#if OG traitor why pretty?
miss-crazy-rose · 1 year
I know it’s wrong. It is SO wrong. I know what he did (or more what he will do)
But Judas in the Chosen has the most magnificent eyes I have ever seen
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in1-nutshell · 10 months
I want to request for Buddy to be a Shatter glass Megatron long lost twin but has the original Megatron personality, i understand if you don't want to tho.
Ooooh! Haven't done one of these before! My knowledge of the Shattered Glass universe is a bit rusty, but I think this ended up pretty good for the knowledge. I did only 3 mechs this time around since these were the best I knew. Let me know if this isn't what you wanted.
Hope you enjoy!
Con’s reaction to Megatron’s twin with OG Megatron’s personality
SFW, familial, platonic, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
He loves Twin really.
But sometimes he worries about his more… physical side. It’s a bit rougher than what he’d like it, but its perfect for the battle ahead.
“We need a plan!”--Starscream
“Anyone have any ideas?”--Megatron
Twin raising his servo.
“One that doesn’t involve with a frontal attack.”--Megatron
Twin lowers his servo.
Without a doubt Twin is one of the best fighters in his army. An excellent strategist on most days. But sometimes when things get a little too heated, the lines tend to blur.
Twin raising their mace over Sideswipe helm.
“Wait! Stop! He’s on our side!”--Megatron
“And how do you know that?”--Twin
“I was left for dead by the Autobots. I gave you the attack plans yesterday?!”--Sideswipe
“Oh… Now I remember. Sorry Sideswipe, please let me help you back to the medbay.”--Twin
“… Spinister and Bombshell aren’t going to like this.”--Sideswipe
“… I know…” –Twin
Which leads to a question many Decepticons had asked.
Why wasn’t Twin second in Command?
It was a simple answer. He didn’t want to be second in Command. He was a soldier and would follow Megatron and his superiors into battle without hesitation.
Megatron misses the days when they would just listen to Twins poetry and manifestos about the corrupt government. A part of him which was now buried under years of pain and suffering from this blasted war.
He is glad that his twin remained loyal to the Decepticon cause and did not move to the power hungry Autobot side.
Megatron has had multiple spark attacks as Twin will fight any of his greatest enemies on sight. No joke.
“It’s over Megatron. Time to meet your—”—Optimus Prime
“Stay back!”--Megatron
“Finally, a real fight.”--Optimus
They both met when the war was starting. Megatron himself gave him the introduction, which was interesting.
“Starscream, this is Twin, he is my brother.”--Megatron
“Well hello to you too. I look forward in working with you and the others.”—Starscream
“Likewise, Starscream.”--Twin
Despite some clash in morals and personality, the two worked well. Starscream had told him many tales of him and Skyfire before the war had happened. Twin is protective of Starscream after hearing how Starscream was nearly captured. It is on sight if Twin ever sees Skyfire.
“Skyfire, please reconsider!”--Starscream
“Enough traitor!”--Skyfire
“You’re the traitor!”--Starscream
Yes, they do argue, but it never escalates too much. Twin protects his friend.
They met through Megatron on a tour of their new base.
“Soundwave, this is my brother.”--Megatron
“Oh, Hi there! It’s nice to meet you! Wow you too look a like but I’m getting a different vibe from you than Megatron. How was the say? Looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill you? No, looks like they can kill you but is a cinnamon roll. Oh—I’m rambling again. Sorry about that, sometimes I do—”--Soundwave
Inside Twin’s helm
‘I’m going to befriend this mech so hard.’
He still doesn’t know if this was a good idea or not. Twin knows things just as quickly as Megatron because they are so close.
Twin sometimes looks after the cassettes if Soundwave needs to be somewhere else.
It’s rare but it happens.
“Hey, I’m bac—What happened here?”--Soundwave
Twin laying down with the mini’s napping all over his frame.
“This is how I die… leave me here.”--Twin
Like Starscream, soundwave has told twin about Blaster. And like Skyfire, it is on sight for Blaster.
Twin is fiercely protectively over his friends.
“Its current time you second class scum!”--Blaster
“That’s what you think!”--Soundwave
“That’s what I know. You ain’t got no cassettes and you’re weapons jammed. What else do—”--Blaster
“I’m outta here!”--Blaster
“Hey now, we’ve talked about the deep breathing exercises. Come on 1,2,3..”--Soundwave
“… 4,5,6…”--Twin
He does agree too much with the levels of violence Twin can get to, and there have been arguments about this. It usually gets resolved quickly though.
Faster than the others fight.
Has accidentally read his thoughts on the inner poet inside. Soundwave actively tries to get Twin to pick back the hobby. They sometimes share their hobbies on slower days.
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theproperweirdo · 9 days
All screenshots are from the second official trailer 🔥🔥 here’s the first one
Also BIG APPLAUSE to the Lilith team for this trailer, the music and visuals were absurdly good. I will be listening to the soundtrack and researching for the animation
Okay okay soooooo we’re gonna move in chronological order of the second video
Alright, the “Carmine” whispers:
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The “Carmine” part is new, I guess they added it as an adjective? Weird. The name whisperers is from “the faint whisper coins make on cloth while being picked out of pockets.” I’m sad to loose that…
This guy in the glasses is also new. With this scene composition of Sonja and unnamed guy on the sides with glasses guy in the middle, it looks like he might be the boss of the Whispers here. Very different from the OG story, where Sonja and Nara built up the Whispers together as its bosses, before Sonja took over completely.
However, we get a snippet of Sonja pointing her cane toward Glasses McGee, so there’s likely internal conflict arising. She might overthrow him or something.
I don’t have any info on the guy on the right tho.
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Sonja herself looks pretty different now. Less roses on the side of her head, and more thorn imagery on her design. No other major changes tho.
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This snippet seems to allude to Rustport now being involved in weapon or some other form of manufacturing. Probably will be part of the main conflict. This is purely from the idea that they wouldn’t show anything in a trailer if it was irrelevant. There has to be a process of why they include shots right?? 😭😭
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HODGKIN!! The dead tide fleet is here!! Looks like they’ll be against the Carmine whispers. This artifact (or relic, as he says) looking thingy that Hodgkin is holding seems pretty important. It may be why he has the allegiance of these sea-graveborn esq creatures. In the trailer, it kind of activates, and then a large Kraken like thing starts grabbing at the ship.
Nara is also in cahoots with the Dead tide fleet this time around. We see her fighting alongside them during both trailers. Means she’s no longer a whisperer??? We don’t know what happened to her in Arena after she died, so I have nothing to go off. Seems like they’ve got some form of an agreement here.
There’s that pretty new ranger woman, but her design screams fan service 2 me so rn I feel like she’s not entirely lore relevant. She’s probably got her own side story.
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This new guy, Sinbad, seems to be our companion in Rustport. A handy magic compass and a history of treasure hunting means he could be after that artifact Hodgkin has. My theory is he grew up in Rustport, knows the town well, and has some kind of personal agenda against both the dead tide fleet and the Whisperers. He’s called a merchant in the first trailer, so I suspect he’s a black market relic seller in Rustport.
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Graveborn lore!! Viperian has appeared 🙏 as an “unconventional” scholar, he’s either in Rustport for research/testing, or travelling with Nara and Hodgkin for his own reasons. With this season centred around LB/GB, we’re (hopefully) getting some more content of him.
