#the dragon quest chips
yourfavaschips · 2 months
Coupd you do Ichiban Kasuga?
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Ichiban Kasuga from Yakuza: Like a Dragon would be Calbee Kappa Ebisen Shrimp Snacks (5 Pack)!
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rabid-dog-steve-horn · 3 months
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How many cartoons can you recall the names of?
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saywha413 · 11 months
I just realized I never posted the individual lil doodles from my pinned- so here they are! (only like 8 months late-)
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yandere-daydreams · 8 months
Title: Dragon On The Tower Roof.
Pairing: Yandere!Malleus x Reader (TWST).
Word Count: 4.2k.
TW: Fantasy AU, Mentions of Blood/Bruising, Mentions of Injury to Reader, Implied (Consensual) Sex, Possessive Behavior, and Manipulation.
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Malleus met you at the base of his tower.
With a single movement of his wings, he descended from his perch and landed in front of you – placing himself between you and the stone behemoth. Had you been a more imposing figure, a knight or a prince or the general of some distant army, he would’ve cut you down the moment you entered his valley, but your only armor was a thin rucksack tunic and your only weapon was a rusted sword – the tip of its chipped blade currently planted in the ground as you struggled to keep yourself on your feet. He could smell blood on you, although he couldn’t be sure if its source was the jagged, poorly bandaged wound on your calf or the dark stains painting your humble clothes. You were clearly not a knight, much less a prince, and if you were a general, your army had abandoned you long ago. Altogether, you were not the most intimidating nuisance he had ever had to dismiss. He might’ve been grateful, had you not been a nuisance at all.
In the past, his visage alone had been enough to make even the bravest adventure abandon their quest, but your weary eyes only glazed over his black-scaled wings, his spiraling horns, the slit pupils of his unnaturally green eyes. You acknowledged him with a slight nod, putting more of your weight on your makeshift aid. “I believe I’m here to slay you, dragon.”
His greeting, likewise, came in the form of a bowed head, a narrowed gaze. “And to rescue the prince, I assume.”
You shrugged, the gesture alone threatening to cost you your balance. “I’m sure they’d prefer if I didn’t. I think they’ve got someone else for that – a lord, or maybe a king. Someone more befitting than a filthy criminal, surely.”
At that, Malleus felt the ghost of a smile tug at the corner of his lips. Novelty was rare, this far into his everlasting life, and he could not say he’d ever had a prisoner sent after his head. “What sort of crime gets you sent to the lair of a monster?”
You brightened at the question. “Thievery,” you answered, pride overshadowing your exhaustion. “I could either face you or let them cut off my hands and, well, I find those to be quite essential to my burgeoning career.”
This time, you earned an airy laugh, a reflexive flick of his tail. He took another moment to evaluate you before speaking. “You are tired, thief.”
It wasn’t a question, but you answered regardless. “It was a long journey. You aren’t an easy monster to reach.”
“And injured, presumably by the fangs of some great beast of legend.”
“Right again.” You paused, then added, “If there are any legends about wolves, I mean.”
“And hungry.” Your smile fell. When you failed to respond, he went on. “May I invite you to share a meal with me before our battle?”
He watched as you swallowed, as you straightened. Your sword was pulled from the ground and allowed to hang limply at your side as you stared up at him with such a hopeful expression – his heart, had it not been so terribly calloused, might’ve broken at the sight alone. “Well,” you started, your humor gone in exchange for pure, unabashed desperation. “I suppose I can’t refuse such a kindly offered invitation.”
With no further conversation, he stepped to the side, raising his staff to the tower. After only a moment, the endless cobblestone pulled away to reveal a simple, wooded door – already open and awaiting his entry. Smiling, he motioned for you to follow him, and without protest, you obeyed.
You ate, to put it politely, like a starving animal.
There’d been an attempt at decency when you first sat down at the opposing head of his banquet table, a gallant effort to make use of the flatware arranged into neat, never-ending lines on either side of your plate, but what little energy you had for such pleasantries was depleted quickly as your attention was dedicated entirely to the whims of your empty stomach. Countless other dishes decorated the table – ranging from fine delicacies fit for the pallets of kings to common staples even the lowest of peasantry would’ve been familiar with, but Malleus was content to nurse a goblet of dark, herbed wine as he watched you bask in the feast.
Only after you’d gotten your fill did you seem to remember that you had company, your expression taking on a sheepish note. “This is what they brought me to trial for. Trespassing, I mean,” you began, and Malleus hummed in acknowledgement. “It was a baron’s manor – not quite a castle, but close to it. I heard he had the most beautiful gardens on this continent, and at the time, it seemed unreasonable to have to wait for an invitation just to take a look.”
“I thought you were a thief?”
“You must have the wrong person. I’ve been many things, but never a thief.” You leaned back in your chair. “I’m afraid I’ve always been too tender-hearted for that kind of thing. I could never stand to insult my hosts.”
“Such a considerate guest I have,” he said, cocking his head to the side. “I suppose I won’t have to worry about being robbed blind if I let you stay the night, then.”
You shook your head, feigning ego. “I would never, dear dragon. Your reclusive prince, on the other hand—”
Whatever you might’ve gone on to say was swiftly replaced with a sudden gasp as every torch within sight burst into a pillar of vicious emerald flame, casting the dining room in a blinding, sickly green before dying out just as abruptly as it’d erupted. Malleus let out an exasperated breath, bringing a hand to his temples. “My apologies. My patience has grown—” He cast a wayward glance toward the ash now seared into the stone walls, the ceiling. “—thin, over my time here.”
You allowed a beat to pass by in silence, then another. “Your prince,” you said, finally. “Is he important to you?”
“I can think of nothing I value more.” The answer came easily, even if the intensity of his sentiment surprised him. “An old friend asked me to ensure his safety. I’ve performed my role dutifully ever since.” The taste of blood rose into the back of his throat, but he drowned it out with another long sip from his goblet. “They used to send entire armies to reclaim him, then lone knights, then the occasional adventurer. You might be the first human to come seeking my head in two or three decades.”
Your smile took on a shy lilt, your eyes drifting to the table. “I wasn’t really supposed to come after you, either. Most people just take it as an exile, but they gave me a sword, and…” It was your turn to laugh, now, to be surprised with yourself. “I didn’t have anywhere else to go. I thought, even if I don’t get to rescue any princes, it could be nice to see how much of the fairy tale is true.”
“And you’re satisfied with what you’ve found?”
“Not entirely,” you admitted. “But I’m glad I met you, dear dragon.”
After some hesitation, he pushed himself to his feet and closed the distance between you. You stiffened, your gaze flitting blatantly toward the sole exit, but you didn’t attempt to flee as he pulled the closest seat in front of you and fell into it. “May I see your leg?”
You were far more than reluctant, but complied. The material of your travel weary trousers was pulled above your knee, the strips of fabric you’d attempted to fashion into bandages cut away with his own pitch-black talons. The wound was worse than he’d assumed, more severe than he assumed. Ragged skin stretched from your knee to your ankle, harsh puncture marks littering what little flesh was still in-tact. The stress of your journey had prevented the brunt of the damage from healing, and even without the use of his advanced senses, he would’ve been able to feel the heat radiating off of your skin, the first signs of infection beginning to set in. You were lucky you’d made it to his tower before the fever spread. His territory was cruel to the most resilient of creatures, and you seemed far from resilient.
“I have a salve in my collection that should aid in your recovery. That, paired with a few days of bed rest, should have you on your feet again in a week’s time.” Not a lie, but not far from one, either. He’d mended worse with a snap of his fingers, but there was no reason you should have to be burdened with such knowledge. “If you can find it within yourself to share a roof with a monster and delay our duel yet again, I can provide room and board while you recover.”
Your laugh was bright and strained. “You’re terribly kind to someone who came here to take your life.”
“And you’re very trusting of a creature who could easily end yours.” He let his pointed claws scrape over your bare skin, prolonging his evaluation. “Think of it as a show of my gratitude. My time here is well-spent, but tends to pass slowly. Visitors, whether benevolent or malicious, help to color my days.”
“Then I will have to be the most colorful visitor you’ve ever had,” you chimed, your grin renewed with fresh vigor. Clearly, you were not the type of mortal who could go long without a task. “I’ll make you wait on me hand and foot and bend to my every whim, until the thought of encountering another human being makes you sick. When I’m done, there might even be a dragon in this tower worth slaying.”
His only response was a steady nod, a low hum. He stood and, in the same motion, hooked one arm under the bend of your knees and another around your waist, lifting you into the air before you had the chance to so much as think to pull away. Instinctually, you attempted to re-balance yourself against him, and Malleus couldn’t help himself – laughing as he pulled you to his chest. “If I am to dote on you to the point of sickness, then let me start now. You’re in no state to walk on your own.”
You opened your mouth as if to complain, but anything you might’ve said was deemed too unimportant to warrant the effort. Your smile softened, your eyes falling shut as you rested your head against his shoulder. You lingered there, quiet and content, as he carried you through the halls of what would come to be your home.
Your prescribed period of bed rest came and went. Your bruises healed, then your leg (although you still tended to limp during particularly heavy rainstorms), and your exhaustion was replaced by a buzzing sort of restlessness. He never asked you to leave, and after some time, you seemed to stop expecting him to. You spoke rarely of your past (aside from the ever-changing series of events that led you to his tower, of course) and never of your future. When Malleus was in one of his more indulgent moods, he allowed himself to believe that, when he did catch you looking in his direction with such a glimmering worry in your eyes, you weren’t afraid of him, but of the possibility that he might send you away.
Despite your claims of spoiled houseguests and encumbered hosts, he was only driven to near-madness once while sharing your company. It’d been shortly after you instated yourself as a resident of his tower, rather than a fleeting visitor, and took to exploring your new dwelling without reservation. It’d been his own fault, really. He’d forgotten to warn you away from the upper wing, to resketch the protective runes he’d long-since allowed to fade, but such rationality had escaped him as he stood in the doorway, his mind empty and his eyes trained on your kneeling figure. He watched, paralyzed, as you raised a hand, reaching towards the marble slab, and then he was behind you – the points of his talons grazing the skin of your throat before he managed to restrain himself, curling his fist around the collar of your shirt, instead. Without warning, he hauled you off your feet, ignoring the half-choked shriek you let out in response.
