#the candy kingdom election
nathanielhansen718 · 7 months
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Nergal & Princess Bubblegum AI Generated Storybird.AI
Nergal's Adventure in Endsville.
As he returned to his world, Nergal couldn't help but look back one last time at the hidden city that had given him so much. With a smile on his face and warmth in his heart, he bid farewell to Endsville. 
The Candy Kingdom Election.
Princess Bubblegum decided to gather support from her kingdom. She went door to door, explaining her plans and promises. Her determination was unwavering.
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slowthypiglordblr · 11 months
Huntress Mononoke: Adventure Time Cast represented with Princess Mononoke Characters
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Finn the Human as Ashitaka
Finn's grass arm will probably be his cursed hand.
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Huntress Wizard as Mononoke Him/San
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Molto Larvo as Lord Nago
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Finn getting touched by Larvo's molten hand be like.
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Flame Princess as Kaya
While the english dub she refers to Ashitaka as "brother", she was actually meant to be his "Bride Elect".
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The Lich is represented through the Tatari-Gami/Demon Curse
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Marceline Abadeer as Moro-No-Kimi/Moro
Pretend that she can still shapeshift this time.
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Princess Bubblegum and Peppermint Butler are Lady Eboshi and Gonza respectively.
Iron town is the Candy Kingdom
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Billy as Okkotonushi/Okkoto
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Jake the Dog as Yakul
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Choose Goose as Jiko-Bou/Jigo
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The Lemongrabs are the Ape Tribe
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Mr. Pig and Tree Trunks are Koroku and Toki respectively
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The Penguins as the Kodoma
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There is literally nothing I can imagine from the Adventure Time Universe that quite matches the otherworldly nature and presence of the Shishigami/Forest Spirit/Nightwalker. So instead I'll just let you decide that one.
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Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum Propaganda Post
the epitome of gaslight gatekeep girlboss, made her own kingdom from biomass and rules it as kind of a dictator, this is called out in-narrative. She once made a task force of elite soldiers and when she came to the conclusion they were too violent she literally just killed them all and moved on. Convinced a king to keep his daughter socially isolated all of her life because she thought she'd be too dangerous, and then in that same kingdom nerely started a war because she just HAD to deface their sacred relics out of fear that they'd be turned into weapons.
She's a borderline dictator who fashioned herself a kingdom entirely populated by her own bioengineered citizens. Her first appearance features her experimenting on corpses. She had to care for herself and her brother in a post apocalyptic wasteland immediately after being spawned from a hive mind. She made a family for herself and they betrayed her and now she trusts nobody. She crushed her robot police force into a cube because they were too brutal. She spies on literally everybody. She's been tired for a very long time. She loses control of her kingdom after losing an election because she's too focused on the comet thats about to crash into the world and regains control after the new princess flees when vampires attack. She does everything out of genuine belief she is doing the right thing. She stops spying on people. She's trying to colonise space because she's paranoid the world is going to end. She's constantly aware of every threat to her kingdoma nd her people and wants nothing more than to protect them. She went to war with her own uncle. She's made of candy. She's even a lesbian.
She built her kingdom from the ground up herself after the family she created betrayed her. She's accomplished this though a lot of war crimes and scientific affronts to God. No, seriously. She created life on a whim and discards it just as easily, her experiments are sentient and yet she holds to remorse against killing them en mass, trapping them in a sort of psychic limbo, or straight up abandoning them. She loves to play with life. But she actually does care about her citizens, who she keeps intentionally stupid in order to keep control. She also holds control by spying on everyone, having cameras in kingdoms that aren't even her own, and gps trackers on all her people. She will sabotage and meddle in the affairs of other kingdoms so her own can prosper. She's called a dictator and a fascist on multiple occasions. She pushes the people in her life away to focus on this. And she's gay.
Created an entire civilization from scratch because she was lonely, then surveillance stated the hell out of them. Also did like a bunch of other morally questionable things but the surveillance state is the only one I can remember off the top of my head and I can't be bothered to look anything up right now. Despite this, she's a supporting protaganist who helps the heroes at least as much as she fucks things up for them. All This has lead to the most ice-cold video essay take that she's "THE REAL VILLAIN OF THE SHOW" no, you fucking idiot, she's a Morally Gray Girlboss
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via-the-cryptid · 1 year
How does the Sugar Snow war get resolved after? Like, at what point is it safe for Snow Queen and Simon to leave the TreeHouse neutral ground? Does Finn orchestrate a talking it out thing with PB or do they just leave after a while or what? Is Gunther wearing the crown and put in charge of re-freezing the ice kingdom here, too, and then at some point SQ gets word he’s done and they just never leave? How does Snow Queen know for sure that PB isn’t going to try to kidnap Simon or try anything again?
Bubblegum… kinda gets evicted from the Candy Kingdom during the aftermath of the war? King of Ooo takes advantage of the people’s upset with her to swoop in and talk about how it’s all her fault and the Snow Queen wouldn’t have attacked if PB hadn’t provoked her, which leads to the whole election arc and Bubblegum taking Peppermint Butler and going to live in her uncle’s cabin. Snow Queen is kind of ignoring her at this point due to how ecstatic she is that her prince is back, meaning that she’s kinda blind to the political repercussions of attacking one of the most powerful monarchs in Ooo and therefore doesn’t find neutral ground to be all that necessary. It was more Simon’s idea that they avoid PB since she’d just kidnapped him and he was still a little wary, and SQ just went along with it because it was what Simon and therefore she agreed automatically (yes this is unhealthy, yes they work on it).
Finn is a little disgruntled with PB, but he and Jake do try to get the two regents to sort things out after a while to cool down. bubblegum has had the chance to see that, with her prince finally by her side, Snow Queen just… isn’t doing anything anymore. She’s not harassing anyone, she’s not freezing random stuff, she’s just being normal (as normal as she’s capable of being, anyways). That’s really what tips the scales for PB, because her main worry was that SQ would one day be a more major threat to the Candy Kingdom, but now she’s able to see that SQ won’t actually do anything unless provoked, especially now that Simon is around.
this revelation is what leads to Bubblegum actually apologizing, and it’s Simon’s connection to her that makes Snow Queen accept the apology. in her mind, it’s a match between ‘friends with prince’ and ‘kept prince away from me’, but now that Simon is no longer imprisoned, the first option wins and Snow Queen… pretty much forgets that the whole war even happened to begin with. Benefits of being batshit crazy, I guess.
As for the Snow Kingdom, SQ was flying out there most days to rebuild, but she was taking Simon with her pretty much everywhere she went, so it was taking a bit longer than it normally would. Gunther is not allowed to wear Mom’s Special Shiny Hat, but he was allowed to watch over and guard the progress just to make sure nothing happened. He felt very important and Snow Queen was very proud.
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vespalover24 · 11 months
Winter King,
Hello again. I know it has been a while since we’ve last spoken, however with the discovery of cross universe mail lines, I’ve elected to send you a letter.
