#the bird figurine things in her bedroom.
prettyboyjohnny · 9 months
please everyone post more nancy i cant keep living like this
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leslie057 · 5 months
rating things owned by nancy elizabeth wheeler
because she’s got a lot of little things. mostly they are very cute and strange little things.
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starting off strong we have the prettiest tissue box in the world. 9/10, i think if i were sick it would make me feel better to have such a nice tissue box.
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i’m fairly certain this is her diary beside it because her diary looks pink in the upside down version of her bedroom. so this is probably it? 11/10, i want to read it so bad. and very sweet pic with mom—7.5/10.
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next up these pinstripe pants !! 10/10 i love them so much. oh and the index finger ring is there obviously, 8/10, such a consistent piece of her character.
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a ribbon for being the bestest girl ever in the world. 10/10. also the card of cardinals: 6/10, probably just a christmas card or something rather than a symbol of her love for birds. but i still like it.
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mr rabbit gets 11/10 for the name alone. and why does he look dead. i love him. he’s me.
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descent from xanadu: QUITE LITERALLY 0/10. at first i was SO excited to cheer her on for reading a sex and drugs book at school but as it turns out? bizarre and gross. seems to go heavy on nonconsensual stuff. i snagged a free pdf and command f’d for whore and bitch. lots of results obviously (one use of c*ck crazy bitch…lovely). it seems men in this book say a lot of sexist stuff that the women pretend to hate but love which i can’t imagine is great for a teenage girl to consume. also just not sexy at all.
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literally so bad, and this is not the worst of it.
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sooo bad. the author was what 70 (??) writing that his female character got clinically DIAGNOSED with being a slut for every guy she comes in contact with. i know options for sexy literature were probably limited at this time but…please go check out something else. i wanna bonk her on the head with this book (paperback) and hug her. you don’t need to read this to be cool and sexually aware. moving on.
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on the other side of that, the blondie calendar gives us a sense of the GOOD media she’s consuming!! a 10/10 no questions asked. we don't really get to see many of her hobbies or interests outside of investigation so this is a much appreciated detail.
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of course like all good things in life the blondie calendar does get replaced. its replacement is what i will call Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #1 seen in her room in s4. i give it a 4/10 because idk what’s going on really.
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and here is a very crunchy screencap of Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #2 from s4 which i will give a 5/10. note the boyfriend typical photography above it, for sure a 10/10.
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there is also Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #3 which gets an 8/10 because i like the composition and the piano player. where did she get this and why. interior decoration is her passion.
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the sleeping bag and crochet pillow setup. 7/10. would take a cat nap here.
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pluto!! 15/10, the best mickey mouse character i would say. i hope her cousin is taking good care of him.
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bulletin board 10/10. i love how obvious it is that she has had this up for forever. probably a nice constant in her life.
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and my favorite pic up there is this precious one. look at herrr. 5000/10.
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her floral weekender bag. 6/10, i like it, but not as much as i like the speedwalk and the toss into the backseat. she was SO ready for her lab takedown road trip.
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trapper keeper is a 9/10 because they probably put anything and everything on trapper keepers back in the day and yet still she chose this lovely understated hot air balloon. elegant.
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tom cruise poster is 1000000/10 actually. she is so loyal to that man. actually though not a great pic of him all things considered so maybe i give it a 999999/10. (i love it so much because i know for a fact that jonathan byers works proactively to never acknowledge this poster, because he is more mature than that.) (he is not more mature than that, in fact he is a little pouty about mr cruise.)
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KITTY FIGURINE. 10/10. i thought it was just in s4 but i found it on her other nightstand in s1. very very adorable. i imagine it is now one of the first things she sees in the morning (well that and her blue telephone: 8/10) which is bizarre and cute. the mixtape drawer gets a 10/10 for reasons that i don’t think i need to get into.
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white fingerless gloves! 10/10. so chic for monster hunting.
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black fingerless gloves from s4. hmmm 3/10, they're cool i guess but they don’t feel very nancy and the white ones are so much better. especially because you may get the splatter effect of monster blood on them in a battle scenario, which would be badass.
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piggybank (with her name on the side). 2/10 unfortunately i don’t like him. he looks at me like i took out his whole pig village and i just need some quarters. also did she paint this herself? in that case, 3/10 for customization lol.
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pastel underwear drawer: 10/10. her committment to the hollistic aesthetic and color palette of her room is impressive here. it was a good idea to use this drawer as a deterrence against her little brother and a money hiding place but clearly he has no manners and is a THIEF.
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STRIPED SOCKS. 10/10. i realize it's hard to see because she's moving so fast (slow down he is not going anywhere) but they are indeed stripey even though i would have guessed solid white. and wow what good sleeping socks. stripes are just cozier. hope she got lots of sleep in those.
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avampyone · 7 days
Prompt 14: Haunted
Characters: Seraphine Desmarais(Hemlocke), the 'Shadow', Olivia Desmarais
Synopsis: Young Seraphine sneaks out to go fishing one evening and loses track of the time. A familiar shadow from the woods seeks him out, always watching.
Setting: Ishgard, The Pillars.
Warning - Blood, some horror elements.
The cracked open window on the second-floor bedroom suddenly flung open with a small pale hand that peered through the darkness outside. With labored panicked breaths, the young boy grunted when he shifted himself up and over to crawl through the space. Rain soaked him through, and mud clung to the knees of his trousers, across his new burgundy buttoned down shirt and spectacled his cheeks. His mum would be so very cross with him once she found out. What would he tell her…? Yet, this was not his concern presently.
The angry red scratch marks lay criss crossed all along the dark-haired boy’s arms, a few deep enough to begin to well up with hints of crusted blood. Seraphine had not been careful enough that evening. He’d become really excited at the prospect of finally catching a rainbow trout to see if they truly as colorful as one. He read recently about the different types of bait needed to lure one in and the type of day that one might find them.
