#the clockwork god's apprentice
vestige-nan · 1 year
The Clockwork God’s Apprentice: Ch 6
Summary: Snippets of the vestige being Sotha Sil’s apprentice before  the vestige became the vestige, because being Seht’s apprentice is the  dream.  
Fun stuff:  As always, vestige is gender neutral and not described,  however they are a psijic.
The clockwork god's apprentice watched him carefully with something akin to reverence. They must have let their nixad out to wander because he was not interrupting the apprentice's intense concentration. The god set a tiny gear in with a click before quickly retracting his brass fingers. In a miracle, the skeevaton rolled to life and the god's apprentice broke out into a huge, beaming smile. They followed the sporadic fabricant with their eyes as it darted this way and that, speeding off through the dark corners of the god's room.
"Can I let it out?" They asked, tearing their attention from the creature to match the god's ruby eyes.
"You wish to cause mischief among the psijics?" The god could already anticipate the psijic's relicmaster in his routine stumbling across the fabricant in the dark, mistaking it for something of greater import, and chasing after the creature in what could be described as "a wild guar chase".
His apprentice's smile shifted to something scampish in nature; something innocently guilty. An expression that seemed familiar from a past long, long gone. They must have been able to anticipate exactly what he had.
The god, despite himself, said, "Do as you wish."
His apprentice brightened even more at the god's acquiescence, their eyes twinkling like starlight. They began to corner the skeevaton as the god's gaze was glued to his apprentice. Seht had found himself doing more and more to make his apprentice smile; he noticed it objectively. He was going to return to his city soon—he must. Perhaps his attempts to delight his apprentice were a gauche apology born of past mistakes of abandoning those he cared about for his work, though he was certain his apprentice wouldn't need one. More likely, he wanted his apprentice to think of him fondly and anticipate his return, and that didn't have as clear of an answer for any question regarding it.
His apprentice gently lowered the frightened skeevaton onto the portal's dais. When the skeevaton vanished in an aerosol magic, his apprentice then returned to the clockwork god's side. The action left the god with a muted warmth.
"You don't wish to follow the creature?" He said, though he could see there was a question in his apprentice's eyes.
"I would get blamed for the skeevaton if I was around it." They said, hopping up on the god's desk and leisurely kicking their feet absently.
"You are to blame for it."
"Yeah, but Glenadir doesn't know that." They grinned.
"He will reason it out."
"Really?" His apprentice exhaled, pulling a knee to their chest and leaning their head against it. "Will he believe me if I say it's an accident?"
Ruby eyes flickered with the lightest touch of amusement. "You would have your god—who can devise the future—scry for whether you can lie to your superiors?"
Their smile widened in that scampish fashion again, "What else should I ask you?"
The god tilted his head at a slight angle. "Perhaps what was on your mind as you watched me work."
The god's apprentice looked at him in surprise for a moment, but it quickly subsided as they lowered their leg and leaned toward the god. "Can you feel in your fingertips?"
The god stretched one of his brass hands, metallic fingers oscillating in movement. Even after so much time with his apprentice, they still occasionally asked the questions he anticipated the least. "Yes, but not the way that you feel."
In an action even less anticipated, the god's apprentice took his bronze fingers into their own. To say the god was surprised would be wrong, surprise wasn't a luxury he could enjoy. However, the warmth of his apprentice's palm against the cool of his brass was enough to bring the god as close to surprise as one could. In a moment of oddity, the god was transfixed with the feel of his apprentices fingers, the feather-light touch of warmth as they examined his hand.
They looked up at him, "Is it like the fabricants?" They were studying him purely analytically. They didn't understand the intimacy touching him; of him allowing them to touch him. The clockwork god chose not to tell them.
"Similar," He answered. "But not quite."
"You're not warm." They separated his fingers and looked at them more closely. Seht gently tapped his brass fingers against theirs, and their eyes were drawn to the god's body. "How much of you is flesh and how much is metal?"
"I am more metal than flesh, and more animus than metal."
They brightened inquisitively at the god's comment, "Is that how you can feel? Through magic or your deific abilities?"
"Among other things."
"How appropriately vague for the father of mysteries." They said, as if they weren't the creature the god had chosen to reveal his mysteries to. "Are... Are your organs...?"
"Reconstructed? Mostly."
They looked at him in awe, not as an acolyte to their god but as an artist to a masterpiece. "Fascinating! Do they function like a mortal's would?"
"No," He responded, and he didn't like how his apprentice looked disappointed after.
"Your heart doesn't beat?" They asked as they tore their eyes from his body to look him in the eyes. The god could see a sudden realization cross his apprentice's expression as his ruby eyes met theirs of starlight, they realized they weren't studying an artifact but instead a cognizant being. They furrowed their brow as they were torn between alternatives, and the god could predict them: satiate their curiosity or respect personal boundaries.
The god relieved his apprentice of their dilemma, "Would you like to hear for yourself?"
Their eyes of starlight widened in astonishment, before they nodded their head. The god didn't move, so they scooted closer to the god. They tentatively placed their ear against his chest. Their frame was small in comparison to the god, as nearly all tamrielans were. Their gentle motions were soft. They smelled of sea salt and dwarven oil. The god's hand came above the back of their head, out of their sight, unable to decide whether to caress his brass fingers against their crown or to just let them be. His indecision chose for him.
His apprentice pulled away from him and beamed in that scampish way again. "Your heart sounds like a clock."
They were still close to him. They hadn't scooted away. The god held his hand behind his back. "That wasn't intentional."
They laughed, and their laughter was a melody of magic. Perhaps he didn't seek their delight only for their fondness, but also because he liked to see them happy.
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chaos-bringer-13 · 6 months
I've seen a lot of people writing Danny as a space ancient and Dan and Dani as ghosts with moon and sun cores, being sort of parts, versions of Danny and therefore weaker. Now, consider: Dan and Dani are both powerful ghosts with really cool cores and stuff but Danny is just some guy™
Dan, who came from an alternate timeline and is kind of from the future but also not, is Clockwork's apprentice and will eventually become an ancient of time. He probably only agreed to have some lessons with Clockwork to understand better what happened to him, but he enjoys his apprenticeship now.
Dani, with her love of travelling, loves seeing all the different places the world offers to her, and that includes space and different planets and maybe even parallel universes, and she accidentally ends up being an apprentice of the space ancient. For now she's probably a baby ancient of freedom or something like that, but she might become an ancient of space in the future.
We can also have something like Dan having a core of destruction or Dani being the Speed Force if you want it to be dcxdp, or any headcanon of yours about their cool powers.
And then there's Danny. And yeah, everyone knows that he's super powerful, but also he's just some guy.
It can go different routes. Does everyone know that Danny is just Danny? Or do they think that with siblings (well, technically a clone and an alternate version, but whatever) so powerful, he must be even stronger? Is Danny actually something terrifyingly eldritch and ancient and strong, almost a god, but he just doesn't know himself? Or is he just really some guy?
Now, because it's obvious that I have a dcxdp brainrot, have a regular "JL summons/meets a powerful ghost" but its Dan and Dani, and they keep mentioning their original/brother who won a fight against them at some point. The JL is very concerned about Dan and Dani's godlike powers, and they can't imagine what Danny is like. And then they meet him (in his human form), and it's just a young adult in casual clothes, very friendly and helpful, with no evident powers. Imagine the confusion. Imagine Dan and Dani, radiating power, in their eldritch ghost forms, admitting that fighting Danny for real is the dumbest thing to do and not even they would succeed... And then there's Danny is jeans and silly t-shirt, waving shyly.
