#the brothers love each other but they have s o o o many issues
the-cookie-of-doom · 22 days
Bad Habits
Kim has developed a bad habit. 
Ever since Mae died, he hasn’t been able to sleep alone. Pa never entertained this weakness, even when Kim went sneaking into his room at night for comfort, for the familiar scent of Mae’s perfume that was steadily fading from their pillows, so he began sleeping with Tankhun, instead. Khun never minded. He always told Kim how nice it was to have his own little heater to keep him warm at night. 
It helped that Kim didn’t take up much space; he was small for his age, even smaller when he curled up into a tight little ball for Khun to cuddle, like a bearded dragon around a heat rock. 
Kim doesn’t sleep with Khun anymore, though. Not since his brother was kidnapped and came back wrong. Frightened and distant, his body an empty shell for his shattered soul. He can’t stand to be touched. Not by the doctors or the guards or their father. Not by Kim. 
The first time Kim sneaks into Khun’s bed after a nightmare, Khun wakes screaming, kicking and clawing to get away, his nails raking stinging welts into Kim’s arms. The guards outside come running in and Kim slips out behind them, an ache in his skin and his eyes and his heart. 
Kinn finds him sometime later, after Khun is settled and sedated. Kim is hiding in the music room, beneath the piano, curled up as small as he can with his arms wrapped around his head. One of the scratches is bleeding. 
“Khun says he’s sorry,” Kinn says softly, after bringing Kim to his own room, examining the scratches. “He didn’t mean to scare you.”
Kim doesn’t say anything. 
Kim still doesn’t sleep alone, but he doesn’t sleep with his brothers, either. Khun still can’t stand to be touched and Kinn doesn’t want him around. He’s like Pa, thinks Kim shouldn’t need to sleep with someone else to feel safe, like a baby.
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wolken-himmel · 2 years
9k Followers Special
In which Crewel and Crowley somehow manage to destroy the time-space continuum and end up with dozens of mysterious children to care for.
Little do they know that these are (Y/n)'s children from various timelines where she married different NRC students.
Idea by @tickledpink31.
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"By the Great Seven, why are there so many children here?!"
Just as Crewel had set a foot into the headmaster's office, he was immediately overwhelmed by the sudden noise of high-pitched wails and children's screams. A barrage of small children had taken over the office, some running around happily while others destroyed the furniture and knocked over vases. There were more than twenty small children, and the oldest couldn't have been much older than seven years. For a while, Crewel merely remained at the entrance and gaped at the crowd of children.
The papers he had intended to deliver to the headmaster sailed out of his hands and fell to the floor. There was pure chaos going on, and his paper spill had exacerbated the issue even more.
It took the headmaster a while to notice his visitor. He had been busy wrangling his poor top hat away from an especially mischievous fae child. After a little while, the headmaster succeeded and managed to put the mangled hat back on his head. Only then did he give his attention to his colleague by the door frame. "O-Oh, Divus! Come right in! Just make sure to shut the door—" the headmaster announced hastily. "Rook Jr is quite the stealthy one..."
Just then, a blond boy tried to zoom past Crewel, but he managed to grab him by his collar and raise him into the air just in time. The professor eyed the rambunctious boy quizzically. "Rook Jr? Is that you?"
The boy let out a sheepish giggle and even gave him a clumsy salute. Somehow, he seemed unbothered by the way he was held into the air. "Aye, monsieur! Maman loved to call me that as well— But my name is actually Philippe. I am the proud protector of my siblings!" he announced proudly and raised his nose upwards.
"Oi, stupid Philippe, as if you were responsible enough to protect Jaques and Laure!" The female voice came from below the professor, and he indeed found a young girl — she shared similar features with Philippe — tugging at his expensive coat. "I, Noelïe, am the protector of the Hunt family!" she corrected and saluted much more properly.
After Crewel had made sure that the door was locked properly behind him, he lowered Philippe to the floor again and removed his grasp from his collar. Without wasting another second, an enraged Philippe stormed over to Noelïe, and they began brawling on the floor.
"Oh my, quarreling siblings..." Crewel watched helplessly as they rolled away.
"Well," Crowley trailed off sheepishly, "at least Umbra and Solis get along better..." His finger pointed to a pair of twins by the other end of the room. Each of the siblings, a boy and a girl, possessed the strange feature of winding, black horns — and not to forget, pointed ears. They wore expensive gowns in the shades of green and black, befit of royals.
"Look, Umbra!" the boy cried out and held out a picture frame to his sister. "I found this floating portrait of the grand witch that Grandpa Lilia always talks about!"
"Oh my, let's show him! I'm sure he has more stories to tell!" Without another word, Umbra had taken the frame out of her brother's hand and was now on the move to another corner of the room. It looked like they really were searching for something with how they lifted up the sofa with their magic, only to lower it to the floor again when they only found dust and cobwebs.
"Where did all these children come from, Dire?"
"I don't know!" Crowley exclaimed and threw his hands into the air. "The heavens must have seen my boredom and blessed me with these adorable bundles of joy—"
"Wait," Crewel interrupted and inspected his boss more closely, "your coat is missing a few feathers—" Indeed, there were gaping holes here and there.
A pained sigh escaped the headmaster's lips as he pointed to a girl with lion ears. She sat on his desk chair and was happily munching away on dozens of black crow feathers. "Ah... yes... the little lioness over there likes them. Ouch, who knew that such ferocity could be hidden behind such an adorable face..." The headmaster buried his face in his gloved hands and began mourning for his poor, tattered gown.
When Crewel turned his gaze to the desk chair again, he realised that it was empty. Instead, he soon found a weight clinging to his left leg. "Sir, do you want to play with me? Play with me, please! Let's play hunting, okay?" A look downwards revealed that the little lion-girl was smiling up at him toothily. "I'll give you a head start, and then you run away as fast as you can? I'll chase you once the time's up! I promise I'm really good at it! My cousin Cheka says I'm the fastest predator he knows, even faster than my daddy!"
"Oh my, what might your name be?" Crewel asked in amusement and ruffled her hair.
"Aria! The fiercest lioness in the entire Afterglow Savannah!" she exclaimed proudly and drummed her hands against her chest, like a seasoned warrior. "No one can scare me! Not even my mommy when she yells at me to eat my vegetables."
The corners of the professor's lips quirked up into an amused smile. "Adorable."
His remark drew a little hiss from her lips, accompanied by an offended scowl. "I'm not adorable! Rawr!" she yelled out, although her roar was more similar to a cute mewl. When she realised that she hadn't intimidated him, she crossed her arms and stalked away to her friends, also beast-children. "Dandelion, you're the fastest hyena I know! Cereus, you're the strongest wolf I know! Come play hunting with me!"
The hyena-girl let out a little snicker before she darted away with nimble feet. "Shishishi, you'll never catch me, princess!" Then, she disappeared within the crowd of other children, never to be seen again.
"I'll show you two how to roar properly after this!" the wolf-boy teased before he also made his grand escape. Without an issue, he lunged over a tall bookshelf and disappeared behind it.
Now that he was free again, Crewel turned his pressing gaze to his boss again and put his hands on his hips. "Alright, Dire, so where did these children really come from? And don't you dare tell me that the stork delivered them to you."
"I don't know." Crowley merely shrugged. "They appeared after I accidentally destroyed the time-space continuum."
"You what—" Crewel spluttered out in horror.
The headmaster raised his hands into the air and shot his colleague the most calming smile he could muster. "I swear, I didn't mean to! It was all just an unfortunate accident... But you know, a wise man once said that there were no mistakes, only happy accidents! And can you believe it? Now we're surrounded by adorable, little children—" The happy grin on his lips disappeared, and he soon rushed over to a duo of children by the window. "Wait, Anemone! Don't bite your cousin like that!"
Anemone let out a low growl and bared her sharp teeth at the boy next to her. "But Nemo took my toy without asking!" she wailed when the culprit wouldn't pay her any attention. With unmatched vigour, she shook her head left and right, causing the mop of blue hair on her head to become a wild mane.
Nemo merely let out a little giggle and held the toy out to her. "I just wanted to show you a cool trick, Anemone!" he said happily and opened up the golden shell toy to reveal a glistening pearl. "Here, look!"
An awe-struck look appeared on Anemone's face, and she immediately ceased her crying.
"Wow—" Another child appeared by the cousins' side, a confident girl that wore a thick pair of black glasses. As she looked at the toy in fascination, she pushed her glasses up and let a sure smile appear on her lips. "That really is cool, but I know another trick! I can show you, if you want to!"
"Really? Ursula, show us!" Nemo cried out.
Anemone nodded along eagerly and held the toy out to the silver-haired girl. "Hurry up, Ursula!"
"I see what you mean with adorable now, Dire," the professor began and chuckled to himself. Yet, his moment of appreciation was short-lived when he turned to the headmaster to find him being mauled by the lion-girl Aria again. "But still, what are we supposed to do with all these children? Have you found a way to send them back home yet?"
"No, and I've tried really, really hard, believe me," Crowley began after the vicious predator had tired of him playing dead. He rose from the floor and dusted his tattered coat off, a giant smile on his lips. "But why send them back when I can just open a nursery with them? Just imagine, Divus! Night Raven Nursery? How does that sounds? I, for once, love it!"
"Have you gone entirely mad? We can barely handle the older students, as is, with all these overblots going on—" Crewel cried out in disbelief. "And you want to have small, helpless children nearby?"
"They can protect themselves, no?" Crowley rolled his eyes and pointed to a group of children by his coffee table. "Tell him, Rose!" The headmaster beckoned the girl over, and she at once appeared by his side.
The red-haired girl grabbed the alchemy professor by his hand and led him over to the coffee table, which was full with steaming tea-cups and cookies. She let out a little giggle before she took her seat again. "Grandpa Divvy! You're finally here— Do you want to join our tea party?" The girl patted the empty seat next to her. "My daddy always throws tea parties, as well— with all of his friends! But oh well, mine are so much more fun than his! Who wants to follow all these strange rules about how to drink your tea? You can drink your tea however you want to at my parties! If you want to add salt instead of sugar, go for it!"
The boy with orange hair, seated next to her, let out a hum of agreement. "I love salty tea! Way better than sugary sweet..." he exclaimed while pushing strands of hair out of his face. A satisfied sigh escaped his lips, and he gave a peace-sign to the baffled professor.
