#the dark side contains multitudes
circle-around-again · 6 months
"The dark side ignited and fueled his anger. He was enraged by the icy water and by the entire planet of Mygeeto. He fought his way to the surface, kicking and clawing and bursting through the ice. And after he broke through the ice, while he was still gulping freezing water and struggling to keep his face above the surface, he saw his Master on the shore." (Windham, 86-7).
This is not only one of Maul's coolest moments, but perhaps a key insight into the nature of the darkside and its users.
Maul experiences the dark side as fire. Maul's dark signature is that of "ignition" -- like a machine being awakened, or a furnace of power. However, it has distinctly desperate traits -- it is one of struggle.
However, Sidious' force signature is here as well. It is ice. What feels like an entire world of awful power pressing down on Maul specifically. Something he rebels against, but is smothered in until his death. And I always preferred the interpretation that Sidious' force signature was frigidly cold.
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zmediaoutlet · 6 months
🛼 🧃
(Thanks for the ones you sent me! Hoping to get to them after work tonight 🤞)
(thank you, too! what's the point of the bluesite if we aren't high fiving each other!)
🛼 describe your latest wip with five emojis
Uhh. Let me pull up the Windows+. keyboard and stare into the distance for a few minutes...
🧃 share some personal lore you never posted about before
[that feel when you've been on here for a decade+ and have to remember all the shit you've blabbed about in that time]
When I was little I sometimes went to boy scout troop meetings with my brothers, because my dad was traveling for work just about every week and my mom had to take them to the meetings instead, and I was too small to be just abandoned all night on a Tuesday. My mom had this horrible blue Chrysler van and would ferry like 6 boys 'into town' (we grew up very rural) for the troop meetings. This was the non-Mormon troop in town, which a) meant that they actually did camping and learning instead of just churning badges to Eagle, and b) these kids were fuckin' degenerates, lol. There were lots of pranks and assholery and vicious games of shirts-vs-skins pickup football and also good-natured teasing and showing up for each other and trying their best, sometimes, or trying at all if their best wasn't possible. A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. I don't know if they hit every marker -- I know for a fact that some of those boys didn't grow up to be the best men -- but it was a good thing in their lives, for a while, and sitting in the back of the meetings playing or reading or boredly watching was a good way to learn about the way that boys are. Plus there's this all-time quote, from my mother, after she bought Taco Bell for the neighbor boys and for some reason let Eric get an enchirito: Eric, if you fart one more time, I am throwing you out onto the highway!
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dollwrites · 1 year
Kakashi doing the shadow clone jutsu and you get doubled teamed 😩
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— ⟡ dizzy drabbles disclaimer !!
all dizzy drabbles are written when i am extremely high ( or, dizzy ) and they don’t contain a trigger warnings list. if there’s no indication by the request, you can assume that the fic is nsfw + probably dark-leaning, if not blatantly dark. noncon, dub con, and other triggering content may be present, read with caution ( enjoy your experience <3 )
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what about… gangbanging you instead? hehehe !! kakashi’s always wanted to see you airtight— stuffed with cock in every hole, watching you take as many cocks as you could possibly handle at once, and he’s told you so many times before, but you were always apprehensive. even if he was involved and even if the other men were his friends, it still felt like cheating.
“besides, you know i love the way you feel. i don’t want to have sex with anyone else.”
well, now, Kakashi had an idea.
and of course he waits until you’ve already cum once; riding his cock, rocking back and forth with your palms planted on his thighs. with your head thrown back in ecstasy, eyes closed, you don’t see it happen, but you felt a similar grip on your face, jerking your head to the side— his thumb pressing into your jaw to force it open. you let out a startled moan, cut short by a mouthful of cock.
both hands flee to reach for the obstruction, before your arms are hooked, under the elbow, by two much stronger ones, and brought together behind you. your eyes flicker upwards to see who your assailant is, only to find a mirror of Kakashi staring back at you. you glance, panicked, to the man you’re perched atop, and see that you’re not crazy. you’re still riding Kakashi.
“have i fucked you silly already?” his familiar, playful purr vibrates against the shell of your ear, and you shudder, realizing that the man holding you from behind must also be Kakashi’s twin. “you look so confused. you really don’t know what i did? think long and hard, pretty girl.”
and then it dawned on you what he’d done. with a muffled, moan of approval, you clamp your mouth harder around your lover’s cloned cock, sucking until your eyes crossed.
“uh-huh, that’s the look i wanted. you said you loved the way i feel, right? that you only want to fuck me?” you mewl, gargling on him, a half coherent affirmation, and he chuckles, raspy and wanton. you feel the second clone, the one at your back, worm his way between your asscheeks, spit-slicked cock head pushing up against the ring. luckily, you were so sensitive from cumming that you spasmed and wiggled, pushing back to impale yourself with the second cock.
you whine. the stretch is so incredible, the fullness mind blowing. and, when you open your eyes, scanning the room, you could see a multitude of Kakashi clones, all lined up, stroking their identical cocks, waiting their turns to decimate you.
“good, then i’ll just see how many of me it takes to break you, pretty girl.”
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galedekarios · 7 months
i'm reading a new interview tim downie gave about gale and it offers some of tim's own headcanons about gale, as well as tim's thoughts and insights on gale's character:
Nerds & Beyond: I like that you mentioned that the game is full of rounded characters because they are, they all have different aspects that make them feel real. I adore that Gale specifically is so serious and studious, but at the same time he has this really playful side — he often jokes about how he was a mischievous youth, he encourages other people like Arabella to do so, he understands when The Dark Urge first mentions their violent thoughts. There is a lot of nuance and depth there. But the quality that I love with Gale most is that obviously he is very ill when we first meet him – not that we know immediately – and he’s dealing with a lot of chronic pain. I find him incredibly selfless because he takes that day-to-day head on to help the party, which is an aspect I feel continues to show throughout the three acts. What’s your favorite quality of Gale’s, or what did you take away from him? Tim Downie: It’s so interesting hearing you say that, because I had so many different feedbacks about what people take from the character and sometimes things really surprise you. It’s interesting hearing that such and such has taken that particular aspect, because there are broad things like “He’s funny,” and that’s quite nice, that’s a nice trait, though not one you necessarily get to see that much. It’s so interesting hearing other people’s views about what they take from Gale.  The idea of dealing with chronic pain I found really interesting and an interesting subplot to play, and that was the great thing about doing something like this is that it is so unbelievably nuanced. You have so many layers that just keep going and going and going, as much as we all contain multitudes within ourselves. We all deal with these things, but only certain things pop up to the surface at any given point.  What did I take from Gale, though? I liked his studiousness. I would imagine that he was probably bullied as a kid for it, and he was probably a bit of a joker because he was bullied, and he uses that as a defense. But an even bigger defense for him is “I now know stuff that I didn’t before,” and that’s a power. It’s very similar to when you are being bullied and you’re the funny one – that’s your power, that’s your thing. “I may not be able to hurt you in a traditional sense, but I can say things that will make you feel pain,” which is a very different thing because you physically can’t go after them.  That’s the wonderful thing about acting and this character as well is being able to explore all these things that you might not have, that you might have gone, “I’m not gonna look at that again, I don’t want to deal with that,” and then it brings it up again and it’s like, “Oh, this is actually quite cathartic,” to re-explore these these moments of sorrow and loss and how you deal with grief and things like that and heartbreak and how you get over that.  It’s not all just tears, you do try and make a joke of it.
i really like that they are addressing the topic of gale's chronic pain. it's something that doesn't get addressed often, not even in the game itself.
i also found his answer as to why people might connect to gale very nice:
Nerds & Beyond: Gale is the most popular origin character to play as. What is it about him that you think allows so many different players to connect with him to the depths the fandom has? Tim Downie: I really don’t know. I think you’d have to ask the players that, ‘cause I don’t know, to be quite honest with you. He’s a wizard, and who wouldn’t want to be a wizard at the end of the day? I always say the difference between wizards and sorcerers is that sorcerers just pretend – they just assume they know what they’re doing, but a wizard has really learned this trade. And so there’s that kind of weight of knowledge and learning, which I would love to play as and be for a length of time.  I think it’s also the frailties. I like characters, and a lot of people do I’m assuming, that have flaws, otherwise you’ve made them completely unapproachable. To be completely superhuman or completely extraordinary at something then removes the humanity from it because it becomes like, “Well, that’s never gonna happen.” But when there’s a flaw, when there’s, “Oh, I’ve got that wrong, too,” or like, “My knees hurt” as you say, or “I’ve got a bit of a headache. I really don’t want to do this,” “You’re really annoying me, this is very annoying, could you please hurry up?” or “Stop licking the damn thing,” it’s always those moments that are fun because it shows what we’re all thinking at that point, it removes it from almost archetype and stereotype and it becomes human in a way.
gale is approachable and likeable, has flaws, but is genuinely nice. i think that very much sums up his character.
this bit here made me laugh:
Nerds & Beyond: When you’re talking about those different layers in the humanity building, I think one of the most important aspects in this game is the more “background” or passive dialogue, so dialogue that is prompted in the world and not in the cut scenes.  For instance — the first time I made Gale sneak he immediately complained about his knees, and it was such a real moment where he was just like, “Oh, don’t make me do this. This is not what I’m here for, I’ve got bad knees and I’m not made for this.” Did you have any of those background lines or moments that stick out as being particularly fun to craft?  Tim Downie: I remember the first time I ever had to do waiting, I found it infinitely interesting in so many ways. The idea that I did actually just have to wait and just actually, “Hmm…” Those little things I find really funny because they’re probably the closest to me that the character ever gets. His waiting mannerisms are kind of very English – slightly annoyed and I’m not going to show it to you though because we’re all being very nice, but I’ll do it with a huff and a slightly sarcastic, “Well, that’s great. Another 20 minutes. That’s great.” Those kinds of sentiments I found wonderful and incredibly fun, and funny, to do. 
if you want to read the whole interview for yourself, you can do so here!
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mumms-the-word · 6 months
you’ll never believe what nonsense I came across while I was brainrot doomscrolling through all the books and notes on the BG3 wiki trying to find stuff I might have missed in act 2
druid self-insert romantic fanfiction about the first battle against Moonrise and Ketheric
fanfic that Halsin read and criticized!!
Okay if you played early access you shouldn’t be surprised because these books existed in EA. I’ve tried to find them in my game post patch 6 but all I can find is volume 3, which is disappointing because I was hoping to find volume 4
But as a treat, if you’re like me and completely didn’t know about this, buckle up and please enjoy the self-insert adventures of a certain “Roa” who totally isn’t Roan Featherway, a druid of Silvanus and colleague(??) of Halsin himself
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Book Draft - Volume I
The name on the inside of this faded journal suggests it belonged to a 'Roan Featherway', a druid of Silvanus.
[Neatly written chapters fill this journal. A list of what appears to be book publishers in Baldur's Gate are on the first page. The cover has a multitude of titles, all crossed out: 'The Unforeseen Alliance, volume 1', 'Druids and Harpers, a fight for good!', 'The Shadowed Evil: who dares to stand against it?'] Our hero, the [brave? mighty?] druid Roa arrives in the grove. When he received the summons from the Emerald Enclave, he knew something was afoot. Filled with druids and rangers alike, members of the Enclave are scattered across the realm. They fight to preserve the natural order, keep the elemental forces of the world in check, and do battle with those who would upset this delicate balance. They are fierce warriors, though none as fierce as Roa. Built like [an ox? A bear?], he stands head and shoulders above the crowd. The grove is buzzing with activity. Roa spots a beautiful woman with ebony hair flowing past her shoulders, her eyes as blue as a [summer's day? bluebird?]. His smile turns to a frown as he notices the crescent moon and harp pinned to her chest. By Silvanus, what was a Harper doing here?
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Book Draft - Volume II
Formed from several journals, paper scraps and, in one case, the back of an envelope, this book has been carefully glued together to form the second in a series of romance novels.
[This seems to be the second volume in a series written by an amateur novelist. The title on the cover, 'Love in Shadowed Lands', is crossed out.] The ebony-haired woman notices Roa's gaze and crosses the grove, [winking? smiling?] as she stands by the druid's side. 'I don't usually wear it out in the open,' she says, tapping the brooch on her cloak, a crescent moon and harp pinned to her chest. 'Except for special occasions.' 'What's a Harper doing in a grove of Silvanus?' Roa asks. 'Not just one.' She gestures to a group by the sacred pool. 'We're generally more cloak and dagger,' she continues, 'thwarting tyrants and [guarding? protecting?] the realm is best done in secret. But you lot have a fight on your hands. We're here to help.' 'Since when do the Emerald Enclave need a bunch of Harpers?' Roa says. 'You haven't heard?' She laughs, her laugh tinkling like a bell. 'Strap in, sweetie. We're about to take on Dark Justiciars, their demented leader Ketheric Thorm and, if we're very lucky, Shar herself.'
