#the emphasis with his eyes OMFG.... is anyone seeing this hello
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eurodynamic · 4 months ago
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LUCANIS & ROOK Dragon Age: The Veilguard (2024)
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thedistantstorm · 5 years ago
A Few Words on RWBY V7:E5
*cracks knuckles and lets fingers fly across keyboard in a blur*
Ah yes, one whole reaction post.
This one gets a bit long. Reactions up front, conclusion and speculation in the back. Everything’s under the cut because I don’t want to ruin anything for anyone who hasn’t seen the ep yet. (GO WATCH IT NOW, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!)
- Me, dancing in my seat: We’re gonna get a montage!
(someone make me a wallpaper of the RWBY girls all slumped over each other worn out, they’re so cuuuute~)
- Hi, I’m sorry, Nora braiding Ren’s hair just... UGH. 
- Also, I noticed some general exasperation on his part this ep, and I’ve seen other posts say he’s acting kind of over Nora. I think Nora is acting even more hyper than usual, and Ren is waiting for the other shoe to drop (Something tells me Nora came from Mantle, and I just.. I don’t know. She hasn’t had her big ‘grow up’ moment like the rest of her team has had. She’s always been extra supportive and super optimistic and bubbly, but we got a glimpse during Ren’s growth arc that Nora’s grown up very fast and very alone, and though she doesn’t often show that emotional maturity, it’s there. Don’t be surprised if she pulls out the big guns in that department soon, especially when things go to shit in Mantle and Tyrion - who was suspiciously absent this ep - goes after Jaune. 
- This is probably out of order but I didn’t initially add anything about the Bees because let’s face it, we all know they’re darling and badass and (omfg I’m still not over Blake’s haircut because she is GORG).
- JAUNE. And all the moms. BLESS.
- FNKY. Ahhhhhh this is amazing.
[Okay, now to the biggest thing (to me from this ep):
Qrow. Gave. Up. DRINKING.
dafjg;sfgjdg;dkfgoreigndnvao;idjv;ogsdh;flk I’m so proud of him.
I just really, really hope he sticks to it.
It seems that a lot of his confident swagger has gone missing, and we’re seeing a way more humbled side of his personality. (AND FFS PLEASE DO NOT MAKE CLOVER FUCK HIM UP EMOTIONALLY PLEASE RT I’M BEGGING YOU I WANNA LIKE THIS SHIP)]
- Robin is a badass woman who Mantle - and Atlas - desperately need, and I am a FAN.
- Who is the lovely girl next to Robin? Can I get a name please? I love her ears (what exact kind of faunus is she? can i have her backstory? her entire aesthetic is amazing)
- Robin/Clover? Is there some history there? There’s some history. I’m sensing a ‘they were together/schoolmates/friends/maybe romantically but Clover was selected fore the AceOps’ sort of vibe.
- Winter and Weiss’s interaction this episode just struck me as the scales finally balancing between them. Weiss has always looked up to her sister. There has never been anyone better than Winter in her own eyes. You can still see that in their interactions, but Weiss challenges her now. Asks questions. Makes valid points.
- As for the reveal of the Winter Maiden, I saw it coming, but it does make the most sense. Weiss’s reaction says the same thing that I’m thinking though. I do, however feel like Winter feels obligated, despite her words. She might have ‘made it her own,’ but I suspect she’s never had an opportunity to consider any other alternative. 
- Jacques. Okay. We all know Arthur is involved here, he’s going to help him do the thing, he’s probably providing strategic advice. Winter is right, he’s literally about to send Mantle into a panicking riot, bet it’s going to be the Grimm’s playground. 
Ending Thoughts:
1. The Winter Maiden: Based on this ep, I’m feeling very worried for Winter’s chances at survival. New maidens are very very VERY fragile as they come into their own. At this point, we know who three of the four maidens are (is Summer Rose the Summer Maiden? Last episode totally gave me the impression that she’s definitely not dead. No body, no confirm-y). 
2. Will Robin be thrown into Ironwood’s path by Jacques and his plans? Is this something Arthur planned? If Jacques causes as bad of an uproar as implied (obviously the answer to this is yes), Ironwood would be smart to bring Mantle’s best hope (imo) into the fold, lest Mantle destroys itself and causes further issue in Atlas.
