#the cookie kingdoms ancient cookies the witches how cookies are made the baby cookie thing
quibbs126 · 2 years
So at my school, I’m in this team and we’re planning on going to a competition. I was filling out the forms for going and one of the things asked was suggestions for “team bonding activities”. I don’t really interact with people in the real world and don’t know how to, so I was asking what I should put, and one of the other members, whom I already know, said that I should just do “spend an hour explaining the lore of game I like”, since I am one for infodumping and I have genuinely done this to her (it was over the Layton games).
Thing is, I’d genuinely do it (I love to infodump about things I like), and now I’m considering if I should make a PowerPoint presentation detailing the Cookie Run Lore
If so, what are suggestions on what to put?
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speed-world · 2 months
Hi, I'm not sure if you'll see my request, but I want to ask. Whooh.. [worried and worried] So calm... can I ask you to write Cookie Run Kingdom Self-awareness Au with a human child y/n? And what does the ancients and the cookies of darkness have to do with the fact that their world is just a game? Well, when the ancients and the cookies of darkness found out about this, all the cookies would want to get to know child y/n and the Dark Enchantress changed her mind from leading the world and then a new dispute began about who would protect and take care of child y/n. [If possible, then let y/n get into the midst of the final battle of the Ancients against the Dark Enchantress cookie and if you don't mind, then let the character of little y/n be the most attractive and sweet in the world and his appearance charming so much that even the trading monsters and cake hounds did not want to cause any harm and even pomegranate cookies and Licorice cookies were kind to baby y/n] I would very much like you to tell me this sweet story about it. ^^
(Sorry this took so long, I really hope this is to your liking, as I wrote it with the idea of a school age child [6-12] and I didn’t do everything in the request)
Terrifying New Dawn
Everything was dark around you, so much so that you couldn’t see your own hand in front of your face. The last thing you remember clearly was playing on your phone before going to sleep, and now you were waking up here….in a deforested area with dark and red shadows clouding the sky. You had so many questions: Where are your parents? Where are you?? Why are…the large walls surrounding you so tasty looking?! As you stirred, you heard the muttering of smaller beings that surrounded you. Shock and confusion were written on all of their faces as they just stared at you lying down…
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“It seems like they’re waking up…how on Earthbread did this even happen?”
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“I…I have no idea. Why would a child of the Witches suddenly come down here, during a war of all things…?”
Your vision began to clear up more, and you quickly realized where you were. You were surrounded by Cookies…and you recognized all of them!! These were all recognizable faces from the game you were playing earlier: CookieRun: Kingdom! How exciting is this!! Granted, you also realized something more grim than exciting…you’re still you: a human child in a game world of Cookies. You were dang near a giant to them, and they looked scared of you…how can you convince them you aren’t a threat? Maybe…just say hello?
“Pure Vanilla, Dark Cacao, Hollyberry, Golden Cheese, White Lily, and even Dark Enchantress Cookie?! H-hello…it’s really cool to see you all-“
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“T-this child knows us?! They wouldn’t be…a baker or a witch, would they?!”
Okay…not the reaction you wanted…but how do you explain yourself to them? You most certainly aren’t a “child of the Witches,” nor are you a Witch at all!! Would telling the truth hurt? No…it couldn’t hurt!! It’s just the truth, and your parents always told you that lying wasn’t good for anyone, so telling the truth must be perfect!!
“No, no, I’m nothing like that! I’m just a kid that was playing your cool game! I don’t know what happened to my phone though…but I was playing as you guys in this exact moment, where you were fighting each other! Neat, right?”
Your childish innocence only made things worse. The Cookies around you froze in complete shock from the slow realization, a truth far more painful than the one Dark Enchantress Cookie was dead set on making others see. They were pixels on a screen,…predetermined script for you to mess around with, …fake…. If it wasn’t obvious, they weren’t happy with this realization at all, especially the one who’s apparently been forced to play the villain’s role…
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“What…what kind of perverse joke is this? You mean to tell me that my ambitions, everything I’ve worked tirelessly for, my life…has been worthless this entire time?! The truth I meant to share with all Cookiekind…is nothing more than wasted breath compared to this…”
Dark Enchantress Cookie stood utterly defeated, still trying to process what reality now means to her. The Ancients, ironically, were united with Dark Enchantress here. None of them knew what to properly make of their lives now. But, there was now a more pressing issue: you. You were a child, a lost one at that. You had no home to go to, no family to look after you, and you were rather…unfitted for the Cookie world as you were now. Oddly enough, the first one to address this was none other than Dark Enchantress herself!
“Ah, yes….despite everything, you, child, are our greatest concern of the moment. Seeing as how all I’ve strived for is now utterly meaningless, I’ve changed my mind. I no longer have any desire to continue this war with you Ancient heroes, or any other Cookies of the matter. From now on, this child is my concern, and I’ll watch over them as I see fit.”
