antanddec-vines · 5 years
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‪“It basically tasted like sh*t!”‬ @antanddec @nikialbon @sammyalbon @jack_maynard @conormaynard @oliwhite #SNTThrowbacks #antanddec #oliwhite #nikiandsammy #jackmaynard #conormaynard https://www.instagram.com/antanddec_vines/p/Bv4gW2Ch8oO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=41394chud2tb
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chlockscreens · 7 years
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my edits
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thatcherjoedaily · 7 years
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joe_sugg: What an amazing week with @summersailweek and an even more amazing bunch of idiots to experience it with 😊
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Why? // Jack Maynard Imagine
As long as I could remember Jack and I hated each other. None our friends knew why but we had our reasons. We just didn't get along, and now living with him is the living hell.
“Y/N!” yelled Conor from downstairs and I groaned in annoyance as I walked downstairs. “What's up, Con?” I asked with a smile, that faded as soon as I spot Jack sitting shirtless in the kitchen, eating his cereal. I couldn't deny that Jack was good looking, but I'd never admit it. “We're going out to lunch, all of us.” Conor said as he quickly nodded over to his smaller brother. I rolled my eyes and nodded.
“Shut your goddamn mouth, Maynard!” I nearly yelled as I looked over to Jack. “I can't change that you look like a damn slut!” He yelled back and now I got furious, and turned my whole body to Jack, who sat next to me in the back of Conor's car. “I look like a slut?! You're the biggest man-whore I've ever seen, you fucking dickhead!” I yelled. “You're just jealous of me, that I even can get laid!” he scowled. “Yeah, of course I'm jealous of your STD's who wouldn't?!” I screamed back.
Suddenly a stinging pain was on my cheek and a loud slap echoed through the car. And within seconds everything went silent. “What the fuck , Jack?” Conor yelled from the driver seat as he pulled up at the diner. As soon as the car stopped I got out of the car, tears welling up in my eyes. My hand touched my red burning cheek and I whimpered quietly. I've been slapped multiple times by ex-boyfriends or some girls I fought with, but this hurt the most. “I'm so so sor-” “Fuck off Jack, just fuck yourself! Why would you even do this? Like what the fuck, we fought so many times and I never even put a finger on you!” I screamed over the whole parking lot and suddenly our other friends were outside. “Y/N I didn't mean to-” “Of course you didn't, of-fucking-course!” I screamed, my voice was hoarse and my throat hurt by all the screaming. “I'd never hurt you on purpose!” He yelled out in frustration and I backed away. I've never been afraid of Jack but now I'm more than I've ever been in my life. I was terrified. “BUT YOU JUST FUCKING DID!” I yelled back, and I didn't even care about the tears that were running down my cheeks. It was quiet and I started sobbing. I don't know why I cried, I never cried when I got slapped, except when it was a person I loved. But I didn't love Jack, not in a million years.
Jack and I have been crying silently the whole ride back home. I could hear him say over and over one sentence. “I am a monster.” And as much as I hated Jack, he wasn't a monster, he could be one of the sweetest human beings, just not to me. “For fucks sake, Jack shut the fuck up, you're not a monster.” I said in the silence of the car as I heard him say it again and he kept quiet.
As soon as we came home Conor left again to go to the lunch. Jack and I wanted to go home so he brought us home. And now it was an uncomfortable between Jack and me. “Please let me make it up to you, please Y/N.” Jack said with a quiet voice as his eyes roamed over the ground like it was the most interesting thing ever. “How?” I answered just as quiet as he did, but instead of inspecting the ground I stared at him. “Just give me some time, I'll make everything!” He said, slightly raising his voice as his head shoot up. I didn't want to but flinched and he frowned. “Okay, Maynard.” I said. “What?” He asked shocked. “You get one chance, not more or less, make something out of it.” I said coldly. “Oh my god, thank you, I will, I promise!” He said happily, and I turned around to go to my room but  I couldn't hide the small smile on my face.
The whole day I heard Jack running around the flat, and he never once let me out of my room, because apparently he had some serious business in making up to me, so thank god for the bathroom that was connected with my room and my sweets I hid like all over the place.
Around 9pm I heard a quiet knock on the door. “Let yourself in.” I said because I knew that it was Jack. But suddenly Conor stood in my room with a suit. I looked confused at him. “Milady, would you come downstairs with me, Mister Maynard would like to see you.” He said in a really bad posh accent and I tried not to laugh as I got up in my sweats and sweater, I stole from Conor and some fluffy socks.