His eyes fell to Silver, searching for any signs of harm, of disruption. Of course, Silver was unchanged. His colorless hair remained fanned over his velvet-cushioned pillow, the silk sheets and hand-stitched quilts still folded neatly at the foot of his bed – waiting to be put to use when the weather turned in autumn. Malleus took a moment to observe the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, the gentle movement behind his closed eyes, before letting out a breath of relief and turning to you. “I don’t recall giving you permission to enter this chamber.”
“Sorry, I— I was just looking around, and I saw the flowers on the door—” Silver’s own craftsmanship, preserved from the ravages of time by Malleus’ spell work. He’d painted them as soon as he was old enough to hold a brush, along with matching murals on his bedroom walls that hadn’t survived the passing ages. “—I got curious, that’s all. Is this the prince I was sent after?”
Malleus set his jaw, straightening his hunched posture. “…it is,” he answered, eventually. He let go of your collar and let you stumble onto your feet. “His name is Silver. I never knew him by any titles.”
Malleus’ gaze shifted to you, but your eyes remained fixed on Silver. “He’s beautiful.”
Despite himself, he felt the edge of his lips turn downward. He rested a hand on your shoulder, and you seemed to recover from your daze, turning to face him with a hopeful smile. “Do you know when he’s going to wake up?”
Malleus felt a coil of heat form in the back of the throat. The taste of ash laid heavy over his tongue, but he swallowed back his guilt and forced himself to respond. “In another hundred years, perhaps,” he mused, his tone melodic and detached. “There’s no known cure for a curse like his.”
A phantom of disappointment flickered across your expression, but it was suppressed quickly. Rather, you turned your attention outward – to the heavy, woven curtains draped over each crystalline window. “Will you help me let in some light? I hate to insult your taste, but it’s terribly depressing in here, and—” You brightened, taking him by the sleeve and tugging gingerly. “We don’t want his highness to have any nightmares, do we?”
With some reluctance, Malleus nodded. “Light, but nothing else.” When you failed to acknowledge him, he caught you by the wrist, squeezing with just enough pressure for your smile to falter. “Light, but nothing else. Do you understand?”
Your eyes darted back to Silver, but only for a moment. He was thankful for that – for your restraint. A second longer, and his true nature might’ve overshadowed his better judgement. “Of course, dear dragon. Nothing else.”
He inhaled sharply, then let go of you altogether.
It was a choice that, in the approaching months, he would only come to regret.
“This is what they banished me for, you know.”
“Yes, this exactly.” You propped your chin on his chest, positioning yourself to more easily card your fingers through his hair. He let his eyes fall shut, basking in the warmth of your affection, of your bare skin pressed into his. Your clothes laid discarded on the grass around you, one of his wings bent and raised to shield you from the harsh light of the setting sun. He would have to get you back to the tower, soon. He’d always been indifferent to the deadly chill of night, but you – in your precious, delicate mortality – were not so durable. “Actually, not quite – I don’t think I ever made it to this part. It was the first time I’d ever attended a royal ball, and I happened to dance with a young lady so breath-taking, I couldn’t help but drop to one knee and dedicate my heart to her the moment our hands touched.” You sighed, feigning remorse. “Little did I know that she was the princess that ball was being thrown for, and so moved by my passion, she refused to let me out of her embrace until I agreed to marry her. Of course, her father – the king, as the fathers of princesses tend to be – couldn’t have that. It’s a shame, really. We would’ve made a gorgeous couple.”
Malleus pursed his lips, fighting back a smile. “And what does that make me? The next scorned lover of a silver-tongued rouge?”
“Oh, no. If you asked me to marry you,” You propped yourself up, pressing a kiss into the curve of his jaw. “There’d be nothing in the world that could stop me, dear dragon.”
Your hand fell to his cheek, and wistfully, you lulled him into a kiss – shallow but lingering, punctuated with a playful nip at his bottom lip. You pulled back with a smile, another quick peck to his cheek. You moved to say something, but he interrupted you, as mournful as he was to cut off such a precious moment so callously. “I found your wildflowers.”
Immediately, your expression fell. “I made sure not to—”
“I know, beloved, I know.” You knew better than to lay a hand on Silver. Your small bouquet had been left on the corner of his bed, another additional chain of asters and lavender braided into one of the longer strands of his waist-length hair. As much as he wished he could say he was only concerned for Silver’s well-being, it wouldn’t have been the truth. Something else, something darker, had accompanied the discovery – something it would be better for you to stay ignorant of. “We’ve talked about this. Silver is vulnerable, in his current condition. Even the simplest luxury is an unspeakable risk.”
Your shoulders dropped, your body going slack against his. You bowed your head, burying your face in the dip of his shoulder, and despite his frustration with you, he didn’t push you away. “I’m sorry. It just feels so cruel to let him suffer alone.”
“He’s never been alone.” His tone was more curt than he’d meant it to be. “He’s always had me.”
“I know, but—” He expected you to raise your hair, to flash him that brilliant grin. Instead, you only settled against him, speaking softly into the crook of his neck. “He just seems so sad.”
Malleus took a deep breath, clenching his eyes shut.
Then, before he could let himself think better of it, he wrapped an arm around your waist. In one fluid motion, he turned you over – leaving you on your back, one of his knees planted on either side of your waist, your form tucked safely underneath his. His kiss was less gentle than your own – that deep, aching sort of hunger overwhelming his cautiousness as his tongue raked over yours, as he groaned unabashedly into your mouth. You returned his affection emphatically; your fingers soon knotted in his hair, your eager touch preventing so much as the thought of distance between your body and his. Because there never would be distance between you and him. Because there was no reason you should ever have to be taken away from him.
Hours later, when the last traces of light had faded and the stars were painted in swirling patterns across the sky, he would carry you back to his tower – unconscious and pliable in his arms. That would be the first night you spent in his bed, and as he laid there with you, he couldn’t help but imagine how wonderful it would be if you never left.
The runes carved into Silver’s door were redrawn, Malleus’ enchantments refreshed, and your bittersweet sympathy slowly rotted into a distinctly bland melancholy. You didn’t speak of him (Malleus could only wonder how you ever managed to speak of anyone when so many of his marks so often decorated your skin), but he noticed new scratches around the well-rusted lock on Silver’s door, caught you braiding chains of daisies and crowns of marigolds with no intended recipient in mind, and at night, you tended to slip out of his hold and wander. Sometimes, he waited for you, lying awake as you hunted for whatever solace there was to find in the empty halls of an ancient tower. Most nights, tonight, he chased after you.
He found you in a window near the tower’s highest room, laid across the wooden sill, your back propped against the empty frame. He didn’t ask to join you – wordlessly lowering himself to the floor at your feet. As if by reflex, your hand fell to his horns, your thumb tracing over a particular ridge near the base as you broke the quiet. “Have ever told you why I’m here, dear dragon?”
Countless times, but he still played along. “Who has my heart been stolen by today, beloved?”
“A murderer,” you said, hollowly. “And not a particularly clever one, at that.”
He waited for you to go on, to spin some elaborate tale of love and loss and betrayal and poor humor, but you only lapsed back into silence, your gaze turning back to the pitch-black valley. He watched your vacant expression for a moment, then another before letting his eyes fall shut and resting his cheek against your thigh.
Malleus had expected there to be more anger than this.
You were in a similar position to one you’d taken the first time you stumbled into Silver’s chambers – kneeling beside his marble bed, your ever-weary eyes fixed on the unknowing object of your adoration. The only difference was that, today, Silver’s hand was raised to your lips, now slightly parted in shock. He didn’t have to guess at the source of your astonishment. In front of you, Silver was sitting up. His posture was unsteady, his eyes barely open, but the obvious was undeniable.
He was awake.
To think, there was something of merit to Lilia’s stories of true love after all.
Rather than anger, rage, pure and undiluted fury, an odd sort of calm settled over his blank mind as you snapped in his direction. Your astonishment turned to horror in an instant. “Malleus, I didn’t— I was only trying to—”
He put you out of your mercy quickly. He raised his staff and, propelled by some unseen force, you were torn away from Silver’s bedside and thrown against the nearest walls – the force of the collision far from fatal, but enough to leave you limp and unconscious. With your safety ensured, he stepped forward, approaching Silver. He was awake, but only just. So many decades of uninterrupted sleep would not be so willing to release him from their taloned clutches without a struggle, and there was a certain dream-like lull to the way his eyes skirted over the limited scenery before settling on Malleus, his features immediately softening in relief. “Malleus?”
“I’m here.” Malleus allowed himself a small smile before bringing the end of his staff to Silver’s forehead. “You can rest, brother.”
There was just enough time for the edges of Silver’s lips to turn downward before he collapsed back onto the marble slab. Malleus would arrange him later on. For now, his attention turned to you.
He gathered your crumpled form in his arms and carried you through the halls of his lonely tower, before stepping into the clear air and fresh heat of the valley. He laid you in the tall grass and, after taking a moment to appreciate your peaceful expression, brought a hand to your face, cupping your cheek tenderly. The spell came to him instinctually, but he took his time, mourning the loss of your time together with each mumbled word. That was a silver-lining of immortality, though. Infinite time allowed for infinite repetition, and he couldn’t imagine giving up the opportunity to fall in love with you again.
When he was done, your eyes fluttered open, a smile quickly finding its way to your lips. “Hello, dragon.” You gazed darted to either side nervously, your mind struggling to catch up with your clever tongue. “I would love to introduce myself, but it’s the funniest thing – I can’t seem to remember what I’m doing here.”
He bit back a smile. You tried to force yourself into a more dignified position, but barely managed to get an arm underneath you before pausing, wincing, reaching for the back of your head and coming away with blood smeared across your fingertips. Malleus did what he could to hide his delight.
