#the catenary wires
jacobwren · 2 years
Birling Gap by The Catenary Wires
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yellowsnow77 · 2 years
Under The Bridge
Supongo que los seguidores de Sarah Records, y de todo lo que rodea a su sonido, ya tendrán más que masticada esta recopilación llamada ‘Under The Bridge’. Sobre todo, porque se publicó el pasado marzo. Pero no quería que se acabara el año y que no hubiera caído por aquí. Y es que estamos ante una compilación ideada por el sello Skep Wax, el cual fundaron Amelia Fletcher y Rob Pursey el año…
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velsim · 2 years
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Some views from the office. Top two are in the morning, bottom in the evening.
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amtrak-official · 2 months
So what if the villain is drunk with power, I can that too,
*tries to eat a catenary wire and dies instantly*
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dampfloks · 10 months
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Zweisystemlokomotive 181 206-4 der Deutschen Bundesbahn für den grenzüberschreitenden Verkehr nach Frankreich und Luxemburg. Die Lokomotive ist für die unterschiedlichen Stromversorgungen ( 15 kV / 16 2/3 Hz oder 25 kV / 50 Hz) und Höhen des Fahrleitungsdrahtes ausgerüstet. Dafür verfügt sie unter anderem über zwei unterschiedliche Stromabnehmer um in den obengenannten Einsatzbereichen fahren zu können.  
Diese von Krupp 1974 unter der Fabriknummer 5272 gebaute  3000kW starke Lok ist seit 2020 eine Museumslokomotive im Pfalzbahnmuseum Neustadt an der Weinstraße 
German Federal Railways dual-system locomotive 181 206-4 for cross-border traffic to France and Luxembourg. The locomotive is equipped for the different power supplies ( 15 kV / 16 2/3 Hz or 25 kV / 50 Hz) and heights of the catenary wire. For this purpose, it has two different pantographs, among other things, in order to be able to run in the above-mentioned areas of operation.  
This 3000 kW powered locomotive, built by Krupp in 1974 under the serial number 5272, has been a museum locomotive in the Pfalzbahnmuseum Neustadt an der Weinstraße since 2020.
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I didn’t know that there were tunnels under the US Capital building in Washington DC, but Congress and the Senate have a subway system for getting around. This is a Studebaker coach car that originally ran on the Capitol Hill subway line. It ran at 12 miles per hour and would run backwards for the return trip.
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The Studebaker was replaced by this monorail from 1915 to 1961. 
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It is on display in the basement atrium of the Russell Senate Office Building, just before the entrance to the subway.
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Senators summoned the trains by ringing a bell three times, and the front seats were reserved for them at all times.
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The train that operates between the Senate and the Russell Senate Office Building is a quaint open air tram that runs along three catenary wires on the ceiling.
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On the right of the two tracks going back and forth to the Russell building is a pedestrian walkway.
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The stoppers at the ends have plants in them. 
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When the system was extended to the Dirksen Senate Office Building, a new tunnel and rail system was built so that both lines could begin from the same place underneath the Senate.
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These cars are enclosed. 
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The walkway is on the side of the tracks, beneath the flags of each state of the United States:
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At the Dirksen Senate Office Building, the platform is in the center of the tracks.
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The repair shop.
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En route to the subway terminus on the Senate side, you will also see great vintage signage:
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meddwlyngymraeg · 5 months
Dwi'n dechrau deall mwy pam dwi'n gwrando ar y radio yn Gymraeg y dyddiau hyn. Dwi'n gwella yn araf, ond yn bendant. Ro'n i'n gwrando ar BBC Radio Cymru, ar y sioe Rhys Mwyn, cyflwynydd (wrth gwrs) a cerddor bwysig i'r sin roc Gymraeg o'r 80au a 90au.
Heddiw, wnes i ddysgu bod: Oedd Huw Williams, aka Hue Williams/Hue Pooh o'r band Pooh Sticks, y manager i fand Big Leaves am gyfnod. Oedd Huw ar y radio nawr achos ei fand newydd Swansea Sound yn rhyddau sengl newydd am recordiau a siopau record, enw Markin' It Down. Mae band yn cynnwys Huw, Amelia Fletcher (oedd yn y band 'c86' indie, Heavenly, a wnaeth hi ganu gyda Huw ar gyfer Pooh Sticks yn y 90au) a Rob Pursey (yn y band Catenary Wires gyda Amelia yn fwy ddiweddar), ac eu sengl newydd yn ddoniol iawn. Cwsmer mewn siop record yw Huw, a mae fe'n trio bod yn 'cwl' a 'hip' gyda blas miwsig da, yn chwilio am albwm ddiweddaraf Yard Act, ac mae fe'n siarad gyda gweithiwr yn y siop (Amelia) am y recordiau, ac mae hi'n ddweud bod mae recordiau yn y discount bin, mae hi'n 'marking it down to £11'. (Dwi'n gwirfoddoli ar radio cymunedol, so mae Amelia wedi anfon y sengl i fi hefyd eto, ro'n i'n hapus iawn amdano fe!)
Wnes i ddysgu bod 'cyhoedd' yw public, a cyhoeddiad yn announcement, hefyd.
A meddai Rhys, Cadwch yn saff, stay safe!
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cutekittenlady · 2 years
Eelektross in Hisui AU idea, I know we are still in the "events prior to Ingo showing up as the plot solution" but the idea of Ingo's and his beloved but Horrible Wet Guard Dog, that is almost overpowered for the setting (modern professional fighting pokemon have access to all the food, training and potions/ healthcare they need and research has figured better training methods like IV and EV, their only weakness is they follow Stardard Battle Rules like No cutting turn order or no mob Vs one guy) Anyways Ingo only somewhat remembers Eelektross (You have to have Ingo remember eelektross's train pun nickname, I recommend Catenary which is the wires that power electric trains/trolleys) So we have this Legendary Monster that terrorized and chased people for Weeks sitting in Ingo lap being scratched behind the ear(?) fins, wiggling in happiness, while Meille in the background is recovering from being electricuted (Ingo Did Not want to be Touched and eelektross Will make sure that is Respected)
Oh Ingo definitely doesn't remember Eelektross. Though, as you said, he finds him to be verrry familiar and is way more understanding of his behavior than others. I think it'd take even Akari and Laventon some time to stop seeing Eelektross as a wildly territorial pokemon. Ingo, meanwhile, picks up on the fact that his playful and friendly demeanor and behavior are being mistaken for aggression almost right away.