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Misfortune Teller
tldr: An older Danny, apprentice to Clockwork, does a lot of field work across dimensions, resetting the timeline, queuing future events, and who knows what else. Occasionally, he warns people about such upcoming possibilities, to set them on the right path. How, you might ask? Well in this case... as a wandering fortune teller.
Crack-fic (oh god, it's getting long and my logic brain won't let it remain as crack) where Danny becomes Clockwork's apprentice after getting his GED. Living his infinite afterlife to the fullest. Inspired by this tumblr post.
Working for Clockwork had been... interesting so far. At first, Danny got frustrated by how vague and cryptic Clockwork was. He'd just shunt Danny off to some ancient time with a few words, his own time medallion (Danny carried it everywhere with him now), and then pop back into the portal, leaving Danny with only the faintest idea of where to go.
Eventually, after enough time (ha!) spent around Clockwork, Danny figured out that it just basically meant that he had free reign and to do whatever he wanted. Because if he went on the wrong path, (like that one time in Pompeii when he had almost caused the volcano to explode a few years too early), Clockwork would just pop on by, say another few cryptic words, and then it'd all be fine and dandy, or as he liked to say, "All is as it should be... Now stop practicing your wail by an active volcano."
After telling Jazz about that (it was supposed to be funny, not concerning), she just sighed and shook her head, with a forlorn "think before you act, Danny!" but hey, it'd turned out fine so far, so who cares how he does what Clockwork asks him to do, as long as it gets done, right? Even if it's with a liiiiitle more mischief than strictly required.
Besides. Danny was the one who had been doing time shenanigans across millennia, not Jazz. And he thought he'd been getting pretty good at it too! He'd actually started giving himself a different made-up background for each universe he visited. Sam and Tucker were helping him keep up with the identities on a spreadsheet, so if he had to go back to one he'd already visited, he'd remember who he'd said he was supposed to be.
He was on a call with them one evening while haunting Jazz's apartment, doing just that, when he felt a familiar tingle in the back of his throat, as well as a heightened awareness of the seconds passing by, that always accompanied his mentor's appearance.
Sam was talking about his past stint posing as a god of death when he cut in. "Hey- sorry to interrupt, Sam- Clocky's here, guys, I gotta dip."
"Aw, come on! We hardly talked any this past week since you passed your certifications, man," Tucker complained.
Danny rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yeah, yeah. Partly on you too though, you've been caught up outside of class, and Sam's schedule is nearly the opposite of yours."
Sam hummed in agreement despiter Tucker's scoff.
Danny missed hanging out with them as much as they had in high school, but hey, life goes on. Or at least, theirs did, to college. After finally flunking out of Casper High, he'd taken some time to get used to his responsibilities in the ghost zone, and when he had, he realized that he didn't really have much enthusiasm or timeleft for his human life.
And he didn't really want to go back home either.
But Jazz had made him tie up any loose ends before he noped-off to god knows where, which frankly, he had to thank her for. Getting his GED took a few years, but it was an accomplishment that could be attributed to Danny Fenton, no ghostliness required. Then he was able to let that tether go free.
Pulled out of his musings by a few more grumbles from Tucker, Danny said his goodbyes, promising to call the next time they were all available.
After hanging up, Danny swiveled around, anticipation already lighting up his eyes an ethereal green.
Clockwork, for his part, had been waiting patiently through Danny's lengthy goodbyes. Although he supposed that it tracked for the watcher of time to be patient. With his job, it'd be a nightmare if he wasn't.
"Phantom," Clockwork spoke, calm as always. "I have some tasks I need you to complete as my apprentice."
And Danny, always ready for adventure, didn't need him to explain any further. "Sure! When do you need me to be?"
Clockwork smiled at that. "I am fortunate you are eager. Follow me."
Danny popped into existence in this universe with a burst of cold air and static electricity. He found himself hovering by a clocktower above a sprawling, gothic city. Smog and light pollution obscured the stars above him, to his disappointment. He comforted himself with the fact that he'd probably have all the time he wanted to fly someplace less populated to see them later.
He started off by familiarizing himself with the city. As he flew, he followed the trail of power and met the resident city-spirit, a spooky- but kind underneath- woman draped in black lace, who told him her name was Gotham. He spoke in length with her about this universe, its heroes, and her knights. On that, she was very enthusiastic... or at least Danny thought she was, her projected emotions belaying much more than her gloomy exterior. She told him how her knights had been through a lot and would need some guidance fighting the darkness that pooled in her deepest corners, smiling with too much glee, filling lungs with fear, and terrorizing with cold hard bullets.
Danny could sense that the dangers she spoke of were growing in power, ever slowly. The longer they shadowed people's minds and hearts, an intangible thing grew that lent them more otherworldly pull than their physical forms had right to hold.
That must be what he was sent here for.
But... they were weak, pitifully so for him, infinite king as he was. And besides, he wasn't here in that sense. He was a messenger, a simple apprentice. And he could do this however he wanted.
Cue his talk with Lady Gotham, and subsequent idea to arm her knights. With what? Well, he figured knowledge would be a start. Flying high above the city invisibly, Danny noticed a sea of colors and lights by what appeared to be the city's pier. He flew down, noting that it appeared to be the setup spot for a travelling circus or carnival of some kind.
He considered what to do. One of Lady Gotham's troubles was a madman clown, right? Well maybe he'd be attracted to his ilk here... and with the danger came the knights. Maybe he could catch one of them here?
Danny was floating around at the entrance and beginning to formulate a plan when a flyer caught his eye. Looking for a mystic to read fortunes. URGENT!
Hadn't Clockwork said something about fortunes? And he hadn't made an identity in this universe yet...
A mischievous smile crept across Danny's face, splitting it in two with far too many teeth.
Half a city away, a man in all black, perched on the very same clocktower that Phantom had Appeared by, shivered as he felt an ominous premonition about his sanity in the near future...
Said man quickly opened his comms to check in with his many, many kids. Yet even after hearing back from each, he still felt apprehensive.
Somewhere even further, Clockwork laughed.
And that's how Danny found himself seated at a fortune teller's booth at a pier in Gotham, two days later, for the Tricksy Traveling Circus's grand opening.
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zylev-blog · 8 months
Apprentice of time Danny AU.
in Danny’s dimension, he was Phantom, savior of Earth, and also Danny Fenton. To the rest of the universes he was a nobody, a cryptid, a shadow.
As Danny got older, he began to learn what it would take to be King. This causes Clockwork to send him on missions through time and space, which eventually lead him to the DC verse.
Clockwork had told him of some things to say if he was ever confronted about his identity. Danny agreed, because why would he argue with the ancient of time? Clockwork knew best. But he also knew Clockwork was an asshole, and he figured this was one of those times.
He was floating above the surface of the planet. He didn’t want to touch ground on molten lava, so that’s why he had opted to float. He was going to try and reason with Darkseid, the way he always tried to. He was a being of peace, after all. But Darkseid was not to be reasoned with, so Danny did what he must for the timeline. Apokolyps was destroyed violently. The shockwaves of this planet’s destruction echoed through the universe.
Earth found all of their missing meta teens delivered back safely, and they didn’t have any other problems from Apokolyps ever again. Highfather invited Danny to a grand dinner fit for a god.
By the time whispers travel to Earth of the new god of space, the legends had already dubbed him as the son of Kronos. The protector of the innocent.
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disillusioneddanny · 7 months
Have you thought about like a nice sweet short story where Danny Phantom is somehow blood related to princess Diana
Like she's an important meeting on the Watchtower and here comes Danny coming through a random portal asking about Greek mythology question. Almost all of the League members are freaking out, but she simply answered the question and he left out quickly like it was nothing. The aftermath after he left is hilarious.
