#the brainworms y'all
qqueenofhades · 2 years
Y'all ever just see a post that is shaped like a hornet's nest with a giant sign reading KICK ME, and oh god, you want to kick it SO BAD but you know it would be a bad idea? But you still want to?
Since that is me right now. Oy.
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zillychu · 6 months
Consider for a moment: A slow-burn identity reveal “no one knows” AU with an emphasis on ghosts being taken seriously as an actual, world-changing threat.
Ghosts are treated as an exceedingly dangerous, but unavoidable force of nature. They can come and go without warning, through naturally occurring spontaneous portals. They're territorial, driven only by obsession and hunger for the living. Particularly powerful ghosts are on par with natural disasters.
Life goes on because there's simply no other option. All major buildings have varying levels of ghost shields, some stronger than others. Just about everyone has some form of personal shield, weapon, or general deterrent. For the most part, humanity takes this apocalypse in stride, barely keeping it all together because there's just enough safety to keep them all sane.
Which is why the rumors of Phantom being able to fully mimic a human body incites panic in Amity.
Phantom was already a nightmare as it was–one of the most powerful and intelligent ghosts on record. His territorial fights with other ghosts for haunting (hunting) grounds in Amity have made global news several times already. Powerful ghosts could appear more human–but to think he was transforming down to a cellular level? Hiding among them? Bypassing ghost shields and alarms? Picking them off one by one?
The focus is mostly with Lancer's class, and how the school deals with this new threat on top of everything else. Everyone is a suspect, no one is safe, and Danny Fenton in particular gets slowly more and more exhausted, apathetic, and… unnerving.
The stress, the lack of sleep, the fighting, no one to turn to, not even his best friends or family–it takes a toll on him. Starving himself doesn't help, but he refuses to do more than take small bites from the ambient life energy and emotion of the living around him. Nothing that won't actually do lasting harm. He begins to slip up more and more, which Sam and Tucker begin to notice but haven't quite connected the dots yet.
But, well. What else can Danny do when Pariah Dark comes knocking on Amity’s doorstep, and his whole class is in the line of fire?
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rehide · 2 days
the thing about hide is that he never once expressed visible hurt abt kaneki not telling him he's a ghoul. it was never a topic of discussion between them, not even in re when it's a much safer conversation to have. he never (at least openly) feels betrayed about it, and still uses his every action to get closer to kaneki and the ghoul world despite how cut off he's been from kaneki's life. and i'm sure hide was smart enough to realize that kaneki's avoidance was always about protecting him, but it's hard to imagine that he wasn't at least a little hurt at some point that kaneki wouldn't tell him. and then a couple hundred chapters later kaneki's stumbling over his words in a sewer and hide's telling him how he's always known, while offering up his own life for his.
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shrews-art · 2 months
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Soooo I have this college AU in the making if anyone is interested?
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natsukiconnerva · 10 months
So we all know Zoro in OPLA likes to call Sanji a waiter right?
But what if-
After how many seasons, as Zoro and Sanji gain more respect (maybe more sexual tension jk) for each other. Zoro eventually calls Sanji: "Cook" like in the anime and manga
Cause Sanji likes being referred to as a cook and Zoro finally sees Sanji as an equal and acknowledges his placement in the crew. In this essay I will-
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skelenova · 11 months
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@mushtoons why are you so good at making au mikeys, huh? /lh
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raineydaze070 · 5 months
yay rain art yay !! yay !!
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thelivingautomaton · 8 months
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i started playing max payne 2 and was immediately so put off by how he no longer has sam lake's face that i decided to put together a collection of some of the max payne 1 panels that i really liked. enjoy <3
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daedelweiss · 11 months
i'm finishing the trailer today or else i'll explode and make it everyone's problem /j
it's almost done... i promise 😫
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vietbluecoeur · 23 days
speak your evil - vietbluecoeur (vietbluefic) - 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
"speak your evil"
Rating: M
Relationship: Aventurine/Boothill
Word Count: 3.2k
Aventurine’s heart is slamming inside him. Beating rapidfire, a million miles an hour. Understandable, seeing as he currently stares down the barrel of a gun aimed at his forehead. The IPC’s most wanted man demands that he reveal Oswaldo Schneider’s location. Aventurine cocks his head, smiles, and says, “You should kiss me.”
I'm gonna be real with you, chief, I don't know what happened here. What was intended to be a drabble about Avenhill kissing became, uhhhhhhhhhhhh..........that, but far more intense. LOL.
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skysquid22 · 11 months
In Mine’s backstory in the RRGO story he doesn’t take Daigo’s warnings or authority seriously until Daigo reveals he shares the same sentiment that life is more valuable than money and saves him from his own actions. And……. Augh the little parallels between that scene at the docks and the end of Yakuza 3…….
