#the character that he is...the show's promos didn't fuck around when they called him the dark prince cus woahhh
earlgodwin · 2 months
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CESARE BORGIA ↴ causing hurt to his siblings while observing their shocked reactions (inspired by @borgiatargaryen's post)
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space-blue · 2 years
syril and dedra aren’t going to fall in love or anything. i believe the interview that comes from they meant it as more of a joke. the actress that plays dedra loves to joke around in interviews, she said dedra and syril probably will get along because they both like a nice tailored suit lol. but they definitely will partner up prolly to find cassian, that parts true. idk about it being a huge spoiler tho.
Prefacing this by clarifying that I don't mind spoilers, so when I call something that, I mean in the literal term of like "info that tells a lot about twists" and not in the emotional sense of "I didn't want to know that, it ruins the show".
I don't mind learning Dedra and Syril will team up. I called it a big spoiler because, as an average fan who watched the trailers and that one tumbr promo interview, I had NO idea Dedra and Syril were meant to team up. Nothing hinted at it.
The show itself never gives us any indication of it. They go to great length to show that Syril has a complex and ominous emotional reaction to his fuck up. Yes he's a zealot with fascistic tendencies, but the end of episode 3 really put a lot in perspective for him. There was room to wonder what he'd do... Going home to mom was unexpected, hilarious, and probably a turn for the worse for his character, but episode 5 STILL kept things vague.
SO yeah, Syril going to Dedra and doubling down sounds amazing and a natural progression, but also like a massive late season spoiler. I didn't even know there would be a heist, for example. I'd also be shocked if interviews spoiled that fact.
Disney also owns the MCU, and that is known for draconian (and frankly stupid) levels of spoiler management.
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supercreig · 6 months
🗣 Gregory
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Sadly he was only shown in the SP movie. Kinda wish they brought him back to the show at some point along with Christophe, but SP seems to never bring back these minor characters. Maybe it's best that way.
I didn't think or care a whole lot about Gregory until when I first started writing Craig on here, I came across Blaze's blog and was like "A Gregory RPer. Never thought I'd come across one. And it's active! -reblogs promo and hopes kouhai notices me someday-" I already expected SP to have such a small RP community since it's not everyone's cup of tea with the crude humor and all.
There's not that much to go from with canon-Gregory since he's not given that much screentime, so I can't say a whole lot. From what I saw of him in the movie though I thought he was neat too and thought him being around Wendy as Stan gets jealous was funny. I'm not sure if Gregory had a little bit of a thing for Wendy, but I tend to think he kinda did maybe when he told Wendy to hold him while she literally went "Noooo. Gregory nooooo" LOL. Or maybe he didn't have a little thing for her but just wanted to be a good friend and offer her to hold onto him so she feels less scared. idk.
Let us not forget how if it wasn't for Gregory, La Resistance would have gotten nowhere. He's definitely a smart kid (he legit says he has a grape point average of I think a 4.0). He's well-educated enough to have even help start the revolution group, even called Stan out on only wanting to lead the revolution to impress Wendy. And even though Gregory went out of his way to help with the revolution, what does he get in return?
"Fuck Gregory! Right in the ear!"
I honestly don't take that part seriously though cuz it's South Park and nothing it meant to be taken so seriously, and anything can be up to our own interpretation.
Also he's the parody of Enjolras, and his song provider is the guy who played Prince Derik, I'm sure. Howard McGillen, I think that's his name.
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wikiangela · 2 years
911 ls 4x03!
(spoilers under the cut - which is basically me being bored with the Iris/tarlos storyline and doing a whole 180 at the end lol)
I lowkey hate how good Rob Lowe looks 😂 jfc why does he look even better this season?? 😂
I think I like where Owen's story seems to be heading, and I like O'Brien's actor, I'm happy he's sticking around haha
I'm sorry, but I still don't give a fuck about Iris and her storyline 😂 like, surprisingly, I care about fucking Owen more 😳 (pls do something interesting with Marjan or Paul instead, I'm not even remotely excited for the resolution of this Iris storyline 😂)
I'm bored during that tarlos scene ngl
like, I really want to feel bad at least for Carlos being so worried about his "best friend" but I just don't 💁🏻‍♀️ I don't know Iris and their relationship enough to give a fuck, and from what we have seen of her so far, I don't particularly like her, or even have an opinion tbh
and like, Carlos is my fave character, and all I wanted from this season was for him to have more screen time and to actually get to know him as him, aside from TK and the 126, but the storyline with Iris just bores the shit out of me and I feel awful about it but I'm not gonna pretend that I'm into it when I'm not 😂
but awww, we're getting officer Reyes 🥵
Marjan and Paul are the best duo and we need more of them (pls give them like half of Owen's - or even Tarlos' this season sns - screen time) 😂
Nancy is acting her ass off resuscitating that sex doll lmao she's so great - this is one of the more ridiculous and hilarious cases fr 😂
okay, seriously, it's Owen's hair - I'm almost sure something's different about the hair and it makes him hotter and I don't know how to handle being attracted to fucking Owen Strand 😂😂
oooh, Iris called 911! I still don't care, but I love seeing the queen Grace! 😂
okay, Iris could die for all I care, but the action is getting interesting haha and I love seeing more of officer Reyes, we need to get more police cases too 😂
I admit, seeing so much more of Carlos, and pissed off and worried and protective, is worth suffering through Iris 👌😂 (maybe it's something about the actress, idk, can't put my finger on it yet, but she annoys me sns)
I hate that TK feels guilty and that Carlos blames him 🥺 especially since obviously the guy was real, nothing is TK's fault 😭
why can't I feel sympathetic towards Iris, while I feel bad for TK being blamed 😂 and I feel so bad for not feeling bad for her, but there's just nothing, no emotion towards her whatsoever 💁🏻‍♀️ what's wrong with me jfc 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
the code being "12345" is so fucking stupid but it really amuses me ngl 😂
omg is O'Brien really with them?? oh my god - it's okay, Owen, I bought it, too, didn't even think twice lmao
Carlos, as soon as you found the tunnel you should've called it in 🙄🙄 they always do this in those shows and it never ends well 🙄 (I'm here for the angst and more Carlos on my screen tho hahah)
and here we go haha
and watching the promo - we're getting a serial killer??? now we're talking 😍 wasn't expecting that but now his storyline really gets exciting - can't wait for more!!
if this is where the Iris thing was leading, I apologize for complaining about how boring it was, even tho I was bored, but getting this, Carlos kidnapped by a serial killer?? so worth it lol
lowkey boring eps for the most part, give me more of Tommy and the pastor instead of Iris pls, and please can Marjan and Paul and Mateo and Nancy get some storylines, I'm begging y'all, it's supposed be ensemble, they're not just background extras ffs 😂
most of the episode was meh, but the ending! and more importantly the promo!! it took three episodes but they got my interest now haha can't wait for the next one! 😍
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magalidragon · 2 years
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lady of the night | a smutty Jonerys Hollywood Drabble 💫 📸
For @youwerenevermine and her eternal love of manwhore Jon, who I love too but always with a twist 😂 And it is over the drabble word count (3100) so I’ll post on AO3 soon.
"Jon! Jon! Over here!"
"Jon, we love you!"
"Lord Commander! Look this way!"