I hope you like this little piece of drabble :3
Danny let out a grumble as he stomped through his island in the Infinite Realms, his arms crossed over his chest as he glared ahead of him. This was so stupid, he couldn’t believe that Clockwork was making him take history classes before he would be allowed to become Clockwork’s apprentice. It was entirely unfair if he was being completely and total honest. He didn’t get why it was important, he was going to be able to access all of time and space as soon as he got the cool time powers from Clockwork! 
So was learning history really that important? 
Not in Danny’s opinion. 
But if he was going to have to learn about history then he was going to go to his favorite niece and see if she would be willing to help him. As the adopted son of Clockwork, he was now related to pretty much all of the Greek gods and goddess due to his former position as Kronos, Titan of Time. Which meant that the amazing and wonderful Wonder Woman, or Diana of Themyscira was his niece. 
And the perfect person to start up his studies for history. She had been around for ages and had gotten first hand experience about the way the world had changed and developed over the years and if anyone could help him, it would be her!
He ripped open a portal and stepped through, imagining that his niece, Diana was on the other end. 
He stepped out and looked around the area lazily until his eyes landed on the warrior princess who was currently decked out in her Wonder Woman gear and sitting at a large conference table with a bunch of other caped heroes. 
“Diana,” he said, a wide smile on his face. 
A large grin split on the woman’s face as she stood. “Phantom!” She exclaimed. She hurried over and pulled Danny in a tight hug. “What brings you, dear one?”
Danny hugged the woman tight and pulled away and smiled. “I need a history tutor and I thought you would be the best person for the job.”
“I would be honored!” She said and patted his head. 
“Perfect! Then I’ll come over to your house tomorrow for lunch and we can come up with a study plan,” he said before he gave his niece one more tight hug. “Bye D!”
Diana simply smiled and ruffled her uncle’s head. “Until tomorrow, young one,” she said and smiled as he stepped back through the portal, the swirling green disappearing soon after. 
“Um, Diana?” Clark said with a cough, giving the woman a concerned look. “Do you care to explain?”
The hero just smiled and sat back down in her seat. “That is the future god of time, and my uncle, Phantom.”
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Danny being nocturns apprentice as well as clockworks
Danny as future king needs to choose his alignment in the infinite realms, chaos lord, order lord, god, good deity, demon ect;
Danny pulled a fast one on everyone by choosing to be neutral and when he explained that the infinite realms deserved an unbiased and just king, he gained alot of respect that day.
Now everyone expected danny to choose clockwork as a mentor, his powers were very helpful and the ability to see and stop the timeline would help him become a good king, but clockwork is also a very powerful ghost aswell as an ancient, so under clockwork guidance danny would become a powerful king.
What no one was expecting was him to request nocturne as well as clockwork as a mentor.
Nocturne was one of danny former villains so him trusting him and even requesting nocturne was not expected.
Danny told nocturne how, his powers to connect and communicate to humans without directly interacting with them would be amazing if he saw something in the timeling and, how having the power to put someone to sleep(permanently or temporarily) was incredibly useful for a king as a form of punishment or rest, and how he respects nocturne.
Danny also said it was a form of good will for anyone who may still have bad blood with danny that even if they dont like eachother that wont interfere with his judgement.
Nocturne and clockwork both agree to teach danny. And danny was improving, since they both said that using his abilities as much and as subtle as he could would be great practice. He was FINALLY able to get his attendance back up.
What danny didnt know was that nocturne and clockwork made a mutual agreement to become his dad's.
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rboooks · 1 year
Do you have any good DCxDP fic recs?
I just wanted to let you know that I only read fics on Ao3 now, so all my recs on on that website.
Below the read-more are the links and the fics summaries, and in the parentheses are, in my own words, what the fic is about.
A Second Life by Die_Erlkonigin6083
Summary: He wakes up with no memories. He knows things, but he doesn’t know why. Who is he? And how did he get here?
(Danny wakes up without memories and is found in a CANVAS lab. He is de-age, with various DNA mixed into him. The majority of his DNA donor? Dick Grayson. Naturally, Dick takes Danny in as his son)
2. The Curse of Sight by PorcelanaRota
Summary: When Wes Weston meets Tim Drake-Wayne, the dots start connecting. And those dots form a Bat.
(Wes Weston (a fandom-made character who is the only person that realizes Danny and Phantom are the same people.) goes to Gotham to spend the summer with his mom. He ends up as a Wayne Intern, meets Tim, and clocks him for the bat he is on sight. It's a Wes/Tim fic!)
3. The Misadventures of Cosplay Man by Shynnohwen
Summary: After accidentally getting launched through a natural rift and stuck in an alternate universe, Danny decides to help the local heroes while waiting to get picked up. But he doesn’t do it as Phantom or Fenton, oh no. He doesn’t want either of his identities to get mixed up in all this nonsense and traced back to him. So what does he do? Crappy cosplay.
(Danny gets stranded in an alternate universe, so he chooses to have fun and save local heroes as cosplay versions of them. He goes out of his way to make the cosplay as terrible as possible. Each hero he saves makes different terrible conclusions based on the worrying stuff he says. They all want to adopt him)
4. The curious case of D. Grayson by brothebro
Summary: Dick Grayson gets a job in Wayne Industries as an electrical engineer, or so is the word. Except it's not Dick who gets the job but Danny Grayson, half ghost and professional disaster. Of course, because nothing is ever easy for Danny, the world mistakes him for the prolific first child of Bruce Wayne and therefore rumors start Dick Grayson got married in secret.
What could possibly go wrong, am I right?
(Danny, Sam, and Tucker are married and move to Gotham to escape the GIW. Danny changes his name from Fenton to his biological name before his adoption- Grayson. He looks exactly like Dick, too. So many people see him out and about, thinking he's Dick. Misunderstandings ensure)
5. those who serve. by aryelee
Summary: Running away from Amity Park—from his entire dimension—Danny takes refuge in the streets of Gotham. It's hard, suddenly being a homeless teenager in such a crime-ridden city, but it's better than dying a second time.
Enter Alfred Pennyworth, a kind old man who works as a butler and, for some reason, has decided to befriend Danny.
His future is still up in the air, but he's hopeful that things will work out. After all, Alfred isn't getting any younger and someone needs to help him with his butler duties. Danny's just the right person for the job.
Or: Alfred Pennyworth sees a homeless teen who looks like he'd fit right into the Wayne family and decides to take matters into his own hands. It's not like he's just going to leave this very sad, possibly meta teenager alone when there's more than enough space in the Manor to house one more child in need.
( Basically, homeless Danny, with no other options, saves Alfred from a mugging. Alfred repays him by offering him a place in Wayne Manor- but Danny doesn't want to be a Wayne. He wants to be an Alfred- so he becomes Alfred's butler apprentice )
6. Wait, I'm a what? by Atiya_Blackcharm
Danny would like to say for the record that it was not his fault.
In fact, Danny would say that it was entirely Clockwork's fault. After all, he wouldn't even be in this situation if it wasn't for that cryptic time god.
But what was his fault was the fact that he kept helping.
He kept taking the cash from the assholes (and damn there were a lot of assholes near where he lived) messing with the residents who lived in the area. He kept accepting their offers of food. So because of this new routine that kept him able to afford to rent out his shitty (and possibly illegal) apartment and the hunger pangs sufficiently satisfied, rumors grew.
tldr; after Clockwork dropped of Danny in Gotham he tries to make the best out of the situation which includes helping out some people. Except along the way that led to rumors that he was an up-and-coming crime boss. A rumor he was largely unaware of.
