#the blanks are both all on purpose to keep the mystery and also bc I don't feel like figuring out his lore yet :))
"The Gatsby"
Legal Name Unknown | Main Antagonist Of The Book | Name Inspired By The Great Gatsby | Leader of the Cult | Nearly A God
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[Credits Unknown; Found Via "Biker Aesthetic Trickshot" Bing Search]
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Name: The Gatsby
"The Gatsby" - Taken from The Great Gatsby, a book in which he takes much of himself & inspiration of his character from.
Parentage: ___
Pronouns: He/Him In The Mafia Sense
Age: Unknown
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↳ Look at the state of this world! Look at our Politicians! Look at everyone around us! Do you not see the evil that lives within us now? How tainted we are? We must reset! We must restart!
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Ethnicity: ___
Powers: Charisma, Ichor, Leadership, & A Large + Loyal Following
Weapons: Concealed Daggers
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Characters That Inspired My Creation Of Him: Jay Gatsby, Wolfsheim, Magneto, Serial Killers
Likes: ___
Dislikes: Flowers; Being Disrupted
Enemies: Doesn't Have Any
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Fun Facts:
Within the book & that timeline, "The Gatsby" is very close to godhood. He is a close legacy of the Gods (though the mod hasn't decided which yet) and so he has the ichor (see Ichor to learn more) and can convert those prayers, love, and adoration into energy that fuels him, much like a god would. And he's effective enough to get enough support even in such short time he's started to come above ground with his movements that it's quickly Ascending him.
Has a daughter... how do we feel about that chat /lh
Focuses a lot on the state of politics & the world to push his agenda. What agenda? Good question, writer [hey! Don't look at me...]
The main thing that's wrong with him in the story is that he's going to be using the Greek Gods as a way & excuse to be doing bad things + push his agenda, which is a huge no no.
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icedmetaltea · 2 years
So there’s an au where Sun doesn’t exist, it’s just Moon who kinda chills in the daycare to keep the peace and help kids sleep at naptime. The Afton virus stuff happens and people are beginning to get a sneaking suspicion that the bots have something to do with it but they can't prove it (not sure about the exact timeframe but yea) Enter a programmer y/n who somehow learns about the virus and wants to put a stop to it once and for all. They manage to program a “virus” of their own to infect the animatronics and kill the afton virus. Since they want to be able to monitor the bots at all times and watch the progress, they get a job as a security guard, secretly bringing their own laptop into the security room to run lines of code and infiltrate the system. The first animatronic to successfully be infected is Moon, and instead of killing the afton virus immediately, it sort of just… makes itself a host, who keeps switching back and forth between the consciousness of itself and the uninfected Moon (so basically a Sun is born lol) As long as this virus Sun is kept online, Moon can operate like normal- and he’s just as confused as he is relieved to finally be back to reality (though for mystery and angst purposes, he has no idea what’s happened since before he got infected dun-dun) Sun starts communicating with Moon (as much as y/n tries to stop it) and eventually he figures out something’s up, which inevitably leads to him finding and confronting y/n about it… and when he realizes what he did while infected… yeah, he kinda just literally shuts down. Leaving Sun to figure out how to take care of the responsibilities of the daycare while Moon is “sleeping” (don’t worry he comes back later but he has some trauma to process) On a less angsty note, Sun has absolutely no clue how to behave around people, much less kids, and has to base all his “normal” interactions around what he can research on youtube- all while not drawing suspicion from any of the other staff. He asks y/n how to act more naturally and they have no clue either since y/n’s an extreme shut-in who can’t keep a conversation going for more than 5 seconds as it is. There’s also a plot going on in the background of y/n trying to figure out how to get the virus to work on the other animatronics, since so far Sun was the only successful attempt. 
Even more fun if Sun has the ability to kinda travel through any electronic connected to wifi, and can remotely infect y/n’s computer at will if he wants to (giorejuigheughuir just imagine y/n’s tryna sleep and all of a sudden Sun makes a super loud pop-up play bc he doesn’t understand the concept of sleeping yet and wants to get their attention to ask them something- and it turns out to be something stupid like “time sensitive question: how to open bottle of glitter glue)  Also I just rlly like the idiot of a hurt/comfort side of things where Sun, even though he hasn’t figured out how the whole emotions thing works yet, ends up helping Moon heal from the trauma, especially since he’s available for venting to 24/7 lol. Like before this, Moon has worked in the daycare alone till now, so he ends up finding an unlikely friend in both Sun and y/n (well mainly bc Sun has zero filter and will blabber about everything he knows about y/n behind their back fireuigjregtuilg)
(and yes the roles could be swapped, as if you couldn’t tell I’m more of a Sun simp but I could absolutely see it working with an actual (non-afton) virus Moon. It’d certainly make more sense canonically… like over time he’d become less of a blank slate and more of a caregiver, so much so that management notices the shift in behavior of their Sun animatronic helping kids sleep during naptime (something he learned to do to get a stubbornly sleep-deprived y/n to sleep lol) so they modify Sun’s body to include Moon’s actual form.
