#the chronicler's company as toa au
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byz-was-here · 2 months ago
Chapters: 40/50
Fandom: Bionicle - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Hewkii/Macku (Bionicle), Takua & The Chronicler's Company, The Chronicler's Company & Turaga Metru, The Chronicler's Company & Toa Nuva
Characters: Takua | Takanuva (Bionicle), Kapura (Bionicle), Macku (Bionicle), Tamaru (Bionicle), Hafu (Bionicle), Taipu (Bionicle), Kopeke (Bionicle), Jaller (Bionicle), Matoro (Bionicle), Turaga (Bionicle), Hewkii (Bionicle), Nuparu (Bionicle), Kongu (Bionicle), Hahli (Bionicle), Toa Nuva (Bionicle), Bohrok-Kal (Bionicle)
Additional Tags: Bionicle G1, Mata Nui (Island), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, The Turaga have some explaining to do, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Jaller deserves a vacation, Trans Tamaru (Bionicle), Taipu is a cinnamon roll, Nonverbal Kopeke, Pohatu: he's everyone's friend, Treespeak/Chutespeak, Kongu's accent is nigh incomprehensible., Now slightly more beta read, Vakama has the gift of prophesy and it's everyone's problem, What is love? Matoran have no idea, Macku connecting the dots
In which our ringbear- erm, Herald embarks on his quest to destroy the one rin- uh, Find the 7th - er, 13th toa. ...Or something along those lines.
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byz-was-here · 1 year ago
I physically can't magnet this to my fridge fast enough. I'm screaming internally.
And externally, too.
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[ID: 3 digital drawings of human Bionicle characters: Tamaru, Kopeke, and Macku. In the first, Tamaru, wearing a long teal overcoat, smiles and runs to the left holding a big trans flag behind her, smiling. At the bottom left it says "Ch. 2: Calm Before the Storm "I'm a bravesister of Le-Koro!"" In the second, Kopeke, silhouetted against a starry sky and snowy ground, sits in the middle of a lightning strike, looking and reaching upwards. At the bottom it says "Chapter 5: Bitter Work (Part 1) "The last thing Kopaka saw before the world seemed to go white was Kopeke sitting in the center of the blast, the Toa of Lightning crackling with the power of the sudden storm."" In the third, Kopeke sits with his knees pulled up to his chest, with Macku kneeling beside him on the left and Tamaru sitting beside him with her hand on his shoulder on the right. They're all on a stone wall. At the bottom left, it says "Ch. 23: "Picking Up the Pieces" "Kopeke frowned, curling his knees up against his torso before shaking his head dismissively. He'd be fine." End ID.]
I've wanted to do some fanart for @byz-was-here's fanfic A Company of Toa for ages and finally got to do it! These are a few of my favourite parts of the story so far, mostly featuring my boy Kopeke because of how much I love a him. <3 I have some more ideas as well but they're going to take longer (they're going to wind up being comics lmao) so here are these ones! Please read ACOT if you like canon-compliant what-if AU fics! (It's not actually a human!bonkle fic I just. don't want to draw robots lol)
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toomanyinterestsart · 2 months ago
Bionicle years 1-3: the Duty, unity, Destiny Trilogy
So I’ve decided to post a little synopsis for my entire complete AU of Bionicle which not only fuses G1 and G2 together, but also concludes the main story of Bionicle as I see it. I’m not going to spoil everything but I will point which elements are different and some events that happen in every single season (which are supposed to represent the years of the toyline (also I’ll add the usual 6 heroes/toa and 6 villain sets) with that out of the way let’s begin and please if you have any questions, ask them away
2001 The first year/season is divided in two arcs like the generation 2 first year: The Quest for The Masks and the city of the Mask Makers.
The story, as I already began to write it on Ao3, follows the flash animations and novels of generation 1 but instead of Takua, Hahli is the chronicler and protagonist of the second story. In the first arc, The toa, accompanied by their protectors, search their 6 kanohi mask before finding their 6 golden masks in their shrines (A mix of g1 and g2) while in the second story of the first arc, Hahli follows the story of Takua in the flash animations. Some differences or details are:
-The Protectors are all children of the Turaga (Who are the ones of G1), specifically Vakama and Nokama have two children, Narmoto (who is also married to an original Ta-Okotan and has a child) and Kivoda who is the little brother of the fire protector. The Turaga weren’t Toa before they became the elders but were in fact the previous protectors who fulfilled their duties.
-There are no corrupted Kanohis that control the Rahi, but rather there are the Skull Spiders controlled by the Lord of Skull Spiders (LOSS) who is a henchman (henchwoman?) of Makuta who is the evil brother of Ekimu in the story, though I’ll explain how the brotherhood exists anyway.
-Lewa and Kopaka are both females since I’ve wanted to make a 3 males and 3 females group and because Wairuha is a female too I’ve decided that all of her components must be females too. Though you can always change it and it wouldn’t matter much.
-Pohatu has is brooding personality that he had in G2 because honestly that’s how I was introduced to him, but the more he goes on the more he will start to have his personality from G1
-Hahli has a Ga-Okotan that helps her get around the island which is Marka, which is far taller than any other matorans but says it’s because she had been mutated by the waters of the sea of Okoto.
-The Chronicler Company will stay the same with no trouble at all and they will have the same role they had in year 1.Also Melea (A Po-Okotan of G2) is going to take his place in the Inika and Mahri Toa Team because I have other plans for Hewkii in the story. Also for Takua. Ahkmou is replaced with a okotan that is exactly like him called Ahkmou Jr (look at the originality). The reason for it is that Ahkmou is a Toa Metru in this universe instead of Onewa.
-The finale will be at the gates of the city of the mask makers since Kini Nui doesn’t exists. The Toa will first defeat shadow versions of themselves, than the LOSS, making them fall down the bridge and killing them for good (instead of keeping them alive like in G2) and then they’ll face the okotan form of Makuta like in the end of G1 Year 1.
In the second arc, the toa enter the city of the mask makers and have to fight the Skull Army resurrected by Makuta to ensure that the Toa don’t awaken his brother. Every toa will have a opposite skull army member and they will each get their golden mask stolen and corrupted before getting it back.
-While Onua, Kopaka, Lewa and Pohatu still have their respective Skull Army adversaries, Gali and Tahu have Axato and the Skull Assassin (A Lieutenant from the G2 novels and a concept art of the G2 Book). They manage to awaken Ekimu and get to the Forge but Kulta (The Skull Grinder), Fuses with the Mask Of Creation of Ekimu (I’ll explain how Artahka still exists and has one too) and shatters the toa golden masks. Ekimu recovers his weapons and defeats him like in the G2 story.
