#the crackpots and these women
bookofjudith · 9 days
the scene in the crackpots and these women where Josh is standing in front of a target listening to Ave Maria talking about how he doesn’t want to be saved while his friends aren’t. When he will in fact be targeted when his friends are saved and he will be so traumatized from nearly dying that he will associate music with sirens and nearly have a breakdown listening to another piece of classical music. Aaron sorkin when I find you.
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blood-orange-juice · 6 months
New headcanon: Childe isn't a reincarnation of Ajax/Tuzannou/Parsifal, he's a reincarnation of all the lovely blue-eyed maidens these people loved.
One hailed from a land of snow, another sang to whales and the last one was unmatched in her skill with a spear and blamed for things she didn't do.
It all makes sense now.
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nursc · 7 months
all my comfort wes.t wi.ng episodes are the ones where josh has ptsd
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gulski2 · 2 years
I don’t mean to joke around on a serious matter, but this gives off such “the crackpots and these women” vibe that I had to put it somewhere
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lookninjas · 4 months
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@penroseparticle, this one's for you.
Pick a country (for occasionally loose definitions of "country") song from a bad description! You do not need to recognize the song from the description, although one of them is very very very very very obvious this time. Go by the vibes. Go for what makes you chuckle or sounds intriguing. Follow your heart.
At the end of the week, I will post a playlist with all the songs in order, from the song with the least amount of votes to the song with the most amount of votes. If you would like to hear the playlist but don't want to put a lot of effort into it, leave a comment or put it in the tags on your reblog and I'll tag you. If you really just need to know about a specific song and don't want to wait, shoot me an ask and I'll answer.
And please reblog! It's time to make your mutuals listen to some straight-up (maybe not that straight) country music for a change. Especially that one. You know the one.
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wilwheaton · 1 year
The crackpot fundamentalist judge in Texas did us one service — he revealed a crucial truth. This isn’t about “states rights” at all. This is what they want for every American. He wasn’t happy just taking Texan womens’ rights away. He took all American womens’ rights away. Texas’s population is almost 30 million. America’s population is 330 million. His impact was ten times greater than what the GOP assured us wouldn’t happen, coddling Americans with the Big Lie that this wasn’t fascism, this was just about “states rights.” Americans fell for it, because, like I’ve pointed out, their media does a pretty terrible job, with a few exceptions (thank you, Washington Post and ProPublica) discussing any of this in serious or realistic or historic ways. Think about what it means that one man can take rights away from more than 300 million women.
Americans Are Now Experiencing the Everyday Reality of Authoritarian Collapse
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novaksupremacy · 3 months
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The Backseat of My Car- Casey Novak x Alex Cabot
soooo, a little Friday morning smutty treat for my loves. ❤️ I was told part 2 of This is My Office was needed and since it'll be a while before I even get to this chapter, here's a present 😜 consider it a peace offering that it may take me a few days for Chapter 7 😅 (also if someone could teach my goofy ass how to format so that things indent properly, I'll love you forever!)
"Don't beat yourself up, that was a tough case." Casey consoled her girlfriend as they walked through the parking garage, "you know there's always the possibility that a juror will be sympathetic towards one of these crackpots."
Alex was seething mad, "Langan's just lucky I don't feel like spending the rest of my life in jail or I'd have him strung up by his testicles!"
The redhead's lip curled in disgust. She stopped walking and grabbed Alex's hand. "Babe I would really rather not think about you anywhere near that man's testicles, or any man's testicles for that matter.
"Sorry," the blonde frowned, "he just makes me so mad I could spit. I can't believe I ever went on a date with that man." She went to start walking again.
The younger ADA stopped again and pulled Alex back towards her, "Okay, what? I don't know what's worse, you, talking about his nuts or the fact that you went out with him.
Alex chuckled, "It was one date, we never made it passed the bar. I really just needed info on a case."
Casey smirked, "Ah yeah because that makes it better." She giggled and pulled her closer, "Just remember who you belong to, Alexandra Cabot."
"How could I ever forget," the Bureau Chief leaned in and kissed her girlfriend.
The redhead rested her free hand against the blonde's thigh. Her eyes lit up when she realized she was still strapped from earlier. "Babe? Your windows are tinted right?"
