#the cats movie wasn't bad because cats the musical is bad. it was a bad adaptation of cats.
musical-chick-13 · 1 year
Why did I look. In the notes.
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Logan x Reader pt.8
Not me and my mate watching Deadpool and Wolverine again
I forgot how mean and scrungally he is
I need him
<< Part 7 Part 9 >> Masterlist
Babygirl: party on saturday?
Y/N: Wade? Is this you?
Y/N: Did ya change your name on my phone?
Babygirl: shshsh
Babygirl: saturday?
Babygirl: party?
Babygirl: you?
Babygirl: normal?
Y/N: Yeah I'm not crazy if that's what ya mean
Babygirl: okie make sure wolvie knows
Babygirl: wear something nice
Babygirl: i like hearing you two at it
Y/N: Perve
“Why are you frowning?” Logan questioned, lowly. He was sitting on the sofa between you and Laura, the 2002 Scooby Doo movie playing on TV. You loved that damn dog.
The three of you had spent so much time together it was really sweet. Laura did still sleep on your bed whilst you claimed Logan's but after her therapy session yesterday she had asked you to sleep next to her - her nightmares were back - and, of course, you agreed. You felt really bad slipping into your bed because you essentially abandoned her on the second night.
“I'm sorry.” You stroked her hair. “I know the first night wasn't my fault but I've spent the whole time in Logan's bed.”
“It's okay.” She spoke and you could see she held no resentment. “I'm normally okay.”
“Well, you make sure you keep asking if you want a bed buddy.”
The bedroom door knocked and Logan quickly popped his head round. “‘didn't say night.”
That was a lie. He had said night.
The man walked to your side of the bed and bent to give you a quick kiss. You scratched the scruff on his cheeks and looked up at him. “Good night Logan.”
“Night, beautiful.”
He then leaned over you, his - barely, covered by a vest - pecs hovered by face and briefly kissed Laura's crown.
She accepted the kiss with a smile. “Night.”
“Night bub.” He ruffled her hair.
Logan hesitated for a second but did exit. You could tell he was worried. If Laura asked you she must've been scared. He also told you that he hadn't had a good night's sleep before sleeping next to you, so perhaps that was part of it. Maybe he was going to miss you being at his side.
“Wade is texting me every single emoji.” You whispered back, turning the screen, ping, elephant. Ping, arrow. Ping, music notes.
“I dunno.” You laughed. “But he says the party is back on this Saturday.”
Logan placed his hand out and you handed him the phone.
Y/N: stop harassing her or I'll break your face
Watching Logan type with his nails was hilarious. Laura had told the tech he wanted stiletto - the type she got - they weren't massively long but the shape was causing problems. Everything he's been doing has been made harder because of them.
Babygirl: promises promises
“I love your nails.” You gushed.
He displayed his fingers for you. One hand was yellow with a blue ring finger, his other hand was blue with a yellow ring finger. “I'm getting used to them.”
You held his hand, delicately moving it to see the glitter shine. “If they're hassling you, we can cut and file them to a better shape.”
“I like the challenge.” The hand you held was lightning quick and flipped positions. He pulled your hand to his and kissed the back of it. “Did you like the colour I chose?”
“Course I did.” You leaned your temple against his shoulder, hand still captured in his, and watched Scooby and Shaggy argue.
“No, Scooby Doo, your mum eats cat poop!”
Laura laughed at that, a full body laugh, deep from her stomach.
You were organising some of your things in Logan's room when it fell on the floor. Dedicating a bedside table and half of the wardrobe to yourself was easy because he already seemed to do that. Only using his half of his furniture.
You folded your jeans and placed them into the enclosed drawers in the wardrobe.
Logan's footsteps wandered into the bedroom. Usually heavy due to his skeleton but now they were light. You suppose it was a good thing this building was empty because the downstairs neighbours wouldn't like you.
“You alright?” You ask over your shoulder, tucking the drawer closed.
“Yeah.” He replied watching you neaten up the hangers.
He observed you potter about, sitting on the edge of the bed. You made his home yours. It was nice. He liked seeing your things intermingled. It felt real. This felt real and good and he was happy. He knew he didn't deserve this but he would grab ahold of it as long as possible. He would be happy and content.
Well, until his eyes caught something on the floor.
It sat face down just under the bed frame. Logan scooped it up and found it was a Polaroid. You were so young, smiling wide, one eye shut in a wink. Your hair was shorter, styled and you were wearing make-up. The top of a silky red dress visible on your shoulders. Next to you was him. He looked younger, his hair was longer, fluffier. He was grinning from ear to ear, one hand in the frame doing ‘devil horns’ whilst his other held two beers. He was wearing a black button down.
It was clearly a party.
You both were clearly having a good time.
“What was the occasion?” Came out of his mouth before he could stop it.
You glanced up and saw him looking at your Polaroid. Where had he got that? “It...it was Beast’s birthday.” You spoke, diplomatically, taking a seat next to him. “Rogue decided to throw a banger. W-I got quite drunk.”
“You look amazing.” You really did. There was a carefree aura surrounding you and you seemed to glow.
“Thank you.” When you had looked at this in the Void you didn't usually focus on yourself but you did look good. Better than you did now. "It's the makeu-"
"No, it's not." He vowed with an air of finality.
You didn't argue back, instead just thinking about how you wouldn't even know how to do makeup nowadays, all the women you saw were gorgeous. Their skin shone and they had sculpted cheeks.
"You are beautiful." He had told you this practically everyday but right now, sitting on the bed with him, gazing at an old vibrant version of yourself, you believed the words. Believed they were true, even if it was just to him.
“Thank you." Your hand found his arm. "You know, you can't see them but I loved the earrings I had on. Yo-” Cutting yourself off before you could act more of a fool.
“What?” He encouraged.
“Logan brought me them.”
He noticed the melancholy flicker in your eye. “What was he like?”
"Like you." You smirked up at him. “Sweet like you.”
“Longer hair.” His thumb traced the strands.
“I know, I loved the long hair, little kitty ears.” You giggled to yourself.
He saw the delight on your face, the scrunch of your eyes and wide grin. Immediately deciding to grow out his hair.
Dinner was actually really nice. Gambit had told you to come to his and he promised the best Cajun food you'd ever had. 
He had decorated his apartment like any young bachelor. He'd painted the room a dark grey and accessorised with light colours. He had a white sofa and rugs and curtains. The TV was the centre of attention, underneath was a playstation with various game cases. You should really take Laura to IKEA or Home Depot, let her choose a paint or a bedspread or even buy her some posters. 
“Like what you've done with the place.” You patted his back as he washed his hands. 
“Thankin’ you ‘ere.” He flashed you a grin, towelling his hands dry.
“It smells lovely.” You glanced at the food. There was a pan sizzling and veg boiling. “What you making?” 
“Jambalaya, cornbread ‘n greens, mon ami.” He smiled. “I don't remember ‘lot about ‘fore the Void but when I cook’ere this I feel a’ home.” 
That was genuinely sweet, you felt a tug in your chest. “I'm so glad you're sharing this with us.” 
“Ain't much.” He shrugged. “Bu’ it good.”
You both turned to the others, “Reckon Blade’ll have some?” 
“I'll make a plate.” 
You hummed. The Dhampir could consume food but it did nothing for him, it held no nutritional value which is why you guys ate the scavenged food and had to create the ‘feeding system’. “He might try it.” 
“Sup bitches!” Wade and Al entered. 
“Ah, mi amor.” Gambit opened his arms for Al. 
Wade karate chopped between them. “Back off Magic Mike.” 
Al shoved Wade to the side and slipped into Gambit's arms. 
Wade dramatically rolled his eyes, slumping over to you. “Why do my friends leave me?” 
“No one's left you.” You pat his head. “You alright? How was your day?” 
Wade sniffed the food, finding a spoon and taste testing the Jambalaya. “Wo-hooah, that'll blow nips off.” He offered you the spoon, you declined, watching him expertly flick it into the sink. “Day was alright. I've been meeting with the Avengers. They do not like this bitch. Also Spiderman is young. I am not that way inclined. I'm looking more to an Andrew Garfield type.”
“Young?” You scrunched your face. “He wasn'- I guess that's another way this universe is different.” 
Wade shrugged and skipped to the sofa, jumping over the back and landing right next to Blade. 
“Oh, possum. How’s hunting Vampires? Need any help? I'm not sure we were friends last time but I'm willing to try again.” 
There were two sofas and on the other was El and Laura, Gambit led Al over to it and the girls scooted up. 
Logan was sipping a beer standing by the girls. He wore his low waisted boot cut jeans and a vest. Ugh. Seeing him casually in this outfit was fine, but haloed against the TV light, one leg cocked, was something else entirely. Why was he so good looking? 
You wanted nothing more than to get on your knees and undo that stupidly large belt. 
Logan stopped mid sip to blink over to you. His eyes raked up your body and he smirked over the bottle, mouthing ‘later’. 
How did he know you were looking at him? Could he feel it? You watched him, moving yourself closer to the group - feeling the slightest slick between your legs - and you realised. Fuck. He could smell you. 
Cou-could the others?! 
Could they smell your arousal? 
Well, they'd certainly sense your panic. Calm down.
You sincerely hoped they couldn't and tried to calm yourself. Think of anything apart from him. Apart from his body. Fuck. Apart from his dick. FUCK. Apart from him, you can do it. I believe in you. 
Good girl. God that's what he calls you.
The seat you took was a breakfast bar stool, pulled from the kitchen counter, placing it in-between each sofa. 
“‘e’ere ready in a’ouple minutes.” Gambit informed the group. 
The table was set so there were no jobs for anyone to do so you all just sat and chatted. Talking about stuff and nothing. Literally wasting what time you had. You could waste time. 
You know you were becoming a broken record but you still couldn't believe everyone could just- just waste time. 
Gambit announced the food was ready and you all settled at the table. It was hardly large enough for everyone and El had kindly brought her chairs in to accommodate everyone but you all made it work.
Gambit was at one end of the table and Wade at the other. Al, Blade and Laura on one side. You, Logan and El at the other.
“I jus’ wanna say a few words.” Gambit finished pouring the wine.
“Please.” Wade sassed. 
He raised his glass. “No’ we all togethe’ I jus’ wanna ‘member those lost.” He took a deep breath. “Johnny.” Wade coughed. “Erik. Matt. Frank.” 
“Whistler.” Blade carried on. “Safron.” 
“Reed and Sue.” El tipped her head. "Victor."
You smiled at Gambit. “Anna Marie.” She had briefly caught his eye and helped you for a moment before her and Erik were killed. You knew he liked her. He told her to call him Remy, no one else did. 
“My dad.” Laura’s voice was barely above a whisper. Her eyes were glued to Logan, brows pulled. 
“Jean, Storm, Scott, Hank, Charles.” Logan's knuckles whitened. 
Al nodded. “Deuce.” 
“Deuce?” Wade questioned. “Your dog?”
“He was my eyes.” She shrugged. “I miss him.”
“Not as much as I miss Cable.” Wade starred off distractedly into the distance. “He was kinky.”
With that the speeches ended and you all tucked in.
It was scrumptious. 