-Meanwhile the second story of the second arc takes place in the same time of the Toa in the city. After the death of the LOSS, the Bohrok have awoken around Okoto and are terrifying the villages. The Protectors and Hahli work together to track down the hive of the Bohrok in the pit below the City of The Mask Makers and find the Exo-Toa that they wear and the Bahrag Queen. Before I explain the next details I have to specify that the Bohroks launch Skull Spiders instead of Kranas. So the Bahrag queens are the queens of the Bohrok Hive, but the brain of the hive are the Skull Spiders which they control. The original purpose of the skull spiders was to control the Bohrog to clean the island of Okoto, but the LOSS, which arrival was unnatural (and I will explain in year 5), made so that the Skull Spiders fell under the LOSS control and not the Queens who were still in stasis, But now that the LOSS is dead they can control the Hive Again. The story concludes pretty much the same way as they conceal the Queens (But they don’t get thrown into Protodermis) thanks to the help of a Le-Okotan Archeologist named Harvali (G2 Character) Who was trapped under the city for quite a while. (Also Vizuna and Korgot have a intended relationship though it’s never told outloud)
6 HEROES: -Toa Master Tahu -Toa Master Kopaka -Toa Master Lewa -Toa Master Pohatu -Toa Master Onua -Toa Master Gali
6 VILLAINS: -Skull Warrior -Skull Slicer (Survives) -Skull Scorpio -Skull Basher (Survives) -Skull Assassin -Axato/ Skull Lieutenant -Skull Grinder (Survives)
-I put survive because they are important later in the story.
2002 Year 2 is the same as the second year of G2. The Toa Uniters and Ekimu must find the Elemental Creatures to find the Mask Of Control of Makuta before Umarak does. There isn’t a secondary story in this year and this is the weakest of the three chapters of the Duty Unity Destiny Trilogy.
The season goes on pretty much the same as the Netflix episode did, but the masks are inside temples that are protected by trails and elemental monsters (inspired by the ones that appear in the 2001 gameboy games). After defeating them, The Toa obtain their golden masks and unite with the creatures (BTW Melum has his mantis design like in the concept arts because the normal design is just a cheap copy of Terak)
There would also be some more details On Ekimu, Kulta and Hahli story and also the three masks that appear in the Forge would connect to the story in the third year.
The story then finishes the same with Umarak taking the Mask Of Control to himself and becoming the Destroyer.
The Second arc is like the original one of G2, but each Toa has an Elemental Beast assigned to them instead of only three. One detail that changes though, is that Gali's experience in the Shadow Realm gives her visions/nightmares, changing her, and will be an important detail for the next year and also for the end of the story.
When Ekimu reveals his Toa Of Light form and Agil that is where the story changes a little. Ekimu isn’t the Toa Of Light but he’s able to use the power of the Temple of Light and can unite with Agil like the Toa do with their creatures. The Toa also don’t disappear into the stars but instead stay there on Okoto. Umarak is imprisoned like Kulta and the Skull Basher under the forge and turns back into his normal form (though with the red glow like his mask had in the ekimu set) after the Mask Of Cotrol Ultimate Power. 6 HEROES -Toa Uniter Tahu -Toa Uniter Kopaka -Toa Uniter Lewa -Toa Uniter Gali -Toa Uniter Pohatu -Toa Uniter Onua -Toa Ekimu
6 VILLAINS 1-Lava Beast 2-Storm Beast 3-Earthquake Beast 4-Jungle Beast 5-Blizzard Beast 6-Sandstorm Beast 7-Umarak
2003 Year 3 follows the events of the Bohrok kal and Mask Of Light, but not in the way you expect. In the first Arc, The Toa have to stop mercenaries hired by Makuta to destroy his toa seal in the crater of the finale of season 2, but suddenly their powers disappear after their unity symbols are stolen by the Bohrok Kal, wanting to use them to re awaken the queens. The Protectors will have to fight and stop the Bohrok Kal, while the Toa Fight the mercenaries.
Now, this may sound as an original idea, but the mercenaries (which would probably be Dark Hunters that Makuta has brought from the Great Spirit Robot) use the designs of concept art villains that are in the g2 concept art book.
Like in the original story, the Toa will use the Vahi to stop them, but also the Protectors will use the other half of the Vahi to stop them (Lower G1 Half-Protectors, Upper G2 Half-Toa). In the end the Bohrok Kal are destroyed and the mercenaries are banished to the stars by the mask of time.
The Second half is of the Mask Of Light movie. The first half would be similar but with something added at the beginning: the Kohli matches before the finals that Hahli has (It’s shown in the Mata Nui Online Game 2, but that game is pretty much soulless). In the end the first part is pretty much the same: With Hahli and Macku winning the Kohli match against Ta-koro and Onu-koro. The Mask Of Light is found by Hahli at the start of the film and it has the design of the Concept art. Like in the movie it will lead them to the Toa of Light.
Makuta, in his shadow realm, decides to send out his ‘sons’ to get the mask and destroy the toa. But in this timeline, his sons aren’t the Rahkshi: They are the Toa Hagah. (I’ll explain in a second). Pouks and Iruini attack Ta-Koro and make it sink, the Turaga actually recognize them and Tahu and Pohatu fight them while Gali helps evacuate.
Vakama explains how, when Ekimu and Makuta heard the prophecy of heroes, Makuta tried to cheat by creating Toa Masks and powers for six Okotan that then turned into the Toa Hagah. They Fought against the Skull Raiders and won, but when Makuta tried to use the Mask Of Ultimate Power, they were sent to the shadow realm too as they were in the same city.
Later Norik, Bomonga and Kualus will appear too as the other sons, but Gaaki? Well, Gaaki has already appeared since the first year: It was Marka. Marka was chosen by Makuta as the toa of water, but after the war against the Skull Raiders, she decided to quit due to have lost too many friends in the war, and also her right eye. In the final, Harvali helps Marka overcome her trauma, the ga-okotan goes to the Bohrok Hive and immerses herself in the Protodermis, which turns her back into her Hagah Form.