Then, the darkness of the evening came and soon he could feel the presence of the shadow coalescing, dark red eyes glowing to glare and stare at him from beyond in the dark woods. Then, it had begun to crawl towards him at a pace no ordinary creature of the woods could move. Black feathers caught in the rain and winds. A giant monstrous black bird that sought to eat him or so he believed.
Seraphine had nearly been caught that night when he ran as fast as he could back home. An uncomfortable heat and friction had formed when those talon hands sought to latch onto him and drag him back into the dark depths of the forest nearby leading out into Coerthas. At times, the way dead branches entwined reminded him of a prison – or such that he had read about. Or had it been in a dream?
Regardless, the prospect of ending up in the clutches of this awful thing was terrifying enough to abandon any reason in the hopes of getting away. So, the young Ishgardian labored to hurriedly pull up the long rope, fashioned from many of his bed sheets being ties together to climb down and shut the window door closed, quickly pulling down the latch of the lock with a heavy breath.
It was not enough though. With his heart hammering in his chest, Seraphine did not feel quite so safe yet. With wet clothing and all, he climbed onto the bed and gathered up his thick comforters to hide under, only allowing a small hole to peep out to see the doorway. His short black locks cling to his head and features, heavy from the wetness of the rain and stinging his eyes.
To aid in his want for comfort, Seraphine’s muddied hand jutted out quickly to grab the small porcelain figurine perched up on the table near his twin bed. This was a depiction of Halone, the fury, lifting her spear high into the air with a brave look of confidence on her features in victory over her enemy. His mum had bought this with a wish to inspire the same bravery in him no matter what he faced.
There was a strange sound at the window of something popping, the frame creaking open in a slow eerie manner with a cool wind that blew the candlelight out. Tiny fingers clenched onto the figurine with the other lifting to pull uncomfortably at his collar – Despite the dampness that clung to him, it was beginning to feel hot – chokingly so like he had kept a roaring warmth going in his fireplace all day long in summer. The crumbled ashen logs burned lowly to embers now.
A low predatory growl hummed throughout the room causing Seraphine’s hands to wrap tightly around Halone, staring down at her pleadingly like he might suddenly possess that same confidence and strength. His bed creaked when there was the sudden weight of something heavy nearby, creeping ever slowly.
Seraphine wished to scream as loud as he could – but who would hear him in time? A sudden image came to mind – Thick silver chains that weighed, black metal bars to contain in a luxurious cage. The gleaming frame of glasses in that darkness of one seeking to open a door to freedom – but not quite yet.
There was a violent hiss from above, Seraphine’s eyes widening with horror like he knew he would feel those claws upon him at any moment. Just as suddenly, the door to his room flung open causing the young boy to jump and yelp out at the unexpected presence.
Light poured within the room from the lit candle held carefully atop a golden holder while Olivia stood there wearing a fine silken blue dress and black cape – like she herself had only arrived back home, “Seraphine, what is that noise-Seraphine...?! By the fury, look at the state of you!” She rushed forward to look him over, seeing how the rain had soaked him through and the markings on his arm with clear alarm in her deep blue depths, “What happened here..?!”
“Oh, n-no..please. I just…I fell when I came from outside. Then, I became so cold...” Seraphine stuttered out his excuses, not fully giving the truth of the situation. She had engrained in him how dangerous it could be to speak of anything unusual in Ishgard especially in church. It was better to hide and pretend… In truth, he did not wish to scare his mum either as he believed he often did. With all the talk of that shadow and other incidents that occurred.
Olivia’s hands reached for his own to inspect over his arms keenly, pressing her lips together firmly when her tired eyes peered to have many questions – but she did not ask them, “You should be more careful, dear. Go on and have a bath, mm? I will pick up the mess here. There is no need for the servants to know...”
“Yes, of course, mum! Thank you..I will be quick and go to bed soon, I promise.” Seraphine managed to smile brightly, reaching to give her a big hug when she patted him soothingly on the back. He pushed off the bed to make off to for the bath, placing the figurine back on the table. She was about to start cleaning when she blinked a little, tilting her head with wonder. The black ashy outline of his small hands lay on Halone’s figurine, burnt onto the surface.
Olivia knew that Seraphine might be different as Ange was, but it had never been anything like this...
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wrencatte · 1 year
"Still not doing whumptober!" I claim -- oh hey look, a little ficlet in the same world as majesty of lions!
...I wrote this at work again 😅
Whumptober '23 no 5 "It's broken."
It's a scene from a horror movie. That's the best way to describe it, to explain the sick fear and terror that yanks high then drops low, making everything sway, making him dizzy.
Titus's tail wags hard, like it's done a thousand times before. Excitable. And excitable for a dog his size means welts on shins and knocked over paperwork and canvases.
And then this -- Damian watches in muted panic, feet rooted to the ground as Titus's tail whips through the air at the perfect height to knock the contents of his bedside table to the ground. The lamp breaks, light bulb intact. The book he'd been reading loses the page he was on. The empty glass bounces with a dull thud.
The wooden figurine -- a delicate thing of a lioness and a small little bird that could be a robin but could also just be the promise of freedom -- hits the ground and --
The lioness's tail and raised paw snap. One of the bird's wings, both spread in flight, breaks off and skitters under his bed.
Titus freezes the moment the lamp falls, backing out of the room with his tail tucked and his ears back. He knows Damian isn't going to do anything to him but scold him in the low, almost Batman-esque tone he's been practicing, but he knows he's done something wrong.
Damian gently scoops up figurine and cradles it in both hands.
And sobs sharply.
