#the coyote and his gypsy
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'Tis The Damn Season
Javy 'Coyote' Machado x Reader
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Description: You've made your closest friends over the past decade as a Naval Aviator. That close friend group only expanded when your best friend fell in love when you were in flight school. Nat and Jake are cute together, you can't deny that. It helps that you get along well with Jake. Sadly, where Jake Seresin goes, so does Javy Machado. You can fly with the man, be the perfect wingman, but when both your feet are on the ground, you can't stand him. You're so sure the feeling is mutual. 48 hours in a car with him teaches you differently. Javy Machado is sweet and funny and you might just be falling in love with him. Or have you been in love with him all along?
Themes: Stuck in the snow, showers, shower-thoughts, hate-to-love, stranded in the snow,
Warnings: Female!Reader This fic is for adults age 18 and older, only! There are some fairly spicy thoughts in this part and 100% spicy happenings in the next part! Please do not read if sexual intimacy is disturbing to you!
Word Count: 3938
Author Note: This is part one of two of Gypsy and Javy's story and was written for @bellaireland1981's Winter RomCom Writing Challenge! I had an absolute blast writing this fic for Trope #17, Stuck Together/Snowed in/Stranded. I hope you all love reading this fic as much as I loved writing it! All my thanks go to @desert-fern who was instrumental as I bounced ideas back and forth for this fic, as well as for beta-reading it for me!
Cross Posted on AO3 Here!
My Masterlist
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It was supposed to be the start of a fabulous holiday - supposed to be, being the key words. It’s rare, honestly nigh on impossible for you to end up having vacation leave lined up at the same time as your friends. You’re in the Navy, you’re a pilot; it kind of comes with the territory. But what is the likelihood you’d find yourself stuck in a car in the middle of a Colorado snowstorm with none other than Javy Machado? You’re unsure who you should blame because the universe clearly has it out for you.
Well, it's either the universe or Natasha Fucking Trace. Honestly, between mystic powers controlling everything that has been or will be and Nat, you’d pick her any day. A part of you has some sympathy for her. It can’t be easy dating a guy and knowing your best friend and his can’t stand each other. It’s the truth, too. You can’t remember why or when you started to get angry at the sight of his smiling face. Still, it was probably sometime between when he asked you if you needed a booster seat to see out of the cockpit and when he blitzed you on the first of the many flights you’ve taken with him. 
Why the fuck isn’t he going home to Louisiana? That’s what he usually does. God, if there’s anyone who’d know, it would be you. After all, you’ve been flying with Coyote Machado for the better part of the past decade. Every year, he’d cash in all his leave and fly home. Like clockwork, he’d return after the new year more infuriating than ever. But your knowledge of his behavior doesn’t explain why he’s in Colorado. You were both on an aircraft carrier in the Philippines, for fuck’s sake. There had to have been a transport to Louisiana via the East Coast. But against all odds, the two of you had been on the same transport and flight, hell, even the same bus to the terminal once you landed in Denver.
Now he’s staring at the same board you are, with flickering red signs as flight after flight gets marked as canceled. Including the one you were supposed to be on. It’s just your luck that Tash and Jake are reporting to Norfolk Naval Base right now. It’s just your luck that the only transport you’d been able to get on had landed in San Diego. And it’s just your luck that the cheapest flight you could get had been via Denver in the midst of what has to be the worst snowstorm the region has ever seen. Reception is spotty, but you huddle in a corner, praying to all the gods you don’t believe in that your call connects.
“Tash?” Her voice is grainy and barely audible, but god, if it doesn’t make you want to cry. “I’m in Denver, yeah. There’s a colossal snowstorm blowing in. My flight’s been canceled.”
“I don’t think I’m going to make it in time.”
“I know.”
“I know. I’ve missed you so much. But I don’t see a way for me to get out of here and get there in time?” 
“Yeah, Javy’s here.” You can’t control your eye roll as you say his name. “Yeah, I’ll give him the phone.”
“Yo, Machado. Tash wants to talk to you.” He takes the phone from you like he doesn’t want to touch you, which shouldn’t hurt as much as it does.
It’s loud and crowded at the airport, so you can’t hear a word of what he says to Nat. There’s nothing else to do but stand at the window and watch the snow fall and fall and fall. There’s already close to a foot accumulated on the ground, and while you’d been wishing for the snow in the heat and humidity of the ship, you hate it now.
“Here, Gypsy.” You accept the device with a half-smile. “Tash had a pretty good idea, y’know?”
You can’t help raising your eyebrow. Javy swallows, more than a little discomfited at your gimlet gaze. “She suggested we rent a car and drive out to Norfolk together.”
Eighteen hundred miles, and he wants to spend all of that time and distance stuck in a car with you? You scoff, “You couldn’t pay me to do that, Machado.”
“Yeah, I know.” There’s something sad and haunted in his eyes. “I know. Believe me, I do. But this isn’t about you and me. This is about Jake and Nat. They want us there, celebrating Christmas with them. So don’t think about doing this with me. Think about how you’re doing this for them.”
Damn him. Damn him for being right. “How are we going to get a car in this?” People are yelling at the poor airline staff behind the counter, kids are screaming, and Christmas Carols are pouring out of the speakers. It’s chaos - loud, unmitigated chaos.
“You leave that to me. You have your bags?” Before you can think or even respond, he’s cutting a swathe through the crowd, and you’re left standing near two Navy standard-issue duffel bags and your one small rolling suitcase. It takes half an hour before he comes back. In that half an hour, you find you’re glad you’d opted for carry-on bags because the mob at the counter waiting to collect check-in bags descends into an outright fistfight.
Javy’s rumpled, his sweater mussed when he lopes back to you, thankfully with car keys in hand. “I got ’em. We have to head down to the main concourse.”
“Anything to get out of this shitshow.” He chuckles and grabs your bags and his own despite your protests.
The car is old but functioning. It’s tiny, though. It's so small that you’re not sure he’ll fit behind the wheel. It can’t be comfortable when he does end up in the car. It looks like his knees are pressed against his chest, even with the seat pushed back as far as it can go. You’re in the passenger seat because he refused to let you drive, and as expected, you’re surrounded by snow the minute the car leaves the parking garage. Visibility is shit, and it feels like the car is moving at a glacial pace. You’re surprised the roads are open at all, and to add insult to injury, you’re sitting in silence. The radio isn’t working, there is more snow - this time of the feedback variety, ironically - and the car is old, so there is no auxiliary cable or USB cable to connect your phone to. And, well, you’re not a fan of the man you’re stuck in the car with for the next 24 to 36 hours, so the less conversation you have, the better. It’s not even like you can read. You’ve only been on the road for an hour at most when the sun sets. But the roads are still open, and traffic is still moving.
As the minutes turn into an hour on the dark, snow-covered roads, you feel your exhaustion setting in. You’ve never slept well on planes - go figure that ninety percent of the time you’re in a cockpit, you’re flying - but flying commercial somehow makes it work. Strap yourself into a jump seat on a cargo plane, and you’re out like a light. Sleeping on a carrier with planes taking off round the clock and midshipmen screaming outside the door, you’re snoring like a baby. But flying economy? Forget about it. So, besides the few hours of fitful sleep you’d gotten on the cargo plane - because you can’t sleep where Javy Machado can make fun of you - you’ve been awake for nearly 48 hours. Your eyes feel itchy and hot, each blink torturous as you fight exhaustion. The car is so warm, and Javy's silent. Even he can't object if you rest your eyes a little, right?
You wake up to a roar of the word, ‘SHIT’, echoing through the car. You startle, and if you were a cat, you’d be stuck to the upper upholstery, fur ruffled and back arched. A coat covers your lap, the soft, rich wool imbued with spicy cologne. It has to be Javy's coat. When did that get there? The visibility out of the windshield is even worse, if possible, and Coyote’s arms are corded as they clutch the wheel in an iron grip.
“Hey, how long was I out?” He doesn’t even look at you when usually he’d be more than ready to tease you on how you probably have drool on your face.
“Coyote? ‘Yote? Hey?!”
“Javy? What’s going on?” You place your hand on his arm, pretending not to notice how firm and warm it is under the bunched-up sleeves of the soft sweater he’s wearing. “Javy, you’re scaring me. C’mon. Tell me what’s happening. What’s a wingwoman for if she can’t help?”
“We’re somewhere in Kansas, and the snow makes this really hard.” There’s something unreadable in the expression on his face as he snarls at the other, far slower drivers on the road in front of you.
“We should stop for the night then.” 
“No.” He snarls the words at you, and that’s when you know something is wrong. “No, I can keep going.”
“Javy, maybe you can, but I can’t. I need to take a break, hit the head, and stretch my legs.” 
He doesn’t respond, content to make you worry the longer the silence spirals between you like an oppressive living thing. He pulls off the highway when the next exit presents itself. The motel he pulls up to on the side of the road is rough-looking. It’s small and old, but at least it smells clean, or well, at least clean-ish. As luck would have it - because your luck couldn't be any shittier - there’s only one room left for the night. You slap your credit card down on the counter before he can object. He’s Javy Machado. You know what he’s like better than almost anyone else. You may not like him very much, but you can read all of the signs. He’s not the type to let a woman pay for anything, not when he can pay for her. He can take it up with you when he’s not acting weird.
You push him into the shower once you’re in the room, content to just sprawl out on the bed until he’s done. Really, all you're hoping is that the hot water is enough to snap him out of this eerily quiet, angry mood and back to the pain in your ass you're used to. When he steps out, it’s wrapped in one of the motel’s paper-thin towels, and you have to avert your eyes. There’s just a shadow of a smirk on his face as you pass under his arm with all of your clothes bundled up against your chest, trying and failing to avoid making eye contact with all of his wet, glistening muscles. It takes you far too long for your brain to reboot after that sight, and mortification and anger are your companions as you hurriedly strip off your snow-laden clothes.
You’re grumbling the entire time it takes the shower to heat up because it is not fair that Javy Machado looks like that under his uniform. No wonder every girl within a ten-mile radius of base wants to get into his pants. You step into the shower nearly too early, stifling squeals as the too-cold water splatters across your skin. After a few minutes of determined shivering, you finally step under the warming water, coming out in a steady, roaring stream. At least it’s getting hot now, though it’s not as hot as you’d like. You let the spray beat your muscles into submission, relishing the first moment you’ve had by yourself since you left the carrier fleet hours ago. But you’re left in peace only for a few moments. Unbidden, your one-track mind finds its thoughts consumed by Javy Machado again. It starts off with an innocuous thought, “How did a man that large fit into this tiny shower? He could probably see over the curtain rod!” Then you’re wondering if he’s alright. But as your soapy hands trace over your skin, you start to imagine other things. 
You start to imagine water droplets sliding over the ridges of his muscles, skating over defined abs, and collecting in the dip of his collar bones. His hands are big and calloused as they lather soap across his skin and then over yours. Shit! When did you start dreaming of yourself in the shower with Javy Machado? There’s an ache in your pelvis as you clench your thighs together as you dream of how those calloused fingers feel on your skin. You get yanked violently out of the vision when the water goes cold on you. It feels like you’ve been immersed in one of the snowbanks outside. You almost fall as you step out of the shower, but it’s silent. Your face is flushed in the fogged-up mirror, your eyes fever bright as your blood pulses in your veins in the same rhythm as your aching cunt. You inhale and exhale raggedly, trying to get your libido under control. Please let there be a bar near Nat and Jake’s place - please - you need to get fucked so bad that you’re fantasizing about your wingman, of all people, now. 
It’s getting cold in the bathroom as the steam dissipates when you finally pull yourself together and get dressed fast in a bid to escape the cold. But it is still silent outside the bathroom - almost too silent. You expect laughter at the very least when you open the door because your warmest pajamas are covered in dancing penguins. Instead, Javy’s sitting on the bed, staring out the open window at the milling snow, looking for all the world like he’s lost something he’s just found.
It’s cold in the room, the motel’s shitty heating is barely able to combat the frigid snow outside, and he’s not wearing a shirt. But he doesn’t even notice the gooseflesh on the smooth, broad expanse of his back and chest. The cold blue light reflecting off of the snow piling up outside makes the room even colder, casting deep purplish shadows over his face and making the room eerie. You check that the door is latched and bolted before walking back towards Javy. He doesn’t move a muscle when you take his hands in your own. They’re like ice. He doesn’t even seem to care when you put the pillows down and fish one of your warm fleece blankets out of your bag. Bless Nat and Jake for not having a fully set up guest room yet because there’s no way you’re sleeping in this bed using sheets you’re not sure are clean. The blankets you brought are going to be perfect for the night. He doesn’t move or do anything until you intertwine your fingers with his own and tug on his arm's broad, burly expanse. He lists to the side without protest, and now you know something is wrong. Javy's not the type to do anything quietly. He's the type to shit-talk all the way while flirting endlessly. He turns towards you as you tuck the blanket around his big form, and when you move to pull another blanket out, his hand tugs you in until you’re in his arms.
The pinched furrow creasing his brow finally dissipates slightly. Something’s wrong, and you’re not sure what it is. If this helps, you’ll stay where you are. After all, you’ve slept in far more uncomfortable beds with much worse companions. Javy smells incredible, like soap, cologne, and something you can't place. You curl in closer despite yourself, letting him drag the blanket even further up around your shoulders. Everything is muffled around you. All you can hear is your breath and the soothing thud of his heart. It would be easy to curl in and fall asleep, but you can’t until you know your wingman is alright. But he seems content to lie there, brown eyes glittering with emotions you couldn’t read even if you tried. There’s barely any space between the two of you. Every breath you take has your chest brushing against his.
With the howling wind and the tink of snow against the window, you feel like you’re in a dream. Finally, Javy’s eyes close, even if he is still indescribably tense. You can feel it in the arms wrapped around you and in the muscles jumping in his jaw. His eyes fly open when your fingers trace the stressed tendons lightly.
“What’re you doing, Gypsy?” You’re unsure how to respond; instead, you trace your fingers over the furrow in his brow. Maybe your touch will wipe the stress frown away from his usually jovial face?
“You’re being awfully sweet, Gyppie.” You snort at the diminutive form of your already short callsign. “And here, I thought you hated me.”