“You’re a thief. You injured yourself attempting to scale my tower. It was an impressive effort, but tragically unnecessary.”
This time, he couldn’t hide the wide, simpering grin that came to rest across his lips.
“I was always going to invite you inside.”
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dalishious · 26 days
Dragon Age: Origins is still great today, and you should give it a try
I want to preface this post with an important disclaimer: I am not about gatekeeping, and I think that ultimately, you should play or skip whatever Dragon Age games you want. If even after this post you feel like Dragon Age: Origins just isn’t for you, that’s fine! That doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy the Dragon Age media you do want to consume, and it certainly doesn’t mean you’re any less valid a fan. But I personally adore Dragon Age: Origins to this day, and I would love to see more modern gamers give it a chance, despite it being from 2009.
It’s a great introduction to the world of Thedas
Dragon Age: Origins had the tall order of being the first in a potential franchise, yet it climbed those heights and beyond. It perfectly balances the need to explain the world setting and tell a story within that world at the same time, by organizing the plot into puzzle pieces. You, the protagonist, have to recruit different factions into your cause to save the kingdom of Ferelden, so each piece of the game has a different focus on those factions. It spoon-feeds the player information at an easy to understand and absorb pace.
Dragon Age: Origins also makes good use of codex entries for those of you who are big lore buffs and want even more information. Yet at the same time, it does not overly rely on the codex; all the most crucial parts of the lore that you need to know are included in your interactions with characters and plot.
The player gets to shape the story
The nature of those puzzle pieces also means that you have huge control over the story from start to finish, because the puzzle itself is shaped by you! The outcomes of each piece form the blueprint of the climax. The end of the game is reactive to the choices you make in the story throughout. (Mind you, a lot of those choices have been retconned in later games, but still, within the confines of Dragon Age: Origins itself, it’s still fun to see the outcomes of your decisions.)
The story itself is great
I would consider Dragon Age: Origins to have the most straightforward premise of all the Dragon Age games released thus far, with a strong identity linking the different main quests all together. You are a newly recruited Grey Warden, left to unite Ferelden against the big bad Blight after 99% of the Order within the nation is wiped out in a catastrophic battle. You may get caught up in dwarven politics, ancient curses, demonic possession, and plenty more along the way, but no matter where you find yourself, your motivation always falls back to that ultimate responsibility.
The characters are also great
Almost all the companions you’re able to collect along the way are very easy to love, or at least appreciate them for what they are.
Alistair is also a new grey warden. He is struggling with grief over the loss of his mentor, and the weight of having no control over his identity his whole life.
Morrigan is a witch who grew up isolated in the woods with no one but her abusive mother for company. Now she must learn to interact with others, and dependant on the player, perhaps even make a friend, lover… or enemy.
Leliana is a bard from Orlais, whose faith told her to assist the grey warden plight. But beneath the demure outward appearance, she has a much darker past she’s running away from.
Sten is a Qunari warrior who was taught that outside his culture, everything is backwards and nonsense, but he cannot return home until he has restored his soul by recovering his lost sword. Along the way, he may learn to appreciate or despise Ferelden.
Zevran was enslaved by the Antivan Crows as a child and made into an assassin. If the player can chip away at his nonchalant mask, they will find his past has left a lot more scars on him than he thought it safe to admit.
Wynne is a mage from the Circle who is struggling to deal with the nature of age, death, and life purpose.
Shale is a golem who was once under complete and total control by her former master, now learning what it’s like to be free, and wanting to uncover her forgotten past before losing that freedom.
Oghren is there too, unfortunately.
And the player character really feels like they are of your own creation. The choices you make, little and small, offer a lot to shape whatever kind of protagonist you want. Additionally, the benefit of starting the game with a different origin, and playing out that origin before getting recruited into the grey wardens, offers a lot of prompting to get into the roleplay!
The datedness can be easily upgraded with modding anyway
Do you find the combat clunky? There’s mods for that. Do you find the graphics too bland? There’s mods for that. Do you wish you could kiss Alistair as a man or Morrigan as a woman? There’s mods for that, too. Dragon Age: Origins is very easy to mod; most of them you just drop the files into your override folder and start playing. Otherwise, you use the DA Modder app for DAZIP files, which is also not that complicated.
A lot of people consider Skyrim to be dated without mods, too. I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with appreciating the ability to mod a game, as a positive point.
If you want to play, make sure you use LAA though!
Large Address Aware is a must-have on PC for Dragon Age: Origins.
For GoG or EA App/Origin users: You can just run LAA like normal!
For Steam users: You need THIS first
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bayambii · 8 months
fontaine hands . . .
warnings: swearing, 4.2 archon quest spoilers, hands, a little steamy in clorinde if you squint
characters: wriothesley, neuvelitte, lyney, lynette, navia, clorinde, furina and freminet
bambis comments: hai cuties!! i have an obsession with hands so i thought it would be a perfect first post LOL
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◦ jesus fucking CHRIST, this man has large hands. i mean like second to none in teyvat i would say
◦ his hands are bruised and often dirty. when they’re not inside of his gauntlets, his right is covered with dark bandages. he goes really soft when you take the time to clean his hands or even like his nails
◦just like massaging his hands while he tells you about his day, rubbing his temple with his freehand while he goes on and on about one inmate who always tries to pick a fight
◦speaking of his nails! they’re stubby and not painted. he doesn’t bite them they just like break off naturally due to the nature of his job and his gauntlets
◦he has silver rings for every finger it looks like, and he fidgets with them when he’s talking to anyone, rolling it around his fingers and back again
◦ skinny ass hands, but they’re long.
◦ he almost always wears his gloves, because underneath he has scales on his hands. his hands aren’t fully dragon like, still keeping a human like color, but many teal scales decorate his hands.
◦his fingernails are naturally tinted a little blue, and they’re on the longer side. he keeps them clean and pushes his cuticles back often
◦he’s often writing with his hands, rolling his quill/pen around his fingers when he thinks. his hands are skilled at writing, and can write rather fast.
◦a wrist roller. his wrists get tight from writing for hours on end and always makes sure to roll them out.
◦OH MY GOD. don’t even get me started…
◦another fontainian who’s hands are often concealed in his gloves. a magician never reveals his secrets, does he?
◦he has regular length hands, but they’re on the skinny side.
◦his hands are almost always clean, and have a very soft texture.
◦imagine lyney late at night practicing new card tricks without his gloves, using you as his test audience (he shows you all his tricks first anyway)
◦he has trimmed nails, that he paints black and red, to match his whole theme. they tend to be chipped however, and he needs lynette or you to keep repainting them.
◦his hands are obviously very practiced, and he takes great care of them
◦she has smaller and skinny hands, very petite and cute
◦ due to her cat-like nature, her hands are very sensitive, and she prefers to keep her gloves on
◦ when she holds your hand she likes to keep her gloves on, just so she doesn’t get overwhelmed
◦ however, she likes taking her gloves off to hold your face, and memorize each and every crevice and dimple with her hands
◦ when she feels comfortable, she’ll let you see her hands, and trusts you to know her comfort level with her sensitivity
◦she keeps her nails long, and painted a teal. she often keeps up with her nail care, and looks after your nails as well
◦her hands smell like tea, like wrio, due to her often drinking and brewing the beverage.
◦ADORABLE HANDS, and very well kept!
◦ skinny and longer, and a little freckled near her wrist.
◦she only keeps a glove on one hand, and she prefers to hold your hand with that one!
◦very well kept nails, with sapphire colored nail polish adorning them. she seems like the type to get like gems and stuff put on her nails.
◦she knows you like her hands, so she always makes sure to put extra time into caring for them
◦her hands are incredibly soft, and don’t really get that clammy
◦navia would only get clammy if you were flustering her, which is not an easy feat
◦beautiful lady, long skinny hands again however she doesn’t know how to look after her hands
◦ ITS NOT HER FAULT NO ONE TAUGHT HER OKAY!! before starting a relationship with you, she never put much thought into her hands!!
◦she often keeps her gloves on, and like washes her hands when needed but she doesn’t take care of her nails or put lotion on or NOTHING
◦her nails are stubby, and might have leftover polish from the last time you attempted to paint her nails
◦with handling her weapons, she has very tactful hands and is not very clumsy
◦where she puts her hands is very, how do i say, purposeful
◦she might feign oblivion, but she knows exactly what she’s doing with her hands
◦oh ho ho? you want to see the dear lady furinas hands?
◦only furina would take this much care into something she’s going to just put a glove over but WHATEVER
◦she’s got small hands, with many jewels and rings adorning her fingers
◦she looks after her nails with the upmost pride, and keeps them constantly painted and pristine
◦like clorinde, she is very purposeful where she puts her hands. your dear lady knows you, and knows exactly what makes you flustered (and oh does she love that)
◦she would love to help you look after your hands, and even help you paint a most magnificent nail art on your nails oh ho ho!
◦smaller hands, with larger palms, with FRECKLES!! and i mean freckles .
◦freminet doesn’t necessarily have clumsy hands, due to his work on per and other mechs, but his hands aren’t as practiced as other fontainians
◦his hands can also get clammy due to his shyness, and doesn’t want to bother you with that
◦HOWEVER, you can hold his hand all you want underwater. there’s no risk there, and he’s fully confident. maybe he’ll work up to holding your hand above the sea
◦he is very shy, and earlier on in your relationship, and is careful if he puts his hands on you if he does AT ALL…
◦ often under the water, his nails are always clean but still stubby, and never painted (but he wouldn’t be apposed to you painting them) ((just be prepared for a flustered frem))
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 8 months
Hun something else I want to ask is if you would do a hybrid dragon Yan..? Forgot to mention it in the last ask because I forget ideas a lot <3
-from the one anon who said to use 3 names you like :)!
P.s I’ll probably refer to myself as this forever now hun
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I'm sorry this took so long!! Here it is:
CW: mild violence, video game logic
Yandere!Dragon x GN!Reader
The winds in the mountains were cold enough to slice open skin and leave blisters.
