Galactic Twilight
18 posts
Dumping grounds for my random ideas.
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galactictwilight · 8 months ago
Leftover Dough AU Part 2
Part 1
I'm back with more for this AU. I thought that the first post was all I had in me, but I had a few more ideas that involved the Soul Jams and Gingerbrave's birth. When I was thinking back to the intro for witch's castle, I remembered that Gingerbrave wasn't the only cookie that was baked. There was nine other cookies on the tray, but only Gingerbrave sparkled when the Shadow Witch sprinkled life powder on them. Another weird thing to note was that when Gingerbrave 'woke up', his siblings were already dead.
A detail I noticed is that in the first few seconds where Gingerbrave opens his eyes, there is particles flying around him. Either that was just an effect to help with transitioning from claymation to animation or that was cookie crumbs flying through the air. The way I'm tying this back into my AU is simple, the very nature of his dough could only allow one cookie to live. I have it like this because there is only one Beast Cookie per Soul Jam. In fact, the only reason why Gingerbrave was able to bypass this is because he is made from all five. If even one of the dough's weren't use he won't be alive.
I also thought that it was very disturbing that Gingerbrave didn't wake up till all of his batch-mates were dead. Heck, if you pause on the few shots that show them, you can tell which had been alive or not just by the expression on their face. And just to make it even more horrifying in this AU, the closer Gingerbrave's siblings were to living the harsher the backlash. That's why some were pristine, others were cracked, and the rest were in pieces. The only reason that Gingerbrave wasn't effected like the rest was because he was the first one touched by the life powder. That's why he won't wake up till the rest were dead, making him kind of like a Kodoku.
In this AU, all of these oddities tie back to the Soul Jams. Each of the Beast Cookies were created to wield the power of a complete Soul Jam, not half. This is why there can only be one per Soul Jam. I know that I'm just repeating myself, but this is the most important part of this AU. It is literally the foreshadowing to what Gingerbrave's existence means regarding the Soul Jams. This AU introduces a 6th Soul Jam that can only be realized when the other five complete Soul Jams are combined, The Light of Potential. This Soul Jam can even be half manifested by combining the halves held by the Beast or Ancient Cookies.
Light of Potential
The Light of Potential's power controls:
Possibility - What could happen, no matter how impossible.
Eventualities - What will happen, no matter how inevitable.
Time - Can show what has, is, and would/could/won't happen. As well as slow down, speed up, and stop time. It's most devastating ability is to manifest a possible future into a reality.
Life Powder - Can take, give, and manipulate life powder.
This also includes the powers of the five complete Soul Jams as well.
Light of Fear:
The Light of Fear is manifested using the Beast Cookie's Soul Jams and it's power is:
Can bring up and empower the doubts and insecurities held in ones heart.
Slows down time around it.
Temporarily manifest negative possibility's of the future.
Can look into the past.
Can take life powder from the world or others to empower it's wielder.
Memory manipulation (amnesia) via stealing life powder (This is reversible since their dough remembers, they just need to be reminded). This also allows for mind reading.
Light of Courage:
The Light of Courage would manifest with the union of all the Ancient Cookie's Soul Jams and it's power is:
Can inspire others to act in spite of the uncertainty or fear in their hearts.
Has the ability to speed up time around it.
Can show what is happening in the present, anywhere.
Can temporarily manifest positive possibility's of the future.
Can Give life powder to the world or others to heal and empower.
Allows for a telepathic bond where a mutual exchange of information and emotion via giving life powder. This forms a connection between two minds which makes It impossible to lie or hide intentions from each other.
The whole premise for this Soul Jam is, well, potential and what that means in relation to the 5 Soul Jams. Knowledge, happiness, volition, solidarity, and change are what we can gain as we grow. I chose fear and courage as the things it splits into because these are what makes us decide what we are going to do. Fear locks us in place when the choices we make can have us loose something we don't want to give up. This can lead to us making decisions that we think are going to keep the status quo or help fix the mistake, even if it means hurting others or ourselves. It takes courage to do what is right or to get out of your comfort zone, to ask for help, or even admit you were wrong and apologize.
I also decided to make Gingerbrave's candy cane magical in this AU. In the prologue of Witch's Castle, he was not baked with a candy cane, Gingebrave just woke up holding one. His candy cane is a manifestation of his connection to the 6th Soul Jam that only he can use to it's full potential; it also hints at the shape of the Soul Jam. The candy cane is almost indestructible and can mend itself if broken or destroyed. The shape of the 6th Soul Jam is a circular rainbow mint. If Gingerbrave were to ever gain the 6th Soul Jam or one of it's two halves; it would combine with his candy cane to make a candy cane staff with the Soul Jam floating in the crook. The look of the staff would depend on which one it combined with. Fear would have a staff full of sharp edges and jagged points as well as darker colors. Courage would be much rounder in design with soft curves and brighter colors. The complete Soul Jam would be simple, but elegant in design and have a balanced saturated color palette.
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This is the closest to what I think the 6th Soul Jam would look like. This is a pillow; since I'm not that good at drawing. I found it on google image.
That's it for this post. I hope whoever reads this has an awesome day! <3
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galactictwilight · 9 months ago
Leftover Dough AU
The premise is that when the Witch of Light and her coven made the Beast Cookies, there was leftover dough from each Beast that was stored and labeled in the castle under a preservation spell. So, long after the Shadow Witch began her experiments within the castle, she found the Beast Cookie's dough. Now, this is were the AU gets a bit convoluted to make it work. Instead of seeing the doughs as the finished products that they were, the Shadow Witch thought they were ingredients for the old covens ultimate dough. This is due to the fact that the Beast Cookies have cookie ingredients as a part of their names.(Or, you know, there was just so little dough she just decided to merge them all and see what happens) This is how Gingerbrave was born in this AU! His dough was made from mixing all the Beast Cookie's leftover dough together.
I also can't help but imagine that the Beast Cookies were made to be giants when compared to other cookies, but they all have an innate ability to change their size. So, Gingerbrave in this Au is actual just a child and will grow to be just as large as the Beast Cookies. There is also the possibility that Gingerbrave might gain abilities unique to himself in this AU. Another thing I am pondering is that since the Beast Cookies were made for their Soul Jams. Would my AU Gingerbrave cause some kind of reaction from the Soul Jams, like causing them to glow if he was near or touched them? Could he use them or give them a boost by acting as a substitute to their missing half(or enhance them when their whole)? Can he sense Soul Jams when they are near him or maybe he could have always felt them like a presence within his mind? Would the Ancient Cookies also have some kind of reaction to his presence?
Another quandary is how will the Beast Cookies be affected by his presence? Since this Gingerbrave is made from their leftover dough, that would make him the little brother to all the Beast Cookies in this AU. On one hand, I could go with them seeing him as a way to bypass needing their Ancient counterpart's Soul Jam to accomplish their goals, but on the other hand, what if his presence is also addictively soothing to them. What if cookies made from the same dough and baked by Witches have a pacifying effect on each other that makes them not want to harm or part from their sibling (batch-mate?). This would also have to be a phenomenon that only occurs with Witch made cookies, while cookies like Custard Cookie The III have a more human relationship with their siblings.
I also have to acknowledge how the sealing may have affected the Beast Cookies. Since three of the Beast Cookies have yet be be released, I can really only ponder on Shadow Milk and Mystic Flour. Shadow Milk is for sure a little crazy and I think all the Beast's were conscious throughout the entire time they were sealed. Shadow Milk also probably really hates when it is quiet and dark since it would remind him of the seal (this would probably make him use the calming effect of batch-mates to chase away his discomfort while also trying to cover up his true intentions with some other reason for his actions). Mystic Flour probably won't really change personality wise that much, however, she will be the stone faced character that is cuddling their baby sibling in private with no facial change (a kuudere, maybe?).
This is all that I could come up this for this AU. There are probably a lot of way this could be made into a story and I will probably put a list at the end of this. I hope my AU rambling was entertaining and interesting. Also, if anyone wants to use this for a story or sees a story with a similar premise to this, please let me know. I would love to read it.
Now, unrelated to this story Idea, I wonder how it would effect the characters of cookie run kingdom when it is revealed that the witches they worship/feared are dead and the ones around now were not the ones that loved and cared for cookie kind. I don't think I have really seen anyone go into depth about the connection between witch's castle and kingdom. I mean how tragic would it be to learn that the good witches perished while trying to bring prosperity to the world because one of them tainted the spell they were casting. How shaken would they be to find out that those witches became cookies as well? Heck, how would the Beast Cookies feel knowing the fate of the witches that sealed them. I truly wonder the reactions from those not in the know to such news.
Story Direction list:
Angst/maybe Hurt/comfort- Shadow Milk uses Gingerbrave as a substitute for his Soul Jam and succeeds in his plan. In this, Shadow Milk uses the bond only to keep Gingerbrave helpless and obedient (as well as a comfort to himself when he needs it). Will the Ancients be able to defeat the beast cookies before its to late? Will Gingerbrave's friends be able to rescue him? (Can Gingerbrave somehow redeem the Beast Cookies?)
Horror/Platonic Yandere- This would start like the angst story but proceed into a psychological horror as Gingerbrave is pulled into a forced family with the Beast Cookies. There will be a mounting horror as he sees glimpses of what his 'family' is doing to other cookies all while they treat him like a beloved toddler and no matter how hard he tries to be angry and hate them, he can't. Gingerbrave is slowly but surly succumbing to the bonds of Witch baked cookies born of the same dough.
Action/mystery- Throughout the campaign to free the Vanilla Kingdom from Dark Enchantress Cookie's forces. Pure Vanilla Cookie notices a peculiar reaction from his Soul Jam when he is near Gingerbrave. He is not the only one...
Mystery/?- Strawberry Crepe Cookie just can't understand how that group of crumbs for brains beat her! She's poured over the data and looked at their compositions and still can't find out what. WENT. WRONG?!?! Especially with that candy cane welding idiot, Gingerbrave!
Part 2
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galactictwilight · 2 years ago
Past's Order & Future's Chaos Part 1
I did not realize that there was a word cap, so I have to break this into multiple posts. Since I keep getting writers block when trying to make interconnected stories, I'm just going to put the plot point for each day and expand upon it in the other posts.
I'm not really good with one word prompts so I'm just going to take all the Ectober prompts and try to fuse them together into an interconnected frankenstein fic idea. I might even use the free days to add some more Ideas. Though, there might be a bit of lore from my other DP AU making it's way into this story idea. Unfortunately, I suck at characterization so all of the characters are probably going to be OOC. I'll try my best to do the DP characters justice. Anyways, I hope everyone likes my fic dump.
Summery: As September gives way to October, Danny is visited by Clockwork at the stroke of midnight with some alarming news. The month of October will truly live up to the horror it's known for as a truly hellish amount of drama consume not just Danny's life, but also those of his friends and family. Family secrets, tragedies, and truths are exposed. Will the bonds of family be broken? Will love conquer hate? Or will another great tragedy strike the Fenton, Manson, and Foley families once again.
And to think, we haven't even gone into detail about what Clockwork told Danny yet...
Past's Order Prompts
Witch - "Her name was Samantha..." Pamela whispered with grief.
Sam stopped her aggravated exit to turn and look at her mother with an expression of confused surprise as a soft involuntary "what?" trailed out of her mouth.
Pamela adjuster her position on the siting room lounge to lean over the opened scrapbook on her lap. The dusty box it had come from lay haphazardly by her leg where Sam had dropped it. Many macabre trinkets and books where held inside along with dark articles of clothing. The scrapbook itself contained a multitude of pictures with two teenage girls in a punk style of clothing.
The shorter one had puffed out blond hair with pink tips, light peach skin, and aquamarine eyes. A gold chain adorned her neck and she wore a 'Theater of Hate' shirt with a black spiked girdle. Only one of her arms had a black almost elbow long glove while the other hand was hidden behind her back. A black form fitting skirt went right above her ankles, where you could see sheer dark pantyhose, and black leather heels adorned her feet.
The taller one, on the other hand, had short black spiky hair, pale skin, Hazel eyes, and a spiked leather collar around her neck. She wore a no-sleeve crop top with a sheer cloth that draped down to cover her slim stomach. She had short-shorts on with ripped fishnet leggings and black boots. The taller girl also had a multitude of chains and spike tastefully adorning her body and completing her punk look.
Pamela lightly brushed one of her fingers on the image of the taller girl as she spoke in a quiet sad voice, never once looking up from the image.
"Her name was Samantha." Pamela repeated before looking her daughter straight in the eyes as she continued.
"And because of me, she died a Witch..."
Betrayal - Sam stared at her mother with a confused and surprised look on her face. Not quite understanding what her mother meant by 'died a Witch' or why she looked so miserable and grief stricken.
"Mom... What are you talking about?" Sam asked in a somewhat slow manner, a bewildered frown now present on her face. Her anger and frustration from earlier had been put aside now that she noticed just how much the items in that box had affected her mother.
Pamela didn't say anything for a moment. She just sat on the lounge and clutched the old scrapbook in her hands. Her eyes had fallen back down to the photo of the two happy punk teens, lingering mostly on the taller black hired one. Finally, she sucked in a shaky breath of air and responded to her daughter's question, but she couldn't bring herself to take her eyes off of the scrapbook.
"Her name was Samantha Moore and she was my best friend." Pamela said softly as her voice cracked at the end from a repressed sob. Her already tight hold on the scrapbook becoming a death grip as her fingers whitened from the presser.
Sam was shocked to see her mother in such a state and hurried to her side as a concerned 'Mom!' tumbled out of her mouth. Her concern only grew once she saw the tears flowing from her mother's eyes and the light almost unseen full body shaking as the tears silently ran down Pamela's face. And yet still, Pamela kept her gaze on the scrapbook, not even acknowledging Sam as she approached to lean down to get a better look at her face and touched her shoulder.
"Mom? Mom! What's wrong? Are you ok? Please, answer me! MOM!" Sam called in a panicked tone which gained a desperate edge at the end when Pamela didn't even twitch. Fearing that her mother was catatonic, Sam straighten up and fumbled for her cellphone. Once she had her cellphone in hand, Sam shakily started to dial her father's number and rambled to her mother in an attempt to keep calm.
"you-your going t-to be o-ok Mom, I-I'm just g-going t-to call D-dad and he-ll-l know wha-"
"No..." Pamela whispered in a hoarse voice, as her right hand released it's grip on the scrapbook to weakly put itself over her daughters left hand, which had been holding the cellphone. Sam jumped at the sudden move, before she quickly clutched the offered hand with her right one and began to speak to her mother.
"Mom! are you ok? What happened? Why don't you want me to call Dad?" Sam asked in a rush, fearful that if she missed this chance her mom might stop responding again.
Pamela sucked in a deep shaky breath and tore her red rimed gaze away from the scrapbook as her left hand shut it closed. she stared at her daughter for a moment, before looking away with a sigh. she then slid the scrapbook off her lap and back into the box it had come from before standing up. Pamela slowly walked to the fireplace with Sam in tow, still clutching her mother's hand.
