#josh pieters oneshot
cursivesugg · 7 years
Instinct || Josh Pieters
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Requests are currently [ CLOSED ]
Masterlist can be found [ HERE ]
Word Count: 1.9k+
A/N: This is literally just a huge ball of fluff because I’m feeling very broody rn and miss my lil baby sm<3
You and Josh had a thousand things in common, one of the many things that spurred you to fall for him, but there was one specific thing that you defiantly did not share. And that, was your motherly instinct.
You really couldn’t help it, it just came naturally to you. It may have been due to the fact that you grew up taking care of your younger siblings seeing as both of your parents worked and only really came home to sleep.
They were older now, and you knew deep down that they could look after themselves and didn’t need you as much anymore, but that didn’t make moving out of your family home any harder.
These days, you really didn’t have anyone much younger than you to look after, only Josh, who, admittedly, didn’t need you as much as you liked to think he did. He was a grown ass man who was living his best life and was ever thankful that you were by his side throughout his journey, but that didn’t stop you from feeling a little unneeded.
You’d always had such a purpose, a drive that got you out of bed at five am every morning and only let you sleep when everybody else in your life was one hundred percent satisfied. Not having that made you feel inadequate.
That wasn’t to say your life living with Josh and Caspar wasn’t challenging, but you just felt like they withdrew themselves from you, obviously under the impression that you didn’t want to have to deal with their problems. They couldn’t have been more wrong.
There was a turning point, as there is with every resounding situation; and it was a cloudy Monday morning. You were sat on the couch in your sweats, your hair up in a messy bun and a small amount of makeup on your face. It was a personally proclaimed lazy day; and besides, you’d always been convinced that Monday’s were originally created as a day to recover from the weekend.
Josh had left early that morning, kissing you softly on the cheek as you mumble incoherently, still half asleep as you push your face into the pillow and hear him chuckle slightly as he left the room and flicked the light off.
You were sure that he’d gone to a meeting, seeing as you’d had a conversation with it the previous evening; but you couldn’t pinpoint exactly what the meeting was about. You silently shake your head and curse yourself for having such a bad memory.
You were swaying your hips and scrambling some eggs in a pan when your phone chimed from its place on the countertop. You reached over and kept one eye on the pan as you unlocked the device and read the message from one of your best friends. The further you read, the more the pit of your stomach began to bubble with excitement.
She’d asked you if it was okay for her to drop her little boy at your place for a few hours seeing as you lived hardly ten minutes from her place and her babysitter had dropped out last minute.
You agreed readily and you could just tell she was laughing at you for getting so excited. You had time to eat your eggs and make sure nothing too sharp was exposed at floor level before you heard a knock on the door.
Swinging the door open, you smile at her widely and she just chuckles and rolls her eyes at you, pushing into the apartment and placing the baby bags onto the counter before passing you the car seat. “He’s asleep at the minute, won’t be long until he wakes up. He shouldn’t be any trouble really, he loves his Auntie (Y/N).” She smiles at you and kisses your cheek, glancing down at her watch and cursing quietly. “Sorry I couldn’t stick around for longer, but I’m so late. I’ll see you in a few hours, and thanks again babe!” She calls as she walks out of the apartment, closing the door softly behind her and leaving you to grin down at the sleeping baby.
You truly were in your element, and even when he woke up and cried softly for a while, you couldn’t help but continue to smile as you bounce him up and down in your arms and hush him softly as you walk around the apartment; knowing for a fact that movement never failed to calm him down.
When he was happy and you had him giggling, you decided to prop him up on the couch and keep him stable with pillows and sit directly in front of him with your legs crossed, playing peek-a-boo and laughing whenever he threw his head back and gargled gibberish which you could only assume was him letting you know how much he appreciated your dry sense of humour.
You barely even noticed when Josh walked back into the apartment, along with Caspar and a very frazzled Joe following suit. They all froze and their conversation halted when they spotted you sat on the couch, your face pressed against the babies as you blew raspberries with your mouth and giggled when he stared into your eyes and blew spit bubbles.
You looked up over the back of the couch when you heard Josh drop his keys onto the counter, and smile at them all. “Heya guys, how was the meeting?”
“Alright.” Josh shrugs, before furrowing his brows and sharing a look with a few of the boys as you go back to quietly playing peek-a-boo with the baby. “Um, babe, where’d you get the baby?”
You scrunch up your nose and look at him in disbelief. “I went and got him in Tesco, where’d you think I got him?” She says sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she steadied the tiny swaying body. “(Y/F/N) dropped him off, her babysitter bailed on her and she had a meeting in Central London.”
“He’s so adorable!” Caspar squeals, running over and sitting on his knees in front of the couch, staring at the baby as if he was the most precious thing in the world. “Oh my goodness, I just wanna eat him up!”
You chuckle and wipe away some dribble with the bib you’d grabbed out of the bag from the babies chin. You look up at Joe and Josh and nod toward the baby. “Come say hello.”
Caspar awes softly as you brush some of the hair away from the little man’s face and he leans into your touch with a gargle, causing you to grin and rub your thumb across his cheek. Joe and Josh huddle around the sofa, Joe kneeling down beside Caspar and Josh sitting behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your neck once before he began staring at the baby over your shoulder.