Ingo himself struggles to explain WHY he's able to make this connection beyond just stating that he somehow KNOWS and chalking it up to some kind of intuition. Regardless Eelektross is thrilled to finally find someone he now only knows, but who doesnt treat him either as a beast or some subject of research. So their relationship is relatively good. Whether or not Eelektross tries to help with Ingo's memory loss or is content with just watching over him is still up in the air atm tho he'd definitely grow verrrrry protective of Ingo after everything he's been through.
Eelektross is also definitely OP. Not just due to all the training, but because his species is a complete unknown in Hisui. I mean there aren't that many species in Hisui who can boast having no natural weaknesses in legends arceus especially if one considers Eelektross has a hand on his natural abilities (levitate) in a way that trainers and pokemon in the past dont quite have gives him a unique advantage.
As you say though, this is a double edged sword. Eelektross does NOT do well alone in the wild. Despite being well trained, in prime condition, and very powerful hes been raised taking direction from a trainer and while he does draw on certain memories of strategies Emmet came up with and used in the past, he doesnt have the skill to come up with any strategies of his own. Beyond that he has always been entirely reliant on humans for food, shelter, etc. and so fails in the wild because of that as well.
In fact, its that reliance on humans that more or less causes him to be mistaken as an aggressive creature in the first place.
I don't know about nicknames as I rarely ever give Ingo and Emmets pokemon nicknames (one exception being Ingos Excadrill eventually earning the nicname "Nana" in his absence but thats from a whole other concept) but calling him "Catenary" will certainly make things easier.
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tubetrading · 6 months
Key Design Considerations for Pantograph Support Insulators in High-Speed Rail Systems
In the realm of high-speed rail systems, every component plays a crucial role in ensuring safe and efficient operations.  Among these components, pantograph support insulators stand out as critical elements that facilitate the seamless transmission of power from overhead lines to the train's electrical system.  As a leading pantograph insulator manufacturer in India, Radiant Enterprises recognizes the importance of meticulous design considerations in crafting reliable and durable insulators.  In this blog post, we'll explore the key design considerations essential for pantograph support insulators in 25 KV high-speed rail systems, shedding light on Radiant Enterprises' commitment to excellence in manufacturing.
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Understanding Pantograph Support Insulators
Pantograph support insulators are integral components of the overhead electrification system in high-speed rail networks.  These insulators provide electrical isolation and mechanical support for the pantograph, which is the apparatus mounted on the train's roof responsible for collecting electricity from the overhead wires (catenary).  In 25 KV high-speed rail systems, where trains operate at exceptionally high speeds, the performance and reliability of pantograph support insulators are paramount.
Design Considerations for Pantograph Support Insulators
Material Selection:  The choice of materials significantly influences the performance and longevity of pantograph support insulators.  At Radiant Enterprises, we utilize high-quality, durable materials such as silicone rubber or composite polymers that exhibit excellent electrical insulation properties, mechanical strength, and resistance to environmental factors such as UV radiation, pollution, and temperature variations.
2.   Electrical Insulation:  Ensuring reliable electrical insulation is paramount to prevent electrical arcing and ensure the safe transmission of power.  Our pantograph support insulators are engineered to withstand high voltage levels (25 KV) and exhibit low electrical conductivity to minimize power losses and mitigate the risk of electrical faults.
3.   Mechanical Strength:  Pantograph support insulators are subjected to mechanical stresses induced by the pantograph's movement and external forces such as wind loads and vibrations.  Therefore, our insulators undergo rigorous mechanical testing to ensure they can withstand these forces without deformation or failure, ensuring uninterrupted operation and minimal maintenance requirements.
4.   Corrosion Resistance:  In outdoor environments exposed to moisture, pollution, and corrosive agents, corrosion resistance is essential to maintain the structural integrity of pantograph support insulators over their operational lifespan.  Our insulators are engineered with corrosion-resistant materials and undergo surface treatments to enhance their resistance to rust and degradation, ensuring long-term reliability and performance.
5.   Dimensional Accuracy:  Precision engineering is critical to ensure proper fit and alignment of pantograph support insulators with the overhead wires and the train's pantograph.  Our insulators are manufactured with tight tolerances and undergo strict quality control measures to guarantee dimensional accuracy and compatibility with the rail infrastructure, minimizing installation challenges and optimizing performance.
6.   UV Stability:  Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation can degrade insulator materials over time, compromising their electrical and mechanical properties.  Therefore, our pantograph support insulators are formulated with UV-stabilized materials that withstand prolonged exposure to sunlight without degradation, ensuring reliable performance and longevity in outdoor applications.
Radiant Enterprises:  Your Trusted Pantograph Insulator Manufacturer in India
As a leading manufacturer of pantograph support insulators in India, Radiant Enterprises is committed to delivering superior quality products that meet the stringent requirements of high-speed rail systems.  Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, coupled with a team of experienced engineers and quality assurance experts, enable us to design and produce pantograph insulators that excel in performance, reliability, and durability.