Sam waited for her mother to collect herself and talk. She was still a little scared for her mom, but the sight of the scrapbook being put away eased her panic and gave her hope that it was over. Sam took note of her mother's flushed face, ruined makeup, and red rimed eyes. There was a slight tremor to the hand Sam was holding, but it seemed to be slowly easing away as time past. Just as Sam was starting to feel a little awkward, Pamela began to speak.
"I'm sorry you had to see me like that, Sammy." Pamela said in a raspy voice, eyes looking listlessly towards the fireplace rather then Sam. "I just wasn't expecting you to bring me that box." Pamela finished with a chuckle that sounded more like a wheezy cough.
"It's ok, mom. I'm the one that needs to say sorry." Sam said, feeling guilty for causing her mom such pain. Sam hesitated for a moment before adding "But, why did you react like that?"
Pamela frowned lightly as she softly spoke "I suppose it's time to tell you about your namesake and my side of the family. And Sammy, please, do not interrupt me. I don't know if I'll have the strength to start again.". Seeing her daughter nod her head in agreement, Pamela took a steadying breath and spoke.
"My family, the Callister's, have a history of dealing with the occult. You see, Sammy, we are descended from a long line of irish witch hunters and exorcists. Traditionally, the craft would be taught from father to son, but my father, Emerich, believed that all his children had a right to learn the family craft. From a young age, I and my four older brothers, were taught about all the things that go bump in the night and how to fight them." Pamela began in a somber tone.
Sam's eyes widened in shock as she listened to her mother talk about her maternal family. Sure, Sam wasn't too surprised by the revelation that there were more supernatural creature out there other than ghosts, but what she wasn't expecting was for her family to be the ones that hunted them. Especially since it was her mother's family. Pamela had never told Sam much about her side of the family, but Sam hadn't ever thought that this would be the reason for her mother's silence.
"Now, I am not going to go into to much details about the supernatural community. Other then that they exist, and have been slowly secluding themselves from interacting with humans since the industrial revolution." Pamela paused as she saw her daughter give her a pleading look.
"I know that you're interested in this, Sammy, but we can talk about that later" Pamela promised, before resuming her tale.
"It happened when I was thirteen years old. I was young, reckless, and going through a punk phase with my best friend. I had known Samantha since I was a young girl and considered her a sister. We would always get into the most ridiculous situations and cause my poor eldest brother, Avery, to have to come and rescue us. We even made these silly little code names for when we wanted to be sneaky. I was licorice and she was petal." Pamela reminisced with tears in her eyes. Her throat constricted for a moment in grief and she had to stop again to regain some composer. She tightened her grip on her daughters hand for support.
"Samantha had known what my family did for a living. I shared everything with her, and my parents treated her like one of their own. I just wished she had listened to our warnings on the occult as well as me and my brothers did. I wished that I had never shown her that stupid BOOK!" Pamela nearly shrieked at the end, her voice filed with self hatred, shame, and pain. Startling Sam with it's intensity and causing her to wince in pain from how tightly her mother was holding her hand.
"Mom?.." Sam weakly asked in concern, wanting to comfort her mother, but unsure if she would even accept it. Sam somewhat understood where her mother was coming from, but the differences was plain to see, Danny came back, while Samantha hadn't.
Pamela sucked in a shaky breath as her eyes clenched shut. She exhaled a moment later and her eyes slowly slid open. Sam flinched at how blank and hollow they looked. It horrified Sam that her usually preppy and cheery mother could make a face like this. That her eyes could look that dead.
"I'm sorry, Sammy, it seems I may have gotten a little ahead of myself. Let's start at the beginning." Pamela hollowly uttered, face now an impassive mask.
"At the time, my father had been contracted by the US government to hunt down and slay a particularly nasty coven of witches. They had made a pact with the Slavic forest god Berstuk. In return for the powers bestowed to them by the god, they had to kill anyone that harmed the forest or the creatures that inhabited it, whether they wanted to or not.
The only reason my father had even been able to get this information was because an initiate spell book had been found near an area where a group of game hunters had gone missing. Initiate spell books, Sammy, are how new witches are brought into an already established coven. Those books are already tied to their deity of worship and make the ritual to tie their new recruit very simple to do.
The book was being kept in a safe in our basement and would be burned after the coven was eradicated. My father and older brothers had been gone for two weeks, when I showed Samantha that book. I wasn't suppose to be doing it, but I had wanted to impress her with a real life spell book. Samantha had always been fascinated by the occult. I just wanted to make her happy.
But then, Samantha had wanted to try casting a spell from the book. We had a bit of an argument when I told her no. She didn't speak to me for two whole days, before she apologized and asked if we could have a sleepover at my house. I didn't think much of it, I was just happy that my best friend was talking to me again, so I agreed. The sleepover was uneventful, but I had a lot of fun and Samantha went home the next day.
Four days later, me and my mother got a call from my father. The coven was no more and he would be coming home soon. While my father and brothers where coming home, I was tasked with burning the spell book, but when I went to retrieve it from the safe, it was gone. My mother was horrified when I told her and immediately tried to call my father to ask him what to do.
An hour later, the police was knocking at our door. Two body's had been found near the wood and where identified as Samantha's parents. Samantha was nowhere to be found and they had come to our house to see if she was there. It was then that I knew where the spell book was." Pamela paused as her stoic mask began to crack, silent tears running down her face as full body shivers racked her paling frame.
Sam could only look on in growing horror as a realization slowly began to sink in. She could never understand her mothers pain, because it was nothing like what had happened with Danny. The only thing that she had in common was that both of their best friends had died because of actions done in youthful ignorance. Where Sam had nudged Danny towards his death, Pamela had dissuaded her friend from it. It was Samantha that had used her friendship with her mother to get close and steal the spell book, which ultimately lead her to her death.
'A death that was probably caused by my grandfather or uncles...' Sam thought with a growing dread. Her right hand has gone numb with how hard her mother was squeezing it.
"Oh, Sammy..." Pamela softly breathed out in a rough sad voice, "There is something you must understand about witches. When a witch makes a pact with an entity for power, they are giving more then their worship and service. They are giving their very souls and not all entity's are kind enough to give them back or allow their vassal's freewill. Berstuk allowed Samantha neither of those mercies, and since my family had just decimated his followers, he needed my friend to make a new coven for him." Pamela paused to take in a shaky breath as a numb feeling began to overtake her.
"As soon as Samantha had agreed to the pact, her fate had been seal."
"It was grandfather Emerich and my uncles that stopped her, right?" Sam quietly asked, unable to say 'killed' and hoping to end this conversation for her mother's sake. Only to be confused when her mother shook her head. Her confusion quickly became horror as Pamela spoke is a dead voice.
"I was the only one that could do it. My father and brothers wouldn't be home for another few days. And my mother was not trained to fight the supernatural like the rest of the family. I was the only one that had the ability to stop a novice witch. I couldn't allow that evil monster to control my friend, just the thought filled me with such fury.
So I took the family Scian and tracked Samantha down through the east woods of town. When I found her, her body was still changing to show Berstuk's ownership of her soul. Her hair had become long and shaggy with moss just starting to take root in it. Her eyes were that of a wolfs and she was just starting to grow a tail, fangs, horns, and claws. Even her voice was changing, bouncing back and forth between a bellowing elk or a hissing snake." Pamela paused to turn and look her daughter in the eyes, taking in their horror with her dead ones.
"It made what I had to do easier. I was killing a monster, not my best friend. As more and more of Samantha's human appearance was stripped away in our fight, the less I hesitated. It ended when I was able to get close enough to sink my dagger into her heart." Pamela finally finished in a monotone voice, and no more treas to shed.
Sam stared at her mother with horror and shock. She could not comprehend how Pamela had the strength to do what she did. Just the thought of doing the same to Danny made her want to throw up. Sam realized she knew so little about her mother and her family, but now she was hesitant to ask to know more. She didn't want to-
"Sammy, Please pay attention, I haven't told you about the rest of our family yet." Pamela suddenly said, knocking Sam out of her horrified stupor to look at her mother with a confused disbelief in her eyes.
Order - The second task: the retrieval of the reality gems and returning them to their proper place within the Infinite Realms.
Box - "Is there any other secrets about our family that you, grandma, and dad haven't told me?" Sam questioned as she gave her mother a searching gaze.
Pamela looked at her daughter with a fragile smile, the sadness from their previous conversions still lingering, but seemed to be slowly draining away as Pamela pondered on the question. She leisurely strode her way back to the lounge and took a seat on the right most side. Pamela patted the open seat next to her with her left hand as a silent invitation, which Sam accepted as she moved to sit with her mother. With her right hand, Pamela delicately lifted a cup of tea, that had long since cooled, off the console table and took a deep sip before answering.
"The only thing that comes to mind is how I actually met your father and why we chose to live in Amity Park." Pamela said, voice still soft, but growing in strength.
"Wait! -So, that gushy story you and dad told me-" Sam began
"Was not the real story, dear." Pamela finished with an abashed smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, before she quickly continued when she noticed her daughters disgruntled expression and opening mouth. "We where going to tell you the truth when you where older-"
"what! When I'm old enough to live on my own!" Sam cut in with a slight harsh edge to her voice. Sam had a frustrated look on her face for a moment, before she took an deep breath and let out a sigh, her eyes closing as she forced herself to calm down. When she opened them to look at her mom and saw the guilty and hesitant look on her face, Sam had to look away as she spoke again to her mother.
"I -Sorry. Just -" a sigh, "Just tell me how you and dad met." Sam finally got out.
Sam hadn't meant to snap at her mom like that, but after all of today's revelations about her family, she is starting to reach her breaking point. It also kind of stung, Sam felt like she never really knew her own mother. When she had first found that dusty old box in the attic and looked at the scrapbook it contained, all Sam had felt was an indigent rage at her mother's hypocrisy. But after learning about Samantha and her maternal family, Sam doesn't know what to feel other than tired and sad for her mom's loss.
"It's ok, Sammy, I know that what we are talking about is a lot to take in." Pamela said, as she sent a sad understanding smile to her daughter. Sam didn't respond much beyond leveling her mother with an expecting gaze and a slight nod of her head. Needing no further prompt, Pamela began her story.
"I met your father when I was nineteen. My father had been called by Ganit Manson, your grandfather, about strange things that had been happening to his family for the past few months. They had tried moving to some of their other estates across the country, but the entity that was causing it was following them from house to house, getting more and more bold as time past. By the time Ganit had called, your father's arm was broken, he had multiple bruises and scratches, as well as having so many nightmares he was suffering from sleep deprivation." Pamela paused for a moment to take another sip of her tea to help settle her nerves.
"It was a dybbuk"
Silence rained between the two Manson's following that sentence. Sam stared at her mother for a moment, before the words truly register and her eyes widened in shock.
"How...?" Sam breath out, wide eyes still looking at her mother as a pit began to form in her stomach.
"Your grandfather had bought a dybbuk box at a privet deceased estate auction he was invited to by a family friend. He thought it was just a wine cabinet, and when he had opened it, there hadn't been anything glaringly obvious to point out it's true purpose. My family hadn't discovered this important fact for another month and a half." Pamela paused to take a deep breath and collect herself. The next part of this tale was always hard to talk about.
"The dybbuk... was targeting your father. It wanted to possess him and make him do... terrible thing, before it killed him. We had grown closer as the investigation had gone on and I hated what that thing was doing to him!" Pamela hissed, as her hands tightened into fists startling Sam out of her stupor from the intensity of her mother's ire.
Hesitantly, Sam put her hand on her mothers clenched left fist and leaned into her shoulder to try and offer her mother some emotional support. Pamela's fist quickly lost it's tension and instead turned to hold Sam's offered hand in a gentile, but firm grip. Sam felt her mother lean towards her as she relaxed. Mother and daughter stayed like that for a few moments, before Pamela straightened up and turned to look at Sam with a loving and appreciative smile.
"Thank you, Sammy." Pamela said in a loving tone, eye's filled with gratitude. Pamela breathed in deeply to steady herself before she continued with her tale.
"Now, where was I...Oh, yes! By the time we had found out it was a dybbuk, your father was already under it's power and needed to have it exorcised. It took three weeks of constant prayers and exorcisms before Jeremy was free of that monster. By the end of the investigation almost everyone closely involved had been injured by the dybbuk, but it was the Manson's that needed to be hospitalized.
Your grandfather had internal bleeding as well as a lot of fractured bones, specifically around his chest. Your grandmother had a bookcase dropped on her from behind, which had caused a spinal injure. But poor Jeremy had to be in a full body cast from the way that thing had twisted and contorted his body. I did my best to visit him as much as I could until he regained consciousness. And, oh!~ did he say the most romantic thing when he woke up.
He had said 'Oh, Pamela! it was only the thought of being with you that gave me the strength to keep fighting.'. And it was in that instant, I knew, he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with." Pamela finished with a happy sigh, eyes aglow with nostalgia as her cheeks dusted a light pink.
A small smile appear on Sam's face at the sight, happy that her mother was somewhat back to her preppy self after seeing her truly miserable for the last few hours. Sure, Sam is probably going to need a lot of time to absorb everything her mom had told her, but that can be dealt with later. Although, privately, Sam thinks her dad was really cheesy when he said that, Romantic, but cheesy.
Wait, Sam thought, Am I forgetting something?
"What was so special about moving to Amity Park?"
Banshee - A very particular ghost tells Danny what his final task is. (Clockwork had been the one to tell Danny what the last three tasks were, how strange...)
Freeze - Danny, Sam, and Tucker goes to the Far Frozen to ask for Frostbite's help in preparing Danny for his coronation.
Purify - In the aftermath of the battle for the thrown, the Fenton's rush to the Far Frozen before it's too late.
Night Terrors - Tucker has been woken up by his mother's screams and rushes to his parents bedrooms.
Shallow Graves - Jack and Maddie are staring at their ghost portal in the aftermath of Danny telling them the truth. They start to question if their ambitions are worth the shallow grave it had left in its wake.
Harvest - The night of the ritual has now arrived. Sam and Pamela are running out of time...
Thirst - Danny learns an unbelievable truth about the cola that went into the creation of Plasmius.
Way of Life - Pamela tells Sam that Amity Park is a place people go to retire from the supernatural world.
Restored - Danny restores Pariah's Keep in preparation for his coronation.
Haunted House - Danny is instructed to find his lair. His lair has something living in it...
Will O' Wisp - Using a tracking spell in the form of a turquoise flame, Tucker follows it through Nicolet National forest WI, praying that he gets to his parents in time.
Grimoire - A witch and her love making the final preparations on a mysterious ritual within her old and mossy spell book.
Hope - Jazz and Danny have a heart to heart about the recent drama that October has brought. This leads Danny to decide to tell his parents the truth with Jazz supporting him.