The sounds of people screaming his name as he left the awards show afterparty were annoying buzzes in his ear, especially after several whiskeys-- and maybe a hit of something else, he wasn't sure what he'd taken-- although it didn't make it less loud. If anything the buzzes seemed magnified tonight. Jon blinked against the camera flashes, a horde of paparazzi on the street, just beside the roped off crowd of fangirls and professional autograph chasers.
Normally he'd just wave, maybe even smile-- most likely not now because he was so buzzed-- carrying on with his plan to get from the club to the waiting black SUV which would whisk him back to his suite at The Sunspear, which was the toniest and fanciest of the hotels in Sunspear, Dorne. He only showed up in Dorne when he was meeting with executives, filming if necessary, or forced to attend these events, whether they be networking or awards shows.
He was in town for the Golden Kingdom awards, putting in his contractual appearance as one of the "ensemble" of The Steel Throne cable fantasy series. He was nominated this time around, for the final season, and he had no idea why. His role had been reduced to nothing more than window dressing and he had only a handful of lines he mostly delivered in a flat wooden voice because he really couldn't be bothered to put in anything else. It really was his last bit of "fuck you" to the writers and producers who had destroyed a character he'd come to consider a part of himself.
And somehow he got a nomination for an award. He was crossing his fingers that he'd lose and thank the gods he did. He wasn't even at hsi table when they called his category, he needed a smoke break.
As always happened when he left clubs and his publicist-- shitty little cretin Tyrion Lannister-- called ahead for photographers and tipped off Instagram celebrity spotting pages, he was swarmed. He paused as the SUV pulled up to take him away, lighting a cigarette. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and took pity on several of the people calling his name, because they looked young and naive enough to think he deserved to be famous.
Plus they didn't have the look of girls who wanted to come home with him, which was nice. He ignored Tyrion, who was tugging on his arm to drag him back, and waved at his "date" to the awards and the parties, his beastly friend Tormund who was leering at some of the poor girls, and approached the line.
He stuck his lit cigarette in his mouth when he got to the line, randomly scribbling his name on shirtless pictures of him from his modeling days or promo shots of him as Lord Commander Cregan Snow. He would have preferred it if someone had brought up the cartoon character of the same name. He was gunning to voice that dude in the animated movie he'd heard was in production, but seemed his agent Davos wasn't keen on him attaching his name to a children's fantasy series.
“You don't have the greatest of reputations, son."
It was all a matter of perception, he thought, and somehow he'd fooled even Davos.
As he scribbled his name on one last photo of his shirtless, oiled up body from a blockbuster he’d done in his early acting days, turning his face briefly to blow smoke away from the crowd, he caught sight of a woman with curly dark pink hair.
Pink. That was a new color, one he hadn’t seen before. He ignored the screams of the girls; at least two shoved their numbers into his hand, which was still outstretched for another photo to sign. He scribbled something akin to his name on this one and waved, stepping backwards from the throng of fans. He sucked on the cigarette a moment, his gray eyes sweeping the crowd again, until he spotted her again.
The pink haired woman blinked at him, cocking her head and coyly pointed her finger at herself. She smiled, long and slow, and he noted that her eyes were a curious coloring. She had one green eye and one blue. He had never seen that before either. He blew out more smoke, licking his lips and flicked ash off his cigarette, his gaze never wavering from her.
She had on a deep pink halter top with a pair of barely there black shorts she’d put on over black tights, a pair of heavy platform black boots, and a black leather jacket. The shirt was cut, jagged, giving a glimpse of her taut midriff. The dark hair with pink streaks was wavy around her face and scattered with tiny braids.
He didn’t blink and pointed at her, before gesturing towards the car. She giggled and pointed to herself, mouthing “Me?”
“You,” he mouthed back. He turned, not waiting, and went to the waiting car. Davos was standing there, already on his phone. “She’s with me,” he said, before Davos could stop security from keeping the woman from going to the SUV.
Davos sighed and said nothing. He shoved his phone in his jacket pocket and turned without a word, going off to his car.
Jon climbed into the SUV after the woman, ignoring the sobs of his name from the dejected crowd. He slammed the door shut and turned to her, taking her in again, this time face-to-face. She had pale skin, her cheeks flushed pink, and there was a tattoo creeping out from the top of her shorts. “Wow,” she giggled. “This is really insane! Jon Snow!”
“That’s me.”
“Sooooo dreamy,” she giggled, leaning against him. She licked her lips and her tongue wagged, a pink stone in the center of it. He twitched in place, already growing hard at the prospects of what that little tongue and stone could do when placed in certain areas. She dragged a pink fingernail on his collarbone, dragging it over his exposed chest. “You’re shorter in real life.”
He smirked. “Not the best way to start off a convo, babe.”
“Babe?” She wrinkled her pert nose. “Not a fan of that.”
He reached behind her head and tangled his fingers in her hair, pulling her against his chest and rubbing his lips over hers. “How about your name?”
“It’s…” She trailed off and shrugged. “Whatever you want it to be.”
He laughed. That was new too. “You’re usually better prepared. Pink, huh?”
“THought I’d try something new.” She straddled his hips, pushing his shoulders into the buttery leather seat behind him. Her hips swiveled against his and he groaned, unable to stop his hands from finding her hips,pulling her closer. She pressed a kiss to his mouth, hot and open, before jerking back and gagging. “Disgusting.” She swatted his chest. “No fucking smoking!”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s a stress reliever!”
“I thought I was your stress reliever.”
“You tend to give me more stress.”
She pulled a mint out of her pocket, popping it into his mouth. He crunched hard on it and swallowed quickly, eager to get back to her, but they were already at the hotel. Fuck, he thought, glancing between them at the heavy bulge in the front of his pants. She smirked again, tapping his nose. “Ill walk in front of you.”
“Much obliged.”
They exited the SUV, thankfully only a couple of photogs across the street who snapped some what he knew would be blurry unidentifiable photos— he’d gotten good at this in the last decade— of the two of them hurrying into the hotel.
He selected this hotel because it was discreet, which was very needed given his ah… <I>proclivities.</i> Or what the world thought were his proclivities. He jabbed the elevator button, his nose in line with the top of her pink hair. He inhaled deeply, sighing out the exhale. “You smell like peaches.”
“It’s the shampoo.”
“I like it.”
The doors dinged open and they stumbled in, barely waiting for them to close before he had her pressed up against the back, her surprised gasp caught in his mouth as he kissed her. He noted that she even tasted like peaches. Or he could have been making that up between the booze making it’s way through his system.
She hiked her leg around his hip and he dove his fingers down to unzip her shorts, finding that her tights were actually stockings, the garter hidden. “Oh seven hells,” he groaned, feeling her desire already seeping against his fingers, hot and slippery. She was starkers too, which caused his cock to twitch in his pants. “You’re all ready.”
She choked out a throaty laugh. “You know what I like.”
“Gods, I can’t wait…” He turned to hit the stop button but it was too late, the doors already opened onto the penthouse floor. He fumbled in his pocket for his key card, tripping out and down the hall to his room.
She was behind him, sucking on his earlobe while he tried to swipe the key. Her hands were in his pants, fast and warm, the first touch of her fingers around his cock almost causing him to explode right there. He growled. “Fuck!”
The door burst open and they fell into the room. He tripped on his pants, already at his knees courtesy of her stealthy moves. He ripped off her jacket and yanked at the halter, the fabric falling forward and exposing her perfect breasts to his hungry eyes. And mouth.