In the dynamic world of high-speed rail systems, the reliability and performance of pantograph support insulators are critical for ensuring safe and efficient operations.  By adhering to meticulous design considerations such as material selection, electrical insulation, mechanical strength, corrosion resistance, dimensional accuracy, and UV stability, manufacturers like Radiant Enterprises can deliver pantograph insulators that meet the demanding requirements of 25 KV high-speed rail systems.  As a trusted pantograph insulator manufacturer in India, Radiant Enterprises is committed to providing innovative solutions that contribute to the advancement of railway electrification technology and the seamless operation of high-speed rail networks.
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scotianostra · 10 months
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On November 16th 1956 the last of the original trams ran in Edinburgh.
Sixty five years ago this evening, thousands turned out to wave an emotional goodbye to the city’s original tram system before it was scrapped.
Trams had been falling out of favour across the country since the end of the Second World War. Cities were expanding, and the rail-and-wire-bound trams of yesteryear could not compete with the flexibility and cost-­effectiveness of the modern motor bus. Municipal tramways up and down the country faced the heavy axe of progress.
The decision to decommission Edinburgh’s tram network arose in 1952, its 47 miles taking just four years to dismantle.
In the last week, a special service painted handsomely in white and gold livery was laid on to tour what was left of the old network.
All ordinary tram passengers were issued with a bright yellow “Last Tram Week” ticket; a masterstroke by Edinburgh Corporation which did a “roaring trade” in the final seven days.
The last hurrah arrived on Friday, November 16; a suitably cold, grey and miserable day. That evening, a procession of tramcars made its way from the Braids terminus to Shrubhill depot, taking in much of the original 1871 route. Ten trams were laid on due to the demand – one car containing the very city councillors who had consigned the trams to the history books in the first place.
It seemed that the entire city was out in force that night; throngs of people lined the pavements and eager spectators hung out of tenement windows to catch a glimpse of the historic procession.
Motor cars and buses added to the atmosphere by tooting their horns.
At the Mound and Hanover Street, an enormous crowd reaching 60 or 70 yards up the road gathered to wave goodbye to the last cars.
Police, mounted and on foot, kept the mass of spectators from pressing against the vehicles. Souvenir-hungry “boys and youths” armed with screwdrivers were reported aboard the final convoy, keen to secure their own little bit of history from the inside of the cabins.
Regardless of whether you lamented their passing or were glad to see them vanish, it was certainly the end of an era. From the earliest horse-drawn trams and cable cars of the turn of the century, to the electric system implemented in the 1920s, tramcars had been present in the Capital, in one form or another, for generations.
Eighty-five years of municipal tram history, which at its height had carried around 200 million passengers a year on routes covering Corstorphine to Levenhall, and just about everywhere in between, had been consigned for good to the great catenary wire in the sky... or so we all thought.
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imperialchem · 1 year
Pantograph Insulators:  A Crucial Element in Overhead Contact Systems
Pantograph insulators play a crucial role in ensuring the effective operation of overhead contact systems (OCS) utilised in diverse transportation modes including trains and trams.  These insulators serve the purpose of establishing a dependable and secure electrical connection between the catenary wires and the pantographs on mobile vehicles.  This article examines the importance of pantograph insulators and emphasises the Pantograph insulator manufacturers in India like Radiant Enterprises, who play a pivotal role in the production of these important components.
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·         Understanding Pantograph Insulators:
The topic of discussion pertains to the comprehension of pantograph insulators, which are specific electrical components employed in overhead contact systems designed for electrically propelled conveyance.  These components offer both electrical insulation and mechanical support, facilitating a reliable connection between the catenary wires and the pantographs.
·         Role in Overhead Contact Systems:
The role of pantographs in overhead contact systems is to establish and maintain contact between the catenary wires and the roofs of electrically driven vehicles.  Pantograph insulators play a crucial role in maintaining a reliable electrical connection by effectively impeding the transmission of electrical current to the body of the vehicle.
·         Manufacturers of Pantograph Insulators in India:
India is host to a number of esteemed Pantograph insulator manufacturers like Radiant Enterprises, who have expertise in the manufacturing of pantograph insulators.  The producers have state-of-the-art facilities and specialised knowledge to make insulators of superior quality and dependability.
·         Pantograph Insulator Manufacturing Process:
The production process entails the utilisation of materials of exceptional electrical and mechanical capabilities.  Insulators undergo a deliberate design, moulding, and testing process in order to fulfil the precise criteria and benchmarks established for pantograph insulators.
·         Customization for Diverse Applications:
Excellent Insulators for pantograph manufacturers in India like Radiant Enterprises provide customization choices to accommodate diverse transit modes and unique demands.  Insulators are engineered to exhibit resilience against diverse voltage, current, and environmental circumstances.
·         Quality Assurance and Standards:
Quality assurance and adherence to standards are key considerations for manufacturers in ensuring the compliance of their pantograph insulators with internationally recognised benchmarks.  Thorough testing is undertaken to validate the electrical, mechanical, and thermal characteristics, ensuring the safety and dependability of operations in OCS.
·         Technological Advancements:
Technological breakthroughs in the field of materials and manufacturing have resulted in the creation of insulators that exhibit enhanced performance, durability, and resilience against various environmental variables.
·         Sustainability and Environmental Considerations:
There is a growing emphasis among pantograph insulator manufacturers in India on the adoption of sustainable practices.  The company places a high importance on the use of environmentally friendly materials and methods in order to mitigate the adverse effects on the environment caused by production activities.
·         Supply Chain and Distribution:
The producers possess a robust supply chain and distribution infrastructure in place, which is designed to guarantee the prompt and efficient transportation of pantograph insulators to clients both domestically and internationally.
Final Thoughts:
It is evident that pantograph insulators hold significant importance in ensuring the integrity of electrical connections in overhead contact systems utilised in electrically powered vehicles.  The Insulators for pantograph manufacturers in India like Radiant Enterprises play a vital role in enhancing the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of these systems through the production of pantograph insulators that are characterised by high-quality and innovative technological features.  The significance of pantograph insulators in contemporary transportation is emphasised by their unwavering commitment to excellence and advancement.
