE!!!! I love that boy so freaking much, him watching those nature docs was too cute, and narrating for them omg. And yes, I knew Gar would be dying inside to see the batcave xD
RIGHT, I loved Mama Kory in this!!! She has always had that relationship with Gar but now with Conner and its even stronger ahhh. And that protective mamma bear hug she gave Gar at the end of episode 3 omg, my heart. And yaaass, her suit looks SO GOOOOOD!!
"nightwings suit is okay aside from the ken doll situation at this point I feel like they were trying to make a dick joke" LMAO, I didnt even notice that ahahahahaha.
I didnt notice the green decor either, that is super interesting hmmm.
What did you think of Tim?! I know we only saw him for like 5 mins BUT I ALREADY LOVE HIM SO MUCH OMG
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kryptsune · 4 years ago
Kit’s OC Time {Part 2}
🌼So I got this wonderful ask from @chocolatetwix and I got super excited. There is a lot here so I just decided to make a huge post about it. That and I can save it and work on it too so that’s a bonus. You can’t really do that with asks. This will be in a couple different parts so that it’s not too overwhelming!
Let’s continue! 
Costume/ CC: Back in my DA days I used to draw a lot of animals and I had a fursona as well. Now I am not sure if I am going to keep her or not but I do actually still like her design. I might just tweak it a tad.
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I have an incredible piece of artwork from Nukerooster of her and I just need to share. Go check them out as well (>>>LINK HERE<<<) 
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Akuma: Another fluffy boy but I have this OC named Akuma, original... I know. He will most likely make an appearance in my Hell world once I re work him a bit. Basically he was a demon that caused a lot of Chaos and havoc but messed with the wrong village. Mid transformation he got a blessed sword rammed through his chest keeping him that way until the sword is released. It also perpetually bleeds, never heals, and drains his power. Poor demon baby boy. Also I realize that he is old... but like... I still love his design if that is even possible. He used to be red in color which I will post and then I redrew him a few years ago to see how he would look more current. Now he is teal ish. 
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Nuke also did this incredible one of Akuma. 
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Because of my major I sometimes randomly come up with cute RPG character designs and I really wanted to do one of little monster animals. I created this little guy during one of my classes. 
Spip: He is a little vampire ghost bunny. The cross shaped vile around his neck is filled with his HP restore (Blood) If you have a lot the vial will be full but if you don’t have enough it will deplete over time. Poor little Spip just wants to be friends with people but because of what he is they run away. He is kind of my homage to Bunicula if anyone remembers that book. I have ideas for his little buddies too like a Frankenstein cat and so forth. Just a cute little idea.
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Lastly we have the Infernum (name will probably change I am kind of thinking about calling it Twisted Otherworlds or just Otherworlds) cast which is even larger than the Hell side and I don’t even want to think about that right now X’D It is a little overwhelming. What I do have however are some of the designs I made for them, costume wise. This was back during my fashion degree projects. Think realms with twisted fairytale characters that happen to used to be real people from different periods in time. This is the point I really started to dig into the horror genre and it kind of shows though looking back I think I always kind of have been... 
The story is basically a fairytale romp and during the day light hours it’s perfectly fine all zanny and fun but at night is a whole other story. You see the souls that live in these Realms used to be living breathing people. The only thing is that if you end up here though you lose all memory of that life. The Madness which is like a magical curse infects these souls and turns them into their own personal fears or horrors. It’s all back story based and intense so I won’t go into it. There are different monsters and characters and even though it’s an older idea I do think it still has a lot of potential. The realms of the Muses so to speak. Their day and night are switched as well so no matter where you are in the world you dream in the daylight and it’s night there soooo your usually going to get a pretty lucid horrifying nightmare but if you sleep during the night time you will have good dreams. Just don’t fall asleep during the day light hours X’D 
Anywhoo! Here are some of my favorites and again these are really old so their designs will be tweaked for the long run. I also apologize for the quality the actual PSD files are not on my laptop so I have to settle with the project photos I took a long time ago. In order you have the Rae the Black Rabbit, Lucian the Hatter, Ace the Cheshire Cat, Crow (probably change the spelling) the Scarecrow, The Woodsman, and one of Pan’s Lost Boys. I also included the top hats I made for them because I still think they are pretty neat!
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There are also some REALLY old designs for the Twisted Otherworld characters. They had more of an anime flair to them. That said there are a couple characters that I want to share since they are actually important despite the artwork being older than Methuselah. 
