#the buttercream squad oneshot
g-xix · 1 year
Hey love <3 Could you write something about Niko being jealous? Cause I swear my man always acts all tough but deep down he's a little insecure 'cause he's so tall and lanky?
ofc babes, ask and you wil recieve ✨✨
One jealous Niko coming up!! First of all, pose for the camera:
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Slayed. Okay, now go on n enjoy the extra-long, 3k oneshot!!
"TODAY, THE BETA SQUAD DOES ANOTHER PATHETIC ATTEMPT AT A COOKING VIDEO!" Chunkz had yelled the introduction before the groups were introduced: Big Aneson Gib, AJ and Sharky on one team, and Niko, Kenny and Olivia on the other team. 
Gib and Olivia were the featured guests for the video, and Niko was secretly thrilled to have Olivia on his team. Despite nobody catching on- Niko had been... seeing Olivia for quite some time. Stress on the "seeing", as he didn't know whether it was really romantic. He didn't really know if she even liked him. 
All they'd done was filmed a "public pranks in the library" video and gone to grab a coffee afterwards, catching up a week later in the same café to edit the video together before ending up going on a walk through Primrose Park... They could have all been friendly gestures, at the end of the day.
But their meetups gave Niko butterflies, regardless. 
"Okay, what cake are we making?" Olivia pulled the cook book from the desk and began flicking through the pages. Niko leaned over her shoulder to try and catch a glimpse of what options there were, though Kenny seemed to beat him to it.
"Oo we should do the carrot cake," Kenny pointed the cake out- topped with buttercream and sprinkled walnuts.
"Isn't that a bit ambitious?" Niko asked, scrunching his brows together in confusion. Kenny couldn't cook to save his life and Niko knew that between the two of them they weren't very likely to produce an edible cake.
"Ambitious but... seems do-able." Olivia nodded in approval. "I make carrot cake quite a bit for my neighbour so we have a bit of experience at least."
"You make food for your neighbour?!" Kenny repeated incredulously, before grinning and offering a wink as he said: "Damn, where do you live and can I move in with you?"
Niko furrowed his brows in confusion. Was Kenny trying to flirt with her?
Kenny might not have been flirting but it made Niko uncomfortable regardless. He hadn't actually introduced his friends to Olivia, and he felt like considering this was Kenny and Olivia's first meeting, they seemed to get on better than Niko had expected. Especially as Niko then watched as Olivia giggled at Kenny, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and looking down in flattery. 
Niko felt an odd sinking in his chest- all the way down until there was a miserable lump in Niko's stomach.
Kenny was flirting.
And Niko was jealous.
"Right then," Niko clapped a hand on either's shoulders, pushing his body between theirs to force them apart. "Let's start making, then. What ingredients do we need?"
Niko and Kenny were whisked away to the fridge in search of milk, butter, carrots and a few more items whilst Olivia sifted through the pantry.
"You good, bro?" Kenny checked up as they both searched for the butter.
"Fabulous, fantastic, perfect." Niko listed off the words, concealing the twinge of annoyance behind a smile before turning to check Kenny's expression. "Why'd you ask?"
"Dunno, seemed a bit tense." Kenny shrugged before pulling the butter from the fridge with a grin, patting Niko's shoulder as he shut the fridge and picked up all the ingredients they'd scavenged. "Hey, Olivia's nice isn't she?"
"Yeah... Lovely." Niko spoke slowly before gritting his teeth, holding the milk carton with two hands to avoid throwing it at the back of Kenny's thick head.
"Nice face as well," Kenny grinned before they returned to their station, dropping the ingredients besides Olivia's dry ingredients. She glanced up from the scales, flashing a smile.
"Great, thanks Kenny," She smiled at Kenny as though Niko weren't there at all. Was this some sick prank Kenny and her had orchestrated to tease him? Was she purposefully ignoring him?
Kenny seemed to bask in the praise though, as he grinned cockily and leaned against the workbench besides her, exuding confidence as he made talk.
"What can I do to help?" Kenny asked, picking up an egg and tossing it up, catching it cleanly and doing it again.
"You can try crack an egg into a separate bowl." Olivia instructed before (finally) turning to Niko, who had tried to lean against the workbench like Kenny had, but Niko simply felt like he looked a bit silly. Out of place and too tall to be leaning against the bench. And he had a feeling if he even tried to play catch with an egg like Kenny was he'd make an even bigger mess of himself. "We need four eggs so you can do two as well, Niko."
Niko nodded enthusiastically, puffing his chest and putting an egg in either hand.
"I can crack an egg without any shells getting in." Kenny bragged, neatly cracking his egg against the counter before the inside smoothly plopped into the bowl.
"That's easy stuff." Niko laughed, though he couldn't remember the last time he'd he'd cracked an egg. He followed what Kenny had done and much to his surprise he didn't spill the egg or allow any eggshell into the bowl.
"Can you do it one handed, though?" Kenny neatly cracked his egg with just one hand, impressing even Olivia as she nodded approvingly from behind.
"Impressive, Kenny." She appraised, as Kenny took a sweeping bow with a smirk only Niko could see. 
"Well, I..." Niko searched his mind for a way to one up Kenny. He wanted Olivia to praise him like that. "Can do that with my eyes closed."
"Can you really?" Olivia asked with a raised brow. She was clearly dubious but still seemed interested. "If you can then I will be seriously impressed."
"I'll make sure you can't see," Kenny reached around him and put a hand over his eyes, rendering Niko blind. Niko heard Olivia mutter a quiet ayo before he realised he was indeed not going to be able to do this. 
Niko managed to locate the counter, but not the bowl. He felt the slimy albumen glide over his fingers before the hand over his eyes was removed and he saw the smashed egg and shell all over the counter. Olivia had her hands covering her face in horror, eyes squeezed shut, and Kenny with a hand over his mouth trying to supress his incredulous guffaws. 
"WHICH IDIOT," Chunkz's voice boomed as he approached, spotting the mashed egg that was slowly slipping from the counter and dribbling down to the floor in escape. "HAS SMASHED AN EGG NOT IN THE BOWL?"
"A grave accident occurred-" Niko began explaining, putting on his camera persona to at least look as though he all had in under control. In reality, he could feel his annoyance oozing out into hot, bubbling jealousy in the pit of hit stomach. And embarrassment seemed to shroud him as he felt his cheeks glowing, ears probably a glowing red as he felt Olivia's gaze on the back of his neck.
"CLEAN IT!" Chunkz cut Niko off, muttering obscenities to the camera as he walked away. 
"Well then," Kenny slid the kitchen roll across the table and towards a scowling Niko, who ripped off a sheet and began scrubbing the workbench as he heard Kenny say "Well then, I guess that makes you and I the main chefs for now."
Niko could've turned around and kicked his shins right there and then. Instead he kept scrubbing at the slimy egg and hand picking the shell from the floor, inner turmoil bubbling and just about ready to boil over as he could only listen to their sickening laughter and little jokes. Niko watched as AJ sneakily approached Kenny and Olivia from behind (the two of them far too busy scooping the gloopy mixture into the cake tin)  with a small bottle of what appeared to be bright red herb in his hand.
Niko was ready to yell out for the Rat to piss off and stop trying to sabotage them, until it turned around and noticed Niko, grinning and instead diverting to chat with his favourite. Small, snarky and sincere, Aj had become Niko's favourite housemate, and they'd grown surprisingly closest out of the lot. For some reason, Niko always found himself able to pick up a grin around his favourite rodent. 
"What you doing scrounging 'round the floor whilst Kenny's stealing your girl?" AJ questioned cheekily, leaning over the workbench from behind to stoop down to Niko's level. Usually it was Niko that had to lean down to AJ's level, but Niko was amused by the role reversal none the less. 
"I dropped an egg now I have to clean up the mess like Chunkz-" Niko paused his explanation as he mulled over AJ's words once more. "Hang on, what do you mean by your girl?"
"I'm the master of love, I know everything Niko," AJ snickered as Niko rolled his eyes. "Cmon, you didn't think I missed the messages you've been sending her for meetups and to grab coffees, did you?"
"How'd you see those?!" Niko hissed, backing up to get away from Olivia in case she overheard their conversation. Though much to his dismay, Olivia seemed really occupied with Kenny as it were. "They are private messages for a reason!"