He eagerly kissed her, hands grasping the soft globes, squeezing and flicking at her nipples, furling them into tight pink buds against his fingertips. “You’re gorgeous,” he mumbled, pressing her to the wall near the suite’s bedroom. They were definitely not going to make it there.
“Full of compliments, aren’t you?” She gasped, his lips folding over one nipple, his fingers tweaking the other. One of her hands tangled in his hair and the other was between them, pumping his cock. “Seven hells Jon. Fuck me.”
He didn’t need to be told twice.
With one fast drop to his knees to swipe his tongue on her slit, teasing at her little clit and dipping his fingers in to test her readiness, he was satisfied. Her nails dug into his shoulders, tearing at his jacket and dress shirt. He struggled to get them off, buttons flying in all directions when they finally gave up and just tore the damn thing.
The designer would have to understand. It was a life or death situation at this point. She scattered kisses along his collarbone while he shoved his briefs down and kicked them off, her legs up over his elbows, her abs flexing as he pressed her harder against the wall, searching for her lips.
He had no idea at what point she’d taken off her shorts, but they were gone, only her stockings and garters on. He slid against her, the head of his cock bumping her clit. “Oh fuck,” she groaned, hitting her head against the wall. “So good…who knew?”
Jon tangled his tongue with hers, tilting her hips so he could line up and a second later, punch his hips up, cock sliding into her plush, molton heat. His eyes rolled back in his head, her body squeezing around him, pulsing and tight. “Shit,” he mumbled, forehead touching hers. He let go of one leg, his hand cupping hee face, rough fingertips scratching against her soft cheek. “I think we can give up the act.”
She laughed, her tongue barbell tapping his lower lip. “Not yet. Show me your talents Jon Snow. I’ve always wanted to know.” She gasped, eyes slamming shut when he thrust back, almost pulling out before he bottomed out into her in a hard, powerful thrust.
They said no more, just curses and shouts of Valyrian from her and gasping grunts from him as he fucked her hard against the wall. Her nails ripped at his hair with one hand and held her leg up with the other as he pressed his thumb between them against her clit, just when he knew she was about the topple over the cliff.
She screamed, coming so hard around him she triggered his release, his heart stopping as he shuddered around her, clutching her limp body to keep from dropping her. He came and came, seeing stars as he emptied himself into her. “Fuck,” she sighed, after he finally finished, his breath ragged gasps into her throat.
They slid down the wall onto the cool floor, a heap of clothes, sweaty limbs, and sex. He kept his eyes shut a moment, trying to return to his body. She kissed him and patted his cheek. “I’ll show myself out.”
He weakly reached for her, but she was gone in a flash, clothing on and door shut after her. “Fuck,” he mumbled, scrubbing his face. He stood slowly, his mind foggy. He blinked a few times to right himself and went to the bathroom to clean up.
A piss and hot shower later, he was walking out of the bathroom to collapse into bed, when he heard the TV going in the bedroom. He chuckled, scrubbing a towel through his hair, another tied around his waist. Jon padded into the bedroom, in time to see his ex-wife shrieking at something.
It was on the television but still made his balls shrivel up inside of him. “What the fuck is this?” he demanded, tossing the towel aside.
His girlfriend of almost a year, Weateros’s Sweetheart and all around good girl Daenerys Targaryen, who no one would ever have pinned as his one and only, the love of his life, and the only woman he had been with in at least two years since he divorced said ex-wife, was curled on the massive bed in a t-shirt with his character’s face on it, slurping an ice cream sundae.
She smiled innocently around her spoon. “I can’t help it, I like watching shitty television.”
“Can we not watch her show? It’s horrible.”
“I like it! It’s good bad tv.” She tucked a faded pink strand of hair behind her ear, patting the space beside her. “Come on, let’s have a game. Whenever she makes a constipated face or that guy shows up naked, we’ll drink.”
“We will be drunk in ten seconds.” He climbed into the bed anyway, dragging her over to him and allowed her to feed him bites of ice cream before he could stand no more of his ex’s face. “This is too much I’m changing the channel!”
Dany whined, trying to grab the remote. “Oh come on!”
Jon flicked the channel in time to see her face take up the screen. He grinned. “Ah, now it’s your stuff.”
She stuck her tongue out and then shook her head. “No, it’s not my movie, it’s a post awards show gossip fest.”
They watched for a few minutes— she had been declared one of the best dressed for her red plunging neckline dress which they all declared was Daenerys “stepping out of her good girl shell.”
“If only they knew you dressed up as different women and pretend to be a fan girl,” he mused. It was a kink they’d discovered on accident, but one they loved to indulge in, especially Dany. It worked for them both. She could exercise her inner bad girl and he got to look like the whorish bad boy that had made him famous.
Too bad no one knew he’d rather spend his nights in bed eating ice cream with her watching bad TV. He was the opposite of a whore, but hey, it made him famous. He was just sick of it. “What are you thinking about,” she mused, tapping the frown between his brows. “What’s this here?”
He shrugged. “Guess I’m tired of being Man Whore Jon.”
“Online they call you Jack. It’s your whore alter ego.” She nipped his bottom lip and reached for her phone, bringing up a blog. “See?”
“Get off the internet Dany it will ruin your brain.”
“Oh shit.”
“Huh?” He was looking at his phone now, Davos sending a few messages they had to talk about revamping his image.
She shoved her phone under his nose. It was a gossip Instagram, Lantaissa. People dropped celebrity sightings there and send in blinds. He peered at it, squinting since he’d taken out his contacts in the shower. “What’s it say?”
“Anon please! I have MAJOR NEWS. I JUST saw Lord Commander Jon Snow and goodie two shoes Daenerys Targaryen at the Sunspear Tower. She had pink hair but it was DEF her and they were getting in the elevator together and were super handsy!”
Dany groaned. “Ugh this is NOT how I wanted us to get out!” It could work though, he thought. They’d have to figure it out with the PR teams but it could work. He took the phone from her and tapped on the submit button. “What are you doing?” she demanded. She leaned over his shoulder, chuckling after a moment. “Oh Jon Snow, you crafty little wolf.”
Using a fake email he’d had set up for exactly these PR purposes, because Davos made him, he submitted the “anon please” and then using his phone, texted Davos his image control would be handled.
After a few minutes, he frowned again and looked up at her. She was staring at the TV, her blue and green contacts out. He flicked one of the pink curls. “You sure you want to tie yourself to me?” he wondered. “I don’t have the best rep.”
“Jon I love you, I don’t care.” She kissed him softly, smiling and arched a brow. “I just open us being a public thing soon enough won’t upset our little rendezvous.”
He laughed. They’d snuck around like this for this long. “You might have to upgrade to some elaborate wigs instead of hair coloring.”
“I have a whole closet full.”
“Also you didn’t have a name picked out tonight, threw me off guard.”
“I was in a hurry to get out of that loaned awards dress and into my costume.”
He smiled, pulling her down for a quick kiss. He sighed. “I love you Dany.”
“Your lady of the night,” she teased. “Is that what they call the girls lucky enough to fuck Jon Snow?“
“You tell me, you’re the only one lucky enough for that.”
She giggled and pulled him up over her, sighing happily as he kissed down her neck. “Hmm, yes, lucky me.”
