#the dots about What you'd get out of going to hell anyways...
poptartmochi · 9 months
it took so long but! the beast has been slain 💝
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whateveriwant · 11 months
Can you please do Task force 141 finding out they’re having quintuplets! I’d imagine that they wouldn’t plan to have that many….at least not all at once 🧍‍♀️
When the technician points out the five distinct dots on the ultrasound, he immediately goes dead silent
I mean, he's always pretty quiet anyway, but this is like quiet quiet
He doesn't utter a single word for the rest of the appointment, nor on the ride back home for that matter
This has you more concerned than you care to admit because you know that, not that long ago, he didn't think he'd ever have (much less want) kids of his own some day
So now that he's learned he's about to have five? You can't imagine what's going through his mind right now
It isn't until you're walking through the front door that you're being stopped with a gentle hand tugging on your wrist
You turn to look at him and, without a word, he drops to his knees before you, rolling up the bottom of your shirt to expose your belly
He'll press the softest of kisses just beside your navel, before looking up at you with expressive eyes that convey the foremost thought in his head: Thank you
Nearly shits a brick the moment the words leave the technician's mouth
All the color swiftly drains from his face and he has to sit down before he keels over right in the middle of the office
It's not so much fear that has him going paper white but pure shock at hearing the unexpected (yet not unhappy) news
While you'd already discussed having a big family together one day, you didn't think you'd get it done in one fell swoop
However, maybe you should've seen it coming since you both come from families that have had multiples
The possibility of this happening was decently high, so in a way, you're not all that surprised by the revelation
Once he's composed himself and is a little less ghostly pale in the face, he's eagerly requesting the technician to print out an excessive number of copies of the ultrasound
Why? Well, he's gotta send them to everyone, of course! His family, your family, all the lads at work. Hell, maybe your neighbor Charlie would like one too. Better print several just in case
"C– Come again?" He thinks he misheard the technician at first
However, even hearing it a second time, he has to stand up, round the bed, and get about an inch away from the monitor to confirm for himself
It's almost comical the way his eyes widen at the screen, darting around the black and white image like he can't comprehend what he's seeing
It'll take some coaxing to get him back in his seat, and as he does, you hear him mumbling to himself – something about nappies, never sleeping again, and *shudders* University
At some point, out of the corner of your eye, you see him messing with his hands
He's putting his palm in front of his own stomach then drawing it about a foot or two away, as if trying to visualize the size your belly is destined to grow
Even when you get back home, it's like reality hasn't fully hit him yet
It's not until you find him at 2am looking up double decker prams that you realize it's finally starting to sink in, and he's more than ready for the challenge ahead
Seems awfully calm when the technician breaks the news to you two
Based on his reaction – a light smile and mere "Oh, that's wonderful" – you'd think he'd just been informed of the weather or something
To be honest, his reaction (or lack thereof) is a little disarming, but you don't comment on it until you're buckling up in the car, mentioning his seeming total lack of nerves about the future
He chuckles and jokes that he already has to look after three big kids at work. What's five little ones at home to compare?
Though you think you can see what he's getting at, his cool-headedness about it all still has you in a bit of a tizzy
Is he not even a little surprised by the news? After all, it's not every day that people fall pregnant with quintuplets
At your question, he smiles and leans to press a bristly kiss to the back of your hand. When he pulls back, he's smirking, giving you the smuggest look you've ever seen from a man
"Told you I've got strong swimmers, love"
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queenie-official · 2 months
Part One Of Summer Love: ‘Camp Wookiee’
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series masterlist celebration event camp logo
pairing: Modern!Anakin Skywalker x fem!reader
word count: 11.4k Next part
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in hindsight, you probably should have been listening to what the camp director, Bail; was saying. in your defense no one else was, which you would later find out was because they've all heard the same speech, rules, and warnings a dozen times already.
you were busy scanning over all the faces on the screen- well the ones who had their cameras on anyway. each person you'd seen so far was shockingly attractive, a few people in particular caught your eye. A girl, Padme Amidala. A boy, Ben Kenobi. and lastly the executive director who was simply watching Bail speak to make sure it was done correctly, Qui-Gon Jinn.
the only thing that snapped you out of your admiration was the sound of your phone pinging, thankfully you were muted. glancing at your phone you saw the contact belonging to your best friend Honey and made the instant decision that she was far more important than what was happening on the Zoom call.
so you not so secretly reached for the mouse and clicked the camera button off, relaxing when you knew no one could see you anymore.
'how's the call going?' her first message read, followed by 'anyone cute on the staff 👀' making you snort.
you lean back in your chair while you type back 'i think it may be a requirement to be at least an 8/10 just to get hired’ you watch as three dots appear on the corner of the phone screen.
'well it's a good thing you're absolutely stunning 😚' you read when her message finally sent and you can't help but smile big. you loved this girl, she always knew what to say to make your day brighter even on an already sunny day.
you're about to text back when the Camp Director's words finally get your attention "And i think that's everything you'll need to know! now if you have any questions feel free to message me or Qui-gon Jinn privately. though i would like to remind you all, most of the basic information you need can be found directly on the Camps Website." shit you really should have been paying attention, they were supposed to went over the different roles that would be at the camp more in-depth during this call.
like hell you'd reach out to either of them privately and admit you weren't listening though, you bite your lower lip and slink back into your chair. "We look forward to welcoming you all to Camp Wookiee in person, see you in two weeks" Qui-Gon says right before ending the Zoom call leaving you staring at your computer screen blankly. fuck.
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*═╝
in the end it was Honey who had helped you calm down from the freak out you had after the Zoom call, and two weeks went by faster than you thought it would.
you still had a day before you had to be at the camp but because of how far you lived you planned on leaving within the next couple of hours.
"i think you need to calm down" Honey says from where she's sat on your bed, she'd been watching you run around her and haphazardly chuck things into your suitcase that you knew you'd need based on the email that was sent out last week on what would be supplied for you at the camp.
"i'm calm" you rush out while running a hand through your hair, pushing down the slight panic you felt in your chest. man you really should have paid attention on that call.
"you're going to be fiiiine, i doubt they'll kick you out of the camp for something as small as not paying attention during a Zoom meeting- that wasn't even mandatory by the way" to her credit she makes some good points, however the zoom meeting was highly encouraged for newcomers and you fall in that category.
“it's not like they're going to quiz you y/n" you let out a groan at her words whilst shoving the last of the items you needed in your suitcase and zipping it up.
"i know, i know- i just don't want to seem irresponsible" you huff while plopping down on the bed next to her. "or embarrass myself because i probably missed a massive amount of information" definitely missed a massive amount of information more like- the call was an hour long…
"whatever they told you in the call they'll definitely go over again at the Camp, we've been over this." Honey reaches over and lightly pinches your arm making you laugh as you pull away. "and before you say 'we don't know that for sure' we do know that for sure because it's supposed to be a staff of forty and only fifteen of you were actually on the call" she raises a pointed brow and you let out a sigh knowing she's right.
"okay, i'll try my best to not panic the whole ride to the camp" you say with a half smile, standing up and stretching. "i should probably leave now if i wanna get there on time tomorrow" you mumble glancing at the time on your phone, 8:30 pm.
"are you sure you don't want me to drive you? i just don't think it's wise to be driving all night and then be exhausted for the actual first day there" she'd already offered at least ten times and you'd already declined what felt like a dozen more.
"i'm sure, worst case i'll be a little sleepy but it's not like i'll be taking care of the campers the first day. staff has to show up a week before to get more comfortable in their roles" you say confidently, it was the one piece of info you did learn from the Zoom call before you started drooling over how attractive each member of the staff was.
"mhm, well i'll carry your pillow for you" she said while making a kissy face at you jokingly.
"awww thanks, how generous of you to leave the heavy stuff for me to carry" you say with a roll of your eyes as you begin to lug your suitcase down the stairs.
"really? no thank you kiss" Honey feigns hurt before snatching your pillow off your bed and quickly catching up to you.
"all of my kisses are reserved for my future love" you joke, and Honey purposely bumps into you with her hip before you can get to the door making you sway ever so slightly.
"lame, no boy deserves your love- they all suck" fair point you had to admit, honestly you only signed up to work at the camp for the social interaction. the most you plan is to have a hallway crush on one of the staff members just to save you from boredom and then forget about said crush as soon as you return home in the fall.
you pop the trunk of your car while Honey locks up your shared house. she was going back home for the summer to visit family, not wanting to be left completely alone for months on end and become a statistic. her words, not yours.
"i guess this is goodbye" she says with a finality to it, putting on her best sad voice. you laugh as she throws the pillow she was holding in the trunk and closes it.
"you make it sound like i’m dying or leaving forever" the drama from this girl, it’s not like you’re much better though. she fake sniffles and places a hand on her forehead putting on her best damsel in distress performance.
"my love is going off to war and she jokes as if she isn't leaving me for two months" there’s a smile peaking through as she speaks and you can't help but laugh, throwing your arms around her in a hug.
"i love you so much, i don't know how i’m going to survive without you" you say half joking as you go along with her antics. truth be told, you really don't know how you're going to survive without her. you both spend just about every second of every day in each other's company and even when you aren't you message so much you might as well be hanging out in person anyway.
you checked the Camp's Website before you applied and know that they do have wifi for staff and the kids mostly in case of emergencies, but just because there is wifi doesn't mean it's good wifi. it's the middle of the woods after all, you'll be lucky if photos even go through.
you both pull apart with matching toothy grins on your faces. "text me when you get to the camp?" Honey asks and you nod knowing she just wants to make sure you get there safe.
"of course, text me when you get to your parent's house?" you watch her smile grow wider while opening the car door.
"always" she responds while you climb in and buckle. "see you in two months" she shouts once the door is closed, you roll the window down and she pokes her head and arms through so you can both share one last slightly awkward hug.
"see you in two months, don't forget me while i'm gone" you say with an exaggerated pout as she pulls out of the window, standing a few steps back from the car so you can pull out of the parking lot properly.
"how could i forget a face like that" you hear her say as you roll the window back up, blasting the air conditioner.
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the actual drive to Camp Wookiee wasn't too bad, you know excluding the fact you were up all night. but every negative has a positive, the positive of this being you managed to make it to the camp an hour before you needed to be.
turning onto the gravel road sent a chill up your back, a mix of excitement and nerves. the yawn that exited your mouth showing the exact opposite of that though and the closer you get to the end of the drive the more tired you realize you are. you make a mental note to take a nap once you've parked.
pushing down another yawn as you pull into the staff parking area you immediately do a double take and decide against a nap not even a minute later. there were five cars already parked side by side, and a group of people standing in front of one just chatting.
you only recognized one of them because he was on the Zoom call, Ben Kenobi at least that's who you think it was. It'd been two weeks so maybe you were mixing up names. either way, you avoid making accidental eye contact with any of them making sure to focus entirely on parking in a straight line.
now to sit in the car and pretend like you hadn't been seen or to get out and greet the four men? you ask yourself with your hand hovering over the keys, debating whether to turn off the engine.
you look at your side mirror taking in the three men you didn't recognize. all tall- one of them was bald, another with a blonde buzzcut and lastly a boy with curly sandy blonde hair, you couldn't see his face though.
he was turned completely towards the man who you were pretty sure was Ben. after weighing your options you decided staying inside the car seemed like the best option compared to meeting four men at once.
you'd rather run into four bears, after all you didn't know what kind of people they were and you certainly didn't want to find out by yourself. maybe when more staff got here you'd be braver, in the meantime you shift your hand from hovering over the keys to the volume knob. turning up the music ever so slightly to drown out any chatter you may hear and leaning back in the seat, unbuckling yourself just to be a little more comfortable.
you look out the windshield taking in the beauty of the forest, the green from the trees reflecting slightly onto your car thanks to the sun. it was serene but short-lived as you jump from someone knocking on your window.
"sorry didn't mean to startle you" Ben said carefully as you rolled down the window. "we saw you pull in and realized you must be the new girl" he said while pointing his thumb over his shoulder, clearly referring to the three men he was originally standing with.
"new girl… like singular?" you blink confused, wouldn't there be other new girls- oh no what if you were the only new girl and the rest of the new staff were all guys?? you felt a bubble of panic begin to brew in your stomach.
"well new worker in general, everyone else working this year are returning Staff from last year." well that's almost worse, at least if it was only guys you'd still have a chance to befriend people. the staff all already knowing each other meant they'd already formed their clicks leaving you to fight for a way in. so much for joining the camp for social interactions, looks like the most educated conversation you'll be having is with some 10-year-old about whatever cartoon they're into.
you press your lips into a thin line before forcing a small polite smile. "my name is y/n" you extend your hand to him and he shakes it with a somewhat firm grip.
"Ben Kenobi, don't suppose you want to come with us onto the actual campgrounds?" you knit your brows together in confusion, turning to the clock thinking your car might have fucked up again and given you the wrong time. Ben seems to read your mind though, letting out a soft laugh before speaking up. "you're not late if that's what you're wondering. Windu is one of the camp directors, he's been setting up since 7:00 o’clock this morning along with Jinn. as long as they're here we're allowed on campgrounds even before the official start time."
okay so maybe Honey’s gotten into your head with all of her true crime stories. you relax at his explanation, reaching over and turning off your engine. "yea i'd appreciate that because i have no clue where i’m supposed to go in all honesty." he nods, taking a step back so you can climb out of the car. it felt nice being able to finally stretch out your legs after the long drive.
"i'll introduce you to everyone. Come on, oh and you can leave your stuff in the car for now. you won't know which cabin to put it in until later anyway." you give a small hum of acknowledgment and lock the car behind you before following after him.
as soon as you came to a stop in front of everyone all eyes were on you, maybe it was the height differences but you honestly felt like a little kid. "this is Windu, one of the camp directors" Ben introduces and when he politely offers you his hand with a somewhat stern look you shake it.
"don't let him scare you, he's nicer than he looks. his face is just stuck like that" you turn your head to whoever made the jab; the boy with sandy blond hair. his eyes are a beautiful shade of blue and he wore a smug smile on his face- he was probably the prettiest boy you'd ever seen.
you want to laugh but aren't sure if it'd be appropriate considering the man he was making fun of was your boss, but when Windu just rolls his eyes with a sigh you get the idea that this is a normal occurrence around here.
"I'm Anakin" he introduces himself and sticks out his hand for you to shake, you shyly take it and his hand engulf yours. there was a confidence to him you noticed or maybe an arrogance but who were you to judge someone you just met?
"ignore him y/n, he's an idiot who'd probably turn up late if he hadn't carpooled with me" Ben interjects pulling your attention away from Anakin, your hands slipping from each other in the process.
"hey i'm never late" He denies but judging from the smile on his face and the lack of actual sincerity in his voice you could tell he didn't even believe himself.
"yes you are and the only times you're not is when i drive you" Ben says with a roll of his eyes and Anakin throws his hands up in defense. you can't help but smile, holding back a laugh as you watch the two interact. it was clear just how close the two were from how they bantered but the fact they carpooled together confirmed it for you.
"I'm Rex" the last man spoke up, he had a small smile on his face, one that seemed endearing like he too enjoyed watching Anakin and Ben's dynamic.
"like a T-Rex?" you ask jokingly, it felt like the natural thing to do. if they all could tease each other who's to say you can't either; when Anakin let out a snort followed by a few snickers which then morphed into genuine laughter when he saw Rex's disgruntled face you felt like you'd made the right choice.
Rex rolled his eyes but smiled after shoving Anakin away. "looks like you're gonna fit right in here y/n" he said while crossing his arms, and you couldn't help but beam.
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so much for fear of having to fight a way in, you'd spent the last hour just getting to know Ben, Anakin and Rex. Windu had to go back to actually helping prep with Jinn and Bail.
throughout the hour more people had shown up and made their introductions to you, and as it turns out everyone got along with each other. well in their own way, there was definitely some not-so-secret animosity between some people but they didn't let it interfere with the general welcoming feel of the whole camp.
eventually, the introductions stopped and the only reason you got anyone's name was because Ben whispered them over to you.
"good morning everyone!" the chatter throughout the room quickly died down as Qui-Gon Jinn's voice echoed throughout the Log Hall. "i'm going to make this brief since all of you have heard this speech before" you felt your stomach drop, right everyone working this year was returning staff besides you.
so much for Honey's 'remain calm because they'll go over it again for the people who didn't show up on the call' advice. despite the fear you couldn't wait to text Honey and say 'i told you my fears were valid' the second you got to the room you'd be staying in.
"Today is all about settling in, so don't get too worried that we're putting you to work immediately." he said with a smile and teasing tone. if only it had the calming effect he'd intended it to have.
"Mace Windu has posted all of the info about where you will be staying, who you'll be bunking with, and which cabins you'll be responsible for on the wall over there" He motions to where Windu is standing on the opposite end of the lodge and Windu waves back.
it was pretty clear that most of this speech was meant for you and you alone given the fact that everyone else was on their phones or having hushed conversations. it made your cheeks flush slightly but you were internally grateful.
"additional camp roles are next to your names on the roster as well, and remember campers will be arriving Monday morning next week. in the meantime relax, enjoy yourselves, get used to the environment and we will see you for dinner at 5:00" he finishes with a clap of his hands, and the room erupts into loud chatter again.
"i wonder who y/n will be partnered with, she's the outlier" Rex questioned out loud, you angle yourself in his direction and he begins to clarify himself. "we've had the same partners for the last two years." you quirk a brow wondering how that's going to work, with you here there was an odd number of counselors.
"they're putting us counselors in groups of three this year" Ben states, he seems to always manages to answer your unasked questions. "i asked Jinn a few weeks ago when i heard they were hiring a new staff member."
Anakin rolls his eyes from his seat beside you, why he chose to sit there instead of spacing out more like Rex and Ben did you weren't sure; but the small heat radiating from his thigh onto yours and the tickle of his skin every time his arm brushed against you kept you from wanting to voice the question out loud.
"of course you asked, honestly i don't get why you don't just apply for a position as Camp director yet" Anakin huffed and you bit back a smile.
"if i did that you'd be out of a ride, Camp directors arrive even earlier than counselors." he retorts.
"aww you really care about me" Anakin joked, putting a hand over his heart and laying it on thick. you couldn't help the giggle that bubbled out of you and could only wonder if this is how people felt when watching you and Honey interact with one another.
Anakin turned towards you looking happy just to have made you laugh. you could get used to his attention on you that's for sure, looks like you found that hallway crush for the summer.
"i think you're partnered up with Padme" Ben says effectively interrupting whatever moment you and Anakin were having. you remember that name, she was the girl you had admired on the Zoom call- natural beauty that's for sure.
you had a feeling you two would get along, what you didn't like however was the feeling you got when you noticed Anakin light up more than you thought humanly possible just at the mere mention of her name. shit.
