#the daily babble
daily-yin · 2 months
Can u draw paper and yin being best buds
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Day 16
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vulturevanity · 1 year
Log of the Demeter is by far my favourite arc in the book. The weight of these people trapped in a boat with a most horrifying monster killing them one by one and them being none the wiser to it, only knowing that their fellow crew keeps disappearing. It's such a tragedy.
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starry-bi-sky · 9 months
The fun thing about CFAU danny is that he grew up in crime alley during his early developmental and foundational years, and was only in amity park for four years before his accident. Which means: potential to explore how this affects his personality. How does he act?
If he grows up in crime alley, which is rife with violence and crime and he like everyone else bares witness to it, how will that change who he is compared to canon?
Because he’s not gonna be the exact same as canon, thats not how development works. Something’s gonna change. So is he violent? Is he a thief? A liar? A follower, a leader? A backstabber? How selfish is he? Because selflessness gets you killed.
How willing is he to get shot/stabbed/murdered/trafficked for another person when he’s surrounded by people who take priority over themselves more than others? And is largely not taught otherwise? (And are valid for their self-preservation?)
What’s his kindness look like, is it rough? Tough love all the way through, showing other kids how to bloody up their knuckles to keep their own face safe?
Showing kids how to file down their teeth with the broken glass at their feet, so that when they bite they make it hurt?
Or is it more gentle, but still bloody, showing kids how to keep their head down and out of the way of the bigger, meaner kids barreling their way past? How to blend in, how to hide? How to not get caught?
Is it a third option, and always bloody, always hurting? Does he get in the way, take the hits? Always a shield, never the shielded? His nose having been broken so many times it’s permanently crooked, are his eyes always black? His lip always bleeding? Does he have scars?
Is it a fourth option, a fifth option, a sixth? Is it bloody? It may as well be, Crime Alley is always bloody. Always bleeding. Danny will see death, he will see suffering, he won’t unless he closes his eyes and covers his ears.
Does he have bad habits? Stealing, smoking, drinking, kids mimic the adults and even if his parents try to teach him out of it, it takes a village to raise a child. If the village is violent, then the child will be too. Is he malnourished? Jason was. He will be.
How does Dan change in comparison to canon vs a Danny who grew up in crime alley? Does he change at all? Or is Danny just more horrified by him, because he’s more similar to him than he previously thought?
What are his thoughts on Batman and Robin? Does he like them, think them myth, distrust them? How does his time in Gotham influence his perspective on the people there, on the world around him? His thoughts on Bruce Wayne (beyond the improbable him immediately figuring out Bruce Wayne = Batman)? The Elite? Does he have an accent? What’s his education like?
And CFAU Danny is fun because I get to explore that. He is ultimately still Danny - still kind, and selfless, sarcastic, punny. But how does he show it? What other traits does he have? What has changed, and what has stayed?
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littlestboulder · 3 months
someone on a discord server recommended my art by saying "this is the guy that drew Midna and wolf Link like mlp ponies" so it's good to know my inability to draw legs like legs or wolves like wolves is my current legacy on this site. I'll wear this badge with pride and a side of shame
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a-driftamongopenstars · 8 months
when Riven!Mara told Uldren "you looked into an abyss, bowed to false kings and suffered uncountable betrayals. you were humiliated, imprisoned, manipulated... Taken. and still you have up everything, because you love", she really wasn't wrong. she literally did not lie.
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duchesspeggy · 2 years
Somehow, amidst all the horrors, Seward taking the time to mention that while Jonathan's face was white with fury, his hands in Mina's hair were tender and gentle, feels very sweet to me.
It reads like:
Jonathan and Mina: in love
Jack, and every one of us: in love with their love
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enden-k · 9 months
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you come online. al haitham is dying for some reason. all is well
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nocandnc · 2 years
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Oh, how did that phrase go…
There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.
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Fixed the door that Johnathan had slipped through, not letting that happen again!
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damienthepious · 2 years
Y'know previously I haven't actually been frustrated with the characters, it's funny to joke about "not knowing they're in Dracula," but it all made SENSE before.
The problem is. NOW. As the gentlemen try at detective work and Mina starts suffering in silence...
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lottiies · 10 days
went on amino for the first time in years i’m sick to my stomach LMAOAO
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theprestigegirly · 1 year
pov u look over my shoulder during class
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vulturevanity · 6 months
Dot and Spinel have a fascinating dynamic that keeps me awake at night and is so underrated. God I love enemies who are the exact same in some ways and complete opposites in others.
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felixisfruity · 3 months
oh my god i almost forgot 😔
do ur daily clicks!
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possum-quesadilla · 20 days
blue wHAT THE FUCK??
Hm? What’d I do?
Edit: ah I see. You read chapter 9
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natasha-in-space · 4 days
Ugh I overdid a workout session and now my thighs feel like wood 💀 Thank God I have a day off tomorrow, because I have a feeling I'll be sore as hell
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