#the children of Sagiri
scrimblyscrorblo · 11 months
Urokodaki & His Kids Hcs, just there’s not enough about them honestly:
- Giyuu is certain Urokodaki puts something in the food when he cooks it cuz he always likes it ((it is unknown if he does or not))
- Urokodaki and Tanjiro brushed nezuko’s hair when she was asleep for 2 years
- Giyuu has a horrible habit of taking back, he finds every conversation loophole.
- Upon hearing Giyuu actually back talk his father, Sanemi, kyojuro and Tengen all had a look of concern ((they have shit fathers)) and we’re bewildered that Urokodaki laughed it off
- Urokodaki has tried so hard to get giyuu to cook, he’s managed maybe 2 or 3 meals and has left a permenant burn mark on the floor
- Urokodaki has replicas of his other kids masks to remember them by if he can’t retrieve their actual masks ((sabito’s went with his head))
- There are graves for his kids ofc, surrounded by nice trees. There are 15 graves, for the fourteen dead and one preemptive grave that was going to be Giyuu’s if he didn’t come back from final selection
- Makomo met Shinjuro once I believe this in my soul, when he met the current hashira, he was at first confused where makomo was before meeting the actual water hashira
- Giyuu is the first of his kids to live past 17, the others never reached adulthood
- Tanjiro has been awoken in the middle of the night with the sudden urge to write a letter to giyuu to check up on him ((this is sabito and makomo))
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collectorcookie · 4 months
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Mao the demon on esu's shoulder: accept the yandere esu
Makoto the angel on esu's other shoulder: nooo esu fight back and set boundaries
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wisteriadaydreams · 2 years
Hello! Hope you’re doing well!
I absolutely loved your Tanjiro x Haganezuka’s daughter piece! It was just too cute!
May I request one with Tanjiro x Urokodaki’s daughter? She’d probably be really strong and train with Tanjiro, finally convincing her dad to let her become a Slayer, only to get lectured after accidentally falling on top of him or something because Urokodaki can just smell the puppy love brewing between the both of them!
Sorry, got a little carried away! 💗 Tanjiro is just too cute!
I’m most likely going to come back here, so if it’s alright, I’d love to be your 🌺 Anon! Sending lots of love and good vibes your way!
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pairing: Kamado Tanjirō x fem!reader
genre: angst in the beginning, mention of canonical character death, fluff later on
Words: 7.5k (buckle up ppl, it's a long one)
a/n: I was so excited when I first read this ask! I’m sorry it took so long for me to get to it! And yes, you can 100% be 🌺anon (≧▽≦)
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Urokodaki and his wife have had a hard time conceiving, and as they grew older, they resigned themselves to accepting that they will not have a child of their own, no matter how much it pained them.
In a way, they had tried to fill the void by adopting and taking in orphaned children, but that doesn’t mean they don’t come to love them any less. Some of them eventually leave to forge their own lives when they become adults, while some decided to follow in Urokodaki’s footsteps and become a Demon Slayer.
Knowing the dangerous nature of the job, he vehemently denied the request, but after seeing the relentlessness and determined nature of his child, he finally relented. When it came time to send his first student off to the Final Selection, he and his wife did so with a heavy heart.
When their child never came home no matter how long they wait, they buried their memories and a piece of their heart at Mount Sagiri.
(Urokodaki would refuse to train anyone else for years to come, but there are always those who managed to convince him otherwise.)
Nevertheless, his household is one that always ring with laughter and joy, a household that sticks together through the hard times, holding each other close and wiping away each other’s tears.
So when you came to this world, it was to a home overflowing with love.
You were their miracle baby, a blessing from the gods, the light that makes their world brighter. When the news was announced, there was not one dry eye in the house. Suddenly, everyone became even more overprotective of your mother when she was pregnant with you, and she had to scold her husband and her children several times for coddling her.
When you came into this world, your brothers and sisters take turns holding you, cooing and feeling their hearts bursting from the sight of your smile.
You grew up in a world like that — protected and loved and never lonely.
They would sneak you sweets and gifts they got from the nearby town, and sometimes those training would let you hold their swords for a moment, at the expense of being reprimanded by Urokodaki.  You were spoiled beyond compare.
When your mother was taken by a swift but deadly illness while you were still too young to register death, your family did what they always do — mourn in each other’s arms, and slowly piece everyone back together.
If possible, your father became even more protective of you. He has lost too much. His comrades, his friends, his wife, his students and children. It would break him entirely to lose you, too.
You grew up in a home that protected and love you, but also a home that grieves for the lost souls that will never be able to find their way back. Over the years, you’ve watched all of your father’s apprentices leave the safe embrace of Mt. Sagiri, a sword by their hip, a fox mask by the side of their face, and hope shining in their eyes.
“Otou-san.” You tugged your father’s sleeve. “Where are they going?”
“To hopefully make the world a better place.” “When are they coming back?” “Soon, my daughter. I pray every day that it would be soon.”
Many of them promised you that they will come back and play with you. Many of them broke their promises.
One year, your father rescued two boys, Sabito and Giyū, whose families were both eaten by demons. You immediately took to them, constantly trailing behind them and jumping onto their backs. They in turn dote on you, keeping you company whenever they weren’t training. You would sit on the ground to watch them spar with your father, twirling the grass under your fingers and giggling when they were swiftly disarmed.
You didn’t really understand why they were training. You had an inkling of the demons beyond the safe vicinity of the mountain from the stories your other siblings would tell you, but other than that you couldn’t grasp why they were serious about it.
“Sabito-nii, why are you and Giyū-nii training with father?” You asked him one day.
“Because there’s dangerous creatures out there who would stop at nothing to kill humans, and there are only a select few who could deal with them.”
“I don’t know, (Y/N)-chan, maybe that’s just the way of the world. We’re no matched for the strength of demons, so we must become stronger.” “But why you and Giyū-nii?”
He patted your head softly, a tender but sad look in his eyes. “So that no one would have to go through what we went through.”
Their training continued, progressing from proper breathing lessons to when their blades are suddenly embraced by foamy, cerulean blue waves that twist around one another. Your eyes would shine with delight whenever you catch their fluid movements.
The day comes when both of your brothers have to leave, just like all the other apprentices before them. Your heart sank to the pits of your stomach the night before, making you unable to sleep even a wink. What if they don’t return as well?
The next morning, you stubbornly cling to them, refusing to let go even when your father scolds you.
“But I don’t want you to go!” You exclaimed.
“Come one, (Y/N)-chan. It’ll only be for a little while. Sabito and I will be back before you know it.”
“Promise?” “Promise.”
About a week went by without any sign of them returning, and you’ve never felt so on edge. You started to stand outside diligently to hopefully catch a glimpse that peach shade of Sabito’s hair and the deep blue of Giyū’s eyes, only coming inside when your father urged you.
Finally, one misty morning, you were out pulling weeds in the garden when you spotted a head of thick jet-black hair from up the road. Your eyes widened when you saw the familiar figure trudging down towards the house.
“Otou-san!” You shouted as you ran towards him. “Giyū-nii is home!!!”
You resisted the urge to tackle him into a hug once you saw his fatigued and wounded state. Nevertheless, your heart soared in happiness.
“Giyū-nii! You’re back! Are you hurt anywhere?” Your eyes roam over him, wincing at the amount of dirt on his clothes. But your brother was unresponsive and dazed, even when your father put a hand on his shoulder. Something itched in the back of your mind, and your stomach twisted unexpectedly when you felt like something was not right.
“Giyū-nii,” you began slowly, your eyes darting all over the place. “Where is Sabito-nii?”
His silence was answer enough.
Nothing was ever the same after that. You’re no stranger to lost, but it didn’t stop your heart from cleaving into two and the tears from running down your face at night. Not when a piece of you seems to die every time you’re met with your father’s silent grieving, or heard the sobs from your brother that he so desperately tried to hide.
You were both just children grasping with death.
When it was time for him to leave and officially embark on his journey, it was pouring like they had never seen before. Perhaps that was best. Perhaps then none of them would notice the tears.
Your home became quieter. Still filled with love, but more somber somehow. Laughter came a little harder for you, and each time you watch the sunset, you can’t help but feel your shoulders become heavier, as if the twilight was a corporeal thing that weighed down on you.
For a while, it was only you, your father, and the silence. But that all changed when a little girl around your age stumbled into your lives.
Like many siblings before, Makomo came to your home unexpectedly, and yet it also felt like fate. She lit up the whole house with her gentle smiles and brightness, restoring some of the warmth that have been lost.
You take to her immediately, spending your days braiding flowers into each other’s hair and running through the mountains until you can draw a map with your eyes closed. You felt your soul healing in the presence of her calming demeanor. She became a sister that you could unconditionally trust to always have your back. Imagine your horror when she too was determined to walk down the same treacherous path.
“Makomo-chan! You can’t!” You tearfully protested. “It’s too dangerous!”
‘What if she doesn’t come back?’ The sentence replayed over and over in your head like a broken mantra, and you were once more squeezed by multiple stabs of fear and anxiety. Your father shared the same sentiments as you, and firmly denied her request.
How could he forgive himself if he let someone as young as her entrench herself into such a cruel world.
But Makomo was resilient and stubborn. She would sneak out and practice with a sword and had even somehow been able to grasp the basics of Total Concentration Breathing. When asked, she only smiled mysteriously and told you that she had some help.
When your father saw that his warnings fell on deaf ears and after seeing how much she improved, he finally caved in and took her as his apprentice.
To say that you were unhappy with the decision would be an understatement. You watched her train and become more graceful and quick on her feet, dread pooling in your stomach with every progress and injuryYou and your father hugged her and sent her on her way, and it felt like goodbye. You prayed to any gods that were willing to listen to protect her and bring her back to you.
You stayed by her side, occasionally offering her tips from what you’ve observed from the other students. You bandaged every single wound, lightly chastising her and telling her to be more careful next time. Her only response was to smile and thank you. The more you did this, the more you couldn’t help but wonder about her willingness to put herself on the line to help fight demons, and whether if there’s anything more that you could do.
As you had expected, she passed your father’s final trial. That night, you sleep in the same bed as Makomo, putting your arms around her and pulling her so close that it was difficult to tell where you end and where she began. You didn’t want to let go.
You and your father hugged her and sent her on her way, and it felt like goodbye. You prayed to any gods that were willing to listen to protect her and bring her back to you.
The gods too, did not answer them.
The pain coursed through your body like a beast made of liquid fire, clawing at your insides and erupting from your throat as you cried in your father’s arms. You cried until you became numb, until every muscle in your body feels like it had been crushed by the weight of your grief. Her grave was marked alongside the others. Wherever she was, she held a piece of your soul with her.
It was you, your father, and the silence, once more.
One afternoon, you return from working in the garden to see your father reading a letter, Giyū’s crow perch on his shoulder. Your spirit lifts momentarily, relieved that he is still doing well.
It’s hard to read your father due to the mask he wears, but from the way he grips the paper tightly and crinkling it, it can’t be good news.
“Otou-san, what is it?”
He lifts his head to look at you, then fold the letter and tucking it into his kimono before going back inside. “I need to go for a bit, (Y/N). Stay here, and prepare for some visitors.”