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“W-what?! You can’t be the one to watch over them! You’d misguide and harm them, and no matter who they are, they don’t deserve that harsh life!”
“All you do is assume rather than listen…I’ve made it abundantly clear that I have no more interest in any of my former ideals, as they clearly have no substance anymore. If it makes you happy to satisfy your role as a ‘hero’, then we can all help this child adjust to this world properly. Surely if we come together with our magic and wits, we can at least ideally make them a body better suited to live amongst us, wouldn’t you agree~?”
The Ancients stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity to decide your fate, before one radiant Ancient approached you. She looked up at your towering stature with welcoming eyes.
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“Child, do know that this is ultimately your decision. The last thing either of us would want is to do anything to you that could harm you. Your safety and wellbeing is our shared priority, but you could pose a danger to us in the state you’re currently in. If you so wish, we can find a way to assist you to live in this world without issue until we find a way to bring you back to your home…what do you say?”
It felt like no matter what you chose, you’d be completely safe and cared for no matter what. You noticed that as you were pondering, a horde of cake hounds and other monsters of Dark Enchantress’s forces circled you and virtually showered you with affection, which you found so adorable!! The cake hounds would play around your large body and playfully puppy kiss you!
It’s clear as day that these Cookies care for you, first and foremost, and everything else around you did as well. They wouldn’t cause you harm, they wouldn’t even want you to cry or be afraid, they loved you like nothing else, and hoped that your new life here wouldn’t be anything to be afraid of!
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fluffshi-wxffle · 7 months
You know another thing I noticed with the Beasts and our Ancients? The Beasts were baked and dropped into their positions and the Ancients were baked to grow up (whether you believe they were baked as babies or as children or teens already) and choose/get led into their positions.
Unless I’m wrong but nothing really shows that the Beasts had a life like our Ancients did before they got their SoulJams or became kings/queens (White Lily only technically recently got her kingdom)
Pure Vanilla and White Lily went to an Academy (whether as children, teen, young adult is up to you to decide headcanon wise) and at some point met Hollyberry, Dark Cacao and Golden Cheese. I remember somewhere, I could be wrong, that they were just a group of adventurers (One of PV’s lines in the Cookie list if you have him is “I haven’t been on an adventure for a long time!” Or something like that) and eventually split off when they found their SoulJams. I don’t mean split off as in their friend circle because they all came together after PV’s kingdom/castle was founded/made and made a promise in the Solarium of Unity. White Lily was there (WITH HER OWN SOULJAM BTW) for PV’s coronation(which kinda questions where the others were? Y’all weren’t there for your best friend’s coronation? Unless they were there just off screen ig or they were in the process of receiving their own SoulJam or founding their kingdoms while this was happening. After all we don’t know the order of the Ancients founding their kingdoms). So you can kinda see the passage of time with the Ancients with their sprites, if they have or don’t have SoulJams, and what they or others say.
The Beasts were just said to have been baked and then given the SoulJams. Hell maybe we have a situation where the Beasts were teens as well when they were baked but thrown into their positions to wield the SoulJams because the Witch(es) only thought about whether or not these 5 could wield them. So the Beasts are just misguided children (not saying they are children currently. if they were baked as teens they obviously grew into adults and if not, they are already adults). Because also the Witch(es) did nothing to help them really with their powers. Kinda just let them figure it out for themselves and when they went batshit with said powers, just opted to seal them away.
Maybe our Ancients were planned from the start to be the new holders of the SoulJams (i'm basing this off their descriptions on how they were made/born except Golden Cheese mysteriously doesn't have a line or anything in her paragraph saying how she was made) and the Witch(es) hope they can redeem the Beasts.
If the Beasts do get redeemed, I'm hoping they're like the Diamonds in SU where they're silly little aunts/uncles and use their powers for helping Cookies or develop new powers as well to do that.
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galactictwilight · 3 months
Leftover Dough AU
The premise is that when the Witch of Light and her coven made the Beast Cookies, there was leftover dough from each Beast that was stored and labeled in the castle under a preservation spell. So, long after the Shadow Witch began her experiments within the castle, she found the Beast Cookie's dough. Now, this is were the AU gets a bit convoluted to make it work. Instead of seeing the doughs as the finished products that they were, the Shadow Witch thought they were ingredients for the old covens ultimate dough. This is due to the fact that the Beast Cookies have cookie ingredients as a part of their names.(Or, you know, there was just so little dough she just decided to merge them all and see what happens) This is how Gingerbrave was born in this AU! His dough was made from mixing all the Beast Cookie's leftover dough together.