Life without a crown treats me well, the continued lack of magic beginning to feel normal. However, I would like to once again visit you. Your kingdom was a wonder, as were you. This letter, I hope, conveys my true delight at the thought of visiting once again. I could perhaps bring things from my universe that i beleive will interest you.
If you would like me to visit, please respond with a date and time that would be optimal for you, and I will respond accordingly.
Simon Petrikov
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hehehehe I knew you would come back to my kingdom dear Simon and you want to go on a date with me why not better than Candy Queen and you know you look very cute like a cute wet cat it was just a joke I'm looking forward to you coming to my kingdom but come alone without Fionna and Cake for now see you soon sweat Simon~ 😘💋
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tessathegamefreak · 1 year
(Ok. Tessa. I think I'm ready for the Next Generation AU role plays! I still got some more OCs in works (using the power of my imagination, of course), but I figured I'd start off with Clara's first time dimension hopping here. What do you think?)
Clara walks around, nervous but eager to meet some new people. Especially when it's her first time dimension hopping. Her mother can dimension hop, so she figured that she could do the same. In fact, her mother was very sweet, loving, and caring for Clara. And since Clara is now 17 years of age, she asked her mother if she could dimension hop on her own, which she said yes.
Right now, Clara was taking a look around in Sugar Rush.
OOC: I tried.
(definitely a good start)
Clara finds herself wandering around this sugary game, which has expanded over the past couple years largely in thanks to some life enhancing modifications. The town off by the race tracks is more commercial friendly, as the original racers of this game now own their own shops and manage their own economy.
Without Vanellope to rule over them, as she now lives in Slaughter Race, the characters of this game have done what they could to keep holding democratic elections and allowing the people to keep governing themselves. The current president of Sugar Rush is Nougetsia, and she does what she can to keep the peace in the kingdom.
As Clara wanders the land, she also sees that, besides the town, there was a second race track for the Next Gen children to race down.
Then further down the world, just along the chocolate river, she can see a very unusual spot of land. Unlike the rest of the game, which had a strong, pink palate, this patch of land was green. It was an area of the world that is themed after various herbs and teas, the main bushed by the river consisting of mint leaves. She also could have sworn she saw a shack on that same patch of land.
Would Nala like to explore the town in Sugar Rush further, maybe pay a visit to ye' olde Candy Castle, check out the second race track, or see what is going on in this odd patch of land with the shack?
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scarlethoodi · 1 year
I love the Fionna and Cake multiverse so here are some ideas I have for different universes:
Lemongarb and the lemon kingdom take over the Candy kingdom. When the Lemongarbs learned the recipe to create lemon people, Princess Bubblegum couldn’t have predicted their intelligence and military prowess and her kingdom is overthrown. LemonHope is helping to lead a rebellion against his home kingdom
The Fire Kingdom seizes power. Instead of being afraid that his daughter would seize power from him the Flame King uses her power to take over Ooo and literally everything else leading a trail of fire in their wake. Flame Princess still does usurp her father and rules as a stronger more powerful leader.
Instead of remaining afraid of what’s out there the humans arm themselves with advanced technology/military gear and cross the ocean back to their “home”. Ultimately they make it to the Land of Ooo. This can go either the colonization route or peaceful cohabitation.
The events of Elementals happen but doesn’t get overturned. LSP doesn’t know she’s an anti-elemental so she’s left to ‘survive’ on her own.
After losing the election Princess Bubblegum goes to live in the cabinet with Peppermint Butler however the candy people end up overthrowing the King of Ooo (or he abandons them ) and left to govern themselves everything goes to shit so fast even PB couldn’t figure out a way to fix things. Candy people split themselves into clans and there are an unnecessary amount of gang wars/civil conflict.
None of the kingdoms are friendly with each other and are constantly on the verge of war
As a child, not wanting Simon to keep using the crown Marcy steals it from him. Her plan was just to bury it somewhere so she sneaks off while he’s asleep but under attack she puts the crown on to protect herself and becomes corrupted by it.
The same events of episode 8 however this version of the Lich is Sweet P
Princess Bubblegum is the actual dictator y’all swear she is and the candy kingdom has seized control over other kingdoms through military force and violence
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outoftheirdifferences · 9 months
10 facts of Vanellope!
🌟 Drop one of my characters’ names in my inbox and I’ll tell you 10 facts about them 🌟 / @allnostalgic
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Vanellope wasn't just in the candycane forest by chance when she first met Ralph; it's been a favourite hangout of hers in Sugar Rush for a long time. Even before she discovered the secret opening in Diet Cola Mountain, it was a place where she'd come to avoid the other kids - since no-one really went there unless it was to harvest the candy cane branches for Christmas time - and even after she had her hideout, well, Vanellope was never been the kind of girl to just sit around in one place. In the forest there she could run and climb to her heart's content without worrying about anyone finding her there - and even if her tormentors did, well, Taffyta and the other kids couldn't climb like she could - so it gave her at least a bit of a sense of freedom. In fact even after the movie, when she's the beloved president and has the whole castle to herself, she still likes to come back there from time to time just because she's grown attached to the place.
Vanellope's glitching can sometimes cause her physical pain, but only sometimes. More commonly she hardly notices it at all, she's lived with it for as long as she can remember and if it feels a little strange when her whole code ripples like that? It's not only basically normal for her, it also doesn't hurt: it feels more like just a little shiver of not being quite there for a moment. However, of course, her glitching is also affected by her emotions: and when those emotions, especially negative ones, make it get really badly out of control, that's when it physically hurts her. Just what she needs when she's already upset, huh?
Ralph's medal isn't the only gift that Vanellope's made out of candy or baked goods. She's pretty deft at making things with her hands in general, and in a world with no shortage of edible materials at her disposal and not a lot else to do, she's had plenty of time to practice. She never really had anyone to give stuff to before, of course; but even post-movie, if she's giving a gift to anyone, expect it to be something - whether decorative or practical - handmade from candy and stuff. Why ever buy gifts from a store when this way is much more personal?
Vanellope does have an outfit more befitting her role as president - and not her princess dress that she can't stand, but a suit jacket that at least passes for semi-formal - but she rarely wears it except on really important occasions. For one thing, she's just more comfortable in her normal hoodie; but she also liked to kinda mess with visitors to the game, see how long it takes them to catch on that this scruffy little kid talking to them is actually someone important. The reactions when people do realise it are often priceless, and Vanellope gets far too much fun out of them.
Vanellope was no longer the president of Sugar Rush by the time the sequel rolled around. That role was never mentioned in WiR2, and this is my explanation as to why; like in the real world, a presidential term in Sugar Rush is four years, and the sequel is set six years later. Vanellope, confident that she had been doing a great job as ruler and that she had the election in the bag, didn't put as much effort into campaigning as she might have done; and as such the presidency was kind of swiped out from under her. (I'm not yet sure who she lost it to, but it wasn't any of the other racers; rather, one of the candy inhabitants of the game.) She was a generally well-loved president and got a respectable number of votes still, but there were enough voices who rathered a change; and the loss sent her into a bit of a slump for a while.