"Don't mind Anthony and his strange tastes... He got it from his father," a girl at the table said and let out a little giggle. Without wasting any time, she had skilfully poured tea into an empty cup and now held it out to the professor. She urged him to take it when he wouldn't, otherwise. "Here, have some tea, mister! I would usually hand you some cake to go along with it, but Grandpa Crow said that he doesn't have any."
Finally, Crewel took the cup and dared a little sip. "And who might you be?" he asked when she handed him a cookie and some sugar cubes for his tea.
"I'm Madeleine! Mommy always says I'm as sweet as madeleines, hehe. And Daddy always says my eyes are the same colour as perfectly baked madeleines." Her eyes shone proudly as she took another sip from her tea. "You should come by our bakery someday, Grandpa Divvy! It's been a long while since you've visited us. There's tons of new cakes on our menu that Daddy wants you to try!"
"Grandpa Divvy?" he repeated the nickname in confusion. "How peculiar..."
The professor was ripped out of his thoughts when the sound of crying reached his ears. He turned his gaze to the sobbing boy who had sought refuge in the soothing arms of Madeleine. A motherly look flashed across her face as she cradled the weeping boy in her arms. "Oh my, Bernard... why are you crying?" she asked and stroked his soft hair.
"Eris is being mean to me again!" he yelled out and pointed to another red-haired girl at the table.
"Really?" Madeleine asked softly. "What did she say?"
"She told me that I would never become a magical enforcement officer like my father!"
Eris rolled her eyes at the accusation and threw her velvety hair over her shoulder. "I didn't say it like that, you idiot," she grumbled under her breath. "I only said that it's very hard to become one! So you need to work a lot and give it your all!"
Bernard's face hardened in determination, and he finally stopped crying. "Well, I will work hard!"
A look of relief flashed across Madeleine's face, and she removed her arms from around the young boy with bright blue eyes. "See? Now you two troublemakers play nicely with each other," she cooed and nudged him towards Eris again, who welcomed him with a playful punch to his shoulder. The sight caused Madeleine to shake her head in amusement. "Oh my, even worse than my own siblings..."
Now that the children were busy playing tea party again, Crewel was allowed to return to the only other adult in the room. "Hm... Dire?" he called out when he found his colleague to be busy handling a large group of children.
Crowley was being climbed on by an endless amount of children. They were giggling and laughing as they were put to the floor again, only to resume their climbing fun. "Yes? Pardon me, I was busy dealing with all these Al-Asim children... There's a bunch of them! They are never-ending!" Crowley let out a little wail when one of the younger siblings began fiddling with his mask. "At least little Zahra is there to calm them down when things get a little bit too hectic."
All the children began rejoicing at once. "Zahra is our bestest friend!" they cried out together and rushed over to the older girl nearby.
She welcomed them with open arms and hugged them all in what seemed like an overwhelming group-hug. A genuinely happy smile decorated her face as she exclaimed, "Aww, I love you guys, too! Everyone of you: Malik, Fatima, Aamira, Ibrahim—"
"See? Never-ending," Crowley remarked, chuckling under his breath. Then, he turned away from the children and focused his entire attention on his colleague. "Now, what is it you needed from me, Divus?"
"Have you noticed the way all of these children address us as their grandfathers? Isn't that peculiar?"
"Well, there is a simple explanation for that—"
"Grandpa Divvy? H-Have you seen my mommy? I... I really miss her!" a little girl with flaming blue hair interjected. Tears stung in the corners of her eyes as she extended her arms out to him, wishing to he picked up. The professor reluctantly did so and cradled her in his arms when she began sniffing. "She wanted to read me some bed time stories— my favourite, even! Do you know the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice? Can you read it to me?"
"I'm sorry, but I don't know where your mother could be," Crewel muttered and tilted his head at her. "But now, on closer look... You really do look like (Y/n)."
At that, Crowley broke out into a loud bout of laughter. "Haven't you noticed yet, Divus? All of them look like (Y/n)!" By then, he was wiping the tears from his eyes. "And each of them also shares traits with some other students here at Night Raven College. Do you see that tall boy over there? I swear I've seen someone with blond hair and purple tips around campus before..."
The boy he spoke of stood next to a much smaller girl. A little pout graced her lips as she handed him a hair tie and pointed to her lavender-shade locks. "Konrad... Can you braid my hair, please? The braids opened up when I helped my daddy on the farm earlier..." she muttered and clasped her hands together adorably.
"Of course, Daisy." The blond boy smiled softly and urged her to turn around. With the utmost of care, he ran his fingers through her messy hair and unwinded even the most stubborn knots. "Would you like a French braid, or a fishtail braid... or perhaps we could try out a pull-through braid?"
"Oh— I'd like a French braid! My mommy isn't all that good at braiding, sadly. But she always tries her best!" An enthusiastic grin graced her lips as Konrad went to work with skilful and nimble fingers. After a while, an adorable snort escaped her lips, and she added, "But you should see my daddy try to braid my hair... He is always so impatient and gives up within a minute."
Konrad and Daisy broke out into a fit of giggles.
"Well, I love braiding hair! I wish I could braid my dad's hair, but he's always so busy with his job..." Konrad muttered under his breath and exhaled softly. "At least Mom always allows me to braid her hair, even if hers isn't as glossy and smooth as Dad's—"
The two were interrupted by a boy having snuck up on them and yelling, "Boo!" A grin appeared on his lips when the two children began screaming. The fear on their lips soon transformed into utter frustration, especially once they realised that the half-done braid had opened up again. The mischievous boy merely shot them a large grin, his sharp front teeth sticking out. He also possessed pointy ears and shaggy black hair, where little tufts of hair stuck out on each side. "Did I scare you?"
The headmaster let out an exasperated sigh and scolded, "Ciaran, don't go scaring others like that! People might start crying or—"
He was interrupted by a slap, its echo bouncing around in the office. Surprised, he realised that sweet and adorable Daisy had marched up to Ciaran and had whacked him over the head angrily. "Oi, take that, you stupid fae!" she yelled and began growling like a feral dog.
A series of whimpers escaped Ciaran's trembling lips. "Ouch..." He held his head in pain and watched in shock as Daisy marched back to Konrad, smiling innocently as if nothing had happened. Konrad patted her on the shoulder before beginning to braid her hair anew.
"—or they might take revenge... and then you'll start crying..." Crowley finished and shook his head in disbelief.
At once, a gentle human girl appeared by the side of the wounded fae child. She tucked her silver-coloured hair behind her ears before she soothingly whispered, "Hey, don't cry... Where does it hurt?" Her voice was as soft as expected, probably even able to lull the wildest of beasts to sleep.
Ciaran let out a series of sniffles. "She hit me here, Chimere..." He pointed to the red mark on his forehead.
Chimere smiled gently and took his hand into hers. "You don't need to cry... Adam and I are here for you," she cooed, and at her command, a green-haired boy with slightly pointed ears appeared by her side.
A confident grin appeared on Adam's face as he yelled out, "Yes! Don't cry!" The volume of his voice was so loud that he managed to outyell every other child in the office. He gave Ciaran's hand an empathetic squeeze. "It will go away!"
"Now my ears hurt..." Ciaran complained, yet smiled at his two friends.
Crewel, who had been in deep thought until now, let out a drawn-out sigh after having analysed the faces of the last three children. "You're right, Dire... They all look like (Y/n)..." he admitted woefully and cast his gaze at the ground. "You say that you destroyed the space-time continuum, right? Could that mean that these are various timelines where (Y/n)—"
"—married a different student here at Night Raven College and had children? Yes, absolutely! That's the only logical explanation," Crowley finished while picking up a tired Aria into his lap.
"Ah... I hate it here..." Crewel huffed in disappointment. "To think that my adopted darling child would marry one of these dirty street dogs..."
Crowley, however, waved him off and began laughing happily instead. "Hey, don't be so pessimistic, Divus! I love it here..." A blissful sigh escaped his lips when Aria had finally fallen asleep in his lap, softly breathing and cuddling up against his destroyed jacket. "Lots of grandchildren for me, (Y/n)'s other adoptive dad. And who else would be better at playing babysitter than me? Oh, this is simply paradise..."
"Excuse me?" it came from outside the office. "Headmaster Crowley, are you in there?"
Crowley froze in fear. "O-Oh— don't come in, please. I'm very busy right now!" he cried out nervously.
"It's me, (Y/n). It's an emergency! Grim climbed onto a tree and doesn't know how to get dowm now!" In your desperation, you had pushed the door open and marched inside, initially not even noticing the many children. You rushed over to the headmaster and clasped your hands together. "Please, he's been crying for the last hour already... and nothing we've tried so far works—" It was only when a child curiously tugged at your blazer that you realised how the room was filled to the brim with children. By then, they were all silently staring at you in awe.
"Uh... You must be wondering why there are so many children here..." Crowley trailed off and shot you a sheepish smile.
"Yes, indeed." You furrowed your eyebrows when all the children began flocking to your side. "Where did these guys come from?"
Crewel rubbed his temples in exhaustion. "Well, it's a long story—"
He was interrupted by a sudden return of the screaming and wailing from earlier, now tenfold worse. In a united chorus, all the children yelled out, "Mommy! Mommy!" Small and chubby hands were grabbing you wherever they could, even toppling you over and sending you falling to the floor.
"I missed you, Mommy!" someone screamed from your left.
From your right, someone yelled, "Mommy, can we finally go home now?"
The masses around you blurred into one big mess. "Help!" you cried out as you were hugged and squeezed by more children than you could count.
"Oh no," Crewel muttered, furrowing his eyebrows. "We have to help (Y/n), Dire!"
However, Crowley merely shook his head woefully. "I don't think we can, Divus. It would be impossible to tear a child from their mother— even more so when its dozens of little brats." The worried frown on his face soon turned into a enormous smile, and another heavenly sigh escaped his lips. By then, his eyes were basically the shape of hearts as he stared at the children in delight. "Well, what a grand opportunity to have met all of my lovely grandchildren! I should destroy the time-space continuum more often."
Crewel rolled his eyes. "Please don't..."
The screaming and yelling soon became unanimous — and you could somehow discern them yelling, "Mommy, I love you!"