Traveling up towards the sky was (Reader), a warrior known throughout the lands for their incredible feats, climbing up the snowy pass towards the dark splotch on their map.
The dragon's lair.
Only human in appearance, (Reader) had slaughtered almost every type of monster and fiend in the continent, sending fear through all living beings. They were rumored to be immortal, since they seemed to be capable of recovering from any wound they received, no matter how critical. Whatever life threatening hit they took, and no matter how certain their death seemed to be, (Reader) would only black out, waking a few hours later. A warrior without a past, without a home, who only lived to kill.
Slaying a dragon would be the last creature on the killer's list, having already defeated deities and apocalypse level threats. It wasn't that a dragon would be harder than killing a god; they just hadn't gotten around to it.
In the grand scheme of life, dragon slaying would be a side quest.
(Reader) doubted that the battle would be difficult in any sort of sense; aside from their incredible physical attributes they also had legendary gear such as "the Ring of Absolution" which was forged from the tears of a Golden Warrior. That ring alone made it impossible for enemies to block their attacks or use "break out" to parry.
Upon finding the cave and entering recklessly, (Reader) wished that someone had told them sooner:
That "when you're at the top, the only place to go is down.."
A blast of fire knocked their helmet off their head as the heat pushed them back. Shocked (and a little excited) the warrior raised their vampiric sword. Inside the cave, a giant red and golden dragon sat posed, muscles tense and eyeing the invader with intrigue.
"Who are you, to enter my home?" His deep voice sounded more confused than offended. And when (Reader) pointed their weapon at him in response, he chuckled. "Adorable little human, if you wish to live a long life, leave this cave now, and I shall spare you."
(Reader) shouted, igniting a glowing light around their body, then lunged, slashing at the beast.
To the dragon's surprise it hurt.
"Foul little thing!" He snarled, attempting to blast the human with another bolt of flames (this time not as a warning) but the fighter rolled out of the way, effectively dodging the attack. (Reader) thrust again, angering the dragon when he found that he could not block the sword, the blade passing his harder scales and hitting his soft flesh despite his guarding.
Amidst the rage and frustration a new emotion began forming within the centuries young being; respect.
There were no dragons he wished to associate with, there were no creatures that approached him of their own free will. He was alone. For a very, very long time. For he was not just a dragon..
He was Targov the Malicious.
A dragon of legend, ender of nations, killer of kings..
And his health was slowly being chipped away by the steel of a mortal.
(Reader) did not know who the dragon was, only that this was the closest location for a dragon nest.
"Small human.. I have a proposition for you."
The warrior paused, tilting their head as they waited for the dragon to continue.
"You have impressed me, and you have earned my admiration. So I offer you a chance at life eternal: become my mate, and ascend to a higher state of being.
You shall never want nor need for anything. I will be your willing servant for all of eternity."
It wasn't the first proposal (Reader) had received, yet it was certainly the first from a beast. They stepped back a fraction as though his words caused them to stumble. His request sounded so genuine that it almost killed their blood lust.
Disappointment and betrayal filled the dragon's eyes as (Reader) suddenly threw their sword like a spear, lodging it into Targov's chest, a feather's distance shy of his heart. But even that only further fueled the growing need he had for the mortal. And the obvious solution to the warrior's resistance was to make the choice easier for them.
Targov flew forward, but instead of attacking like (Reader) had predicted, he grappled the human in his talons and continued faster, propelling them both out of the cave and into the sky as he built speed.
The wind jostled the surprised human about like a rag doll as they rose higher into the atmosphere. Their ears popped painfully, but they could still hear the roaring laughter of the dragon.
"HA! Now what do you say, human?! Shall you be mine? Or shall I drop you?!" He held the adventurer loosely by the fabric visible under their armor in an attempt to frighten them. But what he saw next made his heart falter.
His eyes widened as (Reader) smiled triumphantly, raising a dagger while maintaining eye contact, and sliced off the part of their outfit Targov held onto, willingly allowing themselves to fall.
It was just a fall.
Yeah, it would hurt. It would hurt like a son of a bitch, but (Reader) knew they wouldn't die. They never did.
However, their near immortality was something that Targov didn't know about.
Before his emotions could fully form into separate feelings, Targov dove, recatching the little human, now with a more secure grip, and flew back to his home, his heart beating a billion beats per second once it restarted.
(Reader) was thrown to the floor by the dragon seconds before being blinded by a bright flash. The dragon was consumed in a bright white glow that illuminated the cave, morphing into a more human appearance, with deep golden skin and red hair. His horns and claws still remained, but as (Reader) could see clearly from his lack of clothes, was now mostly human. He charged towards (Reader), face twisted in his confusing mix of emotions. Anger, shock, hurt, feelings his adrenaline wouldn't give him time to categorize as he closed in on the confused human.
He hoisted (Reader) up by their neck.
"You'd really rather die than be mine?!" The enraged dragon screamed.
Struggling to breathe, the warrior grabbed one of his scaly hands while trying to smack his face with their dominant hand.
The glint of their ring caught Targov's attention, who recognized it instantly. He had been alive for a very long time, and killed many a god during his rebellious years. Sharp teeth sunk into (Reader's) fingers, the dragon biting their hand lightly, suddenly, earning a shocked cry from the struggling human. Targov dropped (Reader), pulling the ring off their finger with his fangs as he did so.
The warrior didn't notice their missing ring until they regained their composure and attempted to attack the humanoid dragon, who blocked their attack perfectly fine.
Targov wore the ring on his smallest claw.
"I see I was right about you.." His deep voice chuckled, but (Reader) couldn't tell if it was out of amusement or fury. "A fellow God killer.. who better suited to be my mate?"
He grabbed (Reader's) wrist, and despite it's low speed, the ring prevented (Reader) from dodging.
"Welcome home, my mate."
"Even if I have to break you, I will have you. And you will learn to love me."
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marvel-ous-m · 1 year
Charmed by Your Memory
written for ‘charm’ wc: 548 | rated: G | cw: N/A
A/N: Another great prompt by @steddiemicrofic! I had so much fun writing this one. I hope y'all enjoy!
When Steve is ten, he meets a boy with no hair in the woods behind his house. The boy is visiting for the summer. He says he has to go back to his parent’s house in two weeks, but he suggests that they pretend to be knights on a quest to save a stolen prince. They play until the sun sets and the boy has to go back to his uncle’s house.
They spend every day like that, and Steve finds himself becoming best friends with “Edward the Brave”. They spin stories that, in retrospect, could rival the fantasy novels that Steve has read since their time together. (Read in an effort to find something that will make him feel the way that he did all those years ago- but all he gets is a parasitic loneliness that grows each time it’s fed by the false hope that builds when Steve tries to recreate those days.)
It’s the best two weeks of his life. On the day Edward has to go home, Steve searches his house for a gift, something to help Edward the Brave remember their time together. He finds it, something perfect in his mother’s jewelry box, and packs it away for later.
Edward meets him at the usual spot. There’s a gloom hanging in the air- something that neither one wants to acknowledge. Finally, after a moment of quiet, Edward pronounces that it’s finally time to save the prince. Steve drops the picnic basket and they run through the forest, whacking bushes dragons with their sticks swords. They end up in a clearing, and Edward quietly whispers for Steve to pretend to be the cursed prince so Edward the Brave can save him.
Steve lays in the grass and closes his eyes. The prince had been cursed to sleep forever, after all. The only thing that could save him was-
-True love’s kiss.
Edward the Brave is kneeling over Steve, their faces mere inches from each other. Steve opens his eyes quick enough to see Edward press a chaste kiss to Steve’s lips. Edward is blushing, and Steve thinks he might be, too. Steve smiles. “You saved me.”
Edward grins back.
They share a lunch of PB&J sandwiches, chips, and soda that Steve smuggled out of his house. The sun disappears behind the trees, and just before Edward has to leave, Steve gives him the treasure he’d stolen from his mother that morning- a silver bracelet with a small key charm. He then reveals a silver chain around his neck, where he’d strung the lock charm that had once hung alongside the key. “So we’ll always be together.”
Edward hugs him goodbye, delicately puts the bracelet on, then leaves with tears in his eyes. Steve resigns himself to never seeing Edward the Brave again.
Eddie the Banished is kneeling over Steve, their faces mere inches from each other. He holds a broken bottle to Steve’s neck. Eddie’s arm is angled just so- and Steve sees the charm bracelet. Steve reaches a shaking hand around his neck and pulls on the chain he keeps there, revealing the matching lock charm.
Eddie freezes. He lowers the bottle and reaches up to hold the lock charm in his hand. Finally, Eddie’s tear-filled eyes meet Steve’s. “You saved me.”
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k0yaz · 2 months
Hihihihi pookie
Could you write a neuvillette x reader where they go stargazing and they do awesome things
Sorry if its vague idk how to request
Anyways have a good day pookie wookie 🙏
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Pairings: neuvillette x fem!reader
CW: sfw, female reader, can be read as platonic or romantic, written before I did neuvi’s story quest I’m way to lazy to do story quests in genshin rn, so neuvi might be ooc uhm, there is literally no warnings tf, fake constellation it’s not real idk man, HANDHOLDING OMG WHAT SHALL WE DO, not proofread.
A/N: omg hi my pookie wookie chocolate chip cake recipe btw yes you suck bootycheeks at requesting (jk ily)
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Brisk sweeps of wind danced along your skin, hair flowing in a consistent direction along with the wind as strands of your hair brushed along your face slightly. The moonlit sky cast a soft glow onto both yours and Neuvillette’s face, illuminating the Iudex’s features almost perfectly. A sense of comfort washed over you as you heard nothing but the bellows of the wind, along with the soothing rush of water off in the distance.
When it came to Neuvillette, you had never thought that you’d end up enjoying his company as much as you do now. Back then, he seemed like the typical serious and dull type of person who you’d typically find working in the court. Slowly but surely, it didn’t take long for you to see the chief justice for who he really was. Honest, patient, and respectable—yet also capable of compassion towards his nation.