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quennie93 · 4 years
How they ruined Inuyasha/Yashahime pt. 2
☆Turning a badass Character like Sango in just....Miroku' Wife
☆Kagome still being Useless? She showed up to battle with Moroha with no bow and arrows... like why Kagome.
☆ Kagome still being referred as Kikyo Reincarnation
☆the Terrible Fight scenes that last what? 2 minutes max?
☆the Space Yokai... ion get it lmao They built.it up like it was so strong... and Inuyasha and Sesshomaru took it out with 2 moves....
☆Towa being OP for nooooo damn reason! Towa has no prior training yet she defeating demons left and right. Yet they made sure to show Kagome lack of training very evident.
☆Inconsistencies. More so amongst the fandom.. " Its the feudal Era. It was normal back then. Because people died early" 🥲🥲😪😪 God help me on this one...
ALSO INUYASHA: Has a bunch of old people running around in the show. Kaede seemingly being the oldest
1) It wasn't as common as you think.
2) Inuyasha is so far from accurate. There's literal demons in this show and magical swords and Weapons...
3)If its so common, then why hasn't Sango already been married off by the time she was introduced. Or why don't Kohaku have a wife yet. Or Hisui.. Or Sangos Daughters( this may be true or not. It hasn't been shown)
4) Of you do a little research like people tell me. You'll know why it wasn't common and why it happened when it did
☆Had the audacity to make an episode showing the "horror" of Tamano situations. Amd the hoard of men coming after her at 13.
The next episode revealed Rin as the Mother....I 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ and Based on what I calculated Shes about 15/16.
☆Also Neither of Sango's daughters are demon slayers?
☆Don't get me started on the Animations cause the amount of terrible scenes is ridiculous considering they suppose to be a professional company
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☆Miroku being the only one that ages...
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☆Story having so many plot holes and not making any sense!
☆They didn't even Age Rin up she literally has the exact same face at 8 plus an extra Eyelash.
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☆Also Rin laying there in plank formation as if she can't move her arms! She wasn't even holding her babies! Wtf! And even when sesshomaru came and Took them.... she didn't do anything just moved her head. Everyone else said something Except the mother!!
☆Inuyasha facing the tree in The promo Poster??? Why?! Rin is in there....
☆Also Rin being in the tree makes no sense. She has no link to this damn tree!
☆Jaken saying he'll take care of the twins in Rin's place
1) Jaken HATED watching Rin now he's just happy to watch her twins as well too?
2) Contradicted himself later saying He'll bring Rin through the barrier.
☆ Towa not having her human night until she was in the Feudal Era.
☆ There's no development in the characters they've been the same since Ep. 1... no new moves nothing...
☆Everyone being so damn clueless!
☆People using a chart saying Rin was 17 but also want me to believe Hisui suppose to be between 5-7 but he can barely walk. Ummm no!
☆The so-called clues and mystery and "shock" about who the mother is. It was nonexistent. O was more intrigued the theories Antis came up with! But I should've know Sunrise or whoever wasn't clever enough to do all that lmao
☆Kagome supposedly suppose to be pregnant. When Rin gave birth? B*tch where?!
☆Sango and Miroku twins... the design of one of the twins is literally just same kid head on a woman body... I just lmao ugh! I'm sorry but she look so stupid with her hair cut. Cause she look like she a grown woman that don't wanna grow up
☆Inconsistencies of Hair colors... Setsuna hair was black then brown then back to black. Towas hair turns black during the new moon... but Rins hair is Brown...
☆Once again the FUCKING RED STREAK?!! WHY!?!?! Towa didn't loose it during the new moon. So it's not demonic but it's also not from Rin. Soo whyyyyyyy?!?!!
☆Sesshomaru walking and taking the twins without a word to Rin. Pissed me off.
☆MF had the audacity to use a Sesskagu moment in the beginning of the Opening. ( Moment when Sesshomaru says " i get to decide whether she died in vain...")
☆ Inuyasha series made it adamant that for Sesshomaru to grow he he needed to be great on his own and become separate from his father.. then Yashahime comes around and Makes him almost exactly as his father....
☆Sesshomaru Denouncing his title...why
☆Sesshomaru going with Kirinmaru to fight Inuyasha and Kagome then suddenly seals them in a pearl... it makes no sense
☆Hisui not liking his father then suddenly okay with him at the end of the episode
☆Miroku being such a coward and running??
☆Zero saying she heard a rumor that Sesshomaru had half demon twins but they had just been born......
☆Hisui suppose to be pushing 5 when The twins were born but he look 2/3 and can barely walk lmao
JUST TERRIBLE. ILL Add more. When I think of it lmao
Part of me wanna keep watching cause I know they'll mess up even more
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leonicscorpio · 4 years
Y'all, I'm so excited for Gotham Knights.
Both as a batman and bat family fan. This game is looking to offer a lot in terms of both gameplay and add an extreme amount of story. I especially am excited to see what they end up doing with Jason.
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Right off the bat (lol) I love his design. They show that he's large and imposing. Physically intimidating. As well as bringing back his white streak with a clean short haircut and s scar that extends from his mouth all the way up his head. His design is just *chefs kiss*
However upon looking at his promotional information I was immediately grabbed by his bio. They mention something very specific about this universe's Jason that is very unique and peculiar.
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The top text pretty much establishes what is already canon and what we know about Jason to be true. The death, Lazarus Pit, his anger, etc. This also poses the fact that we will probably see a Jason in-game that is very volitile and easy to anger. (That's hot) but what's most interesting is the bottom text. "After reconciling with the Batman Family, he's embraced Batman's non-lethal combat methods" what's so striking to me is that Jason and Bruce seemingly made up prior to the events of Bruce's death. As Jason got the message of Bruce's death, and as seen in the image prior (the one with Jason's face) we see Jason is visibly hurt and shocked. He's taken aback by the announcement. While I think any iteration of Jason (Pre-New 52 straight up-villain Jason or New 52 Anti-Hero who is half trying to get Bruce to love him, half telling Bruce to fuck off) would be shocked of Bruce's death announcement. We get to see Jason's reaction first and foremost and it's very personal and emotional. This brings up a point that's been bugging me ever since I saw the announcement of Gotham Knights.
What happened to Jason that made him reconcile with Bruce?
This post is speculation as to what I think may have happened to Jason to cause him to turn around and be welcomed back into the Bat Family.
I think that the events of Under The Red Hood still happen but either Bruce or Jason kill the Joker.
It's a stretch. But hear me out. We know the most defining moment in Bruce's and Jason's joint story is the confrontation between Bruce and Jason over the Joker and Jason trying to force Bruce to kill the Joker.
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Bruce decides he cannot kill the Joker. Now the movie and the comic differs on how they handle the ending. In the comics, right as Jason is about to pull the trigger, Bruce reacts and throws a Batarang at Jason. Slicing him in the neck. Severely injuring him but not killing him. In the Under the Red Hood movie, Bruce, when faced with the option of having to chose between killing the Joker and just letting Jason kill him. Bruce turns and walks away. He readies a Batarang because he predicts (correctly) that Jason will retaliate out of confusion because he sees Bruce as rejecting him again. Not understanding that Bruce is simply chosing not to be involved in the situation.