Your gasp is barely audible, but you’re sure he can hear it anyway. “You never let it affect things between us when we fly, but I know you can’t stand me.”
“I’ve spent over a decade wondering why.” His next exhale is a harsh whoosh of breath. “But you’ve never told me, and right now, I think I know exactly why. It’s just me, isn’t it, Gyp? Just me and everything that I am.”
Your voice feels stuck. Trapped, lost, chained up behind a decade of hatred, hatred which wavers like it’s standing on a stool that may just have had all of its legs cut out from under it. You curl into Javy’s embrace, wrapping your arms around his waist like it’ll show him you feel differently. Because you do. At first, you had hated Javy Machado. You hated his effortless grace, charm, and ability to pick up concepts you’d had to work to understand yourself. But then he’d been persistent, and you’d been thrust into his company by the presence of Nat and Jake. 
That’s when you’d been able to see past the bravado, the mask he put on every day. That’s when you’d fallen headlong into a more profound and long-lasting crush than any relationship you’d found yourself in. But by the time you realized your feelings, he’d picked up on your stand-offish behavior and realized he couldn’t befriend you. Your crush never faded, but it’s evident that Javy had noticed your initial feelings and acted accordingly. But why would he blame everything that happened on himself?
“I know you’re probably wondering why I’m not home for the holidays right now.” What does that have to do with what he was just talking about? “Just chalk it up to another textbook case of me being myself.”
“I can't say I didn't wonder. But it's not my place to poke and pry. Why you're not heading home to Mama Machado is your business.”
“But you can't deny that you're curious, can you?” You shrug as much as you can with your arms wrapped around him.
“Of course you're curious. But how could I have gone home, Gyppie? How?” There's so much pain in his voice as he growls the words out.
He goes silent then, a frown creasing his face as his jaw moves under your fingertips. Your gentle touch doesn’t seem to bother him, just like the prickle of his stubble doesn’t bother you. In another world, in another life, could you have been sleeping every night in his arms like this? You’re not sure you deserve it. Javy was right earlier. You’ve been rude ever since the day you met him. Would anything have changed if you’d acted differently? If you’d been shy and withdrawn instead of angry and argumentative? That water’s long since flowed under the bridge. Too much time, too much history, too much animosity. All you can hope to do is listen. For your wingman, that’s the least you can do.
But your little nap in the car hadn’t been of much use. The longer you spend pressed against the human equivalent of a space heater, the sleepier you feel. You have to stay awake. This could be your one chance to go from rivals or enemies or colleagues to friends. Maybe you could even casually ask Javy to grab a beer after the holidays? But the first step to all of that is to stay awake.
His hands slide up until they're cradling the back of your head, pulling your face level to his own.
“You're not falling asleep on me, are you, Gyppie?” You shake your head wordlessly, captivated by how you can feel his breath against your lips, practically taste the mint from his toothpaste, and how you could kiss him if you leaned in just a bit further.
“It's okay if you do. You barely slept on the plane. My problems don't mean a thing in the face of your exhaustion.” Once again, you're speechless. How is he so selfless? How did you not notice before this very moment?
“I'm okay, Javy. Tell me one thing that's bothering you, the most important thing.” Your voice is the barest whisper, a sigh as he maneuvers you closer and traps your feet between his calves.
“Well, your feet are like itty-bitty ice cubes, Gyppie. The fuck did you do? Stick ‘em in a snowbank before you get into bed?” You gasp and growl playfully at him, pushing at his chest until he pulls you in even closer.
“But in all seriousness, you've been wondering why I didn't go home.” His words are expelled on exhales of breath, just as quiet as yours were earlier, spilling out in stops and starts. “I can't go home, Gyppie. My brother's wedding is on Christmas Day. But it's not that I'm against my brother's marriage. It's more like his fiancée is against having me there.”
You can’t believe anyone would go so far as to ban Javy from his brother's wedding just because she didn't want him there. You cup his jaw gently, letting your hand curl around to cradle the back of his in a position mirroring how he's still holding you.
“You want to know the kicker, Gyppie? She was my fiancée first. She dumped me because she couldn't stand the deployments and fell into bed with my brother days after.” 
“What a stupid thing to do.” You're no longer looking into his eyes, focused on his collarbones. “That was a dumb move, and you know it, Machado. She just alienated herself from most of your family. Your Mama first and foremost.”
His laughter has you giggling, too. When your laughter and his finally taper off, you're left to marvel at how much things have changed.
“You want to know the best part?” You hum in response. “The reason why we broke up was because I was already in love with someone else.”
He doesn’t wait for you to ask or even allow you a chance to get past your shock. His hands tip your head up again until you're face to face, and he kisses you, slow and sweet. Your moan takes you by surprise as you try to pull him even closer, letting him imprison you in his embrace.
“Fuck, this Christmas would've been so different if I'd just told you how much I loved you before we left flight school, Gyppie.” 
This time, you tug him in, kissing him slow and sweet until there's molten lava in your veins and there's snow in your mind. It's beginning to feel like a holly jolly Christmas indeed.
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roppongi-division · 6 months
Relationship: Family - Mireya Quinlan
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??? †? - The man widely believed to be Mireya's father. He abandoned his wife and daughter when Mireya wasn't even one year old after finding out that she wasn't his child, though Mireya's mother makes excuses citing that, 'he couldn't give her what she wanted'. It's unknown if he is alive or not, but Mireya doesn't care enough to find out more about him...
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Jimena Moto (59 Years Old) - Mireya's mother, and the woman whom she hopes to never emulate. From an early age, she saw fit to control every aspect of Mireya's life, from what she was allowed to eat or drink, from what she was allowed to wear, from how she was allowed to sit, how to stand, how to speak, everything. She also dragged Mireya around to numerous beauty pageants, parading her around like a doll to be displayed. Besides finding her overbearing, Mireya also found her to be hypocritical, stating she wasn't allowed to date until she was 18, despite the fact that she switched men on a bi-weekly basis. Having enough of her rules, Mireya ran away from home and hasn't heard from her mother since. It's unknown what she is doing these days.
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Ashlyn "Doll Face" Mitchell - The owner of the Coyote Ugly bar that Mireya worked at for several years after running away from home. A former call girl who got sick of having some 'john' telling her what to do, she quit working as a prostitute and managed to open up a Coyote Ugly bar in Sin City. Sympathetic because of her past, she hired any girls who came to her seeking refuge, teaching them how to dance and seduce men in order to earn profits. She was upset when Mireya left the bar, but understood her reasoning. To this day, she is still in charge of her bar and is doing rather well for herself.
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Naima "Gypsy Queen" Masabni (32 Years Old) - A dancer in the Coyote Ugly bar that Mireya worked in. Born and raised in the Middle East to strict, religious parents, she was often abused, verbally and physically, throughout her childhood for not adhering to her family's ways or behaving in a way that they considered 'immoral' or 'blasphemous'. Having enough, she ran away and stowed away on a plane to America, arriving in Las Vegas, where, after an odd adventure, she was picked up by Ashlyn, who made her a dancer for her bar. She sympathized with Mireya because of her similar past, and the two become fast friends, with Naima teaching Mireya how to belly dance. She was sad to see her friend leave the bar, but wished her the best of luck. Mireya still communicates with her to this day, and is pleased to hear that she is currently in school, studying to become a choreographer.
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Kai Quinlan (34 Years Old) - Mireya's husband, and the love of her life. The two met while Kai was performing as a DJ in the bar she worked at. After the show, the two began dating before Kai, unfortunately, had to hit the road again. After saving her from the mob in L.A., she married him, and the two are now a power couple in the city of Roppongi. She is eternally grateful to Kai for everything he's done for her, and continues to support him, no matter what.
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Zakari Hiroya (22 Years Old) - Mireya's adopted son, whom she met after Kai introduced the two of them. She was shocked when Kai told her that he had planned to adopt him, not the least because the two of them had failed in having a child. Knowing that, it became difficult for Mireya to establish a familial relationship with Zakari at first. After a year together and having a serious talk with him, she began loving him as if he were her actual biological son. The two have a mother-son relationship, with the two of them grateful each other.
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callsignmuse · 2 years
Season 2, Episode 3 - Gypsy Soul
Cast: Sadie “Siren” Matthews, Bailey “Muse” Thompson, Phoenix, Rooster, Hangman, Bob, Coyote
Introducing: Jade “Gypsy” Stevens
Summary: Coyote meets a Gypsy
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Natasha “Phoenix” Trace:
Coyote had dragged Bailey and I out to try to cheer her up. Rooster had been gone a couple of weeks now and she rarely left her room. They were on the rocky road to mending. They slept on a video call every night but she still held anger and pain within her. She essentially crumbled the second he had left her sight. The Hard Deck was incredibly busy tonight. I set another shot glass full of tequila in front of Bailey as she mumbled a gruff thank you. 
Coyote had been in another dimension it seemed for the past thirty minutes. I was trying to find what exactly he was so captured by and then I spotted her. She seemed familiar to me but I couldn’t place her name. 
“B, who is that?” I asked and pointed in her direction. Bailey sat up straight and squinted her eyes trying to see through the haze. 
“Gypsy.” She simply answered. 
“That’s Gypsy?!” I clarified and Muse shook her head yes. 
“She was in our class remember. She’s actually pretty damn good.” Bailey slurred. I chuckled at her but she deserved the night to forget just how much she was trying to heal from Bradley’s misguided approach. Jake already knew if he tried some shit like that he would end up in the ground. 
Now that I saw her cat like eyes I did remember her and she was in fact gifted behind the controls. She had warned that name Gypsy for many reasons one being what was in her hands, tarot cards. She was into astrology, tarot and anything else metaphysical. She was the complete opposite of The Mythics meaning she was actually a gentle person. I never heard her raise her voice to assert herself. 
Coyote was practically drooling when he saw her smile as a Fleetwood Mac song played over the jukebox. She swayed back and forth as she carefully sipped her beer in her hands. 
“You should talk to her.” I suggested. 
“Me? No I - I couldn’t!” He panicked. 
“Too bad.. Hey Gypsy!” I hollered over the music. She made a questionable face and headed out way anyway. Coyote freaked out beside me making Bailey laugh. 
“Jay, please breathe. You look like you’re in G-Loc.” Muse teased. 
Gypsy arrived at the table with the familiar bounce to her step. 
“What’s up guys?” She asked with a smile as she greeted me and Bailey. She hadn’t noticed Coyote yet. He on the other hand was shaking like a leaf. 
“You want a reading?” She offered. I politely declined. It’s not that I didn’t think she could get an accurate read on me I just didn’t think now would be the best time. I had to supper Coyote not steal his thunder. 
“Don’t think I’ll remember mine.” Bailey hiccuped. Gypsy giggled softly. 
“And what about you handsome?” She finally turned to face Javy. “Care to know your fate..” her voice trailed off slowly. The realization dawned on me, she didn’t know his name! 
“Coyote… and yes ma'am I would love it if you could read your card things for me.” He stuttered. God he looked like he would fall over and die right then and there. I couldn’t even step in to save him it was all happening too fast. 
“Relax aviator I won’t bite.” She smirked. 
“I might.” Coyote practically purred and then clamped his mouth shut covering it with his hands. His eyes were wider than I’d ever seen as he realized what he said out loud. 
Gypsy threw her head back and the whole bar was filled with her laughter. It was strong, yet reserved. It made you want to join in. The look on Coyotes face said it all. His smile was the one I’ve seen Siren give Bob. It was the one Bailey held on to when Rooster kissed her forehead. It was definitely the smile I got when Jake called me beautiful. 
Our boy was hooked. That only meant one thing, I had to help him get her. And we would have to induct her into The Mythics. 
“Where’s Siren?” Gypsy wondered. 
“She wasn’t feeling well so she stayed home.” 
“What a shame! Oh well tell her I said hey! I’m off for the night but it was nice to meet you Coyote.” The say she said his name made him nearly fall to the floor. 
“By-bye Gypsy.” He clumsily said. 
“Smooth.” Bailey quipped once she was out of ears shot. 
Coyote groaned. 
“It’s fine Coyote, you just made yourself my new mission.” I said proudly. 
“I should’ve left you guys at home.”
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okayigetitifuckedup · 2 months
Imagine this for me, please.
You are a coyote- stay with me.
You are a very young coyote, and one day, of no fault of your own, you accidentally stumble into a leg trap. You yip, and yelp for help as the trap cuts into your back leg, painful and terrifying. You may not know that this trap is going to be the death of you, but you know its scary, and it hurts.
Some people finally come to help, but the rest of the coyotes either convince them that the trap is actually good for you, or they scare them away.
Finally, with no options left, you turn your own teeth on your hind leg. It hurts, but at least you won't be trapped anymore. At least you may be able to hop away, and maybe even survive.
After doing so, you are shunned because the trap was good for you- how could you do that to your trap? It stayed by your side all the time. You're thrown into coyote prison for being so stupid as to knaw your leg off.
This is a post about Gypsy Rose Blanchard.
I keep seeing posts like this, and would like to state for the record, as an abused child, her story, and her escape, both gave me hope that one day I could finally get away from my mother, and dread at the fact that society at large would punish me for it.
I'd like to see you think clearly if you were emotionally, physically, and medically abused for your entire life.
Her case brings to mind so many others, like the tragic death of  Alex Radita, who despite being fifteen years old at the time of his death only weighed 37lbs, or Olivia Gant who died at only seven years old, or Garnett Spears, who's mother poured salt into his feeding bag.
The reaction from people like the tiktok linked above proves to me that to some people, the only good victim is a dead victim. Because her mother would have killed her eventually. Maybe not intentionally, but it would have happened, and then she would be one more sad article detailing the tragic death of a child never properly cared for, and her mother would have sat in a prison running appeal after appeal while her daughter's body decayed from her actions.
Is murder justifiable? That's a big question, and I can't rightly answer it. But I can tell you that I don't judge the actions of an animal with its leg caught in a trap.