"oh here he goes" Ben says as Anakin begins to rant about just how gorgeous and amazing Padme is, Anakin just continues like he didn't hear him say anything at all. "he's had a crush on her since his first year working at the camp" Ben says directly towards you, the information not news to Rex.
this just served as another reminder that you were the only new person working at the camp this year, what a shame too. you could get over it though, you'd only known Anakin for what? a little over an hour maybe. at the very least you two had a good connection so friends it was.
you hadn't noticed but you started to resign yourself from the conversation as Anakin went on and on about Padme making Ben and Rex tease him even more. voices blurred together and you found yourself completely tuning out the world around you- maybe this was going to be a little harder than you thought.
a tap on your shoulder tethered you back to reality, you turned completely to see who was trying to get your attention.
had she somehow gotten even prettier in person? Padme stood behind you with her long curly brunette hair pulled back into a ponytail to keep it out of her face and off her neck. she was wearing her camp Issued T-shirt already, it was cream-colored with the Camp Wookiee logo right in the middle.
"hey! I'm Padme" she says with a smile extending her hand. her smile was perfect and made you feel guilty somehow, how could you feel negative about someone who seemed as sweet as they were beautiful? you shake her hand whilst mirroring the same smile on her face.
"i'm y/n, it's nice to meet you" all you could think was that her and Anakin certainly would make the most stunning couple. if he had a crush on her since his first year did she just not realize or not care.
the latter made your heart flutter with hope which you quickly shoved down with disgust at just how quickly you managed to crush on him. Honey would be so disappointed in you or eat up every second of this, probably both knowing her.
"sorry if this is kind of random but i just checked the roster and saw that we were partnered up. well you, me and Jasmine but she's already headed to the cabin we'll be staying at and responsible for." she spoke with a sugar-sweet tone, not the kind that made you feel sick to the stomach; when she spoke it was genuine kindness not a single ounce of malice to be found. "i was going to head there now but figured you might want to walk with me since i'd be easier than finding it yourself. trust me the signposts can get confusing quickly."
"that would be amazing, thank you so much" you say while standing up. you hadn't noticed the silence coming from the three boys until Rex and Ben finally spoke up to say their goodbyes to you.
Anakin seemed a bit awestruck by Padme's presence alone, it was kind of funny to see. you give him a knowing look while simultaneously pushing down that nasty taste that began to cling to the back of your throat. he smiled thankfully not noticing any changes in your behavior and gave you a soft goodbye of his own.
"come on, i'll help you carry your stuff from your car." Padme said and began leading the way out of the hall.
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a groan of relief leaves your body as you finally plop down on the bed in the cabin. your spine burns with pain before melting into comfort as you relax all the muscles in your body.
the part of the cabin you were staying in wasn't super spacious but it was cozy, there were two bunk beds and to your surprise, Padme and Jasmine chose separate bunks. maybe they weren't close but you still figure they'd rather bunk together than with a stranger or maybe they both just wanted the top bunk and that's the actual reason they didn't choose the same one, you didn't bother asking.
you went with the bottom bunk of Padme's, you may not know either of the girls but at least she'd gone out of her way to help you find the cabin and explain how everything was going to work.
according to Padme, there are a bunch of different cabins all with different names. the one you'd be staying at was called Naboo, Anakin and Ben were at the Coruscant cabin, Rex was staying at the Alderaan cabin.
each cabin has the same layout; there's the staff cabin room where the counselors stay which is directly connected to the room where the campers will be staying because it's easier to supervise them that way. then there's a bathroom with multiple stalls and a shower room for everyone in the cabin to use. simple really but not like you needed anything fancy.
the staff cabin room itself has two dressers to be shared amongst whoever's staying there, you and Padme were sharing one and Jasmine had the other dresser too herself. you didn't mind, both you and Padme were pretty conscious about the space you took up so you both managed to fit everything you brought into one out of the two long drawers.
you turn your head to look over at Jasmine, she was beautiful. she had fine long black hair and hazel eyes that seemed to lean more green in the shitty cabin light. your joke with Honey about being at least an 8/10 to be hired was not really feeling like a joke anymore. speaking of Honey, you really should text her.
just as you're about to pull out your phone Padme walks back into the room; she'd left to use the bathroom after helping you settle in. you smile at her when you both make eye contact and she's quick to plop down on the edge of the bed next to you.
Maybe you were imagining it but there felt like a small tension in the air, not between you and Padme but between her and Jasmine. perhaps it was the way Jasmine furrowed her brows the second Padme entered the room or the way she turned to face the wall and focus extra hard on her phone but something was definitely off- lots of puzzle pieces you itched to put together.
"so y/n" she started and you sat up to make more room on the bed before she continued. she happily took up the silent offer, moving to sit properly in the middle so you guys could face each other criss-cross applesauce. "what brings you to Camp Wookiee?" ah so this is going to go the 21 questions route, sorry Honey looks like you're not getting updates anytime soon.
"i just thought it would be fun and a good way to meet new people" plus the pay at this camp in particular was extremely good but you weren't going to say that out loud.
"well good news the people here are great" you swear she mumbled 'some more than others' at the end of that.
"anybody you'd recommend i avoid?" you ask unable to brush it off.
"i-" you watch as her eyes briefly flutter over to Jasmine before she clears her throat and locks eyes with you again. "i'm not sure that's my place to say, but i can say you've done a pretty good job so far of choosing who to hang out with." that was genuine and so was that tension you sensed earlier.
"Anakin, Ben and Rex you mean?" she nods while leaning back onto her hands a bit, letting whatever negative thoughts she held towards the third person in the room roll off her shoulders.
you and Padme clicked pretty quickly after that, and throughout your talk you learned what you'd be in charge of once the campers arrived. you'd be partnered with Anakin and Rex at the arts and crafts center which you were a little bit more excited for than you'd care to admit. she was in charge of the zip line course this year along with Ben, the three camp directors deemed them both the most responsible which seemed to check out.
time seemed to fly talking with her, she had an easygoing air about her that made conversation flow naturally- what on earth could Jasmine have done to make someone like that not like her? weird.
you decided that you'd make it your mission to find out after you discovered she shared the same favorite dessert with you, followed by your favorite book. after all someone with as good a taste as that has to have a valid reason not to like another person.
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you both kept chatting while walking side by side to the Log Hall for dinner with Jasmine not far behind. when you enter the Hall you're flagged down by the boys almost immediately.
"you can go sit with them" Padme said after realizing where you were looking.
"you don't wanna sit with them?" you ask curiously as you both move into the food line.
"i don't mind it.." she trails off while grabbing an apple to put on her tray.
"but you'd rather not." you finish her sentence for her. "i thought you said they were good people?" she hands you a pudding cup with a reassuring smile when she reads the confusion and worry on your face.
"they are, i'd just prefer to spend my time with my friends" she says while pointing with her chin to a group of girls on the opposite side of the hall. "you're welcome to join me, i just figured you'd want to be with them." she shrugs her shoulders, the choice was up to you.
you go through the rest of the line stuck in an internal debate as your tray fills up. it's not that you didn't want to sit with the boys, just you really wanted to sit with Padme and maybe you'd get along well with her friends; but then again the boys clearly wanted you to sit with them.
already having to pick sides and you're not even a full day in yet, you had to fight off the urge to audibly sigh.
"any chance your friends would move tables?" the question tumbled out of your mouth before you could think twice. was it rude to ask that? too late now.
"maybe tomorrow" she offered, and you couldn't help but frown. it was a perfectly reasonable answer just not the one you were hoping for.
"no it's okay actually, i'll just sit with you guys." this time she frowned.
"y/n i promise i won't be offended if you wanna go sit with them instead of me" she said with a laugh half teasing half sincere.
"i knoooww, but i wanna sit with all of you guys" you grumble, ever the indecisive person and always the people pleaser.
"okay then how about the boys come sit with us" you raise a brow as she turns to them, waves and then points to her table. they get the idea and stand up with their trays, you feel a little guilty for having them move but they didn't seem to mind at all.
there's a bit of an awkwardness at first as both groups learn to navigate around each other. you notice pretty quickly how almost polar opposite the boys are from Padme's friends. her friends were as calm and easygoing as her, the boys were full of energy and teasing- well Ben and Rex seemed to be able to reign it in a lot more than Anakin. which to be fair they already had calmer vibes than him anyway.
"she's great right?" Anakin asked you quietly with a nudge of his elbow. he chose to sit next to you again, there was plenty of space for him on the bench to scooch down but it didn't seem like he was aware of that. more likely he was and simply put just didn't care. you raise a brow, "Padme" he added quickly before you could ask.
there's that taste again. you push it down, taking a scoop out of your pudding cup as you nod "yea she is, we get along well too" you answer honestly making sure to sound more enthusiastic than you felt.
the blinding smile he gives you at the confession makes you wish you'd chosen to just sit with the girls alone. pitiful. "what're you two whispering about?" Padme asks with a smile and a look in her eyes that you couldn't decipher.
"just about how great it's gonna be working in the crafts center together, Rex is going to hate us by the end of camp" Anakin answers for the both of you, the lie rolling off his tongue naturally.
"going to? who's to say i don't already" Rex says with a cross of his arms and Anakin rolls his eyes.
"hey what'd i do?" you frown and Rex smiles.
"the first thing you did was compare me to a T-Rex" he defends his prior statement.
"i did no such thing!" you say through a laugh.
he points at you accusingly before saying "like a T-Rex?" in a high-pitched tone mocking you, you can't even take offense because he sounds so unserious.
"i don't sound like that Rex" you snicker only for Anakin to cut in.
"you're right, you sound more like this" he says while pinching his nose to sound nasally and you punch him in the arm. "ow, she hit me!" he says in artificial pain acting like you truly wounded him as he rubs the spot you punched.
"i definitely don't sound like that" you huff and Padme backs you up.
"hmm i'm probably mixing it up with Rex's voice then" he says smugly and Rex kicks him from under the table, judging from the wince he lets out it must have truly hurt unlike your punch.
"no kicking" Ben chastises Rex and Anakin decides no one is safe as he mocks him in a nasally voice too. "oh real mature Anakin" Ben rolls his eyes but there's no real fire behind it as you all poke fun at each other for the rest of dinner.
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*═╝
"do you have a crush on Anakin?" you whip your head towards Padme blinking rapidly confused and trying to process if you heard her correctly. she didn't repeat herself nor back down.
bold of her to ask that when the man she's talking about is not even five feet away; you had all split up heading in opposite directions towards your respective cabins. "no i don't have a crush on him, why?"
she purses her lips in thought "it seems like he likes you and vice versa" you laugh loud and abrupt, this time she's the one staring at you confused.
"wait you're serious?" you stop in your tracks but she continues walking. well that crushes your hopes of her knowing about his crush and just not reciprocating.
"you'd make a cute couple" she says with a shrug of her shoulders, the absolute irony.
"i just met him today" you say; speeding to catch up with her again. she just smiles and gives you that look she gave you in the log hall again. "i'm serious Padme!" you've grown more defensive than you needed to be.
"so am i" Unbelievable. This wasn't just ironic, it was cruel. you frown and resist the urge to roll your eyes at your own rotten luck.
"i'm too tired for this" half-truth. you were tired, you'd been up all night driving and managed to power through the day without truly resting. however you definitely were not going to be able to get to sleep once you did settle down, instead you'd be replaying every interaction from today in your head.
you did just that after changing into your pajamas and brushing your teeth; groaning softly into your pillow once you finally crashed onto your bed. Padme and Jasmine had their headphones on so you were thankfully in the clear.
the feeling of your phone vibrating next to your head was what pulled you from the self-inflicted torture of your spiraling mind. it took you a few minutes to motivate yourself to even lift your head, which felt ten times heavier than usual. probably due to exhaustion.
'don't tell me you died 😱' you can't help the grin that grows on your lips as you read Honey's message, and then you notice the notification wall of 15 other messages from her. oops. you turn onto your back and open your phone to respond.
'die and leave you alone in life? i would never' you type out quickly before reading through her other messages. 'just landed' followed by 'my parents decided to throw me a surprise party sos' and then a string of updates while the party happened.
most people would think Honey is a pretty social person based on how she is when she's with you, most people would be wrong. Honey has the social battery of a grape. she also requires at least a full day by herself in her room with hot chocolate and a book to recharge properly.
'my love has returned from war 🥹' you giggle not realizing how much you missed her until now and that's when you begin to feel homesick. Honey was your home as corny as that sounded. sisters in another life Platonic soulmates in this one; at least that's what you both always said.
'i've got so much to tell you abouutt' where to even start- i'd be easier to just send a voice message but you didn't feel comfortable enough to venture anywhere on your own yet and find somewhere to update her.
'i'm sat' from the beginning it is then.
you spent the next fifteen minutes just debriefing with her and when you finished she found the Instagram accounts of every person you mentioned.
'oh wow he is cute, no wonder you like him' she says after sending a post from Anakin's account. Ben was in the photo and it looked like it was Anakin's 19th birthday judging by the candles on the cake he was holding.
'i don't like him…' you defend but then remember who you're talking to and add 'yet- besides he likes someone else!!'
'someone who doesn't like him back' she sends back just as quickly and you stick your tongue out at her through the screen even though she can't see it.
'she never specified that, and either way i can't change the fact he likes her' you argue and Honey thankfully lets up.
''would it be weird if i followed Ben's account?' beautiful subject change Honey, you couldn't have done it better yourself.
'Ben really 😏?' you smile as you hit send liking being on the opposite end of the teasing.
'you're right too weird 😔' she replies and you two go back and forth for a while before finally calling it a night.
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*═╝
the sunlight peeking through from the lack of blinds is what woke you up, but rather than opening up your eyes to start the day you just groaned and turned towards the wall; burrowing your face into your pillow hoping for even just a few more seconds of sleep.
there's a muffled giggle from behind you that reminds you there are two other people in the room with you. poking your head up and turning towards the sound you see Padme staring at you with an amused smile while she brushes her hair back into a ponytail. she gets it on the first try too, unfair. you have to rage quit at least three times before your ponytail is even remotely smooth enough to gaslight yourself into thinking it looks good.
"good news you don't have to be up for another hour" she says while looking at the built-in wall mirror, checking to make sure her hair looks good you guessed.
"well i'm up now" you rasp out and she laughs while you clear your throat, stretching out fully before sitting up and rubbing the crud out of your eyes.
"you're not a morning person are you?" she seems very entertained by the beast you wake up as. Honey once compared you to a bear coming out of hibernation when you woke up the first time you guys had a sleepover, you couldn't deny the accuracy.
"not really…" you trail off while fighting back a yawn. there's a small silence while Padme squirts sunscreen into her hands and begins to apply it on her face and arms. you take the moment to look around the room, Jasmine's bed is empty. evidently, you were the only non morning person here.
"do you want me to walk you to the crafts center?" you hum in thought at Padme's question while you clumsily stumble out of your bed.
"don't we have breakfast first?" you question while pulling out your clothes for the day, including your own Camp Wookiee Shirt.
"yea but it's probably a smart idea to figure out where you'll be heading to afterward" she answers, turning around to give you privacy while you change.
"won't i be able to walk with Rex or Anakin?" you ask, and she shrugs as you zip up your shorts and give her the okay to turn back around.
"Rex probably, Anakin no." you raise a brow and she hands you her sunscreen, before you can refuse her she gives you a look you’d only seen your mom give you when you weren’t listening. you don't bother arguing as she was not going to take no for an answer. "Anakin isn't a morning person either- he never shows up to breakfast. which is probably why he always steals Ben's lunch."
"and Ben lets him?" you snort and Padme nods.
"they grew up together, really close families. he sorta takes care of Anakin like an older brother i suppose." you smile at the thought of a young Ben taking care of an even younger Anakin.
"where's Jasmine gone? i haven't gotten the chance to speak to her at all." Padme doesn't bother to hide her sour expression, guess she trusts you enough now to let her true feelings show or she always did but didn’t want to do anything while Jasmine was in the room.
"Jasmine doesn't talk to anyone, she keeps to herself." you frown, Padme doesn't seem like the type of person to hate someone just because they're a loner- and if she was you didn't wanna be friends with someone like that.
"so what's exactly going on between you two anyway?" you needed to know if this friendship was going to continue.
"it's a long story, but let's just say Jasmine isn't a good person.. like at all and she's a liar who got caught pretty much instantly. and when she got confronted rather than owning up to her actions she got defensive." well now you were even more interested but she wasn't in the mood to get into details. you'd have to ask the boys about it at breakfast if you remembered, provided they didn't sit at the same table as Padme's friends.
"honestly i was shocked to find out she came back this year, i figured they hired you because she left" interesting, whatever she did must have happened just last summer then.
"does no one like her?" you don't mean to keep berating her with questions but couldn't resist the nagging curiosity.
"trust me when i say it'd be more surprising if anyone did like her" what the hell did this girl do to become the social piranha of an entire camp?
you push down the rest of your questions for now, letting there be a peaceful silence as you both exit the cabin.
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*═╝
you both go on a stroll together before heading to breakfast. Padme took the time to show you around more of the Camp pointing out what each building was and where each path leads, it was still a little confusing but you at the very least wouldn't get lost if you ended up by yourself at some point.
Ben and Rex were sat at the table they initially sat at yesterday. they gave you a wave when you made eye contact and you smiled in return.
"i'm gonna sit with just the boys is that okay?" you ask while turning to Padme who's digging through the bin of fruit snacks looking for the purple pack instead of the blue. you don't blame her everyone knows the purple pack is superior.
"you don't have to run your decisions by me y/n" she teases and you nudge her with your elbow in response. "besides we sleep in the same cabin, you can't get rid of me that easily" she jokes.
"you're right, guess i'm stuck with you for the entirety of camp against my will" this time Padme nudges you causing you both to burst out laughing.
"i'll see you later y/n" she says and gives you a little wave as you split off in separate directions.
"well good morning, i'm surprised you're not tired of us yet" Rex says in greeting as you plop down next to Ben.
"mmm i'd say i'm bordering on just tolerating you guys at most" the banter was instinctive at this point.
"ah i see we're one in the same then" Ben chuckles then takes a big bite of hash. his plate was loaded compared to yours and Rex's, that's a lot considering how much you love to eat. it does however make more sense on why he doesn't seem to care about Anakin stealing his lunch.
"i know we have the rest of the week to ourselves before campers get here, so what exactly are we going to be doing at our jobs if there's no one to perform them for?" you wonder out loud for either of them to answer.
"nothing really, it's just the camp's way of allowing us to hang out and still get paid for it." you give Rex a 'are you serious?' look and he smiles "what? our Camp directors actually like us believe it or not. i'm sure if there were more newbies like you it would be us learning the jobs. but since it's almost always the same people every year this is what it's turned into."