Titus wavers at the bedroom door before he turns tail and scampers away. Damian doesn't notice, too busy gathering the broken off pieces of the last gift his mother was able to give him. He hasn't seen her a full year. She's alive, he knows this, but it's not enough to know. He misses her so much, and this was made by her for him.
Now it's broken.
There's glue in his desk drawer, he remembers. He carefully places the pieces on his bed and pulls open the drawer. It's organized in a very particular way which means glue -- all glue -- would be in the back right corner. Paper glue. Fabric glue. For some reason glitter glue. But no wood glue or even super glue.
Damian yanks the drawer out of the track and dumps the contents on the floor. He swears he had more glue than this. He does projects in his room all the time. There should be the right kind of glue in here! The other drawer gets yanked out and dumped, but this one is just his usual electronics when he's playing games.
He collapses bonelessly to the ground, throat burning and eyes stinging. The figurine is at eye level. Mocking him.
It's been a...rough couple of days and this? This is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Because Damian would normally be more level headed than this, he swears. He would've made Titus leave his room as soon as he saw how excited the dog was so this never happened in the first place. Or he would be remembering that there is an entire arsenal of different materials that would fix this just a few levels under his feet.
But he didn't and he doesn't. Instead, he sits on the floor of his bedroom and buries his face in his hands, and tries really hard not to cry too loudly. Defeated and helpless in a way that comes from this being that one thing, this one thing that just breaks him.
"Whoa," comes a voice, surprised and a little bit sad. Damian peeks out to see Jason at the doorway, dressed down in gym shorts and a hoodie that is definitely one of Stephanie's oversized ones. It's powder blue and says This Barbie is Tired of Your Shit in glittery pink.
It's such an eyesore and inappropriately out of tune with the moment Damian can't help but laugh even as he chokes on it.
The wrist brace and the compression sleeve on one arm and the wide pad of gauze taped down on his calf explains why Jason's hanging around in the manor in the first place. But how did he know about Damian's emotional turmoil...
Titus shoves his head between the door and Jason, tongue rolled out as he pants. Oh. Good boy.
Jason cleans up the fallen items and puts them back on the table before he takes a seat on the bed, the ground a bit much for him right now with the leg wound, and carefully picks up the broken figurine and its pieces. He drags a thumb over the lioness's back and hums softly.
Damian wipes his face roughly but doesn't get up. "It's broken," he wobbles out even though it's pretty obvious.
"Mom made it."
It's not even a question. Damian nods anyway. He watches as Jason puzzles it together, testing to see if everything lines up. There’s an extra piece missing from the bird's wing, leaving an obvious hole. That just makes Damian sob again and cover his face.
It feels like whatever's precious to him always breaks in some way. No matter what it is. An item. A person. Everything.
Jason hums again, drawn out and pitched carefully. It takes him a second to pinpoint the song he's meandering through, and when he does Damian can't help but smile. Shaky and a ghost of what it can be, but a smile nonetheless. Jason takes his hand away from his face, suddenly on the floor with him. There's pain pinched around his eyes.
"I can fix it," Jason tells him, then pauses, gaze flickering away then back. "Can I fix it?"
Damian exhales slowly. "Do you want to?"
"I trust you."
Trusts him to know how important this is to him. Trusts him to do it right. Doesn't trust him to not send himself into a stress-filled mess about it though. They're still working on that aspect of his...former conditioning. Knowing when to stop. But it's important for him to know that he's trusted. They're still not sure where that one came from.
"I will finish...tomorrow," he says slowly, thinking on it. He grimaces as if he thinks that's too long.
"That's perfect. Thank you," Damian says sincerely. He could fix it himself honestly, Talia taught them both how to wood carve, but Jason being the one who fixes it, who offered with his own free will, that makes it seem right.
Jason smiles. It's almost like the smiles Damian remembers. "Any time, little bat."
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asheewrites · 10 months
Sick Call for Healer 3
After two failed tries, Raphael finally managed to turn the doorknob. And then started to climb the stairs behind the door. The walls were… painted. Creative, in a way, certainly full of birds. In trees, bushes and other greenery.
Certainly not done by someone with much expertise in the matter. Simply glancing at them, the creatures were anatomically correct. But had no sense of artistry.
It looked like a sketchbook on a wall. Unfinished.
Quite a few different species, sometimes with annotations for proper identification or close ups of wings. On a wall.
The hungry-looking cardinal over the door on the upper floor was something else.
Asmodeus certainly had enough time to look at everything, since his ‘host’ was moving in a bit of a snails pace, holding up a finger to take a break, leaning against a wall.
This angel certainly was not healthy. And definitely had a fever, judging by the temperature she emitted alone. The second door was opened in one try. And they stumbled into… a room.
It had high ceilings, plants crawled up the walls, the whole ceiling was made of glass. It already felt cold just seeing it. It was cool, too.
At least there was a sofa on the side of the room. Clutter-free except for pillows and a blanket. A perfect place to deposit an ailing angel with a desperate need to sit down. He gently led her down to she cushions and sat down next to her, made sure she had a blanket to curl up in.
With a confused expression, she did take the blanket and wrapped herself in it, legs pulled up against her chest. The shoes fell on the floor sometime later.
Raphael might be able to talk a little bit later. Which presented an opportunity to observe… the room. The pull-out couch – facing a TV and some electronics - was the only place clutter-free. The room was not untidy – everything seemed to have a place. But apparently Raphael had hobbies.