By the sequel two years later she was, of course, back to her lively self... but even so, no longer having the responsibilities of ruling the kingdom to attend to had left Vanellope at a bit of a loss. She'd got so used to being involved in everything that went on in Sugar Rush and working to make sure that her constituents were happy, that suddenly finding that much of it was no longer her business was difficult for her to adjust to. This is the point at which she put a lot of her focus into exploring all the shortcuts and bonus levels and whatever else the game had to offer... and why she's feeling kind of like she's already done everything by the sequel.
Post-sequel, while it's true that Vanellope has been added to Slaughter Race's code by Shank, she nonetheless has developed the habit of making herself scarce whenever the game undergoes routine maintenance. While part of this is just because it's a good excuse to get out and go other places while she won't be missed, another part is that she is aware that things could go badly for her if one of the programmers sees this character that they didn't make running around their game. Better not to make anyone suspicious who could make life difficult for her.
As a result of not having a dedicated role in Slaughter Race due to being a newcomer, Vanellope kind of tends to insert herself wherever she can fit. She and Shank are working together to develop her own bonus sidequest to the Shank's Car mission series, where gamers can actually encounter her on her own terms; but for now, while she often tags along with Shank's crew, she can also slip herself into any of the (many) other races across the Slaughter Race map that need an extra driver - she's kind of the emergency substitute racer for if any of the other NPC drivers need a break. She actually likes this more: it keeps things varied and fresh when she could be playing in literally any race or mission at a moment's notice.
Like many large online games, Slaughter Race has multiple servers to help with player spread a bit: this means that a fairly limited percentage of the player base actually stands any chance of encountering Vanellope since, as a single sprite, she's only resident in one specific server - unlike, say, Shank, a different version of whom exists on each Slaughter Race server. Given that this means that a large number of players stand no chance of encountering her at all, the online community generally dismisses reports of sightings of her as a prank or a hoax after people have gone looking for her in their own servers and found nothing. Vanellope rather enjoys this reputation, and kind of likes trolling the players in her server by letting them get glimpses and take screencaps of her, and then watching on the forums as they try and persuade players from other servers that they're not making it up.
Since being out in the internet, Vanellope has also started hosting her own talk show on the side. (This headcanon inspired by the WiR event in Disney Magic Kingdoms where she does have that thing.) Unlike in that game, however, this isn't limited just to the Disney royalty: she will get on there anyone and everyone who she, personally, finds interesting to feature as guests. So far its broadcast audience is limited to the fellow inhabitants of Slaughter Race, but she's looking to see if there's some way she can share it with her old friends from the arcade too.
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diodellet · 5 months
ooohh that ask game has some interesting questions hmm how abt 16, 18, and 23?
i am realizing just how much this ask game is making me bare my soul goshhh (/not srs), thanks for sending me an ask, bibi!
16. What makes you immediately close a fic that otherwise seemed good?
hm...well, most of the time i try to stick it out even if i'm not enjoying the fic from the first few sentences. like, maybe it's just me but a lot of the first words of a fic tends to be the (for lack of a better word) "the gunk" that precedes the actual story? like some stories just have slow starts, but they do get gud.
but to answer the q, i guess stuff that makes me roll my eyes at a fic, in the context of x readers would probably have to be:
disclaimer: most of the time, i don't mind reading these. but there are just moments where they bother me as i'm reading
reader getting carried bridal style (i dont like it, i hate it. id rather be carried like a sack of potatoes. or id rather be carried like a goat by its shepherd. but i do like seeing characters getting princess-carried) just carry me like this instead 🤧🤧👇
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royalty AU++CEO/office/corporate-setting AU (like secret princess of a kingdom or being a secretary, for example) i'm not a big fan of those kinds of settings. like ok sure a chara can look good in business formal or in some fine furs, but once the eye candy wears off thats when i exit the fic oops.
fics centered around marriage: i don't really enjoy reading proposals. also thinking of how the rings, the dresses, and the flowers look is hard bcs of my (partial?) aphantasia, but weddings Are Pretty Fun as a background setting. overall, i think what bothers me most is that the chara loses a bit of their personality after they get wed together with the reader.
^^actually in relation to this... im not that big of a fan of prom/dance settings, they both read very similarly, especially since the reader tends to be placed in the more passive role of being asked out. (but when you make it angsty or hurt/comfort, ok i will read it i'm a simple girl)
Oh and ig this is just me wishing for more in the Imposter-SAGAU genre of fanfic (i mean i'm still looking around, i don't feel desperate enough to write smth of my own), but i kinda wish the charas weren't so doe-eyed and quick to apologize to the reader. like, i get the feeling of wanting to write The Good Bits Immediately (e.g. being fawned over, getting to lord that blunder over the characters) but the potential of slowburn trauma recovery and developing a relationship from straight-up antagonism is Right There.
18. What media do you want to get into because of artists/writers you like?
i think i'd want to try reading more poetry? like, if i rb a lot of web weaving, i gotta know sumn other than "deep" pop lyrics (u wont find me saying nice things about ms sw*ft). so far i'm thinking of starting with ocean vuong and richard siken (basic ik but i mean, their works are good)
dunmeshi! i've been putting it off for forever 🙈🙈 (<-girlie watched frieren and forgor abt dunmeshi bcs they got yorushika to do the 2nd OP) but senshi,,,, SENSHI THE MAN THAT U ARE,,,,
Oh! and i'm rlly curious about alien stage! my sibling's dipping into it and he told me it was basically america's got talent x the promised neverland. and he said the magic words "toxic yaoi" and "doomed yuri," i Gotta watch it atp. (also like, carole and tuesday rearranged my brain, im ready to put a sadder spin on it😤)
23. What would you make a 5 hour video essay on, if you had enough time and motivation?
as soon as i read this all my hyperfixations have: left the server HAHAHA
maybe in terms of recent ones, i could try analyzing madds buckley's my love is sick. i wrote about that album for a final paper in a basic music elective, but i was constrained to only 3 pages so i only talked about 2-3 songs. but i could pretend to be a music major and regale ppl with how the leitmotifs tie together and completely destroy me add a new layer of meaning to the songs on subsequent listens. Also like, these songs just Get It (not sure what "it" is exactly, but there's smth related to first love and love lost*)
(but atm im just yoinking songs from there to use for fic/chapter titles, i plan on using one for this ruggie timeloop angst fic im plotting out anyway)
(art appreciation ask questions, please bug me to rb some underrated art and fic)
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Bubs FINALLY arrives... Chap. II, Day 1
If there was one thing that Bubblegum wasn't expecting, it was getting on a mandated flying ship to visit the land it was built on. Well, at least not now, considering... yeah...
Still, it was quite a view from all the way up here.
"Wow!" Exclaimed GingerBrave, jolting awake what little amount of drooziness Bubs had in this morning. "I've never seen the sky so blue! And look at all those awesome buildings!"