I also can't help but imagine that the Beast Cookies were made to be giants when compared to other cookies, but they all have an innate ability to change their size. So, Gingerbrave in this Au is actual just a child and will grow to be just as large as the Beast Cookies. There is also the possibility that Gingerbrave might gain abilities unique to himself in this AU. Another thing I am pondering is that since the Beast Cookies were made for their Soul Jams. Would my AU Gingerbrave cause some kind of reaction from the Soul Jams, like causing them to glow if he was near or touched them? Could he use them or give them a boost by acting as a substitute to their missing half(or enhance them when their whole)? Can he sense Soul Jams when they are near him or maybe he could have always felt them like a presence within his mind? Would the Ancient Cookies also have some kind of reaction to his presence?
Another quandary is how will the Beast Cookies be affected by his presence? Since this Gingerbrave is made from their leftover dough, that would make him the little brother to all the Beast Cookies in this AU. On one hand, I could go with them seeing him as a way to bypass needing their Ancient counterpart's Soul Jam to accomplish their goals, but on the other hand, what if his presence is also addictively soothing to them. What if cookies made from the same dough and baked by Witches have a pacifying effect on each other that makes them not want to harm or part from their sibling (batch-mate?). This would also have to be a phenomenon that only occurs with Witch made cookies, while cookies like Custard Cookie The III have a more human relationship with their siblings.
I also have to acknowledge how the sealing may have affected the Beast Cookies. Since three of the Beast Cookies have yet be be released, I can really only ponder on Shadow Milk and Mystic Flour. Shadow Milk is for sure a little crazy and I think all the Beast's were conscious throughout the entire time they were sealed. Shadow Milk also probably really hates when it is quiet and dark since it would remind him of the seal (this would probably make him use the calming effect of batch-mates to chase away his discomfort while also trying to cover up his true intentions with some other reason for his actions). Mystic Flour probably won't really change personality wise that much, however, she will be the stone faced character that is cuddling their baby sibling in private with no facial change (a kuudere, maybe?).
This is all that I could come up this for this AU. There are probably a lot of way this could be made into a story and I will probably put a list at the end of this. I hope my AU rambling was entertaining and interesting. Also, if anyone wants to use this for a story or sees a story with a similar premise to this, please let me know. I would love to read it.
Now, unrelated to this story Idea, I wonder how it would effect the characters of cookie run kingdom when it is revealed that the witches they worship/feared are dead and the ones around now were not the ones that loved and cared for cookie kind. I don't think I have really seen anyone go into depth about the connection between witch's castle and kingdom. I mean how tragic would it be to learn that the good witches perished while trying to bring prosperity to the world because one of them tainted the spell they were casting. How shaken would they be to find out that those witches became cookies as well? Heck, how would the Beast Cookies feel knowing the fate of the witches that sealed them. I truly wonder the reactions from those not in the know to such news.
Story Direction list:
Angst/maybe Hurt/comfort- Shadow Milk uses Gingerbrave as a substitute for his Soul Jam and succeeds in his plan. In this, Shadow Milk uses the bond only to keep Gingerbrave helpless and obedient (as well as a comfort to himself when he needs it). Will the Ancients be able to defeat the beast cookies before its to late? Will Gingerbrave's friends be able to rescue him? (Can Gingerbrave somehow redeem the Beast Cookies?)
Horror/Platonic Yandere- This would start like the angst story but proceed into a psychological horror as Gingerbrave is pulled into a forced family with the Beast Cookies. There will be a mounting horror as he sees glimpses of what his 'family' is doing to other cookies all while they treat him like a beloved toddler and no matter how hard he tries to be angry and hate them, he can't. Gingerbrave is slowly but surly succumbing to the bonds of Witch baked cookies born of the same dough.
Action/mystery- Throughout the campaign to free the Vanilla Kingdom from Dark Enchantress Cookie's forces. Pure Vanilla Cookie notices a peculiar reaction from his Soul Jam when he is near Gingerbrave. He is not the only one...
Mystery/?- Strawberry Crepe Cookie just can't understand how that group of crumbs for brains beat her! She's poured over the data and looked at their compositions and still can't find out what. WENT. WRONG?!?! Especially with that candy cane welding idiot, Gingerbrave!
Part 2
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thedarkcircuswritings · 3 months
How Do Babies Work In Cookie Run?
I decided to make a post on my headcanons on this (which may or may not be subject to change) and will be placing it on the masterlist as a sorta "oh hey, here's how I write this!"
First of all, cookies are baked, mostly through magical combinations of ingredients coming from the cookie who wants to bake them. Yes, witches can bake cookies too, but let's keep it in-line with a cookie wanting to be a parent.
I always imagined mini ovens being scattered at different kingdoms, which are fewer ovens and more just mysterious magical technology that the cookies haven't figured out, and if you tried to get at the magic for science purposes, it'd disappear and the mini oven would become dysfunctional, hence why the scientists in Beast Yeast wouldn't use it as an option: plus mini ovens mostly take the ingredients and click the random button, and the scientists are looking more of "perfect batch" sort of things.