(Danny lands in Gotham and sets out to help his new neighborhood. Unknown to him, he does it in a manner that makes everyone think he's a new crime boss. He just isn't aware they think he is one)
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lapetitechatonne · 1 year
Lightning Strike
so, this was originally for dpxdc ship week back in Febuary, and i just realized i forgot to cross post it lmaoo, so here's my obligatory wlw contribution to tumblr ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ ao3 link - here! kate's masterlist - here!
Lightning Strike - 2.5k
Since becoming Clockwork’s apprentice, Dani had seen it all. The beginnings and endings of societies, civilizations, and even whole worlds. She understood now why Clockwork had taken her on, it wasn’t because he needed the help, but rather the company.
Watching all of time pass, over and over again, was a lonely business.
But Dani was used to lonely.
Her years spent on the streets, watching people pass by but never really interacting, taught her that. Sure, she made some friends along the way, but the connections were fleeting as the pull in her core demanded she move on.
Clockwork’s tower was the first place she felt okay truly staying at, but that had to do with the infinite possibilities playing on the portals all around her. It was hard to feel suffocated when you had a new adventure every day.
It wasn’t something she thought about often, but doing her routine portal checks was tedious, and perhaps she had seen one two many happy groups of friends or couples. The human part of her deep down wanted that. Someone to talk to and joke around with who didn’t know all her punchlines—she swore hanging out with Clockwork got more frustrating every day.
Father Time truly was a big blob of dad. All the way down to finishing her jokes for it.
Maybe she should pay her cousin dearest a visit. At least he wouldn’t see her pranks coming.
Her mind was so occupied with the pranks she could pull, she didn’t even notice lightning start to break through thick ectoplasm, until the was a large crack and a hole tore open right beside her.
Dani jumped as an arm of lightning reached out, almost hitting her square in the chest. The green of the zone mixed with the golden colored lightning, swirling in a bright halo of the oddest electrical storm she’d ever seen.
Almost too quickly for her to see, the storm collapsed in on itself, settling into an uneasy silence. Then, as quickly as it collapsed, it expanded to twice the size before spitting out a yellow blob. The blob shot straight through Dani, who barely had time to go intangible, and into the ghost zone, lightning trailing behind it.
Dani didn’t wait for her thoughts to catch up, she just raced after the thing. She wasn’t exactly sure what it was, but she was pretty sure it was her problem. God, she hated being Clockwork’s personal bouncer.
It wasn’t hard to follow the blur, electricity tended to linger in the ectoplasmic filled atmosphere longer than others. When she finally caught up with it, she couldn’t help but laugh.
Floating upside down, wiggling her legs, was a redhaired girl in a yellow superhero suit—or at least Dani assumed from the Flash symbol on the girl’s chest. Her red hair was falling out of the back of her bun, swaying with her movement, and when she caught sight of Dani there was an immediate fire in her hazel eyes.
Dani liked this one. She seemed fierce.
“Are you just going to stare?” The girl crossed her arms, glaring at Dani.
Dani just giggled and reached out, poking the girls shoulder. She squeaked as her body hurdled around. Dani used a hand to stop her from going in a circle.
“Oh,” the girl blushed lightly and gave Dani face splitting smile, “thank you. You wouldn’t happen to know where I am, would you?”
“The Ghost Zone.” The girl tilted her head and furrowed her brows. It was too cute. “Well, some people call it the Infinite Realms. Or the Place Out of Time. Oh, and the Between.”
Dani tapped her chine, trying to remember any other names. It seemed like every Earth and time had a different name for it, so Dani didn’t really retain any of them.
“Hm. Do you know how I could like, get home?” The girl cringed as she looked around, and a small frown played across her lips.
“Probably,” Dani crossed her arms behind her head, leaning back, “Clockwork would know. If anyone can get you back to your time, it’s him. I can take ya, if you’d like?” Her chores could wait. This was way more interesting.
“Don’t really have any other options, so I guess so,” the girl smirked, playful and a touch mischievous. “I’m Impulse.”
The girl held out her yellow gloved hand and Dani smirked back.
“I’m Dani—with an i.” She took Impulse’s hand, and even through their gloves Dani could feel how warm she was. It was nice. “Humans can fly in the zone, so just hold onto my arm and you should be fine. Wait, you are human right?” Dani blushed as Impulse giggled.
“Meta-human, if that makes a difference?” She tilted her head and blinked her long eyelashes.
Dani could feel the cold ectoplasm rise to her cheeks giving them a green tint.
“It shouldn’t, but I guess we’ll find out,” Dani gave Impulse the cheekiest grin she could muster, and the other girl actually laughed.
Dani offered her arm to Impulse like the movies she’d watched with Jazz.
“A proper gentleman,” Impulse teased as she placed her hand in the crook of Dani’s elbow.
“Of course! I was taught to treat cute girls right.” Dani winked, and they both dissolved into laughter.
Something fluttered in her stomach as they laughed until they were out of breath. It was a euphoric lack of oxygen that stopped all critical thoughts in Dani’s head. The only thing that existed was them and this moment.
“Do you want to take the long way?” Dani asked, not knowing what she was saying until she heard herself. She couldn’t bring herself to regret it.
“Sure,” Impulse smiled, all teeth and pretty pink lips, “we’ve got time.”
Dani beamed at her and began the flight back to Clockworks. She flew slower than normal, but not by much. Irey’s brain was fast, making connections that Dani couldn’t dream of faster than she could keep up.
Still, there was something oddly content about the redhead as she flipped around in the green atmosphere. Dani showed her some of the more interesting sights, almost running them into the River Styx because Impulse wanted a closer look.
“I can’t wait to tell my brother, he’s gonna be so jealous,” Impulse gushed as Dani pulled her away from the black churning waters. “You know, this is actually the slowest I’ve ever gone. Well, my brain I mean, not me physically.”
“It makes sense,” Dani let them float up towards the far frozen, the last place on their little tour, “the Infinite Realms are technically a place outside of space and time.”
Impulse hummed in response, looking deep in thought. Dani let her think—it was a lot to learn there was an afterlife of some sort, Dani learned that on her travels. It was sometimes even harder for people to understand that it wasn’t what they pictured or believed in.
Dani witnessed a lot of breakdowns she didn’t know how to stop before realizing it. Sue her, she was technically like four.
They stayed silent until they reached the Far Frozen, which got the redhead rambling again. This time about biomes and how they related to different species across the universe. Dani thought that she would get along too well with Danny.
It was all too soon that they reached Clockwork’s tower, which rendered Impulse speechless for the first time on their journey.
“Here we are!” Dani gently held Impulse’s sides and brought her down to the platform. Dani could feel her hot breath fanning across Dani’s face and the static electricity that covered the girl's body.
“Thank you,” she smiled, her hazel eyes sparkling with different golds and greens across the deep brown surface, “not just for helping me, but for being so kind. Not everyone is this nice when you fall into their dimension.” She giggled, and Dani sensed there was history there.
She wished they could talk about it all. Funny—even in a place without time, Dani never felt like there was enough.
“It was my pleasure. And kinda my job? It’s a little unclear.” Dani shrugged, while Impulse shot her a questioning look. Her head was tilted to the side, her brows furrowed making a cute little indent on the bridge of her nose. Dani wanted to run her fingers over the area until it smoothed out.
Dani shook the thought out of her head. Now wasn’t the time.
“I’m Clockwork’s apprentice, though, I think he took me on to keep him company more than anything,” Dani pushed open the large doors to the clock tower, the screech of the hinges echoing against the dark stone. “And you’re lost in time. So, it’s kinda my job to help get you back. That’s why I chased after you in the first place.”
