#the dark world was a dream too
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potatobugz · 3 months ago
oh also undertale newsletter. i am insane
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gummi-ships · 1 year ago
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Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance - The World That Never Was
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osatokun · 20 days ago
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I still love these pretty old concepts of Glinda and Monica I should design more, now when Monica is older hmmmmmmm
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vasira96 · 1 year ago
can't stop daydreaming about a soulslike zelda game yall i'm so normal about this
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baeshijima · 4 months ago
once again… thinking thoughts of time travel au but it’s like. different periods/eras/aus after each traversal…
like one moment you (or the character, depending on which pov) are in the “canon”-verse and wake up the next moment in a european royalty era. you shakily try and adapt to the lifestyle you now occupy. many of the faces you see are familar to you, and yet they’re not the people you remember them to be. some are far colder than you remember, others are much more cordial than the versions you know of, and some seem to be the same on the surface.
and then you see him, and the world blurs and spirals and slips out of your control, the last thing you see being an outstretched hand.
you wake up to a new environment, one filled to the brim with futuristic modern technology and sky-high buildings and hovering vehicles. it’s a little overwhelming but, much like with the previous world you just barely left, you manage to find some ground to adapt on. it’s the same process; everyone is familiar but different, and you’ve never felt more like a stranger.
you see him once more, a glimpse of him speeding towards your general vicinity with deep-set eyes honed in on your direction. this time you manage to stay lucid for a little longer — a day or two more — but it is more than enough when stops in front of you, your name uttered with a confused familiarity. as it turns out, this version has dreamed of you; he has dreamed of you to the point of knowing things a stranger would not be privy to, but of things the he of the original world (of your world) would only know of.
you get to know him over the course of two days before it strikes once more. the world spins and blurs and sends you tumbling into the abyss. while the last thing you see yet again is an outstetched arm, the frantic call of your name is but a lingering whisper echoing amidst the chaos.
and then you get transported to another era. and then another. and another. and another. and… another.
each one lasts a bit longer after your fateful meeting, but you’ve begun to grow numb from the repetitive motions, from the forgetting to remembering. the hope to return back to your timeline slowly diminishes with each new world, with each new do-over you wish to be rid of, with each variation of him that grows more obsessive at the prospect of you leaving, for he has witnessed it aplenty through these wretched dreams of you disappearing while he is left to chase after your ghost again, and again, and again.
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authenticity2025 · 9 months ago
I know you think this world is too dark to even dream in color, but I’ve seen flowers bloom at midnight. I’ve seen kites fly in gray skies and they were real close to looking like the sunrise, and sometime it takes the most wounded wings the most broken things to notice how strong the breeze is, how precious the flight.
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not-so-terrible · 2 years ago
So Kisame's often considered the fourth most powerful Akatsuki member, but the top three are pretty unanimously Obito, Pain and Itachi. And with Kisame's motto being survival of the fittest and MO being taking out the weakest links, it’s fascinating to see him end up as one of the most well connected members of the Akatsuki. And since the top three never openly get to clash, technically speaking, he stays loyal to all of them. He's; 
- Working broadly for Pain, Akatsuki's open leader, who wants to create peace through traumatising the world through a cycle of war
- Working secretly for Obito, Akatsuki's real leader (and by proxy, Madara and Zetsu, Akatsuki's real-real leaders), who wants to create peace through trapping the world in a dream realm
- Working day-to-day for/with Itachi, the Akatsuki's biggest name, most powerful field member, and a secret double agent, who wants to create peace through becoming the most powerful shinobi that's ever lived,  and through using that power 'as much as he wants', 'lead the world to subjugation'
So either Kisame is the ninja equivalent of the minions, or the dojutsu wielding top three of the Akatsuki all looked to him and went 'yup, he's Henchman Shaped'
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animangalover-writes · 7 months ago
Time for another dream i had, this time about zutara.