Cookies can also create a dough with even just one ingredient, so a single cookie can become a parent, and the ingredients do not matter on gender whatsoever, so any cookie, as long as they're an adult and want to give part of their ingredient up, can have a chance at the mini oven at creating a baby/newborn dough.
Of course, the only real rockiness is with the species of cookies, as the rate of how different cookies can bake and how many can be baked in one batch can vary:
Normal Cookies: these act as the baseline "humans," so when the baby is baked, they're just a newborn dough, and the usual amount for a cookie to bake is for one child, but the chance for multiple children in one batch is possible. Yes, these include Ancients and Beasts unless they're physically another species.
Half-Animal Cookies: Think something like Fig Cookie, or overall a cookie with half-animal traits (dragons do not count). They'd usually bake a normal newborn dough as well, but depending on the animal that cookie is connected with, it'll influence how many cookies can be baked. For example, a half-deer cookie is more likely to have two cookies per batch and a ferret-based cookie can have a batch fluctuating from two to seventeen. These also can expand to half-avian cookies like Blue Slushy, half-avians and other half-animals that usually give birth to eggs, their newborn dough will be given to the cookies in eggs as well.
Monsterous Cookies: This would be something similar to the half-animal cookies, but more monstrous or mythical, like vampires and such. This will change the most drastically depending on which monster the cookie is based upon. Some monstrous cookies won't have any changes or conditions for the newborn dough, while others might. For example, a vampire monster cookie may have a lower rate of being able to bake a child because they aren't technically alive, while werewolf monster cookies can usually bake between two or three cookies at a batch.
Fae/Fairy Cookies: Fairy/fae cookies usually only have one child per batch, and they come in eggs. Outside of that, it's similar to Normal Cookies.
Ghost/Undead Cookies: While Ghost/Undead Cookies can bake children (similar amount to Normal Cookies), they'd be at a much lower rate of being able to bake one because of their ingredients, whether it's because they are moldy or made from ghostly magic.
Gem Mermaid Cookies: These are the most tricky ones, mostly because nobody can agree on if Mermaids are technically mammals or fish. In my rendition, most Gem Mermaids are fish, and therefore when they have a newborn dough baked, they have eggs, however to counterbalance this, they may only lay one egg every batch and have the same rates as Normal Cookies.
Dragon Cookies: Dragon Cookies bake eggs, and usually can have two to six of them within a batch, mostly because of their reptilian nature.
Godly/Etheral Cookies: These cookies are probably the only ones who can make their cookies using pure magic rather than mini ovens, and therefore can make as many as they'd like!
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thatfriendlyecho · 5 years
Sanders Sides AU: Modern Kingdom of Imagineria
Finally I make one of these! My 8 month writer’s block has finally diminished for now and I’ve decided to make an AU I’ve been working on for about a year (among other things).
This is a Modern Fantasy AU, where technology and real life bullshit exists alongside magic. As all good Sanders Sides AUs go, there will be ships. If you want a non-ship esque AU, leave now because there is a whole lotta LAMP.
Anyway, let’s get right into the character descriptions!
Roman Olivers (Dragon-Hybrid, 16)
Roman was born in Manchester, and even after moving to the modern Kingdom of Imagineria at the age of six, he still has a slight English accent.
Roman and his twin brother, Remus, were adopted after their mother was found dead curled around her children in the Endless Forest, just on the outskirts of Manchester. Their adoptive parents, a pair of now ex-dragon hunters, found the twins and took them in as their own.
They moved a few years later, after their mother’s scent vanished and they could leave without the twins remembering her anymore.
Roman’s mother was a fully-grown ruby-scaled dragon (presumably the last of her kind, according to his parents), and he has visible scales of his own on his shoulders, back of his hands, cheeks, neck and forehead.
He is not a full dragon, and he and his brother are half-human. (Or dragonborn, for all of you D&D buffs. Except that he’s mostly human in appearance)
Roman is insecure about his dragon heritage, and as such he grew a slight hatred for dragons. He has often stated that he would slay dragons that ever even set foot near his family.
He doesn’t have wings, but instead has a scaly tail that sprouts from his lower back.
He trips people sometimes, but don’t tell his mother.
All in all, he has serious body dysphoria.
He’s overly protective of his loved ones.
He’s been suspended twice, once because someone made fun of Remus right in front of him, and another time because someone was bullying Virgil.
Roman can create small flames from his mouth, though those have mostly been by accident. This usually occurs when he laughs too hard.
Roman and Virgil didn’t get along for a very, very long time. He eventually started catching feelings for him when he showed up to his front step on his birthday with a woven blanket that he still has not washed to this day.