"Yeah yeah, just don't leave your phone unlocked when you go to take a piss." AJ rolled his eyes as Niko facepalmed. "But that's beyond the point- why you just letting Kenny flirt with her in front of you? I thought you liked her?
"I do," Niko sighed. "She's just... I don't know. I don't even know if she likes me. We never called our meetups 'dates'...I'm just angry for no reason. Kenny doesn't realise I like her and it isn't Olivia's responsibility to tell him to stop or anything... Besides, I don't blame her- Kenny's something different. The muscles, the smile... And he has good rizz-""
"Do you like her or Kenny?" AJ raised a brow.
"Her of course!" Niko exclaimed before closing his eyes and sighing. "I just don't know whether it's worth... Well, I don't even know what the whole deal is."
"The deal is that you're being a PUSSY," AJ pushed him from behind, Niko scrunching his eyebrows. Was AJ being for real? "Go and get her attention- make some shortbread or icing with her, i don't care... just stop watching from the side-lines. It's weird."
"Fine, you have me sold." Niko huffed before grinning as he turned to AJ. "Only because you're the master of love, though."
With a loving neck-slap from AJ, Niko returned to the workbench with a new sort of bravado as the other two slotted the cake tin into the oven. 
"Hey, Livvy," Niko called with a smile which he hoped exuded whatever Kenny managed to put into his smile- even using that nickname they'd laughed about in the park previously. "Wanna help me make some shortbread pieces for the top of the cake?"
"That's a great idea, yeah," Olivia nodded enthusiastically, leaving Kenny's side to join Niko. "There's some shortbread in the fridge that needs rolling out, I think- we can use that- and Kenny, you can work on the buttercream whilst we do."
Niko grinned as Olivia fetched the shortbread, Kenny working on the buttercream by himself leaving him and Olivia some time to spend with one another. Speaking of:
"Hey, Niko, some genius put the dough on the top shelf- can you use your superhuman length to grab it," Olivia called for Niko. 
Might be muscular but doesn't have my height Niko almost grinned at the thought, though he knew fully well Kenny would be able to grab the dough just as easily as he had done. 
"Hey," Olivia spoke with a hushed voice, meaning that he had to crouch down slightly to share the private conversation. He lowered himself until he was eye-level with her, grinning as she rolled her eyes at the gesture. She looked beautiful, right now. So Niko thought; with her bun slightly messy and askew, her cheeks dusted with a bit of flour, lips curved into that same beautiful smile. "You alright? You seemed a bit quiet earlier..."
Niko shook his head, the memory of being so annoyed at Kenny feeling stupid in itself. "All good, now." Olivia nodded before flashing a smile and taking his hand, pulling him back to the workbench now with butterflies swimming around his stomach, the feeling of her hand slotted between his so perfectly giving him almost a headache from the insane headrush he was getting. 
Olivia was first to plop the dough down, unsuccessfully attempting to knead it with her hands before offering it to Niko. "Whatever setting that fridge is on, they've basically frozen that dough," She had grumbled, complaining it was too stiff for her to roll out. 
Well fuck, Niko thought, knowing damn well he didn't have strong, dough-kneading arms. Still couldn't hurt to try, right? He had big hands and he was sure he'd read something in physics saying size was better that strength.
Rolling his sleeves up, Niko cracked his knuckles before attempting to stretch the dough with ease. As he lay his hand flat on it and attempted to push it out-
It didn't budge a bit. 
"This is, erm," Niko huffed as he put all his body's strength into stretching it out. "This has definitely been frozen- you can't even move a bit of this thing-"
"I'll give it a go," Kenny shrugged from across the workbench. Niko felt like ripping his hair out as Kenny began rolling his sleeves up. Obnoxious prick, Niko thought Everyone knows you have muscles, it's nothing special...
But it is special, another intrusive thought spoke, calmly enough to disturb Niko and offset his jealousy. Making Niko feel something maybe more depressing. Where's your muscles, Niko, you don't have what he has...
Niko huffed, pushing it to the back of his mind and letting his inner monologue overrule the thought. Either way, it's science, he won't be able to knead frozen dough- it'll just break off-
Niko's thoughts were futile as Kenny began rolling the dough out and kneading it with the fluidity of a baker. Olivia praised him and Niko internally rolled his eyes as Kenny lapped it all up with his stupid smirk on his face, flexing his bicep and letting her feel it whilst he worked the dough with the other hand.
Niko sulked, pushing the rolling pin from hand to hand and refusing to allow that stupid, demeaning thought play on his mind as his eyes caught a vacant AJ's gaze. AJ grinned as he made eye contact before looking to the side and catching Kenny and Olivia together again. AJ pointed to his mouth and gagged to sign-language his distaste. Niko exhaled a pathetic laugh, though he felt his heart growing heavy as he felt the moment slipping through his fingers once again. 
Yeah, Niko thought, I don't like seeing it either, AJ. 
It was fair to say that both cakes seemed surprisingly impressive considering the chefs. 
Niko, Kenny and Olivia's carrot cake looked delectable, coated in buttercream and topped with shortbread hearts and stars (and a complementary penis)  and Chunkz nodded in approval as theirs was placed on the front desk.
But also, Gib, AJ and Sharky's Victoria sponge seemed well crafted as well- with an even golden colour and gentle sifting of sugar powdered like snow on the top. 
AJ stood besides Niko, Olivia also besides Niko- her shoulder brushing against his arm. He felt as though he should put his arm around her shoulder, but his heart pounded in his chest at the mere thought of it. 
"I think we could win this!" Olivia whispered excitedly, looking up at Niko with a sparkle in her eyes that almost made Niko's heart melt. He took the opportunity, and decided to put his arm around her- hand on her shoulder as he rubbed it supportively in a side hug.
"All thanks to you," He whispered back with a sincere smile. Olivia's face only glowed even more, somehow.
"This is..." Chunkz went into the carrot cake for another spoonful before meeting the team's eyes with an astounded look.  "One of the best carrot cakes I've ever tasted."
"YESS!" Kenny cheered as Niko and Olivia met in a hug, Niko moreso celebrating the way Olivia wrapped her arms around his body as they hugged, resting her head against his body and jumping up and down with him, her hair bouncing up and down jovially. 
The groups went to taste their own creations, AJ giving Niko a slice which he said "hasn't been licked by me, yet" which Niko felt as though he were enjoying until he turned around and saw Kenny and Olivia trialling their carrot cake together.
Kenny had cut a slice out, taking a bite from it before nodding with wide eyes and picking up the slice, jokingly telling her to open wide and holding the slice out. 
Her cheeks were bright red, lips curved upwards and making her eyes contract into little crescents as she laughed at Kenny's gesture, though she leaned forwards to take a bite as Kenny placed his other hand beneath her chin, keeping complete eye contact even as she bit into the cake, only lowering his hand when she pulled away to swallow. 
Niko felt as though his heart had been slowly and agonizing pulled apart piece by piece in front of him, unmoved and placid whilst he watched Kenny laugh with Olivia. Niko never seen such a domestic look in Kenny's eyes as he smiled down at Olivia gently... and the terrifying way he seemed so warmed by Olivia's presence- her jokes, her smiles, her charisma...
And even Olivia seemed to like him.
It were as though someone had switched the channel- as though Niko's mind was just filled with static as he tuned out to the finale of the video, clearing the mess and helping the camera crew pack away without a word, his mind buzzing and racing as he worked on autopilot. 
Does she always seem that happy? He had himself questioning. Was she that happy with me? Did she smile like that all those times I went out with her? Does she compare me to Kenny? Does she think I'm less of a person compared to him...? That he's better than me...? Does she even think about me around him or does he mean that much to her that she loses her head around him the way I lose my head around her?
The questions shrouded his mind as he stepped outside, feeling as though a tear drop were rolling down his face as he exited the building, heart heavy and body a big bundle of nerves- like he were going to explode if someone touched him. 
"NIKO!" A hand on top of his was what woke him from his dazed state. He whirled around, electrified by the sheer feeling of someone's touch against his, waking him up from that horrifying daydream. 
There stood Olivia, his Livvy- hair still in a beautiful untidy bun, face still a perfectly stained with flour... Though she was wet. Droplets ran down her face like teartracks.
Niko looked up.
It was raining.
How hadn't he noticed it was raining? He had felt the teardrops staining his cheeks, yet not the heavy London bullets firing down the back of his neck. 