I think Jason turning around to Bruce could happen most likely because the events of Under the Red Hood transpired differently. We know Joker still exists in this universe because Jason's death and resurrection is implied to be the same. But we also know that Barbara Gordon's paralysis during the events of The Killing Joke are still canon in this universe.
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What if this universe follows the canon of the movie in that when Bruce turned away from Jason, either Bruce verbalized to Jason that he doesn't care what happens to the Joker, right now, he's chosing Jason, and although he doesn't want Jason to kill the Joker, he's letting Jason decide.
What if Bruce still throws a Batarang at Jason and instead of staying still, Jason brings the joker up and uses him as a shield? Killing the Joker or severely injuring him as a muscle reaction to protect himself from the Batarang. We know that the reason why Jason is so antagonistic towards Bruce is because Bruce didn't kill the Joker and let him continue to kill and injure people after Jason's death. And that inaction is directly what happens
The WB Montreal team (the team making Arkham Knights) hasn't confirmed if The Joker is in thw game. We know the confirmed villains are The Court of Owls and Mister Freeze. With Two Face being hinted at through promotional material. But there is no direct references that The Joker will be in the game.
I may be looking too deep into this. Jason may have just turned around as a result of Bruce's demise. But I like to think of the potential character interactions we could see in Gotham Knights. I want to see a Jason that has properly reconciled with Bruce and is trying to make amends. Only for him to lose Bruce and run the risk of falling back on bad habits. Is Jason still antagonistic towards Dick and Tim even if Bruce accepts Jason as The Red Hood and is able to help reform him? Is Jason still the bitter, almost acidiccly snarky and biting character his in Scott Lobdell's characterization of Jason if he reconciles with Bruce? Does he still call Tim "replacement" and such if he's accepted and recognized and given the support he needs? How does the rest of the family react to Jason? Are they apprehensive?
There's so much to look forward to with Gotham Knights and I'd love to know what other people think. With an exciting new take on Jason's character (as well as being able to play as Jason in an RPG based setting) we get to have an extremely diverse cast. All of the Robins are played by Asian American voice actors and Barbara is played by a Latin-American voice actress. Stephen Oyoung is a fantastic casting for Jason because he already has a lot of exposure as a VA who plays villains. Christopher Sean is going to bring so much fun as Dick (for those who don't know he voiced Kazuda Xiono in Star Wars Resistance and Ludwig in Epic 7) America Young is the current voice of BARBIE and is also going to bring so much to the role of Barbara Gordon. And while Sloane Morgan Siegal is the new face of the bunch, from what we saw from the promo he's bringing a great new take on Tim Drake that's going to be refreshing and exciting.
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Let me know you're thoughts!
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sunflowerim · 3 years
I LOVE YOU 3000!
-PART 42
Weekend 8
When you want time to slow down, it happens to roll faster. Saturday had arrived in the blink of an eye.
"As much as I like having you, don't you think you gotta talk to Lou?" Niall said Saturday morning, handing Harry his cup of coffee. Harry had taken to crash at Niall's place random times of the day since the uneventful incident on Wednesday. Not a single text exchanged with Louis. And lots of media training.
"And say what exactly?" Harry replied coldly, taking the cup from Niall, "that I have to stoop so low for the publicity of my movie?"
"First of all, stop that. Celebrities need publicity and you're new to this field and it'll do you good with the general public. But yeah I don't consciously agree with the whole "stunt" thing," Niall frowned, "and that's why I want you to talk to Louis. Explain stuff to him before he gets the wrong idea."
"No Niall you don't understand."
"Then enlighten me."
"It's all very new to me okay. My feelings for Louis. Me coming to terms with my sexuality. It's all new. And I'm scared Ni. I really am."
"H, but you told me Louis likes you too right? And I know him man, he's a good friend before everything else. He'll understand."
"Louis didn't have a very good image of me okay- and it took me some time to make him trust me, and to low-key make him believe that my media image isn't me. Trust me, I don't have it in me to tell him that I'm a guy who fakes a relationship for the sake of promo. I value relationships man and he does too. So if it's making me angry, rest assured he'll be pissed too."
"God Harry you're overthinking. You never cared what people thought of you."
"Louis isn't people Niall."
"I don't want him to hate me."
"He will not. Trust me."
"And it's not just that," Harry fumbled with the coffee cup, "Taylor is involved too. And you know how Louis worships Taylor, I don't want him to think less of his idol either. It'll crush him."
"But it's not your fault Harry, and I think it'll be easier for you guys if he knew it was for show."
"I suppose you're right Niall, but I don't have it in me to tell him. He'll think of me as a shallow spineless celebrity. Again."
"You're being paranoid."
"And you're not being a good friend," Harry said, setting down the cup rather too hard.
Niall softened at that and said soothingly, "ok how about this, today's a Saturday. Go to Louis', spend some time with him and just skip this topic. You're missing him. I'm sure he's missing you too."
"How will I face him after what I did last time?"
"Just go on with whatever story you made up that day, since you don't wanna tell him the truth," Niall said, sounding a little disappointed.
"I hate lying to him," Harry replied sadly.
"Ok I'm running out of options here. Just go meet him alright, everything will be fine."
"Fine," Harry sighed, "if you say so," Harry said getting up.
And he drove off to Louis'.
Back in the apartment, Louis was distractedly stirring his fourth cup of tea. It was 11a.m. and he hadn't had any breakfast owing to the fact that his helper was on a sick leave and he didn't feel like ordering either. Clifford was kept prodding his knees, probably sensing Louis' sad demeanor.
He was wondering whether he should just visit his sister for lunch when the bell rang. Louis' heart skipped a beat. It couldn't be Harry could it, Louis thought with a start. No that'd be absurd. Harry had possibly lied to him, abandoned him and ignored him for three days. Why would he come here now.
With his heart in his throat, Louis opened the door. And there standing with his silly gorgeous green eyes and stupid beautiful curls was Harry.
Louis' heart sank to his stomach.
"Hi Lou," Harry said slowly, eyes struggling to look into Louis'.
"Um hi?" Louis asked still standing at the door.
"Can I come in?"
Louis was so lost in his thoughts that he missed the question. His mind was burning with questions. Why was Harry here? To apologise probably. He surely had a reason for his behaviour last day and Louis will listen to whatever Harry has to say.
Harry cleared his throat and repeated, "Will you not let me in Lou?"
Louis' mind came back to the boy in front of him and he moved aside to let Harry in without saying a word.
Clifford leapt up to Harry and barked madly with joy. He was clearly missing his friend.
"Ah good to see you too Cliffy," Harry said, bending low and scratching Clifford's fur.
He stood up again, facing Louis, "I'm really sorry for the other day Louis. It's just I couldn't find a way out." Harry's eyes kept flickering down to his hands, which he was nervously wringing. Still lying, Louis thought.
"Are you sure it wasn't something else?" Louis asked in a calm voice.
"No," Harry replied, still looking down.
"Okay then," Louis said, walking over to the couch and picking up his cup of tea again. "Make yourself comfortable," he said before sitting down himself.
"You're having tea now? How many cups have you had already?" Harry asked.
"This might be my third one." Louis wasn't looking at Harry either. He kept his attention on his phone.
"I'm sure you haven't had any breakfast."
"And?" Louis looked at Harry and raised an eyebrow.
"Nothing. I'll make you some," Harry said, walking over to the kitchen.