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bones4thecats · 8 months
Living with Their Fae! S/O
Type of Writing: Poll Result Characters: Jack Howl, Azul Ashengrotto, Rook Hunt, and Sebek Zigvolt Name: Living with Their Fae! S/O Original Poll Link: Here
A/N: This took a while to write and I apologize for that, but I do hope you enjoy this, hopefully, beautiful piece! When I originally wrote this, it was just how they met, but, I rethought it all, and this is when they're adults and have a future together, along with meeting their family. Anyways, enjoy!
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🐺 Your family had moved from Briar Valley to the Shaftlands so they could get away from the pestering of the fae being against the humans due to their history
🐺 When Jack first met you, you were messing around with a small squirrel as his siblings spoke to you
🐺 Jack was warned by his parents that fae were people to not be messed with, but, watching as you calmly smiled at his siblings as they screwed around while the tree-rodent ate an acorn while hanging off your horn, he couldn't help but rethink it all
🐺 You and him both joined Night Raven College, and many wouldn't expect such a delicate soul to be friends, nonetheless lovers, with a many-described brute like Jack
🐺 He is an amazing boyfriend through-and-through
🐺 Once you guys graduated NRC, you and him finalized your relationship and met each others' parents, and, newsflash, they love you both, and they have an amazing co-parenting relationship with one another
🐺 When your relationship started, you both basically began courting, as both fae and beastman normally stay together for life, never leaving one another for another being
🐺 Does he want children? Oh sweet seven, yes he does
🐺 He helped raise his younger brother and sister, of course he loves, and is amazing around, children
🐺 While many go against it all, since you're a fae and he's a beastman, you both go against them all instead, and end up having around three-four children, one of whom has both fae and beastman qualities, while the others have one or the other
🐺 Jack adores his children to bits, but, since you grew up with strong magic, you end up being more lenient with how they rest, so, in summary, he's the strict dad, while you're the hang-loose parent
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🐙 Azul met you because of a deal opportunity, and, seeing how prominent you were in the Diasomnia dorm, alongside Lilia Vanrouge and Malleus Draconia, he wanted your power
🐙 After his overblot, he did not want to speak to anyone outside the twins, since it only made him wonder why he did everything without real reasoning
🐙 Despite his wrongdoings, hearing you walk into his dorm-room with a small plate of clam chowder and request to speak, it shocked him to his core, why were you forgiving him?
🐙 It took a while, maybe around a few months, for him to actually realize you cared about him more than any friend would, and it made him embarrassed. It's not that he didn't like you back, but, you were a fae and he was a merman, nonetheless, a octo-mer, you were far superior to him in his eyes
🐙 This merman has a complicated relationship with his family, as his birth-father and his mother divorced and how his step-father has tried to fill the man's shoes, and how his grandmother lived away
🐙 But, when Crowley organized a 'Family Day' in order to give his students a day or relaxation and pleasure, to which he boasted on how generous he was, of course, and you both ended up running into one another with your families in tow
🐙 Surprisingly enough, they bonded quickly, with his step-father and your father speaking on how they moved away due to racial issues between fae and humans, in which Mr. Ashengrotto offered advice, and your mother and his two female family members spoke about you both
🐙 Once graduated, you and Azul began to work on building up Mostro Lounge and his mother's restaurant, and eventually, you married and began to sort out your lives more
🐙 As a powerful fae, you could use special spells to sort out your bodily form, and you settled on a near-matching mimic octopus form
🐙 When you found out you were having children together, it was completely coincidental, and in turn, you had two children, one who took on more of a fae-appearance and the other looked more like a merperson
🐙 You grew up with magic being a key-element in your life while he did not, he valued hard-work, so, he was trying to help raise his children while helping you be more of a strict person, despite you being far stricter than him
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🏹 Rook first met you while scouting around the surroundings of Pomefiore in search of some of the new first years, and that was when he stumbled upon a stone, which led him to a panicking you
🏹 Ever since then, whenever Rook got bored, he would shoot you a message and meet you up in that very spot where he met you, and he found out he loved you when he looked over at your face and saw the moonlight reflect off your face
🏹 He gave you nicknames much like the other students at Night Raven College, though, your's were more romantic-sounding than the others, since he called you things like; "Mon trésor", "Mon ange", "Mon lapin", and "Ma fée"
🏹 This guy is a 10/10 boyfriend, much like Jack. That is because he always can tell what you are feelings, even if you have the slightest mood change, he's the first to notice it
🏹 Rook never really had anything work-wise planned when he started attending NRC, but, once he met and started his relationship with you, he began to get more into planning, and his main one was to be a Photographer of Wildlife, since he knew how to find and interact with different animals
🏹 You met Rook's family earlier on in the relationship, and to put it simply, they all adored you so much. His siblings mainly focused on your horns and whatnot that made you a fae, writing down everything they found out about the species
🏹 While many saw him as a red flag, you adored your hunter to smithereens, despite the fact that he basically hunted you during your time at NRC
🏹 When you guys graduated, he and you moved back into one of the many villas his family has in the Shaftlands, since you couldn't leave your family to far, though, after a bit of negotiating, you and him moved in the middle of the Shaftlands and Sunset Savannah, so you weren't far from either families
🏹 This guy definitely planned on having a larger family, since his was larger than average, and when you finished having children, there was around four to five in total, like I said, he planned on having a larger family
🏹 They were like Sebek in a way, since they were all half-fae, he even visits your home with the rest of the old Diasomnia group to teach the children more about fae heritage, since Rook teaches them more human things than anything
🏹 He is definitely the let-loose parent, not caring what they did as long as it didn't put themselves or others in danger, he knows limits. Because of him being the fun parent, you're the stricter one, handing out punishments to your children, and sometimes husband, when necessary
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⚡ Sebek always held his fae-half to a higher regard than his human-half, and for some weird reason, that had upset you, one of the most prominent fae in Briar Valley
⚡ You knew a small amount about Sebek's family due to your grandfather and parents serving in the military with him by their sides, and they kept in contact even once the Fae vs Human war ended
⚡ When first meeting you, Sebek kept everything very platonic, showing no amount of romantic interest in anything, the closest he ever got to feeling beyond something more related to loyalty was when he defended and pledged his daily loyalty to Malleus
⚡ But one day, he had hit his curb. He was doubting himself because he hadn't gotten much better with his sword or magic, and that upset him because it reminded him that he was half-human, and it was stopping him, he was stopping him from impressing his grandfather
⚡ You had been walking by when you heard the soft tears and sniffs of the half-bred man, and when you appeared next to him and hugged him, he couldn't even put energy into telling you to leave him along, no energy was mustered to push you away either
⚡ After hearing how you loved his human side, despite many believing it made one weaker, he would become far gentler with you than he was with anyone else, even his own siblings
⚡ Sebek eventually pledged his loyalty and oath of love by one another until death a couple months after the first encounter, and when he heard you say yes and felt you kiss his human ears, he flushed the biggest amount of pink ever
⚡ When you met his family, you were far less nervous than him. He lived on acceptance from the people he cared about, especially his family
⚡ Needless to say, his parents and siblings adored you to oblivion, and when his grandfather spoke to you and smiled before giving you a small hug of trust, your boyfriend immediately knew, you were to be his one and only one
⚡ It took a while, but during graduation, Sebek popped the question of marriage and being together forever, which gained the attention of both his biological family, your family, and your shared Diasomnia family members
⚡ Sebek has planned his whole life out growing up, becoming a knight and serving Malleus until his death, but, he never expected to get married, nonetheless have any children
⚡ But, hearing that you were expecting, he lunged at you and cried the happiest tears you had ever seen, and when you guys finished, you had three children, one being a half-fae, and the others being full-blood
⚡ Unlike the past, Sebek always told his half-fae that they should embrace their humanity, as it was far more of a strength than they believed it to be
⚡ He's by far the strict parent, the one that dishes out punishments and scoldings when necessary, and you were the chiller one, the one they would go to speak about for advice on relationships, not that they didn't want to speak to their dad about that, you were just, less blunt to put it at best...
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slashertrash · 10 months
Would you mind writing Brahams and/or Bubba with a s/o who’s autistic and stims a lot and has a lot of echolalia stims but is embarrassed about them when they realize theyre stimming in front of them? Thank you and have a wonderful day!! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Of course I don’t mind, hun! 💖 I tried researching a bit about echolalia, hope I do you proud! Please let me know if I mess anything up though!
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Bubba and Brahms with an s/o who has an echolalia stim
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I hc that Bubba's autistic and nonverbal!
He shows a lot of traits of having trouble with social cues, and trouble with his impulse control. Also suffers meltdowns when in high stress situation, most likely from his brother's yelling or from victims getting away.
He stims by touching textures (mainly his mask!) and probably has an oral stim too! And I bet he loves to feel around the textures of his crafts, like his bracelet or whatever bone decoration is around the house.
He was a bit cut off guard when you do a vocal stim near him for the first time. Why did you repeat what his brother just said? Where you making fun of him?
You'd have to explain to him about your vocal stim to help him understand that you're not making fun of him or his brothers. Once you do he's completely understanding!
He assures you that you shouldn't be embarrassed of your stims. While spending time together, whether it be interacting or doing your own things in silence, you both feel comfortable enough to stim around each other. He's absolutely smitten with everything that you do <3
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As for Brahms, I hc him having BPD. It shows when Greta becomes his favorite person, his sudden mood swings towards her, his impulsiveness to threaten anyone who tries to sweep her away from him, and how quick it is to anger him. Lots of anger issues as well
Brahms had watched you for a while inside the mansion's walls, so he has seen and heard you stim beforehand.
He's probably read up on many autistic traits and information in the books around the mansion. So he probably knows some things about echolalia and/or stims.
He'd be interested on what your thoughts are on the different phrases or words that you repeat. What made you like them, or what brought them up.
Once he comes out of the walls and you're talking to the real him face to face, you may notice him still watching you from time to time. *cough* all the time, he can't help it
He finds all your stims to be fascinating, he loves hearing your voice and is just so thrilled to finally be with you. Brahms absolutely is head over heels. You're his new favorite person!
Really clingy and possessive, but he'd tone it down if you tell him to. Just be honest! Communication is key. <3
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Finally getting the hang of writing again! So sorry if there's any grammar mistakes, English ain't my main language!
