cfsouthernbelles · 1 year
i-message ---> Goddess Athena
sav: Athena, babes, how are you feeling?
sav: i wanted to stop and see you but i just haven't had the chance to fly home, tour and all that.
sav: facetime later?
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
Text Messages 📱Lia and Savannah (Boss Lady)
lia: Vannah, this is ridiculous. You were a great kisser, and I love the kids. Why are we being weird?
sav: well thank you and i know you do
sav: not being weird, just figured you'd want your space
sav: i mean it was nice and all but i am, very unfortunately, too busy to really start anything with anybody
sav: not to mention that last person i loved really broke me when they showed me their true colors
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
Emerald hues roll as gaze settles on person before her, terrible attempt at comeback thrown her way as brunette’s arm rises to push person out of her way as she takes her spot in line back after being rudely cut off. “Oh darling, please get a brain,” Savannah quips. “If you’re gonna try and start shit at least try and talk skank better.”
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
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@fcklouie @shebloom @eminvnt
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
where  :  valentine’s  new  penthouse  . who  :  savannah  preston  @cfsouthernbelles​  .
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❛  i’ve  been  such  a  bad  best  friend  lately,  sav,  ❜  valentine  begins  ,  green  hues  resting  on  brunette’s  figure  as  she  keeps  staring  intently  at  other  .  ❛  so  tell  me,  what’s  been  going  on  in  your  life  ?  ❜  simple  question  to  receive  information  about  beloved  friend  ,  too  caught  up  in  own  troubles  -  selfishly  of  blonde  .
Emerald hues roll, frustration still rolling off her even days after family dinner, conversation with mother still fresh in her head as her gaze settles on best friend. “Don’t even worry about it,” Savannah huffs. “I’ve been keeping myself locked up at home with the kids anyways. Had a stupid family dinner that I regret going to now. Ended with my bitch of a mother calling me a whore of a mother and me slapping her before walking out.”
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
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“You have a reputation to uphold and a family legacy to think about. Not just for yourself but for our family. Your brother and sister have the same things to uphold too. You are a Preston! It’s about being responsible! Your last name carries weight and I will not allow you to drag it through the mud over some actor!” Betty spat as she narrowed her eyes.
“And who you get with is my concern. I’m your mother! And as your mother it’s my job to protect you! You may be a woman but you’re still my child.” The words coming from her own lips… they sounded… familiar. As if this argument mirrored an argument that Betty had with someone in the past… But Betty was too riled up to pay attention to the familiarity of the current argument.
“Well, if you’re 32 and not 12, act like you’re 32! Because you’re acting like a 12 year old right now.” She retorted with a scowl.
Betty took one last puff of her cigarette and then put it out in the ashtray before crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at Savannah. Her lips were pulled taut in a frown as her gaze held fiery anger as she engaged in a stare down with her daughter.
“And with that, you just made my point. You’re acting like a child. I’m disappointed in you Savannah Noelle Preston. And to think I raised you better than this. Hmph, I raised you… and this is how you repay me? You’re vengeful and out of control. Seeing you like this breaks my heart.” Betty said as she was suddenly near tears as she finished her last sentence before abruptly sitting down, a hand over her heart.
“I might die tonight from a broken heart. A broken heart that you caused because you don’t care about the wellbeing of your own mother! What would the press say? Queen of Country Music… dead from a broken heart caused by her youngest daughter! I’m telling you right now, if you don’t keep away from that snake it’ll kill me!” Betty cried out as she clutched at her chest.
“The only reputation that I have to uphold is my own,” Savannah retorted sharply, emerald hues rolling at her mother’s words. “And, quite frankly, I’m perfectly content with my reputation. It’s gotten me well over 200 million followers, a net worth of 450 million dollars, and everything that my pretty little heart and my children’s pretty little hearts could ever desire, in addition to two of the best friends a girl could ever ask for and you and this family’s name had nothing to do with it.” 