The couch table was filled with half-filled journals, magazines and…a laminator. The first shelf was dedicated to textiles with a sewing machine, countless needles, a miniature loom (of all things), enough wool to produce several quilts, many unfinished projects – and quite a few finished ones. The next shelf? All kinds of artistic material – pencils, coal, acrylics, watercolours, canvases, scraps, scissors, glue. Next up: Pottery, airdrying plasticine. Funnily enough, he also spotted a 3D printer. It made him smirk. But there were lot of painted figurines next to it. The next shelf was filled with so many books. With annotations… Several pieces of sports equipment… something like a greenhouse…  and that was only what he spotted at first glance.
And then there were other rooms – one actually had a door. It went into a laboratory, she had said something along the lines. The other rooms simply had no doors. One was a bathroom, at least the tiles said so. One was a bedroom, at least according to the many pillows strewn about…
No kitchen.
A light cough next to him brought the attention back to the angel, she looked intensely miserable and said: “I… did not realize that letting you in… means you see this place.” She blinked slowly, looking very unhappy with herself. “It’s… it’s not for visitors.”
Asmodeus looked at her, looked at the mixture of certainly well used equipment all around them and chuckled: “The couch is big enough for two, is it not?”
Some tension left her already weak frame.
“Are you going to paint the walls in here, too?” They currently were still white.
And just like that, she relaxed completely, looking feverish, but more like her usual wide-eyed self and said: “Wanted to get… better before. Got distracted. I’m better with music than with pictures.” She coughed into the blanket, groaned and put her head on her knees.
“Well, time for soup”
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eldritchsurveys · 7 months
Have you ever lived in a mobile home?: >> I lived in a trailer park for a short time.
Have you ever had your bedroom in a basement?: >> When I lived at the Wayland house, yeah.
Do you think it would be cool to have a lion as a pet?: >> I would not want this at all.
What do you think about those little dogs that ride in purses and strollers?: >> I think it's cute.
How many times in the past week have you eaten fast food?: >> Zero.
In the house - shoes, socks, slippers or bare feet?: >> Slippers, usually, but also bare feet or socks on occasion.
Do you consider dogs inside or outside pets?: >> Mostly I think they're both (since I think it's good for them to get to run around semi-freely in a backyard or dog park regularly), but indoors is the best place for pets.
Do you read books for pleasure?: >> Eh. I don't think I find the act of reading to be pleasurable, exactly. I just like stories and information and that's always been an easily-accessible way to get them.
What’s your favorite piece of furniture in your house?: >> My bed. But also the goldenrod-coloured couch, because that's my favourite colour.
Have you ever had a crush on a friend’s parent?: >> I have not. Do you prefer carbonated or uncarbonated drinks?: >> Carbonated.
Favorite thing that you can see up in the sky?: >> The Sun, of course 💛
Would you like it if they sold disposable undies in a pop up box?: >> I... would have no use for this. But I imagine someone would.
French fries. Yay or Nay?: >> Yay.
Which of your friends has the most annoying sibling?: .
Wood floors or carpet?: >> I do prefer wood although it has its downsides for sure.
Would you rather eat at the table or in your room?: >> What table? I do almost everything in my room, so.
A teacher says she’s noticed you’ve looked sad, do you confide in her?: .
Friend asks you to hide drugs, booze etc for them, do you do it?: >> I fail to even imagine how this situation would ever happen to me.
Would you rather have a gooey cinnamon bun or awesome cheesy pizza?: >> That would depend on what I'm in the mood for. (At this moment, I'm not hungry, so.)
Do you like the sound of birds singing when you wake up, or is it annoying?: >> I absolutely love it.
You fill your best friend’s Xmas stocking, what do you put in it?: . You fill your worst enemy’s stocking, what do you put in it?: . You fill your OWN stocking, what do you put in it?: . If someone gave you a kitten, would you keep it?: >> Absolutely not.
What’s your ideal activity for a rainy day?: .
Favorite type of cracker: >> I like pita crackers.
Banana sandwich..yum or yuck?: >> Yuck. I hate bananas. Animal you like to watch but sort of creeps you out: . Have you entered the Lays create a flavor contest?: >> I have not and I'm so glad that's not a thing anymore (or, at least, I haven't seen anything from it lately). Bagels or English Muffins?: >> Bagels.
Do you like or hate to buy new shoes?: >> Hate.
Do you keep your phone on you at all times or forget it a lot: >> It's always nearby, if not on my actual person.
Who is a family member you look forward to seeing on a holiday?: .
Are Easter baskets only for kids?: .
Do you do anything to recognize St Patrick’s Day?: >> I do not.
Do you think nutcracker figurines are creepy or cool?: >> They're neither. Sparrow and family are big into them and I just don't really get it.
Speaking of nuts, do you like them?: >> Some.
Favorite TV show as a kid: .
What do you do when you are nervous?: >> I'm not sure.
Is there a turntable and vinyl records in your house?: >> There is, in my room.
Does your family have an SUV or pick up truck?: .
Do you enjoy doing things outdoors?: >> Sure.
Do you like to daydream about sex?: >> Apparently. Which of your parents do you laugh more with?: .
Have you ever been to an open casket wake or funeral?: >> I have not.
Would you like to get married one day?: >> Well, I did, at any rate.
Who mows the lawn at your house?: . Where do you keep your phone at night?: >> In my bed somewhere.
Do you feel comfortable asking your parents or grandparents for money?: .
What’s the last thing you lost?: >> I don’t recall. If you could have your own car or an apartment, which would you choose?: >> Apartment, always. Have you ever experienced buyer’s remorse over an expensive purchase?: >> I've experienced buyer's anxiety, which is just what happens when you're permanently poor and every significant purchase feels like ripping your guts out.
Last time you hid, and why: .
How do you like your eggs?: >> Depends on the dish.
After a date, do you call your friend to tell them how it went?: . Favorite Mexican food?: >> Just going to say quesadillas because Sparrow made those last night so they're fresh in my mind.
