#the dialog is from RWBY
romanaxe · 14 days
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HC Alastor is blind as a bat
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sunnysunsins · 7 months
RWBY kill count
Soooo we all know a lot of people have died over the span of the series. So i took it upon myself to count them up. All of them. Yes, the nameless grunts and dead bodies in the background. Yes, the ones that no way in hell would survive something like what happened to them. Every single death in this series.
This originally was a doc, but tumblr doesn't allow those, so i'll put all the research under the cut. And it's long, so buckle up.
Rules: 1. Dead person has to be shown on screen (off-screen deaths counted in rare circumstances - heard them, heard about them and details of their death enough to count). En-mass kills are counted up depending on previous scenes of this group and logic. I only count what i see and can logically assume from what's on screen and told by dialog.
2. Aura exists, so most fighters are assumed to survive unless the person doesn’t have active aura or there’s no way in hell someone survives that.
3. Salem «deaths» will be counted, but with an asterisk*, since immortal. Same for Ozes, we see an Oz - we count him, since we know all of them are dead by nature of reincarnation - an exception to «death off screen» rule. 4. Book information included as much as possible since i haven’t read them lol
5. Ascension is counted with an asterisk*, as it is death of self and rebirth into a new form (same as Oz, in a way). +intention of the characters ascending will be counted.
The count:
Volume 1:
Ep 16: 3 WF members (by Penny yoinking/slicing ships)
(total - 3)
Volume 2:
Ep 1: Tukson (shot by Mercury)
Ep 4: 32 car drivers (flipped into air by Roman, They’re civilians in cars, doubt they lived through that, not with 5 flips)
Ep 11: 12 WF members (thrown off train by RWBYO. Grimm and/or explosions got them if they didn’t die on impact)
(total - 45)
Volume 3:
Ep 7: Marcus Black (killed by Mercury)
Ep 9: Penny (acc. kill by Pyrrha), 12 atlesian pilots
Ep 10: Brawnz, Roy, May (killed by grimm), 1 man killed by Adam
Ep 11: Roman (swallowed by gryffon), Amber (shot by Cinder)
Ep 12: Ozpin (burned alive by Cinder), Pyrrha (shot by Cinder)
(total - 22)
Volume 4:
Ep 2: 3 villagers, 1 huntsman in Shion (killed by bandits, grimm)
Ep 10: An Ren (crushed by the house), Li Ren (killed by Nuckelavee)
(total - 6)
Volume 5:
Blake short: Ilia’s parents, 1 known dust mine worker (died in a dust explosion)
Ep 2: Percy the pilot, at least 3 more mistral pilots (woman said “everyone, abandon the ship” before it blew up from lancers), Pilot boi (died on impact), Sienna Khan (stabbed by Adam)
Ep 5: Ghira’s messenger (killed by Yuma)
Ep 8: 1 WF member, 2 guards
Ep 10: Fennec (crushed by balcony/blown up)
Ep 13: Vernal (bled out)
Ep 14: Lionheart (stabbed by a seer)
(total - 16)
Volume 6:
Adam short: 1 human man (by Adam)
Ep 1: 7 WF members (Adam’s hissy fit), Dee (mauled by grimm)
Ep 2: Mistrali woman (by Cinder)
Ep 3: 3 ancient warriors, Salem’s father, 1st gen humanity (163 shown), 4 daughters, *Salem: 5 *Oz: Ozma (x3), Ozma 2.0, old man, drunk, inventor, mustache, hermit-wizard, King of Vale (total 10)
Ep 5: 12 dead people (drained by Apathy; 2 corpses shown, 11 houses in the village, “it’s the same in every house”)
Ep 6: Dead huntsman (drained by Apathy) Ep 7: Tock (beheaded by Maria)
Ep 10: 1 Argus cct tower worker (killed by Adam)
Ep 12: Adam (stabbed by Blake & Yang, fell off a cliff)
(total - 208, 212*)
Volume 7:
Ep 2: Person Tyrian killed (seen blood, implication is clear)
Ep 3: Forest (killed by Tyrian)
Ep 6: 9 thirsty moms (killed by Tyrian)
Ep 12: Clover (stabbed by Tyrian)
Ep 13: Fria (passed away)
(total - 13)
Volume 8:
Ep 1: Councilman Sleet (shot by Ironwood)
Ep 6: Madam, step-sisters, Rhodes (killed by Cinder) Ep 7: ~ shown 303 atlesian soldiers (crushed by grimm army. There were a lot more, but those were shown stomped through)
Ep 8: 1 pilot (blown up by grimm), Hound faunus (finished-off)
Ep 9: 306 dead bodies, Hazel (blown up by Oscar) *3 Salem kills
Ep 13: 13 people (blown up by Cinder), 17 atlesian compound technicians (killed by Cinder, Neo and Watts), Jacques Schnee (blown up by Ironwood)
Ep 14: Vine (blown up by IW’s bomb and Harriet’s stupidity), Penny (mercy-killed by Jaune), Watts (burned alive), Ironwood (died on impact)
(total - 652, 655*)
Volume 9:
Ep 3: 2 toy soldiers* (beheaded)
Ep 4: Herbalist* (taken by the Tree)
Ep 5: Hawker (eaten by Jabberwalker) Ep 7: 15 paper pleasers*