3. MARIA? Hello? Where are you? Have you been training our sweet silver-eyed Ruby? She can’t get one chat and have that be the only training she gets.
4. Qrow/Clover - Guys, hate me for this (I hate me for this), but the more I think about it, the more this pairing gives me bad vibes. I want to like it. I want very much to like it. But I feel like Qrow is in a place where he needs to focus on himself. Clover... I don’t trust him. He gives me the impression of a man who made bad choices for the intent to be good, but he’s in too deep to come clean. That and I think the good luck semblance doesn’t mean shit when it comes to life choices. Maybe it all comes out his way in the end, but what has he done to himself to get there. Qrow’s bad luck semblance? Look. He keeps trying. He does good despite the odds stacking against him with the bad luck business.
5. Ruby. So, this season has really showed some emphasis on her growth. We see her withhold the truth from Ironwood. He doesn’t know that Salem can’t be defeated - which, would that tidbit change Winter’s mind about being a maiden? I bet we’ll find out. We see her with Qrow, we see a lot of references to family and how close they are (I’d like to believe that she’s the reason he’s not drinking anymore, she really knocked him down hard last season and for good reason), and she’s definitely retaining the bubbly parts of her personality, but it’s tempered. I suspect she’s going to start making decisions that the girls don’t like for what she suspects to be the greater good. We have a lot of dynamics to her team now. Weiss has Winter’s influence, Blake and Yang are a true (wonderful) team. I really liked the RNJR vibes back from S4, and I really hope we get a reprise of them soon (maybe when Tyrion inevitably comes after Jaune like we all know he’s gonna).
6. Ironwood & Oscar. At some point, desperation is going to win out, I think. Ironwood is driven by his desire to keep Atlas safe, and we see things pointed out time and again by Winter et all the Atlas folk. They put Atlas first. But that’s not Qrow & Team RWBY/ORNJ(is that what they’re called?)’s prerogative. Here’s the thing: let’s say they help re-establish communications, they launch the tower, yada yada, so on, so forth. At some point the tea will be spilled. And when that happens, if Oz is not around, Ironwood is going to snap. He’s already very fragile, it seems (and I love him, really. I want to give that man some tea, and a fuzzy blanket then we can hug it out) and this would be the final blow. I think desperation would dictate him essentially going after Oscar to the point of life/death to try and get Oz to come back.
7. The Atlesian Military: Is it strong/large enough to handle assisting both at home and abroad when the Grimm attack? I’m gonna guess no.
Okay. I think that’s all I had for this (edit: probably not) ep, so if you want to chat feel free to do so however you wish.
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gokuchulainn · 8 years ago
*slip n slides in* how would you describe silvers overall character??? (aka no tsun silver)
Authority Issues: Imagine being brought up by one person. A single father, who is also a mob boss and not exactly warm and fuzzy. Imagine that person teaching you that power and authority are the most important things in your life. Imagine that after getting beat by some random kid, he decided he was going to do some soul searching and retreat for a while. Imagine how shattered you’d feel–how betrayed.
So yeah Silver, whether he runs away or is kind of abandoned by his dad, has issue with authority, because his dad basically reneged on everything he ever taught his son. As a kid, he seeks to find his own authority and power to make up for what was lost; it’s the only form of relationship he knows. Weakness is the ultimate sin in his eyes, the one committed by his father. He tries to subjugate Lyra, his Pokemon, anyone who tries to talk to him or connect with him, and it really strains his relationships. It’s only with the constant humiliation from losing to Lyra and then eventually to Lance that makes him realize that he’s perhaps acting (as the kids say) toxic.
Post character development, he sometimes still struggles with authority stuff as control issues; he worries if he’s not in control of a situation. It’s something he keeps working on.
His feelings for Lyra: Hasn’t always been healthy or clean or easy to classify. In the beginning he truly despised her. She was everything he was told to devalue and hate. Yet she seemed content, and that confused him. She beat Team Rocket pretty effortlessly. She showed emotion doing it. Yet…she was a powerful trainer.
