#the closet was glass
phantom-of-the-memes · 2 months
And who the fuck did I think I was fooling writing shit like this at the age of eight?!?!
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(Spoiler alert: I am an asexual trans man!)
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lady-in-the-meads · 8 months
Dan and Phil playing the game of life just unlocked the most violent flashbacks of “not looking” at the bag of people when I’d get married and “accidentally” pulling out a girl
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babygirldilf · 1 year
"Okay, if you're me... tell me something only I would know."
Dean. Dean. My man. My dude. I see you for what you are.
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allbuthuman · 9 months
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it's so funny to me that i looked like this, was happy that an old lady called me "young man", was happy to have a gender-neutral name, yet still thought i was a girl for another year and a half
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itsjustbell · 3 months
Everytime I remember all the things I’d say from my childhood before I realized I was queer I get psychic damage
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I'm researching the "Glass Closet" as a concept and looking for content related to it so I watched a tiktok where someone claimed that it was invented by Riley Snorton and is only applicable to the black community as it refers to their hyper visibility, but Snorton didn't publish his book Nobody's Supposed To Know which discusses the Glass Closet as it applies to the black community until 2014 and the term appears at least as early as Eve Sedgewick's Epistemology of the Closet, published in 1990, which Snorton references.
This person was responding to another tiktoker who used the correct definition of the glass closet, shaming them for not doing their research and not knowing that the term only applies to the black community and should never be used for white people. Shaming them for not knowing something objectively false which can be debunked with five minutes of googling. Several people had commented thanking this person for educating them.
Queer people, what are we doing? What is happening on queer tiktok? Every time I go there I come across something like this.
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player-81 · 9 months
Fun fact: my child hood crush when I was like 7
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(I was so upset when I found out you couldn't marry her as the girl protag)
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badgalazzie · 1 year
*me struggling with my sexuality since 2017 and questioning all the time if i like girls saying that it’s just a phase and i’m in denial*
also me leaving a comment under hayley kiyoko’s mv in early 2018:
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arguablysomaya · 2 months
i personally believe that dick knows all of the lgbtq+ community memes better than anyone in his family despite the fact that he categorically refuses to come out so it's like
dick: omg ur asexual? do you like cake lololol
jason: ...how the fuck do you know about that
dick: more of a garlic bread guy then?
jason: if you're trying to kill me from cringe, believe me, I'll get you first
dick: it's getting cold out, gang, so dress warm. tim, no more bisexual cuffed jeans
tim: you can't call me out for that when you dress the EXACT SAME WAY, idiot
dick: the economy's getting bad. steph's gonna have to start dating men again soon
steph: LMFAO that's pretty funnyyyyyexceptit'sactuallytrueandalsohowdoyouknowaboutthat
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azure-shuttle · 4 months
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look the gays are fighting again
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frost-faerie · 11 months
Okay gayboy can we get back to investigating the murder now
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currently thinking about how easily charles said “well that sounds a lot like you, doesn’t it? wait, maybe that’s why i like her so much” and somehow neither of them registered the implications of that statement because that’s a fucking crazy thing to say to your best mate in regards to a girl you fancy
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thegaybluejay · 3 months
Eddie with every woman ever, including Ana who was super sweet and a perfect match on paper: I’m sorry but I can’t do the ready-made family thing😔I just don’t think we’ll work. This just doesn’t feel right.
Eddie with Buck: Here’s a key to my house🥰Oh and you’re my son’s legal guardian in my will btw🥰Also if I can’t talk to you because of this lawsuit, I’m gonna lose my shit because ILYSM and me and OUR son miss you🥺
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kenneth-black · 4 months
Buck: “Sometimes I check out a hot guy’s ass but that’s normal right?”
Eddie: “Absolutely!!”
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dreaming-arc · 2 years
Can't believe the fruit basket is the one truth what the hell
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impommyyawl · 2 months
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