Another storyline explored is the one during the Skull Raiders war from Ekimu’ side. We discover that he was able to have an alliance with the Sea Queen of the inhabitants of the planet (The Planet is Aqua Magna it’s just not specified yet, and the Abissals as I call them are an organic race created by the Great Beings). Later the Sea Queen and Ekimu fall in love together during the war, and after it, they proceed to continue the relationship. After Ekimu goes into his slumber and Makuta is banished. The LOSS rises up with their Skull Spider army and Kulta, informed by Makuta, leads his armies back on Okoto, during his march there, he gets confronted by the Sea Queen, but he is able to kill her easily with the new power that Makuta had given him (For now the Skull creatures are pirates or unknown entities but in later years their true origin will be actually a bit dark and spoiler they aren’t working for Makuta directly). Umarak is also present in this war.
As for why I added the Sea Queen, there are two reasons. One: I saw the Mask of the Sea Queen in the contest they did in 2016 and I couldn’t resist put someone like that in the lore. Two: BionicleChicken who makes amazing arts and was a big inspiration for me. Their designs of the Sea Queen is incredible and the idea of her relationships with Ekimu comes directly from him.
As the original movie did too, Hahli and Macku will go from around the entire island, but this time, they will go to each village of Okoto. After Pouks and Iruini are dealt with for the first time, Makuta releases Norik, Bomonga and Kualus which have the same role of the other three Rahkshi.
Tahu will still be infected by Iruini like in the original, but he won’t be the main threat. After getting him cured, the turning point is where Gali recharges herself in the river. During the arc, Gali will keep having visions of Makuta, or outright just talk to him inside her mind. When she is at a low point, and she is recharging her powers in the waters, Makuta uses his shadow powers to engulf her and control her as a Shadow Toa, ordering her to break the seal.
The Mask Of Light tells Hahli and Macku to go to The City Of The Mask Makers to find the Toa Of Light, but when they reunite with the Toa and Ekimu, they find out Gali is gone and they rush to the Black Crater. Before they can enter, the Toa Hagah stops them, but with the help of Gaaki, who joined the group, they are able to defeat them. Since they are Shadow Toa, their soul is already gone, so they would disappear in thin air and leave their armor pieces behind.
Though the Toa arrive at the Black Crater, Gali, controlled by Makuta, breaks her part of the seal and Makuta is freed in his Ultimate Form (Which is the purple one with wings that they built as mocs. I decided to use all three designs: The Brawler design is when he puts on the mask of ultimate power for the first time in Okoto and gets banished, the one you see in the netflix series is his appearance in Year 2 and also his appearance in the shadow realm, and the final one with the scepter and wings is his form when he gets out of there). Makuta, seeing no use in Gali anymore, frees her from his shadows. The toa try to attack him but they fail, and Ekimu and Makuta have a confrontation where it’s revealed that Hahli is Ekimu’s daughter with the Sea Queen. He is able to defeat them as he flies towards Okoto to rule it.
When They gather up their senses, Ekimu tells the whole story of the Sea Queen and him to Hahli and the Toa. Since Hahli is the daughter of the previous Toa Of Light, then she will be able to use it too, and the mask already knows that Hahli is the new toa, but it needs her to go to the Forge and the Temple of Light to absorb the Light energy. (As for why Hahli doesn’t remember anything previous to the island, The Sea Queen put her in a matoran capsule (the one from 2004) before the Skull Raiders returned after Ekimu slumber).
Makuta arrives in the city and he is initially confronted by the Elemental Creatures and Protectors, but he brushes them off (Destroys Them with Shadow powers). He raises his Skull Army, Skull Spiders and releases Umarak, Kulta and the Skull Basher (The Skull Slicer is alive too, but he won’t make an appearance for a long time). Though Kulta and Skull Basher aren’t mind controlled like the other Skull Warrior, and Umarak just wants to create chaos.
The toa, using their golden masks of speed, arrive to the city. They know they can’t defeat Makuta but they have to distract him so that Hahli can get in the temple. (Makuta doesn’t have the Mask Of Ultimate Control Anymore, but he has one that resembles its powers in shadow form). The Toa and Gaaki fight against Makuta and his forces but it’s all useless. Ekimu (In his forger form not Toa form) tries to attack his brother but he is easily defeated, until the Forge lights up with a beam of pure blue light and Hahli comes out in her new Toa Of Light form (She isn’t called with a different name, she’s just Toa Hahli). The Forge also creates a new vehicle for her (the one that Takanuva had in 2003) with the pieces of the Hagah armors and Bohrok Kal. She is able to hold her ground against Makuta while the Toa destroy the skull army. Umarak tries to get his revenge of Gaaki and he almost kills her until Kulta and Skull Basher knock him aside (VIOLENTLY), they exchange stares and maybe a few words with Gaaki before they disappear (we won’t see them for a while). The toa defeat the skull army.
Hahli uses all of her light powers against Makuta but she is still inexperienced (losing the bike also in the process, it’s damaged but not destroyed). Until Agil unites with her and she is able to use her full light powers. She is able to use so much Light that Makuta evaporates from the blast.
Though they are celebrating their victory against Makuta, the battle had revealed something under the forge and the temple of Light: A Staircase and a door to the inside of something: the inside of the Great Spirit Robot, and the next Chapter of our story: Metru Nui. The new mission for our Toa team? Reawakening Mata Nui.
-Lewa has the green skeleton
-Pohatu has the snake
-Tahu the lava one with his mask on his shoulder
-Kopaka with the one that has his mas
-Onua the squid rock guy
-Gali has the umarak concept art
VILLAINS WAVE 2 -Toa Hagah Norik -Toa Hagah Bomonga -Toa Hagah Gaaki -Toa Hagah Kualus -Toa Hagah Iruini -Toa Hagah Pouks -Makuta Brawler -Makuta Lord -Makuta Ultimate
There you go the first Trilogy (Which I named the Duty, Unity, Destiny Trilogy). If you have any type of questions you can ask them without a problem. As for how Ekimu and Makuta exist as brother but Mata Nui also does here’s the explanation: Mata Nui is the main brain/consciousness/god/ruler of the GSR, BUT he is formed by two different halves of himself: Makuta and Ekimu. Mata Nui is formed only when the two brothers unite. and when he landed on Aqua Magna during the great Cataclysm, Makuta and Ekimu created Okoto as a backup until Mata Nui could come back again (Okoto is like the Mata Nui island but we replace it).
Yours, TMI
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randomwriteronline · 1 year ago
Hello! This is my main blog! (I'm legend-as-old-as-time.)