What defines Mine's motivation is that he's struggling between two different ideals--believing that he can find someone to put his trust in vs believing that everyone is a liar who's only after their own gain. Mostly, he's acting on the latter with his actions and thinking. Seeking power in monetary gain with how he rises in the Tojo Clan ranks in his RRGO backstory and all of his actions during Yakuza 3. Kiryu calls him out on this method and Mine refuses it since he wants to believe in that other ideal. It is very, very apparent that Mine is desperate for someone he can trust for once in his life. He's searching for that answer in his backstory and he's at the point where joining organized crime is a good idea AND he nearly puts his faith in fucking Kanda. [All these excerpts are from the translation I linked above.]
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But later, Kanda abandons him using the excuse that the younger brother sacrifices himself for the older brother to live which pretty much seals the idea that the bonds of the yakuza aren’t true trust between others. Factor in Mine saying his belief that their lives are more valuable than money and Kanda immediately valuing the money and the time/effort it took to make than money over Mine… it’s a complete and utter rug pull. One that he knew not to put much value in but did anyway because he wanted to believe in someone more than believe that people only care about power. Who is Mine but two wolves trying to kill each other and the winner dictates his mental and emotional state.
Wolf B won this round and Mine (implied?) doesn’t fight back and just outright asks the second acting Nishkiyama patriarch to kill him faster.
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And the same process more or less happens at the end of Y3. He’s losing his reason to live only it’s worse now since he committed himself more to Daigo than he ever did to Kanda. He’s not going to try again and look for an ineffable bond because he had that with Daigo and it’s gone—the thing he’s been searching for all his life and joined the yakuza to seek becomes completely nonexistent to him. All that's left of his beliefs is the one he's been leaning on since he was a kid, that life doesn’t have value over money and everyone lies.
But just like at the docks, Daigo comes back and proves him wrong.
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At the docks, Daigo proves to him that there is such thing as a bond you can fully believe in. And on the roof, Daigo wakes up, which completely upends the entire reason Mine fully adopted his nihilistic thinking and killed the optimist inside him. Kiryu was able to get Mine to understand that his thinking was completely wrong, leaving him lost and like his world had collapsed because it did practically. Both core tenements of himself were burned to ashes. With Daigo waking up, Mine realizes that he can still believe in another person.
Before he was ready to die thinking he was ‘right’. At the end, he knows he’s wrong, but he doesn’t believe he’s deserving of that bond anymore. Instead of rediscovering his reason to live, he just found a reason to die. It hurts… I imagine that if Mine was successfully talked down the vibes probably would’ve been similar to this scene in RGGO: Recognition of mistakes from both parties, Mine’s apology (which he does on the roof), Daigo offering a solution, Mine affirming his kinder core belief, and Daigo believing in Mine (ALSO happens on the roof).
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Last point on Mine’s state of thinking and the parallels between his origin story and the events of Y3—Daigo straight up tells Mine that his thinking that people only lie to each other and care about power will get him killed. I love foreshadowing when writing a prequel. ALSO crazier to me is after Mine meets Daigo for the first time he’s disappointed in him because “He’s the same as me. Or how I once was…” which says so fucking much about his emotional state at that time AND his relationship to Daigo. The quote is specifically referring to the family bonds within the yakuza and how those outweigh the pursuit of power through monetary gains. Mine constantly assumes that the world is shit, thus acts accordingly to protect himself, but is clinging desperately to the idea that he can come to trust someone. A belief he’s so desperate for he joins the yakuza and nearly forces his answer as Kanda. Mine finally finds it with Daigo, I wonder if he would still consider them the same as one another. (I suppose this kinda supports the idea that Daigo could be Mine, but chose to live life with faith 'forward' rather than assume the worst of people.)
Daigo quite literally brings out the best in Mine. He’s not only Mine’s reason to live... Daigo is Mine’s proof that putting faith in trust is the right answer.
To recap:
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bitternace · 2 years
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reparation for a wrong or injury.
[Image ID: two digital drawings featuring kingdom hearts’ characters Even and Saïx in a dark blue background, with an angled stylized partition in the middle that makes the left part of the image lighter. the drawings are lightly rendered. they are shown as if hovering, with parts of their hair and clothes flaring.
in the first image, they show their backs to one another. Even, on the left, presents most of his back to the audience. his head is down in profile, his left arm bent at waist height, his palm facing up, with his ankles crossed. the front partitions of his hair cover his eye, and his mouth is slightly open. over his lab coat, he “wears” his organization 13 coat on his left forearm, some fabric scrunched up in his right hand over his back and the rest of the coat draping to his ankles. Saïx, on the right, is shown from the side. in a 3/4′s profile, he looks at the audience with a blank expression and a single visible glowing eye. his right arm is slightly extended before him. with his left hand, he crosses his fingers over the little of his back. one of his knees is slightly bent as if taking a step.
The second image is the same, except Even is shown without the organization 13 coat. /End ID.]
Close-ups under keep reading!
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[ID: a close-up of Even’s face. /End ID.]
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[ID: a close-up of Saïx’s face. /End ID.]
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gay-flyboys · 3 months
Seven(ish) Sentence Sunday
Knocks on door
Anyone in here? It's uhhh been a minute lol. I'm finally starting to write again after not really doing much post-publishing my soulmate fic. I'm making slow, but relatively steady process on my next long fic, the Celestial AU I've mentioned a bit, as well as working on some other projects for funsies.
