#the cellar door sessions
spilladabalia · 1 year
Miles Davis - Directions (composed by Joe Zawinul)
Live at The Cellar Door, Georgetown, Washington D.C., 16 December 1970.
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chelseawolfeonly · 5 months
From Chelsea Wolfe’s BBC Maida Vale session, 22.04.2024
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rubysgirl32 · 3 months
Kit Tanthalos x Princess!Reader (Enemies to Lovers)
Warning: enemies to lovers, Kit and reader being assholes to each other, lot of insults and arguing, Self hatred, cursing, alcohol?
Request: Hello😁 in ur recent post, you mentioned requests, and I was wondering if you could pls make a princess reader x kit enemies to lovers oneshot? 🙏 (@mydogatemywaffle )
Summary: Kit hated her, She hated Kit. Let's see how it works out when they have to have dinner together
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Like every summer, Queen Sorsha of Tir Asleen, invited a special group of royal families from other realms inside the barrier, to spend an entire week together. A week filled with games, sports and parties. The reason for these annual gatherings was for the new generations to bond and have strong friendships, making the alliances between realms stronger. The kings and queens would get together for once, and chat about life and sometimes discuss business, while the princes and princesses would battle, have parties and cherish the company of each other. Everyone really enjoys and appreciates these summer gatherings. Everyone except Princess Kit. In fact, she despised them. She hated having her brother flirt with her friends, she hated having to share her training sessions, she hated the fact she had to wear dresses on every meal, she hated not having time on her own, but most of all, what she precisely hated was her. 
Y/n. Princess of Veloria, youngest of the 3 heirs to the crown and a complete total narc. They were thirteen, when Airk, Kit and the rest of the royal youths decided to spend a night in the wine cellar, drinking old disgusting wines and playing truth or dare. Kit didn’t actually play, as she invited Jade with her, and spent it talking about practise and sparring. That was until, Y/n found them and went running to Sorsha, and snitched on her so-called friends. They all got punished obviously, but Kit and Airk were grounded for the rest of summer, which meant no sparring with Jade. Call her exaggerated, but Kit swore that it was the worst 7 weeks in her life. 
So ever since, Kit has held that stupid grudge against her like an oath, completely despising the girl, and promising to herself to one day get her revenge. It might sound childish, but if there was something Kit hated, it was a snitch. A teacher’s pet. Someone who followed every single rule, and really did what they actually wanted. She hated those types of people. And apparently, she was the only one since the rest of the princesses and princes seemed to have forgiven the younger girl. They would talk and spend time with her, even though she literally betrayed everyone.
“Kit” Airk opened her bedroom door, with a tight smile. He was wearing his v-cut blouse and tight pants. His hair was messy, meaning he must have been spending his afternoon with one of his newest conquest “The guest have arrived” he announces “Mother is expecting us in the entrance”
Kit's face turned sour as she placed her head on her ringed hands. She really wasn't ready to spend an entire week with a bunch of other people, but at the end of the day it was inevitable. She followed her brother down the staircase, both wearing completely different faces as they got to the entrance. Kit was completely over it and unamused while Airk was smirking and biting his tongue. He was probably excited to see Princess Lethia, from Thatch. Once they got to the entrance, they each stood at their mothers side, looking out the front yard, where fancy carriages rolled into place. The five biggest carriages, stationed themselves in a row, where a servant from the castle was waiting to open the door. 
Kit looked around and could clearly recognize which carriage belonged to each kingdom. The first one, on the left, was from Zenzai, on the north. The king and queen with a newborn in hand came out, both parents tall and with long dark hair. It was followed by Sanpuq, from the east coast. The King, who looked green from the car ride, and the Queen came out, along with two young blonde girls who were around the twins' age. In the middle carriage belonged to the kingdom of Thatch, which was the closest to Tir Asleen, just a bit far south. Out came the King, Queen, three rowdy and manly boys, and a young princess who batted her long lashes toward Airk with a faint smile. Behind it was the carriage from Marya, which came from the northeastern area of the land. Inside where a stone cold woman, who used to be the queen, followed by the new queen and her recent husband, who were holding each other like those corny couples on the tale’s Kit read when she was young.  And finally, but not least, the carriage from Veloria. She could tell it was from Veloria, since it was the biggest and most flamboyant carriage she has ever seen in her life. The king, a 6 foot bearded man came out, then a frigid Queen who didn’t even bother taking her husband's hand to get out of the carriage. She was followed by two tall, muscular, empty head boys who eyed the other girl line. Eventually, the princess came out of the carriage. She was wearing a spotless and shimmering dress that was probably chosen by her mother like always. Kit couldn’t even look at the girl without feeling a furry inside her stomach, the word traitor running through her mind.
“My dearest friends!” Sorsha greeted with open arms and a wide genuine smile “It is a truly pleasure to have you all once again, here in Tir Asleen”
Kit’s mother proceeded to talk and give an hour long speech which she didn’t even bother paying attention to. Instead she was too busy thinking about taking her horse out for a ride to the rocky cliff side, and starring alongside Jade. Once her mother finally finished giving her last speech, Kit turned around on her hill as fast as possible, so she wouldn't have to greet the guest. She took a shortcut, running through the kitchen and laundry room which lead her towards the stables, her red haired best friend awaited for her
“Jade!” Kit shouted
“Your highness” Jade responded 
“Let’s go!” The princesses went to the armory, took out the mask and their designated swords
“Right now?” Jade followed her inside the hut, completely confused “Don’t you have a guest to greet?”
“Well… I can’t entertain them if i'm busy training” Kit handed jade her mask and sword and walked out of the armory without a worry “So let’s go”
Both girls were quick to get their horses ready, saddling them up and leaving the castle grounds to their special cabot place. 
Through a window in a room of the castle, Princess Y/n could see Kit riding her horse in a brutally smooth way, making it look so effortless. How could the Queen allow her daughter to do such… manly things? Was the Queen even aware of her daughter doing such unruly actions? Was the kingdom aware that their princess is not doing her chores and duties, but instead spending her time… having fun and doing what she likes? Y/n wasn't even allowed inside the armory or to see her brother’s dueling since her mom said it was a man’s job to do such rough and brutal things. But it really intrigued the young girl. It has always intrigued her, the feeling of running, of jumping and fighting. It all felt like such a careless activity. Her mouth turned sour from the jealousy that filled her gut.
The princess hated these annual reunions Queen Sorsha did. It wasn't for the people she had to spend time with, or the days in the carriage stuck with her family, but really she hated it because of her. Kit Tanthalos. Princess of Tir Asleen and a complete deviant. Her mother had told her she was the type of princess that doesn’t care about her duty to the realm, or even take responsibility. Instead, she would spend her days sword fighting as if she was some sort of knight. Y/n at first never really understood what she meant, but now that she was a month away from getting married, she understood what she meant. Becoming a Queen was a long and exhausting process, and Kit has spent it rolling around on the floor. Ever since she was a kid, her mom had warned her about that girl, and her disruptive behavior. The Princess grew up by her mom’s ideals, telling her to hate her and dislike her. But as the years went by, that hatred turned into pure jealousy. Kit could wear pants. She wasn't even allowed to own any. Kit could fight and learn to defend herself. While she had to learn how to embroider and knit. Kit could drink alcohol and behave how she wanted. Instead. She was micro-managed by everyone around her and was not even allowed to take a sip of wine. Y/n hated her, because she envied every little piece of her.
The princess groaned at the sight of the princess through the window, so she grabbed both ends of the curtains, and closed them dramatically. She turned towards the smallest chest she had, and took out her journal. The leather covered book was heavy and stuffed with loose papers and dried flowers she would keep. Then she walked towards the desk, sat down and took out the feather from the ink pot, and started writing. After spending 2 days in a carriage stuck with her mother, father and her two clueless brothers, and now having to stay an entire week with Kit, created an enormous amount of tension she needed to realize in her diary. She wrote down whatever came to mind, till her mother’s maid came in. The young princess was placed into a heavy and uncomfortable purple dress her mother had chosen, her hair was brushed harshly then placed in one of those hairstyles that left her with a powerful headache. Her mother eventually came in, and corrected every single detail about her, to look as perfect as possible. 
Once everything was impeccable, the princess was allowed to leave her room to have dinner. Inside the dinner room, there were two large tables, both filled with different plates crammed with delicious food for them. She walked towards the table with the young royal’s and sat next to one of her two brothers, who was currently stuffing his face with the potato salad. The girl served herself some meat, but the glaring eyes of her mother that burned into her forehead, told her that maybe she should stick with salad. And so she did, she placed a small portion of salad, and ate it quietly, listening to Princess Lethia, who informed everynone about her wedding with the Duque from a nearby kingdom. 
Then Kit made an entrance as she walked into the room, late and sweaty from training, laughing about something with a red haired girl who walked behind her. Kit quickly realized that the dining hall was not empty as usual, but instead filled with guests wearing fancy clothing and eating the very best baguette the kingdom’s kitchen staff could offer. 
“Shit” she whispered as she looked around, then looked back at her best friend who had quickly exited the room before anyone could notice. 
The princess stood up straight and turned toward the many pairs of eyes staring at her, bowed gently with a tight lipped smile
“Forgive my tardiness, i was training with my… squire” she grits through her teeth “Please, keep on dining”
The royal from both tables followed the order as they all went back to their conversations and plates. The princess then walked slowly toward the youth’s table to realize the only chair left was right in front of the girl she feared the most. The short haired girl took a seat on the lonely chair trying to ignore the girl in front of her, as she served herself food and wine for dinner. But the girl’s piercing stare was too hard for her to ignore. Before she could even place her fork in her mouth, Kit looked forward to seeing a pair of eyes staring right back at her. 
“Princess Y/n” Kit tilted her head and closed her eyes with a fake smile “How are you finding the food?” 
“Delightfull” the girl answered “How was your evening?”
“Great, actually” Kit responded as she shoved a piece of bread into her mouth “Just got back from a sparring match”
The sight of Kit eating with her mouthful, lights up a fire inside the other princess' chest. How dare she behave like… a commoner. Eating with her mouth full, showing up late for dinner, while wearing filthy rags and being covered in dirt and sweat. The girl breathed as deeply as she could with her corset on and tried her best to swallow her rage.
“Oh,” she says under her breath, as she grabs both her fork and knife and pretend to shovel the food in her plate around “still playing with swords, I see” 
Their table started growing quiet, as some of them happened to have heard the princess remark. Kit’s fake smile lowered into a confused and mocking glare.
“If you call the art of sword fighting and self defending… playing with swords? Then yes, you can say im still doing it” she grabbed her goblet with wine and placed her wondering finger on the rim, circling the glass softly “What about you? Are you still… weaving like a decrepit maiden?”
