#Conor Maynard Imagines
imagineabuttercream · 2 years
My Wife (Conor x Reader)
Request - I SEE YOUR TAKING REQUESTS!!! I'm so excited!!!! I know you're going to be amazing! May I request one where your newlyweds with Conor? And it's super fluffy! I know you're going to be so great!!!!
You didn't mind. You really, really didn't. In fact, your life had been a lot less stressful after deciding that you and Conor would keep your relationship private. You didn't have to deal with hate. You didn't have to duck paparazzi when you went out in public without Conor. You definitely didn't regret it.
That being said, it had been 4 years. You occasionally felt a little bummed you couldn't tell the world how much you loved him. You were always introduced as part of his management or his personal assistant or just a friend. There had even been rumors that you and Jack were dating. The two of you had just returned from your honeymoon and you were catching up with all of your friends/family.
"So how are you going to plan your big reveal?" Your mom had asked through your Skype video session.
"Mooooommm, stop. We haven't even talked about it." you replied.
"I know you've wanted to go public for a while, so i assumed you would after the wedding." she continued.
"I promise I'll talk to Conor about it later. I just don't want to immediately stress us out straight after our Honeymoon. Lets ease back into the real world." you said, saying goodbye and ending the conversation.
You didn't know it, but Conor had been listening to your conversation with your mom. He didn't know that you had wanted to go public. Conor had hated that he couldn't bring you to events and show you off to his fans. He kept it private because he thought that's what you wanted. After listening in on your conversation, he started planning.
Conor immediately set about texting your friends and family. He wanted any pictures and videos of the two of you that he could get his hands on.
"Hey babe, I need to run over to Joe's." Conor said, walking in the room while you were skyping your best friend.
"Okay, love." you said, kissing Conor when he leaned down into frame.
"Hey Conor!" your friend said, waving.
"What's up? When are you going to visit us? You know Jack always likes when you visit." He winked at the camera, sitting on your lap for a minute.
"Now that you're back, I'll try to come up sometime this month." she answered. You were grateful all of your friends and family got along. "And your brother likes when any girl visits." she laughed.
"Well I'll leave you two to it." Conor kissed you again before leaving.
He couldn't work on his next cover with you in the flat, so he had text Joe asking if he could set up his recording equipment in his house.
"So you're going to tell everyone?" Joe asked with a big smile on his face.
"Finally. I wish I would have just told everyone like 3 years ago, but now that we're married I'm done hiding it." Conor replied, figuring out where he was going to set up.
"I'm glad. You two are perfect for each other. I don't think you'll get as much hate as you thought you would." Joe said, helping Conor. "And I'm glad I get to post some footage that I couldn't show before since the two of you were snogging in it."
"I'm married. I'm really married." Conor laughed. "In every one of our 'most likely to' videos I always get the 'last to get married' card, but I'm fucking married." Conor had a massive smile on his face. He sent you a text telling you he'd be home really late.
"It's got a good ring to it." Joe laughed. "I'll start sorting through the pictures and clips and I'll leave you to record. Let me know if you need anything." Joe grabbed Conor's phone to start downloading what your friends and family had sent him.
"Thanks." Conor replied. "You have our wedding videos, right?"
"Yup. Oli sent me everything." Joe smiled at Conor.
About 12 hours later, Joe and Conor were working on making the clips and pictures fit the length of the song. "I think it's perfect." Joe yawned.
"I just hit upload." Conor sleepily smiled at his friend. "I just need to write the description."
"It won't finish uploading for at least an hour. Go home before you write it. I don't want you falling asleep in the car." Joe said, moving his laptop to the table. "You'll just have to log in from home to make it go live."
"Thank you so much." Conor said standing up.
"Just leave all of the equipment. You can get it later." Joe hugged his friend.
"Good idea." Conor said, hugging Joe. "Thanks again, buddy. I owe you."
When Conor got home, he opened his lap top and started writing the description.
"Hello everyone. I would like to introduce you to Y/n. Some of you know her as my assistant. Some people think she's my manager. Some of you even think she's sleeping with my brother haha. Well none of these are true. If you already watched the video, you'll know that Y/n is now my wife. That's right. Conor Maynard actually convinced someone to wake up next to his ugly mug every day. I know that some of you are going to be mad that I didn't share any of this earlier, but when I met y/n I knew I would do absolutely everything I could to keep our relationship happy and healthy. She is the most important person in my life and I know that you will all love her once you get to know her. I picked this song because it's the song we danced to at our wedding. Y/n, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You keep my life in order and you make me a better person. We both know I can't stay serious for more than 5 minutes at a time without cracking a joke, but I will always be there for you. I know this whole thing is sappy and I promise your regularly scheduled programming will continue, but I needed to share this part of my life with everyone.
Y/n, meet everyone. Everyone, meet my wife."
Conor made the video live and joined you in bed.
"Hey." you sleepily said, rolling over to snuggle against Conor. "Finish whatever you were working on?"
"Yup." Conor replied, wrapping his arms around you. "It's perfect." he said, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your head. "I want you to see it tomorrow."
"Of course." you replied, nuzzling your face into Conor's chest.
"Goodnight, beautiful." Conor said, yawning, but you had already fallen back asleep.
When you woke up, you kissed a sleeping Conor on the cheek and rolled out of bed. You had gotten used to waking up before him. When you went to grab your phone you saw a note stuck to the screen. "Don't open your phone yet. Go into the living room"
"Well this is weird." you chucked, looking over a Conor peacefully sleeping. "What have you been up to?"
Walking down the stairs you saw more post-its on the wall.
"Good morning, beautiful"
"I love you so much"
"I can't believe I ended up with someone so amazing"
Walking into the living room, you saw Conor's lap top on the coffee table with another post-it on it. "Open me". Inside was a post-it that said "Play me".
Clicking play on the video titled "Thinking Out Loud" you watched bits of your 4 year relationship play on the screen. Ed Sheeran's "Thinking Out Loud" played in the background as you watched you and Conor dancing around like idiots at his parents house with his brother and sister. Conor pranking you. The first Christmas Conor spent at your parents house, opening presents and kissing under the mistletoe. Proposing to you on a secluded beach where you took your first trip alone as a couple. Pictures you and your friends had taken but never posted on any social media. A funny video of the two of you singing "final countdown" at a karaoke bar. You and Anna being caught having a food fight in the flat's kitchen when you realized you had mixed the cake batter wrong. And finally, clips from your wedding. Your friends sharing their toasts and the two of you sharing your first dance as husband and wife.
When the video ended, you wiped the tears off of your cheeks and started scrolling through the comments. There, of course, were mean comments, but you were surprised at how many people just seemed to be happy for the two of you. Closing the lap top, you walked back upstairs. Unlocking your phone, you were overwhelmed with texts and voicemails from your friends and family all telling you how cute Conor's video was and how happy they were for the two of you.
Crawling back into bed, you snuggled up against Conor. "Hey" he croaked, wiping the sleep from his eyes. "Good morning."
"Good morning, husband." you smiled up at him. "Thank you." you said, kissing
"Did you see it?" He asked, slipping his arms around you and rolling the two of you over.
leaning up to kiss Conor, you nodded. "It's beautiful." you said, pulling him to rest his weight against you. "It's perfect."
"I'm so happy you liked it." Conor said. "I finally get to tell people you're my wife." Conor ducked down to kiss you again.
"I like the sound of that." you replied.