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daggerzine · 5 months
V/A- Under the Bridge- Volume 2 (Skep Wax)
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I’ve been meaning to get to this one for a while. Rob and Amelia from Heavenly, Catenary Wires, Swansea Sound, etc., etc. released the first volume of this collection a couple of years ago on their Skep Wax imprint. Well, they are back and this time, bigger, bolder, brighter (that band is not on here); and it’s a double album to boot!
I believe the collection was to show what some of the old Sarah Records bands are up to, be it in the same bands (The Orchids, St Christopher, Boyracer, etc.) or new bands that some of these folks are now involved with (and in some cases have been involved with for several years). The whole comp works really well.
The records opens with the lovely, piano tune “Dodge the Rain” by the Gentle Spring, a perfect opener. Action Painting (one of the old Sarah bands) kicks the door down with the terrific “Just Who Are the Cockleshell Heroes” and The Catenary Wires offer the pretty, ethereal (and a bit eerie) “Alone Tonight.”
That’s the first three cuts and you’ve got plenty more, like “Look Alive!” by the fabulous Jetstream Pony (which features Aberdeen’s Beth Arzy), Secret Shine (another old Sarah act) with the soaring, hazy “Captivate This Broken Love,” and Mystic Village with the hushed “Open Your Eyes.” Also do not miss special cuts by Boyracer, St. Christopher  (Haxley! Say that to Glenn next time you see him), Tufthunter, Robert Sekula, Useless Users, and more!
The bands really put their best foot forward on here. A few cuts didn’t grab me, but most of Under the Bridge Volume 2 is chock full of Grade A winners. Devour this one, you’ll really enjoy it; and if there’s a volume three, well, I’ll be all over it.
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amnottrak-official · 6 months
Train surfing
Illegal act of riding on the outside of a moving train
Train surfing (also known as train hopping or train hitching) is typically a reckless, dangerous and illegal act of riding on the outside of a moving train, tram or other forms of rail transport. In a number of countries, the term 'train hopping' is used synonymously with freight hopping, which means riding on the outside of a freight train, while train surfing can be practiced on any type of train. This type of travelling can be extremely dangerous and even life-threatening, because there is a risk of death or serious injury due to falling off a moving train, electrocution by the power supply (overhead catenary wire, third rail, current collectors, resistors, etc.), colliding with railway infrastructure such as bridges, tunnels, station platforms, trackside buildings, railway signals or other trains, while riding outside off structure gauge on the side or on the roof of a train, or unsuccessful attempts to jump onto a moving train or off it. Today, the practice is illegal by statutes on many railroads in the world. Despite this, it is still practiced, especially on those railroads where the trains are overcrowded.
An overcrowded train with passengers riding on the outside in Bangladesh
Further information: Running board
An early horse-hauled rail car with passengers on its roof and foot boards
The phenomenon of riding on the outside of trains came with the appearance of the first railway lines. On a series of first railroads, riding on rooftops and footboards of trains was common, but over time, starting from the second half of the 19th century, with an increase in the sizes and speed of trains, passenger coaches began to be produced fully covered and insulated from streets with a placement of all passenger seats inside carriages in order to improve the safety of passengers and prevent people falling from a moving train. However, some individuals continued riding on the outside of trains to travel without having a ticket.
In the United States, this became a common means of transportation following the American Civil War as the railroads began pushing westward, especially among migrant workers who became known as "hobos". It continued to be widely used by those unable to afford other transportation, especially during times of widespread economic dislocation such as the Great Depression.
In the first half of the 20th century during the era of trams rising in Europe and USA, trams in some cities became overcrowded, so some passengers began a practice of riding on footboards, doors, couplers and sometimes on the roofs of trams. Also, train surfing often occurred in European countries during the war conflicts, especially during the First World War, Russian Civil War and World War II. Soldiers and refugees often traveled on the roofs of carriages due to lack of seats inside.
In the mid-20th century, European and American railroad companies in many countries took measures to reduce overcrowding in cars and prevent riding outside of them, so the prevalence of train surfing in those countries decreased. However, in some countries of Southeast Asia and Africa with a high population density, the problem of overcrowding of different vehicles, including trains, grew rapidly, so train surfing in those countries became a widespread phenomenon.
As an extreme hobby, train surfing firstly appeared in South Africa during the 1980s among teenagers from poor families, and then began to appear in other countries around the world. Teenagers as young as 13 were reported as train surfing in Rio de Janeiro in 1988. During the 1990s, train surfing on a commuter electric multiple unit train became popular in Europe among young people who live near railway lines.
In Germany, the practice of S-Bahn surfing was made popular during the 1990s. The phenomenon was forgotten until the millennium, but in 2005 it was rediscovered by a group of train surfers from Frankfurt, Germany. The leader of the crew who calls himself "the Trainrider" surfed the InterCityExpress, the fastest train in Germany. An Internet video claimed that he died a year later from an incurable form of leukemia, but later the Trainrider revealed in an interview that this video was made by a fan and the story of his death was a hoax.
In the Soviet Union during the 1980s teens and youths sometimes surfed trams. The practice of surfing on electric trains appeared during the 1990s in Russia and some other post-Soviet countries due to the economic crisis and growing interest among teens and youths who lived near the railroads. In around the year 2000 they also began to surf subway trains in tunnels in the Moscow Metro and organized train surfing crews and web-communities.