Gasps from around the table roar, everyone laughing and whispering things to the person next to them. The heat on y/n’s face seemed to rise as she realized she was now under the eyes of so many, especially her mother’s eyes. She must not make a fool of herself.
“Kit maybe-” Airk tried to say but was quickly interrupted by the girl in front of her sister how dropped her fork on the plate
“At least I know how to take care of my kingdom” She spat “I’ve been told you are skipping your classes to spend it off playing with that squire of yours. How is that gonna help you in the future?”
“Because if we ever go to war, I will actually defend and help them, while you… you would be stuck inside your castle like a snobby princess you are” Kit scoffed loudly
“Snobby?”Her words were harsh as she leaned into the table to get closer to the girl on the other side “That is quite a statement from someone who I bet you has their own collection of swords and weapons. I am rather certain that you waste your entire year fighting to impress whoever is closest'' The anger on her body starting to take over, overwhelming her till she felt pressure in her throat 
“If you want to talk about collections, let's talk about your wardrobe, sweetheart.” Kit snarled as she leaned close to the table, her face a few inches away from the raging girl. “I’m sure that if we go to your room, we could find 4 chests filled with different dresses that were made just for you. And back in your castle you might as well have a room entirely for your stupid outfits” The blue-eyed girl slammed her cup into the table roughly, letting the wine drip from the cup to her hand “And to be perfectly clear, I do not fight and train to impress anyone. I don’t need to impress anyone. I fight to be able to defend my kingdom from the magic that is outside the barrier that might attack at any moment. What about you? How are you gonna defend yourself if Bavmorda ever returns? Are you gonna knit yourself a shield?” The room started growing quiet as the people from the other table stopped to listen carefully. “At least I am capable of making decisions on my own rather than following orders like a teacher’s pet. You are completely governed by everyone in your family, and you don’t even seem to bother. I wouldn’t be surprised if you ended up marrying a troll if your mother told you so” Kit laughed on her own as she shook her head and leaned back into her chair “I would even bet that that very same dress you are wearing this instant, was a order from your mother, and you followed it like the little suck-up you are”
Silence took over the room as everyone’s eyes were now focused on Y/n’s red face. She was not only humiliated in front of her friends, but in front of her mother. The young girl pushed back her seat loudly before running out the door, and slamming it loudly. Her quick footsteps of her tall heels could be heard from outside the dining room, but everyone tried to ignore them as they looked back into their plates. Queen Sorsha stood up slowly and gently, before walking towards the youth’s table and placing a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. Kit, who had grabbed her goblet of wine and was chugging it nervously, tried to ignore her mother’s claw on her shoulder, but the tightening grip quickly became deadly.
“Kit” She stated “A word. Outside. Right now”
Sorsha squeezed her shoulder harder before letting it go and then floated gracefully towards the door, her daughter following behind. The guards opened the big oak doors, letting the queen and her successor exit the dining hall, to a rather large hall. Once the door closes, Sorsha’s eyes turn dagger that stabs her daughter with pure rage. 
“How dare you” she starts her voice sharply cutting through the tense air “How dare you have the audacity to insult the princess in front of everyone!”
“Mom-” Ruby tries to protest
“No! You embarrassed that poor girl in front of her family and friends!” Sorsha then steps forwards, the height difference becoming more significant and predominant “The situation between Veloria and Tir Alseen has been stable for centuries, and while I was about to propose a deal with the King, you raise havoc on the perfect circumstance! We have been waiting 32 moons for this deal!”
“She started it!” Kit argued, stomping her feet softly like a tantrum
“Oh don’t be such a childish Kit!” Her mother slaps her shoulder where her hand previously was, causing the girl to step back amazed  “Just because your brother is getting the throne, doesn’t mean you don’t have any responsibilities. If anything were to happen to your brother, you would have to step up, and become the Queen of Tir Asleen, but at the moment you’re behaving like a toddler'' Before Kit could even say a single syllable, her mother hand pointed towards the end of the hall, where the young princess had ran a few moments ago, and  said perfectly “Go apologize, now”
“What! NO!” Kit crossed her arms and tried to stand tall, only to be faced with her mother’s deathly glare
“Is either that, or your little training sessions with Jade might as well be canceled for the rest of the year'' Kit eye grew wide with the threat “Now go apologize, do not return until she has accepted your apology''
The guards took the queue to open the dining doors for the queen to walk through once again. Kit tried to follow her, quick behind her step, but once her mother entered the dining hall, the guards slammed both doors on the princess’ face. Her fist clenched tightly and her nose scrunched as she cursed her mother on the other side, her small but powerful body filled with fury and famine. She hasn't eaten anything since their royal guest arrived due to her training and now she won’t be able to eat anything unless she finds the stupid princess and apologizes to her.
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The Tir Asleen castle, to say the least, is extensive. It consisted of four different wings, three floors in each, thirteen towers and over a thousand rooms and quarters that Kit had probably never been to. So trying to look for a princess in a palace like this one, was a job that could take Kit forever. The girl knew the odds were not in her favor at the moment, so she walked around aimlessly, while talking on her own, planning the stupid apology her mother asked for. She took the random stairs, turned on hall corners, and opened every single door she found, as her words would echo through the empty walls. 
“Dear princess” she would sass under her breath “I am so… profoundly sorry” she opened another door, to find an empty solar room, and closed it quickly “for calling you snobby and decrypt'' She walked to the other side of the hall to open another door “even though…” Kit turned the door handle again harder, but the door wouldnt budge “what the fuck?”
She leaned down to the door’s key hole, to see a vague purple figure hunched on the corner of the room, that perfectly resembled the princess dress. Something in her heart truly ached at the sight, but her brain couldn’t not be anything but annoyed so she just let it out in an annoyed sigh and eye roll. Kit knocked on the door as softly as she could, waiting for a response, but she only received silence. She knocked again, a bit harsher.
“Princess Y/n?” she called with pursed lips “I-” she tried to apologize, but she knew this wasn't the right way “can you open the door… please?”
The only noise that came back was the wind that was probably blowing in from the window. Kit knocked again, a bit harsher now. Her teeth biting the inside of her cheeks.
“Come on” her fist banging on the door “I came- I came to apologize” her nose scrunched up in disgust at her own words, so she leaned her forehead on the door.
Silence kept coming back as a response, Kit placed her ear on the door, and tried to listen carefully. After a few tries of paying attention to the absolute silence, looking for any life signal, Kit grabbed the handle and shook it up and down till the door budged open.
She walked inside the room carefully, to find it completely dark and the vague fume of a candle. The purple dress that was left on the corner of the room was completely empty. 
The windows swing wide open as the wind blows harshly, the lacy white curtains dance with the wind's howl, and that was enough of an answer for Kit to where the princess was. The short haired girl ran to the window to look directly to the floor, to see the garden. Her eyes searched desperately until they found a white figure walking around the garden, slowly, and carefully. Kit then tried to piece the puzzle together to realize the thick vines that crawled up the first and second floor from outside the castle to the window’s edge. 
“You have to be kidding me” Kit groaned and rolled her head back
The princess looked up at the sky and closed her eyes, and prayed quietly to anyone who would hear. She then placed her foot on the rim of the window, and carefully then placed her other foot on one of the vines and started climbing down. Carefully, she descended two entire floors of the castle till her leather boots stepped into the sturdy gravel of the garden floor. Kit dusted her sore hands on her pants, and with her head down she saw faint footsteps. And so she followed them into her mother’s garden.
The tall and groomed bushes appeared terrifying at night, creating creature-like shadows that seemed to follow her as she tried her hardest to track the barely visible footsteps on the gravel. The wind breeze made the leaves rustle, startling the princess making her take her dagger out, just for precaution. She wouldn’t admit to being scared, but her heartbeat would say otherwise. Her steps got slower, as she carefully turned around in circles, making sure no one was sneaking up on her, but once she completed her spin, on the far end of the bush tunnels, she could see the very same white figure seated on a fountain, with her hand on the water carefully playing with it. A sigh of relief came out of Kit's chest, as she placed her dagger on the leather scabbard around her thigh. 
“Princess Y/n” She called, while trotting toward the fountain “I came-”
“Just leave me” the girl responded with a shaky voice 
“You know i can’t do that” Kit huffed as she stopped walking
The girl sitting in the fountain stood up and turned around to face the princess. Her face was red stained with tears, her eyebrows lowered and nose scrunched. Her simple white gown, that was quite thin, danced with the cold night air, along with the rustling leaves that startled Kit. The crying girl then scoffed and shook her head.
“Sure you can” She sniffed, as she took a small step forward “I mean” she then took another step forward, making Kit look down to see the girl barefoot “You can insult me in front of everyone, you can embarrassed me in front of my family, you sure can kill me if you wanted to, with those crazy sword skills of yours” she then took another step “So i'm pretty sure, you can leave me the hell alone” 
“I came to apologize” Kit repeated, trying to keep her cool, to not screw this up even more than she already did “I should have never-”
“But you did” the girl took another step closer towards kit, her tears reflexing the night light “And you were right”
“I am a snobby, suck-up, stupid, and privileged princess!” She then laughed “I mean, I can't even choose my own dinner! Everything I do is perfectly monitored by my mother! I have spent my entire life envying you because you” The girl took another step “you get to do whatever you want! You’re… free” her last words came out choked out as a tear ran down her face
Kit was left speechless, looking down at her fiddling hand.
“You are smart and you’re strong and talented. You can stand up for yourself and fight back” she continued “you can have fun!” her hands shook frustratedly “you can have fun whenever you want, how you want and with whomever you want. And im- im so jealous! Because it isn’t fair! How can you ride horses and learn to do many things when I'm not even allowed to drink wine! I can’t even choose my dress for the day without getting corrected! And i just wish” she took another step “everyday i wish i could just… be you” Her words broke in her mouth “Be careless, be reckless, be… Not perfect!” 
“Then do it” Kit’s words left her mouth before she could even think about it
“Do it” her head kept talking, not even thinking about the consequences “Do something reckless”
“I can’t-”
“Yes” kit now stepped closer, the distance between them now gone, as she took y/n’s cold hands and held them “Yes you can. Do something that your mother would hate, do something without permission, do something because you want to, not because your mother told you so”
The words of encouragement and the proximity made the crying girl swallow harshly, with her heart beating out of her chest. She could feel this energy on her body run through her blood, pushing her to do something. Anything. And so she kissed Kit.
The kiss was short since the girl being kissed pushed her back roughly making them both fall on the gravel.
“What was that for!” Kit stood up trying not to trip as her hand covered her lower lip
“You told me to do something!” The girl on the floor screamed “I just-”
“So you kissed me?!” 