Louis didn't find it in his heart to stop him. Maybe if Harry was trying to fall back in their normal habits, he'd eventually talk about whatever the fuck was going on.
Louis didn't join him in the kitchen where Clifford kept running around Harry. He stayed in the couch listening to Clifford and Harry's conversation. Clifford had missed him. Louis had too, but he'd eat avocados sooner than admit that.
Harry made a quick breakfast and called Louis over. Louis ate in silence, aware of Harry's intense gaze on him but every time he looked up, Harry would look away.
"Okay, are you gonna tell me what's bothering you?" Louis snapped.
"Wha- nothing. Nothing." Harry stammered.
Louis took a deep breath to calm himself. "Sorry for that. You know what, take your time. I'm here. I'll listen whenever you're ready."
And Harry could've kissed him, but he kept himself in check. He'd probably had lost his privileges. Louis was so understanding, Harry didn't deserve him.
"I just wanted to spend some time with you and maybe watch a movie."
"Oh yeah," said Louis, remembering something, " the last one's left, I'll put it on."
Louis didn't set up the projector this time. He simply connected the player to the television and settled back in the couch as Avengers Endgame started playing.
Harry didn't know about Louis, but he could hardly focus on the movie himself. His mind kept replaying his previous visits to the apartment, to various funny incidents, to some heart warming ones, to last weekend-
No. Harry couldn't think about it. That hurt. He couldn't imagine how Louis must be feeling at that time.
The movie was showing Iron Man tucking his daughter in bed and his daughter saying, 'I love you 3000'.
Harry glanced sideways to see that Louis had a little smile playing on his lips. Harry made a mental note to remember that it probably held importance to him.
Harry kept fidgeting in his place and in a few minutes, Louis had paused the movie.
"What's wrong Harry?"
Harry didn't know what to say so he kept staring at the motionless character in the television.
"Is this about last weekend?" Louis continued, "Did I cross the line? Do you regret it? Because if so I'm really sorry about that."
Harry looked at Louis with a horrified expression on his face, trying to ignore the pang of sadness it was causing him to know that Louis thought that way.
"Regret? What? No Louis. I don't regret anything. I could never," Harry said earnestly, hoping Louis would understand.
"Then why are you ignoring me?"
"I'm not-" Harry replied, sounding unsure.
"You are Harry. You're making me feel like I was some random hookup for you and trust me, it doesn't feel good." Louis' voice broke.
It made Harry miserable, seeing Louis like that and he wondered for a brief moment if he should take Niall's advice and tell Louis everything. Louis' presence made the decision easier. He was ready to blabber everything to Louis when his phone rang. Fucking Manager.
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"Hello," said a gruff voice from the other side.
"Yeah?" said Harry irritably.
"Where are you?"
"That's none of your business it is?"
"Turns out it is. Did you forget about your outing with Taylor?"
"Ofcourse I didn't. It was on 3rd of July," Harry wanted to punch his manager.
"Which happens to be today."
"Wha-" Harry quickly moved his phone from his ear and checked the date on the lockscreen. July 3rd, 2021. Harry wanted to punch himself. "Okay yeah, um, I didn't notice the date, so uh, is there any way we can postpone this? I'm really busy right now-"
"Taylor is already here. The car is waiting outside your house. So, no."
"Damn it. I mean yeah-"
"Hurry up."
"Yeah I'm coming."
Louis obviously could hear only one side of the conversation and he clearly understood that Harry had to leave. Again.
Harry turned to look at Louis, his eyes apologetic, but Louis looked away.
"It's alright, just go okay."
"I'm sorry about this."
"Sure you are," Louis replied, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"What- what's that supposed to mean?"
"Are you sure you're not doing this intentionally?"
"How could you even think that?"
"I'm trying to understand the situation Harry. In two months we became closer than ever, so what exactly did I do in the last few days for you to avoid me. I'm sure it's not work related problem, because then you'd have told me."
"No Lou you don't understand-"
"I think I do."
"Lou please, you have to believe me, whatever I'm doing, it's because I don't wanna hurt you."
"Well, guess what, you already did."
Harry tried to reach out for Louis but he moved back a few steps, away from Harry's touch. "Just leave Harry."
Harry's face fell at the last words. He tried to speak again, to make Louis understand, but no words came out and eventually he thought it best to leave. With great difficulty he made his way towards the door and left.
And after a while, Louis left for the gym to channel his frustration to someplace useful. He didn't let himself feel sad about the fact that him and Harry were no longer close, that some unknown barrier had introduced itself in between.
The Next Day
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Zayn was overjoyed to see the mail. He could actually see Louis' face as he told him about it. Louis would be thrilled. And his designs on Harry! He had some amazing outfit ideas for Harry. Zayn remembered that the first time he'd heard about Harry being his client he'd refrained from telling Louis about it because back then Louis wasn't exactly on pleased at Harry's existence in general. But now that he was absolutely smitten by Harry, this was going to be nice.
He set off for Louis' at once deciding to surprise him with the news being oblivious to everything that was going on between Louis and Harry.
He stopped by McDonald's drive-thru to grab Louis' favourite milkshake and hash browns.
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Harry knew what was coming and he couldn't hold himself back anymore. Louis would be seeing the article soon. He couldn't imagine what Louis was going to think about him. Once again, he felt courage build up in his stomach. He was gonna tell Louis. He dashed to his car and drove off before his paranoia returned.
Back in Louis' apartment, things weren't looking that good. Louis had forgotten that he'd turned on twitter notifications for Harry's update account. So, when his phone vibrated with a notification, he clearly wasn't prepared enough to absorb whatever he was seeing. He hastily clicked on the notification and froze at the contents of the screen.
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Louis was stunned. He waited for a few seconds before he clicked on "undo retweet". No he wasn't gonna mope about Harry, Harry who simply didn't ever care about Louis, Harry who kept lying to him. Louis shuddered to think about all those times he thought him and Harry actually had something. Was Harry lying through it all? He couldn't think about it anymore. No,no, no. He won't think about Harry. He won't let him affect him. Enough of all that shit. He sat frozen in his spot in the couch when the bell rang.
Louis absent-mindedly made his way to the door. His heart sank when he saw who was standing outside. Harry.
"Louis believe me! It's not what it looks like," Harry said, panic stricken.
"Get out of here," Louis' ocean blue eyes bore a thunder like expression, his voice steely.
"Lou I'm sorry."
"As you should be."
"Louis, pl-"
"You broke my heart Harry Styles."
"Good. Fucking. Bye." Slam.
Louis shut the door in Harry's face and slowly made his way back to the couch. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.
No sooner did he fall back on the couch than Clifford came running to him. He leapt up on Louis' lap and Louis broke down.
"Harry broke our heart Cliffy," he said between sobs. "He never liked us. It was all a big lie."
Clifford lapped up the tears keen on making Louis stop crying, but Louis went on and on. "We shouldn't have made friends with him. Such a waste!" Louis hugged Clifford tightly and Clifford made a sad whimper and settled his head on Louis' shoulder.
For a few minutes, no other sound could be heard in the apartment other than Louis' sobs and hiccups.
Suddenly the bell rang again. Clifford jumped from his lap and began sniffed around the door. Thinking it was Harry, Louis decided to ignore it but then the bell rang twice again and Clifford started to bark happily. Louis wiped his tears and walked up to the door and there stood Zayn grinning ear to ear and holding a McDonald's pack, but his grin faded when he saw Louis' tear stained face and red-rimmed eyes.