You only manage to blink a few times before he’s out the door again. Even at his age, he is still as fast as a Demon Slayer at their prime. As you prepare the ingredients for dinner, you wonder who the visitor could be.
You get your answer later that day, when your father comes back with a young boy in tow. Your father looked like he didn’t even break a sweat, but the boy trailing behind him seemed as if though he’s fighting for every breath. With a basket strap to his back, you can understand why that’s the case.
“Otou-san, who is this?” “This is Kamado Tanjirō. He’ll be staying with us for the night,” he says simply. “This is my daughter, (Y/N).”
You bow in greeting as he walks through the door. You watch in curiosity as he unwraps the basket, unveiling a sleeping girl tucked inside.
You would have reacted in horror if not for the fact that your father is being so calm about it, but it doesn’t stop you from wondering what’s going on.
“This is my sister, Nezuko. She’s…um…” Tanjirō looks to your father, asking for help.
“We’ll take care of her,” your father says. You quickly catch on and run inside to fetch a pillow and blanket, temporarily laying her on the ground until you can arrange a futon for her. “But for now, you and I will be climbing the mountain.”
With those words, it dawns on you. Here’s another person hoping to become your father’s student and become a Demon Slayer. All of his prospects go through the same process, and climbing the mountain is only the beginning of the trials they will face.
When your father returns, he fills you in on the situation. Your heart drops in sympathy when you hear that their family was killed by demons, and flinch when it’s revealed that the girl sleeping so peacefully near the crackling hearth is a demon.
“Otou-san, how can this be? She seems nothing like the demons you would tell me about.” “You feel it too,don’t you (Y/N)? She’s different from any demon I’ve encountered before. It’s like she’s still human somewhere in that body of hers.”
You look back down at Nezuko. It’s difficult to reconcile the image of blood-thirsty demons that has been instilled into you since childhood. Those that pillaged villages and killed without mercy. Those that…
You clench your hands into fists. It’s definitely difficult, and if both your father and Giyū are willing to put their trust into her, then you can try as well.
The first threads of dawn are beginning to slip through the horizon, and Tanjirō has yet to return from the mountain. You fidget in your seat, your eyes flickering every few minutes to the door, ears train to see if you can pick up the sound of any footsteps. You’re torn between wanting to see him succeed and fail. If he does, then you’re afraid that he’ll become another lamb on its way to slaughter. But if he doesn’t, then which other path can he walk on to restore his sister’s humanity?
In the midst of battling with yourself, your ears perk up at the sound of heavy footsteps. You whip your head to the door the same time your father does, and a second later it slams open to reveal a dirtied and injured Tanjirō, blood flowing from his head and shoulder.
“I’m…back…” He pants and is only able to utter before he collapses by the door frame. You rush to his side, preparing to carry him inside and treat his wounds. You look to your father, who stands stoic and in silent contemplation. You know that he has made his decision.
Every early morning, even before the sun rises, your father and Tanjirō would make their way up the mountain to begin their training. You would look after the still slumbering Nezuko, and then bring lunch to wherever they are. After having lunch with them, you would stay for a while to watch them train. In the evenings, you would take care of any injuries Tanjirō incurred throughout the day.
Your talks with him are often short, something to fill in the silence while you bandage him up. You’re grateful that he isn’t the type to pry, and instead is content with letting the conversation flow wherever it may. Your heart is still healing, and you’ve yet to recover the strength to open those scars again.
But the more time you spend around him, the more you realize that it’s terrifyingly easy to put your guard down around him. It’s like he has a soothing and warming aura radiating from him, causing you to unable to resist melting in his presence. It feels both familiar and so wildly foreign to you, that at times you’re unsure how to act around him.
Your father is harsher on Tanjirō than with any of his other students, and you can understand why. His improvement is gradual, and it’s clear that he doesn’t have the raw talent that Sabito and Makomo had. But what he lacked in talent, he made it up with determination.
Even on what is supposed to be his rest days, he would be out swinging his sword and working on his breathing. During those times, you would make sure that he’s eating and not neglecting yourself.
“You’re thinking too hard about it,” you say as you watch him try to master Total Concentration Breathing. “You have to be more subtle about it. Here, close your eyes.” You stand up and approach him. “Try to imagine the air as water. Let it enter you.” You close your eyes and breathe along with him. “Imagine it moving through every part of you.” You trail your fingers down his arms. “Feel it in every cell and vein, feel it touch you and flow around you. See the difference?”
“I-I think so.” You open your eyes to smile, and that’s when you realized that his hands are now clasped tightly in yours, and the distance between you two is too close for comfort.
You drop his hands like they’re hot coals, a blush quickly rising to your cheeks. “Sorry!”
“N-no, it’s okay.” As opposed to your worryingly flaming face, his cheeks only had a tinge of pink. “But thank you, (Y/N)-san! I understand now.”
“It’s-it’s nothing. Just something I picked up while watching others train.” “Just from watching? That’s amazing! I’m surprised you’re not training already. You would leave me in the dust.”
“…You think so?” “I know so. Just last week you helped me with my stance and how to properly swing my sword. And you seem to already know how to do Total Concentration Breathing.” He pauses and begins his next sentence tentatively. “Sorry if this is rude of me, but I’m just wondering why you haven’t become Urokodaki-san’s student yet.”
You tilt your head, giving thought to his question. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I guess it’s partly because I know how it feels to be the person on the other side. I don’t think I could bear putting my father through having to worry about me like that. But at the same time, it’s not like I haven’t thought about it before. I don’t know though…”
Can you do it? Can you actually take up a sword and leave everything behind? Knowing that you're risking everything and never come back?
But…maybe then you can go and explore beyond the mountain. Maybe you can help other families sleep better at night. Children won’t have to look behind their back in fear of things creeping in the dark. No one would have to go through what you went through.
“Well, whatever you decide.” Tanjirō pats your shoulder reassuringly. “I believe it’ll be the right decision.”
You’ve expected this response from your father, but it didn’t cause you to flinch any less. “But otou-san–”
“No means no, (Y/N). I will not allow you to become a Demon Slayer.” “But I’ve been watching you teach for years! I know how to do Total Concentration Breathing, and I basically know all the stances by heart. If only you would let me try, then I know I can master them!” “And you know perfectly well how dangerous is it.”
“Of course I know!” You can’t help but raise your voice a little. “And how many more have to lose their lives? I’m sick and tired of sitting around and doing nothing, waiting for the next bad news. I want to do something to help!” “And you’re already doing that by staying here and being safe.”
“Maybe I don’t want to be coddled and safe anymore!” Your chest heaves and you turn around, unable to bear looking at his masked face any longer. “I just wish you would believe in your daughter a little more.” With that, you walk out the door, ignoring the words of your father.
Your legs take you to the huge frothing waterfall a distance away from your house, a favorite place of yours when you want some peace and quiet. It’s just you and the sound of rushing water to drown out your thoughts. Or so you thought.
“(Y/N)-san.” Your soul nearly left your body. You wildly turn around to see that Tanjirō had followed you.
“Tanjirō-san! You scared me to death! How did you even find me?” He taps his nose and that’s all you needed to know. “…Right. Well, you’re welcome to sit next to me, since you’re here already.”
He takes your invitation. “I just want to know how you’re doing.” You hug your knees to your chest and sigh. “Thanks. Sorry you had to hear that, by the way. I understand where my father’s coming from, I really do. But at the same time, I can’t help but think he thinks I’m not enough in his eyes, like I’m still a baby that needs to be cocooned. But I’ve been by the sidelines for so long, always watching and worrying and feeling useless. If I have the ability to, I should stand up and do something. Shouldn’t I?”
“Hey.” Tanjirō places a warm hand on your shoulder. “You’re not useless. You take care of the whole household. You cook for us and remind us to take a break. You give me advice, encouragement, and always take care of me when I get injured. I think you’re already incredible as you are. But if you believe you can do something more, then I say go for it! I’ll support you!”
“Really?” You ask, eyes wide in wonder at his words. He nods, and you know it to be true. You feel your fingertips become tingly, and all the water in this world could not wash away the bubble of warmth in your body. “Thank you.”
You scoot a little closer to him, content to be in his presence. Nothing needed to be said that isn’t already felt in the blank spaces of your words.
When you return, your father is waiting for you, his arms crossed. You gulp, knowing that you’re in big trouble, but you stand your ground anyways.
“Tanjirō, go inside. I need to speak to my daughter privately.” “Yes, Urokodaki-san.” He gives you an encouraging look and heads inside, leaving you and your father alone. The tension is so thick you can cut through it with a sword, and your foot fidgets in anticipation of who will be speaking first.
“I made a promise to your mother,” your father begins, and that makes everything you’re going to say go back down your throat. “That I would keep you safe, and make sure no harm comes to you.”
You hang your head, that familiar wisp of sadness creeping up on you. Over the years, you’ve heard many stories about your mother, wanting to know everything about her to fill in the gaps of your memories, selfishly clinging to the last vestiges of her presence that you can remember.
“But I’ve also made another promise to her, that I’ll always make you happy,” he continues. “And if this is truly the path you want to take, then I’ll fulfill your wish.” You whip your head up at his words, surprise overtaking your face. “But just because you’re my daughter doesn’t mean I'll go easy on you, do you understand? If at any point I deem you not suitable, I’ll pull you from training.”
“Yes, otou-san!” “Good, then be up by 4 am tomorrow.”
If he’s already hard on Tanjirō, then he’s hard on you 10 times over. If Tanjirō has to swing his sword 1000 times, you have to do it 2000 times. If he only has to descend the mountain 2 times, you have to do it 5 times. If he has to stay under the waterfall for 5 minutes, you have to do it for 15. But you take it all in stride, finally being able to find an outlet for your pent up energy over the years.
You and Tanjirō becomes closer due to this, bonding over your shared misfortune of being tortured mentored by the former Water Hashira. One some days you would spar with him, eager to see how much you’ve improved.
Today, you’ve managed to disarm him and goes through the motion to pin him to the ground, but a miscalculation quickly cause you to lose your balance. Before you know it, you let out a yelp and is dragged to the ground with him. You brace for impact, but your fall is broken by a soft weight below you. That weight being of course no one else but your sparring partner.
You open your eyes and is mortified to see Tanjirō staring back at you, your noses almost touching one another. From this proximity, you’re able to see the closer the soft gradient of his dark maroon eyes, like embers blazing in the hearth. Your body is pressed against his, his arms settled lightly at your waist no doubt to soften your fall. Your eyes unconsciously travel down to his lips for a brief moment, but enough for you to begin scolding yourself incessantly for the intrusive thought that runs through your mind.
“Kamado Tanjirō!” Your father’s voice booms through the field. “What do you think you’re doing?”
You and him immediately scramble away from one another, faces so red that even a ripe tomato would be jealous. Your father stares down at the both of you, the silence even more unbearable with the menacing aura radiating from him.
“1000 sword swings from you, Tanjirō. And you, (Y/N), I’m going to properly teach you how to stay on your feet.”
You both shiver, the calm way he said it making it sound even more cold to your ears. “Y-yes sir.”
6 months go by, and Nezuko have yet to wake up. Even when the doctor assures that there’s nothing wrong with her, you still can’t help but worry about her. 6 months go by, and your father declare that he has nothing more to teach you.