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Maximillian March/ Mad March: Crazy March Hare? I think so. He is a puppet master of sorts in the story and I have to redraw him but he has these deep swirly eyes and sharp teeth. (huh... looks like that design choice happened a long time ago... WELP)
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Tweedles: One of my friends was able to pick this out immediately but yea... these are the Tweedles. Their nightmarish 1910′s gas mask Orwellian horror cyborg versions anyway. I have a full image of Dee somewhere that I need to find... (edit) AH there he is... btw I was like 15 when I did this design so I gotta question what the heck was going through my brain.. unless it was that Doctor Who episode with the children that just freaked me out... yeah.. that was probably it. Are those real organs and muscles you ask... yes... yes they are.
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90s-belladonna · 5 years ago
a DC request if that’s ok? relationship headcannons for Mad Hatter and a favorite Batman villain of your own ☺️ thank you! Oh and thank you for following me, I hope my reblogs don’t annoy you 😅
your reblogs are great! I wasn’t sure if you wanted the comic version or the Gotham version but I based it off of the comic version just in case since I don’t really watch Gotham. but I did use the gif from Gotham though since their version is easier on the eyes.
Mad Hatter & Poison Ivy Relationship Headcanons
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Mad Hatter
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- makes you grow out and dye your hair blonde
- calls you alice. oh you liked your birth name? yeah forget that you’re alice now.
- makes you join him for tea parties
- speaking of tea, he will only drink tea made by you from now on
- has tweedledee and tweedledum take care of you, instead of join him, while he’s off robbing banks and planning complex schemes that will surely piss off the bat.
- likes that he actually doesn’t have to use mind control to get you to like him
- has asked you multiple times to help him stop being villainous, he always fails since being crazy is in his nature
- You did somehow managed to convince him to stop kidnapping children through mind control for other villains and just focus on robberies
- He likes to sit on your lap and either read alice in wonderland to you or try to explain neuroscience to you, you don’t mind since he looks extremely happy doing both
- He’ll often ask you for ideas for schemes since he’s fond of how imaginative you can be
- He’s not all nice though, if for whatever reason you two get in a heated argument where it looks like you may leave him, he won’t hesitate to make you drink some of his special tea and tie you to a chair until you calm down and see that he’s in the right
- He’ll often test his inventions on you first and treat them as if they were gifts.
- however he will often make hats specially for you, no mind control tech imbedded in them btw, and will refuse to let you wear the same hat twice
- You’ll often have to deal with Batman interrogating you or holding you against your will to get to Tetch.
- For the most part he tries to keep you out of the illegal activity he does
- he likes when you read him other works by lewis carrol , alice in wonderland however is for him and only him to read to you
- When he’s in one of his episodes ,basically right before one of his schemes, it’s impossible to get him to stop speaking in alice in wonderland quotes so like bare with him.
- Surprisingly at first he’s not one to show too much affection, you’re like a precious glass sculpture to him, one he must observe and not touch.
- ^ however as your relationship progresses he will be more affectionate and always keep you by his side, it’ll be rare that he won’t have his arm wrapped around your waist
- When he eventually gets caught and locked up he won’t expect you to break him out, in fact he rather you not partake in any criminal activity in fear that you’ll be put away too, but once you successfully break him out he won’t know what to do with himself... like he loves you (?) in his own way and always thought you only put up with him because you kind of had to but once you break him out he’ll know for a fact you love him too
- he won’t hesitate to kill any other villains or henchmen who even look your way though, you’re all his and you’re too precious to be tainted by them
- expect to be covered in only the finest clothing, nothing is too good for his alice
- all in all he’s very protective of you and cares for you a lot, again in his own way...
Poison Ivy
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- she won’t put up with your crap what so ever, she’ll call you out if she doesn’t like something you’re doing
- arguments aren’t really that bad, like you two will actually talk things through like civilized adults
- She’s very affectionate behind closed doors but she’s not really huge on pda, mainly because if she’s going to give you attention she’s wants you to be the only object of her attention with no outside distractions or intrusions
- She’s proclaimed you as “the best humanity has to offer”
- When she’s stressed she’ll want to braid your hair
- In public she acts like she’s annoyed by your affection so no one will try to mess with you to get to her, but in reality if anything were to happen to you she wouldn’t hesitate to destroy everyone for you
- She won’t ask you for help when it comes to taking care of her plants but if she catches you watering them her heart will literally melt, she’s a softie
- Constantly reminds you that you’re beautiful and perfect in every way
- ^ and in turn you’ll have to remind her of the good in her
- Often you’ll act as her conscience and let her know when she’s going a bit extreme
- Villains will try to kidnap you just to get her to comply with their schemes which will lead to her rescuing you either on her own or with the help of the gcs, Batman, or one of his “bat brats”.