"Darker than they should be actually, I have to put the DA placard in the window just to avoid getting ticketed. Why?" Casey shot her a look that could only be construed as mischievous.
 "Oh. OH. Backseat." Alex said excitedly.
Both women slid into the backseat of the BMW and Casey closed the door behind them. She wasted no time tossing the blue eyed beauty's glasses into the front seat and grabbing her around the neck, pulling her in to a messy, heated kiss.
Alex chuckled as she started unbuttoning her shirt.
"What's so funny?" the redhead mused, laughing if only because Alex was.
"I feel like a teenager." This was the most relaxed the Bureau Chief had been in as long as she could remember, being with Casey felt-- effortless. "In a good way that is" she said reassuringly.
"Oh yeah? Is this what Alexandra Cabot was like in high school? Riding in cars with boys?" Her girlfriend said teasingly. "I don't know about this then, I like mature, collected, no nonsense ADA Alex Cabot Bureau Chief extraordinaire."
The blonde grabbed Casey by her collar. "The only person who's going to be riding anything is you riding me in a minute and don't worry dear, I know what it is you like." She whispered as she kissed the redhead with force, she was starving for something only Casey could satiate.
"Fuck," Casey sighed. "Alex do you have to be so damn sexy constantly."
"Do you want me to stop?" She smirked as she ruined the second one of Casey's shirts today, buttons scattering to the cars floor mats.
The younger ADAs breath hitched, “No. Don’t. Stop.” She whispered playfully pausing between words as she pulled open Alex's belt and fly. She bit her lip hard, "mmm I want to try something okay? But don't think I'm weird."
Alex's blue eyes look into her hazel green ones with curiosity. "Baby if I ever thought you were weird, ever, in the time I've known you, I meant it as the highest compliment." She leaned back against the car door.
Casey put her hand against the blondes open fly and exposed the strap she was still wearing from their earlier encounter. The ginger sat up for a minute and pulled her hair back and tied it there with a ponytail holder she had around her wrist. She leaned back down and brought the strap into her mouth and began to suck.
 The golden haired adonis' eyes grew wide. "Baby that's not weird, that's hot." She whimpered as she brought her hand to the back of her lover's head pushed down lightly while she ran her other hand through her own hair. The ADA never breaking eye contact as she went to town on the toy, running her tongue up to the tip, and then taking the whole thing into her mouth.
After a minute or two she sat back up, licking her lips, and grabbed Alex by the hips pulling her flat on the backseat. "So,” the redhead blushed, “you liked that?"
"Very much so," the blonde said panting.
"Mmm, good to know." Her devilish grin plastered across her face. With a little maneuvering and a few giggles, she was able to shimmy her way out of her suit pants and on top of her girlfriend. She steadied her balance and brought herself down on top of the strap letting out a small moan, her body shuddered as she leaned down to kiss Alex. The angle making the toy hit her just right as the blonde slowly pushed her hips up, both women groaning softly.
"Fuck that feels good." Casey mewled beginning to roll her hips against Alex.
"I bet it does," the blonde cooed thrusting her hips up slow and deliberate. Copying her lover's expression as her lips parted and she let out a soft gasp of pleasure.
The redhead pushed back against the toy holding one hand to Alex's chest and the other to the window behind her head. "Alex," she whimpered, her body craving more, "I can't take much more teasing."
“Is that so? You sure you don’t want it nice and slow,” She thrust her hips slowly, holding Casey by her waist and guiding her up and down against her body, fucking her at a torturously slow pace, continuing to mimic her facial expressions has her mouth fell open and tiny gasps and moans emanated from her throat.
“Alex,” the redhead whispered, “Fuck, Alex.”
“Well obviously if you can remember my name, I haven’t tortured you nearly enough.” The blonde smirked. Casey brought her hand to her own clit, but Alex stopped her, “Ah, no cheating baby.”
The redhead whined. She started pushing herself down harder against her girlfriend, “Alex I want you to ruin me.” She moaned as she ground her hips down.
The blue eyed beauty’s pupils dilated as she took tight hold of Casey’s hips and began thrusting. She picked up her pace a little at a time until she was slamming into Casey, who was rolling her hips, leaning over Alex whimpering in her ear.