"Niko what-" Olivia's words were cut off as Niko tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. It had been covering her face. She smiled weakly at the gesture before clearing her throat and holding up her hand, carrying his puffer with her. "You forgot this..."
"Oh." Niko mustered. She didn't really care, did she. Was this all a game to her? Probably. He felt as though his efforts were futile, and so, Niko pulled his jacket from her arms before turning around and walking away again. She just came to give back his jacket. Of course. What else. 
He only managed a few more paces before he was stopped again.
"WHAT." This time he responded with an exclamation of his own. "What is it? Did I forget something else?! Did I mess something else up?! What now..."
He felt like shit the moment he'd let the words escape his mouth. Olivia's face seemed to fall slack.
"I just wanted to ask what's wrong..." Her face crumpled. Not as though she were about to cry- she was just suffering from empathy, and it made Niko's poor, bleeding heart seem to crumble.
He closed the gap between them and wrapped his arms around her shoulders- the two soaked bodies meeting in a warm embrace.
"You have no idea the way I feel for you you, Livvy." He mumbled, looking up at the sky. He couldn't tell whether he wanted her to hear it or not, but she seemed to have caught the message.
"Niko, you fucking idiot," She chuckled wetly against his sweatshirt, her harsh spoken words pulling Niko's head down so that their eyes met. "I don't know what you feel for me, but I... I like you. A lot."
The words seemed to take weight off of his shoulders. He looked down at the girl in his arms. His arms. His Livvy. 
"What about Kenny?" The words tumbled from his lips before he could stop them.
"What about him?" Her eyebrows furrowed as though she'd never even heard of his name. Then as though the truth of the universe hit her, her face cleared in realisation, before she began laughing. "Oh-Oh my, Niko, are you jealous?"
"Should I NOT be?!" Niko found it in himself to laugh incredulously. "I thought you two had something going this entire time?"
"I could never have anything with someone else when you're there, Niko." She smiled softly.  Niko couldn't take the feeling of bittersweet aching his heart carried. 
"I wanna kiss you so bad right now." Niko breathed, a smile tracing his lips.
Olivia was the one to get onto her tip-toes, throwing her arms around Niko's shoulders and pressing her lips softly against his. Niko's heart raced as he reciprocated the kiss, his arms instinctively pulling her closer by the waist. Time seemed to stand still as they melted into each other's embrace, their connection deepening with each passing second. 
Until Olivia pulled away, sucking in a breath of fresh air and grinning. 
The rain had soaked her hair, pressing those stray hairs flat against the sides of her face, and Niko yet couldn't think of anything but how lucky he was. And how stupid he was. How fucking ecstatic he was with Olivia in his arms. 
Hope you all enjoyed, pls give a little heart n whatnot if you liked
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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cursivesugg · 7 years
Exposed || Jack Maynard
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Requests are currently [ CLOSED ]
Masterlist can be found [ HERE ]
Word Count: 1.3k+
A/N: this is just a burn on basically all of us and i’m so sore; ALSO I’M BACK AND FULFILLING REQUESTS WHOOO!!xo
It was embarrassing for you to even think about; the way you used to be before you actually met Jack at a club in London and really got to know him as a person and not as his brand. He was handsome, but you'd always known that, but he had a way with words that made you feel as if you weren't talking to the boy whom you'd previously run a blog about, but he was a completely different guy. He was polite, a gentleman, and you came to the conclusion that photographs did not do his eyes any justice.
You exchanged numbers that night, and proceeded to spend hours upon hours texting non-stop, realising only when your eyes began to droop that you'd been messaging each other until three am, sometimes even later. It was one of your wildest dreams coming true, and you had to pinch yourself every so often to remind yourself that you were actually talking to him, and weren't just dreaming.
When you started dating for real, and became 'official', that was when you met the rest of the boys. You played it cool, but couldn't help the wide smile that remained on your lips all night long. But after a few months, you completely forgot about your blog, and the obsessive girl you'd been before you actually met Jack. You became a huge part of the buttercream squad, or 'gang', as a few of the boys liked to insist it was originally referred to as. You would shake your head and press your lips together in amusement, thinking back to the time when your friends in the tumblr fandom all lost it over them tweeting such nonsense.
When you appeared in one of Joe's vlogs, even if it was only for a split second as he turned around with the camera and caught a glimpse of you sat on his countertop with a juice box in your hands; the fans caught it without any issue at all. People began to speculate on who this mystery girl was, and why you seemed so comfortable in the company of all of the boys. As you read through all of the conspiracy enthused tweets, you couldn't help but smile softly and think back to a time when that was you, messaging your friends in all caps and making up wild stories just to amuse yourselves.
They gave up eventually, especially when Joe liked a tweet that a fan account had tweeted, telling everyone that they needed to calm the heck down and understand that the boys were entitled to a private life. You thought for sure that it was all over and done with, until one morning, you rolled over in bed and reached your arms out, expecting to make contact with Jack but to no avail. You open your eyes groggily and jut out your bottom lip into a pout, yawning as you stretch your arms and legs out wildly before standing up and wrapping your dressing gown around your shoulders.
You walk out into the living room, and seeing as you'd heard their voices before, you simply smile sleepily at Joe, Oli, Mikey and Josh before walking into the kitchen and wrapping your arms around Jack from behind, absorbing his warmth. "Why didn't you wake me up?" You mumble into his back before taking a step back and walking over to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.
As you walk back over to him, he kisses you softly and gestures down to the food he was preparing with a tilt of his head. "The only reason I'm up is because the boys blackmailed me into making them all breakfast, and you looked really comfy in bed."
You roll you eyes and grin, nudging him slightly before walking around the counter and collapsing onto one of the couches, forcing the boys to make space for you. You laugh and grin at them all, taking a sip of your water. "Morning."
You received a few grumpy 'mornings' back, and you looked down at your watch to check the time. it was only half past time in the morning, and you couldn't help but wonder why on earth the boys thought it was a good idea to get back at Jack for goodness knows what, by punishing themselves with an early morning.
You didn't understand these boys sometimes.
An hour later, you found yourself cuddles into Jack's side with your legs laying over Josh's lap as you all watched the screen intently, having mutually decided that Prison Break was the way to go. Jack was scrolling down his phone, not the biggest fan of Prison Break unlike the rest of you, and mumbling incoherently under his breath ever now and then, a habit you noticed he'd carried since the day you met him.
The boys left at around twelve, most of them only having free'd up their mornings and then had meetings to attend or videos to edit and/or film. With nothing to do with the rest of your day, you snuggle further into Jack and turn the TV onto YouTube, scrolling through your subscription box and frowning when you realised none of your favourite's had uploaded.
"Hey, babe, is this you?" Jack asks just as you decide on a video, and you hardly look up at the slightly old photograph of yourself before nodding and humming without thinking. It was only a few seconds later when it dawned on you, that the only place that you'd ever posted that picture was on your old blog, and you swore that in that moment, you heart stopped.
"What on earth does 'smol' mean?"
"Oh my god." You exhale slowly, shuffling away form him and curling up into a small ball on the other end of the sofa. "Please st-"
"'Jack is precious and needs to be protected at all costs. Don't fight me', spelt, f-i-t-e." He reads out the post, and your cheeks begin to burn in embarrassment. "Babe, I can't believe you used to run a fan blog about me!" You part your lips, but you were completely speechless as you watch him continue to school down the page. "Oh my god, you have like, hundreds of people tagging you in posts asking you if you're dead and so many people are worried about you because you haven't been online in a long time."
"Well I wasn't exactly going to continue running a blog about the guy I was dating, especially not because when people do eventually find out about us, they'll probably trace me back to that." You gesture to the phone, you face scrunched up as you try not to cringe into yourself. "Please put it away, it's really embarrassing."
He looks up at you over the screen and frowns at the look on your face, reluctantly putting the phone down onto the coffee table before tugging you into his lap and cupping your cheeks softly. "I'm only teasing you, you know that right? I don't really care if you were a fan of my video's or if you weren't, but honestly? Knowing that you liked me even before I knew you, that makes me really happy." He speaks softly, looking down at you and brushing the delicate skin under your eyes with the pad of his thumb.
You nod and scrunch up your nose again. "It's still horrible to think back. Like, that blog used to be my life, and I met so many amazing people through you without you even knowing who I was."
He smiles and presses his lips against your for a moment before pulling away and laughing slightly. "But seriously, what does 'smol' mean?"