A cold laugh eased from the brunette’s lips, head shaking at the ridiculous notion that anyone she got with was any of her mother’s concern. “I don’t need your protection,” popstar counters, words thick and cold against her tongue. “I don’t need anybody’s protection. If I want to sleep with Louie Wiley then I will sleep with Louie Wiley, if I want to fuck the god damn fucking president then guess what? I’ll fuck the god damn fucking president and there’s nothing that you or daddy or either of my siblings can do about it.”
The dramatics coming from her mother garnered yet another roll of green hues, heavy, annoyed sigh leaving her lips as she shook her head, arms crossing immediately over her chest. “You’re always disappointed in me, mother,” Savannah states. “No matter what I say or what I do, you will always find something to be disappointed in, something to nitpick and bitch at me for because I’m not your amazing oldest child or precious youngest child. Which is exactly why I am looking for a new studio to produce my music.” 
“Oh cut the dramatics,” singer huffs. “Me being with Louie will have nothing to do with it. It would be because you’ve finally realized that you have absolutely zero control over me or my life and that, that you hate more than anything.”
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
Closed Starter! @cfsouthernbelles
Location: The Preston Family Mansion in the Hills in the early evening
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Being angry at her youngest daughter was an understatement… Betty was absolutely livid. The public events that had unfolded surrounding Savannah and that guy she decided to get involved with made Betty figuratively clutch her pearls in anger, disgust and overall embarrassment. Their relationship was making The Preston Family look bad, and above all, it was making Preston Records look like a joke… and if there was anything Betty hated more than a lack of control, it was the feeling of public humiliation. Betty Preston wasn’t a joke, she was the goddamn Queen of Country Music and she wasn’t going to allow her own flesh and blood to make a mockery out of the family legacy and family name by being involved with a loser of an actor that obviously had no respect for her.
She had invited her kids to all have a big country-style family dinner, like they used to… though she had told Savannah to let the grandkids play in the yard before dinner so they could have a big appetite. Betty’s husband, Papa Preston, was working at Preston Records, and he had told her that he was going to be a bit late due to traffic. She understood, and told him not to be too late or her famous biscuits he loved so much would be eaten by the rest of the family.
Her oldest daughter and her son were running late, business had managed to run a bit overtime.
Betty sat in the huge living room with a cup of tea. The huge dinner she made was sitting in the refrigerator. She would wait for everyone to show up, in the meantime she relaxed with a cup of tea.
She heard footsteps in the living room and looked up to see a face she had both missed seeing and was none too pleased to see.
“Well, I see someone decided to show up. I missed you Savannah. So, should I set another place at the table? Is that so-called actor you’re involved with coming to dinner too? Or is he out galavanting behind your back and disrespecting you like all men do?” She said, her tone starting out sweet before a rough edge to her tone revealed itself as she set her teacup down angrily and stood up.
“What the hell were you thinking, girl! You get involved with a damn spineless loser and embarrass our family and our family business! You embarrassed not only yourself but your brother, your sister, your papa and me!” Betty took a deep breath, before narrowing her eyes at her daughter.
“Why? Why do all of that? Was it worth it? I’m sure it wasn’t, trust me. Men like that usually aren’t. Very rarely do they change. I’m lucky your father changed because he was the same way. If he hadn’t changed you’d have grown up in Dallas instead of Tennessee.” She spat with disgust as she grabbed her box of cigarettes that sat on the coffee table, put a cigarette in her cigarette holder, lit the end of the cigarette and put it to her lips, blowing out a frustrated puff of smoke as she kept her eyes on Savannah.
Betty had multiple sides to her, but the one side that the public certainly wasn’t familiar with in regards to her personality was her anger. The same youthful anger she had as a young spitfire girl from Dallas who used her fiery ways to get to where she currently was as a grown woman. She had worked hard, and she wasn’t about to let her daughter’s dumb decisions ruin that. She cared about Savannah’s well-being though, but she had to let her daughter know how utterly crazy she had been to get involved with Louie Wiley in the first place.