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Book Draft - Volume III
The third book in a series of romance novels, this once beautifully bound book has had pages ripped out, glued back in and even tied to the book's spine using a piece of twine.
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['Volume Three' is written in bold on the front. The title 'The Cost of Sorrow' is followed by a number of question marks.] 'But why?' Roa screams, the beast within barely contained. 'Why follow Shar? Why destroy Moonhaven?' Ketheric stares down [haughtily? cruelly?] at Roa as he steps over the bodies of Harpers and druids alike. 'Shar knows all.' He smiles [maliciously?]. 'She gave me a holy mission. I'm merely fulfilling it.' 'The people of Moonhaven trusted you!' Roa cries, his anger rising. 'How could you turn your Dark Justiciars on them?' Ketheric smiles, 'They needed the target practice. Can't have Shar's elite getting rusty, now can we? As for you...' a crescent blade appears in his [cruel?] hands. 'You are but one lone druid, Roa. Who are you to stand against me?' Roa forces himself to his feet, Silvanus' fury coursing through him. 'I'm your downfall. Today you die, Ketheric!'
And for the pièce de résistance 😮‍💨🤌
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Book Draft - Volume IV
The fourth volume and final novel, this book has had almost every single page ripped out, except for the last twenty or so pages.
['Shadow's Kiss' is written in bold on the front. Pages of crossed out lines have notes in the margin reading 'finale!', 'more exciting!'. The final entry reads:] 'Get out of here.' Roa whispers, clutching his side. Blood pours from his fingers, a final gift from Ketheric's blade. 'I'm not leaving you,' Selene sobs, blue eyes filling with tears. Roa cups her face. 'I won't make it out in time. But you can.' Selene presses her forehead against his. Her ebony hair falls forward, forming a curtain that envelops them both. Roa closes his eyes, a smile lifting his lips as her scent, wild roses, washes over him. 'That grappling hook. You still have it?' He asks. 'Of course. Why do you -' With the last of his strength, Roa pushes her from the balcony. He watches her fall, watches her pull the hook from her pack and expertly throw it, swinging gracefully to the ground. A mighty crack splits the floor beneath him as the tower crumbles. He smiles contentedly. Selene was safe. That's all that mattered. Epilogue: 'Selfish bastard.' Selene says, kicking the base of the grave. Balsin places a comforting hand on her shoulder. 'He was the greatest of us all,' Balsin says, a towering behemoth of a druid, although not as tall as Roa. 'We will forever honour him, for he single-handedly broke Shar's hold on the land, and helped -' [A different hand appears beneath the final entry.] Roan, you had one job. This is not a historical record of what occurred, it is poorly written romance with no basis in fact. And if I ever see the name 'Balsin' again, I will personally feed you to Ormn.
Halsin you’re such a critic
we were robbed
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ambrozjas · 8 months
dallas winston getting into a fight then going to a f!reader to get patched up. tysm!
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only the dogs will hear us ꨄ︎
dallas winston x fem!reader
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ synopsis: dally comes to the reader after a nasty fight, in hopes they’ll patch him up
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
✧˖*°࿐ notes 🧸ᰔᩚ
not proofread !! thank you for the request anon, i loved writing this 🫶
✧˖*°࿐ warnings ᰔᩚ
mentions of blood and first aid kit, like one or two curse words??
✧˖*°࿐ word count ᰔᩚ
958 words, ~5300 characters
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
you jolted awake as you heard a knock at your bedroom window. as your eyes adjusted to your dark room, only being illuminated by the moonlight shining through your window, you huffed. you had already known who it was by the time the second or third knock occurred.
shifting the blanket to the side, you shivered at the contrast of your warm bed to the cool air, your ceiling fan contributing to the uncomfortable feeling. after a quick minute of trying to adapt to the change in temperature, you got up. the wooden floors of your bedroom creaking under your feet at every step you took.
rubbing the remaining sleep out of your eyes, you made it to the window and peered at the culprit, no other than dallas winston.
you and dally were an interesting mix together. he never much affirmed that he was your boyfriend, only really confirming it to you once since he was such a hardass. instead he had his moments, actions like an arm slung over your shoulder as he walked with you or taking you to the drive-in where all you do is make-out.
this, in dallas’ mind, was one of those moments.
when you eyes fell on dally through the window, he was battered and bruised, clutching his arm and looking at you. rolling your eyes, you undid the latch on your window and removed the stick that kept it from opening to let dally in. he was always getting himself in these predicaments, he definitely had an aggressive streak to him, not afraid to beat the tar out of a kid for even looking at him funny.
this wasn’t like the movies, where a boy romantically threw rocks at a girl’s window on the two-story floor to get her attention, at least not here. you lived on the east side too, and had a one story house with one window in your room, so it was a little awkward seeing your boyfriend on the ground right in front of your window.
when you opened the window, dallas was just.. there. a cigarette arrogantly placed between his busted lips as he was hunched over, presumably to ease some of the pain in his stomach.
“you asshole.” you spit as you ushered him inside. “well, hello to you too, doll.” he staggered inside and unceremoniously plopped on your bed. great, you thought, desperately hoping he didn’t get any blood on the it.
you made your way to the bathroom in the hallway, already having a first aid kit for the multitude of times he’s done this. he used to distance himself from you, especially after a rumble so you wouldn’t worry, in his own little weird way. the kit contained gauze, some bandages, bandaids, and a few other things.
when you came back, dallas was already sprawled on your bed, resting on your pillows with an arm behind his head.
“already bringin’ that out f’me?”
“maybe you could be a little quiet, dallas.” you said, not wanting to be anymore annoyed. first, this hood interrupted your sleep and then he gets blood and ash all over your bed, you already prepared your bed to start reeking of cigarettes once he left.
“‘dallas’?” he huffed at you, amusedly placing his hand on your lower back and rubbing with his thumb. “way to bring out the big guns, sweetheart.”
you kept your focus on treating his wounds, holding an ice pack to his cheek where a nasty purple bruise is blooming, trying not to give into his affections.
you grabbed the cigarette from his mouth and put it out before he could protest, diverting your attention back to his bottom lip. you thumbed it gently so as to not irritate the cut. “what, did these fools pull a knife on you or what?” you asked, trying to lighten your own mood some.
“nah, just had a stupid ass ring.” he huffed, his eyes glued to your face. you scoffed and looked down at his hands, even his knuckles were painted red and a slight hue of purple was already starting to form on the pale skin. “whatever, jus’hang loose okay? don’t need you injuring yourself even more.” you said, softly rubbing your thumb over his knuckles, almost memorizing the ridges of them, like you’d forget them.
“who said i was leavin’?” he stated calmly. your eyes flickered over to him, trying to search for any sign of joking. dallas winston being this soft for someone? nobody would ever believe you if you told them.
a pregnant pause passed as you both just stared at each other, waiting for the other to speak first. he raised an eyebrow, almost similar to two-bit’s habits, as he expected an answer.
you said nothing, just simply smoothed your hair back, sighed, and laid back down next to him, cautiously leaving a small gap in between you two.
what shocked you though, is the fact that dallas slung his arm over your waist and shifted you to to him, snug against his side. taking that as a green light, you rested your head on his arm, knowing he’d probably shake you off later claiming you made it fall asleep.
it was silent for a moment, only the dogs barking in your neighbor’s backyard interrupting it before you opened your mouth to speak, “who knew the big bad wolf, dallas winston would act like this ‘hind closed doors?”
“alright, shut up.” he replied, barely any threat laced in his words, probably too tired to even be annoyed.
you chuckled and placed your head in the crook of his neck, the scent of cigarettes, sweat, and leather engulfing you.
maybe, you thought, maybe the smell of cigarettes on my bed isn’t all that bad.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AAAAAH !! this def took some more brain cells but i kinda like how this turned out. hopefully you guys do too ^_^ !!
kiss kiss ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
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watchernotculture · 6 months
hii could request message 4 with Poe? pleaseee
4 (“i'm so glad you feel the same cause i refuse to leave you”)
personally loving the individual poe requests (even though the event is over) despite the little hard ships. sorry for my slowness im struggling here mentally but im trying!!
WC 649 // tws: average Y!poe being a tad bit creepy (nothing sexual dw)
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The bookstore and library was your favorite place to visit, the quietness and overall tranquility kept bringing you back along with your preferred genre. The workers at the bookstore memorized your face, greeting you like you were one of their own. You really couldn't ask for more, everyone knew how to keep tight and not bother anyone. The bookstore was tiny and uneventful but it had all the right books you wanted and it kept drawing you back every time.
Other patrons of the bookstore were just as pleasant, your own personal wonderland. Recently a new person came in, the outfit worn was wildly different than any other usual clothing you’d seen. You only admired from afar, really it was all you could do for a man who stood out completely in a small store. It's hard not to gawk eyes at a man with a raccoon on his shoulders purring happily at his company. You don't remember how you got to talking with the man, he was pleasant as he could be. Much to your surprise you two got along fairly fast, you loved to talk about everything about the current book you were into that month. You got more out of the tiny bookstore when hanging out with the man, Poe alongside his best friend, Karl. hanging out and drinks were commonplace with the two of you, you didn't fear Poe. 
Yet with all the moments you hung out with him, it was hard to fully grasp all the complexities hidden within the man you spend every second with. His beautiful eyes swirling with admiration towards every detail about your figure then to a dark glimmer when it's anyone else near you. His endless rants were genuinely nice to listen to and you’d even asked questions to some of the rambled up words and plans he’d spit out comfortably with you. Clasping his hands together with a massive smile on his face as he rambled on more excitedly the two of you sharing ideas with each other. You never knew the full extent to the insanity you led him to during the first moments of ever meeting him.
The way your hair and eyes caught his heart enough to start twisting and distorting his very reality with every soft moment of yours. The multitude of letters piling up in a hidden away drawer, never to see any light ever since the first ink drop sealed on to the soft material. 
Your feelings came slowly, not yet in true love but enough to risk some of your wellbeing for him. Poe was glad you two never got interrupted often, his jealousy is an ugly beast that he couldn't let you see just yet. You’d understand no? Understand the burning love within his heart that could only burn because of you? Every late night spent feeling his mind slip away and every part of you filling the space up, every immoral thought of keeping you by his side forever. Every touch of his hands covering up his face at the mere thought of a simple kiss from your lips. It's driving him mad and there's no sign of stopping. But his question was answered when you asked him to stay just a little longer.
You confessed to him, full understanding if he wasn't interested but the barely contained whisper that left his mouth was all you wanted. “i-I’m so glad you feel the same ca-cause i refuse to leave you.”
The swirl of madness in his eyes only worsened and he took you by hand aggressively spouting nonsense in a state of flustered obsession. “I’ve wa-waited so long for this moment!”  He was so happy you loved him back! Now you won't ever leave him right? Won't go out of your way to leave the world he's building just for the two of you? Afterall you feel the same.
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On The Hunt: You Broke and I Shattered
Summary- 3.9k Alpha Steve x Little One. You and Steve find where Ulysses is storing his stolen goods; vibranium from Wakanda. Scouting the building, you and Steve separate and Steve struggles with this lone wolf mentality.
Warnings- Steve being upset and lashing out about your relationship with Pan. Reader goes into her heat finally and confronts Steve during it.
A/N- Okay I know it's been a while, LONG WHILE since I have posted these two. Part of me is still apprehensive about your Steve feelings. Be mad and hate him if that is the vibe! I get it, honestly, I do. I can't help but love him as strongly as I always have because I love a broken character that I created. Thank you so much @yenzys-lucky-charm for walking through this and holding my hand with them. For always giving me reassurance to continue this story. You, my dear friend, are a saint for all you do behind the scenes. Dividers made by @firefly-graphics Enjoy, and if you did, please share and reblog. I also love hearing your thoughts and rants about them.
Chapter Seven / Masterlist
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It smelled bad. 
The Little Wolf’s nose wrinkled as she scouted the side of the large warehouse. You lost track of Steve after he shifted, the Alpha whisking his muzzle against the Little Wolf’s and then leapt away along the edge of the warehouse. As large as the Alpha was, he was easily able to meld into nothing when he didn’t want to be seen. A skill from many years of hunting. 
The Little Wolf weaved through the large piles of garbage and pallets, using them to keep her hidden from the multitude of cameras outside of the building. The installers had attempted to keep them hidden, but your time working with T’Challa had taught you where to look. 
The Little Wolf was also good at getting by unnoticed, the smaller stature and slinking nature could make her easily pass for a street dog that ran wild. 
The scents assaulting her were so foul and strong. The heavy acidic scent of fear permeates the stone and steel walls, making the Little Wolf’s ears lay flat against her skull, her nose wrinkling in discomfort. 