- She loves kissing your forehead before bed and she can’t go to sleep unless you two are cuddling.
- She’s the big spoon, sorry I don’t make the rules.
- She enjoys that you care about the environment and constantly look into charity events that you two can partake in to help save the planet
- She doesn’t mind if you want to help with her schemes but expects you to stay safe since she can’t get anything done if she’s worrying about you
- Isn’t even phased anytime you beat someone up for over sexualizing her, at this point she’s used to you defending her honor
- She knows she’ll never really be a hero but you make her want to be a better person.
- Overall your relationship would be pretty chill and domestic
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maggot-magnet · 6 years ago
I paused this episode (lol I don't remember what it was) and got this.
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I sent it to a friend and they replied with
And didn't text me back for the rest of the day.
Sometimes I swear that the animated series cut as much budget at possible btw. Example is the episode "Mad as a Hatter" Like bro cmon you had enough money to make it just a little bit better.
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venus-says · 6 years ago
Aikatsu! Episodes 41-45
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Do you believe in Happy Endings?
SO CLOSE TO THE END!!!!! I can’t believe how fast this has been. BTW, I’m watching 5 episodes today and I have a bunch of stuff to do, so If my already isolated comments look even more isolated today is because I’ll be watching the episodes through out the day instead of sitting up and watching all at once. I wouldn’t be able to watch all five of them otherwise so. Let’s get going!
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This episode barely started and we're already getting some hot takes. XD So sad Shion is treated as an outsider by the producers and they kept her out of Star Anis, I like her a lot. :( Though I'm glad they gave a reasonable reason (?) for her to be out. RAN IS TOO ADORABLE.
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The fact that Kaede doesn't know what pillow fights are is both cute and worrisome. XD HELP ALL THESE CUTE MOMENTS WITH THE GIRLS IN THE HOTEL. MIZUKI GETTING SHY!!!!!!!! LIKE AOI WOULD SAY RARE!!!!!! Okay the loss of power before the concert was a great conflict, I'm glad they didn't had to deal with the actual typhoon. I like how Mizuki gives each girl something to do to entertain the audience but Ichigo and Yurika she just goes "act as yourselves" because they don't have an odd talent to show off. XD GOSH. THIS LIVE WAS EPIC. OOF. wait the name of the next episode is something something finale, are they ending the summer tour already????? But it has been just ONE EPISODE????
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bleh they really skipped to the end of the tour.
I would have some nice things to say about this last tour event, and how nice it is for artists to have a place to share some intimacy with fans without it being creepy, but I'm really bitter that they skipped the whole tour so I just have a very boring face to all of this.
They've hung a poster in the wall of a room they will be using for just one day... well it' a really nice poster so I'll let that pass. XD
Man I wasn't expecting Kaede's back story to be this deep. It makes me appreciate her even more. And make it more unfair how poorly treated she is in the series.
Also side note: I know from what I read that Ichigo goes away to the States in the end of S1, I'm glad they're showing this interest of her since early on instead of making something random for give the last episode a twist. good job.
Yurika's fans are a blessing.
yeah not a lot to say about this one. NEXT.
Star Anis having a "popular girl walking around school" montage is... weird. XD
Thank God this is a Shion episode.
"A original story" pls they just made the Queen of Hearts not a villain, you can't say that's original. XD
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Aoi so cool.
"All the other actors have come down with colds" how convenient.Not that I'm complaining though because...
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...Ran looks extremely good in this Mad Hatter outfit.
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Mizuki is way too OP. lol
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PRECIOUS. Gosh this is the best audition ever.
Episode focused on boyzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Okay I thought I would've nothing to say about this episode but hey they mentioned the issues of why Nao wants to keep his band a secret and why did he had Aoi's rare cards from past episodes so, I'm glad I think.
"Bankatsu" lol
Yeah like I expected nothing to say about this episode. The thing I wanted to know the most wasn't answered so I'm disappointed. But hey now we know Naoto has a sister so, I guess that's cool.
Pool episode next... yay... orz
Yeah like I expected, again, nothing to say. The episode wasn't bad though, I just would rather see more of Star Anis tour instead of these past two (and maybe the next one too) episodes.
But this pool episode gave us a nice Ichigo x Mizuki moment, so that's cool.
But more importantly...
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I have nothing else to say after this. XD see you tomorrow guys.