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AHHHHHH I love these two… little Nara and little Sonja… 😢😢
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But it looks like they’re against each other in Journey. Or, Nara wants something from Sonja? She’s actively fighting against Rustport, maybe even wants to destroy and take over it. More likely that’s she here solely for Sonja tho. Her line at the end of the trailer “now you’ll never forget me, Sonja…” alludes to a possible misunderstanding from Nara, that Sonja had forgotten about her completely. Either way, they’re fighting each other 😢
Okay, now for more personal speculation. I’ll be referencing a lot of the OG story from Arena here.
Originally, Nara reawakens from the dead because of both her extremely violent nature, and her deep desire to see Sonja again. “The survival of the Whispers, or punishing the traitors—they were all irrelevant now. All she wanted was to return to Rustport, to the Whispers, and to Sonja's side, where those warm hands could once again comfort her icy soul.” She literally has a vision of Sonja’s hands reaching out for her when she wakes up again 😭😭😭
In this new Journey trailer, my guess is that Nara has been fed fake info— something along the lines of that Sonja didn’t care she was dead, and now has double the power she used to. Their dynamic looks like depressed grieving gf and angry resentful gf. It could’ve been Hodgkin or Viperian manipulating her.
I can’t think up any reason why Hodgkin would be attacking Rustport. He’s been known as “the most ruthless pirate” of the seas, feared widely and being infamous for his title. But I don’t remember him being after property or wanting to take over towns like that. I mean, he’s from Rustport. This could be a character rewrite (wouldn’t be new).
The big plot of this season looks like Whisperers vs Dead Tide Fleet, with the sub plots of Nara v Sonja, Sinbad, Relic (probably related to the Hypogeans or something), and Hodgkin against glasses boss. I wrote this up fast and we only have two videos out rn, so I’ll wait and see.
Please tell me ur personal thoughts and feelings 🤞🤞
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crisiscutie · 7 months
Sephiroth's mental breakdown was nailed perfectly. The raw emotions and him realizing Gast was no better than Hojo... Oh man... Rebirth is gonna be amazing
Game isn't even out and it's already one of my favorite scenes. The music. The buildup to it. THE JENOVA CLOSEUPS. The superb voice acting. (yes, I think Tyler Hoechlin does a fine job)
The only thing that seemed iffy was cutting out some of Sephiroth's monologue about the Cetra and traitor thing.
And you know what, I like Rebirth's slight retcon. In this version, it's much more about Sephiroth, providing a clearer understanding of why he succumbed to darkness. This man and boy (since young Sephiroth is his inner child that's always with him) finally discovered the ugly "truth" about the twisted experiments that made him and the other monsters. He always wondered about his purpose, and this was it. All those years of abuse and exploitation... were done at his expense because he's a monster. The few people that did love and support him? No, no such thing. They're no different from his tormentors. He felt so alone and lost.
The Nibelheim Incident is pretty much his trauma reaching a breaking point. I can see how difficult it was for some to discern for some this nuance in the OG (and even in CC) because they focused more on Sephiroth developing an ego complex from more obviously, outdated information. This retcon is more closer to the truth, the only erroneous thing being that Jenova was an ancient. It's an amazing fix and does a great job in humanizing Sephiroth. I absolutely loved how they used the Jung Shadow. I'm a psychology nerd. You basically watched the death scene of Sephiroth's old identity, especially notice how prominent his shadow is. It's meant to show his inner conflict and then his transformation.
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He became exactly what he never wanted to be.
Anyways, another thing to note: what was a bit weird in the original game and the compilation is the strange shift in Sephiroth's beliefs and motivations. At first, he believed himself to be a Cetra and had a divine right to rule over the planet. Then, he transitions to wanting to destroy the planet at the beginning of FF7, seemingly abandoning any claims to Cetra heritage. We know why his motivations changed, but it feels odd not getting more expansion on it after they just suddenly threw that bit of information at us. I believe this retcon should help smooth out that awkward transition. It's a great feeling that one item from my wish/check list might be addressed.
And you know another thing I fucking loved Rebirth's portrayal of the Nibelheim Incident? They didn't back off from Sephiroth's villainy and sadism. I already made a post about it here, but holy fuck. He is out for blood. Everyone and everything in his path had to suffer, just like he did. They don't deserve to continue to live life so happy and normal.
Sephiroth really did not deserve any of the shit he was put through, but that will never not excuse the atrocities he committed in Nibelheim. I was honestly scared to see how the writers would humanize Sephiroth, but so far, they seem to do a great job of it. Hopefully, the full game can keep it up.
The demo still has some issues with Sephiroth and how the gameplay works, though.
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glitterpensupremacy · 4 months
Time for the problematic Queen!
Chloe MTS
As usual:
1. General Info
2. Personality
3. Key Relationships
4. Character Growth
Edit: I’m so sorry guys I forgot the “read more” 😭
1. General Info
It’s probably pretty obvious by now, but this will be a Chloe-demption Miraculous story. I don’t blame people who don’t really like that or her in general, but that’s the story you’re gonna get here. (Granted, this Chloe will be a bit easier to make a better person than the original, for reasons I’ll go over soon.)
2. Personality
Chloe Bourgeois seems like the typical rich girl: self-centered, superficial, vain, spoiled, not very good at listening to others, melodramatic, mostly mean to other people, and used to getting what she wants.
That being said, there’s a bit more to her than that. Her lack of self control and immaturity is mainly the result of having a father who would hand her whatever she wanted to keep her busy. Similarly, her mother is only interested in the “exceptional”, so Chloe often strives to be more like her. The fact that neither parent really tried to raise her is why she’s so infantile and prone to ridiculing others to feel better about herself.
A different side of Chloe tends to come out around her loved ones. She’s somewhat overbearing and clingy, but will shower those close to her (especially family) in gifts, pet names, and affection. Compared to OG Chloe, (and most other fan made takes on her), she’s a lot softer and more naive (dare I say a little cute). Every once in a while she lets the confident facade drop, becoming quieter and being genuine about how she feels.
3. Key Relationships
Marinette: As I’ve mentioned in the Marinette MTS post, Chloe and Marinette have a friends-to-enemies storyline in the first season. Basically, Chloe’s constant need for attention and favors was too emotionally draining for Marinette, so she broke things off between them, which Chloe does not take well. At all. After spending the larger part of season two trying to antagonize her, Chloe finally understands why Marinette left and leaves her alone. Things are still pretty tense between them, but they can exist in the same room without blowing up (and if Chloe sometimes still misses her ex-best friend? Well she doesn’t! Don’t be ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!!!)
Adrien: Chloe and Adrien are also childhood friends, (only they’ve known each other practically since birth while Marinette and Chloe met in their early school years) with Chloe actually being the one to introduce the two. At first, Chloe’s glad that her precious “Mari-roon” and “Adrikins” are getting along; when he decides to keep being Marinette’s friend after she stops hanging out with Chloe, she’s a little less enthused. Adrien also plays a more active role in helping Chloe become a better person, as he’s one of the people with the most knowledge of why she is the way that she is, as well as her better qualities (that and Chloe is determined not to lose him like she lost Marinette, even if she isn’t consciously aware of this yet). It also probably goes without saying that her feelings for Adrien aren’t ever really romantic like in the OG show.