You and Tanjirō look at each other with surprise. While you know what’s coming next, you’re astonished when instead of leading you up to the mountain towards a boulder like Tanjirō, your father leads you to the waterfall where you’ve spent countless days training.
You look to your father for answers, but he is quiet against the mighty rush of the water.
“This will be your final task. With your sword, part this waterfall in half. Do this, and I will allow you to attend the Final Selection.”
Your eyes nearly pop out of your sockets at what he said. Water in its essence is fluid and flexible, capable of taking any shape or form. It flows wherever it wants, unyielding to the obstacles in its way. How could you hope to conquer it with your blade?
“Otou-san! But–” “Prove yourself to me, my daughter.” With that, he turns around and leave without another word, no matter how many times you shout and urge him.
True to his words, he did not teach you or give you any more explanation. The first time you attempt to do what he wanted, all you got back was a mouthful of foamy water. You’re hit with the realization of how much you still have to learn. For the first 6 months, you devote yourself to honing your knowledge and fortifying your previous training. You work until you feel your arms fall off every night, until all the breathing forms are engraved into your very bones. And still, you make no progress.
There are days when you feel worthless, and the last thing you want to do is hold a sword. During those times, you resign yourself to sit by the river, skipping stones and filling your mind with questions and memories. You wonder how Tanjirō’s doing. Has he made any progress with the boulder yet? You can’t help but miss him. You’ve only realized how much time you spend with him once you’re apart. You miss having him there to encourage you when the training becomes too much, miss laughing whenever both of you would end up on the ground, tired beyond belief. Miss eating meals with him and sharing happier stories about your childhood. Miss tucking him into bed and sitting by him in this very spot even on nights when you’re both yawning.
Your father has forbidden you to go see him to allow both of you to focus on your task, but what’s the harm in one little peek? You know the way by heart, and soon you arrive at that familiar clearing. As you’ve expected, he’s already hard at work, but the person he’s fighting makes your blood turn cold.
You would recognize that peach shade anywhere. You see it every day in the sunset. You open your mouth, but no words leave them. You’re frozen, unable to do anything but watch as Tanjirō and your (dead) brother encircle each other. Blood rushes to your head and you feel like you might faint. Your vision becomes blurry, the dance of their swords become streaks of light. You brace against a tree, and out of the corner of your eyes you see another sight that makes your world tumble and your heart to lurch into your throat.
Her smile is as gentle as you remember it. Everything about her is just as you remember it, like a pristine memory come to life. She nods at you and gestures for you to follow her deeper into the woods. Against all reason (of which you have none at this moment), you follow her drowsily. This has to be a dream. You’ve hit your head while making your ascent and now you’re dreaming. This has to be the only reason.
But then she leads to a spot so familiar to the both of you, and for the first time since you’ve seen her you have to wonder if you’re not actually hallucinating. She turns, and her voice is just as you remember it. “Hi, (Y/N)-chan.”
Gods, you feel like throwing up.
“Makomo...how...? How?” You’re only able to mutter. She sits you down and explain everything, about how she’s tied to this mountain, and how countless students before her have also found their way back here.
“So the person who helped train you...” “Was Sabito, yes.” “Why didn’t you tell me?” “I wanted to, I really did. But Sabito wanted me to focus on my training. And...he didn’t want to stop you and Urokodaki-san from moving on.”
You twist your hands into the grass, sorrow coiling tightly around your stomach. “So...I’m guessing that Sabito-nii is helping Tanjirō grow stronger.” “He is. Tanjirō has a lot of potential, he just has to learn how to unlock it. As do you. We’re all so happy when you began training, you know. You’ve become so strong.” “But not strong enough to finish my father’s trial.”
Makomo sits pensively. “Maybe you’re approaching it the wrong way. Remember what Urokodaki-san told us when we were learning the forms?” “Become one with the water. Do not resist its flow. Embrace it, and it will answer your call.” “I think that’s something to think about.”
You let her words sink into you. “Okay, I’ll give it some thought.” Makomo stands up. “It’s time for me to go back. But (Y/N)-chan, I must ask you a favor. Can you keep the truth from Tanjirō? We don’t want him to be distracted from his progress.”
“But can I see you again?” She shakes her head. “No, (Y/N)-chan. You must also focus on your own self. But know this. We are all watching you, and we will always be by your side.” “...Then this is goodbye.” “Only for now, we will meet again.”
“Tell Sabito-nii I still think of him. That every time I make mushroom nabe I would still remember him, and that there will be a day when I watch the sunset and feel happy.” “I will.” “Goodbye, dear sister.”
A few more months pass, and despite Makomo’s advice, you have still yet to put her words to good use, no matter how much you’ve tried. But you can’t give up now, not when you know you have everyone’s trust in you. 
It is near the hour of twilight, and you’re sitting on a rock underneath the waterfall, letting the waves pour down on you. Your eyes are closed, and all the sounds of the world are lost on you. You tune out the sensations of your body, your heart, your mind, every muscle and vein, until they’re nothing but water. You slowly rise to your feet and lift your sword, but instead of resisting, you succumb to the weight. You let it guide you, trusting it to show you the way. It answers your call. You swing.
You open your eyes, and your jaw drops. The current of the waterfall is perfectly split into two, the resulting drops of water flying from your blade like bejeweled dew against a backdrop of pink that extends its darkening arms toward the golden sunset. Entranced by the sight, you only notice your father and Tanjirō when they’re by your side. Tanjirō’s eyes are as wide with wonder as yours, while your father is hard to read as ever. 
“I had no intention of sending you or Tanjirō to the Final Selection,” he finally says. “I could not bear to lose any more of my students, nor can I bear to lose my only daughter. But you’ve surpassed all of my expectations. Perhaps it’s time for me to realize you’re not that same little girl who would cling to me anymore.”  He takes you into his arms, and no matter what he says, you’ll always feel like a little girl when you hug him. “You’ve become so strong, my daughter.”
That night, you’re barely able to sleep, and even though you should be sick of the waterfall at this point, you can’t help but sneak out to it one more time. It’s not long until you hear a pair of familiar footsteps joining you.
“Hey Tanjirō-kun. Can’t sleep?” “Yeah, I can’t help but feel anxious about tomorrow.” “Me too. Congratulations on completing father’s final challenge, by the way.” “That’s nothing compared to you. You were incredible! How did you do that?” You blush at the compliment. “I had some help.”
You rest your head on his shoulder, the action as normal as breathing. “What do you think will happen tomorrow?”
“I don’t know. But whatever happens, we’ll face it together.” You nod. “Together."
What makes Tanjirō so different to you? Why do you feel so drawn to him? Why does your heart sing when he is near? When did your eyes come to search for him, and why do you crave for these moments like they’re the air that you need to breathe? In the back of your mind, you think you have the answer, but you’ll have all the time in the world to decipher it.
You lift your head and stand up, extending your hand to him. “Come on, let’s go back.”
He slides his hand into yours, and it feels right.
The next morning, you and him are all packed and prepared. You never thought you would be the one on the other side, a sword by your hip and your father’s fox mask by the side of your face, saying a bittersweet goodbye to him.
Just before you two leave, Tanjirō turn back one more time, mentioning Sabito and Makomo in his farewell. You wince, and you can only imagine what your father’s reaction was.
“How come you’ve never mentioned them?” “...You’ve never asked.”
Thankfully, he didn’t pry anymore into the subject, and your journey to Mount Fujikasane is smooth. You’re amazed at the sight of the wisteria blossoms before you, so abundant that it falls like rain. You arrive at the main area, and after hearing the rules, the actual challenge begins.
You and Tanjirō agree that it would be best to head east in order to receive sunlight the quickest. Along the way, you encounter two demons, both of whom you two quickly dealt with. You watch as he prays over the disintegrating corpses, and at times like these you have to wonder how he manages to remain so kind when he has been broken by this world.
You proceed, when suddenly Tanjirō stops you in your path, holding his nose as if he smelled something foul. A scream from the darkness sends chills down your spine. The next thing you see fills you with horror. A demon far too big and monstrous to be considered befitting the level of an amateur slayer trudges through the forest, each of its heavy footsteps thrumming in your ears. Each of its limbs are veiny and as huge as your entire body, twisting and coiling around it like mangled flesh. You can barely make out where its main body is, let alone its neck.
It holds a dead man in one of its horrific hands, devouring him in one motion. Bile rises to your throat at the sight, and you feel your legs tremble and rooted deep to the ground. The demon seizes another man with its extended arm, your breath quickening when it opens its gaping mouth. Fortunately, Tanjirō recovered before you, and rush out to slice its arms with the second form of Water Breathing. You snap out of your fear only a second later, even out your breathing and sprint out to push the man behind you, your swords drawn alongside Tanjirō.
The demon becomes incensed when it spots your fox mask and rages as it curses your father’s name over and over. You listen in horror when it reveals how many humans it has eaten, but that is nothing compared to the fire burning in your blood when he says how many of your father’s students it has devoured.
Thirteen. Thirteen of your brothers and sisters. Thirteen souls that will never come home. Thirteen names that you can recite in your sleep.
The fire blazes into a vengeful inferno when you hear it describes the deaths of Sabito and Makomo with glee, as if they’re as trivial as bugs. As if there are not still those who mourn for them.
You advance with rage and with only one working thought in your mind. Kill.
The demon is even more amused at your reaction, and to your dismay no matter how many arms you and Tanjirō cut down, more would just grow back. One of them lands a hit on Tanjirō, sending him flying and hitting a tree.
“Tanjirō-kun!” You shout, your heart dropping at the blood on his forehead and his unconscious state. You’re left to fend the demon by yourself.
“Control your breathing, (Y/N)-chan. Do not worry about us, focus on saving Tanjirō.” You hear Makomo’s voice inside your head, and only then did you realize how you’ve essentially forgone every lesson your father has drilled into you. You quickly chastise yourself and regulate your breathing, standing your ground and working to divert the demon away from the unconscious boy.
“Tanjirō-kun! Wake up! Please, I need you!” You exclaim as you sliced another limb, your muscles starting to ache from how many times you’ve done so. You couldn’t severe every one of them all alone, and to your terror one of them escaped your attention and is targeting right at him. “Tanjirō!”
As if answering your prayers, he finally opens his eyes and move out the way. But you’re barely able to let out a sigh of relief before more come at you. You dodge and run to his side, your sword brandished and held tight, face-to-face with the enemy. You spare a quick glance to Tanjirō, both of you nodding.
“Together?” “Together.”
You advance, cutting down any obstacle standing in your way. At a warning shout from Tanjirō, you both leap in the air to avoid the arms underground. A limb lashes out to grab Tanjirō, but he’s able to utilizes that hard head of his. You both land on the arm, ready to execute the final attack.
“Tanjirō-kun, I’ll take care of its arms! You aim for the neck!” You carry out the Fourth Form and destroys anything blocking his path, and in a fast flurry of the First Form, it is done.
He is no more.
When there is finally time to rest and you’re done taking care of his forehead injury, you’re left to grasp with the ugly truth displayed right before your very eyes. So many lives lost, all of it fueled by hatred so deep that it makes your heart sinks. What would your father think when he realizes that a small decision of his may have led to his students’ demise?