You chuckled, the tension falling away from your shoulders slowly as you sit up and rest your head on Jack's shoulder, scrolling down your old blog and feeling incredibly nostalgic as you read through your conversations and looked at your cheesy edits, all he while explaining to Jack the way of the average 'fangirl' language.
Later that night, when Jack had left to go pick up some food, your phone lit up, notifying you that he'd tweeted.
@Jack_Maynard23 tweeted:
If your girlfriend used to run a fan blog about you, don't be sad, be rad, go pick up some chinese food for her, and proceed to tease her about it for the rest of her life #boyfriendgoals
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buttercream-maynard · 5 years
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This is everything 😍 I was wondering what Alex had been getting up to 😂
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buttercream-fanfic · 7 years
Hickeys - A Joe Sugg Imagine
This is for @Theheiressofargabah. I’m so sorry it’s taken so long! Please keep sending in some requests as I have a free day tomorrow to do them! Thanks for all the new followers!
“Ah fuck” you say looking into the mirror. You flashback to last night’s events where you and Joe went out for dinner with Zoe and Alfie and things got extremely frisky when you both got home. Even in the taxi Joe was sucking your neck and kissing you the entire way home when Zalfie weren’t watching you. Now as you look in the mirror you see giant red hickeys all over your neck and chest. Today was not the day to be having hickeys as you were going to be meeting Joe’s dad for the first time with Zoe and Joe. You were staying at Zalfie’s and planned to leaving in an hour or so. You scramble for your makeup and try to cover them up with a lot of concealer as your hair wasn’t long enough to cover them up. Luckily you were wearing a shirt that you could button up to the top to cover the ones on your chest. Whilst you were trying to conceal your neck, Zoe accidentally walks in on you. “Ah! Sorry y/n! I didn’t realise you were in here!” “Oh it’s ok Zoe, I’m just doing my makeup that’s all…” you reply. “Oh ok! Are you looking forward to - wait… what’s on your neck y/n?” Zoe asks curiously. “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about Zo” you say tilting your neck so the hickeys would be hidden. “Oh my god y/n! Really? Hickeys?” She says laughing. “Shut up Zo please! I need you to help me hide them!” You impatiently say. “Come into my room, I’ll help you out! She replies chuckling. You go into Zoe’s room and she grabs her best concealer and starts to cover the hickeys up as you gossip about the previous night. As this happens Joe walks in asking where you’ve been and what you’re doing. “Well Joe, I’ve had to cover up some pretty bad hickeys you have your girlfriend last night. Care to explain?” Zoe says as she tries to hide her smirk. “I, er, well…” Joe says as his face gets redder and redder. “Joe, it’s fine! You’re a grown man I know you have sex! I’ve managed to cover them up, just try and not give y/n anymore hickeys on show next time eh?” Zoe says giggling. “Ok! Shut up! I’m so not talking about sex with my sister” he says blushing. “Thanks Zoe. It would have been awful if I couldn’t cover them up before I met your dad!” You say to them, laughing nervously. “Hey, it’ll be fine and to be honest I think my dad wouldn’t even care if he saw them, he’d make fun of me instead! I love you y/n” Joe says sweetly whilst looking into your eyes. “Awwwww!” Zoe says. “Come on guys! Lets go to Wiltshire!”
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buttercream-me-up · 7 years
Unaccepted // Joeck
Word Count- 1548
Summary- Jack comes out to his parents, but he does not get the reaction he was expecting.
Warnings; This is a Jack x Joe, meaning no reader. There is mention of Homophobia. If you do not feel comfortable reading LGBTQ+ imagines, don’t read this. 
A/n; This is my first time writing something that isn’t including a reader, tell me what you think and please leave feedback if you have any x
req; Joeck request: Jack is upset because his mum didn't accept his sexuality but he doesn't wanna tell joe so he just pretends he's ill. But Joe wakes in the middle of the night to find Jack crying on the balcony and he breaks down and tells Joe everything. Joe comforts. Lots of fluff please xxx
Jack couldn’t believe it. He didn’t want to believe it. His own mother.. The person who’d been there through thick and thin. She didn’t approve of him. She was disgusted by him. He had never once thought his mother of all people wouldn’t approve. Conor assured him dozens of times; “She’ll accept you no matter what, Jack, but tell her when you’re ready.” He’d say. Well, apparently, Conor was wrong.
Today, he was finally ready to tell his parents about his sexuality. He’d known for years, but had only had relations with girls, despite his thoughts telling him he felt no attraction to them whatsoever. Now, that he had his first boyfriend, and after 4 months of sneaking around with him, Jack was ready to tell his mum and dad about his sexuality. They’d been pestering him about settling down with a nice girl, and he eventually let it slip out. His dad wasn’t really surprised, as he’d suspected it for years, but didn’t say anything. He stood up and engulfed Jack into a hug, accepting him immediately. His mother, wasn’t so friendly.
“What?” His mother said, a mixture of shock and disgust laced into her words. “You’re.. You’re gay?” She spat, eyes wide. “I should’ve known. I always knew there was something wrong with you.” She muttered, looking away, unable to look at her son anymore. “What? Mum, please..” Jack stuttered, eyes watering. “Don’t, Jack. Just.. don’t. I think it’s best you leave.” She said, leaving the room.
“D-dad?” He stuttered, brokenly. “I’m sorry, Jack. Give her some time.” He said, sympathetically. “I’ll talk to her, don’t worry. She just wasn’t expecting it, is all.” His father tried to comfort him, but they both knew she wasn’t one to change her opinions so easily. Without another word, Jack left his parent’s house, jumping into his car and driving out as fast as he could without breaking the law. He couldn’t stop the tears blurring his sight, so he pulled over (when it was safe, of course), and cried. He couldn’t bring himself to stop.
He’d been sat in the car for half an hour, simply crying. He’d lost his mother’s support; she’d always been his rock, and now she was gone. He sighed, his tears stopped and he was probably dehydrated. He didn’t feel it, though, as he was focused on the aching in his heart for his mother. Biting his lip, he looked both ways, front and back, then pulled back onto the road and made his way back to his shared flat with his boyfriend.
When Jack entered the flat, he was relieved to see Joe was filming a video and wasn’t paying him much attention. He went straight to the bathroom, splashing his face with water and cleaning himself up. He put on a brave face and pretended it was alright. He didn’t want to tell Joe; it would not only break him to re-live the memory; but he didn’t think he could bare to live with the broken look on Joe’s face if he told him. No, he’d keep to himself. At least for now.
He took a deep breath and left the room. Joe had just finished wrapping up the video he was filming, and smiled as Jack walked into the room. “Hey, Jack. Weren’t you supposed to be visiting your parents today?” Joe asked, furrowing his brows in confusion. “Mum got ill, had to reschedule.” Jack said, surprised he didn’t break down. “Oh, is she alright?” Joe asked, concerned. He’d met your parents before, though, the circumstances were quite different then. He’d got along great with them, when you were just introduced as friends. Now, he didn’t want to talk about it. “Yeah, just a little bug. It’ll pass, dad said.” He told his boyfriend, lying through his teeth. He hated lying to Joe, but he couldn’t bear telling him, it was too soon.
“Oh, okay.” Joe could easily tell something was wrong with Jack. He wasn’t himself, but Joe wasn’t one to push. He was patient, and confident Jack would tell him in his own time. “Well, do you want to film a video then relax and have a stay-in night? We can get Nando’s and put on stupid movies we can make fun of and stuff?” Joe asked, hopefully. Jack tended to cut himself off when he was upset, Joe hated it, but respected his way of dealing with it. He only wished Jack would open up to him more.
“I guess.” Jack muttered, earning a frown from Joe. “We don’t have to, if you don’t want to?” Joe was getting more concerned now, Jack loved filming and nights in with Nando’s. It was their tradition, when one of them was upset they’d cuddle on the couch and laugh at stupid movies, mocking them and posting unflattering pictures of each other on their snapchat and instagram stories. “No, it’s fine. Let’s do it.” Jack said, walking past Joe to set up the camera. Joe frowned deeply, but sighed and helped Jack set up.
Throughout the filming, it was quite obvious Jack’s heart wasn’t in it. He wasn’t making the cute, sarcastic, or funny comments he usually imputed through the video. He didn’t even laugh at the countless jokes Joe made, and Joe had enough. “Alright, what’s wrong, Jack?” He asked, sternly. Jack looked surprised. “What?” “You know exactly what, Jack. You aren’t laughing, you aren’t making jokes, and you usually love filming videos; you look like you’re forced to be here. Are you okay?” He asked, in a demanding tone. He hated raising his voice and being demanding of Jack, but he only wanted to help.