Absolutely brilliant. 
You loved everything Gambit made and you definitely weren't the only one. 
Bowls were emptied quickly, being filled with second and third helpings. 
Once dinner was done you were sitting just idly chatting again when Logan placed his hand on your thigh. 
Maybe it was the two glasses of wine you had - hadn't consumed alcohol in years - or the fact that he was fucking gorgeous but your legs not-so-subtly opened. You hadn't meant to, your body just merely responding to him. 
Logan hummed in approval, patting your thigh before he rubbed it.
“So, Y/N, do you think you'll come with me to the gym tomorrow?” El asked, completely unaware.
“I was thinking of meeting you there.” You recalled the earlier conversation. “It's a quick walk and I haven't been out by myself so that might be good for me.” 
Logan's hand slipped further, closer to where you wanted him most.
“I usually get there for eleven, leave at two but I'll probably hang about a little longer. Introduce you to Natalie.” She had told you about her gym friend and you were so happy for her. She deserved someone other than your broken family to talk to. 
You all meandered back to the sofas, full and happy. Gambit gave you the choice Alien or Ghostbusters and it was decided that you'd watch the latter. 
The final credits rolled along, you and Wade singing the tune very out of tune - singing the instrumential part ‘beeeeyneewneeewwwnewnewnenenew’ too. 
Goodnights were quick. Everyone got a hug and a see you tomorrow. 
Laura hesitated at her front door though, watching you head for Logan's. “Are you sleeping in there?” 
“No.” You answered immediately. “No. I'll sleep with you baby.” How stupid were you to think she'd be alright. She had had an awful therapy session yesterday and needed you, she wasn't going to magically get better. She needed time. “My things are in here though, Hun, I'll get ready and meet you.”
She smiled small and let you leave. 
Logan was on you immediately, bear hugging you from behind. “How long we got?” 
You chuckled. “Not long enough Mr.” Extracting yourself from his arms, mirroring his earlier taunt. “Later.” 
He grumbled but watched you get ready for bed. You hopped in and out of the shower - warning him to stay away - and began washing your face at the sink. 
He watched you perform your ablutions, unobstructed by the nails. 
“Why is it easier for you?” 
You raised a brow. “Huh?” 
“The nails.”
“I'm not sure, could be the shape? I think I had them done once for a wedding when I was younger.” A thought slipped through your mind and right out of your mouth. “You're like Victor.” 
Logan guffawed. “He could suck his back in. Came in handy wh- wait- we will have to file these.” 
“Why?” You squeezed toothpaste onto your toothbrush and began brushing your teeth. 
“Well, these ones anyway.” Logan had separated his middle and ring fingers. Ah. That's why. 
You decided to play coy, with an innocent “Why?”
“You know why.” He winked. 
“There's a file in that draw, get the clippers and I'll help if you want. It won't take long.” You spoke over the toothbrush, taking time to spit. 
He didn't comment on your hasty response, eager to avoid a future obstruction. Logan produced the items and waited for you to finish brushing your teeth. He sat on the lip of the bath. These apartments were brilliant because they had a bath and shower! You loved the choice!
You were precise in clipping them both and then made delicate work of filing, trying ever so hard to not destroy the paint job. 
Logan sat patiently watching you work. The small frown on your face adorable. 
He really liked you. 
He knew that was childish. 
But he really really did. 
“Done.” You grinned proudly. “Can't wait to try them out.” 
He hummed, taking ahold of your hips. “Why wait?” 
A shaky breath left your lips but you were strong. “I'll see you tomorrow.” Kissing his nose. “Promise.” 
You made a quick exit and entered Laura's front door. She was in bed waiting for you.
You tucked Laura into the covers before nestling in next to her. 
The nightmares had returned, you had eased her to sleep yesterday. Being able to shush the problems away before they woke her was a blessing, you'd had to get good at that in the Void. Your Logan used to twitch and thrash about in his sleep, Laura does the same, you wondered if this Logan did also. Most likely. If you live as long as them you have a million ghosts hovering over you. 
Laura fought sleep, pretending to watch a rerun of Law and Order. She'd become accustomed to watching TV in bed and you had to agree it was the way to go. 
You never truly understand the show because you zoned in and out of slumber but the storylines were basic enough to grasp. 
Laura spasmed next to you, rousing you from the light dozing. The TV was still on, telemarketers selling unnecessary products, casting a low light for you to see she was covered in a sheen of sweat. Her face was twitching and her shoulders were tense. 
“Laura, baby?” You whispered. She usually responded to your voice alone. 
Nothing eased her, instead she snarled. 
“Laura.” You spoke more firmly. “Laura, I'm going to place a hand on your shoulder.” Again, that usually worked. This time, though, her eyes sprung open and she punched you in the gut. 
You gasped, feeling more pain than a punch. It was sharp. Ah fuck. 
“Laura.” You fought to keep your voice even. 
Her eyes were blown wide and her mouth hung open. 
“Laura don-” She retracted the claws. 
Now the real trouble began. 
You kept a hand on your side, creating a field around the wound to keep pressure on it. “Laura. Baby. It's okay.” You reached out to grab her hand but she scurried away. Clamouring off the bed and into the corner of the room, she shook with unshed tears 
“Laura.” You didn't want to panic her but you needed her to focus. You needed her in the room with you. “Laura, I need you to get Logan.” 
She spluttered, covering her mouth, and nodded frantically. Sprinting away.
You were alone. 
Laying in bed.
Holding yourself together. 
This would stain. 
You heard crashing and yelling before Logan stormed into the bedroom. The door flung so hard it came off the hinges. 
“Baby.” He was immediately at your side. 
“Logan.” You smiled in relief. 
“Don't just stand there, call 911!” He yelled at Laura. 
“Hey.” You frowned. “Don't be mean.
Logan snarled and ripped the phone from her hands. He dialed a number which was more than three and placed the phone to his ear, using both hands to hold your side. "It's me. I need the cradle. I don't fucking care. You owe me. Yeah this is my favour. Fuck off and help."
The phone was flung to the side and he smiled down.
"Help is coming, beautiful."
You tried to suppress a cough but that didn't work, blood spitting out of your mouth.
"What the fuck did you do?!" Logan growled over his shoulder.
You couldn't see Laura but knew he was talking to her. "Lo-logan." You warned.
"Fucking trouble."
He hadn't been like this with you. Hadn't been this angry. Hadn't swore so much.
"Stop." You ordered, vision blurring. "Logan?"
"I'm here." He promised.
You blunk and the room was different. Lighter. There were annoying led lights flashing past. You were moving. Your view was slightly obstructed due to Logan still being at your side. He was jogging, you could tell because of the way his hair bounced.
"Your hair." Your voice was muffled, restricted. Hands flying to your face to find there was a mask attached to your nose and mouth.
"Leave it on baby."
You grumbled but dropped your arm. Gosh it was an effort to move.
You were tired.
Why were you so tired?
How could you get to this level of tiredness?
Weren't you asleep a second ago?
These questions didn't matter because you found yourself easing back into a dreamless sleep.
Part 9
@littlecrowtime @geeksareunique @lovelyvaderx @melissa-ashe @st1nkabutt @maximumchilddreamland @catiwinky @twinkywink @ravenmedows @electricreader @racetrackheart @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @bisasterbisexual @tzurue @narniansmagic @seamlessepiphany @4ria790 @caramelatae
Again not 100% if all ze tags be tagging
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susiephone · 1 year
I always find it weird whenever people say "this book started off as FANFICTION!" as like... shorthand for saying the book is INHERENTLY bad.
Like, I've read a lot of shit fanfiction. I've also read some breathtaking fanfiction. The same is true of books. The "fanfic is the death of art and books are always superior" crowd always seems to forget the existence of bad books, in a similarly frustrating manner to how the "fanfic is always superior to books and I've never read a book I liked better than fanfiction" always seems to narrow their view of books they read and hated in high school, and milquetoast bestsellers.
My point is, one isn't inherently better than the other, and, to borrow a point made in the video essay "An Exhaustive Defense of Fanfiction," they're ultimately two different things and comparing them is pretty apples-and-oranges.
So whenever someone is like "oh this book was originally fanfic" my response is just, "...Okay?" in the same way it would be if someone was like, "oh thus book was originally a master's thesis." Like, cool bit of trivia but not really relevant to how I judge the final product.
If a book is a shitty book, it's because it's a shitty book, not because it was originally something else. If it wasn't properly translated into the new format, that's a fault of the writing and editing, not the original format. Like, "Cats" isn't a shitty movie because it was originally a stage musical, it's a shitty movie because the source material was not properly translated into a film. Does that make sense?
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xiayannie · 9 months
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𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 23𝐑𝐃 — 𝘶𝘨𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘤𝘰𝘢
↳ scaramouche & xiao (separate) × gn! reader
content: fluff, crack ? | 𝐗𝐎𝐗𝐌𝐀𝐒 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
small christmas scenarios with the two
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hates the idea, but goes along with your shenanigans because it's "christmas" and it makes you happy
he secretly enjoys it
"can't believe I'm wearing this hideous thing." SCARAMOUCHE scowled, staring down at the ugly sweater in disdain.
you merely rolled your eyes, dragging him by the arm to the kitchen. a cup was thrusted into his face, which he took skeptically.
"what? you've never had hot cocoa?"
"I've never been a fan of anything sweet." he retorted, staring at the assortment of sweet add-ons from the so-called 'hot cocoa bar'.
a small realization flashed on your face before you went to rustle in the cabinets, pulling out a newer container.
"I got some dark cocoa the other day, maybe you'll like this better." you hummed, handing him the instant cocoa powder.
SCARAMOUCHE hesitated a bit, but he scooped some of the powder into his cup of hot milk before stirring. your expectant eyes made him feel a bit pressured as he took a sip, expecting the worst.
to his dismay, it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be.
"...it's okay." SCARAMOUCHE murmured out quietly, watching as you beamed at him.
"that's good!"
"how about we go put on a movie?"
SCARAMOUCHE throughout the movie kept refilling his cup of hot cocoa, which you noticed, but didn't say anything about until the both of you got drowsy on the couch after the movie.
"...how many cups of cocoa did you have, scara?"
to which he would remain silent for a bit, his cheeks flushing the slightest bit of red as he avoided replying, trying to come up with any excuse he could.
"I was a bit thirsty."
"yeah, sure. and you must be a bit cold." you snickered at him, eyeing up his decked out christmas attire; reindeer socks, plaid pants, and ugly cat sweater.
needless to say, SCARAMOUCHE was not going to live it down. especially since he got caught humming along to mariah carey's "all I want for christmas" despite talking shit about christmas music earlier.
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doesn't get the whole point of making gingerbread houses (to not really eat them) but he tries it for the sake of seeing you smile
doesn't like Christmas much, but he enjoys spending time with you
the two of you spent the afternoon making gingerbread houses, and the difference between the two were as clear as day and night.
XIAO's gingerbread house was collapsing in as you stared and compared it to your averagely decent looking one. his face was calm as he continued to frost his roof, but the weight of the sweet frosting was contributing more to the downfall of his house.
"xiao..." you tried to stifle a laugh, aware of how seriously he took the activity, as well as how hard he worked on it. "...good job, my love."