Eyes - Danny and Clockwork visit the Observants to sign a few legal documents.
One - A lone Observant betrays his oath and feeds information to Plasmius in the hopes that Phantom won't become king.
Fight - Vlad begins his plan to seize the thrown by attacking the Fenton family during the last task.
Coronation - Danny is crowned High King of All Ghosts on the blue moon of All Hallows Eve.
Myosotis - As Sam's maternal family wins the fight for their lives and the spirits of the coven's former members start to fade, Pamela is approached by a familiar face...
Grudge - Vlad finally vents his anger and rage at Jack after his secret is revealed, before throwing him into the Great Depths.
Past - Tucker is forced to unlock the memory's of his past life as Pharaoh Duul'Aman in an effort to use the knowledge of that life to accelerate his magical prowess as the threat of the blue moon draws ever closer.
Future's Chaos Prompts
Potions - Using his magic and Fenton tech Tucker is able to subdue his parents long enough to administer the moonshift cure to them, hoping and praying he hadn't been to late.
Trust - Danny tells his parents his secret.
Chaos - The battle for the ghostly thrown has begun. But wait! an unexpected challenger approaches the battling half-ghosts?
Staff - Danny's first of four tasks he must complete before becoming High King. He must return the Scarab Scepter to Pharaoh Narmer of Sḫt-Jꜣrw. Sam and Tucker help him while Jazz covers for them.
Wraith - The last task Danny must complete is the destruction of a large group of wraiths that had gathered near the Great Depths. Danny's family helps him with this task. (Tucker is dealing with his parents curse and Sam is visiting relatives and is suppose to be back by Wednesday evening.)
Burn - Vlad's thoughts on the look Maddie sent him just before she made her escape with her catatonic son and devastated daughter.
Infect -Tucker learns how his parents were infected with lycanthropy.
Sleep Paralysis - Sam and Pamela's sleep is interrupted halfway through the night with sleep paralysis. In the morning, both Manson's decide to leave the hotel to spend their last few hours in North Carolina with their family. The two only realize something sinister is afoot when they find the large homestead ransacked and empty.
Deep Tombs - The third task: Danny must retrieve the royal regalia from the Tomb of Fathomless Horrors without any aide from his allies.
Hunger - A familiar face appears in Amity Park.
Drown - All she can hazily remember was how hard it had been to breath. It was like she was underwater, because no matter how much she coughed and inhaled, no air could reach her. And then the torture. just. stopped.
But where was she?
Cause of Death - As Jack flouts down(?) within the Great Depths, with a 'Fenton Jack-O-Lantern' as his only barrier between him and certain death, a being comes to him with a deal he can't refuse.
Abandoned - The prologue of the story where a large portion of Casper High is destroyed by a ghost attack, thus causing the school to be closed down until repairs are finished. To mitigate the loss of education to the students, the parents are given the option to either send their children to the high school in Elmerton or sign them up for the hastily put together online courses provided by Amity Park's board of education.
Danny was able to convince his parents to let him try home schooling to see if it would help him keep his grades up. Sam's parents wouldn't allow their daughter anywhere near Elmerton. It took Tucker a few days to convince his parents to allow him to be home schooled.
Costume Party - Danny enlists Queen Dora's help in setting up the annual Royal Costume Ball. (The counterpart to the Christmas truce. It is only sponsored by the High King, while the truce is done by the people.)
Jack O' Lanterns - Jack reveals his newest ghost hunting invention to his children. (A.K.A. little portable personal ghost shields shaped like pumpkins (with Jacks face or the Fenton logo as the 'carving'.). They fit in your pocket and are surprisingly long lasting. Only downside is that the batteries are difficult to make and charge, so there are still a few kinks he needs to work out.)
Sacred Text - Tucker pours through the books of magic kept in the Archives of Thoth in the hopes that there was a cure for his parents affliction.
Despair - Danny's thoughts about what happened at the Great Depth's and being unable to save them.
Teeth - Tucker noticed that his parents have fangs during what should be a typical Friday night dinner. The normalcy is unknowingly shattered by a terrible revelation once he comments on it in passing.
One Hundred - Sam and her family must fight a coven 100 strong to survive.
Flight - Tucker bursts through his front door calling to his parents in restless excitement that he had found a cure. But he is met with silence and a horrible realization as he finds an envelope addressed to him from his parents.
Coup - Vlad gathers allies to usurp Danny's thrown before he even takes it.
Foxfire - Sam and her mother descend into a mine that is lit by foxfire growing on the old wooden support beams lining the wall. Both are armed to the teeth and hope that they are not to late.
Absolve - Pamela has a sit down with Sam near the end of their reunion with her side of the family to both apologies and show her support to who her daughter wants to be.
Future - In the aftermath of the tragedy at the Great Depths, the remaining Fentons find Shelter in the Far Frozen.
Ectober Week Prompts
Forest - While exploring the woods around her grandparents town, Sam hears whispers that lead her to an old mine shaft...
Six Feet - Sam meets her maternal family for the first time and is overwhelmed by their introduction.
Soul Shredder - Danny learns the history of the soul shredder while talking to Frostbite about what he will need to address as king.
Trickster(Cursed) Knight, Shade Knight, Mage Knight, Tempest Knight
Scream - The sight of his parent's screaming and writhing forms as their body's twisted and contorted into a more wolf like shape momentarily froze Tucker in abject horror.
Lobotomy - A few days after being told the truth, Jack has a heart to heart with his son.
Shiver - The events that occurred in the lead up to the blue moon of Halloween still makes a shiver run down the trio's collective spines.
Folk Tales - Pamela tells Sam about her maternal family, their profession, and family history.
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galactictwilight · 2 years ago
Day 2: Betrayal
Warnings: Dark, Past Character Death, and Body Horror.
Sam stared at her mother with a confused and surprised look on her face. Not quite understanding what her mother meant by 'died a Witch' or why she looked so miserable and grief stricken.
"Mom... What are you talking about?" Sam asked in a somewhat slow manner, a bewildered frown now present on her face.
Sam stared at her mother with a confused and surprised look on her face. Not quite understanding what her mother meant by 'died a Witch' or why she looked so miserable and grief stricken.
"Mom... What are you talking about?" Sam asked in a somewhat slow manner, a bewildered frown now present on her face. Her anger and frustration from earlier had been put aside now that she noticed just how much the items in that box had affected her mother.
Pamela didn't say anything for a moment. She just sat on the lounge and clutched the old scrapbook in her hands. Her eyes had fallen back down to the photo of the two happy punk teens, lingering mostly on the taller black hired one. Finally, she sucked in a shaky breath of air and responded to her daughter's question, but she couldn't bring herself to take her eyes off of the scrapbook.
"Her name was Samantha Moore and she was my best friend." Pamela said softly as her voice cracked at the end from a repressed sob. Her already tight hold on the scrapbook becoming a death grip as her fingers whitened from the presser.
Sam was shocked to see her mother in such a state and hurried to her side as a concerned 'Mom!' tumbled out of her mouth. Her concern only grew once she saw the tears flowing from her mother's eyes and the light almost unseen full body shaking as the tears silently ran down Pamela's face. And yet still, Pamela kept her gaze on the scrapbook, not even acknowledging Sam as she approached to lean down to get a better look at her face and touched her shoulder.
"Mom? Mom! What's wrong? Are you ok? Please, answer me! MOM!" Sam called in a panicked tone which gained a desperate edge at the end when Pamela didn't even twitch. Fearing that her mother was catatonic, Sam straighten up and fumbled for her cellphone. Once she had her cellphone in hand, Sam shakily started to dial her father's number and rambled to her mother in an attempt to keep calm.
"you-your going t-to be o-ok Mom, I-I'm just g-going t-to call D-dad and he-ll-l know wha-"
"No..." Pamela whispered in a hoarse voice, as her right hand released it's grip on the scrapbook to weakly put itself over her daughters left hand, which had been holding the cellphone. Sam jumped at the sudden move, before she quickly clutched the offered hand with her right one and began to speak to her mother.
"Mom! are you ok? What happened? Why don't you want me to call Dad?" Sam asked in a rush, fearful that if she missed this chance her mom might stop responding again.
Pamela sucked in a deep shaky breath and tore her red rimed gaze away from the scrapbook as her left hand shut it closed. she stared at her daughter for a moment, before looking away with a sigh. she then slid the scrapbook off her lap and back into the box it had come from before standing up. Pamela slowly walked to the fireplace with Sam in tow, still clutching her mother's hand.
Sam waited for her mother to collect herself and talk. She was still a little scared for her mom, but the sight of the scrapbook being put away eased her panic and gave her hope that it was over. Sam took note of her mother's flushed face, ruined makeup, and red rimed eyes. There was a slight tremor to the hand Sam was holding, but it seemed to be slowly easing away as time past. Just as Sam was starting to feel a little awkward, Pamela began to speak.
"I'm sorry you had to see me like that, Sammy." Pamela said in a raspy voice, eyes looking listlessly towards the fireplace rather then Sam. "I just wasn't expecting you to bring me that box." Pamela finished with a chuckle that sounded more like a wheezy cough.
"It's ok, mom. I'm the one that needs to say sorry." Sam said, feeling guilty for causing her mom such pain. Sam hesitated for a moment before adding "But, why did you react like that?"
Pamela frowned lightly as she softly spoke "I suppose it's time to tell you about your namesake and my side of the family. And Sammy, please, do not interrupt me. I don't know if I'll have the strength to start again.". Seeing her daughter nod her head in agreement, Pamela took a steadying breath and spoke.
"My family, the Callister's, have a rich history of dealing with the occult. You see, Sammy, we are descended from a long line of irish witch hunters and exorcists. Traditionally, the craft would be taught from father to son, but my father, Emerich, believed that all his children had a right to learn the family craft. From a young age, I and my four older brothers, were taught about all the things that go bump in the night and how to fight them." Pamela began in a somber tone.
Sam's eyes widened in shock as she listened to her mother talk about her maternal family. Sure, Sam wasn't too surprised by the revelation that there were more supernatural creature out there other than ghosts, but what she wasn't expecting was for her family to be the ones that hunted them. Especially since it was her mother's family. Pamela had never told Sam much about her side of the family, but Sam hadn't ever thought that this would be the reason for her mother's silence.
"Now, I am not going to go into to much details about the supernatural community. Other then that they exist, and have been slowly secluding themselves from interacting with humans since the industrial revolution." Pamela paused as she saw her daughter give her a pleading look.
"I know that you're interested in this, Sammy, but we can talk about that later" Pamela promised, before resuming her tale.
"It happened when I was thirteen year old. I was young, reckless, and going through a punk phase with my best friend. I had known Samantha since I was a young girl and considered her a sister. We would always get into the most ridiculous situations and cause my poor eldest brother, Avery, to have to come and rescue us. We even made these silly little code names for when we wanted to be sneaky. I was licorice and she was petal." Pamela reminisced with tears in her eyes. Her throat constricted for a moment in grief and she had to stop again to regain some composer. She tightened her grip on her daughters hand for support.
"Samantha had known what my family did for a living. I shared everything with her, and my parents treated her like one of their own. I just wished she had listened to our warnings on the occult as well as me and my brothers did. I wished that I had never shown her that stupid BOOK!" Pamela nearly shrieked at the end, her voice filed with self hatred, shame, and pain. Startling Sam with it's intensity and causing her to wince in pain from how tightly her mother was holding her hand.
"Mom?.." Sam weakly asked in concern, wanting to comfort her mother, but unsure if she would even accept it. Sam somewhat understood where her mother was coming from, but the differences was plain to see, Danny came back, while Samantha hadn't.
Pamela sucked in a shaky breath as her eyes clenched shut. She exhaled a moment later and her eyes slowly slid open. Sam flinched at how blank and hollow they looked. It horrified Sam that her usually preppy and cheery mother could make a face like this. That her eyes could look that dead.
"I'm sorry, Sammy, it seems I may have gotten a little ahead of myself. Let's start at the beginning." Pamela hollowly uttered, face now an impassive mask.
"At the time, my father had been contracted by the US government to hunt down and slay a particularly nasty coven of witches. They had made a pact with the Slavic forest god Berstuk. In return for the powers bestowed to them by the god, they had to kill anyone that harmed the forest or the creatures that inhabited it, whether they wanted to or not.
The only reason my father had even been able to get this information was because an initiate spell book had been found near an area where a group of game hunters had gone missing. Initiate spell books, Sammy, are how new witches are brought into an already established coven. Those books are already tied to their deity of worship and make the ritual to tie their new recruit very simple to do.
The book was being kept in a safe in our basement and would be burned after the coven was eradicated. My father and older brothers had been gone for two weeks, when I showed Samantha that book. I wasn't suppose to be doing it, but I had wanted to impress her with a real life spell book. Samantha had always been fascinated by the occult. I just wanted to make her happy.
But then, Samantha had wanted to try casting a spell from the book. We had a bit of an argument when I told her no. She didn't speak to me for two whole days, before she apologized and asked if we could have a sleepover at my house. I didn't think much of it, I was just happy that my best friend was talking to me again, so I agreed. The sleepover was uneventful, but I had a lot of fun and Samantha went home the next day.
Four days later, me and my mother got a call from my father. The coven was no more and he would be coming home soon. While my father and brothers where coming home, I was tasked with burning the spell book, but when I went to retrieve it from the safe, it was gone. My mother was horrified when I told her and immediately tried to call my father to ask him what to do.
An hour later, the police was knocking at our door. Two body's had been found near the wood and where identified as Samantha's parents. Samantha was nowhere to be found and they had come to our house to see if she was there. It wan then that I knew where the spell book was." Pamela paused as her stoic mask began to crack, silent tears running down her face as full body shivers racked her paling frame.
Sam could only look on in growing horror as a realization slowly began to sink in. She could never understand her mothers pain, because it was nothing like what had happened with Danny. The only thing that she had in common was that both of their best friends had died because of actions done in youthful ignorance. Where Sam had nudged Danny towards his death, Pamela had dissuaded her friend from it. It was Samantha that had used her friendship with her mother to get close and steal the spell book, which ultimately lead her to her death.
'A death that was probably caused by my grandfather or uncles...' Sam thought with a growing dread. Her right hand has gone numb with how hard her mother was squeezing it.
"Oh, Sammy..." Pamela softly breathed out in a rough sad voice, "There is something you must understand about witches. When a witch makes a pact with an entity for power, they are giving more then their worship and service. They are giving their very souls and not all entity's are kind enough to give them back or allow their vassal's freewill. Berstuk allowed Samantha neither of those mercies, and since my family had just decimated his followers, he needed my friend to make a new coven for him." Pamela paused to take in a shaky breath as a numb feeling began to overtake her.
"As soon as Samantha had agreed to the pact, her fate had been seal."
"It was grandfather Emerich and my uncles that stopped her, right?" Sam quietly asked, unable to say 'killed' and hoping to end this conversation for her mother's sake. Only to be confused when her mother shook her head. Her confusion quickly became horror as Pamela spoke is a dead voice.