"so this is like a retreat for you guys?" Rex finishes his last bite of food before responding.
"as much of a retreat as you can get with 100 gremlins running around" you nearly choke to death on your food. Ben rubs your back in support as you catch your breath while laughing. note to your future self don't eat around Rex, it's a dangerous game to play.
"drink some water y/n" Ben says in between laughs, him and Rex are both loud enough to garner the attention of the whole lunch room. you're not exactly a shy person but you can't help the heat in your cheeks or the way you slink down hiding your face behind the water bottle you drink out of with just about everyone's eyes on you as they try to decipher what happened.
thankfully it doesn't take long for them to lose interest and carry on in their individual conversations but you still fight the urge to kick both boys for embarrassing you like that.
"i hate both of you" they just smile with matching cheesy grins and you roll your eyes.
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*═╝
the walk to the crafts center with Rex is just as good bad as you both kept fooling around to see who could make the other laugh harder. it doesn't die down even when you both see Anakin waiting out front of the lodge for you two with his arms crossed and an annoyed face.
Qui-Gon gave Rex the keys to open it because he was the more responsible one, but you had a feeling he'd have given it to you if he knew you a little better.
"what're you two on about?" Anakin grumbles as you both come to a stop in front of him, wiping tears from your eyes and stifling your laughter which only seemed to worsen his mood. he really wasn't a morning person wow.
"Rex just said something funny" you shrug; truth be told nothing you two had said within the last ten minutes made any sense but for some reason that made it all the more hilarious.
Anakin's brows creased and you bite your bottom lip when the urge to reach over and smooth it out with your thumb manifests out of nowhere. it was almost laughable. you let your fingers twitch at your sides instead.
Rex gets the door open with a creak which effectively pulls your attention away from the disgruntled boy in front of you.
the inside was plain, there were multiple picnic benches and some empty corkboards on the walls. you took note of the supply closet in the back and the cleaning supplies that rested beside the door.
"alright Jinn messaged me this morning and said that our only real job for this week is to clean and decorate this place for the campers." you give him a simple nod and walk toward the back of the room.
"does he prefer to be called Jinn or is that only allowed for people he's close with?" Rex takes a minute to consider your question like he'd never really thought about it before. you hand him the broom while you wait.
"i think he prefers Jinn but lets us decide what we're more comfortable with calling him" Anakin answers with a annoyed tone of voice after deciding Rex was taking to long.
"i'm gonna take the mop bucket out back to fill it with water from the hose" he says while turning his baseball cap around. you suddenly feel very warm, and it's not from the heat outside. you swallow before nodding and grabbing the container of Clorox wipes to clean off the dust from the tables.
as soon as Anakin exits the lodge Rex speaks up. "well he's in a pissy mood" you look at him incredulously.
"Padme told me he wasn't a morning person?" your voice is laced with uncertainty now unsure whether to believe that bit of info she'd given you.
"oh he's not, but it's also not usually this bad. then again i shouldn't be too shocked he's more emotional than a hormonal teenage girl" you deadpan at him and he immediately backtracks "not that i'm saying all teenage girls are emotional it's just-" he stops when he sees your lips twitch. "you're pulling my leg aren't you."
you break character instantly and burst out laughing "you should have seen the panic on your face oh my gosh" it's a laugh straight from your core one that makes Rex look like he may just smack you with the broom he's holding.
"okay seriously what am i missing? Rex is not that funny" Anakin huffs when he enters the lodge again, sounding like a pouty little kid who's not getting what they want.
"hey man she made herself laugh, i'm just an innocent victim" Rex defends while sweeping everything that was on the floor into a small pile.
"i was just messing with him" you smile; looking down as you continue the task you started.
"that i can get down with" he says with a smile letting the tension drop from his shoulders as he places the bucket down and goes to grab the mop.
you bite your tongue at the need to question what's going on with him and just finish wiping down each bench. you didn’t feel like you had the right anyway.
the three of you work together to finish cleaning the lodge. the clock on the wall showed it was now 11:00 am and lunch was at 12:00 pm so you had an hour to start working on decorations.
you all plop onto a shared bench and get to work. Anakin made a few star banners while you cut out and tapped a bunch of letters to the wall just below where the cork boards hung, they spelled out 'creativity' and 'imagination'. Rex was apparently the least creative out of the three of you so he was just busied himself with laying out all the crafts supplies so only the extra stuff was in the closet.
"if we finish all of this today, what do we do for the rest of the week?" you ask from the top of the stool you stood on. Anakin was behind you in case you fell while you hung up his banners.
he had offered to be the one to do the hanging but you insisted on being useful to which he replied 'oh yeah because you haven't been already' with the sassiest tone you'd ever heard from a man. to be fair Anakin was proving to be the leader of the sassy man apocalypse so you shouldn't have been shocked.
"we are gonna finish today, and that just means we get to chill for the rest of the week and test out projects for the kids to do" he answers and you see his hands flinch forward when the stool wobbles from you moving onto your tiptoes to get the height right for the banner. it shouldn't make your heart flutter the way it does after all he was quite literally just making sure you didn't bust your ass.
"wow Rex wasn't joking earlier then" you look down at him and there's that furrow in his brows again, it's gone when you blink making you think it was just your mind playing tricks on you.
"wait you didn't believe me?" the question comes from the opposite side of you as Rex seems to spawn out of nowhere. last you checked he was on the complete opposite side of the room organizing the construction paper by color and shade, who'd of guessed he was so particular about stuff like that.
"i was a little busy choking on my food to really process what you said" you rolled your eyes and he snorts nudging your leg with his shoulder which in turn makes the stool wobble and Anakin glare at him.
you ignore the way Rex and him have a wordless conversation and finish taping the last part of the banner.
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*═╝
the rest of the day went by fast, which wasn't the least bit astonishing. what was however; to both you, Padme and just about every other staff member it seemed was seeing Anakin at Breakfast the next day.
he wasn't eating. he barely even looked conscious, but there he was directly across from Ben and Rex. he was half asleep fully leaning into the palm of his hand, the two boys watching him looked dumbfounded.
"am i hallucinating?" Padme pinches you and you yelp.
"doesn't seem like it" she says while you glare.
"i said hallucinating not dreaming" she throws a small pack of graham crackers at you and you both giggle.
"well if you're hallucinating so am i, and probably everyone else in here" she clapsback and gives you a weird smile that makes you wanna hide, it was like she saw right through you. you didn't think anyone other than Honey and your mom could do that.
"i'll see you later" there's a sparkle in her voice that you choose to ignore, waving goodbye and heading to the table the boys were sat at.
"are you even alive right now?" Anakin blinks awake at your question, rather than responding he scoots closer to you invading your personal space like he'd been doing since you first met the other day.
this boy clearly has something against there being any type of distance between two people when he sits next to them.
"i'd argue he thinks he's dreaming" Ben teases then snickers when he receives a kick under the table. you do your best to hide your confusion and focus on the food in front of you.
"how can you even eat right now?" Anakin mumbles from beside you.
"uhhh because it's 7 in the morning and i'm starving??" he makes a disgusted face that baffles you.
"the idea of eating this early is nauseating" he says through a yawn.
"that's because you're never awake this early" Rex snides. Anakin doesn't defend himself just grumbles incoherently, you think he might of mocked him but it was really hard to tell.
"you're disrupting the natural way of the world Anakin, next we'll find out there was a hurricane in Antarctica" you're about to comment on how that's not scientifically possible but then realize that's exactly why Ben said it.
"haha you're so very funny Kenobi" as much as Anakin was grumpy it was not nearly as bad as the grumpiness he greeted you and Rex with yesterday. not that you didn't believe Rex when he said he wasn't usually that bad but now that you were experiencing it yourself you understood a lot more.
"ooo Kenobi, we're using last names now. you must be pretty upset Skywalker' Ben teases, completely unafraid of the consequences he might have from teasing a sleep-ridden bear.
ah, you're seeing the whole hibernating bear thing now. poor Honey; if you'd known this is what she was dealing with in the morning you'd have started locking yourself in your room till you felt like a decent human being to confront the world.
after the bickering dies down there's a comfortable silence as everyone just enjoys their food, well besides Anakin who's more or less in his own world. it was nice and you let yours eyes travel around the room before landing on your cabin mate who's still not even given you so much as a greeting not to mention was sitting completely and utterly alone. there wasn’t even anyone sitting at the tables near by her.
"what's up with Jasmine?" the question startles the group. probably because to them it was out of nowhere, for you however it's been a burning topic just waiting to be discussed. "i've just noticed she doesn't talk much, and Padme said she lied or whatever but didn't tell me any actual details….i figured you guys might know" you cringe inwardly at yourself when they still don't say anything.
you shouldn't have asked, there was probably a good reason why Padme didn't want to get into details about what happened and now you've just ruined everyone's morning.
your internal monologue of despair was cut short by Rex. "she did some fucked up shit. mostly she spread a bunch of rumors around about people, and she lied about pretty much everything. it's honestly shocking the Directors didn't catch wind of anything." Well that's not good but it can't be that bad?
it very much was that bad. the biggest thing she did was out one of the older campers who felt so uncomfortable they left camp early. that was the turning point when everyone decided to confront her and she got defensive starting her lone wolf act.
Jada was the little girl's name and everyone loved her; she was apparently really sweet with short blonde hair paired with rosy cheeks and a subtle southern accent if you listened close enough.
her parents were super conservative so it's no wonder she'd feel uncomfortable with something like that floating around the camp. especially considering Parent week had been coming up at the time.
she also lied and spread rumors about several of the other girls at camp that were pretty damaging. one of the lesser rumors was about a girl she said was a slut who slept around with all of the guys on camp.
needless to say you understood everyone's opinions on her now, talk about violating on so many levels. how on earth was she still allowed to work here? everyone loved the camp directors and they didn't seem like people who would let something like that slide.
"Padme told me she was shocked that Jasmine even came back this year" you were shocked too now that you knew the extent of what had been done. "but how has no one complained about her directly to the directors?"
"we all sorta came to a unanimous decision to just pretend she doesn't exist." Ben answered while pushing his food around on his plate.
that didn't sit right with you, this is one of those times you speak up not stay silent. "why though?"
"well even though Jinn, Windu and Bail would believe us we'd still have to supply them with evidence for the big guys upstairs….which in turn would mean they'd have to contact everyone involved" he added that last part when he noticed it wasn't clicking in your head. it took a few moments before you let out a quiet oh.
Jada would have to be contacted. which would mean her parents would have to be contacted and since she's a minor they'd have to be told everything. so everyone was staying silent to protect her.
you felt a wave of newfound respect for every single person who worked here as well as a burning hatred for Jasmine. fuck her honestly. there was a long awkward lull in the conversation before it started back up again.
Rex was the one who managed to switch subjects. you ended up on the topic of how Ben and Padme were doing with the zip line course. to no one's surprise Padme was a natural at it, Ben said she got the hang of it after Windu explained it once whereas he had needed a few extra pointers. they also had to do a safety briefing then take a test to make sure they knew everything they would have to for the campers to be allowed on it.
talk about getting off easy on your end, a brief cleaning session followed by decorating a room hardly classified as work compared to what they had to do. not like you'd complain, this just meant you'd be spending the summer doing art. well that and looking after kids, you had a pretty natural affinity with children though so it wasn't a real worry on your end.
Your mom always said it was because you were as childish as them, you preferred carefree and whimsical but a win was a win.
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*═╝
"that looks like shit" Rex is leaning over the table watching Anakin as he weaves bracelet strings together.
"you look like shit but i don't say anything" he quips, very obviously annoyed.
"did you even follow the directions?" Anakin ignores Rex at first but when he builds on the initial question with "because it doesn't look like you did" he gives him a deadly glare.
"i glanced at them and i got the basic idea" Rex looks ready to disagree with him and Anakin looks ready to shove every bead in the bowl next to him down his throat.
you don't say anything, holding your breath so you don't burst out laughing and end up the next target. although it's not like they could say anything about your bracelet as it actually looked like the picture, besides a few color changes.
"well look at yours! what even is that?" Anakin gestures to the bracelet if you could even call it that in Rex's hand, it looked like he hadn't even started.
"it's shit as well but at least i can admit that" He says pointedly and Anakin throws his half-finished attempt of a bracelet at him in response.
you can't hold it in any longer practically bursting into tears from how hard you laugh. both boy's heads snap toward you, Anakin wears a frown and Rex just looks stunned as if he'd forgotten you were there entirely.
"you two are utterly ridiculous" you wheeze and fight back snorting like a pig each time you gasp for air.
it's been like this all week as you guys experimented with different projects to do with the kids, getting to know each other way more in the process. the guys were pretty transparent from the beginning so it wasn't much of a shock when you discovered Anakin was in fact consistently childish and a bit moody but despite that he was extremely loyal and very kind.
he hides most of his real feelings with humor, your guess was he gets awkward when things get too serious so he keeps the mood light. and if that talk a few days ago at breakfast has anything to say it was safe to conclude he also resigns himself from conversations entirely when he's unsure what direction it will go.
Rex was generally a calm person, he could be serious when he needed to but prefers to joke around. which would explain why he always messes with Anakin so much. he's also extremely loyal and although he doesn't verbally express his emotions as much as Anakin does, he wears them all on his face.
Ben was the peacemaker but could be a shit stirrer too. As far as he was concerned Anakin was his brother and he had no problems arguing with anyone who said otherwise. overall the boys were all pretty similar but had their differences, it was nice to be a part of their group.
out of everyone you'd gotten the closest to Padme, sharing a room probably helped with that. but so did the fact you both shared similar interests, and even on the things you disagreed with you both still let the other gush as much as they wanted.
it was a nice little home away from home. you've kept Honey updated about everything any chance you got, but there was only so much you both could share from a distance and you couldn’t help but miss her badly. at the very least you could count on the fact camp would go by fast thanks to how fun it's been so far which meant you'd see Honey just as quickly.
that same thought made you feel a little glum but you never dwelled on it for too long, it was just the beginning after all and Campers would be arriving tomorrow morning.
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Camp Wookiee T-shirt visual aid:
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tag list: @anakinskwkler @anakinstwinklebunny @divineani
a/n: ITS HERE 🎉🎉🎉 everyone say thank you @munsondjarin who inspired me to write this fic 🤭
i can’t believe how much i actually wrote for just this one part, but it also makes sense considering im essentially just writing out the whole story and splitting it up by beginning, middle and end compared to a bunch of small individual chapters ✨
anyway i hope you all enjoy see you next week for Part 2 💋💋
have a good day Huns Xx <3
241 notes · View notes
mecachrome · 5 months
omg k i just saw ur top 3 landoscar moments post from october 2023... any changes/updates since then? new moments made it onto the list? or if not... favorite moment of 2024 so far? (i just like hearing (reading?) ur thoughts it's like reading an intellectual (but still sappy in my fave way) bedtime story 🥰)
hklsdfhlsfhd naurrr... this is so embarrassing why am i still deeply landoscarpilled 6 months later 😔
but honestly i have been thinking about this and the sheer volume of crasyinsane material and lore we've accrued since last year because now i'm like how would you even begin constructing a top 3....... the possibilities are endless!!!
in terms of pre-october content that i might have missed before, i'd say most of this ask still holds (lando's biggest fan dot mp4 will NEVER lose its insanity to me. quintessential landoscar meta as far as i'm concerned) but now i also desperately need 2 shout out portrait painting challenge...... when it came out i was of course susceptible to the "you look beautiful" bantz though mostly just wrote it off as shipbait and since then i've looked back on this video multiple times and been like ?! why was oscar's deference to lando so insane actually.... i've alr mentioned this b4 but 1) oscar taking lando's intro in stride and immediately responding i am ready lando norris 2) oscar playfully acquiescing and letting lando use purple after he'd already chosen it 3) >like 5 seconds later. "you like purple don't you?" "uhhhh... i can do now" (who says that.) 4) another stunning display of lando Nooticing and fixating on oscar's hair swoop and last but not least 5) the way oscar FOLDS OVER and giggles helplessly when lando tells him i've just done you all pink ??? like. OKAY. cheers
looking @ recent content..... personally i find 814 so fascinating because while there are many Discrete Moments i can point out that make my brain explode i also feel like to some degree the reason we (? or maybe just me. again i apologize for the nonsensical drivel i create) love to make parallel gifsets of them is because they have such an understated dynamic built off many minute unspoken habits and wordless exchanges and essentially Patterns so there is less of like... a need for spontaneous intimacy.... if that makes sense. it's about the consistency of reciprocal comfort... iterations..... palisades palisades......... ok this is totally not related to the ask i've just been rotating it in my mind
anyway 10 personable favs !!! arranged chronologically
finish the lyrics (oct 2023): a deeply obvious one but you can't Not include it 😩 i can't believe this came out a week after i answered that because seriously what da hell. @ OSCAR PIASTRI WHAT IS WRONG WITH YEWWWWWWWW. there are sooooo many things i could mention here that i feel have already been exhaustively expounded, the most obvious of course being the classic ojp Heart Eyes moment(s) (Many such cases......but also specifically the love story one) (like i'd argue silverstone was mostly responsible for getting 814 off the ground BUT this video was when their dynamic became the most "mainstream" and accessible to fandom as a whole... the amount of non-f1 fans i saw qrting reups of that clip!!!!) anyway but then you also get 👉 whatever the inside joke they have about old town road is. oscar saying "i reckon you'd be unreal in a karaoke bar in japan" which i still think is such a Line... just me ??? the way he verryryryyyy softly sings "yes" with lando at the end of their love story karaoke and the insane camera angle of him just out of focus. like. really in general there is just such a soft and lighthearted and Fun air to their dynamic in this video that makes me ;__; AND this is another prime moment of lando narrating oscar's firsts for him (singing on camera at mcl!!!) . ALSAURR lando tapping oscar on the bicep while sarcastically complimenting him. once again for two guys who never touch it compels me... actually i could go on about this video tbh like how oscar nearly falls off the couch giggling at lando playing the songs together and then it cuts to the next one and he's suddenly all flushed and his bangs have gotten all fucked up. he's so... they're so... let's move on.