As a side note, I would like to say that in no way am I trying to demonize or correlate these mental health conditions to literal slashers. I've got some undiagnosed au/dhd + possible bpd and you don't see me (or anybody else) slashing and dashing out there! These are just my thoughts, and how I'd like to explain the traits or deeper feelings behind these characters! Idk if I worded this correctly but y'all get my point!
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berystraw · 7 months
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Synopsis: In which! Due to a letter calling her to go back to Texas Verity Rosewood goes back to the place she spent years trying to forget. While she is there, she tries to reconnect with the people she left. Her family, friends, and especially the person she loved most.
[L.L.S Masterlist] [M. Masterlist] [G.H Masterlist]
Case file #1:
[Name]: Verity Rosewood
[Nickname(s)]: Veri
[Age]: 20
[Date of birth]: August 22, 2000
[Gender]: Female
[Sexuality]: Bisexual
[Eye color]: Brown eyes
[Hair color]: auburn
[Height]: 5'6
[Playlist]: Top of my school 【Katherine Lynn-Rose】 Pov 【Ariana Grande】 You're on your own kid 【Taylor Swift】 Brutal 【Olivia Rodrigo】 Little Miss Perfect 【Write out loud】Lose you to love me 【Selena Gomez】 All I want 【Olivia Rodrigo】 Dollhouse 【Melanie Martinez】 Be myself 【Why don't we】 I wanna be yours 【Arctic Monkeys】 Consequences【Camila Cabello】 Mess it up 【Gracie Abrams】 Control 【Halsey】 Elastic Heart【Sia】Applause 【Lady Gaga】 Thumbs 【Sabrina Carpenter】 In my mind 【Lyn Lapid】 Happier than Ever 【Billie Eilish】 Not strong enough【Boy genius】 If Only 【Dove Cameron】
Case File #2
[Name]: Grayson Hawthorne
[Nickname(s)]: Gray
[Age]: 19
[Date of birth]: August 23, 2001
[Gender]: Male
[Sexuality]: heterosexual
[Eye color]: pale gray
[Hair color]: blonde
[Height]: 6'0
[Playlist]: Looking at me【sabrina carpenter】Can I be him【James Arthur】Labyrinth 【Taylor Swift】Daddy Issues【The neighborhood】Ador You【Harry Styles】If I killed someone for you【Alec Benjamin】Man of the House【Marilyn Hucek】Money, Power, Glory【Lana Del Ray】I bet in losing dogs【Mitski】Angels like you【Miley Cyrus】Surface pressure【Jessica Darrow】People Watching【Conan Gray】I ain't perfect【IV of spades】Mistakes like this【Prelow】Mirror ball【Taylor Swift】Favorite crime【Olivia rodrigo】Feelin good【Michael Bublé] Lay all your love on me【ABBA】All of the girls you've loved before【Taylor Swift】Set fire to the rain【Adele】
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Verity Rosewood
—The one who absquatulated
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"I never wanted to leave, but I had to. For me."
Being the heir of the Rosewood family, Verity has been training and learning how to manage her family's company even at such a young age. She went to different kinds of classes, may it be public speaking classes, business management, dance classes, and many more. She had to be different, to be perfect. The pressure of being the best and perfect heir was exhausting, but she had her friends, right? The Hawthorne brothers have helped her cope with all the pressure and stress her family and everyone else pressed on her. She thought she could handle it, but everyone had their breaking points.
Grayson Hawthorne
—The Heir Apparent
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"And that made me hate you even more."
Grayson had been considered as the "Heir apparent" of the family for as long as he remembered. As a Hawthorne, he was taught many things, and that included never showing emotion. He had to learn how to not cry or show signs of weakness. Being one of the oldest siblings didn't help with that at all. In fact, it just added even more pressure on him. Having to be the older and more responsible brother out of the rest. It was difficult. Trying to make yourself look as if you're not broken. He is broken and hurt, yet he makes sure not to show anyone even a second of his true emotions. He was not raised to be like that.
Verity + Grayson
—The never ending story
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"In this toxic and suffocating world, we had each other."
The friendship of the Rosewood and the Hawthorne family has lasted for years now. So Verity being friends with the Hawthorne grandchildren was no such mystery. The group was always seen together during classes, tea time, playing outside on the grounds, or even skipping classes together. They were inseparable, but there were 2 children in the friend group that were much closer with each other than the rest; Verity and Grayson. The two consider each other as their safe places, the person who brings comfort to each other. Due to the pressure of their families, both of them really understood each other and considered one another as the place that they could bring down their walls and become their true selves. They felt safe, comforted, and peaceful in the presence of each other. Because for once, they felt as if they had one place they didn't have to pretend as if they're perfect.
[Playlist]: Back to December【Taylor Swift】Play date【Melanie Martinez】Tattoos forever【lauv】Love song【Why don't we】Make you mine【Public】Somebody to you【The Vamps】You and I 【One direction】That way【Tate McRae】Runaway【Aurora】If the world was ending【JP Saxe, Julia Michaels】Your name hurts【Hailee Steinfeld】Why's you only call me when you're high【Arctic Monkeys】Talk too much【Coin】Overdrive【Conan Gray】The one that got away【Katy Perry】House of memories【Panic! At the disco】Back to you【Selena Gomez】Midnight Memories【One direction】Still the one【One direction】Lover【Taylor Swift】The way I love you【Taylor Swift】Favorite crime【Olivia Rodrigo】I love you so【The walters】WYD now 【Sadie Jean】Somewhere only we know【Keane】Afterglow【Taylor Swift】Kiss it better【Rihanna】Kidult【Seventeen】No one can fix me【Frawley】Fall for you【Sarah Kang, Jesse Berrera】Remember that night【Sara Kays】
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enderon · 9 months
All day every day all he wants to do is tell me about trolls and draw brozone and I got really into trolls by osmosis ESPECIALLY since I went to see trolls three just for him so anyway PLEASE tell me about trolls because I have never wanted to hug branch harder than I did in trolls three. He built the hideout
I feel like you maybe got cut off a bit, but that's okay, cause I think I know what you were gonna say, and yeah, breaks my heart too.
Gonna put this under a read more, cause it's gonna be a lot.
First things first, one of my absolute favorite things about this series is how the world looks. And I don't just mean in terms of it being a fantasy world, I mean how things literally look like felt and stuff. Someone described it as looking like an 'arts & craft' project and I agree. Heck, I am in love with the orbeez water from this last movie. What a fun touch.
On a similar note, love the character designs. Very wild and versatile, willing to do fun and funky things and break the mold. Especially with the trolls! While World Tour gave us different races of trolls, with different looks and anesthetics, Bqnd Together showed us that even trolls of the same race can look really versatile, and I love that. My favorite species design, though, has to be the vacationers. I love the holiday muppets.
Also, in terms of versatile designs. I have to mention how refreshing it is that I was able to predict that Bruce was gonna be fat as an adult, after all of the emphasis placed on his abs originally, but that his gaining weight is never brought up, not even as an insult. None of his brothers ever give him crud about it, and Poppy even still sees him as the heartthrob, even with his chunky dad bod. That's some positivity right there.
Poppy and Branch!! I can not say enough about how much I love their relationship!! They are genuinely really cute and also really healthy. I was so happy that they didn't pull the same crud so many other studios do and shoe horn in some random and unnecessary relationship drama in this film, especially after Branch's subplot in the last movie was about their relationship. They're solid in this film. The only time they have conflict is about Branch not being super open (and even then it's not a huge issue and Poppy is clearly understanding that he's not fully ready yet and is even willing to make a joke about it when he is) and Poppy's lack of understanding of the complexities of sibling relationships. Other than those two minor conflicts, they are solid. She can tell right away at the beginning that something is wrong and bothering him, he is able to manage and bring her back when she starts getting too excited and worked up, and over all they just work to better each other. Heck, even uber positive, everyone needs to be friends with everyone, Poppy stands by his side when he chooses to abandon John, Bruce, and Clay, not trying to convince him to go back and forgive and give them a second chance. She's gonna stand by him. We love a solid relationship. And I personally love that they didn't get married or even actually propose in this one, despite the teases. It's really good for kids to see representation of a healthy relationship where they don't jump into marriage and instead take their time.
Poppy's relationship with both Viva and Bridgette. The fact that even after discovering she has a literal sister in Viva, she stills considers and calls Bridgette a sister. We love girl friendship. Especially when Bridgette finds out Viva is Poppy's sister, deciding that automatically makes them besties too. We love it.
I love that, other than the very mild road block of trying to keep them at Putt Putt, Viva isn't a villain. She's deeply traumatized, but not evil. She and Poppy really do genuinely get along and love each other, and I love that so much.
And while I mention a good Sibling relationship, I must also mention the more complicated by expressing my appreciation that, despite them being shown being closwer, Branch doesn't automatically jump to help when he finds out Floyd is in trouble. While he admits to Poppy, after some pushing, that of all the brothers, Floyd would be the one he would help, this is still hesitant, and I think appropriate. Floyd still left him and never came back. The only one who ever mentions coming back is John Dory (having come back too late, after the trolls had escaped the tree). So it makes sense that, despite them being closer, Branch would still hold that resentment towards Floyd and be hesitant to help even him.
Also, I have to mention something: the way that John and Branch are weird parallels. They're the most similar, in being isolated survivalist. John is the oldest who's treatment drove everyone away. Branch is the youngest who thought his performance drove everyone away. It's so sad and poetic, I love it.
Last thing I will note for now is how much I love the trolls series for its female villains. Barb wasn't really a villain in the end and had a redeemable reason for doing what she did, but Chef and Velvet both were unapologetically selfish and awful for completely their own gain. I love that for them.
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bitchbot3000 · 1 year
✨ Fic Authors Self Rec ✨
Rules: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass this onto other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Thanks @firecoloredwater for the tag 💜 Tbh, I'm still trying to be more active on tumblr but I'm not very good at it, so if I end up tagging people who've already done this, we'll just pretend I didn't 😌 @silverutahraptor @insomnikat-mused You're up next?
Now, on to the recs...
Megumi / Sukuna | Explicit
This fic feels a little weird for me, I can't get a clear view of it because I wrote it over a space in time where I felt like something was changing in the way that I write (still in it, tbh), but there are parts of it I'm really in love with, even if there are a few that feel iffy as well.