Caspar picks up one of the many toys that had somehow already been littered all across the apartment and cautiously holds it in-front of the baby, the smile on his face widening hugely when the boy reaches his chubby little arms out and makes grabby hands for the plush giraffe.
Joe was making funny faces at the baby, making him stare at him with his wide eyes and laugh, but hardly anything compared to the way he laughed with you. It was more than likely to do with the fact that he knew who you were, and was only just now meeting Joe for the first time.
There was peace for a few minutes, and you conversed with the boys about their meeting and how everything had gone, but before you could get into telling them about the boring morning you’d had, the babies mood suddenly turned and he went from gurgling happily to screaming at the top of his lungs.
The boys all move away, their eyes widening in shock, but you simply laugh and roll your eyes at them, reaching forward and lifting the baby into your arms, standing up and patting his back softly as you walk around to the back of the couch and pace circles slowly. “Hey, hey no, it’s okay. Shh.”
You continue to mindlessly mumble reassuring things to the baby as you reheat his bottle of milk, expertly resting it on your wrist all whilst balancing the now deeply breathing baby on your hip. When you were sure that it wasn’t too hot, you popped the nipple into his mouth and rocked him gently as he stared up at you and guzzled the milk down before falling asleep in your arms with an empty bottle hanging between his gums.
You clean up his face and put the bottle on the counter before walking over to the car seat and placing him down inside, making sure to cover him with his little blanket and putting a pacifier between his clenched fingers just in case he was to wake up.
When you were fully satisfied that he was as safe and as comfortable as he could be, you hop over the back of the sofa and cuddle into Josh’s side. He wraps his arm around your waist and hugs you into him as Caspar continued to play Counter Strike on his computer on the other side of the room and Joe began to vlog a little, updating his viewers on his day. You hadn’t even noticed that he’d been filming before.
That night, when your friend had come to pick up the baby and had thanked you multiple times for being, in her words, a life saver, and Joe left to go home, you and Josh cuddled together in bed. He ran his fingers up and down your back as he began to speak softly. “Did you have a good day today?”
You nod and smile at him. “One of the best in a while.”
“Seeing you with kids, it makes me really happy,” Josh admits, his voice croaky and his accent so much more prominent now than it was during the day due to his sleepiness. “You think we’ll start a family one day?”
You purse your lips together and shrug. “I like to hope so.”
He grins and pushes his face into the crook of your neck, yawning softly and closing his eyes. “Well, in that case, there’s something I need to tell you.”
You narrow your eyes and push him away gently, looking at him with your eyebrows raised. “What did you do?”
“I may or may not have lost a bet to Casp when we were seventeen and now have to give my first child Caspar as a middle name.”
You were about to groan and laugh at his, and coincidentally, your, expense, but after thinking about it for a second, you hum and nod, causing the red head to eye you in confusion. “Something Caspar Pieters, I like it.” You kiss him quickly before getting comfortable and switching off your lamp. “Night babe.”
You hear Josh laugh and you can’t help but smile into your pillow, especially when he curls himself around you from behind you and begins to trace shapes into the exposed skin on your stomach. “I love you.”
“I love you more.” You mumble sleepily, your eyes slowly closing as the events of the day caught up to you and you fell into dreams of yourself and Josh’s future.
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imkylotrash · 7 years
Tinder Joke
Pairing: Josh Pieters x Reader
Word Count: 465 words.
Warnings: None really. Maybe spoilers if you haven’t seen his new video yet, haha. 
Request: Y/N and josh pieters are boyfriend and girlfriend and y/n accidentally punches or kicks josh in the balls sorta hard! @joshpleters
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It’s not meant to be real. The whole thing is a sketch as a way for Josh to let his fans know that the two of you are dating. The whole thing starts out with Josh asking Conor and you to do a video concerning Tinder. Of course, Conor can’t say no to a video like that. Ironically you and Josh actually did meet over Tinder, and now you’re playing the girl in the video that he meets over Tinder. 
“So what did I have to do?” you ask now that it’s your time to be in the video. 
“Basically Conor is going to set up the date and then you’ll be the girl that I thought was my match but is actually Conor’s match. So when you see me, you give me a kick in the balls because I’m not what you thought,” Josh explains and you nod. You’ve already practiced it, so you’re not actually kicking him in the balls. You’re just faking it for the video. But when it comes to you actually kicking him, you somehow end up kicking him for real. 
“Oh my,” he says breathless sinking down to the ground. Conor is a mess behind you from laughing so hard and you’re trying really hard not to laugh as well. 
“I’m so sorry, babe,” you say kneeling down next to him and placing your hand on his back. 
“Why would you do that?” he asks with a completely red face. You must’ve really hit him hard. 
“Well, you shouldn’t have moved!” you scold him while you’re laughing. 
“Mate, she got you good!” Conor laughs. Later on, when Josh regains his normal skin tone you film that part again and this time you get it right. Then all that’s left is the outro. 
“Obviously there’s a reason as to why I did this video. I partnered up with Tinder to make this video, and I’ll leave all the links down below for you guys to check out. But another thing I wanted to do with this video is to tell you guys that I have gotten myself a girlfriend. And this was kind of a sketch on how we met,” he explains signaling for you to sit in the frame with him. You sit next to him and intertwine your fingers with his. 
“Hi,” you wave to the camera feeling a bit out of place. 