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cornus27florida · 2 years ago
I've just read Aqua's fic of "Gwendolyn in Wonderland" and imho the story is not matching the classical Alice in Wonderland (AIW) but more similar to movie titled "Coraline" because the inhabitants (the fake Jamie, Maria and Lorena) trying to make 'MC' Gwen to stays in their 'home' with attempting something to the MC (in the fic is the scheme to make Gwen 'beautiful', while in Coraline is to change one eyes to the button)
But then there's character to snap MC that things isn't real and the MC should break free (in Coraline is spirits of children that trapped in that world, while in Aqua fic is Frederick-look-alikne named Fabian that warning Gwen)
Back to AIW, I wonder how the story of the dream for Gwen goes.. remembering the witch saying, memories of Gwen meeting friends-acquintance and so on could appearing in the dream - the sound already seeping in her dream by transforming into her dream. The smell could be plot points later on, probably from Lorena's Flowers that protecting Gwen
Also @randomgentlefolk, thank you for answering! Also tbh I never watched any AIW movies, the one that I could say I truly read is Disney version of Alice in Wonderland.. but I think no matter the version of AIW, the premise of the story is: the MC, Alice, somehow entering a wonder - not real - place (not necessary the Wonderland) and interacting with inhabitants there (the characters in AIW is so diverse.. but I think the most common characters to be exist in AIW stories are Mad Hatter, March Hare, Chesire cat, Dormouse and the Red Queen) - AIW could be a trippy and could be 'confusing' tale but I think the most common goal is to showing that Wonderland isn't real and the MC should back to their real world - which i think it Will be a nice goal for Gwen to wake herself up from the dream.
Btw in AIW there's changeable role of 'the guide' for Alice wanders in the Wonderland, usually the bunny with hand clock and hurried to run (the end goal usually the red Queen palace), I wonder who's gonna be.. does the role of guide literally that yellow bunny marshmallow? Who's gonna be the red Queen, if the AIW in CPC goes to classical style?
Ust thought of mine there, and I wish Frederick could appear too in Gwen dream - as Gwen appeared Twice in Frederick's dream.. I wonder if now Frederick could appear in Gwen's dream and probably be the role of snapper of reality or the guide.. or even the 'red queen' version of the story?
[EXTENDED] AIW is fantasy tale that has many versions and various media depicted it (also be element in many series including anime), be it the popular light hearted one of Disney style, to the classical one made by Lewis Caroll in 1865 - but I think overall we could agree for this :
the story of a young girl named Alice who falls through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world of anthropomorphic creatures. It is seen as an example of the literary nonsense genre. + Alice's Adventures in Wonderland represents the child's struggle to survive in the confusing world of adults. To understand our adult world, Alice has to overcome the open-mindedness that is characteristic for children.
Which in sense, I feel AIW is similar to Frederick's favorite book (the real world version is 'the little prince') because both is telling adventure of the MC meets various characters as representation of humans - like life quirks (the prince meets overworked adult in one planet that keeps rotate quicker, for example) or mental illness (theorized that white rabbit represent general anxiety) or things (e.g The Mad Hatter and March Hare represent Challenge for Intellinge, The White rabbit is time, The Chesire cat is guidance, The Queen of Heart is the expectations).
Back to Gwendolyn in the AIW from episode 'the Dream', we meet 3 CPC members in AIW style party: Monika as Dormouse.. err a crow, is represent Proletariat, and I think by being a crow she's not doing anything big to the story. Prez Calpernia/the Mad Hatter and Whitney/March Hare - actually a cat, which both represents intelligence challenge for Gwen 'Alice' (I believe with the way Gwen following the bunny, she clearly becomes Alice) especially after Prez confronting Gwen to help 'Humpty Dumpty' (character trait: Humpty Dumpty is rude, imperious, and self-important. He insists that he can make words mean whatever he wants them to (though he pays them more for extra work) and he reprimands Alice for not being properly polite.) = I somehow feel as depicted in the dream, Humpty Dumpty being shattered is truly the representation of Gwen being shattered.. and to could back to reality/awake, like Alice in AIW - putting Humpty Dumpty as a whole is so important.
Thou I feel the putting back Humpty Dumpty as a whole is not easy process, and there's high chance we see more of people in Gwen's life as AIW characters which could help her - be it guide her (the chesire cat role) or confronting Alice so she could back to reality (the queen of hearts). Those 2 important role, I feel one of it could be Frederick - and I hope Leelathae/Lilyth could appear in Gwen's dream too.. but I am not sure which one is which
In the end, I wonder how the dream sequence will goes as it coincidentally in the same time as whatever schemes that Leland the Plaid Kingdom cooks up..