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Seventeen Playlist
Aka: Songs that remind me of the members and why. (GIF credit to the original owners)
Master List
Hip Hop Unit:
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S.Coups: Royalty- Conor Maynard
This song screams expensive sugar daddy. Its a little sexy, a little overconfident, and a little old school but overall, the song of someone who really loves their partner. The beat of the song reminds me of something you might have heard in an old school club or at least the movie version of one. Scoups has been shown to pay for people’s stuff all the time, and is obviously a very protective man. This song just feels like it was written by a younger version of himself, and I love it. 
Wonwoo: Wanna Be Yours- Artic Monkeys
Wonwoo reminds me of so many Artic Monkey songs but Wanna Be Yours has the vibes that just feels like him. The song is a little dark and stormy, while being overwhelmingly loving and hopeful. Its a touch desperate, as though the singer can’t actually speak to the subject, and that feels very Wonu. Wonu is a quiet guy, less shy and more simply introverted, and a song so longing and desperate, feels like something he would write. 
Mingyu: Stuck With You- Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
This song is fun and upbeat, while still being a bit of a tease. Mingyu feels the same way. He’s a goof and strikes me as someone who would love this song, and the conversation it tells. For the sake of your heart, don’t imagine him dancing around the kitchen with his partner whilst singing along. 
Vernon: Renegades- X Ambassadors
This is going to be super specific but both Vernon, and this song feel like sitting in the back of a loved one’s Subaru Legacy, watching the sunset over the ocean, after spending the day at the skate park. Its calming, with this rebellious undertone and a heart of love, and that just feels like Vernon to me. 
Vocal Unit: 
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Jeonghan: Troublemaker- Oly Murz and Flo Rider
Troublemaker is definitely a word that can be used to describe Jeonghan, that’s something everyone knows. The song is about a person who is wholly aware of the power they hold over people, and sung by a person who is totally caught up in the spell. Jeonghan is a manipulator, and I mean that with love, but he knows exactly what he’s doing, and he’s going to use it for his own gain. 
Shua: She Will Be Loved- Maroon 5
Maroon 5 and Joshua Hong go hand in hand, but specifically I think he feels like She Will Be Loved. The song feels like a promise someone is making to their lover’s parent, a promise that their daughter will always be loved. Joshua has a tendency to feel a little old school, like a gentleman, and strikes me as someone who would make this kind of promise. Also the image of him playing his guitar and singing this song with that soft “thinking of the person I love” smile, my heart can’t take it. 
Woozi: Piano Man- Billy Joel
Lee Jihoon is made of music. He’s an old soul, and Piano Man feels like it was written by him a long time ago, and yet in a time still to come. There’s a love within the song, a love for music and the way it pulls you in. Jihoon was supposed to be a musician, and whether he’s performing as an idol, or simply playing the piano in a bar, he will always be a Piano Man. 
DK: Honey, Honey- Abba
Not only can I see him bodying this song, but I can picture it being sung about him. I feel the Amada Seyfried version suits him best, with the teasing tones and childish vibes. Seokmin is duality personified. On stage he gets so sexy and confident, and offstage he’s cute and sweet. Honey Honey is as well, being about a very grown-up relationship but sung in a way a child might understand. 
Seungkwan: Everything I Didn’t Say- 5SOS
Seungkwan has a lot to say, no one can doubt that, but I feel like he’s awful at talking about genuine, romantic love. Everything I Didn’t Say comes at the end of relationship, when the singer is reflecting on the things they wished they had said, and to me, this feels like something Seungkwan would sing. Not only would his voice fit the song beautifully, but I feel as though he understands the emotion behind it and could really bring it to life. 
Performance Unit: 
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Jun: Horns-Bryce Fox
Hear me out. While the subject of the song doesn’t feel like Jun, the singer himself does. The song is about a woman who is, objectively, toxic as fuck. She’s akin to a demon or beast, and yet, the singer can’t get enough of her. She’s what keeps him alive. The fire in this song, the passion, and sheer lust, that’s what feels like Jun. Its feels like bearing your soul, feeling it burn, and cherishing the warmth you’re given in return, and I don’t know why, but to me, that screams Wen Junhui. 
Hoshi: History Maker- Dean Fujioka 
Is this song from an anime about figure skaters? Yes. Does it still feel like Hoshi? Yes! The song itself is super short, but its message is one of hope, and following your dreams. The song makes me feel confident, like I could change the world, and to me, that sounds like Hoshi. He too is confident and doing what he loves. He doesn’t let himself get dragged down by anything, and does his best to keep moving forward. If this song isn’t on his work out playlist, it should be. 
Minghao: Uptown Girl- Billy Joel
Uptown Girl is a classic, its romantic, flirty, and such a tease. It feels like making fun of the person you love, and that is Minghao in a nutshell. He feels like classic love songs and being an ass to your lover. More than that, the song covers this underlying note of not feeling like enough, like you aren’t good enough for your partner, and that also feels like Minghao. Yeah, he’s confident, but he also strives to grown and be a better person, and to that extent, he probably worries that he’ll never be good enough for the person he falls for. 
Dino: R.I.P. 2 my Youth- The Neighborhood
This song is about growing up and finding a world that doesn’t care about you, and how you don’t care in return. Though Chan still seems like he has some hope left, its obvious that he grew up too fast. This song feels like what he’s trying not to be. He’s only about a year older than me, but sometimes it feels like he’s lived so much longer. I’m not sure 100% why, but this song is Chan. 
Let me know what you think! Do you agree, or are there any songs that you associate with the boys?
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antiromanticbaby · 1 year
Obey Me - Assigning Songs
Assigning songs to the Obey Me cast! Part two, the brothers.
[Part 1 - Now dateable]
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     ➤ Monster - Besomorph 
    “You made a monster, I’m your impostor”
➤ Stigma - Taehyung
    “Are you calling me a sinner?”
     ➤ Mortals - Warriyo 
    “Stranded in the open, dried out tears of sorrow.”
     ➤ Awake - Jin 
    “I’m so afraid, still, I hold the six flower petals tightly in my hand.”
     ➤ Battlefield - Svrcina
    “Nowhere to run from this, no way to forget.” 
     ➤ Greedy - Arianna Grande
    “You know that I’m greedy for love”
➤ Money - Lisa
    “I came here to drop some money”
     ➤ Cirque - Sub Urban
    “No need to be in love to have a little romance.”
     ➤ Royalty - Conor Maynard
    “Sit up in my palace and baby, you would be my queen.”
     ➤ Female Robbery - The Neighbourhood
    “I think I found out that I have nothing.” 
     ➤ Scream - Dreamcatcher
    “Words that cut like a sharp.” 
     ➤ Glitch - Kwon Eun-bi
    “So catch me if you can, like a glitch.”
➤ Let Me In - Enhypen
     “But don’t push me out, let me be there.”
     ➤ 10 Months - Enhypen
    “I’ll protect you. All day, all night.”
     ➤ Piri - Dreamcatcher
    “I only have you, save me now.”
     ➤ Paramour - Sub Urban
          “Watching it unfold, playing my own role.” 
     ➤ Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood
          “I’d run away and hide with you.”
➤ Careless Whisper - George Michael
         “Though it’s easy to pretend, I know you’re not a fool.”
     ➤ Wires - The Neighbourhood
          “You knew the game and played it.”
     ➤ Red Sun - Dreamcatcher
          “Moon, stop your work. Keep the dark night dark.”
     ➤ Baby - Madison Beer
          “Sugar coated, he says I’m the most sweet.” 
     ➤ Pink Venom - Blackpink
          “Everything is collapsing at the flick of my fingertip.”
➤ 7 Rings - Ariana Grande
         “I want it, I got it.”
     ➤ Pacify Her - Melanie Martinez
          “But was he yours, if he wanted me so bad?”