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richrantferguson · 1 year
Blood Brothers
There was Rude Boy Slim. He sang and played guitar like he’d been taught by a fire-fingered gypsy. There was Jimmy Jazz. He played bass like lucky 7s were rolling in his blood. There was Junglebook. Sometimes he was the manager man with the master plan. Other times, he’d smoke out the local coyotes, get their howls higher than stars in a midnight sky. Me, I dreamed drums into feeling beats…
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
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(—) ★ spotted!! SAVANNAH PRESTON on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 32 year old looks like SOPHIA BUSH, but i don’t really see it. while  the SINGER/ACTRESS is known for being OUTGOING my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be RESENTFUL i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song AIN’T NO DIME by TYRA MADISON  {she/her / female} - penned by SUSHI, 27, FEMALE, SHE/HER (BETTY PRESTON’S WANTED YOUNGEST DAUGHTER CONNECTION)
Name: Savannah Noelle Preston Nicknames/Alias: Sav, Savvy Face Claim: Sophia Bush Age: 32 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Date/Place of Birth: August 29, 1990 in Nashville, TN Currently: Ojai, CA (2 hour drive outside of LA) Nationality: American Occupation: Singer/Actress
Positives/Virtues/Skills: Independent: free from outside control; not depending on another’s authority. Confidence: feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured. Intuitive: using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive. Endearing: inspiring love or affection. Self-Aware: having conscious knowledge of one’s own character and feelings. Outgoing:  friendly and socially confident.
Flaws/Weaknesses: Stubborn: having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so. Blunt: uncompromisingly forthright. Opinionated: conceitedly assertive and dogmatic in one’s opinions. Resentful: feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been treated unfairly.
Archetype: Leader: Always knows the best thing to do—and people follow. Rebel/Revelutionary: Stands opposed to the status quo and fights for his cause. Survivor: Pulls through no matter what happens, doesn’t give up.
Likes Favourite colour? Green Favourite foods? Salmon, Chicken (especially fried), Chicken and Dumplings, Fried Pickles, Biscuits and Gravy, Banana Pudding (Literally her favorite thing in the world), Chicken Pot Pie, Corn Nuggets, Sweet Tea, Cornbread, Shrimp and Grits, Seafood Boil with Cajun Seasoning  Favourite music? Country, Pop, Rock Favorite books? Romance Fears: TBD
Parents: Unnamed Preston (Father, Country Music Superstar) Bethany “Betty” Preston (Mother, Queen of Country Music/Founder and Owner of Preston Records)
Siblings: Unnamed Preston (Older Sister, Singer, Wanted Connection) Unnamed Preston (Younger Brother, UTP, Wanted Connection)
Children:  Bentley Kenneth Callaway (3-year-old son) Presley Loretta Callaway (3-year-old daughter)
Other family: TBD Pets:  Gypsy- 15 year old Mustang Chief- 21-year-old Thoroughbred Ace- 4-year-old German Shepherd Harley- 1-year-old Border Collie Loki (Orange Tabby), Bucky (Grey Tabby), and Natasha (Calico)- 7-month-old cats Spouse: N/A Current Partner: N/A Ex-Partners: TBD Co-Workers: TBD Co-Stars: Athena Sinclair (Coyote Ugly), Felicity Dupont (Coyote Ugly) Friends: TBD Enemies: TBD
Build: 5'4", 121 lbs, Curvy muscular build Hair Colour: Dark brown Eye Colour: Green Distinguishing Marks: N/A
Accomplishments: 2 Emmy’s, 4 Grammy’s, 5 CMA’s, 2 AMA’s, 1 CMT Award, 5 PCA’s
Regrets: TBD
Secrets: She’s trying to break away from her family and do her own thing; Has been meeting with other record companies wanting to make the switch from Preston Records 
Nashville, TN the heart of country music and hometown of the Preston children. Savannah born into bright lights and celebrity as the second born child of Unnamed Preston, Country Superstar, an Madelyn Preston, Queen of Country Music and Dallas Dame. 
Life from the start was something of a fight, the wild spirit within Savannah never wanting to die down.
Her first televised appearance was at the age of 5 when her family signed a deal with ABC, a show called the Preston Hour that went on for 2 seasons before being cancelled.
Growing up, Savannah always felt she had to vie for her mother’s affection, leaning more towards her father, her wild, carefree spirit more centered with his own and feeling as though her mother pushed her way harder than her older sister and younger brother combined which only caused for resentment to grow untethered within the middle Preston child.
She started her music career at a young age, being cast as Cindy Lou Who in How A Grinch Stole Christmas and joining a local Children’s Choir after endless pleading to her parents.
From 10 to 17, Savannah enjoyed being a part of the Choir, dividing her time between that and her horses. Parents split when Sav was 15, mom got full custody, Savannah’s relationship with father becomes short to not fault of her or her father’s own, relationship with her mother continued to dwindle
Her first major career move happened at 16 when she released her self titled album Savannah Preston. Needless to say, the album was a hit and her rise to stardom was almost instantaneous and the signing on with her parents record label was to follow.
Every two years, a new album would be released and the time in between a few singles have been scattered. Music was where her heart was and while she wanted nothing more than to pull away from the shadow she was cast in behind her mother and older sister (whom she knew her mother wanted to take over the Queen of Country Music mantle) that wouldn’t come for a few years, her desire to impress her mother, prove to her that she could be the Queen of Country Music, and finally get the some affection and pride that her older sister got burning far to strong within the young star.
She had been cast in a few movies, all wholesome country movies until 2017 at the age of 27, when the realization that her mother would never give her the attention she so craved and so like the typical middle child and much like her own mother had done at one point, Savannah accepted a role in Coyote Ugly, a stunt that would only fuel her growing celebrity.
There was a pause in released albums from 24-31, focus on her roles in her various movies and her lead role in the TV show Nashville but also her return home to Nashville where she spent her time off from acting to help out her childhood best friend with their farm and even contributing to some of Aiyla’s humanitarian work, hosting fundraisers and raising money for some of the charities that she was on board with.
A series of unfortunate relationships have been left in Savannah’s wake, some ending because of her and others ending because of them but all inspiring a song or two. 
Though no albums were released while she was taking time off to focus on her acting, her friends farm, and the charities, Savannah did still write music and release a couple of singles and covers, including Jolene which was written and performed by her mother. During this break Savannah got into a whirlwind romance with one of the stable hands she worked with on her best friends farm, her pregnancy with her twins a result of this at the age of 29. She has 50/50 custody of her twins and absolutely adores them.
Age 31 and the release of Midnights (3am Edition), brought with Savannah a newfound sense of self, the realization that competing with her older sister was a losing battle and that her mother was clearly intent on the oldest taking over her mantle, saw the brunette beginning to pull away from her family, not as connected to them as she once was and secretly meeting with other record labels in attempts to get away from Preston Records.
Now at 32, Savannah has found herself becoming more in tune with herself and the things she wants and loves. Not letting the pressures of anyone’s expectations drag her down or hold her back from what she can be. The release of her latest album, Backroad Therapy, had been a longtime coming, some of the songs having been written over the years and Sav not quite ready to release them until now. This album was a recent release, end of November and ever since it’s release she has felt nothing but high as she begins filming season 3 of Sweet Magnolias where she plays leading role, Maddie Townsend.
Music Career:
Savannah Preston (Released, age 16)
Tim McGraw 3:54
Picture to Burn 2:55
Teardrops on My Guitar 3:35
A Place in This World 3:22
Cold as You 4:01
The Outside 3:29
Tied Together with a Smile 4:11
Stay Beautiful 3:58
Should've Said No 4:04
Mary's Song (Oh My My My) 3:35
Our Song 3:24
I'm Only Me When I'm with You 3:35
Invisible 3:26
A Perfectly Good Heart 3:42
Teardrops on My Guitar (Pop Version) 2:58
Fearless (Released, age 18)
Fearless 4:02 
Fifteen 4:54
Love Story 3:55
Hey Stephen 4:15
White Horse 3:54
You Belong With Me 3:51
Breathe 4:24
Tell Me Why 3:20
You’re Not Sorry 4:22
The Way I Loved You 4:05
Forever & Always 3:45
The Best Day 4:05 (For her dad)
Change 4:40
Long Live (Released, age 20)
Mine 3:51
Sparks Fly 4:21
Back To December 4:54
Speak Now 4:01
Dear John 6:44 (Inspired by Valentine Laurent)
Mean 3:58
The Story Of Us 4:26 
Never Grow Up 4:50 
Enchanted 5:52 
Better Than Revenge 3:37 (Inspired by Valentine Laurent)
Innocent 5:02 
Haunted 4:02
Last Kiss 6:07
Long Live 5:18
Red (Released, age 22)
State of Grace 4:55
Red 3:41
Treacherous 4:01
I Knew You Were Trouble 3:38
All Too Well 5:28
22 3:50
I Almost Do 4:03
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 3:12
Stay Stay Stay 3:25
The Last Time 4:58
Holy Ground 3:22
Sad Beautiful Tragic 4:44
The Lucky One 4:00
Everything Has Changed 4:04
Starlight 3:38
Begin Again 3:58 (Inspired by Valentine Laurent)
1990 (Released, age 24)
Welcome To New York 3:32
Blank Space 3:52
Style 3:51
Out Of The Woods 3:56
All You Had To Do Was Stay 3:13
Shake It Off 3:39 
I Wish You Would 3:27
Bad Blood 3:32
Wildest Dreams 3:40
How You Get The Girl 4:08
This Love 4:10
I Know Places 3:16
Clean 4:31
Midnights (3am Edition) (Released, age 31)
Lavender Haze 3:23
Maroon 3:39
Anti-Hero 3:21
Snow On The Beach 4:17
You're On Your Own, Kid 3:15
Midnight Rain 2:55
Question...? 3:31
Vigilante Shit 2:45 (Inspired by Valentine Laurent)
Bejeweled 3:15
Labyrinth 4:08
Karma 3:25 (Inspired by Valentine Laurent)
Sweet Nothing 3:09
Mastermind 3:12
The Great War 4:01
Bigger Than The Whole Sky 3:39
Paris 3:17
High Infidelity 3:52
Glitch 2:29
Would've, Could've, Should've 4:21
Dear Reader 3:46
Backroad Therapy (Released, age 32)
Better Than Goodbye 4:00
Dive Bar Dreamer 3:33
I Kinda Don’t 3:47
All The Cowboys  3:48
How Do We Go 3:28
Best Worst Ex 2:54
That’s What Love Is 4:04 (Was a wedding gift for Val & Julian lol)
Backroad Therapy 3:39 (Inspired by Louie Wiley)
Skip This Part 3:19
Tall Boys 3:23
Singles (Various Ages, All Released)
Where Are You Christmas 3:51 (age 10, performed in movie and in One Voice Children’s Choir)
Hero 3:48 (age 14, performed with One Voice Children’s Choir)
Mary, Did You Know? 3:41 (age 16, performed with One Voice Children’s Choir)
Holding Out For A Hero 4:21 (Cover, age 16)
I’ll Always Remember You 4:27 (age 17, with One Voice Children’s Choir Seniors)
She’s Mine 3:00 (age 17)
Makeup Is Expensive 3:18 (age 19)
Just Cause I Love You 3:19 (age 19)
Can’t Miss You Anymore 2:52 (age 19)
Give Into Me 3:30 (age 20, Country Strong)
Asking For A Friend 3:11 (age 21)
Waste More Time 3:08 (age 22)
Villain 2:56 (age 23) (Inspired by Louie)
What He Didn’t Do 3:18 (age 23) 
What It Means To Be A Girl 2:48 (age 23)
Damsel In This Dress 2:58 (age 25)
We Wouldn’t Be Us 3:17 (age 25)
Strawberry Wine 4:04 (Cover, age 25)
Country Boy’s Dream Girl 3:04 (age 25)
Jolene 2:38 (Cover, age 26)
Close To You 3:45 (age 26)
Lived It Twice 2:54 (age 27)
Whiskey Side Of Me 2:47 (age 27)
Ain’t No Dime 3:12 (age 27)
Don’t Take The girl 3:37 (Cover, age 27)
Right Girl Wrong Time 3:48 (age 28)
Flowers 2:37 (age 28) (Inspired by Louie Wiley)
One Of The Guys 3:11 (age 29)
Lightning 3:46 (age 30)
Battlefield 3:00 (age 30)
I Hope You’re Happy Now 3:19 (age 30, ft. Lee Brice)
I Hope 3:33 (age 31)
This Is How I Learn To Say No 2:23 (age 31)
Hard Candy Christmas 4:00 (age 32)
Damn You 3:03 (age 32) (Inspired by Louie Wiley)
Voices 3:16 (age 32)
Do It Like A Girl 2:43 (age 32)
Movie Career:
2000- How The Grinch Stole Christmas; role: Cindy Lou Who, age 10
2006- Flicka; role: Katy McLaughlin, age: 16
2006- Bring It On: All Or Nothing; role: Brittney Allen, age: 16
2008- Step Up 2; role: Andie, age: 18
2011- Country Strong; role: Chiles Stanton, age: 21
2014- Dakota’s Summer; role: Kristin, age: 24
2014- Step Up: All In; role: Andie, age: 24
2017- Coyote Ugly; role: Rachel, age: 27
2018- Forever My Girl; role: Josie, age: 28
Television Career:
1995-1996- The Preston Hour; role: Herself, age: 5-6
2012-2018- Nashville; role: Juliette Barnes, age: 22-28
2020-Present- Sweet Magnolia’s; role: Maddie Townsend, age: 30-32
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brilliant-poses · 3 years
Night of the Coyotes
Chapter 4 - The Shot Heard ‘round Blackwater
Your heart was pounding in your chest as you all surrounded the camp. The only thing between the Van Der Linde gang and safety was a river to town. They’d be dumb to cross it, especially since you made sure to have some girls bring their lassos. Liu was stationed over at the other side of the river, staring down her scope. You saw the gang slowly begin to come out of their tents, guns in hand as they tried to appear intimidating.
“Madam.” Dutch spoke towards Vivian, using the nickname she gave to everyone. You glanced towards Vivian, who tensed at the sight of him.
“Van Der Linde.” She spat, obviously angry he even spoke her nickname. She adjusted Gypsy, seeing her getting a bit uncomfortable. Everyone stared at one another, the tense air becoming thicker by the moment.
“We can do this the easy way.” Vivian said as she pointed her gun towards him.
“But I know you won’t want that. You’re stubborn like that…” She hissed, which caused him to sneer lightly, his cigar drifting over to the side of his mouth. He lifted his ringed hand to remove it, exhaling smoke.