“This is the beautiful Y/N, who just so happens to be my girlfriend. We’ve been together for about five months now. And we met over Tinder which is so cringy, but I’m also really happy that it happened,” Josh says with a smile looking over at you. 
“So am I,” you smile pecking his lips quickly. You can feel yourself blush a little. 
“You’re adorable.” 
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janosxmaynard · 6 years
Hey guys!
So yeah I know I’ve literally been the worlds worst writer recently. I’ve just been busy with work & personal things but with the recent bad weather we’ve been having I’ve been cooped up in the house with nothing else to do, which means I’ve been playing around with some prompts. So should be posting something soon.
Also you may notice I changed my username from littleworldofmyown idk felt like a bit of a chance haha. Anyway please send in any Prompts for Janoskians & Buttercream one shots and I’ll see what I can do.
All my love,
Kez x
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buttercream-maynard · 7 years
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cursivesugg · 7 years
Inspiration || Josh Pieters
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Requests are currently [ CLOSED ]
Masterlist can be found [ HERE ]
Word Count: 800+
Summary: You’re stressed, you have writer's block, and nothing seems to be going your way. And if you were honest, you’d be completely lost without Josh. 
A/N: This is quite short, but I didn’t want to make it unnecessarily long. I hope everyone who requested a Josh imagine and for those who just love him for being the precious bean he is, enjoys this!!xo
"I just can't do it!" You shout in annoyance, shoving the laptop away and slamming the lid shut angrily, glaring at the silver machine as your boyfriend slowly looks up from his game and eyes you cautiously as you continue to rant angrily. "Stupid brain, stupid fingers, stupid machine; why can't you all just cooperate for bloody once?" You run your hand through your hair and inhale deeply, looking up at your boyfriend, who was watching you with his eyes squinted. You smile weakly and pull the bottoms of your sleeves down into your hands. "Did I interrupt you?"
He shakes his head and takes off his headset, turning off the monitor and walking over to the bed, taking a seat beside her and wrapping his long arms around you as you lean into his side with a heavy sigh. He twirls a piece of your hair around his finger and circles a piece of your skin that had become exposed after your shirt had risen. "What's going on?"
"I just- I can't do anything. I can't write, I can't come up with ideas, I can't get my brain to work and I don't have any inspiration at all and it's killing me." You say, your voice somehow both quick and sharp and soft and loving all at once. Josh hums in understanding, resting his head onto yours as you continue to ramble. "I'm a writer, Josh, and I have deadlines that I have to meet otherwise I'm putting my entire future in jeopardy. My publisher's on my back constantly, I have people from all over the world wanting me to accept translations for my book which requires so much damn paperwork you have no idea."
"It's no surprise that you haven't got anything done!" He says as a matter of fact, and you look up at him with your eyebrows furrowed, a silent sign of your confusion. "What I mean to say is, you're totally stressed out. And I know from experience that being stressed and trying to be productive all at once is not a good idea." He elaborates, and you exhale slowly with a nod in agreement. "So, how do we get you less stressed?"
You scrunch up your face and shrug with a whiny groan. "I don't know." When he chuckles in amusement at your child-like tone, you look up at him through your lashes and he brushes your hair out of your face. "How do you get over creators block, and get less stressed? All whilst meeting various different deadlines and sending my grandma a birthday cheque?"
At the last one, Josh can't help but laugh slightly. "Isn't it usually the grandma's who send the cheque's because they know for a fact that if they're not over twenty pounds we won't even bother to put them into the bank?"
"My nana's old fashioned, it's annoying, she's literally the only reason I had to get a cheque book. Three years ago, she sent her birthday card back along with the money, and I found a little note inside that said 'please send back when the money is no longer cash, love grandma p'."
"No way." Josh shakes his head as he laughs. "There is no way that your poor, innocent grandma did that!"
"You don't know grandma P, Josh, she's a monster." You warn, half serious and half not as you climb further into his lap and push your head into his chest. "I used to be scared senseless of going to her house when I was a kid, especially after she turned up at my school nativity with my grandpa and just glared at us all until it was over. I'll never forget that, ever. Sunday lunches at nana's were never the same again."
Josh's laughter subsides, and he pulls you closer to his chest, pushing his nose into your hair and breathing softly. "I love when you tell stories from when you were younger; it makes me feel better about my childhood."
You roll your eyes and shove him a little, laughing quietly and fiddling with the cotton of his shirt, a smile on your face for the first time all day. You were so content as you just sat there, in the arms of your one and only, your mind free of any responsibilities just for the moment. It was exactly what you needed, a break from the screen, the emails, and the pressure; just to take a moment to focus on other things.
You smile, and snuggle further into Josh's chest, wrapping your arms around his waist as he ran his fingers through your hair, massaging your temples gently. He was your inspiration, your very own sense of perfection; and you couldn't imagine what you'd do without him.
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cursivesugg · 7 years
Baby Buttercream || Josh Pieters
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Requests are currently [ OPEN ]
Masterlist can be found [ HERE ]
Word Count: 2.6k+
Summary: You and josh hate eachother, it’s as simple as that. But what happens when suddenly, things are a whole lot more complicated than they ever had been before?
