#the blob fanart
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artmakerproductions · 3 months ago
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BeFriend, The Blob? (#2)
The Blobs
Some space gunk fell to earth, government fucked around and it got loose. One was good, the other not so much. Going about feeding their appetite differently than the other. One passive, the other aggressive. Both living on a human host. Blah blah blah.
Over five years prior to the starting events of the story. From the deep reaches of outer space, hurdling towards earth was a meteor that housed Mother Blob. A pregnant individual of the blob species who are hermaphrodites. Much like a mosquito, to complete the pregnancy process she needed to feed… an unknowing Old Man curiously pocked the cracked open space rock. The then clear gelatinous mass striked and latched onto the old man. Consuming his flesh. Reaching the nearby town of Arborville, Pennsylvania. A small cozy little town that relies on the tourism brought in the winter for the ski resorts there. The old man barley makes it to the home of Dr. Hallen. Seeing the strange mass, he resorts to amputation and calling a higher up people who deal with diseases and other harmful stuff. By then the mass has engulfed his entire arm and reached beyond his shoulder. After being whisked away, by the time it reaches the hands of Dr Christopher Meddows, it’s completely consumed the Old Man. Within the Mother Blob are her two twins. The outer layer that is her dissolves as she splits in two. One red, the other, a milder lighter shade of red. Designated as Blob-1 and Blob-2.
..5 years later…
Blob-1 aka Irvin Edgar “Eggbert” Andrews:
Irvin is most like their mother in texture and colour. Though definitely different, both before and after Meddows’ experimenting and tests. Showed remarkable intelligence for an amoeba-like mass. From problem solving, facial recognition and even passing the mirror test. Can create complex eyes for themselves, though until later on after meeting Steve Andrews, remains an amorphous blob. Has even demonstrated the ability to be vocal and emit other noises. As a test for their endurance, he and Blob-2 (going on to be named “Russel” later) are placed in a satellite and shot into space. An unscheduled landing occurred after some stray space rocks hit it. By mother of all chances, crash lands near Arborville again. Witnessed by the 15 year old couple, Steve and his girlfriend, Jane Martin. Thinking it as nothing but a shooting star. Escaping the damaged container, both slime masses go their separate ways. Sensing the upcoming cold season, they both slink away to find shelter someplace warm and secure. Irvin towards the woods, and Russel towards town via the sewers. For the following week, and it being winter soon (though the chances of snow is at it’s lowest that year) Irvin had bunkered down at the Andrews Farm. Knowing it best to hide out and be as inconspicuous as possible. Consuming a few eggs, chickens/other poultry here and there. Even a fox once. From the sidelines, they observed Steve and his tending to the animals. A thing about Blobs is they lack a means of insulation from the cold. Unlike mammals who have fat and can padded up for long winter sleeps. Which means they’d need a host to act as their walking heat insulator. Think of a clownfish to a sea anemone or certain fishes and other critters with sea cucumbers. By accident one night while above Steve as he had began investigating the noises in the barn caused by Irvin, the wooden floorboard gave way to Irvin’s weight, BAM! 💥 The wood cracked and both landed right atop Steve’s noggin. Causing a crack in the back of his head. In a trippy sequence homaging the ‘58 films opening, representing Irvin making his way into Steve’s head and essentially replacing his brain. Though what makes up Steve’s mind/conscious is still there within Irvin and can split from it and leave it within Steve should Irvin need to leave. By the time Steve wakes up, he now has a Blob on his head and speaks to him seemingly telepathically at first, before moving on to outright talking aloud. thinking it’s just a hallucination of the head trauma, Steve just heads off to bed and sleep. Hoping to forget it by morning. Surprise surprise, it’s not a hallucination. It’s reality. Irvin strikes a deal with Steve to be his host for the winter months until around springtime/when the weather warms up. If by then he doesn’t wish to remain as his walking-talking insulator, he will depart (leaving with his body an amount of slime that makes up Steve’s mind) and find another, maybe willing, host. To satiate the blob’s carnivorous consumption, Steve feeds Irvin the eggs of their farm’s poultry. Earning him the name Eggbert at first. After a bit of time and learning more of human culture, he wishes for a more formal name. He is then christened, Irvin. The appearance of his face is the result of copying the doodles Steve does in class. Choosing it as to better express himself, especially as the knowledge of his existence among Steve’s friend group grows. With a steady consumption rate, Irvin naturally fluctuates with his growth and decrease in mass, much like a human. All the meddling around with the two blobs left them incapable of reproduction.