     ➤ Mad Hatter - Melanie Martinez
          “You can be Alice, I'll be the Mad Hatter”
     ➤ Don't you dare forget the sun - Get Scared
          “You never knew your mind was dark, no!” 
     ➤ Believer - Imagine Dragons
          “Singing from heartache from the pain.”
➤ Jump - Bts
         “Even if I live for a day, I’ll have no regrets.”
     ➤ Still with you - Jungkook
          “Please call my name one more time”
     ➤ Not by the moon - Got7
          “It’s meaningless without you”
     ➤ Sarcasm - Get Scared
          “My heart is breaking but there's no use crying” 
     ➤ Cradles - Sub Urban
          “I live inside my own world of make-believe.”
➤ No More Dream - Bts
         “Disobey the hell of a society, grant a special pardon to your dream”
     ➤ Lie - Jimin
          “Caught in a lie, please find me bring me back again”
     ➤ Sweet Dreams - Eurythmics
          “Sweet dreams are made of this.”
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What music artists do you listen to?
My Spotify is literally so random.
I have everything from Lana del Rey to Disney 😂 Loveless, Conor Maynard, chase Atlantic, Emlyn, Natalie Jane, two feet, Tate McRae, Selena Gomez, voila, Nina nesbitt, nf, bad omens, ava max, imagine dragons, Stevie Howie, Halsey, def Leppard, frank Sinatra.
Those are just off the top of my head.
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daddy-issues-99 · 2 years
Songs I associate with TFP Characters
“Centuries”-Fall out Boy
“Warriors”-Imagine dragons 
“Cults”-Gilded Lily
“you can be the boss”-Lana Del Ray
“Guys My Age”-Hey Violet 
"In My Mind"-Lyn Lapid
“Till It Happens To You”-Lady Gaga 
Bumble Bee:
“Teenagers”-My Chemical Romance
“American Idiot”-Green day 
“Super Freaky Girl”-Nicki Minaj 
“Lolly”-Maejor & Juicy J 
"Shut Up And Drive"-Rihanna
“Cherry Bomb”-The Runaways
"She Keeps Me Up"-Nickelback
“18″ Anarbor
"Dear Maria, Count Me In"-All Time Low
“Royalty”-Conor Maynard
Ultra Magnus:
“Hall of Fame”-The Script 
“Daniel In The Den”-BASTILLE 
“Feeling Good”-Michael Buble 
“Arabian Knights”-Will Smith 
“Queen”-Loren Gray 
“Hiding In The Blue”-TheFatRat 
"Blow My Brains Out"-Tikkle Me
“Carnival Of Carnage”-CALYPSO
“They Call Me A God”-NEFFEX
”bad guy”-Billie Eilish
“Hit and Run”-LOLO
“UNHOLY”-Sam Smith
”Sucker for Pain”-Lil Wayne
��Dance to Forget”-TryHardNinja
"I'll Be Good"-Jaymes Young
“Dangerous Women”-Ariana Grande 
“The Man”-Taylor Swift
“BOYTOY”-Halle Abadi 
"Rockstar"-Post Malone
“Need To Know”-Doja Cat 
“Lights Down Low”-Bei Maejor
“Such A Whore”-jvla
“Misfit Toys”-Pusha T & Mako 
“Replay”-Lady Gaga
“King For A day”-Pierce The Veil 
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uprootingmylife · 1 year
A Memoir to my Soul Tie through the Use of Songs
(The Familiar Tragedy)
October 2005-April 2009...
I was his. His special girl. The one who listened. The one he looked forward hugging. The one he'd let piggy back ride on his back. The one he promised to come back to. The one he'd let ride shotgun with him in his camero just riding around. I felt safe. I felt seen. I felt like I mattered. I felt entranced. I felt a connection...a deep one that I'd never experience again.
Then, it all shattered..then my fairytale world was ripped away...
April 2009....
That moment. That moment when my heart was left in your arms in a bloody mess never to be given back to me. It was yours. And in that moment, I felt so abandoned by you. How you left me to join the army..how you left because you couldn't bare your parents or the underlying reason you couldn't bare to stay in one place..you had places to go and new experiences to feel without me..you left me haunted while you went out with so full of life.
April 2009-December 2017...
For years, I waited on you. I always dreamt of the day we'd be reunited. How you would say you'd love me, and how I could finally find my home back in your arms again. I always imagined you being on life missions. That you were Superman saving the day elsewhere while leaving me messages in the sky to let me know that one day you'd come and save my day. I looked for a hero in you during that time. But it turns out it was just your tattoo.
January 2018-June 2018
At last! My love. My soul tie. My hero. My other half. Our lips met. Our cores ached. Our fingers twisted sheets in pleasure. We came together. Making out like teenagers. Laughing together as friends. Intimate as lovers. Feeling together as soul mates. I gave every inch of me inside and out to you. My lover. I counted your scars and kissed each one so tenderly. Those 5 months were bliss. Until...
June 2018
..my world shattered..you cheated on me...used me to cheat on someone else. Everything I knew about you was a lie...you didn't love me as you said in your "I'll settle for a wedding band" message. Twisted. Gutted. How could you? Left my beating half on the ground that you still drag around. Don't you know my soul is attached to yours? Do you even feel it? Or do you ignore it like you did me at the end?
July 2018 to present
This song speaks word for word. No need for explanation here.
Ope. Name dropped you. Still speaks word for word.
"Photogenic memory, past looks better than reality? Believe me, it's only an illusion."
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joelaine22 · 2 years
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chocolatemillkk · 4 years
It’s down the street from the station. Next to the flower shop.
I glance at the text again and back to the building beside the flower shop but it looks empty. I walk up to the door and someone opens them, revealing the lit interior. I rush in, paranoid that somebody would tell me I didn’t belong and take the lift to where Conor said.
“Hey,” he spots me as soon as I enter the room. There’s two other guys in the room with him but he walks over to me before introducing me.
“Hey...” I say, slightly confused why I was getting such a big introduction.
“Alright,” one of the men looks from me to Conor and smiles. “We’ll check back in soon.”
“Did you want something to drink?” Conor asks, his voice a little higher than usual. “Or we could grab a bite later?”
“That sounds perfect,” I say. “Is somebody a little nervous?”
“Me?” Conor huffs. “No! No wa-okay maybe a little. It’s the first time I brought someone from the group here.”
“Hasn’t Sam been here?”
“Besides him. But it’s different with him. And you.”
“Right.” I shift as we make intense eye contact again. The energy in this room was going to make me crazy. “I saw the coffee on the way in-did you want anything.”
“Nope.” Conor picks up his guitar and sets it down again.
I give an awkward smile and rush out. Oh god I made the worst decision coming here!
I busy myself with the coffee but I keep thinking about the pain I was going to have to endure for the next few hours. I’ve only myself to blame.
When I get back to the room Conor’s back is to me and his headphones prevent him from noticing me. I take a seat on the couch and sip my coffee as I listen to him hum and press a few keys. I wonder how it sounded on headphones.
“Oh-you’re here.” Conor jumps when he spots me. “I’m working on the chorus wanna listen?”
“Yeah!” I grab the headphones he extends to me and the next few hours pass as he slowly builds the song and goofs off about lyrics in between. I have more fun than I thought and see a more focused and passionate Conor. It was really good to see.
“Was that a guitar or your stomach?” Conor asks later.
“Totally a guitar!” I joke.
“Let’s eat.” In a second he’s putting away his gear.
“But your song?” I ask.
“It’s basically done. Thanks to you.”
“I did nothing but make weird faces while you sang,” I laugh.
“Nah you helped the process. Helped with the flow.” Conor shrugs.
“The flow?” I snicker.