Dedicated too: The anon who requested this, its my first lengthy(!!) fix and I had so much fun writing it over the course of the day. I hope you love it xo
Your relationship with Josh was, complicated, per say. You weren't dating, nor were you very good friends; in fact you argued more often than you'd like to admit. Your conversations were short and snappy, and the only real reason you continued to acknowledge him was for the sake of your bestfriend, Joe Sugg.
When Joe and Caspar lived together, you spent the majority of your free time at their apartment. There was hardly a thing about either of them you didn't know, barely an inch of their bodies you hadn't seen. From shower pranks to simply watching Caspar walk around naked: you'd see it all. They'd become like brothers to you, the two people you could count on for everything - those who you trusted with your whole being.
And then, as if you were being punished for something, Josh Pieters travelled to London from South Africa, and just wouldn't leave. He stayed at the boys' apartment, and seemed to be there every minute of everyday. You couldn't just arrive and make yourself comfortable on their sofa anymore, instead you had to be on your toes, ready with a sarcastic response at all times.
It wasn't a secret that you didn't particularly like the tall ginger; in fact, Caspar found it highly amusing whenever you'd argue, and especially enjoyed when your spits would turn into actual wrestling matches.
A year later, celebrated the end of an era. Joe and Caspar moved into their own apartments, Josh moved in with the Maynard brothers, after a few days of staying there, you claimed the spare bedroom at Joe's: which he said he'd initially decorated for you nonetheless. You still had your own apartment, though you were barely ever there. By that point, it was used for storage purposes more than anything else.
And so, in conclusion, there was no real reason for you to have to see Josh anymore. You weren't forced to be in the same apartment together, nor did you have any reason to actually see one another other than at events - and yet, for some strange reason, you found yourself missing him. The sarcastic arguments, the challenging looks, the way he'd pick you up as if you weighed nothing and would throw you across the room and onto the couch.
Then, when you felt like you were finally getting used to not having him around, Joe decided that it'd be a good idea to invite the whole "squad" over for a movie night - and completely forgot to tell you. And so at eleven pm, you walked out of your bedroom with your glasses on the end of your nose and your booty shorts and tank top covering your freshly showered body barely. Your hair was wet, hanging over your shoulders, having only been towel dried, and your face was completely free of any traces of makeup.
It wasn't unusual for you to walk around the apartment like this: it was your home and Joe had made it clear on various occasions that he'd seen you naked more times than he could remember, and so seeing you in just your underwear of your 'barely there' pyjamas wasn't exactly the end of the world. He was right, in a way, you'd known the Sugg siblings since you were three and had spent many a summer day in their paddling pool.
What you weren't prepared for, however, was to walk into the lounge and can come to face with every single one of Joe's friends, including Josh. They all turned to face you when they heard your quiet footsteps, saying their hello's and Caspar even getting up to give you a quick hug before he threw himself back onto the couch. You and Josh shared a hostile look that made a few of the boys laugh, but you simply rolled your eyes and turned to walk into the kitchen - fixing yourself a bowl of cereal and grabbing a metal spoon from the drawer.
Joe looks up from his editing program at the sound of metal against glass and eyes you strangely. "Why are you having breakfast for dinner?"
You grin around the spoon and swallow your mouthful, before leaning your torso up against the counter sand pushing the flakes into the milk. "Because I can." He rolls his eyes but smiles at you softly before he looks away, causing you to glance back down at your cereal with less tension in your shoulders than before.
As it turned out, the boys weren't planning on leaving that night - not until he early hours of the morning anyways. They filmed a messy video for one of their channels as you caught with your favourite actors and actresses on your computer at the breakfast island. By the time they were finished, it was two am and apparently, not even that had been enough to satisfy their boredom, for they all decided to go out to a club and get pissed - something they hadn't done in a while.
When you heard the front door close and all of the voices seize to nothing, you jump up from your chair and begin to pull out a few cleaning supplies from under the sink: eyeing the small mess that the boys had left behind with a quiet laugh. Joe had insisted several times that you didn't need to clean up his messes for him, but after years of supporting you, it was the least you could do.
You hum as you clean, quickly worming your way into even the smallest of crevices, and like a pro, you were done within ten minutes. All you wanted to do after that was have a shower, put on some clean clothes and binge watch Criminal Minds until you fell asleep. But obviously fate had other plans.
You walked into sound the corner and up the metal staircase, your nose buried in your phone and not paying attention to the space ahead of you - which proved to be a bad idea when you walked straight first into a bare chest and screamed loudly in shock. A hand quickly reaches up to cover your parted lips and you glance up into a pair of familiar brown eyes with a relieved sigh. He slowly removes his hand and gives you a wide eyes look. "Why the hell did you scream?"
You scowl at him and fold your arms across your chest. "Why are you still here?"
He rolls his eyes and runs his hand through his hair. "Joe said I could use his shower since  there's no hot water at my place right now."
"Well, why don't you get some clothes on and then get the hell out of here." You suggest, the sarcastic undertone of your voice no surprise to Josh who smirks and shakes his head. You frown in confusion. "Why didn't you go out with the boys?"
"Didn't feel like it tonight." He shrugs, and you eye him suspiciously. "Thought it'd be more fun to spend some time annoying you."
"Any minute you spend within the same mile radius as me you never fail to annoy me." You quip, and he chuckles softly. You stand there in silence for a while, before you clear your throat and ask the one question you'd been dying to ask since the day you met him. "Why do you hate me?"