“I’m just feeling a bit under the weather. Can we just watch a movie?” Jack asked, and Joe sighed. “Yeah, of course.” He said, hiding the disappointment in his voice. They set up a comedy movie that had terrible reviews, neither of them knowing the name of it, and watched as Jack cuddled into Joe’s side. They had already ordered and finished their Nando’s. Usually, they’d watch movies like this and make jokes throughout the whole movie, but Jack hadn’t said a word. Jack was completely uncomfortable. He wanted desperately to tell Joe, but didn’t know how. “I don’t feel well. I’m just going to edit.” He said, getting up and leaving abruptly.
Joe didn’t know what to do. Jack loved his privacy, not liking to burden others with it, but he was never this distant with Joe, and it was worrying him. At this point, it was quite late, and Joe was exhausted from the long week. “I’m heading to bed.” Joe said to Jack, who was sat in the office. He nodded, “G’night.” No hug, kiss, or anything. “G’night, Jack.” Joe muttered, defeated.
Two hours later, it was almost 2am. Jack had long since turned off the computer, and was now debating whether to sleep on the couch or with his lover. He felt different; his mother’s opinion meant so much to him, and it was destroying him. He walked outside onto the balcony, hoping to clear his thoughts, but ended up breaking down. He cried. It was 2am, and here he was, crying on the balcony. Joe woke up, hearing traffic. Jack must’ve left the balcony opened. He slid out of bed, sighing, but froze when he heard the sounds of not only traffic, but sobs coming from the balcony.
Joe walked out, and he was sure his heart cracked then and there. Jack was on his knees, hands on his face, sobbing into them quietly. Joe ran over, wrapping his arms around Jack. “What’s wrong, Jack? Please, please tell me.” He pleaded, he couldn’t stand seeing Jack this way. “My mum hates me.” He managed, breaking down again and spinning around, crying into Joe’s shoulder.
“Why, Jack?” Joe asked, confused. He’d known all about the close relationship between Jack and his mother; he couldn’t possibly figure out why Jack thought she hated her. “For me being gay, Joe! She hates me for being gay!” Jack sobbed, his grip on Joe tightening. Joe tensed. It was his fault. “Jack, I’m so sorry..” Joe genuinely had no idea how to deal with this; his parents were happy with his sexuality.
They sat in silence for a while, Jack simply crying into Joe’s shoulder as he rubbed a soothing hand up and down Jack’s back. Once his crying slowed down, and he only had a few tears running down his reddened cheeks, which Joe wiped away with his hands. “Let’s get you to bed, Jack. Tomorrow we’ll ring Conor and have a lazy day in; ice cream and all. I’d say let’s have it now, but I ate all the ice cream earlier and it’s almost 3 in the morning.” Jack nodded, sniffling.
Joe walked Jack to the bed with a hand on his lower back, guiding him over to the bed. Joe tucked in Jack, running around to his side and climbing in, opening his arms for Jack to cuddle into, which he gladly did. Joe stayed away, running a hand through Jack’s hair until he felt his breathing even out, and smiled a bittersweet smile. “I’m so, so sorry Jack.” Joe whispered, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.
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Obsessed || Joe Sugg
summary: where things between you and joe heat up word count: 1k+ a/n: part two???? hmmmm,, also ive never rly written anything smut related (theres barely any in this) so im just getting used to it sorry if this isn’t up to par x  // He was just a friend of a friend, for the most part anyway.   Casual encounters at parties, or nights out in the many clubs their circle of friends ventured to.  It was always small jokes and the occasional innuendo, never anything more.  Everything you knew about him came from other people, because in all honesty, he was quite impossible to read.  He could be broody, lighthearted, and anywhere in between within the span of an hour.  With Joe, you never knew what to expect.  He was dubbed a mystery in your mind. But that was the fun in it. Trying to piece together the most minuscule bits of him was exhilarating.
 As weeks turned to months, you found yourself thirsting for his presence.  You jumped at any opportunity for even a few short minutes around him.  Whether it be to watch the Maynards, who had introduced you to him in the first place, make an appearance in one of his videos, or a quick bite to eat where you tagged along, a day in the park —anything. You kept your curiosity hidden behind your smirks as best as humanly possible. But still, you were worried you were becoming obsessed with what secrets were held behind those blue eyes.  I mean, who wouldn’t?
As time went on, the two of you began spending so much time around each other that a real bond was beginning to form.  Although you were still more than intrigued by him, he was becoming a friend of your own in the process. You no longer needed a middle man to make plans.  The excess company was no longer necessary.  Even with the comfort that came with a friendship, you still walked on eggshells around him.  One wrong move could potentially ruin it all, and it was a risk you weren’t willing to take.  The friendship, as fulfilling as it possibly could be, wasn’t what you craved.  You were positive he hadn’t ever looked you in that way, and it was a torturous reality you had to face.  Having him in your life as just a friend was better than not having him in your life at all.
 You knew Joe and Jack had plans that afternoon to film something together, another one of Joe’s outrageous ideas that somehow worked.  As terribly as you wanted to invite yourself over, you stayed cozy in your bed, intertwined with blankets, listening to the soft hum of the television all morning.  You couldn’t make your fascination any more noticeable than you already had, making plans had to be on Joe’s term from then on.  
Mid afternoon, the familiar buzz of your phone went off on your nightstand.
Joe: Can you come over to Jack’s? It's important.
Confused, you quickly replied, agreeing to his request.  It wouldn't have been an usual text if he had given some context, which he almost always did. Nonetheless, fifteen minutes later you were out the door.
The ride was under 10 minutes. You admired the scenery of your favorite city as the driver tried to make small talk.  You thanked him before paying your fare, and walking towards the familiar building.
 You had hardly knocked on the door when it swung open to reveal Joe, with a grin on his face.
“You good? Where's Jack?” You asked, adjusting the fabric of your shirt.
 “He wanted to shower really quick before we started, and I thought some company would be nice,” he replied.
 “I thought something happened!” You said, playfully hitting his arm. “You said it was important.” You walked a few paces in front of him, heading towards the couch.
 “My loneliness is important, Y/N, and I knew you'd jump at the chance.”
 Stopping in your place, you felt your heart drop into the pit of your stomach. What the hell was he on about?
Spinning around, you locked eyes. But before you could get another word out, you were backed up against a wall, his arms pressed against it.
 “I know what you’re up to,” he murmured, his breath hot against the edges of your neck. “I know what you’ve been up to all this time.”
 Flustered, you played the innocent card.  “I don’t know what you mean, Joe,” you replied shyly.
 He let out a small laugh. You watched intently as he parted his lips, gliding his tongue over his front teeth.  Electrifying every sensation throughout your body, he pressed your figure further against the wall.  His fingers playfully traced the curve of your hip.
 “I see the glances you think I don’t, I’ve always seen them, you’ve never been very careful, Y/N. I don’t mind them though,” he whispered.
 You heard the water from the bathroom come to a halt, signaling Jack would be out in no time.
 “So what if I have?”
 “Like I said, I don't mind. Just wish you'd stop being such a tease,” he whimpered. His hands were making their way under your shirt, the warmth of his palms dancing around your skin. “I know you want to.”
 You peered around the corner, anticipating Jack’s arrival at any second. “Not here, Jack’s gonna be out any minute.”
 He was lightly sucking on the skin above your collarbone as you try to withhold a small moan. “Joe,”
 “Y/N…” he mocked, “come on, we can tell Jack we have to run to the store or something.”
“We can't,” you protested.
 Why after all this time did he have to start something now? At Jack’s of all places, he really couldn't have initiated it any other time?
 The knob to the bathroom door turned, and you jumped out from underneath Joe, trying desperately to fiddle with your hair to cover up whatever remnants was appearing on your neck and chest.
 The first thing that came from Jack’s mouth was, “Y/N’s here?”
 You shot him a friendly smile, waving. “Hi, sorry. Joe just texted me he needed help with something.”
 “Alright, let me just get changed and we can start filming,” Jack added.
 You and Joe nodded in unison as he sneakily placed his hand on the center of your ass. He pressed his face close to yours before whispering “just so you know, we’re finishing that later.”