splunk sim city challenge (nov 2023): many classic lines such as "i haven't even distracted you yet!" + oscar knowing his podium year and lando saying "you're a nerd!" + lando going ":) :o are you okay?" and so on... general setup of this challenge was crasy tbh. how it revolves around disrupting the other person's focus and the visual asymmetry of one being sat higher and having to lean over to distract them and how oscar just giggles goodnaturedly when lando sticks his cue cards in front of his face instead of getting annoyed and—SO ON. also forever obsessed with how oscar wordlessly lifts his eyebrows at lando at the end lol
that one sticker video (nov 2023): this video is insaaAAANEEEE to me. ANYONE ELSE??? first of all oscar and lando gingerly standing across each other on either side of the flower bed (while zak brown assumes a power stance directly on it lmfao) is already so visually overwhelming but then the way oscar glances up as he's removing the sticker from the cap, how you can seeeeee him calculating the move the entire time and being adorably pleased about it, @__@ the way lando grins at him afterward... (also crying at zb glancing at them and being equally charmed by their antics) wahhh TT__TT the vibes of this clip... immaculate
oscar thanking lando in their final post-race message (nov 2023): honestly the entire message in general but :__) one of my fav 814 moments OAT is oscar including lando in his thank you speech and lando not really expecting it and being genuinely touched by the gesture. lando is so endearingly fidgety the entire time honestly and the way he perks up a bit and wrings his hands together and playfully smiles at oscar when he mentions him... okayyy. anyway 2 me it's reminiscent of yes/no challenge "am i the funniest teammate you've ever had?" "(shyly) yeahhh... you're up there" (said in the same baby-ish voice as "so... lando?" UGH. UGHHHH) and how lando genuinely gets a bit awkwardly flustered by it like!!! god. wait ALSO i don't have the space for this so i'm throwing in end of season awards MMMM debatable + how gleefully lando threw oscar under the bus and in general just the incredible expression work going on for both of them during this exchange. God [2]
si rapid fire questions (dec 2023): this video was crucial in determining that oscar... well. is obsessed with accommodating and mirroring lando. many things we already knew (aka listening to whatever music lando listens to; insert prema lap "maybe i should move to an english team because the music's better" moment here) but equally important is oscar "stealing" lando's dinner, how lando presses him on the back to the future question until oscar just changes his answer to his, and of course as you know per my blog title NO I'M GOING TO KEEP YOU HAPPY is in my eyes top 5 most insane things oscar piastri has ever said. likeee... lando showing a bit of jokey remorse over enforcing his rules (don't even get me started about lando and game/challenge rules...) but oscar being sooo determined 2 honor his teasing 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 :melting_face: x100!!!
need to split this into two lists because apparently there's a div character limit 😔 continuing on
hilton spa ad (feb 2024): of course this pained me because of This Moment (specifically lando bringing his hand back down when oscar tried to lift it from beneath him 😮‍💨) but that is neither here nor there. obsessed with the salmon at the engineering table anecdote because the most logical explanation for oscar Not doing that anymore is because lando didn't like it... or he just eats different things now but we already know that he's adopted lando's preferred meal b4 so that's equally a lot 2 digest !!! also >the callback to their one million LOOK AT YOU/HIM moments >how they touch shoulders exactly Once when they sit down and then never again despite lando continuously leaning into oscar's space to get to the button... eugh. also just top tier oscar faces + hair 🥰
opening title behind the scenes (mar 2024): thinking about all the hilarious gifsets of this moment that i ate up deliciously 🧡🧡🧡 this was such a significant reminder of how 814 have just gotten like, exceedingly comfortable around each other & have learned 2 communicate via the most inscrutable expressions and noises and gestures that somehow suit Them perfectly x__x although i doubt they will ever really become ~effusive~ with each it's frankly even more devastating that they both help each other care less about maintaining appearances / how they often get so sucked into their interactions (see next bullet point) that everything else kind of just fades away in that instant.... all right ⚠️⚠️⚠️ maybe that's a bit of a stretch but we can pretend for the rpf lens!!! see also my tag spiel in this beautiful tuva gifset.
photo day antics (mar 2024): do you ever just...... what went on in bahrain. honestly. more from this weekend in a second but this video plus the accompanying photo encapsulate their dynamic so perfectly it makes me scream... how 814 are not only so annoyingly focused on each other all the time but also stand SOOO UNNECESSARILY CLOSE while every other teammate pairing is spaced out normally. yuki and checo glancing at them alksfdhdf 😭 truly so ridiculous that the poor photo person tried to get lando's attention and they pretended to comply for two seconds before oscar was lifting his foot to show lando his boot again. also why did it take oscar a million years to step away from lando and put a more appropriate amount of space between them...?! and even then it was barely that much........... (10 paragraphs of speaking later) I prefer really not to speak.
accidental waist grab (mar 2024): this gave me psychic damage so bad i should be lobotomized. we've already spoken about this perhaps erm excessively but why did lando feel the need to stand JUST as close to him if not closer after they broke apart. there was truly no need...... honestly the way this ship will have us looking up driver cams and staring at esteban ocon's ass as he gets out his car just for a single glimpse of their parc fermé dynamic.
bahrain post-race interview antics (mar 2024): You already knowwwww. the sky sports "he follows me everywhere" moment is equally important but the f1tv interview giving us horrifically natural banter (juxtaposing this with their previous interview moments...), lando's dumb faux australian accent and oscar playing along as always, and most of all them HIJACKING THE INTERVIEW & commiserating on camera together ❓❗️ lichrally the grid photo all over again. often when i have emotions over an 814 moment i worry that i sound overly He_Only_Got_Two_Eyes.jpeg but truly sometimes two people are just objectively insane. plus land of piastri/lando piastri.....
also runner up is the f1tv interview with lawrence aka lando's cooing noise @ oscar discussing lily (anyone else frame by frame color pick oscar's face to see how badly he flushed... no? just me?) + the beautiful self-aware surfacing of the CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS of their relationship...... !!! love when 2 guys expose and confirm their own sincerity in trying to verbally resist it. hem
is this anything. sorry eve LKSFDHLDHSF thank u for the ask & pls lmk what ur fav moments are too 🧡
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zqmbiescorpse · 1 year
lottie matthews x female reader
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a/n: episode seven absolutely destroyed me, i'm pretty sure i spent half of it crying. i cannot handle having to wait a week to see if lottie's alright, i am stressinnnngggg. anyways, here's me pretending that she is! (i'm extremely delusional.)
summary: established relationship, lottie gets the shit beaten out of her, fluffy ig, its kinda short
warnings: mentions of violence, a lot of injury, lottie is totally okay with the fact that she was almost beaten to the death
word count: 1.3k
She hadn't woken up yet. 
Your knees grew sore, the flesh pressing into the hard wooden floor beneath you, but no matter the severity of the ache, you were not leaving her side. That was a fact. You didn't care about the pain jolting your joints or about chores that needed for filling or whether you would be eating tonight, the only significance to your life, at that moment, was Lottie.
The concept of time was a genuine mystery that you didn't bother to solve, it could've been minutes or hours since you last saw Shauna, the girl had fled the cabin after pummeling Lottie's face into a grotesque mush. You would remain in the exact position, knelt at the bed, all night if needed - without even snatching a wink of sleep for yourself if that's what it came down to.
At least she wasn't dead. Though her soft, usually pale skin dotted with rosey pink specs had been corrupted by a brutal crimson swelling in vicious lumps, there was still a rise and a fall present in her chest. Each unconscious twitch and shake your girlfriend expressed signalled that she was alive, regardless, the distressed movements caused the pit in your stomach to expand, and you wondered if the battered brunette was reliving the agony of the incident in her dreams. 
The urge to reach out and caress her bruised body was a strong however stupid one, instead, you opted to run the freezing, soggy rag over her cheeks once more to help the swollen areas recover. Whilst you freshened her up, you whispered positive reassurances, telling her that she was going to be okay, somewhat simultaneously relaxing yourself, reducing your own stress levels as a bonus.
It was impossible to fathom how you'd managed to do absolutely nothing to stop the savagery. Stood there, watching horrified and devastated to see Lottie offer herself up like that, happily receiving a beating for the sake of Shauna's emotions. The lack of noise during it intensely disturbed you, even with all the continuous punches and kicks, you didn't recall a single scream. In fact, no one said anything. 
You understood that not everyone appreciated her odd chants and offerings, hell, you didn't even understand it properly either. To be brought so close to death because of that was obviously undeserved. Something could've been done to have prevented things from getting wildly out of control. The blame you kept shovelling onto yourself was suffocating, burying you. What sort of girlfriend simply observes as her lover gets knocked to the floor and attacked barbarically by a crazy girl bearing an overwhelming amount of anger? You felt bad for Shauna, but you couldn't excuse this. 
"You're thinking so… loud," the injured girl stuttered and coughed between the broken words, a slight delight in her voice. 
Lottie stirred, her eyes slowly opening - adjusting to the swells preventing them from working how they usually would. She had been laid on her side, toward you, thus you didn't neglect a single thing, panic immediately kicking now that she was awake. 
"No no, don't try to move or get up, or anything," You commanded, shakily. 
Underneath the wounds, Lottie's features were calm and gentle, a small smile grew on her lips despite the pain such a minor action caused. 
"Is Shauna, is she, okay?" Lottie mumbled earnestly, never losing the melancholy grin. 
You stared at her in utter shock; bewildered that Shauna was who she was most concerned about. 
"Lottie, do you not remember what she did to you?" You whispered, loudly, mimicking a frustrated shout without actually raising your voice. 
"She needed… it, we both know… that." 
"But you nearly died! I don't care what she needs, we all need some kind of release." You spat, maybe too selfishly, "You didn't even fight back."
"Trust me… everything's okay, I'm happy about what Shauna did, please don't worry," She soothed, her calm tone juxtaposing your desperate one perfectly. "My wounds will heal and I have you, by my side, taking care of me, and that's a wonderful thing."
Lottie raised a trembling hand, ignoring your wide-eyed pleas to stay still and comfortable, cupping your face tenderly. Consequently, you broke out in a flush and tears began to prick, threatening to spill, something that you couldn't permit. 
"I'm so sorry, Lottie." You sniffled, heartbroken at the affection you were receiving from someone who needed it more than you, "You shouldn't be putting any sort of strain on yourself in a critical condition."
A simple laughter blessed your ears, though confusing, it was the first time in months you'd heard such authentic cheeriness. You felt it was inappropriate considering the dreadful scenario, yet, your endearing girlfriend's content joy was contagious - your own wobbling lips contorted upwards, smiling through the tears. 
"Although I am in a lot of pain…it's only temporary, who knows what could've happened… if Shauna's intense feelings were left to manifest any longer," Lottie explained, stroking away any wet drops that spilled over the edge of your eyes. It was a miracle that she could even spot them. 
"I get why - you did it but, my god Lottie I hate seeing you hurt, can we just agree that it will never happen again, please." 
The brunette sensed a newfound comprehension present in you, alongside a more relaxed approach to the conversation, which she appreciated. She didn't want you upset, it was the last thing she wanted, however, she had needed you to see where she was coming from. 
"I love you a lot," You sighed, running your hands through her tangled hair, then leaning over to kiss her atop her head. 
"I can't… promise anything but I assure you that I will be more careful in the future," She admitted wholeheartedly, her honesty charmed you, hence why you placed another gentle kiss, this time, on her aforementioned palm that was cupping your skin; apparently it was stuck to you since Lottie hadn't moved it once. 
"I love you too," she added cheesily, the muscles in her mouth pushing the limit now as she beamed brightly. 
There was a lot of relief radiating off of you, the tremor in your hardworking hands settled, a detail that your girlfriend noticed, prompting her to squirm into a new position on one of the few man-made beds that the old cabin possessed. Her back carefully pressed into the feather mattress and the nested blankets surrounding her. 
You assumed that Lottie was ready to drift back to sleep, believing that this was your cue to leave, you prepared yourself to face the rest of the girls lingering around the cabin. Due to the sheer amount of time you'd spent absent from the group tending to Lottie, you hadn't experienced any confrontation from Shauna after what she did, sparking anxiety. You'd have to see her eventually. 
"Don't," Lottie spoke up, "You need to rest just as much as I do."
The compassion compelled you to obey her recommendation. She was right, you were exhausted. 
"Okay, I'm not going anywhere. I'm not getting in there with you either. You need the space," You compromised, regarding the bed's limited width, you weren't about to force her out of it for your own sake. 
"You're always welcome," Lottie chuckled, her eyes shutting, "Lay your head on my chest if that's what you'd like."
Actually, you were quite fond of the idea, your arms were set on the edge of the mattress and your head snuggled into her chest, not with too much force as you'd rather she wasn't hurt extra. Although your knees never got a break from digging into the rough floor, you were satisfied enough to let the desire for slumber overcome you - entwined with Lottie, your body heats mixed together to create a warm, loving haze that clouded around just the two of you, a suitable protection guiding you both into a deep, safe sleep.
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heartfeltcierra · 2 years
Dude where's my submarine? Part 1 of Isekaied Law X Female Reader
AN- This will be a multiple part series. I should have the second part up by Sunday night. This was a change of pace from my normal writing so I hope you all enjoy :)
Part 2- Here
Part 3- Here
Word Count 4.8K, Lightly edited
Summary- A familiar man finds himself in your strange land, so what do you do? Give him unrestricted access to the internet, hope for the best and pray he doesn't see your AO3.
Warnings~ Mentions of being sick, Light cursing, Suggestive content, Angst, Fluff, Modern World AU, Y/N is a huge simp for Law and has a hard time hiding it
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 “I am so sick of being sick.” You groan out before blowing your nose into a tissue. “If this keeps up my nose is going to fall off.” You throw the used tissue into your bedside trash can that was home to a million more just like it.
 You’ve been sick for the past week and no matter what medicine you’ve taken nothing is helping you get better. At this point you'd do just about anything to be able to breathe out of both nostrils again.
 You look over at your alarm clock through your glassy eyes and see the glowing red numbers. Crap, it's already midnight?
  The familiar sound of your text tone fills the silent room. Who's messaging me this late at night? After unlocking your phone you see a text from an unknown number saying. “What do you wish for?” 
 After looking at it for a few moments you chose to ignore it thinking It’s some type of scam. You lean over to plug your phone to its charger, causing the screen to light up. A smile forms on your lips seeing the familiar fictional man you simp for as your wallpaper, Trafalgar Law. A thought crosses your mind. If I could make a wish……
 “I wish you were here Law, I bet you could help me get better in no time.” You laugh at yourself as soon as the words left your dry lips. “I sound crazy, but i guess It was worth a shot. I should probably go to a real life doctor tomorrow.” You turn onto your side and curl up next to a pillow before closing your eyes.
  The unprompted noise causes your body to tense up. It almost sounded like someone or something fell. Slowly, you turn around on the bed and look into the pitch black area where the sound came from.
 “What the….” Your racing heart stops in your chest hearing a man's voice followed by an irritated grunt. 
 “Who’s there?!” You grab your phone off the bedside table and turn the flashlight on while getting into a defensive position.  “No way.” Your eyes nearly fall out of socket. In the middle of your room, clear as day, was a very realistic looking Law. I have to be hallucinating. You blink a few times, but he was still there, giving you a confused look. “LAW?!” Your legs give out thanks to the cocktail of shock and adrenaline , causing you to fall into the floor a few feet away from him.
 “Where am I and who the hell are you?” He quickly stood up from the floor and held the handle of his sword like he was going to attack. “I’d answer quickly if I were you.” His golden eyes were sharp and serious. 
 “No need for that!” You stick your hands up showing you have no weapon. “Trust me when I say I’m not stupid enough to fight you. Nor would I anyways.” You can’t help but smile like an idiot, completely enthralled at the fact he was in your room. “You're like my favorite character Law!” You cringe at yourself the second the words left your mouth. Be cool Y/N, be cool.
 “Favorite character?” He removes his hand from the sword and surveys the unfamiliar room. “Care to explain what is going on?” You stand up from the floor and turn the bedside lamp on.
 “Well if I’m being honest, I’m not so sure myself.” With the room better illuminated, you get a good look at Law. He was wearing his signature post time skip hat, dotted jeans and a hoodie with his jolly Roger on it. I don’t think I’ve seen that one before. “For starters, you are currently in a different world.” You watch as Law’s brows furrow in confusion. “What I'm about to tell you may be alot to take in, so you may want to sit down.” You motion towards an empty spot on your bed. “My name is Y/N by the way, Y/N L/N.” 
 “I’d introduce myself, but it seems you already know me.” Law props his sword up against your bedpost before sitting down. “Go on.”
 He follows along as you summarize your world to him and how you know who he is. 
 “So in your world I’m from a book series and tv show called ‘One piece’.” You nod your head. “ And in this world there is no ‘one piece’, devil fruit abilities, or pirates?” 
 “Well there are pirates, but they aren’t a big threat like they were in the 1700’s. That was this world's golden era of piracy. Right now the year here is 2023, so it was a long long time ago.” 
 “I see.” Law props his chin up on his hand. “So what did you mean when you said I was your favorite character?” You give him a nervous smile. 
 “Oh well you see. I just think you're really cool.” The complement causes a smirk to form on his lips. “Let me show you something.” You jump up from the bed and walk over to your closet. You dig around until you find what you were looking for. “Tadah.” You turn around to reveal the replica of Law's hat placed on your head “ROOM……..SHAMBLES “ You do the hand movements for his attacks. “Pretty impressive huh?” I look like a dork.
 “Yeah, good job.” Law deadpans. “My turn.. ROOM.” The air in your room grows dense as the blue film spreads across your bedroom. “SHAMBLES.” You felt the hat on your head shift before it transferred into Law's hand, meaning the one you wore now was the real thing. 
 “Yours is a lot better quality than mine. But it’s the real thing so that makes sense.” You hold the hat and study its fine details. “And it’s a lot fluffier.” 
 “Oh yeah?” He took the lesser version of his hat off and spun it around in his hand. “Yeah this one is pretty crappy.” “SHAMBLES.” The knockoff hat was sadly transferred back into your hands. You place it back in your closet before sitting back down on the bed.
 “I know you just met me and I’m sure you're overwhelmed right now, but can I ask a favor of you?” To your surprise Law nods his head. “I’ve been sick for the past week and I feel like crap. I’ve taken every medicine under the sun and I’m still not better. Do you think you can help?” 
 “I figured you were from the sound of your voice. I should be able to.” Law got off the bed and pulled his sword out. “Lay back.” If only that was in a different context. You lay down and watch as his sword waves over your body. “SCAN.” 
 “Did you see anything?” Law nods before putting his sword down. 
 “It’s right here.” Law places two fingers on a spot above your chest. The gesture causes your heart to flutter. “You have a virus of some kind. I’m not familiar with it, but I can take it out.” You feel blood rush towards your cheeks as his fingers brush against your skin. “Do you trust me Y/N?” He said my name!
 “I do.” You nod confirming.
 “Good. It may hurt for a moment. Just close your eyes, and it will be over before you know it.” Law's voice was smooth and calming. You slam your eyes shut and felt a sharp pain, but it was gone just as quick as it came. “Done. You will still have some drainage for a few days, but the virus itself is gone.” He places his sword back into its sheath and props it back up against your bedpost.