Blob-2 aka Russel “Wormwood”:
His differing and gnarled appearance is the result of the heavier tamperings of Meddows research team. He’s definitely got a bone to pick with the man. Far more aggressive, hungry and lacking of self control. All that’s on his mind is consume, consume, consume. After crash landing in Aborville, he slinked his way into the sewers. He found them subpar, but better than the environment beyond. Rats and whatever organic scraps that washed down there is not doing it for him. He’s REALLY hungry. While it was barley suffusive as a place to hold out for the eventual winter chills, like Irvin, he’d need a host himself… that would eventually be a poor sap by the name of Paul. Before that though, Russel had some unfinished business. He slinked his way to Dr Hallen’s and as payback for the doc’s hand in himself and sibling being brought to Meddows, he went in for the kill and didn’t even bother finish his food. Left a grisly sight of the body’s upper half dissolved and smouldering. Now to the how he and his host, Paul, meet. The teenager was about to get mugged by a man w/ a gun in an alley, when Russel (having been there by happenstance from the sewer) from the shadows he latches onto Paul pulling him backward away from the mugger and purposely knocks out the kid by hitting the wall. Mugger is stunned and before he can leave the scene of the would-be crime, becomes Russel’s meal. Cocooning the poor bastard. Russel’s central mind splits off from the slab and it slithers to the sewer to digest the rest. Russel’s got plans. When Paul finally comes to, Russel, having slithered on into the damaged skull he purposely caused, claims to have saved his life from the mugger’s bullet. “Scared him off” he says. In return, Russel needs a host for the time being, and skimps out on some details. Paul, in a sense of owing him, allows it. All “Little Shop of Horrors”-like. Much like Irvin and Steve, Paul and Russel strike up a similar dealing, but Russel is sleazy with the exacts like a used car salesman and wants to eat and eat at the expense of Paul’s own body, sucking up whatever nutrients Paul’s body takes from the food he eats. Russel is basically burning his own rowboat. He badgers the boy constantly into eating and eating, saying that if he wants him gone, he’s gotta step it up with the meals; but Paul doesn’t gain any weight, in fact the opposite. Paul becomes worse and worse for wear. To a point you can see Russel moving within under his skin. As to why the skull face? (Other than rule of cool and homage the melting of victims within the blob) Russel has a fascination and envy of vertebrates. Specifically the jaw. Unlike himself and his kind, who merely dissolves and absorbs prey items, animals can munch, crunch, bite, tear, rip, and eviscerate prey. So he copies the shape of skulls and longs for the day of having teeth and a jaw structure. He doesn’t simply wanna consume food, he wants to eat it, proper. To feel the sensation of ripping apart, chewing, and shredding of his food….
The names given to the Blobs are from the directors of each Blob’s respective films: Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr. for the 1958 film, and Chuck Russell for the remake in 1988.
Assistance with the ironing out the concept, @guthrie-odonto
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to00fu · 7 months ago
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isosceles-is-never-here · 20 days ago
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"Any more questions?.. No?.. Well that's the end of class." - teacher Poor Danny. It's hard to be a good student when you're half dead.
my contribution for ch.3 IYGABAB
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jackson-imbecille · 5 months ago
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Nother style imitation! This time, @skyblob’s style! (she hasn’t been active in a bit, but her art is awesome) I am on a roll with these!
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soni-dragon · 7 months ago
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leaf sheep ghosties
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sexy-rakun-2000 · 2 months ago
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Some andreils from a while back. Theyre all i can think about, truly a hyperfixation for the ages!
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incinerated-vestiges · 5 months ago
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average british activities (techno is mildly terrified)
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fireballazalea · 2 months ago
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mocking-the-bird · 1 year ago
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gatoburr0 · 10 months ago
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As someone who’s always been raised by a lesbian mother this happens more often than I thought.
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antivanbrandy · 9 months ago
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Rhapsody is down to clown no matter what he asks of her tbh
meme redraw
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soupdwelling · 4 months ago
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jarthur doodle :)
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sunnyirry · 10 months ago
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my take on timeskip collector!! this one's reallyyy old. i might do a redesign later
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coi-arts · 10 months ago
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save me mayor bloberta and househusband clay au
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andminnequin · 1 year ago
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A mere glimpse into the horrors of my mind
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mapletine · 1 year ago
oh little star, how brightly you burned
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he makes me so sad ch 96 had me weeping pathetically
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