“Shut up,” he tugs my ponytail.
I tug my hair back and it falls silent between us as we enter the lift and down onto the street. It’s still oddly silent as we walk to a nearby cafe and still so as we order our food.
But it’s not uncomfortable. Just silent.
“So,” Conor begins when we sit. “You’re leaving on Sunday?”
“Yeah,” I reply. “I’ve got so many errands to run between now and the-“
“Do you think uh...can I drop you to the station? When does your train leave.”
The awkward interruption ripples between us and I feel a fuzzy feeling spreading from my stomach.
“Yeah! I leave at 8am so you might actually have to set an alarm this time.”
Conor groans, “Fine-I’ll wake up for you.”
I’m shocked for a moment. “Is this a prank? Where’s the real Conor?”
“No! I’ll set an alarm I swear on-on my next single!”
“That’s kind of sweet.” I smile at him.
“You’re just realising?” Conor bluffs.
“It took a long time to get past the sour exterior,” I wave my hand around him. “But who knew Conor Maynard could be sweet?”
“Hey um remember that text I sent you? About the last time we saw each other?”
I stare at Conor who’s ripping his napkin. Not this.
“Yeah,” I barely croak out.
“And what I said...I um...”
“It’s okay,” I rush in. “I forgot about it anyway.”
“You did?” Conor looks either surprised or annoyed but I wasn’t good at reading him.
“Oh yeah,” I lie. “All nonsense. We don’t need to talk it out.”
“Cool,” Conor nods. “Nonsense yeah, cool.”
It falls silent and I feel like someone’s punched me in the gut. We focus on our lunches but this time the silence feels heavier.
Conor and I only see each other when our friends went for drinks in the evening. We don’t hang alone or talk about the peculiar few days we had of getting along. Now, actually, he doesn’t even tease me and I wonder what I’d done.
So it’s due to that that I assume he’d forgotten about dropping me on Sunday yet at 7am I get a text from Conor to say he was parked in front of my complex.
It’s just a fifteen minute ride, I remind him.
I know, Conor responds.
When I make it down with my suitcase in tow he puts it in the back himself and we begin the ride in silence. I couldn’t take this.
“I thought you may have forgotten.” I start off. “With the complete radio silence on your end.”
“Just been busy,” Conor mumbles. “But I promised.”
“Yeah but I’m surprised you woke up this early.”
“I haven’t actually slept all night,” Conor glances at me and I notice the bags under his eyes.
“Aw,” I tease. “Too nervous seeing me?”
Conor chuckles. “I was finishing up that song we were working on. I wanted you to hear it before you left.”
“Oh wow yeah,” I’m at a loss for words. “I’d love that.”
“Good,” Conor glances at me again and we hold gazes before he breaks it to look at the road again. “It’s your song.”
We drive for a few minutes before he hands me his phone and instructs me on how to get to it, saying he might still make a few changes. It take a while as Conor’s organization was terrible but I find the file. “October Y/N” Before I play it he says he wants honest feedback and I agree, thinking I would be in a place to give any criticism but when it starts to play I don’t find a single flaw.
Even though I sat in on the chorus of the lyrics and caught a few lines as Conor tested it that day, nothing prepared me for the heartbreak of the song. It felt like Conor was revealing his underbelly, showing me his softer inside. It was a feeling of falling voluntarily to someone who’s arms were willing to catch me. When the last note sounds, I look at Conor and his eyes are challenging my own to say how I felt.
I look down at his hand and slip my own into it, giving it a squeeze. I catch him smiling, unable to reign in his happiness, and he brings my hand to his lips and kisses it.
We freeze.
“Shit I didn’t mean-“ Conor begins apologising as I let out a nervous laugh. “It was just the moment.”
“Was it?” I ask as Conor turns into the train station.
“Yeah the song was ending and I was hyped on excitement I-“
“Conor.” I stop him from rambling. “Did you mean what you said that night on my birthday.”
It’s always been hard to get Conor to stop talking but the simple question made him mute. He runs his fingers through his hair and avoids my gaze before staring at my collarbone.
“I meant it.”
He meets my eye and I smile to let him know I wasn’t upset about it. If anything I was relieved. It meant I wasn’t the only one and it meant that I might finally know what his felt like.
I lean forward an inch and Conor does too but he doesn’t stop there, he holds me by the neck and it happens. It finally happens.
I finally understood what girls meant when they were in love. There was a bounce to my step and a grin permanently plastered on my face. Conor and I texted always and Facetimed a few times a week. He even made the trip down to school a couple times and we’d gotten as close as we could get.
It was the first time he’d stayed over and we were getting dressed the next morning to go out for breakfast.
“When did you realise you liked me?” I asked Conor as he fussed with his hair.
“What?” He turns.
“We always had a hate relationship right? I didn’t realise until after my 20th. When did you realise?”
“Uh,” Conor doesn’t meet my eye. “I liked you for a while.”
“Yeah,” I grow a little frustrated. “But like, when? Why were you still so annoying after you realised?”
He shrugs. “I dunno. It was sort of our thing.”
“Okay.” I give up.
“What?” Conor senses my annoyance and walks towards me. “Do you want a specific time and date or something?”
“No! Don’t be ridiculous!” I turn away from him to put on my earrings. “I just wanted like, a vague time.”
“The day before I told you. I realised it’d been you all along.”
I pause, “What happened for you to realise that suddenly? Was it something I said?”
“Not exactly,” Conor wraps his arms around my waist and presses me to him. “Something someone else said made it click. That I loved you.”
My hands freeze on his around my waist. Although he’d said it that day he never used the L word after. Conor senses my discomfort as he removes his hands.
“Sorry is it too soon? I mean I’d already said it but-“
“No.” I face him. “I just didn’t expect to hear them.”
The shock of hearing my former frenemy turned lover saying that he loved me wears off by the time he had to leave Sunday night. Enough so that I said it to him back and he’d kissed me so intensely that someone waiting for his train had told us to get a room. I’d retreated, red faced and made sure to avoid eye contact as he left.
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Dating Conor Maynard might include...
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cheesy pick-up lines
like literally all the time, if not in person than via whatsapp or snapchat
weird snapchats in general
tagging you in funny videos
him always making you laugh
him laughing even more than you, because we all know he’s the one who laughs most at his jokes
but he’d love to see you laugh, even more if it was because of him
sometimes he’d even blush because of that
when you first started dating, he made sure that you only got to see his best side
although you guys got intimate in the sexual sense pretty quickly, he didn’t let you in at first
but deep down, you could feel that there was so much more that you hadn’t seen yet
patiently waiting until he was comfortable to share that with you, too
because you were here to stay, and he knew it
it just took him a bit longer to fully get comfortable
you respected that, knowing that he would do the exact same thing
but when you were on that deep level, there was so much to discover
working through issues together
because you were a team, and he made sure everybody knew that
getting on really well with the other boys, especially Jack
hanging out with him a lot
always cuddling when you were watching movies or a series
cheeky slaps on the butt, because he just loved your butt
you’d slowly learn to return them
him giggling in the most adorable way when you’d smack his bum
loving glances
like you could be at a party, chatting with different people and you’d feel him look at you
feeling all warm and bubbly inside
him giving you compliments all the time
because he wanted you to see yourself like he did
him being called whipped because he was so infatuated with you
but he didn’t mind being whipped for you
hugging the other from behind
him singing softly into your ear, just for you
helping him through his creative phases
being one of the first people to hear his new music
making sure he’d eat enough when he was writing music, because he would often forget that
generally taking care of him
sometimes feeling like you didn’t have a boyfriend, you merely got yourself a five year-old child
him being so attentive
like he would always get you something special when he was away
“I spotted this in a shop, and it made me think of you”
long-distance-relationship when he was away in LA
he still made sure that you wouldn’t feel lonely though
still managing to speak to each other at least once a week
facetiming until one of you fell asleep
checking the time-zone where he was in
goodbye-kisses that turned into a severe make-out session in the hallway when he was leaving
sending good-morning and good-night-texts to each other
him spending the first two days (at least) only with you when he was back
not letting go of each other until you really had to
reunion sex
at first having real passionate and eager sex, getting all the frustration out from being apart for so long
round two was much more vanilla, with slow kisses and loving glances
generally having sex on almost a daily basis
giggly sex in the bathtub
shower sex, although one of you almost always gets hurt
buying a non-slip-mat for this purpose only
morning sex
drunk sex
showering together afterwards
eating breakfast together
being the fan’s otp
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imagineabuttercream · 2 years
This Is My Version (Conor x Reader)
A/N - I had a hard time figuring out how to do this without a sad ending (because I hate sad endings) and this is what I came up with.
