#the chosen Judas
estel-eruantien · 2 months
Watching the last episode of season 2 of The Chosen… so Judas is gonna break my heart, huh? His comment about wanting his life to mean something before he dies, to be remembered. Knowing that he’s one of the most renowned names in the whole world and even considered an evil person by many… Ouchie 😭
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orangecat30 · 2 months
Why I didn't post this here?
sorry (not sorry)
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nobrain-onlysteven · 2 years
Angel Studios made some valentines day cards and…
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they did not just-
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miss-crazy-rose · 1 year
I know it’s wrong. It is SO wrong. I know what he did (or more what he will do)
But Judas in the Chosen has the most magnificent eyes I have ever seen
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skullywullypully · 2 years
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Headcanons | Judas with a s/o who loves to cuddle | Romantic
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Judas is quite hesitant when it comes to touching you, because he doesn’t want to mess up.
He doesn’t want to overstep your boundaries so he would never just embrace you without asking you first.
Even though you’re planning on marrying each other one day, he still keeps his distance because he wants to respect you when it comes to physical touch.
You, however, don’t have an issue with taking the initiative.
Judas is frankly very glad that you’re very upfront with displaying your love language, because he is simply too shy to make a first move.
When you started getting involved with one another in a romantic way as opposed to your previous platonic relationship, Judas was frightened. He had been looking for something more to life than making money and meeting you might just be the solution to that question of his.
The first hug he received from you was unexpected and had him freeze on the spot, but now that he is more familiar with your way of displaying affection, he warms up to it pretty quickly.
He had never even considered possessing physical touch as one of his love languages until he feels the warmth of your embrace.
From that point on, he’s basically hooked on them.
Judas tends to get into his own head a lot, thinking very deeply about things for extended periods of time. Whenever you notice him being in one of these moods, you wordlessly take him into your arms.
You always whisper reassuring words into his hair whenever you’ve got yourself wrapped around him. 
It helps him calm down a little. Not all the thoughts he has are pretty, but you manage to ease him through them for the most part, keeping him grounded with your welcome confidence.
Sometimes, when you’re busy doing your chores and one of your friends figures out that Judas is being pessimistic again, they come and fetch you for a few minutes. You immediately drop all of your belongings to seek him out and cheer him up with a warm hug. 
Judas is ever so grateful for your comfort, something he had never dreamt of achieving before.
He tries his best to reciprocate the initiative and slowly learns to take the lead.
From time to time, when you’re particularly tired, you have the habit of becoming extraordinarily cuddly, and so, Judas manages to see his chance and grabs it with both hands, more than delighted to hold you in his arms.
This is often combined with head-scritches as well.
It happens quite often that one or several of the followers catch you two snuggling at the fire. It always causes Judas to turn bright red, but you don’t mind it. Of course, when it is just the two of you, you maintain enough distance to not fall into temptation.
Judas and you basically balance each other out, for he can be more critical and thoughtful where you are more optimistic and trusting. Both of you can contribute to the wellbeing of the other, which makes you a great match.
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thehopeelias · 2 years
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Today's the day! The first two episodes of The Chosen season 3 are premiering in Atlanta! Wanted to celebrate by drawing this picture of Judas handing out loaves and fish to feed the 5,000 (Which I believe is going to happen in the later episodes of s3)
And this was my first time drawing Judas!
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hycinthrt · 1 year
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his job is just betray
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oliviartist · 8 months
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I have once again bestowed upon ye memes
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godslove · 6 months
𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐮𝐝𝐚𝐬
The Bible has many stories with great lessons, but there is one small detail that the scribes forgot to mention. Jesus Christ also loved Judas Iscariot. He asked God to forgive everyone in His final moments on the cross.
Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” And they divided His garments and cast lots.
—‭‭Luke 23:34
Jesus knew the prophesies and what will transpire from the very beginning of their journey together, till the end. He became his teacher, taught him the Father's love, washed his feet, shared meals on the same table and loved Judas like a brother anyway.
As followers of Christ, we are to do the same. This is what will set us apart as children of God. We know the Father's forgiveness and Christ's redemption. We are to embody Jesus' compassion and gentleness in a world that does not know our heavenly Father's love.