He furrows his brows, and looks down at you with disbelief written across his face. Taking a step closer, he rests his hands on your waist and you glance down at them in confusion. "(Y/N), I don't hate you; I've never hated you." You inhale sharply and look up at him as his fingers brush up and down your sides. "But that doesn't mean that you don't annoy the shit out of me."
You press your lips together to hide your amused grin, "ditto."
He hums quietly, and for a moment you can't seem to pry your eyes away from his bare chest, and the way his towels hangs lowly on his hips. He obviously notices you staring, because he chuckles and tightens his grip on your hips. "What're you looking at?"
"Nothing," you prolong the word, an innocent grin on your face. You rest your hands onto his bare skin and purse your lips. "I'm just wondering why we've spent so much time fighting when we could've been doing so many other things."
He raises his eyebrows and bites his lip. "Other things?" You nod and hum, staring up into his eyes. He tuts and smiles cockily. "I never knew you could be so straightforward."
You lick your lips and move up onto your tiptoes, your face even closer to his than before. You could feel his breath on your face, and it send shivers up your spine. He uses his hold on your hips to pull you flush against him, and you smirk up at him seductively. You moan and throw your head back as he begins to pepper kisses across your collar bones. Biting your lip, you inhale sharply and wind your arms over his shoulders. "I still need to shower."
"C'mon then, lets save water."
"Didn't you only just finish in there?"
"One can never be too clean."
From then on, you and Josh slept together whenever the opportunity presented itself: but other than the fact that your wrestling no longer had to end with Caspar pulling the two of you apart, nothing changed. You still absolutely despised eachother, and fought over virtually everything - but there was just something different about the way you looked at eachother. It was as if you enjoyed the arguments, because you both knew for a fact that angry sex was on the horizon.
Nobody seemed to notice the change in atmosphere, at least not until your little slip up one day that left them all a tiny bit suspicious. You'd woken up after a long night of drinking, and all you seemed to remember was making out with Josh the moment you were out of the boys' sight. He'd pushed you against the wall in the club, your legs wrapped around his waist. No wonder your back was sore.
You were hungover, horribly so, and in consolation you paid no attention to what clothes you threw on before slumping into the kitchen, mewling and scrunching your face together, closing your eyes and backing away from the sunlight. You throw yourself face-first onto the uninhabited sofa and groan - only peeking your head out to pout at the boys who were all laughing at you from their positions around the room.
You pout and curls your bare legs up to your chest. "You're all dickheads."
Jack snorts and looks at you with a smirk on his face. "Well, at least none of us 'dickheads' are littered with hickeys."
You raise your hand up to cover your neck and blush, quickly glancing over at Josh who was adjusting his shirt colour with a sheepish look on his face. You glare at him inconspicuously, and when he looks up to meet your gaze he glares right back at you. You roll your eyes and scoff, throwing yourself to your feet, perhaps a little too fast, seeing as you sway on the spot and almost fall face-first onto the floor.
But someone grabs onto you'd forearms before you can, and you inhale sharply, looking up into his brown eyes and biting your lip. You stare at him for a moment before snapping out of it and stepping back, glaring at him harshly. "I didn't need you to catch me, you prick."
He rolls his eyes and sits back down, clenching his teeth and staring at you with a displeased look on his face. "I'll let you fall onto your fucking face next time then."
"Thanks." You smile sarcastically, walking away from the boys and into the kitchen, pulling out the pint of orange juice and a random sweatshirt from the drying rack, throwing it on over your sports bra - and by the longer length, you know that it's Joe's. You shrug and carry the whole bottle of orange juice back into the lounge, curling up on the corner of one of the sofas and drinking straight from the bottle.
You catch Josh's disgusted look, and you smile at him sarcastically and take a large gulp, purposely winding him up even more. He shakes his head slightly and looks away as you yawn and lay your head down on Joe's shoulder. The Sugg simply glances down at you and smiles, wrapping his arm around you waist in a brotherly fashion and pulls you into his side. "You have a good night last night?"
You knew why he was asking. The previous night had been the first night in a long time that you'd joined them on a night out; especially after the disaster of a night out that you'd had on your last birthday. You think back to the previous night and nod, pressing your lips together and smiling. Your eyes flick over at Josh, who was talking to Conor, and you smile even more, making sure to quickly look away in order to not be caught. "Yeah; yeah I really enjoyed myself."
Mikey laughs loudly, "it sure looks like you did!"
You roll your eyes and flip him off, making the rest of the boys laugh, all but Josh, who simply smiled and looked down at his hands; thanking god that he'd chosen to wear a high collared shirt that day.
When it came to stressful situations, you definitely weren't the most calm and collected person in the world - the opposite, actually. You paced and your cursed under your breath, your hands running through your hair and tears streaming down your face.
Josh sits on the toilet seat, the rest of the boys sat merely a few yards away in the lounge. You'd inconspicuously forced him to follow you into the bathroom and told him about everything, how you were two months late and were being sick way more often than what could've been rushed off as 'normal'.
So here you were, your heart beating wildly in your chest and your eyes moving from the floor to the tall redhead with the stick in his hand and his eyes widened inch more than usual. You didn't know what to say, too overwhelmed to speak as you push yourself back against the wall, staring at Josh with tears in your eyes and your arms wrapped around your stomach. You were nauseous, of course, but subconsciously you knew that your arms were there for a different reason.