“I’m sorry for not telling you the truth,” you whisper as you rest under the shade of a tree. Tanjirō turns away from you, and the action makes your stomach twist. He is silent for a moment before speaking. “It’s not your fault. To be honest, I had my suspicions, but I didn’t want to face them and realize that they’re true.” Another pause. “Do you think they’re at peace now?”
You grip your kimono where your heart rests. “Yeah. Yeah, I think they are.” You don’t lie about this, you feel your soul getting lighter.
“Will you tell me about them?” “Later,” you shuffle next to him, curling into his warmth as your eyes become heavy. “I promise.”
You spend your mornings like this, sleeping after a long, arduous night. Moving ever closer until you two fit like puzzle pieces, hands gripped tight in search of the other’s warmth, a confirmation that you both are still alive.
Against all odds, you both survived the 7 days.
Drained of all energy and adrenaline, the trek back home is just as taxing for your weary bodies. You support each other by lifting the other by the shoulder, praying with every step that you’ll soon see that thatched roof that you call home.
Your journey comes to an end when you see the light from that lone house near the mountain. Your shoulders sag in relief, and you would have buckled if not for Tanjirō’s arm around you. Suddenly, the door is kicked down, and out comes the girl that you’ve only ever seen in deep slumber. She looks even more beautiful under the moonlight, and you gasp at the recognition in her still human eyes.
“Nezuko!” Tanjirō rushes down to meet his sister, and at the halfway point she cradles his head into her chest, so gentle that it makes tears well up in your eyes.
You spot your father, his arms full of firewood, and a tired smile makes its way up your face. “Otou-san...”
Uncaring about the wood he just dropped by his feet, he pulls all of you (his children) close, and there is no stopping the torrent of tears from flowing down all of your cheeks.
“You’ve survived. You’ve come back to us.”
The days that followed allow you to recuperate and come to terms with what you have learned at the Final Selection. You all devote an entire day to clean and make offerings to the graves of those that are gone and spend the entire night reminiscing your memories about them.
It also allows you to bond with Nezuko, and once again you’re convicted to help Tanjirō find a way to turn her back into a human.
But those halcyon days are short-lived, and after receiving your Nichirin sword, uniform, and first joint mission, it’s finally time to leave.
("That’s a gorgeous shade of blue, huh Urokodaki?” “Of course, she’s my daughter, after all.”)
You stand on the other side, hugging your father and promising that no matter what, you will come back to him. This is a promise that you intend to keep. He fixes your uniforms, his fingers lingering as if he’s still not ready to let go.
“Take care of her, Tanjirō,” he says, and unexpectedly pulls him closer so that he could whisper something. You don’t know what he said, but whatever it was, Tanjirō becomes deathly pale and shivers uncontrollably. You look at them curiously, but none of them would meet your gaze.
Finally, you take your first few steps down that dirt path, sparing one final look at your world and everything you’ve ever known. But you’re not afraid, for you have Tanjirō by your side.
“We’re in this together.”
“There’s no one else I would rather do this with.”
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©️ wisteriadaydreams
➺ All of the following works belong to me. Please don’t repost, copy, or steal my content off of Tumblr. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
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marurumai · 2 months
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MAI'S HC COLLECTION ! ! i have too many i need to organize them . . .
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hashira identity & orientation hcs
kamaboko squad identity & orientation hcs
urokodaki & giyuu; meditation
sanemi & kagaya; wanted you there
mitsuri & her pets; after canon
senjuro & cooking; news from the mugen train
sanegiyuu & about children; post canon
post canon sanegiyuu; giyuus 25th birthday
sanegiyuu; love languages
giyuu about petnames
kanae about shinobu and giyuu
urokodaki teaches his pupils to cook
shinobu sends food to giyuu
iguro's motivation to cook
the tomioka family; how tsutako and giyuu survived
tsutako's fiance
sanemi sees a certain someone on tanjirou
mitsuri makes food! and she cant bring it w/ her
sanemi & tanjirou; the painful habits of the eldest sibling
butterfly hairpins; sumi, naho & kiyo tell tales
giyuu & tanjirou inosuke; taste tester!
genya and the devilish flash games
giyuu invites people to live with him after the battle
urokodaki doesnt know about the mark curse (ft. tanjirou and giyuu)
about the mark curse
modern au sanegiyuu's children (real) (no click bait)
post canon nezuko; sometimes still a child (ft parental sanegiyuu and tanjirou)
post canon giyuu; resemblance with tsutako
urokodaki's carving projects; a house for kanzaburou
who cut and put together giyuus haori?
giyuu and his sister's demise, witnessing and afterwards.
kyojuro and how he got money before being a demon slayer
domestic post canon sanegiyuu
sabito after being freed from mount sagiri
multiple rengiyuu hcs
muichirou & the ubuyashiki children
giyuu's collection of hairpins and bows (lil mitsugiyuu friendship)
sanemis feelings when asking giyuu out (based on the light novel "for the one that never smiles")
giyuu and shinobu's silent bond (after kanae's death) (mention of giyuukana friendship)
obagiyuu; at the final battle
uzugiyuu; giyuu's wish for uzui's life
urokodaki's protection mask
kyojuro & kaburamaru; first animal on the rengoku household
kanao's wedding day
kanzaki aoi - uniform
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nothing here yet (i have hc ill just update this later...)
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lesbianyaomo · 2 years
jigokuraku spoilers
the mirror between gabimaru and rien really doesn't become apparent until near the end of the series but when it hits you...
both of these characters are driven by the same core motivation—to be reunited with their loved one. rien trying to bring jofuku back from the dead, gabimaru fighting to come back from a kind of social death (through criminalization) to return to yui (the island can even be read as a kind of purgatory that he must traverse to return to the world of the living). love is something that transforms them both—gabi from a hollow vessel to a person with something to protect; in contrast, rien in losing her love, but still trying to revive it, shuts off everyone around her.
to be sure, they're both willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve their goal. on many occasions gabi reverts to his "hollow" way of being, willing to kill others and even to sacrifice himself to survive/win. it's easy to see how his sympathies could, for a moment, align with rien, who is an amplification of that ruthlessness to the magnitude of millions of people. what keeps him from going down rien's path are the connections he comes to accept (as opposed rien's pushing away and grinding down)—yui, of course, and importantly sagiri, the set of individuals who are willing to see his humanity and put their faith in him and his ability to change.
i see a lot of these little echoes across the different pairings that come into conflict over the course of the story.
mudan, who modified humans to be their playthings but thanked the group for freeing them of their thousand-year purgatory; senta, who was always discomfited by what the yamada-asaemon did with human life and found a sense of relief in death, freed to imagine and desire whatever he wanted, both of them unbound from obligation.
jufa and taofa facing off against the aza brothers in a pair, lovers against siblings, halves of a whole, with one half taking upon themselves to relentlessly protect the more vulnerable half, regardless of how much they have to take from other people or sacrifice themselves for the other's safety.
gantetsusai imagining that taofa (and the rest of the tensen) must be like him, someone who desires the thrill of battle, only to have her shoot him down ("it's not fun at all")—and boy, does he come around to her point of view in the end.
much of zhujin's driving force being to please their family, haunted by their own sense of inadequacy; their efforts to please everyone ironically bringing zhujin into confrontation with shion and nurugai, who both feel they failed their respective families, by failing to protect one of them (tenza) or for bringing genocide to her home.
even shijia, gabimaru, and sagiri's fight (with zhujin in the background) contends with these themes of rejection/acceptance; after all, shijia was raised in the same way gabimaru was (which is also similar to the way rien's children were raised). as demonstrated during the battle though, shijia was fighting alone.
guifa, sagiri, and mei's conversation is also important to me. of course, these three are the point of connection, the first spark of the idea that both parties don't have to keep taking from one another. i also see these characters as having to do with truth, either knowing and revealing it (as guifa or mei) or uncovering it (as sagiri—not only as to the mysteries of the island but her efforts to uncover what lies in people's hearts/"the sword reflects the truth"). it's fitting that guifa and mei get featured in the epilogue, which came from sagiri's pov before the time jump.
shugen, gabimaru, and rien are interesting as well. circling back to the initial point—is the fact that shugen did not have a "love" the reason he could deal the final blow? is he the "wicked" who won them the battle?
in the end, it's gabimaru's hesitation that saves everyone. he identified himself in rien and she did the same. she also hesitates to kill him, and instead asks the question that saves them. it's such a lovely conclusion. the thing that deters mutual destruction is identifying yourself in the enemy. people don't have to choose cruelty and mutual destruction with their last breath. not being able to swing the sword can be the thing that saves us.
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Demon Slayer Halloween Headcanons, Finale.
Happy Halloween everyone! This is the final part of my Demon Slayer Halloween Headcanons. This one is covering any characters I forgot to do, or couldn't fit into the other three parts. I would like to clarify that I have not read the manga and only have information up to the current season of the anime.
Have a nice read and night!
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Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho: These three went out as a Bumblebee, Ladybug, and a Butterfly respectively. Once they got back to the mansion they held a candy trade with the older kids. It was Sumi's idea to dress Gyomei up as a mummy.
"Trick-or-Treat!" "Give us something good to eat!" "PLEASE!"
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Makomo and Sabito: Sadly these two are unable to dress up. So, they spent the whole night scaring any and all demons that got too close to Mt. Sagiri. Makomo left some candy on Urokodaki's bed so he can feel included.
"Now WE get to scare the demons!" "OH! HERE COMES ONE NOW!"
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Sakonji Urokodaki: Urokodaki spent the night alone for the most part. Nezuko, Tanjiro, and Giyu came for a visit a few days before so they could have a small party together. He nearly had a heart attack when he found the candy Makomo left.
*Confused Screaming*
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The Ubuyashiki Family: No one from the Ubuyshiki family was able to go out, for their protection. The children were all still allowed to dress up and have candy, which was delivered to the house.
"Have a safe and nice night everyone!"
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Aoi Kanazki: Aoi was wearing a butterfly costume, only because the girls asked her to. She helped get everything ready and was allowed to take the night off. She did not even try to stop Inosuke from attacking Zenistu.
"As of 5:27pm, I am off the clock. He's all your's."
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Tamayo: Tamayo stayed home to get some work done. She gave out candy to anyone who came by. She was happy to see Nezuko and Tanjiro when they stopped by.
"How has tonight been for the two of you?"
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Yushiro: Yushiro was shooting daggers at anyone who Lady Tamayo 'paid too much attention to.' He ended up hitting Tanjiro and was forced to apologize.
"I did not throw him-" "I .DON'T. CARE."
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Chachamaru: Chachamaru spent the night peacefully sleeping and occasionally getting pets from Yushiro and Tamayo.
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(Why can't I find a happy gif of this kid?)
Senjuro Rengoku: Senjuro also dressed up as a lion and spent the night Trick-or-Treating with his big brother. It took him awhile to gather up the courage to talk with everyone else, but he ended up making a lot of friends at the party.
"H-Hello! Happy Halloween!"
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Hinasturu, Makio, and Suma: Couples costumes are adorable, aren't they? These three went as flashy dragon queens to match Tengens flashy dragon king costume. (It was Suma's turn to pick the costume theme.) Hinasturu and Makio apologized for Tengens sudden fireworks display at the Butterfly Mansion.