I laughed out loud as Conor took my hand like he would help the Queen downstairs. And I laughed even louder when I saw Oli, Joe, Josh and Caspar in suits downstairs. I couldn't catch my breath as I saw Jack in suit standing in the doorway a bouquet of roses in his hands. “You all look ridiculous!” I gasped and as soon as I caught my breath. “But it's still sweet, even though I look like a potato.” I giggled and I stood in front of Jack, who was smiling brightly as he saw me smiling. It was just ridiculous what they do here. “You know, you just could've bought me Pizza and we'd be fine, right?” I said in a serious voice. “Too bad I made something way better.” He smiled as he handed me the roses.
“Jack, no! I look so bad I will not go out like that!” I said as I tried to hold onto the door frame as Jack dragged me outside by my waist. “come on! I've done so much, so get your ass out of that house!” He laughed as he finally got me away from the door frame. “I hate you, Maynard.” “I hate you too, Y/L/N.”
We were driving about thirty minutes, and I don't know where Oli, Josh, Conor, Joe and Caspar went. “Are we there yet?” I asked. “A few minutes, beautiful.” He answered calmly and I tried to play cool and that I did not just blushed. He's trying to make up, nothing more.
As the car stooped, Jack literally jumped out of it and jogged over to my side to hold up my door. “Is that a date or a make up?” I asked completely confused. “Maybe both.” he winked and I rolled my eyes. “Jack, I'm not going in there! I'm scared of forests!” I screeched. “I will be there with you, no worries.” Jack said as he hold out his hand. I sighed anxious and grabbed his hand.
For 20 minutes we were walking through the woods and now I was thinking he maybe is going to kill me. But that changed when we came to a wide clearing right beside a beautiful stream. From the maybe 3 meter high trees hung light bulbs that were lit and made the forest beautiful and comfy. In the middle of the clearing was a table, decorated with rose blossoms and candles. In the back were Joe, Josh, Caspar, Conor, Oli and Mikey grinning widely. “Do you like it?” Jack asked unsure. “Like it?” I turned to him, he looked scared. “I fucking love it! How did you do that within a few hours?” I asked shocked and practically attacked him with a hug. “I had some help.” Jack nodded grinning over to the boys. “Josh told you that this was the image of my perfect date, didn't he?” I smirked as I looked at Jack who got bright red and Josh who also blushed. “It's still cute though.” I smiled.
We were seated by Joe and suddenly we had food on our table. And suddenly I heard Conor singing in the background, accompanied by a guitar and he sang my favorite song. Tears welled up in my eyes. “Are you alright Y/N?” Jack asked concerned as he looked at me from across the table. A smile crossed my face and I tried to choke back my tears. “Nobody has ever done something like that for me. And now give me a hug Maynard!” I said while standing up and he stood up in no second and embraced me in his arms, where the tears started to fall. His arms wrapped around me tight, and I just let my feelings overwhelm me. “Thank you so, so, so much Jack, for doing this for me.” I said, my voice a little hoarse. “Thank you for letting me and giving me a second chance.” he mumbled in the crook of my neck and planted a kiss onto my forehead.
And now, 3 months after what happened Jack finally convinced me to be his girlfriend and I swear I never made a better decision in my whole life.
This is my first one and so bad, I’m sorry.
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suggleeimagine-blog · 7 years
Stop fighting over Joe :D
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Don't Overdo It
Can you please do a Conor and Jack one shot? Like Jack faints in front of the Buttercream members due to dehydration and not eating enough and Conor catches him and has to take him home and take care of Jack ----------------------------------------------------- Life as a YouTube was hard. The pressures of creating good content, keeping up to the fans demands and dealing with meetings and opportunities was certainly draining. Despite this, they all still enjoyed it. However, in his concern for his career, Jack forgot to look after himself. The whole buttercream gang was round Joes to film a new video. All 7 of the boys were having a laugh and were happy to finally be filming a video altogether. It was very rare that all of them could work out a time on their schedule when they were all free. Jack was looking forward to it and hadn't stopped talking about it to Conor. Before filming, the 7 boys were sat on the couch, catching up with each other and just relaxing. Jack was sandwiched between Conor and Joe and although he tried to focus on what conversation was being held between his friends, he couldn't stay concentrated for more than a few seconds. His head was pounding and he was sweating for no apparent reason as it wasn't that warm. Conor seemed to noticed Jack was being slightly withdrawn and decided to take Jack out of the room and see if he was ok. “Hey Jack, you fancy helping me grab some drinks for us all?” “Huh?” Was his reply. “Drinks. Kitchen. Come on” Conor said, frowning at his little brother. “Hey are you ok mate?” Oli asked, the other boys now all staring at Jack. “Yeah yeah I'm fine, just a little warm” “You probably need some water” “No no I'm fine, I'll just go and get some fresh air” Jack mumbled as he stood up, gasping as the world started spinning. “Jack?” He heard someone say softly, the voice fading in and out between the ringing in his ears. Black spots danced across his vision and before he knew it, everything turned black. Conor was concerned when he noticed Jack keeping to himself, the usually talkative boy hardly saying a word. He decided to speak to Jack alone, hoping to find the cause of the problem. However, as Jack stood up, Conor saw him start to sway. “Jack?” Josh called out, everyone staring at Jack. Jacks eyes rolled back and luckily Conor noticed and managed to rush forward and catch him before he hit the ground. He grabbed Jack under the arms and pulled his younger brother towards him, holding his unconscious form. “Shit!” Joe called out, as Conor lowered Jack to the floor. “What's wrong with