"It's quite a sight..." Bubs' eyes roamed across the Crème Republic, a giant city of glistening buildings, technological advancements, and a city which could be described as a Utopia.
"I never imagined the Crème Republic would be this big!" GingerBrave had shared gleefully, leaving a smile of agreeing plastered on Bubs' face.
"My friends..." Clotted Cream would speak, his magichanical coat practically glistening in the new scenery. "Allow me the honor to be the first to welcome you to the Crème Republic: where where culture and magichanical technology thrive."
Bubs would look at the floating building at the very centre of the republic, and can't help but compare it to the one back in their kingdom... Perhaps, it will be Bubs to be the judge of this...
As Crunchy Chip would admire how beautiful and blue the sea was, perhaps the seas in the Dark Cacao kingdom were much darker and colder... Wildberry would note how much tamer the conditions are in the Republic, all the while, Madeleine would begin his braggings and musings about his pride in the Republic and its integrity, only to be interrupted by Chip's wolf cake, who would bask in the wind, letting his tongue flick about as the ship grew closer and closer. At this, Espresso smirked.
"Consul, sir." Financier would announce, and ask him a question, "Shall I send word to the Elders that we have arrived?"
Suddenly, a protest came from Espresso, arguing that they "must analyze the Soul Jam without delay."
"Decisions, decisions... Right!" Clotted Cream would have all of the rest of the Cookies to elect which decision to make. Everyone was split down the middle, and much to Bubs' dismay, it was their vote that mattered.
"Uh... I mean, aren't we supposed to get the help of the Crème Republic? Going to meet the Elders sounds like the smarter and less illegal option."
"I concur." Financier had spoken, "Protocol stipulates that we report to the Convocation of Elders upon arrival."
All but Espresso nods at this, and Madeleine gives advice that, in order to get to the Lyceum quickly, they must go through the Piazza of Monument Spire.
Clotted Cream, after all of this, says that he agrees with this decision, and asks Madeleine to lead the way.
"Wow, so this is the Monument Spire?" GingerBrave asked as he spun around, taking in the view, much like all those around him. "It's so cool! The sunlight makes it seem like the tower is shining!"
"Haha!" Madeleine proudly exclaimed. "If you look closely at the base, there are two sugar gryphons holding up the spire."
What he failed to mention was the statue above the two gryphons, which had a head-dress and armor similar to his. Bubblegum looked up at it in admiration, knowing about the Great Madeleine lineage from their time being forced to research about it in training.
"They symbolize the Republic's commitment to safety and peace."
As they gawked at the monument, a strangely beautiful man approached them with a salutation, with perfectly coiffed white locks and a white robe, as well as a frilly white shawl, he even had a white hat with a star in the middle. Bubs seemed to be very interested in his persona, so, Clotted Cream emphasized greatly in greeting him.
"Greetings, Archbishop."
At the sound of these words, the cringing feeling of sour candy was felt on Bubs' taste buds…
"Esteemed delegates, allow me to introduce to you Archbishop Cream Cookie, the voice of the Republic's faith." The group nodded, while a slight lavender crept its way into Bubs' cheeks, embarrassed because of the crushing feeling they felt.
"May I ask where you're going?"
Clotted Cream explained that they were on their way to the Lyceum to report the events of the council and that they had acquired the Soul Jam, locked in an enchanted reliquary that would take either a witch's power of brute force or careful disabling of the magitechnological lock on it.
The Archbishop then suggests that they should first visit the Divine Sanctum, to pray to the Divine Light. "After all, your safe return is proof that their Celestial Light has watched over you during your travels."
All the Cookies who didn't hail from the Creme Republic had heard of the Divine Light from Madeleine's constant ramblings, or, at least the ones with keen ears, Financier's prayers throughout their trip.
Bubs does make note of how the Archbishop had made a slightly backhanded comment about them forgetting Republic customs... odd. Regardless, they all made their way to the Divine Sanctum.
As Bubs entered the pristine building, they couldn't help but to admire the infrastructure and beauty of the Sanctum. As Brave had said, "It's like the most beautiful cake, decorated with the fanciest toppings and cream." The Cream Wolf entered with happy panting while Crunchy Chip tried to get his brother-in-arms to calm down.
"Welcome to the Divine Sanctum." The Archbishop had said cheerfully, as he explained that the Sanctum was the most historically and culturally significant locations in all of the Crème Republic. As he properly introduces himself, suddenly, the voice of an old lady echoes through the halls, as she addresses the newcomers and Archbishop, noting how much more lively the Sanctum suddenly became.
"Elder Mille-feuille Cookie, I did not see you there." The Archbishop greeted her, and all turned to see the lovely and rotund old lady with graying brown hair, and a rich yet loving attitude in her walk and stance.
"I came to pray for those less fortunate; the Cookies who are suffering in pain and sadness." She had explained, before walking over to the group,
"Your journey here must have been exhausting. I thank the Divines that you have made it safely." The whole group had been both weirded out yet endeared to the Elder Mille-feuille's care.
"Thank you for your concern, Elder Mille-feuille Cookie." Clotted spoke slightly embarrassed, as she began patting off the crumbs on his face and hair.
"Erm... Who's this?" Brave asked Clotted, who quickly responded.
"I present to you Elder Mille-feuille Cookie, one of the nine members of the Convocation of Elders."
"A pleasure to meet you." She had bowed before the four foreigners, whom all bowed back, which she had appreciated, before she continued,
"You have played a crucial role in these trying times, as our lands are on the brink of war." Wildberry bowed again, putting his armored fist to his chest and lowering his head proudly, Chip had proudly bowed as well, Brave only shyly smiled and nodded, while Bubs did the same.
Then, the Elder turned to Clotty to give him praise for his success in the summit, to which he had seemed almost giddy in proudly but quietly explaining his success, which Bubs had found cute but funny. As Clotted Cream and Mille-feuille begin to chat about the happenings, the rest of the Odyssey Cookies quietly speak amongst themselves, so as to not disturb the important conversations between the three, as the Archbishop suddenly joined them. Within that conversation, however, Bubs had heard the words, "... rumors of heresy..." somewhere in the middle, before returning to their questions to Wildberry about the cuisine in the Hollyberry kingdom.
"What was that?!" Chip, as well as everyone else in the Sanctum suddenly became alert, as a girl starts screaming for help. The doors open, and the Cookie runs in panicking, that monsters are attacking the city, and that the Republic are under attack.
"What, monsters?!" The Republic Cookies stood in shock and fear of the report, while the Cookies from other kingdoms would hear the chaos coming from outside, and ready themselves.
"... Pardon my urgency, but may I ask that you watch over our cargo until we return? We must assess the situation at once!" Bubs heard this, and offered to stay with the Elder and the Archbishop, just in case, before all but Bubs leaves to deal with the situation.
"Thank you for assisting us. What is your name?" The kind old lady spoke, and Bubs, with a smile, said, "I am Bubblegum Cookie, at your service, Ma'am."