 “Strangely enough I already feel a little better, thank you.” You weren't lying either. The heaviness in your chest was gone and the pressure behind your eyes was dwindling away.  “So...” Law hums to let you know he was listening. “I’m not really sure how you got here, and I’m not really sure how to get you back if I’m being honest. I’m still having a hard time believing you're actually here.” 
 “Yeah. It’s pretty strange.” Law takes his hat off and leans back on the bed. “One minute I was walking around the submarine and the next minute I had some weird girl asking for favors and copying my moves.” You gasp at his audacity.
 “Is that so? Well this ‘weird girl’, is the only person you have in this strange world you’ve found yourself in, so maybe you should be nicer.” You cross your arms over your chest defensively.
 “You know I did just heal you.” He says in a matter of fact tone. “Was that not nice enough for you?” 
 “No, it was very nice. But…” You grab your nearest squishmallow and chuck into Law’s face. “What kind of doctor calls his patient a ‘weird girl’.” 
 “What kind of patient throws a..?” Law grabs the stuffed animal and examines it. You watch as a small grin forms on his lips after giving the plush a small squeeze. 
 “They are called squishmallows.” You point over to a shelf that’s filled with them. “I really like them as you can see.” 
 “I won't lie... It's kinda ugly."
 “He is not ugly!” You grab the squish from his hands and hold it against you like a child. “Instead of putting my son on blast, how about we talk about the elephant in the room.”You take a deep breath and lean against the head of your bed. Having Law here was a dream come true, but at the same time you knew he needed to go back. “Tomorrow I’ll try to figure out a way to get you back to the one piece world. I’m sure Bepo and the rest of the crew miss you.” You stood up from the bed prompting Law to follow. “In the meantime, let me give you the grand tour of my place and I’ll show you where you can sleep.”
 “Lead the way.”
 “So this is my kitchen.” You show him all of your snack cabinets. “I don’t have a whole lot right now, but I’ll go shopping in the morning.” You trail off as you rummage around cabinets. “I know you hate bread, but you like grilled fish and rice balls…”
 “You even know that?” Law cocks his head to the side. 
 “Of course I do!” As much as you want to tell him everything you know about him, you also don’t want to overwhelm the poor guy with fun facts about himself.
 “Well Y/N. What’s your favorite and least favorite food?” His question catches you off guard. He wants to know?
 “My favorite food is (F/F), and my least favorite is (L/F).” You make a gag sound at the mention of your least favorite food. “It’s so gross.”
 “Now we are even.” You blush seeing the small smirk on his handsome face. 
“I guess so.” You smile nervously. “So anyways, on to the next room."
 “You can sleep in here. It's my spare bedroom/office area.” You open the door and  flip the light on, revealing the bed, computer desk  and two large bookshelves filled with anime figurines. “Oh and those are here too, haha.” Please don’t walk over there.
 “Thank you.” Much to your horror the pirate waltz straight over to the shelves. He picks up the figure of his pre timeskip self. “How interesting. These are pretty accurate.” He places it back on the shelf before reaching for another. “I’ll be damned.” Oh no, it’s that one. “I really am your favorite character aren’t I?” His coy smirk never faltered as he held up the shirtless figure of himself. 
 You turn your head away, hiding the embarrassment written all over your face. “I think that’s enough boosting your ego for one night.” You look over at the wall clock in the room and see it’s almost 2AM. I need sleep. “There is a bathroom connected to the room over there and if you need anything let me know. Goodnight Law.” You ran out of the room and to the safety of your own. How am I going to survive this?
 The next morning you woke up feeling alot better. The soreness in your muscles went away and the fatigue you felt was replaced with energy all thanks to Law.
 “Wait..Was that real or did I hallucinate?” You get out of bed and walk towards your spare room. The door was cracked open just enough for you to peak inside. Shockingly you see Law standing up in the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. So it wasn’t some fever dream, he really is here. You watch as droplets of water fall from his dark hair and down his tone, tattooed back. It was mesmerizing to say the least. 
 But what you couldn't figure out was what he was looking at. You adjust your angle and notice what he was holding. A pang of sadness jolts in your chest, he was holding your Corazon figure.
 “Is spying on someone a custom here in your world Y/N?” You freeze up thanks to him calling you out. Law puts the figure back onto the shelf and walks over to the door that he surprisingly opens all the way.
 “No it’s not like that. I was just getting ready to go out and wanted to see what all you need?” Your eyes give him one rundown before you close them and look away.
 “Sure that's what it was.” The familiar smell of your strawberry shampoo invades your nostrils as he leans in closer. “So tell me Y/N?” His voice was right up against your ear. “Do you prefer the real thing or the figure?” Your brain hotwires at his words. 
 “Unless you want me to bring back nothing but bread, I’d suggest you stop teasing me.” You take a few steps back to create some distance. I’m so not enjoying this. “I’m going to go make some breakfast before I go. Come down when you're ready.” You walk away and turn back around to get one more glance, only for him to be staring right back at you. He gave you a small smirk before shutting the door. 
 “Here you go.” You give the now fully clothed Law a pen and notepad. "If you don't mind, make me a list of things you need."
 “Okay.” Law sat down at the kitchen table and started to jot stuff down. “I’m not sure how sizing in this world works, so I’m just going to put my measurements down.”
 “That works for me.” You grab a spatula from a drawer and close it with your hip. “I may be out for a while at the store, but I want to show you something before I leave.” Carefully you use the spatula to transfer a fried egg to a plate and paired it with some fresh cut fruit. “Breakfast is served.”  
 “This is what we call a laptop. It is a device we use for multiple things, but what I want to show you is a magical but equally horrifying thing called the internet.” You place the laptop on the kitchen table “The internet is a huge database filled with all the knowledge and information you can think of.” Law leans in closer to watch you navigate the strange device. “I’ll show you the basics. First let's start off with google. It is a search engine and you can ask  just about anything. For example.” You type in 'Trafalgar Law One Piece' and it pulls up his character info page.
 “So that’s how you know so much about me?” He reads over the screen with an interested look on his face. “Interesting.” 
 “Yeah. But there is a lot more to the internet.” You click away from the page and pull up youtube. “This is where you can watch different videos. Anything from music, tv show clips, documentaries and even surgeries. You can watch it all here!”  You find one of the one piece openings and play it for him. “I don’t know if I told you this or not, but Luffy is the main character.”
 “Straw-hat? That figures.” He rolls his eyes and judging by his tone…..
 “Are you jealous that it’s not you?” After all the teasing he’s inflicted on you, it’s time the doctor tasted his own medicine.
 “Yes you are~”
 “I am NOT.”
 “Are too~” 
 “ROOM.” The blue film engulfs your kitchen. “So remind me who’s jealous?” The devilish smirk on Law's face sent a chill down your spine. 
 “Certainly not you.” You stand up from the chair and inch your way to the front door. I’d rather not die today. “I guess I’ll get going, try not to miss me too much emo boy.” You grab your keys and purse before you run out the door, leaving a very confused Law behind.
 The first thing Law googled by himself was “What does it mean to be an emo boy?”
 As you shop around the store you look over the list of things Law wanted. He didn’t ask for much besides clothes and a few necessities. You go to the mens clothing section and pick out a few button ups, t-shirts and some jeans. The colors and style you pick seem to match his typical color pallet and aesthetic. 
   You wander down the book sections of the store and come across a book titled “How to shift into a different universe.” You glance through the pages without finding any clues or hints. How did he end up here? How was it even possible? How can I help him get back? Will he ever be able to go back? Your thoughts swirl around as you think of last night. What was I doing before he showed up?
 “Wait.. the text message!” You blurt out in the middle of an aisle, earning a few awkward glances from fellow customers. You mouth a “Sorry” before scurrying away with the shopping cart. For now you decide to focus on the task at hand to avoid embarrassing yourself any further. You grab the rest of his requested items and a few extra things to keep him occupied until you figure something out.
 “Law I’m home!” You kick the door open and walk into the kitchen with the grocery bags. “Want to come see what I got you.” You yell out.
 “No need to yell, I’m right here.” Law pokes your shoulder causing you to yelp out. When did he get in here?
 “Are you trying to give me a heart attack??”  An amused chuckle leaves his lips as you slam a hand over your racing heart. “Anyways, I got you a few extra things besides what was on the list...” You pull out a mens body wash and shampoo. “I doubt you're enjoying smelling like a field of strawberries.” 
 “I appreciate it..” Law grabs the bottle and smells it. “I like this, but.” He looks at the label on the bottle with confusion written on his face. “Why is it called bear fighting in a snowy tundra?” 
 “Your guess is as good as mine.” You shrug and Law does too. “Welcome to my universe, Law.”
 “So the internet…” The look on Law’s face can only be described with one word. Disturbed. Oh no. “I found some very interesting things. But what stood out the most was the things you’ve googled.” You clear your throat realizing you made a rookie mistake. I didn’t delete my history before I gave him the computer. You were sweating bullets at this point. “My favorite was “Law one piece smut”, that was quite interesting~”
 “Not another word from you.” You turn away from him and grab your chest in relief. At Least it wasn’t worse like ‘Law rule 34’.
 “I also saw you googled ‘things to do when you feel lonely.” The playful mood in the room dies and is replaced by an awkward silence.  
 “Way to kill the vibes Law.” You deadpan. “But yeah I did, what about it?”
 “I’ve not seen any other people here besides us, so I take you live by yourself?” You nod. “Don’t you have any family or friends?” His question opens up an old wound that you never wanted to revisit.
 “Well no, not really.” Saying that stung. At one point in your life you had both, but as you grew up people grew apart. “In this universe it's normal for family and friends to grow apart. But it’s okay.”
 “I don’t mean to pry, but it clearly is not okay If you look something like that up.” You know he’s right, but there’s not much you can do about it. “Doesn't it make you sad?” You go silent, unsure how to answer. “You don’t have to answer that, I apologize for overstepping.” 
 “No, it’s fine. But to answer that, yeah, sometimes it does make me sad.” You smile thinking of what you do when you feel down. “This is going to sound strange but when I feel sad or lonely I like to watch one piece.” 
 “Does it comfort you somehow?” 
 “It does and I know how Silly it sounds.” You let out a nervous laugh. I need to change the subject. “Anyways, do you want to watch a few episodes with me? I’m sure you're curious.”
 “Sure.” Law smiles
  You flip on the T.V and pull up one piece. Scrolling through the hundreds of episodes you decided to watch the Sabaody archipelago arc considering it was when Law was first introduced. 
 “This is very strange.” Law watches the screen while scratching his goatee. “I remember that.” Law smirks, seeing himself cut up a group of marines.
 “That is one of my favorite moments.” You couldn't help but laugh. “You were such a menace pre time skip.” 
 “You say that like I’m not currently a menace…. “ROOM.” The blue film fills the living room. “SHAMBLES” The fuzzy blanket you were curled up with is replaced with a piece of lint. You look over and see the blanket now covering Law. “I hope you don’t mind if I take this.”
 “Give me that back!” You try to pull the blanket back over but Law overpowers you. “You're such a brat.” 
 "First I'm a emo boy, now I'm a brat!?” You smile triumphantly seeing how his face has offended written all over it. “That’s no way to talk to your favorite character Y/N.” Time to hit him where it hurts.
 “I think I changed my mind. I think Kid may take your place.” You hear a quiet, but audible gasp come from Law.
 “I’ll believe that when you show me a shirtless figure of him.” He recovers quickly with a wink before turning his attention back to the tv. I can't win with this guy.
 You both watch the show in a comfortable silence. Every now and then Law would point something out or add in something about a scene. You smile watching as his tattoo hands move explaining something to you.  Despite Law being a little despicable, you were enjoying the comfort that came with being around him. 
  After hours of watching your eyes became heavy.  For a few minutes you fight it wanting to stay up with Law, but you lose the battle and succumb to a much need rest.
 Law found it hilarious watching you fight the urge to fall asleep. He was about to tease until he noticed you were lightly snoring. So she fell asleep? His brow raises seeing the uncomfortable position you were in. Your head was leaned on the back of the couch and it looked like your neck was going to snap in two. Your body must have realized this, because you shifted until your head fell against Law’s leg. He oddly enough, didn't mind. He threw the blanket he stole back on your body. You subconsciously nuzzle into his thigh causing the teeniest tiniest blush to form on his cheeks.
 “Enjoy your nap, I’ll be here when you wake up.” 
 A few hours later you wake up disoriented and in a strange position. 
 “Did you enjoy your nap?” Your head whips around to see Law above you reading one of the Modern Medicine books you got him. 
 “I’m sorry.” You lift up from his lap and scooch back over to your side of the couch. I was sleeping in his lap!
 “You weren't bothering me.” He shuts the book and places it on the coffee table. “I’m sure you didn’t get the best sleep last night considering I showed up all of a sudden.” Wait, that’s right.
 “That reminds me! I think I know why you got brought here.” You grab your phone and unlock it. “Right before you showed up I got a weird text on my phone.” 
 “Text?” Law raises his brow.
 “So this is my cell phone.” You grab your phone and hold it up. “It is this world’s equivalent to a transponder snail. You can call, video, take pictures and receive/send written messages on it.”
 “How convenient.” He grabs it and sees his picture as your background. “You really are something else.” You roll your eyes.
 “Stop acting like you aren’t eating it up.” You grab your phone and pry it out of his hands. “So back to what I was saying. That night I received a message saying ‘What do you wish for?’ I didn’t really think much about it, but I did say I wished you were here because I was sick.” You pull up the message and show it to him.
 “It has something else written underneath it.” You lean in with Law to see the text. 
 “Wish will expire one week from now at midnight.” Your heart drops. It’s nice knowing you have more time left with him but you know this whole ordeal has to be a big inconvenience for him.“ I can't help but feel guilty. I pulled you away from your crew for my own selfish wish. I’m sorry.”
 “It’s okay, my crew can handle themselves for a few days.” Law props his feet up on the coffee table. “This is like a vacation for me, plus I find this universe interesting. The medical knowledge here is very advanced and I’m sure there’s a lot I can learn.”
 “I’m glad you see it that way.” You stand up from the couch and head towards the kitchen. “I’ll make us some dinner.”
 After reading a recipe online you made tuna filled rice balls. They ended up looking good thanks to the mold you bought that shaped them like bears. You just pray they taste good.  If anything he’ll at least find them cute. 
 “You're no Sanji, but I’m proud of you Y/N.” You pat yourself on the back and smile seeing how adorable they turned out. “They look like Bepo.”
 “They do look like him.” Law yet again sneaks up behind you, causing you to jump out of your skin.
 “I’m starting to think you enjoy freaking me out.” You gave him a playful smack on the back.
 “It’s becoming my favorite activity~.” He grabs one of the rice balls and takes a big bite. The look on his face was hard to read. Did he like them? “Was this your first time making them?” 
 “Yeah why? Are they bad?” You're mentally preparing yourself for negative feedback.
 “No, they're actually really good.” He shook his head and swallowed the last bite before grabbing another one. “The rice was cooked perfectly, and the filling.. Is it tuna?” 
 “It is! I figured that would be a safe bet. I made sure to stay away from the umeboshi recipes.” You grab one and take a bite. They are good.
 “You're a very considerate person Y/N.” Law walks over to your fridge and pulls out two bottles of water. He hands you one before sitting on the countertop. “With that being said, it’s a little unfair how much you know about me versus how little I know about you. So tell me Y/N.” You turn your attention to Law. “What makes you, you?” 
 “What makes me, me.. Hmm.” You lean against the countertop beside him and ponder the thought. “I’m not really sure.” Your mind went completely blank being put on the spot.
 “Is that so?” Law finishes off the last rice ball and takes a drink of water. “I guess that leaves me six days to figure you out.” 
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 10 months
Immortal au drabble, about 766 words, no warnings
You've never been too close to the human staff in the pizzaplex, save for Sean who made the dayshift security around, and a few of the other animatronic handlers who you talked to every once in a while to come up together with improvement suggestions.
Humans were exhausting, and you were here for the animatronics anyway, so it worked out.
That said, you were still polite to everyone else, of course. This place was the depths of the pits of hell you willingly walked into, but that wasn't the same for them. They put up with stuff for the pay, and you didn't need to make things harder for them.
So like that, you always greeted Vanessa with a small smile at the start of her shift. Although not friends, you would sometimes ask how she was doing whenever you two happened to bump into each other. You never got a detailed answer, but the small talk was there, and it was enough. You made it a point to get her sundrops and fizzy faz when she looked particularly tired — can't have security failing on you, after all.
When she started acting strange, you didn't confront her too hard about it. Everyone noticed how avoidant she had become, barely talking to people if she could help it, looking as tense as it could be. You asked if she was okay, and reminded her to take breaks, but at the end of the day it wasn't your business. People go through lows in life, it's something as common as breathing. You didn't think too much of it.
And then Moon caught the virus.
You became too busy trying to get rid of it and avoiding other people getting hurt or noticing to look into every detail about it like you'd have liked to. No matter how experienced you are, you never had to deal with a glitchy murder robot before. It's been a while since anything in your life had been this much trial and error and yet you still hadn't managed to get rid of it even after turning his whole systems upside down a million times.
You noticed the way it tried to lure kids away.
You never allowed it.
You tamed it enough you could finally start looking for the source when you stayed overtime.
Why the [faz] was there a furry walking around after hours was completely beyond you. You had a headache whenever that bunny thing was near. Vanessa proved you something was wrong when she tried to make you think you were going insane from lack of sleep, that there was no rabbit, and the staff bots would have alerted her if there was. You may be severely sleep deprived, but you know what you saw.
Of course, you didn't tell her until you had snooped into everything you possibly could, every inch of this damned place. You know better than to leave your issues into human's hands.
It didn't take a genius to put the dots together after observing enough — well, not that you understood why Vanessa made it a hobby to walk around ominously in a fursuit, but you knew who was at fault for the things you went through.
You wish you could've said you had seen it coming on her being the culprit.
You did see it coming when she tried to kill you for knowing too much, though. Well, not like she managed to make more than a small cut on you, but you won't forget the dread on her face when you greeted her with your usual cheerful smile the next day, not a single scratch on you as if nothing had happened, making her question her whole sanity. Serves her right, even if you had to be more careful after that, least you want that scum to find you out.
You hate hurting people, for they are fragile and weaker than you. Twisting them wrong enough can ruin their bodies for the rest of their lives, and unlike you, they only have one.
You would have killed her on the spot for putting Moon and Sun in harms way, though.
Lucky for her, you need her alive to find a way to get this done with once and for all.
(Lucky for her, too, you had close experience with someone who had been mind controlled like her. You reminded yourself time and time again how it wasn't Moon's fault, so you choose to be merciful to her. You won't be as nice if there's a next time, though. You made sure she understood it.)