So, I've got a favorite. But the other two AUs also fascinate me. I'd love to know what the story is for your G3 of Bionicle? What's the atmosphere like?
as mentioned i have a post in drafts thats meant to be like. a vague skeleton of thoughts and ideas and shit that ive talked about to and with @cantankerouscanuck, mainly introducing the various character groups n the environment slightly, but it does NOT touch on the story much (more the backstory and again only vaguely) so GREAT QUESTION LET ME TELL YOU
thinking of like uhhhh diving this in like. cartoon seasons but old school ones yknow, so LONG ones bc oh boy ADVENTURES
Season 1 starts with that Classic Bionicle Beginning of the toa mata crashlanding on the archipelago of Okoto each on a different island not knowing what the Fuck to do and being welcomed in the villages. like in g2 theyre first tasked with finding some golden relics but instead of being accompanied by the protectors/village elders they go with the local Weird Kids (the chronicler's company) who were the first people they actually met; getting the things lets them reach the island of the mask makers and meet Ekimu (and takua!!!! his apprentice!!!!!!!) and theyre like "so what do we do with these btw" and ekimu looks at the pieces and goes. FUCK
TURNS OUT THOSE RELICS WERE SUPPOSED TO BE GOLDEN MASKS BUT SOME MF JUST BROKE THEM INTO PIECES and wouldnt you fucking believe it it was the Children Of Makuta, the spirit of death and animals and darkness, who live each on one of the islands except spiriah the baby of the family who roams around bothering literally everybody and ofc dont want the toa to reawaken the Great Spirit whom their parent put to sleep, AND SO BEGINS THE FETCH QUEST OF THE OTHER FIVE PIECES OF EACH MASK WHILE FIGHTING OFF THESE FREAKS OF NATURE WHO ARE TRYING TO EAT THEM AND BUILDING CONNECTIONS BETWEEN THEMSELVES & EKIMU & TAKUA N HIS POSSE & THE VILLAGERS AND SLOWLY BECOMING A PROPER TEAM N FAMILY which is why they need to be many episodes. i will fucking recreate almost verbatim the tale of the mask kopaka-pohatu story because its already perfect and you will Fucking See It if i have to Kill For It
closes off with a cliffhanger after getting all the masks: during an ambush by Mutran Gali gets dragged off into the sea between the islands to get crushed by the water pressure but whats this??, the pressure suddenly lifts enough to let her breathe as she loses consciousness while strange silhouettes drive off the child of Makuta and catch her in his stead, sinking deeper...
tahu and pohatu decide to look for her in a ball of tempered glass while kopaka, onua and lewa hurry back to ekimu to tell him what happened. back to gali, she awakens to a bunch of... toa???? who know her and her brothers???? personally, apparently????? three of them are like super mad at them for leaving them during their time of need??????? what the FUCK are you people talking about. who are u. how are you breathing under water. why is tHERE A WHOLE FUCKING CITY UNDER THE WATER-
ENTER: THE TOA MAHRI. as it slowly turns out inbetween rounds of beating the shit out of sapient polyamorous seafood that keeps trying to nibble the villagers and the air bubble domes for their crops, they were TRAINED by the mata a few hundreds years ago and were fighting off the cataclysm that broke the continent of okoto into islands and sunk the city of Iniri into the sea together with them before they just Fucking Left, Apparently - which ofc they didnt do for no reason but they essentially got shoved back into the stars against their will. this rightfully rattles the shit out of the mata because What Do You Mean We Have Been Here Before. What Do You Mean You Had Records Of Us Being Here Even Earlier Than That. How Many Times Have We Done This. How Many Times Have We Discovered Kinship And Affection And Had That Stripped Away From Us. I Think I'm Going To Throw Up
while theyre handling THAT they also fill in the mahri on whats been going on and the mahri go oh shit, the great spirit is in a coma and the children of makuta are against you??? bro those guys are super powerful theyve got Crabs, you cant fight em alone. but also if we try to leave the sea the water pressure Will Fucking Destroy Us, so they figure out a way to get out of there and back up and jaller is super anxious bc his mom might be there but like... based on what they said... she might be evil... he doesnt wanna fight her... shes the only family he still has...
S3 AND WE GO BACK TO SEE WHAT KOPAKA ONUA AND LEWA ARE DOING, and theyre off searching the more ruined parts of the city of the mask makers on takua's suggestion - these are the parts of the city that werent very lucky during the cataclysm and are now sacred ground prowled by Krika, daughter of Makuta
at last they find a strange underground chamber with six breathing statues, which, of course, freaky; they manage to thaw one and out tumbles a toa (?) who immediately recognizes onua and starts talking to him excitedly (??) saying that its so good to see him in person for the first time (???) and asking him about the continent (????) and being genuinely distraught that they dont know who he is. same reactions from the other five toa that also get thawed out. ok something is Clearly Amiss pls explain
its time for LOMN...... 2!!!!!! where we learn from vakama abt how Lhikan, who previously filled in ekimu's position, finds out theres Some Shit going down with the great spirit and makuta and tries to call the mata, who however get stuck due to the aformentioned Some Shit. as such she picks out six lads in the city of the mask makers and bestows masks upon them to make them become toa, but on their way to handle the current problem they get werebeast'd and Krika goes oh? free kids? free kids for me? and Lhikan goes NO but its too late. they already have joint custody of the metru. and might be blossoming a lesbian romance but unfortunately due to lhikan being lhikan i have to kill her to protect vakama, leaving krika with him AND his little brother jaller who will inherit lhikan's mask. the metru figure out the way to get the mata in this case is to attempt to contact them themselves, which they manage to do by entering a trance that however slowly turns them into statues: in this trance they are able to speak and train the mata, who also promise to free them once the whole situation is handled
anyways thats A Lot as you can imagine and the time to process it is Not Much bc the other three mata and the mahri are here and (after a round of MASSIVE HUGS for the metru and mahri reuniting and also the metru and Krika) theyve got a plan to beat the shit out of makuta
problem: the children of makuta have realized this is happening and decided to break out The Crabs to beat the shit out of THEM
mahri, metru and krika (and the chronicler's company much to everybody else's heart attacks) hold them off while the mata manage to fight against makuta after being briefly overwhelmed, uniting their powers to uh. Kill Him. which! IS NOT ACTUALLY GOOD. YOU KNOW. BALANCE AND ALL THAT. makuta is saved in the end by The Great Fucking Spirit who wakes up just in time to stop the mata before they murder his brother
the mata awaken before the Great Spirit and after a moment of "where are we? who are you? why didn't you let us kill makuta?" and getting their answers, they realize OH FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO PUT US IN THE STARS AGAIN? AND GIVE US AMNESIA? FUCK YOU YOURE NOT TAKING OUR FRIENDS AND SIBLINGS FROM US
Great Spirit, lovingly: ok :)
and tahu wakes up to ekimu working at the forge and none of his siblings around and he Shits His Pants, but ekimu quickly reassures him that everythings good and its been like, maybe a day or two since they managed to reawaken the Great Spirit. his siblings woke up before him and are probably down at the beach, and Makuta got driven off, all of his children following suit to take care of him, krika included. the mahri and the metru are catching up on the mata's tales from the chronicler's company. things are fine. they wont be like this forever, ekimu tells tahu, but they dont have to live in fear every second of their lives. rest a while. go see your siblings.