Zoe: Chloe adores her darling baby sister, and tends to bring her wherever she goes. She initially tries to help her younger sister understand how the world issupposed” to work, but when that backfires (due to that pesky traitor Dupain-Cheng and her new friends) she has to remain content with simply showing Zoe off and doing what she can to help her sister succeed in her ambitions. (Due to being more of a people and family pleaser, Zoe doesn’t really do much in Chloe’s redemption, but she is one of the characters who can occasionally get her to play nice.)
Alya: These two don’t really know each other very well at first. To Chloe, Alya’s just the blogger girl who doesn’t properly appreciate the perfect Ladybug! When they interact more often due to being in the same class, things aren’t much better, seeing as their opposite ideals and personalities clash (hardworking vs lazy, integrity vs self-indulgence, etc). They do have to team up against a common enemy though (that being Lila), as well as share the struggles of being the only two superheroes with public identities. By the end of season two, Chloe and Alya become hero partners. (Despite sometimes being annoyed at what a “goody two shoes” Rena can be, Queen Bee can admit that she’s pretty smart, and secretly considers her to be a better hero than she is.)
Other key dynamics include: her parents, Ladybug (and Chat Noir to an extent), Kim, and Sabrina.
4. Character Growth
A lot of Chloe’s development is about learning to care about others and not resort to making other people’s lives more difficult just because she’s unhappy about something. This is mainly through how she interacts with acquaintances (not being as insulting or harming the rest of the class through her schemes) and her friends (learning how to be a good friend is a major part of her character arc). Another aspect of this how she matures.
MTS Chloe’s stunted growth is generally attributed to the lack of involvement that both parents have had throughout her childhood. While she doesn’t completely grow up (which makes sense, seeing as she is still very much a child), she does learn to occasionally think things through beyond the obvious and take certain issues more seriously.
Her familial relationships also factor into this development. She both grows in relation to her family (trying to be a good big sister for Zoe and eventually realizing that Audrey is a terrible mother/person and standing up to her), and inspiring them to change as well (seeing Chloe work to improve herself is one of the motivations for Zoe wanting to be more honest with others, Andre also acknowledges that he’s been a selfish and irresponsible father and works to become a better parent for Chloe and Zoe).
Alright, that’s the general rundown for Chloe. The more whimsical vibes that she has might be a bit disappointing for people who prefer a tougher, sassier mean girl type of Chloe, but hopefully she’s still likable in her own regard.
Up next will be Alya (who will also have an akuma design posted around the same time I have her character notes ready, so keep your eyes peeled if that kinda thing interests you)
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Is it just me or does anybody else hate that there are so many Loki variants? Like, anyone or anything can be a Loki. Take a pile of poop and put some gold horns on it, you got yourself a Loki!
Yeah, I don't think the execs at Marvel understand the concept of variants at all. If anyone can be the OG character, then nobody is.
The writers seem to believe that Loki is a cowardly traitor who always betrays everyone he knows and is obsessed with power. And since they keep telling us that all variants are pretty much the same as their 616 counterpart, they pick pretty much any character, they give them those characteristics and a golden helmet with horns and voila... you've got yourself a Loki! Except... it's not a Loki at all.
There's a reason why Classic seems to be the only one who is beloved by both fans of the series and antis, and that's not because he was written all that well (read between the lines and he's basically a coward who spouts TVA nonsense as absolute truth), it's because Richard gave his character a heart and a soul that nobody else in that series has. Sylvie doesn't act like a Loki at all, Kid Loki was somewhat interesting but he had nothing to offer. We had an episode full of variants but it felt super empty. It takes talent to do it so badly.
It's the same in MoM. Stephen doesn't even interact at all with two of his variants and he only has a short time with Sinister, except of course the conversation turns to Christine almost immediately and they spend more time fighting than talking.
I hate the variants in the MCU.
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fablekitty · 1 year
Hey, I know I am the last person you wanna talk to rn, but my life is in genuine danger (still) because all I wanted was for a apology for the misconception.
I honestly meant no harm at all, and https://www.tumblr.com/lunarsilly/725681668334256128/all-i-wanted-was-for-fable-alologize-for-the
If you read this it will make a lot more sense.
I’m low empathetic and it takes a while for me to feel epmathy, and I think it’s hitting me like a bus
I never meant for you to be harassed anything (as I said in my OG callout posts) and I have not ONCE put your life in danger.
However, Davis has put mine in danger cuz he took some things I said in the wrong manner and it has caused me to get harassed to the point where I have to deactivate most of my accounts.
No, this isn’t ‘karma’ at all because I didn’t even want anything bad to happen to you and I didn’t mean to be malicious, all I wanted was for people to be aware that you could have possibly done this stuff, and benne like
“Hey, I have a choice if I wanna continue supporting them.” And unfollow if they please.
I have not once tried to put you or anyone else in danger, all I was doing was being like “hey, this can be seen as sams since you tagged it as such.”
Also to call you out for your ableism towards your own community.
That whole ‘no TSBS fictives and no factives’ rule is not only ableist, but it further Demonizes DID by saying that alters are their source when they aren’t,
People had a choice to support you, and I hadn’t meant for it to become this huge thing because a mess up in my wording )which I mostly wrote them at 1-5am, mind you. There’s going to be some mistakes since I was obviously running on 2-4 hours of sleep, and I always apologized if I said anything wrong in Davis’s DMs)
I get why you’re upset but this whole thing has gotten me death threats and it has also put not only me, but my family at risk.
Anyways that’s pretty much it, dm me on this app if you wanna respond.
This whole situation began because instead of trying to talk things over with me, you instead chose to cast a stone at me publicly. I’m not unreasonable. I would gladly have clarified anything you were concerned about, whether it be the claims of ableism or concerns about Lulu’s design. Instead, you publicly accused me of being a pedophile, not once, but twice. Which. I won’t lie; is a VERY harsh accusation that shouldn’t have ever been tossed out on a whim. The first was in a comment thread on one of Davis' posts, the other was a public callout post. You cannot downplay it by saying you just wanted to 'spread awareness' and 'let people choose to support me.' All I wanted to do was be left alone, and you wouldn't have it. 
You took my art and made fun of it, called me names, called my partner’s alter names, and tried to make connections to an accusation that wasn’t there to begin with. I have co-workers that follow my SFW account on Twitter. I could have lost my actual job over this. You losing your Twitter account is not comparative to my entire livelihood. You can say you never wanted me to be harassed, but you slandered and insulted me all over Twitter and Tiktok during the entire duration in which this all played out, not to mention all of the posts and videos about me being ableist and treating me like some sort of class traitor.
I only spoke out about it when I was at the end of my rope, which you also mocked and slandered, and thus the harassment continued.
Davis reached out to me about it because after doing his own research, he saw it as unfair that I was being falsely accused of something that could literally ruin my life and career and put my safety in danger.
I didn't ask him to post it, and I certainly wouldn't have asked him to take so much time out of his busy schedule to research and write that entire google doc. All of the accounts he posted there are public socials, all of which have the Lunarsilly moniker attached to them somehow. He's never really talked to me much if at all outside of this situation.