“Mmm baby, like that,” she nibbled on the blonde’s ear, causing her to sigh, “Oh Alex, Alex. Mmm, I love the way you fill me up.” She whispered with a smirk, knowing if her hot breath kept hitting her face as she did, that Alex would cum for her before she even finished.
The Bureau Chief slammed into Casey holding her hips down tight to hers and rolling them towards her. Casey cried out as Alex did this a few more times, smacking the redheads ass each time and then grabbing a fistful of supple skin and holding on.
The redhead was getting louder, “Ahh, Alex, fuck me! Just like that, don’t stop. Don’t stop baby.”
Alex spurred on by Casey’s cries also started moaning loudly. “That’s it baby, scream for me.” The blonde loved when Casey got loud and all the little noises she could get her to make as she fucked all the right spots. Alex felt her insides flutter as Casey hit a note that she was fairly sure only dogs could hear as her juices came spilling out around the toy and onto Alex again. As they both climaxed the redhead collapsed against her girlfriend leaning up just enough to stare into her crystal blue eyes. The blonde went to sit up.
“Not yet,” the ADA whimpered, “stay inside a bit longer?” Alex obliged and began stroking her girlfriends back.
“You okay darling?” she asked, checking in.
Casey nodded, “More than okay. Just trying to come back down.” Her body shook as she had another small aftershock.
“I’ve got you baby, I’ve got you.” Alex whispered bring her into a yielding, tender kiss.
They hadn’t been kissing exceedingly long when there was a knock on the window. The women looked at each other, frozen in fear, “Cops?” Casey mouthed.
“No, this lot is run by CCTV” Alex whispered, “who would’ve called it in?”
There was another knock, this time slower, more annoyed.
Casey went to press the window down much to Alex’s protest, only to find Liz looking back at her.
The Judges face was more stern than either of them had ever seen on her worst day. Alex jerked her head around, still inside Casey, both of them half naked, Casey’s shirt completely undone.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Liz said through gritted teeth. “What the fuck is wrong with the two of you?” She put her hand up in protest, “Don’t answer that. And Casey don’t get up lest I see more of you than I want to.”
Alex tried to protest and say something, but Donnelly stopped her before she could even get a single syllable out. “Alexandra, I don’t want to hear it. What is this? Some sort of midlife crisis? Can you not fuck at home? What are you afraid the cat is watching?”
“Judge Donnelly, we’re” Casey tried to apologize.
“Not another word Novak, you’re lucky this lot is not owned by the city. For God’s sake you both work SVU, you know how bad an indecent exposure charge can get! Have you both stopped taking your medication?”
“Liz why does it sound like you’re scolding teenagers?”
“Lena, I” but before Liz could say anymore Judge Petrovsky had already approached the car window, Alex and Casey staring at her from a very compromising position.
“It would seem it’s because apparently you are. Ah, Ms. Novak it appears that your reoccurring nightmare has finally come true. Charming. Ms. Cabot, make sure you put some concealer on all of that before you get to my courtroom in the morning. I’m late for poker. Goodnight Elizabeth.” She put a hand on Donnelly’s arm and walked off towards the street.
Liz looked at the two ADAs in disbelief, “I am washing my hands of the both of you. Please fuck each other’s brains out, before you get to work tomorrow? For everyone in the building’s sake?” With the click of her heel, she walked off towards her car hidden away in the far corner of the parking lot.
Casey side, “And she wonders why those kids said she had a broom up her butt.” She rolled up the car window, and gently removed Alex from inside her, trying to maneuver enough to get her pants back on.
Alex furrowed her brow, “Wait, what?”
“Elliot tells it better.”
“Elliot?” the blonde didn’t think she could be more confused, but here she was, for the second time today, covered in Casey, just having been yelled at by Judge Donnelly, how did they get to Elliot?
They both climbed into the front seat and Alex put her glasses back on and the key in the ignition.
“Did that,” Alex started, “Did that really just happen?” she chuckled even though her hands were shaking.
“I guess we need to be more discreet at work,” Casey grimaced.
“I don’t take it back, I would take a thousand censures to here you say my name like that.” Alex said, lust dripping from her words, “I just need to stop leaving the office door unlocked or answering window knocks unless they identify themselves as the police.”