Roman met Patton and Logan at a library, where Logan snapped at him for flirting with Patton while he was working.
He sings Disney songs on the regular as a coping mechanism.
He’s currently a sophomore in high school that works as his neighbor's babysitter.
Patton Hazir (Harpy, 16)
Patton was born in the Endless Forest, and when he left it for the first time, he appeared in Imagineria.
Patton’s name is actually completely different, but he doesn’t go by it because it’s too complicated to pronounce.
His nickname was Pat because that was the only part of his name that Logan could pronounce. The last name was a random sound he made after stubbing his toe, which kills his friends to this day.
Harpies become independent of their parents after ten years old, and as such don’t have the obligation to return home every night. Since he wanted to go to school, though most harpies don’t want a modern education, he still lives with him.
His parents are very sweet, and naturally they don’t mind.
Patton looks mostly normal, as harpies disguise themselves to present normally to the human eye. The things that seriously stand out about Patton is the fact that he has no ears, he has a few small feathers in his arms that he can’t conceal, and he has talons for feet.
When Patton is in his true form, he has eagle-like feathers sprouting from his arms in varying shades of soft blue. His waist down morphs into the bottom half of some large eagle, tail feathers and all. His torso and head remain as is.
As time progressed, harpies became more docile, and are now not such predatory monsters. They are still extremely territorial and it is unwise to cross a flock, but they are actually very friendly in comparison to a century ago.
Patton is the prime example of the kindest harpies to ever exist in the history of...ever.
He literally smiles at the sun when he wakes up what kind of-
Many people, especially those who are much older, still regard him with a watchful eye.
Patton thinks basically everything is cute. You could show him an imp and he’d pinch its cheek. (He's done this before and he regretted it immediately after)
The biggest challenge for him was Virgil, who we’ll get to in a moment.
They have some really cute moments together.
He can sing, though he’s really shy about it so it rarely ever happens.
His voice sounds enough like music that nobody complains (often).
Patton also has an insane love for sugar cookies, and whenever he’s stressed, he stress-bakes.
Since he doesn’t have a “modern home” in the forest, he usually shows up at Roman's or Virgil's house with a bunch of cookie ingredients.
He has a tendency to steal food, and can’t go into a grocery store without being closely watched.
He received a joke book from Logan on his birthday, and he regrets it. You cannot say anything without him making a pun.
He’s currently a sophomore in high school, and he assists the librarian at the Public Imaginative Library. He doesn’t get paid, and simply loves helping out. That’s how he met Logan.
Logan (Dryad, 14)
Logan was born in the Endless Forest without true parents, being as he is a tree nymph, or a dryad.
Logan was sorely misguided after he was birthed from Mother Earth, and as such he became very curious very, very quickly.
Mere minutes after being born, he wandered to a riverside and was almost killed by a hungry, stranded mermaid.
Luckily he morphed into a tree right at the bank of the river right before she could fatally injure him.
He has a bite mark on his side, which has healed into a scar from the mermaid attack.
Logan was not born naturally smart, and was in fact very naive at birth. He was curious, and never thought of the consequences of his actions until he left the forest and entered Imagineria.
When Logan left the forest, he hid in public parks, where he changed into his tree form for extended amounts of time.
Logan is a dryad, meaning that in Imagineria, if he wished to pursue an education, he could enroll for school on his own. When he learned how to read (he was 3), he became addicted to knowledge, and enrolled himself.
He skipped a grade, which is why he's so young.
The first word that he learned was "falsehood", and he found it very useful after he became friends with Patton, Roman, and Virgil. It is now his favorite word, and he gets very happy when he reads it somewhere.
The library became his home away from home, which is where he met Patton.
Logan is really book smart, NOT street/survival smart. He knows how to transform into a tree when faced with danger, but he doesn't know how to fight per sey.
Logan's appearance is humanoid in nature (no pun intended), and he has the palest skin tone of all the others. There's a slight green tone to his skin, and he sometimes grows small blue flowers that appear in his hair. He also has pointed ears and long claws that he can retract.
He can see well enough, but after meeting Patton, he grew envious of his glasses and made his own out of branches. Don't tell Patton that.
Logan gave himself his name. He doesn't have a last name because he finds it unnecessary.
Logan is a full-blown vegan, and the others need to take this into account whenever they eat together. He doesn't eat often, but he loves fruit and berries.
He's currently a junior in high school.
Virgil Anansi (Arachne, 14)
Virgil was born with the Curse of Arachne, as his family were a mischievous bunch of practicing witches and wizards. This basically means that they angered the ancient spider spirit and she cursed each generation's first born with the Curse.
Virgil was homeschooled until he was of high school age. He's extremely anti-social and insecure because of it.
Much like Roman, Virgil has body dysphoria, though not as badly due to his family.