The test about family dinner was one she knew she couldn’t avoid, knew she would regret agreeing to attend As she piled her toddlers into her SUV and made the drive to her parents place. Almost on queue as she sent the kids out back to play and emerald hues fell on her mother, realizing that neither of her siblings nor her father were there yet causing a heavy sigh to leave her lips. The second her mother spoke, the instant regret filled he, forcing a tight-lipped smile to her lips as she gritted her teeth. Gaze narrowed almost instantly the more her mother spoke, attitude rolling off her frame as she gave a roll of her arms, jacket being discarded on the back of the nearby chair before arms crossed over her chest. “If you’re referring to Wiley then no he isn’t joining,” Savannah mused, little emotion in her tone. “He’s not my boyfriend, he’s not anything to me. I’d appreciate it if you left him out of whatever you’re trying to turn this conversation into. I’m a grown ass woman so who I get with is none of your concern.” 
Jaw tightens as her mother speaks again, annoyance beginning to boil as she shook her head, pulling her gaze away from the woman before her. A scoff eased from her lips, hues rolling once more. “Embarrassed this family,” brunette questions, tone filled with resentment. “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize who I slept with had any reflection on you or the others. In fact, last I checked, who I slept with was none of your business. I’m 32 not 12.”
Faint smirk appears against features, cockiness spilling from the singer as her gaze met her mothers, stare down ensuing as arms fall to her sides. “Oh I promise you it was well worth it,” vixen hums. “The amount of pleasure and enjoyment I got out of fucking him over and over again was well worth any embarrassment that I brought upon you, mom. The fiery, passionate sex bringing shame upon our family? I live for it. Gives me a thrill. In fact, I think once I finish here, I’ll give him a call.” She wouldn’t but her mother didn’t need to know that. Too much satisfaction being pulled into her frame as a brow rose almost challenging in her mother’s direction.
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
louie wasn’t entirely sure what led him to savannah’s, his plan had been to avoid her for a while, but then he’d always found it hard to avoid his ex for too long. pulled together by some magnetic force that was entirely inconvenient for the both of them. so somehow he was at her door, glancing through, figuring out if he wanted to come in. he saw a child on the floor and immediately thought better of it. he was awful with kids. and his jeans were far too expensive for grubby fingers. “wanna take a walk with me? they have a nanny right? if you come with me i’ll even buy you a coffee?” 
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Emerald hues narrowed at the male, remaining silent for a moment after he had spoken, glancing over her child momentarily before allowing a heavy, annoyed sigh to leave her lips. “Wait here,” Savannah spoke, door closing on him as she moved through her home to let her nanny know she was going to step out for a few minutes as she pulled her boots on before heading back to the door and stepping outside. “I don’t need you to buy me anything,” brunette muses with a shake of her head before motioning ahead of them. “Can we make this fast? We’re in the middle of baking.”
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
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@savvyprezz posted a story:
↳ Don't blame me for what my mama gave me; blame your mom for what she didn't give you
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
she was someone who often rooted for people, especially women in the music industry. she knew first hand how hard it was, how scrutinizing the blinding lights of that spotlight were and how people constantly tried to undermine and take credit for what was yours. and savannah had handled her career with grace, constantly reinventing herself musically and rising to the occasion and it was something persephone admired immensely. “well, i guess now’s the time to admit that i’m a massive fan…huge fan.” she said with a laugh, adjusting the ponytail on top of her head. “i mean, i could write a book about what your music has done for me and what you’ve done for women everywhere. but instead of boring you with my fangirling i’m just going to say thank you.” 
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Nose scrunches in amusement as soft girlish laughter escapes brunette’s lips, overly flattered by former popstar’s revelation, current popstar reveling in the fact that teen years idol was a fan of hers. “Please, you’re gonna give me a big head,” Savannah counters, pink tint against her cheeks. “I love and hate that my music has helped you. Hate that you had to endure whatever you did to relate to my stuff but I absolutely idolized you when I was a teenager, was devastated when you stop putting out music but you were also one of the reasons I even started writing my own stuff.” Aside from mother being a queen of country music and basically pushing her to compete with older sister, of course. 