him?” Mikey asked as they all surrounded him. “Hey hey, let's give him some space” Caspar added, moving back. “Do we need to call an ambulance?” Someone said, Conor not noticing who, instead focusing on Jack. “No, he's fine, he's coming to, see” Jack groaned, his eyes flickering, adjusting to the light. “Mghh? What happened?” He managed to stutter out, squinting his eyes as he sat up slowly. “Welcome back” Joe called out, smiling at him. “Back where? Where did I go?” “You passed out buddy” Oli added. “Oh” “Yeah oh, what the fuck is wrong with you man? I was so worried!” Conor said, glaring down at Jack. “I swear to god Jack Maynard, if this is down to you doing something stupid, I'm going to kill you myself” “Sorry Con, guess I just overworked a bit” “I don't think that's it” Josh said. “Huh?” “I think you're dehydrated. You have a headache, you're dizzy and I haven't seen you drink in ages” “Or eat for that matter” his elder brother added. “Shit. I forgot” Jack mumbled. “You can't just forgot to eat or drink Jack!” Conor shouted. “I'm sorry, I was just busy” Jack whispered. Conor sighed and pulled Jack up to stand. “Never mind, but you mister, are coming home with me, now” “But the video-“ “Never mind the video, you need to go home and rest” Joe cut in. “Yes, listen to the old man” Mikey added, everyone laughing. “Come on” Conor said as he guided Jack towards the door. He took him home and made sure he drank and ate enough to ensure it didn't happen again. “Con?” Jack asked as the two of the were sat on the sofa watching a film. “Hmm?” “I'm sorry I forgot to eat and drink” “It's ok buddy, just don't do it again. You don't understand how worried I was!” “I won't overdo it next time, I promise”
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Would you rather?
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Have James or Anna as your best friend?
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footodour · 7 years
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cheers @oliwhitetv for coming to Manchester! you were really nice ☺️
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spacechuur · 8 years
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Jaspar Singing towards each other And a wild Oli White I am so frikking exited for the lyric video I can't even explain omf
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antanddec-vines · 5 years
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‪Dead Fish or Strawberry Banana Smoothie.‬ ‪@antanddec @oliwhite @nikialbon @sammyalbon @jack_maynard @conormaynard #SNTThrowbacks ‬#antanddec #oliwhite #nikiandsammy #conormaynard #jackmaynard https://www.instagram.com/antanddec_vines/p/Bv4fd3Bh5Yf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ydaisp59m21u
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chlockscreens · 7 years
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thatcherjoedaily · 7 years
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oliwhitetv: Suns out, bums out! 🍑
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Cancer // Josh Pieters
Here I was, standing in front of the coffin of my boyfriend and beloved fiancé that was taken away from me due a deadly disease. Josh Pieters died on the 19th of July 2023 on the intensive care, his cancer spreading to his heart, eventually making it stop.
Everyone was staring at me as I stood in front of the coffin, our little daughter names Lia an my arm and the engaging ring that'll never be changed into a wedding ring.
“Josh, my beloved fiancé, best friend and father of our child passed away on the 19th of July. He asked me to do an eulogy and I agreed.” I said while looking at the few people that came, due it being a small funeral. “Actually I should take out a piece of paper, reading the letter I wrote over and over, still not being fully agreeing with it, but I realized that a few words on a paper couldn't explain my love for him.” I continued, looking at Jack, his daughter Mila, Conor and his wife Aria, Caspar who hold Joe's hand tightly, Mikey with his wife and kids, Oli and his boyfriend Léon and so on. The only one that was missing was Josh, and everyone knew he wouldn't come back. Tears started welling up in my eyes as I coughed to get my voice back. “We were a couple of tragedy, we've gone through so much together, more than friends,  best friends or even family could go through and I think all of us would be more than right to call this a soul mate bond.” I said, while I looked with tears at the little red headed girl that was laying in my arms, sleeping, not even knowing what was going on with her 2 years of age. “He was my little escape of reality, it was my little paradise, he was my paradise.” I gulped and looked down. “And with one call got that little paradise taken away from me, just ripped out of my hands, forever.” I said, and I could hear the crying of the others. Josh's parents looked at me, tear stained cheeks but they smiled. “He was always the one who put others in front of himself, he always made sure everybody else was okay, before he checked on himself, that was one thing I loved the most about him. He really could cheer someone up with his enthusiastic and caring self, but he totally stopped thinking about himself.” I looked up into the sky and closed my eyes, letting a few tears escaping my eyes. “I wish I could get my little paradise back, he opened my eyes to his perspective and I did the same, he showed me his world, the crazy but lovely world, he made me feel like at the top of the world when he was around. He could lay beside me, snuggled up into a blanket and sleeping, even snoring so loud I couldn't sleep, I still would be the happiest girl on earth.” I smiled sadly as I stared at the coffin. “He was everything I had, and he was everything I needed.” I said, voice finally breaking down. “But I am more than happy to know that a little bit of him will live on in this one.” I said as I looked smiling at Lia. “And before my speech ends, I wanted to say something.” I said and everyone who looked down to hide their tears, looked up. “Josh Pieters, is not dead as long as we don't forget about him, and I think he'll never be forgotten, because he made an huge impact in everyone's life here.” I said before walking back to the others, and getting some side hugs.