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
slimecicle x reader but write it around the writing trope thats your current favorite! :))
yall cannot be giving me freedom like this.... ; anyways doing a little country/twisters 2024 au / aquiatences to lovers thing cause idk my favorite writing trope lmaoooo ; anyways thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy :) ; this is also super short cause idk writers block ; also idk why I did an au??? I started this at 4am so I apologize LMAO
SLIMECICLE ; ain't no love in oklahoma
summary ; from chasing twisters to falling for each other, charlie will always be your daredevil driver to your sarcastic weather scientist
warnings ; language, tornados/twisters, schlatt saying the f-slur, sex jokes/innuendos but nothing nasty
track ; ain't no love in oklahoma, luke combs
word count ; 900
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Getting to know Charlie, especially while chasing tornadoes, was definitely something. You'd been acquaintances, you being a scientist and him a storm chaser, for a while now.
You had a passion and a desire to study these twisters, becoming more and more frequent, growing more dangerous. He knew how to fucking drive, that's for sure.
"Faster!" You shout, leaning forward a bit to look up at the sky, your iPad in your lap.
"It doesn't get much faster than this!" He shouts back, the car going airborne for a split second over a bump.
You both grunt, being knocked back to the ground in the lifted truck. Schlatt and Ted sit behind you, with Ted recording on some fancy camera and Schlatt reading you numbers and statistics off of his phone while everything about the twister was being live recorded. You're all strapped in, of course, watching as the one twister divides into two.
"Holy shit!" You shout, looking at Charlie for a moment. "You see that too, right?!"
"What the hell does that mean?"
"Shit is only gonna get worse"
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"I'm tired"
"Me too"
You nod as you four sit around the round table, the moonlight shining in through the window behind you. Schlatt loudly bangs his hands on the table before using the weight to push himself up on his feet.
"Goodnight fags" He speaks, before collecting his jacket and iPad to return to his room.
"Night" You raise a hand, waving him away.
Ted then follows, having been attempting to rub sleep away from his eyes for over an hour now.
"Don't fuck in the kitchen, you two!" He shouts over his shoulder.
You roll your eyes in response.
Charlie slowly looks over at you, trying to scan your expression. "So..."
"You have a good time today, chasing twisters?"
You nod with a dorky smile, "Yeah, yeah, I did"
"What's all the tech stuff mean?" He asks, resting his chin on his hand, elbow perched on the table.
You shrug, "Statistics. High statistics, higher than usual. More sporadic and frantic, even"
He nods.
You stand up, wanting to eat before retreating to bed. Ted had made Mac and Cheese, but you never found time to get a bite. You grab the last bowl and scoop some into it, then put it in the microwave for 30 seconds to reheat.
As you stare at the counter slowly descending to zero, you feel a pair of hands wrap around your shoulders, slightly digging into your muscles.
"Y'know, you look like you need a massage"
You lightly sigh, shaking your head. "I'm fine. Tired and hungry, Charlie, tired and hungry"
"And stressed" He adds
You nod to that.
"I can make it go away"
"We're not banging in Ted's kitchen"
He blinks a few times, having to connect the dots. He didn't realize how he messed that wording up.
"Oh, no, I mean, I can give you an actual massage. My aunt is a massage therapist. I mean, we can make out if you want-"
"You better get your hands ready for a massage"
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Down the hall, Ted and Schlatt are able to hear your grunts and groans from the living room.
"Ugh, harder"
Ted raises an eyebrow, looking at Schlatt.
"A little low- ugh"
Their jaws drop in disgust.
Schlatt quickly slams the door shut, alerting you and Charlie that they heard and were still awake. You and Charlie both look up, confused and oblivious. You roll over, having heard enough of your spine cracking and popping like Rice Krispie cereal.
"Thank you, really"
"Anything for you-"
"Don't even, cowboy"
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not-alien-girl-v · 7 months
Broken Pieces (George Daniel)
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warning: drinking, being mean to boyfriend, language
note: merry christmas.
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
You pulled up to this party at 10 o'clock on the dot courtesy of your friend Violet who provided you a ride. She said she had better places to be than third wheeling with you and George all night. You know the truth is that she doesn't like going to parties where she doesn't know a lot of people, but you figured you'd let her have it just this once.
Your top is comfortable tonight but your jeans are digging into your stomach in a bad way, something to do with your seasonal weight gain, something that always happens post-Thanksgiving and pre-Christmas, but George always assures you that he loves your body no matter what 'format' he gets it in. He always had an odd way with words, but the sentiment remains nonetheless.
The door of Matty and George's apartment is already open when you press on it. The air is about 10 degrees hotter inside than the frosty winter air outside, and it's comforting. It always feels like home.
Gazing around the living room, you see a random guy you've never met before in a large hat with the Grinch's face on it, a tasteful choice for a holiday party. You always wonder who the hell these people are that attend your boyfriend and your boyfriend's boyfriend's parties. Sometimes they just feel like extras in a movie set, but maybe you only feel that way since you never go out of your way to talk to the people you don't know.
And why would you, when you spot Ross and George together in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, drinks in hand. George's hair is a mess and he's wearing his black D.A.R.E. shirt but in your mind, he looks beautiful as always. Of course, you'd never tell him that in public.
You skip over to them, day looking better already. "OMG! Is that my bestie?" You bubbly exclaim, opening your arms to Ross and he returns them with a big hug. He smushes you a little uncomfortably, but it feels nice anyway.
He lets you go, "hey bestie," he speaks lowly. He's become well accustomed to your vocabulary, knowing to call you his 'bestie' rather than 'best friend.' You turn to George.
"Hey bitch." You grab his glass out of his hand, taking a sip, and coughing immediately after swallowing. "That's gross."
"Hi, love, when did you get here?" George ignores your initial rudeness.
"Just now. Scooch over, I wanna get in the sandwich." You're referring to standing in between the two men, being in the 'sandwich' as you call it. They both wordlessly create space between them in which you squeeze into.
"Have you guys seen hat guy?" You ask.
"Who?" Ross returns.
"Guy with the Grinch hat?"
"No. Wish I had though. Sounds cool," George looks down at you as he speaks. You decide to take advantage of this opportunity and grab him by the back of the neck, pulling him into a hard kiss that he gladly gives back, smiling into it. Ross makes a retching noise to your right.
"Y/N, wait, I need you to settle an argument. A girl argument," Ross interjects.
"What's a girl argument?"
George sighs in annoyance, "an argument that we, as men, cannot come to a verdict on without the input of a woman. It's stupid, Ross, I told you we don't need to ask a girl about this."
"No, we do. You're stupid. Okay, so. When women are, like, breastfeeding, does the milk come from the center of the nipple or from the whole area?"
"Like a shower head type deal," George adds, forgetting that he's against this argument.
"Yeah like a shower head. Because I say nipple but George says shower head. So what's the truth?" The look on his face is so sincere that you're certain he's completely serious. You glance at George, a similar expression. A prime opportunity to fuck with them.
"It actually comes out of the pores on the boob. Like you know how you have pores on your face? So it's a different type of skin on your boobs and the milk comes from under the skin and through the pores. That's why they sell those tit pore strips to clear out all the crap gets stuck in there so the milk comes out. You ever seen those before?"
"No, I haven't," Ross is astounded.
"Really? That's crazy, I would have never guessed," George nods his head as he speaks like he's really coming to terms with this false truth.
"No, not really, I'm fucking with you. I don't know how it comes out, why would I know? I've never breastfed before."
"Fuck off," Ross rolls his eyes, upset that you really had him going for a moment.
You cackle, happy to mess with them, then turn to George. “George? Sweet baby? Love of my life?”
He groans, shutting his eyes, “yes?”
“Will you go get me a drink and in return I’ll love you forever?”
Sighing, “I’ll be back,” and he leaves a parting kiss on the top of your head.
“Where’s my kiss?” Ross exclaims to the back of George’s head as he walks away, flipping him off as he goes.
“Ugh. Thought he’d never leave. That fucking’ guy, am I right?” You playfully joke to Ross.
“Yeah, what a loser,” Ross adds in, very best friend of him.
“Okay, Ross, what do I get him for Christmas?”
“I’m getting him a lighter with his name on it. Is that too gay?” He asks in full seriousness.
“The lighter or the name?”
“I think it would only be gay if it had your name on it. You’re fine. But that doesn’t answer my question.”
“I thought it did. Don’t get him a lighter.”
“Again, not an answer to my question. If I don’t get him a lighter, what do I get him?”
“Get him a super sick Grinch hat,” he points at Grinch hat guy who is now walking by.
“He’d never wear that shit.”
“It’d be funny though.”
“But for once, I don’t want funny, I want sentimental. Something that shows I love him, since I’m so bad at doing that otherwise.”
“Sex coupons?”
“What are sex coupons?”
He looks you dead in the eye, “let’s put on our thinking caps, use our context clues, why don’t we?”
“Okay, fine, I’m not gonna do that, anyway. It’s lame. And cheap. I may be broke and uncreative but not to that extent. I have dignity.”
He raises his eyebrows. “Do you?”
“Shut up.”
“Here’s your drink, love. ‘S just a soda since we don’t have what you like here,” George suddenly returns with a cup of Sprite in his hand.
“See, even he knows what I like. How am I supposed to compete with that?” You throw your hands up in surrender.
“He’s a little slow. It won’t even matter what you give him, even if it doesn’t mean anything, he’ll love it,” Ross tells you.
“I’m right here,” George takes a sip of your Sprite, eyes bouncing between the two of you in confusion.
“But I need to be a better girlfriend, none of this lame shit. That was just practice, this is the first game of the season.”
“Then just suck his dick and call it a day!” Ross returns your energy.
“Hello?” George asks again.
You turn to him, “hi. Thanks for the drink. Sprite?”
“Yeah, poured it out of a can and everything. Feeling like Gordon Ramsey right now.”
Chuckling, you take the drink out of his hand and sip at it. He comes to stand on the other side of you, completing the sandwich once more. “And for the record, I think you’re an amazing girlfriend.”
“You would say that.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means you’re so nice to me, all the time. Don’t I ever piss you off? Push your buttons just a little too much. Don’t you ever want to go off on me?”
“Of course not, you know I’m not like that.”
You sigh, “yeah, I know.” You pause, then continue, “so, what do you want for Christmas?” You rest your head on the side of his arm (would have been his shoulder if you were taller but it’s like, literally whatever).
“I’d be happy with just a day with you. I don’t need anything fancy, some heartfelt shit. Just some quality time.”
“Really? That’s it?”
“I feel like you want me to give you something more material so you can just buy it. Is that what you want?”
“Yes, please.”
“Okay, if you want to get me something I’ll like, get me some cologne. Something you think smells good. Promise I’ll wear it.”
You hold out your pinky to him. He hooks his with yours, giving a brief shake, then holding onto your hand with both of his. “You look tired already baby. Do you want to lay down?”
“First of all, that’s rude to say. Second of all, you’re right and I hate it. Stop reading me so well.
“So, yes?”
“Yeah…” He nods, happily grabbing your hand and leading you to his room which he had locked for the sake of the party. You turn back and wave goodbye to Ross; you’ll probably fall asleep and see him next tomorrow.
George holds the door open for you and guides you inside. He even pulls back the comforter for you to slip under. Once you do, he cheesily tucks you in, kissing your forehead. “Anything I can do for you, my dear?”
You shake your head no, already feeling too pampered and spoiled for one night.
“Alright,” he kisses your forehead and stands from his kneeled position, dusting his hands off on his pant legs. “I’ll leave you be now. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You still have no idea what cologne to get him, but at least it’s a start. How hard could sex coupons be to make, anyway?”
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
Taglist: @indierockgirrl @itssimpleanditgoeslikethis @butyou-callmewhenyourebored @milkluvr8 @americanangel
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Shouto: So from what I gather he's in a feudel Japan-esque setting where people don't have quirks. Apparently they only have elemental bending?
Ojiro: Wait a fucking second. Is the big bad someone named Ozai?
Shouto: ... how'd you know?
Ojiro: Because he's fallen into a cartoon. This is great. Although now thinking about it we should watch it, you'd get a kick out Zuko.
Shouto: You mean my potential new adoptive brother?
Ojiro: ...
Honestly I think the funniest part here would be like.
No one who does know the plot of atla is sure how to tell Enji about the *gestures to the shit Ozai pulled* for risk of him going into a 'oh I see the comparisons' spiral(even if I argue to hell and back that, even at his worst, Enji is a far better person than Ozai, I think he'd connect the dots to kinda how people saw him/how he could've been).
so they just kinda debate on how to info dump the whole thing to him without like. Triggering a Bad Time. Doubly so because they know Enji would want to do something about it but they don't know how 'safe' he is.
Ofc Enji figures a lot out on his own anyway
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melanieathene · 11 months
Suptober 2023 Day 9 - Starlight
“Star light, star bright, first star I've seen tonight; wish I may, wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.”
“That's not a star, Dean. It's a planet. Venus.”
“Shaddup, brainiac,” Dean muttered. “It's called the evening star, isn't it?”
“Yeah, but it still isn't a star. It doesn't burn, it merely reflects the light of the sun.”
“The sun is a star.”
“Sunlight is a kind of starlight.”
“Your point being?”
“That's good enough. It's valid to make a wish on it.”
“I give up!” Sam tossed his hands in the air.
Silence reigned as the brothers continued walking.
“So,” Sam said, long moments later. “What did you wish for, Dean?”
“You heard me. What's your wish?”
“I wish my brother wasn't such a giant pain in the ass.”
I wish we weren't schlepping through a stinking swamp. I wish my feet were dry. I wish you hadn't eaten those burritos for lunch. I wish – ”
“I'm sorry I asked.”
“I wish we were hunting a clown instead of a rugaru.”
“Now you're just being mean.”
“Don't ask stupid questions, then.”
Silence. In the distance a lonely frog croaked. A heavy mist began to rise, obscuring the trail they followed.
“I thought,” Sam said haughtily, “you might have wished for something useful.”
“Like world peace?”
“Like the successful end to this hunt. Or maybe for Cas to return.”
“Cas? Why would I wish for Cas?”
“Well, you two have been joined at the hip lately. Actually, you have been for some time. What's up with that, anyway?”
“Nothing! We're friends. Just friends!”
“Hmph,” Sam snorted. “More like boyfriends. I thought you were going to burst into tears when he said he'd be away for a week. Did you at least get a kiss goodbye?”
“I wish you'd – ”
“Too late! You've already used up today's wish.”
“Is this how seasoned hunters sneak up on a rugaru? I could hear you bickering a mile away.” A gravelly voice startled the brothers, sending their hands scrambling for weapons, until their brains registered who the speaker was.
“Cas!” Dean said. There was no denying the joy in his voice.
Sam smirked.
“I heard your prayer, Dean. I returned from Heaven as soon as I could. You can head home now. I took care of the rugaru.”
“So you did wish for Cas!”
“Fuck off, Sam.”
“I knew it!”
“So help me, Sam...”
“Sam is right, you know,” Castiel said, as more pinpricks of light began to dot the darkening sky. “Venus is not a star. But you don't need to seek out a star to summon me. All you have to do is call my name.”
“Awww,” Sam cooed.
“I am made of starlight; you are made of stardust. This is why we are drawn together: two halves that together are complete.”
“Hey, I'm stardust too – the entire planet is stardust.”
“True, Sam. But Dean's stardust is especially attractive to me.”
Dean tripped over a root and was saved from landing in a puddle only by Castiel's swift hand.
“And I did kiss you,” the angel continued. “I don't know how Sam knew that. We were quite discreet.”
“Your brother is an enthusiastic, but surprisingly quiet lover. Perhaps, now that you know about us, Sam, I can convince him to become more vocal.”
Sam burst into uncontrollable laughter. “I wish I could see your face right now, Dean,” he howled.
“I wish you both would shut the hell up,” Dean growled, stalking off in what he hoped was the right direction.
But of course, as he knew only too well, not every wish comes true.
And it was a long walk back to the Impala.
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bokettochild · 3 months
Hi! First off, I sent some ramblings before, and I feel safe here to share my thoughts! Your blog is amazing, to start.
Okay, so I can't read your opera house AU, though I bet it is amazing. I just don't have AO3, and when I look it up, I can't find it, so that's fine! I read your thing where it described who each LU character was in your opera house AU, and I love how Legend is a jack of all trades.
(I think it's a jack of all trades. It might be a jock of all trades.🤷‍♀️)
I feel legend, is kinda of self-conscious about his voice and thinks he isn't good enough to be on stage. That's why he mostly stays backstage and fixes things for last minute, and lets Fable take the stage.
I feel like even though Legend has been there for...like all of his life, when he saw Dusk, Artemis, and Warriors, he kind of shrunk in on his talent, seeing how they were literally crowd-pleasers. Everyone loves them; the crowds go wild when they see them on stage.
I feel like this happened once when everyone went out to get something for the play they were doing. He went on stage and just sang a hard song that not even Artemis or Warriors could do, but he nailed it.
I also feel like he would act like Jeremy Jordan. Jeremy Jordan.
Jeremy Jordan Did Bonnie and Clyde the musical and the scene raise a little hell The song, the first one he does, this great acting where he acts like he got beaten horribly, he is terrified. I describe it badly, but if you look it up if you want, I feel like that's how legend would act. He would put his heart and soul into his acting.
I feel like the warriors accidentally bullied the legend once because of something that made him shrink in on himself more when it came to stage time.
Anyways I love your blog!
I'm sorry to hear that! I have most of my fics blocked so non-users can't see them, mostly due to the rise in bots on Ao3 scraping for works and stealing our creations. If you'd like though, I can post them here as well! I used to cross-post a lot of stuff, but I stopped when I realized I could never find the fics again after LOL
And yes! Legend is the jack-of-all-trades at the Crown City opera! He grew up in the opera house (Twilight, his uncle, has been a stage-hand there since he was a baby) so he's been able to learn first hand from masters of the trade how to do basically everything there is to know! He's not as good with paperwork and the advertising aspect, as most of that sort of thing is done by Lullaby and Dot, but he's got the bare-bones knowledge (there's a rumor that Lullaby made sure he knew because she intends to leave the opera to him one day, but it's just a rumor).
I don't know if Legend is so self-conscious about his voice, but he's definitely not aware of how good he is. Like I said; he grew up learning from the best, and a lot of the crew and cast found it fun to show him how to do stuff in their down time, so he's probably got a better education in music than anyone else in the building. However, because he doesn't take acting as his main role and mostly helps in the back, he's sort of fallen into the belief that he's only maybe slightly better than average. Is he? Heck no! He could probably give the divas a nice run for their money if he was trying hard enough! However, while he most certainly has given his all to every role (he really does love acting) he still maintains that he's an "average nobody" who fills in on occasion when someone calls out sick, or plays the lesser roles when they're short on cast.