Yours and Conor's relationship had always been a passionate one. When you were happy, you were on cloud nine. When you fought, you were mean. When you made up, you didn't leave the bedroom. You were always the one to say sorry first. Young love isn't always as carefree as people say. Relationships like yours run high, but they fall hard. Your last fight had been ugly and after all of the hurtful words and yelling, you were both left in tears, just staring at each other. You grabbed your bag, slowly walking up to Conor and pressing a slow lingering kiss to his lips. You walked out the door and both of you acted like the other person didn't exist. Until Conor released his latest song, that is.
Four in the morning, staring at the ceiling
On my own, like I was last weekend
You left and I guess you had your reasons
Guess you had your reasons, yeah
I said things and I didn't really mean them
Kept going till I saw your heart bleeding
Ruining the only thing I ever believed in
Ever believed in, yeah
And even though you're gone
I'm gonna pretend there's nothing wrong
I'm fucking every girl that comes along
Anything is better than to face up to reality, oh oh
This is my version of heartbreak
This is how I get over you
I don't wanna feel
I don't wanna feel
This is my version of heartbreak
And it's all I know how to do
I don't wanna feel like this anymore
This is my version of a heartbreak
Clothes on the floor, and the beds all mine, yeah
And staying out 'till the sun starts rising
Free as a bird but I'm still not flying
God, I'm trying, yeah
And even though you're gone
I'm telling everyone there's nothing wrong
Until I can believe you're not the one
Anything is better than to face up to reality, oh oh
This is my version of heartbreak
This is how I get over you
I don't wanna feel
I don't wanna feel
This is my version of heartbreak
And it's all I know how to do
I don't wanna feel like this anymore
This is my version of a heartbreak
The night he released it, he went out with the boys and got shitfaced. You had been laying in bed wearing Conor's jumper, listening to it on repeat when he called you. You ignored the first two calls, but you answered the third.
"What do you want, Conor?" you asked, mad that you answered the phone.
"Did you hear it?" he asked, the background noise of whatever club he was in coming through the phone as well.
"About a hundred times. It's really good." you started to tear up again, having spent the majority of the night in tears.
"You should come out, Y/n." he said after a long pause.
"You don't want me there, Conor." You replied, knowing you weren't going to go meet him. No matter what.
"I've been staring at my phone contemplating whether or not you'd answer if I called. I obviously want you here." he said.
"No you don't. We'll both regret it, love." you replied.
"You're still the only person I want here with me." Conor spoke into the phone, but you could hear him talking to the people around him too.
"Congrats on your new song. You deserve a night out. I hope you have fun." you said and hung up.
Weeks later, the two of you ran into each other. In the daylight and with both of you sober, you were actually able to talk and laugh and catch up. You spent the rest of the day together at Conor's flat. Conor was in the middle of showing you some new stuff he had in the works when you realized the sun had gone down.
"I should go." you smiled over at him, catching him off guard.
"Why?" he asked, twining his fingers with yours.
"Because I don't want today to end like the last time we said goodbye." you answered, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
You started to walk out of his room, but Conor pulled you back and captured your lips in a kiss. "Stay. Please, stay." he begged, slowly backing you up to the edge of the bed.
"Conor." you said, in a sad voice.
"I swear. No more fighting. I'm so sorry I ever let it get so bad between us. Please just stay." You could see the sincerity in his eyes. This was the first time Conor was the person to say sorry after one of your fights.
Instead of answering him, you pulled him into a kiss. You were reliving a favorite past time of yours...getting lost in Conor. After Conor had drifted off, you laid there watching him sleep. "This is my version" was still playing in your head. You hadn't listened to much else since the night he had drunk dialed you. Grabbing a notebook and a pencil, you started filling in your own lyrics. You knew you weren't going to stay until morning.
Four in the morning, staring at the ceiling
All alone and I hate that feeling
I left and you know I had my reasons
I can't hide these feelings, yeah
You said things then you said you didn't mean them
You didn't stop till I started to believe them
You ruined everything, I hope you had your reasons
I just can't believe it, yeah
And even though we're done
I cry every time I hear your songs
Wishing that it didn't all go wrong
Anything is better than to face up to reality, oh oh
This is my version of heartbreak
Wasting all my time missing you
Why'd you have to steal
What I thought was real
This is my version of heartbreak
I don't know how to get over you
I don't want to feel like this anymore
This is my version of heartbreak
Pictures on the walls, we were always smiling
Why did we stop, why did we start fighting?
You broke my heart but I wish you'd come and find me
Tell me to stop crying, yeah
And even though you called
Drunk and telling me I'm still the one
I knew you'd forget when you sobered up
Anything is better than to face up to reality, oh oh
This is my version of heartbreak
Wasting all my time missing you
Why'd you have to steal
What I thought was real
This is my version of heartbreak
I don't want to get over you
I don't want to feel like this anymore
This is my version of heartbreak
You ripped the page out of the notebook and folded it up. On the outside you wrote "If you really want to work on us, call me. I know we've got loads of baggage, but we have a lot of good memories too. If I don't hear from you, then I wish you the best. I love you." Sticking it under Conor's phone, you threw your skirt and one of Conor's shirts on. You leaned down to kiss his cheek and once again, left his flat.
You didn't hear from Conor the next day. No texts. No calls. No knocking on your door. You did, however, see him tweet a few lines from your altered version of his song. You would be okay if he didn't call, but of course you hoped he'd want to get back together. Laying in bed, unable to sleep, you heard your phone ring. Conor's face popping up on your screen.
"Hello." you said, wondering why he had taken so long to call.
"I don't know if you were awake, but it's four in the morning." Conor said. You could hear his bed linens rustle as he moved around.
You couldn't help but smile. "You've always been cheesy, but this takes the cake." you chuckled into the phone.
"I know." he laughed. Silence falling between the two of you. "Want to come stare at my ceiling with me?"
"Oh my god, I'm hanging up if you keep going." you laughed, getting out of bed to get dressed.
"Awww, don't hang up." Conor continued. "I just don't want to be alone like last weekend."
"I swear to god." you laughed, grabbing your purse but stopping at your front door. "Do you actually want me to come over?" you asked, your voice sounding unsure.
"As long as you don't leave, again." he replied sincerely before realizing it sounded like he was continuing on with his song and laughing. "I know that technically fit with the lyrics but I really do want you to come over."
"I'll be there in 10." you laughed.
"I'll be waiting, love." Conor replied, hanging up the phone.