“Oh,” Impulse frowned a bit, almost looking disappointed.
Dani felt herself internally panic—oh god, did she make a pretty girl sad? How was she supposed to fix this?
Dani took a deep breath, trying to calm her suddenly racing thoughts. This was not something Vlad’s programming taught her, but you know what? She could figure it out. Yeah. She could do this.
“But I’m really glad I was the one that found you,” Dani said. She watched as the frown on Impulse’s face softened, and Dani knew she was on the right track. “You’re the most interesting thing to happen around here in a while. I liked showing you around.”
Impulse smiled at her and stepped forward into Dani’s personal space. The redhead reached up, and slipped off her mask, revealing more of her tan skin—and freckles that dotted the bridge of her nose.
“My real name is Irey.”
Dani could only stare at Irey, both amazed and shocked by the show of trust. And even though she might never see the redhead again, Dani wouldn’t—couldn’t—let her walk away without knowing the girl behind the ghost.
Dani held eye contact as she let her transformation go. Waves of cold power washed over her skin until she was fully human.
“My name’s still Dani,” she chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck, “but I’m part human too. Half ghost, half human. A halfa.”
“That’s sick,” Irey laughed, a small yellow spark jolting through her eyes.
Dani could have stayed there staring into Irey’s eyes for eternity. Unfortunately, Clockwork had other plans.
“Danielle,” the sound of Clockwork’s voice pinged off the walls as he descended from the top of his tower, “I see we have a guest. Aren’t you going to introduce us?” He gave her the smirk he got when he was actively trying to be a little shit.
Sometimes they were too similar for Dani’s tastes. Now was one of those moments.
“I’m Impulse,” Irey put her mask back on, staying close to Dani’s side. “I’m a little lost. We hoped you could help get me home.”
“Of course, child,” he smiled as his form shifted from an adult to an old man. He flew up the tower without another word, just expecting them to follow.
Dani huffed, but walked up the broken staircase with Irey, helping her jump from the harder platforms.
“A bit cryptic, isn’t he?” Irey asked as she effortlessly parkoured over the platforms. It was hot.
“That’s his brand or something. We’ve given up questioning it,” Dani shrugged lazily floating up, enjoying the show. Dani’d never seen anyone seriously attempt to take the stairs, even Sam and Tucker would make her or Danny help them.
“Yeah, I know the type—ah!” Irey squeaked as a platform moved at the last moment, causing her jump to fall short.
Dani rushed into action, propelling herself forward to catch Irey. She wrapped her arms around Irey’s lean frame, static electricity and heat coming off the redhead in waves.
“Are you okay?” Dani asked searching Irey’s eyes for any sort of pain or discomfort.
“I’m good,” Irey’s voice was breathy as she relaxed into Dani. She wrapped her arms around Dani’s neck, pulling the dark haired girl close to her.
Dani let her eyes flutter closed, the scent of burned rubber and apple shampoo burning itself into her memory. Her boy tingled where it met Irey’s in a pleasant way, and the heat warmed the parts of her usually cold to the touch.
After a few moments, she felt Irey’s hold on her loosen and the warmth pull away. Dani pushed down the urge to chase the feeling.
“Thank you.” Irey smiled and the bridge of her nose tinted pink. Dani knew that she probably looked like a tomato by now.
Dani broke eye contact and floated up to the top of the clock tower. She gently let their feet hit the ground, not wanting to jolt any possible ankle injury Irey might have sustained in the fall.
“Well, you took your time,” a child Clockwork commented, a pleased smirk on his face. “Anyways, I think I’ve found your time.”
With a flourish of his staff, a portal sprung to life, swirling in front of them. In shades of green, Dani could see people dressed a lot like Irey with lightning bolts adorned all over their bodies in a field looking around.
“That’s it! That’s where I was when—well whatever happened, happened.” Irey excitedly pulled out of Dani’s arms, the electric field around her crackling.
Clockwork laughed, deep and boisterous as his form switched to adulthood. “The Infinite Realms is the place between universes. The buffer of the multiverse if you will. Instead of moving between earths, you were going just fast enough to get stuck between them.”
Dani watch different emotions cross Irey’s face faster than she could keep up.
“So, I could come back if I wanted?” She eventually settled on excitement, the air around her crackling with small yellow lightning bolts, the light catching the shine of her hair perfectly.
Dani didn’t know that someone could took so beautiful standing in the middle of a lightning storm. She was suddenly sad lightning didn’t strike the same place twice.
“With your abilities? No doubt about it.” Clockwork shared a look with Irey that Dani couldn’t decipher when her heart was pounding in her chest.
The idea of getting to see Irey again was exciting in a way that life hadn’t been for a long time.
Suddenly, in a burst of wind and yellow, Irey was standing right in front of Dani, their faces only inches apart.
“I’ll see you soon.” The way she said it, like it was a promise, made Dani grin back.
“I’ll see you soon.”
Irey leaned in and placed a small kiss on her cheek, soft and electric all at once.
As quickly as she was there, she was gone. Through the portal back to her world. Her family.
Dani smiled, a dopey stupid grin that Danny so would have made fun of her for, but she didn’t care.
Dani couldn’t wait for the next storm.
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I bring money to the table, not your dinner/Both my body and my bank account, good figure/Thinking about me but there’s nothing to consider/If I let you in my circle, you’re a winner
"Bro this song has my brain in a vice grip. it makes me feel like im the sexiest boygirl alive. listening to this song isn’t enough i need to eat it, kiss it passionately, take it to dinner, meet its parents, marry it in front of god, etc"
The Watchmaker's Apprentice (The Clockwork Quartet)
I sat in his workshop, my thoughts running wild/And it suddenly hit me and I looked up and smiled/For I knew that I'd have him/And I knew that I'd do it in style
"This band has 3 songs and I had to submit at least 2, this one doesn't fuck me up as much as doctors wife but the story is still really good. The well earned revenge, the twisted cleverness of it all! Real ESH situation. Its also just kind of a bop with the constant ticking of the clock."