German demobilisation, Western Front, 1918. Soldiers cling on to the roofs and doors of a train already full of other troops
Beginning in the mid-2000s there were frequent cancellation of commuter trains and crowding inside rail cars in the Moscow region. In the summer of 2010 dozens of commuter trains were cancelled due to track repairs on the Moscow railway and the crowding of trains and the number of train surfers in the Moscow region rose dramatically. This was when train surfing for the first time became a wide phenomenon on Russian railways and it caused a big scandal. Train surfing was mostly a teenager hobby before this. After the railroad track repairs were completed overcrowding on trains began to reduce and the number of ordinary passengers who were roof riding disappeared. Roof riding among teenagers became more popular and they began to create a community of train surfers and post videos on YouTube. Train surfers began to organize meetings and big-way surfing events on the outside of commuter, subway and local freight trains via the Internet. Russian train surfing fans began to call themselves "Zatseper" and also name their hobby "Zatseping" (from the Russian word "Зацепиться-Zatsepitsya" translated as "to catch on"). Train surfing became something like an extreme sport discipline for them. From the beginning of 2011, Russian train surfers made several rides on the outside of the high-speed Siemens Velaro train "Sapsan", the fastest train in Russia.
In Indonesia, especially Greater Jakarta, large numbers of people train surf, especially since the late 1990s, as gridlock grips this metropolis of 30 million without a single metro system, and the city comes up with alternative transport such as car jockeys. Jakarta traffic is the most gridlocked in Southeast Asia,[citation needed] perhaps among the worst worldwide. It has built a bus rapid transit system, but with little success, as there is no separation from the heavy traffic. The tropical heat and urban heat island effect also makes the top the only place on the train with plenty of air circulation. Since 2013 the practice has been eliminated after the state railway company Kereta Api Indonesia modernized the ticketing system, allowing tickets to be sold up to 90 days in advance, and including check in requirements along with increasing number of rolling stocks. On KRL commuter services, stations are modernized by installing turnstiles, implementing contactless payment and locking down the station. All non-commuter train now have passenger limit of 100 to 110% while previously a service could run at 200% or more capacity.[citation needed]
Current state
Train surfers climb onto a high-speed Velaro RUS "Sapsan" electric multiple unit train.
Train surfing is a common and usual way to ride trains in countries such as Bangladesh and South Africa, where this type of riding by trains is compelled due to the high population density and severe overcrowding of trains. This practice is a serious issue in these countries where people have been killed or injured in numerous accidents. However, train surfing can occur in any area with trains and trams. Individuals may train-surf to avoid the cost of a ticket or as a recreational activity.
With the creation of the internet, the practice of filming the act and posting online videos of it is on the increase worldwide. Train surfers can use social networks to find and communicate with each other and organize trips by trains in small groups. In countries where a big community of train surfers exists, they sometimes organize major events of riding on the outside of local trains, where dozens of riders participate.
Some railroad workers, such as shunters or conductors, are often allowed to ride on exterior parts of trains during shunting operations, but with many limitations.
Passengers who practice train surfing consider it as an extreme hobby, or to get a free ride by train, which has a number of advantages in comparison with riding inside a railcar:
enjoyment of riding and feeling of speed;
extended view of surrounding area in comparison with the view from a window inside a railcar;
opportunity to avoid the cost of a ticket;
opportunity to ride in comfort when a train is extremely crowded or when it is extremely hot inside railcars;
opportunity to ride a train which simply has no space for more people, need to go to work;
Tram surfing in Sarajevo 2010
opportunity to catch a departing train or jump from an arriving train at low speed before a complete stop;
opportunity to ride on a train which does not provide transportation of passengers (for example on a freight train, service train, single locomotive, etc.).
opportunity to improve one’s internet prestige (also known as clout) for a relatively small number of micromorts.
Hazards that occur whilst train surfing include falling off a moving train, falling underneath the train, colliding with buildings, structures and objects that are close to the train's path as it moves along the railway track and electrocution from power supply.
A person can receive an electric shock from an overhead power line or conductor rail when their body comes into contact with it.
A person can receive an electric shock from an electric arc without their body actually touching an overhead power line. An electric arc can go from an overhead power line and pass through the air and then make contact with a person's body. When this electric arc reaches a person's body they can then receive an electric shock from it.
Injuries and deaths
Main article: List of train surfing injuries and deaths
In the decade before August 2000, in Brazil, there were 100 people who died in more than 200 accidents.
In South Africa in 2006, 19 people died whilst train surfing with a further 100 train surfing accidents occurring.
In Indonesia, in two years before 2008, 53 people died whilst train surfing.
In the Russian Central Federal District in 2015 there were 24 people injured whilst train surfing and in 2016 in the Central Federal District there were 9 people who died whilst train surfing.
In New York, from 1989 to 2011, there were 13 people who died and 56 people injured train surfing.
In Ukraine, in 2017, there were 12 people who died whilst train surfing.
Prevention and punishments
Police arrest a train surfer on the Moscow Metro
Train surfing is illegal on most railways in the world, with some exceptions. Many railroad companies usually take a zero tolerance policy to practice of riding on exterior parts of trains, and employ railway police and guards in an attempt to prevent the practice. Police officers and guards usually patrol the territory of large passenger stations and freight yards, and can arrest train surfers if they are spotted. In some countries, railway police can patrol the territory of railways in utility trucks, SUVs ("bullmobiles"), or even standard police cars. In countries where the practice of trains surfing occurs regularly, the police frequently organize raids in order to detect and remove surfers off the trains and arrest them. The most common form of penalty for train surfers is a fine. However, in some countries, such as the United States or Canada, train surfers can be not only fined, but imprisoned too.
In the United Kingdom, train surfing is prohibited under railway byelaw No. 10, which prohibits travelling in or on any train except in areas of the train intended for use by that person.
At least 87 people were arrested in the last four months of 2010 in Melbourne for offences relating to train surfing. In Russia, over 1000 train surfers were arrested at the Moscow Railway during ten months of 2011. In India, 153 people were prosecuted in a single day in June 2012 for train surfing on the Central Railway.
Fencing between the cars of an 81-717/714 train which prevents passengers from falling into the gap and also impedes climbing between them
To reduce the practice of riding on the outside of trains, railway companies often place signs that warn about the dangers of train surfing. While there are no official numbers, the London Underground ran a public awareness campaign against "tube surfing".