Zen’in Megumi is an amusement. Something to toy with; twist and squeeze and bend until he breaks. He is also a threat, a rare and sincere one, and the thought of what he might become—more than just promise, more than potential, more than the mere possibility of being brought to heel—is perhaps the most tantalizing idea Sukuna has come across in all his years spent languishing amongst the chaos he creates. Unfortunately, something still holds Megumi back. Or rather, he still holds back something within, and Sukuna cannot fathom why he allows himself to go to such waste. Megumi breaks the monotony of Sukuna's lifestyle of lavish violence with his potential to become a worthy opponent. Sukuna will see that said potential is realized for the sake of his own amusement, and wring whatever else he can from Megumi in the meantime.
Hashirama / Mito | General
Okay, honestly, this fic was SO outside of my typical box. It's sweet, it's soft, it's not explicit in the least, and it's canon abiding! And yet? It turned out to be one of the most naturally flowing things I've ever written. It was for an event that had a limited word count, so in retrospect, there are a few things I'd like to let breathe more, but it's not the end of the world, I'm still very happy with it.
Mito’s mother has been gone nearly a month. When she returns home, she returns with many stories to tell of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Hope colours more of her words than Mito might have expected for a land so recently war-torn, and when she dismisses everyone from their company for evening tea and hands Mito a scroll sealed with the stamp of the Leaf, she understands that it was for her own sake.
Aemond / Lucerys | Explicit
I fell into and back out of this fandom at light-speed which is probably for the best cause honestly, it looks like a hot mess, HOWEVER, I'm very glad I wrote this first. It's horny, the writing flows well, and it has incest! What more could you want?
All his life, people have looked at Lucerys and seen only what should be, rather than what is. Here and now, he can choose what others will see when they look his way.
M O S A I C E Y E S : R E M I X E D C 1
Fem!Izuna / Tobirama | Explicit
A few of you have probably read Mosaic Eyes, the Remixed series is essentially a series of unconnected "alternative" chapters, each written as if a scenario from Mosaic Eyes had taken a different turn. The first chapter was a total indulgence in making Tobirama the worst version of himself that exists in my head, and I've always been very pleased with how it turned out. He's a HUGE bastard. Enjoy.
“I think,” he crouches in front of her, takes her jaw in hand and squeezes until he can feel the bruises blooming under her skin, “that before you are your brother’s sister, you are my wife. You can scream from the rooftops that your husband has violated you and be ignored. You are my property to do with as I please, have no delusions about that. Your brother may take issue, but so long as you are alive and in my hands, there’s little he can do without risking you and your life is the one thing he will not take action against.” “You would ransom my life to continue raping me?” “I would have a wife who behaves as one.”
Multi | Explicit
Alright, last but very much not least, this series is my baby. Which does make it a little bit insane that I haven't published anything for it in about a year and a half.
When Naruto ended, I hated the epilogue, and I spent years afterwards considering what might be a more fulfilling ending for the characters. Eventually, this series took shape and I ended up with an outline totalling about 60k (rip). I wrote the first part, published it, and then life happened.
Now, I'm actually pretty glad for the delay, because the story definitely lacked direction and depth and it was going to be way too long for those not to be staples. I've done an unreasonable amount of revision to the outline, and I'd like to revise part 1 a little bit as well, and then get back to writing this in the new year once all of my other WIPs are done and dusted.
When the chaos of war has abated and the dust settles, there's nothing left but rubble and ash. All they can do is rebuild. A large-scale alternative epilogue.
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merv606 · 2 years
Hello! (>o.o)> ❤️
A/B/O Silverusso Matchmaker Au!
So Omegas of any gender are the lowest of the low in Society, and have very few rights. At the age of consent on their birthday, their picture/information are posted on the only Matchmaking site, essentially putting them up for auction to a Beta or an Alpha of they are desired enough. But the best Omegas are always claimed/reserved for an Alpha of any social standing, but the better an Alpha has done in life, the better the Omega they will get.
Alpha!Terry has done very well for himself - filthy rich, businessman, fit and handsome etc. - but has been searching for an Omega for a while as he wants to settle down, get married, and start a family. He goes to the Matchmaking site and no one catches his eye. Bored and annoyed, he goes to the Discount Section for Undesirable Omegas to amuse himself. This is a section for Omegas who have had a failed Match with a Beta/Alpha, who are older, plain, emotional issues, etc. That’s where Terry comes across Daniel.
Omega!Daniel is 20. At 18 he slept with another Alpha, but didn’t mate or scentbond with him, and the Alpha left him - and their daughter, Samantha, now barely 2. Daniel is poor, and with the few rights given to Omegas, struggling to make it with Sam. An Omega who isn’t a virgin, had a child without being Mated, didn’t scentbond, and is now without an Alpha is considered deeply shameful in society, little more than a common whore, an absolute pariah in every way.
But none of this deters Terry, who is immediately attracted to Daniel - the big dark eyes, fluffy brown hair, small build and sweet smile. Sam is very adorable too, and Terry finds himself looking at their pictures on the site, seeing from the pictures and blurbs how deeply Daniel loves his little girl. But Terry also picks up on Daniel’s personality - he comes across as very affectionate but also feisty. Kind, but proud. Poor, but determined. Most Omegas are so downtrodden, but Daniel is full of life and not shy. Terry doesn’t even realize how hard he’s falling - it’s happening so quickly. Terry also discovers that he and Daniel have things in common: an interest in karate, family life, being parents, etc. 
Terry immediately tells his secretary Margaret to set up an appointment. She, and many others, think Terry has finally lost it - why get a used no-longer-pure Omega with a child when Terry, considering his high social ranking and pure Alpha bloodline, can get any Omega he wants and have his own biological children? But what Terry wants, Terry gets.
Bonus points if Terry buys Daniel after only meeting him once because he’s fallen so hard for him. He has Daniel and Sam move in with him, but Daniel plays bratty and hard to get despite both of them immediately scentbonding with each other because he’s  frightened that Terry will abandon him and Sam. Terry’s not evil in this AU, so he waits for Daniel to come to him, knowing Daniel will fall for him and beg to be mated with him knowing Daniel is very attracted to him in every way. Meanwhile, Terry and Sam grow close, and Terry is deeply amused (Daniel horrified and embarrassed) when Sam innocently asks one when she’ll be getting a sister.
“S-Sam!” Daniel says, blushing furiously and looking so adorable that Terry just wants to knot him then and there.
“A sister? What about a brother?” Terry smiles
at Sam pouting on his knee, while Daniel continues to turn more red nearby.
“No, boys are gross,” Sam says frowning. 
“Really?” Terry looks over her head towards Daniel. “I find some boys to be very nice, you know. I like those boys very much.”
Daniel just looks away from Terry, cheeks red, pouting, and dangerously pretty. Terry just smirks, sniffing confusion, annoyance, and arousal from the Omega. Any day now.
HI ♥️
Honestly - sat on this for awhile and I have to admit, I have nothing to say to this that could possible add to it.
It’s perfection.
The idea / their personalities - 10/10 would recommend and read.
Imagine the reaction too - people are absolutely gobsmacked with how whipped Terry is - that an omega like Daniel managed to wrap Terri around his little finger without even really trying.
All the “better” omegas of good breeding - the ones who were told they’d get the best alphas - the ones who tried to shoot their shot with Terry and were rejected.
The scandal - the gossip.
Terry probably spends his time buying and shutting down any tabloid that bad mouths his mate 😂
Terry being equally charmed by Sam - Daniel’s mini me.
All of it 😻
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gaywriting · 1 year
Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe book review
Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz (2012)
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""All of your instincts, Ari, all of them, tell me something. You love that boy. I think you love him more than you can bear." "I can't. Why are you saying these things?" "Because I can't stand watching all that loneliness that lives inside you. Because I love you, Ari."" (p. 349)
i've owned this book for years but embarressingly enough i didn't get around to reading and finishing it until february 2022. after hearing about it i figured i would like it and i definitely did. i have so many feelings tied to it, so ill try my best to write my thoughts here.
the story follows 15 year old Aristotle Mendoza, an american-mexican boy living in El Paso, Texas, in the 80's. he is the youngest in a sibling group of 4 and basically grew up as a single child. his mother is caring, but carying a deep scar from Ari's brother, who's in jail and Ari has never managed to bond with his emotionally distant father, due to him having been sent to Vietnam before Ari was born. Ari struggles very hard with himself, his family and his place in the universe. then one day during summer vacation, having shut himself off to everything and everyone in his life, he escapes to the local swimming pool, despite not knowing how to swim. here he meets Dante Quintana, a 15 year old american-mexican boy, with an equally special name and a very different world view, and who offers to teach him how to swim. the boys hit it off and quickly become very close friends. soon Ari is forced to face all of his demons and it all starts with Dante.
t h i s b o o k yall... i don't even know where to start asdfdgghjk this book is one of the most beautful stories ive had the pleasure of experiencing. the journey Alire Sáenz pulls us along of Aristotle and his relationship with coming to love himself and his life is such a deeply personal, emotional and wonderful thing to witness. first off this book felt to me like opening up a book an seeing a mirror. many of Ari's struggles are struggles i have experienced in my life as well and rarely have i related so much with a main character in a YA romance book. i was a little hesitant to read it since people were praising it to the moon and back, but honestly sometimes the hype do speak the truth because this book is honestly so good!
some people call this as a romance book, but it would not be the first word i would use to descibe this book (maybe i would do that with the sequel but we'll get to that one next). this book, in my opinion, is a philosophical, coming of age book that shows the reader a family of broken individuals that each have to learn how to deal with the trauma in their life, as well as how to open up and lean on each other. the fact that one of Ari's bigger pushes towards facing himself and his issues is Dante and the blossoming romance between the two is just a plus in my opinion. not every lgbt story needs to be thrown into the romance bucket, where that's all there is to the story, since that's not all there is to life.
Dante is just the sweetest little weed smoking rascal, a boy who feels every single emotion in his body like tenthfold and just wears it all on his sleeve. incapable of telling lies and so sure in himself and his beliefs. his only insecurity is his sexuality, and reading the letters he sends to Ari, about him figuring it all out and when he speaks of how he needs his sibling to be straight, is heartbreaking.