"We are so sorry..." "I...thought it was pretty though..."
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Hotaru Haganezuka and Kozo Kanamori: Swordsmiths don't have much time to rest, even tonight. These two had to deliver swords all night long. If you think Haganezuka gave Tanjiro a break than you are crazier than Enmu.
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Biwa Demon, Nakime: Who do you think summoned the Upper Moons? She will never admit to it, but it was a fun night.
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Here is a tentative list of the girls nominated for best anime FL! I might start the first set (I’ll be doing it in sets of 50) today or tomorrow!
1. Nene Yashiro from Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
2. Suletta Mercury from Mobile Suit Gundam Witch from Mercury
3. Haruhi Suzumiya (from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
4. Katarina Claes (My Next Life as a Villainess)
5. Madoka Kaname from Puella Magi Madoka Magica
6. Yona from Yona of the Dawn/Akatsuki no Yona
7. Utena Tenjou from Revolutionary Girl Utena
8. Chiyo Sakura from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
9. Clara - Welcome to Demon School Iruma-Kun
10. Michiko Milandra from Michiko and Hatchin
11. Kaguya - The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
12. Jolyne kujo (jojo's bizarre adventure)
13. Arietty - The Secret World of Arietty
14. Yuko Ichihara (xxx holic by clamp)
15. Anthy - Revolutionary Girl Utena
16. Vivy - Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
17. Ahiru/Duck from Princess Tutu
18. Touko Nanami - Bloom Into You
19. Akko - Little Witch Academia
20. Coco from Witch Hat Atelier
21. Tohru Honda - Fruits Basket
22. Usagi Tsukino, Sailor Moon
23. Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
24. Sakura - Cardcaptor Sakura
25. Hina - Weathering With You
26. Oscar (Rose of Versailles)
27. Sorawo - Otherside Picnic
28. Aurora - Sleepy Princess
29. Chihaya from Chihayafuru
30. Maka Albarn (Soul Eater)
31. Hana - Tokyo Godfathers
32. Shouko - A Silent Voice
33. Nobara - Jujutsu Kaisen
34. Chihiro - Spirited Away
35. Abby - Great Pretender
36. Mirai - Mirai no Mirai
37. Hana - Wolf Children
38. Anya - Spy x Family
39. Mizuho - Sonny Boy
40. Hiyori - Noragami
41. Emilia - Re:Zero
42. Casca - Berserk
43. Lucy Heartfilia, Fairy Tail
44. Ponyo - Ponyo
45. Yor Forger, Spy X Family
46. Nikaido, Dorohedoro
47. Noi, Dorohedoro
48. Nezuko, Demon Slayer
49. Kurisu Makise, Steins;Gate
50. Rachel Gardner, Angels of Death
51. Swindler, Akudama Drive
52. Power, Chainsaw Man
53. Emma, The Promised Neverland
54. Akane Tsunemori, Psycho Pass
55. Suzume Iwato, Suzume
56. Maquia, Maquia
57. Mima Kirigoe, Perfect Blue
58. Tome, Mob Psycho 100
59. Winry Rockbell, Fullmetal Alchemist
60. Riza Hawkeye, Fullmetal Alchemist
61. Celty, Durarara
62. Nina Fortner, Monster
63. Faye Valentine, Cowboy Bebop
64. Fuu, Samurai Champloo
65. Carole, Carole and Tuesday
66. Tuesday, Carole and Tuesday
67. Kayo Hinazuki, Erased
68. Koharu Hondomachi, ID Invaded
69. Alice, Pandora Hearts
70. Nausicaa
71. San, Princess Mononoke
72. Sophie Hatter, Howl’s Moving Castle
73. Sheeta, Castle in the Sky
74. Shizuku Tsukishima, Whisper of the Heart
75. Kiki, Kiki’s Delivery Service
76. Emilico, Shadows House
77. Mitsumi, Skip and Loafer
78. Ryougi Shiki, Garden of Sinners
79. Shizuku, My Little Monster
80. Violet Evergarden
81. Kaguya, Kaguya Sama
82. Touka, Tokyo Ghoul
83. Nana, Talentless Nana
84. Haruhi Fujioka, OHSHC
85. Sagiri, Hell’s Paradise
86. Re-L Mayer, Ergo Proxy
87. Eru, Hyouka
88. Chise, Ancient Magus Bride
89. Frieren, Sousou no Frieren
90. Maomao, Apothecary Diaries
91. Misaki, Maid Sama
92. Chiyuki, Death Parade
93. Falin Touden
94. Marcille
95. Hotaru, A Condition Called Love
96. Aya, Undead Girl Murder Farce
97. Yuki, A Sign of Affection
98. Hibari Ozora (Stop!! Hibari-kun!)
99. Saya Otonashi (Blood+)
100. Hitomi Kanzaki (The vision of Escaflowne)
101. Kokomine Cocona (Flip Flappers)
102. Misaki Mei (Another)
103. Chika Takami (Love Live! Sunshine!!)
104. Kaede Kayano (Assassination Classroom)
105. Sakura Minamoto (Zombie Land Saga)
106. Hitori Gotoh (Bocchi the Rock!)
107. Neko Musume (Gegege no Kitaro)
108. Chisato Nishikigi (Lycoris Recoil),
109. Yuki Cross, Vampire Knight
110. Guideau, The witch and the beast
111. Chateau, Love of Kill
112. Kaori, Your Lie in April
113. Shizuka Mikazuki, Zom 100
114. Kyouko Hori, Horimiya
115. Riko, Made in Abyss
116. Motoko Kusanagi, Ghost in the Shell
117. Kuroki Tomoko, WataMote
118. Holo, Spice and Wolf
119. Miyo, My Happy Marriage
120. Sawako, Kimi ni Todoke
121. Lucy, Cyberpunk Edgerunners
122. Kokomi Teruhashi, Disastrous Life of Saiki K
123. Asuka, NGE
124. Rei, NGE
125. Yumeko Jabami, Kakegarui
126. Retsuko, Aggretsuko
127. Haru, Beastars
128. Rae Taylor, I’m in love with the villainess
129. Haru, My Roommate is a Cat
130. Rea, Sankarea
131. Fujiko Mine, Lupin the Third
132. Revy, Black Lagoon
133. Sarasa Watanabe, Kageki Shoujo!!
134. Midori Asakusa, Keep your hands off Eizoken!
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senajun4ever · 6 months
Zuka at a family reunion
Sena gives the mom vibe she will set the table and help in the kitchen. All the unrelated men there think she’s hot and are not being subtle whatsoever. Also some kids ship her and their dad so she can be their new mom
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Rio is the wine aunt who met your kids once and they won’t stop talking about her. You think she’s a bad influence and she’s probably turned your children against you. Your kids love Rio more and you just have to accept that
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Mizu is that one uncle who’s always there but you never talk to. The older you get, the more you believe shes affiliated with the Mafia. Now it’s been years and your family hasn’t heard from her for a long time
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Sagiri is that one cousin who stresses you out, and you kinda hope you don’t ever have to see her again. Her laugh is drilled into your head. Also frequently comes up in convo because the rest of the family loves her
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Shizuki is your aunties’ cousins’ boyfriends’ sisters’ friend who teaches the young children how to do karate and self defence in the middle of dinner time once you ask her about what she does for a living
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Kiriya is the wine aunts (Rio) boyfriend who drinks a lot of beer but is also that manly material that the younger kids at the family reunion fall for. Years later those kids realize that was weird of them
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Ryouga is that one person you sometimes see, usually quiet in the corner. You don’t know who she’s related to but your just gonna trust she’s in the family
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Komu is the older cousin y’all strive to be but can’t. The younger cousins want to be like her cuz she’s cool and sits at the adult table. She doesn’t really see this as a family reunion, more of a place to assert absolute dominance over those tiny children
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Yuzuru Kurenai is the one with the pretty laugh that you can always recognize. She’ll buy her nieces and nephews anything they want because she wishes she had children of her own. Very nice pretty girl and popular with the single men at the reunion but they don’t stand a chance
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animadi888 · 11 months
One of the ghost children from Mount Sagiri - kny
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So after Tanjiro killed the Hand Demon in the final selection they showed Sabito, Makomo and the rest of the ghost children but they were not clear because of the fog so I started to redraw them.
Ok, so I thought I'd give them names because why not. everyone meet…
✨Ichiro Ogawa✨
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majycka · 1 year
Sharing this lovely article about Kaku-sensei where he basically talks about his influences(lots of horror and mangakas such as Kentaro Miura, Junji Ito, and even CSM's Fujimoto-sensei! he seems friends with him too). He also talks about how he made the characters of Sagirin and Gabimaru where he intentionally wanted them to be unique(me: yes sensei! I whole heatedly agree that you delivered in this one :')). There's also more on the creative process of the series!
This whole interview is definitely a treat to fans/stans of Hell's Paradise. Please give it a read! u.u
(for self-indulgent reasons, under the cut is my fave quotes from the interview!)
Kaku: (About the art mediums he used) I used a combination of Copic markers and acrylic paint for volumes one through five of Hell's Paradise. Before that, I used only Copics. When working analog, you get to enjoy periodically changing what materials you use. Since Jigokuraku Kaitai Shinsho (fan book published in 2021), I've used a combination of Copics and acrylic. I'll use different paper when working with watercolors and even change up my materials if it's fun. Fun is more important to me than efficiency when it comes to materials.
Kaku: (about his OG draft on the series) I don't often start with the setting. For this work, I started with "several pairs of people whose interests aren't aligned are thrown into an enclosed space and forced to work together." That's the framework. In the very beginning, the story was about children sent to a youth detention center and the lawyers fighting for them. From there, through discussions with my editor, we dropped that setting but kept the framework and applied different characters to it. We kept the framework because I've always liked the way human relationships change and wanted to write a story about it.
Kaku: (About our duo Sagirin and Gabimaru!) This is something I imagined from the start of publication. Both Gabimaru and Sagiri have the same values as someone living in the 2020s. This is also the reason the story is set in the distant past during the late Edo period. The people of that time had totally different ideas about ethics and human rights. Despite condemned criminals and executioners being difficult characters to empathize with, if they share our perspective, then we feel close to them, and they stand out as unique characters in an Edo Period setting. From the very start, I felt that made Gabimaru and Sagiri unique.
Kaku: Yes! "The characters take on a life of their own." When I was a newbie, whenever that phrase came up in interviews with manga artists, I thought, "That can't be possible! After all, you made those characters!" (Laughs) But now I think that really is what happens. In fact, it's more interesting when it does.
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rubylarkspur22 · 8 months
Sunflowers & Thundering Fireworks(💕): Canon Divergence - Final Selection Timeline
So, as I'm sure many will be wondering, what is the timeline for my Ship Swap AU? Well, here's a rough draft of events:
(Notes: This contains manga spoilers, the years are based off the estimate that the main series takes place in 1915-1916, and this is liable to change.)
Kotoha throws Inosuke off the cliff and gets killed by Douma, and Inosuke is found by his boar mother.
The Kanzaki parents are killed by Douma, leaving a young Aoi to fend for herself. She finds her way into the woods, finding herself being raised by the wildlife.