"Oh, no need to call me ma'am! You are allowed to call me Mille-feuille, or whatever you'd like!"
Bubs smiled, before seeing a ladder in the second floor that lead to the top of the roof.
"Is it okay if I climbed up there? Maybe I can assist my friends just in case?"
The Archbishop nodded, and Bubs began climbing up the stairs to reach the top.
When they finally reached the open space, they saw their Cookie friends encountering multiple Black Sugar Golems. Bubs counted about twenty, and noticed all of the chaos ensuing. Not wanting to let the citizens nor their friends get hurt, they'd pulled out Hunter's Gear, and activated Sniper mode, as they began shooting POP bullets at their weak points. It was a little difficult, with how surprisingly fast these Golems moved, and in making sure no other buildings would get crushed. At one of the Golems they had shot, Clotted realized the gunshot, and both he and Financier looked up to see Bubs on the rooftop, whom gave him a small salute, before returning to shooting at the Golems.
Before Bubs could shoot the last one, Wildberry and Financier worked together to destroy it, securing the safety of the Republic, at least, for this attack.
As they watched the citizens thank Brave and the others, a sudden loud shattering noise from inside the Sanctum made Bubs' reflexes act quickly, and immediately went down to find the source of it.
"Hey!" Bubs jumped down from the railings to kick down the assailant in a white mask. There were a bunch of masked Cookies that had stormed the Sanctum, which began to subdue the Archbishop and Mille-feuille to take and open the reliquary. Bubs began to fight against the swarm of people, trying to keep them away from the chest.
Despite Bubblegum's skill, however, the large group of infiltrators had then used their hostages to distract Bubs. The Cookies holding them in place began to threaten their lives, and Bubs turned, ready to threaten theirs, up until the sneaky Cookies then used this opportunity to try and knock them out, which didn't work, but did leave Bubs hurting and tired.
They'd began getting ganged up on, as they tried to stop the thieves from opening the reliquary, but it was too late. The masked Cookies scattered as the sound of fast running could be heard echoing from outside, leaving Bubs to lie down in defeat...
"What happened here?! Are you alright?" Brave asked as he sped inside, terrified at the sight of all three struggling to even stand.
"We... We were... attacked..." Mille-feuille explained, despite her breathlessness.
"Who'd dare?!" Clotted Cream had his hands balled into a fist, as he helped the three assaulted up with his tentacles. Despite Bubs' beating, they'd weakly point towards a shadowed area and yelled, "Over there!"
"We have what we need, let's go!" They had said before the masked Cookies would run out, making all but Clotted and Finn run out.
"The Soul Jam! Is the Soul Jam safe?!" Both of their questions were answered as they saw the seat in front of Bubs, on it, the reliquary was broken apart, crackling.
"SIR! The Soul Jam is missing!" Financier, for once with emotion in her voice, yelled out.
"I-I'm sorry... They overwhelmed me..." Bubs weakly apologized, before Clotted approached them,
"It's not your fault. Those Cookies, they'll pay for this! We need to hunt them down, now!" Financier nodded, and joined the rest of the Cookies running out, and just before Clotted joined them, he'd turn to Bubs with worry, and say,
"Please, rest here for now. Thank you for your service." He'd then speed off, eventually using his tentacles to lift him up and travel faster.
Bubs wasn't out for the count yet, though. They stood up, and asked for permission from the Archbishop and Elder Mille-feuille to go after those masked jerks, to which the Elder lady said, in an angered tone,
"Bring them to their knees for me, Bubblegum Cookie."
With a quick salute, Bubs blew a bubble around themselves, prepared to launch onto the second floor, and POP!
Returning up to the roof, they couldn't find anyone, so they'd blow another bubble around them, and launched themselves over to another roof, before running along it, and it didn't take long before they found the thieves who had the Soul Jam in their possession start splitting apart from one another, while their friends split up as well, trying to catch up with them. Torn, Bubs decides to stay on the rooftops, travelling between all of them to give support to all four.
Bubs followed Wildberry first, to help defeat the one with a Light Sword to mimic the power of Dark Cacao's Soul Jam. As Wildberry began to beat down the swarm attacking him, Bubs would jump from rooftop to rooftop, shooting down whichever Cookies they could, before speeding up to catch up with the mimicker, shooting at them, while blowing a bubble to lift up some random heavy object they found on the roof and launching it behind the Cookie to help Wildberry catch up.
They then jumped to a lot of different rooftops, and found GingerBrave, facing off against a unique masked man, one in all black. With a smirk, Bubs blew a bubble around themself, and launched right at the Cookie, which led to Brave immediately dashing to hit the masked Cookie across the face with his cane. Bubs then used this opportunity to shoot down the rest of the masked Cookies, not caring if that hurt them, before continuing on in their pursuit, waving goodbye and wishing good luck to Brave, they'd pop off on the rooftops again, trying to find the rest.
They had reached a dock and marketplace area in their search, and so, had dropped down to the docks to try and find who they could help, only to see that Espresso, Crunchy Chip and his Cream Wolf had won their fight already. As Chip and the Cream Wolf had turned, Bubs had already popped their bubble, launching away. Chip could only hope that the others had found the Soul Jam, as the two Cookies and Wolf started to make it back to the Sanctum.
Bubs had also found Ser Madeleine Cookie, seeing he had already won against his enemy, once again, went back to find another friend in need of support.
Finally, Bubs found Clotted and Financier cornering the last thief, telling them to return the precious item. When the Cookie only attacked with a kinetic strike towards them, that's when Bubs jumped down, shooting towards the other masked villains, before rolling towards the duo.
"Hope I'm not interrupting anything."
"W-what?! I told you specifically to stay in the Sanctum and rest!" Clotted Cream exasperatedly yelled at Bubblegum Cookie, concerned for their health.
"Now is not the time, Consul!" Financier interrupted his concerns, as she dashed towards their target, followed by Bubs, which left Clotted stumbling on his words as he tries to argue, but can't.
In a bid to help the group, Clotted began to target the enemy for his Cage of Light, which was made difficult by the speed of the combat that both they and Ser Financier and Bubblegum Cookie had. With a nervous breath, he let his cage catch, hoping to hit the thief. But he was horrified to see that he had instead hit Financier, who was now frozen in place. The masked Cookie, while keeping Bubs away, used this as an opportunity to launch Financier away. Charging the strike, Financier tried to break out of the cage, while Clotted was trying to turn it off. Bubs, thinking quickly, tackled the masked Cookie, but they had already struck the attack by the time Bubs made contact, sending Financier all the way to the Sanctum.
"SER FINANCIER!" Clotted Cream yelled in fear as he watched her get launched away. And returned his gaze towards Bubblegum Cookie, still struggling with the thief, and, with another breath, he'd used his tentacles to reach the Soul Jam, before they could use it against the already injured Bubblegum Cookie, before wrapping the other tentacles around the masked Cookie and squeezing them tight as he speaks in a low and angered voice,
"The likes of you have no right to claim it!" With one last hard squeeze, he knocked out the masked Cookie, and started retracting his tentacles, before running over to Bubblegum Cookie.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. What was that light cage thing that stopped Financier, though?"