"I was the only one that could do it. My father and brothers wouldn't be home for another few days. And my mother wasn't trained to fight the supernatural like the rest of the family. I was the only one that had the ability to stop a novice witch. I couldn't allow that evil monster to use my friend like a puppet, just the thought filled me with such fury.
So I took the family Scian and tracked Samantha down through the east woods of town. When I found her, her body was still changing to show Berstuk's ownership of her soul. Her hair had become long and shaggy with moss just starting to take root in it. Her eyes were that of a wolfs and she was just starting to grow a tail, fangs, horns, and claws. Even her voice was changing, bouncing back and forth between a bellowing elk and a hissing snake." Pamela paused to turn and look her daughter in the eyes, taking in their horror with her dead ones.
"It made what I had to do easier. I was killing a monster, not my best friend. As more and more of Samantha's human appearance was stripped away in our fight, the less I hesitated. It ended when I was able to get close enough to sink my dagger into her heart." Pamela finally finished in a monotone voice, and no more treas to shed.
Sam stared at her mother with horror and shock. She could not comprehend how Pamela had the strength to do what she did. Just the thought of doing the same to Danny made her want to throw up. Sam realized she knew so little about her mother and her family, but now she was hesitant to ask to know more. She didn't want to-
"Sammy, Please pay attention, I haven't told you about the rest of our family yet." Pamela suddenly said, knocking Sam out of her horrified stupor to look at her mother with a confused disbelief in her eyes.
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galactictwilight · 2 years ago
Day 4: Box
Warnings: Dark and mentions/implies graphic injures
"Is there any other secrets about our family that you, grandma, and dad haven't told me?" Sam questioned as she gave her mother a searching gaze.
"Is there any other secrets about our family that you, grandma, and dad haven't told me?" Sam questioned as she gave her mother a searching gaze.
Pamela looked at her daughter with a fragile smile, the sadness from their previous conversion still lingering, but seemed to be slowly draining away as Pamela pondered on the question. She leisurely strode her way back to the lounge and took a seat on the right most side. Pamela patted the open seat next to her with her left hand as a silent invitation, which Sam accepted as she moved to sit with her mother. With her right hand, Pamela delicately lifted a cup of tea, that had long since cooled, off the console table and took a deep sip before answering.
"The only thing that comes to mind is how I actually met your father and why we chose to live in Amity Park." Pamela said, voice still soft, but growing in strength.
"Wait! -So, that gushy story you and dad told me-" Sam began
"Was not the real story, dear." Pamela finished with an abashed smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, before she quickly continued when she noticed her daughters disgruntled expression and opening mouth. "We where going to tell you the truth when you where older-"
"what! When I'm old enough to live on my own!" Sam cut in with a slight harsh edge to her voice. Sam had a frustrated look on her face for a moment, before she took an deep breath and let out a sigh, her eyes closing as she forced herself to calm down. When she opened them to look at her mom and saw the guilty and hesitant look on her face, Sam had to look away as she spoke again to her mother.
"I -Sorry. Just -" a sigh, "Just tell me how you and dad met." Sam finally got out.
Sam hadn't meant to snap at her mom like that, but after all of today's revelations about her family, she is starting to reach her breaking point. It also kind of stung, Sam felt like she never really knew her own mother. When she had first found that dusty old box in the attic and looked at the scrapbook it contained, all Sam had felt was an indigent rage at her mother hypocrisy. But after learning about Samantha and her maternal family, Sam doesn't know what to feel other than tired and sad for her mom's loss.
"It's ok, Sammy, I know that what we are talking about is a lot to take in." Pamela said, as she sent a sad understanding smile to her daughter. Sam didn't respond much beyond leveling her mother with an expecting gaze and a slight nod of her head. Needing no further prompt, Pamela began her story.
"I met your father when I was nineteen. My father had been called by Ganit Manson, your grandfather, about strange things that had been happening to his family for the past few months. They had tried moving to some of their other estates across the country, but the entity that was causing it was following them from house to house, getting more and more bold as time past. By the time Ganit had called, your father's arm was broken, he had multiple bruises and scratches, as well as having so many nightmares he was suffering from sleep deprivation." Pamela paused for a moment to take another sip of her tea to help settle her nerves.
"It was a dybbuk"
Silence rained between the two Manson's following that sentence. Sam stared at her mother for a moment, before the words truly register and her eyes widened in shock.
"How...?" Sam breath out, wide eyes still looking at her mother as a pit began to form in her stomach.
"Your grandfather had bought a dybbuk box at a privet deceased estate auction he was invited to by a family friend. He thought it was just a wine cabinet, and when he had opened it, there hadn't been anything glaringly obvious to point out it's true purpose. My family hadn't discovered this important fact for another month and a half." Pamela paused to take a deep breath and collect herself. The next part of this tale was always hard to talk about.
"The dybbuk... was targeting your father. It wanted to possess him and make him do... terrible thing, before it killed him. We had grown closer as the investigation had gone on and I hated what that thing was doing to him!" Pamela hissed, as her hands tightened into fists startling Sam out of her stupor from the intensity of her mother's ire.
Hesitantly, Sam put her hand on her mothers clenched left fist and leaned into her shoulder to try and offer her mother some emotional support. Pamela's fist quickly lost it's tension and instead turned to hold Sam's offered hand in a gentile, but firm grip. Sam felt her mother lean towards her as she relaxed. Mother and daughter stayed like that for a few moments, before Pamela straightened up and turned to look at Sam with a loving and appreciative smile.
"Thank you, Sammy." Pamela said in a loving tone, eye's filled with gratitude. Pamela breathed in deeply to steady herself before she continued with her tale.
"Now, where was I...Oh, yes! By the time we had found out it was a dybbuk, your father was already under it's power and needed to have it exorcised. It took three weeks of constant prayers and exorcisms before Jeremy was free of that monster. By the end of the investigation almost everyone closely involved had been injured by the dybbuk, but it was the Manson's that needed to be hospitalized.
Your grandfather had internal bleeding as well as a lot of fractured bones, specifically around his chest. Your grandmother had a bookcase dropped on her from behind, which had caused a spinal injure. But poor Jeremy had to be in a full body cast from the way that thing twisted and contorted his body. I did my best to visit him as much as I could until he regained consciousness. And, oh!~ did he say the most romantic thing when he woke up.
He had said 'Oh, Pamela! it was only the thought of being with you that gave me the strength to keep fighting.'. And it was in that instant, I knew, he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with." Pamela finished with a happy sigh, eyes aglow with nostalgia as her cheeks dusted a light pink.
A small smile appear on Sam's face at the sight, happy that her mother was somewhat back to her preppy self after seeing her truly miserable for the last few hours. Sure, Sam is probably going to need a lot of time to absorb everything her mom had told her, but that can be dealt with later. Although, privately, Sam thinks her dad was really cheesy when he said that, Romantic, but cheesy.
Wait, Sam thought, Am I forgetting something?
"What was so special about moving to Amity Park?"
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galactictwilight · 2 years ago
Day 1: Witch
Warning: Implied Tragedy.
"Her name was Samantha..." Pamela whispered with Grief.
Sam stopped her aggravated exit to turn and look at her mother with an expression of confused surprise as a soft involuntary "what?" trailed out of her mouth.
"Her name was Samantha..." Pamela whispered with Grief.
Sam stopped her aggravated exit to turn and look at her mother with an expression of confused surprise as a soft involuntary "what?" trailed out of her mouth.
Pamela adjuster her position on the siting room lounge to lean over the opened scrapbook on her lap. The dusty box it had come from lay haphazardly by her left leg where Sam had dropped it. Many macabre trinkets and books where held inside along with dark articles of clothing. The scrapbook itself contained a multitude of pictures with two teenage girls in a punk style of clothing.
The shorter one had puffed out blond hair with pink tips, light peach skin, and aquamarine eyes. A gold chain adorned her neck and she wore a 'Theater of Hate' shirt with a black spiked girdle. Only one of her arms had a black almost elbow long glove while the other hand was hidden behind her back. A black form fitting skirt that stopped right above her ankles, where you could then see sheer dark pantyhose, and black leather heels that adorned her feet.
The taller one, on the other hand, had short black spiky hair, pale skin, Hazel eyes, and a spiked leather collar around her neck. She wore a no-sleeve crop top with a sheer cloth that draped down to cover her slim stomach. She had short-shorts on with ripped fishnet leggings and black boots. The taller girl also had a multitude of chains and spike tastefully adorning her body and completing her punk look.
Pamela lightly brushed one of her fingers on the image of the taller girl as she spoke in a quiet sad voice, never once looking up from the image.
"Her name was Samantha." Pamela repeated before looking her daughter straight in the eyes as she continued.
"And because of me, she died a Witch..."
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galactictwilight · 2 years ago
What's yet to come! (Ectober sneak peek)
This is just a look at the master post for the fun I am going to have. I don't know when it will be done, but I will be posting what I do finish on it's own. I won't put out the master post till every prompt is done and any prompt I don't put out at the end of the month will only come out on the master post itself. To be frank, any prompt, no matter it's length, will be put on this post. No links to other posts, just one super long post to read.
Sorry, if I an being repetitive and I hope the sneak peek garners some joy and interest.
Past's Order & Future's Chaos AU
I'm not really good with one word prompts so I'm just going to take all the Ectober prompts and try to fuse them together into an interconnected frankenstein fic idea. I might even use the free days to add some more Ideas. Though, there might be a bit of lore from my other DP AU making it's way into this story idea. Unfortunately, I suck at characterization so all of the characters are probably going to be OOC. I'll try my best to do the DP characters justice. Anyways, I hope everyone likes my fic dump.
Summery: As September gives way to October, Danny is visited by Clockwork at the stroke of midnight with some alarming news. The month of October will truly live up to the horror it's known for as a truly hellish amount of drama consume not just Danny's life, but also those of his friends and family. Family secrets, tragedies, and truths are exposed. Will the bonds of family be broken? Will love conquer hate? Or will another great tragedy strike the Fenton, Manson, and Foley families once again.
And to think, we haven't even gone into detail about what Clockwork told Danny yet...
Past's Order Prompts
Witch -
Betrayal -
Order -
Box -
Banshee -
Freeze -
Purify -
Night Terror -
Shallow Graves -
Harvest -
Thirst -
Way of Life -
Restored -
Haunted House-
Will O' Wisp -
Grimoire -
Hope -
Eyes -
One -
Fight -
Coronation -
Myosotis -
Grudge -
Future's Chaos Prompts
Potions -
Trust -
Chaos -
Staff -
Wraith -
Burn -
Infect -
Sleep Paralysis -
Deep Tombs -
Hunger -
Drown -
Cause of Death -
Abandoned -
Costume Party -
Jack O' Lanterns -
Sacred Text -
Despair -
Teeth -
One Hundred -
Flight -
Coup -
Foxfire -
Absolve -
Future -
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galactictwilight · 3 years ago
Mirrored Consciousness AU
I have seen some sentient ghost zone content and I just want to add a sentient Mortal Realm in as well.
The way both dimensions are sentient is simple, the Infinite Realms has been sentient from the start, but the Mortal Realm only started to gain sentience after life began (a collective unconsciousness, as it were). As life grew more complex and intelligent the more aware the Mortal Realm became. A great example would be that the Infinite Realms started out as a baby, while the Mortal Realm was a zygote. (I am going to start calling the Mortal Realm, Mor, and the Infinite Realms, Infa, since I am going to get tired of writing their full names.)
A consequences of this is that both dimensions would not know of the others sentience. By the time Mor was sentient enough to be curious of the natural portals; Infa would have already lost interest to focus on the newly formed ghosts. Another problem would be that Mor and Infa are on a completely different frequency. Infa can only communicate through ectoplasm that is within it's realm. Once a ghost has left the ghost zone they are cut off from Infa till they have returned. In contrast, Mor is connected to all living things and even if a living organism were to go into the ghost zone they will still be connected to Mor. However, the high concentration of ectoplasm would interfere with the connection like a combination of TV static and choppy audio. The only time both Infa and Mor could communicate is through a portal while a living organism is standing in the middle of it without the portal collapsing on the organism.
Now, the whole concept of this AU deals with how both worlds interact with each other, so to get to the point faster I am going to go into detail under the cut.
~~~~~~~~~Base Line~~~~~~~~~~
This section is mostly going to be in a list of opposing characteristics that both dimensions have or some information that I would have a hard time putting into words/giving details about in the other sections. I may or may not add detail should I feel like I need to.
Infa is the shadow/mirror for all of Mor's alternate dimensional selves. This would mean that the DP universe is now the prime universe (think Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, but instead of it being alternate timelines stacked like a pyramid on the prime one, it is alternate dimensions all linked by a mirror/buffer dimension in varying degrees with the prime dimension being the one linked to Infa's core). Every alternate version of Mor has their own realm in the ghost zone. A few good example of this would be: The Spirit World for A:TLA, The Phantom Zone for the DC universe, or The Nightmare Realm in Gravity Falls. (I might put a crossover idea section at the end)
Earth is actually the point of convergence between Infa and Mor, which is why there are so many portals that open on the planet. Sure, there are portals that open throughout the universe, but it is usually only a few portals per planet (maybe one or two more on planets with life)and two or less portals every light year in open space. And those portals don't even stay open for very long either. Also, the area where Infa and Mor converge resets when Mor's current cycle comes to an end, which prompts Infa's core to begin creating a new outer layer.
Mor has a small dislike for ectoplasm and usually tries to clean it up by creating something to either contain or destroy it. The reason for this dislike is that ectoplasm, depending on where it is within the universe, can be mildly or extremely irritating for Mor. And since Mor can't directly control ectoplasm, like it can everything else in the universe, Mor has to be a little more creative in cleaning up the annoyance. This small list will highlight some of the reasons why ectoplasm is irritating, the different places it can appear, and the methods used to clean it up:
Open Space- The area where the ectoplasm appears in feels numb with a faint tingle. The response to this is to create an ecto-ranium asteroid and hurl it into the effected area. Then the asteroid is kept there in case it happens again.
Planets/Objects Moving in Space- The ectoplasm gives off the same feeling as when it is in open space. However, the clean up method varies depending on the object. A planet with an active core just raises it's temperature until the ectoplasm evaporates from the heat. A planet with a dead core is bombarded with a shower of ecto-ranium meteors which will either burn up in entry and fumigate the planet or hit the ectoplasm directly. And an object moving in space will either be blasted into the closest star or set on a collision course with an ecto-radium asteroid.