Ep 8: Little* (stomped by Neo), Ruby* (suicide-ascended), Neo’s parents (killed by Neo and Roman, bodies shown in picture)
Ep 9: Alyx (killed by Cat)
Ep 10: Cat (eaten by Jabberwalkers), Neo* (ascended)
(total - 5, 26*)
Named characters/shown deaths/significant deaths: 71
Background | logic deaths: 907
*Salem: 8
*Oz: 12 (3 shown)
*Ascensions: 21
All people (no *): 970
Full total: 998
You may have noticed that i did not include Summer. Bc we still have no fucking clue what happened to her actually. We can speculate, but that's it. At that point last spring maiden has more reason to be added to the count than Summer. Once we find out what happened, she will be added. And if we add them both, the count will be a shiny 1k. I also didn't count the Jabberwalker bc it's unclear if Neo killed it or just made it serve her and the real one is among her copies. You can add 1 to the count if you wanna count it.
Deadly volume order: 1 -> (9) -> 4 -> 7 -> 5 -> 3 -> 9* -> 2 -> 6 -> 8
Murder board:
Cinder: 39
Neo: 19^ (personal 2)
Tyrian: 12
Adam: 11
Salem: 7
Penny: 3
Mercury, Ironwood: 2
Pyrrha, Maria, Blake, Yang, Oscar, Jaune: 1
Grimm: 29
And that's that. Fuuuun. Now let's hope for good future for RWBY and hope in future volumes we can get the count even higher. Though i doubt anything will pass v8 now, not with that battlefield bloodbath.
Thank you for reading till the end. Leave your favorite and least favorite death scene in the comments and nothing else, to confuse people. Not your fave dying, but the scene itself. Like, i don't care for Vine at all, but his death scene was beautiful. An then there's Ozma, who should've worn a mask and could've prevented the world from ending.
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Roman Torchwick from RWBY
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Sure, he died back in Volume 3 (of 9+ Volumes) but while he was here... Roman was clever, conniving, beefed with all four main protagonists (even knowing them by name), had all the best dialog ("Oh look, she sent the kids. This is turning out just like the divorce..."), and was one of the few characters that didn't use a semblance (super power) in combat.
He still definitely deserves to be locked up, just not where his sidekick can reach (or know about)
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favvnsongs · 1 year
RWBY was started by a man who did the animation on RvB (but whose since sadly passed away) and written by a showrunner/writer on RvB but is.....an interesting show to say the least and also completely different then RvB in so many ways. You either really like it or really don't and from the limited info I have about you from this blog I don't think you'd like it.
Oof no I know that monty did rwby, I remember being So excited when the trailers first came out, but I just couldn't really get into it. I dunno, the exposition and the dialog and everything even from the start was kinda bwehh to me. with the first five seasons of rvb I at least have nostalgia googles on to sorta smooth out the roughness.
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dzrdfw · 4 years
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Cute dialog from @ask-rwby-multishipper
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dazadoop · 2 years
You know I had been debating making a post about the Cayde stans and how often they flood the d2 tag with posts talking about wanting to murder/watch Cayde murder Crow and how fucking annoying that is.  And also how I can’t even go into the Uldren/Crow related tags without seeing their super aggressive posts because they keep tagging the characters. But jesus did I not expect the situation to get as bad as it did!
Really loving a character and being upset that they died and wanting them back is one thing, I get it.  I’ve been holding out a sliver of hope that Roman Torchwick will someday return to RWBY and he’s been dead since like 2016.  But petitioning and pestering the devs to bring him back for no other reason than he’s your uwu funny husbando, flooding other character tags with hate and calls for violence against that character, and having literal real life breakdowns because you remembered that fictional character is dead are very different things and some of these stans really need to turn the game off, take a break, and maybe talk to a counselor about their unhealthy obsession.
Now all of this is bad and annoying all on it’s own and it’s been an ongoing issue in the d2 tag for a WHILE now and it’s honestly making me not want to check the Destiny and Uldren/Crow tags because I’m so sick of it being filled with this shit.