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
where  :  savannah’s  home  . who  :  savannah  preston  @cfsouthernbelles​  .
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popstar’s  house  has  a  rustic  outdoors  vibe  unlike  the  palace  young  nathaniel  grew  up  in  ——  ultimately  ,  savannah’s  home  was  meant  for  children  who  danced  in  circles  around  the  athlete  .  hand  snags  bentley  from  the  ground  ,  throwing  adorable  child  up  in  the  air  before  catching  him  in  arms  .  dark  -  haired  homme  smiles  at  savannah  in  the  distance  as  he  softly  places  her  son  on  the  ground  and  instead  garbs  presley  ,  hoisting  little  toddler  on  his  hips  .  ❛  let’s  see  what  your  mother  wants,  ❜  he  whispers  before  dropping  kiss  on  crown  .  ❛  my  favorite  twins  deserve  a  treat,  don’t  you  agree  ?  ❜  glint  of  mischief  reflects  in  golden  orbs  ,  almost  like  a  conspiracy  .
It was always a lovely surprise when the man would show up especially when the kids were with her knowing full well how much they adored him (nearly as much as the popstar did). She had busied herself with preparing them all lunch while Nathaniel entertained the toddlers, smile gracing her lips as she stepped out to call them in, emerald hues watching as he tossed Bentley into the air, the toddler into bursting into a fit of girls before calling out to them wish a soft wave. “Lunch is ready,” Savannah calls. “Hope you guys are too.”
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
Location: Savannah’s Residence Who: @fcklouie​
Time with her kids typically meant that the country popstar disappeared from public eye, preferring to spend every possible second that she got with them than do anything else which was exactly why she was currently sat covered in flour one toddler sat on either side of her on the counter as the pressed cookie cutters into rolled out cookie dough when the doorbell rang, brows knitting together as she glanced up before lowering the kids from the toddler and telling them to run and play as she went to answer the door, hands wiping against the apron around her torso before pulling it open, emerald hues narrowing at the figure stood outside. “What are you doing here,” Savannah questions.
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
closed starter for @cfsouthernbelles​
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fitness had been one of the most important things to her in her sobriety journey. there was nothing that helped her more than sweating it out and letting her aggression and pent up feelings out through music. which is why she found herself in one of the rooms of her favorite gyms, distracted from her workout when her favorite song of the moment started blasting through the speakers, forcing her into an impromptu dance performance as ‘lavender haze’ by savannah preston began blaring on the speakers. she’s using the dumbbell as a microphone, lip-syncing to the words as she puts her best moves on for herself in front of the floor to ceiling mirrors in the room and as she’s doing a dramatic spin, she freezes when she faces the mirror once again, eyes widening when she sees savannah preston herself standing behind her, unable to help the loud laugh she burst out into as she turned around with a shake of her head, wiping the sweat from her forehead. “well…i guess playing it cool is out the window, huh?”
Keeping in shape was detrimental to not only her psyche but also her ability to perform endless nights for months on end, never mind the fact that it was a requisite in her contract, forcing her to workout at least 3 to 4 times a week (not that she was complaining because truthfully she enjoyed it). The sound of music blaring through the walls had a grin tugging at her lips, instantly recognizing the son as one of her own as she slung her bag over her shoulder and moved out of the women’s locker room, intending to head home before curiosity got the better of her and she found herself slipping into the occupied room, amusement flushing across her features at the sight of none other than Athena’s older sister, Persephone, jamming out to her song, laughing as the blonde caught sight of her in the mirror and turned towards her. “Please, don’t stop on my account,” Savannah quipped playfully. “Dumbbell was a nice touch.” 
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
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cfsouthernbelles · 2 years
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favorite oth friendship moments ( 9 / ∞ )
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