If you want to experience a psychological coming of age lgbt story with two precious boys learning to love and accept themselves and each other, despite the struggle that that life entails, then i c a n n o t recomend this book more. it was honesly one of the best books i read last year, don't let the hype scare you away and give it a try! ❤️
honestly to say im upset that i cant find a way for me to watch the movie is such an understatement. i might be going into it too optimistic and get Super let down, but as far as ive read (avoiding spoilers) people say its good, so the hype is crazy 🍿
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ilearhmajeste · 1 month
A 0privet drib3
Just a feeling from abore bed
Your asking the bible
She says nevermind
I know cuz I've seen her steam from hers while the back of my eichelornia goes through to the ear on its left. All the time I swear. Keep track with missile scud.
No there's scares then vine
Hennas notticemint we don't give out ice
Take this ring out of your nose!
She wasn't that pregnant
I know it's lovely
We notice that there's Santa but there's someaays this stuff literally just shows up where we going somewhere so we walk around if police need to mat there be enough buttons battery space at your gt.cash register I nod my flickers loose to whitwapls the absolving paper ish yes playnskillz
Because in Williamstown there's anomuly where some lady really gac3 it a shot down 5o tree chopping house building died buried her by the church she hoped for class8c memere Myself between accidentally laserribfigur3d as much stays on anyways there's springs she decided to attach on th3 cqk if all her doors as door stops because if there's no slamm7nt of QST doors to both sides concern 5hes former carriage cousilortori Prix. Also says she wants to catch when's kids playing but u know sh3 wants to fund the damn mouse arch there after random gravity well so beat broach now some normal cave work regqton disk3t sign:beezwax muwi
++ bee
Some run no adds atop
Wow water gun tm mr
Almon brothers cello
And a dumb kid so who wants coffee say
Who's thee
Hihjhi woah I'll coffer
Some sup on the ground cleptoy
Sons of kitchen
They're temporary like toy ztory
But belive me k it works up to the same shoe issues. Well Charles was landed by nine, a dice roll swear there's a connecticut Ave
Of credto to geretAhbus
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That caused the 90s blackout but here's my glove idea see if bit works too
See I sprung for different door stops all together if I don't need to finish these walls a little more along this one enite bottom edge so I put what I want, times choir
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The was a way that all that work meant she could slam doors again drywall no castle rook
Sandbox:;to be timeless
That's art.
Someatd ands not once but twenties hesg un whebm no not ebd
It gets around.
If you tslk like yezto and so ands signrun sslow clap. Unwoc still. So your targets calm roc eyes pewter is mirror a Serfacr that's white all ove .soap run on live web maybe as this run on movie through annual rnought to go full cast and cats gets off the others betwen title j fbi and some normally train repoaded dundid what's vacuuminf I'm trained cooverls stop. See me do it can ktn a suspension and active octogenarian never takes thd f9r the ele Edgar
Ha repegio for the extra heydn kiffs
There's a way he's to see
Cats can do that
We all roll around on carpets, midoter
There scales and ideas but this ones marvelous
Ah shmobowls to the floor he should have napkins for I dunno rug
Kkiffs kkiffa
Kicgs Heaven some windmills wring8 sera tops when's he get around the insides
Your ol ol old uncle Waldo Sherri!
We brought O'Malley
There's ways to go but to be born aways s9mething a little more wave a little not at all mysterious. Some monster created O some ita cone soWen you have to know because ye authors it yoy got here to says the.n s9mequer out inner chucked stalking go for sone t8psb becom4 a haunted telethon
Shits now about the.cardboa4d again being to. Close to its purpose
Nuts floor. Model
Qe does that with.wu.do2s
That's not b7d8ness or co tol
Continue himter steiz
Whence yoh hears steam it's nostril so jersey someway so seek float cloud atlas trute?
Eh J.Smith as cloud at lass less than simple one to thens believe it could be trout. Ans when's ap
Press on each
63s sic fac5ioe so goggles must be busted or drives throught madness and drug infection to here birds amd wonder goggles woth winer bottle like these are just one drinking stamering
Summer the cartoon s flashlight tinkle party too dishes iso moe sleep gets
Floor fans Sri I have remote
To many weird ways to say there's crusty dishes and there's doing something you did d9. So
How's it suppose to know perm qua fame
Or however the anchors say it gt erry its never the flash but Epiphany Lorenz sic to ki oops mike
Also ti moe phone great break at mcdonald.
Eo so no ea nov3 nice
0 notes
bones4thecats · 6 months
If it's okay can I please ask for Loki Beelzebub and Poseidon but how are they react to meeting Kianna's older brother Subaru
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In her backstory she actually left Subaru alive since he helped her and they see each other as siblings
Meeting Subaru and Yui (Sibs of S/O)
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Loki, Beelzebub, and Poseidon Name: Meeting Subaru and Yui (Sibs of S/O) Requester: @nunezs-stuff
A/N: Much like with my past work, if you want to find some more information on this ‘Kianna’, you can go to the requester’s account and read all about her OC. Here, Yui is technically alive, since this is set after the events of the story, so they’re all dead and in Valhalla.
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🐍 Loki has a smaller family when it comes to the Godly-standards, he has Odin as his uncle and Thor as his cousin. While in Pantheons such as the Greek, there were four brothers with one being married and having three kids, Zeus’ blood and non, and there was Kronos and Rhea
🐍 So, when he officially met you, he wasn’t very surprised to hear about you having a sister and brother. In fact, Loki basically begged for you to introduce them to his own family
🐍 It took many different tries on his part to actually get you to consider bringing in your siblings in for a visit, but when you told him you gave in and were bringing the two in for a reunion of the Norse Pantheon
🐍 Looking back at the two behind you, you noticed that Yui smiled as she adjusted the collar around her kimono as Subaru adjusted the bow holding his outfit together, and once they gave you their respective nods, you began to walk ahead and opened the doors to the Norse Pantheon’s estate
🐍 Loki was getting bored floating around and pranking his fellow Deities, it just wasn’t the same without his amazing S/O alongside him
" Loki? Are you around? "
🐍 Opening his eyes and turning upside down from the tree branch, Loki looked around for the beautiful eyes of his S/O, only to be immediately met with the sight of mismatching red and pink eyes
" Woah! Watch where ya’ hang there. " " Y/N? " " Hello there, Loki. "
🐍 Okay, this guy was so confused right now…
🐍 Once he caught sight of you, your boyfriend wrapped himself around you from behind, slightly glaring at the man and woman, blissfully unaware of who they were to you
" Loki, meet Subaru and Yui, my ‘adoptive’ brother and my sister. " " Oh… my bad. " " Meh, I’ve had worse reactions than that. Note; don’t go to a church as a vampire, doesn’t end well. " " Yeah. Besides, we understand, you’ve never met us until now, so it’s understandable why you’re weary of us. "
🐍 Loki’s eyes slightly widened at how loose they seemed, while you normally were more tightly bound with superiority issues
🐍 As Yui held out her hand, the calls of Odin’s bird, Huginn and Muninn echoed in your ears, alerting both you and Loki that Odin and Thor were ready to meet your siblings, just to make sure they were alright to visit again
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🪰 He was surprised that this curse has allowed him to even be around you and care for you, nonetheless even come into a full-on relationship filled with love around you without you being harmed
🪰 When you had admitted that you had a couple people you wanted him to meet, Beelzebub was put off, since for many years, he grew up with this curse and because of it, never really had anyone before you and Hades
🪰 Holding your hand tightly, Beelzebub looked down at you and sighed, knowing that you would provide your dearest God with any kind of comfort or space if he needed it
" Are you ready, Beel? " " I suppose… " " Open the doors for my siblings! "
🪰 As the guards of the estate opened the doors in fear of your rage, you noticed the feeling of Beelzebub’s grip on your hand tighten as the doors creaked open further and further until the sight of a tall man and shorter woman were shown
🪰 Smiling gently at the duo, you lightly pulled your boyfriend with you to great your guests, or rather, your family
🪰 Yui looked at your boyfriend and back at you with confusion before Subaru cocked an eyebrow and practically glared at Beelzebub, not fearing that he was a God set to participate in the upcoming event of Ragnarok in a few days
" Ah! My apologies, you must be Y/N’s boyfriend. I’m Yui, Y/N’s older sister. And this is- " " Subaru, their ‘adoptive’ older brother. "
🪰 You sighed as Subaru kept his stern look on your boyfriend, his form not shaking or anything as the Lord of the Flies just stared back without any emotion inside his black eyes
🪰 Gripping his hand tighter and making him slightly flinch at your surprisingly strong grip, Beelzebub lowered his guard slightly, just enough to notify Subaru that he were not going to harm you or Yui
" Would you guys like a tour around the estate? " " That would be amazing, little sibling! "
🪰 Despite the fact that Subaru was still burning holes into the head of the man you were holding hands with, you understood that Subaru was only trying to protect you from harm, and you knew it was fruitless. Beelzebub loved you, even the Gods you have met said so, and they hate mentioning stuff like that
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🔱 Poseidon didn’t even like having to see his own family, nonetheless seeing someone else’s, it just made him feel slightly awkward. But, he could also say he was annoyed, he isn’t fond of social events, preferring to spend most time to himself
🔱 He sat down at the small table on your bedroom’s balcony and heard as the front doors opened with a loud drag from their sheer mass and size
🔱 Just at that moment, you knocked on the door and walked inside your room, alerting your soon-to-be husband that you were going to tell him who had come by for a visit, and whether it was for him or you
" Poseidon, my love, it seems we both have guests. " " And who, perhaps, are these guests? " " They are my two siblings, Yui and Subaru. "
🔱 Poseidon knew that you had siblings, as during one of your first dates years ago, you and him spoke about your family relationships, so parents, siblings, everything like that
🔱 Looking from the dark and colorful ocean to you, the God of the Seas sighed mentally, speaking to some random people was something that he did not want to participate in that day. He specifically scheduled no meetings for said reason
🔱 But, no matter, as long as they don’t try testing his patience, he can hold himself back for you
🔱 Holding out his arm, you wrapped your arms through his and began to walk down to the main room to meet up with the two siblings you hadn’t spoken to for the few months you have lived with your lover
" My dear siblings, to what do we owe the pleasure of your presence? " " Y/N! You haven’t spoken to us in months! What do you have to say for yourself? " " First of all, thank you for the gracious hello back. Second, I would like to introduce you to my fiancé, the Greek God of the Seas and the third-born son of Cronus and Rhea, Poseidon. "
🔱 Yui’s eyes widened and the man beside you could sense her aura slightly depleted in fear, but, he could also tell that the man beside her aura had enlarged with protectiveness
" P-P-Poseidon?! Oh my! I’m so sorry for the rude introduction! I am Yui, your lovely to-be older sister, and this is Subaru, our older ‘adoptive’ brother. " " Pleasure. "
🔱 You looked into your to-be’s ocean-blue eyes and slightly pinched his arm, making him look into your eyes with shock hidden underneath a layer of emptiness glossing his form
🔱 Subaru groaned and had to hold Yui back from running over and hugging Poseidon and you, since he knew that the God of the Seas was one with very little love for physical touch
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chenpire · 3 years
Okay listen. I grant you that Simon and Wilhelm’s interactions are well written and pretty grounded, but that’s not exactly the same as functional communication, in this essay I will...