and it ends with the mata having a very sweet nap pile on the beach because they FUCKING deserve it after TWO whole generations ending with them not getting to just fucking sleep after EVERYTHING THEY GO THROUGH EVERY TIME
as you can see i have. Enormous Holes in this and theres things i havent explained and stuff (like how i unfortunately had to sacrifice hewkii x macku due to a Very Big age difference but they are still a power pair, just in this case its like older cousin acting as a mentor to the worlds most bloodthirsty weird little girl) but yes. have this. for now. please keep asking questions i love you
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siren-darkocean · 2 years ago
Mata Kids AU
The Elemental Creatures
I've stated a LOT of times that the Elemental Creatures were my favorite of G2 Bionicle if not the only good thing of it
So like with my other AU's with the Toa I wanted to put them into my Mata Kids AU! (While also tweaking them to fit a bit with G1 Bionicle)
All together Gathered Information
The Elemental Creatures were created by the Great Beings in hopes to understand the elements more through living beings
Unfortunately for them though, they proved to be quite difficult to control compared to the Elemental Lords
Which proved later to be quite a surprise when Mata Nui was able to control them so easily(they did wonder if it was his Great Spirit role or the Ignika but weren't sure) alongside more confusion how connected to the Toa Mata/Nuva and Takanuva the Elemental Creatures were
So they let Mata Nui and the Mata/Nuva keep them in hopes they could understand the elements better through the Elemental Lords
After the Brotherhood setting Mata Nui into his coma, the Toa and Takua setting off in their pods, the Elemental Creatures were turned to stone statues which upon the islands creation were placed on Kini Nui and would later be revived by the Nuva and Takua after the Nuva would regain their Toa powers against the Borhak Kai
During the Brotherhoods attack, the Elemental Creatures did most of the fight to hold them off as Mata Nui got the Toa to the pods, though were defeated leaving Mata Nui to fight to fight the Brotherhood
What weaknesses they have the Elemental Creatures make up for in Loyalty, their loyalty is their highest strength and many consider it the highest honor even more than becoming a Toa
Their Loyalty only consisted in the beginning was with Mata Nui himself, the Toa Mata/Nuva and Takua/Takanuva, though close enough friends would be considered in the loyalty (Ie. The Turaga Metru, The Toa Mahri (when they're still Matoran(after Toa they still have that loyalty they just first gain it as Matoran)), the Chronicler's Company and even the Glatorian and Berix)
The Elemental Creatures are able to speak but through Telepathy, their loyalty goes into this as they can open and close who can hear through the telepathy so if they aren't loyal to you you'd just hear normal Rahi speak
Their intelligence was similar to Matoran, but the Terak had the highest intelligence of the seven
The Elemental Creatures are able to fuse with the Toa but it does drain both the Elemental Creatures and the Toa's energy than normal due to two beings holding together as one being drained
This wouldn't be a problem if they were around their raw element but outside of that with Takanuva's element not allowing that energy gain from his raw element it's basically a last resort type move they'd make
After the events of Journey's End the Elemental Creatures made Click an honorary member, thus due to the Ignika blessings on him
Akida, Creature of Water
The Akida was quite playful of the Elemental Creatures, though it was theorized this was because it was based on a dolphin of looks and they were known to be quite playful
Despite being a living entity of the element water, the Akida wasn't that strong by its elemental powers by themselves
This proved to be a great balance with Gali as she was the opposite
The Akida spent most of its time pre Gali's creation around or in the water
After Gali's creation it would not leave her side, thus helping the two bond
The Akida is one of three Elemental Creatures super close to their Toa, the other being the Uxar and the Ketar
Terak, Creature of Earth
The Terak was quite loud at times but that was due to occasionally using Echo Location to move around
The Terak had horrible eyesight, almost complete blindness, and due to that most of the time in the past it would use Echo Location to maneuver around
Though due to the other Elemental Creatures not liking the noise it learned another way through its elemental powers by seeing the ground through its paws (like the Blind Badger Moles and Toph Bifong from ATLA)
It proved to be even better especially in combat than the Echo Location and it preferred to use it instead of the echo location, but it does use Echo Location in places where it can't see through the earth
The Terak despite its blindness was also the most knowledgeable, often listening more to stories and even able to read like it was a Matoran and rumored to have more knowledge secrets than the Onu-Metru archives
Ikir, Creature of Fire
The Ikir was proven to be quite free spirited, though it was hard to tell if this was because it was based around the Phoenix or something else
It's loyalty was considered very respected due to this
Though with that it's loyalty to Tahu was the most confusing due to the Fire Toa's temper, but past that people believe it could see his true nature past that temper and saw something worth its loyalty
Similar to Tahu, the Ikir was very protective and more willing to fight than talk
The Ikir before the Brotherhood and after it's revival would always be close to Tahu though when not it would be perched on places with the best view of either the entirety of Ta-Koro or the vast view ot Ta-Wahi
It was more prone to go on adventures and would always join whatever adventure Tahu would go on, even if the Fire Toa didn't want it to
Melum, Creature of Ice
The Melum was the most solitary of the Elemental Creatures though it was questionable if it was due to the ice element or it just hated people
It's loyalty was considered a high honor like with the Ikir due to this solidarity nature
Pre Brotherhood attack it was the most loyal to Kopaka, even more so than it's loyalty to Mata Nui
Pre Revival it was still quite loyal to Kopaka but also similar loyalty to Kopeke and Matoro
It would often stay by Kopaka's side when the ice Toa would make his tracks through Mht. Ihu
The Melum would also lay in Kopaka's lap resting a lot as the ice Toa would read
The Melum liked to sleep quite a lot thus giving it more energy in fights
The Melum was actually super confused when the Toa Mahri returned without Matoro and was sad for months over when it realized his sacrifice