The Anansi family is a pretty wild and close family, though they experiment with questionable black magic often. They were shunned from society after crossing Arachne.
Had it not been for his curse, Virgil would be classified as an Anansi Witch.
Virgil has three little sisters (triplets), a baby brother, two really weird fathers, a feral uncle who lives in the basement, a grandmother that drinks enough alcohol to poison a large pony, and a familiar for each of them. That makes 9 people and 9 familiars living together.
Virgil's familiar is ironically a spider, a palm-sized tarantula named Kisa.
Virgil had never felt different until he grew up and had to go to school. He was never bullied physically until he showed vulnerability in public.
Virgil's bangs only cover a little bit of his forehead, where three extra pairs of eyes are. They're a pupiless, orchid purple (as Logan dubbed them), and he can't make them vanish like his extra limbs and abdomen. He has fangs, but they're pretty small and elongate when he's hunting. On his back there is a "tattoo" of three purple diamonds.
Often times, when Virgil is being sulky, he makes spider silk blankets and scarves in his room while he listens to classical music.
Depending on what kind of music he listens to effects the sturdiness of his webs. Classical isn't his favorite genre of music, but he can't exactly listen to My Chemical Romance while trying to make an intricate design.
Virgil is an absolute sass master, and normally wins verbal arguments. (You can probably guess who he argues with the most.)
He convinced Patton to sing with him in the school talent show, and they sang Lovely Night from La La Land.
Virgil and Logan are the youngest of their friend group, though often times they feel like they're the ones reeling the oldest ones in.
Virgil's the youngest, and he's treated like the group's baby more often than not.
He and Patton were not super close at first because the harpy was afraid of spiders, and Roman hated his guts for reasons he still won't confess to. He had a hard time making friends with Logan because he was just as awkward if not worse.
He and Patton got really close after an incident caused Patton to break his arm, and Virgil nursed him back to health with potions and a whole lotta cuddling. It was cute.
Virgil met Roman first, which was the worst first impression he had ever given off. Especially since he immediately thereafter had a gay panic.
Virgil is a freshman in highschool, and eventually creates a job in which he creates spider silk blankets and sells them online.
These are the main four's character descriptions, but I can go into depth character appearances, character stories, the modern Kingdom of Imagineria, the Endless Forest, etc. I'm planning on writing the main plotline on AO3, but I haven't decided yet.
I guess I'll have to see. Mkay byee~
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luckystarphoto · 5 years
Sometimes my life is like list
Amy Jeanchaiyaphum May 10 2003
Sometimes my life is like smooth white sand.
Sometimes my life is like a stone smoothed by time and water.
Sometimes my life is like a slow leaky faucet.
Sometimes my life is like a rabbit hiding from a predator.
Sometimes my life is like a comfortable shoe.
Sometimes my life is like and abstraction of another life.
Sometimes my life is like an unwritten film.
Sometimes my life isn't like any other life.
Sometimes my life is like raku pottery glistening colors smelling of oil and smoke.
Sometimes my life is like the aerodynamic iridescence of butterfly wings.
Sometimes my life is like a cocoon.
Sometimes my life is like a Horney baboon.
Sometimes my life is like a roller coaster with no end.
Sometimes my life is like a holiday breakfast grapefruit with sugar and a maraschino cherry on top served cold in a hand made clay bowl.
Sometimes my life is like finding a first Grey hair.
Sometimes my life is like a deep cerulean sea.
Sometimes my life is like thinking you can breathe underwater.
Sometimes my life is like a coconut palm tree.
Sometimes my life is like congee in the morning in a busy alley in Thailand.
Sometimes my life is like a collection of invisible photographs only I can see.
Sometimes my life is like the storytelling cracks in ancient timber.
Sometimes my life is like toads moaning in the rain.
Sometimes my life is like waking up from a nightmare of weeping lepers and a dying mother to the sound of moaning toads.
Sometimes my life is like putting my mother in an oven like a giant chocolate chip cookie in a silky dress.
Sometimes my life is like a pink and blue baby blanket with worn satin edges.
Sometimes my life is like sucking a thumb forever.
Sometimes my life is like an itch wool hat.
Sometimes my life is like an itchy wool sweater made with " LOVE".
Sometimes my life is like my putting on my dad's smelly white motorcycle helmet.
Sometimes my life is like a car driving on water.
Sometimes my life is like an elephant ice-skating.
Sometimes my life is like poodle fur.
Sometimes my life is like a herd of buffalo in South Dakota.
Sometimes my life is like penguins painting in the sun
Sometimes my life is like Floating in space.
Sometimes my life is like a noisy drag race.
Sometimes my life is like Evil Knievel.
Sometimes my Life is like a bonfire in a stone pit.
Sometimes my life is like kitty cat kisses.
Sometimes my life is like the silky seed inside a milkweed pod.