“I panicked!” she stood up, dusting her white dress that was slightly dirty 
Both girls are now standing with at least 10 feet of distance, but it certainly did not feel like it. They stared at each other, both  of their chest rapidly heaving, hair being blown by the soft cold night wind, and their words stuck on each of the words. It felt like looking in a mirror for a second. Especially when they each saw the girl in front take a step forward. They synchronized, ran to each other and planted their lips together. Kit grabbed her waist quickly and pushed her close, as the other girl placed both hands in her hair. The pure adrenaline from both of their bodies softly mixed as they deepened the kiss. The event didn’t even become a worry for them, as they kept trying to pull themself even more. It felt like a magnet kept trying to push them together. 
Their heated kiss got sadly interrupted as some soft giggles and footsteps started getting closer and closer until they heard a scream
Both girls pushed themselves away once again, and looked to see Airk with Lethia in one hand and a wine bottle on the other. His mouth was wide open and he looked between both girls. At kit first, then y/n, then back to kit.
“If mom ever find out about this” he said shaking his head raising the with the wine bottle, pointing it at both girls “you’re dead”
“Sneaking out with a girl who's getting married in a few months and one of Dad’s precious wines?” Kit eyed her brother and crossed her arms “I think im not the only one who is in trouble”
Airk stood straight, looked back at the girl in his hand who was looking away ashamed, then back at her sister and the princess in the sheer white dress.
“I saw nothing” He states “You saw nothing. No one saw anything” He then started walking back, dragging Lethia with him “come on, I know another spot” and then they both disappeared into the dark cold summer night.
Kit bit her lip as she looked over at the princess who was already staring at her with wide eyes, and batting her tearful lashes. Kit raised her eyebrow and smirked as she walked slowly closer. 
“So” she said “where do we go from here?”
The other girl smiled and shrugged her shoulders
“I mean, you’re brother said it” she took a step closer, her bare feet on the gravel “no one saw anything”
Kit walked toward the girl, grabbed her waist and pulled her up so only her bare sole was on the gravel. She smiled wickedly and got closer
─── ∘°❉°∘ ─── 
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mimisempai · 1 year
A token of gratitude
The shopkeepers of Whickber Street have decided to show their gratitude to Aziraphale and Crowley. With the help of Muriel and even the Bentley, they're preparing a little surprise for the angel and the demon. 
Day 7 : Slow dancing
On Ao3
Rating G -  1369 words
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All set, angel?
Received 19:30
Yes, Muriel is with me.
The lovebirds should be here soon.
Sent 19:32
Nina couldn't help but smile as she watched the bookshop from the coffee shop. For once it was fun to be one of those in the know. 
Then her gaze was drawn to the Bentley parked in its reserved spot. The strange car no longer surprised anyone in the neighborhood, just as people had gotten used to the kind bookseller and his equally kind, though he denied it, dark partner.
It had been easy to convince the other shopkeepers on Whickber Street to prepare this little surprise. They all had the same kind of amnesia about the night of the ball in the bookshop, but they all had the same impression.
They'd been in danger, and Crowley and Aziraphale had protected them.
There were often small disagreements among the shopkeepers, but they were all unanimous about this.
It was Maggie, of course, who came up with the idea.
Her incurable romantic Maggie, Nina thought fondly.
The two of them had talked to all the shopkeepers present at the ball and had met with no resistance; on the contrary, everyone had been eager to participate.
Is the music on?
Sent 7:33 pm
The record is on the gramophone and the bee will do the rest.
Received 7:34 pm
Mr. Arnold had seen to it that they found the record as soon as they knew what song it was. 
It was Muriel who told them what it was. When Maggie and Nina been looking for the right song to make their two friends dance, Muriel had made a mysterious face and said they had a secret way of finding out. They returned to Maggie an hour later with the lyrics to a song that Muriel didn't know, but that Maggie found in the second. Muriel also said they would take care of turning on the gramophone and the light when the time was right.
Were you able to finish in time?
Received 7:34 pm
Yes, thank you for the wine and appetizers
Sent 7:35 pm
Justine hadn't hesitated for a second to prepare delicious appetizers and fetch the best champagne from the restaurant's cellar, and had helped decorate the bookshop with Mrs. Sandwhich and Mrs. Cheng, but had had to leave early to open her restaurant.
Mutt had distracted Aziraphale by inviting him to the magic shop for a session of prestidigitation, and Muriel had managed to draw Crowley into one of their escapades, a story about duck and frozen peas that Nina hadn't quite understood, but the important thing was that the two heroes of the party wouldn't be around all afternoon, leaving the way clear for them.
Here they come!
Received 7:45 pm
Well, now everything was ready, and all that remained was to wait for the report of a certain bee when the time would come.
Aziraphale and Crowley each arrived at one side of the bookshop and came face to face in front of the door.
"Oh, Angel, you're here too? So how was it playing the amazing Mr. Fell?"
Aziraphale rolled his eyes and swatted him on the arm before replying, "Well, Mr. Cheeky Demon, I'll have you know Mutt was amazed at some of my little tricks."
Crowley replied with a smile on his face, "I don't doubt it. I too have been...amazed."
"What about you? Did you have fun with Muriel?"
Crowley opened the door and was about to answer him when suddenly the chandelier lit up and a banner came down with the words "Thank you" written in beautiful gold letters.
Both looked at each other in confusion and asked at the same time, "Was that you?"
Then they both shook their heads in unison.
They moved a little farther into the shop when all of a sudden Aziraphale tugged on Crowley's arm and exclaimed, "Look!" 
He pointed to a small table where a tray of appetizers, a bottle of champagne, and two flutes were nicely arranged.
They approached and saw a small piece of paper leaning against the bottle.
Crowley picked it up and unfolded it before holding it up so that Aziraphale could read it with him.
A small thank you from the shopkeepers to the two guardian angels of Whickber Street.
Enjoy it.
Crowley chuckled, "The two guardian angels..."
He couldn't continue because Aziraphale had put a finger over his mouth and said gently, "Don't spoil this gift, just accept it, my dear."
Then he took the bottle of champagne, opened it and filled both glasses. After that, he grabbed the glasses and handed one to Crowley before continuing, "Let's toast and do as they wrote, enjoy ourselves."
Crowley didn't protest, reached for the glass and clinking it against the angel's, said softly, "To us and to the shopkeepers of Whickber Street."
"To us and to the shopkeepers of Whickber Street."
They each took a sip of champagne as the light from the chandelier suddenly dimmed and strings of lights went up everywhere, creating a soft, warm mood while music played softly from the gramophone.
Recognizing the music, Crowley smiled, "Looks like they've all been hard at work discovering our little secrets."
Aziraphale nodded before setting down his glass and holding out his hand to Crowley, he said gently, "May I have this dance?"
Crowley set down his glass in turn and took the angel's hand.
Aziraphale placed his hand on Crowley's shoulder, while the demon's hand naturally rested on his hip.
They began to turn gently to the sound of the music.
After a few moments, the angel's arms wrapped around the demon's waist, and he rested his head on his shoulder. In response, Crowley tied his arms behind Aziraphale's back and rested his chin on the angel's head as they continued to sway gently to the music.
The demon asked softly, "Is this how you planned to woo me on the night of the ball, Angel?"
Aziraphale laughed softly and replied, "More or less..."
"Oh... and what did you have planned after the dance?"
"I have to admit, I hadn't thought that far ahead."
Crowley pushed him back a little and took the angel's chin, lifting it toward him as he said softly, "A kiss, perhaps?"
Aziraphale smiled playfully and replied, "Are you the one wooing me now?"
Crowley brought his face close to the angel's and murmured against his lips, "Is it working?"
Aziraphale breathed, "Try it and you'll see."
Crowley closed the distance between them and pressed his lips to the angel's in a soft kiss that lingered as they continued to sway to the rhythm of the music.
At that moment, indifferent to what wasn't them, they didn't see a little bee lock the door to the bookshop, making sure the angel and demon wouldn't be disturbed.
Then they turned toward the coffee shop, gave Nina, who had been joined by Maggie, a thumbs up, and headed home.
As they passed the Bentley, they ran their hand gently along the car's body and murmured, "Thanks for your help."
Early in the morning, Muriel leaned back against the Bentley and with an air of nonchalance, they said quietly, "I know you can understand me, so let me in, I have something important to ask you about Crowley and Aziraphale."
They weren't quite sure it would work, but how did humans say it? Ah yes, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Muriel jumped slightly when the door opened and then immediately climbed inside.
They kindly said, "Thank you. I know there's something about your radio and music. I need to know, if you know, what song would be perfect for Aziraphale and Crowley."
As soon as they finished their sentence, music started playing on the car radio.
Muriel didn't know the song, but after all, they knew very little, so they jotted down the lyrics in their little notebook. 
Then they said gently, "Thank you!" before getting out of the car and walking over to Maggie's.
When they walked into the record store, they immediately asked the blond woman, "Maggie, do you know a song about a nightingale singing in Berkeley Square?"
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : here (After season 2)
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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John Coltrane (1926-1967) session musician; bandleader Songs: "Blue Train," "Resolution" Propaganda: "Started making a name for himself with Davis, then grew in his own right and became just as influential. ALSO hot as hell"
Tom Waits (1949-) solo Songs: "Ol' 55," "Tom Traubert's Blues" Propaganda: "His voice. His voice alone is hotter than anything else in the universe to me."
Visual Propaganda for Tom Waits:
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levi-venn · 6 months
The First Toothpick
Chapter Six: Oh, He's Much Worse...
Characters: Cad Bane, Crosshair, Tech (Flashbacks), Hunter (Flashbacks), Wrecker (Flashbacks)
Gen Fic - Mentor/Protege
Summary: Cad Bane teaches Crosshair how to be a sniper. The kid picks up some other habits as a result.
Chapter Summary: When Crosshair finds Bane outnumbered, he disobeys orders to protect his mentor.
Read the previous chapters here:
Chapters: Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch7 | Ch8 | Ch9 |
Also Available on AO3
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Crosshair bolted past the spring-loaded mirrored panels breaching the wheat field like glassy-eyed sea snakes. There was no pattern to the way the panels appeared, and in the month he had trained here, they never popped out of the same place twice.
But he didn’t have time to think about that…or anything else.
Not with Bane watching him in the bell tower, the Duros's blaster fire hot on Crosshair's heels, searing past his ankles, his legs, and sometimes his ears if he stopped moving entirely.
Three panels suddenly burst around him, and Crosshair leapt forward, missing the bolt flying past his back. He fired his rifle three times. 
He hit two targets. 
He missed the third target by a mile.
A month ago, Crosshair would have frozen up over a miss like that, but then again, Bane wasn’t firing live blaster bolts at him before a month ago.