He looks up at you a few seconds later, and his entire face had dropped. You inhale sharply, clenching your eyes shut and allowing a sob to escape from your lips. Josh places the test down onto the side of the bath and walks toward you cautiously, wrapping his arms around you and allowing you both to sink to the floor slowly, brushing your hair back and hushing you softly as you sob into his chest, fisting your hands around his bottom t-shirt.
Josh breaks the silence once you've calmed down enough to stop crying, though you're breathing was still irregular and your fists remained clenched around the fabric of his shirt. "So, a baby buttercream, huh?"
You giggle a little, though your voice is hoarse and cracks a few seconds into the laugh. He entwines his hand through one of yours, and rubs his thumb over your knuckle softly. You nod, and look up into his eyes through your wet lashes. "If you ever refer to our kid as 'baby buttercream' ever again, I swear to god I'll punch you where the sun doesn't shine."
He chuckles, and pulls your curled up body closer to his chest. "We'll be okay. I'll make sure of it."
On March 29th, 2017, you found out that your life was never going to be the same again; and god were you terrified.
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cursivesugg · 7 years
FWB || Josh Pieters
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Requests are currently [ OPEN ]
Masterlist can be found [ HERE ]
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: In which Joe and you are friends with benefits (FWB) and Josh has a crush on you but thinks you have a thing for Joe. 
Dedicated too: The anon who requested this!! I hope you like it lovely!!xo
You woke up after a messy night, fully naked with an all too familiar scented duvet wrapped around you. You groan and bury your face into the closest pillow, the pounding in your head almost unbearable; but after a few minutes it lessened enough for you to be able to stand up and walk around the room on a search for some clothes. Eventually you give up and throw on one of Joe's shirts and a pair of his boxer shorts, less than pleased when you found your panties on the floor with a tear in them.
You pick them up and roll your eyes, carrying them out into the living room and throwing them at the back of Joe's head as you headed into the kitchen to make coffee. "You're buying me a new pair."
All of the boys look up from their tasks and chorus a quiet hi, though their eyes linger on your body and then flicker between yourself and Joe slowly. Joe takes the panties off of the top of your head and chucks them back at you with a frown. "I'm not going underwear shopping for you."
You cock your brows and scoff, chucking them back at him with more force and narrowing your eyes at him. "If I don't get new panties within the week, I'm not giving you this shirt back." She smirks snugly as he looked up and groaned in defeat at the sight of you in one of his all time favourite shirts. "Yeah, that's what I thought. Does anyone want coffee?"
When everyone says yes, Josh stands up and offers to help, making you smile a him grateful as you made your way around the kitchen, knowing exactly here everything was kept after spending your fair share of time there. He hands you some mugs as you filter the coffee into the machine, smiling at him softly as he walked over to the fridge and pulled out the milk.
You'd always been good friends with Josh, from the moment you met at one of Joe's house parties you'd hit it off. But there was always something holding him back, what it was you weren't too sure, but there was defiantly something that he wanted to say and never had the courage too.
"Here." He hands you the cream and you smile up at him in thanks, but your face falls when you take note of the frown on his face.
"Josh? What's wrong?" You furrow your brows, pouring some cream into the mugs and watching in over your shoulder as he shrugs and sighs. You roll your eyes and throw him a pointed look. "Just tell me, I promise I won't get mad." You wink playfully, and he laughs a little as he shakes his head.
"I just- what's going on with you and Joe?" He asks quietly, and you stare at him in confusion, hoping for him to elaborate. Instead, he gestures down to your barely covered form and you blush slightly, having forgotten all about being half naked.
"Oh," you mumble, glancing down ta yourself and tugging the shirt down a little before looking back up at him and shrugging. "Well, some might call it friends with benefits, I call it having someone to sleep with when I'm drunk whom I know is clean, and plus," she looks up at him and grins. "He has a comfortable bed." Josh chuckles slightly, but she could tell that it was still slightly forced, and so she rests her hand on his arm and looks up at him in concern. "Are you sure you're okay?"
He shrugs and glances between you and Joe with an annoyed look crossing his features, making your eyes widen an inch as you began to piece the puzzle together. You kept quiet though, and let him try to explain to you in his own words, slightly amused. "It's just, are you sure Joe is your best choice? I mean, he's always kinda busy and never really has any time to hang out with you on your own and-"
"Josh." You interrupt him and look up at his sheepish expression with a soft smile. "Love, me and Joe aren't exclusive. We sleep together, sure, but there are absolutely no feelings there. I'm one of his bestfriends, and he's one of mine. That's just how we work: we tried to be together once, and between you and me, it was an absolute disaster."
Josh nods in understanding, standing next to you as you turn the machine on and watching your every move intently, until he finally decided to break the silence. "So, are you happy? With that, I mean? Don't you want to be exclusive with someone, and be able to go on cute dates and spend time together without having to worry about the lines between friendship and friends with benefits blurring?"
You snort and glance at him an amusement. "That made absolutely no sense, and yet somehow I know exactly what you're talking about. And to answer your question, yeah, sometimes I wish I had someone to go on dates with and watch movies with."She shrugs and smirks down at the coffee machine, feeling his eyes burn holes into the side of her head as she continued to talk. "I mean, I guess I've just never found anyone who wanted that with me. You know, I haven't had a boyfriend in around two years."