Gradually, you spent more and more time with him, leading you to unexpectedly enjoy spending time with the chief justice. He would stand at the edge of the stone railing circling the land portion of Fontaine, separating it from the streaming bodies of clear blue water surrounding various pieces of land across the nation. With a gentle smile overlaying his face, Neuvillette would reach out his gloved hand in a drawn in motion, beckoning you to come stand beside him.
Often times, you two wouldn’t talk much. In fact, it would only be a mellow silence hanging in the air which you both found an odd comfort in. Neuvillette would often find a sense of solace in your presence, his judgement no longer clouded nor unclear whenever he was around you.
Bright gleams of the infinite glowing masses scattered across the sky, decorating the blackened night skies with the endless array of stars seemingly going on forever. Glancing over, you heaved a small amused sigh as you noticed Neuvillette’s eyes tracing the stars so intently, as if he was completely lost in their beauty. White hair brushing along his face, Neuvillette leaned back with one arm resting on his knee and seated on the grass, laying on his back comfortably in.
Looking at him, you noticed his eyes seemingly focus on a particular pattern of stars, almost like he was infatuated with it. You switched your attention to Neuvillette, cocking an eyebrow out of curiosity upon seeing his newfound interest in the distinct shape of the stars.
“Something catch your eye, Neuvi?” You inquired, laying on your back as well and rolling closer to him. He let out an affirmative hum as your shoulder bumped his, hand reaching up to trace the shape of the stars again. He blinked for a moment, taking in a slow breath before speaking, as if he was trying to ground himself back to reality. Exhaling, Neuvillette finally spoke up.
“Just the arrangement of the stars is all. For some reason, it strikingly resembles something familiar.”
“A constellation maybe?”
Neuvillette gives an affirmative nod, his slit violet eyes having a soft glow in them from the bright stars.
“Diluvies.” He responded, a hand planted behind him against the flattened blades of grass. You followed the shape of the constellation, noticing the striking resembling to the position of a dragon craning its neck. “Does the constellation mean something to you?” You added, taking note of the way his eyes fluttered shut.
The upper half of Neuvillette’s face harbored a pale glow from the moonlight, especially making the blue accents of his eyeliner stand out from the corner of his eyes. The aching quiet atmosphere stretched along as his eyelids remained shut, pondering a viable response. In the end, Neuvillette simply shook his head, seemingly not being able to find a particular thing he was reminded of.
Reaching over, you took his hand in yours, lacing your fingers between his tenderly. The sweet gesture caused Neuvillette’s features to soften, his features resting upon feeling your hand brush up against his gloved hand. Neuvillette couldn’t help but let out a hushed sigh, leaning his head atop yours as he grasped your hand. You placed your freehand on the back of his head, threading your fingers through his smooth, pale hair.
Your hand brushed along the ocean streaks slightly distanced from the rest of his white hair, resembling his horns as the hydro dragon sovereign. The contact with his horns only earned another quiet hum vibrating from Neuvillette’s throat, his eyes heavy lidded, yet slightly opened now.
“Perhaps, the constellation does remind me of something.”
“Oh? And what’s that?”
“It’s connected trail representing a dragon craning its neck…makes the being seem as if it’s sheltering something.”
Neuvillette paused, his own hand playing with your hair subconsciously as his head remained tilted atop yours.
“It reminds me of myself. My own want to shelter and protect you, (Name).”
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A/N: MY BRAIN IS SO COOKED HELP IM SORRY IF ITS BAD AND TOO SHORT IM SCREAMING ITS 12 AM also yes I named the fic after his story quest aren’t I so smart
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eastern-lights · 8 months
Ok so we all know how amazing Baldur's Gate 3 is. I could talk for hours about everything it did perfectly.
But rn, I want to talk about what I think Dragon Age Inquisition did better. And this is not to judge which game is better overall, but what still makes DAI so special to me despite its flaws.
1. Voiced protagonist
Yeah, starting off controversial. I know some people prefer silent protagonists, but I just find myself wishing we could have a fully voiced Tav, even at the cost of fewer dialogue options. I'm sorry, but Tav's silent indifferent face just always breaks the immersion for me, especially when contrasted with the award-worthy acting and animation of the characters they're speaking with. In DAI (and DA2, although to a lesser degree) your character could be heavily customized, but they were always an actual person who fit in with the rest of the universe and flowed seamlessly with the story.
2. Mystery and dread.
BG3 is full of heavy, scary, traumatizing stuff hidden all over the place (or in plain sight). But it can always be explained in some way. There are dreadful things in Faerûn, but we always know what they are (mostly due to most of them having to have precisely given stats as the result of being based on DnD). We know what happens after death and what we can do to bring people back from it. The closest you get to truly dread-inducing mystery in BG3 is "Do Illithids have souls" and "where do illithids come from" and (at least in Act 1) "who is the Absolute".
In Dragon Age, the whole world is made of existential dread. What happens when you die? Dunno. Is God real? No idea and if He does, He hates you. What is the Blight? Are all darkspawn capable of independent thought? What is lyrium singing about? What happened to the titans? What happens when all of the Old Gods die? And this is just the Big Questions. There's a myriad of small things, small mysteries you encounter that just have no answers. Stuff that reminds me of those creepy Goldshire children forming a pentagram in World of Warcraft. While having an explanation for everything makes for deeper worldbuilding, a world full of mysteries without answers makes for a much scarier and, in some ways, exciting experience.
3. Group dynamic and party banter
I enjoyed the party banter in BG3. Hell, it had some of the funniest lines in game. But it didn't do enough to make the group dynamic feel any less Tav/Durge-centric. You hear the companions exchange banter, but you never get beyond stuff like "Karlach and Shadowheart both enjoy wine" and "Gale enjoys Lae'zel telling him about the Astral plane". The protagonist forms amazingly written relationships with each of the companions, but they never seem to have such a bond with one another. The closest we come to what I'd like to see is Karlach and Wyll's friendship, but even that's kind of shallow, I feel. The companions do comment on the others' personal quest, but it's always one sentence reaction, before going right back to being mostly indifferent. DA2 had the same issue, if to a greater extent (srsly, the companions had the same attitude about one another over the span of 10 years)
The banter in DAI was superb. It told a story. It had arcs. You could watch in real time as Solas and Dorian became friends over their shared magical nerd-dom. You could even take part in it, such as when telling Blackwall to stfu about jousting for a moment, or telling Sera that what you and Solas do in private is none of her business. You could see Dorian and Bull fall in love. You could watch Varric slowly chip away at Solas' worldview until he arguably came closer to changing his plans than Lavellan ever did. The relationships grow over the course of the story and by the time of Solas' betrayal, you're not just sad because he betrayed you, you're sad because he betrayed Varric, Dorian, Bull, Cassandra and everyone else. Because you saw how they cared about him, each in their own way.
There is nothing more heartbreaking than Varric's "Chuckles, what have you done?"
In BG3, the relationships are mostly left to your imagination, which has its perks, but still, the group dynamic feels more like a wheel with Tav at the centre rather than a web.
4. Having limits on the romance options
Let me start by stating what I am not saying: I am not saying that bi and pan people shouldn't be represented. Far from it. But I don't think making the whole group pan is the way to go about it. I can't help but feeling it is, in a way, pandering to players, making every single companion interested in them as long as they have a sufficiently high approval.
Making some companions explicitly bi, pan, gay or straight made for a more real experience. Getting rejected by Sera on the grounds of "We have a lot in common - we both like women" felt disappointing, yes, but also real. This also allowed the writers to make the characters' sexual/romantic preferences a part of their, well, character. We got Dorian's personal quest, which I think is great. Limiting Solas' options to just Lavellan allowed the writers to make it about him realizing that his people are not mere shadows. It allowed them to write the Vallaslin scene. None of this could have been done if he were romanceable to all races.
When you have diversity in romantic attraction among the companions, suddenly the pan and bi characters (in Bull and Josie respectively) feel like their orientation is part of who they are, rather than a game mechanic to prevent players from missing out on content.
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descendant-of-evil · 1 year
Under Her Shadow| Gil LeGume
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Pairing: Platonic!Gil x Mal's Sister!Reader
Word Count: 1,667
Trigger warning: this story contains themes of emotional neglect and family dysfunction.
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing a one-shot, so please don't be too harsh on me...
Summary: Basically it's a sad & lonely-reader meeting and befriending the ball-of-sunshine that is Gil LeGume...
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
You stand in a secluded alley on the Isle of the Lost, watching as Mal and her friends wreak havoc on the poor inhabitants of this forsaken place. You are Mal's younger sister, but it often feels like you don't even exist to your own mother, Maleficent, who openly favors Mal over you, always praising her older daughter's every move and putting her on a pedestal. Meanwhile, you are left in the shadows, feeling invisible and unwanted.
You watch as Mal struts around with her new friends, Jay, Evie, and Carlos. They are now the most infamous gang of Vks on the İsle, known as the "Core Four", and Mal is the leader. They’ve been inseparable since going on that crazy quest (that you weren’t part of) to retrieve Maleficent’s scepter: The Dragon’s Eye.
As you see them all laughing and joking together, a bitter wave of loneliness washes over you (despite knowing that deep down, you'll never fit in with them, no matter how hard you try). You have no one to talk to, no one to confide in, and no one to call a friend.
You try to approach Mal, to see if she'll pay any attention to you, but she brushes you off with a wave of her hand. She's too busy with her new friends, and you're just an afterthought. As the day wears on, you find yourself feeling more and more isolated. You watch as Mal and her friends plan their next scheme, and you know you'll never be a part of it.
Eventually, you decide to wander off on your own. You find yourself in the docks, sitting on a barrel, feeling sorry for yourself. You can't help but wonder why your mother doesn't love you as much as she loves Mal. What did you do wrong?
As you sit there, lost in your thoughts, a shadow falls over you. You look up to see a boy standing in front of you, his arms crossed over his chest. It's Gil LeGume, son of Gaston.
"What are you doing here all alone?" he asks, his voice surprisingly gentle.
You shrug your shoulders, not really knowing how to answer.
"Are you okay?" he asks, concern etched on his face.