No really, here’s the essay. The best scene to illustrate my point is probably the confrontation over the drugs in episode 5, y’know, the one where Simon is ready to bolt when Wilhelm warns him August wants to make Simon their scapegoat. I love this scene and the dialogue in it because I see it as an example of well written, nuanced miscommunication. This show’s writing is steady from start to finish so I don’t feel like I’m giving it too much credit when I say the things not said in this scene are significant.
Wilhelm talks to Simon like they’re equals here when they’re not. He knows the fallout would be worse for Simon but doesn’t seem to fully comprehend how much or why, while Simon is clearly acutely aware that he could end up with a criminal record that would severely impact his future. The offhand comment about dealing, and the fact that Wilhelm doesn’t question Simon’s explanation makes their class difference super obvious, and Simon just shuts off because he’s unwilling to explain something he’s already decided Wilhelm will not get (I think he does this again when Wilhelm tells him Alexander ended up taking the fall. He looks like he’s going to say something but then decides against it because he doesn’t seem to think there’d be any point.) Simon is aware of Wilhelm’s mess (though considering little moments like the insta story incident, how much he gets it is debatable) but Wilhelm doesn’t have even the faintest inkling of Simon’s lower middle class (?) issues, nor does he inquire when there are openings to do so. They talk past each other on issues of class constantly. Simon’s spiel in episode 1 about ‘one rule for one group, a different rule for another’ is a perfect framing device for that underlying conflict.
Wilhelm has a blind spot, and Simon lets him have it, while obviously quietly interpreting and accepting the reasons for Wilhelm’s hot and cold behaviour on his own; on this, his sister really has his number. He’s consistently established as a character that keeps things to himself, which contributes to him and Wilhelm’s entire dynamic of ‘let’s not talk about the heard of elephants in the room’. It’s not like the teenage prince having multiple life crises at once is the bad guy here, and the way he handles this situation (and others) head on says many fun and interesting things about the person he could become later on in his arc. But currently their dynamic has a huge power imbalance that neither of them fully understand or are addressing because. They’re teenagers? Nobody wants blockbuster scale class conflict in their high school fling? Come on?  
When people talk about hating miscommunication in media I don’t think they actually mean they hate all forms of it. Miscommunication is a fact of life; people talk past each other due to different life experiences all the damn time. It’s kind of part of being human. Good miscommunication should follow that, occurring because of character, as part of developing character arcs. The type of miscommunication that’s unsatisfying is miscommunication inserted into the story in a way that doesn’t connect to character or theme, that only serves to stir up drama and create plot instead of truly enriching the story being told. There’s an element of tragedy to miscommunication in that it’s a very human folly, and if done well that’s what it should feel like. Wilhelm and Simon are really rather sweet to each other, they work great when they’re in their own little bubble, in a young dumb teenage romance kind of way. The tragedy is that that can’t survive outside of their private little world unless they’re both on the same page and willing to fight for it. Which, currently, they’re not even close to.
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villainessxassassin · 2 years
Hi I'm new here and I loved your writing, I really liked the stork, can I ask the boys' reaction to a very innocent S/what is an only child with an overprotective father? she's the only thing left of the mother so the father kind of prevents her from approaching the opposite sex and tries to preserve her innocence, it would be funny to see the dorm leaders (Jamil in Kalim's place, please) meet with her future father-in-law.
Yes flashbacks to those overprotective brother headcanons we wrote...
Also were changing the limit to the people we write so Jamil and the others will be on the second part.
Anyway overprotective brother/father supremacy.
Warnings: some spoilers, fem reader as per request of ask but I kept using You/your, bonus scenario
This scenario could actually go in two ways. The first is if s/o and her father both arrive in NRC and both got dragged with the students shenanigans all the while s/o's father thwarting away any suiters. The second is where s/o's father got transported in NRC quite later where s/o already has a significant other, what would s/o's father do exactly?
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-Your father was already unhappy that you were both transported to NRC, but being dragged with the shenanigans of the school? He's going to have blood pressure!
-He was already suffering at the fact that you were friends with the Adeuce duo, always managing to get you into trouble.
-And with Riddle's oberblot? He had a heart attack!as what your father would put it but that was him being overly dramatic
-He dislikes Riddle's anger issues, which is why he vowed to himself to get you away from Riddle(but ofc that didn't work)
-And when your father heard Riddle caught feelings for you? And you also took an interest with Riddle? Boy he got another mini heart attack! He can't leave his precious child with the crimson tyrant now could he?
-Riddle knows how your father dislikes him due to his anger issues and obsession with rules, which is why he tried to tone it down a notch to gain your father's approval.
-If your father got transported later and you managed to have Riddle as your boyfriend then:
*sobs* "I can't believe I was too late to stop my darling daughter from keeping her innocence 🤧 "
-Your father is reluctant at first on getting along with your boyfriend, especially when he heard what transpired within Heartslabyul.
-Riddle invited your father to a private tea party to get along with each other, however your father turned it into an interrogation on Riddle.(Riddle was sobbing in the corner later telling Trey and Carter how he will not get your father's blessing to court you)
-Trey and Cater worried for their friend's well being helped him by either talking to your father about how "Riddle has change for the sake of your daughter."
-Many private tea parties later, they eventually got along making you quite happy.
-Your father saw how capable Riddle is on being a leader despite his flaws thus he allowed Riddle to court you.
-You three would have tea parties together ^^
-your father was still overprotective of you though, he warned him not to do anything to his dear daughter or he'll face his wrath.
Hmm... If you can tone down your anger issues then I'll happily give you my blessings.
Yes I've been working on that, and I believe I managed to hold in my 'anger issues' now.
Is that right? Alright then Shorty.
I am not short-
Yeah no you've got a long way to go child.
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-Your father didn't like him one bit, he keeps overthinking that Leona would eat you one day because of his nickname for you.
-Your father didn't like the fact that Leona was willing to harm people just for the sake of winning a game against Malleus.
-He also dislikes how lazy Leona is, as for Leona he Hates you father's constant nagging, it always messes up his afternoon nap!
-Leona would send Ruggie to distract your father so you can spend time with him^^
-However it back fired when your father managed to bribe Ruggie with food.
-Your father will probably provoke Leona to show his bad side, which doesn't work.
-You'll see a one sided bickering between them.
-It probably takes a while for these two to get along with eachother.
-Your father is still skeptical about Leona
-Your father likes how Leona respects women though, that's what made your father try to get along with Leona. Respect women Juice
- Occasionally Leona and your father would play chess together and the loser would have to follow what the winner says
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-Your father was impressed with Azul being a business man
-however he greatly despises his manipulative personality, as well as how he scams people with his contracts. your father was fuming at him when you willingly accepted his deal in hopes to save your friends
-When Azul caught feelings feelings for you, he tried to win your father on permission to court you at first.
-But no matter what he does it seems like your father did not want you to get close with him.
-Which is why the two of you secretly hang out, since your curious on how he managed to became a successful owner of monstero lounge
-When your father discovered you two hanging out secretly, he merely sighed your father understands why you'd keep your hangout a secret because he was overprotective worried about you but he glared at Azul though
"Fine I'll allow you to court my daughter, if you hurt her I swear-"
"Oh? And what about a marriage contract?"
"Then I'm having an octopus dinner🙂"
-If your father got transported later to where both you and Azul are dating- oh he's a business man you say? Wait. What do you mean he has two scary gaurds? And- And he tried to scam his daughter!?
-Big no no for your father. He tried to do what ever it takes to make you stay away from him.
-Azul knew what your father was planning, that's why he tried to make a contract with him that he promises to take care of you (plus a discount in montro lounge) in exchange all he needs is to allow him to court yo- oh, your father ripped the contract
-Thus Azul sent the leech twins to distract your father convince your father that Azul is a changed man.
-So Azul and your father were forced to get along with each other, and they always bicker.
-In your perspective it's quite funny to see the two of them bicker
-Every time your Azul got his ways with hanging out with you, he'd eat an octopus dish in front of him!(Where he got it? You don't even know)
-However like Riddle they slowly got along but their bickering is still there
-In conclusion your father radiates a passive aggressive aura around Azul but other than that they get along and talk about buisness.
If you hc that Crewel is a father figure to Yuu then your in luck! They could get along quite nicely!
Keyword on could.
If Crewel see's y/n as their child then your father and Crewel would get a rivalry of who's the better father.(If you also hc Crowley as a father figure and see Yuu as his child as well then shit is about to go down)
One thing is clear though these two three if you count Crowley will not hesitate to work together if it means preserving their dear daughter's innocence.
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amgeryporcupine · 2 years
Hi :)
This is for that one anon whose request I've mistaken for something else.
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Hmm where do I start? Honestly, this whole TobiMada family thing that I thought of first came out to be angsty lol.
Like how Tobirama and Madara get together, or how it's possible for Madara to get preggo (not a/b/o). The original back story I had in mind can be defined as "it gets worse before it gets better".
But enough of that- let's just say they both lived happily ever after with many kids.
Please know that I'm poop with names so I just reused a bunch.
1st born - Quadruplets
Izuna (1st) was named after his late uncle. He is the Uchiha clan heir and the biggest troll Konoha has ever seen. He is also Itama's shoulder to cry/whine on. He may act carefree but he is the best when handling diplomatic missions.
Kawarama (2nd) is very much a grump, short-tempered, and has the issue of people standing behind him. He also happens to be a sensor as strong as his dad but would often get overwhelmed so his brothers are always there for him in case it gets too much. He is very protective of his siblings but he can be overbearing sometimes.