"thank you." XIAO replied, putting down the icing bag to dust off his fingers. his expression was stoic as usual, but his eyebrows gave you the impression that he was proud of his work.
you put a gumdrop up to his mouth, to which he obediently opened his mouth and ate. XIAO's face scrunched up a bit, but he swallowed it silently. you pulled him in for a sweet hug, melting into his side as you laughed.
"...these sweets aren't to my liking." he murmured, staring at the abomination of sugar before him.
"well, good thing we won't be eating them." XIAO's brow furrowed in confusion at what you said.
"what's the point of making it, then?"
"they're just for decoration usually."
XIAO was dumbfounded, but he nodded and decided to brush it off, instead focusing on helping you clean up.
the night ended off with cuddling, sweet whispers and quiet giggles exchanged between the two of you.
"did you enjoy building gingerbread houses together, xiao?"
he nodded, bringing his hand up to lightly stroke your cheek.
"I do not get the whole point of making them, only to use them as decoration, but...I'd enjoy anything as long as I'm doing it with you."
you giggled like a school girl, lightly hitting him on the shoulder. "such a smooth talker, who taught you to say such sweet and cheesy lines?"
"... it doesn't even compare to that gumdrop you fed me earlier." he scoffed, but a small smile graced his lips as he stared at you.
"but I'd eat as many gumdrops that you'd feed me if that means I get to see you beam at me in return."
XIAO didn't care for christmas. but he now does, because it means that he gets to spend more time with you, no matter how dumb or stupid he thinks the activity is.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
🌊Percy Jackson headcanons🌊
Inspo from @jellyfilledeyes !!
🌊Afro-dominican.Monoracial darkskin and super strongfeatured,he literally looks exactly like Poseidon the 'lightskin Percy' crowd is illiterate.Full name Perseo Isadore Jackson
🌊Autistic.He's also literally the protagonist of the neurodivergent abuse victims series,y'all's denial is deeper than the sea
🌊Transfem bigender.Any pronouns + A hoard of neos and was on estrogen for a while but got no surgeries for extra gender fuckery
🌊Afrosolarpunk and knows how to diy things that don't even exist,does activism/charity and goes to riots/protests,is a straightedge and listens to Mcr,Teezo Touchdown,Megan Thee Stallion,Alt Black Era,The Cure and Meet Me @ The Altar
🌊Cut ties with Annabeth by Boo.Percabeth is 'destiny' by virtue of cisheteronormativity and amatonormativity textually and book!Annabeth is a bad person who needs to leave her alone for both their own good's
🌊Weird/niche interests king.She's into obscure podcasts,indie games,underrated cartoons,cult classic movies and non-corny musicals
🌊Was a Warrior Cats and Bubble Guppies kid
🌊Huge Superfam fan.That's why they compared Jason to Clark Kent as a compliment and knows like all the lore
🌊Platonic soulmates by choice in every universe with Nico and Hazel.Them and Nico spent the year gap between Botl and Tlo bonding and in Son Hazel turned them into a trio and Sally legally adopts her like she did Nico.Percy is their eldest brother and pseudo-dad
🌊Super into kidcore as trauma coping and also due to autism
🌊Loves Cotton Candy Bang,double cheeseburgers with loaded fries and blue flan
🌊Queerplatonic best friends with Rachel and their connection came from her being autistic too and never meeting anyone like her before him.She's a trans punk like her too and helped her transition and she basically lives at La Residencia Jackson part time
🌊Sally opened up a family bussiness:Familia Jackson Beach Shack.That's where his money comes from
🌊Except for Nico's chronic pain meds and mobility aids,which he guilttrips Poseidon for
🌊And Hazel gets to live the happy friendfilled childhood he didn't with his help
🌊Lego lover,Animal Crossing and Pokemon understander and Hot Topic hater
🌊Only part of Marvel he cares about is Spiderverse and his favorite Spiderpeople are Hobie Brown and Gwen Stacy because they're too much like her not to be
🌊Nico got him into cozy horror and Hazel got him into MLP(his favorite ponies are Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy and he knows Flutterdash is real and Wendell & Wild is his movie of all time)
🌊Unironically plays Fortnite
🌊His piercings are a standard eyebrow piercing,forward helix on both ears,a spider bite and a tongue ring
🌊Sharks are superior in his opinion
🌊Killed Luke and slowly did a revolution in the greco-roman mythos world with that as what got to ball rolling but it really hit when he killed Zeus a year post Hoo
🌊Supposed to have been Special ED to make friends and school easier but had a such a big meltdown when Sally offered at his 9 years old because his internalized ableism was already so bad and to this day they both regret it and wonder what could've been
🌊Underground shows and parties Percy's beloved
🌊Goes on petty crime sprees for fun and letting frustation out
🌊If Rick wasn't a pussy,his girlfriend would've been a sugary sweet but powerful asf black pastel punk girl who's got the same of sense of humor as him and undooms him from the narrative against everyone's pressured expectations(Ichihime dynamic is perfect for Percy)
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kodydrs · 1 year
- make ‘em jealous
a/n : WHERE MY BLUE LOCK BABES AT?? This is a one-shot I wrote abt 2 years ago and it was originally on Wattpad but got removed 😭 I do hope it gets love on here
warnings : cheating!reader, cheating!Rin, aged up!Rin, oral (m. receiving), p in v, riding, cheating, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, not proofread, I’m bad at tagging
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Y/n & Rin had dated for nearly a year when she caught him. 1 week off their 1st anniversary. She just wouldn't have expected such a thing to happen with Rin.
'Rin?' Y/n called from the door. After dating for 11 months, Y/n had learned it was usually OK to let herself in. Rin's parents had even gone through the extra work to get her an extra key. 'Rin?'
She took off her shoes and left them at the door, walking onto the carpet in her socks. The house was silent, except for the Itoshi family cat which brushed against her legs.
'Hello, hun.' Y/n cooed, picking up the black feline. 'Where's daddy at?' The cat meowed quietly and headbutted her chin. 'Well, that isn't very helpful.'
Y/n laughed, kissing the cat's head before putting it back down on the carpet. The cat meowed again and walked down the hall towards Rin's room. Y/n smiled, following the animal. As she got closer to Rin's room, she could hear the quiet shuffling of fabric and that confused her. 'What's he doing?' Without a sound, she peered through the crack of his door, her heart dropping and blood running cold. F/n? F/n with Rin? Y/n grabbed her mouth to prevent noise from coming out and she watched silently. Watched as her best friend made out with her boyfriend.
She felt sick. It wasn't until she saw F/n straddle his waist that she finally looked away.
'Fuck. Fuck. What the fuck is going on?' She shook her head as if it would erase what she saw. As if it was just something she was imagining.
'Fuck… Rin~' Y/n's whole body froze hearing her friend moan.
'That dumb bastard.' Y/n looked up, seeing Sae standing at the bottom of the stairs. 'I told him she had to keep her out today.'
'Y-You knew?' Y/n whispered. Sae nodded.
'She's been coming around for a few weeks now. Usually when you're away for school trips or he's at some soccer event.'
'So this isn't the first time?'
Sae shook his head. 'Nope.'
Y/n sworn you could've seen her heart shatter. But she stood up, wiped her face, and with every intention of interrupting them, she turned to their door. She didn't make it because Sae grabbed her waist and pushed her against the wall on the other side of the hall.
'S-Sae? What are you doing?' She still whispered, but a hint of urgency in her tone.
'Don't let them know you're here. Let Rin do his thing. It's his problem.'
'So you think I should just let them have sex as if I'm not even here?! That sounds like a mighty fine idea.'
Sae leaned down till she could feel his breath on her ear. 'Make him jealous.' A shiver spiked down her neck.
'W-what do you mean?' She stuttered.
'You know what I mean.' He whispered, gently kissing her neck. She sighed, her back arching so her ass pressed against his crotch. The soft groan that came from his mouth was ecstasy. 'Let's go upstairs.'
Y/n nodded, following him quietly. Sae's room was different from Rin's, although it had the same design. While Rin's room was overloaded with soccer, Sae had minimalistic posters of artists and movies. Y/n noticed 2 posters in particular that she liked the most. It was a poster of the band, TV Girl, and one of Howl’s Moving Castle. Sae wasn't exactly the type of person you'd expect to have photos of bands and films, but it was a nice touch.
'Do you like their music?' Sae asked after noticing her staring at the poster a little too long. She nodded with a smile.
'They’re an amazing band. And Howl is a beautiful boy.' She smiled. Something about this room made her forget about her problems downstairs.
'Do you like beautiful boys, Y/n?' Sae leaned against his door frame while Y/n was on the bed. She blushed pink but nodded.
'I think most people are pretty in their own way, but there's a few that cut above the rest. just happens to be one of them.'
'Mhmm. Is Rin a pretty boy?'
She hesitated, thinking about what she saw downstairs. 'No. He was, but people lose their beauty if they lose their respect.'
Sae nodded, walking over to Y/n and caging her between his arms. 'So am I a pretty boy?'
She didn't have time to answer before he pressed his lips on her. She reciprocated his movements, both falling into sync. Y/n gripped the hem of his shirt, pulling him closer to her. She could've sworn Sae smiled.
They parted eventually and Y/n looked up at the red-head. 'Do you want me to blow you?' Sae's expression remained calm and he shrugged.
'If you want to.'
Y/n nodded, switching positions with Sae so he was sitting on the bed and she was in front of him. She patiently sat in her knees with her hands gently resting on her lap while Sae undid his jeans.
Y/n swallowed hard when his erection sprung out. He was longer than Rin, but they were about the same in girth.
'It may seem embarrassing to admit, but I do live with Rin, so I know I'm bigger.' Sae said, the usual softness to his voice as if he were talking about the weather.
She nodded, a sign she was agreeing with him. She shuffled forwards and placed her hands on either side of his pelvis before sucking on his tip. Sae watched, admiring her when she started taking more of him.
Y/n hollowed out her cheeks and relaxed her throat each time she took more of Sae's member into her mouth. She could already tell it would hurt her gag reflex, but she could ignore that for now. All she could focus on was Sae.
He moved a hand down to the side of her head and tucked the fly-aways behind her ear. He left his hand there, not forcing her to take more, but to steady her.
Her nose skimmed his crotch and she started moving back and forth. Sae sighed at the feeling of his cock moving down her throat, hot and wet.
Y/n wasn't your typical off the streets whore. She knew how to give a proper blow job. Sometimes she gets creative, going in different rhythms or humming at exactly the right time to send the vibration. She was changing up this time. Instead of constantly taking as much of him as she could, she would slowly reduce how much you had until she would just be lapping at the time before thrusting herself back down and starting again. This was driving Sae mad.
'Y/n…' He groaned. 'You're such a pretty girl.' She hummed, the vibrations making him flinch. 'Such a pretty girl.'
He gently pulled her off, leaning down to her level. 'Will you be a good girl as well and ride me?'
She stared at him, her lips glistening with saliva and pre-cum, but nodded. Sae moved back so he was leaning against the headboard and watched Y/n remove her sweats.