Josh nods slowly, and there's a prolonged silence between the two of you before he decided to once again fill the void. "Stop sleeping with Joe."
You look up at him and raise your eyebrows. "I'm not quite sure I understand."
He rolls his eyes and sighs, running his hand through his hair before resting them on your shoulders and staring down into your eyes. "I want to go on a date with you, and show you how you deserve to be treated, but I can't do that knowing you're gonna still be sleeping with Joe. So, if whatever is going on between you and Joe stops, I want to take you somewhere nice; on Saturday."
You purse your lips and glance down at your toes for a moment before looking back up at him and smiling a little. "Pick me up at twelve, we can go somewhere for lunch."
He nods, and takes a step back as you giggle softly to yourself and go back to making the coffee, excitement building in the pit of your stomach as you watched the tree sized man bounce back over to his space on the couch through your lashes.
Maybe Josh was exactly what you needed.
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cursivesugg · 7 years
London || Jack Maynard
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Requests are currently [ OPEN ]
Summary: The first part of a series that explores the process in which Josh’s sister’s relationship with Jack progresses until they eventually get together. 
Word Count: 744
Dedicated To: The anon who’s request inspired this series!!<3
“Josh, I’m going to fucking kill you.” (Y/N) yells as she used the spare key, that Joe pridictably left under the mat, to unlock the door to the Sugg’s’ apartment where she knew for a fact her brother would be - there was no doubt about it. It was football day, which meant all of the boys would be huddled around Joe’s flatscreen with pizza and popcorn to see them through.
Back to the matter at hand, Josh had left their shared apartment an absolute tip after getting home from a night out and sleeping for three hours before stumbling over to Joe’s without even considering the mess he was leaving behind. The thought of his little sister having to come home from the airport after a twelve hour flight and be forced to deal with the consequences of his messy night out hadn’t even crossed his mind - not until she came storiming into Joe’s in a pair of penguin pyjamas and her fists chenches at her sides anyways.
The boys all look up from the screen at Josh’s sister with wide eyes, Caspar especially excited as he came face to face with the girl whom he hadn’t seen in two years. “(Y/N)!”
(Y/N) glances over at Caspar and grins, the anger melting away from her features as she came face to face with her brothers best friend who used to spend hours braiding her hair but also hours pulling vicious pranks on her. “We’ll reuinite another time Caspie, right now I need to cut my brothers hands off so he can never pick up a glass of alcohol ever again.”
“I’m sorry, I forgot you were coming back today!” Josh defends, raising his hands as he stood up from the couch and approached the shorter girl, who glared at him fiercly. “I promise I’ll clean it up.”
“Damn fucking right you will.” (Y/N) huffs, giving her brother one last narrow eyes look before walking around him and plonking down onto the couch in the small space between Caspar and a guy she didn’t know who’d been staring at her since she arrived. “Unpause it; I need something to calm me down.”
Caspar smiles widely and throws his arm around her shouder, squeaking and puling her into his side as Joe eyes everyone cautiously before picking up the control and pressing play. Josh sits down opposite (Y/N) and went on to spent the next hour glaring at Jack, who spent the majority of the game trying to gain her attention andallowing his gaze linger on her for longer than he perhaps should’ve.
As the game draws to a close, (Y/N) stretches out and yawns, wiggling her toes and glncing over at Casper and laughing quietly when she sees him snoring on her shulder; fast asleep. She glances up at the rest of the boys who she knew from the number of skype calls herself and her brother had shared during the time she still lived in South Africa and he was staying in the infamous Jasper apartment. “I know Joe, Oli and obviously Josh; but I’m not sure I’ve met any of you new guys.”
Josh nods and smiles at his sister, trying so hard to crack the tension between them. “Uhm, this,” he points to the guy who was sat on the floor with his back against the sofa. “That’s Conor.”
(Y/N) looks down at him and smiles politely. “Maynard, right? I love your music.”
“You mean you love his covers?” The other unknown guy snorts, causing a few of the others to crack up including the guy next to her.
“And who’s that prick?” She asks, half joking and half serious as she eyes the buff guy with a sense of uncertainty.
Joe smirks and slaps the guys back. “This is Mikey, and the guy beside you is Jack; Conors brother.”
“Well, Jacky boy needs to learn how to low-key stare at someone,”
Jack looks down at his lap as his cheeks flush, the rest of the boys either laughing or whistling lowly as (Y/N) smirks and rests her hand onto Jack’s thigh discreetly. She could already tell her time in the UK was gonna be a whole lot better than she’d initially suspected.
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buttercream-maynard · 7 years
Joeck Masterlist
The Nightmare - Joeck fluff oneshot, Conor included. Prompt from inbox: Joeck fluff at the gleam Christmas party, Jack has a nightmare and panics and Joe calms him down, could be romance or bromance. Include conor somehow? Even though he wasn’t there lol.
I Know Babe, I Know -Joeck fluff oneshot, Conor included. For the prompt: Jack had diabetes and feels ill because his sugar is low. Joe is his boyfriend and helps him, Conor’s there too? Thanks you so much!