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imkylotrash · 8 years
Tinder Joke
Pairing: Josh Pieters x Reader
Word Count: 465 words.
Warnings: None really. Maybe spoilers if you haven’t seen his new video yet, haha. 
Request: Y/N and josh pieters are boyfriend and girlfriend and y/n accidentally punches or kicks josh in the balls sorta hard! @joshpleters
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It’s not meant to be real. The whole thing is a sketch as a way for Josh to let his fans know that the two of you are dating. The whole thing starts out with Josh asking Conor and you to do a video concerning Tinder. Of course, Conor can’t say no to a video like that. Ironically you and Josh actually did meet over Tinder, and now you’re playing the girl in the video that he meets over Tinder. 
“So what did I have to do?” you ask now that it’s your time to be in the video. 
“Basically Conor is going to set up the date and then you’ll be the girl that I thought was my match but is actually Conor’s match. So when you see me, you give me a kick in the balls because I’m not what you thought,” Josh explains and you nod. You’ve already practiced it, so you’re not actually kicking him in the balls. You’re just faking it for the video. But when it comes to you actually kicking him, you somehow end up kicking him for real. 
“Oh my,” he says breathless sinking down to the ground. Conor is a mess behind you from laughing so hard and you’re trying really hard not to laugh as well. 
“I’m so sorry, babe,” you say kneeling down next to him and placing your hand on his back. 
“Why would you do that?” he asks with a completely red face. You must’ve really hit him hard. 
“Well, you shouldn’t have moved!” you scold him while you’re laughing. 
“Mate, she got you good!” Conor laughs. Later on, when Josh regains his normal skin tone you film that part again and this time you get it right. Then all that’s left is the outro. 
“Obviously there’s a reason as to why I did this video. I partnered up with Tinder to make this video, and I’ll leave all the links down below for you guys to check out. But another thing I wanted to do with this video is to tell you guys that I have gotten myself a girlfriend. And this was kind of a sketch on how we met,” he explains signaling for you to sit in the frame with him. You sit next to him and intertwine your fingers with his. 
“Hi,” you wave to the camera feeling a bit out of place. 
“This is the beautiful Y/N, who just so happens to be my girlfriend. We’ve been together for about five months now. And we met over Tinder which is so cringy, but I’m also really happy that it happened,” Josh says with a smile looking over at you. 
“So am I,” you smile pecking his lips quickly. You can feel yourself blush a little. 
“You’re adorable.” 
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New Tumblr!
Hey! I've decided to start writing oneshots for the Buttercream Squad! Please send in prompts and I'll do my best to complete them! Unfortunately I don't write imagines or preferences as I'm not particularly keen on them, but I'll write about any of the boys (Jack, Conor, Joe, Josh, Caspar, Oli, Mikey) :) please don't hate and I'll try to do my best :)
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kissfanxing-blog · 7 years
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➳ buddy system information/instructions
Hey everyone! Before we get started, we here at kissfanxing would like to thank everyone that’s claimed prompts/self prompted so far! We’re excited to see so many people enthusiastic about kissfanxing round 3, and we really cannot thank all of you enough for participating. If you have yet to sign-up for kissfanxing, be sure to check our our claiming instructions to see how you can join in on the fun!
Now, onto the fun stuff…
New to kissfanxing this year, the mods are happy to introduce the buddy system as a part of our 2017-2018 round! You’ve probably seen heard bits and pieces regarding the buddy system throughout the info posts and emails that we’ve been sending out, but the time has come to provide full info on what exactly the buddy system is, what it entails, and how to join if you’re interested!
➵ So, what is the buddy system?
The buddy system is a way to connect kissfanxing participants with the mods to help ease some of the stress/pressure (stressure?) that comes with the creative process. Buddy system participants will have the opportunity to be paired up with one of the four kissfanxing mods (pinky, bubbles, bucky, egghead) to act as sort of a “mentor” throughout the kissfanxing journey.
➵ What is the purpose of the buddy system?
Our goal in introducing the buddy system is so that participants/potential participants don’t let the daunting nature of writing/drawing/creating work deter them from joining kissfanxing. As writers ourselves, we know how stressful creating fanwork can be, so that’s why we created the buddy system to provide support in any way we can. We’re hoping that the installation of the buddy system helps put first time participants at ease, as well as draw in people interested in joining kissfanxing but don’t know where to start with navigating fests. And even if this isn’t your first time doing kissfanxing, you’re still welcome to join in on the buddy system.
Overall, the buddy system fits in well with this year’s theme of “spreading the love” - we’re hoping that this way, everyone, whether new or old, will feel welcomed into the fanxing community.
➵ How does the buddy system work?
Once participants are assigned to their designated “squad” (my squad is with me, we’re the cream de la cre-me), they will be asked to make a Discord account (discordapp.com) so they can be added to the kissfanxing server and their specific “squad leader” (mod) channel (i.e. #pinky, #bubbles, #bucky, #egghead).
Think of Discord like a series of customized chatrooms. The kissfanxing server is open to all of our participants on Discord, while the individual mod channels are private to the mod and the members of their squad. From there, private chats can be opened between (groups of) people, and there are other channels that participants can join/be added to, all of which is outlined in the Discord guide that will be sent out.
Most of the communication between the mods and their squad members will (preferably) take place through Discord. Buddy system participants will be emailed a guide to Discord (written by our fellow mod bucky), and these instructions are also posted on the general kissfanxing server. If, for any reason, a participant is unable to use Discord, we are willing to make accommodations (see below). Please don’t let Discord deter you from signing up from the buddy system. The buddy system is fluid because we want to make work for everyone; as such, we’d be willing to offer assistance in any way that we can.
From there, the buddy system becomes pretty flexible. The role of the squad leader is to act as a companion throughout the kissfanxing journey, which can take many forms - being a beta, an advice-giver, an idea-bouncer, etc. It can really be anything the participant wants. The primary goal is just to provide a method of support whenever a participant needs it, as the mods are aware of how taxing it can be to produce fanwork. Additionally, the participant can choose to communicate with other members of their squad via the squad channel, as well as other kissfanxing participants via our general server! We’re really aiming to create a network of support for those who need or want it, and we hope participating in the buddy system will ultimately be a rewarding experience for everyone.
➵ How do I choose the mod that’s right for me?
Mod profiles will be posted below this section of the info post so that you can become better acquainted with the mods. As each of the four mods generally specialize in different genres/areas, we hope that, after reading those, you can choose the mod(s) that would be the best fit for you.
While we try to honor all requests as best as we can, please note that “squad” designation is ultimately up to the mods’ discretion; we want to try to make the numbers as even as possible across the four mods so that no mod has an unbalanced load of participants to be responsible for. As a result, we encourage you to list more than one mod that you’d be comfortable being paired up with on the sign-up form.
➵ This all sounds great! How do I join the buddy system?
You can start by checking out the mod profiles listed below this part of the info post so you can see which mods would be the best fit for you. After that, fill out the the buddy system sign-up form with all of the appropriate details. You will receive a confirmation email within a few days with further information regarding the squad you’ve been placed into and detailed instructions on how to sign up for Discord and be added to the kissfanxing server. From there, you will be added into a specific channel for your squad leader, and you can be added into other channels from there as well.
➵ Some final notes:
➺ There is no closing deadline to join the buddy system. Buddy system signups will be open all the way up to the submission deadline of February 7th, and participants can join at any point up until then.
➺ It is possible to join the buddy system/the kissfanxing Discord without being paired up with a specific mod - just let us know in the appropriate section on the form, and we can help you get set up with being added to the general kissfanxing server.
➺ The buddy system is entirely optional, you can still participate in kissfanxing without participating in the buddy system. However, it should be mentioned that those not participating in the buddy system will have to fill out a check-in form in early January - the idea is that buddy system participants are in somewhat constant contact with the mods, therefore forgoing the need for a formal check-in. (So, if you wanna kill two birds with one stone, all the more reason to sign up for the buddy system!)
➺ The mods reserve the right to remove anyone from any Discord server/channel at any time for any reason.
➺ The use of Discord is not mandatory to be a part of the buddy system. Though, for organizational purposes, we would prefer having everyone on the Discord server, we are willing to make accommodations for those who cannot access/figure out Discord (ex. through Twitter DMs, Tumblr, KKT/Line/WeChat, etc.) Again, please don’t let Discord deter you from signing up for the buddy system; we’re here to help you, not confuse you further.