It’s a few minutes and his breath being lost later that Henry finds David. Except he doesn’t find just David. There’s a man on the ground, petting David and laughing as he scratches behind the dog’s ears. He’s on his back while David has him pinned down at the chest. David’s licking his face. He’s licking the guy’s face, and the guy is laughing, and— Henry’s frozen, and his heart racing, because his dog is not friendly with people he doesn’t know. He’s not mean, but he certainly isn’t the type to pin someone down and lick their face and let them scratch his ears like they’re lifelong buddies.
Catch all tags, because I'm so behind that I have no idea who has tagged me in what, or when at this point. Take this as a thank you and also me poking y'all to share if you haven't yet: @read-and-write-@msmarvelouswincheste @inexplicablymine@happiness-of-the-pursuit @littlemisskittentoes @songliili @firenati0n @leojfitz @agame-writes @gayrootvegetable @galitzine-nick @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @rockyroadkylers and anyone else who wishes to partake <3
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citnamora · 9 months
I tried writing an analysis post on Dahlia Hawthorne like four times last night but every time I did another truck of ideas would hit me square on and I'd hit save draft to start another. Endless cycle. I cannot coherently articulate my thoughts without spiraling into another set of them. I just have a Lot of Feelings about her and Iris. At one point I also thought about April May and the interesting parallels between their sprites but that post was also saved as draft. So.. look out for those when they finally pop out, lol.
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Donnie deserves happiness
i mean,,,, i suppose !!!!!!!
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analyzingadventure · 10 months
You know I actually never realized this before-- so you remember how tri. retconned Original Chosen fighting and defeating Apocalymon into them fighting the Dark Masters instead? (To be fair it is possible they could've ALSO fought Apocalymon afterwards but that isn't the Epic Final Showdown tri. decided to depict so it's borderline a retcon)
If the Original 5 Chosen fought and defeated the Dark Masters once in the distant past, doesn't that mean that
A) They survived and hid for just a few thousand years until they came back for a Round 2 at conquering the world
B) They died, were reborn, and THEN went for the Round 2
You know I've just DYING with curiosity, desperately wanting to know if any of the villians in Adventure would ever be reborn after Adventure, right. Because according to the lore they should, right (unless their data was like somehow absorbed by Apocalymon and destroyed along with him (though that would still leave Piemon as an exception (and Vamdemon but we all know what happened to him) and the sole survivor))
And what tri. has essentially done is confirm that most of them should, in fact, be reborn sooner or later
But that just raises the question of if Apocalymon was lowkey driving the Dark Masters nuts (as suggested by the novels), and if tri. was kind of about destroying the last remnants of Apocalymon's data (within Meicoomon), if they were reborn this time would they be free of Apocalymon's influence
If so, would their third (?) lives then turn out different? Would they still try to take over the world all over again for funsies (this time just without Apocalymon giving them power etc), or were they just the same as Ken was in Zero Two? I mean Apocalymon was supposed to be a spawn of Milleniummon and Ken was infected with Mille's malice directly, so while it may have been a bit filtered it was still the same source of malice and corruption, right
And like regardless of how their next lives would turn out, shouldn't the kids (OR AT THE VERY FUCKING LEAST GENNAI) like realize that this is going to happen eventually and like. Go and see if they can find them (either as their pre-Ultimate forms or even when they're still in their Eggs) and try to figure out what to do BEFORE shit hits the fan
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#Sorry I'm rewatching the second half of Adventure while working (it improves my focus actually) and#Oh the brainworms are real#Text post#I'm sorry I'm just thinking about Pinocchimon. My sweet poor murder child just needed friends 😭#But even if he was reborn without the craving for blood- who would be friends with him. After all he did in his past life#Who would want to be friends with him. Who would forgive him#IS HE GONNA BE DOOMED TO BE ALONE FOREVER. I'M 😭😭😭#Meanwhile for all we know Piemon is still stuck in that other dimension 10 years later lmao#Depending on if tri.'s reboot ever affected him at all or not because god fucking knows we'll never find out#(Or if he even COULD be affected by the reboot to begin with. God knows Wizarmon seemed to be fucking IMMUNE to it)#(Even though it was supposed to reset EVERYBODY)#But also that could have horrifying implications too if Piemon was just left to cook overnight with a part of Apocalymon#Like Apocalymon is just a collection of grudge and hate from Digimon who've gone extinct right#What's stopping that part of Apocalymon from just restarting the collection of hatred and grudge all over again#This time using Piemon as a vessel to just contain it#Like Apocalymon came from beyond the Wall of Fire to begin with so it's not like dimensional barriers should stop him either#I mean the good news is that there probably haven't been that many Digimon species that've gone extinct after Adventure#But still kids. Y'all might have a timebomb on your hands#Edited to remove some of excessive cursing lmao. I was feeling very intense when writing this sorry lmao
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