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nyaagolor · 2 years
Assorted Halcandra headcanons because I’m in the mood
- During the Silver Age (I put the Halcandran kingdom timeline into ages which I can explain in another post) science was most organized and systematized, so there was a class system set in place to distinguish the type and “value” of science being practiced
- The uppermost echelons of science functioned a bit like renaissance artists, in that they were sponsored by aristocratic patrons. However, as per the kingdom rules, the patrons weren’t allowed to actually dictate what the scientists studied or made— that was up to the researchers to ensure as unbiased a field as possible
- These scholars were well cared for and had all their needs met so they could focus on advancing the technology of the kingdom. Typically, they had their own labs, which were put in wizard-esque towers, the idea being that their work would be touched by the light of heaven and so they could receive the gods’ wisdom by being physically closer to them. It was a superstition, of course, but the scientists had a tendency to be egotistical and megalomaniacs love towers
- Halcandrans mostly wore robes and wraps and assorted similar things, so embroidery to show status and class was a huge thing back then. Tassels and earrings were big. They also covered their mouths, the idea being that their work was the only thing that could truly speak for them. The fancy high class scientists and scholars in particular had golden cogs or stylized cog-like pattens sewn into their robes, since gold was the color of royalty and an extreme status symbol. A certain someone mimics that in his own, modern clothing
- That particular kind of science was very experimental and artsy, but only included a small fraction of the actual mechanics, researchers, and scientists that were present on Halcandra. These scientists were of a lower class and did not have the status, patronage, or wealth that the upper class scientists did. Rather than push the fields of knowledge past their limits or make fancy machines for royalty, these scientists were mostly focused on the production and maintenance of everyday items
- The working class scientists’ color was blue, the same color as many laborers within Halcandra. The bright blue stood out like a sore thumb among the mostly warm colors of the surface, making it easier for workers to spot each other at a distance (and also it was easy to make, as the most common mineral in halcandra stains a bright blue when rubbed onto fabric)
- Other than the use of blue for practicality, there wasn’t much in the way of class identification for most scientific laborers because that sort of display has little value outside the capital or very wealthy areas. The flowy, showy robes were swapped for job-specific protective equipment, since Halcandra actually did have pretty decent labor practices
- One specific job I want to highlight is “diving”, which was very often done by orphans or unskilled laborers under the direction of a middleman. The divers would go to clockwork graveyards (a fancy name for junkyards full of Golden Age scrap) and scrounge for parts— valuable metals, circuit boards, blueprints, anything that could be recycled or sold. The middlemen were mostly merchants, and would appraise, sort, transport, and sell the wares brought to them by divers. Magolor was one of these as a child, but often smuggled bits and pieces he especially liked back to his house to tinker with. He managed to teach himself quite a bit about science and Golden Age metalworking through experimentation, which caught the attention of a particular adventurous upper-class scientist named Koppoko who took him on as her apprentice
- Little guide for a few Halcandran outfits as demonstrated by 10 year old magolor (note: he wasn’t a high class scientist at the time and wouldn’t have owned such fancy and gaudy robes like on the far right but it’s good for a demonstration)
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ostermad-blog · 2 years
Dungeon23 9jan23 hex
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Quick history lesson.
Back in the 8th century, the Umayyid caliphate conquered most of the Iberian Peninsula, leaving a few Catholic kingdoms in the northern part. Rather unhappy with the state of affairs, these kingdoms waged a centuries-long war to expel the Muslims and Jews. In the real world, they succeeded, conquering the last remaining Moorish kingdoms in 1492 and formally expelling all non-Catholics from the peninsula and marked the start of the Spanish Catholics forcing all the remaining Muslims and Jews to choose between conversion or death (the Spanish Inquisition begins in 1478). But we're not in the real world. In our setting, the Kingdom of Granada, backed into a corner by the invading Catholics, discovered something profound, something that changed the face of warfare forever. They learned how to make golems. Beautiful, bronze creations adorned with exquisite calligraphy and imbued with an indefatigable will. The Granadans unleashed their new creations alongside their armies and routed the united Catholic troops, ultimately retaking the entire peninsula. The Pyrenees prevented the Granadans from pushing further into Europe, and they were content to hold the peninsula. This posed a rather profound dilemma for the Holy Roman Empire and other Christian kingdoms in Europe: how do the self-proclaimed representatives of God's will on Earth deal with a military technology they do not understand and cannot seem to use themselves? Fortunately, after a hundred years or so of relative stability between the Granadans and Holy Roman Empire, Granadan artificers were more than happy to move to the courts of Christian Europe to act as advisors and tutors, for a suitable fee. Catholic scholars had assembled their own constructs, built from gold and the bones of saints, but they were unsettling, and the resurrectionists who built them were unsavory types that always smelled of grave soil and ash. Courts competed over having the best Granadan artificers the same way they competed over having the best musicians and artists, and thus Granadans spread throughout Europe. When the Corruscation boiled the land and soured the seas, access to the Kingdom of Granada and Northern Africa was cut off, but the Granadans already there were stuck. With the rise of supernatural terrors in the darkening woods, their golems became highly prized, and the knowledge of how to craft them doubly so.
Okie, loredump over. Hex 5,5 is right next to a number of very prominent landmarks: the Ratusz, the Zamoyski Academy, and the gardens of Zamoyski Palace off to the West. As Zamoyski Academy is one of three centers of higher learning in all of Nowa Polska, artificers of all stripes gather here in the hopes of improving their craft. The workshops here, closed to the general public, are a combination of exhibition hall and clockwork foundry. Most of the constructs built here are priceless. Consequently, the workshops have the second-highest security of any placein Zamość after Zamoyski Palace.Player characters are unlikely to gain legal entry to the Golem Workshops without an arm and a leg of work. After passing exhaustive tests, pupils from the Academy may choose to apprentice as artificers, but entry to the Academy is reserved for the children of szlachta and wealthy burghers. There are no scholarships. Players who perform a great service for the Ordynat (ruler of Zamość) would likely get a tour of the workshop and perhaps a gift of something made there, but little else.Players disinterested in legal entry would find rather a lot of near-priceless treasure. Gold, gems, rare inks, exquisite clockwork contraptions, and possibly even a near-finished golem. Assuming they can bypass the many security mechanisms and successfully exfiltrate with the loot, their heist would be the crime of the century.See, I told you things would get spicy.
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vestige-nan · 1 year
The Clockwork God’s Apprentice: Ch 4
Summary: Snippets of the vestige being Sotha Sil's apprentice before the vestige became the vestige, because being Seht's apprentice is the dream.  
Fun stuff: kena means scholar in dark elvish, i'm not just slapping a name on the vestige ,':D. As always, vestige is gender neutral and not described, however they are a psijic.
The clockwork god liked to observe his apprentice work, perhaps more than his apprentice liked to observe him—which wasn't inconsiderable. Their approach to problem solving was unique, and even though Seht was able to anticipate their decisions more every day, he still found it somewhat transfixing. Their fingers moved clumsily to an unobservant eye, but their craftsmanship was never stunted or broken. Through irregularity and an organized chaos that only a god could follow, the vestige consistently proved their own competence and ingenuity. And when they failed, the clockwork god's apprentice was filled with even more vigor to try again.
Every mistake was exciting to his apprentice; a new avenue for discovery with every failure. It was a quality the god envied: that excitement. It was a hateless, melancholy envy, both muted and solemn, the envy a shackled prisoner feels for the birds who sing in the sunlight.
"What is your world like?" His apprentice asked, not taking their eyes from their work. The clockwork god was watching them from behind. Their nixad fabricant wasn't with them, they seemed to let the creature explore as it pleased. The apprentice's graceless attempts at coalescing two copper parts wasn't going as they planned, however the god knew that they would solve their own riddle in short time.
Sotha Sil and his apprentice didn't always talk as they worked, but they talked just enough for the god. It was likely this was because his apprentice only ever talked about things of importance. Idle talk wasn't in their nature. It wasn't as if others have attempted to make idle talk with the god of mysteries, but with comfort for many came idle talk. His apprentice was comfortable with the god, but they had never broached conversation without an objective in mind; without a weighty question needing answer.
"It is Nirn, but perfect." The clockwork god answered.
Their fingers stumbled and their brow creased ever so slightly. They didn't like his answer. "What does that mean?"
"It is as I said."
They chewed their bottom lip as they always did when they wanted answers. With their hands still focused, they asked, "What does it look like?"
"It is small enough to fit in this room."
"What?!" They nearly dropped what they were doing, whipping their star-blown eyes towards the clockwork god.
Brass fingers turned their head back toward their work, "Focus, kena."
The god's apprentice moved their fingers slowly, not focused in the slightest. "How do people live there?"
"How do you think?"
"They must be shrunk down, right?" They asked.
"In the simplest of senses, yes." He answered.
"Fascinating." To his apprentice's credit, they truly tried to continue working, however slow and distracted they may be. Sotha Sil could see the gears turning past their eyes as his apprentice must have been attempting to puzzle out even a broad idea of how the mechanics and magicka would work in tandem to create such a thing. They, like so many others, wouldn't be able to understand it fully. "Once your there, what does it look like?"