“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”
—‭‭Galatians 2:20, Paul the Apostle
We are to love and pray for both our friends and our enemies, because Jesus loved and died for their sins as well.
‭‭“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, ⁴⁵ that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.”
—Matthew 5:44-45, Jesus Christ
I think the greatest test of Christianity is not only loving Jesus Christ, it's also loving Judas.
Like Judas, we are all sinners. And like him, Jesus also loved us. Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of what true Divine Love is. And it is far from the worldly, conditional love we know.
“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. ¹³ Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”
—John 15:12-13, Jesus Christ
To the child of God that is reading this, don't be so hard on yourself. My love, regardless of what you have done in the past, Jesus Christ also loved you unconditionally. He did it for you so that sin will no longer separate you from our heavenly Father.
So I invite you to see rightly in your heart what is beyond what scriptures, doctrines and laws written in books can teach, to know the embodiment of God's love that surpasses human understanding—Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ loved everyone, including you. So if you love Him too, REPENT, before you end up like Judas.
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Is it OK for Jesus to hold Judas Iscariot (from the Bible)
Today, Jesus is holding:
Judas Iscariot from The Bible as depicted in The Chosen
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Guys I was praying in this garden and my disciple came over and is just staring at me like this what do I do
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neuroticangelsstuff · 4 months
Thinking about John the Beloved Apostle. Don’t get me wrong, the Jesus/Judas dynamic goes crazy, but let us not forget:
John “the one whom Jesus loved”, the Apostle
John “reclining on Jesus’s bosom” the Apostle
John “is it I, Lord?” the Apostle
John “behold your mother” the Apostle
John “the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first” the Apostle
Oh, and the common interpretation of John, “the only male disciple among the women present at the crucifixion” the Apostle (none of the others are mentioned, Peter famously tried to follow from a distance and was caught, and the rest were later seen in hiding)
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miss-crazy-rose · 5 months
What would you think if the writers pulled a fast one and had Judas not immediately die from the hanging? Instead, he was taken down and rejoices when he hears rumors of Jesus resurrection before soon dying of his neck injury.
In my opinion it would be unlikely but oh my god it would lead to so many emotional scenes. The guilt? The relief? Luke Dimyan would pull this off so well
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picklepie888 · 1 year
We Don't Talk About Judas (Biblical Encanto Parody)
We don't talk about Judas no no no
We don't talk about Judas
It was the Passover
It was the Passover
We were all together and we're passing the bread and the wine
Passing the bread and the wine
Jesus comes through
With some upsetting news
Are you telling the story or am I?
I'm sorry dear brother go on
Jesus said 'I'll be betrayed'
Why would He tell us?
Upon this news, we're all dismayed
The whole room was in chaos!
Who of us would dare betray?
We're not naming names
But we'll just say
We don't talk about Judas no no no
We don't talk about Judas!
Hey! Grew to be weary of Judas's intentions
None of us suspected his crime beyond comprehension
I equate him to the sound of coins hitting the floor (clang, clang, clang)
How could we remiss
With a kiss, he touches
Failed to keep our Rabbi out of the Romans' clutches
Choking on his guilt until he can't breathe anymore
Gone forevermore
Thirty pieces
Of silver in his sack
When the night ceases
He stabs us in the back
He had seeled our doom
Led Jesus to His tomb
(Hey) We don't talk about Judas no no no
We don't talk about Judas
They say He was sacrificed
To pay our cost! (No no)
The Romans had dragged Him off
To Pilate, their boss! (No no)
He said that Jesus of Nazareth
Would hang on the cross! (No no)
The Hebrews mourned
Our most devastating loss!
He told me
That upon this day three
Not to worry for He will soon rise
He told me
The Messiah will come
And our souls will be made divine
He told me
Before that next morning
I'll deny him times three
Upon the cock's crowing
It's like I hear it now
It's like I hear it now!
I can hear it now!
Yeah, about that Judas
I really need to know about Judas
Give me the truth and the whole truth
Hey the King of the Jews is here!
He has risen!
(Overlap of Peter/Andrew, Matthew, John, and Mary Magdalene verses)
He's here!
Don't talk about Judas
Why did I talk about Judas?
Not a word about Judas
I never should've brought up Judas!
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