Somewhere around the fifth or sixth gym he was really questioning his views. This loving, sweet, boisterous girl was kicking his ass left and right. He hated her for it but also hated himself for losing to it. Why does she keep winning when she’s not the sort of “strong” she’s supposed to be?After Lance beat him, he really began to question what made Lyra strong and why other people valued her, why Lance and Ethan and everyone else has ever felt anything for her. She’s always so nice to him, even if he’s being an ass, and she always has a clever reply for what he has to say. She never loses her temper with him, and yet…she can easily kick his ass from here to Tuesday. 
Maybe strength isn’t what he thought it was. He begins to show his Pokemon affection. He says “hello” and “goodbye” and “please” and “thank you.” Because that’s what she would do, and she is strength.
He begins to idolize her, for she is strength. She is authority. She is a Champion. He wants to team up with her for battles. He doesn’t like seeing her with other men. Why? He doesn’t know yet, but sometimes when he talks to her he struggles. It hurts. It isn’t til later, when she ruffles his hair after a battle and calls him cute that he realizes he’s infatuated with her. That he is in love with the strength.
When he sees her cry for the first time is when he’s rattled. Is she really so strong, that she cries because of hurtful messages she received on her Pokegear? Is she really strong if she pushes her head against his chest and sobs? But he does hold her really awkwardly, awkwardly patting her back. Even strong people feel sad sometimes, he supposes. If it’s her, he can let her.
His idolization turns to affection. It’s a warmer love, still intense. Still a bright, burning flame for her, but he wants her, as she is, not how he perceives her to be. She’s still strength, to him, but she’s also pretty much everything to him. He kisses her first, and when she reciprocates, it’s everything to him, and every feeling he’s ever had for her has led to this moment, for her.
Dark humor and sarcasm: Silver isn’t particularly humorous and was not allowed to joke around much growing up, but with friends it begins to develop.
He doesn’t get jokes sometimes and memes evade him. Lyra’s silly, absurdist jokes are odd (though endearing) to him, and he can’t stand Ethan’s really weird, dad joke sort of humor. Though, truthfully, is there anything of Ethan’s he can regularly stand? 
He had a dark, difficult upbringing, and he deals with it through dark jokes. He likes to poke fun at his trauma on occasion, and he certainly loves sarcasm. Sometimes he sounds like a teenage girl (you know that one Onion article? lol) if he doesn’t watch it lol. 
He’s the sort to crack up over slapstick, though. He got a lot of that on the fly with Proton growing up. The minute someone trips and falls you bet your ass he’s going to crack up over it, although he’ll totally pretend that he wasn’t laughing about that and maybe fake coughing or something to cover up his feelings.
Insomnia: Silver struggles with sleep. He was never a good sleeper to begin with, but then he was on the run from the law for a while and homeless, so his sleep is awful. He also occasionally has nightmares; Silver dreams of abandonment frequently.
If he can’t sleep, he often gets up and runs. Or walks. Or trains with his own Pokemon (he’s the sort to occasionally the sort to get in scuffles with them). He gets agitated by his inability to sleep and gets extremely self-conscious about it. Lyra can calm him down quite a bit, but there are times where he just needs to burst out of the house and sprint away.
Sometimes, if Lyra is still awake, he’ll bother her and ask if she wants to come with. More often than not, though, Sneasel is his partner on these runs, whether they’re in the country, into town to buy a few snacks or whatever he’s out of at home at an all-night convenience store, or whatever else. If he can’t sleep later, he’ll start making coffee or breakfast. 
Usefulness: Silver is very self-conscious about the idea of “worth”, which ties back into his power complex. Even when he’s no longer worried about the idea of power so much, he’s worried that he’s useful and not a burden upon society.
Silver fears being a burden deeply; he’s a natural perfectionist, which is a natural part of his personality (nature vs nurture stuff), and combined with his upbringing and the emphasis on power and authority, he’s very anxious about the purpose he serves in the world. When he realizes how awful he was when he was younger, he especially becomes worried and tries to reverse the wrongs he’s done.
With friends and Lyra, he tries very hard to be a good person, offering help and whatever (in his very “you know, if you want it” sort of way). He is a good cook and has an impeccable sense of grammar, so he wants to help people with schoolwork and make food as needed. He also gives out training pointers a lot, in a bit of a gruff way. He’s a pretty gruff dude, overall. Lol.
Anyway, these are the big five things, Stella. THIS BROKE MY HEART TO WRITE OMFG
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