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bouttogolinkurbitch · 6 years
masterlist 🥀
thank you for taking time out of your day to read my fics! It honestly means so much!! Most of my Dolan fics start with edits of mine so please like/reblog them if you saved the edit or if you enjoyed the story- or both! Feed back is always welcome and appreciated.
a stressed kid with too much on her mind ;)
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🥀🌩s̶c̶r̶e̶e̶n̶s̶h̶o̶t̶s̶ 🌩🥀
Come Dine With Me: Joe Sugg
Turtle Man 🐢: Ethan Dolan
Best pics of them ever lmaooo: Dolan Twins
Haunted House vid: Dolan Twins
Procrastination scene: Dolan Twins
This was fuckin funny
🚀💫☁️saturn☁️💫🚀: Ethan Dolan Edit
S̶m̶u̶t̶ ̶: 💀
F̶l̶u̶f̶f̶ ̶:💕
❤️🖤 t̶h̶a̶t̶c̶h̶e̶r̶j̶o̶e̶ 🖤❤️
Holly Jolly: Joe Sugg
Summary: Y/N isn’t feeling festive and Joe decides to help Y/N get in the holiday spirit 💕
Home is where your heart is: Joe Sugg
Summary: Caspar is moving out right as Y/N finally meets her pin pal Joe. The boys go down memory lane 💕
❤️🖤J̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶M̶a̶y̶n̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶ 🖤❤️
This isn’t the bathroom: Jack Maynard
Summary: Jack and Y/N finally come to terms with their feelings and Josh ruins the moment 💕
❤️🖤C̶o̶n̶o̶r̶ ̶M̶a̶y̶n̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶ 🖤❤️
Types of Kisses: Conor Maynard
Summary: Different scenarios where Y/N and Conor are intimate 💕
🌩🌫D̶o̶l̶a̶n̶ ̶T̶w̶i̶n̶s̶ ̶🌫🌩
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❤️🖤E̶t̶h̶a̶n̶ ̶D̶o̶l̶a̶n̶🖤❤️
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Types of Kisses: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Different scenarios where Y/N and Ethan are intimate 💕
Just a blurb: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Ethan and Grayson finish building their set in their new home, and Ethan comes to take a nap on Y/N after a long day 💕
Sun Glare: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Bryant and Y/N are co workers. After a long day, she comes home and has a playful photo shoot with Ethan 💕
The Kissing Booth: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Based off the movie. Mentions drug abuse (unlike the movie) so you’ve been warned!! Also there might be douche! Ethan and douche! Grayson- which doesn’t reflect them as people, just for storyline purposes :)) 💕🖤 [DISCONTINUED]
Part (one)
Part (two)
Part (three)
Weeds: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Ethan smokes weed for the first time 💕🖤
Another blurb: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Grayson and Ethan get into an argument, and Ethan takes his frustrations out in a heated make out with Y/N 💕🖤
Bunny Babe: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Ethan can’t handle Y/N in his baseball styled Playboy Bunny shirt. And after a long day, he does something about it 💕🖤💀
Do I Wanna Know?: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Ethan is in a dangerous biker gang. When he finally gets to come home, they get reacquainted 💕🖤💀
Feel the Love: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Y/N and Ethan embark on a challenge that tests their relationship. They go an entire month without sex 💕🖤💀
Dope on a Rope: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Austin and Y/N had a fairytale cliché love...until Austin cheats. Ethan picks up the pieces in a way Y/N never expected, but she definitely needed 💕🖤💀
sunflower🌻: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Ethan gets really sad all the time, and Y/N teaches him it’s okay to not be okay 💕🖤
Birdie: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Addison, Ethan and Y/N’s daughter, learns some new flips at grandma Lisa’s and grandpa Sean’s 💕
❤️🖤 G̶r̶a̶y̶s̶o̶n̶ ̶ ̶D̶o̶l̶a̶n̶🖤❤️
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Wrasslin’: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Y/N is on the wrestling team. After a grueling meet, Grayson finally makes his move 💕🖤
Sugar Wraith: Grayson Dolan
Summary: After a messy breakup, Grayson helps Y/N recuperate 💕🖤💀
Shark Bait: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Y/N and Grayson go through a rough patch. When an incident happens to Grayson, Y/N wonders if leaving him was the right choice 🖤
Better Now: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Y/N and Grayson separate and they think that they are better now that they’re apart, but both soon learn they’re better together 💕🖤
There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Grayson and Y/N have a serious make out that leads to something else 💕💀
In My Blood: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Grayson and Y/N are hooking up behind everyone’s backs, and when Cam finds out, trouble ensues 💕🖤💀
Playboy Bunny: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Grayson can’t handle Y/N in his baseball style Playboy bunny button down, and after a long day, she does something about that 🖤💀
Room 3A: Grayson Dolan
Summary: A pesky patient keeps Y/N on her toes. But she doesn’t mind going back and forth because the patient happens to be a heartthrob 💕
Kids See Ghosts: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Grayson accidentally adds Y/N on Snapchat and good things come from the incident 💕
Burnin’ Up: Grayson Dolan
Summary: James plays matchmaker and it turns out he was right. Slight daddy kink, spanking, and light choking 💀🖤
yungbld: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Gray teaches Y/N how to surf! Ethan, Gray, Bryant, and Y/N have a fun beach day 💕
Fire: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Grayson is an underground fighter, and all his life he’s been striving to get gold. Y/N had always had a crush on the younger, brooding twin. And it turns out Grayson wanted her too 💕🖤💀
Types of Kisses: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Different scenarios between Y/N and Gray sharing kisses 💕
corduroy dreams: Grayson Dolan
Summary: From strangers to lovers. Shitty blurb 💕
apricot princess: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Paige(@heathendolan) and Y/N are life long best friends. They share everything from clothes to even brothers. Gray saves the day with the aid of Ethan and in turn, the girls fall hard for the two boys 💕🖤
Man on the Moon: Grayson Dolan
Y/N and Grayson switch lives for a day!! A grueling workout, waking up at ungodly hours, a trip to the mall, and all the love that’s shared between Y/N and Grayson makes for a fluffy day 💕🖤💀 [slight suggestions of smut]
🥀🌩 A̶S̶K̶/̶ ̶R̶E̶Q̶U̶E̶S̶T̶S̶ ̶ 🌩🥀
For @dolanoodle Mutual: Ethan Dolan
all the edits here are mine as well so please like/reblog the masterlist if you saved them/if you feel like it. It means a bunch ❤️
🥀M̶A̶S̶T̶E̶R̶L̶I̶S̶T̶ ̶P̶A̶R̶T̶ ̶T̶W̶O̶🥀
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buttercreamscenes · 6 years
Double Date Don’t - Conor Maynard
Request: No
Smut: No
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :)
“Wear your hair half up, half down.” Throwing your phone across the room, you let out a sigh as you watched it roll off your bed and onto the floor. Checking yourself out in the mirror, you smoothed out your shirt, wondering if it would live up to Conor’s wishes. 
Last week, Conor mentioned how the girl he was seeing, Rose, explained her brother was looking for a relationship and Conor immediately mentioned you, his best friend. Explaining that you had no say in the matter, Conor set up a double date between the four of you and had been bugging you about it every day since.
“Since you were ignoring me, I thought I’d pick you up and we could go together.” Rolling your eyes at the sound of Conor’s voice entering your room, you turned to face him, waiting for his criticism on your outfit, however it never came. “Whoa, I don’t know a single guy who wouldn’t.”
Arriving at the restaurant, the nerves began to grow as you approached the table and were finally greeted with your date....your hot...totally your type date. 
“You know, when Rose said Conor was setting this thing up...I’m not going to lie, I was quite nervous.” Josh explained.