But finding out that a lot of the prominent Cayde stan blogs follow, reblog, and are friendly with fascists blogs?  That they post TERF shit?  And yet people in the tag are still reducing this situation to “annoying cayde stans flooding the tag vs the people who are annoyed about them”??  Why are we not more upset about this being seen as acceptable in our fandom space?  Is it not bad enough that the d2 fandom on twitter is filled with toxic assholes who constantly make women, poc, and lgbt fans feel unwelcome?  Now we’re just gonna downplay and tolerate that kind of thing here too?  It’s baffling that I’ve already seen so many posts treating this like petty drama rather than an actual ongoing issue with the d2 fandom.
I’m glad that some people have spoken out about this because this is absolutely a dialog that needs to be started but too many people are treating this like funny fandom drama.  But stuff like this being peddled by some pretty prominent fandom blogs IS a huge problem.  Seeing these posts, even if you may not agree with them, can normalize it.  The messages in these posts can be passively absorbed until you start to actually think “You know what that’s actually a good point”.  It’s a pipeline and I promise it’s not worth it just to see fandom content.
It’s especially upsetting because Bungie does a good job at trying to foster inclusivity and show their support for poc, women, the lgbt community so that they feel comfortable playing the game and being involved with fandom.  And frankly I’m tired of constantly seeing things that directly go against all of that and instead try to push all of those people out.  Toxic gamer dudes on twitter and now conservative terfs on tumblr...
I don’t want to continue to feel pushed out of a fandom that by all accounts I should feel welcomed in.
And in case it wasn’t obvious from my ramblings: 
Fuck fascists
Fuck TERFs
Fuck bigots
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mariapanpan1833 · 4 years
No Nuance November
Novembers coming to a close so I thought I’d hurry and make another No Nuance November post.
1. They say that the LGBTQ+ is forcing themselves onto everyone but have camps to turn you straight.
2. I don’t see why you’d absolutely need to come out the closet, especially when your parents are absolute homophobes.
3. You can hold your own views of abortion, but regardless, that’s not your call.
4. You can spread your religion, but do not force it onto others.
5. Your pronouns should be respected, there is no ‘but’ in that.
6. Gender rules were made by men who had their own opinion to how the world should work, men hold the power, and women were in the kitchen and knitting.
7. Slapping your child is unnecessary, if you can’t use your words, why is it a surprise that your child can’t either.
8. The idea of which black lives matter circle arounds have been going on for centuries, this isn’t new and stop pretending that it is.
9. Mlp EQG deserves an ending of some sort, I’d trade all ships being canon for that.
10. As much as I love the show RWBY, the dialog is bland and the fighting has taken an all time low.
11. Do not make fun of someone for the stuff they like, if you can understand different opinions, don’t be surprise when people have them.
12. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT talk to me if you were one of those kids that would sit with their friends and make fun of everyone you saw in the cafeteria.
13. Men, women are not your toys, that whole “I got three other girls but not one of them better cheat on me.” is why some people deem you as a jerk.
14. Also men, no one cares how straight you are, stop flaunting that like it’s a world prize.
15. Trans rights are human rights, I don’t like the fact that people drink dark coffee, but I don’t let it effect how I view the person, take that into account.
16. Also Trans, in my opinion, have the hardest time being themselves since other people can’t see it that way.
17. Hispanics, No you cannot say the N word. Idc if your second cousin twice removed is black, you are not.
18. By no means is racism acceptable, but when POC do it, it’s even more disgusting.
19. Don’t add that one character for “Diversity points.” but not only have the entire rest cast as the same thing and turn your diverse character into a stereotype.
20. The roles were reversed in those statements, don’t get butthurt.
21. I speak from experience when I say, Sagittarius’ are the hardest people to talk to- (This is coming from a Scorpio).
22. No means no in any context. If you do it don’t be surprise that person doesn’t like you anymore.
23. Idc if we are family, it’s my choice to forgive and forget too
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plcyersandpieces · 5 years
After the Fall Tidbits, Chp. 2
And I return! Time for more interesting things from RWBY: After the Fall. Looks like this time around, it's a flashback. While again, I'll avoid major spoilers, if you don't want to read, just block "after the fall liveblog". Here we go!
Like I mentioned, this is a flashback. Beacon Tower is the silhouette this time around. Looks like this is how CFVY got together.
Ozpin didn't change a thing about initiation except what "relics" he used. Goddammit man.
Coco was born and raised in Vale. Figured as much, but good to have the confirmation!