A scuffle of footsteps caught her attention, sending her into hiding with her radar-sharp ears swiveling towards the footsteps scuttling down the alleyway towards where you were hiding. 
“The shipment’s ready, just need the boss's sign-off.” You heard the man say into a phone and the Little Wolf pricked her ears to catch the last of the conversation. “Yeah, Klaue is expected in a couple days.”
He is not here yet. You mentally sighed, frustrated that there would be a period of waiting around for you and Steve.
<But he will be here soon for us. The Alpha should be coming around any moment, maybe we can get inside.> She was quiet in her movements, easing away from the rambling man whose conversation turned elsewhere, giving them no more vital information. Catching sight of the unlatched door, the Little Wolf paused, glancing around to see that no one was nearby. <Should we wait?> 
We could lose our chance. You urged her, unwilling to wait now that the opportunity of getting inside was just so available to you. 
<The Alpha…> The Little Wolf hesitated, glancing back at the direction Steve should be coming around. 
Will catch up. He can follow our trail and we might lose this entrance if that man comes back to lock this door. This is our chance to see the inside and be prepared for Ulysses. 
She finally relented, using her muzzle to ease the door open further and sneak into the dark interior of the warehouse, a sliver of light the only source into the belly of the beast. 
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It was easy remaining out of sight on the main floor, various containers of weapons that all smelled tinged with vibranium littered haphazardly around and in the center of the building were cages, all emptied but you could see that they had been recently used. All providing cover even as a silent snarl flirted across Little One’s muzzle, anger simmering in your chest as well as sadness that you had been too late to save those souls from whomever they were sold too. 
Flashes of your old life, the sales floor clouding your memories while you wandered between them. The fear and pain at being dragged in front of buyers, their hands running all over your naked body and the false promises of giving you a better life if you just bonded with them. 
The vileness of it made the Little Wolf shiver and a soft barely there whine escape. <Never again.> She assured you, the fur along her back bristling in agitation. 
Never again. You agreed with her, calming once more. You escaped, you had known love and safety with your pack and with Steve. Even now with you two separated, you knew Steve still wouldn’t ever allow anyone to use you like that again. 
The Little Wolf eased closer, edging along the last line of containers holding vibranium and weapons, trying to map the building. 
There was a huff nearby and you caught sight of silver fur rows back. Steve found us. The Little Wolf stopped, the tip of her tail wagging in a greeting but the Alpha stalked nearby, his eyes blazing furiously at the Little Wolf. 
She lowered further, feeling the anger roll from him while he slid up next to her, pressing in against her for a moment just to feel her before he silently let his nose wander along the edge of the containers. 
Loud shouts just out of sight called out directions to load pallets onto the truck, making you and the Alpha both freeze for a second. The Alpha turned away and returned to the Little Wolf’s side, rumbling enough so you felt the vibrations rising off him. Not an order from the Alpha but a suggestion that it was time to go. 
You pulled back, leading the way out, and once back outside, no one the wiser, you both bolted away from the warehouse. 
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It had been a while since you had returned to the apartment, Steve had been silent most of the time, both of you sketching out the warehouse's interior and tensley comparing notes with one another. But you could feel the tension crackling between you and Steve. All his responses clipped in a tone that you were just not used to from him. 
It was making your Little Wolf uneasy in your mind, pacing back and forth in a skittish way, making you feel like you were about to snap. 
You finally pushed away the notes and sketches of the warehouse, making Steve’s gaze snap to you curiously. “What’s wrong Steve?” 
His brows furrowed together and his mouth thinned with whatever he wanted to say being held back. “Nothing is wrong Y/N. We should contact T’Challa to let him know what we found.” He pulled away, going to grab his phone when you grabbed his forearm to keep him from avoiding the question. Steve stiffened, a shiver going through him and you saw his nostrils flare a bit, dragging in a breath of you. 
“Stop the bullshit Steve, you’re pissed and I don’t know why.” Your Little Wolf yipped anxiously, making you tense up all that much more. 
Clear blue eyes snapped, flaring slightly in a glowing color as the Alpha in him rose to challenge him before he turned to you with a slight bare of his teeth. “You didn’t wait for me Y/N. You charged into that warehouse alone.” 
Your hand dropped from his arm and you immediately snapped back, if you had hackles, they would be raised at the tension finally breaking. “This is what you are pissed about Steve? I was doing the mission. I don’t need your permission to do that.” A snarl emitted from you, daring Steve to bite back. “Not anymore.” 
He rose to the challenge, rounding onto you, his size a sheer force but you held tight, refusing to step back from him. “That’s right Little One, I gave you up and set you free from me.” 
A warning growl escaped you as a bit of tears threatening to well up hearing him. “That you did.”
“You have no regard for your safety, we are supposed to be hunting together and you just go into that building without me and that wasn’t the plan, I don’t care that you went in, but I didn’t know where you were, I just happened to catch your scent in the open door. What if they found you and caught you, what if I couldn’t follow you in?” He pulled away with a yank of his hand through his hair. 
You squared your shoulders, anger making your tone bite in your words. “It’s not your fucking job Steven to keep me safe. Why are you always trying to shield me?” 
“Cause Little One! It still feels like you’re fucking mine, even now while we are unbonded all I feel…” His hand slapped against his chest, where you knew his heart pounded its rhythm. 
“Well that sounds like your problem that you need to figure out. I’m not your Little One.” You tossed out, the pain searing into anger at the Alpha in front of you. “You ‘set me free’ which is utter bullshit, you don’t get to dictate how I work now.” 
It was like whiplash, his brow wrinkling as his sadness seeped through before anger masked his features once again. “Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten. You remind me, you had moved on right… to him?” 
You knew exactly who he was talking about and that made those tears finally fall, your hand lifting and slapping sharply across Steve’s face hard, enough that his head turned with the impact. 
“How dare you, Steve, Pan was my friend when I was broken. My friend Steve, he was exactly who I needed when I was alone. You did this to us. You and that fucking drive to keep me safe. Newsflash Steve, my whole life I fought and I’m never going to stop. Now I’m doing it alone without you. You just thought of how you hurt me while being collared, it was NOTHING compared to what you did in that hospital room. I lost you that day and had to learn how to live without my mate because he didn’t want me anymore.” 
“Fuck Y/N, I never said I didn’t want you.” Steve’s jaw clenched tightly, but the anger from his features was gone, disbelief crowning his features now. His hand reached out to draw you in, but you stepped away, unable to handle the contact.
“You broke me that day Steve and now you don’t like this version I turned into? You have no right to be mad about that.” Your voice cracked, a shiver wracking up your body while the Little Wolf started singing in the back of your mind, her own pain breaking in the song. “I survived being used, I survived beatings in attempts to make me submissive, I survived other Alpha’s scarring me with their bites, I survived all the times they tried purposely to break me into bowing for them and being this meek little pup. But you, Steve I barely survived you.”  
You let out a breath, feeling your chest lighten as Steve stood before you like he was at a loss for words for a moment. Before you would let him say anything, you turned away to your room and let the door shut him out. Exhaustion hit you like a ton of bricks and as you crawled into your bed to sink into that dark place you yet again were hovering in, your Little Wolf crooning to you, you curled into a ball in your bed and let yourself go. 
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Steve sat on the edge of the uncomfortable bed in the apartment. It had been hours since you just dropped it all on him, which he knew but hearing it come from you, how your voice became so vulnerable like you were laid open and left to pick up the pieces. To top it off, he knew he was an utter asshole for what he said to you, wishing he could take it back. But it was out there now and he knew he couldn’t take back what he said in a moment of frustration. 
There was no way to take any of the last year back, he knew he acted on instinct back then and he was wrong. All of it was wrong, but he had to live with his actions. Actions had consequences and all he could do now was live with those choices, and give you that freedom. You were right, he couldn’t be mad at what you turned into because he was a part of it all. Something in him shattered that day, hard broken shards that fed all his fears and he was still struggling to not give in to them.
It still didn’t make it easier for him, or the Alpha. The Alpha was furious with him once more. A snarling beast who lashed out to make Steve wince at the rage. But he felt he deserved it, he took each one without a snap back. 
To top the whole fuck up of a day there was a soft wail through the wall of disbelief and it hit every one of Steve’s senses.
Your heat finally arrived and right now you two were stuck together, with no way to give one another space during this vulnerable intimate time. 
And it was almost torture to Steve as his muscles cramped with restraint, resisting the urge to go to you. 
The Wolf simmered somewhere, Steve sensed him close, but he was still staying away from the conscious side. Your scent was heavy with need and that made a ping of guilt well up in him that your heat was going to be worse for you because he was there. 
If you were back in Wakanda he would slip away, leave you in peace to choose the partner you would want to help you through this. But not in the middle of a mission like this.  
<Coward> The Wolf snarled at him, his ears laid flat against his skull and showing his fangs with a snap of his jaw, jolting Steve back to his awareness of his beast. <You would run away instead of staying to take care of her.> 
His head hung from his shoulders, gritting his eyes and clenching his jaw as his own beast tried to take over, howling your song to call for you. His rut was going to be rough, more of his wolfish side coming through, the overbearing need to fuck and take care of his mate would be a whole other torture. 
“Fuck off.” He snarled loudly, aiming at the Alpha but your soft voice cut through his snarl, making his head snap up, his hair disheveled and eyes flashing a brighter color as his nose tilted up to catch your warm honeysuckle scent. 
“Steve.” Your voice was soft in tone and loud in every other way as it broke his inner battle, your hands clutching at a blanket around you, miserable looking. “She won’t stop…” 
Steve guessed, as much as his wolf was trying to take over, the Little Wolf would be too. You were so distressed-looking, shaking in the blanket even though it wasn’t cold. He straightened up, holding out a hand to you. “Come here Y/N.” He growled, unable to contain more of the Wolf coming through. 
It was all it took, the blanket fell from around you, your body to sensitive for anything on you, as you streaked to Steve, his arms circling around your waist and made you straddle his lap. Getting as close as you could be without pinning you underneath him in the bed. His clothes felt so constricting as you settled in close, tears starting to race down your cheeks while your hands slid up his chest, pulling his shirt over his head so you could get skin to skin, which he was thankful for. “I tried Alpha, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” You leaned into him, your breasts pressing against his chest as your face tucked into his neck, hiding away. 
“For what Y/N?” he let his nose press against the back of your neck, inhaling deeply. That alone made the wolf ease back, and let him regain control. Heavy calloused hands went up and down your back as you started sobbing in his neck, your thighs squeezing against him as you rocked your hips slightly to rub against him. 
“For being here with you.” You pushed against him and stared at him with sorrow and pain that Steve couldn’t stop the kisses he flushed over your eyes as more of your tears escaped, tears that he caused. Salty on his lips as they escaped into his beard. His gentleness at the moment, although both of your bodies were screaming to mate with one another, seemed to break you. 
“I’m so mad at you for doing this to me.” You dug your nails into his shoulders, rocking again as he matched your movement, pushing up to give you some relief in your grinding. “I did what you said, I left you alone and you followed me here. I couldn’t escape you with the pack and I still can’t Steve. Why do you make this impossible for me?” You hissed as your mouth sought his, while his kiss stayed gentle, you bit at him, gasping against him as your nails clawed into the muscles of his back. “You left me Steve and it broke me more than anything else that has happened.” If this was your punishment, Steve would take it. Every sharp claw and hissing bite you lashed at him. 
Steve clenched his jaw, unwilling to defend himself and his choices. He did this to you and it was the least he could do was listen. Instead, he pressed you in closer to him, touching you in all the ways he knew made you feel safe and cared for, his lips pressing against yours while you broke because of him. Your pain you lashed onto his back with your nails sharply dragging up to grasp his shoulder and rock yourself in against him once again, he welcomed the pain as he would any of your touches. 
You shook in his hold, pushing away from him enough to look at him, your anger melding into sheer pain. “Was I too weak to be an Alpha’s mate, your mate? Do you regret taking a broken and used Omega? I need to know Steve.”
This he couldn’t stand, not from you of all people. With a sweep of his hold, he twisted you to the bed, on your back while he hovered over you with a bare of his teeth at you, all the long hair falling forward around his face, making Steve look wild above you. Your hands went to cup his face, studying the man you and your little wolf still fiercely loved, your fingers pushing up to weave into his hair. “Is that what you actually believe Little One?” Steve’s tone was graveled, a mix of his voice and the Alpha growling at the same time. “Do you?” He said sharper, making you roll your body up into his solid one, giving a nod when you couldn't say anything. 
His hands caught your wrists and let his nose trace the inside on each one, you went pliant against him finally and he let his whirlwind of emotions settle. He had you and wasn’t planning on letting you go till you knew in your soul that he never would have left you because of those reasons. 