The Indonesian railway company, PT Kereta Api, has tried several methods to deter train surfers. Early methods included spraying those caught with red paint and placing barbed wire on train roofs. In 2012, the company began suspending heavy concrete balls above the railway, a short distance from the stations. This method was criticised as being potentially lethal -Anastasia the train girl
(Everything is going go for now (apart from the fact I’m really sick))
This was a fun read! I watched a documentary a while ago about hobos and people who traveled on rails across america in the 1920s, and it was really interesting to me. Before reading this, I didnt know much about train surfing outside of the US, and I always love learning new things!
Sorry again for responding to this ask so late, I hope you feel better soon!
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joezworld · 2 years
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any odds of something like this happening in joezverse?
I have thought about this, however it runs into the same problem that would occur if Sodor were a real place.
To start with, there would be problems with clearance - I can't say for certain about every engine, but some steam locomotives are too tall to fit under wires - funnels, protrusions on tenders, and cab roofs are all in the "too close" range, and the fixability of these issues ranges from "unscrew that fitting" to "you can't". It wouldn't exactly be in the spirit of Sodor to electrify the main line at the cost of letting Gordon or Henry run on it.
Cost - Overhead catenary is expensive. I'm not saying it's insurmountable, but as many railroads around the world have shown, this is an investment they're usually willing to make only as a last resort, especially when diesels can run on the tracks as-is.
Power - Sodor is of course, fictional, but seeing as it's "rural" and "outside of London", there may be issues with the availability of electric infrastructure - as in, is there enough power to run the lines? This may also be complicated by Sodor being more or less a private enterprise, as they don't really benefit from the government saying "give them a power station", to the also-state-owned power company. As an example, many railways in America had to set up their own powerplants in the early days when they electrified. This again feeds into the "cost" part of the problem.
Why? - Sodor keeps steam running because they like steam. It seems decidedly unlikely that they'd one day elect to throw all of that away and go whole-hog into electrification.
They're not the only railway - This is actually mentioned explicitly on Page 4 of Sodor: Reading Between the Lines: The Furness Line from Barrow to Carnforth is not electrified, and more importantly, not owned by anyone named Hatt. This reduces the chances of electrification to almost zero, seeing as how Network Rail can barely keep the British railway network in one piece as it stands. This sort of endeavor would have needed to be undertaken by British Rail, and it just didn't happen.
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amtrak-official · 1 year
best railway electrification system?
Catenary Overhead Wires
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collinthenychudson · 2 years
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Day 15: Pennsylvania Railroad GG1
Information from Wikipedia:
The PRR GG1 was a class of electric locomotives built for the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR), in the northeastern United States. Between 1934 and 1943 General Electric and the PRR's Altoona Works built 139 GG1s.
The GG1 entered service with the PRR in 1935 and later ran on successor railroads Penn Central, Conrail and Amtrak. The last GG1 was retired by New Jersey Transit in 1983. Most have been scrapped, but sixteen are in museums. The GG1 was 79 feet 6 inches (24.23 m) long and weighed 475,000 pounds (215,000 kg). The frame of the locomotive was in two halves joined with a ball joint, allowing the locomotive to negotiate sharper curves. The body rested on the frame and was clad in welded steel plates. The control cabs were near the center of the locomotive on each side of the main oil-cooled transformer and oil-fired train-heating boiler. This arrangement, first used on the PRR's Modified P5 class, provided for greater crew safety in a collision and provided for bi-directional operation of the locomotive. Using Whyte notation for steam locomotives, each frame is a 4-6-0 locomotive, which in the Pennsylvania Railroad classification system is a "G". The GG1 has two such frames back to back, 4-6-0+0-6-4. The related AAR wheel arrangement classification is 2-C+C-2. This means one frame mounted upon a set of two axles unpowered (the "2") and three axles powered (the "C") hinged with the ball and socket to another frame of the same design (the +). The unpowered "2" axles are at either end of the locomotive. The GG1 was equipped with a Leslie A200 horn.
A pantograph on each end of the locomotive body was used to collect the 11,000 V, 25 Hz alternating current (AC) from the overhead catenary wires. In operation, the leading pantograph was usually kept lowered and the trailing one raised to collect current, since if the rear pantograph failed it would not strike the forward pantograph. A transformer between the two cabs stepped-down the 11,000 V to the voltages needed for the traction motors and other equipment. Twelve 385-horsepower (287 kW) GEA-627-A1 traction motors (AC commutator motors, not AC induction motors) drove the GG1's 57-inch (1,448 mm) diameter driving wheels on six axles using a quill drive. The power required was such that double traction motors were used, with two motors driving each axle. The traction motors were six-pole field, 400 volts, 25 Hz rated each at 385 hp (287 kW). The motors were frame-mounted using quill drives to the sprung driving wheels, providing a flexible suspension system across a relatively-long locomotive frame, which allowed full wheel weight to rest on the rail for good traction regardless of track condition. A series-wound commutator motor's speed is increased by increasing the applied voltage to the motor, thus increasing the current through the motor's armature, which is necessary for increasing its torque and thus increasing motor speed. The engineer's cab had a 21-position controller for applying voltage to the motors. Four unpowered leading/trailing wheels were mounted on each end of the locomotive.
In the 1930s, railroad passenger cars were heated with steam from the locomotive. The GG1 had an oil-fired steam generator to feed its train's "steam line."