Obanai escapes his family cult with Kaburamaru, and is rescued by Shinjurou. Not long after, Mitsuri loses her family and is taken in by the Iguro cult as a replacement for the runaway Obanai.
Tanjirou and Nezuko are kidnapped by bandits, and taken to a different location in Japan. Nezuko gets sold off to Tokito House in Yoshiwara/the Entertainment District a year later.
Kanao and Zenitsu meet, and arrive at Mount Kumotori ≤ a year later.
Kanae finds Inosuke while tracking down a demon, and takes him in.
Mitsuri escapes the Iguro cult, and is saved by Ruka, who kills the snake demon and take Mitsuri in.
Kanae(17) and Sanemi(17) battle Douma. They both survive, though Sanemi barely pulls through with severe injuries.
The Shinazugawa brothers reunite and reconcile after Sanemi recovers a bit from his injuries.
Muzan attacks the Kamado family, killing the four present children and turning Zenitsu(14) into a demon. Kanao(14) goes to Mount Sagiri to train under Urokodaki.
Nezuko(12) commits ashinuke, meeting and being taken in by Tengen, Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma on the way out of Yoshiwara.
Inosuke(14) goes to Final Selection and passes.
Kanao(16), Tanjirou(15), Nezuko(14), Genya(16), and Aoi(17) all attend Final Selection, all 5 passing.
Other Notes:
After rescuing Obanai but before Ruka rescues Mitsuri, Shinjurou passes away from illness.
After passing his own Final Selection, but before the Kamaboko Squad's Final Selection, Inosuke gets injured and is forced to resign from the Corps.
As per canon, Amane and Kagaya were married at their canon time, and had that quintaplets two years later.
Tanjirou is rescued by the Kochou Sisters, and subsequently adopted by them and Inosuke at least a year after Nezuko gets sold off to Yoshiwara. I have no clue where to put this at the moment, so that it makes chronological sense.
Of course, this doesn't include other swapped ships due to being significantly earlier in the timeline(specifically, Yoriichi x Uta and Hakuji/Akaza x Koyuki, being in the Sengoku and Edo Periods respectively)
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Well, I can understand how's that Jigokuraku anime-only watchers jump into the assumption that Gabimaru and Sagiri would end up together. I mean, their dynamics are strongly exposed episodes to episodes. In the current episode, they seems already understanding each other. Meanwhile Yui only appears in Gabi's memory. Although Gabimaru still mentioning his wife like always, it gave the "okay, something isn't right with our MC that he's overly obsessed to his wife, there must be something fishy about his wife" vibes. Moreover, in the opening theme we saw a scene where Yui is bowing and multiple doors slam right before her. Also that scene where Yui and Gabimaru are standing face to face, then suddenly Yui is replaced with Sagiri. That's dragging people to conclusion "so the wife is going to disappear?" "Ohhh sure they will get seperated". It must be spend years to get all the episodes animated. I hope people would take their time to read the manga since it worth reading (and remove their bad thought about Yui's existence).
(tbh I agree with you on the last part since I would love if people would just read the manga but alas some of them have no patience)
in my honest opinion, I like both ships (gabiyui and gabisagi). it's just that I don't ship sagiri and gabimaru romantically and I know well they won't develop any romantic feelings for one another (I have canon evidence for this). and even if I didn't read the manga, I would be aware that gabimaru is fixated on being with yui as soon as possible and this is evidenced by episode 1 up until episode 6 (I am writing this in a time where episode 6 is the latest ep)
episode 1 already hinted abt yui being closed off from the public after gabimaru was arrested. she doesn't talk to anyone. she doesn't eat the meals prepared for her. she is basically locked up in the house she shared with gabimaru in iwagakure, waiting for his return bcos she knows he will return to her. remember, they already had this one convo that if ever he wanted to leave the village and stop killing, she will stay and follow him.
and gabimaru, realizing that she was still out there waiting for him (as per sagiri in episode 1), decided to embark on this whole shinsenkyo journey. hence why this toasted marshmallow of a guy (huhu I am sorry) is like "let's go find the elixir" "I can't waste more time" "I need to return to my wife" to the point of almost killing sagiri bcos he has to get the elixir before the other iwagakure ninjas make landfall. in short, as much as possible, gabimaru wanted this shinsenkyo trip to end quickly (as evidenced in episode 6). the only time he made a stop on rushing their journey is when sagiri fainted due to her injuries and inhaling poison (w/c was gabimaru's fault so yeah nothing romantic there)
and I don't think there's anything suspicious abt gabimaru thinking or mentioning his wife or something. dude has nothing after all other than yui. remember, the only good thing in iwagakure that gabimaru has is his wife and with her, he learned a lot of things (like saying thanks, praying to gods, cooking like a normal couple, emotions called love and hatred and weakness).
as for sagiri, well she has a lot on her plate given how men always look down on her being a samurai and that she should just be a woman and go home and bear children from the next yamada head. hence why she was always in a constant "I am a samurai and I will not back down just bcos you see me as a woman" thing. but hey episode 6 has highlighted her in a new light so yeah I am glad people are now changing their opinions abt sagiri bcos she ain't weak as what they deemed her to be. plus given how she's has not been sent off to the battlefield before shinsenkyo, it makes sense why some people look down on her.
I know there's a lot of emotional development and learnings gabimaru and sagiri have with each other throughout the series, but I don't think it's something that will turn romantic (even Mappa emphasized in the ending song abt sagiri's wish for gabimaru and yui to be reunited and this also speaks abt the song). one thing abt Hell's Paradise that I like is that they make all romantic ships SO OBVIOUS AND STRAIGHTFORWARD. like viewers won't have to think "I think this person will fall for this person" or "there's sexual tension" bcos the show will let you know if there is romance blooming.
besides, just bcos two people develop emotionally together, doesn't mean there has to be something romantic between them. you can grow emotionally through a reliable mentor, a close friend, a stranger, a scene from a movie or drama. in short: NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO DO WITH ROMANCE.
plus I take Hell's Paradise as gabimaru's redemption arc but also sagiri's new beginning arc. bcos after this trip, gabimaru will finally have his happy ending while sagiri will embark on her own journey (they just met in the middle to teach each other an important lesson)
and I didn't know people take the opening like that hehe. tbh yui bowing with the doors closing kinda signifies gabi's journey in kotaku tho. like there are 3 sliding doors and kotaku has like 3 areas??? that they all need to bypass before getting the elixir. and getting the elixir means getting the pardon which is equal to being free and being with yui. that also seems to be the case with yui being replaced by sagiri like he has to face this trip first before meeting her. again this is MY TAKE on the opening.
maybe we should just ask Mappa why they animated it that way so we won't have further assumptions.
bottom line: while I do get annoyed at gabisagi shippers who think of the pair romantically, I get uhh 'sadder' than 'annoyed' bcos some of them tend to romanticize stuff just bcos a guy saved a girl or they comforted each other. the thing is, if people always romanticize every interaction between gabimaru and sagiri, then they are missing the whole point of these two characters' self journey.
(but if you still ship gabimaru and sagiri romantically without accepting canon evidence and basing everything on all your delusional beliefs, then uhh idk bout that)
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demonslayedher · 2 years
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Things that came to mind while watching this episode:
-SWORDS -Urokodaki's intro to the Corp is both necessary and info-dumping but in a way that I have lovingly come to accept as KnY style. However, the first time I watched it, I think I totally forgot about it.
--Also while watching it the first time, I was like, "whoa, more time has passed? More time has passed? MORE time has passed??" and later I was like "and Nezuko was conveniently asleep the whole time" but being as deep as I am now, I'm like, "yes, what a wonderful training montage, I love that Tanjiro kept a diary, Nezuko was working so hard this whole time too, yes of course Tanjiro took that much time to fully ingrain all that manliness into his muscles." --Urokodaki comparing humans to demons and mentioning how human limbs don't grow back? Kind of on the nose. --Mentioning how swords can break easily? Also kind of on the nose.
--I didn't intend for 'on the nose' to be a reference to the Tengu mask, and I even less intended for 'on the nose' to refer to Urokodaki's sense of smell. Seeing the connections now, I choose to stick with this phrasing.
--I know that Urokodaki was realistically trying to prepare his children to face monsters who actively want to murder them, but... did any of them die in training??? Those are real sharp objects! I can imagine Nezuko happily reading Tanjiro's diary later, but then pausing and looking up to stare incredulously at Urokodaki, appalled that he had nearly killed her only remaining brother.
--That being said, the Corp is an organization of some few hundred swordsmen (at any given time), with some huge portion more who died at the Final Selection, and some still more huge portion who failed to gain permission to attend the Final Selection. If we compare to, say, modern day competitive children's sports all going for the same championships, then it's not a large number. However, it does go to show the widespread damage demons cause, and how many children are driven to find putting their lives on the line to take down demons is their only remaining calling in life after having lost everything. Urokodaki has seen it so many times, so every time he accepts a student, he accepts someone who has given up anything else to live for, and he has to accept the consequences of their choices and how it may be out of his hands, all he can do is give them the best chance of survival he can and try to protect his own heart against the inevitable. Withdrawing from Tanjiro to leave him to his own devices may had been part of that.
--Ok, but also wouldn't it be funny if the scar on Sabito's face is from training with the traps on Mt. Sagiri? --Hanae Natsuki had so many good sounds over the course of this training montage. Zenitsu gets the reputation for it, but let us never forget that Tanjiro is the OG "NE~ZU~KO~" screamer.
--Speaking of sounds, the sound of the sword as Sabito draws a real blade on Tanjiro at the end of the episode? CHEF'S KISS. Also, even if Sabito doesn't have a scent, he has manifested so much physicality that he's got remarkable sound effects as he attacks Tanjiro. And those flutes as he appears on the rock? So nice.
--AND THOSE ATTACKS, OH MY GOSH. THE HUMAN-ON-HUMAN SWORDPLAY IS SO GOOD. It's like Tanjiro said, not a singe wasted movement, Sabito's swordplay is so smooth and there is such a stark difference between him and Sabito in that first encounter. Also, SOMETHING I LOVE: Tanjiro blocks the first few strikes from Sabito with the hilt of his sword instead of with the blade. This goes to show Tanjiro's hesitation to use the blade, both for how it may deal damage and how the blade might take damage. It's after a few more blows that Sabito forces him to start defending himself with the blade instead of the handle. That was masterful swordplay storytelling.
--Gotouge, have you practiced martial arts? Breath technique is of fantasy level proportions, but so many core ideas and true training methods are on display so well.
--Random, but the bright coloring on Tanjiro's eyes in this episode? SO PRETTY. And so much focus on his facial expressions, especially in his concern for Nezuko. I was falling for this boy so hard by the time I got to this point in my first watch.
--There's a part of me that has always wondered if Tanjiro ever had a crush on Makomo, or at least found her somewhat cute initially before fully accepting her in more of a sempai role. In his experience, he's likely never encountered a girl like her before, and similar elements might had been what made him notice and ponder Kanao later on when he saw her with the butterflies. Not saying I think it would had been a serious crush or even anything he was aware of, I just wonder if he's always had a type (I mean, we know he did, I just wonder if Makomo fits his lily-of-the-valley-faithful-dog type).