This one is a lot shorter, but essentially I had a dream where kataras whole family(which seemed to have more members then in the show) all live in the fire nation, hiding the fact that they're water tribe(rather, they were water tribe).
Katara is in some sort of relationship with zuko. It's unclear if she's his wife, his girlfriend, or his mistress, but its not hidden. People know about her and her relationship with him.
(Putting the rest under a cut so I don't clog up the feed lol)
If she was his mistress it's kinda held in that way that kings had other women they'd sleep with along with their queen and it was just an accepted, albeit kinda shitty, thing to do.
Anyway, katara is also pregnant, which was kind of an underlying "plot point" and would return home to her family every day to check on them.
It's revealed here that katara is basically the only reason her family is doing pretty well for themselves. Her relationship with zuko means that they have enough to get by. It's also noted that her whole family(katara, sokka, their dad, their grandma, and some made up new family members) all live in one house. So its clear they're still kind of struggling.
It's also revealed, through a conversation with her grandma, that the only otehr reason katara is with zuko, is because it was part of a bigger plan. She and her family are part of a resistance against the fire nation, and when they realized zuko liked katara, wanted her to infiltrate and pretend to be in love with him.
The plan had clearly gone on longer then anticipated, for whatever reason, and katara is conflicted because she actually does have feelings for him now, not fo mention she's pregnant with his child.
There's a "scene" either at the beginning or after this reveal that shows zuko in a meeting with other fire nation officials, including his father and sister, and that either he was against one of their plans but is ignored or his plan gets shut down(I don't remember which). Katara always sits in on these meetings with him, and afterwards, as everyone is getting up to leave, she leans her forehead against his and whispers that everything will be alright. This is why we can tell she truly does care about him, to some degree. But it's also a moment showing potential manipulation, like shes pretending to care. It's supposed to be a little of both, she needs him to trust her but she does still love him.
After all of this, we cut to a scene in a forest/swamp. This part is kind of blurry in my head, but basically, it's a secret meeting. Katara is dressed similarly to the painted lady, her and a few other resistance members, including Sokka, Suki, and Hakoda, are planning an ambush on Zuko and his family, who are supposed to travel down a path nearby. Katara is a key part of this plan, as she's the only waterbender, and she knows this. She nods along to everything regarding the plan and she goes over important points herself as well. But as everyone else continues talking, katara is having doubts. She loves Zuko. She's about to have his child. She cares for him. But she needs to free the world from the fire nations clutches as well. She doesn't want to kill Zuko, but she has to in order to help others. She's hesitating.
They continue with the plan anyway, and through the foliage that katara and the others are hiding in, we see a carriage making its way down the path. Zuko and his family(or at least his father) are in there.
Everyone is getting ready to fight, to jump out and attack. We see a close up shot of Katara, conflicted. She's still not sure if she can go through with this, if she can kill Zuko.
And then I woke up.
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multi-lefaiye · 8 months ago
average queer people friend group
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hairtusk · 2 years ago
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mossydice · 1 year ago
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Nerium my darling, darling Thallain who can totally be trusted, Completely (✿◡‿◡)৹🔪
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the-acid-pear · 2 years ago
Absolutely BAFFLING how it took me this long to realize that Kris and Madtosuki are so fucking similar it's mind blowing. Trans gamer kids with a love for knives who get bullied and spend most of their time dreaming. They'd absolutely be besties ..........
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heavencasteel420 · 1 year ago
Does anyone have floating ideas that just kind of attach (and sometimes detach/reattach) to different WIPs?