As for the comments made towards people who were clearly against you, entirely unnecessary. If you wanted people to stop and leave you alone then you should have never responded. This stirs the pot and makes more trouble, it also makes you look bad.
I can't convince people to stop attacking you, despite telling them not to come after you in my last tweet about this situation. I can't order Davis to remove your socials from the google doc. All we can simply do is drop the subject and move on.
None of this would have happened if you just came to me first instead of airing out dirty laundry into public places where you were fully aware I was in. Next time you think you've been wronged in some way, instead of acting out, take a step back and breathe. Walk away from the computer/phone and clear your head so you can think straight. That is my absolute best advice to you.
I understand that you're only 15 and probably have some stuff going on at home, and the last thing I want is for anyone to get hurt. Death threats and doxxing are wrong in general, let alone to a teenager, and if you're reading this and have done either of those things to Lunarsilly, I am incredibly ashamed of you.
As for the damage? My alter is traumatized by the claims you've made. My early design of Lunar was never canon. His design belongs to me and I can use it however I please. He is not canon show Lunar.
Speaking of Alters, I want to address the ableism thing.
Once again, all this stress could have been avoided if you’d have just come to me privately on Discord when this was first addressed. I asked you politely to please keep alters of real people from the show avoidant of fronting in the TSBS server. I asked this of you with the knowledge of what was written in the moderator handbook that each moderator must read and follow in TSBS, and had no idea it wasn’t written in the public rules. I will admit fault for not checking that. It was never my intention to come off as ableist towards you nor anyone else.
We didn’t just come up with rules on a whim. We put rules in place to try and keep everyone in the server safe and comfortable, systems and otherwise. Ultimately, the bottom line was that some of the voice actors from the show found discomfort in seeing alters of themselves and their characters in the server, and the business that owns the whole shebang also agreed, and their word is final.
I entirely understand the frustration behind having alters from the show. I have a few of them myself and so does my partner. Yes, they are not their source. But that doesn't prevent the original creators, or actual person from being uncomfortable, much like some alters are uncomfortable with doubles. Everyone's system is different. Mine isn't large. It's not small either, but my alters all do have one thing, a mutual agreement to work together and harmony. If that's something you can't control, then I'd recommend staying out of larger servers such as TSBS.
I was also never obligated to tell you that I'm a system. I don’t exactly go out of my way to make sure every individual who interacts with me is aware of this information about myself. However, if you ever took a moment to look in my discord profile, you would have known. The first line that is on my profile on Discord is “Marshmallow System-DID” and it’s been there this entire time.
All I want is to be left alone. I want this all to finally be dropped so we can move on with our lives. I’m old and tired and simply do not have the time or energy to keep putting towards this situation. Just please, move on and leave me be.
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sweetpeaches666 · 1 year
I fucking love the teenage starscream au. I love the concept of Megatron abusing and manipulating a younger and emotionally unstable bot into becoming a loyal weapon. Plus its funny that it always ends up with Optimus adopting him.
Op - you destroy my planet. fine, I steal your kid.
Megs - what
And while I believe it is incredibly rude to try and influence someone else art and writing. I must offer the suggestion of teenage Starscream getting his own name. I could write a three page essay as to why this would be a good idea from a literary stand point. But, from a meta standpoint. Its confusing. it would help differentiate regular Starscream and teenage Starscream (who I'm under the impression, is a clone of the original, if not disregard).
I hope I'm not overstepping any boundaries and I wish you a good day.
Thank you for liking my au. Optimus stealing rescuing Teenage Starscream is pretty funny since he already has more than enough kids.
It's fine that you're giving some suggestions since I love new ideas from other people. And to be honest, I've been torn to give Teenage Starscream a new name for himself or not. On one hand, giving the Teenage Starscream his own name shows that he can be his own person despite being a clone. However, Teenage Starscream keeping the name because while it once belonged to someone traitorous, it can become the name of the bot who helped Optimus Prime to defeat Megatron and save the Earth.
It's okay if you become confused between the Starscreams. I usually call the first one OG Starscream (Original Starscream) and the one who's a clone Teenage Starscream.
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seirclys · 1 year
OG! Penelope Eckhart Headcanons: A Life Before the Eckharts
Part 6!
This one was uh... it took a while. While some may remember Shrike's version of Penelope's parents, who are perhaps the best parents she could ask for... the reality, I think, will be much darker.
Studies, like Bywaters et al. (2022), which is a critical review of research papers in the period between 2016-2021 that compiles evidence and analyzes them together, show that food insecurity, low income, unemployment, and other factors in relation to poverty lead to a higher chance of childhood neglect.[1]
Given that from canon, we know that Penelope's father is dead or at least presumed so— "Her widowed mother was a poor traveling merchant"[2]— it's reasonable to assume that he's just not in the picture.
From Part 4, if you recall, Penelope is a World Catalyst where her world is expressed as a romance-genre dating simulator. I'll definitely elaborate on this in another part, but suffice to say, Penelope's life is pretty much written to be tragic no matter what.
Thus, isn't it fitting to give her a just-as-horrible childhood before the Eckharts?
It would certainly explain why she was so desperate for love, despite the seemingly-obvious idea that she misses the love of her biological family.
The Father— Aleksander
Aleksander is a Greek name meaning "defender of the people", with this particular variant can be traced to Central and Eastern Europe.
Aleksander is from the Northern territories of the Eorka Empire, near the borderlands with treacherous, eternal winter. He moved from the North to warmer lands when he became of age.
He had three siblings, but his older sister died shortly after marriage. On the other hand, his younger brother died in childhood from sickness and a particularly harsh winter.
His father disappeared one day while hunting for prey in the forests, and his mother was beaten to death for stealing from a noble household.
Aleksander has classic, deep magenta curls (think old Hollywood). The color is so dark that it looks black.
His hair is left somewhat lengthy, reaching his mid-back and tied back with a ribbon.
In addition, his eyes match his hair but have an orange glow to them instead.
He has a slender physique, not necessarily muscular or very strong.
Aleksander is extremely religious.
He has a pleasant smile and a gentle disposition, but that doesn't mean he's weak or useless.
He knows how to wield a small dagger, but that's it.
Aleksander was a doting father and loving husband, content with a simple life with his family.
Originally, he left the church he was a part of to follow his wife, but left and returned to his religion and the North when he found out that Penelope had mana.
His religion actively pursues wizards and those of Ancient Wizard blood, and his daughter is no exception.
It's unclear what happened on the day he found out. All his wife knows is that when she returned from her daily trip to the marketplace to sell her wares, her husband was gone, with blood on the bed.
Penelope was holding her neck, terrified.
In the aftermath, he became obsessed with tracking down wizards to "atone" for not having killed Penelope, torn between the guilt of attempted silicide and also the regret of not having snuffed out an Arcani's life.
He feels similarly torn with Nilar, reasoning that since he can never be a descendant of those filthy traitors who served Laila(the Ancient Wizards), then Penelope's magic must have come from his ex-wife.
Aleksander's fate is unknown, but evidently kept out of the capital and surrounding territories, staying in the outskirts. Penelope never met him again.
Edit: ok I didn't mention his third sibling but his mother had the baby when he was away studying to be a priest. It's not clear what happened to the child, but it died before he could meet his sibling.