Beginning in the late 1910s, the PRR received the FF1, but decided that it was too slow for passenger trains; it was relegated to heavy freight service. In the mid-1920s, it received the L5 electric, which had a third-rail power supply at the time. When the Pennsylvania built the O1 and the P5, it chose the P5 over the O1 for its ability and power on the rails. After a grade-crossing accident with the P5, the cab was moved to the center and was designated P5a. PRR still searched for the ultimate electric, since the P5 did not track well at high speeds and was wondering if the P5a could be improved even further. Soon enough, the Pennsylvania was in luck and found two contacts as early as 1932. The mechanical design of the GG1 was based largely on the EP3, which the PRR had borrowed from the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad to compare it to the P5a. In 1933, the PRR decided to replace its P5a locomotives; it asked General Electric and Westinghouse to design prototype locomotives with a lighter axle load and more power than the P5a, a top speed of at least 100 miles per hour (160 km/h), a streamlined body design, and a single (central) control cab. Both companies delivered their prototypes to PRR in August 1934. Westinghouse's R1 was essentially "little more than an elongated and more powerful version of the P5a" with an AAR wheel arrangement of 2-D-2. General Electric delivered its GG1. Both locomotives were tested for ten weeks in regular service between New York and Philadelphia and on a test track in Claymont, Delaware. PRR chose the GG1 because the R1's rigid wheelbase prevented it from negotiating sharp curves and some railroad switches. On November 10, 1934, the railroad ordered 57 locomotives: 14 assembled by General Electric in Erie, 18 by the PRR's own Altoona Works, and 20 more in Altoona with electrical components from Westinghouse in East Pittsburgh and chassis from the Baldwin Locomotive Works in Eddystone. An additional 81 locomotives were built at Altoona between 1937 and 1943. On January 28 1935, to mark the completion of electrification of the line from Washington, D.C., to New York City, PRR ran a special train hauled by Pennsylvania Railroad 4800 before it opened the line for revenue service on February 10. It made a round-trip from D.C. to Philadelphia; it completed the return leg in a record 1 hour and 50 minutes. In 1945, a Pennsylvania GG1 hauled the funeral train of President Franklin D. Roosevelt from Washington Union Station to New York Pennsylvania Station. In the mid-1950s, with declining demand for passenger train service, GG1s 4801–4857 were re-geared for a maximum speed of 90 miles per hour (140 km/h) and placed in freight service. They initially retained their train-heating steam generator, and were recalled to passenger service for holiday-season mail trains and 'Passenger Extras' such as those run for the annual Army–Navy football game in Philadelphia. Timetable speed limit for the GG1 was 75-80 mph until October 1967, when some were allowed 100 mph for a couple of years. When Metroliner cars were being overhauled in the late 1970s, GG1s were again allowed 100 mph for a short time when hauling Amfleet cars on trains scheduled to run 226.6 miles from New York to Washington in 3 hours and 20 to 25 minutes. On June 8, 1968, two Penn Central GG1s hauled Robert F. Kennedy's funeral train from New York Penn Station to Washington, D.C. The first designer for the GG1 project was industrial designer Donald Roscoe Dohner, who produced initial scale-styling models, although the completed prototype looked somewhat different. At some point, PRR hired famed industrial designer Raymond Loewy to "enhance the GG1's aesthetics." The final design is retrospectively 'Art Deco' as we know it today. Although it was thought until 2009 that Loewy was solely responsible for the GG1's styling, Dohner is now understood to have contributed as well. (Dohner's GG1 designs influenced the modified P5as, which debuted before the GG1 — not, as was thought, the other way around.) Loewy did claim that he recommended the use of a smooth, welded body instead of the riveted one used in the prototype. Loewy also added five gold pinstripes and a Brunswick green paint scheme. In 1952, the paint scheme was changed to Tuscan red; three years later, the pinstripes were simplified to a single stripe and large red keystones were added. On September 6 1943, the Congressional Limited crashed at Frankford Junction, in the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the United States. The train was pulled by GG1 4930. The accident was caused by a journal box fire (a hot box) on the front of the seventh of the train's 16 cars. The journal box seized and an axle snapped, catching the underside of the truck and catapulting the car upwards. It struck a signal gantry, which peeled off its roof along the line of windows "like a can of sardines". Car #8 wrapped itself around the gantry upright in a figure U. The next six cars were scattered at odd angles over the tracks, and the last two cars remained undamaged. In total, 79 passengers died, all from cars #7 and #8, and 117 were injured, some seriously. On January 15 1953, train 173, the overnight Federal from Boston, was approaching Washington behind GG1 4876. The train passed a signal 2.1 miles (3.4 km) north of Union Station between 60 and 70 miles per hour (97 and 113 km/h), and the engineer decreased the throttle and started applying the brakes. When the engineer realized that the train was not slowing down, and applying the emergency brake had no effect, he sounded the engine's horn. A signalman, hearing the horn and noting the speed of the 4876, phoned ahead to the station master's office. 4876 negotiated several switches at speeds well over the safe limits and entered the station at around 35 to 40 miles per hour (56 to 64 km/h). The train demolished the bumping post, continued through the station master's office and into the concourse, where it fell through the floor into the station's basement. Thanks to the evacuation of the concourse, no one died, either in the station or aboard the train. A temporary floor was erected over the engine, and the hole it created, for the inauguration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. 4876 was eventually dismantled, removed from the basement and reassembled with a new frame and superstructure in Altoona. The reconstructed 4876 survives at the B&O Railroad Museum in Baltimore. 
The accident was determined to have been caused by a closed "angle cock", a valve on the front and rear of all locomotives and rail cars used in the train's airbrake system, on the rear of the third car in the train. The handle of the angle cock had been improperly placed and had contacted the bottom of the car. Once it was closed, the air brake pipe on all the cars behind the closed valve remained at full pressure, keeping the brakes released on those cars while the brakes on the locomotive and first three cars were applied in emergency. The only major electro-mechanical breakdown of the GG1 was caused by a February 1958 blizzard that swept across the northeastern United States and put nearly half of the GG1s out of commission. Exceptionally fine snow, caused by the extreme low temperatures, passed through the traction motors' air filters and into the electrical components. When the snow melted, it short-circuited the components. On about 40 units, the air intakes were later moved to a position under the pantographs.