The god paused to ensure his answer would satisfy his self. "It is an oasis of bronze and copper. Trees fashioned from wire and cord. Bushes crafted from alloy and plate. Lakes of oil and a sky of clockwork. Fabricants of flesh and gear roam fields of gold, and in the center lies the Brass Fortress: a culmination of my greatest craft and the workmanship of apostles dedicated to learning all there is. It is Nirn, but perfect."
The god's apprenticed seemed torn between captivated wonder and... an expression that could have been any number of things, and though the clockwork god could have discerned it, he didn't. "What makes it perfect where Nirn isn't?" There was no accusation or anger in his apprentice's tone, only genuine curiosity.
"It is the redemption of Tamriel. The unification of competing forces. The destruction of the Daedra."
"And that's why you created it?" They paused there fingers a brief moment.
"No." The god said, "I create it because I must."
His apprentice stopped their work, this time thoughtfully. After a breath of silence, they turned toward the clockwork god. As he looked into their eyes of stars and questions, he saw their future in them, their soul, their very impression on the Mundus. However, in that moment, his apprentice saw something in his own eyes. Whatever it was, and Sotha Sil purposefully didn't dwell on what it was, it was enough to make his apprentice’s eyes dilate in concern, their brow slightly creased. They wanted to say something to him, but they knew not to, and Seht was grateful for it. Instead they turned around and continued their work, quicker and more focused than before.
"Doesn't Arteaum have all of those things?" They asked, still focused.
"Nearly." The god replied. "That is why I spend time working here, among other things."
His apprentice continued to work, almost finished with their coalescing having solved their own mystery, before a wide, playful smile grew across their face. "Am I "among other things"?"
"Yes." The clockwork god said, plainly. Had it not been for his apprentice, he would have returned to the clockwork city long before then.
They finished merging their two copper parts, and their smile as they turned to the god was a bird's song in the golden rays of sunlight. "I like working with you, too."
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sothas · 2 years
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact
For Nils! Btw, I love your oc; I find Dunmer so beautiful, and my very first character in Skyrim was a Dark Elf, so I'm emotionally attached to this race! 💕
Thank you so much for asking about Nils!! And for your kind words, it makes me so happy to know that people love her as much as I do :,) ❤️
👪 - This might end up being a bit of a hefty answer but I’ll try and shorten it :,D Nilonii doesn’t have any siblings, and her relationship with her biological parents is pretty poor. She was a child prodigy in her home of Sadrith Mora, and her parents only really cared for results (this is partially tied to House Telvanni politics, and is part of the reason why she hates it), so Nils was emotionally neglected during her time at home. Around the age of 18 she successfully (with injury :,)) transported herself into the Clockwork City, and shortly after became Sotha Sil’s apprentice, which is where their father/daughter bond formed! She sees him as her real father and he sees her as the daughter he never had. Nilonii has never treated him as a god so it was easy for more of her real personality to come out as she healed. Can you tell I’m a sucker for found family tropes haha
🍧 - Nils has had the same staff pretty much her whole life, with the Telvanni motif on it. I like to think it serves as a reminder of how far she’s come since her time in Sadrith Mora, and that she’s still (in a way) proud to be a Telvanni despite not agreeing with a lot of their beliefs. So she’d be really upset if she lost it, since it’s such a sentimental item :)
🌌 - The first thing I decided about Nilonii, even before I knew her name, was that she was going to be a Telvanni :,D When I first started properly playing ESO I wanted to have a Dunmer character for each Great House, and I did Telvanni first. Originally I wasn’t going to go in depth for her character, but then I did! My first draft of Nils’ character/personality was inspired by Neloth’s, but just a bit more agreeable. And then over years (and more recently in past months) she’s become the character she is today :D
📎 - Nils is actually really good at hand to hand combat! She learned a lot of it from Luciana Pullo, who was pestered non-stop until she agreed to teach Nilonii some moves :,)
Here’s the ask game, for those who are interested!
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tyovpyrrhicmoon · 5 months
Next, create at least three Mortals and add them to the vampire’s record sheet. These Mortals will have a relationship with your vampire—relatives, friends and lovers, enemies, mentors, debtors, or anything else appropriate for the time and place you have chosen. Describe each Character in a few words. Know that these Characters can and should be very important, but will not be around for long.
Mortal 1 - Dochleo - Argos' father; a potter by trade. A decent man, he has been helping Argos fulfill the bride-price demanded by Anatréfos.
Mortal 2 - Kipra - Argos' mother; on market days, she sells homegrown vegetables from a stall in the village forum.
Mortal 3 - Spoudas - Argos' elder brother; tall and lean. Training to inherit his father's pottery studio.
Mortal 4 - Ione - Spoudas' wife; a freed slave, emancipated from Spartan slavers
Mortal 5 - Megara - Argos' younger sister; vain, cruel, shrew, and greedy. Married to a wine merchant in Thebes.
Mortal 6 - Gíina - Argos' lover. Daughter of Anatréfos, Gíina is a skilled trainer and breeder of dogs. Athletic and brown of skin, Gíina is kind, quick-witted, and a skilled and graceful runner. She, Fovéros, and Argos have been friends since childhood. It was Gíina who gifted Teumessia to Argos as a new pup. After long years of growing up together, Gíina and Argos became friends, then lovers, trysting amongst the olive groves, careful to use silphium. Gíina is fully aware of how loathsome her father is, and the spectre of Anatréfos wroth hungs over the pair as they try to meet the demands and bride-price he has set.
Mortal 7 - Anatréfos - Father of Gíina; renown livestock breeder, his ranch borders Fovéros's family's olive groves and stretches toward the polis of Ambracia. He and the workers on his ranch breed goats, sheep, oxen, swine, donkeys, and dogs - including the Molossian mastiffs native to the Epiran region, Laconian hunting dogs brought in from Sparta, and Vulpine companion dogs (a smaller breed that Gíina handles the breeding and raising of; Anatréfos dislikes these smaller dogs). Called Digeneiáda (Fork Beard) behind his back for his back, for his strange facial hair. A man with kindness toward none and a deep, insatiable greed. Malignantly misogynistic; when Gíina was quite young, her mother, Anatréfos' wife Leípeia, went missing. No one is sure what exactly happened to her, but everyone knows Anatréfos did something to her.
Mortal 8 - Sideros of Ambracia - Master smith of the polis of Ambracia. A huge bear of a man, Sideros introduced Argos to the worship of Hephaestus as part of the craft. Took Argos on as an apprentice, until Argos becomes skilled enough to open a forge in my home village. He teaches me the secrets of copper, of bronze, of iron, of precious metals; how to forge a sword, a plowblade, and all things between. From Sidero, I learn of Zeus' thunderbolt iron.
Mortal 9 - Fovéros - One of the younger sons of the village's olive farmer, Fovéros, Gíina, and Argos have been friends since childhood. Fovéros was sent to Ambracia to become scribe at the temple. Fovéros swears that he has seen nymphs and fauns frolicking in the olive groves; once, he took Gíina and Argos to see them. Superstitious, believes in the gods and monsters of ancient Greece fervently. Warned Argos to avoid the Necromanteion of Acheron in the north, where the living world and Underworld touch, and to avoid the oracle of Zeus at Dodona. Warned that gods and titans, and stranger things still haunt the Grecian peninsula. Fovéros has something he's not sharing and is increasingly overly fond of wine.