P.S: Sorry.. really apologize to write these too long and not in easy way to read.. just hope what I mean is depicted thou
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Well, someone predicted the future @deldeldel90
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captainswanfairytale · 8 years ago
6x21-22 The Final Battle
Well, there were a lot of throwbacks, and a lot of feels, and a surprise ending we all pretty much knew was coming right?
Previously on...is showing clips from the first season, and I'm already emotional.
Fiona made it so that everything wasn't real, all it did was land Emma in the nuthouse for believing in him.
Also Fiona is the mayor and Henry's "mother" in this reality, ohh shit.
"She took you from your wedding to theirs."
Hook waking up with Snowing and Baby Charming and Regina in the EF, in THEIR CASTLE. That just gave me some feels ngl, I always dreamed we'd have them all together there, but of course Emma and Henry are missing.
Fiona suggesting that Emma go back to Boston when she's released, if that day comes, if she burns the book to prove to Henry that she doesn't believe.
They were all able to see Fiona and Emma through the mirror back in the EF. AHHH OMG! THEY'RE SO WORRIED ABOUT HER!
They use the hat to go into the room with the doors to realms, and Oz is nothing but blackness, and the others are fading, the realms are being destoryed, that's the Black Fairy's plan. OHH SNAP!
All the refugees from the realms in the room. Regina mentions seeing someone from Arendelle, and then Jasmine and Aladdin are there. Hook thinks he knows where to find something to help but Regina wants to do things her way, so of course he sneaks off.
Killian was talking about the beanstalk! He wants to go up the beanstalk again..."Bloody hell, it's taller than I rememebered." Charming followed him and is trying to tell him not to risk making Emma a widow. And Killian tells him he's climbed it before, that it was his and Emma's first adventure. THAT THEY FOUGHT FOR THEIR LOVE AND HE'S NOT GONNA LET IT END THERE. Charming seeing how upset he was and is going with him up the beanstalk, YES I'M CRYING!
Henry trying to get her to remember by taking her to the rooftop, and she does a lil, but then he agrees to help her try and leave...hmmm.
Henry stealing the Storybook from Fiona, and she knows he knows this place is not real.
Fiona just magically pushed Henry down a flight of stairs. WHATTTTTTTTT. ARE YOU EVEN ALLOWED TO DO THAT TO A KID ON TV OMG. I mean I know he doesn't look that little anymore, but still!!!
Fiona faking being upset over Henry's accident to Rumple, haha okay.
Jack and the Beanstalk was always one of my fave fairytales, now we have Charming and Killian very tiny in a very oversized room. Killian saying he should be the one to swing up onto the table, and when Charming aggrees, he's suprised that he's trusting a pirate, Charming says no, his "Son..." and when Killian gives him the eyebrow, the adds, "in law." LOL OMG, AND YESSS, CRIESSSSSSSS, BEST BRO-SON-IN-LAW-OTP EVER. BUT KILLIAN GOT THE BEAN OMG! AND NOW THEY'RE RUNNING FROM A DRAGON!
Emma put the book into the incinorator, just as Charming and Killian are coming down the beanstalk, the darkness is overtaking the EF. As it's buring the book pages are turning and Emma sees the one of Killian, that got her attention, but it's still burning!!!
Charming catching Killian when he was falling, and then he falls anyway!!! And the beanstalk falls with Charming still it, and on top of Killian, who says to Snow..."Hello there, Mummy." Her face, OMG! "There was a wedding." Is Snow's explanation when Jasmine looks confused. David's not there and they need to look for him but Snow tells Killian to take the bean and get to Henry and Emma, YESSSSSSSSS.
EMMA'S BACK AT HER NEW YORK APARTMENT! Which apparently is still hers after 2 years away, lol. Always did love the the script writing on her door.
Emma already gets a call about a bail jumper. And Henry made her a storybook drawn on his own.
Killian taking the bean to Regina, who's upset that she left Snow behind..."She'll find David, she always does." HAHA YES!
Snow found Charming and he wasn't moving or breathing so of course she's gotta kiss him in that state, and of course he wakes up! While the play clips of their first waking up from the curse kiss, awe man these two.
"Snow we're gonna be fine, darkness never wins, it just fools you into thinking it does." AWE
Henry barging into Rumple's shop..."I'm not a customer, I'm your grandson." And Gold as being awake to the curse, again.
Henry asking Gold to help him save his family...OUR FAMILY. YESSSSSS.
Henry wanted Charmings sword, to go against the Dark Fairy himself, Regina was watching and Killian says he's a tough lad, but they need to get further from the curse so they can use the bean and get to Henry and Emma...So Evil Queen is holding them back, nice self sacrifice and atonement moment.