“You all must think you’re smart, but you’ve caged a beast. You know what happened the last time you did that.” He said, reminding Vivian of the massive loss of life she had years ago.
“You bastard—!” She hissed before hearing a shot ring out. Your heart stopped for a moment, trying to figure out who shot first. You glanced at Pride and saw that a bullet hole was lodged in her shoulder, causing her to fall off of Sunshine. After that, the bloodshed began. Bullets flew and everyone was beginning to move out towards the city. Dutch and his boys were running to get them away from camp while Vivian followed with those who could. Pride yelled in pain as you dragged her behind a tree, helping to shield her. Peppercorn was gone, spooked by the gunshots, so there was no exit. You hid and tried to stop the bleeding by using your bandana. Before you could do anything, she passed out from the pain.
“Hey… Hey! Wake up, Pride! Come on, Madam needs us!” You cried, trying to convince her to wake up and say something witty towards you. You feared the worst, but you continued to wrap her up. You were almost done before feeling something hit the back of your head. In your blurry vision, you could see Pride’s pale complexion and a man with blonde hair looming over you. After that, everything went black.
You woke to the sound of hoofs hitting the ground and wheels slowly turning with them. You were rocking to a steady rhythm, until there was a jolt that knocked your head against the bottom of the wooden panels. Your blurry eyes opened, peering around to see your surroundings. You luckily saw Pride, bandaged and tied, which made you reach for her. You struggled a bit, feeling yourself bound. Glancing back, you could see the tips of your fingers and felt the rope tightly binding your hands together. You could hear someone talking, an older voice, mentioning to someone that bringing you two along would only upset Madam and cause her to look for you. That’s when you heard Van Der Linde.
“Don’t worry, Hosea. I have a plan with these two. They’re not like the other ones who chased us out of the city. Thanks to Micah, they’re nice and safe back there. We’ll get them to talk about their boss.” He said as Hosea sighed loudly. You managed to wiggle around and land on your back, though your hands protested by shooting a sharp pain through you. You hissed in pain, managing to move yourself to sit next to Pride. She looked pale and like she was in pain, but you couldn’t do anything about it. You were powerless to help the only person you really cared for. Your older sister had protected you so many times, but you couldn’t protect her. You exhaled through your nose and looked out the wagon. You could see the snow that had fallen onto the ground and the rocky formations. You knew you were a long ways from Blackwater. You couldn’t relax, especially knowing you were stuck with the Van Der Linde gang. They were probably going to kill you, that much was certain, but you didn’t expect them to let you freeze to death. You shivered lightly and looked towards Pride, seeing her lips were slowly turning blue. She was freezing. Her before you, that’s how you would start this.
“Hey!” You yelled, kicking your feet to make noise. You felt the wagon stop suddenly, causing you and Pride to hit the wood you leaned against. You heard grumbling and then the familiar blue-green eyes met with yours.
“What the hell are you doin’?” He hissed as you glared at him.
“Tryin’ to get your damn attention. My sister is freezing.” You said, watching him scoff. Arthur glanced towards Pride closer before he began to grumble again. He disappeared, which made you sigh lightly from defeat. They really were planning on freezing you and Pride. You expected the wagon to begin moving, but was surprised to hear footsteps approach once more.
“Here. Got y’all some blankets. We got no coats, so you’re gonna have to deal with this.” He said as he climbed in, wrapping the blankets around you and Pride. Though you knew Arthur Morgan to be a cold and horrid killer, he actually attempted to help you, and help you he did. You immediately felt better and you leaned closer to Pride, noticing him checking her wound.
“She’d be mad if she knew you were this close.” You mumbled, hearing a faint chuckle under his breath.
“Yeah, well… She really ain’t gonna be happy when she sees where she is. Now, I can’t stop again, so don’t be kickin’. If you need somethin’, just wait. We’re almost to camp.” He said and went to leave.
“Hey, Morgan!” You called, seeing him about to disappear. You saw him looked down and his shoulders slack as he looked back towards you.
“Thank you.” Your tone wasn’t antagonizing or anything, it was sincere. You want him to know just how thankful you were. He probably saved your sister’s life. He gave you a small smile and then disappeared once more. This time, the wagon began to move and you were jolted forward at the feeling. You looked towards Pride, who’s head had fallen towards yours, and propped your head on her shoulder.
“We’ll be ok, Pride…” You mumbled softly, tears finally filling your eyes. You were really far from home and you almost lost your sister. Your emotions were crashing.
“We got each other…”
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banditcoyote · 3 years
Tuesday with Thom
“You sure you have time for this?” Thom asked already unfolding her beach chair and nearly knocking over her spiked lemonade in the process. “I know you got some days on the road ahead of you, you kind of crunched your time huh?”
“Absolutely.” Coyote answered easily, already picking up a bale of hay like it was a bag of groceries and moving it to the back of the loft. Thom raised her eyebrows in appreciation of this strength. “Yeah, I did, but it was more than worth it, besides this won’t take me longer than an hour, tops.” Coyote told her as he pushed it tight into the corner.
Thom laughed and reclined in her spot in the hay loft, she thought about sliding her sunglasses down on her face, but decided to keep the shades up to admire the way Coyote moved about with such ease. The heat of the summer already causing his t-shirt to cling to his muscular physique with sweat. He might have been her ex, her current lover’s father, and the mate of her best friend, but Thom was still a woman and there was nothing wrong with appreciating a view. “You know, all those years of you and Gatlin coming by here, I can’t believe you made such a show of hiding this strength.”
Coyote grabbed a bale with each hand and laid them against the other ones. “Couldn’t get anything done too fast even if you weren’t watching,” he pointed out “What would we do just sit around and wait an appropriate amount of time?”
Thom nodded “I guess that’s true….” She held her straw up to her lips and took a sip. “So tell me about Sasuga fighting! This is the first time you saw her right?” she said looking for some gossip.
Coyote lit right up, a smile stretching across his face. Thom slipped her phone from her pocket and did her best to sneak a photo, knowing that Sasuga would love to see how proud her man was of her, just at the mere mention of her name. “I saw her fight before…uh….one of the first few times I met her.” Coyote’s face turned a bright shade of red and Thom zoomed in quick and got a perfect angled picture before Coyote lifted another hay bale to block the shot. Thom smirked and put her phone down, satisfied for the moment. “But that before we were really anything” just before. Coyote thought “so I thought she was good, but this time she got some new armor, and she was really driven….I actually have a couple shots I can show you after.”
“That would be awesome. I’ve seen her model, obviously” Thom said “But I haven’t really seen that other side of her, I can’t wait.  So what about the rest of the time, were you doing press with her? How much personal time did you get?” she asked with a little tone to her voice heavily hinting that she was looking for some dirty details.
Coyote shot her a warning glance, but it was clear he was amused by it, “Have you been texting with Shishi?” he knew the pair had hit it off when he was here and her attitude now somewhat reminded him of Sasuga’s meddling uncle. She only smirked in response and waggled her eyebrows looking for an answer. Coyote took a breath “We had plenty of personal time, but not nearly enough. Leaving was hard, real hard, and there were a couple things we argued about, which was really not how I wanted to spend our time…”
Thom snapped to attention “Argument?” she wondered what it could be, she knew from their heart to hearts that Sasuga really had her mind set on two things, marriage and children, two things that could be big deal breakers.
Coyote sighed a big and rubbed the back of his neck. “She wants to get a house…” Thom thought this was curious as Coyote’s house was nothing short of amazing, and as she opened her mouth to ask further questions Coyote continued “In Japan” Thom promptly shut her mouth and let that sink in for a second, then moved to sip her lemonade without comment. “Yeah.” Coyote added and throwing a hay bale with a bit more strength than may have been necessary.
“Don’t bust any of those now….” Thom said softly, sensing his frustrations and still trying to make heads or tails. Coyote murmured an apology, understanding he was letting emotions get the best of him. “Japan huh….like permanently?”
Coyote shook his head quickly. “No, just like, a summer house, she had a little apartment there, it was nice, I liked it, rooftop entrance for us and everything. A bed that hung from the ceiling.” The corners of his lips turned up again, remembering their reunion back in June. His tail wagged a little, and Thom was glad to see he was back to reminiscing. “But she wasn’t somewhere a bit more private, which I get, she cant hide like I can, I know she just wants to be herself in her own place without worrying about people coming around, even my place, outside you gotta be careful none of the ranch hands are getting too close to the house.”
Thom sat up a little. “Wait, so she just wants like…a vacation house for you two?” she clarified.
“Yeah.” He said with a nod.
Thom blinked for a moment. “Okay. So whats the big problem?”
Coyote turned after he placed another bale down and stared at her for a moment. “It’s in Japan.”
Thom stared back. “Do we-……Do we not like Japan?” she asked still confused.
Coyote gave half a shake of his head “It’s just….it’s far.”
Thom tilted her head for a bit. “Okay….afraid of flying?”  she said stirring the ice in her drink with her straw.
Coyote knew Sasuga couldn’t, or wouldn’t, fly but that wasn’t the point of the conversation so he didn’t bring it up “No….it’s just.” He sighed. “I feel like I’ve been real distracted…I love Sasuga, I love her so much, it’s hard to focus on the ranch when shes around and I feel like I’ve been really neglecting the staff and Preacher and Poncho. I don’t want to just…abandon everything I’ve built here. You know I’ve been a part of this community and I don’t want to become a hermit because all I want to do is hang out with my wife all day in my house, I don’t want to be a rich asshole like other ranchers, I like working and I like being around people and in town. But I feel bad that Sasuga feels like an outsider here, and I’m not sure how to bring her into the community, I want to make sure she’s comfortable like I am and-“ Coyote paused looking at Thom who was grinning ear to ear. “What?” he asked wondering what thought was going on her head.
Thom pressed her hand to her heart. “You called her your wife.” She cooed.
Coyote’s face went red again and he picked up a bale so he had an excuse to turn his back to her. “Well….ya know…..eventually….” he said trying to avoid the topic even though he had let it slip, and he was glad that Sasuga wasn’t around to hear him, less the two girls start shrieking about it together.
Thom gasped and nearly jumped out of her chair. “You didn’t propose to her in demon world did you?!” she asked entirely offended. “I swear to God if she comes back and there is a ring on her finger and you didn’t tell me. I swear Coyote Jones I’ll….well I don’t know what I’ll do but I swear I’ll-“
Coyote held up his hands and laughed a bit. “No…No I didn’t.” he said trying to calm Thom down. “It hasn’t even really been a year yet.” He reminded her.
“So?” She said with a shrug. “You’re already mated right? And Cal and I have barely dated for a year and-“
It was Coyote’s turn to interject “Cal Propose to you?” he asked quickly.
The blush that rushed to Thom’s cheeks was a perfect mirror to the one that had only left Coyote’s. “N-No.” she said with a little shake of her head and she pulled her lemonade to her mouth. “but I know that if I did I’d say yes.”
“I’ll be sure to tell him you said so.” He said matter of factly.
“Coyote! You better not!” she said grabbing a handful of loose straw from the loft floor and tossing it fruitlessly in his direction.
“Then you better not tell Sasuga bout this either!” he said with as much threat as she had in her voice. “Fine.” She said falling back in her chair defiantly.
“Fine.” Coyote said with a nod. The silence that fell between them was like a blanket. “You’d think she’d say yes?” he asked quietly.
Thom nodded “I know she would.” She took a sip “You planning on it?”
Coyote puffed out his cheeks. He knew the answer to this but there was no way he could tell Thom, she was Sasuga’s best friend here, and was getting close with Shishi, he knew the three of them together couldn’t help but gossip so letting anything slip, even as much as he had now, was a bit dangerous. “I was thinking about buying her a horse.”
Thom nearly choked on the mouthful of her cocktail. “You’re gonna propose to her with a horse?” she coughed out.
Coyote laughed heartily “No! No. Just something of her own to make her feel at home, I was thinking one of those Gypsy Vanners, I know they’re big and strong but she could handle it as long as she had a connection with the animal, and they’re so pretty.”
Thom understood they were fully changing the subject even if she wasn’t entirely happy with it. “They’re beautiful.” She agreed. “I know she’d have fun with all that mane and tail.”
Coyote nodded “I know, but if she wants to go to Japan then-“
Thom nodded “I get it, it’s not really a great idea getting a pet and then leaving it all alone all the time.” Coyote nodded, glad that Thom understood that at least. “And the business is kind of suffering since you’ve been running off with her a lot? Why don’t you just tell her funds are tight and you need to focus?”
Coyote paused “No….funds have been fine, and Sasuga has all her own money, she doesn’t need mine.”
“Wait.” Thom put her hand up. “Nothing is happening with the business?” He shook his head to confirm, everything had been fine. “Coyote. Don’t be an idiot.” He blinked at her. “I’m sorry, I know you’re an idiot, and you can’t just stop being you.” She couldn’t help the barbs. “You’ve worked really hard here, and you’ve built something that’s great, you should buy a vacation house with your mate, your eventual wife, and not worry about the business. I’m sure Gatlin could step in, he has for you in the past. Or is he too busy with-?” again her tone was dripping with intention. She wanted the dirt.
Coyote nodded “Oh yeah, super busy, he’s been hooking up with Shishi and Kurama like crazy, a real uh fuck fest, they can’t keep their paws off each other, You should see the marks on Shishi, I think he’s part incubus-“
Thom’s eyes had only started to glaze over as her fantasies took over but then she shook her head. “Hey! You’re trying to change the subject. We were talking about you! Buy the damn house Coyote!” she said slapping her leg.
He rolled his eyes, he had thought he was out of the woods about the house. “I’ll go look at houses” he agreed with a nod. “Im afraid of losing all this but I’m afraid of losing her more.”
Thom made that high pitch noise that women loved to make when they thought something was adorable and his ears tipped back on his head as she pushed herself up and rushed forward with arms outstretched. He returned the hug with a little laugh.
“You’re not gonna lose us Coyote. Not if you tried.” She promised as she squeezed him as hard as she could. “We love ya too much, you’re a great guy.” She started running her hand up and down his back
“How many of those cocktails did you have before I got here?” He asked her amused
“Just two….maybe three.” She laughed and looked up into his face. “You might need to help me down the ladder. They all just went right to my head in this heat.”