In truth, Aleksander HAS Ancient Wizard heritage, ironically — his sibling was killed because flowers started blooming around the infant in the middle of winter. Like, summer flowers in the crib, growing out of the mattress.
His mother, terrified, suffocated the infant. Truly, like mother, like son.
The Mother— Nilar
Nilar is a female name of Burmese origin meaning "Sapphire", with the origin having NOTHING to do with my characterization of Penelope's mom. I left the choice up to @eloise175 in a blind-box situation.
If it had any bearing, it would be that Nilar was born in a foreign land but is Eorkan by blood. Her parents just settled down in a foreign land for a bit to ride out the pregnancy.
She was part of a merchant ship crew that docked frequently in the port city of Tratan. By extension, it's near Soleil Island, which is Laila's hideout.
She has abandonment issues due to her parents' mysterious disappearance when she was young. While traveling, she met Aleksander and fell deeply in love.
Nilar is an accomplished Arcani(One who uses mana and is of Ancient Wizard descent). However, her love for Aleksander blinded her, causing her to seal her own powers so he wouldn't turn on her.
Nilar's mother's powers were primarily water-based, which is why they were seafaring. Her powers are Earth-based.
Nilar's hair is naturally a bright pale turquoise-green with darker roots, ending around her mid-thighs. The ends of her hair shift according to her mana. It'll turn from a burnt-sienna color to a pale blonde when uses her powers.
As a civilian, her hair is kept in a low bun.
Nilar's eyes are bright green, near-glowing in their saturated hues. She passed them onto her daughter, though Penelope's eyes tend to stray more turquoise.
She has a soft expression as her default, but her face is naturally stern, which is where Penelope's default "villainess expression" stems from.
In addition, she has a strong physique, from her years as a mercenary in addition to being a merchant. She didn't just settle in Eorka but traveled all over the world before meeting Aleksander.
Had she never settled down with Aleksander, she might've been hired as an Imperial mage, or even an Archmage to fight for the Empire.
Nilar's love blinds her to the red flags surrounding her husband.
After she had Penelope, she became more frail as a result(Giving birth to a World Catalyst, especially one so connected to the world, takes a toll).
When she found out that Aleksander left with her daughter injured, Nilar kind of shut down. She tried to take care of Penelope but found herself spiralling into self-doubt, especially since her daughter looks just like her missing husband with the hair and smile.
As Penelope grew older, Nilar worsened in health, especially since she could no longer easily support two people and pay for expensive medication. She didn't unseal her mana, deluding herself that Aleksander would come back. Poverty made things worse, and the neglect and abuse began to worsen.
Nilar would always cry and apologize to Penelope but it became so frequent that Penelope began to doubt her. Her health and mental state deteriorated to the point where her own mana was lashing out against her, worsening her condition.
Eventually, she died of sickness, a mere three months away from Penelope's 10th birthday.
Life as a Street Orphan
Penelope wandered for many months between villages and towns, hitching rides on merchant carts in exchange for some labor.
She would take refuge in abandoned houses, sheds, and as she got to larger settlements, brothels.
The ladies there cooed over her magenta hair and sparkling eyes, giving her at least a warm bath and clean(if a bit shabby) clothing.
When she got to the capital, Penelope, again, stayed in some of the brothels. She acted as a messenger girl and was groomed to be one of the upcoming new flowers(essentially, she would've started working at the brothel when she was fifteen).
However, an incident with an unruly customer who tried to touch her made her lash out and stab the customer to death with a sharp hairpin.
She fled the brothel, living on the streets as she continued to wander further and further away. She lived in a dilapidated shed amongst the rest of the shacks. It was barely standing with one wall completely broken down.
During the rainy season, Penelope dragged herself back only to find a woman collapsed in her shed, clearly dead.
At this point, she was too weak and hunger-starved to drag the body out, so she stayed inside with the body.
Eventually, this was how Duke Eckhart found her.
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xsoulxsilencex · 3 months
So yeah, we're done with arc 9 and well... you can count me as one of the "wtf was that arc final" people.
I'm gonna talk about Yuamu, the Darkmen but also how I feel about this arc as a whole but first of all:
If anyone sides with Yuamu/thinks she's valid for her actions? Fine? But I really hope that I don't have to see anyone throwing a "you just hate on Yuamu because she's a girl, you would let it slide if a guy did the same" at me because put Yuhi in her place instead and you can bet that way more people would be ready to call him a traitor and a-hole than Yuamu. (and yes, I would call out Yuhi too since that behaviour is shit imo and it doesn't matter that I like him) Like honestly, playing the misogynist/sexist card in this case is silly.
But with that said, I can start with the actual post.
Most people might have already seen my posts about ep 115 so my general thoughts on Yuamu/her reason to become the main antag should be clear. But seriously, Idk why GR does that with Yuamu. Is this some weird "make up" for doing barely anything with her in season 2 besides making her get possessed by darkness twice? Turning her into the new main antag to give her some relevance? Yuamu as a villain could've worked but I really can't with the execution we got. She says she wants to be the new Otes and save Yuga and his future and I just can't buy it. Also: What would Yuga think of her actions? I doubt he'd be proud of her becoming Otes in his place. Heck, imagine Yuamu at her "villain peak" just for Yuga showing up to tell her to stop and she eventually does? Like we all know Yuga isn't gone from GR for good. He's coming back and at worst, he's gonna bring his Sevens friends. And as a Sevens fan I say to this: This better not happen at all. Also is it just me or I don't get the feeling that Yuamu truly cares for the Darkmen besides Kuyamuya? So if they died to revive the Velgearians, I doubt she would cry for them.
Speaking of the Darkmen: Oh boy, where do I start? They had potential being an interesting group but from the current point, they're just existing besides Fukamura who stayed behind instead of joining Yuamu? Sabyuas went from sadist for "pretty weird reasons" to Zwijo simp, Bruyea is just a walking mama kink and Zeyet shouts "osu" here and now. Oh, and they all lost their duels. The only "Darkmen" winning were Yuamu and Zwijo - who aren't og Darkmen. Heck, even the Goha Siblings felt more threatening as the Darkmen and also showed a more interesting dynamic despite having to share their debut arc with Lukeman who ended up as the "main antag" of said arc. Can I expect anything from Sabyuas, Bruyea and Zeyet for arc 10? I don't know. Also disappointed how there was no good dynamics between Team Yudias vs Team Darkmen. Sabyuas vs Yuhi? Well, nothing besides Sabyuas enjoying the sight of Yuhi needing to piss. Bruyea vs Nyandestar? Bruyea was all about making Nyandestar his new mama even when he lost but when he sees her again, there's zero interest? Fukamura vs Manabu? I still think Fukamura vs Epoch would've made more sense due to them both having shut-in experience and while Manabu respected Fukamura as an opponent, Fukamura didn't show much interest in Manabu. Zeyet vs Yudias was like the only duel where there was hope for friendship but she doesn't really care for Yudias later so...