You shake your head, tears threatening to spill over. "No," you whisper.
Gil sits down beside you, and you're surprised at how comfortable you feel around him. You've always been too disgusted by Gaston and his sons to talk to them, but Gil seems different.
"What's wrong?" he asks, his voice soft.
Trusting your instincts, you take a deep breath and tell him everything. About how Maleficent favors Mal over you, about how you feel invisible and unwanted. About how you're always left out and never included.
Gil listens intently, his eyes never leaving yours. When you're finished, he puts his arm around you, and you lean into him. It's the first time in a long time that you've felt comforted.
"You know," Gil says, "Blood-Family isn't everything. You don't need the approval of your mother to be happy."
You look up at him, surprised. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, that you shouldn't have to strive to be like Mal, for Maleficent’s approval. You don't have to follow in her footsteps. You can be your own person, and make your own choices. You can do whatever you want and be whomever you want to be… That’s what İ did and İ’ve never been happier."
You nod, feeling a glimmer of hope for the first time in a long time. Maybe he's right. Maybe you don't have to be in Mal's shadow forever.
Gil stands up, pulling you to your feet with him. "Come on," he says, "Let's go to Ursula’s Fish and Chips, I heard that the fries are on discount today."
You smile, feeling a weight lifted off your shoulders. Maybe today isn't so bad after all. And maybe, just maybe, you'll find your own place in the world, away from Mal's shadow.
As you and Gil walk through the Isle of the Lost, you start to see things in a different light. You notice people and places that you've never seen before, and you begin to realize that there's a whole world outside of Mal's group.
You and Gil sit on a bench, eating your chips and talking about everything and nothing. You tell him about your favorite things, like reading and drawing, and he tells you about his love for pirating and sports.
It's the first time in a long time that you've had a real conversation with someone, and you realize how much you've been missing out on.
When the sun starts to set, Gil walks you back to your home. You thank him for spending time with you, and he gives you a smile that makes your heart flutter.
As you walk into your house, you're surprised to see Maleficent waiting for you. She looks angry, and you feel a pang of fear in your chest.
"Where have you been, Y/N?" she demands, her eyes narrowed.
"I was just out," you say, trying to keep your voice steady.
"Out where?" she snaps.
"Just around," you say, feeling a knot form in your stomach.
Maleficent glares at you for a few more seconds before storming off, leaving you standing there, feeling small and insignificant.
You walk up to your room, closing the door behind you. You sit on your bed, staring at the wall, feeling tears sting your eyes. You thought maybe things were going to change, but now you feel like you're right back where you started.
As the night wears on, you can hear Mal and her friends laughing and having fun outside your window. You try to ignore them, but their voices carry, taunting you with their happiness.
You pull your blanket up around your shoulders, feeling alone and forgotten. You try to remind yourself of what Gil said earlier, that you don't need to be like Mal or her friends, that you can make your own choices.
But it's hard to believe that when you feel so unloved and unwanted.
Eventually, you fall asleep, but your dreams are plagued with visions of Mal and Maleficent, both of them looking down on you with disdain.
When you wake up in the morning, you feel drained and exhausted. You don't want to face another day of feeling like you don't belong.
But then you remember Gil's words, and you decide to try to take his advice. You grab a notebook and start to write, letting your imagination run wild.
As the day wears on, you find yourself getting lost in your poetry, forgetting about the world outside your bedroom window.
You're surprised when you hear a knock on the balcony of your window. You look up to see Gil standing there, a shy smile on his face.
"Hey," he says, "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again today?"
You smile, feeling warmth in your chest. Maybe things are starting to change after all.
Together, you and Gil explore the Isle of the Lost, discovering new places and things to do. You feel like you're finally starting to find your own place in the world, as your own person.
As the sun starts to set, you and Gil sit on a rooftop overlooking the Isle of the Lost. You talk about everything and nothing, and you realize how much you've come to value his friendship.
"You know," Gil says, "You're pretty fun to hang out with."
You laugh, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks. "Thanks," you say, feeling a happiness that you haven't felt in a long time.
As the night wears on, you and Gil walk back to your house. You say goodnight, feeling a sense of contentment that you haven't felt in a long time.
But as soon as you open the door to your house, that sense of contentment disappears. Maleficent is waiting for you, her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.
"Where have you been, this time?" she demands.
You feel a knot form in your stomach as you try to come up with an answer. "Out with a friend," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
Maleficent glares at you, her eyes narrowing. "Out with a friend? Fool! Villains don't have friends, only allies… Your sister is a leader with three minions, why can’t you be more like her?" she says, her voice dripping with disdain.
You feel tears sting your eyes as you realize that nothing has changed. Maleficent still sees you as inferior to Mal, and nothing you do can change that.
But then you remember Gil's words, and you find a newfound strength inside of you. You stand up straighter, looking Maleficent in the eye.
"I'm my own person," you say, your voice steady. "I don't need to be like Mal to be happy."
Maleficent's expression softens for a moment, but then it hardens again. "You'll never be as good as Mal," she says, her voice cold.
You feel a sense of defeat wash over you as Maleficent walks away, leaving you standing there, alone and forgotten once again.
But then you remember the happiness you felt with Gil, and you realize that you don't need Maleficent's approval to be happy. You have your own interests and your own passions, and you don't need to live in Mal's shadow anymore.
From that moment on, you start to embrace your own identity. You spend most of your time with Gil, exploring the Isle of the Lost and discovering new things. You draw and read and write, finding joy in the things that make you unique.
And even though Maleficent still sees you as inferior to Mal, you now know that you don't need her approval to be happy. You have your own place in the world, away from Mal's shadow, and you've finally embraced the fact that you don't need to be anyone but yourself to be happy…
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moldycigarette · 3 days
alright so i know this isn’t like my normal posts but a lot of people on this platform struggle with writers block, including me, and i wanted to give some prompts that could help! you don’t have to use these and can adjust them however you’d like, these are just ideas!
Fiction & Creative Writing
1. a character wakes up in a world where everyone communicates through music.
2. a mysterious book appears on your doorstep, but its contents change every time you read it.
3. write about a time traveler who is stuck in the past and can only communicate through dreams.
4. a detective who solves crimes using supernatural powers realizes they’ve met their match.
5. a ghost is trying to prevent the person who killed them from dying.
6. a famous artist is haunted by a subject they’ve painted who comes to life.
7. your character is the sole survivor of an apocalyptic event, but soon realizes they're not alone.
8. a town where no one is allowed to speak after sunset, and no one knows why.
9. an inventor creates a machine that allows them to experience alternate versions of their life.
10. a person discovers their reflection in the mirror has its own consciousness.
11. a magical library appears only at midnight to those who need it.
12. in a world where dragons are extinct, your character finds a dragon egg.
13. your character inherits a mysterious key with no lock and begins a quest to find out what it opens.
14. write about a warrior who is bound by a curse to protect the very thing they want to destroy.
15. a forest that grows whenever someone tells a lie.
16. your protagonist discovers they are the reincarnation of a legendary hero, but with none of the hero’s abilities.
17. an ancient prophecy foretells that your character will either save the world or destroy it.
18. write about a society where magic is powered by emotions.
19. a kingdom built on clouds is in danger of falling to the earth.
20. a witch casts a spell that backfires, turning her into a child and her familiar into her guardian.
Science Fiction
21. a spaceship is sent to explore a distant planet, but the crew starts aging in reverse.
22. an AI designed to assist humanity begins developing emotions.
23. humanity’s last hope for survival is a space station, but something—or someone—inside it doesn’t want them to survive.
24. a society where everyone’s lifespan is determined at birth by an implanted chip.
25. your character discovers an alien artifact that changes their perception of reality.
26. a scientist creates a device that can predict the future, but only five minutes ahead.
27. the world’s oceans have disappeared, and underwater civilizations are revealed.
28. in the future, people can purchase memories and experiences—but at what cost?
29. a human and a robot must work together to survive on a hostile alien planet.
30. a colony on mars finds an ancient alien structure buried beneath the surface.
31. two rivals are forced to work together and uncover feelings neither expected.
32. your character accidentally texts a stranger and starts an unexpected relationship.
33. a love story set in a small town where everyone seems to know your character’s secrets.
34. two people from different timelines fall in love through letters that mysteriously appear.
35. your character is engaged but starts to question everything when they meet someone new.
36. write about a romance that blossoms during a road trip across the country.
37. your character returns to their hometown and reconnects with a childhood friend who has changed in unexpected ways.
38. a relationship between a human and a shapeshifter who struggles with their dual identity.
39. a character falls in love with someone from their dreams, only to meet them in real life.
40. your protagonist is a famous actor who falls for someone who has no idea who they are.
41. a family moves into a house where no one can leave after nightfall.
42. a seemingly ordinary object starts bringing terrible luck to everyone who touches it.
43. a town where no one remembers the year 1999, but your character discovers they lived there during that time.
44. your character is being watched by something in the shadows, but no one else can see it.
45. a child starts drawing pictures of places they’ve never been, but those places exist.
46. a group of friends find an old VHS tape, but every time they watch it, the events change.
47. your character wakes up in a hospital with no memory of how they got there and discovers they’re not alone.
48. a haunting occurs only when your character speaks a specific word they can’t remember saying.
49. write a story about a character who realizes they’ve been dead for years, but no one else knows.
50. a creepy doll your character threw away keeps reappearing in their home.
Historical Fiction
51. write about a soldier who returns home after a war to find their village completely changed.
52. a story set in ancient rome, where a slave and a senator form an unlikely alliance.
53. during the salem witch trials, a character must prove their innocence while hiding a dangerous secret.
54. set your story during the french revolution, with two characters on opposite sides of the conflict.
55. write about a young woman navigating life in the 1920s, struggling between traditional roles and modern aspirations.
56. your character is a spy during WWII, but their mission is compromised.
57. a historical figure falls in love with someone who wasn’t meant to exist in their time.
58. a doctor in the victorian era discovers a breakthrough that could change medicine forever, but at a high cost.