Favorite thing to eat with a spoon?: >> Everything, man. Upcoming event you are dreading?: >> Building Sparrow's PC.
Best Happy Meal toy you ever got: .
Do you make lists?: >> I do.
Do you make pro/con lists before making a decision?: >> I do not.
Do you have a favorite pen? What kind?: >> The only pens I really use nowadays are the Pentel felt-tip ones.
What’s the best meal you cook?: . Do you do more surveys during the day or night?: >> I usually take them in the day. On lunch break, do you eat or do other things?: . Smoothies? Bubble tea? Fancy coffee? None of the above?: >> Bubble tea all day. But also fancy coffee -- just not all day, you know, because of the caffeine.
Do you like romantic gestures or do they make you feel awkward?: .
Five things you need to throw out: .
Do you like the toilet paper your family uses?: . Just shampoo, or shampoo + conditioner?: >> I use shampoo. Scariest driver you’ve ridden with: .
Have you/do you plan to go to college?: >> I do not plan on attending.
Do you write in cursive: >> I love writing in cursive.
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survey--s · 2 years
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Have you ever lived in a mobile home? No, they’re not really a “thing” here in that sense. People do live in them, but they’re more retirement communities than anything else. Have you ever had your bedroom in a basement? No - again, not really a thing over here. Do you think it would be cool to have a lion as a pet? Nope. What do you think about those little dogs that ride in purses and strollers? Personally I think it’s ridiculous and it’s why so many little dogs have behavioural problems. Treat them as dogs, not accessories. How many times in the past week have you eaten fast food? Zero.
In the house shoes, socks, slippers or bare feet? Slippers, socks or bare feet. Do you consider dogs inside or outside pets? Inside pets, for sure. If you kept dogs outside here, you’d probably end up being reported to the RSPCA. Do you read books for pleasure? Not really anymore - I do sometimes, but to be honest I don’t really enjoy reading all that much anymore. What’s your favorite piece of furniture in your house? The sofa or the bed, lol. Have you ever had a crush on a friend’s parent? Nope. I honestly find that a bit gross. Do you prefer carbonated or uncarbonated drinks? It depends on the drink. I find carbonated drinks really refreshing. Favorite thing that you can see up in the sky? The northern lights, sunrises and sunsets, stars. would you like if they sold disposable undies in a pop-up box? I mean, they’d be useful if I got caught out with my period, but otherwise no.  French fries. Yay or Nay? Yay! What kind of monster doesn’t like French fries?! Which of your friends has the most annoying sibling? I mean, that doesn’t really apply to adults as you never need to see your friends siblings lol. wood floors or carpet? I love the look of wood floors but they’re not good in wet, damp climates like the UK, so we have carpets.  would you rather eat at the table or in your room? I never eat in my room really - normally on the sofa in front of the TV. A teacher says she’s noticed you’ve looked sad; do you confide in her? Nope. Friend asks you to hide drugs, booze etc. for them, do you do it? I mean, we’re all adults so. Would you rather have a gooey cinnamon bun or awesome cheesy pizza? It depends on the time of day - I love both. Do you like the sound of birds singing when you wake up, or is it annoying? It’s fine as long as it doesn’t directly wake me up. You fill your best friends Xmas stocking, what do you put in it? Fishing stuff, food. You fill your worst enemies stocking, what do you put in it? I mean, why would I waste my time? You fill your OWN stocking, what do you put in it? Wax melts/vouchers, money, riding stuff. If someone gave you a kitten, would you keep it? I mean, we already have three cats so practically speaking - probably not, though I’d be really tempted ha. What’s your ideal activity for a rainy day? Sleeping, watching TV, snacking lol. favorite type of cracker? Cheese flavoured ones. I love those cheese TUC biscuit/sandwich things. Banana sandwich..yum or yuck? I love peanut butter and banana sandwiches but I’ve not had one for years. animal you like to watch but sort of creeps you out? Snakes. Have you entered the Lays create a flavor contest? Nope, not really applicable in the UK. Bagels or English Muffins? Bagels. I love cinnamon-raisin ones. Do you like or hate to buy new shoes? I hate it - I have really awkwardly shaped feet lol. Do you keep your phone on you at all times or forget it a lot? I pretty much always have my phone on me, or at least near me. Who is a family member you look forward to seeing on a holiday? I used to love seeing my mum’s sister and all her family. Are Easter baskets only for kids? I mean, they’re just not a thing here. Do you do anything to recognize St Patrick’s Day? Nope. Do you think nutcracker figurines are creepy or cool? Neither, really. Speaking of nuts, do you like them? Yeah, I love honey roasted peanuts. Favorite TV show as a kid? Arthur. What do you do when you are nervous? Fidget, play on my phone or with my hair. Is there a turntable and vinyl records in your house? No, but my dad still has one. I’m not sure whether he uses it anymore, though. Does your family have an SUV or pickup truck? Nope. Do you enjoy doing things outdoors? Yeah, as long as the weather is good. Which of your parents do you laugh more with? My mum by default as I pretty much have nothing to do with my dad. Have you ever been to an open casket wake or funeral? No, I’ve never attended a funeral before. Would you like to get married one day? I’m already married. Who mows the lawn at your house? Mike does for the most part, but I do it sometimes too. Where do you keep your phone at night? On my bedside table. Do you feel comfortable asking your parents or grandparents for money? Sure, but I have no reason to. What’s the last thing you lost? My temper lol. If you could have your own car or an apt which would you choose? I already own a house and a car, lol. Have you ever experienced buyer’s remorse over an expensive purchase? Sure. how do you like your eggs? Bleurgh, I hate eggs. after a date do you call your friend to tell them how it went? I used to do that as a teenager, sure. Favorite Mexican food? Nachos or Quesedillas. favorite thing to eat with a spoon? Ice-cream. upcoming event you are dreading? Nothing really? I mean, certainly nothing is coming to mind lol. Best Happy Meal toy you ever got? Those mini beanie babies. Do you make lists? No. Do you make pro/con lists before making a decision? No. Do you have a favorite pen? What kind? Nope. What’s the best meal you cook? I can’t really think of much as I’m too lazy to cook for the most part. Do you do more surveys during the day or night? During the day or early in the evening. on lunch break do you eat or do other things? I don’t get a lunch break lol. Smoothies? Bubble tea? Fancy coffee? none of the above? Fancy coffee or smoothies. do you like romantic gestures, or do they make you feel awkward? They’re cute. Five things you need to throw out? Nothing comes to mind. do you like the toilet paper your family uses? I mean, it’s just toilet paper lol. Just shampoo, or shampoo + conditioner? I use both otherwise my hair would be so dry. separate scariest driver you’ve ridden with? Danny - my teenage boyfriend’s older brother lol.