She stood at the end of the bed for a minute before moving next to Sae and straddling his waist. She clenched her lower areas when his cock hit her ass. She carefully lifted herself above him, then slowly let herself down. Her pupils dilated and she bit her lip to suppress a moan.
'You alright?' Sae asked, cupping her face. She nodded.
'It just hurts a little.' She winced. 'So just give me a minute.' Sae was patient. He didn't make her move or do anything she didn't want to. He just waited, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand.
'You're doing amazing, Y/n.' He whispered. She smiled and began moving. A jolt sent her whole body in shock when she went down.
'It's too fucking big.'
Sae threaded their hands together, continuing to kiss her hand while she squeezed his.
'Fuck~' She sighed, playing with her shirt hem with her free hand. 'It's hot.'
Sae picked up what she'd put down and shimmied his hands up her side. Her shirt followed, the male tossing it somewhere in the room.
'You look pretty hot like this, Y/n.'
'Mhm?' She hummed. Her stomach felt so tight. She looked down at Sae. 'Take your shirt off. It's unfair that I'm here ass-naked while you still have your clothes on.'
Sae laughed. It was a rare sight to see either of the Itoshi brothers laughing, but it was even rarer for Y/n to see Sae laugh. He obliged, pulling off his shirt and throwing it with hers. She took a minute to admire his anatomy before moaning loudly when he hit her sweet spot.
'Hmm? There, is it?' He grunted, gripping her waist. Y/n wasn't prepared when Sae thrust up into her, making her moan loudly. She was quick to cover her mouth, hoping that anyone else in the house hadn't heard.
'Are you embarrassed, Y/n?' Sae smirked. 'Are you embarrassed that Rin might hear you doing it up here with me?'
She shook her head quickly. 'N-No. He deserves it if he hears me.' Sae chuckled softly. He held her waist tighter and flipped them so he was on top of her.
'You won't mind me making you scream then, will you?' She gulped.
Sae Itoshi was known for his flawless appearance and cold personality. Y/n had realized after not long being around him that his personality was more of a lukewarm temperature. But seeing and hearing him now. The words that came from his mouth. Suddenly he was as hot as the sun.
Y/n leaned up, kissing him slowly while he thrust into her cunt. Rough moans and grunts mixed in their mouths, both feeling their climaxes building. She'd long forgotten about her boyfriend fucking her bestfriend downstairs. Now, her attention was only on the male inside her.
Sae had caged her in, one hand on the headboard while the other was beside her head. She'd wrapped her legs around his waist to help him focus on that one spot, and her nails scratched at his back, leaving marks that'd be red for the next few days.
Her back arched off the bed as she whimpered into his mouth. She pulled away. 'Fuck. Fuck. Sae. I'm gonna cum.' She moaned.
'Just a little longer, OK?' He asked, stroking the side of her face. She nodded shakily.
'P-Please don't cum inside.' Y/n begged. He nodded.
'Of course not.' She smiled lowly, resting her head on the pillow and focusing on delaying her climax.
She gathered handfuls of the sheets beneath her, her whole body being shaken from the inside when she came. She felt Sae pull out and cum on her stomach a few seconds after. Her vision went white momentarily, but when she came to, she stared up at him with hooded-eyes. He kissed her slow and gentle before getting up and retrieving a warm cloth to clean her up.
'Hey, Sae.' Y/n whispered, lying on the bed.
'You're a really pretty boy.'
He scoffed, helping her sit up and get dressed.
'Whatever you say, Y/n.'
A few hours later, Y/n and Sae sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee while talking about whatever when Rin and F/n came out laughing.
'Hey, Rin.' Y/n welcomed joyfully. Both froze, staring at her with shock. Rin looked from her to Sae and back to her.
'Y-Y/n. I thought you had classes today?' He stuttered.
'I did. But I finished and I've been here for about 3 hours.' She smiled behind him at her best friend before taking a sip from her mug.
'Oh. Ok.' Rin couldn't come up with a lie. He's put himself into a hole. 'F/n was just helping me with something.'
'Mhm.' Y/n nodded, placing her cup on the table. 'Was that something your raging boner?'
Both flushed red. Y/n just smiled. 'I'm breaking up with you, Rin.'
'What?! You can't do that!'
'I can do whatever I want.'
'Y/n.' F/n finally spoke. 'Please don't break up with him. I don't know what I was thinking. You guys are way too perfect for each other to break up.'
Y/n stood up and walked over to her friend, taking her hands. 'It's OK, F/n. You can have him. At the end of the day, I got the better Itoshi.' She winked and moved back to her seat.
Both Rin and F/n stood speechless, Rin staring at Sae. Y/n finished her cup and murmured, asking Sae if he was done with his. He nodded and she took both cups over and rinsed them.
'Anyways, I think that's me for the day. I'll let you 2 sort it out yourselves. Oh, and F/n?'
'Don't ever talk to me again ♡.'
Y/n left the house and walked down their street before turning back to see Sae standing on his balcony.
'See ya next time, Pretty Boi.' She shouted.
'It's bold of you to assume there'll be a next time.' Sae grinned. Y/n shrugged. She was his problem now.
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ccraccz · 10 months
How about a request where the reader is a security guard at the movie setting where the boys were filming and instead of arresting the boys for trespassing they decide ro help them with shooting and offering the boys props.
Characters: Hearsteel boys x GN!Reader
Implied male reader (reader can be seen as fit and not very bulky. They are taller than ezreal but shorter than k'sante and Sett. It says cleavage once, mostly because i have a slight obsession with man boobs, sorry not sorry) the characters are color coded, Alune is bold white (Looks like this)
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You had been standing around, walking back and forth, sitting, crouching, counting tiles, all the sorts to keep you entertained in this job. Your partner had gone to the bathroom an hour ago, and you've begun thinking that he'd sunk into the toilet, but he's probably either sleeping or he ditched you.
So, in uncomfortable shoes and the mandatory clothing you're made to wear, you fiddle around with whatever you can that is not your phone or watch. Your phone, sadly, had died, and your watch kept the time for your sanity, so if you started to tweet with it, you wouldn't be able to keep track of time and that'd be horrible for you.
Though, your thought process was placed on pause when you heard some masculine voices and the padding of a pup walking around.
"This is a bad idea."
"Yeah, but it's gonna be great for this music video! We just have to check if there's any security around"
"I'd think it would be best to ask if we can use this place for recording.."
"But that's not funnnnn"
"It's logical so we don't get charged for breaking into a place we shouldn't be in!"
They sounded quite far away from you
'This would be fun,' you thought, thinking of ideas to entertain yourself in this boring setting.
You could totally scare them while they're recording or something. While thinking, you forgot that you were out in the open, though still in the dark.
Their dog, a cute Rottweiler, waltzed right up and leaned on your legs, getting his short fur drilled into the fibers of your uniform pants, not that you cared. You looked up from the dog to see a green haired boy, looking around as if lost.
"Ernest?! Ernest, where are you? We need you for this scene!"
He wasn't lost then. He just wanted to look for the dog.
Sadly, even though you wanted to have some fun and joke around with them, you couldn't. First, you didn't want to stress out the pup in your arms, and second, you were extremely tired.
You sighed and crouched down to the level of the dog, petting him before slotting one of your arms under his chest and the other around his hips before lifting him. You had expected him to wiggle around on your arms, but he surprisingly didn't, Ernest seemed to be very tame, or well trained, you guessed.
You walked out of the shadows, dog in arms, and walked towards the male from behind. You were quite a bit taller than him, his head most likely being around your shoulder or cleaveage.
"You looking for this pup?"
You asked, knowing that he forsure was looking for the dog in your arms. You just didn't know how you could approach him other than asking him something like that. Why did you ask that again?
The green haired boy jumped up higher than a cartoon cat and let out this ear piercing screech that your work partner most likely heard (from wherever he is). He teleported three times, once farther away from you, once behind you, and once in front of you with a shy smile.
You noticed that he really had one of the cutest smiles and wait. He can teleport?
You blinked once. Twice. Three times.
"You can teleport??" "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU COME FROM???"
"I asked you a question first?!"
"You're the one who scared me!!!"
"OH my fuckin- whatever. Not the weirdest thing I've seen. Anyways, are you looking for this dog?"
He looked at your arms, the dog he'd been srarching for was litterally asleep and just dangling from your strong arms. He blinked and chuckled before nodding.
A rainbow of voices (see what I did there?) echoed down the hall with a few loud and quick thuds from behind you, making you turn around and the dog to wake up.
Placing down the pup, you grimaced at the need to explain to the group of men and lady because she's also running with them. This made you nervous.
This is not one of the reasons you wanted this job. Whatever.
"We deeply apologize for breaking in and disturbing you,"
"We're really sorry, we will leave in a few, we just need to put the things we used to record away."
"There's no need to apologize. You guys didn't seem to know, and it's all completely understandable. Since you guys are done with recording, and I'm just about to leave to go home, I'll help out in picking things up!"
While speaking to the two, who introduced themselves as Yone and Alune, you watched as the boys played around with Ernest or sat around watching (Aphelios, Alune told you when she saw you looking at him. You really were just entraced by his hair color). They seemed like sibling to each other.
"There's no need to do that. We're the ones intruding in the space we're we shouldn't be"
"Nah, it's fine. I'm probably going to quit this job either way. My co-worker ditched me, and I don't get paid enough. Not only that, the boss is just rude in general."
"Whatever you say, but we wouldn't want to bother you with such.."
"Like I said, it's fine! Also, I would rather do something like this than walk around for 7 hours."
Walking away, Yone following you, and Alune telling the boys to start getting ready to move to the next location that Sett had planned out for all of them.
You helped Yone carry some of the heavy stuff before K'sante, with a gentle and kind smile, took it from both of your hands, like the strong man he is. Yone, kindly asked you if you would carefully carry some of the recording equipment and mics, and with a soft smile, you took some of the equipment and followed behind Aphelios outside the building where he shows you were their truck is.
They were parked behind your, now totaled, car. You were shocked and almost dropped the easily breakable equipment in your hands because of the sight.
Aphelios was no different. When he heard you gasp, he turned towards you and turned to see what you were looking at. From your eyes and body language, he could tell that the car that was in front of theirs was yours.
He grabbed the objects from your hands and placed them on the floor near the car before standing in disbelief. When they got here, Sett had parked well enough, that car was not fucked up when they arrived.
Just what happened?
Ezreal, Sett, and Alune were close behind, and they saw you both just standing there. Curious, they looked at each other before walking over to ask. Their reactions were exactly the same. They froze in place.
They knew who did it though.
Kayn and K'sante were next, but they didn't react as bad as the group did. Yone exited right after him, empty-handed and ready to go, but he really didn't expect to see the whole group looking as if they were ghosts.
That is before he saw the cause of such reactions.
That rage filled call-out shock all of you out of your stupor and made Aphelios crouch down, pick up the cameras and mics from the ground, and run towards their truck. Everyone, minus Alune, else did the same, minus Kayn and yourself.
After the long, loud, and embarrassing scolding that Kayn got from Yone, he was sent to the back of their truck, where he would hold the objects.
Yone apologized again and again and again, asking you how much you'd like to repay or buy a new car. Anything.