Mortal 10 - Granazá the Athenian - Sometimes called Ouránio Dónti (Sky-Tooth), Granazá is an Athenian astronomer and friend of Sidero, now living in Ambracia. He builds simple clockwork orreries, though these have grown increasingly complex as the years pass. These are the precursors to what will one day be called the Antikythera device. He has many scrolls charting the stars, and knows of astrology and divinations. Increasingly, he seems fearful and nervous as he works. Sometimes, it seems like he is avoiding going out under the open sky. He is drinking more and too heavenly.
Notes: Forgive my weird Greek names.
In my mind's eye, Casca from Berserk is a good model for Gíina. Or another character of the ambiguously-brown, athletic woman archetype. (Possibly better example might be Abigail Jones from Great Pretender.)
Silphium - (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silphium) Ancient contraceptive herb, now long extinct.
Necromanteion of Acheron - (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necromanteion_of_Acheron) A sacred site where the River Acheron supposedly entered the mortal world. Located in northwestern Epirus.
Dodona - (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodona) The second largest oracular site in Greece, after Delphi. While Delphi was sacred to Apollo, Dodona was sacred to Zeus. Located in eastern Epirus.
Antikythera mechanism - (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antikythera_mechanism) Ancient clockwork mechanism that tracked the movement of the moon, planets, and stars, as well as the dates of the Olympic games. Dated to around 200 BC (about a century after our current game of Thousand Year Old Vampire starts). Granazá is showing people precursors of the famous device.
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zylev-blog · 6 months
This is the masterpost for everything that I have posted, not reblogged or added on from someone else.
DCU Only
The Batkids hide in Batman's cloak: here
DP Only
Ghosts as a separate species: here
Young Danny: here
Danny really hates Christmas: here
Failed Ghost Danny: here
The Purge: here
Secret Arms dealer: here
Danny is Jon Kent: here
Martian Danny: here
Danny's being followed: here
Danny is Bruce Wayne: here
Danny is the clone of Barry and Hal: here AO3 link: here
Danny is Ace the bathound: here @bloggerspam wrote a beautiful fic for this!
Danny goes back in time to kill villain Tim: here
Danny is Diana's daughter: here
Danny arrives during DCeased: here
Danny is Alfred's son: here
Danny is centries old: here
"My name is Danny Fenton, and this is Jackass.": here
Danny is the son of Clark Kent and Lana Lang: here
Danny is convinced Batman is a vampire: here
Danny is Deadshot: here
Danny infiltrates the Light: here
Danny is Jason Todd: here
Danny pays Diana a visit: here
Dan meets Jason Todd: here
Red Lantern Dan: here
Dan raises Kal-El: here
Jazz gets drunk: here
Halfa Jazz: here
Jazz is Lex Luthor's daughter: here
Tucker is Amity Park's protector: here
Dani wants to get arrested: here
Dani is from the future: here
Dani is the clone of Bruce and Danny: here
When Dani destabilizes, Superman stabilizes her dna. She doesn't appreciate this: here
Danny is Clockwork's assistant
Clockwork's assistant au: here
Apprentice of time au: here
Green Lantern Danny
Adult GL Danny: here
GL Danny in Justice League: here
GL Danny helps arrest his parents: here
Danny and others:
Danny and Jazz go to a gala: here
Danny and Dick talk during a stakeout: here
Damian's rant: here
Cujo steals Jason's gun: here
Danny haunts Batman: here
Wally crosses into the DP universe: here
Bruce trains with Phantom: here
The Phantom siblings like to throw things: here
Gotham is on fire: here
Danny and Sam make a bet: here
Flash, Batman, and Joker accidentally cross into the DP universe: here
Danny and Bart are from the future: here
Dani and Dani decide to crash Bruce's interview: here
Mind-controlled Superman crashes Danny and Sam's date: here
Damian and Danny are best friends: here
Danny haunts Batman: here
Dick and Danny talk: here
Dick and Danny are childhood friends: here
Danny rescues Bruce in 1732: here
Jason and Danny kill the Joker: here
Deaged Danny
Danny escapes CADMUS: here
Danny and Dani are adopted by Aquaman: here
Oliver adopts Danny: here
Clark adopts Danny: here
Barry adopts Danny: here
Teen/Adult dad Danny
Ellie and Damian's forced friendship: here
Single Dad and toddler Ellie meet Single mom Kara and baby Kal: here AO3 link: here
Danny is Klarion and Nabu's Dad: here
Danny is Zeus, and Diana's father: here
Dick throws a party for his 30th birthday: here
The Batfam discover the GIW's warehouse by accident: here
Freakshow and Joker are brothers: here
Tim accidentally creates a portal to Amity Park: here
Dick accidentally saves Danny instead of Tim: here
Danny becomes backup Red Robin: here
Deaged Dick: here
Jazz, Harley, and Bruce are in medschool together: here
Halfa Tim Drake: here
Villain Fentons au: here
Valerie doesn't want to be on a hero team: here
Dick and Damian are ducks: here
Kryptonian Jack Fenton: here
Amity Park is its own nation: here
Villian Fentons: here
A Turkey ghost sends the Fentons on a country-wide chase: here
Little Baby Man Danny: here
Conner is Phantom and Superman's clone: here
Kryptonian Danny: here
Dash/Danny: here
Tim/Danny: here
Tim/Danny gods of Krypton: here
Damian is Jazz and Bruce's son: here
Valerie/Danny raise Dani: here
GL Jazz/Bruce: here
FBI Agent Jazz Fenton(Nightingale): here AO3 link: here
Stephanie/Danny: here
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practically-an-x-man · 6 months
for your tattooed OCs: have they ever gotten (or given themselves) a bad tattoo? or one that they regret?
Ooooh thank you!!
Ophelia: Only has the one tattoo, Starry Night across her left hip, and would be super thorough about doing research before getting any other tattoos so she doesn't end up with any bad ones
Gia: Has a lot of tattoos of various plants and greenery, mostly to cover her scars from HYDRA's experimentation. Many of these are professionally-done, though she has given herself a few little doodles just to try it. They're kind of technically-shitty, but they're hidden amongst her larger tattoos and she kinda loves them anyway.
Jasper: Has two full sleeves (clockwork on one arm, colorful flowers on the other) and a series of moths down their back. They're also very careful about researching their artists so they don't get a bad tattoo, but they've traded stick-and-pokes with their friends in high school and there's still a very faint outline of a lopsided honeybee on their ankle. Eventually they want to get it covered, but it's not a priority.
Katherine: Eventually, since her best friend Jace is a tattoo apprentice, she'll let him use her as a canvas (Emily too, and he's grateful for the practice on some darker skin tones). She gets a realistic moon, there's a very small blowout along the far outline but otherwise it's a beautiful tattoo, and it is her only tattoo.
Quinn: Oh, she's tatted up!! Definitely the most tattoos of any of my OCs, though Jasper's a close second place. She's got all sorts of tattoo styles, all kinds of variations in quality, and there are definitely some bad ones in there. I mean, she's got an assortment of everything from professional work to "friend with a cheap tattoo machine" to college stick-and-pokes. Any of her tattoos with significant meaning to her, she'll go to a good shop since she wants it to be done right, but if it's an impromptu tattoo just for the sake of getting inked then she doesn't really care. And she doesn't really mind, in fact she's only ever gotten one cover-up - she grew up with a certain set of books and got a tattoo of a few magical creatures from that, but after 2020 had it covered up with the House on the Rock carousel from American Gods (with a much less terfy author, of course).
AJ: Only has one tattoo, a chameleon on her right forearm. She gets it at the end of her story, as a way to reclaim her identity (since it's very large and visible, it intentionally keeps her from being so easily-disguised like she was as an assassin). It's a well-done tattoo, but she's not sure if she wants any more or not.
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