And besides Yuamu and the Darkmen: This arc was so boring imo? I thought this could be interesting with the search for Yuamu, trying to find a way to revive the Velgearians, Manabu being back as a proper part of the main squad (him being clowned less is like the one big positive point I can say about arc 9)... but instead I get what? CPT who was annoying af and turned out to work for Yuamu from the start? The huge focus on curry bread? Almost half the arc spent on Pawtner for no good reason? Epoch finally leaving her box just to become more like Tiger (looks and breath power) than she initially was? Yudias and co. not reaching Velgear and visiting the Go Rush Yu since all the dead Velgearians are somehow in the Dark Matter Zone to play shield?
Kuaidul being back is also something I'm not sure of. I mean I expected him to return but like *that*?
Now Yuamu is heading towards Earth with most of the Darkmen, Zwijo and Yuhi (to get Monster Reborn?) while we dont know what Yudias, Manabu, Nyandestar and Epoch will do. Likely follow the others but since Yuamu took Valvelgear with her, the only way I can see them leave the Dark Matter Zone is either by making a new space ship out of dark matter or fixing Zaidavelgear.
Since Asaka also seems to prepare Mutsuba Town for a battle, we should get more old characters getting involved again. Man, feeling bad for the UTS 8 when they're gonna see Yuamu acting as a villain but also for Manya (as Yuamu's childhood friend) and Sky (who had so much respect for her). And we can't forget about Yuna since I really believe in her scheming something on her own since Yudias and co. left Earth and it's gonna be Yuga-related. Who knows, she might either bring Yuga back or managed to stay in touch with him somehow.
I know this post is mostly negative thoughts than positive and honestly, I wished I could be more positive about GR - but that show's writing really makes it hard for me.
If anyone still loves Go Rush then cool? But I do hope that even those who love the show can at least admit that it has some flaws. Idk why I have seen people who still want to act like GR is an almost masterpiece.
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ffsg0jo · 4 months
LMAOOOO i love the (said with love) bit thanks bestie. im replying with a long response, but i promise i too am saying this with love !! 🥰💖
im gonna be completely honest when the manga ending first came out. i was defending isayama with my life. i didn't really like the ending, but that was my og, so i sucked it all up and tried to like it. but ive matured, and ive accepted that it wasn't the best ending in terms of actual writing.
reading the manga, it was actually so so good right up until the last chapter. all the chapters before the last one was honestly 10/10 in my opinion. would've been one of the best mangas ive read. i remember waiting months for the final chapter, and when it came out, my heart sank. i wanted to cry for all the wrong reasons.
ill list all the reasons why i didn't think it was a good ending under the cut and you can read them if you want but i just wanna say i am absolutely NOT shitting on anyone that enjoys the ending or isayama or anything. im actually really glad you like it, and it's all personal opinions/ preferences anyway.
plus he's apparently releasing chapter 140?? so we'll see what isayama does with that.
I don't hate it because Eren died or because Mikasa was the one to kill him. I actually quite liked this aspect, and it feels very fitting. The same goes with Armin and Eren's talk. I love that we got to see more of their differing views and opinions on freedom. But there's a lot of other things I disliked.
Eren for some reason, turned into a whiny baby, not wanting mikasa to move on. Like we all knew that he loved her since the very beginning and its so so obvious. But instead of showing that in a meaningful way, he's like, NOOO SHE CAN'T MOVE ON !!!!!! like bro cmon now you're grown
Reiner's character regressed last minute, and it completely ruined his development. Like, I know it's been three years, but why is he thirsting over historia and sniffing the letter she wrote. We literally saw him shove a gun in his mouth, wanting to kill himself and suffer from extreme PSTD. It feels like isayama wanted it to end on a lighter note even though his protagonist was killed. And he did it at the expense of other characters. All the love I had for reiner lowkey went away when I saw him do that.
Jean and Mikasa getting together. It's heavily implied that she never got over him and is even buried in the scarf he wrapped around her. And it doesn't sit well with me that she got with Jean, knowing he's second to a dead guy. I wouldn't have minded them being together if the circumstances were different. Mikasa healed and moved on, or her and Jean got closer and bonded over their trauma and everything they lost. But she clearly didn't move on from Eren, and I personally think Jean deserved better than that.
Annie basically getting off scot-free, and her getting with Armin. I'm not gonna explain this one too much, but out of all the traitors, she's the only one that had no/little remorse. And the fact that she got with Armin just rubs me the wrong way. I respect the hustle, but I wanted her dad to die or something she needed to suffer a little more.
Historia ends up with a man (like bffr now cmon). This one's pretty self-explanatory, but you're telling me she seriously got pregnant and settled down with a man? I read fan theories/predictions at the time that were 100000× better than what isayama did to her.
Everyone's characters just went back to their season 1 version, and I hate it. They suffered so so much went through such tragedy but came out relatively mentally unscathed? I feel like the only person who's truly suffering the effects of it, mentally and physically, was Levi. I did really like Levi's ending, though. It was tragic but fitting. And the fact that he's with Gabi as well I really liked that.
anyways like i said people have different opinions and it's totally fine if you don't agree with me !! hope you're having a wonderful day nonny and thanks for popping in <33
It wasn't a bad ending, but it wasn't a good ending either. I liked about 40% of it, but that's about it. It's been nearly 3 years since I've seen the ending, though, and this is just from memory, and I've tried to be as brief as possible.
If I revisited it, there could be more things that I like/dislike. idkk. I also haven't watched past half of season 4 part 1 of the anime, so if anything changed in the anime ending, I'm not too sure about that. i'm speaking purely from the manga ending.
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casp1an-sea · 5 months
Digits “CT-7048”
(oh so this one let’s me put pictures side by side? It’s only a glitch on rose? Well that’s dumb 😒)
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(Still kinda like the og drawing better 😥)
Birth Year: 32 BBY
Age at beginning: like 20ish (enhanced again)
Species: Clone (Reg)
Gender: Male, He/him
Height: 6’0”
Occupation: Technician
Personality: Digits is very analytical and blunt. He’s extremely serious and never really relaxes. He sees his job as strictly a Job and does not try to bond with the squad so the squad will force things on him like giving him a name or painting his armor. He got the name digits because of his insistance to use his CT number. He acts like he hates it but he doesn’t. He rarely ever smiles but he secretly cares a lot and just doesn’t want to get attached incase someone doesn’t make it. 
Appearance: Digits has a slightly grown out version of the regulation haircut and a small scar on his top lip. He kept his Armor the regulation design however the rest of his squad painted it for him in the middle of the night. One shoulder pad is painted as well as one arm band on the opposite arm. His name is written on the left side of the chest and there is a large X going across his chest plate. The right leg is painted and the left leg has his CT number on the side. His helmet has a painted antenna, a diagonal line across, half of the face painted from the diagonal line, and two stripes on the right side. His Kamas will later be painted with his CT-number on the left and a mural of his squad hand painted by Kev on the right. (Ik this is the most detailed but it was the only design I actually drew 😂)
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Weapons: Typical clone weapons idk I’m lazy
Backstory: Digits was part of a pretty laxed squad; he was the only one who was really keeping the group together but they didn’t take him seriously and didn’t get along. On their first mission they messed up REALLY bad. More than half the squad died and those who survived were reprimanded and sent back to basic training. Digits was put with Kev’s group. Kev is the only one who knows why. Digit’s squad have specifically been assigned to Zac and Sunni sense the two padwans have no master.