“I mean, I don’t even trust Conor to make a cup of tea, let alone set up a date.” Continuing the conversation with Josh, you looked over at Conor who sat quietly, swirling his wine around as if he was on a wine tour and looking down at his food.
The night continued with you and Josh enjoying many conversations between each other and Rose and Conor sitting there in silence as they watched you two get along.
“I really enjoyed myself.” Josh said, smiling as the four of you began to leave the restaurant. “Maybe we can do it again sometime?”
“I’d love that.” Smiling at him as you received a hug from Rose, you mentally thanked Conor for setting you up with someone you got along with so well. “Well, that went well.” You said, getting into the passenger side of Conor’s car. 
“Yeah.” He replied, beginning to back out of his parking space.
“Are you alright?” You asked, after moments of silence as Conor drove down the street. Remaining quiet, you began to wonder if you had done something wrong. “Conor, what happened?” You asked, concerned. Feeling the car come to a sudden stop, you raised your hand and pressed it against the dash in order to stop yourself from flying even more forward than you already had. “What the hell are you doing!?” You asked, turning around to make sure no one was behind you. 
“I don’t know.” He replied, looking over at you, surprised at his own actions. “I just...” Stuttering over his words, he took off his seatbelt as he turned his body fully towards you. “I just need you to not go out with Josh again.” 
“Excuse me?” You asked, not quite understanding the situation. “Conor, you made me go on this date. You made this happen. This was all you. And now all of a sudden, you’ve got a problem with it. What happened? I don’t understand why-” Your confusion was cut off by a different kind of confusion as you felt Conor’s lips press against yours, stopping you from continuing to question him. Pulling away after a couple of seconds, the car remained silent as Conor turned back towards the wheel, putting his seatbelt back on. 
“So when are you going out with Josh again?” Conor asked, completely ignoring the last couple of minutes as he continued to drive down the road.
“I don’t know.” You replied, wondering what the hell you were supposed to do now.
“Cool.” Conor replied, allowing the conversation to die down and the silence to return.
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dwwak · 6 years
Family Comfort - Jack Maynard Short
Word count: 131 Triggers: NONE Requested: NO
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Warm laces of happiness wrinkles down your spine as you watch Jack casually talk with his parents, your eyes wander his side profile. His hair recklessly placed around his ears making brunette waves to the soft blonde that welcomes your hands restlessly. With his face carved like smooth marble his movements are calculated and calm that they almost seem to be synchronized with the rhythm of his heart. His rosy cheeks sparks your heart, and as if he heard your heart he looks to you with joy and future.
You blush as you’re caught staring at the stars, “What?” you chuckle as you bundle up the blanket closer to your legs which hung over the couch.  
Jack chuckles a bit, making your heart take another leap into the open blue sky.
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suggxlangley · 7 years
Wonderland gone wrong.
Request: Can you write something where Conor and yn are together and something happens and she like shatters her knee cap or something? Idk
A/N: Maybe one day I’ll write an imagine that’s not about winter wonderland, also I have no idea if you can go ice skating there, but you can now.
The boys were all gathered at Joes when you arrived hugging all the boys with a smile when you joined them. You were all getting ready for another big night out at Winter Wonderland and were playing some games. You were feeling excited to experience a true winter experience having grown up in LA. After a while you all left to go get your ubers, but two people didn’t fit in the uber so you volunteered to get the next one, and Conor was fast to join you. You let out a sigh of relief as the boys uber left, and you could finally melt into Conor’s arms. He wrapped around you tightly and rested his head next to yours, whispering in your ear about how much he had missed you. You had been dating Conor for three months, but with the pressure of the fans and your careers you had mutually decided that it would be best to keep your relationship quiet for a while. You had both had bad previous relationships, so you wanted to take it slow and make sure you were capable of being there 100% for each other. Your thoughts were interrupted as Conor ushered you into your uber, and you enjoyed your last moments of comfort with each other before you had to pretend to be friends again.
When you arrived, he let go of your hand, which broke your heart a little every time, but you couldn’t hold it against it because it was your decision. You re-joined the group whilst Caspar announced that you were all going ice skating to get the full London experience. Honestly you weren’t very good at ice skating, but if the six-year-old girl doing the spin could do, jeez if Mikey one of the clumsiest people you’ve met could, you could figure it out. So, you put on a smile and some fake confidence and lined up for some skates.
Conor joined you in line and subtly asked, “Y/N are you sure you’re up for this?”
“Shhh I have this, I’m from LA not the desert,” causing Conor to laugh in response. You started skating and it was all going well as the boys tried to teach you how to skate. After about 20 minutes they had started breaking off and it was just you and Jack.
“So, Y/N, how are things going with Conor,” he said with a smirk.
“What do you mean, we’re friends,” you replied coolly, you and Conor had practiced for these interrogations.
“Oh c’mon, I’m his brother, and I know for sure that he hasn’t been leaving the clubs every weekend at 12 because his feeling sick. Christ he never even crashes at mine anymore after, and we all know he doesn’t go back to his own place after a night out, he says the uber surcharge is a sin. So if his not at mine, Joe’s, or Caspar’s, then it’s pretty obvious his with you.” Jack replied in a matter of fact manner.
His statement had completely thrown you off and you found yourself loosing focus as a wave of panic washed over you with your face quickly approaching the ground. You winced in pain and your body hit the cold ice, and the shock quickly wore off causing you to become aware of a pain in your knee.
“Christ Y/N, are you okay?” Jack said leaning to help you, but not before Conor magically appeared at your side, carefully helping you rest against him and running his hands through your hair in the way that calms you.
“Y/N are you okay? What happened? Do you need anything?”, he said with his features full of concern.
“My knee, I think I’ve done something to it”, you replied in pain.
“I’ll call an ambulance “, Jack muttered.
Soon enough the boys had joined you. “Shit Y/N what did you do, wait a minute friends don’t sit like that.” Joe said pointing to you and Conor.
“Oh sod off, she fell and we really could use some help here. And use your brains.” Conor replied sassily being more stressed than you.
The boys helped you up careful not to put any weight on your knee and Conor accompanied you to the hospital. He waited with you in emergency and carefully watched over all your doctors making sure you were ok.  After hours of waiting you eventually established that you had cracked your knee cap.
He moved in with you during your recovery and you grew closer than before. He would bring you breakfast in bed, and watch your favourite shows together. It made you so grateful for him. You decided that it would be a good time to take your relationship public, but it turned out people had already figured it out from a photo of Conor helping you on the night of your accident.
“I was so worried Y/N/N, please don’t do that again” Conor joked one night as you hobbled around on your crutches.
“Ah well, I’m still alive and I don’t have to hide my love for you. Besides you’re my own personal servant now, so I really could be worse off,” you laughed in reply pressing a kiss to his lips, grateful that he was there to help you get through.
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supernaturalisbae1 · 7 years
Jack Maynard-Having Fun
Requests are still open guys let me know if you have any I really enjoy writing these! Also check out my wattpad. I write things on there!
Thank you for the request I changed it a wee bit but I hope you like it!😜 This is a lot fluffier than I thought it would be😂
Jacks POV
“Okay guys I gotta go, I’m starving and my wonderful girlfriend is in the kitchen, making me dinner. See ya later MERRY VLOGMAS!” I said to my camera. “Say bye y/n.” “Bye guys merry vlogmas.” Y/n my lovely girlfriend yelled from the kitchen.
I turned off the camera and set it on the charger in my room. After that I found my way to the kitchen smelling y/f/f (your favorite food) cooking.
I stopped in the doorway just watching y/n. I love her more than anything, we’ve been dating for almost 2 years now. She was staying with Conor and I at our flat for the holidays, and she’s been cooking all day for a dinner we’re having tonight with all the boys.