The opera knows he's good, Lullaby knows he's good, and gosh do their audiences know he's good! but because Legend is under the impression that he's average, he doesn't seek more time in the spotlight. Additionally, since Lullaby knows he loves what he is doing (he very much enjoys his prop work and set creation and costuming opportunities, don't let the grumbling fool you), she doesn't see a reason to call on him excessively if that's not what he wants. After all, he wasn't hired to be part of the cast (although whether he was actually officially hired at all is unknown, although he's paid very well).
I will say he does compare his skill to the divas, but sort of in a casual way when he's talking to Hyrule and the rest of his team. Sort of in the whole manner of: "I'm not like Dusk or anything, there's a reason you don't see my face on the billboards". I will say he's probably compared himself a lot to them in this manner though and convinced himself that he's not that great in comparison, but he's chill with it because obviously he can't be good at everything, and he's good at his job, so that's what matters.
His biggest point when people bring up his skill is always that there's a reason the divas' names are well known and he's just crew. What he doesn't know is that he very much has a near cult following and there are theories online. He's not very present on social media or anything, but their audiences know there is this one actor/actress who appears sometimes to fill roles or to cover when the headliners can't be there. Nobody knows what said actor/actress's name is, and they actually aren't even sure what gender he is, they just know said person has a lot of skill and they wish he'd show up more!
Lullaby is aware of this, but again, she respects Legend's choice to do his job, and also has no interest in throwing him to the dogs by releasing his name if he doesn't want her too. She wants him to have a normal life, thank you, not get hounded by media and fans like some of her staff are.
His skill is totally comparable to Jeremy Jordan though! Absolutely love that idea (and the idea that maybe he sounds like him too!)
As for the whole Warriors suggestion, I think they both tease each other back and forth a lot. Warriors is a good few years older, so he isn't mean with it, but considering their dynamic, it's not too far out there to suppose that maybe he once teasingly commented on Legend's singing skill with the intent of implying it was good, but Legend (pessimist that he is) assumed it was negative. In which case, he probably is a bit self-conscious about it sometimes, although it's less noticeable. It'd be more like he doesn't sing as loudly while working if he hears Wars nearby, and gets touchy when the diva talks about his skills. Wars isn't a jerk though, so he probably is clueless about the mix-up.
With all this in mind though, I can totally see the main story (when I do actually write it, LOL) featuring Legend as that sidelined, super-star-level nobody who teaches our lead (Hyrule) how to absolutely wow the crowds. Would he know why Hyrule asked him? No. He probably assumes Rule just asked the guy he actually knows, that and the divas are unapproachable or smth, or maybe because Legend's been here a while. Man has no clue, but he will help Hyrule to the best of his abilities!
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kaeyx · 6 months
somno poe <333
adding onto the fucking Poe in his sleep part y'know what would be weirdly funny. Him noticing how sore you are in the morning/the next day or two. and KNOWING you fucked someone, but he didn't visit you last night. so he gets jealous but also anxious because. what if he WON'T get a chance with you at all & he's losing you. He knows he cant do anything too drastic because he wants you to love him, trapping you in a book can wait until he knows for absolute certain who your partner is , if it wasn't just a one night thing
whoever you slept with must have done a damn good job, you seem pretty happy.
even better if you fuck him in his sleep multiple nights
he either makes more frequent visits to you at night or just kinda. tries?? to be more friendly w/ you, getting you gifts & staying close to you and making sure he has your attention when he can, without it being too suspicious.
But, we know Poe's smart. Ranpo beats him, yes, but he's Ranpo. We really need to see Poe go against other detective people. but anyway thats beside the point
point is, eventually he'd connect the dots between; 1) he can't find anyone else's items in your house other than people he knows don't fuck you, 2) he sleeps deeper the nights before he notices that you're visibly sore & he's more tired/groggy in the morning, 3) he swears you've been looking at him a bit differently. he can't tell if you're plotting something [when you should fuck him next] or if you're almost admiring(?) him, and 4) no one else has been acting differently around you. there's no giveaway for who the hell you could be fucking.
it'll probably take a while to actually consider it for long because he doesn't see why you'd actually want him, but eventually he realizes he was the one you fuck. instant flustered mess & instant horny.
I wonder if he'd start plotting down the days you do it so he can find a pattern, & the next night that you do it he just pretends to sleep; he's figured out what exactly you keep slipping the sleeping pills into, as well, so it's easy to avoid sleep by not taking the drugged drinks.. he wants to catch you in the act, just to be absolutely certain~
...this ended up a lot longer than i meant it to and i have no clue how
YEAH IT WOULD BE SO GOOD!! Poe feels terrible at first, like he's going to be sick, he even contemplates trapping you in one of his books. Whoever fucked you must have done such a good job, you look so happy... and you walk a little funny and wince when you sit down, he can't bare to look at you. He can't stop thinking about how you might have looked, sounded, how your perfect cunt would have stretched so wide and been filled so deep.... until you were dripping cum and your cervix was all bruised, and it wasn't even him who did it. He mopes around all hay, half hard because he keeps imagining you getting fucked but also miserable because because it wasn't him that fucked you. And every time it happens he does the same thing, wakes up groggy after sleeping a bit too much and finds you skipping around, smiling at him, walking funny as if you've just had your guts rearranged.
But no matter how much he investigates he can't figure out who the hell is fucking you! And yeah Ranpo is the better detective but not by that much, Poe should have figured this out by now! He's so sad and frustrated and still he's obsessed with getting his hands on you, jerking off every night while dreaming of you, sighing when he blows a fat load all over his hands and stomach, getting the sheets messy, wishing he was dumping all that cum deep inside you instead.
I don't know if he'd figure it out or not but eventually Ranpo would have to tell him, probably kick some sense into him too because Poe will be in denial. Ranpo already knows what you've been doing even if you haven't confided in him, and he can guess when you're planning to strike next. He tells Poe to not eat or drink anything after lunch, not even out of a sealed packet and especially not anything you make, and then pretend to sleep and wait. He knows his friend is in for a happy surprise.
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devox2564 · 10 months
In Your Heart
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Chapter 4: Fever
Warning: 18+ Minors DNI, masturbation, some fun Jake tension ;)
Fever by The Black Keys
Links to previous chapters:
Table of Contents
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It's been a few weeks since you arrived back in Nashville. David had moved his things out while you were still on the road and you hadn't heard from him since. When you arrived home his keys lay on the kitchen island, a painful reminder of the time you'd spent together. You felt like a ghost moving through the motions of each day but never really interacting. Even now, a few weeks removed, you still feel numb. You lay in your bed staring at the ceiling and willing yourself to get up when your phone dings.
Jake: goodmorning
This had become a habit since you'd arrived back. Jake made an effort to check up on you every few days. It was sweet, and he was going through the same shit too. You'd gotten coffee a few times, and you had started to sit in on their rehearsals when Wolfsbane wasn't occupied with writing or planning for the record.
Y/n: This is good? Damn that's disappointing.
Jake: Don't be a downer. Lunch?
Y/n: We're graduating from coffee to lunch? Things are getting serious.
You can almost see the eye roll that that comment would earn. Being friends with Jake had always been natural, but it had become almost instinct to know what he was thinking at any given moment.
Jake: I'll pick you up at 12:30
You roll yourself out of bed and down the hall towards the bathroom. The cold tiles speed you along and you quickly turn on the shower. The spray quickly steams up the bathroom as you assess your face in the mirror. Bags under the eyes? Check. Zit on the chin? Exactly where it was yesterday. Eyebrows? Could use some definite attention. It's just Jake. And although he's upgraded coffee to lunch, you decide they aren't worth any attention. Hopping in the shower you discover that your legs definitely can't be ignored. You give them a quick shave, and while you're on a roll you get your armpits too. It's been weeks since you've made any real effort to take care of yourself. 
As you reach for the shampoo you spot the small black bullet sitting on the shower ledge. Hell. You're taking care of your other basic needs anyways right? Your sex life with David had been good, loving even, but he was the kind of man that was finished when he got off (whether you got there or not). Guiding the bullet into position between your legs, you brace your free hand against the shower wall. The vibrations move through your body and burn a heat through it. Pleasing and familiar, they allow your mind to wander. The man (or men) in your fantasies were often faceless. Shaping and reshaping where you needed them. Without any real consciousness a pair of brown eyes swim in and out of this fantasy. Strong hands and long hair. A face. Jake's face. A long slow kiss and a medallion chain swaying... Jake's face?!  
You abruptly end your self care shower. Turning the vibrator off and tossing it away, bewildered. Turning the shower to cold you force yourself to stand in the spray. The icy water leaches any traces of arousal from your body. You grab your towel and step out just as your phone dings again.
 Jake: The guys want bbq
You like the message and make your way back to the bedroom. Now is not the time to be having sexual fantasies about one of your only close friends. The unwashed hair goes up into a bun and you get to work on the face. After about 15 minutes you look good enough to be seen in public. A large t-shirt and pair of jeans later and you look like you put at least a bit of an effort into your appearance. By the time you make it down to the lobby of the building it's 12:30 on the dot. 
Out on the street you see Jake parked and leaned against the hood of his car. 
"Punctual as always I see!" he yells as you walk in his direction. 
"I just couldn't stand to keep you waiting." you say, tone dripping in sarcasm.
"You look like you actually showered today." he says as he pulls you into a one armed hug. 
"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that." you open the passenger side door and plop down onto the seat as he scoots into the driver's side. The scene in the shower is a distant memory. 
He starts the car and pulls out into the flow of traffic. Windows down and music blaring, the fall air rushes through the car. It is actually a nice day to be out. The two of you don't say much as Jake drives. A lot of the time you've spent together has been like this. Just sitting in silence. But you don't mind and he doesn't seem to either. Knowing you have someone in your corner is comforting enough in itself. Several minutes pass quietly and cars move around you. 
"So where are we going to eat anyway? I'm starving." you turn down the music and ask him.
"We're actually going to my house. Sam has decided he's a grill master this week and wants to show off his skills." he chuckles. 
"Interesting." you laugh and turn the music back up. "Fever" by The Black Keys is playing as you pull into his driveway. 
Tabby sits next to you by the fire pit in the back yard. You have a glass in your hand that never seems to be empty. Your stomach is full and the sun is going down. It has been a spectacular day. Sam's foray into grilling had been a success (even if it was just burgers). Liz and Anika sat across from the two of you and the guys had gone inside to get more drinks. 
Just as the horizon went from deep red to purple, Jake appears with a fresh drink and relieves you of the old glass. He'd been a bit embarrassed to admit that he'd invited everyone over to get you out of the house. In his defense, it was the most fun you'd had in weeks. He settles into the open chair next to you just as the rest of the guys rejoin the group with new drinks. 
Music plays as the group sits around the crackling fire. The flames warm you just enough to cut the chill of the air. The noise of different conversations run into one another and meld with the music.
"So y/n?" Jake says to you, drawing your attention from the fire to him. 
"Feeling better?" 
"I am. Thank you for tricking me into being here tonight." you chuckle
"What like I could stand by while my breakup buddy falls into a deep depression? I don't think so." he teases, running a hand through his hair. 
"Are you doing alright?"
"I'm doing okay. We talked for the first time the other night since we broke up and I think we're cool." his smile falters a bit.
"You think?" you press a little bit. He always want to know how you are doing but you never talk about him.
"I think she may have met someone. I didn't ask a whole lot of questions. She just apologized and asked if we could be friends." 
"At least she apologized. I deserve one too for having to babysit you afterward." you poke at him, lightening the mood a bit. 
"Hey that's not fair. You puked on my shoes at that bar." he's laughing now.
"Well then I guess we're even for both being drunk idiots." you laugh along.
You shake the ice in your cup, "I'm empty again."
"Come on, we'll go inside for a bit and get anotha" he trails off into an accent.
You follow him into the house and to the kitchen where an array of open bottles litter the counters. Sliding your glass across the granite to him, you plop onto a stool and observe as he pours. 
The rings on his hands clink against the glass and his hair falls from behind his ear and into his face. His attempt to slide the glass back to you is an utter failure. It takes a diagonal path off of the counters edge and smashes on the floor. Glass goes everywhere and you both jump up. 
"Son of a bitch." he says and laughs as he bends to pick up the larger shards. 
As you crouch down to help, you hear his breath catch. 
"Shit shit shit" the curses come out in a stream and he stands back up. 
You see the blood on his palm. It doesn't look like a deep cut but you watch the color drain out of his face as you both stand there. 
"You good?" you ask him.
"No" his answer is short and he turns his head away from his hand.
"You've got a thing with blood then?" you're trying not to laugh.
"Obviously." another short answer.
You grab a handful of paper towels and press it into his open hand. 
"Hold those to it and I'll go get a band aid." you instruct "where would those be?"
"Down the hall, first door on the right under the bathroom sink."
You go to the bathroom and find the bandages. Grabbing a few in different sizes you return to the kitchen. He looks a bit better now that he can't see the blood. Taking the paper towel from him, you can see it's already stopped bleeding. 
"Look, it's already dried up." you tell him.
He turns his head tentatively and relaxes a bit. He lets out a breath.
Taking his wrist in your hand, you open a bandage and cover the cut. Right in between the thumb and pointer finger. His fingertips are calloused from years of playing just like yours are; his hand is strong and steady even under the perceived stress. You glance up to check and make sure he's past the danger of falling out. In that moment, your eyes meet his and you become very aware of the feel of his skin in your hand.  Your faces are only a few inches apart and his eyes hold your gaze. The air between you is heavy with energy, bringing back the memory of your shower this morning. 
Your face is burning as you quickly drop his wrist and take a step back. 
"See, you're all good." you say.
He runs his hand though his hair and puts his other hand on his hip. 
"Thanks. I fucking hate blood." he replies.
"Obviously." you chuckle and bend down to clean up the rest of the mess. 
"Come on just leave it, I'll get it later." 
"Don't worry about it. Just make me a new drink." you smile at him.
You lower yourself back down into the passenger seat of his car. It's very very late. Behind the wheel, he cranks up his music and pulls off onto the deserted street. You can still clock a smidge of the same tension that you felt in the kitchen earlier. Listening to the music, you decide to ignore it as best you can. Things like that are fleeting anyway. You're too tired to read into it tonight. If it was any other guy, you would make a move. With Jake, things were just too uncomplicated to fuck them up overthinking. Better to not go there.
Cars pass here and there and the wind whips your hair. His playlist rolls over back into "Fever" which you've already heard once today. The last few verses of the song ring out as he pulls up to the curb in front of your building. 
"Thank you for today." you say to him as you begin to open the door.
"It's really no problem, so don't feel special or anything." he replies, plastering a grin on his face. 
"I'll talk to you later. Be careful driving back." you swing your legs out and make to get out.
He grabs your arm before you can. A shock runs across your skin and you have to make an effort not to jump. "Hey, can you meet me at the studio when you get up tomorrow? I've got some stuff I want to run by you."
"Sure, I'll bring coffee. See you tomorrow." 
"See you tomorrow."
You get out and shut the car door. You spend the elevator ride up attempting to rid your mind of any nefarious thoughts. As you lay in the bed your mind races. Right before you drift off into sleep, you resign yourself to this new discovery. You have a crush. On your best friend. On Jake. Shit.
I had so much fun writing this chapter. Alot of the fics I read are one shots and while they are totally awesome, I really love leaning into a slower paced story. We'll get around to the fun stuff eventually ;)
I'm going to try to get on a schedule with posting. So expect a new chapter around the end of the week next week. Let me know what you think so far and thank you for reading!
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cf56 · 2 years
My thoughts on episode 7
SPOILERS for season 3, episode 7 of the Animaniacs reboot
The emotions of the past two days took my mind off of the isolated hell of my own creation, but now I'm starting to get antsy again. I'm also starting to feel the dread setting in that Animaniacs is about to end for me. I only have two new episodes that I haven't seen, and that's probably it forever. I have rarely in my life had a week with such deeply mixed emotions.
This episode was good. We finally got a third Warner song, and it only took 7 episodes. I still can't wrap my head around how it took so long, but at least the song was good.
I just thought they looked cute here at the very beginning, dying in the heat.
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I liked Wakko comforting his sister.
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I liked how BOTH little sibs got it wrong instead of Wakko being portrayed as the dumb one.
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This very brief shot was also cute to me, the Warners staying entertained on the trip by playing a little game together.
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I like how often I've seen their tails and fur get fluffed up in shock/fear this season. Makes them feel more alive. And it's cute, of course.
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Now we get into the song. I like how, despite how cynical they usually are, the Warners seem to genuinely care about this issue and got a little shocked at the depth of Josh Polar's callousness towards it.
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Gotta at least mention Yakko's dancing here.
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While it did get me a little to see the genuine concern of Wakko's siblings here, it would hit much harder if I didn't know they were resuscitating him just to immediately celebrate his supposed death in the next episode. What happened, writers?
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The song really kicked into another gear at the end, which is what took it from good to great in my mind.
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Nice to see the sibs pulling out their Bugs Bunny antics. I would call him their mentor, but most people don't realize that the Warners are canonically older than Bugs Bunny, so technically they set the example for him, in-universe.
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I didn't really need the warning to know this was preachy, but I didn't mind it.
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Wakko saw his brother pull out a whole turkey, but his mind instead saw the energy efficient lightbulb to be a tastier snack. What a cute little enigma.
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The exchange about leftovers was genuinely great and totally in-character.
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And it's nice to see Yakko accepting Wakko's ignorance instead of beating him over the head with it like earlier in the reboot.
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Forget the impending and currently ongoing environmental catastrophes, forget the anarchic oncoming societal change, forget the impending doom of humanity, we need to pass green legislation to SAVE THE WARNERS!!!
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LOOK AT HOW THEY HOLD ONTO HIM! Dot sitting on his leg... babies.
This segment was good and the song was pretty great. Definitely slots in as my second favorite song of the season so far, after Do It Yourself.
Lawn in 60 Seconds reminded me of The Flame from the original series. Anthropomorphizing a small background object you'd never think to anthropomorphize.
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I already feel bad when I mow the lawn, and this segment didn't help. The grass and bugs who live there never asked to be savagely cut down by the lawn mower's blade, just for the purpose of humanity holding onto their perfectly manicured lawns!
All's Fair in Love and Door was interesting.
I liked that Pinky genuinely tried to listen to Brain and not go in the door, but he confused himself into doing it anyway.
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I thought the alternate reality concept was kind of creepy until I learned it wasn't the real Julia he had trapped in there. It's still pretty creepy, though, considering this Julia proved herself to be just as sentient as the real one... Can't Brain just leave it alone? Now you've messed up two different versions of the same person you created in the first place to serve your selfish emotional needs.
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I liked that Julia found out the truth on her own instead of Pinky spilling the beans.