have you or do you plan to go to college? I graduated over a decade ago. do you write in cursive? Yeah, sometimes.
0 notes
lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
Have you ever lived in a mobile home? No. Have you evern had your bedroom in a basement? Nope.  Do you think it would be cool to have a lion as a pet? Uh, no thank you.  What do you think about those little dogs that ride in purses and strollers? Please don’t get a dog to just be your accessory. Don’t do that if they’re uncomfortable or appear distressed at all. I hope they’re being well cared for.  How many times in the past week have you eaten fast food? Zero. I haven’t had actual food or drinks for 3 months now. 
In the house shoes, socks, slippers or bare feet? Socks.  Do you consider dogs inside or outside pets? Inside.  Do you read books for pleasure? Yes.  What's your favorite piece of furniture in your house? It used to be my full size bed, but I had to get rid of it it for a special hospital bed and it’s only a twin.  Have you ever had a crush on a friend's parent? No. Do you prefer carbonated or uncarbonated drinks? I like both.  Favorite thing that you can see up in the sky? The stars.  would you like if they sold disposable undies in a pop up box? ...no. French fries. Yay or Nay? Yay.  Which of your friends has the most annoying sibiling? -- wood floors or carpet? Wood floors.  would you rather eat at the table or in your room? We don’t have a dining room table.  A teacher says she's noticed you've looked sad, do you confide in her? That has happened, but no I didn’t confide in her.  Friend asks you to hide drugs, booze etc for them, do you do it? No. Would you rather have a gooey cinammon bun or awesome cheesy pizza? Both sound amazing right now. Do you like the sound of birds singing when you wake up, or is it annoying? It can be annoying sometimes.  You fill your best friends Xmas stocking, what do you put in it? Some B&BW stuff and some gift cards.  You fill your worst enemies stocking, what do you put in it? I don’t have any enemies, but if I did why would I be getting them anything? You fill your OWN stocking, what do you put in ti? Perhaps some of the enamel pins and accessories I want and B&BW stuff.  If someone gave you a kitten, would you keep it? No, I would find them a home.  What's your ideal activity for a rainy day? I don’t do anything different, but I do love rainy days.  favorite type of cracker Cheez-Its and Nips.  Banana sandwich..yuk or yuck? Yum. animal you like to watch but sort of creeps you out? There isn’t one.  Have you entered the Lays create a flavor contest? No. Bagels or English Muffins? I like both.  Do you like or hate to buy new shoes? It’s nice getting a new pair of shoes.  Do you keep your phone on you at all times or forget it a lot? I always have it.  Who is a family member you look forward to seeing on a holiday? We haven’t had our big holiday get togethers, it’s just been my parents, brother, and I for the holidays the past several years.  Are Easter baskets only for kids? Pfft, no. My mom still gets my brother and I, who are adults, a basket and I love it.  Do you do anything to recognize St Patrick's Day? My mom makes corned beef and cabbage, but that’s really it.  Do you think nutcracker figurines are creepy or cool? I like them.  Speaking of nuts, do you like them? I like peanuts, cashews, pistachios, and seasoned almonds.  Favorite TV show as a kid? I loved Barney when I was really little. I also liked various shows and cartoons on Disney, Nickelodeon, PBS, Kids WB, FOX Kids.  What do you do when you are nervous? I fidget and squirm, mess with my nails, bite and pick at my lips, mess with my hair, twiddle around with my hands. Is there a turntable and vinyl records in your house? Yes. Does your family have an SUV or pick up truck? Nope.  Do you enjoy doing things outdoors? The only outdoorsy thing I like is going to the beach. Which of your parents do you laugh more with? My mom. Have you ever been to an open casket wake or funeral? Yes.  Would you like to get married one day? I honestly don’t ever see that happening.  Who mows the lawn at your house? My dad.  Where do you keep your phone at night? On my bed.  Do you feel comfortable asking your parents or grandparents for money? My parents, yes.  What's the last thing you lost? My mind... If you could have your own car or an apt which would you choose? I don’t drive, so I don’t have a need for a car. I also don’t want to live on my own. I can’t right now anyway even if I did.  Have you ever experienced buyer's remorse over an expensive purchase? Yes.  how do you like your eggs? Just about every way.  after a date do you call your friend to tell them how it went? I just talked about it the next time we hung out.  Favorite Mexican food? Burritos.  favorite thing to eat with a spoon? Ice cream.  upcoming event you are dreading? This swallow test I have to do. I want to do it because it’ll determine if and what I can eat and drink, but I’m dreading the procedure itself. I have to drink a lot of this nasty stuff.  Best Happy Meal toy you ever got? Beanie babies were awesome.  Do you make lists? Yeah, quite often.  Do you make pro/con lists before making a decision? Sometimes.  Do you have a favorite pen? What kind? In general I like black ink gel pens.  What's the best meal you cook? Ramen is the only thing I cook.  Do you do more surveys during the day or night? At night.  on lunch break do you eat or do other things? I ate during lunch breaks.  Smoothies? Bubble tea? Fancy coffe? none of the above? I like all 3.  do you like romantic gestures or do they make you feel awkward? Both.  Five things you need to throw out? *shrug* do you like the toilet paper your family uses? Yeah.  Just shampoo, or shampoo + conditioner? Just shampoo.  scariest driver you've ridden with? My dad gets a little road rage-y. 
have you, do you plan to go to college? I went and graduated with my BA in psych.  do you write in cursive? Only when writing my signature. 