Y/n’s POV
I giggle to myself after I say bye to Jacks camera, he is really excited for Christmas, lord I love that boy and I’m glad to be staying with him.
I hear the door open pulling me out of my thoughts as I stir some of the food for tonight, but I don’t here footsteps afterward so I assume Jack stopped in the doorway.
It’s been five minutes and Jack still hasn’t said anything so I speak up. “Just gonna stand there and stare all day?” I ask as I glance back to see Jack smirking.
He shifts his weight to lean on the wall instead of the doorway “Maybe I like view,” he says cockily.
I giggle as the doorbell rings. “The boys must be here early can you get the door Conor is napping.” Jack groans deeply turning me on a little, but he does it none the less. I sigh and get back to work.
Around 10 minutes later Joe comes into the kitchen. “Hey y/n I figured you’ve been in here all day cooking by yourself so I came to help since they’ll burn anything they touch.” Joe says as he points at the door, talking about Jack and Conor.
“Oh thank you Joe that’s really nice, if it’s not to much trouble can you cut the carrots?” I ask him while handing him a knife. He nods his head and starts helping.
Not long after Jack comes in and hugs me from behind. “Hey sweetie,” I giggle. He kissed my lips then proceeds to say, “Oh come on Joe really you’re making me look bad in front of my girlfriend!”
“Hey back off, least I won’t make a mess everywhere like you would,” Joe fights back jokingly and we all laugh. The doorbell rings again. I just look at Jack and he goes to get the door.
Joe chuckles from the other side of the kitchen, “You’ve got that boy whipped y/n, he is wrapped around you’re finger.” I playfully glare over at him. “Don’t give me that look, you know it’s true.”
I laugh it off as Jack and Casper walk in the door carrying food. “Here’s the turkey, you asked for and Oli is right behind us with the potato salad.”
“Thanks Caspar, Oli set that on the table please. And Joe will you check the casserole?” Caspar and Oli put the food that’s done on the table, Joe nods and checks the casserole and I go wake Conor up while Jack goes to call Mikey to see when he’s getting here with the drinks.
Jacks POV
It’s busy here and I feel bad for not even thinking about helping y/n when all the boys brought food and Mikey bringing drinks while Conor sets the table.
I’m trying to help the best I can now but I’ve never really cooked before and I don’t want y/n to get frustrated from my constant questions.
Y/n’s POV
It’s been really busy around here. When I woke Conor up I put him straight to work setting the table, Jack was trying to help with the cooking but kept messing up or asking a lot of questions, and as adorable as I thought it was I sent him out to finish the Christmas decorations I never got to so I wouldn’t be distracted.
Mikey and Josh rode together to get the drinks and as soon as they got here I put them to work. Joe helped me prepare the last bit of food and we started chatting.
“You know what y/n, I’m glad you’re here because if we didn’t have you here it wouldn’t be a big party like this, we would have just gone out clubbing. Since your here, we really have a woman to set things up and make it feel like Christmas.” He quietly chuckles and continues. “And you know you’re just like a mother ordering all of us around. You’ve got Oli and Casper cleaning the the dining room and setting out food. Conor setting the table. Mikey and Josh getting the drinks, Jack putting up Christmas decor and me helping you cook. I never thought I’d see any of these guys doing stuff like this for anyone but you’ve rounded us out.”
Joe smiled at me, when he finished. I smiled back very big and genuinely. “Thank you Joe so much for helping me with everything.” We washed our hands and I hugged him.
*Skip to Dinner*
We all sat down with dinner finally ready and I decided to make a toast. “Before we begin eating I have a toast to make. I wanna thank all of you. Starting with Joe, thank you for showing up two hours early to help me finish cooking. Caspar thank you for taking the time to make a turkey to go with the Roast I made. Oli even though I know you just went to the store and bought it thanks for bringing the potato salad.” Oli blushed. “Conor thanks for setting the table just the way my picky self asked you to, Mikey thank you for buying the drinks, and Josh thank you for babysitting Mikey to make sure he didn’t spill them everywhere.” We all laughed and I finished my speech. “And thank you Jack, my best friend for trying to help cook and running around doing everything I asked of you, I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you.”
That was the end of my speech and I kissed Jack as they all cheered. We had a good laugh and everyone dug in.
Later on we all sat in the living room singing along to cheesy Christmas toons and Conor showing off with his lovely singing skills. I was sitting with Jack on the couch my legs draped over his with my head on his shoulder. “I’m gonna go clean up the table a little.” I whispered to Jack who nodded and kissed my lips before I got up.
After I’d taken all the leftovers and put them in containers I started washing the dishes. Shortly after that Jack came to hug my waist from behind. I dried my hands and turned around to talk to him.
“Hey, baby, need something?” I asked him still tightly holding on to me.
I looked up into his eyes and he seemed upset. He tried to hide it with a smile but I could tell he wasn’t okay. “Hey Jack what’s wrong? Don’t say nothing because I know you.”
“I don’t know I guess I just feel kinda bad for not helping you as much today. I heard you tell Joe thanks so much for everything and I just started feeling bad that you made all the boys help you and didn’t even ask me to. It made me feel useless so I tried helping you and Joe cook but I don’t really know how and you sending me out of the kitchen made me feel even worse.” He admitted.
“I feel so bad now this is all a big misunderstanding sweetie.” I tried to jump up on the counter behind me but I’m kinda short so I missed. Jack chuckled lightly and grabbed my waist to set me up there.
I pulled him in between my legs and made eye contact. “Jack what you heard me say to Joe earlier today was me thanking him for saying that he was glad I was here and said that I was the reason you guys had a real Christmas, and I asked all the boys to help me because none of them were doing anything I didn’t know it would bother you but I wanted to give you a break from all the stress of trying to make your new songs with Conor perfect.
And when you tried to help cook I loved that you were trying to help even though you didn’t know how it was adorable but I sent you out because I was getting distracted watching you. I’m so sorry I never realized that I was happy and all day and you were suffering, baby next time please say something. I’m so sorry please forgive me.”
“There is nothing to forgive. God how did I end up so lucky. I don’t deserve you. I love you so much. You didn’t do anything wrong it was just a misunderstanding as long as you were happy that’s all I need to make me happy. I love you so much. Please don’t ever leave me.”
*Waring making out beyond this scene but nothing more than that*
“Never.” I whispered and kissed him passionately. It started out slow but got increasingly faster and more intense. Jack had one hand on my cheek and the other holding my waist. I had my legs tightly wrapped around his waist and my hands on his neck, because I was still on the counter.
We continued kissing and he bit my lip and I granted him entrance. At that exact moment Conor walked in the door. “Hey guys need any help.” Jack and I pulled apart just in time for me to see Conor’s eyes widening.
“Having fun I see,” Conor said before turning around and walking out.
Jack started trying to kiss me again then moved to kissing my neck. “Jack come on if we don’t go out now they’re all gonna think we’re having a quickie.” I tried to reason. “So,” he mumbled into my neck. “Jaaaaaaaaack,” I whined. “Okay Okay,” he quite kissing me and helped me down.
When we walked back in everyone started teasing us. I ignored them and sat on Jacks lap on the couch and stayed there until after everyone left. “Now can we go have sex?” Jack asked. I giggle loudly. “Bro I’m still in the room!” Conor yelled.
Jack picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed loudly and Jack took me to his room.
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littlewolfieposts · 6 years
Buttercream Squad fic
I’m writing for all of the guys (including Byron) and am open to request right now!
Tell me what and who you want the one shot with!
Request Box
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