Itama (3rd) is a moody crybaby. He's like the combination of his uncle Hashi and his late uncle Itama. He loves to annoy his brother Kawarama for the sole reason of: "it's because Kawa-Chan makes funny faces when he's mad" even if he gets hit in the head and loses a few brain cells. He is also very well-loved by the people of Konoha as his character and behavior remind them of their previous Hokage (Hashirama). He is also expected to be the 3rd Hokage when Tobirama retires from the position.
Sousuke (4th) loves playing with fire. No words can describe the number of forest fires he's caused or the small villages he accidentally burned down. He's a pretty chill guy and very very straightforward with his words. He is socially awkward but he tries his best. He is considered a good team leader and would often be sent on S-rank missions, even if he prefers to do it alone. Some would say that his strength and thirst for a good fight came from his mother (they're not wrong tho).
2nd born - Triplets
Satsuki (1st) has a very poised and dignified persona. She loves dressing up in expensive kimonos with intricate designs. She doesn't listen to anyone's bs unless they wish for a painful death by drowning. She has received many suitors from different clans but none fit her high standards (Tobirama's practically leaping with joy as his daughter will stay as his princess forever. Or so he thought). She is also an Iryo-nin along with her two sisters.
Makoto (2nd) is a perfectionist. She is also a clean freak and practically tidies up any mess her sisters make. She loves to read books let be they novels, or medical texts. She's not one to dress as fancy as Satsuki but she'll let herself be dressed up like a doll as long as her sisters won't bother her for the next hour. Most of the time oblivious when someone is interested in courting her. She has a history of "accidentally" sending her suitors to a friend zone.
Nagisa (3rd) is very energetic and adventurous. Not disgusted with handling anything, even bugs (for which Satsuki and Makoto would lose their vocal cords). She loves trying out new things and would often encourage her sisters to join her in it. She is also the mediator when her sisters bicker too much. Has been in many relationships before but it doesn't last because her partners couldn't keep up with her. (her dad and older brothers take very much care of her exes, and the twins are glad to have another to add to their collection).
3rd born - Twins
Hikaru (1st) and Kaoru (2nd) are two peas in a pod. They won't do anything without each other. Are born prodigies and have made many of their own jutsus. Unintentionally handling S-rank missions (only because of how often they get the unfortunate chance of being dragged into one) leads to gaining Jonin-rank at a young age. They dissect (animals) to study the organ system, skeletal structure, find the cause of death, etc. They received a human cadaver on their 10th birthday after presenting the things they've studied through years of dissecting and the council found it beneficial to give them the chance in order to contribute to the greater good of medicine.
4th born
Harumi is the epitome of sunshine and rainbows. It would take a lot of convincing for people outside Konoha to believe that this little girl is a spawn of Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Madara. She has mastered the deadly "puppy dog eyes" and has made uncle Hashi her favorite victim. She was a surprise to the family. Madara never thought that he'd conceive again with his age, but nonetheless, he and his husband were ecstatic to meet their youngest. Tobirama would drop everything he was doing if his little Harumi ever requested to be carried. Harumi got called "Hime" as a joke at first but the Senju and Uchiha both agreed that she is indeed a "Hime" and nothing would change that.
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Wips related to this au
The whole family goes to the beach but in a modern setting, the quads as babies, and all 10 of them in one photo.
There's another fanart of this au in my old account @angeryporcupine
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green-lotus · 2 years
Raphael making out headcanons, pt 1
(disclaimer: i tend to imagine more ugh vanilla stuff when IT comes to sex, even tho that's not quite the best word for it. don't misunderstand, i'm all in for some wild ideas, but i'm not into really rough sexual stuff, but more of intimate, passionate ones myself, so to speak, so that's the filter all my headcanons naturally go through. if your red turtle wet dreams include getting dominated & straightforward railed & being aggressively cummed into, good on you, but that's not so much of what i will be sharing here. even if I do have some fun parts i'm working on. having said that!)
• I've seen many headcanons' on how Raph would be probably kinda possessive and jealous of his s/o, and I just don't vibe with IT tbh. Sure, he may have some issues with it, but given how playful he can be when not feeling threatened in any way, I'd say that given the right amount of reassurement and love and acceptance, he may go basically the opposite direction and even enjoy his partner casually flirting with or teasing other people, only for the pun to be that they're falling back into his arms and leaving the other person quite fucking bewildered to say the least. That would both play to his more fun side & would give him the much needed public display of appreciation, praise & putting him in the first place
• Imagine Casey strolling through the lair to find something he misplaced there earlier and seeing Raph with his partner starting to casually make out on the couch in the corner. Casey is not his dad nor any of his brothers, so Raph doesn't feel like he needs to show off or hold the tough guy attitude. Casey freezes, as Raph and his s/o stop, lock eyes with him and then with each other with a mischievous smile
"Raphael, look... He's looking at us, the self - elected half - assed Jason Voorhees... maybe he wants to join in. Sweet fuck look at his face"
"Should we let him watch?"
"Oh, and share the sight with a hockey slut? Nah, he didn't deserve it, that's all for me under that shell"
"Should I let him at least undress you then?"
"Man, you wanna kill him? And yourself, in the process? What's here is for your eyes and hands only tonight"
Casey's long skidaddled away at this point but you're having the most delicious fun watching him die inside
• That being said, I do believe that in the right circumstances he would have no problem making out in the middle of the lair and letting his brothers hear a bit of the fun between you two. He would want to pride yourself in what you're doing between you and that he has you and you want him
• He would particularly enjoy falling asleep together and someone finding you in the morning laying with each other, with obvious implication of what was happening before you two dozed off
• Particularly Leo, yeah. Leo is speechless, annoyed or at least slightly bothered, Donnie is a bit awkward but just assumes it for what IT is and goes about his business being just quietly glad for you two
• Raph may not be the best of a showman in that regard but boy would he enjoy just observing you dancing, stretching, getting naked or doing anything explicitly innuendo, if not just for him then knowing full well he is around seeing what you're doing
• And shit, would he love the moment you come to undress him, there's not much there except for those hilarious pants or his mask or shoulder pads but it's something
• You make him undress you as well. It's some sort of handsy exercise for him. If Splinter's making him knit he can handle your dresses, lingerie and jewellery
• You make him wait for you. It's killing him but he's enjoying that and the taste of you after is all the sweeter
• I'd bet Raph would love to make out to the music. Some deep techno/ rap vibes with something a bit more rhythmic and rock - ish in between. but for more gentle times he would accept and try to vibe with whatever his partner's into
(yeah I've been trying to put together list off songs i imagine would play to his taste in bed, but i'm just not really that knowledgeable in those music areas, if anyone has any suggestions please share)
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Can your write the sakamaki brothers with an s/o with a telekinetic ability?like how it would be useful and how they would react
Shu Sakamaki
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Shu wouldn't care much about this.
Or so you’re still on his full-body pillow even if you have telekinetic powers.
Can he go back to sleep now?
That's what he thought at first.
But Shu's opinion is changing really fast.
And the reason for that is Reiji who wants his brother to do something more than just sleep.
Maybe you could move different things in front of the door?
Of course, this is just a small delay but a couple of extra minutes are a valuable thing for Shu.
Can you also move people with the power of mind?
What about vampires?
( U know what he means... )
You have become Shu's favorite person.
In addition to this, you also have the perfect full body pillow.
Everything he has wanted out of life
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At first, Reiji really didn’t know you had special forces.
That's why he treated you like an ordinary person for a long time.
Until you do something that is not possible for an "ordinary person" to do.
This would be really interesting.
You will indeed become a test person.
He would like to find out what your powers are capable of and what you can do with them.
Reiji pays a lot of attention to you because of this.
(Even if you don't like it. You really can't resist him.)
This could be the reason he fell in love with you.
And because of that, he also starts expecting good and perfect behavior from you.
Because his partner is forced to behave well.
( Yes you are now his partner like it or not. )
And Reiji loves to emphasize how, despite your strength, he is stronger than you.
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Have you ever seen a jealous child when another child has something they don’t have?
Oh you are?
Well, in that case, you’ve already seen Ayato react to this situation.
He would be really jealous because you can do something he doesn’t.
So Ayato tries his best to downplay your powers.
And he really refuses to admit that he is jealous of you.
Although it is really visible and everyone certainly knows it.
Ayato also wants to show how his powers are much cooler than yours.
( Just please this man child otherwise you will never stop this behavior. )
Because Ayato is bound to be the best in everything.
If he ever realizes that you can use telekinesis to do more than two Takoyaki at the same time he is ready to admit that maybe your power can be a little cool.
But just a little.
By the way, he wants a lot more Takoyaks now.
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Kanato doesn't like this.
He doesn't like this at all.
When he found your ability Kanato would be angry.
Why hadn't you told him about this before? Are you hiding something else?
Trust issues.
Kanato doesn't like that you're not just his completely helpless and little doll.
He really is afraid that you will leave him using your powers.
You can be sure that Kanato will become really paranoid and clingy.
( So even more than he normally is. )
He would certainly also tie you up and lock the door whenever he leaves for a moment.
Kanato wouldn't be interested in what you can do.
He just wants you to forget those stupid abilities.
You can be sure that Kanato is angry every time you use them.
And I guess you don’t want to make a psychotic vampire angry.
(If you want God, have mercy on you because Kanato doesn't do it)
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This information would make Laito question many things.
I mean, if you didn't say this at the beginning of the relationship.
Why haven't you told him about this before?
Don't you trust him?
Don’t lovers share important things with each other?
Don't you love him?
Are you just taking advantage of him?
So many questions and few answers.
You notices that Laito is angry and hurt.
You better have a really good reason why you didn’t tell him about this before.
It takes a really long time to get Laito to believe your explanation.
It also takes a long time for him to regain his trust.
But if you tell right away at the beginning of the relationship everything is fine.
He may ask a few questions but otherwise Laito doesn’t care much about it.
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Tsunbaru's reaction is at first like "good to you I don't fucking care."
But that's a lie.
He is really relieved that you can protect yourself.
This mansion may be a little safer for someone like you.
Subaru may be a little happier.
But if you point it out he just says it's not true and calls you stupid.
Btw is now your responsibility to prevent Subaru rage attacks.
This is your punishment because you did not agree to Reiji's experiments.
This would not change much between you.
Now Subaru just has to make sure Reiji doesn't get too close to you.
You can also help him with gardening.
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