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themonotonysyndrome · 4 years
Emerald Onlooker
Part 2 of the Successors to the Future is here! I, uh, didn’t expect a lot of people liking it, but since I’m still pretty excited about this AU, I want to write as much as I can. 
Thank you again @tri3tri for inspiring us with your Second Wive AU and many, many wonderful Yandere!Malleus content. A little summary about this AU: Yandere!Malleus married and took MC against her will. He turns her into a Queen and they had 2 daughters. However, Yandere!Malleus is pushed to take on a second wife (a Fae woman, Gekkon) to give him a son, a male heir. During the wedding ceremony, MC took the opportunity and escape to NRC with her daughters in tow and Crowley finally did them a solid and send the three of them to MC’s world.
Successors to the Future, summary: Without a court of condescending Faes and Malleus’ oppressive affection, MC and her daughters live happily in the other world. When she left Twisted Wonderland, MC didn’t realise that she was pregnant and thus, she gave birth to a son who grew up as carefree as a bird and just as kind. However, now that her eldest daughter had just turned sixteen and discover her Unique Magic, she was returned to Twisted Wonderland as a first-year student in Diasomnia. Since it’s only a matter of time before Malleus and his court discover her presence at NRC, MC and her children did their best to prepare her for that inevitable day. 
This oneshot is a continuation of that. 
FD/N = First daughter’s name/Renata Draconia (half-human, half dark Fae Princess. Malleus & MC’s eldest child)
SD/N = Second daughter’s name/Sherrie or Cherry Draconia (half-human, half-dark Fae Princess. Malleus & MC’s middle child)
S/S = Son’s name/Lucien Draconia (half-human, half-dark Fae Prince and the heir to the throne. Malleus & MC’s youngest child). 
MC/S = MC’s surname
Sherrie enjoy going about her daily lives on her lowest brain capacity most of the time. There’s nothing like just... switching off your brain and ignore all the boring things around you.  
The only thing that gets the gears and cogs in her brain spinning is when she plays video games like Portal or coming up with schemes to get her eldest sister out of trouble. 
When she jokes about only having 2 braincells and that both are constantly on holidays at the same time unless Renata did something stupid, Renata howl with laughter while Lucien just rolled his eyes at his cackling sisters. 
But now that Renata is playing student in Night Raven College, Sherrie is surprised to find herself looking forward to not only help her oldest sister dodged their father’s steps, but also pulling the proverbial rug underneath the Thorn Kingdom. 
Especially Lilia Vanrouge. 
It’s addicting. The unholy glee running within you when your cute puppets finally realised who’s been tugging on their strings all along. 
Humans are easy and oblivious enough for her to practise on. Despite how monotonous school can be, the environment was a good place for Sherrie to learn and play. Everyone has a chip on their shoulder; everyone wants to stand out among the rest. 
So it’s really not that hard to learn who’s the right person to blackmail, who’s desperate enough to do anything to make their crush look at them and how to make the key figures dance on the palm of her hands. 
This year’s prom night was certainly a memory she won’t ever forget. 
And now? Now Sherrie can’t wait to play with the so-called ‘superior’ species - their father’s ancient court and loyal retainers - once she and her sister could establish contact. 
They’ve been working hard on this little project. Everyone in her little family is. Renata is off being a good little student and let the gossips travel on its own, their little brother is doing his best to assured their mother that all would be well and Sherrie?
Sherrie is busy setting up the stage for the climax once Renata usher all the important players to where she wanted them. 
(Mama likes to call her a ‘smart cookie’, always rubbed her head affectionately and said, “You’re a brilliant girl, Cherry. You’re just lazy. I know you can achive anything you want with the proper motivation, just like Floyd-senpai.”.) 
(Their Mama can never know just how far her daughter had use the same skill that she praise to manipulate others.) 
In the middle of the evening - just shy after midnight -  Sherrie heard a water drip somewhere in her bedroom. 
Drip... drip... drip... 
She pushes her chair away from her gaming laptop, game paused and just listen. Her eyes scan the dimly lit bedroom. 
Drip... drip... 
“This better not be the start of a horror movie.” 
It’s coming from... somewhere near her vanity table. Sherrie ignores the clutter of make-ups, perfumes and figurines on the table and waited eagerly. Her leg couldn’t stop bouncing when the surface ripple like water’s surface once. 
The ripple clears and instead of staring at her reflection, her oldest sister stares right back at her. 
“It works!” Renata said incredulously. “I can’t believe the headmaster’s half-assed runes actually works!” 
“The fuck? What happened?” Sherrie reply, a bit taken back. Behind her sister, Sherrie could see a bed, study table and walls and other furnishing that eerily looks similar to the ones back at the castle. 
Renata waved her hand in a dismissive manner. “I had to literally bullied a grown ass man to help me contact you. It took me a week of camping in the library to figured out how, but we managed to come up with runes that allow us to create a link to every mirror in the house.” She explains in an exasperated tone. “I’ll teach you the drawing tomorrow. All you guys need to do is just draw them on any mirror and it’ll send me a signal to find a mirror of my own.” 