Casey raised a finger.
“Police who are not Elliot.”
Casey raised her finger again.
“Or Olivia.”
“There it is.” The redhead nodded.
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This is an excellent NY Times interactive article, so the above link is a gift 🎁 link so anyone can read the entire article, even if they don't subscribe to the NY Times. Here are some excerpts.
Upending the outcome of a free and fair presidential election is no minor endeavor. It requires time, energy, money and, especially, an awful lot of people willing to do the wrong thing — or at least go along with it. The network of people who allegedly helped Donald Trump try, without success, to stay in power more than two and a half years ago may seem hopelessly chaotic, but there was a method to the madness. American elections are, by design, entrusted to the states and therefore decentralized. To meddle in them requires national masterminds working hand in glove with plotters at the state and local levels — a tangle of conspirators, enablers and indulgent bystanders as messy and sprawling as our democracy itself. And while it can be tempting to downplay or dismiss the entire nightmare as the pathetic machinations of crackpots and fringe figures or even to wave it off as ancient history, that would be a mistake. Those who worked to overturn the 2020 election are the same kinds of people and groups Mr. Trump would surely surround himself with if elected to a second term: unscrupulous or timid federal and state officials, ethically flexible lawyers and Republican yes men and women. Except that in 2025 those figures would have a better sense of how to dismantle the guardrails that once stood in their way and how to exploit the fault lines and weaknesses in our electoral process. [emphasis added]
Below is the final graphic in the article that shows all the people connected with Trump's coup attempt, including some who refused to go along with it:
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This interactive article is well worth reading, and I invite you to use the above gift link to do so.
______________ The text of this article is by Michelle Cottle; the graphics are by Taylor Maggiacomo and Norman Eisen.
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notasapleasure · 3 months
I know we all see 'green party' and breathe a sigh of relief, but please remember the umbrella of 'green' still includes homeopaths, nimbys, people who believe in the 'unspoilt beauty of the countryside' (and use it as an excuse to campaign against wind turbines and social housing) and Malthusians. Please, please, please, just as you'll be scrutinising new MPs from Labour etc (and rightly so!) also make sure you check what kind of green your local representative is or party organisers are. Mostly harmless crackpot (the deputy leader of the UK greens used to offer hypnotherapy to women to increase their breast size*) or tree-hugging nimbys like the lot in Suffolk who think digging up the ecologically fragile seabed to lay cables from the offshore wind farm is preferable to having to look at a pylon or two. The green party in the UK has been proactive about booting out antisemites and disassociating from the TERFy groups that have caused division among them previously, and credit to them for that. But ecofascism is real and you can't just assume they're all 'Labour but leftwing', you've got to keep an eye out, just like y'all are rightly keeping an eye on Labour for attitudes to trans rights and a ceasefire. They're still a party made up of various individuals with differing beliefs and you've got to keep that in mind, no one party is pure and perfect.
*Source. He has said he's had a storied life and many different jobs. He's also apologised because he realises this may cause 'offense' which leads me to believe he doesn't actually understand what's fucked up about it but ok.
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blood-orange-juice · 11 months
Crackpot hc: Childe's emotional support whale is the princess from the battle pass cutscene.
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ladymazzy · 3 months
Five years ago I would not have imagined feeling this ambivalent about Labour winning uk elections after so many years of tory hellishness, and yet here we are
Tories getting slapped to oblivion is great, but a huge chunk of the party that did it have proven themselves over and over again to be racist, transphobic, anti-palestinian, islamophobic, anti-immigration and pro dismantling public services
Rather than actively challenging any of the tories crackpot 'culture wars' talking points, Keith haphazardly leaned into them, giving them further legitimacy. Wittering on about 'stopping the boats' as if it's a normal, sensible proposition (that's centrists for you)
And of course the other reason that the tories got slapped to oblivion is because a huge portion of their voters are racist as hell and voted for reform
This one goes out to every lefty who still says 'it's not race, it's class'; Fuck You
Wake up and recognise that, yes the working classes are routinely fucked over by the state. But if you're from another marginalised community *on top of that*, we'll, the state has many creative ways to ensure that your very existence is precarious
This country has been *loudly* shifting to the far right for years. Black and Asian people *have been dying* because of racist polices on immigration, and structural inequalities that lead to worse outcomes for us.