Pharos combat school--Signal's sibling school is my guess. There may be others. That's awesome to know!
There's the line!! "Coco had been popular at their school, breaking performance records--and breaking girls' hearts." (Emphasis mine. See also: "And to top it off, [Glynda] was hot, with impeccable fashion sense.")
Many Mistrali are openly racist apparently. We had hints of that in V5 (the bar's sign of "NO FAUNUS" for instance), but it's better illustrated here. "...and, of course, her tormentors were from Mistral." "...but [Yatsuhashi's] people didn't like Faunus and didn't mind letting them know how they felt."
Poor Velvet has been tormented all her life and doesn't like the Mistrali any more than they liked her. Also, apparently she's never had any close friends until CFVY and "... everyone managed to disappoint her sooner or later." VELVET BABY COME HERE AND LEMME GIVE YOU A HUG.
Yatsuhashi is a gentle giant. Bullied for being so big, he grew up self-conscious about his size and strength. He also doesn't like to leave things to chance, and specifically chose his partner. He also apologized to a tree he split in half. His sword is named Fulcrum.
Fox is an orphan but was raised communally by the Kenyte. Thought Vale would be better, and his life in Vacuo provided the necessary skills to be a huntsman. Also, his semblance is basically Mercedes Lackey-style Mind-Speech in general--aside from telepathy, it also lets him sense people's minds/presences. The closer to someone he is emotionally, the better he can pinpoint their location, but there have been very few with whom he can or could do that. Also, he's such a little pissant and I fucking adore him.
Vacuo is the one place in Remnant where the wildlife is considered more dangerous than the Grimm. Which is surprising, because Menagerie exists, which Blake says is worse than Vacuo... but maybe the desert there is just too dead even for life and only Grimm are found there.
There's a scroll version of Alexa/Siri/Google Assistant. Her name is Ada--the Accessibility Dialog Agent. Fox accesses it from an earbud. Neat!
Coco smells like chocolate and caramel according to Fox, and I like that.
Coco's gun is named Gianduja, and her semblance is Hype. She can amplify the effects of Dust--for instance, in landing in the Emerald Forest, she used Hype on her gravity dust bullets to hover in zero gravity for a moment before floating down.
Character name drop: Iris Marilla, CFVY classmate, with flowers in her hair and an annoyingly high-pitched voice.
"Besides, Coco wasn't looking for a girlfriend, she was looking for someone who wouldn't hold her back or get her killed on the field. Someone who could keep up." SCREEEEEEEEECH. AS IF WE NEEDED ANOTHER HINT.
Another name-drop: Vega Bleu. Fights with a pair of arm-mounted grappling hooks. Former Pharos classmate, gone on to Atlas.
Fox and Coco, and Velvet and Yatsuhashi. Both first meetings were fantastic, but Velv and Yatsu's was so fucking adorable.
"So it's a Death Stalker den. Only an idiot would go in there," Fox said. I make no further comment.
Oz used playing cards for CFVY's initiation year. Rather, tablets carved to look like them. CFVY took the suit of hearts.
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owlespresso · 5 years
I’m working on a Mollymauk Tealeaf oneshot right now, but I’m opening my ask box for ideas if anyone has any. I’ll be taking any of the following:
Headcanon lists
You can be specific or vague, and I’ll take anything from very specifically explained prompts to just dialog prompts and character names/pairings. 
Canon/canon or canon/reader insert is fine.
Here are the series I’m taking right now:
The Arcana
Bungou Stray Dogs
Critical Role
Fire Emblem: Awakening
My Hero Academia
There is no guarantee that I will get all of them done and I have the right to refuse any request I don’t feel comfortable with.
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electronicyarn · 6 years
Live Blogging RWBY Vol. 6 – Ch. 11: The Lady in the Shoe
Read From the First Post
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For the past three years, there have only really been two things I wanted from RWBY. I finally got one of them today. So how did it compare to my expectations?
It. Was. Glorious! And it’s not even over yet! It was everything I wanted. Adam as a credible threat? Check. Yang and Blake having to work through their lingering fear? Check. Yang using her prosthetic arm to her advantage? Check. Boiling emotions! Danger! Hand holding! And a brilliant reprise of Armed and Ready playing in the background! It’s just…. You know what? I’m going to go watch it again!
Ahh. Adam getting hit with a motorcycle. Delightful.
You know what, let’s talk about Adam. This episode absolutely nails what his character should be. And the part where he removed his mask is a superb example of visual storytelling. With one little image we understand the essence of Adam’s backstory and motivations. It tells us more than an episode’s worth of dialog ever could. And it adds just the right amount of flavor to Adam’s character.