He nodded “Alright. Go sit down, don’t hurt yourself, I’ll hurry this up and we’ll get you back in the A/C. Deal?”
Thom nodded with a smile “Deal.”
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vinylfromthevault · 4 years
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Coyote Kid “The Skeleton Man” 2020, self-released and completely fan-funded (2019) on colored, marbled vinyl. Minneapolis-based gothic indie rock with a hearty dose of cinematic drama (think arid and expansive spaghetti westerns), Coyote Kid (formerly known as Marah in the Mainsail) was one of our favorite acts at Appleton’s Mile of Music this past August. They put on a hell of show, combing vocalist/guitarist Austin Durry’s deep, rich, slightly gravely voice and grungy guitar with vocalist/keyboardist Cassandra Valentine’s clear - delicate yet bluesy - vocals and dynamic playing style. The backbone of the group is Austin #2 (Wilder) on bass: he’s a born-performer with crazily awesome facial expressions and movements, and Kian Dziak on drums. The secret weapon for Coyote Kid, though, is trombonist John Baumgartner, who makes their sound truly original and his exuberant playing is a delight to watch. 
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I just got this LP in the mail a couple of days ago; I ordered it directly from the band when they announced the vinyl pressing. It’s fantastic and tells a story throughout each track (that apocalyptic story of the Coyote Kid, the Bloodhound and The Medicine Crow, along with the lyrics, detailed in the liner notes). I especially love “The New Dark Age” (super-spaghetti western short instrumental intro to the record with soaring trombone), “Femme Fatale” on which Durry and Valentine share vocals, “Prowler” - a real rocker with a killer bass line, the dark “Strange Days,” the Siouxsie-ish “Electric Lover,” the wild punk-goes-Gypsy “Undertaker,” and the haunting “Run.”
Coyote Kid brings the Skeleton Man story to the physical world with a real-life treasure hunt. Somewhere in the United States, they’ve buried a life sized golden skull replica. “The first person to find the skull will receive a free merch bundle of all of our releases, and free shows for life (when applicable). The hunt begins when you enter the code hidden somewhere in our latest album.” 
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majingojira · 4 years
Super Robot Wars: Pacific Rim
A While Ago (over a month ago), I asked people what they thought Pacific Rim would connect to in a Super Robot Wars game.   Now, I’m going to share my thoughts based in part on those thoughts, and some of my own after scouring every entry in the whole series. 
Which means, this is gonna get weird. 
This will go stage by stage, because Pacific Rim, even including Uprising, can only really bring in a few stages.  
Stage 1: The Kaiju War
In this prologue stage, we’d have Gypsy Danger battle Knifehead, but with one piece of added help:  Getter Robo!  
Even then, it goes about as well as you expect.  Not only does Raleigh’s brother die, but so does Musashi! Both mecha are taken down in the battle, but not before Knifehead is destroyed. 
Stage 2: The Wall
This one occurs in Australia, and has Striker Eureka appear to help against the Kaiju.  The Player’s character and current crew/battleship (probably the Nadesico-C) appear to aid against it, or against another foe before the Kaiju/Jaeger show up.  Pretty straight forward, but a MYSTERIOUS PERSON is watching and says that they are glad they have allies even after all this time. 
Stage 3: The Drift
This is where Raleigh is recruited into the Pan-Pacific Defense Force. Which is currently on its last legs because the World Government's Autonomous Peacekeeping Organization, the A-Laws, funded the wall instead.  
So far, Stacer Pentecost has recruited the usual crew from the film (Probably only Eureka and Gypsy are playable), but he has a few more.  Getter Robo G (Ryou and Hayato help Raleigh a little emotionally because they are bros and this is OLD SCHOOl Getter), Great Mazinger (from Mazinger Z Infinity), and ... 
Stacker Pentacost also leaves to talk with “The Ambassadors” before letting Mako take over the rest of the tour.  
When Mako and Raleigh drift, and the RABBIT occurs, we get a level of Coyote Tango battling Onibaba.  
Stage 4: Double Event
Shortly afterward, we have a double event, and this is where things get ABSOLUTELY NUTS. 
The event occurs, and by the time the level ‘starts’, all the mechs are injured and Crimson Typhoon/Cherno Alpha are already destroyed. 
Battle for a bit, then EMP fries the mechs. 
And things get worse.  Remember, Kiryu is in play, so it goes nuts -- but not in the way people fear. It still attacks the Kaiju, just not under the player’s control.  They have to beat on it a bit to allow Akane to get in the cockpit and ‘talk it down’.
It roars one last time and goes into alignment.  
But how can you beat it down?  Well, Great Mazinger and Getter Robo G manage to survive the takedown, but because Great is Size M, and G is Size L, and the Kaiju/KIryu are Size LL, this is tough stuff. 
Which is where the Ambassadors come in.  The Fairies of Infant Island call Mothra (Imago) (Size LL) to aid.  
That helps, and when Kiryu regains control, it calls Godzilla himself to aid.  
Which is also when Gypsy Danger arrives.  
So now the player has Great Mazinger, Getter Robo G, Kiryu, Mothra, and Godzilla to fight 2 Kaiju.  
To which the Mysterious Person from before says “No, no, no.  That won’t do!”
Suddenly! The city tears itself apart and a strange castle descends from the clouds.  From the castle, riding a bicycle through the air comes the witch Bandora. 
Yes, we’re going there! 
Bandora proclaims that she is glad to see her allies from 65 Million years ago are back. Now they can get back to slaying out all life on earth!  And she’s also particularly miffed to see a Dinosaur still around.  She summons several Dora Titans (her mook monster), Griffozar, and Dora Minotaur to aid the rift Kaiju.  
At which points the player's battleship arrives. 
As soon as one of the Kaiju or Dora Minotaur is defeated (Griffozar retreats), the restore to full health with the others.  After some doom proclamations, Raleigh and Mako rally with a few others, and we get the last bit of aid.  
At which point, the last bit of help for this overly-complex level arrives.  
Daizayujin and the Zyurangers.  
Heroic speeches and butt-kicking apply aplenty.  
When this is done, Bandora retreats, Godzilla slinks off (for now), and things are hashed out. 
Remember in Pacific Rim when Newt said that they tried before back with the Dinosaurs?  Guess who also has a beef with the Dinosaurs?   Getter Robo, yeah, but also Bandora.  
Which is why they have a villain team up for the game. 
So many of the big Ranger moments (IE: The Green Ranger arc) have Pacific Rim moments scattered throughout. 
But after that, the next big level is ...
Stage 5: The Breach
The assault on the breach, Bandora beefs things up, Godzilla helps out once again, and if you do things, Striker Eureka is kept around. 
At the close of the level, the player still need a Big Boom to close it.  So, it ends up a mix of big attacks (IE: Shine Spark) to seal it for good.  
After this is a Time Skip where we set off to fix Pacific Rim: Uprising. 
Stage 6: The Rogue Jaeger
This is all about setting up the new recruits, and fending off some other faction that is attacking.  Doesn’t matter who, but the rest of it plays out as normal. The A-Laws are gone, but many threats such as Doctor Hell and Bandora are still active.  
Stage 7: The Black Jaeger
This is the Obsidian Fury attack on the UN, though obvious Mako doesn’t die.  She gets to come back with Raleigh for Gypsy Danger’s return.  But she’s still hurt and there’s damage to the UN and all that.
Stage 8: Arctic Battleground
Gypsy Avenger vs Obdidian Fury 1v1 until Bandor gets involved, revealing she now has “Dokita-Clay” to make her monsters even stronger! 
This big battle against Dora Frank also sees the appearance of Bandora’s master, Dai-Satan (Yes, really), making this a rough battle. 
And it’s all a distraction. 
Stage 9: Shatterdome Attacked! 
The Mass-Produced Jaegers are revealed to be pawns of the Precursors.  Newt was put under a spell by Bandora to corrupt the program from within, and now they and more Super-Monsters are on the attack. 
The base is aided by the return of Earth’s Kaiju: Godzilla and Mothra.  Godzilla gains his ‘ultimate’ attack in this battle “King of the Monsters” --where he summons all the other earth monsters (Rodan, Anguirus, King Caesar, and Mothra) to beat down on a foe.  So the base is saved, especially when your reinforcements arrive, but 3 rift kaiju have been released. 
Stage 10: TOKYO S.O.S.
3 Kaiju from the rift.  Backed up by Heterodyne, Bandora’s monsters (ALL of them, serving as minions here, probably maybe 3 or 4 from a list of: Dora Minotauros, Dora Sphinx, Dora Raiger, Dora Knight, Dora Tortoise, Dora Frank, Satan Frank, Dora Unicorn), Mass-produced Jaegers, Obsidian Furies (as elite mooks), Griffozar, Dai-Satan, and Dora Talos.    When one of the Rift Kaiju is destroyed, the Mega-Kaiju is formed.  
And when Dora Talos or Dai Satan is brought to 0, it fully heals and Dora Talos turns into Satan Talos. 
But this is the last battle for Pacific Rim and Zyuranger.  And as you can see, it’s one hell of a big blow-out. 
And it’s still not the final kaiju enemy, that comes from Godzilla’s end, as King Ghidorah.   But that’s his own journey.  
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A Hazy Shade of Winter
Javy 'Coyote' Machado x Reader
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Description: It feels like something has inexplicably changed between you and Javy Machado during your two day drive across the country. He's different with you, kinder, sweeter, and softer. It's a side of him you could easily fall in love with. But before you drum up the courage to broach the topic with him, the two of you are in Jake and Nat's cute little house in Virginia and it feels like the moment is gone. One soak in a hot tub affirms your feelings and Javy's. The hours following are more fulfilling than you ever would have expected. All you can thank are Jake and Nat's hot tub.
Themes: Hot tubs, hot tub sex, shower-sex, falling in love, winter
Warnings: Female!Reader This fic is for adults age 18 and older, only! There are spicy happenings in this part! Please do not read if sexual intimacy is disturbing to you!
Word Count:
Author Note: This is part two of Gypsy and Javy's story and was written for @bellaireland1981's Winter RomCom Writing Challenge! I had an absolute blast writing this fic for Trope #17, Stuck Together/Snowed in/Stranded. I hope you all love reading this fic as much as I loved writing it! All my thanks go to @desert-fern who was instrumental as I bounced ideas back and forth for this fic, as well as for beta-reading it for me!
Read 'Tis the Damn Season here!
Cross Posted on AO3 Here!
My Masterlist
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Something has unraveled between you and Javy Machado since that night. There are tiny gossamer ribbons of emotion, of trust stretching out from your ribcage to his, anchored within the beat of your heart and his. You've been talking as the hours turn into days with nobody else for companionship. You've talked about anything and everything, from your childhood to his, to childhood rituals and challenging duty stations. But you’ve never once addressed the kiss - kisses, really. It feels like electricity is zipping through your veins with each stolen glance, each languid glimpse you steal of his physique from the corner of your eyes.
Just as you ask him why he kissed you, if he meant what he said about being in love with you, the car jolts to a halt. It’s early, bright, and bitterly cold, a fact Tash does not appear to notice with how she’s waving excitedly from the front porch. You feel for Jake in that moment. Unlike her boyfriend, who is bundled up in a thick coat, boots, and jeans, Tash is just wearing leggings and a baggy bright orange Longhorns Jersey. You can see she’s wearing flip-flops on her feet, and you pray you’re headed back inside soon before she gets sick.
“You made it!” She’s practically dancing when you make your way onto the porch laden with your bags and a not considerable amount of snow. “I had my doubts, you know? I wasn’t sure you could make it with Javy halfway across the country without murdering him.”
 “It was a near thing, Tash.” You shrug as Jake opens the door for you, shivering at the blast of heat washing over you as you set your bags in a pile in the foyer.
“Hey, Jake.” Unencumbered, you hug your friends, giggling as Jake hoists you up and spins you around in a circle. Then you get wrapped up in a warm hug from Tash and dragged through the house. You can vaguely hear Jake and Javy following behind the two of you as you walk through the house, laughing and catching up. The culmination of the tour is a bedroom.
“So, Gypsy, this is the guest bedroom.” The bedroom is beautiful, painted soft cream with white wood furniture. It feels like summer in a room. But when you mention as much, you’re surprised to see Tasha’s mouth fall open in surprise.
“What?” You need coffee for this, please. Jake and Tasha just share a look with each other. The room feels stifling as you look between your friends, and surprisingly, it’s Javy who puts you out of your mystery.
“Gyppie, I think Tash means that this is the only guest bedroom.” You turn then, taking in the queen bed at the center of the room. 
“Oh.” You turn back to Javy and smile just a little. “I’ll take the window side of the bed, then.”
“That works for me.” He hands you your bags with a grin of his own. “You forgot these downstairs.”
“Thanks, Javy.” 
“Gypsy?” You turn to look at your best friend, unsure of what her tone means, though you can see a shocked expression on her face. “Come on down to the kitchen with me. I have coffee down there. I think we need to talk.”
You follow your best friend easily, smiling as Javy squeezes your hand in his as you pass. It’s an action that both Jake and Tash see, and as you follow Tash down the stairs, you can see the questions floating around her head.
“Do you still take your coffee with an obscene amount of cream and a spoonful of sugar?” You nod and accept the hot mug, letting Tash drag you to sit at the kitchen table. 
“What the hell was that?” She’s adopted her gossiping position, one leg curled under her butt as she leans forward. The big jersey’s sleeves cover her hands as they clutch her mug. Unconsciously, you end up mirroring her position, sipping on your coffee and letting the caffeine hit your stomach as you think of what to say. 
“What was what, Tash?”
“You didn’t fight about sharing a bed with Javier Machado! That’s what.” You shrug. 
“Things have changed, Tash.” At her snort, you find yourself spilling the beans. The night in the motel room, miles away, feels like a dream. Her squeal when you get to the kiss nearly deafens you.
“He kissed you!” She sounds practically giddy with glee, her eyes bright as she looks at you across the warm wood table. “And you kissed him back!”
“So, what now? Does this mean you’re in a relationship with him now?” 
“I wish I knew, Tash. We haven’t talked about it.” Her mouth parts in dismay.