Crosshair dropped into a backward roll, hopped to his feet, and fired again.
Perfect bullseye.
I did it! I-
He ducked as a bolt sizzled over his head.
He kept running. 
Run. Dodge. Roll. Fire. Miss. Run! Dodge. Fire. Hit!
The exercise lasted all day, every day, and his accuracy soared to the low nineties as of this week. Bane told Crosshair to ignore the “damn numbers”, but Todo still snuck him the statistics after every session. 
Yesterday it was ninety-two percent. Today, felt like-
The panels suddenly vanished.  Crosshair skidded to a halt.  He stood in the middle of the field, his lungs on fire, sweat trickling down his back, muscles coiled, ready for the next challenge.
But no panels came.
Crosshair looked up at the bell tower and pulled his comm out. “I can continue,” Crosshair panted, trying (and failing) not to overanalyze the sudden end to his training.
Did I miss too many targets today? Has he given up on me? 
“Get inside,” Bane said, through the comms.
Crosshair’s heart dropped. 
Ninety-two isn’t good enough. I knew it. It’s not enough.
“I can do better.”
He saw the glow of Bane’s eyes glare at him from the bell tower. “Dank farrik, kid, you did great. Now get inside, now .”
Great? Crosshair thought, looking around the field as if expecting Bane to talk to anyone but him. He's never called me "great" before. Was I really-
A blaster bolt shot just past his pant leg, the fabric sizzling noisily. 
With an angry hiss, Crosshair ran inside the house.
The false wall within the fireplace slid open and Bane leapt down from the bell tower, firing his boot thrusters to cushion his landing. He pushed past Crosshair and pulled out his monoculars, looking at something past the field Crosshair couldn’t see.
Crosshair tried to stand beside Bane, but Bane  grabbed the top of his head and pushed him back. “Get upstairs.”
With a snarl of protest, Crosshair instead moved to the bay window beside the front door. He aimed his scope through the curtain, searching the field. 
Todo into the house from the back door. “Mr. Bane! Skatter is here.”
“I see that.”
Crosshair didn’t see…wait…there was a speeder in the distance ignoring the winding roads and cutting directly through the expansive wheat field. 
Todo floated beside Bane, his little hands on his blocky hips. “I don’t suppose he’s forgiven you for stealing his contracts from the Hutts.”
“Didn’t steal ‘em,” Bane said, tucking the monoculars away and leaning in the doorway. “They were Jango’s contracts to give away. Not my fault Skatter didn’t earn ‘em like I did.”
“Mmm…” Todo hummed. “I don’t think he saw it that way.”
“Move the Fabools to the storm cellar, then hide out of sight in the field. Be ready to fight if it comes to that.”
“Finally, a little excitement,” Todo said, cheerfully and flew off. 
Crosshair could see the speeder better now. There were four weequays in the back of the speeder and a dowutin driving, taking up the entire front seat. 
They all looked mean, and much bigger than Bane.
“You,” Bane snapped. “Go upstairs and stay in your room.”
Crosshair blinked. “But there’s five of them. You need backup-”
“I ain’t askin’, I’m tellin’. Now git.”
Crosshair held Bane’s gaze defiantly for a few seconds, before slinging his rifle over his shoulder and making a show of walking upstairs, his boot falls heavy and noisy. As soon as Bane went outside, however, Crosshair slid silently down the bannister and back to the bay window, peeking through the curtain.
Bane walked to the edge of the porch platform, leaning against one of the columns, pulling back his duster to reveal a pair of LL-30 blaster pistols at his hips. The brim of his hat was low, but Crosshair glimpsed a small, fearless smirk baring sharp, white fangs.
Crosshair didn't have fangs, but he curled his lip up all the same, checking his reflection against Bane's perfect sneer. He would try the expression when he got home. A Bane-quality sneer would definitely scare the shit out of the Regs.
Bane produced a toothpick from the pouch on his belt and set it casually between his teeth, resting his hands on his belt buckle as if he was getting ready to watch a sunset. 
Crosshair could mimic the sneer, and even fished his own wheat stalk toothpick from his pocket, but he didn’t feel Bane’s ease. He was a coiled spring, his heart pounding and palms sweaty. There were five mercenaries and one Bane by himself on the porch. He didn’t like the odds.
The speeder burned through the wheat field leaving a stinking trail of burnt grass and exhaust fumes in its wake. It slid to a halt in front of the porch and the dowutin climbed out, his duster dragging heavily behind him, weighed down by half-hidden weapons, detonators, and blades.
Crosshair had never seen a dowutin in person, but his Humanoid Studies Class didn’t prepare him for how large one was in person. Bane was on the top step of the elevated porch and the dowutin still towered over him. He was built like a carbonite tank, muscled arms and legs that were round like barrels, and a pair of blunt tusks protruded from his chin like a pair of ball hammers. There was a black lightning bolt tattooed over the dowutin's left eye.
“Well lookee here, boys,” the dowutin snickered. “It’s little Caddy, lookin’ all big n’ tough on his boss’s ranch.”
Bane tilted the brim of his hat up, his glowing red eyes boring into Skatter, though that sneer remained on his face. “You’ve been gone a long time, Skatter, so maybe you ain’t up on current events. This ranch belongs to me n’ the name’s Bane, now.”
“Ohh, I heard all about your name. Cad Bane. Real cute. You think that makes you a real merc?”
Crosshair’s teeth clenched in anger. No one talked to Bane like that. 
“You don’t get to talk to my brother like that, reg” Crosshair snarled, standing in front of Wrecker who was still kneeling over his broken tooka doll. “Back off.”
Both cadets laughed. “Ohh, look, Wrench! Another ‘Defective’. This one’s barely got a voice.”
“Sounds like a leaky faucet to me, Gutter,” Wrench laughed.
“They hurt Lula, Crosshair,” Wrecker whimpered, cradling the tooka’s head in his large hands. 
“That’s what you get for snoopin’ around our mess hall,” Gutter said.
“Yeah! This mess hall’s for real clones,” Wrench said, “not broken tube rejects,” 
“I said back off, regs” Crosshair’s fists clenched, “Final warning.”
Wrench stepped forward. “And I said, you’re defective.”
“Defective…” Crosshair sneered, his fists relaxing. “...but effective.”
He threw his forehead forward, hearing a satisfying crunch as he hit Wrench on the nose. As the cadet stumbled back, clutching his bleeding face, Crosshair ducked Gutter’s left hook and slammed his shoulder into his sternum, knocking him to the ground.
Wrench yanked Gutter to his feet and the two ran off down the hallway.
Wiping the blood from his forehead, Crosshair knelt beside Wrecker. “You good?”
Though his good eye was round and glassy with tears, Wrecker was still smiling ear-to-ear. “Hehehe, I liked that! We’re defective and effective!”
Crosshair smirked. “Well, I was at least. Next time, feel free to jump in.”
“I couldn’t leave Lula!” Wrecker sniffled. “She’s still broken.”
“Ugh, that stupid doll,” Crosshair sighed. “Come with me. Tech has a sewing kit.”
Crosshair waited for Bane to take a swing. To pull a blaster. To answer that insult with violence.
Instead, Bane sounded almost bored. “Nah, I let the bounties I collect for the Hutts do the talkin’ for me.”
The words seemed to hit Skatter harder than any headbutt. 
“Those were my contracts and you know it,” Skatter said, face going red, his lip curling higher than Crosshair could mimic. Then suddenly, the duwotin’s expression eased into a too-nice smile. “But hey, that’s all water under the walkway. Listen, me n’ the boys gotta lay low for a few days. We uh…had a lil disagreement with the authorities down South. You don’t mind us stayin' here, do ya? Only eight of us.”
Over my dead body, Crosshair said, rechecking his menacing lip curl in the reflective mirror.
Good, still looks fearsome. 
“Just eight huh? Don't y'all call yourself the Feisty Fourteen?”
“Fearless Fifteen,” Skatter growled.
“In any case, I can’t help ya. We’re full up here.”
“Funny, Caddy, last I heard you work alone except for that bucket of bolts that follows you around. Maybe we can be of some used to ya. Notice that lil enclosure behind the house. What's behind that curtain, huh? It ain't fabools is it? Cuz y'know, me n' the boys could look after them while we stay here.”
“Only thing in that enclosure are my collection of weequay heads that ask too many questions,” Bane said, giving the weequays in the speeder a little wink.
The weequays glared murderously from the back seat, their hands twitching near their blasters as if one wrong move meant a hail of blaster bolts aimed at Bane. 
Kriff that, Crosshair thought. I won’t let them hurt him. 
Bane may not be his brother, but he was Crosshair’s…someone. It didn’t matter that Bane was getting paid to do train him, he helped Crosshair find his confidence and that meant something. Even when Lt. Pynk gave up on him, even when Crosshair gave up on himself, Bane never stopped believing in what he could do. Bane may not know it yet, but he just earned Crosshair’s loyalty for life.
Crosshair slung his rifle over his shoulder and walked boldly out of the front door. 
“Cross, get out of here.” Hunter panted, clutching his leg. 
“Not gonna happen,” Crosshair said, grabbing Hunter’s blaster off the ground and taking cover the barrier. He pressed the blaster into Hunter’s hand and the two of them took down the second wave of training droids together.
“I just bruised my ankle,” Hunter grimaced. 
“I saw you fall off the platform. It’s fractured and you know it,” Crosshair said. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”
Crosshair glared at Hunter. "Don't lie to me.”
Hunter held that glare for half a second, then dropped his gaze. “I think I broke my wrist, too.”
Crosshair turned around and patted his own back. “Climb on. I’m carrying you out of here.”
“Like hell you are. You have to focus on your scores. Pynk said-”
“Fuck my scores. We don’t leave our own behind. Even when they’re being idiots.”
The next wave of clankers started their approach towards the barricade. "Either climb on or I stun you and fireman carry you out of here. I prefer not to haul dead weight,” Crosshair looked back with a cheeky grin, “but it’s your choice.”
Hunter chose to wrap his good arm around Crosshair. “Thank you,” Hunter mumbled.
“Shut up,” Crosshair snipped, and fired wildly behind him as he ran to the next checkpoint, trying to ignore his score plummeting on the holoboard overhead.
“I’m done talkin’, Skatter,” Bane said, pulling out the toothpick and flicking it at the dowutin. It bounced off his broad chest and disappeared into the grass. “If I were you, I’d skedaddle before you say somethin’ you n’ yer boys’ll regret.” 
As Crosshair walked out of the house, he realized Bane was already leaning against one of the porch pillars looking badass. There wasn't another spot to lean and look equally as menacing. So, Crosshair decided to stand in the center of the porch, arms folded, a piece of grass between his teeth and executing a perfectly threatening sneer. 