But you weren't as mad as you thought you'd be. Maybe it was because you were still on shock, or it was because you were bored of the car, or maybe it needed repairing. You don't know, but you just shrugged his offers off.
"Please, we have to repay this mess one way or another? How can we help? Don't you need a ride back home? I bet you're tired from work. Are you sure?"
"Actually.... Yone..."
"I'd like to work with you guys"
That took Yone off guard. You must have gone insane! Your car, right in front of you, is completely destroyed, and here you're asking to work with them? After one person of their group literally just killed your source of transportation???
"You... want to work with us?? Like a dancer or singer? Or like an assistant manager??"
"I wouldn't mind either or actually. Though I would think being an assistant manager would be best"
Yone shakes his head in disbelief. You've truly gone insane. He sighs before reaching out his hand forwards, you instantly taking it in yours and shaking it.
"Welcome to Heartsteel [Name], we'll talk more about joining tomorrow"
"Also, Yone, I'll take you up on that ride"
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So so sorry it took so long! School just started again so I have to get used to the rhythm of school days again.
I decided to write this in a different format because I wanted to try something new. Not only that, I tried to add a bit of everyone, but I really wasn't able to 😰😰.
Either way!!! I truly hope you enjoy this little goofy thing. Thank you so much for requesting lovely anon!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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GIVEN | Hiiragi Mix Thoughts Part 1
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So I haven't been super active on this blog not because I don't love Given anymore, but any ounce of brain energy dedicated to Given means I have to feel the agony of waiting for the two movies to release. BUT ALAS the time has come because @aarinfantasy is the GOAT thank you thank you thank you~~~ Spoilers and screenshots below the cut 👇👇👇
How can Mafuyu be animated even cuter than before? Like I don't even know how but how can he look even more adorable???!!
I love the intentional placement of sound and music in Hiiragi mix, moments of silence are so effective in highlighting tension, awkwardness, release, nervousness. Like even 1 minute into the movie, you hear the boys breathing as Uenoyama is tuning the guitar and Mafuyu is sitting beside him. It's those little details that show the atmosphere between characters perfectly.
I like the balance of Hiiragi/Shizu's storyline and Mafuyama's storyline, it's following the manga closely and shows the complexity and intertwining of their stories. It's a good way to juxtapose the different struggles between the two couples and what they needed from each other to overcome their miscommunication! I think the team took feedback from the Given Movie 1 2020 and OVA broken up into two parts when it should have worked better as one longer movie.
I saw on reddit I think that Hiiragi's VA is still relatively new to the industry but I saw a HUGE improvement in his voice acting in this movie, the range he gave to Hiiragi is amazing!
This scene was so funny I CACKLED Uenoyama and Hiiragi with their catty energy I LOVE THEM
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2. I fell off my couch at this scene HHAHAHA
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While Uenoyama's face is funnier in the manga, something about the animated rocket launch from earth JUST GETS ME HAHHAHA. Ok serious talk though how did I not notice that when Uenoyama got confessed to and when Haruki told him he's about to debut, his brain turns into astronaut footage? I think it's a very smart way to illustrate that for Ue, music = love and one cannot exist without the other.
3. OMG Uenoyama's face HAHAH awww man I know he's bummed as hell at Mafuyu's "I'll think about it later" (to the debut proposal) but his face, Ueki and Itaya's faces send me straight to heaven
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You know how Ue feels? Our munchkin cat feels like he just proposed to his lover and his lover said, hmnnn I'll think about it. 😭 Chemical, emotional, physical, psychological damage right here>>>
4. The voice acting here from Hiiragi's VA Fumiya Imai SLAPS SO HARD
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It's definitely giving deja vu, similar energy to Uenoyama panicking about Mafuyu, gosh I love Hiiragi and Uenoyama's baby gay panics it's so cute.
5. Kageyama is that you?!
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6. The sound design and use of silence in this entire scene....incredible, showstopping, amazing, impactful yes yes yes
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7. This scene animating Shizu's flashback to childhood was really well done.
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It's interesting that in the movie they didn't speak too much about Shizu being transferred from foster home to foster home, or what he had to do to get by. But also, in the manga, I'm pretty sure that they didn't have this scene of a child Shizu closing his hands over "precious stone" but I think it absolutely elevated my connection to Shizu as a character. It really shows that he believes he has been selfishly holding Hiiragi back and that he has been trapping Hiiragi all this time. It gives so much more context to what he did next which if it wasn't clear already, he tried to push Hiiragi away in order to free Hiiragi from him. 8. HOLY SHIT wow goddamn I would not want to live where Akihiko is living oh my 💀💀💀
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Watching this scene animated with the noise of the highway really highlights how bad Akihiko's living conditions are. I flagged this because in the Given Manga sequel 10th mix [SPOILER AHEAD], there is this whole thing of Akiharu's disparity with their living conditions so....this is interesting....just putting it out there.....
I also don't remember this scene in the manga, but I really appreciate it, it shows the contrast of Akiharu in the first Given movie vs. this one and how their love and care for each other has evolved! Very cute! I'll make a part 2 soon!
My Given Metas
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daaydreamy · 1 year
Please write about subrry being scared of the dark🥺 please a one shot or something like that
horror movies
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summary: harry hates horror movies. 
warnings: coarse language
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
“Y/N, I told you that I don’t like horror movies-”
“This one isn’t even scary!” Y/N cut Harry off, making him slump further into the couch, like ice cream melting onto the pavement. “I promise, angel.” She smiled and kissed Harry’s cheek, pulling the knitted blanket they were sharing a little higher up their bodies. She snuggled into Harry’s side and Harry put his arm around her, sighing quietly as the movie started to play on the TV. Maybe it won’t be so bad, Harry thought to himself. 
It was Friday night and the pair had nothing else to do. It was cold outside, their stomachs were filled with warm food from dinner, they had tea sitting on the coffee table, they couldn’t be more cozy. Well, until Y/N decided they were going to watch a horror movie, Harry felt a little tense then. But, he was going to power through it, because things in horror movies weren’t real anyway (Harry scoffed in his head, now realizing that he was fine and he had nothing to worry about).
The beginning of the movie was quite tame, just a little bit of unsettling music and views so far. Although, sometimes he would squeeze Y/N’s shoulder a little when he got nervous, but would quickly catch himself and loosen his grip, he was fine. 
“Oh, fuck me.” Harry jumped a little from the sudden loud sound, making Y/N snicker quietly. He couldn’t help but squish himself a little further into the cushions, like he was trying to hide from the thing behind him that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He kept his eyes focused on the TV though, determined to get through this all right. 
“Are you scared?” Y/N teased, looking up at Harry and he gave her a fake-laugh. 
“No, I’m fine.” 
“Okay then. This movie’s pretty good, huh? I like it a lot, might be one of my favorites so far.”
All of Y/N’s talking distracted Harry and another loud sound emitted from the speakers, making him jolt and curse, brows furrowed as he looked at the TV. Y/N now had her lips folded in a line, trying to hold in her laugh as she looked back at the TV, amused by Harry’s reactions. 
“That was great.” Y/N yawned and rubbed her eye with her knuckles, stretching her limbs out like a cat. 
Meanwhile, Harry was still trying to grasp what really happened, a little bothered and paranoid, but he would never say that to Y/N or show that in his looks, he was perfectly fine (but what the living fuck was that movie?). He grabbed the TV remote and decided to turn the tv off, grabbing the empty mugs of tea to put in the sink. Y/N’s brows furrowed as she watched Harry, although shrugged it off and got up as well. 
“Wanna head to bed?” Y/N wrapped the knit blanket around her shoulders. 
“Yeah,” Harry glanced at her, smiling softly, “Sure.”
“Well, come on then.” She chuckled softly, yawning again as she started to head towards their bedroom. She tossed the blanket onto a chair and plopped down onto the bed, sighing softly as she waited for Harry to come in. God, the bed felt amazing. She could fall asleep in a second, and would love to, but she wanted to wait for Harry so she could have some extra warmth while sleeping. 
She smiled softly when Harry finally came into the room, and so did he, bending down to kiss her softly when he made his way to the bed. He lied down next to her and started grabbing the duvet to put over himself, until she spoke up. 
“H, you forgot the light.” She murmured softly, getting herself comfortable next to him. 
Harry paused for a second and got a little worried, but got up nonetheless. “Right, sorry.” He said quietly and reluctantly switched off the light, making it incredibly dark in their room. Y/N liked sleeping when it was really dark, so they didn’t really use the lamp they had in the room, which… well, it wasn't the greatest for Harry at the moment. He couldn’t even see what was in the corners of the room anymore. 
He got in bed anyway, though, letting Y/N snuggle into him whilst he stared at the walls around him. The small creaks he would hear would only bother him more. He tried closing his eyes and actually getting some sleep, but he was so bothered, like he was a kid again and wanted to hide under the covers. He was so paranoid that something was there, like in the movie, lurking and waiting. 
“H, you okay?”
“‘M fine.” He murmured and Y/N scooted a little closer, throwing an arm around his stomach and rubbing his side. 
“You can turn the lamp on if you want, I don’t mind.”
“What? I’m fine.”
“Harry, stop being stubborn, it’s fine.”
“I’m fine, Y/N, just go back to sleep. I was dozing off anyway.”
“What-” Y/N got up from the bed and turned the lamp on herself, casting a warm glow and illuminating the room just enough. Harry felt himself flush a little when she got back into the bed, but she was smiling softly. 
She kissed his lips first, then his cheek and said, “I’m sorry we watched a horror movie, yeah? No more of those, I promise. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow, hm?”
a/n: sorry it’s so short!!!! part 2 is when she fucks him awake btw 🤟🤟🤟
🏷: @crow-i-guess, @planetflos, @harrycanyonmoonn, @bxtchboy69, @sweet-as-lilacs, @lyricalniall, @venusincleo (couldn’t tag you!), @bxbun111, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @emispleased, @goldenhrry, @cinnamongirlrry, @manifestrry, @sadqn1, @sad1esgf, @taylorsreputationsversion, @violetsandfluff, @purplefishingline, @a-strange-familiar, @moonlightbea-33 (couldn’t tag you!), @famedrs-blog, @coochiesteak, @blahblahblah-888 (couldn’t tag you!), @milesisntdonewritingyet, @harrysgoth, @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite (couldn’t tag you!), @cinnamonlola, @youcan-nolonger-run, @velvetrylie
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sagesariadnd · 2 months
Revisiting Doric's Chase From a Dungeon Mastering Lens
So, we've established by now that Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is a great movie. Fun, funny, heartfelt, everything genuinely feels like a D&D game from the goofy to the grand. But I wanna talk a little about my pick for the best scene in the movie: the wild shape chase.
A quick recap, if you haven't seen the movie or it's been a while; the party is trying to break into Castle Never in Neverwinter, to try to contact the party leader's daughter, who had been entrusted to the BBEG when he got arrested in a heist gone bad. The BBEG campaigned to become Lord Neverwinter when Lord Neverember mysteriously fell ill (gee, what a coincidence) and rules under the advisement of a bigger BBEG, Sofina, a Red Wizard of Thay. The party is using the goods stored in Castle Never's vault, where nobles from around Faerun are contributing wager money for the controversial High Sun Games, as the payment for helping in this endeavor, but they need to know how to get into the vault. So they hire the druid Doric to spy on them and gather intel on the vault. Sofina senses her presence, and the result is the chase we'll be talking about today.