Now, onto the mod profiles…
➳ mod profiles:
(Timezones have been listed to better assist you in choosing a mod that will be able to cater to your needs whenever you need them, because we all know how annoying timezone gaps can be…)
➵ mod pinky [line]
{ao3: buttercream | lj: yeolis | twt: @zhangchans}
specialties: fluff, slow burn, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, abo, wolf au, vampire au...
timezone: gmt-3
availability (scale of 1-10, 10 being most available): 6
mod blurb: “Hey yo bros, I'm line. I love writing and encouraging my bros to write. Many writers need reassurance, so that's my job!”
➵ mod bubbles [kira]
{ao3/aff: soapbubblesoul | lj: light_kira1 | twt: @soyifab}
specialties: fluff, canon au , non-human fanxing (hybrid, alien, dragon, etc.), college au, fantasy, sci-fi, domestic au, abo, world building, established relationships, smut, helping people develop plot through asking stupid questions, characterisations, long fics, mpreg, unrequited love / pining, angst with happy ending / hurt-comfort
timezone: gmt+1
availability (scale of 1-10, 10 being most available): 7
mod blurb: “Honestly, my twitter description says it all: Constantly having too many Fanxing feels, constantly crying over my WIP folder. I used to be able to write really short oneshots but somehow these days all my fics either grow completely out of control and end up as long fics or start as long fic WIPs either way. I really like helping people develop their fics or get through issues they run into! It constantly amazes me what great ideas people have.”
➵ mod bucky [lo]
{ao3/aff: theflyjar | twt: @yifantasiae}
specialties: angst, long fics, character death, ! unhappy ! endings !, anything that can make a reader cry, age gaps, mafia au, mama au, smut, kinks (including bdsm related content), trigger prompts, sci-fi, fantasy and supernatural, abo, military aus, long distance relationships, mental health, psychological aus, art / design / aesthetics, beta-ing / plotting. some fluff, too.
timezone: gmt+0
availability (scale of 1-10, 10 being most available): 7-10 (it's dependent on the day)
mod blurb: “i’m a writer whose fics always grow and mutate as i write them, and sometimes an artist (though, not for the fandom) who can never finish their work. but i always have time to encourage and help others with what they're doing!”
➵ mod egghead [shar]
{ao3/aff/lj: thatgoodgood (reloadeds) | twt: @sonjjits}
specialties: comedy, crack, humor, fluff, romance, smut, happy endings, occasionally some messed up stuff/angst, canon!au, college/school!aus, domestic!au, established relationship, ot12 banter, extreme betaing, helping come up with ideas, plotting, characterizations, short to medium sized fics
timezone: gmt-6
availability (scale of 1-10, 10 being most available): 7.5
mod blurb: “hey everyone, I’m the one that’s been writing most of these posts and spamming your inboxes with excessively verbose emails, so hopefully that’s reflective enough of my writing abilities. jk. I’m really good at coming up with ideas that I never find the time to write and supporting others when it comes to the fic writing process (ex. fleshing out plots, characters, asking too many questions). apparently I go really hard on editing people’s writing to the point where I’ve made people cry, but I’m sure that one time was a fluke and I promise to be nice. I think.”
buddy system sign-up form
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cursivesugg · 7 years
Cute || Conor Maynard
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Requests are currently [ CLOSED ]
Masterlist can be found [ HERE ]
Word Count: 1.1k+
A/N: Sorry it’s been a while loves, just going through some stuff atm (it’s okay though, don’t worry about me!!xo) p.s this is so shitty and i'm so sorry for that..
Being in a rush to get home whilst simultaneously living in one of the busiest places in the world was not a good mix. Initially, you’d had your route mapped out in your head, but after a while of circling the same street and frowning at the familiar shop window every time; you began to think that maybe the week you spent at camp when you were eight didn’t prove as useful as you’d earlier thought.
You refused to admit to even yourself that you were lost, especially since you knew for a fact that you were less than a ten-minute walk from your apartment. You silently cursed London for its streets being so complicated as you pulled your phone out of your bag and checked the time. You sighed in relief when you realised that you weren’t as late as you’d first anticipated being, but with no sign of the busy streets calming down anytime soon, you began to think that you’d never get home.
You walk around aimlessly for ten more minutes before admitting defeat and sinking down onto a bench, your bottom lip jutted out subconsciously as you pulled up google maps and began to type your address into the search bar, waiting a few seconds for the application to find your address and sighing in relief when it successfully did its job.
It turned out you were further away than you thought you were, and the walk from the bench was estimated to take you around twenty-five minutes, which, in your opinion, could’ve been so much worse. You walk quickly through the crowds of people, smiling politely at anyone you happened to make eye contact with and then scoffing and rolling your eyes in annoyance when they’d just stare at you silently before looking away.
When you did finally find yourself walking down your street and your apartment building was within your line of sight, you turned google maps off and shoved your phone into your back pocket as you skipped up the steps. You twist your key into the lock and walk into the building, making sure to securely lock the door behind you before smiling at the receptionist and walking into the lift, pressing your key into the lock and pressing your floor number.
Walking into your apartment and inhaling the familiar vanilla scented fragrance couldn’t have been more comforting. Your shoulders slump and you feel the stress seep out of your body at the mere sight of your beautiful couch that just looked so damn inviting after the long day you’d had.
You hum sleepily, shrugging off your coat and hanging it up on the coat hanger before turning around and walking toward the sound of the voice. Walking into your kitchen, you walk straight into Conor’s arms, pushing your face into his chest and whining quietly.
He chuckles, wrapping his arms around you and pushing his hands under the back of your shirt, tracing shapes at the bottom of your spine. “What’s wrong, babe?”
“M'just tired.” You mumble, fisting your hands into his shirt and looking up at him through your lashes. “Did you have a good day at the studio?”
“Yeah, we got a lot done.” He nods, looking down at you with a soft smile as you look down and yawn into your hand. “Why don’t we have a movie night, yeah? We can cuddle on the couch and watch Netflix, I’ll order in for us; and you can relax.”
You rub your eyes and nod, your bottom lip jutted out just a fraction subconsciously as Conor leans down and wraps his arms under your ass, picking you up off of the floor. You wrap your arms around his waist and bury your ace into the room of his neck, hugging him tightly as he carries you into the living room.
You get comfortable on the couch, Conor collects up duvets and pillows from your bedroom, before making sure you both had enough drinks to last you the entire night. He ordered food on his phone as you flicked through Netflix and tried to decide on a movie to watch.
You ended up persuading Conor to rewatch one of your favorite series’ with you, and snuggled into his chest, ready to swat his arm, if he were to complain, at a moments notice.
You rewatch a few episodes before growing bored and turning the TV onto YouTube, clicking on Oli’s latest vlog and ignoring Conor when he snorted in amusement at your entertainment choices.
You spoke quietly as the video played in the background, telling him all about how you’d at one point thought you were lost in Central London, and he told you all about the way his manager had laughed so loud at a sound he’d made whilst singing that he almost peed himself.
When the food arrived, you chose a random MoreZoella vlog to watch, a tradition you had and had had for a good few months now. You shoved the parts of your food that you didn’t like at Conor, who would groan and shove you away with a quiet laugh.
Once it reached midnight, your eyes were threatening to close and any moment, your hair was no doubt in a huge mess, and you were breathing softly as you laid in-between Conor’s legs, his fingers tracing shapes on the skin on your stomach; relaxing you even further.
Only then did Conor think that it’d be a good idea to get you into bed before you fell asleep on the couch and woke up the next morning with a sore neck. And so he maneuvered himself up to his feet and quickly cleaned up the mess you’d made, before coming back into the living room to find you falling asleep up against the back of the couch, the blanket pulled up to your chest.
He pulls you up from the couch and carries you, bridal style, into the bedroom and under the covers. You wait, forcing yourself to stay awake until he joins you and pulls you into his arms.
You hum in content, wrapping yourself around him and making yourself comfortable as he chuckles at your actions quietly. “You’re so cute.”
You groaned, keeping up the act that you hated to be called sappy nicknames, but you couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corners of your lips as you closed your eyes and for the first time all day, allowed yourself to stop thinking about everything, and fell asleep with a smile on your face.
Happy, and in love.