Clotted winced, before admitting, "It was mine. A magic spell I'm still trying to practice."
"You need accuracy training, then." Bubs bluntly spoke. "Anyway, we got our Soul Jam, so now, let's bring that-" Bubs then doubled over, coughing up jam, as they realized just how badly they took it.
"Bubblegum! I- okay... We need to bring you back, we have the Soul Jam, anyway, we will deal with- them... Where did they go?" Clotted looked around, all that was left was the signs of a fight, except for the knocked out or tired Cookies strewn about the streets. Without missing a beat, he used his tentacles to carry Bubs back to the Sanctum.
Financier listened intently as GingerBrave and Madeleine had reported their failure to retrieve a Soul Jam from the Cookies who didn't have one, still holding her torso where it hurt. After she got launched away, she fell onto a rooftop hard, and then the floor, hurting her chest quite badly. She tried to return to Clotted Cream and Bubblegum, only to be held back by Madeleine and GingerBrave, who saw how injured she was and told her to rest first, which is what they will do first.
Suddenly, Crunchy Chip and Espresso entered the Sanctum triumphantly, followed shortly by Wildberry, whom gripped something in his hand that glowed a purple hue. As the General began to question the others for his king's Soul Jam, she spoke up,
"I believe Wildberry Cookie has succeeded in retrieving one, there is something glowing in his hand." She sighed in relief as Wildberry revealed it to be Dark Cacao's, and a sigh was also released by Crunchy Chip, relieved that his King's most prized possession was not harmed, relaying how this surprise mission was much more difficult than his training for seven days and nights... on an empty stomach... in the mountains... durring a blizzard.
But then came the worry for the last Soul Jam, and as Financier was just about to stand up and try to return, that's when the Consul walked in, gently laying down Bubs on one of the pews while he was panting.
"Ah! My friends! I am glad to see everyone here! Is everyone safe and sound?" Clotted asked, as he caught his breath.
Brave ran over to Bubs, looking over if they had any major injuries outside of the beating, and sighed in relief after seeing they were safe. "We're OK. Did you find the Soul Jam?"
"With great success!" Clotted spoke, with a slight hitch in his breath, "The masked fiend I was chasing was holding it tight."
Espresso then snatched the Soul Jam away from Clotted Cream's hand.
"If I may," he spoke, before reaching the other two, whom had held out their hands to reveal the other two Soul Jam.
"Yes, no doubt about it. These are indeed genuine." Espresso continued speaking about their unchanged quality, meanwhile, Bubs rose up with a tired look, saying tiredly,
"Good, because if I wasted that energy on healing just to get some counterfeits somehow, then I would have just jumped off of the docks."
"Clotted Cream Cookie! Why YOU..." Crunchy Chip had suddenly growled out, shocking everyone, and leading Financier to immediately step in-between them. "We almost lost the Soul Jam! Was this your plot all along?! Huh?!"
"Let us speak without physical altercation."
Both Crunchy Chip and Wildberry threatened Clotted, who apologized oddly genuinely. Even mentioning how there was an anti-tracking device to the reliquary. Espresso Cookie quickly suggested to bring the Soul Jam in the Institute of Thaumaturgy, knowing it will be the safest place it could be.
"What about Bubblegum Cookie? And Financier Cookie?" GingerBrave suddenly asked, leading Financier Cookie to say "I can handle an injury like this one. The Light is currently healing me, as we speak."
"Perhaps we can help heal them." Archbishop Cream Cookie spoke up, and both he and Elder Mille-feuille Cookie approached the injured Cookie.
"We must make haste. GingerBrave, we put trust that you will keep Bubblegum Cookie company." Clotted Cream spoke with urgency, before Wildberry then suggested that he'd stay with them as well, since they would need someone strong just in case they get ambushed for any reason.
"Thanks, Wildberry." Bubs said weakly. Clotted handed Brave a map, before the rest of the Cookies left, with Clotted Cream having a lingering look of worry for Bubblegum.
"On the bright side, I've never felt more alive in a while..." Bubs joked, before wincing when they felt something in their arm hurt.
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Two Swords: Finn and Jake must deal with a stranger made of grass who insists that he is also Finn Mertens.
Hot Diggity Doom: An election to determine the Candy Kingdom's ruler turns disastrous when the incompetent King of Ooo wins.
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civicmuses · 13 days
The Candy Kingdom's election, the purple catalyst comet, the brief revival of the vampire council, Bubblegum being dethroned and then returned to her thrown, Finn & Jake's journey to the human islands and the elemental overload all happened in the same year.
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Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom| Dragons Den Keto United KingdomOr Dr. Certified
Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom The ketogenic diet, a high-fat, low-carb eating routine, has been hailed for its capacity to assist with weight reduction and generally speaking Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Mythical serpents Nook: Is it a Trick or Genuine Read it to Find out about Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom!
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Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Do you battle with your weight? Not Content with Your Overweight Body and massive body shape? Is it true or not that you are looking for a basic method to get in shape that doesn't require calorie counting or extreme activity? World class Keto ACV Chewy candies can be the best solution for you. These chewy candies can assist you with consuming fat, control your craving, and remain empowered thanks to their regular fixings.
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The ketogenic diet, a high-fat, low-carb eating routine, has been hailed for its capacity to assist with weight reduction and in general wellbeing. Regardless of its ubiquity, many individuals battle to adhere to this rigid eating plan.
Assuming you've been experiencing the ketogenic diet, you're in good company. This metabolic condition, known as ketosis, has been connected to a few medical advantages, and it very well might be an extraordinary option for individuals trying to lessen weight. In any case, the troubles associated with adhering to a keto diet make many individuals leave the programming completely.
Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom has as of late acquired notoriety in the wellbeing and health industry as a dietary enhancement that upholds a ketogenic way of life. These chewy candies are a helpful and delectable method for enhancing your eating routine with significant supplements that can be hard to get on a ketogenic diet. Keep perusing to become familiar with this unimaginable item and how it can assist you with accomplishing your weight reduction targets.
What is Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Winged serpents Lair?
These are more well known dietary enhancements on the lookout and have even been recommended by a few specialists and nutritionists. They are made with regular fixings that are known to assist with advancing fat consuming and increment energy levels. The fundamental fixing in this item is BHB Ketone, these launches your weight reduction without being in 3 to 4 days starve. BHB is a significant energy hotspot for the body, especially for the cerebrum, which can use as an elective fuel source when glucose levels are low.
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Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Holland And Barrett likewise contain different fixings that are useful for the body, for example, MCT oil, which is a kind of fat that is immediately retained and changed over into ketones by the liver. MCT oil is a famous enhancement among those following a ketogenic diet as it can assist with expanding energy levels and backing weight reduction. The chewy candies are improved with stevia, a characteristic sugar that has zero calories and doesn't influence glucose levels, making it a reasonable choice for those on a low-carb diet.