Sometimes my life is like finding a giant agate in a huge dirt pit.
Sometimes I never look at the sky.
Sometimes my life is like seeing the earth from the sky.
Sometimes m Life is like riding in the trunk of a car.
Sometimes my life is like not being picked at all in a roller skating snowball, an own birthday party.
Sometimes my life is like hiding in the curtains and talking about peace in a dodgeball. Game.
Sometimes my life is like being the last one standing in a dodgeball game.
Sometimes my life is like being the last one chosen to be on a team, but not really feeling like taking any part in the team anyway.
Sometimes my life is like a Jackson Pollack painting.
Sometimes my life is like a centerfold ripped in half.
Sometimes my life is like music played by an inexperienced musician.
Sometimes my life is like Perfect music heard in a dream.
Sometimes my life is like an unplayed piano
Sometimes my life is like my mothers Goya guitar.
Sometimes my life is like a cobblestone road.
Sometimes my life is like driving across the Lift Bridge while it's going up.
Sometimes my life is like a circus with too many clowns.
Sometimes my life is like a circus with no clowns.
Sometimes my life is like having a circus in the living room.
Sometimes my life is like a pregnant painted pony.
Sometimes my life is like a prairie sky.
Sometimes m life is like a chandelier growing living grapes flashing with crystal rainbows and light.
Sometimes my life is like an oil lamp.
Sometimes my life is like an unread book.
Sometimes my life is like an owner's manual for a useless appliance.
Sometimes my life is like tripping over nothing.
Sometimes m life is like wearing my grandpa's thick blurry glasses just for fun.
Sometimes my life is like… By A Jeanchaiyaphum Page 3
Sometimes my life is like a hotel.
Sometimes my life is like a ceremony.
Sometimes my life is like a celebration where everyone is included.
Sometimes my life is like a lonely celebration.
Sometimes my life is like a silent moment before a performance.
Sometimes my life is like giving the performance of a like time inspiring everybody and not remembering a thing.
Sometimes my life is like being thirsty on a train between two countries, having a pocket full of money but it isn't the correct currency.
Sometimes m life is like Spray painting on the Berlin wall hoping to leave a mark forever, 6 months before the wall is torn down forever.
Sometimes my life is like a lover waiting.
Sometimes my life is like the end of thirst.
Sometimes my life is like dry blue cheese on dry toast when dehydrated.
Sometimes my life is like a mussel-free from its shell laughing like a maniac and waving goodbye before it jumps down the hole in the train toilet and runs away down the track s of Chur Switzerland.  Hoping to climb the Matterhorn and ski in the Olympics.
Sometimes my life is like finding a severed black braid of a supermodel under a bathroom sink in the home of the man who loved her.
Sometimes my life is like watching a party from under the antique table everyone else is eating at it.
Sometimes my life is like a tablecloth made and dyed in India covered in candle wax wine and curry.
Sometimes my life is like hiding in round rotating clothes rack filled with new clothing at a department store.
Sometimes my life is like turning the page.
Sometimes my life is like coming of age.
Sometimes my life is like sitting next to Jesus in a church pew, having a conversation about love and philosophy, while the rest of the congregation is waiting for you to get saved.
Sometimes my life is like a new creation.
Sometimes my life is like being smoothed by muses.
Sometimes my life is like list By A. Jeanchaiyaphum Page 4
Sometimes my life is like a chained up muse.
Sometimes my life is like Kirchner’s lost hand.
Sometimes my life is like sunburn.
Sometimes my life a vegetarian forced to kill and eat meat.
Sometimes my life is like a vegetarian at a veggie buffet.
Sometimes my life is like sitting on a public bus filled with divine beings.
Sometimes my life is like sliding barefoot on new wet concrete.
Sometimes my life is like the smell of fresh timber in new construction.
Sometimes my life is like a national monument.
Sometimes my life is like the statue of liberty greeting all the new kids.
Sometimes my life is like a national park.
Sometimes my life is like having a surgeon cut your bangs.
Sometimes my life is like a museum.
Sometimes my life is like grading papers with my dad.
Sometimes my life is like having my mom do my homework.
Sometimes my life is like eating stew with long-absent family at grandma's house.
Sometimes my life is like a van with wall to wall carpet.
Sometimes my life is like being a kid with the keys to the candy store.
Sometimes my life is like driving a golf cart with a dying battery while being chased by nasty geese
Sometimes my life is like swimming in the bathtub.
Sometimes my life is like learning to skate on the bumpy pond.
Sometimes my life is like A whale in a china shop.
Sometimes my life is like a recipe
Sometimes m life is like a Rorschach test.
Sometimes my life is like a woolly caterpillar.
Sometimes my life is like fleeing from Pharos.
Sometimes my life is like everybody calling me a witch and wishing they were correct.