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cursivesugg · 7 years
Happier || Joe Sugg
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Requests are currently [ OPEN ]
Masterlist can be found [ HERE ]
Word Count: 1k
A/N: okay so this isnt the greatest thing in the world, but i suck at song fics and really hope that this was okay. (i guess it’s a lil sad so you have been warned!!) enjoy!!xo
There’s this one poem, or extract, you may call it, that I found on tumblr after attempting to drown myself in the anonymous world of the internet. Twitter is too wild at the moment, I have people tweeting me about you ever minute of the day, trying to get me to tell them what happened, like just because we’re not dating anymore that your privacy doesn’t matter to me anymore.
I actually deleted the app for a while, but then I missed something about the latest release of KUWTK and regretted everything. I mean, I could maybe just blacklist your name, but I guess a small part of me still wants to see those tweets, because without them, I begin to feel like this whole thing has been one horrible dream.
You know, even though you’ll never see this, because I can assure you that I’ll burn this piece of paper the moment I’m finished with this letter, my heart is beating in my chest as if I’m saying all of this to your face. I could never, I wouldn’t have the guts.
I’ve never been one to write letters, or write anything, really, but there’s really nobody else i can talk to about this. My friends, they don’t understand, they constantly reassure me that one day I’ll be just as happy as you look like you are, and I may smile, and nod along, but deep down, I know that I’ll always be happier with you.
I saw you, the other day, on my way home from work. You were laughing, and you had your arm around a girls waist. She was really pretty. Prettier than me.
I guess it’s been a month since I broke up with you, since I lied to your face and gave you a whole handful of fake reasons why we’d be better off apart. I know just how much i hurt you, I saw it on your face, and I swear I almost went back on myself. I’m a hypocrite, Joe, a hypocrite who constantly overanalyzes everything. You were getting so busy, you had so much going on that I felt like you didn’t have room in your life for me.
I spent so much time just avoiding everything to do with you, constantly reassuring myself that without me, you’d be free, you would no longer be tied down to me. I hoped you’d be happier, but when I saw you with her, your smiles wider than ours had ever been, I started to think that maybe I wanted you to be happier alone.
You’re moving on, and that’s okay, because god, you look so happy Joe, and my friends, they’re all telling me that one day I’ll be just as happy as you. I don’t think they understand how much worse that makes me feel about this whole thing.
But my darling, I’m so in love with you. In love with the way your cheeks dimple when you smile, in love with the way you clench your fists whenever you laugh especially hard. In love with your eyes, and how they sparkle under the light of the moon, in love with your hands, and how they fit oh so perfectly into mine.
I think now, I understand how much I hurt you. But back then, when I’d convinced myself that I was doing the right thing for the both of us. God was I wrong.
Everything I see reminds me of you, and I don’t think I’ve stopped crying for these past two weeks. Everything crashed down on me alln at once, but by then you had her in your arms, and you just looked so much happier.
A part of me knew that one day you’d have to fall for someone new, someone who wasn’t me. But seeing you with her, it made my whole exterior crumble.
I saw you at Darcy’s birthday party, but I didn’t let you see me. I think Louise understood, because she helped me avoid you, even though she tried to talk me into saying ‘hi’ to you; but I couldn’t.
I’ll keep smiling and hiding the truth, and I’ll continue trying to convince everyone that I’m okay, but the truth is, I’m not okay. I’m still in love with you, more in love than I ever have been.
I made a mistake, Joe, but I think it’s too late to fix it now.
One day, when she hurts you, just like I did, I’ll still be here. Right now, I’m doubting that I ever won’t be here, loving you with my heart and trying so hard not too. I feel like such a hypocrite for saying that, that 'when she hurts you’ thing, because I probably hurt you more than anyone else ever could, but i can’t help it.
The poem, the one that I told you about at the beginning of this letter thing, it was one by Atticus, and i’m not one hundred percent sure who he is, or what he does, or where he or she came from, but it’s been the only thing keeping me from calling you up and spilling my heart out to you.
[    The funny thing about chasing the past, 
     is that most people wouldn’t know
     what to do with it
     if they caught it     ]
I guess I should be glad that you’re not miserable, that maybe I didn’t hurt you as much as I initially thought I did.
I just can’t bring myself to accept the fact that you’re not mine anymore, even though I lost you of my own accord. I’ve admitted to myself that I’m a selfish person, a selfish person who doesn’t think things through before doing them.
Joe, I’ll never be as happy as I was with you. But baby, you look happier, you really do. But when she breaks your heart, inevitably, I’ll be waiting here for you.
Maybe this’ll be the last time I say it, but I love you, Joe, with my whole heart.
I’m sorry.
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cursivesugg · 7 years
Easter || Buttercream
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Requests are currently [ CLOSED ]
Masterlist can be found [ HERE ]
Word Count: 800+
Summary: In which you are obsessed with easter, and never fail to stun the boys with your new additions to your hunts and trails. 
A/N: I wrote this in a few minutes and so it’s not the best but it’s so appropriate and i’m vv happy with it and omg that gif made he laugh so hard my stomach hurt. the more you watch it the funnier it gets. 
Easter was perhaps one of your favorite holiday out of them all, not just because the spring season brought around a newly found sense of beautiful scenery and a happy atmosphere to match; but because you had seven boys waking up at six am every easter morning, each as excited as the next for your annual easter egg hunt.
The first time you ever did your traditional easter egg hunt for them, they were all in awe at the detail and time you put into each and every aspect of it. They insisted that there was way too much chocolate hidden, that they'd still be finding eggs at Christmas; but at the end of the day, as you all sat down for the lamb roast you'd prepared, none of them could wipe the smiles off of their faces.
You could tell that it brought back a sense of childhood magic, especially since you set up the whole thing at three am when you knew they were all asleep. For two years running, they'd all spent easter weekend at Joe's apartment: watching easter movies and being forced to make chocolate cereal nests with you.
Joe's apartment had proved the perfect place for an egg hunt, the stairs were littered with mini eggs and you had grand prizes at the end of each trail; gigantic handmade eggs with their names engraved into them. This year though, you decided that you wanted to make things even more crazy than usual. And so you spent the two weeks leading up to easter hiding your bin bags full of eggs under the bed in Joe's guestroom, you spent hours at your computer printing out and laminating easter banners and arrows for the hunt.
You laid in the guest bed, staring up the ceiling and itching to jump out of the bed and start preparing the trail, but you knew you had to wait or else the boys would wake up and ruin the surprise. As a child, you'd always hated surprises, and so since you were young you took on the role of creating the surprises, and since then you'd been obsessed.
When your phone began to vibrate at three am, you throw yourself out of bed and smile widely, leaning down and slowly pulling all of the huge garbage bags out from under your bed - eyeing all of the colourful chocolate and piles of laminated clues.
You sneak out into the hallway and make sure to check that all of the boys are asleep before you do anything, not risking one of them walking in on you setting it all up by any means. It took you about an hour and a half to set everything up perfectly, to sneak up next to all of them and placing little baskets down beside their heads with three little eggs and an energy drink in each to start them off.
When you could look in any direction and spot at least twenty eggs, you smiled proudly and pulled out your phone, keeping your voice down as you explain what you'd done and showed everyone your hard work. You end the vlog clip by giving them a cheesy smile and a thumbs up before yawning and making your way back into the spare bedroom, snuggling down into the duvet and wondering what time the boys would have you up this year.
At ten o'clock, you were woken up by seven grown men running into your room and body slamming you, baskets in their hands and amused smiles on their faces. You scream as Joe reaches out and begins to tickle your hips, unable to stop squirming and screeching until he stopped and you were finally able to sit up. You grin widely and run your hand through your hair. "You didn't start without me, right?"
"Course not!" Oli exclaims as you push yourself out of bed and re-adjust your shirt; glancing back at them all over your shoulder as they all stare at you intensely, as if waiting for you to give them the go ahead. Chuckling, you turn around and tilt your head to the left. "The grand prizes at your end have your names on them, to save the arguments we had to conquer through last year."
They all smirk and nudge each other, and you pull out the special edition Rolex you'd had made especially for this. They all stare at it with wide eyes, before looking up at you with their jaws dropped. You smirk and wave the watch in the air. "First to get to the end of their personal trail gets the Rolex. Ready? Set? Go."
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buttercream-maynard · 7 years
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He's so beautiful 😍
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buttercream-maynard · 7 years
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buttercream-maynard · 7 years
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What an adorable friendship these two have ❣️
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buttercream-maynard · 7 years
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Alex has a girlfriend?!
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