Baby Charming crying as the curse is circling around them all, (what did they do to make that baby cry omg), they are all huddling omg, shit shit shit.
Fiona tempting Gold with bringing back Baelfire from the dead, yeah they're trying to fit everything into these last 2 episodes, making sure they don't miss a throwback. Bet they won't mention Graham or Ruby.
Fiona has control of Gideon, and told him to kill Emma, WHOMP, Rumple actually killed Fiona though, damn. Now he's killed both his parents.
BUT NOW EVERYONE REMEMBERS, INCLUDING EMMA! Just in time for Gideon to show up all menacing like to challenge her.
Rumbelle is down in the caves looking for Gideons heart to stop him. She twists her ankle and Rumple has to leave her behind, wtf.
When did Emma stop to put her beanie on when they went outside? Lol. They meet up with everyone in the street, Emma hugs and kisses all over Killian's face.
Regina chooses now to reminisce about the past and how they hated eachother when she first got their and how Emma found a way to make it work, where they were both Henry's mother. And how her Evil Queen saved them all today, having hope that they'll find another way out of this final battle, one where Emma doesn't die.
Rumple is the devil on Gold's shoulder when he finds the heart and needs to make the right choice to save them all. Rumple tries to tell Gideon's heart not to kill Emma, but it didn't work.
"Nobody needs to save me, I'm the savior." Emma giving a big damn speech while being a big damn badass hero. And laying down her sword to die for them all, WHAT NOW!
Henry kneels down and tells Emma he loves her and kisses her on the forehead, so of course it's TLK and he's okay now.
Rumbelle is hugging and all of a sudden Baby!Gideon is back, with Belle's book. THEY GET A REDO! WHATTTTTTT!
Them all standing around the end of the book like...WHAT NOW. And of course Snow is the optimistic one like, we get our happiness, together.
All the realms being restored...Arendelle, Neverland, Wonderland, Agrabah, The Enchanted Forest.
The Charmings. Rainboots by the door. They live on a farm. They have a dog.
Emma and Regina walking Henry to school. SUCH EMBARRASSING MOMS. LOL.
Snow teaching, with the bluebird again.
Emma and Killian in the bug, with his Deputy badge on, and them driving off with the siren going.
The Dwarfs fixing Regina's door, instead of "Mayor" it says "Queen.". And Evil Queen got an arrow with a note from Robin.
Rumbelle gets a beauty and the beast dance.
Everybody at Granny's celebrating, including Rumbelle.
Them all sitting at a long made table like THE LAST SUPPER!
And the little girl that was guarding the book in the forest is now on a train bring a new Once Upon a Time storybook to someone else's door...her fathers...a grown HENRY MILLS! Who doesn't remember having a daughter, who looks alot like Violet btw.
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hyacinthsgirl · 8 years ago
What canon character are you considering ovo
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she’s a minor character of Gotham ( i think she appears in just two/three episodes? i have to keep watching to find out ), but she is such a wow character. she’s the sister of one of the villains and is constantly running away from him, both because he seems to feel a kind of... incestuous love for her and because he’s a psycho who likes fucking up with people’s heads. she’s also constantly on the run because of this virus she has which makes her blood extremely dangerous and can have bad effects on people, like making them go crazy or kill them. not gonna lie, i also fell in love with her and her brother because they are based on Alice and the Mad Hatter ( he is really a Batman villain btw! one of the sickest Mad Hatters you’ll ever meet )
if you want to take a look, this is her!
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mcrmadness · 4 years ago
A few days ago, I started rewatching one of my childhood tv series: the 1966's Batman. This was my first touch to the whole Batman universe, I was 7 or 8 years old and saw some reruns of this show on TV during the summer holidays. And it grew into a hyperfixation and I became a fan almost instantly. My favorite game was to dress up "like" Batman and run around the house or yard as Batman, altho I don't remember what I did. I only remember my outfit which was just a black hoodie, black pants, mom's old wrapping skirt as my cape, and a black scarf I tied around my head and the knot was on my head as ears. I hated the scarf because it wasn't even close to a Batman mask, but it was still better than nothing.
I'm now on the 13th episode of the first season and apparently Batman universe is the only universe that still fills me with so much joy and warm feeling, and I just noticed that I have with this show the exact same thing I have with other media: Gotham, movies, and the Batman: Arkham video games. Every time I see a villain, I just feel like meeting an old friend. I know it sounds weird but most of the time it's because of the actor's portrayal of the character. It's just insane how well some of these actors in all of these favorite medias of mine do or have done. Like, I just recently watched the first episode with Penguin and this version is also my first memory of Penguin ever - just like with the Joker and Catwoman. The Riddler is in these a lot too, but I don't remember him from my childhood that much, bit in other medias, especially in Gotham and in the Batman: Arkham video games he's one of my absolute favourite characters!