Planets With Life- This is where ectoplasm goes from mildly annoying to extremely annoying. Because of the living organisms presence on the planet, ectoplasm feels more like pins and needles or enraged bees/fire ants paired with a ringing in your ears/nails on a chalk bored which depends on both the quantity of the ectoplasm and the amount of life on the planet. The clean up for this situation is much more complex then the usual methods of burn it with fire or to nuke it with ecto-ranium that Mor usually employs with the lifeless areas (ecto-ranium is only safe around living organism so long as it remains solid and outside the body). The removal of the ectoplasm is done on a case by case basis, but it is usually done by creating anti-ecto flora, fauna, fungi, or bacteria that will clear out the ecto-inficted area without hurting the other living organisms on the planet.
Earth- Since earth is the current nexus point for the two dimensions; the ectoplasm, rather then irritating Mor, is instead heightening Mor's connection to all life on the planet and causing Mor to focus more on Earth than the rest of the universe. However, since Mor is a little biased against ectoplasm it began to make flora, fauna, and fungi that would have a variety of affect on ectoplasm and ectoplasmic based entities. Mor has even created many vast underground areas with their own ectoplasm recycling ecosystems beneath places where a lot of portals to Infa appear (exp. The 12 Vile Vortices). This is done to contain all the ectoplasm that is leaked into those areas.
The opening of man made portals to the ghost zone had an effect on both Infa and Mor. The proto-portal had felt like a pinch to Infa while Mor got hit with what was akin to a sound that makes you cringe. When the Fenton portal was opened, Infa felt like it had just been stabbed while being shocked and Mor had to endure a quick, but horrible mixture of burning pain and ear piercing sound. They both had to endure this again when Vlad later opened his own portal and the few times the Fenton portal had to be turned on again (though, Mor only felt the burning pain twice and this was just with the Fenton portal). Each half-ghost feels different to Mor and Infa:
Vlad- To Infa, Vlad's ghost form feels wrong or diluted/impure and his human form gives Infa a distorted slimy feeling. To Mor, Vlad's presence as a ghost is really irritating, a mix of slimy, humid, and numb with an extreme pins and needles feeling. His human form, on the other hand, gives off a staticky distorted feeling. (That's why phantom planet happened. Without the earth masking Vlad's ghostly presence, Mor was assaulted with the full horror of his mere existence for the first time and tried to yeet the biggest ecto-radiun asteroid it could make on the fly at him. Unfortunately, Vlad had already left and the Disasteroid was hit by his satellite which sent it on a collision course with the Earth. That's why, at the end of phantom planet, the Disasteroid came out of nowhere and smote his ass.)
Danielle- Her ghost form would feel a bit unstable with a slight distortion and her human form has a feeling of staticky distance to Infa. To Mor, both her forms would feel like what happens when a living being is lost in the ghost zone, but the human form would come in more clearly than the other.
Danny- In human form, Danny feels like the Earth and in ghost form he feels like a natural portal to Mor. However, to Infa, Danny's human form feels like a natural portal and his ghost form feels like the outer layer of its core. (A natural portal feels like, and the best way I can describe it as is, a hand to hold, something both hot and cold, an obvious mystery, and a feeling that, no mater what, you are not alone.)
Mor and Infa have opposing universal laws. Mor starts with the ability to have structure, while Infa needs a focus to keep from becoming a typhoon where no ghosts can form or survive. When Infa was young and the only entertainment it had was looking through natural portals to watch as Mor took shape, it did what any infantile being would do, it mimicked what it saw. When quasares and black holes appeared, Infa spammed them with manic glee. As gases coalesced into stars, Infa made its own and watched in awe as they spun and collided in dazzling light shows within it's realm. And just as with the stars, once planets, asteroids, and comets began to croup up, Infa watched as it's own tumbled through the chaos that was it domain. But, when life sprung up throughout Mor's realm, Infa could not seem to keep it's own attempts at life from dying.
Every being it made was always torn apart not long after they where born and Infa's childish mind could not comprehend what it was doing wrong. For ages Infa raged and despaired at it's continued failure at mimicking life, until a living creature accidentally wandered into a natural portal. And just like all the other beings Infa created, this creature was ripped apart by the flailing energy of the dimension. This is when Infa finally understood that it's creations died, not because they where imperfect, but because Infa's very realm was not suited for their continued existence. Now understanding what it was doing wrong, Infa observed the creatures and their environments within Mor's realm more thoroughly to discover what allowed them to exist. This is when Infa finally realized a key difference it had to it's counterpart, Mor's realm is naturally much calmer then Infa's.
Where Infa's realm is naturally an ever moving and chaotic dimension. Mor's realm , in contrast, is Naturally a very still and orderly space where everything that is in motion follows a set of universal rules. So Infa, for the first time in it's existence, tried to restrain itself and slow it's chaotic energies down to a more life friendly level. After many failed attempts, Infa was successful in restraining it's chaotic energy. Finally, life began to bloom within the ghost zone, but as time went on Infa realized that it would never be able to keep the tight grip it had on it's chaotic energy forever and destruction would be brought upon it's creation should nothing be done. This is when the position of High King of All Ghosts was created to be the anchor and focus needed to stabilize Infa's realm so that it will not return to its primordial state.
There is actually a movement of souls between Infa and Mor which causes their dimensional cycles. In the beginning, before there was anything, there was two mirror dimensions of nothingness. One was filled with ectoplasmic energy and the other was filled with dark matter. One day, the thinnest point between the two dimensions broke open with a terrifying force. In a flash, dark matter and ecto-energy poured through the new opening like a broken dam. The dark matter that had come through the portal had begun to gather the ecto-energy around it with it's gravitational pull until the ectoplasmic energy was packed so tightly it solidified into a crystalline structure of epic proportions. The ecto-energy, on the other hand, was split and ripped apart as it entered the volatile portal.
When the ecto-energy exited the portal it had been broken up into four types of being: matter, antimatter, energy, and metaphysical energy. It takes a combination of dark matter and metaphysical energy to create a soul. The creation of a new soul begins in the first trimester of a pregnancy, the second trimester is when the new soul is finished being created, and the third trimester is when the soul settles withing it's body. It is only when the new being is born, that the metaphysical energy that makes up it's soul can begin to become more defined with it's own unique characteristics. A soul's physical features depend on what state it is in when someone tries to look at it, as well as the being the soul comes from. Souls are naturally invisible since half of it is made of dark matter.
Souls can only be made visible by making the metaphysical half emit light. if you make a soul visible while it is still in a vessel, it will come out as an aura that surrounds the vessel. Also, if the soul's vessel had lost a limb, there will be a transparent replica in the same colors as the aura in the same location. This is were the term phantom limb can be taken quite literal. However, should the soul be removed from it's vessel by any means that are meant to extract a soul; it's appearance and color will depend on the personal preferences of the being it was. The only characteristics that all souls share is that they will glow, are surrounded by a colored mist/corona, and whatever they appear as will have a viscus, shadowy, and/or squishy look. Psychic are beings that are naturally more in tune with their souls and can manipulate the metaphysical energy for various tasks. (Each of Mor's alternate selves has their own rules about how a soul looks. Sailor Moon, Soul Eater, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure are a few good examples of this.)
(Danny's uncrystalized soul, for example, looked like someone made a rocket out of the universe itself and the edges would pulse and seems to drip before it would go back to form; the fire from the thrusters and the mist that surrounds it glows/sparkles a neon bluish white with a slight red inner core, what I think is Danny's favorite colors. The fact that Danny has an ice core is because his soul emulates space and what is space if not freezing cold. I also liked Hartman's old idea for a new power for Danny since it fits with the space theme, but I would call it blackout, sounds more punny to me.)
When the body of a soul dies in the mortal realm they are either pulled into the Infinite Realms or reincarnated. Reincarnation is when the soul stays in the mortal realm and finds a new body to inhabit. The sad truth is that it is one of the causes of a miscarriage or a child being stillborn can be because of a failed reincarnation. This usually occurs because the fetus the soul is trying to reincarnate into already has a soul that is too developed to merge with the old soul. This causes both the new soul and the old soul to fight for possession of the body. The reason souls travel between the two dimensions is that since souls are half dark matter and half metaphysical energy; they have the ability to go to both realms without need of a portal. It is a soul's body that ties them more strongly to Mor, but once that body has expired, most souls have a stronger tie to infa with the souls that reincarnate having more dark matter then usual.
Once the soul is within Infa's domain it will go to one of five routes in the afterlife:
R.I.P.- Souls that go to Infa's core to be put to rest. This is usually only done for Mor's souls as it is a bit rare for a soul from one of Mor's alternate selves to be powerful enough to have this be their final destination.
Crystallize- The soul's will was strong enough to pull ectoplasm to it and crystallize itself into a core. A half ghosts core is actually only a crystalized mix of ectoplasm and the soul's misty outer layer while the center is left untouched. This allows them to have a core that is much more malleable and powerful than other ghosts, but also allows them to generate their own energy so long as their human half is kept fed. Each half ghost also has different levels of crystallization for each of their cores (You can equate their cores to soft boiled eggs, Danny's core is a perfect soft boil, Vlad's core is a somewhat under cooked Soft boil, and Danielle's is a medium Soft boil).
Cleansed- The soul is very corrupt and this causes Infa to not want it near it's core. The soul is then sent to be cleansed of it's corruption, which is a very painful process carried out by the ghost master of souls.
Isekai'd- The soul gets lost in a natural portal to another realm while on it's way to Infa's core. This only happens to souls from Mor's alternate dimensional selves.
Afterlife- The soul goes to the afterlife of it's corresponding realm. This route is only for souls made by Mor's alternate selves.
The main purpose of the souls that go into Infa's core is that they are stored up energy for when Mor's cycle comes to an end. Once all life has died within the Mortal realm, Infa's core will begin to process the souls it has stored within itself. After all the souls have been harvested of all unneeded energy they are released back into the cycle of souls going into Mor's alternate selves. Infa's core will then proceed to create a new outer layer, which will cause a big bang to occur in the mortal realm. The cycle of souls go like this:
Infa causes a big bang.
Mor creates and nurtures new souls that are extremely powerful.
Infa collects those souls and stores them for later.
Mor goes to sleep and all the left over matter and energy is converted into more dark matter. (Dark matter does not begin to 'digest' unless it is both cold and dark. A big bang causes the universe to be too full of heat and light.)
Infa drains the souls it had stored and gives them to Mor's alternate selves to be reincarnated. This allows those souls the ability to recuperate the energy that they had lost. This process also takes a very long time.
Infa revitalizes both itself and Mor, thus starting the cycle anew.
Should the cycle ever be stopped, or Mor is destroyed, all of existence will be doomed as Infa's core will implode. This is because only Mor can consistently create enough new and powerful souls that are used to revitalize Infa's core and give it's alternate selves more souls. For while Mor's alternate selves can create new souls they usually do not posses the needed metaphysical energy and dark matter necessary for Infa's core to revitalize itself and create more ectoplasm. If Infa was ever forced to subsist off just Mor's alternate selves, the souls it would take would be completely consumed and each cycle would slowly take more and more souls until existence would eventually collapses.
Infa, at times, goes into a period of rest where it sleeps and puts the ghost zone into an age of low energy. When this occurs, many ghosts begin to grow hungry and hunt for food. This is also the time when ghost zone Flora will burst to life as the energy they had gathered during the age of plenty is used to propagate themselves. Many ghosts will fight and hoard away the produce that is created around this time. There is even a legend of a fruit with a taste that is so amazing a ghost would end themselves just to know it. The worst of Pariah's tyranny occurred during one of these periods and caused it to end early.
~~~~~~The Mortal Realm~~~~~~~
Mor is a passive being whose consciousness is connected to all life in the universe. Mor can also effect everything within it's domain should it have the will to do so. Mor's existence can be summed up in a seasonal cycle:
Spring- A big bang occurs and signals the start of the universe as everything begins to form. Life will start to propagate and Mor will become more aware as the beings it is connected to grow more complex and intelligent.
Summer- This is the 'season' were Mor is fully aware and active. The universe is full of life and activity.
Fall- Life will begin to die off as the universe comes to an end. Mor will begin to slowly lose consciousness as time goes on.
Winter- The universe is now empty of all life and Mor has lost consciousness. All the knowledge gathered throughout the other 'seasons' is lost and Mor is now a blank slate waiting for 'spring' to start.
Every living organism can be equated to a brain cell and so long as one is still alive Mor can retain all the knowledge that life had gained. This is also the secret to magic. Since every living organism is, essentially, apart of Mor's 'brain' those with a much stronger connection can tap into it's power and bend the area around them to their will in a limited capacity. This can also lead to a few type of magical groups:
Attuned- Beings that have a much stronger connection to Mor and can use it's power to command the world around them, even on themselves. This is the category for witches, warlocks, shapeshifters, dragons, and cryptids. There is a tier system:
Demigods- They can cast magic with little effort, but was the smallest group by far.
Vocal or Gestured Casters- They need to speak or make some kind of gesture to cast.
Focus casters- Basically harry potter wizards. They find it very difficult to cast without a magic focus like a wand or staff.
Niche Casters- These guys can't really cast without doing a ritual and devoting themselves to a higher being, some even join covens. Usually these casters stick to a themed or specific magic to focus on so that they can use the power of belief to bolster their flimsy connection to Mor. They also happen to be known for their ability's in potion making and alchemy. (The way I visualize these guy's is by thinking of some Minecraft mods like Witchery, Bewitchment, Astral Sorcery, Ars Nouveau, Eidolon, Blood Magic, and Botania.)
Belief- 'Believing is seeing' is the motto of this category. Should a large enough group believe in something it will begin to become real, but only within the area it's believers reside. This is the category of religious groups, cults, covens, traditions, and superstitions. Many mystical creatures were created by this category or influenced by a ghost encounter. Even a few separate category's have been influenced by belief. The creatures made by this category are fay, yōkai, jinn, and other creatures of myth and legend.
Compounded- This is the potion and alchemy category, as well as being the birth of science. Every living being is made from a want or desire to live and this desire allowed for a subconscious use of Mor's power for a lot of adaptations to occur over a long period of time. The attuned had an easier time identifying what a part did or contained the ingredient that they needed thanks to their connection to Mor. They then gave their potion or alchemic creation to those that did not have this advantage which strengthened it with belief.
However, once it was taught to those without a naturally strong bond to Mor, skepticism began to appear as their attempts were more likely to fail. Once religious groups began to attack the attuned into obscurity that skepticism only strengthened. Unlit finally, science was born. Science is basically using Mor's universal rules in such a way that you get your desired outcome without Mor's aide (aka universal exploits).
Residual- The category of ghosts that are truly post-human conciseness. Mor remembers every being that has ever lived and will only forget when all life in the universe is dead. As such, some memories stick around even if the being it belongs to is long dead. Given enough time, even these residual memories will fade away or a helping hand can come to expedite the process. Now, since these beings are only memories and are no longer alive, they can be exorcised or influenced by a living person with a will stronger then their existence.
The more defined a residual is, the more lifelike it can act and the longer it can exist. These beings feed off the living and engrave their existence into their memories with fear to keep themselves tethered to reality. Residuals are also bound by belief, unlike ghosts from Infa's domain. Thus, traditions or religious items that protect the holder or repel evil are useful to have should your will not be enough to exorcise it. All residuals are the same, their differences only start to appear as belief warps them into the many spectral or demonic beings humans think exist.