Your hands were pinned swiftly, slamming them into the pillows scattered around his bed. “Little One.” He growled when his lips descended to the soft warmth of your neck column. Kissing behind your ear with much more gentleness than how his hand caged yours over your head. “You really don’t know do you, how much power you have.” His growls were edging on violent, wracking through your body while his touch remained loving, each glide of his hand tracing your side passionate while the other encircled your wrists above your head with controlled strength, the flick of his tongue gliding on your skin and light pressure of sharpened fangs all affection in worshipping you. “How I would do anything for you. You think me walking away didn’t destroy my sanity, made the beast try to claw from his cage?” 
You whined under Steve, your heat simmering on unbearable but his words were making you want to scream. All this time he felt this way and he still managed to walk away, leaving you shattered, your fingers curled, digging into his palm keeping you pinned down. He hissed at the pain but never loosened or pulled away from you. “You still did it, you claim to protect me from you.” 
Steve rose above you, his touch on your waist going to your face, turning your head till you couldn't look away from him. So much filled his gaze locking with yours and your unshed tears of anger, frustration, and pain were mirrored in his. “Because I am weak, scared, and broken. All I could see in that moment was you dead at my feet, that I had destroyed my mate, half of my soul. Alpha’s might seem powerful, but actually, we are empty without our other halves, made to serve our packs but never finding anything beyond that. That day I almost killed mine and I was powerless to stop it." His throat bobbed, swallowing past the emotion that almost seemed to overtake him. "I made a mistake and I see that now Little One, I let fear control me, and look what it did to us. I can’t take it back and will always live with what I did. You are right, I can’t be mad about who you are now because of it, you became stronger. You don’t need me, not really. You, my mate, you have all the power. Fuck, that day I was breaking down thinking I was powerless to control myself...”  His shoulders sagged like admitting this out loud to you took everything out of him. “I should have talked to you about what I was going through instead of running.” 
You eased up the grasp of your fingers digging into his palm, allowing yourself to soften slightly under him. Pulling a hand from his hold, your touch drifted up, sliding around the curve of his neck while you silently counted every little ragged scar circling his throat. Every little barb that dug into him and controlled him. This shattered your Alpha and he was struggling to be better. "I see you Steve." You whispered up at him while letting your thumb wipe under his eyes, clearing away the moisture welling up in those sharp blue eyes.
He reached up to take your palm, curling it against his jaw while he tilted into it, pressing his lips to the center. "I see you too Y/N, I'm so sorry I pushed you away."
Your Little Wolf called out his song again while his eyes scanned over your face, feeling the change in you. Your legs wrapped around his waist, holding him closer. “I could throttle you.” You chirped with a crack in your voice and Steve gave a soft sad chuckle as his head dropped to lean his forehead against yours, giving a little sniffle.
“I know I deserve it.” 
“And what do you want now Steve?” You asked softly, almost a whisper between you two. 
The Alpha was silent, his inhales drawing you in to smother all his other senses, if he could drown in you, he would so happily. “A chance for us, to be the Alpha and your mate you deserve from me.” He pulled away to catch your eyes, such a sharp blue with tinges of yellow melding to give hints of green, the Alpha bleeding through, showing while Steve gave you the answers you sought. “To give you all of me, even the broken parts that need fixing Little One.” 
“If I said I need you to talk to me Steve, you need to let me in instead of just trying to keep me safe from the world.” Your hand twisted in his hold, sliding your fingers through his above your head. “That you won’t shut me out because you are trying to keep me safe.” 
“I will spend my life showing you I can be your partner.” This next kiss was gentle, a brush of his lips to yours as you pulled him back into your hold, his heavy weight on you making you finally feel like you were where you belonged. “And I will wait, as long as you need to be ready for us again, if that is what you want.” 
Ready to be us again… You repeated to yourself, letting his words really take hold. The Little Wolf was a calming presence now, the heat sated enough in just this rebonding moment for you two. You pushed up your hips enough to push against Steve and he instinctively released his hold on you to fall back and take you with him, letting you straddle him while he laid underneath you now, his hands caressing down till they settled on your waist, content to let you decide what you wanted from him next. “I missed you, Steve, we missed you.” 
Your touch slipped up his chest while you moved to settle in against him, ease relaxing through you as his arms slipped around you, hugging you to lay against him and nothing more in the moment. You let your cheek lay against his chest, your head tucked under his bristled chin. You could feel his words as he spoke them out loud. “We were wanderers without our home Little One, we missed you too.” 
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azsazz · 1 year
Here for You
Azriel x Reader (Zuzu Centered)
Summary: Anon Request: could we get something zuzu centered? we don’t get enough of the girls, and it would be so sweet to see az being a girl dad and y/n being a girl mom for a bit 🥹 maybe them being super excited to finally have a baby girl, when she’s really young or something? whatever you thinks best!
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,076
“C’mon Zuz! Keep going, you’re almost there,” Azriel shouts from your side.
You can’t contain the smile on your face, beaming as your daughter races across the open field on her little legs, kicking the ball with a determined look on her face. Her sleek black hair is twisted into tight plaits courtesy of her father, who had – like all things – studied the intricacies of braiding until he was near perfect. There had been many late nights you and your husband had spent together, letting him practice different hairstyles on you while you read, tucked up as far into his warmth as you could, giving him gentle reminders and praises on his final looks.
Zuzu also has dark streaks of paint on her cheeks, a gift from Uncle Cassian, who’d also given her a pep talk before her Moonball game had started. Between him, Azriel, and Rhys, you didn’t know who was cheering the loudest for your little girl, and your heart is bursting with joy at the pride your family is showing in the matching ‘Zuzu Rules’ shirts Rhysand had made for their final game.
Malos pouts where she’s been jostled in Azriel’s arms, on the verge of falling asleep when he’d excitedly begun cheering as Zuzu was passed the ball. Nesta notices at the same time, and is quick to take the babe and soothe her, waving a dismissive hand to Azriel who gives her an apologetic look for a brief moment before returning his gaze to the Moonball game before him. 
He’s nearly vibrating with excitement, and you’ve had to pull Baz out of the way as his wings flared when one of the children on the other team had stolen the ball from Zuzu. 
She’s certainly come a long way since her first game, where the same thing had happened and she’d tried to pummel the child into the ground for doing so. You had glared at your husband and his brothers who had all ducked their heads to hide the grins they were biting back. That was their girl.
Even your older sons had stopped their game of playing warrior to come cheer on their sister, their cousins pushing between all of the tall adult legs for a better view.
One of the children in a navy jersey chasing Zuzu towards the goal suddenly trips and falls into the grass with a surprised gasp but Zuzu doesn’t take notice. Unfortunately, you do, shooting Baz a warning look that says he’s going to get in trouble when he gets home. He’s only eight but he’s already learned a multitude of tricks with his shadows, and to an untrained eye they would’ve thought the child had merely tripped. You knew better than that, and by the way Baz switches sides with Wren so he’s standing further away from you with red cheeks and hunched shoulders, he did too.
Even Knox is intently watching his sister race across the grass. The midnight purple of her jersey brings out the ribbons in her hair, provided by her Auntie Elain and Uncle Lucien, who hadn’t been able to make it, as they were visiting Day for a surprise getaway. 
“Come on baby, come on baby,” you mutter under your breath as she goes. Two children from the opposing team are blocking the way and if she uses her wings again she won’t be able to join the team next season, so you pray to the Mother she doesn’t flare those little wings wide and sweep these kids off of their feet.
“Yes, Z!” Wren jumps, shouting at his sister as she side-steps the offending players. He’d taught her that move when Uncle Cassian hadn’t been playing very fair in the backyard. Everything she’s learned about Moonball had been from her brothers and the rest of her family. She’s a warrior through and through, tough as nails and never backs down even when she was learning with all of the roughness her brothers and male cousins showed. Asteria hadn’t shown interest in the sport, instead she liked playing with her dolls and putting them in poses to draw in her coloring book.
“You got this, Zuz,” Baz encourages, while Jax claps his tiny hands and chants her name over and over again.
Your entire family holds their breath as she sets herself up to kick the ball into the goal. The child in the goal has a ready stance that’s startling for that of someone so young. He looks nearly professional, arms spread wide, knees bent, with a determined look in his eye. He and Zuzu had faced off before, and even her brothers had complimented how good he was at the sport.
Zuzu had scored against him this season once. The other time she had the chance, the little boy had blocked her ball from hitting the goal and you almost hadn’t stopped the rest of your sons from running out onto the field to defend their sister from the goalie who had gloated more than Cassian when he’d won the annual snowball fight, a smug smile on his face.
She’d been more determined than ever, immediately asking her brothers to go out into the yard with the instruction not to go easy on her.
Zuzu cocks her leg back. There’s steely determination in her fierce eyes. Her mouth is set in a firm line as she stares down the child like he’s her worst enemy.
And maybe he is.
The entire field is silent as her leg swings forward. The ball goes soaring through the air, looking like a shooting star, and everyone waits.
The child in the goal pushes off of the ground, throwing his body sideways into the path of the ball.
But he’s too late.
Your family erupts in mass of cheers and excitement, storming the field to gather the star player in congratulations and celebratory hugs. 
She’s beaming, grinning like the day you and Azriel had told her that she was going to have a little sister.
Azriel hikes her up on his shoulders, spinning her around as the other parents gather their children and usher them away, but you don’t care, so utterly proud of Zuzu for scoring the winning goal of the game.
Her braids flop against her shoulders as she twirls, giggling like a mad woman and hands raised in the air in victory. 
“I did it! I did it,” she screams.
And you couldn’t be more proud.
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imanes · 19 days
doing a lil august reading wrap up because apparently i read 13 (!!) books. in chronological order (bolded are those i recommend):
city of stairs by robert jackson bennett: quite the interesting read. i think the character work in this one is a standout, as well as the world building. the good thing is i have no idea where this trilogy is going so it's exciting. the audiobook for the second book arrives in 2 weeks on my shelves on libby so I'll be reading the sequel soon
braiding sweetgrass by robin wall kimmerer: this one took me a whole entire year to read and finish lol. no comment. or maybe one comment: i think i'd have found this book a lot more eye opening if i had read it three years ago so right book wrong time i guess? i do recommend it i just think it didn't impact me as much as i thought it would
the blighted worlds by megan e. o'keefe: this one hit me like a truck!! i was so obsessed. it's a sci-fi space opera with an element of horror and an interesting romance sub-plot. basically everything i love lmao. i really do recommend this book it might actually be my fave of the month
sanctuary by ilona andrews: i have to stay up to date on all things kate daniels-related to this spin off was high on my tbr. it was a lot of fun but it petered out toward the end
where the dark stands still by a.b. poranek: a bit of a let down not gonna lie. the gist of my opinion is that it felt underdeveloped and in turn i felt under-interested in whatever was going on
shadows of self by brandon sanderson: once again i am begging the protagonists of this series to stop being aggravating
the fractured dark by megan e. o'keefe: continuing my obsession with the devoured worlds trilogy... unfortunately i have to wait on my libby hold to get the audiobook of the next one (i read with my eyeballs and listen at the same time to help with concentration)
the right to sex - feminism in the 21st century by amia srinivasan: i read this book because i know of two people who broke up with their significant other (one of them resulting in a divorce) after reading this book so i had to know what srinivasan had cooked in there and yeah she did cook.
the way of kings by brandon sanderson: just part of my re-read in preparation of the release of wind and truth in December. this month we tackle (again) words of radiance teehee
just for the summer by abby jimenez: womp womp womp. idk what it is with romance authors these days they're in a competition with themselves to portray the healthiest love stories but this one teetered on the wrong side of boring one too many times and the volume to therapy-speech in this one was staggering.
the ex vows by joyce jessica: twas a cute poolside read, it's nothing revolutionary but it was pleasant enough and it didn't make me roll my eyes like just for the summer jdkjgsk at least the love interest had a personality and a life... i mean it's fiction so it's not a life but it appeared as if he contained multitudes or something
funny story by emily henry: I'll go ahead and say it nobody writes a contemporary romance quite like miss henry because she's got the secret recipe for the right balance between heartfelt feelings and amusing situations + her dialogues feel a lot more natural than most (though if i had to nitpick she always has this side character who's a fountain of wisdom and gives you life-changing monologues but i guess such people exist out there)
the thief by megan whalen turner: the megans are really out in full force because this is another book written by a megan that i loved so much. yes half of this book is a fairly episodic journey across made-up countries, yes i ate it up, yes the second half is worth the wait (if you were out of patience, which i wasn't, bc i was having fun) and yes the plot twists are chef's kiss. "gen's ambitions are his own" is the perfect summary. everand has all the audiobooks so you know what I'm gonna do... that's right... listen and read at the same time
as an aside the tandem reads i do with both books and audiobooks happen only when i like the narrators. if i find a narrator i like i stick to them like glue because they're few and far between as far as my picky ass is concerned. i never do romance audiobooks they're the worst...