And that's when I realized, funerals are not for the dead, it's for the on living non existence people.
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Hidden Talent (Part 2)
Ok so you mentioned in hidden talent that jack would be doing backup on Conor’s new song could you do a story about that and like the boys (rest of the buttercreams) reaction to the song
Part 1 - https://buttercreamficsx.tumblr.com/post/157587160039/hidden-talent ---
Conors new single was done. It hasn’t been published yet as he wanted a few people to hear it first. He took a copy home to his parents to listen to and one for his friends too. He got positive responses from his family and Conor was getting even more excited for it to be released.
Part of the deal between Conor and his younger brother was that in return for Conors silence regarding Jacks voice, jack would sing backup on his new track. Jack didn’t want to, but saw no harm in it because no one would ever find out it was him. He didn’t want credit and for anyone to find out because singing was Conors thing.
The elder Maynard took the final edit back to his flat and invited everyone round. He asked Mikey, josh, joe, Caspar and Oli round to meet him and jack for a surprise. None of the boys had any idea of what was going to happen.
“Hey man” “Sugg!” Conor replied, grinning as he saw his friend at the door. “Casp and Oli are behind, just grabbing something from the car” “Ok, I know Mikey and Josh are their way too”
Twenty minutes later, all 7 boys were sat in Conors living room, sat on the couch. “So, what’s the surprise then?” Mikey asked. “Ok, so, I’ve been working on a new single and I have the final edit here” “That’s so cool man!” Caspar called out. “That’s not all, I want you all to be in the music video!” “Cor, that’s wicked Conor!” Mikey cried. “Sooo, you want to be in it?” Conor asked. “Duh!” They all cried out. Conor laughed at his friends, relived at their reactions. “So you wanna hear the song?” “Yeah!” “Ok I’ll put it on”
The song played for the full 3 minutes and all 7 boys sat in silence, listening hard. “That was amazing!” “I think we’ve found a new single to hit the charts!” “I think we found a new number one!” Josh said, smiling at Conor. “Really?” Conor asked hopefully. “Yeah buddy! That was incredible!” Oli replied, smacking Conor on the back. “cheers guys”
“Hey Conor, I’ve got a question” “Yeah joe?” “Who’s that backup singer on your track? I mean it’s a new one. Never heard their voice before but they’re really really good!” “I’m not allowed to say, they want to remain anonymous” “Do you know what Conor, I think that person would be ok with you telling them who it is” “You sure?” Conor asked, looking at Jack who took in a deep breath and nodded his head. “Ok. Well lads, not only did you listen to one Maynard singing my new single, you listen to two of them!” “Huh?” “It’s Jack” The 5 boys burst out laughing at Conors words. “Jack! Jack! But he can’t sing!” Josh laughed, not believing Conor. “No, it’s me” Jack mumbled, looking at his friends. They all stopped and stared. “Are you serious?” Joe asked. “Yup” “But you can’t sing?” “I pretended” “Why?” “Didn’t want to sing really” “You’re not pranking us?” “Nope” “Sing us a verse Jack, just to prove it” “I-I don’t want to” Jack whispered nervously. “Please” Mikey begged. “F-fine”
Jack stuttered his words a little due to nerves, but he managed to get a verse out before he shuffled backwards and towards Conor for reassurance. “That was amazing” “I can’t believe you can sing!” “Well done buddy! That was so good!” Oli said, rubbing Jacks arm in a comforting gesture. “See, told you you’re good” Conor smirked as he looked at Jack. “Shut up” Jack joked, as he punched Conor in the arm. Maybe having this new talent wasn’t so bad after all.
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jack-maynard · 8 years
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bsheptv · 7 years
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lol this reminds me of Oli White @oliwhitetv 😝 #cactusman #cactus #plant #oliwhite #oliwhitetv🌵 #youtuber
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