Ecto Contamination- Ectoplasm is less a magic and more a blight/curse upon the living that was not created for the sole purpose of ridding a planet of it or born on earth where there is a high tolerance for it. For non-earthlings it is a horrible mutagenic acidic poison that will kill you. On earth, ectoplasm is a useful reagent for witches to make a spell/curse stick and be almost permanent. Since it is only through Mor's power that magic can be used, ectoplasm acts like a sealant, using Infa's power as an invisibility cloak so low usage of Mor's power can't find the spell. This made anti-ecto plants like blood blossoms invaluably for their ability to purge ecto contamination from an afflicted being.
Earths most horrific ecto incident spanned a stretched of 500 years during the dark age, where a greedy coven of witches struck a deal with the Fright Knight and created a semi-permanent portal to the ghost zone that opens at the start and end of October. Also, every poor soul they cursed would be enslaved to become a part of the Fright Knight's army in tribute for the power he gave them. Curses like lycanthropy and vampirism were made more aggressive and infectious.
~~~~~The Infinite Realms~~~~~
Infa is a dimension of energy in which time and space can be controlled by either the will of Infa itself or one of the many ghosts that come into being. However, since Infa is the flip side of Mor, a society with a lasting effect on Mor can leave an imprint within Infa's domain. Infa is also connected to every alternate version of Mor, with the Prime version of Mor being connected to Infa's core. There is also no air within the ghost zone, instead when a being from Mor appears in Infa's atmosphere the ectoplasm creates a habitual bubble around the being after a few seconds of contact.
There are three types of ghosts:
Never-born- These ghosts are born from Infa itself and are divided by three sub-types:
Intended- The Intended are never-born that were made on purpose by Infa to either fulfill a task or be delegated a job (i.e. Clockwork managing the time stream). They are created and nourished within The Nursery until they are old enough to leave. Their caretakers and mentors are The Ancients.
Realized- The Realized, on the other hand, are never-born that are involuntarily created when Infa understands a concept or realized that a concept exist (i.e. The Observants or the Yetis of The Farfrozen).
Accumulated- The Accumulated are the never-born that take the least amount of time to form and are the easiest to find (i.e. blob ghosts). These never-born take the longest to evolve a form that is not just a blob of ectoplasm around their core.
Death-born- Ghosts that are formed when a living organism with a strong enough will or emotion dies which allows them to Crystalize their soul into a core within Infa's domain. While all ghosts have the ability to, in a sense, evolve; death-born have a higher chance than the other two types. Most Death-born start out looking like their mortal self, but as they evolve and gain power the more their obsession effects their appearance. Death-born ghosts have three sub-types:
Shadows- This type of ghost had just barely been able to crystalize their soul resulting in them literally being a shadow of their former selves. This has also made their power set to be more specialized with few variations from their main theme.
Spirits- Spirits are the closes a ghost can get to being like their living self. Most death-born of this type died believing that they had their life end too soon and wished to start right where they left off.
Shackled- Shackled are death-born ruled by their obsession. They will stop at nothing to fulfill it. They will only stop once they have either been destroyed or fulfill their goal.
The Cleaved- These are ghosts that are formed or bound by other ghosts to be their children or servants. Spawned and Fractured cleaved ghosts are very risky to do for the parents. While Chained or Embraced cleaved ghost are on opposite ends of the ethical spectrum from each other; it can ether be an ultimate sign of trust or a complete violation to the ghost it is being done to. There are Four sub-types for Cleaved ghosts:
Chained- They are ghosts that have been forcefully bound to the will of another, far more powerful, ghost. Sometimes, a powerful ghost can be tricked by a weaker one and have this done to them. This method can cause a very pronounced shift in a ghosts physical form. This bound can only be broken by one of three methods. One, the high king decrees that the bond must be broken. Two, the ghost that did the bond is destroyed or breaks it themselves. Three, the way the bond was created allows for a loophole/condition that lets it be broken by outside forces.
Embraced- The equivalent of being adopted into a family or community. Ghosts that undergo this method have a very minute change appear on their physical form. This bond can be broken by either participant since it was created in a reciprocal fashion. However, if it is not broken in a mutual agreement between both ghosts, they both will experience harm that will depending on how emotionally deep the bond is held by each participant.
Spawned- This is basically asexual reproduction. The parent ghost forms a core within their body and nurtures it till the child can sustain themselves. The children formed from this method usually look like mini versions of their parents with very subtle variations in their features. This method of reproduction is usually done by never-born.
Fractured- Two ghosts take a small piece of their core and combine the pieces in an orb made of both parents ecto-energy. The orb is then nurtured by both parents till their child forms a body. Death-born usually use this method. The features of children made with this method can be numerous, which can sometimes makes figuring out their parentage hard without asking the child or meeting their parents in person.
The High King of All Ghosts is both the ruler of all that resides within the Infinite realms and the champion/emissary of Infa itself. Becoming the High Ghost King also comes with ability's that do not require the royal regalia to be worn. The high king wears the crown of fire and the ring of rage or the symbols of unity and stability if you want to call them by their true names. Both symbols are energy constructs that bind the king to Infa's power and allows them to stabilize the dimension. The physical forms of the symbols are dictated by how the king sees their corresponding meanings and their core. When the regalia were first brought into existence their forms were dictated by what the wearer was comfortable in, for in those simple times there was no meaning to what a ruler was other than being the strongest and the steward of the realms. But as time marched forward and more death-born appeared, the meaning of what a king was grew from just being the strongest and caring for the realms, to also having status symbols and wealth.
The symbol of unity became only an object of power or triumph. Thus causing it to take on the forms of headdresses, laurel wreath, helmets, makuṭa, crowns, armor, or weapons. The symbol of stability, on the other hand, went from being seen as something to be revered to just an accessory to the symbol of unity. Which caused it to take on the forms of necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, capes, charms, or belts (I am going to call them Unity and Stability since I am starting to get annoyed writing their whole names). The funny thing about that is, if anything, Unity is actually the accessory to Stability.
The way this works is simple. Unity unites the kings core with Infa's, which grants them infinite power. However, this is necessary because, without that infinite power, Stability would end them from the strain of keeping the realms from destabilizing. This is why the ring of rage was kept so close to the sarcophagus of forever sleep and the crown of fire was left on pariah's head. While the king does not need to wear the ring to keep the ghost zone stable, they do need to keep it close by. And should the king have a bad relationship with Infa, if they were to lose one or both of the symbols Infa would not summon them back to the king. The way the symbols work is:
Both symbols do not have to be worn for them to work. However, they need to be worn to get access to their more specialized ability's. Though it is highly not recommend to forgo wearing them for too long as the strain can seriously harm or end the king. Especially if the king is only near by or wearing Stability.
When both Unity and Stability are worn, the king has access to all of Infa's energy, a direct link to it's consciousness, and the ability to influence all of the ghost zone with ease.
Should the king only wear Unity, they will still be able to communicate with Infa no matter where they are, even if they are in Mor's realm.
Should the king only wear Stability, they will still be able to feel the ghost zone, but they will not be able to influence it very well. Stability will also begin to slowly put more and more of a strain on the king until either unity is worn or the king is ended. and even if Unity is close by the king will still not be getting enough power to stop the strain from building.
Should Unity be worn and Stability is close by, the king will only have access to enough of infa's power to not have to worry about being ended from the strain. However, should the king not put on stability, the ghost zone will slowly begin to decay and crumble until either Infa chooses a new king or a new outer layer of infa's core is created (which would still lead to a new king being crowned).
There is also a hierarchy to the ghost zone. The High Ghost King rules over all of the Infinite Realms, but it is to large to manage so there are Lower Ghost Kings that rule over a single realm that is connect to one of Mor's alternate selves. The High King personally rules over the all the layers of Infa's core and usually only interferes with the other realms as needed, it is kind of like the U.S. government or maybe the U.N. mixed with an absolute monarchy in a lot of ways.
There is also a distinction between what a higher and lower ghost is. A higher ghost is only referring to ghosts that are formed from the many layers around infa's core, another name for them is a core ghost. Lower ghosts are every other ghost within infa's dimension not born near it's core. Most lower and higher ghost would probably not even know about each other unless they happen to be highly influential, educated, apart of the nobility, or royalty since the ghost master of spatial rifts guards the portals between realms.
Below I am going to try and list out the governing bodies of the zone while also trying to color coordinate what group has power over another:
(Green= Rules all ghosts, Black= Ghost's only Infa can command, Blue= Personally ruled by the High King, and Red= Fall's under the jurisdiction of The Royal Egis of The Infinite Realms)
Infa- The consciousnesses of the Infinite Realms itself.
The High King of All Ghosts- The ruler of all that resides within the Infinite realms and the champion/emissary of Infa itself.
The Ancients- The first ghosts that Infa ever made. They are more connected to the dimension than any other ghost, baring the High King. They reside withing The Nursery.
The High Council of The First Realm- This governing body consists of all the core ghost rulers and Masters. This is where most of the laws are made for only the many layers around Infa's core.
Ghost Masters- They are either ghosts that are made by Infa to handle a specific task or they are ghosts that have become so proficient with a specific power and/or universal domain that they are considered uncontested in their field. Their standing and influence is linked to what they are a master of. The top ghost masters only serve the High King and Infa.
The Royal Egis of The Infinite Realms- This is a governing body and judicial system that is full of multiple departments that are meant to keep the Infinite Realms from falling into disarray. The Observant High Council is the head department of the organization and they are meant to keep watch for any disaster that could effect the realms negatively. Should such a disaster ever occur, the observants must do the following; report it to another department, contact/recruit a ghost that would be able to fix the issue, or should the situation be truly dire, they must report directly to the High King. The observants, usually, can only ask for the aid of a high profile ghost master (i.e. the masters of time, souls, or spatial rifts)by sending a formal request to the High King.
Also, in the event of a legal proceeding that leads to a royal court being called to order the High King is the judge, the Grand Dread Knight is the bailiff, the Master of Time is (for the lack of a better term) the prosecutor, and the Observants act as court clerks and reporters. (which is the only jobs the observants are to do for all legal cases done by the court system of the Infinite Realms.)
The Royal High Council of The Infinite Realms- A governing body composed of all the Lower Ghost Kings and can only be called to gather by the High Ghost King.
Ghost Realms- A single ghost realm that is connected to an alternate version of Mor.
Lower Kings of Ghosts- They are the rulers of a single ghost realm that is connected to an alternate version of Mor. The way a ruler is crowned varies from realm to realm. Their influence also ends once they are outside of their realms.
~~~~~~~Original Characters~~~~~~~
The consensuses of the Mortal Realm.
Personality: Stoic, passive, calm, wise, and very caring/loving to only those deemed as family.
Dislikes: Ectoplasm when it is anywhere, but on earth.
Likes: All life in the universe.
Loves: Infa and Danny
Hates: Anything that hurts what it loves.
The consensuses of the Infinite Realms.
Personality: Easily distracted, bubbly, somewhat neutral, determined, and very caring for those deemed family.
Dislikes: Anything that messes with the cycle of souls and being woken up from it's period of rest early.
Likes: Looking through natural portals and some of the ghost kingdoms (ex. The Farfrozen).
Loves: Mor, Danny, The Ancients, all Intended never-born, and their children.
Hates: Pariah Dark and anything that hurts what it loves.
The Ghost Master of Spatial Rifts
Personality: Easy going, witty, mysterious when serious, adventurous, knowledgeable of all the different realms, and understanding.
Ghost Type: Intended Never-born
Physical Appearance: male, adult, fit, light purple skin, electric blue eyes with no pupil or sclera, and black scruffy short wavy hair with a full beard.
Family Relations:
Parent: Infa,
Siblings: The Ancients and all Intended never-born
Child: Postern
Colors: Purple, dark blue, and black.
Fashion: medieval gate guard mixed with a ship captain.
Dislikes: The Observants, anyone trying to sneak past him, and Vlad.
Likes: Pith, Marrow, Clockwork, and Danny
Loves: Postern, The Ancients, and infa
The Apprentice of Rifts
Personality: Moody, curious, awkward, takes his job seriously, self-conscious, has a hard time connecting to his peers, idolizes his uncle Sojourn, and tries to act cool, but fails.
Ghost Type: Spawned Cleaved
Physical Appearance: male, teenage, fit, light purple skin, electric blue eyes with no pupil or sclera, and black scruffy medium long wavy hair
Family Relations:
Parent: Portcullis
Family: All Intended never-born
Colors: Purple, dark blue, and black.
Fashion: Medieval Archer
Dislikes: people that make fun of him or don't take him seriously.
Likes: Clockwork, The Ancients, Infa, and Danny
Loves: His father, Marrow, and Sojourn
Hate: the observants
Fear: Pith
Ghost Master of Souls
Personality: sadistic, mischievous, easy going, playful, a bit sensitive about her work, can become consumed by her work, and quite mournful when lonely.
Ghost Type: Intended Never-born
Physical Appearance: Thin build, snow white skin, pupil-less blood red eyes, long billowing black hair, and fangs. When enraged she turns into her original form that looks like an eldritch horror.
Family Relations:
Parent: Infa,
Siblings: The Ancients and all Intended never-born
Colors: Black, White, and Red
Fashion: traditional sleeping gown with an encompassing black hooded cloak with a mantle.
Dislikes: Someone telling her how to do her job.
Likes: Postern and Portcullis
Loves: Marrow, The Ancients, infa, and messing with people.
Hate: Being alone
The Ferrier of Souls
Personality: Sweet, perceptive, slightly sadistic, empathetic, encouraging, a scatterbrain at times, worrywart, nerdy, and very determined when he sets his mind on something.
Ghost Type: Embraced Cleaved Realized Never-born
Physical Appearance: short dark hair, light blue skin, green eyes, lithe build, and glasses.
Colors: Green, Blue, and White
Fashion: Medieval Bard
Dislikes: Those who hurt people he cares about.
Likes: Postern and Portcullis
Loves: Pith
Hate: When Pith losses sight of herself.
~~~~~Prompts & Crossovers~~~~~
Everything that I put in this section are ideas that I had about this AU or just a prompt I thought would be fun to write. I hope that I made an interesting AU and that the prompts names and synopsis give people ideas or just something to laugh about.
Pure DP prompts
Dimensional Adoption- The Fenton parents have been experimenting with the portal. They are testing to see what would happen if a ghost is trapped within it. All their experiments on blob ghosts have shown that they will begin to lose energy the longer they are trapped. They capture Phantom and, after a few not to risky experiments, use him to see what happens when a high level ghost is trapped in the portal. What they didn't know was that they had just put their traumatized son up for adoption to two dimension that are about to meet for the first time.