Looks like I was absolutely correct about how Adam’s semblance works. It’s always nice on that rare occasion when one of my predictions comes true. Actually, two of them came true. Well…one and a half? I was dead certain that Adam had beautiful eyes underneath his mask, and he did have a beautiful eye.
Speaking of physical injuries, I'm oddly pleased to finally have official confirmation that Blake has a scar from where Adam stabbed her three volumes ago. This is the first time we've seen it, right? I’m pretty sure it is. I guess I could go back and rewatch Volumes 4 and 5, but I don’t have that kind of time today. So maybe I’ll just go watch this episode again.
Oh, what’s that? There was a first half to this episode? Yeah, I guess there was. I just knew they were going to start things off with the mech fight. And you know what? It was pretty good. It would have been even better if Caroline hadn’t squandered any credibility she had as a villain several episodes ago. But still, it wasn’t bad.
And while I’ve got your attention, I guess I should talk about Bumbleby. If. If they decide to make Bumbleby canon, it will happen next episode. Although depending on how things are structured, I guess it could also happen in the episode after that. Basically what I’m saying is that canon Bumbleby will happen very soon, or it won’t happen at all. I’m strangely apprehensive about it. Well…until next time.
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You know what? I am going to go watch the episode again.
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chimera-798 · 7 years
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RWBY: Voulme 5 chapter 9  A Perfect Storm. Dialog from Dragon ball z abridged MOVIE: Revenge of Cooler - TeamFourStar
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aerisleis-fics · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
Tagged by @jadekitty777
How many works do you have on AO3?
62 at this time!
What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Uh, well. 11, technically. There are more in the list but they're subsets of the same fandoms. The most common are Final fantasy XV, RWBY, and BNHA.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Burden to Bear
2. Wingbeat of a Butterfly
3. Sins of the Father
4. Pain Shared is Pain Halved
5. Emerald Sunlight.
I'm actually sad that they are ALL BNHA pieces tbh. But it's a BIG fandom and two of those are the longest works I have posted... so... okay. Uhh... 3 tododeku pieces, one Dad for One, and one Toshinko.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I usually do! I like to at least thank people for reading and taking the time to comment, if nothing else.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Uhhh. Probably... probably Alone Inside which was a Beyblade fic that I wrote when I was Young and thought I was Edgy. There's absolutely 0 redeeming qualities in that fic. It's a pure angst fest. I don't recommend going to look at it. I've considered orphaning it but so far... nah. I mean. I wrote it. I did that, disaster tho it may be.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Not really! I do kind of have one or two mentally in the works but I don't do a Lot of crossovers and if I *do* they tend to fit together pretty snugly. I uh. Also don't rly read crossovers so there's that.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Some yes! I don't want to talk about what fics in detail... But, I've gotten hate for using the wrong general terms to refer to people and also for... *checks notes* following my plan for a story that a reader decided was "too much'. That fic remains the one fic I have ever deleted.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Not often! Usually very vanilla if I do write it. I'm very ace and not very confident in my smut, tbh. I do like to get into the intimate before and maybe after where the feelings can be examined sometimes tho so maybe I'll do more of that Eventually.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge here, either!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nothing published. My spouse and I have started to work on and discuss a few together but -splays fingers- we'll see!
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Uhhh. O...one? You want me to pick one? I can barely pick one in any specific fandom lmao. Bc like, for ATLA it's Zutara (tho I do also like Toko, bc my partner loves toko and it's fun to write w/ faer). For BNHA its Tododeku (but I also love toshinko). For Yuri on Ice its absolutely Victuuri. But for Beyblade it's Kai/Rei. And for RWBY... ah... RWBY... Probably Hummingbird (but I could write a List of Rwby ships I like and why that's... very long).
So! Like, there's a lot of dynamics and I can't say there's One I like more than anything though like Sunshine child plus Stubborn/Cold/Stunted does seem to... show up a bit.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Uhhhh. If I'm being honest, Probably Razor Thin Line which was Supposed to be an examination of the thin line between heroes and villains in the BNHA verse, but I have... many... BNHA wips and a Lot Less interest in writing for BNHA than I once had, for many reasons. I really wanted to finish it, bc the idea still rly intrigues me, but at this point I'll be happy if I finish... Wingbeat of a Butterfly and the rest of what I want to do for the Burden to Bear verse.
What are your writing strengths?
Um.... hm. See... bc I have such... a love/hate relationship with my works this is hard. But, I've been told that I have generally strong characterization. I also .. usually... like the way I handle descriptions and most dialog. I also like the way I can adjust things and then start to see how the world unfolds around them - but I don't know if I'd call that a strength so much as a writer-default?