Disabled people *have been dying* because of inhumane, contradictory, ableist policies that claim to be intended to 'give people the dignity of work' whilst stripping them of the means of working and/or attacking those who cannot work.
Trans people keep being reduced to a 'debate' talking point, riddled with wild nonsense from a platform lead by a random woman who happens to be very rich having written some kids' books. The lived realities of trans peoples lives routinely ignored in favour of supposed concerns for women's rights from people who increasingly seem to have nothing to say about the actual issues affecting all of us. Trans people are dying and we're expected to believe that the biggest threat comes from schools accepting kids for who they say they are, and people using a toilet
And the response to the genocide in Gaza - so hot on the heels of Russia's invasion of Ukraine - speaks volumes. Where the UK opened up the means for Ukranian refugees to seek sanctuary (which was, of course completely reliant on the humanity of the public and not an actual government thing because, you know; tories), the leading UK political parties have studiously ignored the mass murder and displacement of Palestinians by Israel, bombed Yemen for trying to support Gaza and provided military assistance for Israel in their genocidal campaign via base's in cyprus. And continued to arm israel
I've never seen so, so many horribly dismembered and maimed children as I have in the past 9 months. Absolutely horrific images of atrocities being meted out relentlessly day after day on a besieged population (who were betrayed by the British in 1948) who have been forced to film their own genocide because the west, by and large, continues to deny their very existence. And, once again, far-right Israelis have been given platforms to disseminate their lies in the same way Farage, Braverman, Meloni, Le Pen, Wilders, Modi Trump and others have been legitimised
No one should ever ask 'how was the Holocaust allowed to happen' because we live those conditions every day
Keith suspended Labour MPs for merely calling for a ceasefire back in November. How the party has treated Faiza Shaheen, Diane Abbott, Kate Osamor and others is beyond disgusting. The fact the Labour would rather tories - IDS himself no less - took the Chingford seat than let Shaheen win as an independent speaks volumes
To say we've got work to do is an understatement
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My Grimoire Research Library
this is a list of my major resource I've referenced/am currently referencing in my big grimoire project. For books I'll be linking the Goodreads page, for pdfs, websites and videos i'll link them directly.
There are plenty of generalised practitioner resources that can work for everyone but as I have Irish ancestry and worship Hellenic deities quite a few of my resources are centred around Celtic Ireland, ancient Greece and the Olympic mythos. If you follow other sects of paganism you are more than welcome to reblog with your own list of resources.
Parts of my grimoire discuss topics of new age spiritualism, dangerous conspiracy theories, and bigotry in witchcraft so some resources in this list focus on that.
Apollodorus - The Library of Greek Mythology
Astrea Taylor - Intuitive Witchcraft
Dee Dee Chainey & Willow Winsham - Treasury of Folklore: Woodlands and Forests
John Ferguson - Among The Gods: An Archaeological Exploration of Ancient Greek Religion
Katharine Briggs - The Fairies in Tradition and Literature
Kevin Danaher - The Year in Ireland: Irish Calendar Customs
Laura O'Brien - Fairy Faith in Ireland
Lindsey C. Watson - Magic in Ancient Greece and Rome
Nicholas Culpeper - Culpeper's Complete Herbal
Plutarch - The Rise and Fall of Athens: Nine Greek Lives
R.B. Parkinson - A Little Gay History: Desire and Diversity Around the World
Rachel Patterson - Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom: A Tarot Journey to Self-Awareness
Raleigh Briggs - Make Your Place: Affordable & Sustainable Nesting Skills
Robin Wall Kimmerer - Braiding Sweetgrass
Ronald Hutton - The Witch: A History of Fear in Ancient Times
Rosemary Ellen Guiley - The Encyclopaedia of Witches and Witchcraft
Thomas N. Mitchell - Athens: A History of the World's First Democracy
Walter Stephens - Demon Lovers: Witchcraft S3x and the Crisis of Belief
Yvonne P. Chireau - Black Magic: Religion and The African American Conjuring Tradition
Anti Defamation League - Hate on Display: Hate Symbols Database
Brandy Williams - White Light, Black Magic: Racism in Esoteric Thought
Cambridge SU Women’s Campaign - How to Spot TERF Ideology 2.0.