At some point during the war Digit’s chip malfunctions similar to Tup and it results in him murdering Rose. Not knowing it was the chip that caused it he was branded as a traitor and arrested. While in prison he mysteriously disappeared and did not resurface again until after Order 66 where he was working for the empire. —————————————————————————
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Art by @hermitmoss
@xen-blank, @thehollowwriter, @l7k-a, @ferris-the-wheel, @keii-starz
@krenenbaker @elenauaurs @the-banana-0verlord @edith-is-a-cat @dove-da-birb
@theosb0rnway @fizzydreamz @ravenwing0110
@diabollicallyangelic @xentari94 @tomatette
@dragonflies-draw-flame @sunshinechildskywalker
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
ur last post about the tragic irony that is leon being saved by the cia makes me think about how, if not for them, leon wouldn’t have a ‘distraction’ for himself after racoon city. and like. can u imagine if they had just fuckin let him go. the thought of a freshly racoon city traumatized but not military traumatized leon running around looking for distractions seems like a whole new character to me
So this is probably a result of my original post being unclear, which is a huge my bad. But I didn't mean to say that Leon would have killed himself if not for the CIA. I mean that the CIA was both the cause of and the solution to his problem.
They pushed him to that point to begin with, but they were also the ones who saved him from it.
Which then only served to cement their hold on him.
Leon's life is shit, is what I'm saying LMAO
In a world where he'd never been kidnapped by the CIA, Sherry would've been his distraction. So, we would have had Actual Dad Leon instead of Suicidal Deadbeat Dad Leon.
But if the CIA had still taken Sherry but let Leon go... in that case, I'm pretty sure Leon and Claire would've fucking gone full traitor and waged war against the US government LMAO and you know Chris would be all in on that, too -- Mr. I Got Dishonorably Discharged From the Air Force for Fighting.
It does raise the possibility of Leon joining Claire for a co-op version of Code Veronica, too, and the thought of Leon and Steve interacting kind of makes me want to pull my skin off LMFAODBSK
But, either way, you're right -- he would've been a completely different character.
But I don't think that it'd be as bad as you're envisioning. In the scenario I proposed, the biggest motivating factor behind the suicide scare was ultimately Leon's overwhelming feelings of powerlessness and being trapped. If the CIA had let him go -- even if they'd still taken Sherry, he still had the freedom and the power to act on his own and do something about it.
So, like.
I remember when OG RE4 came out, and how shocked everyone was at Leon's characterization. But what RE4 did was take Leon's general disposition from RE2 and amplify it to an absurd degree. RE2 Leon was a nice guy, sure, but he was also stubborn, arrogant, and kind of obnoxious. So, in RE4, he's downright cocky and macho.
RE2make Leon had a more melancholic disposition, so that was what got amplified in RE4make.
But it was the training that did that to him. His exaggerated traits are a coping mechanism he used in order to survive the drastic shift in lifestyle that he was forced into, which is why OG Leon chills the fuck out more and more as the series goes on and he gets older. The more comfortable he becomes in his new life, the less he has to try to put on a performance or wear a mask.
So, without that combat training, he would have had a way more natural character progression. Imagine if RE2 Leon had been able to grow up as an unofficial third Redfield sibling -- because that's, ultimately, what would've happened. So, even if Leon had had a suicidal episode, one or both Redfields would've just beat it out of him LMAO
This would be a version of Leon whose confidence wasn't forced. One who still remembered how to smile and laugh from the heart. One with friends and a support group and who wasn't crippled by the ouroboros that is his loneliness feeding into his self-loathing, which in turn pushes people away and exacerbates his loneliness.
Because that's ultimately what's at the heart of Leon's character arc overall. Nothing that he does makes an actual difference in the world. Nothing in his life ever changes. He's chained to and trapped in a life he never wanted, and the same nightmare keeps playing out in front of his face again and again and again.
And he has to do all of it completely and utterly alone.
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catnerdenby · 1 year
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Dragonfly Starscream!
Gosh, you have no idea how much I love this little bugger! He's just very prescious to me! It's the first one I made a design for, but the stuff here even isn't his first design! Its "beta" was more like his TFA counterpart, but that was before I researched actual Dragonflies.
Anyways, this idiot here is most similar to Armada Starscream, but like. Very young. Slightly older than my Bumblebee, but one of the youngest Cybertronians out there.
He's intelligent and cunning, but also has a compassionate side to him not yet ruined by war, despsite being born into it. Or rather, made into.
This Starscream, is unlike any Starscream from animated shows. He isn't the only Starscream to ever exist in that universe, however he is the only Starscream still alive.
What am I on about? Why, so glad you asked! My boy is a clone! The original was killed quite in the beginning of the war, but the Decepticons had his CNA, so when Megatron deemed the time right, she cloned the mech. But in order to not get the traitor that the OG had been, he had decided to raise the clone from sparklinghood.
Megatron and Starscream have by no means a parent-child relationship, no. Megatron barely took part in raising him. It was mostly whoever was free at that moment, that had been tasked with guarding and teaching him.
The SIC during Starscream's sparklinghood was a mech called Barricade. When Starscream came of age, Barricade mysteriously went missing, and Megatron gave the role of the second in command to Starscream, as the latter had proven himself to be not only intelligent, but also an adept fighter, and someone easily manipulatable in hopes of earning praise.
Not soon after, both the Nemesis and the Ark crash-landed on Earth, where they remained inactive for a thousand years or so. The Nemesis had crashed to the bottom of the ocean near Australia, while the Ark had found it's place not far that much farther in the Great Australian desert.
There, Starscream finally got to prove his worth as a Second in Command. Which in Megatron's mind really wasn't that much.
The Decepticons were beaten, and had to return to the Nemesis, which was semi-fixed, and driven away. Only for the ship to crash again into a beach cave in Great Brittany.
There Starscream found his alt-mode as he and his seekers were scoping their surroundings. The emperor dragonfly.
The many lenses of the dragonfly's eyes work when he closes his main two optics, so he sees almost everywhere around him, just not as well as his main ones. They also aren't that good in his alt-mode, but clearer than the eyesight of most others.
At one point, after many punishments and suffering through public humiliation, Starscream begins to doubt Megatron, so he goes away to cool off.
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There he comes across Windblade, who despsite their better judgement decides to still help Starscream, who hit his head pretty hard.
They find companionship in each other and begin meeting up in secret. But with Starscream's luck, it's no wonder that Megatron soon finds out about this.
Windblade asks Starscream to join the Autobots, but Starscream refuses, not yet ready for that. Windblade understands and they part ways once more.
He is confronted by Megatron, who gives him one last beating, tearing his wings in the process, and seriously injurying him. He is left behind to die.
To his luck, he is found by the Autobots, still barely functioning, and taken in for medical care. The Autobots manage to fix him, except his wings, which are made of a material that is only found on Cybertron, and even there it's rare.
Luckily, he can still fly, just not as well. Occasionally he gets flied around by Windblade, which always gives him great joy.
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He joins the Autobots, and while most still don't trust him, especially Bumblebee, who for some reason hates him with a burning passion, Prowl, and Ironhide, who might hate him even more.
His existence is turned upside-down when a mech called Skyfire is thawed out of the ice. They seem to recognize Starscream, who does not recognize him.