The Melum stuck by both Kopaka's side and also Turaga Nuju's sides to help with their grief over his sacrifice knowing how the Turaga of Ice was grieving over someone he saw as family if not a son
Agil, Creature of Light
The Agil was the most excited creation the Great Beings were of in their lack of desprite knowledge regarding the element of Light
So when it wasn't loyal to them it was quite a letdown
The Agil's personality was quite all over the place but it was mainly playful and curious
When the Revival happened, the other Elemental Creatures refused the revival until Takua (who was sent with the Nuva to chronicle their adventure) touched its stature and stuck to his side like Pewku would
Thus gave the Turaga Metru more thoughts on the relations of the Toa and Takua as well especially when they heard that Takua was the one who used the Toa stones to bring the Toa to the island and it worked with him
During the Matoran era of Takua, the Agil was more of a bodyguard to Takua realizing his amnesia so it would defend him from any wild Rahi that tried to attack
Alongside that during Takua's travels it would also find food the most realizing Takua had a bad habit of forgetting to refill his energy
The Agil got along quite well with Pewku and made sure the Ussle Crab made it to Metru Nui and even to Spherus Magna same with Jaller's crab
The Agil had a high loyalty with Jaller seeing the captain of the guard kept Takua alive during its absence and from being lonely
It also held loyalty to Halhi and the Chronicler's Company due to their friendship with Takua, showing proof of the main of their loyalty had trusted them then so did the Elemental Creature
The Matoran actually thought the Agil was more close to Mata Nui due to the light element tied with the Great Spirit, it was proven otherwise when Takua reawoken as Takanuva the Herald/Toa of Light
Ketar, Creature of Stone
The Ketar was proven to be one of three clingy Elemental Creatures but was also quite curious
It didn't have a good bond with Pohatu at first, this was due to Pohatu not liking scorpions that much but he soon grew close to it
It's curiosity made it the most clumsy
But it's clumsiness was made up for in its speed which almost rivaled the Kanoi Kakama
The Ketar liked to watch the Po-Matoran and even the Toa play Kohli
Alongside its speed, the Ketar has a high sense of smell
So if it was revived during the time of the infected comets, it would've immediately smelt the infection from them and reacted negatively and warned Pohatu and Turaga Onewa
The Ketar actually dislikes Turaga Onewa due to sensing his nature of his personality as a Toa, aka being an asshole
So Turaga Onewa is quite salty about this at first but realizes it might be better off that way, he can't change the creature's opinion so he might as well not linger on it
Uxar, Creature of Jungle
The Uxar was the most clingy of the Elemental Creatures even more clingy than the Ketar to their Toa
She was always at Lewa's side and would nurture her similar of a mother Rahi would do with their young
Due to this maternal nature the Uxar is the only one with a confirmed gender
It was originally supposed to be two elements into one creature, air as well, but unfortunately the air was weak in the creation but it gave the Uxar it's wings and great speed of its wings
The Uxar is never not at Lewa's side and if tried to be pried off of the Toa she will attack even a Matoran like a mother Rahi
It would also curl its body around Lewa's head while he sleeps to protect him
The Uxar had the ability to peer into people's minds, so you could imagine its panic when it saw the memory of Lewa being controlled by the Borhak
Lewa finally confided into it alongside the Shadow Toa incident which led the said Toa to be in hysteria sobs as the Uxar soothed him
The Uxar is also well into music as Lewa was and would watch Lewa play with his Le-Matoran of music, summoning small gusts of wind with its wings to play chimes and flutes
After the events of Journey's End the Uxar noticed Lewa was missing the tall trees of Le-Wahi so it grew a large patch of towering tree near New Altera so Lewa and her could swing and race through the trees, the place is literally dubbed "Lewa's Sanctuary" so no one would ruin the trees and face an angry motherly Uxar
Holy crap that was a LOT
And I did this while I was in town and finished it when I got home
Holy fuck-
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byz-was-here · 2 years ago
Nokama, suprised: "Oh, you look just like I did when I was a toa."
Tamaru: "What?"
Nokama, realizing she said too much: "What?"
I love the idea of Toa Tamaru meeting Turaga Nokama after her transformation and Nokama having a little moment where it’s like she’s looking at a younger version of herself.
kinda like how a parent can REALLY see themselves in their kid
Also Tamaru’s kanohi Rau translates the roundabout way other Matoran like Tamaru would speak about their ‘associated programming at building’
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lodessa · 5 years ago
Fic Writer Tag Game
tagged by @janiedean, @thank-god-and-you, and @fanoftheknight!
AO3 name: lodessa 
Fandoms:  Okay, I’m splitting this up because I have written in too many!
Star Trek: Voyager (72)
Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire (48)
Real Person Fiction (24)
Veronica Mars (24)
Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (21)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer /Angel the Series (15)
Star Trek: Discovery (10)
The Office (US) (8)
Doctor Who (6)
Revolution (TV) (6)
Firefly/Serenity (6)
Grey's Anatomy (5)
I Dabbled:
Longmire (TV) (4)
The Dresden Files - Jim Butcher (4)
Arthurian Mythology (3)
Arrow (TV 2012) (3)
His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman (2)
Ancient Greek Religion & Lore (2)
Bones (TV) (2)
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2)
Codex Alera - Jim Butcher (2)
One Offs:
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, Dollhouse, Almost Human, Star Trek: The Next Generation, iZombie, Watchmen, Big Love, Babylon 5, Rome Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Journeyman.
Number of fics: 276!
Fic I spent the most time on: Salvation and Rapture For the Lonely (Doctor Who, Martha/Nine), which I started in 2008 and finished in 2018!
Fic I spent the least time on: That is a many way tie.  I used to write a lot of short quick things.
Longest fic: (Discounting my co-authored works) Parameters (Star Trek: Voyager, Janeway/Chakotay) at 46,345 words.
Shortest fic: One Dance (Star Trek: Voyager, Janeway/Chakotay) at 141 words (because I tend to stash drabbles into a work collecting multiple rather than spam the tag)
Most hits: Temptations of the Flesh (A Song of Ice and Fire, Jon Snow/Melisandre, Sansa/Littlefinger) at 15,327 hits (apparently people really like dark fic)
Most kudos: Parameters (Star Trek: Voyager, Janeway/Chakotay) at 507 kudos.