59. write a story set on the titanic, focusing on passengers from third class.
60. a knight and a scholar form an unlikely partnership to solve a mystery in medieval england.
Thriller & Mystery
61. your character receives a letter from a friend they thought had died years ago.
62. a private investigator uncovers a conspiracy that links seemingly unrelated crimes.
63. your protagonist’s sibling goes missing, but as they search, they uncover secrets about their family.
64. a heist goes wrong, and now your character is on the run from both the law and their partners.
65. write about a detective who must solve a crime, but they themselves are the prime suspect.
66. a series of disappearances in a small town are all connected by a single photograph.
67. your character is trapped in a game where their every move is being watched, but the rules are unclear.
68. a journalist uncovers evidence of a crime that happened decades ago, but someone wants to keep it buried.
69. a locked-room mystery where the murder weapon has vanished without a trace.
70. your character witnesses a crime but is unsure whether it was real or imagined.
Dystopian & Post-Apocalyptic
71. after the collapse of society, your character stumbles upon a group that claims they can rebuild the world.
72. in a future society, books are banned, and your character is part of the underground effort to preserve them.
73. your protagonist lives in a world where all forms of art are illegal, and they are secretly a painter.
74. a virus has wiped out most of humanity, and your character is immune—but they’re hiding that fact.
75. the government monitors everyone’s emotions through implants, but your character is beginning to feel something new.
76. in a world where water is the most valuable resource, your character uncovers a hidden freshwater spring.
77. a character is chosen to participate in a deadly competition, but they have no idea why they were selected.
78. the sky has turned permanently red, and no one knows why—but your character is determined to find out.
79. society is divided into castes based on intelligence, and your character is faking their way to the top.
80. in a future where memories can be bought and sold, your character is tasked with recovering a stolen one.
Literary Fiction
81. a character returns to their hometown for the first time in years and must confront their past.
82. your protagonist faces a moral dilemma that could change the course of their life.
83. write about a friendship that slowly unravels over the course of a year.
84. a character grapples with the realization that they are more like their parents than they ever wanted to admit.
85. a story about an ordinary day that takes an extraordinary turn.
86. your protagonist is an artist struggling with creative block, but an unexpected encounter changes everything.
87. a character is given a choice between two life-changing opportunities, but both have major consequences.
88. write about a family gathering where long-held secrets come to the surface.
89. a story about forgiveness, where a character must come to terms with a betrayal from the past.
90. your character navigates life in a big city while feeling completely disconnected from those around them.
Memoir & Personal Reflection
91. write about a time you felt completely out of your comfort zone.
92. describe a moment when you realized you were stronger than you thought.
93. what is a memory that you revisit often, and why does it stay with you?
94. reflect on a relationship that changed your life, for better or worse.
95. write about a place that holds special significance to you and why.
96. describe a moment when you had to make a difficult choice and what you learned from it.
97. write about an event in your childhood that shaped who you are today.
98. reflect on a time when you felt misunderstood and how it impacted you.
99. write about a dream you’ve had that you can’t seem to forget.
100. reflect on a moment of failure and what it taught you about resilience.
Romance x Mystery
1. a couple moves into a new home only to discover love letters hidden in the walls, all addressed to someone who lived there decades ago. they set out to uncover the fate of the mysterious lovers.
2. your character is a private investigator hired to follow someone’s spouse suspected of cheating. along the way, they start falling for the person they’re spying on—but discover something far more dangerous than infidelity.
3. two strangers meet on a train, both running from their pasts. they quickly fall for each other, but one of them is hiding a dangerous secret that could destroy their new connection.
4. a detective is assigned to protect a key witness, who turns out to be their ex. as they work together to solve the case, old feelings resurface, but so do the reasons they broke up.
5. your protagonist receives a love letter from a secret admirer—except it’s from someone they thought had died years ago. the search for answers leads them deeper into a web of lies and hidden passions.
6. a journalist meets a charming stranger while investigating a string of disappearances. as they grow closer, she begins to suspect the person she’s falling for may be involved in the case.
7. two former lovers reunite when a mutual friend goes missing. as they investigate, they discover that not only is their friend in danger, but someone is trying to keep them apart.
8. your character finds an old photograph of a couple at a flea market and becomes obsessed with finding out who they were. along the way, they meet someone who helps them uncover the mystery, sparking a romance.
9. a billionaire hires your character to solve the mystery of a missing family heirloom, and they quickly fall for the billionaire’s aloof but alluring sibling, who may know more about the theft than they’re letting on.
10. your protagonist is a novelist who starts receiving anonymous love letters that mimic the plot of their latest mystery book—except the events in the letters begin happening in real life.
11. two people inherit an old mansion, discovering a series of love letters that reveal a tragic romance tied to a long-unsolved crime. as they investigate, they find themselves falling for each other.
12. a couple's relationship is tested when one of them starts receiving cryptic, romantic messages from an unknown sender. the deeper they dig into the messages, the more dangerous the situation becomes.
13. your character's spouse disappears, leaving behind a single cryptic note and no trace. as they unravel the mystery, they uncover shocking secrets about the person they thought they knew—and question whether they should trust their love.
14. a woman finds a diary in a forgotten room of her partner's house, filled with entries that seem to predict the future—including their blossoming romance and an unsolved murder.
15. two rival art thieves fall in love while hunting for a legendary painting, but as they get closer to the truth, they discover one of them is keeping a dangerous secret.
16. a wedding is interrupted by the arrival of a mysterious stranger who claims to know the groom’s deepest secret. as the bride searches for the truth, she finds herself questioning the person she’s about to marry.
17. your character starts dating someone new, only to realize their new partner is connected to an unsolved crime from years ago. as they grow closer, they must decide whether to confront them or live with the suspicion.
18. a character receives an anonymous invitation to a masquerade ball, where they meet someone they feel an instant connection with. after the night ends, they’re left with only a cryptic clue to the person’s identity—and a growing sense of danger.
19. two amateur detectives fall for each other while solving a case, but the deeper they get into the mystery, the more they realize their pasts are dangerously intertwined.
20. your protagonist's ex goes missing, and as they investigate the disappearance, they begin receiving love letters and cryptic clues that suggest the ex may still be in love with them—or is leading them into a deadly trap.
21. an online dating match leads to a whirlwind romance, but when your protagonist tries to learn more about their new love interest, they realize the person’s entire identity might be a fabrication.
22. a librarian and a mysterious stranger team up to investigate an old family mystery involving forbidden love. as they unravel the clues, they find themselves drawn to each other, despite the growing danger.
23. a woman starts receiving flowers from a secret admirer, but each bouquet contains a puzzle piece that, when put together, reveals a decades-old mystery involving her own family.
24. two people reconnect at a high school reunion, but one of them is hiding their involvement in the disappearance of a mutual friend years ago. as old feelings resurface, so do dark secrets.
25. a detective falls in love with a suspect in a high-profile art theft. as they try to clear the suspect's name, they begin to question whether they’re being manipulated.
26. your character starts dating a brilliant scientist, only to discover that the scientist’s previous partner vanished under mysterious circumstances. the deeper they dig, the more dangerous their relationship becomes.
27. a couple’s honeymoon is interrupted when they find a hidden message in their hotel room, leading them to uncover a mystery involving a missing person.
28. your character falls for a charming stranger while on vacation, only to find out that the stranger is under investigation for a crime they may or may not have committed.
29. a letter from a long-lost love arrives, telling your character to meet them at a specific place. when they arrive, they find a murder scene and a trail of clues leading them to question everything about their past relationship.
30. your protagonist discovers their new partner is being stalked by someone who knows intimate details about their life. together, they must uncover the stalker’s identity before it's too late.
Romance x Science Fiction
1. after a nuclear apocalypse, two survivors meet while scavenging for supplies. they fall for each other, but one holds a secret that could jeopardize their relationship—and their survival.
2. a deadly virus wipes out most of humanity, and your character is immune. when they meet another immune survivor, they struggle between opening their heart and staying emotionally distant for survival’s sake.
3. a comet is heading towards earth, and society collapses in the face of the impending disaster. your protagonist falls in love with someone they meet in a survival bunker, but time is running out.
4. the world is overrun by zombies, and two people from rival survivor groups find themselves trapped together. as they fight to survive, their initial distrust turns into an unexpected romance.
5. an alien invasion destroys civilization, leaving two humans as the last survivors in a city. they rely on each other for survival, but the closer they get, the more they worry about what will happen if one of them doesn’t make it.
6. the sun is dying, and a scientist is working on a solution to save the world. as they work against the clock, they fall for their assistant, who is secretly planning to escape to a hidden underground colony.
7. after the collapse of technology, two people living in a primitive society discover old-world relics that hint at a more advanced way of life. as they journey to find answers, they grow closer, even as danger looms.
8. in a world where oxygen is scarce, two people fall in love while competing for a limited supply of clean air. they must decide whether to share their resources or save themselves at the expense of the other.
9. a solar flare wipes out all electronics, plunging the world into chaos. two strangers meet in the aftermath and fall for each other while trying to build a new life in a world without technology.
10. a giant earthquake destroys most cities, and a woman is trapped in a remote cabin with a stranger. as they rely on each other for survival, they discover a deep emotional connection.
11. a group of survivors hides from relentless storms that have devastated the earth. two people find solace in each other while living in an underground bunker, but when they run out of supplies, their bond is tested.
12. the earth is slowly freezing over and two people stranded in an arctic research station fall in love. they must choose whether to stay together in their isolated world or attempt the dangerous journey to warmer lands.
13. in a dystopian future where water is scarce, a water hunter and a desert nomad fall in love while on a dangerous quest to find the last freshwater source. their romance grows even as they realize they may not both survive the journey.
14. a plague wipes out most of the population, and two survivors from different backgrounds must navigate the ruins of civilization. as they work together to stay alive, they find love in the most unexpected circumstances.
15. humanity flees earth to live in space stations, and your character is separated from their partner. as they try to reunite, they must survive the dangers of space travel and the political intrigue aboard the stations.