What are your writing weaknesses?
It's hard for me to write off of a prompt! I'm slowly getting better at it. Also most of my ideas tend to come in epic length and require... trimming... for short fics or warm ups and drabble-types. I have to try much harder to write shorter types of works and that's something I've been working hard on.
Also just. Fighting scenes. They are the bane of my existence (now laugh bc I write in the fandoms I do. Go ahead. You can laugh. What genius picks up Shonen anime and final fantasy when they struggle with fight scenes)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I mean. It's definitely a thing? I guess I'm not sure what we mean here. Like yes, other characters use other languages sometimes. mentioning that in narration is important? I'm not big on peppering with foreign language words Unless it's deliberately done to kind of point out that the listener doesn't know what was said, either.
As a working example off the top of my head, Viktor from Yuri on Ice dropping a nickname or complement in Russian and Yuuri, not speaking russian, not understanding that particular word said but understanding everything else bc the rest of the statement was literally in english.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
It was either ATLA or Beyblade. Imports from FFN seem to think ATLA. It was a poetry set. Which is funny bc I don't write poems normally.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
This is like asking me to Choose a Favorite Child. And it's very difficult. I have a Real love/hate relationship with most of my works. I'm... going to tentatively say Keep the Home Fires Burning, which is a PolySTQ piece I wrote for the Qrowbang. I love the way this piece came together and I was very proud of how even though it Could have exploded to epic proportions I still got it done within the expected frame. It could have been longer, or deeper, it could have covered more. But I was happy with it, and while those things are all true... I don't think I'd change anything if I rewrote it under similar circumstances.
Tagging: If you see this and want to do it, go for it!
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RWBY Villains and Redemption
Okay so, I’m about to get a bit fired up warning ahead so I feel I need to state a few things this post isn’t and what it is:
It isn’t me arguing that Illia should not be redeemed.
It isn’t me saying I’m sure Emerald and/or Mercury will be redeemed.
It is me calling out some hypocrisy in the fandom that has been agitating me for a very long time.
It is going to focus slightly more on Mercury’s case than Emeralds thought it applies to both because, overall he seems to get the worse wrap.
It is going to use recent developments and facts about Illia Amitola to illustrate a point.
Long winded argument under the cut.
Facts about Illia:
As a child she lost her parents and suffered greatly at the hands of humans as she tried to blend in with them and then inevitably lost her parents.
She joined the White Fang and stayed loyal to it as it’s various leaders offered her an answer to the pain she felt, even when that answer became extreme and violent.
She hurt people and sided with Adam Taurus whether we saw it or not.
She follow(s/ed) Adam because he is offering relief to her pain by lashing out against those that oppressed her.
She is confused in pain and lost following a source that offers her some kind of pain relief because of her own confusion.
She has Blake Belladonna to try and save her from this path.
Most of the FNDM from what I can tell is all hyped and on board to redeem her as a character.
Facts about Emerald:
She grew up on the streets alone stealing to survive.
She was threatened to join Cinder and also offered freedom from the plague on her whole life known as hunger.
She is tossed between praise and punishment kept loyal to Cinder as the first consistent she as offered in her otherwise inconsistent and dangerous life-style.
Emerald was, confused and in pain just trying to survive day to day and someone offered her an out and basically gave her Stockholm syndrome.
From what i can tell the FNDM is somewhat divided on if she is worthy for being redeemed.
Facts about Mercury:
Mercury Black spent his childhood isolated with an abuser on a mountain somewhere in Remnant, it is canon the words used in the blacked out screen dialog when Cinder inquires about Marcus are: he lives on the mountain alone with his son.
He was beaten he was regularly beaten by his father who was a renown assassin, renown enough to catch the attention of someone intending to fight a MAIDEN basically a demi-god Mercury was abused by physically.
Wherever his mom is she certainly wasn’t in the picture for quite a while.
Cinder found him when he had just lost his house cuz it burned down during their fight and killed his father in what was likely a crime of passion. He had no direction only anger you see it in the tonality of ‘What are you looking at?’
He had no where to go, he was lost, in pain, probably already missing limbs, injured to the point he could likely die of infection.
Cinder offered him a purpose when he had none he was a wild card who had spent his life being beaten and driven to patricide.
While still divided a larger portion of the FNDM (from my observation) seems to think he is less worthy of redemption then either of the two characters above.
The point:
What the fuck?
No really, what the fuck?
Illia supported ADAM a psychotic murderer due to her tragic backstory there is no doubt in my mind innocent people were harmed by this decision on screen or off.