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jamiesfootball · 6 months
Look, I love Roy and Jamie in Amsterdam, I really do. But I contain multitudes, and Jamie honestly looks so happy on the bus when he’s thinking it’s going to be a night out with the lads-
So I am rotating a version of the night where Jamie is involved in the vote and he gets progressively more manic about everything in front of the team, but the pillow fight still happens the same and everyone has a lovely time.
That night, with everyone camped out in the lobby amongst the pillows (who gives a fuck at that point honestly), everything’s dark and quiet. Most of the team’s asleep, and it’s like a slumber party, innit?
With Dani and Sam giggling on either side of him, teasing him about how strange he was being earlier-
Dani tugged at his sleeve. “I cannot believe you would rather go to a museum with Trent Crimn than see tulips with me? Really?”
Jamie hummed. “When it’s the middle of the night, yeah. Besides, you ever see a Van Gogh in person? It’s like looking at a tulip through 3-D glasses. If you like tulips, you’re gonna love this museum.”
“It is pronounced ‘Van-Goff,’” Jan corrected sleepily. “Please do not trust Ted to correct any language outside of his own.”
Sam chuckled, the warmth of his breath against Jamie’s ear as gentle as a feather. “I am surprised, though. I didn’t know that you had been to Amsterdam before.”
He doesn’t have to say it. Really, there’s barely anything to say. It’s water under the skinny bridge, locked behind a skinny frame whose echo lies somewhere deep under his skin. Impossible to reach; impossible to ignore it lying still.
It’s the phantom smell of beer on his dad’s breath as he makes him swear not to tell Mummy what they got up to. Just between us men, alright, boy?
It’s the soft whisper as Sam breathes his name — “Jamie?” — curious and easy and so very gentle it wouldn’t disturb a feather.
It’s the feather that tips the scale.
He tells them.
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✎。。。the japanese word used to describe the scene with many blossoms - literally translated as the “flower haze”
✎。。。fics are mainly fem! reader-centered and will contain dark and sensitive content that may trigger some, please read warnings before continuing!!!
✎。。。join kinktober taglist.
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。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 1
dp 1 hole + beidou & ningguang
s. having the attention of two of liyue's strongest women isn't so bad when they keep you as their pretty pet.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 2
orgasm denial + scaramouche/wanderer
s. he's always had an attitude whenever you pointed out how much he stared at you. and of course, he's being a little shit when he's balls deep in you.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 3
tit fucking + al-haitham
s. he's absolutely unbearable to be around, but at least his lewd body is all yours to use as you please.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 4
face-sitting + yelan
s. sometimes yelan needs her cute and slutty little wife's pussy, preferably on her face.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 5
tentacles + thoma ⚠︎
s. your pet has been misbehaving as of late, so you decide to test out the new toys that you bought.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 6
praise kink + kaveh
s. you've always thought kaveh was super duper cute ever since you laid your eyes on him, so what's the harm in telling him that?
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 7
prostate massage + dainsleif
s. he looks pretty when he's slumped on your lap, clinging and begging for mercy as you push him over the edge over and over.
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。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 8
thigh riding + ho'olheyak
s. she's been needing a new form of entertainment for herself, and a sweet cutie like you seems to be her answer.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 9
sex toys + lumen
s. working overtime provides you with surprising benefits, such as being able to tease your cute assistant until he's begging for mercy.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 10
oral fixation + skadi
s. in order to keep her from succumbing to the seaborn, you let her use your body however she pleases.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 11
mirror sex + silverash
s. you should've known that your dear friend and operator had ulterior motives when he invited you to go shopping.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 12
dry humping + tequila
s. your puppy has become much more desperate and pathetic now that you haven't touched him for a while.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 13
aphrodisiacs + flamebringer ⚠︎
s. dealing with a multitude of enemies and a mission gone awry is already bad enough, but now he's under the influence of an aphrodisiac and won't stop touching you.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 14
creampie + młynar
s. quickies are always so much fun, especially when you're trying to not get caught being his cute little cumdump.
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。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 15
dacryphilia + blade ⚠︎
s. he knows you'll never give him anything other than hate, but you still satisfy him when you cry.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 16
size difference + svarog
s. nobody else hits it as deep as he does, and quite frankly, nobody else is as big as him.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 17
deepthroating + dan heng
s. it's always the cute nerdy guys that are the freakiest in bed.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 18
somnophilia + luocha
s. he looks super duper pretty, even when he's asleep. besides, he won't mind if you touch him just a bit, right?
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 19
overstimulation + gepard
s. your obedient dog needs more training if he wants to be a good boy for you.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 20
squirting + kafka ⚠︎
s. kafka always likes to do her good luck ritual before she leaves on a mission.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 21
clit stimulation + serval
s. it's always a fun time whenever serval visits the astral express. especially when she has you beneath her in your room.
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。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 22
bondage + master!qin yi
s. only you, his silly disciple, would stay by his side, a heretic who didn't even know who he was. so why...are you so willing and happy to become one with him?
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 23
puppy play + thoma ⚠︎
s. he's yours, all yours, your sweet little puppy, and you'll be damned if you'll let anybody else have him.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 24
alleyway sex + flamebringer
s. fuckbuddy doesn't wanna admit that he's jealous, so he just drags you into the nearest alleyway.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 25
cock worship + chong yue
s. you can barely go a day without the taste of his cum melting against your tongue.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 26
glory hole + abyss heralds & abyss lectors
s. huge monster cocks just fill your pussy better.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 27
69 + uramichi omota
s. your boyfriend always looks forward to his day off when he can spend the entire day with you.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 28
strength kink + nidhogg
s. the colonel is a symbol of absolute strength in the league, someone who could never be defeated. and you know all too well his strength, especially when he traps you against his desk.
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。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 29
breeding kink + enjou
s. just your husband spending some quality time together with you by doing his best to breed you.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 30
collaring + zoya
s. i want to talk to you about all the things we could do, i want to be yours.
。゚❀⤹ OCTOBER 31
cockwarming + regis adri floyen
s. when your husband is a successful entrepreneur, stress is unfortunately very common, but you'll happily help him get rid of his worries.
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© latimeriafellfromheaven
155 notes · View notes
hi hello i’m back to talk about ep6 sol again, because i apparently don’t know how to shut up about this scene.
i’ve already talked about the barred shadows sol steps into during his conversation with fake-osha in my big theorypost — specifically, their similarity to the scene between anakin and yoda in revenge of the sith. unfortunately for my sanity, i’ve realised those shadows remind me of something ELSE too. imagery can contain multitudes………
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to quote myself, in a voice call with my head in my hands, “oh fucking hell, they look like prison bars.” the vertical bars over sol in this shot look so much like he’s imprisoned in this box of shadows…
my immediate reaction to this was “oh god sol is SO doomed.” a character imprisoned in his own war between the dark and light sides of himself….. all the sol-will-get-framed theories and how his actions are leading him further into this suspicion trap of his own making…… a character imprisoned by his fate within the narrative, that he’ll mostly likely be framed and then die, to tidy up the loose ends of the sith and the jedi order’s incoming review….. sol’s had a death target on him since the start of the show, and for him to escape that would take a minor miracle….
except…. can he? one of my favourite things i discovered in the process of making my theorypost was that sol seems to show a flicker of compassion, as he steps out of the shadow cage and the ship’s lights turn on.
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so will he escape his narrative prison? will he ultimately choose the light side? FUCK knows at this point, tune in next week!!!!
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Falling For the Devil [Part eighteen: "The Visit to Fogwell's"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: You leave The Bulletin late and Matt requests you stop by Fogwell’s Gym so the pair of you can walk back to his place together. The night quickly takes a turn you didn't expect.
You get very worked up over Matt’s sweaty biceps, he steals your underwear, and then Matt eventually proceeds to deliver on his word–thoroughly.
[Series of one-shots about Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock.]
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains humor, fluff, romance, angst, smut (like...a lot of it later in the series), language, some violence
Word Count: 7.8k
a/n: This smupdate is your first encounter with what I like to call Spicy Matty. We see many sides to Matt in this series (especially in my smupdates) and I have named a lot of them (Super Soft Matthew, Feral Matt/Devil, Drunk Matt, and Spicy Matty). Enjoy the current biggest smupdate in this series, I got carried away writing this one... The rest of the installments on tumblr for this series can be found here.
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Turning the street corner, you tugged your cardigan tighter around yourself. The nights were starting to get a bit colder now that Fall was finally here and you'd almost wished you'd grabbed a coat this morning–or at least worn dress pants instead of a skirt. But you didn't know you'd be working late at The Bulletin tonight when you'd left for work today, or that Matt would have called and invited you to stop by Fogwell’s Gym, the place he loved dearly because of his father and the place he also spent some nights working out alone. Matt had asked you to stop by after you finished work, offering to walk you back to his place for the evening since you’d both already planned to spend the night together. 
You'd never gone with him to Fogwell’s before, though he'd talked about it a few times with you and you'd certainly passed it plenty of times walking around Hell's Kitchen. Now you were here pulling the unlocked door open and stepping inside, being hit with the distinct smell of a gym–sweat, rubber, and something like musty leather. You could hear a fast, repetitive thumping noise before your eyes found Matt across the dimly lit room. 
Hesitantly making your way towards him, not wanting to interrupt, your eyes momentarily took in the multitudes of old and new posters alike lining the walls. They seemed to fill almost every section of wall space. In a few locations your eyes spotted the name ‘Murdock’ in large, bold print. 
Eventually you stopped, leaning up against the side of the boxing ring a few feet away from Matt. He was in front of a punching bag, throwing a series of punches at the hanging bag with his wrapped fists. Tonight he was in a sleeveless shirt and dark sweatpants, his hair a slight mess from exertion. You could see the sheen of sweat over his face and his arms through the dim light and hear each sharp exhale and grunt from him with each smack of his fist into the bag. 
Your gaze lingered along his bare arms, watching the repetitive flex and pull of the large muscles in his biceps and forearms, your lip caught between your teeth. You certainly loved those arms and how they had picked you up and would toss you onto his bed. Instantly a heat rose inside of you as you imagined him tossing you onto the mat of that boxing ring behind you, climbing atop you sweaty and panting. Filling the old gym with the sounds of grunts for an entirely different reason.
Matt’s punching drew to a stop, his hands darting out to grab the swinging bag and halt its movement. He was breathing hard, chest rising and falling rapidly as he glanced over his shoulder back towards you. There was a smirk drawn over his mouth that your eyes did not miss.
“I see you found your way here with no problem,” Matt panted out.
“I’ve uh, passed the gym a few times before,” you told him, eyes still taking in the sight of his sweaty, exposed arms.
He turned towards you, wiping the back of a wrapped hand across his sweat-slickened forehead as he gazed back at you. “Not quite the reaction I expected to you stopping by,” Matt commented, his head cocking to the side as his eyes narrowed a bit, landing along your chest. “You’re enjoying this a lot more than I’d have thought.”
He was reading your body, you realized. Blushing, you crossed your arms over your chest as if that could block him from hearing your racing heart and forced yourself to stop checking out his arms. Instead, your gaze rose and you focused on his face. Though the amused, cocky grin in combination with his slightly mussed hair and the sweat dotting his forehead wasn’t helping the growing desire in you. 
It had been a week since you’d both had sex, Matt having been distracted with his Hardcore Parkouring–this week's new name you were trying out for what he did after seeing how he climbed your fire escape one too many times–and you had been struggling to meet some deadlines for Ellison at the last minute. There hadn’t exactly been time for sex. But now, staring at him in this sweaty, exerted state, one that reminded you of how he appeared post-sex, had your cunt throbbing with an unexpected need you hadn’t anticipated until you’d at least gotten back to his apartment.
He crossed the distance between you, dragging a hand through his dark hair a few times as his chest continued to heave. The smirk hadn’t left his mouth as he came to a stop just in front of you.
“Tell me what’s on your mind,” he ordered.
Feeling shy and put on the spot, you cleared your throat and quickly dropped your gaze to the floor. “Nothing,” you muttered. “Just uh, just was waiting for you to finish.”
He took another step closer, leaning just a bit forward so his mouth was beside your ear when he whispered, “Lie.”
You licked your lips nervously, eyes still downcast as Matt’s face shifted and his gaze fell somewhere near your mouth at the movement. Breath coming in short, you glanced up at him from under your lashes, eyes focused on his plump lips. It had been a few days since you’d last had the opportunity to kiss them.
“You’re thinking about me fucking you, aren’t you?” he whispered. 
You bit your lip in response to his blunt question, a soft whine barely leaving your throat. The corner of his mouth twitched upward in satisfaction.
“I thought so,” he murmured. 
His hips pushed into yours before you felt his hands slide down your hips, continuing down along the side of your thighs. Then he gripped them tight and pulled you up onto the edge of the ring before you knew what he’d been doing, and your upper back rested against the lowest rope as a faint gasp of surprise escaped you. His hands were running down the length of your thighs, his nose nuzzling in against yours.