Louis flung himself on Zayn and began crying again. Zayn hugged back the shaking sobbing mess in his arms and asked slowly, "hey hey Lou, what happened? I'm here. Tell me."
"Harry-", that's the only word Zayn could make out from Louis' muffled sobs.
"What about Harry?"
Louis stepped back from the hug and pulled out his phone. He showed Zayn the tweet and Zayn was equally shocked. "What the fuck is this? What? No this can't be true. I'm sure this is some rumour. Remember he told you once, how he's set up with every girl he's spotted with."
"It's not just that-" Louis replied before breaking down again.
"Hey ,hey please don't cry. You know what, let's go for a drive. Let's get you out of here and you can tell me everything that happened."
Louis silently nodded and bringing Clifford out of the house, locked the door behind him. Dropping Clifford off at the dog park, so he could play with his friends, Zayn drove off with Louis.
Zayn offered him the milkshake and and hash browns and let him eat in silence as Louis slowly regained his composure. One by one, Louis told Zayn everything that had been happening, from the day out with Harry, Theo and Lux, to the sudden change in behaviour two days later, to yesterday's almost argument to Harry showing up today after the article was dropped.
Zayn listened in silence and tried to make sense of what Louis was saying. The incidents didn't add up. He'd really taken a liking to Harry and he couldn't process that Harry would do something like that.
But then again, the sight of his best friend sitting miserable next to him, was making his heart harden towards Harry. He tried to reason with Louis, who refused to listen to anything. Zayn sighed and asked, "music?" hoping that'd calm Louis a bit and help Zayn think.
Zayn tuned in to the radio and a soft melody sounded,
"I want her long blond hair
I want her magic touch
Yeah, 'cause maybe then
You'd want me just as much
I've got a girl cru-"
One look at Louis' face and Zayn slammed the music shut.
Why was everything so difficult?!
Zayn had driven them to a club on the outskirts of the city. The club was pretty famous but owing to it's high maintenance, was mostly accessed by celebrities or people connected to celebrities and was much less crowded compared to the other. Well, a quiet cafe would have been nice too except, now that more people knew Louis and connected him to Harry, if anyone spotted Louis like this, it'd raise an issue. Hence, a club with dim lights and loud music it was.
Zayn led Louis to booth and after making sure Louis was a bit stable, went off to buy drinks.
Zayn didn't drink because he had to drive Louis back but after 3 rounds of drinks Louis was feeling lightheaded, but at the same time, it was very distracting. Zayn kept talking to him about different topics, not bringing up Harry until Louis did that himself.
Eventually Louis started talking.
"I don't understand one thing Zee," he slurred, "that if this was indeed some rumour, why didn't he talk to me? He was clearly avoiding me this week."
Zayn knew whatever he said won't have much of an effect on him, so he just kept rubbing soothing circles on Louis' back. Talking for so long had efficiently tired Louis out and he asked to be taken back home when suddenly,
"Louis! Zayn!"
The duo looked up see a blond haired someone walking towards them, but they couldn't make out the face. It wasn't until the person was right in front if them and the lights fell directly on the face that they made out who it was. Taylor Swift.
Taylor smiled down at the two boys who stared unblinkingly at her, unable to say a word.
"Hi? You guys okay? Can I join you?"
Zayn came back to his senses and smiled, "yeah sure."
Taylor joined them in the booth and looked at Louis again, who was still staring with a blank expression at Taylor.
"What's up with him?" Taylor asked Zayn.
Zayn looked at Louis and then back again at Taylor, "uh, nothing, just work stress. We just came to get some steam off." There's no way he could tell what really had happened.
"Huh, tell me about it. I'm so tired with all the promo work," she replied.
And that's when it hit him. Taylor was dating Harry too. Up until now, he was just thinking about it from Louis' point of view and thinking about how Harry broke Louis' heart but now it dawned on him that it meant Taylor was involved too. Taylor, the person Zayn had liked for quite some time and had to bury his feelings for the sake of his profession.
Here he was, consoling his friend, trying to mend his broken heart, when the reason his own heart ached had decided to grace them with a visit. Things couldn't be worse. Zayn pushed down the pang of sadness he was feeling and tried to think of something to say when Louis started sobbing again. Taylor's presence seemed to have reminded him about Harry.
Louis didn't take Harry's name but went on and on about a certain someone who'd broken his heart. Taylor listened with interest and tried to console him best as she could. Her words were actually effective on Louis who had eventually stopped crying and was listening with rapt attention to Taylor. Zayn himself tried to take in some of the advice, and surprisingly it was good. Taylor really had the magical ability to comfort sad people.
After a while Louis got more drunk and insisted on taking a picture with Taylor and Zayn happily complied because Louis' mind was finally off Harry's.
Soon they bid their goodbyes and left the club, and Zayn drove back with a less sad but slightly drunk Louis.
When Louis shut the door on Harry's face, he didn't see how crestfallen Harry looked. He didn't see how Harry ran to his car, barely able to control his tears, which had started falling incessantly thinking that Louis hated him. Harry drove to his apartment, not wanting to face Niall. He knew what Niall would say, I told you to talk to Louis. You should have listened.
No, Harry needed to be alone for a while.
Dave, Harry's personal assistant, noticed something was off and made a whole flask of hot chocolate for Harry and quietly slipped it in his room.
Harry spend quite some time drinking the hot chocolate and thinking about the good times he'd spent with Louis when his phone rang with a notification.
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Harry was taken by surprise. What on earth was Louis doing with Taylor? Especially today? What could have possibly happened for them to hang out and for Louis to even post a picture?
Probably Harry was the only person he hated, probably he adored Taylor way too much to think bad of her. Whatever might be the case, Harry was sure of one thing- Louis hated him and Harry had lost his chance at love. Yes, love.
At this point Harry knew, that he was head over heels in love with Louis and he had ended up hurting him.
He'd lost Louis, probably forever.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
I don't know. Might further the plot.?
Male Reader x Avengers Cast
Request- Do you think you could make a Avengers cast X Male reader & his talking about his past & saying his been in juvenile detention & jail cause he had a rough childhood & his friend (oc) always helped him and stayed by his side & helped him get into drama class & he was good at it & now his new movie is coming out & it's about helping his character with his depression, suicidal thoughts & he meets his love interest who becomes his girlfriend in real life & her character helps him through depression
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Your childhood was rough because your father would hit you physically and mentally abuse you. Your mother would do the same, also she would call you horrible names. Your father is known for selling drugs and always gambling. Your mother is a drunk and always high on drugs. You barely went to school and if you did you would cause problems.
You have always been on a rough path, your rap sheet is long as the train tracks. You didn't go to school often because you were in juvenile detention, many people gave up on you. When your turned eighteenth, you were in and out of jail. Since your parents didn't care for you they didn't pay for your bail. The longest sentence you did in prison was eight years.
After getting out of prison, you packed what you had left, took the van, and stole from your parents. You stole your dad’s pot to make quick cash.
As days went on you slept in your van. You would sell pot, with that money you would buy food and fill up the van. It's the middle of the night and you are sleeping, your best friend John Krasinski, banged on the van. You opened the door and you tackled him to the ground.
”Dude it's me!!!” John yelled.
You were about to punch him.