Blogs and Websites
Anti Defamation League
B. Ricardo Brown - Until Darwin: Science and the Origins of Race
Dr. S. Deacon Ritterbush - Dr Beachcomb
Folklore Thursday
Freedom of Mind Resource Centre - Steven Hassan’s BITE Model of Authoritarian Control
Institute for Strategic Dialogue
Royal Horticultural Society
The Duchas Project -National Folklore Collection
Vivienne Mackie - Vivscelticconnections
YouTube Videos
ContraPoints - Gender Critical
Emma Thorne Videos - Christian Fundie Says Halloween is SATANIC!
Owen Morgan (Telltale) - The Source Of All Conspiracies: A 1902 Document Called "The Protocols"
The Belief it or Not Podcast - Ep. 40 Satanic Panic, Ep 92. Wicca
Wendigoon - The Conspiracy Theory Iceberg
Other videos I haven't referenced but you may still want to check out
Atun-Shei Films - Ancient Aryans: The History of Crackpot N@zi Archaeology
Belief It Or Not - Ep. 90 - Logical Fallacies
Dragon Talisman - Tarot Documentary (A re-upload of the 1997 documentary Strictly Supernatural: Tarot and Astrology)
Lindsay Ellis - Tracing the Roots of Pop Culture Transphobia
Overly Sarcastic Productions - Miscellaneous Myths Playlist
Owen Morgan (Telltale) - SATANIC PANIC! 90s Video Slanders Satanists | Pagan Invasion Saga | Part 1
ReignBot - How Ouija Boards Became "Evil" | Obscura Archive Ep. 2
Ryan Beard - Demi Lovato Promoted a R4cist Lizard Cult
Super Eyepatch Wolf - The Bizarre World of Fake Psychics, Faith Healers and Mediums
Weird Reads with Emily Louise -The Infamous Hoaxes Iceberg Playlist
Wendigoon - The True Stories of the Warren Hauntings: The Conjuring, Annabelle, Amityville, and Other Encounters
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madlori · 13 days
"The Crackpots and These Women"
Ugh. This episode.
First of all the so-called "crackpots" are...not. Especially poorly-aged is the scene where CJ meets with some wolf biologist proposing wolf-friendly corridors. She acts like this is some crazy notion. Cut to today, when wildlife overpasses and safe crossings are becoming increasingly common, not to mention the knowledge that wolves are essential to healthy ecosystems.
Also Surprise!Nick Offerman in that scene. Woot!
It's hilariously obvious that they wrote these lines about the First Lady and her Ouija board before they'd really written or conceived of the character that Abby Bartlet ended up being because the idea of that character being all woo-woo into mysticism is laughable.
Toby is particularly irritating in this episode, and Mandy makes the fair point that he is taking victory and declaring defeat.
Big Block of Cheese Day is a fun idea and the real White House actually does it (albeit virtually).
Josh's speech about how WW3 won't be nuclear bombs but something like a smallpox outbreak...hits different
Sorkins is at his absolute condescending worst with this corny "we can't get over these women" speech in the residence. It's so cringe, I can barely watch it. It's so "look at us with our Strong Female Characters," but the fact that he's having the male characters speechify about Why The Women Are Worthy just makes me think he's not putting in the time to SHOW us why they're worthy. Plus, aside from CJ and Mandy, every single woman they mention is a side character who is an assistant. Way to put your money where your mouth is, Aaron. It doesn't help that like 0.2 seconds later Bartlet is very dismissive and weird about his wife being in Pakistan.
You know what else hits different about this show now? The offhand comments about how the cold war is over. Yeah, about that.