A Royal Call to Order- The Royal High Council of The Infinite Realms has been called to gather by order of the High King of All Ghosts for the first time since Pariah's reign. This came as a surprise to the many new or young Ghost Kings, most of whom didn't even know there was a high king or a realm outside their own. High King Phantom can already feel the oncoming headache.
The Universe Calls- Danny, before his accident, watched the stars as he dreamed of exploring the universe. Now, as a half ghost, his dreams are plagued with the universe watching him.
Meeting of The Masters- High King Phantom is taken by Clockwork to meet some of the more vital Ghost Masters and their partners.
Hollow Earth- Jack takes his family to go hunt some ghosts around the Michigan triangle. While messing around Danny discovers an enormous underground cavern filled with life that looks like it would belong in the ghost zone. (I will probably make some pic's of plants I think would be there and put them at the end of the post)
Of Heavy Crowns and Crime- High King Phantom's first Royal Court case.
To Observe The Door- A series of times the observants have bothered Clockwork after Pariah was put in the sarcophagus and they are progressively getting more annoying as they get comfortable trying to order him around.
An Age of Rot- Infa's perspective on the slow decay of it's realm after it had Pariah sealed away.
Hallowed Horrors- A coven of witches make a pact with the Fright Knight and starts a dark age of terror across Europe.
Blast From An Unknown Past- After the incident with Hotep-ra, Tucker keeps having dreams of living in Ancient Egypt and using magic. One night, filled with a morbid sense of curiosity, he tries to cast a harmless spell he remembers from his dreams. He wasn't expecting it to work.
Of Ages Past And Futures Yet To Be- Clockwork ponders on all the past cycles and what the future cycles will be, now that both dimensions have met each other. (Could be seen as a sequel to Dimensional Adoptions.)
The Hedge Witch- Sam is trying to learn real magic and become a true witch. (can be pared with Dimensional Adoptions and Blast From An Unknown Past. The funny thing is, Sam is the only one without real magic in the group, but that won't stop her from forcing her two magical friends into teaching her something.)
The Ancient Paradise- Danny is taken to The Nursery and meets the Ancients. (The Nursery is basically the Elsewhereness. This can also be pared with Dimensional Adoptions.)
Paranormal Pains- Jack recounts his traumatizing experience with his great grandfathers ghost and how that set him on his path to being a ghost hunter. Unknown to Jack, what he faced all those years ago was a residual of his great grandfather, not his ghost.
The Rights Worth Fighting For- High King Phantom opens diplomatic relations with the Earth's governments so that he can stop the inhumane experimentation of his citizens and have ghosts be recognized as deserving of human rights.
A New Age- Infa's perspective as they watch Phantom's ascension to the throne of High King.
Guards To The Gates of Infinity- Portcullis and his son, Postern, show Danny around their lair, which blocks the way to the rest of the realms in the ghost zone.
A Soulful Sight- Pith, the Ghost Master of Souls, teaches Danny about souls and how to handle them. Marrow, Pith's partner, Shows Danny what a living and uncrystallized soul looks like.
Is It Cheating?- Is it cheating, if the universe is literally giving you all the answers to your finals? (Could be seen as a sequel to Dimensional Adoptions.)
A Monument To All Their Sins- The GIW capture Danny by knocking him out with a weapon that puts him into a short coma, shorts out his powers, and traps him in ghost form. By the time Danny wakes up, the scientists are half way through experimenting on him. In his pained and delirious with fear mind, Danny calls out to Mor for help. Silence. And then, for the first time in all of it's existence, Mor took action... (Could be seen as a sequel to Dimensional Adoptions.)
To Lay Them To Rest- Jack and Maddie's beliefs on ghosts is challenged as they learn about residuals and how they are different from ghosts. Will they change?
Key To All The Secrets of The Universe- Somehow, it comes out that Danny can communicate with the universe. You decide if it is as Fenton or Phantom. (Could be seen as a sequel to Dimensional Adoptions.)
I Have The Power of God And Absurdity On My Side!- Danny is messing around with his friends and keeps asking Mor to make absurd or funny things happen. (Could be seen as a sequel to Dimensional Adoptions.)
The End of An Era- Mor's perspective as the age of magic came to a close on Earth.
When Time Was Young- Clockwork's childhood within The Nursery and being taken care of by the Ancients.
A Sword Forged From Fear- Before there was a Fright Knight, there was a Page. This Page lived within a ghostly kingdom nestled in the Umbral Effervescent Moor. His rise to knighthood is a story of loyalty vs. betrayal, all resting on the pommel of a sword.
The Family of Curse Breakers- The Fenton family has a rich history of being paranormal hunters and curse breakers going all the way back to the dark ages. Such a history is sure to bring a desperate and newly cursed client right to their front door.
To Be A Master- Nicolai Technus will show all the other older ghosts why his title of Ghost Master of Technology is a title to be revered!
The Old Family business- While rummaging through the attic, Jazz realizes that her mothers side of the family may not be as normal as she thought. The old family grimoires she found was proof of that.
Hush, My Child, I Bid Thee Rest- Mor and Infa converse as they lull their newly adopted child to sleep. (A sequel to Dimensional Adoptions.)
The Events of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated- (Warning! Cursed! I'm sorry!) The clone that tried to overshadow Danny didn't die. His core stayed in Danny's body and is developing into a Spawned Cleaved ghost. Frosbite didn't see him in urban jungle because his core is only visible when Danny is in his human form.
Haunting Season- High King Phantom watches as all the thought to be lifeless foliage across the ghost zone burst to life and the ectoplasm in the atmosphere loses its shine.
At The End of The Universe- Danny and Infa bid Mor a good rest just before the last living being in the universe dies.
The War- The Fenton family made many enemies among the supernatural community. Jack Fenton lived through the worst of it.
DP Crossovers
The Original Sin- After the summit of The Royal High Council of The Infinite Realms had come to an end, it was brought to High King Phantom's attention that one of the ghost kings had not attended the mandatory gathering. Pith and Portcullis also chimed in that the realm of this particular king had been sealed not long after Pariah's tyranny had reached a fever pitch and none of the attempts to breach the seal have worked. Danny really hopes that this will just be a simple reintroduction to the wider realms and not a pandora's box of problems.
The portal to the bleach universe is at the very bottom of hell or the pit before the soul king was sealed. Pariah was the one to seal the realm away after he slew it's previous ghost king and razed all that existed there to nothing in what he deemed as a fitting punishment. The beginning of the bleach universe is the aftermath of what pariah did (This video explains a lot of bleach's creation lore and the soul king). Hollows are what happens to souls that would of become ghosts, but there was no ectoplasm to consume. Their souls imploded and the hollow left behind ravenously search for the closest thing to ectoplasm in a attempt to fill the void.
Hetalia axis powers
Spooks On You!- Halloween is just around the corner and America needs to get ready for the yearly scaring competition against England. He decides to do a fake summoning ritual and have someone dressed as a ghost jump out to scare England. What America wasn't expecting was for the fake ritual to work.
You could probably have any ghost be summoned, but I think it would be funny if it was Danny as phantom wearing the crown and ring. I mean, America is going to be freaking out either way, but England is just going to be horrified to learn that the afterlife is ruled by a teenage American superhero.
DC Universe
Phantom zoned- The justice league have been trapped in the phantom zone by the league of shadows. Not knowing whether or not rescue is coming, they make their way through the incorporeal realm hoping to find a way out like other had before. After a long time searching the find a swirling green portal...
The Phantom Zone is ruled by Aethyr, but he has been indisposed/comatose since Crisis On Infinite Earths happened.
Ben 10
Stranded- During a fight around a null void projector, Ben is blasted into the ghost zone. Trapped on a floating island with seemingly no way off and the Omnitrix malfunctioning from all the ambient ectoplasm in the atmosphere, Ben hopes rescue comes soon. Unknown to him, the longer he stays the more he changes as a spark comes to life, which may spell doom for his ability to return home.
The reason the Omnitrix is malfunctioning is because it doesn't have a defense against ecto-interference. The way I see it, mana is metaphysical energy. In the AU I made, metaphysical energy comes from broken apart ectoplasm, which means ectoplasm is overcharged mana that an Anodite would not be able to truly comprehend since they are used to connecting with a broken up version of it.
I also believe that just because an Anodite's child is not born with a spark dose not mean they can't develop a spark later in life. To me, being born with a spark just means they are naturally more connected to mana. I also believe Gwen was not born with a spark, but she had, in fact, lit her own spark by interacting with and using spells from Legerdomain. This allowed her Anodite heritage to shine through and connect with the ambient mana of the universe. To me, children of Anodites born without a spark have the ability to connect with that energy so long as they interact with it in large amounts. (an example would be, if Ben, his dad, or uncle was trapped long enough in Legerdomain they would develop a spark thanks to all the ambient mana.)
What I was mainly thinking of when I though of this crossover is that, by Ben being trapped in the ghost zone he would develop a spark thanks to all the ambient ectoplasm. The bad news is that his spark would be aliened with ectoplasm, sure mana could act as a substitute, but he would need way more mana then a regular Anodite and he would eventually need to return to the ghost zone for his own health. Heck, this would make Ben a new subspecies of Anodite and he wouldn't be a proper ghost since his soul wouldn't have crystalized into a core. The change would also effect him mentally. Where a mana aliened spark is free spirited, an ecto aliened spark tends to fixate. (I mostly just wanted a green Anodite Ben that made sense, he is green from ectoplasm! This would probably make him able to sense Ectonurites and not be effected by technologically advanced areas.)
The reason Ben isn't leaving the island is because he can't fly, sure he can float, but that don't mean he can propel himself very well. The region of the zone he is in is just a single island with nothing surrounding it in sight. The island itself is lush with plants, but there isn't any animals and the 'water' glows. Which makes Ben very disinclined to leave since he isn't sure if he'll find another island like this, so he stays until he is confident in his ability to survive off the island. This story could probably go into a body horror area if the writer has Ben notice the changes and have him be terrified since he would not know what is happening to him. For all he knows, Ben would think he is mutating and since the Omnitrix is malfunctioning he would think that the DNA protection is offline.
Monster High
A Royal Welcome- The ruler of the Ghost World invites The High King of All Ghosts to have a tour of his realm and to briefly visit the Monster World. At Monster High, Spectra's excitement at the news prompts the ghouls to also want a look at this mysterious ghostly royal.
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galactictwilight · 4 years ago
Seed of Blood AU
I have been ingesting a lot of dad for one fics and I was struck by inspiration for a fantasy au. I suck at writing fics so I am just going to write a brief summary on my thoughts.
The main inspirations of this fantasy world was Thumbelina, the difference between a fairy and a Fae, and a lot of Dad for one angst fics from Halloween.
The first thing I thought of was how was I going to have Izuku be related to AFO without that psycho knowing about him. I decide that the seed he would grow from would be a secret family heirloom of the Midoriya family. This lead to the problem of how did the seed get there and why is Inko using something that has been in her family for generations?
The remedy to the first one was to give AFO an Angsty and traumatizing backstory which may have given him his obsession with vaulting his family. The answer to the second was the age old trope of having Inko be barren, which would force her to use the seed.
Now that I had gotten the start of a plot going, I began to put meat on its bones by asking myself questions.
What was AFO’s place in this world? I made him King of the Unseelie Court.
How was I going to implement OFA? I made the first user King of the Seelie Court and the rest of the user's part of his inner circle with the last in line being his champion. Then to emulate OFA’s stockpiling I make it so when a new person is added to the inner circle they enter a magic bond that adds their magical power and enhances it with the rest of the inner circle. The bond also makes it so that when one of them dies they respawn at the First’s flower as a fae spirit (only the fae can see them). I then had the idea of not every user being from the same species (i.e. Toshinori is human and Daigoro was a leviathan). 
How did Inko know that the fae seed would give her a child? She didn’t know if it would work. That seed was a shot in the dark that went in her favor (until the faerie it spawned from found out it still existed).
What was AFO’s reaction to the knowledge of Izuku’s existence? Elated that his seed had survived after all these centuries, but enraged that someone had found a way to defiled it. He pitied his child and wants nothing more than to fix him and return his true heritage to him.
How did AFO’s know Izuku was his child? AFO crashed the party celebrating the successful ceremony where Izuku had officially been named All Might's successor. AFO was not attacked because he went in disguise. He then met with Izuku for a handshake where he was going to give him a slow acting curse, but the second their hands met something he thought impossible occurred, his heart started to beat.
What are fae seeds and their effects? The seeds are the only way a faerie can have children and every faerie is born with only a single seed. Seeds grow from the blood of the faerie they are born with and their partner. It takes one year for the flower to bloom and the parents must water the flower with their blood every day. A baby fae is called a seedling and are usually taken care of by the parent their seed was born with. A faerie’s heart will only beat after they touch their primary child while their secondary child will warm their heart. This reaction will only end when the child it spawns from is dead. It is also a custom to wait 100 years before growing the second child.
What makes seedlings different from babies? A seedling is magically forced to listen to their parents and find it hard to fully disobey them till they have reached full magical maturity after 1,000 years. Seedlings naturally find their primary parent’s presence very calming and warm. Seedlings also are very affected by their parents emotions (i.e. their parent’s disappointment can cause a seedling to feel great shame). Seedlings need to be held and spend a lot of time with their primary parent till they reach full maturity. This is because a seedling’s magical power feeds off of, and is kept stable by, their parent’s magic. if a seedling is cut off from their parents magic it can cause a lot of mental and magical health risks. 
Why did Izuku not have any magic? His seed was not grown with AFO’s blood. Without Blood from AFO Izuku will never be able to wield his magic, which is kept in his flower. Izuku has a lot of magic that he can’t use.
Does the flower Izuku was born from hold any significance? Yes, It holds all of his magic as well as his soul. If AFO is able to retrieve it, he won’t have to kidnap Izuku. All AFO would have to do is start feeding the flower his blood and Izuku will be compelled to return to it and finish incubating now that it has AFO’s blood, thus making him fully fae (AFO would give the flower literal gallons of his blood every day for three months in an attempt to expunge all of Izuku’s human blood as he sees it as a taint upon his poor little seedling).
How did Inko have Izuku? She is from a long line of forest mages and used all the knowledge she had on fae seeds to figure out a way to have it sprout by having a passive spell circle constantly filtering nature magic into the seed while she and her husband fed it their blood every day for nine months. Inko was very surprised by the early blooming. She also forgot to turn off the spell circle...
Did Izuku know what he is? Not until it was too late.
What was my endgame? I like multiple ending, so I probably would have had a bad ending where AFO had won, a good ending where Izuku would have found a way to escape, an ambiguous ending, a bittersweet ending where Izuku gave himself up in exchange for peace, a Horror ending where AFO completely breaks Izuku Mentally which causes him to regress into an infantile mindset ruled by his fae instincts, and then the crack ending where Izuku united the two courts in peace because he had AFO wrapped around his little fingers.
Welp, this is all I am willing to type out. I hope whoever reads this is brought a little joy. Have a great day!