Skyfire says that they used to be partners, that they went to the Crystal City Academy Of Sciences together. But Starscream has no idea what the bigger mech is talking about, as his entire life had been on the Nemesus until a few months ago.
Thus is revealed Windblade's long time suspicion; Starscream is a clone. Prowl and Ironhide begin warming up to him after that, which greatly confuses the young seeker. Bumblebee becomes meaner than before.
And that's about how much I have of him at the moment. I love him a lot :3
Like his OG version, he is also very curious and inquisitive, and unlike most other Decepticons, actually excited to learn about Earth.
Throughout his life he had a hobby of photography, and he also has a collection of space rocks from meteors or Decepticons have given him.
With the Autobots, he also becomes interested in aqoustic guitar and joins the Autobot band, to the great displeasure of Bumblebee, who plays the violin.
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neednottoneed · 2 years
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for all 8 of the people in the rebecca/danvich fandom: you're welcome
47 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
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See the full post
48 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
now that lilacs are in bloom: xxviv-xli
A/N: this is it, this is the finale. Thank you so, so much to everyone for your support of this fic, it means the world. Comments and reblogs are especially appreciated. <;3
tagging: @today-in-fic @baronessblixen @agentsculls
@burritoscully @edierone @foxscully
When Scully wakes, he is in her bed.
She didn’t expect him to still be there. No one in her life ever stays, certainly not anyone good.
Which is why she has to end it. They will take him from her like they’ve taken all good things in her life.
And like all good things in her life, this one can’t last.
She dresses quietly and drives to the building on autopilot, runs a brush through sleep-mussed hair. She doesn’t want to look at herself in the mirror but she catches a glimpse as she enters the building.
She looks tired. Sick.
She is tired and sick. They’ve been reluctant to give her this last bout of treatment, saying her information has been drying up, and what are they keeping her around for, then?
Skinner isn’t there when she knocks on his door. She knew he wouldn’t be. Instead, he is, the man with smoke forever clouding his face.
“I can’t do this anymore,” she says, shutting the door behind her. She hates how her voice trembles. “I won’t.”
“You don’t have a choice.”
“You think I won’t die to get away from you?” she asks.
“You didn’t want to two years ago.”
“Two years ago I wasn’t this,” she says. “I wasn’t—wasn’t a traitor, wasn’t betraying my country, two years ago I had something to live for.”
She doesn’t know why she’s admitting this to him of all people. Maybe because she doesn’t care.
“You’re making a mistake,” he says. “We will end you.”
You already have, she thinks.
“Go ahead,” she says and turns towards the door.
“Dana,” he says, and there’s a warning in his tone. “We’ll end him. You know we can do it.”
This makes her stop. Pause.
“What do I care if you destroy Fox Mulder,” she says. “He means nothing to me.”
It’s the only lie she’s ever told that tastes bitter on her tongue.
See the full post
57 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
53 and/or 59 from the prompt list 🤗
59 & 53! wanted to see if I could work them both into a drabble.
53) Who cares about what they think?
59) Is this okay?
MSR, post "All Things"
It's the first time they've gone out together as a couple. Well. Gone out is an overstatement; it's lunch in the J. Edgar Hoover building's cafeteria; someplace she's pretty sure Mulder has only set foot in once in his entire FBI career.
It's good—the food. Better than she expected for government food. It's a step up from airline food in that it's edible and at least mildly delicious.
What she can't get over is the staring.
Mulder keeps tapping his fingers on the table. They sit across from each other, her foot occasionally brushing his, and it really does feel like everyone in the building is watching them.
Do they know? Can they sense it—the change between the two of them? To her it feels palpable.
She reaches for his hand, if only to still his fingers. He startles, looks at her.
"Is this okay?" she asks, and he nods. She smiles reassuringly, not letting go of his hand for the rest of lunch until they stand to clear their trays.
She reaches for his hand again as they walk back down to the basement, on impulse. But she finds herself hesitating, suddenly.
As if he can read her mind, Mulder reaches down and intertwines his own fingers with hers.
"Who cares what they think?" he asks, and she nods, squeezing his hand, content as always to let him reassure her.
61 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
listen if you’re enjoying Dracula daily I’m just saying I am writing a spin on a classic novel (Rebecca) except make it sapphic and with vampires so if this sounds like your jam I update every Friday.
78 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jasmine-tea-latte · 2 years
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I posted 916 times in 2022
51 posts created (6%)
865 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 908 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#zutara - 499 posts
#zuko x katara - 447 posts
#zuko - 212 posts
#katara - 195 posts
#not atla - 130 posts
#ooh this is pretty - 60 posts
#atla - 55 posts
#avatar the last airbender - 51 posts
#avatar: the last airbender - 49 posts
#zutara week - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#this is why i love fire lady katara. not only bc she would bring new ideology to the fn but bc she and zuko are great rulers together
My Top Posts in 2022:
delicate - chapter 18
In which Katara unleashes a display of power to save the Fire Prince while keeping her promise. But in doing so, lines are crossed that can't be uncrossed...
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FYI, I updated the tags, and while I tried not to make anything too graphic, some parts at the beginning may make you squeamish. Nothing like Stranger Things' Season 4 levels of graphic, but still reminiscent in a way.
Lastly, you're not going to like me for this cliffhanger (but just wait until you see chapter 19's - y'all are going to be MAD.)
Anyways, without further ado... enjoy!
36 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
delicate - chapter 14
In which Katara and Zuko join her family for a dinner at the Beifong’s, where their pretend courtship will be put to the test against the living lie detector known as Toph Beifong…
AKA, the chapter in which Toph and Suki channel their inner Rachel and Phoebe to figure out what these two pining idiots in denial are hiding, like in the episode of Friends when they find out about Chandler and Monica.
“They think they can mess with us? The mess-ers become the mess-ees!”
(technically Chandler’s line but who’s keeping score?)
and of course:
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While poor Sokka (who’s both Joey AND Ross in this scenario) just wants food and for this to all be over with, because this is his best friend and his sister 😩
See the full post
43 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
let’s go back to the start
Aang could only stare, rendered speechless as he watched his most loyal companion who he’d given up mastery of the Avatar State for - his forever girl - choosing to side with the Fire Prince instead.
It was all too clear now exactly where Katara’s true loyalties lied, and they weren’t with him.
Or, Aang finally awakens onboard a strange ship a month after the fall of Ba Sing Se to a new world, one where both the Avatar and a traitorous Fire Prince have been declared dead by the Fire Nation.
Now, the pair have no choice but to put aside their differences to form an uneasy alliance. The Avatar must learn to finally let go of his attachment to Katara, while the Fire Prince finds himself surrounded by former enemies who’d just as soon see him dead...
Sequel to Taste of a Poison Paradise.
50 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
When the ZK antis are trying to spread their toxicity yet again but you're too busy living your best life shipping ZUTARA and having ✨FUN✨ unlike those lame haters:
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So the next time you hear "iT's NoT cAnOn" just tell them to SMILE and thank them for letting us live in their minds rent free for 15+ years 💜
(and yes, I redid the gif from the OG post because that's been bugging me all this time ahahahaha)
53 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I am now the proud owner of Zutara mugs 🔥🌊
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(Hot Leaf Juice not included.)
111 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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