Most comment threads: Dragon Marked (Game of Thrones, Daenerys/Jorah) with 92 comment threads for the 8 currently published chapters... which I really need to continue.
Most bookmarks: No Longer the Maid of Tarth (A Song of Ice and Fire, Jaime/Brienne) with 78 bookmarks
Total word count:  872,893 words
Favourite fic I wrote: I am terrible with favorites... truly. 
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on:
Not counting my WIPs (Stumbling [Star Trek: Voyager, Janeway/Chakotay], k’war’ma’khon [Star Trek: Discovery], and Dragon Marked [Game of Thrones, Dany/Jorah]. ) 
I would say The Smallest Twine (Star Trek: Voyager, Janeway/Chakotay... though the two planned sequels open up into TNG and DS9 as well), which is an AU Prequel for Voyager, but also sets up the possibility of a very different trajectory for the end of the Cardassian War (as explored by all three 24th century Trek series).  Butterfly effect and all that.  
Share a bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on:
Since I was tagged multiple times, I’ll preview a couple things I am (theoretically) working on.
For @janiedean, my ASOIAF book!verse canon compliant Jaime/Brienne, Davos/JonC, Sansa/Aegon someday maybe epic:
“I thought she’d be safe here…” Brienne called out to herself as much as Jaime as their captors shoved her forward away from him, feeling foolish for having thought the wars would have left her home untouched.  “I thought we all would be.”
I should have known, she felt, even as she knew there was no reason for her to have suspected.  Perhaps, if they had lingered longer in White Harbor, they might have heard word of the raids surrounding Cape Wrath.  But how could they have?  They were none of them inconspicuous, even with Sansa’s hair dyed.
The Kingslayer and two women who half of Westeros believed to be the same. A fine catch for mercenaries to sell to the highest bidder.   How could you have been so stupid? she berated herself.
That said, though the Golden Company named Westeros as their home, these men came from Essos, perhaps these soldiers wouldn’t recognize the maimed lion they had captured, wouldn’t see the wolf disguised as a bird.
Brienne, alone, was not worth ransoming to anyone other than her own father, surely.   Assuming he was alive to ransom her to, that was.  Brienne shuddered to think of the alternative, of some mercenary captain who decided he wanted to legitimize his claim to this island, no matter the cost, no matter how her already ugly face had been disfigured.
For @memoir-of-stars and @fanoftheknight, the drunken Dany/Jorah Game of Thrones AU fic I promised someone (I think it was @salzrand) last summer:
“The Donrish seem to have as many vineyards as the Dothraki have horses,” he heard Daenerys remark to Jorah, leaning halfway over him to look out the carriage window, her hand gripping his shoulder for balance.
“You wouldn’t think it, with the price the resulting wine fetches,” Ser Jorah replied, catching Daenerys with surprisingly steady hands as the carriage hit a rock and jostled them all.  
Daenerys allowed herself to be drawn back down onto the cushions beside Mormont, curling herself up against his side and resting her head against his shoulder.   Tyrion wasn’t sure what to make of the tableau they formed, her so slight and blossoming and him solid and weathered.  Mormont, he knew, was devoted to Daenerys beyond any doubt, and in every sense of the word but he was beginning to suspect he’d misjudged the nature Daenerys’ attachment to her bear, as she could so often be overheard calling Ser Jorah.
“Lemon trees!” the queen called out in obvious delight, interrupting Tyrion’s musing and reminding him once again how young the usually composed Daenerys really was.
And one more for good measure (since that was three tags), the Deanna Troi/Jadzia Dax Star Trek: TNG and DS9 crossover PWP I need to finish someday
“I hope I’m not overstepping.”
Standing in her doorway is Deanna Troi, Daughter of the Fifth House of Betazed, all soft curls and soft curves and a gentle unpresuming air that contradicts and heightens the impact of those things.  Jadzia is intrigued… okay she was already intrigued: now she’s closer to enchanted.
“Step all you want,” Jadzia keeps the tone of flirtatiousness in her voice light, knowing that the empathic counselor will be bound to notice it but letting it be something she can choose to react to or not.
Doubtless, she’s here about Worf.   She’s pretty sure everyone from here to the promenade heard their last row and, of course, Troi was there for the start of it.   
That’s okay with Jadzia.  There aren’t that many people who’ve seen certain sides of Worf, who understand him. (Sometimes Jadzia isn’t even sure she’d put herself in that number.)  It would be a relief to talk to someone who gets it.
“I feel like I owe you an apology, Jadzia.  Is it alright if I call you Jadzia?”
You could call me just about anything and I’d like it,  that wicked little Dax voice suggests, but it just brings a smile to her face.
Tagging: @joyful-voyager, @toas-tea, @ghostcat3000, @pixiedane, and @sophia-helix.
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byz-was-here · 7 months ago
So, who's gonna be the Chronicler after Hahli becomes a Toa Inika in A Company of Toa? In Canon Kopeke took her place, but in ACoT he's out of the running before there was even a race
That's an excellent question, actually.
I haven't given it much thought myself, but there's a few options I could go:
1) I give it to Onepu. I've used him the most outside the main cast, and I believe in conservation of characters. Don't introduce a new character for a role if an established one works.
2) No one agrees on Hahli's replacement, so there's a series of interim chroniclers, with varying levels of competancy.
3) Certain members of the Chronicler's Company think that it's not right to keep going by that if there's no Chronicler in Said Company, so... "hey Kopeke can you write that down?"
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byz-was-here · 2 years ago
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They grow up so fast... The Chronicler’s Company Moc’s all in an ensemble!
Masks from the Gavlapack. This literally took me all darn day. 
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byz-was-here · 1 year ago
I honestly think the ACOT Chronicler's company would look at the canon Chronicler's company and think: "Lucky."
The canon Chronicler's company would be both awestruck and very confused.
As a side note
Give the ACOT company 2 hours in the KNPS universe and they'd be ready to grab the Olmak and go home. @magicalgirlmascot
How would the same characters in your AUs react to their canon counterparts and vice versa? How would they react to other characters?