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It was pretty cute how Brain tried to silently protect Pinky in the trashcan.
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At this point, though, I'm not sure they're going to go all the way with it. This would have been the perfect segment to do it in.
I'm not sure if this will ever amount to anything.
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It was an interesting segment that posed some deep moral questions on the nature of love and marriage. I think it could have been better if it went farther with things.
Cute Things That Can Kill You was a decent PSA, I guess. I'm pretty sure everyone was aware that pufferfish are deadly. That's like the whole reason they're a famous animal.
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The episode was pretty good. I would have liked it better if I didn't know what was coming next. Even though I've already seen it, it still fills me with a sense of dread just to see the thumbnail next on the docket. I'll probably post the official review of it tonight to get it over with, and then move onto episode 9 tomorrow and finish it up with episode 10 on Saturday. Then I'll be free and depressed simultaneously, just as you're supposed to be on social media.
This episode isn't as hard to rate as the other ones I've seen recently. It wasn't as good as my two favorites this season. It's about on par with episode 4, which is currently in third place. It's a hard call between them. I liked the Warner antics in episode 4, but this episode had a killer song and a more intriguing PATB segment. I probably have to give this one the nod.
My current ranking of season 3 episodes:
Episode 6
Episode 3
Episode 7
Episode 4
Episode 2
Episode 1
Episode 5
The list is splitting itself into clear parts. The top 2 are my absolute favorites, some of the best Animaniacs I've seen. The top 4 are all the episodes I'd consider legitimately good. The bottom 3 aren't bad, but had parts that made me go "meh." You might think it'll be an easy call on where to put episode 8, but I'm not sure. Most of that episode was actually good. It's just a few small parts that soured the entire episode, season, and show for me. Remove those parts and it'd definitely be up along with the top 4 in the "genuinely good" category. It's just that those parts also happened to have an indescribably huge negative emotional impact on me in general... I'll tackle that dilemma when I get there.
Feel free to add to the discussion of this episode if you want, but don't say anything about the episodes that come after. Thanks.
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(I couldn't decide between the two)
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maple-the-awesome · 2 years
Ackerman's Sister || Chapter 12
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Sister Reader (strictly platonic), Erwin Smith x Reader
Words: 3,562
Overview: After an offer's made, you decide to take the risk and separate yourself from your friends, trusting them to take care of each other in your absences. Unfortunately, what was meant to be a straight forward expedition takes a sour turn, leading to chaos within the Survey Corps. Without your leadership, it's Levi who must make a choice he hopes he won't regret.
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You didn't get much sleep last night which is apparently obvious since Levi made a point of acknowledging your bedhead and droopy stare as the four of you snack on stale pieces of bread for breakfast. Although it isn't favorable, you're accustomed to both, thus you blame it on the uneasy feeling of sleeping in titan territory and leave it at that.
If you told anyone the truth that you had spent the latest hours of the night connecting those little dots Erwin's dumb speech formed inside your head, Levi would surely raise hell. He'd have a good point, too. That speech doesn't mean anything- It shouldn't mean anything! So, how is such nonsense still so fresh in your mind?
"Nevertheless, and the way I see it, if all our sacrifices allow us to one day reach victory and free humanity from fear of titans once and for all, then I'm certain no soldier will regret having dedicated their lives to such a cause. Not a single one."
"Why do you always continue forward regardless of what life has thrown at you?"
"-Cadet (Y/n)!"
You didn't expect to be called upon, but nevertheless, you push yourself off the crate you've been sitting on, attention facing Flagon as he heads towards the group. In his hands, he carries a piece of paper, his eyebrows frowned as he looks it over. What have you guys done now (that he's found out about anyways)?
"There's been a change in plans," when he glances up, his expression shows a hint of confusion he poorly hides," for the rest of this expedition or until further notice, you will be put in Erwin Smith's squad."
You aren't the only one surprised by this. Isabell's shout fills the area while Flagon is quick to push himself off the wall he leans on, but it's Levi who instantly stands by your side, hurrying to protest.
"Why would we be moved to Smith's squad in the middle of an expedition, huh?"
"Not 'we'. Only (Y/n)," Flagon corrects your brother, looking to you as if you'd be able to answer everyone's confusion including his own," Erwin requested it himself. It's already been approved by the Commander, too, so all necessary shifts have been made to the formation."
"I-I don't understand. I'm still a rookie! Why would Smith want me in his squad? I'll only slow them down!"
"You're a rookie who already helped take down an Abnormal-"
"-We took it down together. If that were the reason, then wouldn't it make more sense for me to be sent to Smith's squad instead? I'm the one who got the kill itself," Levi points out, hopeful that taking credit will result in saving you from the move. Was that the real reason as to why Erwin was so interested in your skill last night? Was he trying to scout you for his squad?
"Look, I'm not the one who made the choice. The only reasoning Erwin gave me was that Cadet (Y/n) had come up with the plan for stopping that Abnormal yesterday," internally, Levi curses himself for having said anything to Erwin about that; he should've never corrected him then," regardless, the decision's already been made-"
"-I won't do it," you stubbornly cross your arms.
"It's a direct order from-!"
"-Do I look like I give a shit? Erwin's squad is at the front of the formation! I'll be completely separated from my friends!"
Flagon growls, seemingly ready to argue with you further, however he stops himself with a sigh. To your surprise, he merely turns around with a tired wave of his hand," you know what, if you have so much issue with it, why don't you go complain to Erwin, not me. It's out of my hands anyways."
"Maybe I will!" You huff, taking a step in preparation to go find Erwin and curse him out personally. He really is an idiot if he thinks you'll be leaving the side of your friends during a mission outside the Walls-
"-(Y/n) wait," you stop, facing Furlan when he places a hand on your shoulder," maybe this could work in our favor."
"Are you serious? If I join Erwin's squad and anything goes south-
"-Which it might. It's entirely possible that something goes horribly south," Furlan agrees, glancing in the direction Flagon went off to then back at you," think about it. It's entirely possible that, say, a titan wipes out all of Smith's squad including the Squad Leader himself. Against the odds, the only survivor is the rookie who unfortunately lacked enough skill to save anyone...No one would be any wiser to second guess that."
"But what if a titan actually does attack and she gets killed? Then what?" Levi challenges, inserting himself between Furlan and you before you can reply.
"...I could handle it," you decide after giving the idea some thought, although this does nothing to comfort your brother.
"-What? Furlan does have a point...If I'm in Erwin's squad, it would be easier to kill him while close compared to breaking the formation and chasing him down. If he trusts me enough to put me in his squad, he must be letting his guard down. He won't expect a knife in the back. Neither would the others."
"My point still stands about a titan-"
"-And I said I could handle it."
"No, you can't."
"I bet she can!" Isabell chirps happily, lowering her head when Levi shifts his glare to her.
"Exactly. I can! I'm not all that scared of those ugly bastards," you smile with as much confidence as you can muster before your tone softens," I'm only really worried about you guys..."
"Wow, hypocritical much?"
"Yeah, I'm hypocritical; I always have been with it comes to you guys," you sigh, putting a hand on Levi's shoulder and giving it a comforting squeeze," I can't help it, you're all so important to me."
He huffs, although his stern expression melts into a frown as he redirects his gaze to the ground,"...you're important to us, too, which is why-"
"-Which is why I want you to trust me like I'm going to choose to trust the rest of you. If I take Erwin's offer, I can kill him and get those documents for us. We'd never have to worry about being thrown into the Underground again, but in the meantime, I'll need you all to promise you'll stay safe. No unnecessary risks, no getting cocky. The entire point of this is to get through together, not alone, you hear me?"
"'can't say I'm thrilled at the idea of being separated, but..." Furlan admits, but nods with his best smile," I trust your skill, Captain! If anyone can pull it off, it's you!"
"And you won't have to worry about us, big sis! We'll crush those stupid titans easy peasy!" Isabell adds while fist pumping the air. She accidently almost punches Furlan which turns his attention to her as he complains.
Levi is the only one who refuses to look at you, flexing his fist as he thinks. You can't blame him for being hesitant nor do you take offense to his doubt. In all these years, neither of you have ever been separated so far apart, especially in an area so dangerous. You've always been together...
"...Something could still go wrong."
"It could, but it might not. I promise to be careful and I'll even throw Erwin in front of a titan to save my own ass if I have to, so don't worry so much, okay Levi?"
When he still doesn't respond, you put both hands on his shoulders. After glancing towards an arguing Furlan and Isabell, you look at him again with a quiet tone," hey, this isn't an easy choice for me either, you know? Do you think I want to leave my brother and friends in this type of situation? But I have to do this. I have to get those documents so that we can be done with this crap."
"And here I was thinking you were wanting to be a heroic soldier..."
You frown, shaking your head at his bitter reply," I'm doing this for you, Levi. I never want to see you in the Underground again. You deserve better; we all do...So, please, just trust me on this."
Levi huffs, biting down on his lip before giving in at last,"...if anything goes wrong for even a second, abandon the formation and come find us or I'll have to find you."
"I will. I swear," you smile, suddenly pulling Levi into a tight embrace. He stiffens at first then quickly melts into your touch.
It's been too long since you've hugged him (not that he'd ever have the courage to say so aloud). He's never been comfortable showing affection towards others, only you, however much to his irritation, it usually results in teasing from others. Isabell and Furlan joke that it's adorable how touched starved your brother is and he's certain soldiers in the Survey Corps would have a hay day seeing stone-face Levi curling his face into your shoulder, thus he's avoided it recently.
Now, he's too tired to care about anyone seeing. Wrapping his arms around you, he closes his eyes and soaks your warmth, a moment only ruined when you speak again in a whisper," take care of everyone while I'm gone, including yourself. Keep those two brats from bumping heads too much and try not to bite anyone's ankles...even if they deserve it."
Sucking in a breath, Levi nods,"...I will."
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It was one thing to say you'd agree to joining Erwin's squad, but another to actually do so. You must've looked over your shoulder a dozen times as the Survey Corps set off again, realizing just how far your friends would be once the formation spread out. While they were visible during the first half, you've officially lost sight of them about thirty minutes ago.
Nevertheless, it's this new formation itself that offers you some comfort. It had been explained to everyone several times back in the Walls then again last night. Squads will be spread out, armed with flare guns to communicate any titan sightings or emergencies. Most impressively, if this method works the way intended, it'll allow the army to avoid direct encounters with titans, moving around any sightings to prevent unnecessary risks. This means the only scouts who will happen across danger are those on the outskirts. The formation will have already changed course long before your friends, who are located towards the middle, cross paths with any titans themselves.
The only downside to this strategy is that Erwin's squad marches in the center front, thus you'll avoid titan encounters, too, which is something you hadn't taken into consideration previously. No titans means no chaos or soldier deaths. No chaos or deaths means there will be too many eyes focused on you to actually target Erwin just yet. What's worse is you had forgotten his squad travels closely to Commander Shadis'. You're stuck in a corner with this set up, although that's the least of your concerns right now.
"There's a storm coming!" Someone notes aloud, not that you haven't already noticed those dark clouds on the horizon. Nevertheless, you're shocked they've moved in at such a swift rate.
Once rain begins to fall, there is no gentle build up to it. Within seconds, it's a downpour, the droplets of water smacking against your face with enough force to sting while your hood does little to protect you from this. It gets into your eyes, making it difficult to see very far ahead which seems to be an issue everyone around you struggles with.
Erwin tries to fire off a flare, but the smoke washes away in the rain, not even giving you the chance to make out the color. If you couldn't catch it while riding a few feet behind him, then it's impossible for any other squad to have seen either.
"Should we wait for a messenger?!"
"If we stop now, won't titans just surround us?" You speak up against the suggestion quickly, not caring for the thought of acting as a sitting duck out here in weather no one can see through.
"They could be around us already!" One scout complains, gasping when his horse nearly loses balance after slipping on mud.
"What do we do?! We need orders, sir!"
"The flares are gonna get wet! They'll be useless!"
"Then protect them and keep your eyes focused on your surroundings! Don't lose sight of each other or the other squads!" You hear Commander Shadis shout from somewhere, although despite his warning, you can't see his squad anymore. They must've spread out too much from you guys, their voices distant echoes.
Cursing under your breath, you direct your horse closer to Erwin's, matching his speed and maintaining a safe distance as to not lose him as well. Even with a hand hovering above your eyes, you can barely see shit.
"Hey, Erwin! We should slow down a little, don't you think?! The horses are gonna slip and we'll be screwed if one breaks its leg..." You trail off, your voice dying in the wind after one glance at Erwin's face.
His head is tilted back, his eyes focused towards the sky which can't feel good. With lips pressed and twisted together, his inner thoughts are clearly conflicted while he echoes out his squad mates' own turmoil. He's realized it just as much as you already have: there's no way any of you, regardless of talent or luck, can scout ahead.
…The Survey Corps is officially at the mercy of whatever titans might be lurking nearby...
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"What do we do?! We're completely off course and I can't see the others!" Isabell frets, turning to Furlan desperate for comfort, although she finds none in his own look of worry.
"We have no choice; we can't stop here. We have to keep pushing forward and just hope that we cross paths with someone...The flares are probably ruined at this point, but hopefully Flagon's sound grenade still works. Maybe we can contact other squads with that once we locate him," Furlan suggests, tearing his gaze away from Isabell to Levi who has been awfully quiet since the storm rolled in," all the squad leaders have them, right Levi? Maybe (Y/n) can use Erwin's to find us?"
Furlan had hoped that this would evoke some sort of reply out of his friend finally, but alas, Levi doesn't even flinch. He's too busy facing ahead, his thoughts running wild with concern.
If they can't see around themselves, then that means you can't either. A titan has just as much chance of sneaking up on you as it does them, the only difference being that you're in a bigger squad, so in theory, you're protected, however that's assuming a lot.
Can Levi really rely on Erwin or any of his subordinates to protect you? Would any of them throw their lives away for yours the same way he'd be willingly to the second it's called for? Hell, for all he knows, you could be separated from your own squad already. Who's to say you aren't running around in this storm alone, left to fend for yourself in the case that a titan finds you before anyone else does. One titan you could cover, sure, but what about multiple?
"LEVI!" Furlan shouts, his voice like thunder through the rain as he rides closely by Levi's side. At last, he gains his troubled friend's attention,"...She's gonna be okay. This is (Y/n) we're talking about, after all. She wouldn't bite off more than she could chew-"
"-She didn't know this storm would happen-"
"-No one did...Listen, your sister's a badass not to mention a quick adapter; the best I know. If anything, this rain threw off her plan to kill Erwin, but think about it. Hate him as we might, Erwin does have some talent and they were both with the Commander's squad anyways. I'd say that's the safest place to be in this entire formation, especially right now."
Levi bows his head against the rain, gripping his horse's reins until they twist in his hands,"...I still don't like this."
"Me neither!" Isabell joins in with a deep frown," if the front squads get taken out, big sis's squad will be next leading! They'll run into the titans before anyone else and what if those idiots don't listen to her as well as us, huh?! What if they leave her on her own even?!"
In any other situation, Furlan might've complained about this being the first time Isabell decides to act smart regarding something, however it's exactly her valid reasoning that deals a fatal hit to his own attempted optimism...You really could be in danger, and unless they find you themselves, there's no confirming what your current status is; no way to ensure you're truly safe.
There's a ring through the air, one not too far from where they are. It gains everyone's attention, acting as a distraction that makes Furlan nearly miss Levi's sudden words," I'm going to find (Y/n)."
"Alright. I guess the others will just have to managed on their own then-"
"-No, I want you two to follow Flagon's signal and meet up with them. There'll be safety in your numbers. I'll go get (Y/n) and if she hasn't already, we'll get those documents and kill Erwin before circling back to you guys."
"I want to go, too!" Isabell complains.
"Now just hold on a minute and think this through, Levi. If we just wait for the storm to clear a little-"
"-Will titans wait for the storm to clear?!"
"They might not even be active in this kind of weather! Who knows?! What we do know is going alone might be dangerous! (Y/n) isn't alone! She's with Erwin and his-!"
"-I already heard you! Do you honestly think they can actually protect her?! Do you think they can protect her any better than I can?! Do you trust me that little?!" Levi snaps in Furlan's direction, sending a furious glare his way which causes the blond to shut his mouth, although the silence isn't without a strong tension in between.
"...Is that an order then?"
"(Y/n) isn't here right now which I guess naturally means the power of command falls into her brother's hands...So, what will it be, Levi? You think you got what it takes to handle her position and give us orders?" Furlan asks, his tone serious and cold as he watches Levi in the corner of his eyes.
Meanwhile, Levi only opens his mouth, eyes wide as he fumbles with a response. It's true that you've always been their leader, making each final decision and nearly every plan based on your own judgment, however they've always trusted you with the task.
You've never let them down before and you do it all so confidently, making leadership seem easy, but it's not easy now that Levi's the one standing in your shadow. Are you just gifted in making choices you won't regret or is this how you feel deep down? Was this how you felt this morning even when deciding to go with Erwin's squad? Your entire life of marking the path, have you always struggled with aching doubt?
Suddenly Furlan begins to chuckle, his laughter soon filling the frigid air and somehow breaking through the sound of heavy rain before Levi can even respond," relax, Levi. I'll trust you on this, just...Promise not to die yourself. 'can't lose our sibling pair, can we? You two make the rest of us look normal!"
Isabell grins, too, with her typical joyful cheer," I know you can do it, big bro! We'll be here waiting for you both, alright?!"
Levi looks back at his friends who show no sign of bitter resentment or insecurity, only trust which is enough to convince him of his choice. Giving a nod as a silent reply, he hits his reins and sets off, allowing Furlan and Isabell to go back around to where they heard Flagon's sound grenade seconds ago.
Assuming that all squads have been continuing straight since the storm, Erwin's would be just up ahead to the left, thus Levi follows that presumed direction. If he's correct, he'll be able to find you with ease. Together, you'll then finish this nonsense once and for all. With the documents in Lovof's hands, your work will be officially done and you'll all be free. None of you will ever have to worry about the other's safety again. Of course, that's as long as you're still alive right now...
Passing another wall of fog, Levi slows his horse to a stop. His wide eyes are greeted to the sight of various corpses; corpses of fallen scouts completely torn to shreds. For a split second, he feels an emptiness set in his heart, fearing them to be the remains of Erwin's squad, yet to his extreme relief, none of the bodies match your teammates' descriptions let alone your own. Unfortunately, said relief is still short lived when Levi takes note of the giant footprints stomped into the muddy ground around him.
Judging on the variety of print sizes, quite a few titans had been a part of this attack, however that's not what causes a chill to run down his spine. The footprints came from the right, away from where you are, thankfully, but then they head south...past Levi to where Furlan and Isabell are.
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