Yet she deserves redemption more universally than these other two characters with literal parallel structures of set up.
The only differences are: Who found them Adam and Cinder both suck, and whether or not we see the majority of their acts on screen. And they don’t get someone like Blake who knows them enough to save them.
Illia is certainly at least it seems on a path of redemption and tha’ts great it’s unclear if Emerald and Mercury will ever be redeemed but that’s not the point.
If you think Illia deserves redemption and Emerald & Mercury don’t, don’t talk to me.
If you don’t think a childhood of violence and only knowing violence have had a lasting effect on Mercury Black’s psyche to make him the way he is don’t talk to me.
If you’re excited to see Illia’s redemption but think Em and Merc deserve everything they get don’t talk to me.
If you can’t understand why Emerald and Mercury not being redeemed or at least spared would be tragic then:
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usagitomusashi · 6 years
Two Days at ACEN 2018 - day 2
I arrived home at about 2:00 AM from day one's activity. I live 40 miles away but at that time of night the drive was fairly quick. It was 3:00 AM by the time I had showered and gone to bed. I set the alarm for 8:00 wanting to get an early start on Saturday. I try to park in a commuter lot that's about 2 - 3 blocks from the Con site. There, it costs about $9 for 15 hours versus at least $20 for parking in the garage near the hotels.
My alarm went off at 7:30 as I had forgotten that I have one set for our cat's insulin shot. So, up at 7:30 with a bit of a headache for lack of sleep. I made breakfast for my wife and me then headed out to do a couple errands before heading back to the Con.
As I got nearby, I stopped at Target for some Advil and then arrived at the commuter lot which had available parking after all.
I recognized this car from the day prior. When I arrived at the lot on Friday, both entrance lanes were blocked and I got out to ask what the issue was. A guy explained that the gate was up and wouldn't dispense a ticket. (This was the car.) I decided to drive through and sort things out later. (It all worked out okay.)
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Anyway, by the time I got to the site, I had missed a panel I had hoped to attend: the Japanese Cultural Center - ZEN Meditation.
So, instead, I headed to the manga library where I donated several books including two that are Japanese language only. I didn't spend any time reading. I think it's great that they're there and it would be a nice opportunity to explore some titles. However, it's just not an activity I parsed out time to do. Maybe some other time.
I also skipped the Crunchyroll presentation of Cardcaptor Sakura as I had seen it at the theater. So, instead, I headed to the Pachinko Parlor. It wasn't busy and I had toyed with the idea of trying it each of my last two ACENs but never did. I'm not very into gaming, but I finally asked them to show me how to play.
These are the three machines I played. The vintage machine seemed to pay out better and takes longer to play whereas the modern machines have more bells and whistles but consume your balls more quickly. I had some fun for only $5. I did get a gold ball which is worth 25 others and I gave it to the person in samurai armor as a thank you for allowing me to take her photo.
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Samurai armor girl:
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Then, I headed off to my final panel of the weekend, Basic Japanese, which was fun and informative.
After that, I visited the RWBY cosplay shoot. I watch RWBY but the cosplayers are into it on a level that makes little sense to me. They engage in role playing dialog that is hard for me to decipher but I appreciate their ardent enthusiasm.
I came to see one particular individual, "twifairy" (I'm not tagging her here since this is a long blog and I'm only making a brief mention). Frankly, many of the cosplayers put an admirable amount of creativity and effort into their costumes. You can say what you want about young people but if you saw what they accomplish, you'd be impressed.
When my wife and I visited the first time, we just got a brief glimpse and, afterward, I checked out photos on various sites. At one point, I came across the RWBY photo shoot and twifairy did a very good Cinder!
In the years since, she has continued to evolve her character cosplays to include several of the show's roles. She does her own designs and sewing and, what's impressive is that she was a mid-teen several years ago (who could tell?). So, I'm saying that the creativity and dedication to craft is impressive in a young person. And, she's polite. (Most of the con-goers are polite and well behaved [they call me "sir" a lot ... haha], so again, it's impressive. They're just there to have fun!
I posted photos of twifairy in her gender bending turn as Qrow in a separate post and she's in the second photo below.
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... more to come ...
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yonin777 · 7 years
Phewy RWBY can not move any slower. I decided to continue watching Volume 5 today. Started at episode 3 made it to episode 8. That’s about 50 minutes of content and all I got was Yang beating up some goons and Oscar and Ruby training. Those were really nice scenes less then a minute but engaging to watch. Everything else has just been dialog and dialog and dialog like holey moley.
I see comments saying “not every episode is gonna be action packed” but when 0 of the 5 episodes are action packed there’s a slight issue. When people came for an action series like the first 3 seasons established I thought. 