”What the fuck!?” You yelled.
You get off him and he gets off the ground.
”You almost gave a heart attack!!” You yelled.
It's freezing because it's November.
”I heard what happened. I came to get you and tell you to move in with me” John said.
You and John Krasinski have been friends for a long time. You trust him and only him. He has been there for you many times and never left your side.
”I don't know men. I can't even pay rent on time and I won't get a job from nine to five” You said.
”Just move in before you freeze to death,” John said.
”Fine,” You said.
The next day, you start to help John run his lines. He is trying out for a role on a show called the office. You always help him run his lines, even in high school when he tried to the school play. He told you to try out for the school play but you said no.
”Y/N, you should really get into acting. You are really good and you should think about being an actor” John said.
”Don’t lie to me,” You said.
”I’m serious. With more training then you will become a better actor. I think you should take a shot at it. Now you are not doing anything with your life, take a chance” John said.
You have always been into acting but never took it seriously. You start to think and you are unsure what he said.
”I will think about it,” You said.
”Okay. Give me a ride?” John said.
”Yeah sure,” You said.
John goes to acting classes also he pays for you to go. At first, you hesitated to go but you didn't have money to pay for the classes. But you promised him that you will pay him back later on.
✧ ✯ ✧ ✫
John has been helping you become a better actor. But he can't help all the time because he has his own life. You get one role for acting but it was to be an extra, you took it paid $200.
You tried out for a role to start in an Iron man movie, it was for a small role but you didn't get it. And you can't afford to do headshots.
”What’s your name?” He asked.
”Y/N... I really like your movies, ” You said.
”I saw your audition. I see you have potential but you need acting lessons” Robert said.
”I can't afford it. Most times, I sleep in my van and doing random jobs” You said.
You watched every single movie that Robert Downey Jr. Did.
”I will help you and I will be your mentor,” Robert said.
”No way!!” You sad very loud.
You can't stop smiling and he is serious. You are still speechless and can't stop smiling. Later, you told John about it and he is happy for you. Robert will let you live with him but you told him, to repay him back you will do chores around the house.
You are happy that you get to sleep in a new bed. Every day he gives you lessons for acting. He tells how to bring the characters to life and cry on cue. You always run lines with him and he tells you what you do wrong.
” Besides my best friend, you are the only one who ever believed in me,” You said.
He hugged you and you did cry a little bit, he starts to rub your back.
”It’s okay. Let it all out. You are a good person, you are the only one that has control for your future” Robert said.
You wipe the tears away.
”That means a lot,” You said with a small smile.
✧ ✯ ✧ ✫
You have been getting small roles on tv shows and some indie movies. You always give it your all and you keep improving in each role you get.
You got your big break to appear in The Avengers in the first movie. You got the role of Marcus "Marc" Milton aka Hyperion.
Hyperion possesses great physical strength. Between 75 and 100 tons. Marcus Milton was able to hold two piles of the earth apart to prevent them from colliding with each other for a period of time, confront the Hulk blow-for-blow until the Hulk reverted back to human form. He also does not require air, food, or water to survive as long as his body absorbs Solar energy. Also, he is a Trucker, adventurer, vigilante, former teacher.
But you didn't have a role in Avengers: Age of Ultron. For the first movie, you invited John to the movie premiere.
With the cast, you get along with them really well. Sometimes play pranks each other, make each other laugh during sets, and more. You and Robert still have a good relationship, he is still your mentor. John always supports you in any role you get. During an interview, you said you hope gets a role in a Marvel movie.
✧ ✯ ✧ ✫
You decided to take a chance to make your own movie. It took a while for your script to be completed. You meet Elizabeth Olsen for the first time and she got the lead role. She will play your love interest in the movie.
While shooting the movie during sets and offset, you and Elizabeth would spend time together. She does invite you to her house and you always yes. Always making each other laugh and you like to stare at her green eyes.
”You should help me cook more often,” Elizabeth said.
You laughed.
”Only to help you. My parents never taught me how to cook or taught me anything positive” You said.
”You still don't talk to your parents?” Elizabeth asked.
”No. They did contact me two months ago, pretending they care about me. They only called because I am famous. I don't want to give them a second chance, they made my childhood a living hell” You said.
She hugged you and it caught you off guard, but you did hug her back. Later, you and Elizabeth eat dinner outside in the backyard and kept talking. Later, she taught you how to make smores and you love it.
You and Elizabeth go to the beach because it's very hot in California. You start to help put sunblock on Elizabeth’s back and the paparazzi take pictures of everything.
You told her you don't know how to swim, she decided to teach you how to swim. She teaches you the basics and how to breathe underwater. You come out of the water and you start to cough. She starts to pat your back.
”Did you swallow the water?” Elizabeth asked.
You nod and coughed again.
”Y-yeah. It's hard to breathe underwater” You sad.
”It’s not and I will keep teaching you,” Elizabeth said.
Again she teaches you how to breathe underwater. The paparazzi take pictures of when she kissed you.
Working on a movie that is dark, you and Elizabeth try to make each other laugh. She would take pictures with you and post it on her Instagram account. You are sitting down on your chair and you are using your phone. She takes a picture of you and writes something.
So cute when he is focused 😍
✧ ✯ ✧ ✫
You did appear in the other movies Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame. Now you go on promo tours with the cast, it's always fun with them. You did talk about your character Hyperion.
”i will appear in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Loki. But I won't say what will happen for now” You said.
”Can you tell us about your new movie?” He asked.
You nod.
”My character has depression and he is suicidal. He meets his love interest who becomes his girlfriend, who is played by, Elizabeth Olsen and her character helps him through everything. It's hard for him to believe that anyone truly cares for him and she proves that she does care for him. Robert also worked on the movie has a co-writer and producer” You said.
”Is everyone invited to the movie premiere?” He asked.
”Of course not. I don't get along with them, they are such divas and horrible to work with” You joked.
Everyone starts to laugh.
”Why are you laughing? It's true” You said.
”I hate Y/N, I'm so happy I won't see him again. And I won't go to his movie premiere” Scarlett Johansson joked.
”I agree with her” Chris Evans joked.
”You have to tell us. Are you really Elizabeth Olsen’s boyfriend?” He asked.
”I knew you two were going to end up dating,” Jeremy said.
”Is it true?” He asked.
”How did you even ask her to be your girlfriend?” Mark asked.
”She lost a bet in Uno, duh. How else I would be her boyfriend” and you are serious about it.
That didn't happen.
You are finally home and Elizabeth is staying the night over. You do enjoy cooking together with her. You and Elizabeth watch the new movie Scoob while eating dinner.
”I saw the interview,” Elizabeth said.
”What do you think?” You asked.
She laughed and drinks her wine.
”Can't believe I lost in Uno and we are stuck together” Elizabeth teased.
You and Elizabeth laughed.
”You could have won if cheated but it's not my fault you lost” You winked.
”You are such a doofus” Elizabeth laughed.
You laughed too. Elizabeth again stole a hoodie from you. It's cold and she loves wearing your hoodies, you like how she looks in it so you don't say anything about it.
✧ ✯ ✧ ✫
Since you said Elizabeth lost in Uno, when she does interviews they ask her about it. She goes along with it.
The night of the movie premiere, Robert and the others arrived to support you. Everyone posed for the cameras, you are not serious because you are making everyone laugh.
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