Bane didn’t seem to notice his arrival, but Skatter’s beady black eyes zeroed in on him with laser focus. Crosshair had hoped his appearance would make the dowutin think twice before messing with this ranch…
…but Skatter just sneered right back.
“Huh…well, ain’t that interestin’...”
Bane’s head shifted ever so slightly to cast his scarlet gaze at Crosshair.
“Didn’t know you were a family man now, Caddy. Be a real shame if we made some violence in front of yer son. He could get hurt.”
Crosshair was no one’s son. Clones didn’t have parents and all they needed was a trainer and the brothers in their squad. Still, Crosshair understood the concept, and when he thought of a "son", he imagined still images from his old picture books. Boys riding on their father’s shoulders, being taught how to shoot a blaster, how to shave, how to be strong and brave and…and all that kraytshit.
Bane did give me a new blaster rifle. And I feel stronger around him.
…I feel braver, too. 
He’d probably say no to a piggyback ride, though.
Crosshair waited for Bane to correct Skatter. 
Instead, Bane wore an easy smile. “The kid’s gotta learn sometime. Might as well take the trainin’ wheels off now.”
The duwotin didn’t respond. 
No one moved.
The weequays looked from Skatter to Bane and back again.
Crosshair didn't breathe. 
Skatter laughed suddenly. “Now, now, ain’t no need for that today. C’mon, boys, let’s leave this little family to their business. Sorry for disturbin’ ya, Caddy. No hard feelin's.” He looked directly at Crosshair and gave him a little wink. “I’ll see y’all real soon, though.”
And with that, Skatter hopped back into the speeder and tore out of the golden field, leaving oily black smoke behind.
Bane whirled around, the leather of his duster snapping angrily. “I told you to stay inside.”
Crosshair took a step back, the wheat wiggling loosely in his lips as he spoke. “You needed backup.”
Bane snatched the “toothpick” out of Crosshair’s mouth and pointed it at him. “How exactly were ya gonna do that, huh? Your rifle’s on your shoulder. You’re standing in the middle of the damn porch like a sittin’ porg. You think Skatter and his boys are gonna wait for you to find cover and line up a shot?" he threw Crosshair's toothpick into the grass. "What were ya thinkin’?”
An icy devastation froze Crosshair’s nerves. 
“I thought…” Tears stung his eyes, his voice went quiet. “...I was your backup."
He said I was doing great…I failed him. 
“Shit, kid,” Bane sighed. He knelt down to Crosshair's level. From this close, Bane’s pupiless eyes, while still unrelenting blood red pools, were far from emotionless. “You saw me outnumbered and you wanted to help, I get that, but Skatter’s ain’t nothin’ I can’t handle on my own. Besides, this ain’t your fight.”
“This isn’t your fight,” Tech said, dabbing the cut over his own eyebrow with a bacta swab. 
“Your fight is always my fight,” Crosshair said, pulling out a bandage from the first aid kit.
“I have other goggles.”
“But you liked those goggles,” Crosshair insisted, swatting Tech’s hand away from the bandage. “The black straps are softer than the brown and don’t make your head itch.”
“True.” Tech sighed. He remained still while Crosshair fitted the bandage carefully over the cut. “But this is not a fight you can win. These Regs are older and bigger than us. You are as outnumbered as you are out-skilled.”
“I don’t need to win the fight, Tech,” Crosshair shrugged, standing up. “I just need to get your goggles back.”
“Is there anything I can do to change your mind?” Tech asked.
Crosshair gave an answer in the form of a snarky salute as he walked backwards out the door.
A half-hour later, Crosshair came back with a bloody grin, Tech’s goggles, and a Reg’s lunchbox filled with Tech’s favorite candy.
“Are those caramel Starsbars? Where did you get them?” Tech asked. He ripped the brown-band goggles off his head and fit his beloved black-band goggles on with a relieved sigh.
“I found them,” Crosshair lied. 
“I find your answer vague…and amusing. Thank you.”
Crosshair was about to say “shut up” like he usually did when his brothers gave him gratitude, but he was cut off by Tech lunging at him, wrapping his arms around Crosshair’s neck.
Crosshair and Tech were often mistaken for twins being close to the same size and stature. Technically, Tech was born second, then Wrecker, then Crosshair. Still, when Tech hugged him, it felt like those moments when Crosshair would hug himself, especially during the scarier lightning storms rattling the windows above his bunk. It may be incorrect, but...Tech was as closest thing to a twin Crosshair had. It was a comfort.
“You can still tell me to shut up if you want,” Tech said, as if knowing what Crosshair was thinking.
Crosshair smirked and hugged his brother back. “Nah, I’m good.”
“Your fight is my fight,” Crosshair said, folding his arms. A charging reek couldn’t move him from this position. Maybe he wasn't a badass mercenary, and maybe he only had a ninety-two percent accuracy rate, and maybe this wasn’t a mess hall fight over stolen goggles, but Crosshair was here for Bane regardless. Loyalty was loyalty, and he wasn’t going to leave one of his own behind.
Bane’s brow ridge furrowed, but it didn’t seem like a frown. “You got some real bent loyalty, if you’re willin’ to defend a bastard like me, but…” he stood up and folded his arms thoughtfully. “...maybe we can make this a real teachin’ moment. How about it, kiddo? Wanna kill some bad guys?”
Crosshair couldn't remember a time he smiled this big. It wasn't close to a Wrecker-sized smile, but it was bright for a storm cloud like him.
“Hell yess,” he hissed, excitedly. 
When Bane smiled it wasn't exactly made of sunshine, either but there was less snark to it than usual. "Atta boy. Now go get Todo. We got a lotta work to do."
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huffle-dork · 9 months
Swap into the Crystalverse: Prologue
Read Swapboys | Crystal’s AUs | SwapInverted Crossover | SwitchSwap | AO3 link
Taglist: @brokentimewatch
Alt was in his room, tinkering with some scrap and his magic. He had an idea he wanted to try so badly… but he couldn’t quite figure out how to do it. He sighs in frustration and let’s the magic he’s using fade as he huffs and leans back. Glitches walked up next to his leg and purred, rubbing against it. Alt absentmindedly pet her- until he heard the tv is his room suddenly flick on.
He jumped, glitching to his feet as he saw exactly what he was fearing it would be. Tv static pulsing with purple and green magic, an after image of a spiral within its depths. He heard the laughter of the mad magician already in his head and he shouted out and covered his ears, turning away and shutting his eyes.
“No no no! Fuck you- fuck you! Leave me alone!” Alt hissed but the magic around him increased, white noise filling his brain, bringing more of the siren’s call.
“I don’t have time to play these games, kitten. I need you for something very important and I need you now.” Magnificent’s acidic voice clawed at Alt’s mind. Purple flashed in Alt’s eyes as he momentarily looks back towards the screen.
Then he screams and grabs his head tighter, “no!” He tried to do what Dr, J had been teaching them- nonsense- he needed to fill his mind with enough to throw off the pull! He tried to think of colors- of his friends- the last gaming session they had, the night at the pub him and Henny had last week! Anything- anything to-!
The static reached a fever pitch of awful noise that was impossible to ignore. Alt felt it in every bone, pulsing in his blood. “Oh no you don’t, Anti. I’m not dealing with your rebellion today. You will come to me now.” Alt made a choked noise as his body and mind are assaulted with nothing but noise and pain.
“I-I’m not your fucking puppet anymore…! Y-You can’t- you can’t make me…!” Alt tries to bite back but it’s so hard to think with all this noise- sending his heart beating wildly and making him panic which only makes it worse-! He can’t stand it! The static is swallowing him whole!
He’s forced to look back at the screen- and the noise dulls to a quiet roar as Alt feels his body go slack, and his mind go blank. Purple light fills his eyes.
Laughter. His master approved. “Finally. Now, Alt, no more thinking- no more fighting, no more games. Come to me.”
“…yes, Magnificent.” Alt mumbled in a daze, glitches starting to build up around him.
Then, his door burst open, Chase’s eyes frantic. “Alt I heard screams and Glitches crying and-!” He paled, “no-“
Alt’s eyes met Chase’s as his body started to turn into pixels. Chase used every ounce of his speed to reach out to Alt, not even thinking.
They both disappear in a mixture of tv static and glitches.
When they start to come back together they’re in a dimly lit concrete cellar. The air smelled musty and old- the walls lined with boxes of what looked like ancient artifacts. But, Chase shuddered as he recognized the symbol on the boxes- the 3 irised eye of Sclera.
Chase felt Alt move away from him and he hurries to try to hold him back. As Chase looks out towards the other side of the room, his blood runs cold.
A familiar doorway stands just slightly away from the wall. One made of one type of a stone on one side, marked with runes. The other made of pure obsidian. It’s just like the one they saw in… that other world. The one with the inverted thems.
Magnificent is standing right in front of the archway, uncharacteristically stoic and serious as he gazes out at Chase with cold eyes.
“Fantastic,” He spits, baring his teeth like a feral cat. “Unhand my cub. This doesn’t involve you.”
“Like hell it does!” Chase shouts, trying to gather up the struggling glitch. Alt wasn’t immediately trying to glitch away, which was something. Chase can see the magic fighting in his eyes as he looked at the archway behind Mag. He recognized it too. “You stealing away my brother to do god knows what is very much involving me!”
“D-danger-“ Alt whispers dully, not looking away from the arch as purple fights against blue in his eyes. “D-d-dangerous-“
Magnificent laughs and shakes his head. “Don’t play dumb with me, hero. You know exactly what this is~! We’ve all dealt with it once before!” His eyes shine with madness as he throws out his hands, “a gate to the multiverse! You have no idea how long I’ve searched… how long I’ve yearned for this!”
He steps forward, static building up behind him- the noise making Alt shudder and the corruption in his eyes get stronger. He tries to shake his head, cowering against Chase. “Nonononono-“
“Sclera tried to hide it from me~ but finally… I’ve found it. But… I can’t activate it alone.” Magnificent’s eyes flash hungerily towards the trembling glitch. He shoots out a hand- and green strings shoot out and then wrap around Alt’s wrists and his neck. He’s pulled away from Chase and into Magnificent’s arms.
“No! Fucking! Mag!” Chase cries out, power pulsing in his eyes. “Have you learned nothing, you egomaniac?! Messing with the other universes- its never worked out for you and only puts the rest of us into shit!”
Magnificent’s eyes are ablaze with frantic, desperate anger, grabbing one of Alt’s arms and blasting a wave of dark magic into him. Alt screams and writhes as the magic sinks in, dark veins crawling up his skin. Then he slumps, eyes fully taken over by purple. “I will have it- I will finally be able to do it! To become the most powerful magician these feeble worlds have ever seen!”