--I love that Breath technique isn't necessarily a "summon your qi" kind of spiritual power, and instead focuses on oxygen and the physicality and wraps the psyche into part of one's overall physicality. That's pretty grounded martial arts technique, and likewise, I like how demons' abilities are also grounded in physicality (their bodies and blood having transformed) instead of, say, drawing power from outside sources like magic. But you could also poorly describe this series as "yogis vs Michael Jackson." --You know what makes Makomo & Sabito's presence so believable, despite how Tanjiro found them mysterious and noticed right away that Sabito didn't have a scent? Mt. Sagiri, as a setting. This mountain is so much bigger than Tanjiro is, and Urokodaki is never shown saying more than he needs to for Tanjiro's training purposes, so for all Tanjiro knows, there are other children training concurrently, in their own pockets of the mountain. He's had to work so hard to gain his own mastery of Mt. Sagiri that he wouldn't be surprised to encounter people who know it better than he does, enough to be able to watch him while he wasn't aware (what with having his attention so focused on his own desperate training). As they probably don't have demon sisters to keep an eye on, it would make sense that he might be the only one to dwell with Urokodaki.
--That split boulder has become so iconic and I love it.
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six-eyed-samurai · 5 months
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Dear Kyogai,
I hope this letter finds you well. I hear retirement is suiting you happily. I haven’t had time to read your novel yet although Yoriichi assures me it is an amazing work of art. Nakime, as you had predicted, has taken over your place, widely accepted by all. I find her to be a very powerful slayer and asset to the Corps. To answer your question, Yoriichi, Uta and their son are doing fine. He gets over excited over the smallest bug, but my wife is happy to indulge him. Your condolences are appreciated; I hope she is getting better soon but just the other day it took me the whole night to reassure her that our sons are currently away at school. However, there is something I must ask of you to do - as a former mentor, as a fellow slayer and as a friend. When I was returning home I came across a demon that had slaughtered his family on the mountain. The only survivor, the eldest daughter I suspect, was attempting to protect him from me. I was prepared to slay him until we discovered that in fact he had been protecting his dead family from the true culprit. 
The demon boy, despite his sister being easy prey, made no attempt to eat her. She has promised me to ensure he will not eat humans. I am not sure about that, but I do not like the idea of taking youth away from children. I have told her to go to you. I hope you will train her to become a slayer and protect her brother. I have not told the Corps - what happened is strictly off the record. 
Please consider my request. Perhaps the boy will be a new type of demon. 
Tsugikuni Michikatsu
A person with less grit and determination of one Kamado Nezuko would’ve quit long ago, even after getting over the hardest obstacle; namely, securing Tanjiro’s survival after a near-death encounter with both a crazed, rabid demon and a demon slayer (Stone? Wall? What was it that he called himself again…right, Pillar!).
Although, you probably couldn’t call it the hardest - many of the obstacles that came next were just as exhausting and worrying and difficult to solve.
The first problem arose when at the crack of dawn. Tanjiro had woken up shortly after the Moon Pillar had left, and after Nezuko finished cleaning the blood off him - strangely, there were no wounds to be seen - and painstakingly digging graves to bury what was left of their family they began to trudge their way downhill.
It took Nezuko a while to realize that he was in fact, not being stubborn and wary but rather avoiding the sun. 
How could she have forgotten that fact?
They both stowed away into a nearby cave, thankfully before the sun discovered Tanjiro and took over the Moon Pillar’s job of killing him. But still, if they could only travel by night, the journey to this Mount Sagiri would take too long and it would probably tire them out even more. It seemed that after the Moon Pillar’s mercy the entire world was dead set on having them punished for it. 
“Here, cover yourself.” Nezuko took off her leaf-patterned, pale pink haori and draped it over Tanjiro as the sunshine began to poke and prod its way into the small crevice they were taking refuge in. 
Alas and alack it only provided minimal defense against that deadly…
…“O-Onii-chan? Onii-chan - how - what are you doing?!” Nezuko rubbed her eyes and widened them in the direction of her big brother.
Or perhaps ‘small’ brother would’ve been more accurate, considering the fact he had just magically shrunk himself into the size of a young toddler. 
“How are you doing that?” Nezuko repeated in stunned wonder. Tanjiro curled further into himself under two haori with a noise of contentment. 
The idea that hit her was just as bright as the approaching sunlight.
“Onii-chan, how small can you shrink yourself?”
Dear Michikatsu, 
Thank you for your compliments - my publisher has promised to get back to me by next month. I’m happy to hear Nakime is doing well and others have accepted her despite her background. I know you have refused many times but once again I personally think and urge you to confront the problem instead of playing along.
Your story seems to be one of interest and unusualness, but I highly doubt the boy you have mentioned will be a new type of demon - there would be no Corps if this happens. Yet you say he was protecting the corpses of his family instead of eating them. This is strange behaviour for a demon, especially a freshly turned one, so I have decided that I will oblige to your request. If the girl can make it through and proves her determination I will do my best to train her into a slayer.
But please do not forget the consequences of this: all of us will have to commit seppuku should the boy eat or harm someone.Sincerely,
Tsuzumi Kyogai
“Onii-chan, it’s dark out now, do you want to come out? There’s a hut here…it’s a little broken down but I’m sure it’s enough to block out the sun when morning comes. It’s too late to go find Kyogai-san and the old lady said the mountain is across another.”
Nezuko lifted the flap of her newly bought bag slung over her shoulder - it was rather worn, hence the cheap price, but nothing a bit of sewing couldn’t fix. Inside, two dark red eyes peered up at her inquisitively, before two mini hands pushed their way up to cling onto the sides and peep out of the bag. 
Nezuko stifled a giggle. It had been more than startling when Tanjiro first shrunk himself down to the size of Hanako’s dolls, but there was no denying tiny Tanjiro was extremely adorable. Thankfully by some mysterious magic and the little good luck they had left his clothes too had shrunk to fit him - Nezuko had no other idea on how to deal with it if it didn’t. 
He crawled onto her proffered hand and she lifted him up to survey the abandoned clearing together and the rundown hut further on. The silence of the forest was only interrupted by the chirps of crickets and scuffles of nocturnal animals…let’s not forget that peculiar dripping sound.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Nezuko approached the hut cautiously. It loomed over her menacingly, ready to cave in at any moment, it appeared. The moonlight seemed to avoid it, equally afraid of the dripping noise from within. Tanjiro agreed with it - he insistently began to pull at her fingers and gesture back. 
Drip. Drip. Drip.
“Mmmmm! Mmmm! Nnnn!”
“It’s probably rainwater, Onii-chan. It’s more dangerous to stay out here.”
Drip. Drip. Drip. 
Contrary to Nezuko’s belief, inside the hut was far more dangerous.
Fatal. Life-threatening. Dooming, actually. 
Probably because of the demon that shattered the creaking door and burst out snarling and snapping for its next meal. 
Drip! Drip! Drip!
Nezuko screamed, but choked it off, eyes widening. Animalistic instincts immediately took over: namely, to run away as far as she could, anything to get away from the demon who hunched and hissed at them, blood spewing from its maw and the doorway - oh, god, the poor wretches who had been staying there.
Quickly she remembered Tanjiro’s precarious position on her palm and hastily made to stow him away - 
“Onii-chan! What are you doing?”
Tanjiro had leaped off on his own accord before she could react, growing into his true size midair and landing easily to bare his drooling jaws at the other demon. Was he protecting her? Was he going to battle that demon? 
Nezuko honestly had no idea, but she was sure of one thing.
Tanjiro’s eyes dilating at the slow stream of human blood flowing from the hut. 
Drip! Drip! DRIP!
“This is my territory! Get off my feeding ground!”
“I…I….” Nezuko grabbed at Tanjiro’s haori and yanked him back weakly to no avail. Her breathing grew erratic.
The demon inhaled sharply, then its face began to mold into a frown. “Wait, something’s…wrong here…are…you…two human?
And then it attacked.
Nezuko shrieked, losing her hold of an alarmed, incensed Tanjiro. Thank the gods she had thought to take the hatchet from their home; she slashed wildly at the demon in the pitiful hopes it would be enough. 
Enough to make it back off, yes, but the wound she had embedded into him was fast healing. Impossible!
“HAHAHAHA! A HATCHET?” The demon howled with laughter, blood spraying from the closing wound. “Not bad! But a wound like this…”
It happened so fast Nezuko didn’t even realize anything until she found herself trapped underneath the gloating demon. 
She gritted her teeth and lashed out with her leg, driving it into his abdomen, legs, where the sun don’t shine…it was useless. She was truly pinned to be eaten as it leaned in. 
Saliva dribbled from his mouth, hands scrabbling to push aside the remains of the door and find the food that lay inside. God was he hungry…
Smell of another demon. He’d deal with it later. Eat now. Smelt so good. 
Why wasn’t he eating? Something was stopping him. Something. Another smell: fear, desperation, fear, desperation, glee, glee, glee. Live human. Why wasn’t he hungry over that?
Stopping him…live human….another demon…
(Little sister is calling - she needs me!)
Tanjiro shoved all his cannibalistic urges away to race out and leap over the unsuspecting fool of a demon to smash his head right into the other’s skull.
The effect was shockingly messy and instantaneous. Bits and pieces of demon flew and splattered everywhere while the stiffened body fell on its side, releasing Nezuko from its cage. She scrambled to her feet, to a glowering Tanjiro’s side, to fetch the fallen hatchet. 
Wait, wait, wait, why wasn’t the demon dead yet? 
Its arms pounded the ground in some childish rage while the fragmented bottom of its head, the only part left intact after Tanjiro’s headbutt, screeched and railed. 
“I KNEW IT! One of you was a demon! Something didn’t seem right! What are a demon and a human doing together?!”
Nezuko stared down in confusion; Tanjiro seemed more preoccupied with something that involved sniffing the air and being tensely aggressive. Why wasn’t the demon dead? Shouldn’t it be? Granted, she didn’t know much about them but still…
Its body lunged at Tanjiro.
He yelped but fought back, two demons battling fervently against each other with snarls and flailing claws. Nezuko swung the hatchet, praying to come to her brother’s defense as he had - however the head thought otherwise.
“Another pair of arms?!” Nezuko struggled to shake off the grip the two nearly sprouted limbs of the head in vain, smashing it to the ground and attempting to twist it out of the demon’s hold. “Onii-chan, hang on!” 
Unfortunately for her the hatchet flew out of her hands, leaving her with no means of protection as the demon’s head cackled and reached out for her with its free hand, hatchet in the other. No way was she going to get beat up by some shrunken head when she had only secured her brother’s possible freedom not too long ago!
With a cry Nezuko kicked out viciously.
Whether by the sheer force of Nezuko’s move or some deity had smiled down upon them, the hatchet and the demon spun in the air before becoming nailed into the tree, entrapping the bellowing head. 
“Onii-chan!” Wasting no time, Nezuko whirled back around to find Tanjiro and the demon’s headless body still locked in an endless grapple. It didn’t really need much thinking, really, what she did next. 
She just tackled the demon and both of them plunged over the edge.