“Thought you were in a skirt tonight,” he whispered.
You could feel a dampness beginning to pool between your thighs and he hadn’t even kissed you yet, the sharp exhales from his mouth near yours making you dizzy. Unable to resist, you leant in towards him, desperate to feel his mouth on yours, but he pulled back with a smug smile on his face. Frowning, you watched as his hands rose in front of himself, his left hand gradually tearing up the velcro of the wrap on his right hand loudly. He unwound the wrap frustratingly slowly from his hand, his gaze focused along your collarbone and that damn smug smile on his mouth as he worked. 
“I’m not going to fuck you here, sweetheart,” he told you. “But–” he continued, the loud tear of velcro from the other hand wrap loudly echoing through the gym, the sound causing you to swallow hard as your focus remained on the darkened expression on his face, “–I am going to touch you.”
You whimpered in anticipation, your thighs pressing together, your cunt still aching for attention. Matt’s smug smile only grew as he tossed his hand wraps aside, his hands falling down to rest along your knees over your skirt. More wet heat pooled between your legs.
“Though you’re not getting off until we’re back in my apartment,” Matt warned you, “and I’m fucking you into the tile of my shower wall. So don’t get too excited, sweetheart.”
"What?" you asked, shocked and confused.
His hands slid your knees apart as far as your skirt would allow. Gradually his right hand slid to the inside of your thigh, gliding its way agonizingly slow up toward your underwear.
"You heard me," Matt said. "No cumming until we’re fucking in my shower."
Heat flooded your cheeks. You'd had sex with Matt multiple times now over the four months you'd been together, and you'd eventually gotten comfortable around him after the first few times–except for that night you'd had sex shortly after coming home drenched from the rain. That time you'd been as nervous to fuck him as if it had been the first time again, struggling not to shout ‘I love you’ with each thrust of his cock. 
But never had Matt been like this . He was always sweet and caring. There was usually a little dirty talk involved, you at some points participating, but nothing along the lines of Matt about to finger you in a public setting, even if you were currently alone, talking about not letting you cum until he was fucking you in his shower. 
Your heart raced a little faster in your chest, equal parts nervous and aroused. This was new for you. Exciting. And Matt, well, you loved him. Trusted him. And fuck if you wouldn't let him do just about anything to you. 
The tips of three of his fingers lightly brushed along you through your damp underwear and a moan vibrated low in your throat. Matt's left hand clamped down hard on your right thigh in response. 
"You okay with this?" he asked, voice raspy as his fingers ran gently back and forth along you.
Biting your lip, you nodded quickly in response. "Yes," you breathed out. "Please."
The corner of his lips curled upwards, his fingers finding your clit through the wet fabric and rubbing lightly. Your eyes partially closed, breath coming in shallower.
"Mmm, I like the sound of you begging," he purred, licking his lips.
Swallowing hard and trying to keep your brain from overthinking, you whispered, "Touch me, Matty. Please."
His fingers stopped their movements and you froze, worried you'd said something wrong.
"Actually, sweetheart," Matt began, sliding his hand out from under your skirt, the retreat causing you to frown and chew the inside of your cheek nervously, "I want you to touch yourself for me."
Your breath caught, eyes going wide. "What?" you squeaked out, panic seeping in.
He grinned, tugging your skirt up your thighs from your place on the edge of the boxing ring. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire. The thought of touching yourself in front of him for some reason had you wanting to sprint far, far away from the gym right now. 
Was he expecting you to be sexy? You didn't do sexy. 
His hands finally paused, gripping the waistband of your underwear as your skirt sat bunched up around your waist. "You seem ready to bolt," he commented, his gaze focusing on your chin, cocky smirk replaced with concern. "Is this still okay?"
You bit your lip, face still burning and nerves rolling in your stomach. "I–" you began, pausing immediately. 
You desperately wanted to fuck Matt and you were curious as to where this was going, but you were also terrified of embarrassing yourself. You'd never touched yourself in front of someone else before–at least not intentionally. The time Matt broke into your house didn't count because you hadn't known he'd been listening in.
"What's going through your mind?" he asked gently, warm palms coming down to massage your thighs.
Swallowing hard, trying to control your racing heart, you tried to find your voice. "I'm just…nervous. I–I don't really do the whole being sexy thing," you awkwardly admitted with a grimace. 
A slow smile pulled his lips up at your words, his eyebrows rising on his forehead in something akin to amusement. "Really? Because I think you do it well–and often."
The snort fell ungracefully out of your nose before you threw a hand over your face to try to hide the sound. Matt only smiled back at you warmly.
"I find you very sexy," Matt assured you, hands lightly tugging at your underwear again. "And I think you touching yourself," he continued, tongue quickly slipping out to wet his lips, " because of me is even sexier." His fingers tugged at the waistband of your underwear yet again, his serious gaze fixed on your chin. "Do you trust me?"
"Yes," you breathed out instantly, the immediate response drawing a smile that crinkled the corner of his eyes. 
"You want to continue this?" he asked next.
Biting your lip, you slowly nodded your head in response. Your heart was still hammering loudly in your ears. 
His hands carefully slid your underwear down your legs, moving slowly as if he was giving you plenty of time to change your mind. When he slipped the fabric over your feet, he tossed it across the gym and you swallowed hard. 
"Relax," he whispered. "It's just us here."
One of his hands reached out, gently tugging your right hand from where it was gripping the edge of the ring and carefully he brought it down between your thighs, right over your clit. His hand released yours and landed back on your legs, gently massaging the muscle below it again. 
Breath coming in short, your fingers resting along your anxious clit, your eyes landed on his bare arms and the taut muscles twitching with the movements of his hands. Timidly, your fingers slowly began rubbing gentle circles, your pulse quickening when Matt's bottom lip slipped between his teeth, a darkened expression returning to his face. 
"That's it, sweetheart," he praised, hands both abruptly gripping your thighs tight. "Does that feel good?"
"Yes," you whispered.
His hands continued to massage the muscles of your thighs as your fingers continued to tentatively massage your clit. Your gaze was focused on Matt’s face, his lip still drawn between his teeth and his eyes half-lidded as his own gaze landed somewhere along your racing heart. Occasionally his short nails would dig into one of your thighs and a soft, sharp exhale would roll out of your mouth. You were finding it increasingly difficult to be self-conscious when his hands on your thighs in conjunction with your fingers on your clit were making you feel so goddamn good.
Tongue slipping out of your own mouth, wetting your lips, your gaze dropped down to Matt’s sweaty torso. You wished that sleeveless tank top would disappear and stop obstructing your view of the rest of his sweat-dampened muscles.
"You want my fingers?" he murmured, sliding his right hand up towards your cunt. 
You squirmed along the edge of the boxing ring, left hand clamping hard on it to steady yourself. Nodding quickly, you felt your desire burning in you, the nerves you felt a minute ago quickly disappearing. 
"Please," you breathed out. 
His index and middle finger rubbed along your soaked slit, a faint rumble of a hum coming from him. You whined as he continued to tease your entrance.
"You're so wet," he whispered. "All for me?”
Leaning back into the rope behind you further, a noise of affirmation vibrated in your throat. Instantly one of his fingers dipped inside of you and you whimpered, squirming along the edge of the boxing ring again. The single digit made a few slow, gentle thrusts and you bit your lip, wanting more. As if sensing as much, he slid a second finger inside of you and your eyes rolled back, your left hand darting out to grip the back of Matt’s neck as if it had a mind of its own. Something like a growl rumbled in his chest in response and your nails dug into the skin at his nape. 
His fingers set a slow pace, pumping in and out of you, your legs slowly beginning to tremble along the edge of the ring. The pad of your middle finger kept its rhythm at the same time, drawing you closer and closer to your climax. You were far past caring that you were touching yourself in a gym with the way Matt’s two fingers were fucking you.  
He stepped closer to you between your legs, leaning over and lightly catching your shoulder in his teeth, his saliva dampening your cardigan. You moaned, hips jerking up into his fingers needily, the pace of your own finger increasing. Matt’s teeth released your shoulder, his mouth planting a kiss on the skin just before your ear beside his mouth. This close to you, you noted how he smelled like sweat and something so wholly him, and the scent alone caused a shudder to tear down your spine.
A moment later his fingers slid out of you, your eyes flying open as you gasped. You had been so fucking close , why the hell did he have to stop? One of his hands instantly grasped your wrist, pulling your own hand gently away from yourself. Immediately you whined in protest at the loss of all contact. Searching for friction, your legs attempted to clamp together, but they were obstructed by Matt’s hips as he continued to stand between them. A gentle huff of amusement came from his mouth still beside your ear.
“I already told you, sweetheart,” Matt purred into your ear, “you’re not cumming until I’m fucking you into the tile of my shower.”
Eyes closing, you groaned loudly in frustration. Matt only chuckled in response, his hands working to smooth your skirt back down over your legs.
“I’ll make it worth your while,” he told you. "Consider it me paying you back for last week."
"Sure feels like payback," you mumbled. "But not the kind you mean."
He stepped away from you with a light laugh, your eyes momentarily noticing the slight tent of his sweatpants before he turned. Your hands flew to your face, rubbing the heels of your palms over your eyes as you tried to catch your breath. You were past worked up at this point, half tempted to slip into the bathroom and finish the job. Though you knew Matt would know and you doubted he’d let you finish. With a sigh, you lowered your hands and slid off the ring, your attention shifting to where Matt had thrown your underwear a bit ago.
Only they weren’t there. 
You frowned, your eyes slowly finding their way to Matt who had paused halfway zipping up a bag along the nearby bench. As if he felt your eyes on him, he glanced over his shoulder, a cheeky smile on his face as he held up your red satin panties in a fist.
“Looking for something?” he teased.
Eyes widening, you headed towards him, reaching up to grab the underwear from his outstretched hand. His hand pulled out of your reach at the last second, your underwear going with it. A coy smile slid itself over his lips as he stared down at you, his gaze fixed along your left shoulder.
“I want you to walk back with me without them,” he told you. “Can you do that?”
“ Matt ,” you hissed, cheeks burning.
You had never gone anywhere without wearing underwear before. The thought of something happening, with the kind of luck you had, weighed too much on your mind to ever try. And now he wanted you to walk the block and a half back to his place, wound up and panty-less?
Hand lowering, he held them out towards you suddenly. The coy smile slipped from his face, replaced with something serious yet again.
“I would never make you do something you're uncomfortable with, though,” he assured you. “ But it’s not that far of a walk. And only you and I will know.” He leaned forward, whispering into your ear, “And it’ll make it that much faster to get undressed and into my shower.” He leaned back, smiling warmly at you with your underwear still in his outstretched hand.
Your eyes dropped to the red satin in his palm, chewing your lip as you contemplated it. He was right, no one else would know. And it wasn’t that far of a walk to his place, either. Plus the lack of additional clothing to remove was an added benefit with how badly you wanted to get off already. All were valid points on his part.
Gaze sliding up to Matt’s warm smile, taking in the way he patiently waited for you to decide what you wanted to do, you surprisingly found yourself leaning towards letting him throw the underwear into his bag. Matt somehow always had a way of making you feel safe and comfortable–even to the point of being willing to try something you’d normally be too terrified to do. Like walking a few blocks in a skirt without anything underneath it.
“Alright,” you answered slowly.
One of his brows quirked up onto his forehead. “You’re sure? You’re not feeling like I’m pressuring you into this, right? Because I’m not and I want you to–”
“Put my goddamn underwear in your bag, Matthew,” you cut him off, watching the smile widen on his face, “because you’re just slowing us down now.”
“You got it, sweetheart,” he said, shooting you a wink before tossing the fabric into his bag. Zipping it up, he threw the strap over his shoulder before unfolding his cane. “Someone’s eager,” he teased.
“It has been way too long since we’ve had sex,” you stated, feeling a faint blush rise to your cheeks.
“Oh?” Matt asked, a grin still plastered on his face as he stepped towards you, wrapping an arm around your waist. “And for future knowledge,” he began, the two of you making your way towards the exit, “what constitutes too long without sex for you?”
You were proud of yourself when you refrained from saying anytime his dick wasn’t buried inside of you. Instead you answered, “Two days.” He huffed out a laugh and you side-eyed him. “What?” you asked.
He shrugged as he released his hold around you, the pair of you exiting the gym. Taking a moment to lock the door behind you both, he said, “Your heart is telling me that’s a lie is all.”
You glanced down at your chest, shock written along your face. “Seriously?” you asked in disbelief.
He turned back towards you, sliding the key into his pocket before he wrapped his arm back around your waist. Still grinning, he began pulling you along with him in the direction of his place, cane tapping lightly along the ground. “Yeah,” he answered, turning and shooting you a smug look. “You want to try that again?”