“Is that why you haven’t objected to sharing a bedroom with him?” You nod sheepishly. “Is there anything Jake or I can do to help?”
“Not really, Tash. We just have to communicate. Communicate like we’ve never been able to before this. It's just…” You sigh softly. “It feels right, spending time with him. It feels right in a way nothing else ever has. I have butterflies, literal, actual butterflies in my stomach when I talk to him. I used to think that feeling was hatred. But the past few days have taught me differently.”
“I’ll see what I can do to make sure you have some time together, Gyp. I’ll make sure Jake knows, too.” You smile softly and change the subject. You’re not sure you could face either of the men overhearing this particular conversation.
“So what’s it been like - having your own house and living with Jake?” It was the right question to ask. Her face lights up as she discusses buying furniture and decorating the house. You haven’t seen her this happy in a very long time. You get absorbed in the conversation and manage to forget the question of what Javy and you are for half an hour more. 
You get yanked out of your cozy conversation when Jake clatters into the kitchen. Javy follows at his heels, the scent of his cologne preceding him. 
“The shower’s all yours, Gyppie.” You hand Jake your empty mug and move to leave the kitchen.
“Wait a sec, Gyp.” You turn to look at Jake. “I’m making brunch now, and we didn’t have anything planned for today. If either of you feels like taking a dip in the hot tub out back, you’re welcome to.”
You wave your goodbyes and head up to take a hot shower. The bathroom is still neat, with only a little bit of steam in the air. It feels amazing to wash off the dirt of traveling cross country in a car. By the time you leave your room, the house smells deliciously of coffee and breakfast. Your stomach rumbles as you accept your laden plate and settle in next to Javy at the table to eat your meal. The atmosphere is light as you talk and laugh, catching up. Javy’s hand finds its way to your thigh under the table, and that one point of contact makes heat slide through your system.
In the mid-afternoon, after Jake drags Tasha into their bedroom for a nap, which you’re almost 90% sure isn’t a nap at all, you walk up into your room to change into your bikini for a soak in the hot tub. Javy has obviously had the same idea because he’s standing in the room in a pair of yellow swim trunks with red lines going down them. The sight makes you drool a little bit because the shorts are just a bit too short, revealing the mouth-watering expanse of his tanned, strong thighs and his truly enviable six-pack abs. You grab your bikini and excuse yourself to the bathroom, uncomfortably aware of the flush in your cheeks and the dazed look in your eyes as you change into the simple black fabric.
You pull on a pair of sweats and exit to an empty bedroom. You can faintly hear a moan from behind the closed door of the master bedroom, and you make your escape. Tash might be your best friend, but you don’t need to know what she sounds like in bed. You let yourself out via the kitchen door and toddle carefully out to the hot tub. The ground is covered in a layer of frost, and you’re underdressed for this weather. Thankfully, you’re not going far. The hot tub is at the bottom of the backyard in a little shed. The gate’s open when you step through, the cover off and the water steaming in the cold air. Javy’s already in the tub, languid in the bubbling water. His clothes are on a bench in the back, and you set your towel next to his. Your skin prickles with goosebumps as you drag your sweats off, shuddering as you fold the garments up and set them near your towel.
“Come on in, the water’s perfect.” Javy’s eyes are dark as they drag over your form. Your nipples pucker into hard peaks at the sight before you. It takes you several moments to screw up all of your courage and step in. The water feels nearly too hot on your chilled skin, but once you’re in the tub up to your collarbones, you feel a little bit less exposed.
“That bikini looks amazing, Gyppie.” If you were flushed earlier, you’re even more so now.
“It’s just a plain black bikini.” You deflect, “It’s nothing special.”
“I’d argue that it is.” You jump when his hand wraps around your ankle. “It’s borderline indecent how two small triangles of fabric make your tits look mouthwatering. I haven’t seen your ass, but I’m sure it looks fabulous too.”
You chuckle awkwardly because you don’t know how to respond. You’re not sure why Javy’s being so profuse with compliments. He was the person who seemed so content with not addressing the kisses from the motel. Now he’s got his hands on your skin and complimenting your body?
“At least come here, sweetheart.” There’s a soft smile on his face, his strong fingers rubbing circles against your ankle. “I can’t see you through all the steam.”
It feels like you’re in a trance as you take his hand and let yourself be pulled into his lap. This close, you can feel the muscles of his thighs flex under your thighs. 
“Much better, sweetheart.” His hands are on your waist, thumbs resting just against the underside of your breasts.
“What’s going on? What happened to my bold, pretty Gypsy who kissed me like that in that motel room?” You freeze from where you’d been slowly acclimatizing yourself to sitting in his lap. “I can’t believe this shy little thing is her.”
“I…” To your embarrassment, you stutter a little at his earnest question, and you can’t meet his eyes. “I’m not usually like this.”
“Is this just another thing that’s a reaction to me, then?” His hands slide up, hot and wet, to draw your face up until your eyes are level with his own.
“Why are you doing this, Javy?” Of all the questions you were expecting to fly out of your mouth, this wasn’t one.
“I thought I told you why in that motel room.” You gasp. “I’m in love with you, Gypsy. I always have been.” It’s when he repeats the words with your name that you start to believe him.
This time, you initiate the kiss, smiling when you feel his grin against your mouth. He takes control soon afterward, licking into your mouth in languid strokes that have heat spiraling through your veins. Your chest heaves when he pulls away. Despite the hot water lapping over your chest, you have goosebumps across your arms, and your nipples are hard. You feel special in his gaze.
“What’re you thinking about, hmm, Gyppie?” His hands haven’t strayed from their place on your ribcage, no matter how much you’d like them to.
“I’m thinking about how stupid I’ve been by denying how electric I feel in your presence.” 
His laugh takes your breath away. “Those are awfully big words for somebody wriggling on my lap like this.”
When you move to stop, he tugs you in closer. “I didn’t say, stop, baby. I think I might die if you do.”
Javy kisses down the side of your throat, the wet slide and suction robbing any sense you have. You’re powerless to do anything but moan as those big hands undo the tie of your bikini and as his mouth dips lower and lower. The heat languishing in your belly burns in a sharp, stinging ache as his parted mouth meets the peak of your breast. You shudder and curl a hand in his hair. That vicious ache between your thighs pulses in beat with your rushing blood. You whimper, honest-to-god whimper, when he pulls away.
“C’mon, baby.” You let Javy pick you up and carry you out of the tub. “I’m not going to fuck you in here. Let’s get back into the house, okay?” 
You nod dumbly, not sure where to look or how to act when there is so much arousal in your veins. He dries you off carefully, kissing the swell of your breasts before tugging your sweatshirt back over your head and your pants up your legs. You observe as he turns off the tub and the lights and let him lead you back into the house. Your bikini is trapped in your hands, and your lips feel swollen with the force of his kisses. Thankfully, the house is still silent, barring the occasional gasp from the master bedroom, as you close the door to the guest room and lock it.
This leaves you looking right at Javy, seeing the heat in his gaze.
“I'm going to take a shower.” You murmur, turning your back to him as you tug the damp clothing off in his view. There's a foreign confidence in your veins as you untie the bikini bottoms and let them smack, water-laden as they are, on the tile floor. When you step under the hot stream, you're praying that Javy understands what you want. You're not sure you can take the mortification of being wrong when you have to share a bed with him.
You're more than pleased to find you're not wrong when arms wrap around your bare form minutes later. He's hard against your butt, and his hands are very busy mapping your skin.
“Been dreaming about this, baby.” His voice is a guttural moan, which has you melting in his big, calloused hands. “Gonna make you feel so good.” 
You whimper when his hands leave your skin. You can't believe your eyes when you turn around because he's kneeling on the tile as the water rains onto his upturned face.
“Can I eat you out, baby?” You nod and let him manhandle you with your leg over his shoulder. The first swipe of his tongue through your folds has you seeing stars. His big hands hold your thighs open as they shake under the onslaught, soothingly massaging the muscles as they tense and your toes curl in pleasure. You twist your nipples, tugging on the hard peaks in a near rhythm to his tongue as your body crashes towards your first orgasm in months. Everything feels sensitive as the band in your belly tightens, the pressure making your thighs quake as you bite your lips.
When his lips wrap around your swollen clit, he sucks gently as you cum with a garbled screech of his name. Your hips buck wildly as your back arches. When Javy slides his way back up to standing in front of you, he has to tease your lips out from between your teeth.
“Aww, baby, look at you. My beautiful Gypsy-girl.” There's naked affection in his gaze as he kisses you. Your eyes flutter slowly closed as he kisses you.
“Javy?” He hums in response, hands busy squashing your ass. “What about you?”
“Aren't you still, you know, hard?” Your voice is a whisper barely audible over the drumming water.
“How could I be when I have a beautiful thing falling apart on my tongue?” You're giggling into the kisses he lays across your mouth.
Your daydream in the motel shower was right. Javy Machado's hands are the perfect fit for your curves, the rough pads of his fingers so gentle as they massage soap across your skin. You hope that your hands feel just as perfect on his skin as you return the favor.
“You're mine, now, Gypsy.” Javy keeps murmuring the words possessively into your ears. It sounds almost like he's reassuring himself that you're truly here, in his arms, despite your murmurs back in the affirmative.
His gaze is unbelieving when you push him onto the bed, still damp, and crawl over him. His body responds to your touch as you pepper kisses down his chest, pressing one featherlight kiss against his cock. You can already taste the salty-sweet tang of his precum as you slide back up and capture his mouth into another kiss. This kiss is punctuated by his moans as you work over his length, using your own arousal to ease the way.
His gasp is in perfect harmony with your own as you ease yourself onto his length. He's big, and he feels even better than he looks as you sink inch by excruciating inch down his length.
“God, baby.” You preen in your position atop him, soaking in the pure love in his voice. “You feel so good, baby. Make me cum, baby doll. Go on.”
The order, coupled with your arousal, has you lifting yourself up and settling back down, over and over. You're chasing the high of your last orgasm once again, everything fever-hot as you take your pleasure. When your steady rhythm falters as your thighs burn, Javy flips you onto your back. His muscular body heaves over you, his eyes dragging torturously over your spit-slicked, parted lips, your erect nipples, and your puffy cunt.
“Gypsy, you look so perfect.” His words are worshiping, his cock sliding over your wet heat as he kisses your neck. The sharp sting of his teeth against your pulse, coupled with the blunt press of his cock has your back arching and a moan tumbling out of your mouth. Now, the pace is brutal. His lips are bared in a growl as his muscles glisten with sweat. The bedroom is filled with the smack of skin against skin, and unbidden, you can feel another orgasm coming over you.
Javy doesn't help that, not when he kisses you filthily and growls, “Feel so good, baby. My pretty Gypsy girl feels like she's gonna cum, huh? Her little pussy fluttering around me?”
You can’t respond in anything other than gasps or moans. All your thoughts are driven out by the press of his skin against your own. The two of you cum together, muffling your pleasure against each other's skin. You find yourself in the shower again once you can feel your feet, this time sharing lazy kisses as you melt into his arms.
When Tash and Jake walk down the stairs an hour later, your hair is a damp mess around your face. There's pasta sauce bubbling on the stove and garlic bread in the oven. A bottle of wine is breathing on the dining table, but neither you nor Javy care. Not when he's got you caged up against the counter, kissing you as you try to sing along to the music playing softly from the speakers. There's snow falling to the ground outside, but in the house, everything feels warm and bright.
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@chaoticassidy @kmc1989 @shanimallina87 @desert-fern @horseshoegirl @dakotakazansky @sarahsmi13s @teacupsandtopgun @footprintsinthesxnd @roosterforme @beyondthesefourwalls @mak-32 @thedroneranger @cherrycola27 @bellaireland1981
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hyenabutter · 5 years
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Life isn't about finding yourself, or finding anything. Life is about creating yourself.
When somebody is wearing a mask, he's gonna tell you the truth. 
Nothing is revealed. 
The first thing to know, I guess, before watching the Martin Scorsese-directed Bob Dylan documentary on Netflix is that a lot of it is fake: fake characters, fake photos, fake stories, all mixed in with the real footage and real people telling real stories. Nearly all of the filmed material is taken from the Dylan-directed Renaldo And Clara, which similarly folds documentary and staged footage into one another and is famously unwatchable and impossible to understand. 
Dylan's take on identity has always been a cubist's, and so this mixing of fact and fiction fits neatly with his lifelong obsession with the avoidance of literal truth and the fragmenting of point of view. Still, though, I find it strangely irritating. When Werner Herzog does this kind of thing in his documentaries I think it works wonderfully, but for whatever reason it doesn't suit Scorsese, a director whose efforts always seem unabashedly earnest. 
But we can ignore all of this because the real meat of the documentary is the music that is presented: music is as big a fiction as any creative endeavor of course, but it's the realest thing we see in the documentary. Which is of course the point. 
Nobody denies that The Band was the best backing group Dylan ever had, but the group assembled to back him during the Rolling Thunder Revue has its own heavy power. It's the closest Dylan ever came to being an out-and-out rocker, and while I think the songs from this era aren't always as good as the ones from his 65-67 peak, the arrangements are far better, a lumbering sort of folk/glam amalgamation that rocks and sways like a ship on the waves. If this period wasn't Dylan's absolute best for songs, it far and away is for pure music. These arrangements completely elevate the relatively weak and boring Blood On The Tracks material: one highlight is a loose and ragged "Simple Twist Of Fate" performed at a mah jongg parlor (?) that's given a sprightly Motown bounce. It's great, and blows the studio version away. 
A few stray thoughts:
The documentary reinforces how irritating Patti Smith is: she appears twice early on, once giving what seems like an improvised performance and then a few minutes later talking to Dylan about Rimbaud and Superman. She comes off as incredibly affected, the sort of person who says strange, "poetic" things in an effort to seem interesting: it strikes me as someone who is trying far too hard. I'll temper my criticism a bit here: it's possible these scenes could be taken from the scripted portions of Renaldo And Clara, in which case her playacting at least makes a little sense, though it's no less annoying. 