But back to Penguin - so this '66 version of Penguin is how I remember Penguin from my childhood and just watching the actor's portrayal makes me feel like a child again, and I'm so hyped by how perfect that actor was for that role! Right now I was also so amazed by this one actor who played a Riddler goon and dressed up as Batman, and he was clearly a different guy but what was just so incredible in that was how well he was actually copying Adam West's (aka the man who played Batman in this) mannerisms so that I actually had to think hard because he acted just like Batman in this series does, but his face just did not match West's!
There's also something about the female villains and villains' female goons, I'm not sure if it's just the 60s and the way people acted back then but so far I have had some sort of aesthetic attraction towards so many of these female characters. One of the female villains voice was what I could have continued to listen to for ages!
So the feels I'm having here are like... half nostalgy, half just regular Batman fan hype, and it just makes me so happy! :D Here's also lots of new things because there are 3 seasons and I only remember some stuff from here and there because it's literally been over 20 years since I was watching this series properly the last time.
I restarted it a few years ago when it came from tv but my digibox kept programs only for 6 months max and I ran out of time and couldn't finish watching it. I am also very excited to see how different are my memories from the episodes I can remember. I also remember my cousin once telling me that she saw something happen in an episode and I never saw that one myself, I wasn't even sure if the character was real (when we were kids, my cousin had a habit to sometimes tell me stories that were not true, and claimed that they were) and I can't wait to see those episodes to see if what she told me over 20 years ago was what actually happened in the episode.
But now I'll continue watching this. They have the Mad Hatter here now and this is a character I don't remember from this series at all, but he became more familiar to me through the Arkham video games and later through Gotham. (Which, btw, I also would love to start rewatching. I love that show and the cast choices and the whole cast is just so freaking talented, and the show is SERIOUSLY underappreciated. Someone pls start watching Gotham, so I can get a fangirling buddy!)
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ekatheshallowbird · 8 years ago
Lama nggak lihat Julia Stiles, makanya aku memutuskan untuk memasukan series ini ke dalam watchlist-ku. Di sini dia memerankan Georgina Clios, istri muda dari seorang pengusaha kaya. Aku nggak begitu ngerti apa bidang usaha suaminya selain sebagai orang yang gemar ikutan lelang benda-benda antik macam lukisan yang nilainya sangat tinggi. Georgina menjadi perwakilan suaminya dalam menawar harga.
Di episode satu ini, suaminya, Constantine Clios (Anthony LaPaglia), udah langsung mati dalam sebuah kebakaran kapal pesiar, yang entah disengaja atau enggak. Dari kematian itu, Georgina menemukan beberapa keterangan aneh yang dia dapat dari Delormes (Amr Waked), detektif yang menyelidiki kasus tersebut. Keanehan pertama adalah ditemukannya seorang wanita tanpa busana yang merupakan korban selamat dari kebakaran tersebut, yang diyakini adalah wanita terakhir yang bersama Constantine sebelum kebakaran terjadi. Korban ini nyaris dibunuh ketika masih menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit.
Selain itu, istri tuanya, Irina (Lena Olin) pun bilang kalau Georgina sebenarnya bukan tipe idaman Constantine. Dia juga menambahkan kalau banyak hal yang nggak diketahui oleh Georgina mengenai suaminya. Sebelumnya pun, Georgina sempat dibuntuti oleh seorang pengemudi motor. Pokoknya, banyak banget misteri semenjak kematian suaminya.
Btw, aku kan nonton ini di Iflix karena memang cuma ada di sana. Adegan sex tentunya di cut, dong. Tapi gara-gara itu juga, ada bagian penting yang terlewatkan. Aku sempat baca di IMDb kalau di kapal pesiar itu suaminya ikutan pesta orgy. Makanya dia merahasiakan kepergiannya pada Georgina. Ini kan suatu fakta yang makin bikin misterius. Iya, kan? Bukan scene orgy-nya, tapi fakta bahwa suaminya ikutan pesta orgy. Ngapain coba? Pasti ada sesuatu di balik itu selain cuma buat senang-senang.
Serius. Aku nggak penasaran lagi sama pesta orgy karena udah pernah lihat di filmnya Tom Cruise, Eyes Wide Shut, dan itu terbilang menjijikan. Seandainya aku nggak baca sinopsis Riviera itu, aku akan kehilangan satu fakta ini. Awalnya aku mengira suaminya cuma selingkuh doang sama korban wanita yang selamat itu. Sensor kadang memang menyesatkan.