In 1968, the PRR, with its 119 surviving GG1s, merged with the New York Central Railroad to form Penn Central. Penn Central went bankrupt in 1970 and its freight operations were later assumed by government-controlled Conrail, which used 68 GG1s in freight service until the end of electric freight traction in 1980.
After its creation in 1971, Amtrak purchased 30 GG1s for $50,000 each and leased another 21, of which 11 were for use on New York and Long Branch commuter trains. Amtrak initially renumbered the purchased GG1s as Nos. 900 to 929; later the railroad added a prefixed "4". This replicated some of the numbers of the leased units, which were renumbered 4930 to 4939, except 4935, which kept its old PRR/PC number.
Amtrak unsuccessfully attempted to replace the GG1s in 1975 with the General Electric E60. An E60 derailed during testing at 102-mile-per-hour (164 km/h), forcing an investigation (the E60 used the same trucks as the P30CH diesel then in service with Amtrak) that delayed acceptance. The hoped-for 120 miles per hour (193 km/h) service speed was never achieved (timetable limit was 90 mph, then 80, then 90).
A replacement was finally found after Amtrak imported and tested two lightweight European locomotives: X995, an Rc4a built by ASEA of Sweden, and X996, a French design. The railroad picked the ASEA design, initially nicknamed the "Swedish swifty" or the "Mighty Mouse" and later often referred to as the "Swedish Meatball". Electro-Motive Diesel, then a part of General Motors, was licensed to build a derivative called the AEM-7. As AEM-7s arrived, Amtrak finally ended GG1 service on April 26, 1980.
The last GG1s in use were some of the 13 assigned to New Jersey Transit (#4872–4884) for its North Jersey Coast Line between New York and South Amboy (the former New York and Long Branch) that ran until October 29, 1983, thus retiring the locomotive after 49 years of service. Fifteen production locomotives and the prototype were preserved in museums. None are operational; their main transformers were removed because of the PCBs in the insulating oil.
PRR/PC/CR 4800 — Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, Strasburg, Pennsylvania (nicknamed "Old Rivets" due to it being the only GG1 to have been built with a riveted body)
PRR/PC/CR 4859 — Transportation Center, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (designated Pennsylvania State electric locomotive in 1987) PRR/PC/CR/NJT 4876 — B&O Railroad Museum, Baltimore, Maryland (Reconstructed with new frame and superstructure as well as reusable components from the original 4876 following the 1953 Washington Union Station wreck)
PRR/PC/CR/NJT 4877 — United Railroad Historical Society of New Jersey, Boonton, New Jersey (nicknamed "Big Red") PRR/PC/CR/NJT 4879 — United Railroad Historical Society of New Jersey, Boonton, New Jersey
PRR/PC/CR/NJT 4882 — National New York Central Railroad Museum, Elkhart, Indiana (currently painted in Penn Central colors)
PRR/Amtrak 4890 — National Railroad Museum, Green Bay, Wisconsin
PRR 4903/Amtrak (4)906 — Museum of the American Railroad, Frisco, Texas (hauled Robert F. Kennedy's funeral train with GG1 4901 from New York to Washington on June 8, 1968).
PRR 4909/Amtrak 4932 — Leatherstocking Railway Museum, Cooperstown Junction, New York
PRR 4913/Amtrak (4)913 — Railroaders Memorial Museum, Altoona, Pennsylvania
PRR 4917/Amtrak 4934 — Leatherstocking Railway Museum, Cooperstown Junction, New York
PRR 4918/Amtrak (4)916 — National Museum of Transportation, St Louis, Missouri
PRR 4919/Amtrak (4)917 — Virginia Museum of Transportation, Roanoke, Virginia
PRR 4927/Amtrak 4939 — Illinois Railway Museum, Union, Illinois
PRR 4933/Amtrak (4)926 — Central New York Chapter of the National Railroad Historical Society, Syracuse, New York. It has been cosmetically restored and is on display at the NYS Fairgrounds Historic Train Exhibit.
PRR 4935 / Amtrak 4935 — Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, Strasburg, Pennsylvania (nicknamed "Blackjack")
During the mid-1930s, many railroads streamlined locomotives and passenger cars to convey a fashionable sense of speed. While the Union Pacific had the M-10000 and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad the Zephyr, the PRR had the GG1. The GG1 has "shown up over the years in more advertisements and movie clips than any other locomotive." It was also featured in art calendars provided by PRR, which were used to "promote its reputation in the public eye." PRR-painted GG1s appear in the films Broadway Limited in 1941, The Clock in 1945, Blast of Silence in 1961, the 1962 version of The Manchurian Candidate, and Avalon in 1990. Two GG1s appear in the 1973 film The Seven-Ups—a black Penn Central locomotive and a silver, red and blue Amtrak locomotive. A Penn Central GG1 also appears in another 1973 film The Last Detail. PRR GG1 4821 appears briefly in the 1952 film The Greatest Show on Earth, hauling the Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus into Philadelphia's Greenwich Yard, as the movie's director Cecil B. DeMille narrates the scene of its arrival. Near the end of the 1951 film Bright Victory, GG1 #4849 is shown pulling into the station. A GG1 and the Congressional were featured on a postage stamp as part of the United States Postal Service's All Aboard! 20th Century American Trains set in 1999.
The PC games Railroad Tycoon II, Railroad Tycoon 3, Sid Meier's Railroads!, Train Fever, Transport Fever and Transport Fever 2 allow players to purchase and operate GG1 locomotive engines on their train routes. The GG1 is also available with the default Trainz Simulator Games in recent years, and is available as add-ons for Railworks, Train Simulator by Dovetail Games and Microsoft Train Simulator.
Model GG1s have been produced in G, O, S, HO, N and Z scales by Rivarossi, Bachmann, Tyco, Lionel, MTH, USA Trains, Kato, Astor, Fine Art Models, Marklin and other manufacturers.
models and route by: Protrainz, Auran, and Download Station
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