Allen Ginsberg was brought along on the tour, and in his effusive praise of Dylan he seems almost pathetically toadying. It's hard to imagine attending one of these performances, being in the midst of a truly kickass rock and roll show, and then having all the air sucked out of the room by having Ginsberg come in somewhere in the middle to read his terrible poetry. The same goes for Ramblin' Jack Elliott, coming out with an acoustic guitar to sing some boring old folk song with 300 verses. It had to have felt like running into a brick wall, and I wonder how the show could possibly get its momentum back after having it so arrested.
Scarlet Rivera, whose gypsy violin drives so much of the material here, feels like some sort of mythical being, walking around in a bowler hat and carrying a sword: a living image lifted from a tarot card. Dylan describes visiting her room and finding "a box of stuff...chains, and mirrors, and candelabras...she had a snake." Almost like a character from a Bob Dylan song.
Joan Baez has the bemused air of someone who's long ago made peace with the fact that her career will always be seen in relation to her association with Dylan. She remains one of the only people who can--or will--call Dylan on his bullshit. Perhaps her only rival in this department is Joni Mitchell, who appears briefly, performing her song "Coyote" at a party at Gordon Lightfoot's house, cooly demonstrating just how complex and underrated her best material is. 
In the end, I don't know what conclusions we're supposed to draw from the documentary, or if there even are any conclusions to be drawn, which is probably the point. All you get is Dylan fast approaching his sixth decade of never giving us the answers we want, which is all he's ever given us. No one before or since has ever understood so well how never knowing what it means is such an inexhaustible fuel.
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jaydraw209 · 5 years
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Welp, Jaegers(along with the non-canon Jaegers) are getting redesigned for this Humanized Kaiju AU now….. Okay, let’s do this.
MARK 1/Veterans:
Brawler Yukon: Nickname: Brawler, Mother of all Jaegers Nationality: American The First Jaeger, though her strength and power ended not only injuring her, but also killing her first pilot. Because of that incident, she's cautious when it comes to human. 
Horizon Brave:
Nickname: Horizon
Nationality: Chinese
Partner: Tacit Ronin
He's a little more reserved than the others, not because he's shy, but more like he wants to be the boss to the others and the others keep their distance away from him.  
Romeo Blue: Nickname: Romeo Nationality: American Brother-Figure: Tango Tasmania A maiden that's a bit reckless when comes to battling Kaiju, though It's shown that she has a passion for one that she's close to.
Tacit Ronin: Nickname: Tacit Nationality: Japanese Partner: Horizon Brave A Kunoichi with a temper, who fought until the end.
Cherno Alpha: Nickname: Black Alpha Nationality: Russian Lover: Crimson Typhoon Sister: Eden Assassin He has a serious attitude towards Kajiu, but he's less tense when he's not in battles. He's known to be the longest Oldest Jaeger to fight until his destruction in 2025.
Coyote Tango: Nickname: Coyote, Ms. Tango Nationality: Japanese Children-Figures: Gypsy Danger and Gipsy Avenger Coyote feels like she owns one for her pilot, Pentecost, and his family. She’s dutiful and genuinely care for others.
Tango Tasmania:
Nickname: Tasmania
Nationality: American
Sister-Figure: Romeo Blue
He’s a bit ruthless towards everyone and everything, but at least he’s prudent when comes to battling Kaiju.
Atlas Psycho: Nickname: Atlas Nationality: Finnish Despite his aggressive look, he’s one of the nicer Jaegers and he can be fun to hang around until you get on his nerves.
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moderncolors · 5 years
The Ultimate List of Alternative Baby Names { bohemian, hippie, offbeat, fantasy, goth baby names} So you've got a wee one on the way and you're looking for a name as unique as your new baby is going to be, am I right? Well, check out this great list of offbeat names for I've created just for creative moms and dads-to-be like you. A lot of these names are form lists I made when thinking of names for my two tots and some inspired by my favorite celebrity kid names and some are from the top of my head.  Yes, some of these names are "out there" and I've gotten a lot of hateful comments about this post (that's why comments are disabled) but what do you expect from a post called THE ULTIMATE LIST OF ALTERNATIVE BABY NAMES? If you like the names. Awesome! If you don't, that's cool too. To each his own! NOTE: I didn't separate the names by gender as many of these can work for both boys and girls! Last updated 9/28/18 ▲BOHEMIAN & ARTSY▲ Arlo, Allegra, Alto, Ariel, Art, August, Avery, Beau, Bell/Belle, Blue, Burgundy, Cass/ Cassy, Cobalt, Cosette, Cruz, Dali, Dancer, Delia, Delilah, Donatello, Early, Eartha, Flannery, Frida, Golden, Harper, Haven, Hawthorne, Hendrix, Henna, Holden, Holiday, Honor, Hugo, Indigo, Isa, Jazz, Kahlo, Kodak, Langston, Lazareth, Legend, Lennon, Leonardo, Limerick, Lyric, Magenta, Mandala, Mandolin, Marlowe, Merlot, Michelangelo, Monet, Muse, Orlando, Paloma, Pen, Picasso, Piper, Poem, Quinn, Raphael, Red, Rigby, Ringo, Royal, Rufus, Shakespeare, Sonata, Sonnet, Story, Symphony, Tango, Tempo, True/Tru, Truman, Tuesday, Uma, Vellum, Vin/Vino, Xuxa (Shusha),Yoko, Zora  amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "e98f453f5cf9b08a37caad8372b2923c"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B07HR5SS5B,B079H2V79B,B07GZPGJYW,B072TY48WK,B00OVJJUFM"; amzn_assoc_title = " "; ▲COSMIC▲ Aries, Callisto, Cassiopeia, Celeste, Celestial, Cloud, Comet, Constellation, Cosmic, Cosmo/Cosmos, Earth, Eclipse, Elara, Jupiter, Libra, Luna/Lunar, Mars, Mercury, Moon, Nebula, Nova, Orion, Pluto, Sirius, Solar, Star, Starbright, Stardust, Starlight, Starshine, Vega, Venus amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00XQKJGVA,B07FDXY48N,B01DU228AO,B07J1CF5JW"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; ▲DESTINATIONS & TRAVEL▲ Africa, America, Asia, Austin, Brooklyn, China, Cairo, Columbia, Dakota, Dallas, Denver, East, Egypt, England, Everest, Geneva, Georgia, Germany, Holland, India, Ireland, Israel, Jordan, Journey, Kenya, London, Morocco, Nazareth, Nevada, Niagara, North, Paris, Odessa, Orient, Peru, Rome/Roman, Russia, Scotland, South, Traveler, Venice, Vienna, Wander, West, Zion, Zanzibar amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B01ASVCW6K,B00408AA9O,B07KK5DSYF,B07JH8LKPR"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_title = " "; ▲FANTASY, MYTHOLOGY & SCI-FI▲ Amidala, Anakin, Apollo, Aragorn, Aries, Arwen, Artemis, Aslan, Athena, Atlas, Avalon, Dalek, Data, Elron, Elvin, Eros, Fairy/Faery, Faramir, Freya,  Geordi, Gimli, Gulliver, Hera, Hermione, Isis, Jareth, Járnsaxa, Jean-Luc, Jedi, Lando, Leia, Merry, Odin, Oz, Padme, Pan, Persephone, Philomena, Phoenix, Pippen, Pixie, Samwise, Sisko, Sirius, Solo, Sprite, Sulu, Tardis, Thor, Titan, Trillian, Troy, Venus, Xavier, Zeus amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B075FC488Z,B071Y215TY,B075K5S2DR,B07CG4P4VJ"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_title = " "; ▲GOTHIC▲ Alabaster, Armand, Ash, Belladonna, Blade, Blaze, Chalice, Cinder, Crimson, Damien, Dante, Draegan, Draven, Echo, Eclipse, Edge, Ember, Enigma, Essence, Eternity, Flame, Gabriel, Garnet, Gossamer, Gotham, Granite, Grimm, Hamlet, Illusion, Jet, Labyrinth, Lace, Lazarus, Lenore, Lestat, Loki, Lore, Lucretia, Maleficent, Maze, Memory, Midnight, Mist, Moonlight, Morrow, Morticia, Mystery, Nightshade, Noir, Obsidian,Onyx, Ophelia, Pandora, Panther, Poe, Porcelain, Prism, Rain, Rapture, Raven, Razor, Requiem, Rogue, Rosary, Sabre, Salem, Satin, Scarlet, Seraphim, Shade, Shadow, Steel, Stone, Storm, Talon, Thorne, Twilight, Veil, Velvet, Winter, Wolf, Zane amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B01MF8K902,B00I3Q5A4E,B00MMJR8KW,B00NYIADBG"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_title = " "; ▲HIPPIE▲ Breeze, Buzz, Chakra, Cheer, Cherish, Cosmic, Crystal, Dancer, Dawn, Daydream, Deja, Desert, Destiny, Dharma, Dream/Dreamer, Earth/Eartha, Echo, Feather, Flight, Flow, Flower, Free, Freedom, Grace, Gypsy, Harmony, Heart, Honesty, Hope, Janis, Joplin, Journey, Joy, June, Justice, Karma, Kind, Lennon, Liberty, Light, Lily, Love, Marley, Meadow, Melody, Mild, Misty, Morning, Om, Paisley, Patchouli, Peace, Peaceful, Promise, Rain, Rainbow, Serenity, Smile, Soulful, Spirit, Sunny, Sunshine, Windsong, Yogi, Zen, Zest, Ziggy amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B079LRGX9M,B079LNJFGS,B01FH6MRMU,B00IWTF4N4"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_title = ""; ▲NATURE▲ Almond, Apple, Aspen, Barley, Basil, Bay, Berry, Blossom, Canyon, Cayenne, Cedar (my daughter's name!),Cherry, Cinnamon, Clay, Clove, Clover, Coriander, Cove, Cypress, Daisy, Dayspring, Desert, Ebony, Fern, Fig, Flint, Flower, Forest, Ginger, Heather, Herb, Hill, Holly, Honey, Iris, Ivory, Ivy, Jasmine, Juniper, Kale, Land, Lavender, Leaf, Lilac, Lily, Linden, Lotus, Magnolia, Mango, Maple, Marigold, Meadow, Moss, Navy, Nest, Oak/Oakley, Olive, Parsley, Peach, Petal, Plum, Poppy, Posy, Rainbow, River (my son's name!), Rock, Root, Rose, Rosemary, Saffron, Sage, Slate, Snow, Spring, Spruce, Stone, Sunflower, Sweetpea,Thyme, Timber, Vine, Violet, Violet, Wheat, Willow, Wind, Woodland, Zinnia amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00EKRCCVO,B07MNWTX92,B00I2XNK4K,B07C432N49"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_title = " "; ▲NAUTICAL▲ Anchor, Aqua, Ariel, Bay, Captain, Coral, Crew, Cruise, Fleet, Harbor, Lake, Marina, Ocean, Oar, Pearl, Pike, Pirate, Reed, Reef, Sailor, Ship, Tide, Water, Wave amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00X236HEA,B01FMYE4TQ,B01M5DM815,B00MYWGTGQ"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_title = " "; ▲OFFBEAT & QUIRKY▲ Ale, Alos, Argyle, Banjo, Bloom, Buzz, Cab, Cajun, Cale, Canon, Cash, Chapter, Channel, Chartreuse, Chili, Chip, Cobb, Coco, Clear, Close, Creed, Curry, Cutlass, Day, Daily, Dax, Django, Domino, Dot, Ever, Faire, Fin, Flash, Flip, Gesa,  Glass, Go, Happy, History, Hopper, Iggy, Isla, Jagger, Jax, Lemma, Lesson, Libra, Limmy, Link, Linny, Little, Lucky, Kafe, Kid/Kyd, Kin, Kit, Knox, Magic, Mardi, Match, Message, Mixon, More, Moxie, New/Nu, Nico, Nomi, Nori, Only, Pharr, Pilot, Plan, Rango, Rebel, Reign, Right, Rip, Rocket, Rocky, Rogue, Roller, Rush, Setter, Seven, Share, Silk, Skill, Skip/Skipper, Stak, Sugar, Sully, Tall, Teal, Temple, Tex, Time, Tin, Trip, Vella, Valda, Virtual, Watts, Welcome, Wilder, Wire, Xan/Xantha, Zale, Zana, Zara, Zeb, Zeen, Zip, Zory, Zuma amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00W7399FU,B01LWWDM1F,B00008XL18,B00RCLGNT2,B0797PZWCT"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_title = " "; ▲PRECIOUS STONES▲ Amber, Amethyst, Cameo, Crystal, Diamond, Emerald, Garnet, Gem, Ivory, Jade, Jasper, Jewel, Jett, Lazuli, Malachite, Opal, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B07779GK1D,B07DH5F6TQ,B00EV5C7CY,B00M9R28XY"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_title = " "; ▲SPIRIT ANIMALS▲ Akita, Bear, Bee, Bird, Birdie, Bison,  Bonobo, Buck, Butterfly, Cat, Colt, Coyote, Crane, Cricket, Cub, Deer, Dingo, Doe, Dove, Dragonfly, Eagle, Emu, Falcon, Fawn, Feather, Fox, Gecko, Hare, Hawk, Ibis, Lark, Lynx, Nightingale, Otter, Phoenix, Pika, Puma, Quokka, Raven, Robin, Seal, Sparrow, Swan, Tiger, Wren amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B07KFS6SST,B011RV2I1Y,B00II6QO8A,B071W25VTS"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_title = " "; ▲WARRIORS & TRADESMEN▲ Archer, Arrow, Author, Baker, Bard, Bishop, Captain, Carver, Chief, Cooper, Deacon, Dancer, Drummer, Editor, Farmer, Fifer, General, Harper, Hatter, Hero, King, Knight, Marshal, Mayan, Messenger, Paige, Porter, Ranger, Rider/Ryder, Roper, Runner, Sailor, Saint, Scribe, Shepherd, Sheriff, Singer, Soldier, Tailor, Thatcher,Weaver, Wheeler, Writer amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B01GRXY428,B06X6MYRGY,B07GQ8TBFP,B07HJ9FS88"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_title = " "; Click HERE for more of my baby naming lists! Pin me plz! ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ If you're expecting, go ahead and do yourself a huge favor by setting up your baby registry on Amazon! amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B07BP7KYWS,B07DC6JYFD,B075F6K9ZX,B07434Z763,1845436741,B077XBF74Z,B01FH6MMRU,B0779LQ6MC"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "114bad81b422b35f5c8daa39bd08c9fd"; amzn_assoc_title = ""; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true";
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go-redgirl · 5 years
Warren tells Native Americans: 'I have made mistakes' The Hill ^ | 08/19/19 | Julia Manchester - OPINION:  Sure, These Democrats Will Tell You Anything To Get Your Votes.  Why Didn’t She Admit Her Mistakes Before She Decided To Run for The Presidency? Native Americans Should Tell Her, Too Late Ms. White Lady!  You Blew It Big Time.  No Vote From Native Americans Her? ___________________________
To: yesthatjallen And she continues to make ‘mistakes’. She has lied about being an Indian, and she lied just a few days ago, calling an innocent cop a murderer. Never trust a presidential candidate who makes excuses for lying while continuing to lie.