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morallygreyintrovert · 3 months
If they do a S16 it’s either has to be the most bleak, momentous and high stakes script ever written or the most stupid, bat shit crazy on purpose, crackpot of a script and I’ll take no in-between (jk I’ll take whatever scraps I’m fed)
Maybe Dean jr future wife dies in a mysterious way (or maybe we don’t have to keep killing off women for a man’s plot development lol maybe Dean jr and his wife may kept narrowly avoid being killed by strange forces instead) and regardless of how hard Dean and Sam fought for free will and to rid the world of supernatural pain and suffering the cycle can’t help but repeat itself because the Winchester line is cursed due to all Chuck’s intervention and nature itself is trying to rid the world of any future generations of Winchesters to restore balance and the whole team come back down to save Dean jr and the world for a final time
I read a Destiel fic about elementals (fire, earth, water and air) that would be a cool concept for this and I link it here when I remember what the fic was called
Edit: I’ve linked the fic and it’s has a sequel too and they’re both amazing so I recommend highly the author also kindly did a non Destiel version for any spn fan who is not a big fan of Destiel.
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has anyone ever made a hermitcraft wrestling au? like I've seen school, superheroes but... just imagine?
I've been watching wrestling again and groups from hermitcraft like here's my crack headcanons-
magic mountain - stable
mixed tag team - gem, impulse, joel
leader - skizz
valet - grian
agent - scar
injured / retired - mumbo (dismissed due to tampering with the ring )
your m.o.m - ministry of ministers - stable
women's tag team - false, cleo
men's tag team - hypno , xb, (beef is there for 3v3s but hes also part of team canada)
mixed tag team - iskall, stress
agent - keralis , xisuma
leader - ren
wels- wels is a free agent but in the crackpot au he has helped m.o.m occasionally against 3v3s.
p.e.t + bdubs
mixed tag team - pearl, etho, tango
valet - bdubs
this is me pushing my pearl vs gem, etho vs joel, impy vs tango agenda. I think having these people fight would be a storyline pushed by big hwn (hermitcraft wrestling network) also where etho is I imagine bdubs carrying his big ass coat for him when he takes it off, (he's their biggest supporter.)
misc fighters
doc - heel - he typically is seen portrayed flanked by ren so is often associated with m.o.m but he prefers to be seen away from a stable.
joe hills - seen as a comedic character, is a formidable wrestler, often seen in mixed double tag teams with cleo, if you've ever seen asuka wrestle I feel he'd be the same.
cub - with how season 10 is going, I imagine cub is one of the people on the board of HWN (hermitcraft wrestling network) he's one of the bug top guys, used to be a top wrestler and part of a tag team with scar, (convex) then retired after scar retired.
jevin - now jevin, hes an interesting case, I imagine hes a guest wrestler, in big tense moments he comes out and the crowd is like if John Cena returned to wwe, hes a BIG deal ( im just a huge jevin fan)
zedaph - doc's rival, I imagine the two mad scientists are constantly put fighting for titles together and it's just bedlam.
TFC - legend, has a belt named after him, imagine the Owen Hart foundation, that's TFC.
term glossary -
stable - a group of wrestlers, commonly part of another group!
valet - typically a pretty lady who follows the wrestlers to the ring
agent - a coach
heel - villain
it's 3 am while I writing this so if I missed anyone literally scream at me!
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wilwheaton · 1 year
So. Point one. Americans are now experiencing the bitter, brutal reality of authoritarian collapse. Point two, that needs to called what it is, or else, Big Lies win, and self-deceit pervades a society, which is how collapse hardens and curdles. The first two points can also be thought of as Big Lies. Big Lie number one: both sides are equal, and so this is just politics as usual. Sorry, do you see our side trying to…inspect anyone’s genitals? Take anyone’s rights away? Didn’t think so. Big Lie number two: it’s just something innocuous, temporary, over-your-head, like “minority rule.” Not the very thing we read about in great books, which not coincidentally, are what they’re trying to ban — authoritarianism. That brings me to Big Lie number three. “America’s a divided country.” LOL. Are you kidding me? The vast, vast majority of Americans agree. On every single issue the GOP is now trying to push down their throats, and suffocate them with the antithesis of. Supermajorities of Americans agree on all the following things. Guns are out of control, and they need to be far better regulated, especially any crackpot being able to collect weapons of war. Women should have access to reproductive healthcare. Kids should be able to read books. Everyone should have healthcare. Taxes should be higher, especially on the wealthy and ultra-wealthy. Nobody’s asked, but I’d bet they’d also agree that there’s something very wrong with inspecting kids genitals, too.
Americans Are Now Experiencing the Everyday Reality of Authoritarian Collapse
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