Brows furrowing together, you asked hesitantly, “A day?”
He chuckled softly, shaking his head. “A little steadier but apparently not a full truth,” he told you.
You rolled your eyes, cheeks burning a little more. “Okay, you’re incredibly attractive and I like you a lot and I want to sleep with you all of the time,” you blurted. “Better?”
His arm around your waist squeezed you further into his side. “Yeah, that one wasn’t a lie,” he informed you.
“And what’s too long without sex for you?” you shot back, brows raised curiously. 
“When it comes to you?” he asked, a hungry look in his eyes as he turned his full attention on you again, the look causing your heart to pound a little harder. “I want to fuck you all the time,” he stated bluntly and confidently. “If I never had to stop, I wouldn’t.” His voice lowered as he leaned in towards you, the pair of you still walking towards his place. “Your skin is the softest thing I’ve ever felt. The sounds you make drive me crazy– especially those little breathy whines that don’t quite make it out of your throat.” 
You saw him bite his lip out of the corner of your eye and your bare cunt clenched around the cold air.
“Your body is beautiful,” he continued, clearly not finished whispering into your ear. “And the way your cunt always needs a moment to fit me–” he hissed a sharp breath in and you felt that particular part of your body begging for attention again. “Your smell–the taste of you–its like…a drug I never want to give up.”
A chill ran down your spine, one that had nothing to do with the cool night breeze. His voice alone was working you up all over again.
“But,” he said, straightening up beside you, tone easily shifting back to casual which always managed to give you whiplash, “I quite enjoy doing a great many other things with you as well. And as much as I love being lost in you, well,” he shrugged, “I wouldn’t have moments talking with you like this if I never stopped fucking you.”
You cleared your throat, your gaze dropping nervously down to your feet. “That was…weirdly sexy and sweet," you muttered.
Matt barked out a laugh beside you, the sound drawing a smile to your face. You loved whenever you made him laugh.
"So how are you doing there, sweetheart?" he asked.
"Cold," you answered. 
Matt fought back another laugh, burrowing his nose into your hair. "I'm sorry," he apologized, "I didn't think about the cold. I promise I'll make sure you're real warm soon enough."
You melted into his side, enjoying the show of affection as he continued to lightly nuzzle the top of your head. "Why'd you want me to walk back without them?"
"Because I think it’s hot being the only other one who knows there's nothing under that skirt," he whispered into your hair. "But also, there's nothing… restricting the scent of you. So I uh–" he cleared his throat lightly, "–can more easily appreciate the scent of you. If it makes you feel any better, it's currently driving me crazy and I'm resisting the urge to have you right here on the sidewalk."
"Really?" you asked curiously, cheeks flushing despite the cold as you rested your head on his shoulder.
"Really," he answered. "You still underestimate the effect you have on me and I wish you didn't."
Your arms both came to wrap themselves around his waist, your arousal briefly dulling at the sweetness of the man at your side. You fought the urge to blurt the words that felt like they were sitting just there on the tip of your tongue. You were in love with Matthew Murdock and refraining from telling him was getting more and more difficult every passing day. Thankfully, his apartment building came into view before you could make an ass of yourself and blurt out an ‘I love you’ while he was carrying your panties in his gym bag.
It wasn’t long before the pair of you were in the elevator, riding it up to the sixth floor. You’d managed to snag it all to yourselves, which Matt apparently intended to take full advantage of with the way he’d grabbed your hips the moment the doors closed and drew your ass directly into his growing erection. As your own arousal came flooding back, your eyes were glued to the numbers near the elevator doors steadily climbing up to ‘six’ as Matt’s left hand slowly snaked its way to the front of you, very faintly rubbing your clit over your skirt. A shudder ran down you as your mouth clamped shut.
A moment later the doors opened and Matt’s hands instantly slid to more respectable locations. You both exited the elevator, and as you neared his door in the hallway, your body slightly blocking Matt’s now obvious hard-on, you both awkwardly greeted the older woman who lived across the hall. It was good she appeared to be leaving because you were pretty sure she would not want to hear the sounds that were about to be coming from Matt’s apartment.
As you both stopped in front of his door, his arms slipped underneath both of yours, the front of him flush to the back of you, his cock an ever present reminder pressing into your right ass cheek as he focused on unlocking his door. The way he was breathing, chin hovering above your right shoulder, his breath falling over your neck with each soft exhale, was somehow on its own driving you wild. The anticipation of that goddamn door opening was killing you.
Finally you heard the lock turn, and somehow it sounded louder than normal. Impatient, you reached out and turned the handle as Matt deposited the key back into his jacket pocket. He chuckled, most likely at your overeagerness. 
You stepped into his apartment and the moment you turned around, Matt slammed his door shut, immediately dropping his gym bag to the floor and tossing his cane to the side, his eyes burning a hole into your collarbone the entire time. 
"Bathroom," Matt ordered. "Now."
Biting your lip, you turned on your heel, an excitement washing over you as you quickly made your way down his entry hall. As you skirted around his sofa and coffee table, your eyes focused on the darkened hallway that led to his bathroom, Matt's large palm came down on your ass with a firm smack that sounded out through his silent apartment. Your eyes widened and a sharp, surprised gasp fell out of you at the impact. Pausing, you glanced over your shoulder to Matt behind you. His hand was kneading the stinging flesh beneath your skirt now, a pleased smirk on his mouth. 
"You're the one slowing us down now," Matt pointed out. 
He patted your ass lightly and you continued on to the bathroom, gnawing your lip even more. 
This man's sexual prowess was going to kill you someday, you were sure of it.
Turning into the bathroom, Matt reached around you and switched on the light–a sweet gesture since it was solely for your benefit. His hands were on you immediately after, one hand cupping your breast over your blouse, his other sliding its way up under your skirt as he pulled your back into his front yet again. His nose brushed along your neck before you felt his soft lips earnestly kissing the delicate skin there. Your head instantly tilted to the side, offering your neck up to him. 
While he attentively kissed along the length of your throat, his fingers found your slickened slit under your skirt. The pads of his fingers ran back and forth through the damp arousal he found there a few times and your brows knitted together as your head fell back on Matt's shoulder.
"Please stop teasing me, Matt," you begged. 
You felt his lips curl into a smile along your neck. Two thick fingers dipped inside of you and your eyes fluttered shut, a pleased moan vibrating in your throat as your head rolled further back along his shoulder. 
"Better?" Matt asked beside your ear. 
You nodded vigorously along his shoulder, eyes still clamped shut as you hummed out an, "Mhmm."
He chuckled, his fingers still pumping into you. His mouth was on your cheek, planting a light kiss there. "You're still not cumming yet, don't get too comfortable," Matt told you, amusement in his tone.
Your brows furrowed and you groaned.
"Not until–" he began, back to kissing your neck, his tongue running along your skin, "–I'm fucking that beautiful cunt–" he continued between kisses, "–into the tile–" he gently nipped your neck, "–of my shower wall."
Not sure what had suddenly taken over you, you turned on your heel, Matt's fingers slipping out from inside of you and your neck now out of the reach of his mouth. Your hands flew out, yanking up the hem of his sleeveless shirt roughly, Matt standing there briefly surprised and dumbstruck. A moment later he was laughing lightly, his hands assisting and helping you to remove his shirt. 
Frantically you threw your cardigan to the bathroom floor and began pulling your blouse over your head. Matt stepped out of his sweatpants before you–boxerless, to your wide eyed surprise. Fully undressed, his hard cock clearly impatient as well, he reached around the back of your skirt, his hands finding the zipper of it as you began unclasping your bra. You freed your breasts the moment Matt was bending low, tugging your skirt off. With his mouth beside your cunt, he abruptly slipped his tongue out and licked the length of it and you bit your lip at the sensation, whimpering quietly. 
Standing back up with a smirk, he stepped around the pile of discarded clothes and switched on his shower, warming the water. Glancing over his shoulder at you, he whispered, "Come here."
Obediently you crossed the distance between you, Matt's hands landing on your neck and drawing you into him. Eyes closing, your hands landed on his solid chest before his mouth was on yours. You could feel his cock pressing against you eagerly, pre-cum dampening your skin beneath it. Feeling like you couldn't wait much longer for him to fuck you, you bit down on his lip, the action slightly timid and impatient.
Matt broke the kiss, his brows rising onto his forehead as he glanced down at you, that smirk still present on his lips–ones that were swollen and glistening with both of your saliva. 
"Relax, sweetheart," Matt urged. "I'm about to take care of you."
He stepped into the shower, one of his hands grabbing your wrist and pulling you in behind him. The warm spray of the shower washed over your back as you turned, closing the glass door behind you. But as you turned back around, Matt reached out, placing a hand to your sternum, just above your breasts. With a gentle force he pushed you into the glass of the shower door. Your nipples almost instantly stiffened at the cold sensation of the glass along your back and your ass. Matt’s other hand slipped between your thighs, his two thick fingers dipping back inside of you without any further preamble.
Your eyes slowly closed, giving into Matt as you relaxed into the glass, your head slightly rolling back into the shower door, warm water falling over the pair of you. The hand he had on your sternum slid downwards, coming to cup your right breast. Your back arched into his touch, pushing your breast further into his large palm while he began kneading the soft flesh. Your hands flew out to grip his shoulders, holding on tight to him. You felt him step in closer towards you, the warmth of his body soon radiating onto yours.
Breath coming in hard pants, your eyes opened, taking in the sight of Matt before you. His hair was soaked and clinging to his face, water droplets falling down his forehead and his cheeks. His lips were slightly parted as his chest visibly heaved, clearly garnering pleasure from how your body was reacting to his touch and the way his fingers were still fucking you with an admirable dedication that had you crawling closer and closer to your release. As if he sensed you looking, his gaze traveled up from your chest to your chin.
“You’re so fucking close, aren’t you?” he whispered.
“Yes,” you answered him, voice so needy and unrecognizable. “Yes, Matt, yes.”
“Tell me what you want,” he murmured.
His hand released your breast and slid down to lightly brush along your clit. Your mouth opened hesitantly, uncertainty rolling over you, but a soft moan escaped your lips instead of words. His fingers continued to fuck you, but their pace began to slow as he awaited your response. Licking your lips nervously, you attempted to find your voice and ignore the nerves fluttering in your stomach. But the fingers of his left hand began rubbing with a firmer pressure along your clit and it felt so good you'd soon forgotten he'd even said anything. You moaned out louder, eyes half-lidded as your hips began to mindlessly buck forward into his hand, nails clawing into his shoulder roughly; fuck you just needed him and you needed that goddamn release he’d been teasing you with for the past hour.
“It’s just you and me, sweetheart,” he whispered,  drawing you back. “No need to be nervous.”
Swallowing hard, your eyes opened and fell on Matt, nails still sunk into his broad, firm shoulders. His brows were pinched together, tongue slipping out to wet his lips as he focused solely on you. 
Shyly, you uttered, “I want you to fuck me." But the words almost sounded more like a question after you said them.
Before you, Matt grit his teeth and a moment later his two fingers thrust themselves deep inside of you, hitting just the right spot. You gasped at the impact, nails helplessly grasping at him in response.
“Tell me, sweetheart,” he urged. “Don’t ask.”
Fueled by the way his fingers were making you feel as they slid almost entirely out of you before he thrust them forcefully into you a second time, you met his eyes. With all the burning need currently filling you, especially with your climax drawing nearer from the fingers he had vigorously working your clit, you firmly said, “Fuck me, Matthew.”
His lip curled back into something almost feral, a growl rumbling in his throat. His two fingers slid out of you instantly, both of his hands now landing on your hips. You cried out in sheer frustration at the abrupt loss of all pleasurable contact. You’d been so fucking close , and even though you wanted his cock, you were tired of being drawn so close to your climax to have it ripped away yet again. 
“Fucking hell, Matthew,” you ground out between clenched teeth.
He chuckled softly, guiding you by the hips as he shifted you around the shower to the opposite side of it. He spun you towards the wall and your brow rose before you felt one of his large palms splayed between your shoulder blades. With that same gentle force he had used not too long ago, he pushed you into the wall of the shower. Your hands immediately flew up to steady yourself against the tile as you felt him reposition your hips before him for a better angle.
When you turned your head over your right shoulder, you bit your lip at the sight you found. He had his cock in his right hand, stroking it slowly, your eyes drawn to the movement and remembering how much you'd enjoyed that wonderful appendage in your mouth last week before you'd last had sex. While you'd been distracted with the sight of his beautiful cock, his left hand had found its way to your ass, smoothly running an appreciative hand around the curve of one cheek and then the other, stroking himself the entire time, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. His sightless gaze slid up towards your face, a devilish smirk tugging at his lips before his hand drew back. He threw it forward into your ass with a sharp smack that echoed in the shower and you gasped, your cunt throbbing in further anticipation. One of Matt's dark brows rose curiously, his head tilting to the side.