Now, I could go on forever about how much I love this scene. The tension, the quick thinking of all her different forms, the hilarity of a whole platoon of guards desperately failing to dogpile on a single rat, the music that isn't on the soundtrack cd for some reason (I'm not bitter!), the 'one shot' cinematography, the payoff on Holga's running gag of suggesting she become a deer...but there is a non-wildshaped elephant in the room.
I don't particularly like rules-lawyering, especially for a movie. Especially considering how Doric was in hot water with D&D Nerds (tm) from the moment the trailer was released, because she was white (forgetting that tieflings, by the book, CAN in fact have normal human skin tones), and because she can wildshape into an owlbear, which is a monstrosity, not a beast. (Come on guys, let her have her fun, there's plenty of ways a DM can make that happen.)
But regardless, there is a continuity error, if not a game error. According to Doric's official stat sheet, she can only wild shape five times a day. She wild shapes seven times in this scene - fly, rat, rat again, hawk, cat, axe beak, deer. And that's assuming this was on a different day than their first meeting with Doric, when she had already shaped into a horse and the aforementioned owlbear.
But stow your blades, friends. This isn't a rant about how they got a rule wrong in the D&D movie. In fact, I offer a far more charitable take on this error, by offering a meta perspective. I posit that this error is the Hand of the DM.
It could be as simple as being in the moment. Think about your past battles and encounters in your games; how many times have you forgotten basic things under pressure? Don't lie. My DM and I have both gotten so caught up in a fight scene that we both forget that I already used my bonus action when I try to Flurry of Blows. Hell, I think all of us have been guilty of forgetting entire skills on our sheet that could have been useful at that exact moment. The chase is pretty intense, and I imagine playing it in an actual D&D game would be even moreso; you don't have the privilege of hindsight or time to think. You have to just GO, and it could be very easy to belief that Doric's player and the DM just completely lost track of the number of wild shapes she used. Probably didn't even think of it as they're both biting their nails to see if Doric makes it out. Just imagine the delight and release of tension at the table as Sofina is hot on Doric's heels and the player, in a moment of panic, blurts out "I turn into a deer!!!" Holga's player must have been losing her shit. Even if she wasn't already over budget, if I was the DM in that moment I'd let the extra wild shape slide JUST for that moment of bringing the running gag full circle.
And then, as I was watching the movie last night, an even deeper meta headcanon occurred to me.
I don't mean what I'm about to say as a putdown of Sophia Lillis; I think she did great and she definitely resonated with people as a favorite character in the movie. But Doric as a character is a little strange. She's a bit stiff and seems nervous, her lines have a slightly uncanny tinge, she generally seems kind of awkward...
Call me crazy, but doesn't that sound like a new D&D player to you?
I don't know if this was a deliberate choice on Lillis or the director's part, but Doric's awkwardness feels like a great representation of what it's like first getting into the hobby. Even if you've been interested in roleplaying before, it can feel weird when you first start out, getting used to talking out loud as your character, on top of the ongoing D&D struggles of getting to know your character as it is, and of course figuring out and memorizing all of your character's abilities. As a new player, I can imagine Doric's player latching onto "I can turn into animals" and considering that in every problem, because not only is it cool and useful, it's a simple concept to remember.
The spy mission was Doric's big moment. Her first non-combat scenario at the table. On top of that, it's a solo mission, and one that the entire plan relies on. This is Doric's player's time to really cut her teeth on D&D. Not only is the pressure on her to succeed, but the pressure is on the DM to give her a good experience to boost her confidence and have her wanting to keep playing.
So, the DM encourages her. He praises her quick thinking when she tries to sneak away in the armor, even when the guard passes his insight check. He reminds her as she's about to hit the ground that she can fly. He puts obstacles in her way as she flies off, watching her excitement and anxiety rise as every bow shot misses her. She gets tangled in the flag and could have tanked the fall damage because she'd just revert back to herself, but she wildshapes into a cat. She's getting into the groove!
And that leaves her spent on wild shape slots, slipping out the door thinking that if she stays hidden, she'll be safe to escape. But it's not over. She still needs to make it to the gate, and there's Sofina - she followed her out. Doric's player asks if there are animals around - the axe beak flock. The DM could have checked if she could still wild shape, but Doric's player is coming out of her shell. He could make her find another way out, but she's so deeply on a roll that stopping it now could not only get Doric killed, but possibly snuff out that light that's hit the player's eyes at every triumph. So, the DM calls for Rule of Cool - just one wave of the wild shape count, because hiding among the axe beaks is a cool idea, even if Sofina can ultimately see through it. The one axe beak lifts its head at exactly the wrong moment to take the hit meant for Doric - warning shot; the DM wouldn't just kill her like that. She just needs to book it to the gate - if she can make it that far, then the DM will call it a win.
And then there's the last wild shape - a deer. It would give her the speed she needs to outpace Sofina's horse. And Holga had clearly planted the idea in her head. It's too perfect to not use. And probably worth a point of inspiration, at that! The DM has to let it happen now. And besides, she's so close. A few more nail-biting rounds of chase, and Deer-ic power slides under the portcullis and gallops away. Cheering, screaming, claps on the shoulders. Doric's player collapses into her chair, a frazzled mess but the biggest smile on her face. She just had pure, concentrated D&D and now she's hooked. And after the game they can have a talk about how this was an exception for the sake of a good story and rewarding good roleplay.
Of course, nobody can know for sure how the game really happened, or how the writers imagined the D&D game to go. But Honor Among Thieves has such a special balance on the line of the in-universe story and the real world that I think it's good to look at these kinds of gaffs. No DM is perfect, no player is perfect, not everything goes according to plan or in perfect adherence to the rules. But I've said it before and I'll say it again; sometimes that just makes a better story. It's always important to be clear with your players that you won't always have kid gloves with them, but it's also important to make your players feel appreciated and rewarded for their choices, which is ESPECIALLY vital with new players. Their experience in moments like this could make or break the hobby for them; make the experience a good one.
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ao3-oner · 2 months
Hiiii I'm here just to ask if u have some canmaker/showmaker/canyon hcs and if u can share some w us? (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠) I really love how u characterized them it just feels real and like v human god (I wish to write like that one day) and yeah, also happy late saturday showdown !
Hi, and thanks for the ask!
I am always happy to share hcs, especially for CanMaker - I greatly appreciate the compliment of my characterizations (I try very hard!), and happy late Saturday Showdown to you as well!
Here are a few new headcanons for Heo Su, Kim Geonbu, and the two of them together:
Su loves to sing, but is atrociously bad at it. He adored music class in grade school and despite being very shy in normal circumstances he would always belt out off-key notes at top volume whenever the class sang in a group, much to the dismay of everyone around him. The only one who has ever agreed to go to karaoke with him more than once is Geonbu (and Geonbu enjoys it, too, because his ears can withstand the noise and seeing Su happy is so, so worth it).
Geonbu was actually pretty popular during his few years of secondary school and still keeps in touch with a few of his old friends. I mentioned in a previous fic my hc that he had a girlfriend for a while - that poor girl had a crush on Geonbu for years without him noticing until a mutual friend told him about it and he decided to ask her out, just to try it. They got along fairly well and stayed together up until Geonbu decided that he was going to drop out to pursue a career as a pro-gamer, at which point he politely broke up with her only because he was afraid he wouldn't be able to dedicate enough time to her and thought she'd deserve better. She was very understanding and supportive of that decision and they're still on good terms to date.
Heo Su's biggest secret, one that he's never told anyone, is from when he was still fighting with his parents about wanting to become a pro-gamer: one time, in retaliation for his mom stealing his mouse, he snuck into her room and stole an antique pearl necklace that belonged to his great-grandmother. He hid it in his room and planned to return it once his mouse was back, but then he completely forgot about it until a few months later when his mom noticed it was missing. Naturally, she FREAKED OUT - the police were called and everything - and Su certainly wasn't going to let her know that he was the one who took it now, so he just... didn't say anything and kept it hidden. He took it with him to the Damwon dorms in a well-wrapped bundle, and keeps it in the pocket of his suitcase where he can forget about it 99% of the time. Now that years have passed, he's considered returning it, but he thinks he might just wait for his mom to die and then put the necklace on her in her casket.
Meanwhile, the most trouble Geonbu ever got in as a child was the one time he got yelled at for feeding noodles to the family cat.
When it comes to love languages, Su both gives and receives words of affirmation but also really enjoys physical touch. Geonbu likes receiving words of affirmation and naturally gives acts of service. In short, how their relationship dynamic ends up working is Su insisting that Geonbu cuddle with him, which he is more than happy to do, then Su praises and teases him for it and Geonbu says "I love you too" and they're just... yeah.
Clearly quality time comes (came?) naturally to them to after living and working together for so long - I've talked about movies and karaoke but to be honest their best dates have always been when it's just the two of them together in the dorms - like Su sneaking into Geonbu's room at 2 am with a handheld video game console and a bag of chips and ordering Geonbu to feed him while he beats this boss. Then they both climb under the covers together so it's all dark except for the light of the screen and Su gets so locked into the battle and Geonbu is happy to just be there with him, watching his little expressions and giving him nutritional support. When Su finally defeats the boss he shouts because he's so happy, and Geonbu has to shush him because the others are sleeping, but Su is just too excited and snuggles up next to Geonbu to make it clear that he's spending the night there. A minute later, Su complains about their being chip crumbs on the mattress and Geonbu's just like "Really. I wonder who's responsible for that."
Hope you enjoyed these! These two are just so sweet ugh, thank you for the prompt and don't hesitate to reach out again if you want more!
Have a great day!!
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hades-999 · 3 months
🦋Miraculous finale🐞🐈‍⬛
Hello. Long time no post, and that's on me. Since this week the Miraculous final season's finale become a year old, I wanted to tell my oppinion about it... If you havent seen it, that's on you, but obviously, spoiler than... (Keep it in mind, time of now, the last M.Word; London, At the Edge of time did not come out yet...)
So, the main thing I wanted to discuss is Gabriel and his ✨Wish✨.
First; I liked this ending (I know many did not). I felt belivable... First problem of mine, hearing Gabriel got redeemed... He did not, in my book. Yes, he got the Wish, and said to be a hero. But disect this a bit....
He was looked at as a hero, because Ladybug said he was one. Not neceserly because she liked Gabriel, but she tried to save Adrien from the pain and abuse or negative feedback he would get for his father being a supervillain. And Ms. Tsurugi supported this lie. The seria did not made him a hero, they gave characters reasons to lie about it, so he looks like one
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I think Gabriel is more of an antagonistic anti-hero, than neceserly a supervillain. Think about it; yes, he endangered peaple, but never directly tried to harm anybody. And even if he did; he was aware that he can do anything back. He had no evil intentions, and while this concept can't be translated well to reality -since here there's no reset button- he thought of these things as reversable casulties, so, despite being a bit neglect about who he harms, he rarely went for a kill, and in his word, he could have do that back...kinda. And if he failed, the MLB fixed everything, so.... No harm done.