Sometimes my life is like release time on the playground
Sometimes my life is like the sound of a giant gong.
Sometimes my life is like an exhibition.
Sometimes my life is like an island in peaceful water.
Sometimes my life is like dragonflies embracing and gliding over the water.
Sometimes my life is like floating on my back in the perfectly warm sea looking up at the perfect sky floating above me.
Sometimes my Fe is like stalking a family of familiar strangers
Sometimes my life is like loving someone deeply and never letting them know.
Sometimes my life is like … 
Sometimes my life is like a fiddler on the roof.
Sometimes my life is like a pancake on the roof.
Sometimes my life is like a portfolio lost in the middle of a freeway.
Sometimes my life is like a magician's kit.
Sometimes my life is like playing with a real doctor's bag.
Sometimes my life is like a slide under a microscope.
Sometimes my life is like an enormous healthy tree.
Sometimes my life is like standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon talking to a raven feeling overwhelmed at 30.
Sometimes my life is like detention just for fun.
Sometimes my life is like taking the blame for stealing the book money so the whole class could go home,
Sometimes my life is like living in a magical kingdom.
Sometimes my life is like a glass of tab with a slice of lemon in a glass filled with Ice.
Sometimes my life is like examining how ice forms in the ice cube tray.
Sometimes my life is like watching paint dry.
Sometimes my life is like a house claustrophobic with cigarette smoke.
Sometimes my life is like the smell of red wine and cigars.
Sometimes my life is like playing dress up with friends.
Sometimes m life is like a blessing.
Sometimes my life is like the life of a sheepdog trapped in a human body.
Sometimes my life is like an upside down yoga pose.
Sometimes my life is like an undiscovered treasure.
Sometimes my life is like dipping hands in wax while my nose is dripping.
Sometimes my life is like making gods eyes out of yarn.
Sometimes my life is like building haunted houses with my brother.
Sometimes my life is like quitting a play because the role wasn't big enough.
Sometimes my life is like selling painted rocks and lemonade.
Sometimes my life is like playing forever.
Sometimes my life is like flying to the moon in a lazy boy chair.
Sometimes my life is like singing to deer in the Forrest.
Sometimes my life is like mining for diamonds.
Sometimes my life is like leftover pieces made into a quilt.
Sometimes my life is like pulling the stuffing out of upholstery through a little hole.
Sometimes m life is like playing shipwreck in a library.
Sometimes my life is like coaxing snails out of their shells.
Sometimes my life is like, page 6
Sometimes my life is like an embracing secret admiration.
Sometimes my life is like gearing exactly what I want.
Sometimes my life is like an invention.
Sometimes my life is like a sweat lodge sometimes my life is like a close encounter. Sometimes my life is like a POW wow.
Sometimes my life is like the smell of broiled steak.
Sometimes my life is like a well-furnished trailer.
Sometimes my life is like a hand made bunk bed painted cheese whiz yellow?
Sometimes my life is like making friend with my turds before I have to flush them.
Sometimes my life is like talking to inanimate objects.
Sometimes my life is like the ripped out pages of a journal.
Sometimes my life is like having some on read my journal and publish it and not real y caring.
Sometimes my life is like Et hiding in the mound of stuffed animals.
Sometimes my life is like preparing and waiting for Santa Claus and not being able to starry up all night then waking up to find that he has been there and given more than you ever expected.
Sometimes my life is like finding out who really did that and made that real.
Sometimes my life is like helping out knowing the truth but waking up with exactly the same feeling.
Sometimes my life is like a perfectly produced holiday special celebrations.
Sometimes my life is like eating crab legs and drawn butter for 5 weeks straight.
Sometimes my life is like the Easter bunny showing up and hiding eggs in my Jewish grandparent's house.
Sometimes my life is like a room full of trophies.
Sometimes my life is like pop bottles on the back stairs.
Sometimes my life is like seeing the skeleton paper in my grandmother's closet.
Sometimes my life is like an attic full of everything you could ever need.
Sometimes my life is like healing.
Some times my life is like boo rock.
Some times my life is like believing my dad really could find cookies in my ears.
Sometimes my life is like an albatross. Sometimes my life is like a silent phone call. Sometimes my life is like a sitcom.
Sometimes my life is like the smell of dad's helmet.
Sometimes my life is like going down the rapids in a boat driven by strangers.
Sometimes my life is like…. 
Sometimes my life is like knowing all the secrets and keeping them.
Sometimes my life is like Chocolate ice cream on the back of a bicycle.
Sometimes my life is like riding into Sa tree your first time out.
Sometimes my life is like opening a gift.
Sometimes my life is like jumping a motorcycle over a dirt pit to impress someone, and after succeeding realizing that no one saw you do it at all.
Sometimes my life is like being lazy to wait.
Sometimes my life is like a road trip.
Sometimes my life is like  
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