“Alt! No!” Chase cries and desperately tries to reach out to grab them. Magnificent snarls and blasts out magic fire- hitting Chase full blast in the chest. The hero doubles over and crashes to his side, curled up in pain.
Magnificent drags Alt backwards with him like a robber holding a hostage, claws sunk into his arm. Alt can’t resist as he’s pulled. But as they approach the door- Alt’s body fizzles and snaps with glitches, parts of him trying to turn into pure pixels. He whispers in a very small voice, “n-no… d…d-d-danger-“
“Silence.” Magnificent snarls as he grips Alt’s chin and forces him to face forward. Magnificent uses his other hand to flare out a black magic flame and then sends it into the archway. The air feels electric and heavy as the feeling of something being very very wrong increases on all of them.
“Anti. All I need you to do now-“ Magnificent giggles darkly, whispering in the glitch’s ear like a temptress.
Chase is struggling, trying to reach out to grab them. “No! Stop…!”
“-is glitch.” Magnificent purrs. He digs his fingers into Alt’s skin and flares more of his magic into him, barking out, “NOW!”
So much happens at once-
In a burst of electricity and speed, Chase lashes out and just manages to grab Alt’s foot-
Alt’s back arches as the magic forces him to use his power, a strangled gasp escaping his lips. Then his body breaks apart into pixels with a sharp electric zing! Alt’s own chaotic magic rockets out- green blue electricity meeting with the black magic flames. The runes on the doorway flash and hum with energy, color filling in the shapes rapidly. The three of them are immediately caught in a bubble of magic, darkness and blue crackling energy rapidly caving in on them like a black hole.
Then, the magic rockets out in a burst of color and white light as the runes finish powering up, blasting apart boxes and antiques in a wave of power.
And in the center of the doorway, was only a circle of soot. Bro Fantastic, Alt Brody and Magnificent were nowhere to be found.
In their own universe, at least.
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akki-rre · 2 years
Starting Over
Characters : Diluc x F!reader
N/A: smol fluff, I can't stand a diluc fic without fluff.
Mentions of death too ( Crepus)
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As a Knight of Favonius, you have kept the City of Freedom to be free as the wind for the children to play at along with your fellow knights.
You sacrificed everything you have been needing for yourself to Mondstadt, even your love life.
But as time passes by, You have been accompanied by a certain bard, a nun and a fellow knight.
In the tavern, with Venti passed out by the counter, and everyone else being happy with a non-eventful joyous day as you drank your drink of choice.
"I still can't believe people likes grape juice" kaeya puts up his signature grin, like every other day I mean, with a mocking joke to pair it with.
" let her be idiot, atleast she doesn't drink till she pass out like a certain bard " she gave venti glimpse as he just raised his head from his "Naptime"
" Heyyyyyy at least I didn't become a nun and do nothing but drink" he slurs in his words but still got it out off his mouth.
Kaeya just looks at Rosaria with a grin, clearly trying to hold it in.
" Well I still give prayers to bartobas- barto- benadryl?- " Rosaria tried to think while sipping on her drink.
And you were just there trying to process the whole conversation.
Venti stood up, " Hey-! My name is not pronounce benadr-"
As venti goes on and on with his words, you caught a glimpse of a red strand by the door.
" It would be nice if you go home now, Venti " Diluc gave venti a glare as he walks behind the counter with a box and telling Charles that he will be taking over.
"....While I'm being nice Venti " He looks at him with a small smile as he puts down the box carefully, but you and the gang knew that's fake.
Yeah... You all knew it all too well.
" Or what??" Venti gives off a stupid smirk to him as Diluc took out what's in the box.
" No way-" Rosaria said quietly- Diluc took out a cat, a stray cat-
Wait... Isn't that the cat you have been feeding for the past months by the gate??
As soon as venti saw the cat he usher to the door as he bid goodbye to Diluc and the gang.
Kaeya and Rosaria also went on their way.
It's only you and him.
With the other people too.
You didn't want to leave yet, atleast, your heart said so.
Everytime you go to the tavern, it feels nostalgic.
But Dawn winery... That place feels like home...
Time passes by it was midnight.
Diluc went to the cellar a few hours ago while you stare at your 7th cup??... You didn't count.
You saw a glimpse of tail around where kaeya sat.
It was the black cat.
She probably recognized you.
She Snickers throught the legs of the chairs to your feet.
You picked her up and caresses her fur.
It was quite soft.
"... You remind me of someone little one" you whisper to the cat who was enjoying the petting session.
You smile at it as he snuggles to your hands. ""She really is like him"" you spoke to yourself.
" It seems he likes you" a voices comes out of the door at the employee's room as you saw who it was.
"Ah yes; you may not know, but it's also the cat I have been looking after... Well I seem to be looking after" you told him while staring at the cat who jumped off to go to Diluc.
" And also... It's a she" you told him
"....I see. Well I have been seeing him around the Gates hanging around with the ... Knights." he seem to grit his teeth on the last word.
You looked down on your hands, you were gripping on your shirt as you remember that you are one of those people he..
" It's getting late, you should go home" he told you while cleaning a glass cup.
You looked at the clock, it was around 1-2 am already.
' Time flies fast...' you told yourself.
You were about to stand up and clean the table you have been occupying until-
" I'll handle that instead" in a second, you saw him beside you with a rag, cleaning the table as you assemble the cups your- friends used earlier.
You looked at him
He smells like sandalwood...
"...../n? Y/n?? " He called for you as you were staring at his face in awe.
You realized what you were doing and you went red with embarrassment.
"M-my apologies - I should go" you headed to the door as you saw the cat behind him.
You walked to her to carress her for the last time of the day.
" Your such a good girl.." you said quietly as you pat her.
" Her???" Diluc asks you as he went to the counter and clean his station.
" Yes her--- wait you didn't know it was a she?? " You smiled at him, about to laugh to his mistake of the gender.
He looked at you, you were the same as ever.
A gentle smile that can awe everyone... Including him
He brushed it off as soon as he remembers what he did to you
The awful mistake he did to you...
"... Do you mind if I walk you home?" He asked as he awkwardly stares at- nothing-
You chuckled as you knew the awkwardness too well as you agreed and waited for him because if you declined, he'd request to walk you home again.
As both of you are walking down the path to the City, you were entertained either way.
"Im Sorry if this will bother you but... Did anything interesting had happened to you for the past 4 years before when you were still.. y'know.." you asked shyly, scratching your neck as you look away.
He was about to speak but you interupted him.
" Don't bother, my sincere apologies for even asking such sensitive question" you apologized as you thought that you really shouldnt have asked that.
Diluc stared at you.
"...I have traveled across teyvat" He continued to walk at your pace, which has got your attention.
He told you stories of the days he spent on every nation he'd been through.
About how the famous liyue really was a magnificent view with high mountains that can even make a dull man surprised
About how he invaded snezhnaya and even got banned and will sure get in a bigger collision if he even ever set foot on the land.
You enjoyed his company.
It has always been like this.
Where did it ever go wrong..?
It was Diluc's birthday.
A joyful birthday turned into, something undescribable
The day he lost his father, and brother.
And the day he lost you..
He stopped walking as you walk further, not noticing him.
"...Y/n." He called your name
You glanced at him while tucking a hair behind your ear.
It has gotten windy.
You may think you look messy right now. Wearing your favourite dress whenever it's your day off.
But to him, You look Ethereal.
He chuckled to himself as he walked to your side again.
"It was nothing" He smiled to you.
You knew what this meant. You know him well.
He feels guilty again. And and again.
"I told you I have forgiven you, Diluc" you have arrived at your abode. You open the door to your house as you were about to go in. He grabbed your wrist ever so gently.
"Can I perhaps, some of your time again tommorow?" He wanted to catch up to you. Apologize again and.. even start over again.
You held his hand within your hands. You have really forgiven him but, it indeed hurt.
" Yes you can. At windrise in the afternoon tomorrow okay?" You reassured him with a smile.
He doesn't need to worry no more.
But it'll take long to redeem you to himself again.
He'll wait for you. Even if it took an Eternity.
N/A: This was supposed to be part of my other work, but it went the wrong path and it went- lovey dovey and it's Soo rushed huhu it's 12 am
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julemmaes · 1 year
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prologue from a nessian fic I'll never write, enjoy:) fair warning I wrote this while listening to my tears ricochet the long pond studio session on repeat
Word count: ~1.3k
The silence was gripping her lungs in a tight vice and she couldn't get any air in. Panic was seizing her entire body as she tried not to turn around and bolt for the exit. It was taking her every ounce of will to stay put, let them stare—let them judge.
Nesta could feel their emotions, every single drop of hatred and confusion and disappointment. Feyre was looking at her with tears in her eyes, a hand on Rhysand's chair for support, and Elain had stopped serving Lucien, her casserole completely forgotten now. She didn't dare look at Morrigan, or Amren. She knew she wouldn't be able to endure the disgust surely directed at her.
She found the courage to shift her gaze to Azriel, to the one person she'd once trusted wholeheartedly, the best friend who had seen every facet of her heart and mind and had never judged her for it. The only one who Nesta had promised not to hurt. And the only one who had tried to reach out to her every year, in the desperate hope she would one day pick up the phone, reply to a text, come back home.
She had thought she was ready. Her therapist had deemed her current situation perfect to reunite with the family she had abandoned years prior. But now, after having walked in with the same set of keys her brother-in-law had given her, during their weekly family lunch, seemed like the worst course of action she'd ever followed.
Azriel had his eyes closed, his head turned towards the backyard, like he couldn't bear to look at her. Nesta could see his jaw taunt with restraint, his shoulders tense.
She had hurt him.
She deserved his silence.
She was about to open her mouth, thinking she at least owed to these people to start this conversation, when the loud, heavy steps of someone coming up the basement snatched her every thought.
Nesta would recognize his gait everywhere. She knew he was skipping two steps at a time. She knew he was gripping the handrail with his right hand and pulling himself up just for fun.
She knew he would willingly slam his shoulder against the door frame coming out of the cellar and stumble down the corridor to enter the living room with a weak jog.
A shit-eating grin would be plastered on his face and her heart would stop.
Even without a single sense, she would have been able to know it was him. They could take her hearing, her sight, her touch... she would know.
"Found it!" He shouted, then the muffled grunt as he hit the door. A deep chuckle that ran cold through her veins and the hurried steps, and there he was.
He looked so different. And the same. He looked exactly like the man whose heart she'd broken all those years before.
"Jeez, Rhys-babe, this bitch was hidden behind a gazillion other bottles, I had to move mountains to get to it."
From her position near the entrance, he was giving his back to her. He was still oblivious to her presence when he lifted his head and stopped in his tracks at the sorrow and shock on the others' faces.