The episodes are 10+ minutes long now but it’s just spent on drawn out feeling dialog I feel with no “reward” for sitting through said dialog. One of the episodes had the villains showing up to a camp at the end then instead of showing the villains kicking butt it just faded to black and felt like such a disappointment from what I was looking forward to.
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faboover · 7 years
RWBY Vol. 5 First Impressions - First Half
So we have just passed the halfway mark for the season, and so far it is OKAY. 
But after a whole season prior that mainly acted as setup, to have continued attempts at setup being the main thing that is still going on creates a real slog of a story.
BTW, I’m happy that the first batch of episodes were almost 30min TV standard episode length and that the Volume is confirmed to be 14 episodes long. But episode 7′s length and content looks like it will have the same problem that Volume 4 episode 5 had. Episode 7 is even similarly structured as Ep 5 of Vol. 4.
Characters sit at a table and have fun dialog.
They get interrupted by a separate party that then gets into one of the important plots.
The episode ends with a small look at what the main villains are doing.
I felt like the first half of episode 8 for Vol. 5 should’ve been in episode 7.
The only major problem, story wise, that I have with Volume 5 is how Sienna Kahn was handled. If I remove skin color and gender from the equation, Sienna only acts as a stepping stool for Adam to gain power. That’s all her inclusion did for the plot. I still ask, if this is how it was going to be, why not make Adam the leader of the White Fang from the get go? Again, Hazel almost saved that moment, which I really want to see more of him.
Minor issues i have story wise:
There is human press at Menagerie for episode 3, how did they find out about Ghira holding this meeting when communication between Kingdoms is incredibly difficult?
I thought Watts wasn’t going with Cinder and her crew to Raven’s camp because Salem told him to make Tyrian a new tail.
Things I’m disappointed about:
Ozpin didn’t ask RNJR about Pyrrha when he first talked to them.
No Team SSSN. They are supposed to be students at Haven, but I do know that school is not currently is session. But, RNJR asking about them would’ve been a nice acknowledgement of their existence, as well as a good indicator about their current status.
We’ve only seen Ruby and Oscar train and not Jaune so far.
The Action:
The action is once again the weakest part of the animation so far. I don’t see a lot of the technical issues that Volume 4 had. (Teleporting characters/objects and really odd physics) The main problem for the action animation is that it gets really slow and awkward at times. Sun saving Blake being really bad in this aspect. How the animation just awkwardly stops for a second. Cake’s video talking about rhythm, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EY9f7BSYbdw, describes this problem really well. The way to solve this is to better manage the momentum of the character’s actions and movements and actually have them move with a sense of urgency.
Things I’m happy about:
Story wise, they are addressing the problems and criticisms that a lot of people, myself included, had with the story of Volume 4. 
The main ones being a lack of focus on Ruby and Yang’s PTSD.
Ruby talking to Oscar about what she has lost in episode 5 is the type of conversation that Volume 4 needed to have done with her. For example, Ruby could’ve talked to Jaune about Pyrrha and the guilt she feels about not being able to save her.
Yang having her left hand shaking during moments of high tension/emotions/adrenaline is a good way to show that she isn’t completely well yet, but its lack of being there during the last half of her story in Volume 4 created the wrong impression on her recovery.
Characters I want to talk about:
Illyia being revealed as LGBT - you can read my reaction to that here, http://faboover.tumblr.com/post/168236840899/my-response-to-the-illyia-confession
Raven does not have anything to like about her. Her conversation with Yang and Weiss was her moment to have us understand why she is doing what she is doing, but Raven just comes off as cowardly, hypocritical, selfish, and manipulative. Raven, “You can’t trust Ozpin because he gave me the power to freely turn in and out of a bird. He’s awful and untrustworthy.” 
That and her clan of bandits doesn’t look all that formidable. The only strong people in the group is Raven and Vernal. Everyone else is just an expendable non-important character (NIC). I wish Raven had two other people in her group that we can tell she trusts and are dependable in a fight. Continuing that motif of Teams of 4 the series has.
The only question I have about Raven is this: What is up with the mask?
(She really is a weaker version of Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill)
Also, I’m happy that we now have an explanation about Raven saving Yang back in Volume 2, but we still haven’t gotten anything about the after credits scene of Volume 2. Someone should really ask them about it during a Q&A and panel.
This volume has so far been in the range of a 3 out of 5 for me, not sure where I would exactly place it yet. Hopefully things will pick up for the rest of the Volume with action that is as good, but hopefully better than, Tyrian vs Qrow from Volume 4.
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