16. the world is invaded by hostile robots, and two people from opposing resistance factions are forced to work together. they fall for each other despite the growing tension between their groups.
17. a mysterious fog covers the earth and people begin disappearing. two survivors fall in love while trying to unravel the mystery of the fog, knowing they could be taken at any moment.
18. a solar flare has caused mass blindness, and two sighted survivors meet while helping guide the blind to safety. as they fall in love, they must decide whether to reveal the truth about their abilities.
19. the seas have risen, and the last remnants of humanity live on floating cities. two engineers from rival factions fall in love while working on a project that could determine the future of their people.
20. after the apocalypse, a group of survivors rebuilds a small community, but food is running low. two members of the group fall in love, but their relationship is put to the test when one of them is chosen to leave on a dangerous supply mission.
21. a solar storm wipes out communication satellites, and a long-distance couple is separated. as the world descends into chaos, they struggle to reunite, facing dangers and new relationships along the way.
22. a mysterious virus kills anyone over the age of 30, and two young survivors fall in love in a world ruled by teenagers. as they grow older, they must come to terms with their inevitable fate.
23. after a global blackout, two people living in a fully automated city must learn how to survive without modern conveniences. their romance blossoms as they work together to find food, water, and a sense of purpose in the ruins.
24. a volcanic eruption covers the earth in ash, and a scientist and a firefighter trapped in a rescue bunker fall in love. as they wait for the skies to clear, they must decide whether to stay together or return to their previous lives.
25. in a world where the air is toxic, two survivors live in protective suits, communicating only through radios. as they fall in love without ever seeing each other’s faces, they must decide whether to risk exposure for a chance at real connection.
26. the oceans have dried up, and a sailor and a scientist searching for answers fall in love in a world of endless deserts. as they race to find a solution, they must confront the possibility that it may be too late.
27. a supervolcano has erupted, and two people living in different cities are connected through a ham radio. as they fall for each other over the airwaves, they must decide whether to risk their lives to meet in person.
28. a worldwide famine has left food scarce, and two strangers form a bond while scavenging in the wilderness. their romance blooms, but they must decide whether to keep their relationship or join larger, more dangerous groups for survival.
29. the stars begin to disappear, and two astronomers fall in love while trying to solve the mystery. as the universe itself seems to collapse, their relationship becomes their only anchor.
30. in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, two bounty hunters are after the same target. as they compete—and eventually team up—they fall for each other, even as their dangerous line of work threatens to tear them apart.
i hope these helped! if you have specific genre suggestions just let me know in my inbox and i can give ideas!!
likes, comments, reposts, and submissions to my inbox are always appreciated.
☻ kenai
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saywha413 · 2 years
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you ever get the unexplainable urge to draw ur otps
(vague ship thoughts that are kinda long (I would’ve put them in the tags but I literally reached the max. what.))
crunchyvelvet- you’ve seen my icon right
tomco- “svtfoe ended like 4 yrs ago” shut up /j. I started the show like 4 days ago. anyways tomco is real, have u seen friendenemies
soriku- never played kindom hearts, but they’re cute together ok
luminerik- they sit like 3 inches apart in a sauna
goldric- I just like them
sonuckles- friends to lovers is real
satogou- they’re THE otp. Literally the reason I’m in Tumblr
kohahika- Chloe needs a gf. Dawn is a gf. Picking up what I’m putting down?
eloquentremix- they just vibe so well with each other?
silvadion- they’re meant to be together. Actually.
bossbattle- they/she and she/they solidarity
hassius- gay old men.
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jrwibang · 8 months
Tough, Tried, and True Blue by @petersqlointrocks
Dear Lunadeyis, I’ve got… a problem. This (kinda hot?) Spider-Pirate-Lady stole my heart. I don’t mean that in the typical Chip sense though. This time, it’s literal. Anyway, she turned me into bones, Spooky, scary, skeleton style. My best friend, Gillion, he’s a Paladin of yours, and he’s really upset about all of this. I’m also sad about all this, but Gill… he’s your Chosen One, or whatever. Cheer him up, please? Maybe an easy quest to slay a small, evil dragon to save a very morally perfect princess? Well, if you can help or not, send good vibes his way. He’s not even saying “What the scallop!” anymore. Whatever happens, I pray to you, that we can find a way to just roll with it. I actually believe in only One True God, Chip OR Chip and Gillion embark on a dungeon crawl in the world's strangest cave. Featuring Dakota Cole, Timothy Rand, and THREE Original Characters. Also contains Pretzel, puns, evil hallways of hell and gayness, goobleck cameo, and excessive amounts of pink ribbons. The summary is the only thing in first person btw :)
Art by @candledotpng and @luna-spacedoodles
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discodoodles38 · 2 months
Chat GPT made a story about CaseOh
CaseOh's Epic Streaming Adventure
In the bustling world of online gaming, there was one streamer who stood out from the crowd: CaseOh. Known for his larger-than-life personality and even larger-than-life presence, CaseOh had a fan base that adored him. His streaming setup was nothing short of spectacular, with LED lights and high-end equipment. But his most notable feature? His immense enthusiasm and appetite for snacks.
One day, CaseOh decided to play a new game, “Dungeon Quest,” on his channel. He announced to his viewers, “Today’s stream is going to be epic! But first, let me grab my snack. You know, to fuel this finely tuned streaming machine!”
As he reached for a mountain of chips and a soda that could double as a small swimming pool, he quipped, “You know, I’ve got so many snacks here that even my refrigerator is on a diet!”
His viewers chuckled and sent in their virtual cheers. The stream began, and CaseOh dove into the game with gusto. However, as he battled virtual monsters, his chair began to creak under the pressure. “Don’t worry, folks,” he laughed, “My chair is just trying to keep up with my impressive gaming skills—and my equally impressive snack consumption!”
Throughout the game, CaseOh's commentary was as engaging as ever. “Watch out for that dragon!” he shouted. “It’s almost as fierce as my craving for a double cheeseburger right now!”
At one point, CaseOh needed to pause the game to go grab more snacks. He told his audience, “I’ll be back in a jiffy. I just need to raid my pantry—it’s the only place where my snacks are ever in danger of getting bored!”
When he returned, he had a pile of goodies stacked beside him. “This snack tower should keep me going. If gaming were an Olympic sport, I’d win gold in the ‘Snacking’ division!”
As the stream continued, CaseOh’s energy never waned. He even joked, “I’ve got so many snacks here, you’d think I was preparing for a week-long marathon. And if I’m not careful, my waistline might start its own channel!”
Despite the playful fat jokes, CaseOh’s fans loved him for his genuine humor and charisma. His streams were always a hit, filled with laughter and camaraderie. CaseOh knew that his larger-than-life presence was part of his charm, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
As the day ended, CaseOh signed off with a grin. “Thanks for hanging out with me, everyone. Remember, keep gaming and keep snacking—just don’t let the snacks get the better of you!”
And with that, CaseOh’s fans eagerly awaited his next stream, knowing it would be another fun-filled adventure with their favorite larger-than-life streamer.
(well damn)
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illarian-rambling · 2 months
Thanks for the tags @mysticstarlightduck @theink-stainedfolk and probably many more!
Wip Aesthetic Tag
Rules: Make a moodboard for your WIP, a playlist (3+ songs/music will suffice but it can be as long as you want) and describe the Vibe of your WIP.
Oh god, I'm really bad at aesthetic stuff. No clue why, I just feel like it's never cohesive. That said, here's my best stab at Mystery of the Mortal God.
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Instrumental (pulled from my character playlists):
Flight of the Silverbird
Ponyo's Sisters
Exclusive Coupé
A Murder of Crows
Wings (Aether 2)
The Quiet Earth
I Want to Conquer the World - Bad Religion
Supersonic - Bad Religion
Harlan Road - NewTown
Black Lipstick - Chicano Batman
The Reckoning - Dom Fera
Norwegian Wood - Buddy Rich Big Band
Call me Call me - Steve Conte
A walking, steam-powered vardo lurches over a yellow-flowered marsh and under a sky of curious stars. Red, sparkling smoke rises from its chimney. Muddy footsteps are left in its wake like the trail of a mechanical dragon. It seems like a place of magic, which is fair, as it's the home of a witch. She sits with a lit pipe and a tabby cat purring on her lap, quietly contemplating a distant, stolen song. Even in the peace of the moment, her mind is alight with grand schemes and dreams of adventure.
In the capital of a thousand peoples, there stands a detective office lit by golden lamps. It's busy - goblins, elves, and lizardfolk rushing every which way in hopes of managing the many crimes wrought by rogue mages. At its heart resides a beat of calm in the eye of the storm - an opulent office out of place for its cushy decorations and color coding fit for a palace. This is also fair, as working at its desk is a prince of sorts. The prodigal heir to divine contracts and a deadly curse. He shudders at the knowledge of his bloody fate, yet pursues it nonetheless.
On the side of a lonely road, in a lonely land, under stars that are not curious, but disappointed, lays a wreck of bronze and steel. It bleeds black on green. It is confused by this. Where is the red? Where is the pain? It remembers another place - gray and icy and riveted. It remembers two eyes surrounded by shadows and a grin hanging in the dark like a half-moon. Hate closes in like a frigid wind, piercing through any amount of heart or compassion. It will have revenge.
Tropes include slow burn romance, revenge quests, magic as a science, and mad scientists. Genre is fantasy steampunk.
Snappier character descriptions include a braggadocious redneck mage with a chip on her shoulder the size of a mountain, a prissy, gossip-loving detective with a deadly curse, and a sweetheart of a maybe-robot with some terrifying instincts hidden behind a fog of amnesia. All of them, due to personal quests, will end up banding together to defeat a would-be demigod, facing cunning traps, summoning ritual shenanigans, and their own conflicting personalities. Will they survive? Will they join the villain? Who's to say? All I can assure is that if they fail, it'll at least be in a blaze of glory.
Heavily inspired by the Foundryside Trilogy and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
I'll tag @spideronthesun @kaylinalexanderbooks @ominous-feychild @galactic-mystics-writes and anyone else who wants to play!
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