#so sorry if it sounds rlly dumb aaaa
icedmetaltea · 2 years
So there’s an au where Sun doesn’t exist, it’s just Moon who kinda chills in the daycare to keep the peace and help kids sleep at naptime. The Afton virus stuff happens and people are beginning to get a sneaking suspicion that the bots have something to do with it but they can't prove it (not sure about the exact timeframe but yea) Enter a programmer y/n who somehow learns about the virus and wants to put a stop to it once and for all. They manage to program a “virus” of their own to infect the animatronics and kill the afton virus. Since they want to be able to monitor the bots at all times and watch the progress, they get a job as a security guard, secretly bringing their own laptop into the security room to run lines of code and infiltrate the system. The first animatronic to successfully be infected is Moon, and instead of killing the afton virus immediately, it sort of just… makes itself a host, who keeps switching back and forth between the consciousness of itself and the uninfected Moon (so basically a Sun is born lol) As long as this virus Sun is kept online, Moon can operate like normal- and he’s just as confused as he is relieved to finally be back to reality (though for mystery and angst purposes, he has no idea what’s happened since before he got infected dun-dun) Sun starts communicating with Moon (as much as y/n tries to stop it) and eventually he figures out something’s up, which inevitably leads to him finding and confronting y/n about it… and when he realizes what he did while infected… yeah, he kinda just literally shuts down. Leaving Sun to figure out how to take care of the responsibilities of the daycare while Moon is “sleeping” (don’t worry he comes back later but he has some trauma to process) On a less angsty note, Sun has absolutely no clue how to behave around people, much less kids, and has to base all his “normal” interactions around what he can research on youtube- all while not drawing suspicion from any of the other staff. He asks y/n how to act more naturally and they have no clue either since y/n’s an extreme shut-in who can’t keep a conversation going for more than 5 seconds as it is. There’s also a plot going on in the background of y/n trying to figure out how to get the virus to work on the other animatronics, since so far Sun was the only successful attempt. 
Even more fun if Sun has the ability to kinda travel through any electronic connected to wifi, and can remotely infect y/n’s computer at will if he wants to (giorejuigheughuir just imagine y/n’s tryna sleep and all of a sudden Sun makes a super loud pop-up play bc he doesn’t understand the concept of sleeping yet and wants to get their attention to ask them something- and it turns out to be something stupid like “time sensitive question: how to open bottle of glitter glue)  Also I just rlly like the idiot of a hurt/comfort side of things where Sun, even though he hasn’t figured out how the whole emotions thing works yet, ends up helping Moon heal from the trauma, especially since he’s available for venting to 24/7 lol. Like before this, Moon has worked in the daycare alone till now, so he ends up finding an unlikely friend in both Sun and y/n (well mainly bc Sun has zero filter and will blabber about everything he knows about y/n behind their back fireuigjregtuilg)
(and yes the roles could be swapped, as if you couldn’t tell I’m more of a Sun simp but I could absolutely see it working with an actual (non-afton) virus Moon. It’d certainly make more sense canonically… like over time he’d become less of a blank slate and more of a caregiver, so much so that management notices the shift in behavior of their Sun animatronic helping kids sleep during naptime (something he learned to do to get a stubbornly sleep-deprived y/n to sleep lol) so they modify Sun’s body to include Moon’s actual form.
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Hi recently ive been reading your stories. Im thankful that someone still showing love in POT! (There are lots of them). If u dont mind could you please make an angsty one on yukimura seiichi x reader? Thanks
Hello love! Im rlly happy there are still people, and lots of em in PoT community too aaaa <3 anyway, enjoy!
genre; angst (attempted)
“Seiichi,” you spoke in a quiet voice.
“Don’t lie to me,” your voiced cracked at the last bit, you were about to cry but you strongly fought your tears.
Seiichi looked at you, his smile never leaving his face and he slowly walked to you.
“Hey, (y/n), what’s wrong? What do you mean?” he gently reached out to you and held both of your hands tightly and made sure he was looking at you directly.
“You know what I mean, Seiichi, don’t play dumb!” it didn’t come out as a shout, you didn’t have the energy to do so anyway. You were tired.
Tired of feeling incapable. Tired of being unable to leave this bed, this place. The smell of medicines, the smell of the hospital. You were tired watching the flowers wilt everytime you just received them. And you know that one day, you too, will wilt.
You didn’t want to waste Seiichi’s youth, you wanted him to roam free, not stuck in a hospital with you; he himself must’ve felt tired from it. He had to go through it once too.
“hey baby,” he spoke softly to you, pulling you into a warm hug. Seiichi’s built wasn’t frail anymore, it was really nice against yours, you were so happy for him, you really were.
“We talked about this before haven’t we, (y/n) my love?” he gently stroked your hair “Do you remember? What I said last time?”
You did, but you didn’t want to remember.
“Regardless of whichever of us is facing a tough time, we’d be for each other, forever,”
“Seiichi, you could spend so much doing whatever you want with the time you spend here. I’m just taking it all away, and you know, that it won’t be long until-“
You were cut off when he put his finger on your lips and he looked at you straight into the eyes.
Seiichi’s eyes always felt as if he knew what you were thinking. You, however could never tell what he is thinking. That frustrated you. Whenever you were having tantrums, he knew just what he had to do to keep you calm. And you felt like it was only him that was giving you things.
Yukimura Seiichi is special, he really is. And for that, you never felt enough for him. You felt like you were restricting him.
“Baby, whatever you’re thinking, its not true. You never felt like a burden, you were never preventing me from doing more than I can do, rather, it felt like you always gave me support. And that, is what I need. And only you can do so,” he paused and brought his hand to caress your face.
“And even if you don’t have any hope in stopping what you’re going through right now, I won’t ever stop being there for you, cause you have always been there for me, and I’m glad that you sticked with me even uptil now.
“And I know, if you keep on believing, you will be able to leave this place, just as I did. And even if you can’t, I will be by your side, everyday, and I will bring you flowers everytime,” and he held you tighter, closing the gap between you, before kissing you so gingerly on the lips.
“I love you, and I know you do too, and I can’t leave you when we still reciprocate each other,”
You sobbed softly and said you were sorry, but it really did hurt you every time. You felt insecure, but you knew Seiichi will give u assurance everyday. But it just felt, painful. It really did.
“Seiichi, I’m so sorry,” you hugged him tighter “I really am sorry, but because of what you’re doing right now, I will never feel like I’m the best for you,” you paused and spoke more quietly “And that’s why we should....part ways,”
“(Y/n).....” Seiichi sounded broken. You couldn’t bare to look at him so you didn’t, you bit your lip and held the hospital sheets tightly.
“It’s the best, for the both of us Seiichi,”
Seiichi sighed, and got up slowly.
“I’ll come back another day, maybe you need to rest more today,” you looked at him, and he was smiling, and it was one of those smiles that you didn’t like.
Yukimura Seiichi left after that.
And will he ever come back? You hope not.
It’s for the best? Right?
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