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galactictwilight · 4 years ago
Starless AU: National Capital
They are the physical heart of a Nation that only comes into existence when an Independent Nation chooses a fixed location for their capital. They are vital in the creation of state/province/region/prefecture personifications and can only do so after they are 100 years old. Their physical appearance and personality is dictated by their nation's true self (i.e. if a nation is a child at heart their capital will look like a kid. You can learn a lot about a Nation just by observing their capital). They can never become a nation. There can be multiple capitals in a nation, but each one is just a different side of the nation's heart. The creation of state/province/region/prefecture personification can take a lot of time and not every state/province/region/prefecture will get a personification.
If the physical capital of a nation is attacked, the Capital and their Nation share the pain and damage. Though a nation and their capital can share the pain of having their capital city attacked, there is a difference to the bond. Should the nation be killed before the attack and not have enough time to heal and come back to life, the capital will still feel half the pain. On the other hand, if the capital is killed in the same manner the nation will feel the full brunt of the attack and if the attack is severe enough it can completely cauterize the nation's heart physically and spiritually.
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galactictwilight · 4 years ago
More For The Starless AU
A nation’s name is very special to them. It can represent their past, people, or culture, but for some nations their name can represent their future, a promise, or a goal to strive for.
When America took on the name United States, he made the promise of a bright future for not just himself and his people, but the state personifications that had yet to be born. Thus, when America had first become an independent nation, he would tell other nations to call him the United States. America began to halfheartedly remind people to call him by his proper title after the civil war and by the time world war one came around he had stopped correcting the other nations entirely. 
The answer to this slow change of tune is simple, how can he ask others to call him the United States when there are no states for him to unite?
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galactictwilight · 4 years ago
Starless AU
I have seen many Hetalia stories where the US states and capital are personified and hidden from the other nations. However, I have been struck with an idea for an AU where America hides the fact that his states and capital are not personified from the other nations, who do have theirs personified.
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galactictwilight · 7 years ago
Soul Seal AU
I wanted to look at some SvTFoE fan art and fiction when this came to mind after seeing some art with Marco’s cheek marks. What my brain thought up was weird as heck, but it wouldn't stop bugging me till I got it out of my systems. I’m posting this in case someone likes what my brain thought up. 
So please enjoy what’s under the cut!
When Marco use the wand to find Star, he unintentionally broke a seal placed by Oberon, the father of the first queen of Mewni, on an entire world/dimension. Now free, Queen Titania will finish what she started all those millennia ago.
                                     Character Sheet
Queen Titania- Queen of the Faerie’s. She is self-centered, cruel, and easily angered when something comes between her and what she wants. She can be nice, generous, and compassionate at times. When she is doing her royal duties she has the royalty, intelligence, and grace befitting someone of her position. All her life she has never really enjoyed anything that came from their food source like all the other fea, even when she became Queen nothing changed; the food was dull, unappetizing, and never seemed to fill her up (until one day...). She lead her army during the attack on the village of Mewni. In the end, Oberon won by sealing everything from the Faerie dimension away at the cost of his life, but not before Queen Titania cursed him.
Oberon- He is kind, compassionate, generous, cautious, selfless, loyal, and warm. Can also be oblivious, stubborn, antisocial, gets absorbed in his work, overbearing at times, and really competitive. He was blessed with powerful magic and a very special quirk, his magical symbol appears on his cheeks when he used his magic. Was born in 500 AD (in human time) and was kidnapped 25 years later. His child, teenaged, and young adulthood comprised of him learning magic when he can, struggling to keep his magic in check, hunting with his father, and helping his mother with the house chores. His mother and father did everything they could to raise him, but both died of sickness in his mid-teens, father died of pneumonia and mother died of a broken heart. Their death hit him hard and, to distract himself from the heart ace, he grew a thirst for knowledge, thus he became a monk so that he would be taught how to read. He took up Hekapoo’s challenge and won after 14 years. Hekapoo then introduced him to Glossaryck when he asked if she knew anyone that could train him in magic. After defending the village of Mewni from the onslaught of the Faerie army and their Queen single-handedly, Oberon was able to cast his greatest and last spell The Eternal Seal using a powerful magic focus he had been constructing for this day during his apprenticeship to Glossaryck. Unfortunately, he had been unable to cast it fast enough and was cursed by the Faerie Queen. 
Europa Butterfly- only surviving Butterfly left after an unknown disease killed the rest of her family. Was unable to attract a man (they believed she was cursed) and thought she would die alone until she met Oberon while foraging in the woods far away from Mewni with only a dagger to protect her.  
Marco- He kept having nightmares after using the wand. These nightmares showed horrible things happening to him and those around him and they were getting worse with each dream, but they always ended with him dying and everything bad reversing, this never failed to have him wake up in a cold sweat as he gasped for breath. However, on new year's eve just as he was going to bed; he was hit with a massive headache that gave him a nosebleed and, before he passed out on the floor in his room, heard many loud powerful voices in his head telling him that “The deal has been broken. What was sealed has been freed and awoken” (all while crescent moons glowed brightly on his cheeks). 
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galactictwilight · 7 years ago
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I decided to draw the alternate Warden from my On The Lam AU since it was bugging me that I didn’t know what he looked like. So, I browsed google images of military uniforms till I found this image that heavily inspired the outfit. I then looked up images of regular and future Warden to reference their appearances and art style. after all that, I began to think about his color palette. I didn’t want him to be the Warden in a different set of clothes with the same color scheme. I wanted him to look somewhat different from the original, so I chose colors that are close to the original colors on the color wheel. I even tested them in paint to see if they looked good together and meshed well on the Warden. This is what I came up with at the end. I may or may not change this later. 
Anyways, I hope you enjoy my drawing!
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galactictwilight · 7 years ago
First time I have ever seen this and it brought me to tears. This deserves my first ever reblog!   
Are fedoras really that bad?
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galactictwilight · 7 years ago
Hidey Hole
I was hit with inspiration during the creation of the On The Lam AU/Spin-off and was able to make a one-shot! I tried my best at writing the Warden, but I think he came out OOC... whoops? Anyways the story is under the cut, so I hope you enjoy it!
                                      Hidey Hole
He didn’t think this would happen. He just wanted to have some fun and see if his future had changed, But that wasn’t what happened. No, instead he went to an alternate reality and didn’t even last three minutes before everything went to hell! In the one month since his escape from the alternate Superjail, following the destruction of his time- alternate reality machine, he has learned many thing. The first was that his alternate self was a complete and utter jerk. The second was realizing he has had reality bending powers his whole life and nobody told him (so many missed opportunities)! The third was that it sucked being the one getting hunted down (and when he gets back to his Superjail anything that has to do with hunting will be postponed till he gets over this!). The fourth was that nowhere was safe and the whole world is out to get him. And finally, taking over the world is totally overrated and he isn’t going to do it if he becomes anything like that egotistical jackass of an alternate self!
The Warden was broken out of his thoughts when he heard the sound of a plane approaching overhead. Letting out a frightened squeak, he concentrated and used his powers to make a small indestructible scanner-proof camouflaged shelter over himself. Curling up into a ball, the Warden could only pray that he did it right this time and won’t have to run for his life again. With bated breath he listened as the noise grew louder before dropping until there was nothing but silence. Even then he didn’t move, just in case they had left some drones to better scout the area. After sitting for what felt like hours, the Warden finally felt safe enough to move. Conjuring a periscope, that was invisible and intangible outside his little shelter, he looked at his surroundings. Mentally adding infrared and night vision he carefully combed the landscape for any kind of movement, heat signature, or anomaly that shouldn't be there. Finding nothing around his safe haven the Warden let out a sigh of relief before putting the periscope on standby.
“Phew! That was close. Now what to do?~” the Warden pondered as he looked around the almost pitch black interior of his shelter. Frowning at his lack of sight, the Warden summoned a bright ball of light between his hands to revealed the sorry state of the room. It was nothing more than a large and deep divot in the ground with a roof on top. Dead grass, ash, sticks, rocks, and dirt made up the ‘floor’ and ‘walls’ of the shelter. The ceiling was made of a near indestructible metal alloy that had a dark gunmetal color, it reminded the Warden of the cell door to his childhood bedroom. Not liking the lack of color or space in the room, but not feeling safe enough to leave the shelter yet, the Warden decided to practice using his powers by making the room more to his liking. Taking a deep breath and mentally commanding the ball of light to float over his head like a halo, the Warden worked his magic on the room.
Like a Maestro directing an orchestra, the Warden concentrated and moved his hands through the air allowing his imagination to guide his powers. With every flick of his wrist the room twisted and changed to suit his needs. The divot sunk down while also becoming larger and more circular till there was more than enough space for the Warden to walk around or stand up without hitting his head. The newly defined floor sprouted hardwood planks that proceed to spread like water till the whole floor was covered and, as if the space between each board was pourise, a new colorful rug bled through before condensing into an aerial view of his Superjail. The wall shifted from dirt and dead grass into curved panels of dark mahogany wood that looked as if they had been taken right out of his bedroom wall. Not even the ceiling was spared as a moving mural of Superjail’s night sky spiraled into view.
Two curved doors defined themselves from the wall and labels unfolded from the center of each upper panel, proudly proclaiming the purpose of there door. From the center of the room rose a big circular bed and, like a mirror glaze being poured onto a cake, rich royal purple silk sheets covered it. Up above, two fluffy pillows and a big comforter of the same color as the sheets popped into existence in a rain of rainbow sparks, only to fall neatly onto the bed. On both sides of the bed, even with the pillows, two half yin-yang shaped mahogany nightstands fanned out.
The Warden stopped and giddily surveyed his handy work. No matter how many times he does this he can’t help, but be filled with a childlike wonder and awe at what he can do. Turning towards the door labeled ‘Bathroom’, the Warden power walked up to it and opened the door, eager to take a Bath for the first time since this whole debacle started. The room was almost an exact replica of his bathroom in Superjail, but a porcelain and rose gold trimmed bathtub sat where the shower should be. The bathtub was already filled with hot soapy water with bubbles floated out of it and around the room. Unable to contain himself any longer the Warden rips his ragged clothes off and, with a joyous laugh, jumps into the tub sending soapy water and suds everywhere. 
                                ~30 Minutes Later~
After drying off from his bath and using the toilet, the Warden walked over to the fog covered mirror and, with but a thought, the mirror cleared to show his beard covered face. At the sight of his reflection the Warden frowned and was reminded of the last time he tried to shave by himself. Not wanting a repeat to occur, the Warden tried to see if he could just will his beard away. The Warden smiled a big gapped-tooth grin as his beard faded away as if it was a mirage. Excited to do more things, the Warden concentrated and thought of one of his sleepwear, imagining it appearing on his body. Not even five second later, he felt soft fabric cover his body and a familiar weight appear on his head. Looking down at himself he found his purple onesie with his face and top hat on each foot as well as his customary bow tie set snugly around his neck. He then looked over at the mirror and saw his favorite nightcap seated in its rightful place.
“I can't believe I never noticed this! It’s so useful~.” the Warden said with a slight pout as he made his way out of the bathroom and towards the bed in the center of the main room, feeling much better than he had in weeks. He jumped forward just as he reached the bed and twisted mid air, landing on his back while his head hit the pillows with a soft fwop. The Warden closed his eyes as he let out a deep content sigh at the cloud soft bed and he stretched out as far as he could causing loud cracks to fill the room as his joints popped. But these happy feelings didn’t last, as he opened his eyes and looked up at the mural on the ceiling, he felt a deep stab of longing tear threw his chest as he was reminded of his situation.
“Ugh! I wish I never used that stupid machine!” The Warden exclaimed with a scowl as he sat back up and crossed his arms; the rage of his situation finally allowed to properly manifest now that he has time to relax and think. However, his rage only lasted a few short minutes before sorrow began to take hold. The Warden curling into himself as his gloved hands tightened their hold on his onesie and sides. His mouth trembled with repressed emotions as his eyes glittered with unshed tears. Not wanting to break down, the Warden brought the periscope down and scanned the perimeter again in an attempt to distract himself from his sorrow. He found nothing during his search of the dead forest above his safe house and, giving a tired sight, he pushed the periscope back up.
Not feeling particularly hungry at the moment, nor energetic enough to think, the Warden decided to go to sleep and start planning first thing tomorrow morning. The Warden snuggled under the warm purple silk comforter and dismissed the ball of light, which disappeared with a pop. The room would have been shrouded in complete darkness, but the mural that had caused his sour moon gave off a gentle glow of moon and star light. Closing his eyes, the Warden drifted off into a restless slumber of nightmares with a monster wearing his face, taunting him and saying he’ll never return to his Superjail.
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galactictwilight · 7 years ago
On The Lam AU/Spin-off
I made another AU not long after I had posted the first one and it is kind of a spin-off of the first. I have decided to post this one as well. And just like before, you can find the meat and potatoes under the cut.
Thank you and enjoy!
The Warden uses a time machine, but, instead of going to his future, he meets a powerless alternate self that is in the middle of taking over the world. Now, it’s a race against time to return to his world/timeline as this world and his alternate self hunt him down. 
                                        Character Sheets
The Warden- from the other AU, but before he could meet his ‘mother’ and ‘grandmother’. Is totally clueless of his powers and thought it was because of Superjail, it was happening in his head, to busy/distracted to care, or science. His Jared and Alice also never directly ask him how he does it (Alice doesn’t give a shit and Jared is too busy to ask and sees it as another quirk of his crazy boss). When he finds out about his powers; he is, at first, unable to consciously make complex or intricate technology, beings, or chemical without fully knowing what goes into it (had he been in his Superjail or knew how to claim/impose his rule over the reality of an area, it would have been no problem since he would basically be god there). Before he knew of his powers, they only showed when he was caught in the moment, believed it was a function he had installed but forgot about, is to excited to care, or really desperate (he is in full survival mode). While the alternate Superjail is more heavily wired and logical, it is still the same place, so the Warden knows almost every nook and cranny he could use to escape (as well as a little help from the powers he just realized he had should the situation get dire). 
Alternate Warden- Most of the likable aspects of the Warden are either totally gone or diminished to the point of nonexistence, while his more unlikable traits grew (though, bits of his old self shines through from time to time). Does not have the magical powers of his alternate self, so is more technologically and scientifically savvy then the other. His Superjail is more heavily wired and logical since he has no powers to help cut some corners. Was furious when his alternate self escaped his grasp and is determined to recapture him, so that he could gain the other’s powers (by any means necessary). 
Alternate Jared- Much calmer and able to better deal with stress, but more blood thirsty and cold.
Alternate Alice- Mostly the same, but more serious.
Alternate Jailbot- The soul is not really there. :’(
The Resistance- Thinks that the Warden is a clone super weapon made by his alternate self that had gone rogue. They are trying to either capture or kill the Warden. If they capture him they will either try to get him on their side or sedate and experiment on him in an attempt to give their soldiers his powers.
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