Korban wanita itu pun sebenarnya tampak misterius. Sebelum dia nyemplung ke laut, dia kayak melempar sesuatu gitu. Nggak mungkin juga bom sih karena nggak langsung meledak. Mmm, bisa aja itu bom waktu? Entahlah.
Salah satu bagian menarik dalam series ini tentunya adalah settingnya (which is in France) dan kehidupan para orang kaya yang tampak “nggak bahagia”. Anak perempuan Constantine, Adriana, dengan nekatnya menyayat-nyayat urat nadinya tapi nggak ada seorang pun yang peduli! Atau mereka nggak lihat? Padahal nggak jauh di belakangnya ada pelayan yang lagi jaga. Untung datang Irina. Adriana kayaknya anak kandungnya Irina tapi dia seakan benci sama Irina. Malah lebih dekat ke Georgina, yang notabene adalah ibu sambungnya. Tapi kadang dia juga seperti berada di pihak Irina. Entahlah. Mungkin dia memang labil. Terutama semenjak kematian ayahnya.
Kesimpulannya, episode satunya lumayan. Ceritanya bikin penasaran. Akting pemeran Irina antara menarik dan enggak. Begitu juga dengan pemeran Constantine dan semua anak-anaknya. Yang wajahnya familiar banget di series ini ya cuma Julia Stiles. Selebihnya, aku nggak begitu tahu.
    “There is nothing as rigorous as money. Nothing as fluid. Nothing as tensile. Money desires nothing so much as to be itself. Where is money most itself? Money is most itself in the last unregulated great, bazaar, the art market. Where money can do what God intended. Accumulate. Here, as in Alice’s Looking Glass, a thing costs what some putative free spending Mad Hatter says it costs.”
(Christos Clios) 
Man 1: Argus and Io. Do you know the story? Man 2: Some God fucked a maiden. Greek kind of thing. Man 1: Jupiter fucked Io. His wife found out. Man 2: Everyone fucked everyone then.
  “Why does every redundant stock trader been prowling the galleries? Because they know there is value there. Ungoverned, unregulated, value.”
(Christos Clios)
  Delormes: Do you know if your husband was alone when he went to Mr. Litvinov’s yatch? Georgina: Why do you ask? Delormes; A Young woman was found. She had been washed in from the sea near Cap Martin. Georgina: A young woman? Dead? Delormes: Unconscious. She’s in hospital. Georgina: Do you have any idea who she might be? Delormes: She was undressed. Georgina: An escort, you think? Delormes: How long have you been married? Georgina: A year. Not too long enough I think for him to be scouting a younger version. Delormes: I understand your grief. Georgina: No, you do not.
  Delormes: Does the name Jakob Negrescu mean anything to you? Georgina: No. Delormes: He ferries girls back and forth to the super-yachts. Party girls. Used to work for your husband. Before your time. As security. Your husband maintained residence in Monaco. Georgina: No. We live at the Villa Carmella, you know that. Delormes: So the address 340 Impasse de Montaigne means nothing to you? Georgina: What are you saying? Delormes: Forgive me, Madame. I shouldn’t have mentioned the apartment.
  Georgina: Your speech the other day was lovely. Irina: It was important to me. Georgina: I couldn’t follow it. I have never been one for public displays of emotion. Irina: I’d like to think it wasn’t just a public display. Georgina: No, I didn’t mean to be rude. Do you know this girl? Irina: Who is she? Georgina: A survivor from the yacht. Irina: A whore? Georgina: Possibly. Irina: Is that why you asked to see me? Let me see. She’s beautiful. Definitely his type. Nothing like you really. Georgina: I wasn’t his type? Irina: Never. And that’s what hurt the most. Georgina: Well, there must’ve been something he liked. Irina: I can’t decide, you see, how much you knew about who and what he was. Georgina: I’m learning. Irina: Let me help you then.
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    Sutradara: Philipp Kadelbach
Penulis Skenario: Neil Jordan & John Banville
Musik: Ilan Eshkeri
Sinematografer: Laurie Rose
Desain Kostum: Emma Fryer
Tayang Perdana: 15 Juni 2017
Durasi: 46 Menit
Nonton di: Iflix
Rating: 3½ dari 5 Bintang
Riviera S1 : E1 – Villa Carmella Lama nggak lihat Julia Stiles, makanya aku memutuskan untuk memasukan series ini ke dalam watchlist-ku. Di sini dia memerankan Georgina Clios, istri muda dari seorang pengusaha kaya.
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