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byz-was-here · 1 year ago
Chapters: 33/? Fandom: Bionicle - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Hewkii/Macku (Bionicle), Takua & The Chronicler's Company, The Chronicler's Company & Turaga Metru, The Chronicler's Company & Toa Nuva Characters: Takua | Takanuva (Bionicle), Kapura (Bionicle), Macku (Bionicle), Tamaru (Bionicle), Hafu (Bionicle), Taipu (Bionicle), Kopeke (Bionicle), Jaller (Bionicle), Matoro (Bionicle), Turaga (Bionicle), Hewkii (Bionicle), Nuparu (Bionicle), Kongu (Bionicle), Hahli (Bionicle), Toa Nuva (Bionicle), Bohrok-Kal (Bionicle) Additional Tags: Bionicle G1, Mata Nui (Island), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, The Turaga have some explaining to do, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Jaller deserves a vacation, Trans Tamaru (Bionicle), Taipu is a cinnamon roll, Nonverbal Kopeke, Pohatu: he's everyone's friend, Treespeak/Chutespeak, Kongu's accent is nigh incomprehensible., Now slightly more beta read, Vakama has the gift of prophesy and it's everyone's problem Summary: As Takua makes his way to Ga-Koro in his task of chronicling the toa's quest for the masks, he encounters troubled waters in more ways than one...
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byz-was-here · 2 years ago
Another thing about having the Chronicler's Company become a toa team...
Is the custody battle that breaks out between the Company and the Toa Nuva on who gets to claim Takanuva as their seventh member about 5 minutes after he poké-evolves into an av-toa.
"He was our teammate first!"
"Then why's he Takanuva then?"
Of course it's mostly Tahu, Lewa, Macku, and Hafu doing the arguing, with the other toa kind of awkwardly shuffling around on the sidelines.
Inevitably this drags on right up until (years later) Hewkii slaps Taka on the back and calls him an honorary Mahri.
Then all karzahni breaks loose.
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byz-was-here · 2 years ago
More Chronicler's Company as Toa thoughts
(Another secondary element edition)
So, if the chronicler's company got upgraded at Kini Nui from the toa stones Takua presumably left there,
When the Toa Mata come out of mangaia after facing makuta, the first thing they're going to see are six very confused & bewildered toa that kind of look like the matoran that were guarding their backs. (And Takua, who's probably loosing his mind and asking a million questions)
Keep in mind, the Turaga politely forgot to mention in the last 1,000 years that Matoran becoming Toa is a thing that can happen. So there's absolutely going to be confusion and mild panic. On both sides. (If the other Turaga weren't all busy trying to pump Whenua for information on the bohrok currently spilling out all across the island, they'd have some serious explaining to do.)
Then, someone (Pohatu or Gali, probably) has the bright idea of teaching these new toa the ropes, never mind that they've only barely gotten a handle on their abilities themselves.
Now if the Chronicler's Company were all primary elements, this might be fine. If they're secondary element toa...
It doesn't go so well.
Su-Toa Kapura does find that while plasma is similar to fire, it's a lot harder to control, requiring patience, fine focus, and a thoughtful approach to not sear someone's retinas with a plasma flare. These are qualities Tahu is... less than profient in, let's say. (Kapura quicky ends up swapping his Ruru for Kopeke's spare Matatu. His Eyes appreciate the change.)
Ce-Toa Macku quickly finds herself in the deep end. Literally. Gali is a patient Teacher, and clever, but Macku would have appreciated Gali catching on that she might not be a toa of water before she took her diving to the bottom of Naho Bay. On the plus side, she discovers her Huna is excellent for slipping away once Gali's in meditation. She turns up in Po-Koro a few days later.
Bo-Toa Tamaru has a whole new appreciation for Le-Wahi once she returns with Lewa, truly deeling like she's in her element. (It's also easier to deal with hights if the trees themselves try and catch you if you slip.) Though, depending on when she arrives at Le-Koro, her quicklesson in toahero bravefighting might come worrysooner than expected.
Fe-Toa Hafu and Pohatu quickly find out that iron and stone are two very different elements. Though, it's Pohatu, everyone’s friend. They'll get along fine. Once Maku shows up, a few things are discovered.
1) Only the Krana in these bohrok are alive
2) Bohrok are made of metal
3) They make excellent materal for sculptures once their connection to the swarm is broken.
Meanwhile, Ba-Toa Taipu is learing so much about how to creatively use a Pakari from Onua. He's always enjoyed working in the tunnels under onu-wahi, and this time he gets to walk on their ceilings! However, Onua , while happy for his new brother toa, is quickly realizing that rapidly changing gravity is extremely nauseating.
Vo-Toa Kopeke and Kopaka get along just fine in terms of personality. The problems come once both of them belatedly realize that Ice is an Excellent conductor of Electricity. ...At least the Tahnok didn't like it either.
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byz-was-here · 2 years ago
I went a different route but this still goes hard af.
Chronicler's company Toa team Toa tools:
Tamaru - long handled hammer (to bonk the oldbone and bogfoot)
Kopeke - flat chisel longsword (a rapier more or less)
Hafu - duel pickaxes (double the perfection)
Taipu - iron caber (a big metal log to toss and hit people with)
Kapura - flame sai (he came from behind, like a whisper)
Macku - duel headed oar staff (boating is COOL)
Takua - a mirror buster sword (to reflect his own light and show others their own)
Uhh idk that's all if you think it's cool, awesome
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byz-was-here · 2 years ago
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I spent far too much time on this.
Toa Macku and her smol bf, Hewkii.
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byz-was-here · 2 years ago
the fun part about imagining the Chronicler's Company as a toa team is that 70% of them have noble versions of the Toa Metru's kanohi.
...So if their masks get upgraded into great Kanohi, there might be some whiplash on the Turaga's part.
Matau doing a double take before realizing thats Tamaru, not Nokama. Turns out becoming a toa does more than make you taller.
Vakama having a moment of horror as a Great Matatu peeks into his forge before he realizes its not a re-toa'd Nuju, It’s Kapura asking if he could adjust Kopeke's spare Matatu to fit properly.
Nuju Freezing as he sees a white great Komau and immediately turning around and walking back to his igloo. Nope. Not dealing with that today. Meanwhile poor Kopeke is looking at Matoro, wondering what caused *that*.
Onewa, well.... "Oh, hello Whenua." A beat. "...Wait."
Hafu just turns around and walks right back outside without a word.
The less said about Nokama having a mild panic attack over the last toa she knew who wore a Blue Huna, the better. Onewa now has to deal with Two upset toa in Po-Koro. (Hewkii, however, takes less than a day to make a "Toa Macku's no.1 Fan" flag. It cheers her up immensely.)
Whenua is the only one who doesn't immediately insert his foot into his mask, and he's incredibly pleased about it at the next Turaga meeting.
Now strictly speaking, Takua didn't have to record all of these incidents, but it was absolutely impossible to persuade him not to.
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