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hawkzeyes · 2 years ago
I mean this in the most platonic way
This song makes me think of Kate and Clint and I’m gonna cry
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heartmatic · 4 months ago
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Prens F/O List
all f/os romantic unless stated otherwise
❤️: Current focus
❌: Iffy sharing
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Mains (regularly on my mind) ❤️ Andre Lee (Ins.ide Job) #smartsfail | 3/13/23
❤️❌ Vox (Hazb.in Hotel, critically) #terribletogether | 2/21/24
no/selective sharing, i love having shared interest friends tho! (canon x canon is ok)
Tam.aki Amaj.iki (MHA) #through the nerves | 6/4/24
Secondary Harvey (Star.dew Valley) #surviving dreams | 10/20/24
❌ Pris.mo (AT/F&C) #sleepingwishes | 9/7/23
Louis (Be.astars), qpr #deerlove | 12/8/19 <3
Aiza.wa Sho.ta, qpr (MHA) #through the dark | 5/6/24
Simon (OC) | Nov, 2022
Platonic/Familial All mainly from B.luey, tagged as #blue world
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random-thot-generator · 6 months ago
Ghost decides after one blind date that you're going to be his.
Simon isn't used to dating. A quick hook up in the loo, sure. A drunken one night stand? He's had too many of those to count. But proper courting? Hell, it's been years, maybe a decade, since he's taken a bird out on an actual date.
It's probably going to be a disaster, but he gave Johnny his word he'd go out with his bird's best friend, so he can't back out now. He'll just have to grit his teeth and power through it.
His sour outlook for the evening is forgotten the second he sees you walk in with Johnny's bird. You're no tipsy tart on the pull, like the birds he's used to dealing with. You're a proper lady, dolled up nice for your date with him. It makes his chest feel tight when he gets a good look at your pretty face and nervous little smile.
His usual gruff manner is obviously not going to fly with you, so he quickly tries to recall the mannerisms he's seen his captain use around women. He gets to his feet with Johnny when the two of you reach the table, trying his best to look less intimidating.
Johnny introduces the two of you, and Simon melts inside when he takes your soft little hand in his for the first time. His brain goes fuzzy, dark eyes glazing over, and he's not sure what he says when he greets you, but it earns him a smile.
"It's really nice to meet you, Simon," are the first words you say to him.
Your voice is soft and sweet, and the way you say his name? Oh, he's gonna need to hear more of that, and often.
For the first time in a long time, Simon's worried about what someone thinks of him. He's worried he'll put you off with his harsh manner. So, he minds his words and gentles his tone. He slows his steps to match your pace and tucks your small hand at his elbow to keep you close and safe. He's holding doors and pulling out your chair. He compliments your dress and hair.
And when your heel catches on the sidewalk and you stumble, he doesn't bark a laugh or say something mean, wouldn't bloody dream of it. No, he catches you before you fall, and all that softness in his hands makes something shift in his brain. You're such a fragile little thing, delicate as spun sugar. You need a big nasty mutt like him to protect you, take care of you, and he's more than willing to do the job.
When the date is over, Simon sees you home, and you kiss him on your front stoop. It's not all groping hands and tangling tongues. It's a gentle press of lips, his big hands cradling your face, the sweet intimacy making his eyes flutter shut. He's floating when he finally gets back in his truck and drives himself home.
Instead of going to bed, Simon begins to formulate a plan of strategy. He figures it'll take a few more dates before you invite him into your flat, and several more after that before you invite him into your bed, then eventually into your life. It might take months, even a year or more. That's alright, though. If his years in the military have taught him anything, it's patience.
Simon knows how to play the long game. He'll go at your pace, let you get used to having him around, then make himself indispensable to you. No one will treat you as good, meet your every need and desire the way he will. He won't stop until he is your world, your reason for being. Your everything.
And when enough time has passed, he'll claim you completely as his. He's going to put a ring on your finger and a baby in your belly, then tuck you away safe and sound in one of those cute country cottages he looked up online. You'll be his little missus, and he'll be your tamed beast, keeping his teeth and claws hidden but at the ready.
By the time he arrives at your flat the next evening for your second date, he's already got your engagement ring in his safe at home and the names of your future children picked out.
And when you text him the day after to invite him for dinner, the new name he replaced yours with pops up on his screen.
It says 'Missus Riley', of course.
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