His change of heart wasn't out of nowhere. We know he is heavely influenced by Emillie, so hearing her was a belivable change. And he still got the Miraculous. He did not changed what he belived, but he changed how he wanted to end this. And it was in a belivable way. He wasn't malicious, he even offered Bug noire to make the Whish... He did not wanted to cause bad, he just wanted to reach a goal, so he did. Remind you, he had the Cat Miraculous 🐈‍⬛, he could have Cataclysmed Marinette, but he did not.
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Lastly, he kinda had to. Yes, he could have simply not get Cataclysmed... But he was dieing, so was Nathalie and his wife was kinda already dead. And oke, it was cute and nice of Marinette to encourage him to find alternative ... But heck, he did not had an alternative, death and loosing your family is not something you could solve... Best, handle emotionally, but that can't really be considered a "sollution" in a word of superpowers... So, here, I kinda had to say, yeah, he was in the right to try to make something....
A bit of sidetrack before my next topic; you vould say "But he messed up in evo, not giving himshelf the pendrive!!!" Yes, true, but consider; in Cat blank, Bunnix senced a change in ~4 years , they would have noticed a ~14 year change, so the heroes -whoes also have time travel at the time- coupld have change it... But if he took their Miraculous, he could have made the Wish... Yes, it was a risk not paying off, but having the messed up time travel not-mechanics the show has, it's not necesarly a stupid idea...
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My other point is, many claims he wasn't a good father, he shouldn't ask Marinette to try make Adrien remember him as one... Well... I would say, it's not true;
First, and foremost, spoiler, but Adrien is possibly a Sentibeing. I agree, he should had have any rights to freedome. But sentibeing are considered kinda fragile, as can be controlled or snapped away. Adding Gabriel overprotective nature over his loved ones, of course he sheltered his son
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Yes, he was strickt, but consider the previous point, plus, he usually changed his mind; he let Adrien go to the picknic, the musical festival on Anarcha's ship, he could go to New York.... Even when Adrien run away to watch his mother's movie, he did not punished him, but sit with him and watched his copy with him (as we learn from the episode, Adrien did not even asked him in the first place)
Maybe I'm wrong, but I do not remember akumatizing peaple who targeted Adrien directly. Style queen comes to mind, but her target was Gabriel at the first place, and he deeply regreted it, almost giving up the whole thing.... Also, I have the asumption, he did not akumatized Adrien, becsuse he was vorried he might got Cataclysmed.... Think about it: he only did it, when he learned he was Cat noir, so he won't cataclysm himshelf, or when he would wear an Aliance ring, so he could give him Resistance,which would make him imperviou to the power... Aso-also, when he senced his negative emotions, he tried to discuss it... Given it was resultless, but he did tried.
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He tried to make him and Kagami a pair, despite his will, but again; consider, he never forced his will on Adrien to do so. Yes, he tried to ban him from Marinette, but he never actually forced him to do anything with Kagami, despite his will. That wpuld be a topic of it's own, but I try zo make it short. If my interpretatoon is correct, he saw Adrien as a being made from the concept/idea of perfection. And, as such, of course any human would want him, as Adrien being literally "perfect" (for Marinette too). But a senti-being, such as Kagami (supposadly) would understand his existence, and as a senti, she was kinda made perfect as well... They literally were "made for ea h other"... And why would Adrien deserve less?
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Last thing, I belive he belived that he does the best for Adrien too. Yes, sometimes he should have ask him, because he should have his say in it... But sometimey he choosed to decide insted of him... Partially was right, because he had the bigger picture, and many times was wrong, since he shouldn't decide on a fate of others... But, as I interpretate the end of the episode, I have a theory; at the end, he wished to fulfill Adrien's desires or Wish, and he sacrificed his own Wish
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So, in concludion;
I feel Gabriel wasn't redeemed, and I strongly disagree with saying his was or should have been a hero. He is said to be one, which is in my book a completly different thing, because many things can be said without being truthful. But he had a goal, nobel or not, you decide, and he was faithful to it. He did it to help the ones he loved, and did not intended harm, as he saw any dammage as reversable. He wasn't always a good person or dad, but he tried to be one, on many occasion (sometimes failing, sometimes succseding).
So, was it a good conclusion of the story? If it's "good" or not, you decide,but I feel it was belivable, and I enjoyed it🙂
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Hope you did too, have a nice day, and thanks @stopaskingmetowearthatwig for inspiring this post with his endless dedication, work and love in the Gabenath fandom 🦋🩷🦚
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dexabite · 2 years
because i'm bored: here's what i think about the characters of ride the cyclone!
ocean o'connell rosenberg:
definitely was a huge snob. in my language, we call those kind of people "maldita" HAHAHAH
she sounds so much like a high school bully that it's hilarious... but also, i feel like she was bullied in elem and was consequently also mean in highschool? idk she gives me that energy
DEFINITELY the kind of person to love legally blonde and mean girls and just projected it onto her persona LMAOO
though she's probably really very much a big softie once she developed at the end of the musical, but still hides it behind her bitchy and rude exterior
she looks like she would take someone's phone and squint whenever someone shows her a meme, like the way a mother would
noel gruber:
mean gay. that's it.
it's canon that whenever he's nervous or uncomfortable, he picks on his nail polish! and i love that! he's just like me fr!
i think the thing he really wanted was just a life outside of his simple one when he was alive... and i think monique gibeau was his drag persona
feels like he would be more reserved because he's trying to look normal because of his mom yk, so he probably didn't have many friends outside of the choir (who weren't very close to begin with, judging from the way they talk in the beginning of the musical)
but besides that, he wants to be FLAMBOYANT and FEMININE and i love him
mischa bachinski:
iconic. stole boxes of communion wine for his eight year old cousin because of birthday. im in love with him.
sorry to noel, but he's the REAL most romantic boy in town. nothing compares to the way he sings about talia as if he couldn't live without her. get yourself a man like mischa.
probably loves ridiculous memes. would laugh at them for so long and show everyone in the choir
i think he doesn't actually watch horror movies but watches analysis videos on youtube about them like i do.
when he actually watches horror movies, he squirms around and does all of these weird movements and noises to cope with the fear 😭 not outright scream though, he's too emasculated /j
ricky potts:
he is an oc writer just like me. i love him for that.
was most likely into warrior cats as a kid, obviously marvel comics and star trek too. no way he wasn't.
he mooost likely didn't want to be in the choir in the first place but ocean forced him in it, based off his reaction to ocean trying to get people to like her again after singing about social darwinism 😭
that said, he's just like me fr... using escapism as a coping mechanism for his lonelines... i love you ricky and and your sexy cat ladies from zolar
and actually, i think he's one of the most underrated characters apart from constance which is such a SHAME...
he's so nerdy and JUST LIKE ME FR!!!
i think that before his hands degenerated, he was an artist. not a good one, but enough for people to recognize it!
jane doe:
creepy... i love her...
and i think that she's really good at crocheting, to add onto the whole doll aesthetic. makes tiny sweaters for ricky's cats, probably made a phone case for constance made out of wool... no matter how inconvenient it was
i think that noel would've painted her nails black too because she deserves it!!!
anyway, her and ricky are the "the bad bitch i got thanks to my autism" meme definitely. going both ways
anyway her actor's voice always sounds like an opera singers it's so impressive! that's why i believe that she can actually sing opera if they ask her to
definitely knows obscure facts about medieval torture and lions... just because!
constance blackwood:
the unique lesson of "there's no shame in loving my small town" ...my god you never hear that in musicals EVER
it's always "GET ME OUT OF HERE PLEASE!!!!" not the lesson that's in sugar cloud
that said, god... the fact that she doesn't like being called nice because it means that no one truly got close enough to her to know her for her goofiness... her weird thoughts, and her silly mannerisms and she had no one to vent to </3
hell, even her so called BEST FRIEND is mean to her!!!
but i feel like they'd still be close, despite that yk? best friends always stick together and as ocean develops more i think that they'd get closer until they're literally the only two who knows the other better than themselves
OH and i think that constance would've loved writing fanfic... she just has that kinda energy yk? she and noel would bond over writing and they'd talk about what they write and constance would hesitate because she doesn't want to admit that she writes gay fanfiction on ao3 😭🙏
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justsomerandomfanfic · 5 months
So, I'm going to start with the Marvel and Harry Potter fandoms first and then probably come back for more matchups in the future, and romantic please.
So, I'm a straight female, pronouns are she/her, proud Ravenclaw. I'm 5'1, blonde hair, blue eyes, an introvert until I get close to someone than I'm very sarcastic and silly. I like to think I'm pretty good listener and very loyal to my friends and family plus my cat. I have a very serious hand kink when it comes to guys, and I tend to fall for the bad boy who deserves a chance, and I wouldn't be afraid to stand up to him or his family. I tend to be a little naive and too trusting sometimes but I make it a point to never take any crap from anyone. I love classic rock-n-roll music, especially Def Leppard, AC/DC, Van Halen and others like that; favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip and I'm sucker for roses (preferably dark blue ones), stealing a guy's shirt to sleep in and lots of cuddles.
I hope I provided enough information, if not, message me if you need more.