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winterrhayle · 11 months
if you could remove five songs from 1989 and replace them with the vault tracks, what would they be and why?
i'm gonna do this but WITHOUT suburban legends because no 1989 song deserves to be replaced by that mess, sorrrry (i swear im not a hater i just think it's the worst song on the album)
also while i'm here i reordered the whole album hahahha
okayyy so here's my ideal version of 1989 (vaults are underlined)
new romantics - i think this is the ideal album opener, just because wtny isn’t really a well loved song when you take it out of the context of it being the first track of 1989 (even though i like it personally, its on the bottom half of mine and most peoples 1989 rankings) but new romantics still works bc it sounds like a song of new(romantic) beginnings, and its kinda the thesis statement of 1989,, about how the album is supposed to be super free and light hearted (also the intro of this song is so iconic and its perfect as a track 1)
blank space - im kinda trying to do this album somewhat chronologically, but also im trying to get the themes and production to flow,, blank space is a perfect track 2 bc it still sounds like a city track like new romantics, but it also sounds equally beach-y, and those are the 2 aesthetic elements of 1989 so its a good joint album intro. ALSO blank space gives u a good idea of how Taylor was seen at the time, as a dramatic serial-dater or whatever..,,, which leads me into track 4…
“slut!” - like i was saying,, blank space is about how she’s seen, and slut touches on the same topic of being slut shamed, but this time its about what SHE actually feels, and it flips it into being like,, its worth it bc i met this really cool guy aka:
(harry) style(s) - and this is the first sense of like. problems in the album, as in its pretty clear from this song that the mysterious guy she’s dating is not someone that she’s gonna last with,, also it gets us back into the city vibes smoothly bc the rerecord of this song has added sparkles which is reminiscent of the beach songs, but of course style overall is a city song so it flows well
wonderland - this is a perfect track 5 bc its a super emotional song that details the relationship + the breakdown of it, also its a BOP (y’all need to appreciate wonderland more)
out of the woods -🚨 BOP BOP BOP BOP BOP BOP🚨and like most of this albums its a lyrically sad bop and it fits with wonderland and explains the anxiety further
i know places - same purpose as ootw, it explains why the relationship was doomed from the start as its 2 very high profile people
say don’t go - fits chronologically, and talks abt how he didn’t love him back, and all he needed to do was not go,, (as in all he had to do was stay if u know what i mean)
this love - this love came back to me woahohoh (i think this is where it fits chronologically? where mr lover man comes back)
all you had to do was stay - she decided its too late to get back together tho RIP HAHA
now that we don’t talk - post break up realisations, lhh isn’t that amazing
wildest dreams - back to the beach rq, with a side of post-breakup mystique and i bet you think about me energy
clean - still keeping it beach-y, and now she’s clean from both the relationship, and the album booklet secret message is ‘she lost him, but she found herself, and somehow that was everything’ which is nice bc self love,, and she’s moved on , ALSO LINKS BACK TO THE ALBUM THEME OF FINDING URSELF
shake it off - ngl i put this here bc i think going from the emotional song clean to SHAKE IT OFF is funny, and every ts album needs a jumpscare at some point. but honestly this kinda fits thematically, because its talking about her persona like in blank space, but this time instead of leaning into it she’s shaking it offff and she’s clean (^) from the expectations to be what other people want or expect her to be. also its a fun song and brings up the energy for the home stretch of this longgggggg album
is it over now? - is it ever really over????????? NO (also i would consider this song to be a city and beach song because the AUUU HAAAAAAAAAA parts remind me of seagulls) alsooo if u loop it the ending of this song leads nicely into the intro of new romantics
deluxe edition :
16. you are in love - the deluxe is my excuse to put my QUEEEN you are in love on here bc it didnt fit anywhere
ik u probably intended for me to replace songs that have similar themes with their corresponding vault but theres so many songs that i just cant bear to take off😭 but heres the parallels anyway: blank space / slut, all you had to do was stay / say don't go, style / suburban legends, wildest dreams / is it over now?(this is a reach), now that we don't talk / idkkkk i cant really think of an equivalent
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
I really like/agree with the changes you’ve made so far to AoC. One thing I’d personally want to change is Impa’s intro cutscene. It seems very odd to me that the first thing we see is her crying out for help bc a small group of Bokoblins were after her, but then the game IMMEDIATELY turns around and shows that she’s a strong warrior, both through gameplay and the king’s dialogue about her being able to take care of herself. (1/2, sorry this is a little long!! I hope you don’t mind!)