In a splash everything quietened once more, the body sinking to beyond. In a muffled “Mmmph!” Tanjiro clung onto Nezuko’s hand and hauled her up once more. In a space of a breath both finally comprehended it: the demon was defeated. 
“It’s not dead yet, you know.”
Brother and sister whipped their heads around. A stranger - a middle aged man with longish black hair and red eyes, a few stripe-like scars dotting the sides of his face - stood behind them, arms behind him as if he was a spectator at some sports event. As if he had been observing the whole proceeding the entire time. 
“I’m - I’m sorry, what?” Nezuko blinked. Surely she was imagining him. Tanjiro shifted uncomfortably.
“It’s not dead yet,” he repeated, his quiet baritone full of patience and something else. “You may have gotten rid of the body and separated the head, but you already know it can grow back, can’t you?”
Nezuko flashed back to how she watched the wound heal in a matter of seconds and the stumpy arms the head was waving around. 
“Then…how do I kill it?”
(I have to kill it, or it’ll kill more people, or worse, they’ll end up like Tanjiro with someone who won’t hesitate to give them a second chance)
“Usually we slice off the head.” The man gestured at the demon, who was practically frothing at the mouth with fury. “Of course, for that, we need a specific weapon. Your hatchet isn’t as effective, I’m afraid.”
“What else can I do?” Nezuko staggered forward.
“Nothing as flashy as killing demons in the stories. All you have to do is make sure every part of the demon is gone for this circumstance.” The man inclined his head towards a giant rock nearby.
“I…smash his head?”
If it had to be done then.
Tanjiro kept well away from the man, opting to stick close to Nezuko as she hefted up the rock and stumbled over to the demon’s head. She lifted it up. One blow. That was it, and one evil in this world would be vanquished.
(Was it his fault that he became a demon though?)
“Will you kill him?” The man asked, but his expression said he already knew the answer.
“...he’s defenseless now…it’s cruel to kill him like this. It’s not even his fault that he became a demon…” Nezuko argued weakly, lowering her head and the rock. 
“It wouldn’t have any hesitation to kill you.”
Nezuko closed the flap of the satchel where Tanjiro was hiding in and hesitantly approached the man knelt by the graves they had both dug for the demons’ victims; whatever was left of them anyway. 
The sunlight had killed the demon so quickly - painfully. No wonder Tanjiro was terrified of it. Her hand gripped the satchel tighter.
“May I ask, sir…who are you?”
“If you know who Tsugikuni Michikatsu is, you will know me.”
The dots connected. “You’re Tsuzumi Kyogai?”
“Michikatsu told me about you two. He asked me to train you to become a demon slayer and spare your brother.” Kyogai stood and faced her. “He did not tell me your names.”
“Kamado - Kamado Nezuko. My brother is Tanjiro.” 
“Tell me, Kamado Nezuko, what will you do if Tanjiro were to eat someone?”
“Tanjiro would never!”
“You’re too soft and trusting,” Kyogai said pitifully. “Your brother is not your brother now. He is a demon. They will kill anyone.”
“Our whole family’s corpses were right there and he didn’t eat them, nor did he kill them!” 
“Will you tell me honestly then, did he think of eating the other demon’s victims?”
Nezuko faltered. She had seen him go into the house, but he didn’t do anything! Not Tanjiro! “I mean, he did, but he didn’t eat them!”
“If Tanjiro were to eat someone, how many people do you think will die in turn?” Kyogai asked plainly. “You will have to kill yourself. He will be killed. Michikatsu will be killed for not killing him. Not only that, Tanjiro too will probably kill others by then. How many people will die for your mistake?”
“I - I - he’s - Tanjiro -”
“So now it’s your duty to ensure that never happens.” A heavy comfort in the form of Kyogai’s callused hand laid on her shoulder. Nezuko looked up, eyes clouded with tears.
“Keep your head up, slayer Kamado. Show your determination and follow me.”
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reicchel · 2 years
I used to think that Giyuu had been a spoiled child when Tsutako was around, and while she must have pampered him a lot to compensate for their parents absence (during and after disease), she couldn't have done everything. Children in Japan participate in household chores from what I know, so he probably did basic stuff like cleaning and some cooking.
When trying to locate simmered salmon and daikon in Giyuu's past i always drew a blank; following the way of Giyuu, attributing it to good times with Sabito or Tsutako would've made him avoid eating a dish which evoked sadness.
So it just occured to me that maybe it was a dish he learned to cook himself that became sort of a treat; if he was sad, it would lighten him up a little, and if it was a good day, it would make it better.
When he started living in Mount Sagiri, Urokodaki noticed that Giyuu liked it, so he cooked it for him when he wanted to cheer him up (since he had never voiced it out, Giyuu never realized it was totally intentional). Urokodaki's simmered salmon and daikon was much better than his own, and he thoroughly enjoyed it.
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revclver-jesus · 11 months
Isn't he really...not actually confirmed to be legitimately religious, though...? It's kinda a plot point that what SEES reads in a newspaper is just outright not true and the first confirmed example of Takaya consciously lying about something (he knows SEES isn't at fault for the apathy syndrome, nor the murders and he does not actually considers himself to be Nyx's prophet, either. Plus Aki says that Takaya isn't being truthful and the general narrative framing of this game is a really obnoxious "main characters say so = it's objectively true").
Jin then claims that Strega literally only learned about Nyx after Ikutsuki's death, which implies that, up this point, they only vaguely recognized Tartarus as having some sort of role in bringing the end of the world (hence the "Tower of Demise"), at best (although, imo, they didn't know that either, since Takaya was clearly puzzled by what the twelve shadows even had to with it and seemed more concerned about the potential disappearance of the Dark Hour itself, rather than the tower). And, I mean, sure, he absolutely does genuinely recognize Nyx as a god, but also that's what she just objectively is (and Adachi felt similarly about Ameno-sagiri, if I remember correctly).
And where I agree that, outside of being a mercenary, his biggest sin within the narrative is literally just having a different life ideology than the main characters (which is actually more ableist of Atlus, than it is antagonistic of Takaya, for that matter, because unironically calling out who is functionally a palliative patient for passive suicidal ideation is just so absurd it's hilarious), but...isn't his actual religiousness literally just...fanon? Unless we are simply finding it interchangeable with fatalism (which he definitely is).
Unless-unless I am totally just missing some crucial piece of information, which is honestly kinda why I am even sending this in the first place, taking advantage of the guy's obvious understander saying something on the topic I've been curious about for some time. Sorry if it reads like I'm trying to um-actually you up, I promise it's not the intent, haha. Thank you in advance with how stupidly long this message is 🤍
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(( Ok, forgive me, it is very late at night, so I apologize ahead of time if I'm not reading this great but if I don't answer now I will almost definitely forget to later--
First, I do want to clarify, everything I say about Takaya I am referring to my canon divergent take on him that i've written for 3 years, he's had a few adjustments made to him to make him a more coherent character, that's also why I emphasized "potentially a good antagonist" in that rambly post and my wording of I love the "idea" of a religious person in persona-- that is to say I don't think they actually depicted that completely in the canon series
Though honestly! I swear to god, I couldn't really give you a provable quote off the top of my head, but I've seen the novel, the stage play, the in-character AMA replies, and I could have sworn... I saw Takaya imply real reverence for Nyx. Because I remember making a post freaking out about it? Besides... I just find it hard to believe he didn't intuitively understand his persona and ability to see the dark hour were something from a higher power when he consistently refers to them as "blessings" and as the lab children as "chosen ones". You could argue he's referring to the scientists that tested on them but that's very unlikely considering he talks very resentfully about how they used him in his final fight speech and he seems to disregard Ikutsuki a unimportant. Its like he's... referring to something else blessing them.
This is the thing with Takaya-- I cannot give you... a single, easy, quick refuting explanation. I can only point to what little canon characterization he has and hope it makes intuitive sense lmao.
So.... What I think is most likely here, even by the main game's logic, disregarding my own canon-divergences... is that Takaya does indeed have a religion of a kind, but much like how the game takes the time to explain that Strega calls the tower something else, " The Tower of Demise"... They just didn't know the name of the god that was going to kill them. But surely they knew a god was going to kill them, why else would they call the tower the tower of demise, how else would they deduce that the tower was leading to anything of the sort without some higher knowledge of what's going on? And then that leads you to wonder where they got that knowledge, etc, and that's where headcanon has to fill in the blanks because its very unclear.
( though I admit i might just be forgetting something- )
Now one thing I do think, in my experience of having to depict this guy, is that it would be near impossible to not depict Takaya as a religious zealot-- as in a person with intense ideological drive based in spiritual beliefs-- and still keep him acting and speaking as he's only ever shown to speak in canon. To me, its very much a... "all but said" situation? Yes, he is a dishonest and manipulative man but... that passionate sermon in his final fight was entirely him showing his real zealotry. Its so evident in his archetype of character, his design, his way of speaking, that it naturally lends itself to depicting a man that is very religious in his thought process. Not merely a fatalist, but someone who holds visible reverence and manic exuberance for that which can end the world. To the point where I think it is fair to assume that in the event of say, my future-verse where he lives to see other gods attempt to end or change the world, Takaya would choose to side with the gods basically every time-- not simply because he wants the world to die, but because he holds their power in higher regard than humanity's obsession with trivially living on, unchanged and unimpeded. Its hard to explain-- but to me Takaya has a personality that is so fundamentally anti-mundane humanity that it necessitates a reverence for the supernatural and the divine-- if only because he seems to find the grand and cataclysmic to be outright awe inspiring in a very religious way, if not ideologically necessary.
Something of which is evident in how he seems to find such beauty in the dark hour itself! Such as in the novel, where he not only marvels at the sight of it but he's described as seeming to be revitalized by the atmosphere, as if coming alive. There's no magical explanation for this-- its just his mental state. He has some sort of worship-like fascination with all this supernatural stuff.
There's even an element of faith in his behavior! Notice how Takaya, despite his passion and frustration with the main party, will take a deep breath... and say... very well. "fate" will decide who is right. Why would he say that without some kind of belief in a destiny, that something will guide the outcome in his favor? Notice how he puts on the illusion of calm only right up until its evident that fate isn't on his side, then he seems to claim an unfairness. He's not merely indifferent, he has faith that things will go in his favor, because it rightfully ought to.
And the idea that he doesn't believe himself to be a prophet-- I don't believe that for a second. Perhaps logically he knows that not to be literally true, its not like he hears Nyx's voice giving him advice, but there is very much something about his personality that feels he deserves that title to some extent, he almost certainly believes he is some sort of " truth bestower " as entirely evident by just how he presents himself and how he speaks. I mean.... " It appears even I am fallible " is a battle quote of his.
Though full disclosure.......... I appreciate you thinking I'm the expert on this guy, but I'm... just some nerd fascinated by him more than anything! And even if the above is me trying to describe a more objective look at canon Takaya... My headcanon take, the one I write, has been shifted by dozens of interactions and years of headcanons-- I wouldn't be surprised if I'm just misremembering details.
If the new game comes out and... it turns out his entire behavior and mannerism is just an act he does for fun purely because it tricks the weak minded, I mean valid and I'll take that L, but I have to admit I can't blame fanon for taking this as his personality if its consistently his behavior whenever he's on screen. ))
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