I hope you like your matchups! <333 I'll be here if you ever need more matchups! :) Thank you for requesting! I had a lot of fun writing this <333
(Romantic) matchup;
Bucky Barnes:
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🥃 You were at a small bar, (you weren't normally for them), it wasn't a bad one, not loud or crowded, but open, bright, and even had a few arcade machines and the music was blasting, but playing at a nice level that wasn't going to give you a headache - it was a nice place to go with friends, which were with you; you were just having a good time, tapping your foot to the music that you chose (Def Leppard) that played on the jukebox
🥃 And then he walked in, signalling the bartender and ordering himself a drink - you couldn't seem to look away, until you did, snapping out of your head and getting back into the conversation with your friends; it wasn't until you met the mysterious man again
🥃 However long later, you and Bucky had become a couple, (you were a bit nervous and a bit introverted when you first spoke, but you got used to him, and Bucky got to see the more silly and sarcastic you) - the beginning of your relationship with the man was slow but beautiful and interesting to say the least; it took a great deal of time, but Bucky finally revealed to you most if not all about his past
🥃 You'd often stay home with Bucky, eating your favorite mint chocolate chip ice cream together while watching movies - which would then end in cuddling, your hands playing with his, ending up just talking or just listening to Bucky talk; he loves that you are a good listener, and loved listening to you talk about anything and everything
🥃 Your friends were a bit wary of him in the beginning, when you introduced Bucky to them - they were a bit worried, because of the Winter Soldier times - but you stood up for him, telling them that Bucky was actually a very kind and wonderfully sweet guy, and that he was mind controlled; your friends dropped it, and seemingly got along with him
Harry Potter;
Draco Malfoy:
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🐍 You knew Draco during Hogwarts, obviously, but as a Ravenclaw, you hardly been around the young man expect for when your house and his mixed during classes - but you didn't get to actually meet him until two years after graduation/the Battle of Hogwarts; and it was then that you saw that behind that mean exterior that he had shown through school, on the inside, he was actually a very misunderstood man (and you realized it even during the battle, you knew because of his family, he was scared that they'd hurt him, friends, or family)
🐍 You met when you were both just out and about, you were out shopping for stuff for your cat, and when you saw Draco, you recognized him immediately, and he remembered you as he walked over (almost nervously as you were feeling), before apologizing; he apologized for anything he had said to you that may have hurt your feelings, you totally forgot about what he said to you back in first year, but he remembered, and you appreciated the apology (he then asked if you wanted to join him for coffee/tea)
🐍 From then on, your little coffee/tea meetups happened more often, almost every weekend - and you got to know the real Draco, that he likes apples, the color red (funnily enough), and reading - you exchanged your interests, your love for dark blue roses, classic rock n' roll, and your beautiful cat child
🐍 Soon enough, those cafe dates ended up traveling to dinner dates (where Draco would take you to the finest restaurants in London), to pic-nics on hills of wildflowers, to movie and music nights at your place - your cat is best friends with Draco at this point - and you also may or may not have stolen almost all of Draco's shirts; he knows where they went, but he's not getting them back any time soon
🐍 So, with his hand in yours, you sit back, showing him your favorite movie series, (along with other fun Muggle stuff - just the two of you, spending time together, having the time of your lives
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finallydelight · 2 years
Loving the drama Jen 😆 Meeting the members was so funny and Mark is just adorable ❤️ I was hoping maybe (if you have the time) for a small drabble or something for Ming and Shua. I've been obsessing over Joshua lately and the way he takes care of the members is so cute. So Ming and Mama Shua on one of their little outings together would be so sweet. 😘 Thank you Jenny and I wish you all the best for the new year ✨️
Bracelet Buddies | Ming Chapter
author’s note: aren’t we all obsessing over joshua lately? hehe ☺️ but thank you so much for the request, glitter! I had fun writing this one! it started as a drabble, but I couldn’t help to sprinkle some markmingjun drama in there 🤭 I wish you all the happiness in the world, my dear! happy new year, everyone !! 🎊
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December 20, 2022
The timid knocks on her bedroom door took Ming's attention away from her phone. ''Yeah?'' The door opened and Joshua walked in, his signature smile on his face.
''Yerimie~,'' he sang her name, ''you want to go out with me?'' He asked, sitting down next to her on her bed.
Ming gave him a glance. ''Oppa, I love you a lot, but you're more like a brother to me.'' She teased him, a smirk on her face. Joshua lightly pinched her side. ''Hey! You know what I mean, we haven't done something in a while.''
''Yeah, because you're always with Dokyeom-oppa.'' She mumbled under her breath, not realising she was thinking out loud. Now, it was Joshua's turn to be the teasing one. ''I think someone here is jealous.''
''Jealous? Wha- what do you mean jealous?'' Ming stuttered, caught off guard by Joshua having heard what she said. ''You're jealous of Dokyomie~'' He teased her some more, pinching her side again.
Ming slapped his hand away. ''Stop it, you!''
''Why are you complaining, anyway? Every time I want to hang out with you, you're either with Soomin or Chaeyoung.''
She simply shrugged her shoulders at his words, knowing that most of the times she's told Joshua she's with Soomin or Chaeyoung, she's actually with Mark or Yeonjun.
''What do you wanna do, oppa?'' Ming changed subjects.
Joshua stood back up again, walking side to side as he spilled out his ideas. ''Maybe we can go eat something and watch a movie afterwards? Or we can go to Han River? Karaoke? We haven't done that in a while.'' He commented, his scrunched nose indicating he was deep in thought.
''We could also go to that cat café? I know you normally go with Wonwoo, but I wouldn't mind going there. Oh, I got some new beads, we could make some bracelets and put on a movie?'' Ideas flew from his lips, making Ming overwhelmed by all the options he had.
Once he was done, Joshua patiently waited for her to make her choice. ''Making bracelets sounds nice, it's a little too cold for me outside.'' Ming decided, not too keen on going out of the dorm.
Joshua brightly smiled, happy with her answer. ''Okay, I'll get my box!'' He opened her door to walk to his room. ''You can choose the movie, Yer.''
Ming and Joshua regularly used to go on little dates with each other. When the weather was decent, they would take their bikes and cycle around Seoul, and they would go to the cinema after they got too tired. Their dates also were the start of Joshua's love for making bracelets, as Ming had brought the idea to him.
Some time had passed since their last one. The tour got in the way and since her whole situationship with Mark had happened, there had been this unaddressed tension between them. The tension wasn't too bad, but ever since Joshua admitted to not trusting the younger man, he and Ming hadn't hung out with just the two of them. So, she was delighted to know that Joshua wanted to do a small activity with her like old times again.
''Hey, can we watch Matilda? The original one. Soomin got mad at me, because I hadn't seen it.'' Ming suggested to him, remembering a few weeks earlier when her best friend had mentioned Netflix making a musical adaptation of the 1996 film.
''Yeah, sure, that's a good one.'' Joshua was already seated at the table, setting everything up to make the bracelets.
After she started the movie, Ming took the seat next to him and noticed the new beads he had bought. ''Wow! I like those! Where did you get them?'' She asked, grabbing the bag and admiring them.
''I got them in Japan, there was this small shop and I saw them in the window.'' Joshua explained, taking the bag from Ming's hand and opening it.
After a mere few minutes, the movie had already become background noise as the two focused on their bracelets and their conversation. ''Are you making one for my birthday?'' Ming asked him, grinning at the older man.
''I got you something else for your birthday.'' He answered. Her head turned to him upon hearing his reply. ''Really? What did you get me?'' Ming became immediately curious.
Joshua's focus stayed on his bracelet. ''You'll know on your birthday! By the way, mine is still before yours! I should be asking you what you're getting me.'' He argued, one eyebrow raised at her.
''I got you a shirt.''
''Why are you telling me that? Now it's not a surprise anymore.'' Joshua exclaimed, shocked that Ming would just tell him what his present was.
She laughed at his frustrated expression. ''I was hoping that you would tell me what your present for me was, if I told you what I got for you.''
''You're just gonna have to wait.'' He smirked.
''Can you at least give me a hint?''
''Why not?''
''Because I don't want to.''
''You suck.''
''Thank you.''
Ming sighed at his persistence, she just wanted to know what he had gotten for her birthday.
''Anyway, how are things with, uh, Mark?'' Ming was surprised he asked about the NCT member, thinking it was the last thing Joshua would want to talk about.
She gave him a confused glance. ''What? I can't ask you about that?'' He said, looking wide-eyed.
''I haven't seen him since I went to their concert.'' Lie.
''Do you still talk to him?'' He continued.
''Not much, honestly.'' Another lie.
He simply nodded, taking her words in. ''How come?'' Joshua was stunned, he thought Ming was still seeing him between schedules.
''You know, I'm busy with the tour and everything, he's busy with his own things, it's just too, uh, difficult.'' She stopped her eye-contact with Shua and focused herself on finishing her bracelet, being uneasy talking about Mark or for better words, lying about Mark.
''I think it's better this way, to be honest. You're both too busy to make time for each other and it's gonna hurt you in the end, so maybe you're better off this way.'' She felt bad for lying, because she could hear the sincerity in his voice and this was also the first time in a while that Shua didn't roll his eyes when talking about the young Canadian.
Ming hummed, not knowing how to appropriately answer him. ''Yeah, that's, uh, a good point, I guess.'' She would tell him the truth and say she's still seeing him, and that there's even another person there, but she likes that this is her own thing. She loves the members, they're family to her, but there are certain factors of her life that she would like to keep for herself and that includes her romantic interests.
''I always make good points,'' he smiled, ''here, should I give this one to Seungkwan?'' Joshua held his bracelet up to Ming's face for her to inspect it.
She briefly looked at it. ''Yeah, it's really nice.'' Ming absentmindedly said, her head occupied with guilt over not being honest to the people she considered her brothers.
''You alright, Ming?'' Joshua noticed her mood shift, a bit worried.
She briefly turned her head to him. ''Yeah, I just realised that I don't have a clue what to give Seungkwan-oppa.''
''You're the last one to worry about that, you could give him a kiss and he would be happy with that.''
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Taglist: @mystic-luv @cosmicwintr @mythicalamphitrite @billboard-singer @stopeatread @still-astray @sakuurra @multiplums @giverosespls @seongwhaffels @kimhyejin3108 @smoooore
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tinywitchgoblin · 4 months
Hi dear! Just found your blog going through my liked tags, and honestly... fantastic shit. Read everything in your masterlist immediately. Absorbed it like a sponge.
May I please get a ship match up??? 👉👈
I'm transmasc and early 30s. I'm 5'10" in height and I guess "average" build. I'm an Aries and INTP which means I'm Hella stubborn and have opinions on things. I'm also pretty logic minded.
I love nature and being outside. Hikes, fishing, exploring in general are some of my favorite things to do in the warmer weather. I will get excited over finding a cool bug or rock and either try and bring it home or take a billion pictures of it.
When at home I just like to chill with my pets. (One dog, two cats, and four birds.) How we chill varies. Be it snuggles and movies/video games, or getting smothered by them while I read it depends. The only time I really separate myself from them is when I'm trying to do crafts. Embroidery and cats don't mix.
Ummm other silly facts... I used to do dirt track racing as a teen and still love going to the races occasionally. I like most music but pop punk is probably the most popular in my playlists. I've got 2 facial piercings, and I think 7 tattoos. (Two are bad batch tattoos)... I think that's about it.
I ship you with...
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Tech loves being outside with you. Typically, when he finds something he finds interesting, his brothers brush off his fascination and move on, but not you. When he finds a cool insect, you have to look at it. When you give him a cool rock, he might not show a strong outward reaction, but on the inside, he is crying. In fact, you and he have a shared collection of cool rocks and other stuff one of you found outside and wanted to keep. There's even a rock there that Crosshair gave you, but he threatened you with certain death (affectionate) if Hunter or Wrecker were to find out that he participated in the collection of cool rocks. (I want a cool rock from Tech :/)
When you're not out hiking or doing nature surveys, you and he will most likely be out fishing. Tech enjoys fishing because he can cast a line and work on some tinkering while he's waiting for a bite. It's one of his favorite ways to multitask. He even made a makeshift fish finder and attached it to the boat so wherever you happen to be fishing, he can see what's down there and use that information to figure out what bait to use and so forth. Plus, when fish are caught, they can be brought back to Wrecker, who does amazing things with fish. Well, he's an amazing chef in general, but he's especially good with fish.
Even though being outside is fun, sometimes y'all prefer to be inside. Tech was a bit overwhelmed by all of your pets at first (especially since he'd never had a pet before and wasn't entirely sure how to react), but he's since warmed up to them pretty well. One of the cats, especially, really likes him. You'll often find the two of them sitting in Tech's workspace together, with Tech doing his own thing and the cat sleeping right next to him. It makes your heart melt every single time. Seeing your favorite person get along so well with your favorite animals is very meaningful to you, and you couldn't be more grateful for such a caring, like-minded partner like Tech.
Thanks for reading! If you want a ship request, drop it in my ask box, and don't forget to reblog <3
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