Anonymous said to botwstoriesandsuch: 
(2/2) Not to mention Impa is labeled as “Royal Advisor”, but other than giving Zelda encouragement she never advises anyone on anything (as far as I remember.) As much as I love her humorous scenes I wish we saw more of her as an advisor and strong warrior. I’d love to know what you think, though! Maybe I’m thinking of things all wrong? Hopefully this doesn’t come across as Impa hate bc I really like her and her character! I just wish Nintendo did more with her, you know?
- - - - - - 
Oh you’re absolutely right! I actually completely forgot about Impa’s introduction because of how forgettable it was...lmao. So yeah! Like you said that introduction completely contradicts how she’s characterized for the rest of the game...which is probably why I had nearly erased it from my memory, since it really serves no importance to her. 
I actually have some plans for Impa’s little “Advisor” title, although it’s nothing too major, I might rework something to make her a bit more important as I guess I’ve mainly been too focused on rewriting the Champs and counterparts but I think I can actually play with that title to give her a more memorable introduction for the game. 
So I’m just spitballing here, but only significant part of Impa’s intro that we need to keep intact is that she needs be in possession of the Sheikah Slate, and somehow lead into the activation of eggbot. We don’t want her to clumsily trip and drop it because Impa is supposed to be physically capable, with her flaws being in her slight hot-headedness, or I guess the better word is impulsiveness? She confident to a fault, absolutely loyal to Zelda as both a friend and an advisor who supports her, and she’s got that cute sister foil dynamic with Impa. She’s also got a bit of humoristic air to her. So! Let’s a go and introduce her.
Link is running through the garrisons, sword at the ready, he’s running around looking for monsters. He hears a commotion to his right, and spots a building. Inside, he can already see bokoblins making their way inside. He follows.
The building he walks into is a storage place for Guardians, because of course there is! Like this is a war they’re fighting, and the entire point of the Guardians was that they were part of their arsenal, so I’m surprised that their precesne is better established at these forts and stuff. Anyhow, Link kills a bokoblin and steps inside, following the sound of grunting. Turning the corner he see, Impa, by the backdoor. 
Currently, she’s trying to bash a bokoblin’s head with a Sheikah Slate. As she is standing on a table with the monster grabbing at her leg, a few other surrounding her. “Let! Go! You!” Her words in time with her bonking it on the head. She suddenly spots Link. “Hey you! Can you hold this for a sec?” She tosses the Slate, and Link fumbles a bit as he catches it.
“Don’t break it now! Princess’ orders.” Impa yells. With her hands less full, she does the little hand finger motion thing and summons her clones. She then unsheathes her sword, and along with her clones, she instantly kills off the group of bokoblins in the room. As they crumple to the ground, she bounces off the table and turns towards Link with a smile. 
Thanks for the hand, I’ll take that back now please. As the monsters behind her vanish into malice, and her clones do the hand thing and disappear, that’s when her title comes up. 
Before Link has a chance to react and give it back, the Guardians in the room suddenly buzz and whirr. Impa frowns a bit.
“Ummm, ok? I’m no expert but I don’t think that’s supposed to happen.” Link looks around, the room they’re in is littered in Guardian parts and Sheikah tech. Suddenly, under a table, he spots something white and shiny, much unlike the other stuff in the room. 
Impa is still staring curiously at the awakened Guardian, meanwhile Link crouches down under the table to look at the mysterious object. It’s eggbot. He reaches out to pick it up, Sheikah Slate still in hand. But as he does, the whole room suddenly lights up in blue light.
“What the?!” Impa and Link and both startled, and the ground begins to rumble. 
Impa gives a quick nod towards the back door. “Come on! We need to get out of here.”
Back outside, the ground is still rumbling, but similar to the actual cutscene, a group of bokoblins approach them. Impa steels herself and readies her weapon along with Link. But before they can fight, the Sheikah Tower rises up. 
Then that’s the same as the original scene, where they both look up in shock. Link then turns around, and back by the building they just came out of, he sees a little Terrako walking around. It patters around by the back doors entrance, but when it sees Link, it gives a cute little jump of excitement and runs towards him. Maybe it can knock him to the ground like a puppy or something. Impa can look at him weirdly like “wtf”
And that’s my change! Impa gets a badass moment, we got a few dialogue pieces that show her respect for Zelda and her lack of knowledge about Guardians. And ALSO, I give a more reasonable explanation for eggbots presence. You ever notice how eggbot is just randomly lying in the field deactivated? Even though his time teleport thing clearly took place at the Castle? Yeah well here, eggbot is in storage with other Guardian parts. So it’s a wordless explanation that you can just fill in the blank spots in your head. Like some research found it lying around, and just shoved it with the other Ancient Technology. 
And that’s my take on her introduction! It serves multiple purposes besides just introducing her, as it more fleshes out some plot details and keeps some action and momentum. Plus it’s a bit light hearted and funny, but not as the cost of making her look weak and helpless. Hopefully you think it’s ok D:
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