What Is Ketosis and Why Is It Significant for Getting thinner?
The ketosis cycle is a characteristic reaction to a significant decrease in starch consumption. At the point when there isn't sufficient glucose (sugar) from carbs to satisfy your body's energy needs, your body starts a progression of metabolic changes to adjust to this new fuel source. Ketosis further develops digestion and lifts the weight reduction process by checking put away fat for energy age. Under ordinary conditions, your body's significant energy source is glucose (sugar) from carbs.
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At the point when starch admission is definitely diminished, as in a ketogenic diet, there is deficient glucose to supply the body's energy requests. Subsequently, the body starts to debase put away fat into particles known as ketone bodies, which can then be utilized as an elective fuel source. This empowers the body to consume put away fat all the more effectively, bringing about weight reduction and upgraded wellbeing.
How does Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Mythical beasts Nook work?
Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Winged serpents Sanctum furnishes the body with the supplements it necessities to progress into a condition of ketosis. At the point when the body is in ketosis, it consumes fat for fuel rather than glucose, which can bring about weight reduction and expanded energy levels. The BHB in Mythical serpents Nook Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom is an exogenous ketone, and that implies it is created beyond the body.
Exogenous ketones can assist the body with progressing into a condition of ketosis all the more rapidly, especially during the beginning phases of a ketogenic diet when the body is as yet changing in accordance with the new dietary changes. MCT oil in Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Winged serpents Cave can likewise assist with supporting the body's progress into ketosis by furnishing the body with a promptly accessible wellspring of ketones. MCT oil is immediately ingested and changed over into ketones by the liver, which can assist with expanding energy levels and backing weight reduction.
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What are the advantages of Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Mythical serpents Nook?
The advantages of First Recipe Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom include:Supporting the body's change into a condition of ketosis: The BHB and MCT oil in Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Winged serpents Cave can assist with supporting the body's progress into a condition of ketosis, which can bring about weight reduction and expanded energy levels.
Helpful and simple to utilize: Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Winged serpents Cave is an advantageous and simple method for enhancing your eating routine with significant supplements that are hard to get on a ketogenic diet.
Scrumptious and charming: Not at all like different enhancements, Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Holland And Barrett is delicious and pleasant to eat, making it simpler to adhere to a ketogenic diet.
May assist with decreasing desires: A few clients have revealed that Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Winged serpents Cave has diminished desires for sweet and high-starch food sources.
What is the Dose Level for Compelling Outcomes?
Peruse the mark: Prior to utilizing Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Winged serpents Sanctum, it is critical to peruse the name and adhere to the producer's directions for use.
Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Decide the suggested measurements: The suggested dose for Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Winged serpents Lair might shift relying upon the item and the producer's guidelines. Ordinarily, the suggested dose is 1-2 chewy candies each day.
Take with water: Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Winged serpents Cave ought to be taken with a glass of water to assist with processing and ingestion.
Integrate into a ketogenic diet: Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Winged serpents Nook are intended to help a ketogenic diet, so it is essential to integrate them into an eating routine that is high in solid fats, protein, and low carbs.
Consistency: To accomplish the best outcomes, it is critical to take Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Mythical beasts Cave reliably consistently as coordinated by the producer.
Counsel a medical care proficient: Prior to beginning any new enhancement, it is generally really smart to talk with a medical services proficient, particularly on the off chance that you have any fundamental medical issue or are taking medicine.
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It is critical to take note of that the use directions for Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Mythical serpents Sanctum might shift relying upon the item, so it is generally vital to peruse the name and adhere to the maker's guidelines for use.
Who Is Proper for Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Winged serpents Lair?
In the event that you're contemplating beginning a ketogenic diet, or on the other hand in the event that you're now on one and searching for a helpful, powerful way to deal with help your keto way of life, Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Mythical serpents Sanctum may be a decent choice for you.
These chewy candies join the demonstrated benefits of apple juice vinegar with the strength of a ketogenic diet, conveying a characteristic and pleasant way to deal with decreasing weight and keeping a sound way of life. In this part, we'll audit who ought to utilize Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Winged serpents Cave and how they can assist you with arriving at your wellbeing objectives.
Is Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Winged serpents Nook Supplement Safe?
Regular parts are remembered for the blend. These chewy candies ought not be consumed assuming you are susceptible to press or minerals. The parts are all present in modest quantities in the item. Assuming that you have any inquiries, if it's not too much trouble, counsel the data booklet or contact your PCP. Individuals who fall into any of the accompanying classes ought to try not to utilize Apple Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom.
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Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Individuals younger than 18 or minors.
Anybody taking prescription or dependent on a particular synthetic.
There are no known symptoms of Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Winged serpents Cave, albeit a few clients might encounter stomach related distress in the event that they consume such a large number of chewy candies immediately. It is essential to follow the prescribed measurement on the bundling and to talk with a medical care proficient prior to beginning any new enhancement.
Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Mythical beasts Cave could help you in carrying on with a sound way of life. You could see a total body change in just three to five months. These chewy candies are generally suggested and trusted for weight reduction with next to no secondary effects.
These will you to wear your number one pants and can go shirtless on sea shores without a second thought. These chewy candies are dependable, and their reliable recipe ensures the ideal results. At the point when consumed as coordinated, the state of the art definition of Dragons Den Keto United Kingdom Winged serpents Sanctum guarantees convenient advantages. A sensible decision for weight reduction doesn't cause irritation or gastrointestinal bothering. An opportunity to buy is presently.
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Disclaimer: The above is a supported post, the perspectives communicated are those of the support/creator and don't address the stand and perspectives on Viewpoint Publication.
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Butterscotch BrowniesBy Bryson H. in Sophia, NC
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Jimdosite >> https://dragons-denketounite.jimdosite.com/
Techplanet >> https://techplanet.today/post/acv-for-dragons-den-keto-united-kingdomscam-or-legit-edragons-den-keto-united-kingdom-exposed-reviews-must-read-1
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healthylifestyle02 · 1 year
Quick Keto Gummies Dragons Den UK [Reviews 2023] Quick Keto ACV Gummies UK "SCAM EXPOSED" Quick Keto Gummies Dragons Den Truth?
What are Quick Keto Gummies ?
Quick Keto Gummies keep on sharing its skill in the Ketogenic diet for weight reduction. In this way, following a ketogenic diet has become a lot simpler with next to no secondary effects. Quick Keto Gummies decide on a substantially more reasonable and positive method for following up on fat collection and use it under energy creation. Ketogenic diet possesses your body's outer as well as interior parts of weight Heftiness by directing craving the executives for calories control and metabolic state represented by Ketosis state. In this express your body turns into a fat consuming machine by presenting Ketone Bodies as an elective energy asset from Glucose appropriately.
PINTEREST:- https://in.pinterest.com/healthy_tips03/
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How does Quick Keto Gummies work?