Cassian turned then, noticing everyone was looking behind him, and he stopped breathing.
Nesta stopped breathing.
The bottle he was holding dropped to the floor with an ear piercing crack that made her wince. Nobody moved to clean the expanding puddle of red wine.
Her heart stopped beating, pumping blood, keeping her alive. She was dead. She was sure of it. She was no longer standing there, in front of her family. In front of the man who still had her very soul wrapped around his fingers, even after all this time.
The emotions swirling behind his eyes as his face transformed threatened to bring her to her knees. The utter rage and torment that she knew were storming his mind were enough to make tears sting her eyes, for her throat to swell.
His agony was excruciating. It was suffocating her.
She opened her mouth and only a trembling sigh came out. The only sorry excuse of a greeting her body was willing to grant her.
Cassian blinked, his hand still suspended between them and then he took a sharp breath in. He turned his head to the side, ground his teeth so hard she worried he might break some and looked back at her.
Their eyes clashed together, she felt—for the first time in almost six years—her soul soar, reaching out to touch his. It was like she could see it, the weak, shaking fingers of her essence holding out to his, begging for him to extend any part of him he could.
She needed him to say something. Anything. Put her out of her own misery. She needed him–
"Leave. Get out."
His eyes never left hers as he whispered those words. They sliced through her chest like a sword, every letter cutting deeper than the previous. She was bleeding out on the floor in front of him.
And she deserved every tickle of blood leaving her body in racking slowness. She was desperate for it. She needed the coup de grace to come from him.
She forced herself to stay still, but couldn't bring her chin to lift like she wanted to. Couldn't make her mouthtonguelips move to speak.
Cassian stepped forward suddenly and her chest heaved. They hadn't been so close in so long. So long since she'd last felt his heat like this.
"I said get the fuck out." He ground, a single, lone tear cutting down his cheek. He did nothing to hide it.
Nesta's chin trembled and she gave the slightest nod. She made to step back, her eyes fixed on his hurt face.
I'm sorry.
She let him see it, the apology in them. She begged him to read her like he used to their entire lives.
And he did. Nesta waited for him to do anything with it, tell her it meant nothing. He took her apology and tossed it right back at her face. It now laid on the floor, crumbled at their feet.
It hit her hard then, this had been a mistake. What was she thinking? Showing up uninvited to Feyre's and Rhysand's home, after what she'd done to them?
She cleared her throat and lost the battle, lowering her gaze to his chest. Her eyes narrowed on the tiny outline under his shirt, something that was attached to the necklace he was wearing, hiding right above his breastbone. That pendant, its shape–
Cassian moved brusquely to the side, putting more than two meters of distance between them.
She felt the cold embrace of loneliness sweep her again in its arms. It felt so familiar she didn't even question the throbbing in her chest.
She spared herself the looks of disgust from the rest of the people present and walked to the door, fighting all her instincts screaming at her to go back and implore for forgiveness. Beg for a few minutes of his time to explain.
The sound of a chair scraping on the tiles, followed by another. The shuffle of clothes and cutlery against plates.
"Nesta, wait."
She halted with her hand closed on the door handle.
Oh god how she'd missed him. His voice.
She had missed them all.
"Fuck, no," Cassian's voice came out so angry it startled her as she turned again toward the room. Now both Azriel and Rhysand were standing. Cassian was looking at them, his shoulder raising and falling with his effort to keep calm. When he spun in her direction, his eyes were red, rimmed with tears.
He shook his head, pointing to the door. He averted his gaze, he said, "I don't want you here. So leave. I don't care what Azriel wants to tell you."
"Cass," someone pleaded softly.
Elain. Oh, Elain.
Nesta kept her eyes fixed on Cassian's breaking figure.
"Leave. Please, Nesta, leave."
His voice cracked, her heart shattered.
Nesta tore the door open and slowly walked outside.
She was an empty shell of her persona yet again, hollowed out and bleeding to death on the cobblestone path of that house that had once been her only safe place.
acotar taglist (if you wanna be added or removed just send me an ask or dm me)
@my-fan-side @superspiritfestival @simpingfornestaarcheron @the-regal-warrior @princess-rumi-blog1 @live-the-fangirl-life @sayosdreams @rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @bookstantrash @lordof-bloodshed @nahthanks @sannelovesreading @courtofjurdan @imagine-me @moodymelanist @dread3r @sv0430 @mariamuses @leiawritesstories @thewayshedreamed @duskandstarlight @letstakethedawn @perseusannabeth
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wanderinggrizzly · 2 months
when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to however many of your favorite followers (positivity is cool) 💖
In no particular order:
1. Baphomet by Grim Salvo, Witchhouse 40k
2. Snow Tha Product: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol, 39 by Bizarrap, Snow Tha Product
3. Superbloom by Silent Planet
4. Cellar Door by Spiritbox
5. Deadrose by Unprocessed
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liesmyth · 2 years
Your recs are ON FIRe and I was wondering if you have any more Harryanthe recs (any POV)?
Harryanthe my beloved! I'm a multishipping mess these days but THIS is actually the ship I got back into fandom for
A Little of You, A Lot of Bloodletting by monochrome_agalma; rated E, HtN era
Horrors pile upon horrors when Harrow walks in on Ianthe masturbating and finds her unwilling to stop.
Burned Out from a Joyride by @theriverbeyond; rated E, HtN era
“Or,” she said lightly, folding her long legs up to sit in front of you, close enough that you could feel the heat radiating off her skin. “I can show you how very grateful I am for your assistance, and we can fuck each other until we both forget what a horrible place this nightmare station is.”
or: Ianthe tries to thank Harrow after The Bone Arm scene. It's complicated for both of them.
docile, unkind, fraught by @meikuree; rated T
By the time you returned to Ianthe’s room from another practice session for Ortus the First’s ill-advised murder, it was late, or the Mithraeum’s moorless definition of late.
Or: Ianthe invents intricate rituals to touch Harrow. Harrow has a twisty time about it.
gallery walls by goldentwin; rated E, violence
Ianthe is very fond of the nude portraits that decorate her room aboard the Mithraeum. Harrowhark vehemently is not.
Some rough and horny Harryanthe content for art history enjoyers who want to wax poetic about iconography and religious ecstasy in your Lyctor porn.
Glory and Gore go Hand in Hand by quiriusblack, rated E
Harrow makes Ianthe a new arm. Then she fucks her about it.
thought that love was a kind of emptiness by @banrions; rated E, soulmate AU
The first time that Ianthe sees Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Reverend Daughter of Drearburh and Heir to the House of Ninth, she seems like an unremarkable little twit with some idiotic face paint.
to settle in a kingdom made of sugar by rosedamask; rated M, HtN era
Ianthe the First crashes a party in the River.
Repeat recs! I've recced these before but they're GOOD
a never feeling pleased when pleased by peacockbutchboy; Ianthe/Harrow + Ianthe & Corona, rated E, up to HtN
Despite wagging tongues claiming the contrary, Ianthe is capable of waiting patiently for her spoils. She and Harrow are caught in each other’s orbit for good, and there is no need to rush. She has an eternity at her disposal to capture her heart, and an eternity more to keep it for herself.
the cellar door is an open throat by 2wisheslikeafool; Ianthe/Harrow, rated E, HtN era
Ianthe experiences human emotions and tastes Harrow’s blood, only one of which is pleasant.
(Fics that aren't ONLY Harrow/Ianthe but I would rec specificially to Harryanthe fans)
(bad, bad news) one of us is gonna lose by valancytrinit; rated E, modern AU with powers
"You're not actually going to send Ianthe nudes, are you?" says the Body, in a tone that suggests she sincerely disapproves. Harrow never entertained what she thought the Body's views on pornography might be. She certainly never considered they might be quite conservative views.
Harrow sends the picture anyway.
[This is a modern AU with necromancy where Ianthe and Harrow sext. Also Gideon's ghost is there AND so is Alecto's ghost and they both have horny vibes with Harrow. This is just as weird and even better than I'm making it sound]
Lies Found Favor In Heaven by monochrome_agalma; rated T
God looked at you and saw everything wrong with the world he had wrought. It was painfully clear. So, when he asked about you and Harrow, you told him a lot of hot bullshit.
Or: what if John tried to talk safe sex with Ianthe too?
real love is a heart attack by @augustmourn; rated E, canon-setting AU (incest CW)
Harrow arranges a political marriage. Ianthe chafes under Ninth customs. Babs has a bad time. Corona will always come first.
[Ianthe marries Harrow and moves to the Ninth; this is primarily a Ianthe-centric fic and there's Corona/Ianthe alongside Harrow/Ianthe but I'm reccing it for the STEAMING HOT smut scene of Harrow punishing Ianthe in sexy ways.]
The Emperor's Daughter by @naryrising; rated T, Divine Highness AU
"Does anyone here actually want to marry the Emperor's daughter?" Harrow asked.
"That's a great question," said Palamedes. "I assume someone must. Lady Dulcinea Septimus says she's, and I quote, 'stacked.'"
[Harrow and Ianthe both try to flirt with God's daughter. They're competitive about it]
there is only one thing by @slashmarks; rated E, HtN AU
Resurrection Beast Seven stays on the original timeline, and Harrow's plan unravels anyway.
[This is Gideon/Harrow/Ianthe in a Gideon&Harrow bodysharing situation, but I'm reccing it here because the Harrow/Ianthe content is A+ Two words: sewn tongue]
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plantaffinity · 2 years
Energy crisis. Tips that actually keep you warm in your home.
Rugs on your floors. This has been used ever since people started living in houses. Don't underestimate rugs and carpets.
Covering the windows with f.ex blankets or newspapers or anything else. Windows aren't very well isolated, it's just glass so they really cool down the air inside. This is why they had smaller and fewer windows in the past.
Wear warmer clothes. If you're warm, you warm up the space as well.
Close doors (you could isolate them with blankets or newspapers too) between rooms to keep one room warmer than others. This is quite literally why old houses have so many rooms and walls, to keep the heat where they need it to be. Rooms that don't need to be very warm could be cellars, hallways, guest rooms. Prioritize.
If you have a small space and want everywhere to be the same temp, stop closing the doors between the rooms. Some rooms definitely have better or worse heating in the radiators, and that heat might be trapped in a room that you don't need to be that warm, often happens with bathrooms.
After you've cooked using an oven, open the oven door. You can keep it on at a lower heat (if you have a high heat you risk melting plastic buttons or harming other things close to the oven, maybe even causing fires) if you're ready to pay the bills for that electricity, but if you're trying to save money I suggest you turn the oven off before opening it.
