Resurrection In The Flames
522 posts
Pyre, 23, anything goes pronoun wise. Chronically bad at not liking things. Disabled autistic physics researcher. Always seeking stories to tell
Last active 60 minutes ago
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sparkofthetelling · 1 day ago
just unlocked a new equals sign, thank you.... asymptotic equals, apparently
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sparkofthetelling · 1 day ago
I’m having such a rough time right now I’m this close to trying to write a script to submit to my professor to install ROOT on his system, run my code, and then uninstall it
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sparkofthetelling · 3 days ago
"Using high-speed video at 500–1000 fps, we filmed the shakes of 33 wet mammals, spanning 16 species and five breeds of dogs (figure 2). Shakes were prompted by sprinkling small animals with a spray bottle, and large animals with a hose."
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sparkofthetelling · 5 days ago
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sparkofthetelling · 5 days ago
old faithful when she finds out about triton's cryovolcanic geysers
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sparkofthetelling · 11 days ago
I need a sushi burrito place to open near me stat
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sparkofthetelling · 16 days ago
they should make a weed strain called get up bitch clean your apart ment
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sparkofthetelling · 16 days ago
With the prospective grad students visiting soon I do have to wonder how many of them are on tumblr and in the physics circles. I wonder because yes I already met a mutual in my own year because we made a crab rave joke about the queen dying and went to follow each other. Except we already were.
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sparkofthetelling · 22 days ago
So true! I *did* use blue, but because the way I formatted was blocks with white background textboxes on those blocks, there's an overall amount low amount of color. I also was using a boring blue in the hopes that it would help the purple center the attention on the result graphs. I definitely want to design a poster now that the institutions I'm affiliated with have better colors. I will say, my uni had a poster competition, and there were so many interestingly designed posters that were such BAD posters, it made me sad. Like, an institution research day is great for new researcher's first poster, so it's not shocking they're bad. And we don't even need to get into the difference in difficulty between making a poster/presentation for research you're completely new to, vs updating an old one EVEN if it's pretty old and needs a lot of updates. I can try and dig up the file soon, just on the wrong boot right now (the pains of having four separate computers technically).
the hardest part of doing a phd in physics isn't doing maths which looks like communication with an eldritch god, nor is it trying to read someone else's uncommented 1k line scripts in a language you barely grasp. no. the hardest part is making a fucking poster about your research
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sparkofthetelling · 22 days ago
best thing my advisor ever did was not force me to use a template, it let me arrange things how I wanted and let me color/bezel certain parts of the poster while keeping it very plain.
works especially well when you have results you want to highlight by making as big as possible but still need to tell the rest of the story
the hardest part of doing a phd in physics isn't doing maths which looks like communication with an eldritch god, nor is it trying to read someone else's uncommented 1k line scripts in a language you barely grasp. no. the hardest part is making a fucking poster about your research
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sparkofthetelling · 23 days ago
I could paint this actually
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My painting
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sparkofthetelling · 25 days ago
I just cannot believe that a Buffy reboot starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, directed by Chloé Zhao, and produced by Dolly Parton is a real actual thing that is happening.
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sparkofthetelling · 27 days ago
Ohh 😮 maintaining friendships isn't like the sims... you can actually have up to many days in a row where you don't talk and it doesn't make the friendship dissipate
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sparkofthetelling · 28 days ago
29 pages later :)
letting my husband (laptop computer) nap after an arduous day at work (playing video games) so she can work with me to buy a house together (finish my exam) because he has an undiagnosed problem with body regulation (some of the keys stop working momentarily) and hasn’t been to the doctor in three years (my mother bought the insurance for this computer since it got this 2k+ laptop for ~500 bucks including the insurance on the last computer, so I have a checkup to take it to)
Rest well, my liege
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sparkofthetelling · 28 days ago
letting my husband (laptop computer) nap after an arduous day at work (playing video games) so she can work with me to buy a house together (finish my exam) because he has an undiagnosed problem with body regulation (some of the keys stop working momentarily) and hasn’t been to the doctor in three years (my mother bought the insurance for this computer since it got this 2k+ laptop for ~500 bucks including the insurance on the last computer, so I have a checkup to take it to)
Rest well, my liege
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sparkofthetelling · 29 days ago
The Ones Who Walk Into Omelas With Kevlar Vests And Samurai Swords And Desert Eagles And Stare Down All Those Wicked Unrighteous Sinners In Their Droves And Proceed To Totally Fucking Waste Them All In A High Octane Action Sequence That Kicks Insane Amounts Of Ass Think The Raid If It Was Directed By John Woo But When They Finally Get To The Door Of The Basement Where They Keep The Kid Oh Shit It's The Fucking King Of Omelas And He's Wielding The Cursed Obsidian Blade Of The Underworld And They Gotta Waste Him Too But He's Incredibly Fast And Strong Thanks To All The Power He's Getting From The Kid And He Kills Almost All Of Them Until The Leader Draws Him Out With A Double Feint That Leaves Him Wide Open And Cuts His Fucking Head Clean Off With A Single Perfect Stroke And Then They Finally Open The Door To The Basement And Free The Kid
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sparkofthetelling · 30 days ago
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Unfortunately, KM3NeT led to the discovery of the Pauli anglerfish, which emits Cherenkov radiation to prey on neutrino researchers.
KM3NeT [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[Ponytail is presenting to Cueball and Megan on a drop down screen.] [On the screen is a side view of a deep-water telescope, attached to the bedrock, floating in the ocean. It looks like four series of circles stringed together from the ground.] Ponytail: The KM3NeT deep-water telescope detects the flashes of Cherenkov light from neutrino interactions. Cueball: How do you know you aren't just seeing bioluminescent fish? Ponytail: Cherenkov radiation is only emitted when things exceed the local speed of light, so it can't be produced by under-c life.
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