You’re My Brother- Jack and Conor brotherly love. Combination of two prompts. Prompt: Please do a jack and Conor Maynard one where the two of them get into a fight, and jack accidentally hits Conor (not enough to hurt him really) but they stop fighting and jack goes into shock. He then like runs off and Conor goes after him and finds jack crying. He comforts him and says like it doesn’t matter, you’re my brother and stuff like that? Sorry if this isn’t very clear! :)
Prompt: Can you do a YouTuber one shot based off of Josh Pieter’s video with Jack Maynard “The Roomie Tag”? One part of the video Josh brings up that Jack and Conor got into a fight and Jack punched that wall. I was wondering if the one shot could be about the argument :) thank you!
When You’re Here- Joeck fluff oneshot. Prompt: Jack and Joe are in a public place that gets really busy resulting in a panicky, claustrophobic Jack so Joe has to calm him down? Love your writing!
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buttercream-maynard · 7 years
You’re My Brother
Prompt: Please do a jack and Conor Maynard one where the two of them get into a fight, and jack accidentally hits Conor (not enough to hurt him really) but they stop fighting and jack goes into shock. He then like runs off and Conor goes after him and finds jack crying. He comforts him and says like it doesn't matter, you're my brother and stuff like that? Sorry if this isn't very clear! :)
Prompt: Can you do a YouTuber one shot based off of Josh Pieter’s video with Jack Maynard “The Roomie Tag”? One part of the video Josh brings up that Jack and Conor got into a fight and Jack punched that wall. I was wondering if the one shot could be about the argument :) thank you!
‘You fucking dickhead!’, Jack raged edging closer and closer to his brother, ‘You always get what you fucking want! What about me? I don’t even exist in their eyes!’. The argument had started off small, their mum had just gifted Conor a car and he decided to show it off in front of Jack’s friends when they were out playing football. It made Jack feel small and inferior to his brother and, upon arriving home, he struggled to hold his tongue.
Truth is, Jack wasn’t jealous about the car, rather how much attention Conor was getting from their parents. Jack had come out to them a month ago, and although they seemed to be okay with it at the time, his mum hadn’t been picking up his calls anymore. Even Anna had told him that they barely mentioned his name in the house– it was like he barely existed.
‘You’re just jealous of my success! You always have been!’ Conor screamed back no longer caring if the neighbours heard, ‘You’re so bloody petty Jack!’. Of course he hadn’t meant what he said but he couldn’t understand why Jack was acting like this. He thought his brother would happy for him.
That was it, the last straw, the younger Maynard was so filled with anger he could feel his ears burning. Conor knew Jack had spent the last few years trying to build a life for himself, tried to be something other than ‘Conor Maynard’s brother’. In a fit of rage, he blindly swung his fist towards Conor who immediately ducked to side to avoid the punch causing Jack to make a dent in the wall.
‘Oh for fucks sake’, Jack moaned holding his knuckles which were beginning to bruise. His brother was back at his side in a split second to assess the damage. ‘Are you okay?’, he asked, voice small as not to make Jack angry again. ‘Just leave me alone’, he replied, eyes beginning to well.
Shocked at his own actions, he promptly made his way over to the sofa where he slumped down with his head in his hands. He almost couldn’t believe himself – he had tried to hurt his brother. Conor had helped him so much and was pretty much responsible for kick-starting his YouTube and DJ career. He’ll abandon me too, he thought.
Sighing Conor made his way over to Jack and knelt in front of him. This behaviour was unlike the Jack he knew and loved, he knew there had to be more to the story. Carefully, he moved his younger brother’s hands away from his face. ‘Jack, what’s going on?’, he asked. ‘I’m s-sorry’, his voice cracked as he began to cry, ‘I didn’t mean to h-hurt you’.
‘Hey, come here’, Conor hugged Jack tightly as he began to sob on his shoulder -now he was really worried. As Jack began to calm down, the older Maynard unembraced and looked at his brother’s eyes. ‘Jack it’s alright, I’m fine’ he assured, ‘I’m just worried. You need to tell me what’s going on’. He cared for him too much to let a silly argument and a moment of anger get in the way of their love.
‘Mum and dad, they d-don’t care about me anymore’, he replied. ‘Jack I’m sure that’s not true, of course they care’. ‘Well that’s the thing Con, they don’t. Ever since I came out to them they’ve stopped bothering. They don’t pick up my calls anymore and Anna says they change the topic every time she mentions my name. I’ve been abandoned by my own parents.’ Hot tears began to roll down his flushed cheeks for the second time that evening.
Conor, evidently shocked, thought for a moment before replying, ‘Jack I-I didn’t know, I thought they were okay with it. It doesn’t matter what they say though, I’ll always love you no matter what’. Jack was now crying openly once again, overwhelmed by his brother’s response. ‘You’ve always got me. I’ll never abandon you.’ Jack smiled briefly, ‘I don’t know what I’d do without you’. He swung his arms around him again hugging him tightly.
‘I wasn’t angry about the car, congratulations bro’, he said looking down at the floor. ‘Well talking of the car…I’ll give it back to mum. Until she can prove that she loves and accepts you, I won’t be taking anything off her.’ Conor was stern in his words, he didn’t want parents who didn’t care for Jack like he did. ‘You’d really do that? For me?’ Jack asked searching his brother’s eyes.
‘Of course I would, you’re my brother.
Now let’s ice that hand.’
Kind regards,
Tumblr: buttercream-maynard
AO3: Oneshots_by_Reena
Wattpad: Oneshots-by-Reena
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