Blankets in layers. I usually do a thin one first, then a fluffy/chunky one (the "chunk" works like isolation. Duvets, fluff blankets or crochet blankets work well) and then a big, thick blanket on top. I have no science to back my preference, so you can try other combinations.
Tea lights. They actually warm the space up marginally, but I have no idea if it's worth the money and how many you would need to actually make a difference, so proceed with caution and don't assume it's cheaper, instead do research on it.
Invite people over. Humans are warm, kinda like having a really big tea light. But humans also move around, creating air flow and warming up the air. An alternative would be to invite dogs over but I don't know how that would work, and many dogs have isolated fur so might not warm you up that much (their body heat doesn't escape into the air as much)
Open the door when or after you shower. You'll share the warm air with the rest of the house. A warning though, there might be condensation on your windows, and depending on how cold it is outside this could cause ice to build on your windows so be careful if you do this.
Move around. Clean your house or exercise or do a stretching session or yoga. You'll create warmth and you'll feel warmer, too.
Free space around your radiator. A lot of people have their radiators covered up by a huge sofa, so the radiator warms up the back of the sofa and not much else. Release him from his prison.
Additionally, furniture can also be used as isolation. Place big bulky furniture (like sofas, bookshelves, chests, anything with drawers) against an outer wall or a wall next to a room that's colder.
That's all I have for now, feel free to share your tips as well but I want this to be assembled info that is actually useful, so no "Diy radiator" or whatever. I'd prefer if tips were old methods that humans have used for a very long time that we underestimate nowadays because we live so comfortably without them.
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mounttowrongvineyard · 8 months
Sipping Perfection: Mount Towrong Winery — A Gem in Macedon Ranges, Australia
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The Idyllic Setting:
Mount Towrong Winery is strategically located amidst the undulating hills and lush vineyards of Macedon Ranges. The serene atmosphere and cool climate provide the ideal conditions for cultivating high-quality grapes. Visitors are treated to sweeping views of the surrounding countryside, making it an idyllic escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The vineyard’s commitment to sustainable practices further enhances its appeal, creating an eco-friendly haven for both wine lovers and nature enthusiasts.
A Rich History:
Founded in 1994, Mount Towrong Winery has a rich history deeply intertwined with the evolution of winemaking in the Macedon Ranges. The winery’s founders, George and Deirdre, were visionaries who recognized the region’s potential for producing exceptional cool-climate wines. Their dedication and passion laid the foundation for what is now considered the premier winery in the area.
The Terroir Advantage:
Mount Towrong Winery’s success is attributed to its unique terroir, characterized by cool temperatures, diverse soil types, and optimal elevation. These factors contribute to the distinctive flavors and aromas present in their wines. The vineyard carefully selects grape varieties that thrive in these conditions, resulting in a diverse range of wines that showcase the best of the Macedon Ranges terroir.
Signature Wines:
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Awards and Recognition:
The accolades bestowed upon Mount Towrong Winery underscore its commitment to excellence. The winery has garnered numerous awards for its outstanding vintages, solidifying its status as a leader in Macedon Ranges’ winemaking. The dedication to quality and innovation is evident in every bottle, making Mount Towrong a name synonymous with exceptional wine.
Visit and Experience:
For those looking to experience the magic of Mount Towrong Winery firsthand, a visit to the cellar door is a must. The welcoming ambiance, coupled with knowledgeable staff, ensures a memorable tasting experience. Additionally, the winery often hosts events, including vineyard tours, blending sessions, and seasonal celebrations, providing visitors with a deeper understanding of the winemaking process.
Mount Towrong Winery stands tall as the epitome of winemaking excellence in the Macedon Ranges. Its captivating setting, rich history, and exceptional wines make it a destination that transcends the ordinary. Whether you’re a seasoned wine connoisseur or a casual enthusiast, a visit to Mount Towrong promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of Australian winemaking perfection.
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crimsonflowerz · 1 year
another idyllic goon session ruined by my puppygirl scratching at the cellar door. she is only allowed to be fucked thrice per day but wont stop whining for more until i spray her with a hose . is this normal?
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skallagrimulfhedinn · 2 years
Dear Sam and Dean,
If your reading this I’m dead. Hope it was a good death and I went out swinging. I’m leaving you this letter and this key because there’s something I need you to take care of and your the best damn hunter I know of so I’m sure you can handle it.
About 10 years ago I was hunting a werewolf nest up in New Jersey. I busted into there den and there was a creature at the time I thought must have been somesort of super werewolf or something. about 7 ft tall covered in fur, claws and with a nasty set of Chompers. (I later found out this thing calls itself an Ulfhedinn) So I put a silver bullet threw it’s heart. Thing dies just like a werewolf and changes back to it’s human form. so I finish off the pack and start burning bodies and this thing wakes up, transforms back and starts after me so I shoot it dead again, figuare maybe I didn’t quite get my aim down the first time or something. Burn the body but there’s this pelt it was wearing that won’t burn.
I take the pelt with me and seal it in a box put it away thinking it’s a cursed object or something. Well about 6 months later the guy I burned tracks me down pins me to the bed of my hotel screaming and hollering asking where his pelt is. I play along catch him off gaurd and shoot him threw the heart again. Turns out the son of a bitch is 1400 years old and after quite a few “enhanced” interregations I’m starting to belive him when he says he can’t die.
I’ve tried everything I can to put the bastard down, but eventually I learn he’s got a family. I tracked them down saw a few of them transforming, even teaching the kids in different forms. Turns out these Ulfhedinn can transform not only into the werewolf like form I was telling you about  earlier but aslo can change into a regular old wolf. Also turns out they can only do it if they have their individual pelt.
took a pelt it wouldn’t burn just like the other one but I killed one of them with a bullet to the heart, watched the corpse till it started to rot, then burned it, soon as the creature was dead it’s pelt burnt easy. Killed off the rest of the family couldn’t find all the pelts but I’m not sure it matters.
Anyway the guy is still down there, you have to check on him everonce in awhile cause he will do anything he can to get out. He’s chewed threw gags, broken his own bones to get out of manicals, dug out holes around cage bars with whatever he has. Basically the dude is determined as hell. You can chop off his head it seems to make his memory go for a few months but yeah he’s a pain.
I don’t know what’s special about this one but if you can kill it perminantly that would be awesome. I left a diary down in the basement with it detailing everything I’ve tried but don’t let it out and don’t give it it’s pelt.
- Jacob
Skallagrim had been a prisoner for longer than this but still this guy had no problem shooting him everytime he came down the steps and by the time he woke up the bonds were tighter than ever. The ball gag he had chewed threw time and again was replaced with a harder one, the manicles he’d slipped his hands threw locked tighter so they made his hands numb. They were chained to the floor as were his feet. His neck was locked in a heavy metal collar that was chained to the bars of the cage witch held him.
His shirt was was long gone removed in a torture session years ago and his pants were showing the 10 years of continuous wear. When he got out of here he was going to shred that hunter and then he resolved to find a hamburger. It had been so long since he’d eaten he couldn’t even remember how a hamburger tasted. Really he couldn’t remember anything other than the taste of the rubber ball gags.
When the door opened to the cellar he struggled in his bonds more an angry growl coming from his throat as he yanked at his bleeding hand trying to shove it threw the manical even if it stripped his flesh or broke his bones. his nostrils flairing as he breathed deeply as he could.
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astral-dragons · 2 years
Soo... today's session actually went better than I'd expected.
After hearing the knocking on the door, Fenro immediately sprung into action, gathering as many people as he could and herding them into the cellar to hide out until Strahd was gone. He manages to get Marcus, Dimitry, Ireena, and Ismark into the cellar, but Izek and Victor are outside.
Even after Ismark and Dimitry fuck up their stealth checks, Strahd feigns ignorance to their presence, instead going upstairs to speak to the Abbot. He ends up killing the Abbot in front of Vasilka, the party being able to hear her screams all the way downstairs.
It's at that point that the party decides to make a run for it, but quickly realizes that Rahadin was left outside the cellar door and Ismark grabs Ireena, pulling her back into the safety of the cellar. Before anyone can ask why he's there, Strahd returns. He asks the party where 'Tatyana' is, and they are unsuccessful in trying to distract or deceive him. Fenro tells him where Ireena is, but warns, "she likes to punch." Strahd takes his chances.
A few minutes later, he returns from the cellar without Ireena, and informs the party that they've disappointment him, but perhaps they could still serve as "entertainment." He instructs Rahadin to take Sylviel's corpse, and when the party asks what he plans to do with them, he just smiles, telling them they have two hours to prepare and wishing them good luck before he leaves.
Ireena and Ismark emerge from the cellar, and her immediate concern is to find Izek and Victor. Apparently they managed to hide outside in the graveyard, avoiding Strahd and Rahadin. When Marcus and Fenro explain what happened, Izek gets up onto the walls of the Abbey to examine the horizon. There is an army of undead approaching, and they now understand what Strahd meant.
The group bands together to fend off the undead, fortifying the Abbey and setting up traps. They manage to fight them all off with few complications, and when it's over, they realize they still haven't seen the Abbot or Vasilka since earlier in the day. Going upstairs towards the operating room, the party can hear Vasilka's cries, drawing their weapons as they approach.
They find her hunched over the Abbot's corpse, wailing. Seeing their weapons drawn, Vasilka begs for mercy, offering to get "the sword the Abbot hid from Strahd" for them if they'll let her live. The party's curiosity gets the better of them, and they agree, though they had no intention to kill Vasilka anyway.
She brings them the hilt of the Sunsword, though the party doesn't know what that is yet. Marcus takes it, and quickly realizes the sword is more than meets the eye, perhaps even sentient. He names it Susan. (We have an ongoing joke since the first campagin I ran where Marcus' player names all of his weapons. We've had Linda, Felisha, Karen, and now Susan.)
Meanwhile, Fenro hears a very familiar voice from behind him say, "Well, that went better than I'd expected." He looks to the others, but none of them seem to be able to hear it. He slowly turns around and sees his late adoptive father, Riardon. Guess there were consequences for taking those new eyes after all?
AND NOW WE GET TO START NEXT SESSION WITH WHAT SYLVIEL'S BEEN UP TO WITH STRAHD HAHAHA. I've been talking to their player, and we've decided that it would be fun to bring them back as a vampire. I asked them to not come to this session cause I wanted their knowledge of what happened while Sylviel was dead to be the same as Sylviel's. So I'm very excited to get to just straight up lie to them as Strahd :)
Also worth adding, Marcus' player got his first nat 20 of the whole campaign. Yes, you read that correctly: of the WHOLE campaign. His dice are really shit.
Bonus out of context quotes:
"Just gaslight Strahd Von Zarovich"
"Seduction is always an option..."
"Well my mom's dead too, sooo... trauma bonding?"
"Daddy issues intensified"
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