"You like that," he mused, his voice husky. "I'll have to remember that for another time."
"Matt," you whined, body feeling like it was past being pushed to its limit waiting for him to fuck you. " Please ."
“In that case,” Matt mumbled.
He grabbed his cock, no longer languidly stroking it while appreciating whatever he was picking up from your body, and teased the tip of it along your soaked entrance. You hissed in anticipatory pleasure–he’d been teasing you too goddamn long tonight and now, finally that beautiful cock was going to fill you and fuck you and nothing else mattered.
He slipped only partially inside and you both made similar noises of pleasure and relief at the contact. You felt the familiar fullness of him stretching you; he wasn’t wrong, he always had to wait a moment for you to fit him each and every time. Gradually you felt him sink inside of you deeper and you bit down on your tongue, back arching as your fingers gripped uselessly along the tile. 
His hips rocked into you once and you moaned loud, eyes closing as your forehead dropped to the wet tile. Matt’s fingers tightened on your hips and you felt him slowly slide back before he thrust firmly forward into you again. Brows knitting together you grit your teeth, fingers attempting to grip the slick wall but there was nothing to grasp onto. You felt him slowly pull back again, your pulse quickening in anticipation.
“Is this what you wanted, sweetheart?” he asked.
You opened your mouth to answer, but his hips slammed back into you, his cock fully sheathed inside of you. A cry of pleasure filled the shower in answer to his question. As he slid back again, setting a steady pace with his hips as he fucked you, the front of his thick, muscular thighs slammed into the back of you with each thrust. One of his hands glided along your wet skin, making its way around your hips and down your stomach until his fingers found your clit. The oversensitive bud jolted at his touch and a string of curses fell out of your mouth. Bucking your hips backwards into him, you felt yourself climbing slowly back up to the edge of your long awaited climax. You heard the approving growl that rumbled out of him in response. 
“Take what you need, sweetheart,” he urged.
Continuing to match his pace with your own hips, you greedily fucked your hips back into his. Turning your head over your right shoulder, you looked back to see Matt behind you again. His brows were drawn together, eyes pinched tight and almost closed as a look of sheer bliss was spread on his face. His mouth was open, spilling out grunts and pants just behind you as he fucked you.
“Fuck,” you hissed at the sight.
Feeling your climax gradually returning to just within reach, you felt Matt’s hips begin to viciously increase their pace, thrusting himself even deeper inside of you. His left hand’s grip tightened almost bruisingly onto your hip while his right continued to rub deliciously along that sensitive bundle of nerves. You were so close to fucking losing it.
“Matt,” you moaned, eyes still focused on the sight of him behind you.
His face turned up towards yours, brows rising just slightly in an unasked question. Hips grinding fiercely back into him, more whimpers fell out of you. As if he knew exactly what you needed, he readjusted himself behind you, the new angle allowing his cock to hit you just right. You could feel your cunt tightening around him, gripping his cock; a deep hum vibrated in Matt’s throat as his thrusts became sloppy and unrestrained.
And then you felt yourself on that razor-edge of your climax and your mouth fell open, eyes closing. “Harder, Matt,” you whispered.
Eager to comply, he abruptly slammed your front fully into the tiled wall of the shower, his cock now pounding fiercely into you. The moan began to build low in your belly, but as his relentless pace carried on, it clawed its way up out of your throat, your head falling sharply backwards over your shoulders as you cried out Matt’s name loudly in the shower. Your body was shaking as you came hard on his cock, Matt moaning a beautiful noise you vowed to get him to make again as your cunt squeezed him in return. His hips somehow increased their movements, your ass slamming over and over into him behind you, drawing you through your orgasm until he finally came. He released inside of you, cock twitching as the warmth of him filled you. He groaned deep as he came; the low, gravelly sound filled with pleasure, one that drew goosebumps along your forearms despite the warm spray from the shower overhead.
When he finally stilled, the two of you stayed like that for a moment–both of you breathing hard, his cock still inside of you with his hands on your hips and you pressed firmly into the shower wall. You tried to steady your heart and catch your breath, your vision blurred and your head feeling abnormally light. Matt’s forehead fell to your back, resting between your shoulder blades as you heard him heaving rapidly as well. After a moment, you swore you could feel him smiling along your skin. Rolling your head off of the wall, you glanced back at him.
“What?” you breathed out.
His head shifted on your back, sightless eyes landing on your chin. “I told you you weren’t going to cum until I fucked you against the tile of my shower,” he said, amused.
You huffed out a laugh, rolling your eyes in response. “That was cruel,” you murmured. 
“Was it?” he asked, pulling a face that brought a smile to your own mouth. “You seemed to enjoy it.”
“Okay,” you relented, “you’re right, I did.”
He carefully slid his cock out from inside of you before gently turning you back around towards him. You steadied yourself with your hands on his shoulders, your eyes not failing to catch sight of the red marks from your nails along his skin. You frowned, one hand lightly brushing along the marks.
“Shit, I'm sorry Matt, I didn’t mean to claw you like an animal,” you apologized, wincing.
Matt smirked, one of his hands covering yours. “I really didn’t mind,” he told you. “I’ve certainly endured worse. And it was…kind of hot coming from someone who’s always so timid.”
Blushing, you glanced away from him. Instantly his hand cupped your cheek, drawing your attention back towards him.
“Hey,” he murmured, “don’t go hiding from me. I enjoyed all of that. And it seemed like you did, too.”
“Yeah,” you whispered.
Smiling, he pulled you towards him and wrapped his arms around you. You easily slipped your arms around him, happily returning the embrace.
“For the record,” Matt teased, “I was getting nervous you were actually going to have a heart attack on me with how fast your heart was hammering right before you came.”
You snorted out a laugh, burying your face in his shoulder. “Stop it,” you replied.
“No, really,” he continued, laughter in his tone. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone’s heart beat that fast before. You might’ve set a world record.”
Laughter rolled out of you, your face still buried into his shoulder. His body was shaking with laughter alongside yours, the two of you quickly falling into hysterics together under the spray of the shower. 
And as tears drew at the corner of your eyes, glancing up at Matt’s carefree face, his laughter enveloping you, you felt those little three words sitting there on the tip of your tongue once again.
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knife-em0ji · 1 year
Sorry for this long post but can people stop treating Vader and Anakin as completely separate people. Like. That type of dissociation were obviously coping mechanisms by Old Ben and Vader. Not like. A literal fragmentation of personalities. Like if you love Anakin Skywalker imo you have to accept that he was a cute kid and a padme simp and a fun older brother and a boy desperately in need of acknowledgement and praise and a father who ultimately loved his son but also a guy who commits atrocities in his anger and strangles people who annoy him and has a victim/persecution complex (although admittedly for good reason) and was also a notorious child killer. This man contains multitudes.
Imo falling to the dark side/using the light side of the force isn’t marked by a shift or fragmentation of personality, but rather what emotions are used to channel the force and guide one’s actions. I think part of what’s so hard about resisting the dark side and coming back to the light is that there’s positive feedback loops of power, and resisting that by doing good and healthily channeling emotions is just plain hard. Especially in the case of Anakin, who is notoriously a “in for a penny, in for a pound” type of guy. He’s loyal and loves completely and dangerously with his whole heart, and he hates just as much.
And I think guilt is a huge factor with him struggling to do good; it’s pretty much a thought process of “Well, I’ve already committed thousands of atrocities and have countless amounts of blood on my hands, I have to believe whole hog in what I’ve been doing because then otherwise what was it all for.” I think that’s what makes his sacrifice for Luke so poignant, because it speaks to how much he loves his son that he’s able to overcome that spiral and do one last act of love for his son, unselfishly and without rationalization.
Idk, I just watched ESB again, and I think beyond just wanting to possess Luke and use him for power, it’s reasonable to think that part of the reason Vader wants him so badly to turn to the dark side with him is that he still thinks the dark side is the only way he can have enough power to protect his family and therefore keep them—he’s objectively much more powerful than he was in the prequels, and a main part of his struggles during the fall of the Republic was that he didn’t feel “strong enough” to protect the people he loved as a Jedi. He wasn’t able to free the slaves. He wasn’t able to save his mother. He wasn’t able to stop Ashoka’s expulsion from the order. He wasn’t able to prevent Padmé from dying. With the commitment he’s had to his path and the objective amount of power he’s amassed since the twins’ births, I think it’s reasonable to assume he desperately grasping at the idea that somehow, this time, he’ll be able to achieve what he’s never been able to do before. But his failure always lies in the fact that his motivations are, and always have been, ultimately self-serving, that his pride and fear of loss—which are completely understandable in moderation and not something he should necessarily be punished for—outweigh his real and genuine care for his loved ones and the galaxy at large.
Idk. All this to say that Anakin has always been Vader and Vader has always been Anakin. They’re the same fucking person, you fools! Stop taking dissociative rationalization literally!!! It’s right there in the text!!!! His return to the light does not negate his time in the dark and vice versa! There is good in him !! He is capable of unspeakable evil !!! BOTH ARE TRUE AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!
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askmemenoquestions · 5 months
Slay the Princess Starter Sentences
*Contains spoilers
"You have a job to do here. Just get in there and do what needs to be done."
"While I appreciate the mental exercise, we are running up against a bit of a ticking clock."
"It's no use arguing semantics over a metaphorical chicken-or-egg, because the egg is hatched and it's about to ruin everything."
"If anything, slaying a princess is better than slaying a seamstress. Seamstresses contribute something of value to society."
"You're playing a dangerous game by coming here unarmed."
"We could have gotten out of here together. Were you just lying to me this whole time?"
"If I have to kill you, I'll kill you. Do you think I need both of my arms to do that?"
"This vessel is full of you. I need something empty I can crawl inside of. I need something shaped like me."
"This world is broken beyond repair. We must weave something new."
"Do you want to linger here, entwined with a creature you taught to hate you forever? Eternity never ends."
"You shouldn't have let that fear creep into your heart. You had the upper hand, and now look at you."
"Don't think that just because I'm the one in chains it means you have a right to interrogate me."
"You poor thing. I'll go ahead and put you out of your misery."
"This was fun. You put up more of a fight than I thought you would."
"You have made a decision. It is the wrong one. I love you."
"Please, shake yourself out of it. We have to get out of here."
"No... this is the beginning of eternity. Your reward."
"And then you locked us away in an empty void for eternity."
"Like I've been saying. She's dead. We killed her already."
"Why are you even here? Just making sure you finished the job or what?"
"I was willing to ignore everything you did to me so we could get out of here. Together."
"But I guess violence is the only language you speak."
"On second thought, let's not kill him. Let's throw him someplace that never ends. I'd like to see what that does to him."
"You are familiar, but you are not me. I feel sadness, longing, hope as I witness you."
"I'm sorry. There are some changes that can never be undone, there are some tears that can never be unshed."
"I have not lived. I am not afraid to die."
"If you need time, then I'll wait with you."
"What textures will you weave for yourself to occupy forever? Will you place 'You' and 'I' into a box for safekeeping?"
"I will be here waiting by your side until you're ready to return to mine."
"She asks that I tell you to remember her. You won't."
"You've made a terrible enemy, and there's nothing in the world that can possibly save you from me."
"After all this time alone, I thought I'd finally found a friend. But you were just another monster, weren't you?"
"I know who you are, and I remember what you've done."
"We don't have to make things better. We can't make things better."
"We're just meant to chase each other in the dark until one of us catches the other."
"I'm glad to die horribly if it means you die with me. I wouldn't have it any other way."
"The thing that sits beyond our edge speaks his logic into us. He tries to grasp at things that cannot be grasped."
"It was a fitting end. I'm sorry if it hurt. But doesn't this make it all seem so small?"
"Whenever you are ready, I will wipe your slate clean once again."
"Words are... difficult for me. They never fully weave what I wish to say."
"There is nowhere for you to be but here."
"You have already committed to my completion. You cannot go further astray."
"What you're seeing here is obviously real. Just accept it and go with the flow."
"You are like me, even if you have chosen not to look at the corners of you that do not fit, even if you have chosen to ignore the brilliant contours of your soul."
"The desires of my multitudes thrive in endless competition with themselves, but none of them rise above their dance to influence me."
"You've brought that knife again, even though you know it's useless. Such charming audacity."
"Oh? Are you still trying to defy me? I. Said. Kneel."
"What a pitiful display. A wounded little bird thinking it can defy a god."
"Was severing the tendons of my ascension not enough for you? Was it not enough to rend my divine heart?"
"I hope you weren't planning on dying. We're going to make this last forever."
"These gifts are a conversation, and each one shows me the contours of your heart."
"I'm going to have fun breaking you into little pieces."
"You and I are always going to end in violence, so why bother to run?"
"I never wanted to fight you. So how do we leave?"
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