Quick Keto Gummies help to change Keto Adaptivity rate permitting your body to incline toward Ketosis and the development of the Ketone Bodies. Hence, ketosis state is referred to numerous as a super metabolic express that assists with using fat as fast as workable for energy creation. Following this, Ketone Bodies play an unmistakable part as focusing on fat as an essential energy asset for any individual who is supporting on the Ketosis state securely. Thus, Ketosis state exhorts the fat breakdown by transforming fat into BHB (Beta-Hydroxybutyrate) , an enabling arrangement known for a few activities appropriately. Fast Keto Chewy candies have been referred to for giving taste as well as better appropriateness to appropriately arrive at fat misfortune objectives with practically no outrageous circumstances.
PINTEREST:- https://in.pinterest.com/healthy_tips03/
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Why Do You Need Quick Keto Gummies in Today's Busy World?
Individuals these days are enticed by inexpensive food. As per studies, individuals' low quality food consumption has expanded as of late, especially during the Christmas season; this rate has increased to an alarmingly undeniable level; this food contains fats that altogether affect your body. This is likewise a significant job in weight gain. Individuals ought to likewise attempt to work on their wellbeing by beginning a keto diet and eating these chewy candies due to their requesting plans these days.
PINTEREST:- https://in.pinterest.com/healthy_tips03/
Ingredients of Quick Keto Gummies
Quick Keto Gummies Joined Realm is made with great fixings that are intended to help the keto diet and generally wellbeing and health. The primary fixings in these chewy candies include:
Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple juice vinegar is a matured vinegar produced using apples. It is known for its potential medical advantages, including supporting assimilation, controlling glucose levels, and advancing weight reduction.
Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB): BHB is a ketone body that is normally delivered by the liver during ketosis. It can assist with supporting the body's progress into ketosis, where the body consumes fat for energy rather than carbs.
MCT Oil: Medium-chain fatty oils (MCTs) are a kind of immersed fat that is utilized uniquely in contrast to different fats. They are effortlessly changed over into ketones, which can assist with supporting ketosis and fat consuming.
Organic Tapioca Syrup: Natural custard syrup is a characteristic sugar that is gotten from the cassava plant. It is a better option in contrast to handled sugars and can assist with adding a sweet taste to the chewy candies without raising glucose levels.
Organic Cane Sugar: natural sweetener is a characteristic sugar that is gotten from sugar stick. It is negligibly handled and contains follow measures of minerals and supplements.
PINTEREST:- https://in.pinterest.com/healthy_tips03/
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tvshowfeels · 4 years
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Adventure Time S7E13
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nicos-oc-hell · 2 years
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Full Name: Tyrion Haldir Eliphyra
Nicknames: Lancelot
Date of Birth: May 28th 1881
Gender: Non-binary (they/them/he)
Sexuality: Aro-ace
Blood Status: Half-blood
Ethnicity/Race: They are an elf from Atlantis
Nationality: Atlantean
Wood: Cedar wood
Core: Phoenix core
Length: 14 ½
Flexibility: Brittle
Other Magical Abilities: ability to breathe underwater, elven magic, wandless magic
Patronus: Rottwiler
Patronus Memory: Their first time using a bow and arrow
Boggart: Dexter’s dead body
Riddikulus: Dexter doing his fireworks thing out of his hands
House: Ravenclaw
OWL Classes:
Transfiguration - A
Charms - O
Herbology - E
Astronomy - A
Potions - A
History of Magic - P
Defense Against the Dark Arts - O
Flying - E
OWL Electives:
Care of Magical Creatures- O
Defense against the dark arts- O
Herbology- O
NEWT Classes:
Ancient Runes - E
Care of Magical Creatures - O
Defense Against the dark arts - E
Herbology - O
Charms - O
Quidditch: tbd not sure yet
Prefect: No
Clubs: Herbology club
Favorite Professors: Levi Fowler, herbology professor
Least Favorite Professors: history of magic teacher
Faceclaim: Tom Hardy- adult and older teen years (15-death) and Noah Jupe- child and younger teen years
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Height: 6’1
Weight & Physique: the body of a swimmer
Hair Color: Dark brown
Hair Style:
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Eye Color: Dark blue
Skin Tone: beige
Scars: a few on their hands and arms, nothing major
Modifications: (piercings, tattoos, glasses, etc.) they have one piercing on their left ear and a chameleon tattoo on his back
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Distinguishing Marks: if you look closely enough there are gills behind their ears and if they have their shirt off you can see the scales on their back
Clothing Style:
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Accessories: (watch, jewelry, etc.) they have a bunch of rings (stolen probably, old habits die hard)
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What’s In Their Pockets:
A pack of playing cards
A bottle of whatever drink they decide to drink that day
What’s In Their School Bag?
More drinks
Snacks (probably American snacks and seaweed)
Voiceclaim: Tom Hardy
Accent: (might differ from voiceclaim’s) British
Dialect: I know nothing of british dialects so whatever one that Tom Hardy has
Language Spoken: Atlantean, English, Latin, Greek and Ancient greek
Languages Understood: Atlantean, English, Latin, Greek and Ancient greek
Speech and/or Language Disorder: nope
Best Friends: Dexter, Ayas, Zuka, Echo, Griffin and Esra
Friends: Logan, Johnny, Elisen, Elyon
Helen Walsh @camillejeaneshphm
Acquaintances: tbd
It’s Complicated: tbd
Marcellus Thorne @endlessly-cursed
Emerson Page @cursebreakerfarrier
Milo Foy @praetoring
Eliot Gerard @kc-and-co
Atticus Doherty @hphmmatthewluther
Noah Taylor @camillejeaneshphm
Rivals: Sero and Nolan Miller @hogwartsmysteryho
Enemies: tbd
Pets: 3 pitbulls named Doug, Tigger and Riley
Tumblr media
Positive: observant, loyal, and creative
Neutral: adventurous, athletic, brutally honest
Negative: Sarcastic, very impatient, very skeptical of humans, grouchy and stubborn
Color: Pink
Food: Seaweed
Weather: Rain
Books: Whatever they can get their hands on but especially horror books
Hobbies: reading, pyrography, origami, bothering their friends and causing mayham
Music: tbd
Dislikes: Sero
Description: Haldir is an elf from the lost city of Atlantis which is off the coast of Galveston over in Texas, America. They are very reserved when it comes to humans, considering they are fucking up their home I don’t blame them, but once they get to know the people a bit more they’ll stop being a dick.
MBTI Description: tbd
Pre-Hogwarts Childhood:
Running/swimming around the streets of Atlantis as an orphan causing trouble before they were scooped up by the knight corps as were all troubled orphans. They were raised alongside Sero, Echo and Esra to be knights for their kingdom
Hogwarts Years:
Causing mayham with their dormmates and easily wiggling their way out of trouble
Continuing their training with Dexter on the weekends
Being accepting into the knight corps at the age of 16
Fighting a bunch of wars with other smaller water nations who wanted to take over Atlantis
Died in a war with some water nation that rose way too quickly in power
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