21 posted on 8/19/2019, 2:43:11 PM by norwaypinesavage (Calm down and enjoy the ride, great things are happening for our country) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: yesthatjallen No problem, just drink a bottle of fire water and stream live - problem solved.
22 posted on 8/19/2019, 2:43:36 PM by 1Old Pro --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: aMorePerfectUnion LOL!
23 posted on 8/19/2019, 2:43:55 PM by yesthatjallen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: yesthatjallen She should simply say, “I forgot I was not really and indian.”
In the immortal words of Steve Martin: “Two simple words. Two simple words in the English language: ‘I forgot!’ How many times do we let ourselves get into terrible situations because we don’t say ‘I forgot’? Let’s say you’re on trial for armed robbery. You say to the judge, ‘I forgot armed robbery was illegal.’”
24 posted on 8/19/2019, 2:44:26 PM by Bubba_Leroy (The Obamanation has ended!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: yesthatjallen Me fukum up big time
25 posted on 8/19/2019, 2:44:33 PM by al baby (Hi Mom Hi Dad
To: yesthatjallen Not accepted. Now, the scalp.
28 posted on 8/19/2019, 2:46:32 PM by grobdriver (BUILD KATE'S WALL!)
To: yesthatjallen “Hey. I screwed up. So SIOUX me.”
29 posted on 8/19/2019, 2:46:36 PM by smvoice (I WILL NOT WEAR THE RIBBON. I'm. AN ANTI DEMITE)
To: yesthatjallen Umph, Fauxcahontas not smoke meat whistle for peace.
34 posted on 8/19/2019, 2:49:46 PM by gathersnomoss (Welcome to North Mexico, Gringo's it...)
To: yesthatjallen Yet another tiring Faux Apology Tour.
36 posted on 8/19/2019, 2:51:33 PM by gathersnomoss (Welcome to North Mexico, Gringo's it...)
To: tennmountainman
Elizabeth Warren Takes a DNA test
“Ms Warren, we have the results of your DNA test.” “How much aboriginal ancestry do I have?” “Well, there is good news and bad news.” “What’s the bad news?” “There’s no Indian blood. You are 20 percent Irish, 33 percent German, 47 percent Roma gypsy. You are hot-headed, bent on world domination, and completely untrustworthy.” “Damn. What’s the good news?” “You’re in the correct line of work.” 37 posted on 8/19/2019, 2:51:53 PM by sparklite2 (Don't mind me. I'm just a contrarian.)
To: yesthatjallen Aside from cheating lying and stealing?
39 posted on 8/19/2019, 2:55:02 PM by RightGeek (FUBO and the donkey you rode in on)
To: yesthatjallen Claimed racial minority status on TX state bar application under penalty of perjury!
40 posted on 8/19/2019, 2:55:10 PM by northislander
To: yesthatjallen No Fake Squaw...you speak with fork-tongue!
44 posted on 8/19/2019, 3:03:15 PM by Artcore (Trump 2020!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: yesthatjallen The statement, with a dose of reality: "I am sorry for harm I have caused. I have listened and I have learned a lot, and I am grateful for the many Reservations we have had together," she added.
45 posted on 8/19/2019, 3:05:27 PM by C210N (qui) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: yesthatjallen The tribes will gladly forgive her in exchange for piles of cold, hard Federal cash.
46 posted on 8/19/2019, 3:07:17 PM by Buckeye McFrog (Patrick Henry would have been an anti-vaxxer.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: yesthatjallen Had Liawatha not made that “mistake” she'd still be at the University of North Central Colorado teaching Ambulance Chasing 101. 47 posted on 8/19/2019, 3:10:32 PM by Gay State Conservative (A joke: Brennan,Comey and Lynch walk into a Barr...) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: yesthatjallen Warren tells Native Americans: 'I have made mistakes' AND AT LEAST $400,000 by claiming to be a Native American.
48 posted on 8/19/2019, 3:15:04 PM by The Sons of Liberty ('DEPLORABLE' Member of The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy & Biden Dreg and DAMN Proud of it!.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: yesthatjallen “Mistakes were made” defense. Next...”What difference does it make?” Then...”Russia Russia Russia”
49 posted on 8/19/2019, 3:21:40 PM by Zathras ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: relictele I forgot that one. The first line of Clinton Defense. “Old News”
50 posted on 8/19/2019, 3:22:52 PM by Zathras ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: yesthatjallen and with that move America can put the pin back in the grenade. She is toast now. 51 posted on 8/19/2019, 3:41:02 PM by Mouton (The media is the enemy of the people.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: yesthatjallen “Like anyone who’s been honest with themselves ...”
That takes 90% of the “apology” out of her apology.
Furthermore, her problem is honesty with the American people, not herself.
52 posted on 8/19/2019, 3:42:44 PM by cymbeline ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: All So, does this mean no new edition of Pow Wow Chow?
53 posted on 8/19/2019, 3:42:45 PM by FirstFlaBn
To: yesthatjallen YEP. Liz Warren made a few mistakes. = Her first mistake was LYING about being “part Indian”, when she KNEW that she was a FRAUD.
She has NO N-A blood whatever. - Not even a single drop according to the DNA test done by a certified lab & paid for by the MOHAWK NATION.
“LYING LIZ” WARREN & (the fired for LYING former Colorado State professor) WARD CHURCHILL are about the 2 “whitest people” in the USA. = BOTH are of solely English-German ancestry.
57 posted on 8/19/2019, 4:03:12 PM by TMN78247 ("VICTORY or DEATH", William Barrett Travis, LtCol, comdt., Fortress of the Alamo, Bejar, 1836)
To: caww FYI, we REAL Amer-Indians (I’m only a “part-blood” & direct descendant of the REAL Pocahontas, the youngest daughter of DEEP STREAM & LITTLE FAWN, with the DNA test, Church of England records & tribal roll card to prove it.) will NEVER forgive her for her KNOWING LIES and taking one of the FEW “reserved faculty positions” for A-I scholars, no matter what apology that she offers to us.
Fyi, we A-is are “slow to forgive” a LIAR & NEVER forget what the LIAR is.
Yours, TMN78247
63 posted on 8/19/2019, 4:26:44 PM by TMN78247 ("VICTORY or DEATH", William Barrett Travis, LtCol, comdt., Fortress of the Alamo, Bejar, 1836) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: yesthatjallen I think she meant, “I am a mistake.“
64 posted on 8/19/2019, 4:29:53 PM by DennisR (Look around - God gives numerous, indisputable clues that He does, indeed, exist.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: TMN78247 Warren got caught lying, using and abusing the American Indians rightful heritage in the worst way possible.....she’s not sorry she’s just upset she got caught....or she’d still be pushing her deception and lies.
65 posted on 8/19/2019, 4:34:41 PM by caww ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: caww I cannot say what she is saying as of today but as little as 2 weeks ago she once more LIED about being “Part Indian” at a political gathering at the Iowa State Fair.
I often refer to her as, “Speaks with forked tongue”, as she would very much like to have a “colorful” A-I name.
Fwiw, my Navaho friends her in TX routinely refer to her as a “COYOTE” & that is certainly NO compliment.
Yours, TMN78247
66 posted on 8/19/2019, 4:46:11 PM by TMN78247 ("VICTORY or DEATH", William Barrett Travis, LtCol, comdt., Fortress of the Alamo, Bejar, 1836) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: yesthatjallen Elizabeth Warren, since you are so honest with yourself, how about being honest with us:
Had you not used a false claim to obtain minority preferences to advance your career, would you be in a position to be a Senator or run for President now?
How can you ask minorities to vote for you, knowing you ruthlessly stole their job opportunities, and threw them to the back of the bus?
67 posted on 8/19/2019, 5:16:59 PM by Chewbarkah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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brilliant-poses · 3 years
Night of the Coyotes
Chapter 3 - The Beginning of the End
You adjusted your hair, pulling your locks back away from your neck. You’d need a haircut, it was getting way too long. You glanced at yourself in the nearby window, pushing a start lock away before going towards Peppercorn. You could see Pride putting a sack on the back of Sunshine. She was obviously pissed, you could feel the absolute rage radiating off of her. You slowly made your way over, the mud coating your boots while you tried to make it towards you sister. She strapped the bag tightly, causing Sunshine to huff at her.
“Shut up, princess. You know that ain’t hurtin’ you.” She chuckled and reached over to pat her nose, having her spirits lifted by Sunshine’s behavior. A fireball, just like her owner. You knew Pride had her reasons for being the way she was, but you just wished you didn’t had to be the adult a lot of the time. Now, she would protect you with her life, but you were the sly talker. You could get anyone out of a noose if they gave you enough time. Pride was action, while you were talk. The perfect opposites, but you were normally the one having to cover for Pride and her antics.
“Pride.” You started, causing her to quickly glance towards you.
“I handed out all the fliers.” You told her, making her nod.
“Good. I found a damn tambourine for the baby. Guess we should head back.” She said, mounting Sunshine. You mounted Peppercorn, but soon reached out to pat Pride’s shoulder.
“Thank you for not shooting him, Pride. That time will come, I promise.” You said, seeing her shift lightly and look towards you.
“Yeah, well… I know you don’t like to fight without the others. Even though I wanted to shoot his brains out, I held back for you.” She responded and smiled towards you, reaching over to yank your hat over your eyes. You heard her laugh lightly as you struggled to pull it up and adjusted it.
“Come on, Joy. Let’s get back.” She teased and turned Sunshine to proceed down the road towards the camp. You clicked your tongue, signaling Peppercorn to follow, which he does. You catch up to your sister, seeing her concentrating on riding.
“We’ll probably go hunting tonight.” She said after a few moments of silence, causing you to glance over.
“… Are we hunting them?” You asked, obviously not sure if hunting meant for lower bounties or for the gang you’ve searched far and wide for. You knew they were there, you just had to get to them before they got away again.
“Probably. Especially since we saw them, we’ll go hollering and lure them out.” She explained, seeing the rocks beginning to appear around where it marked the entrance of your camp.
“Who’s all going?”
“Everyone. We’re gonna try and finish it.” With that, you two entered the camp. You just hopped Vivian knew what she was doing. If this costed more of your sisters’ lives, you were sure how much longer you could take hunting. You stopped Peppercorn near the hitching post, being sure to lined right next to Sunshine before sliding off. Peppercorn was attached to Sunshine’s hip, even if she hated it. He was like when annoying little brother, so he had to be close to her or he’d cause a fit. You gently brushed him, getting some of the mud off of him before feeding him a peppermint, seeing him excitedly smile for it. His upper lip was raised to show his teeth, obviously wanting to peppermint. You laughed, gently handing it to him.
“There you go, boy…” You said softly and grabbed the items. You had to distribute them before you went for your hollering later on.
After informing Vivian of seeing Hosea Matthews and Arthur Morgan in town, she was determined. Alina gently handed everyone a bowl of her jack rabbit stew, allowing them to get their energy up. She went back to her tent, going to adjust a few things before eating herself. You laughed lightly as you sat around the camp fire, retelling stories of funny bounties you had. Brigit whittled a bit, looking a bit lost in thought towards the fire. It was Yolanda who noticed her a bit farther away from the group, which made her whistle to grab her attention. It did and it grabbed everyone else’s too.
“Ay! Brigit! Come join us!” Yolanda called, patting the log next to her. Brigit sneered lightly and looked down towards her woodwork.
“No.” She said gruffly, causing Yolanda to scoff and turn back.
“Don’t take it too hard, kid. She gets like that before a big hunt.” You said and offered her a small smile, causing her to snicker.
“Well, I guess that’s why you exile her!” She laughed, causing the others to join in. Pride took a sip of her beer, obviously listening but distracted. She wasn’t like Brigit, however, she was right with you all. She just wanted to kill Morgan. You could see the determination.
“Ladies.” Vivian called, exiting out of her tent. She was donned in all dark clothes, her skirt long gone and replaced with a pair of riding pants. Her heeled boots tapped on the ground as she made it towards you all, seeing that everyone but Alina was around.
“The time has come for us to finish what we have started. For too long, Dutch Van Der Linde and his nasty gang of outlaws has gotten away with murdering your sisters for too long… We remember how he brutally killed Ellen and Rosanna.” She spat, causing you and the others to take off your hats in remembrance. Ellen was such a nice woman, who just wanted to find her son and husband’s killers while Rosanna was her maid her followed her. As sad as it was, it was right for them to go together. You put your hats back on once Vivian continued.
“I’m tired of watching my girls die, but I’m real tired of seeing Van Der Linde’s neck not tied by a rope.” She said and held up her bandana. She quickly tied it over her face, which caused an uproar of noises to come for your sisters. The sounds that mimicked a coyote, the ones that scared outlaws at night. The sounds that signaled a hunt.
“We know where they are, thanks to Liu being our spy a few nights ago, but after hearing that they are gathering some supplies, that means that they could be down for a moment. It’s time to finish them. You all follow me!” You quickly put yours on, feeling Pride pat you up. All of you ran to your horse, Vivian mounting her Black Arabian horse named Gypsy.
“Let’s move out!” She yelled, beginning to holler as the others ran after her, hollering as well. You mounted Peppercorn and quickly nudged him to follow. Glancing back, you saw Pride behind you, her gun already drawn. You looked forward once more, following after your sisters. Your hollering became louder and louder, especially when could see Vivian beginning to raise her guns. The end was coming, but a bad feeling began to sink into your stomach.
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