“That kinda sounds like a phone call. Like, an interdimensional phone call!” 
“I know right! I already put a compact mirror in my purse so I can call you anytime!” Renata said with a smug grin. She’s clearly proud of her clever little trick. Even with the help of the headmaster. 
Sherrie never doubted that her sister couldn’t find a way to contact them. She’s a prodigy when it comes to magic. 
She might be young, but she could still remember how their tutors gave out praises as if they were candies when it comes to her older sister and her affinity for magic. 
It’s just too bad that their compliments are worthless when they always ended with, “If only the Princess is a full born Fae...” 
“Ok, so, contact established. Now are you still in Phase 1?” Sherrie said, bringing their conversation back to important matters. She made sure to properly and slowly explain their game plan a week before the Ebony Carriage took Renata to Night Raven College. The words are clearly written, highlighted colourfully and important steps are accompanied by cartoon stickers. 
Despite being a prodigy at magic, her sister woefully has short attention span when it comes to playing the long game. Her attention spans burn hot and fast, just like her anger. It also burns out just as quick as it came. 
Renata rolled her eyes, unimpressed. “Yes, yes. I’m still in Phase 1. It’s hard to make friends when everyone is wary of you. Do you know they hung up portraits of past Dorm Leaders and their Vice Dorm Leaders in each dorm? It’s so annoying when everyone stares at me and at father’s portrait whenever I walk into Disomnia!” 
Sherrie hums and made a quick dash to grab her tablet. The one where she wrote down her plans. She swipes the screen to the list of names that their mother had given them. 
“They’re just NPCs, don’t worry about them. What you need to focus on are the students with the surnames that Mama gave us.” Here, Sherrie is tapping on the screen of her tablet to the mirror. “Have you met any of them or did you fucked up the plan already?” 
“Calm your tits, I’ve been following your instructions.” Renata assured her, not the least riled up. “We’re only in the first semester; I only managed to match the names and faces of my dorm mates so far. It’s gonna take me at least a month of snooping around before I could find them.” Renata paused and her eyes suddenly lit up as if she just remembered something. “Oh, but I’ve been farming intel of the Thorn Kingdom using the Lucky Leanan spell every day after curfew. It took some trial and error but I successfully managed to find the castle again!”
Sherrie recalls that one of Renata spells - Lucky Leanan - creates a small fairy made out of pure magic that would do sneak attacks by shooting lightning bolts while Renata fights. It’s small enough to flit behind an opponent’s line of sight and take them off guard. 
Small enough to sneak into the castle without anyone none the wiser. 
So Sherrie nodded. “That’s a good move. You’re safely far away from the castle and you can remotely dispel Leanan if it gets dicey.” 
“Yup! Look at my one braincell go!” Renata cheered. “If I keep this up and give it plenty of water and sunlight, maybe it’ll grow!” 
Sherrie burst out laughing alongside her sister. Her joke took her off guard. Hopefully their laughter didn’t wake up their mother and Lucien. 
Sherrie hiccups and wipe the tears from the corner of her eye. It feels nice to talk to her sister again.  
She misses her disaster of sister already. 
“Anyway, I need to hit the bed soon.” Renata said, breaking her train of thought. “I’ll do my best to gather as much info as I can about the ongoings inside the castle for you. Are there any heads up you want me to look for?” 
Sherrie smiles brightly and reply, “Of course! If you could, be a dear and get everything about father’s... other wife. Everything - right down to the most boring shits.”
“On it.” 
That first-year Diasomnia student has been the talk around campus for weeks now. 
Not only is she the only girl in Night Raven College, word on the streets quickly spreads that she’s look too similar to one of the previous Dorm Leader of Diasomnia to not be related. 
Staring at her while she’s busy taking a selfie of the Great Seven statues, he agrees that the similarities are too uncanny. 
Now, why would he sends his own Princess to a villain school without any retainer? 
That, and why under a different surname? 
Something’s not right. 
Renata MC/S brought with her an interesting mystery to Night Raven College. A mystery that caught his interest at the first whiff of her scent. And oh Great Seven, her delectable scent. The first time his nose caught that mouthwatering smell, it had his tail swishing in eager and his head spinning. 
It’s the scent of his favourite flower - blood lily - with a hint of something... otherworldly. He still can’t quite put words into it. 
He wants to unravel her. Understand what makes her tick. 
Uncover what she’s hiding. 
Four days later in History class, Professor Trein gave him - and Renata - their golden ticket. 
“Kingscholar, MC/S - you two will be partners for this assignment. I expect you two have no objection.” 
“It’s fine...” 
“I don’t have a problem with the arrangement, professor.” 
The professor nodded and class is dimiss. Students began making their way out of the room. Except for him... and her. 
Renata steps in front of his desk when they finally have the class all to themselves. He takes a good, long look at her. 
She’s certainly beautiful; a real heartbreaker. But there’s something interesting within her bright green eyes. Something volatile. He wonders what could it really be. 
“Hi there. So you’re Bakari Kingscholar, hmm? Hope we can ace this assignment without any problem.” Renata said with a small smile. Is she trying to be friendly? Because it just looks condescending as hell. 
But that just makes this a lot more fun. 
“Same here. Girl or not, I won’t let it slide if you prove to be a dead weight.” 
His warning clearly took her off guard with the how her smile froze. It was only for a moment though, before she let out a laugh. As if he just told a funny joke. 
“Kitty-cat is flexing his claws, huh?” Renata had the audacity to grin. The other Savanaclaw students would’ve lowered their heads at his tone. “Don’t worry. Do your part and I promise I won’t light your tail on fire.” 
Oh, his old man needs to know about this girl. 
You have no idea how much fun it is to write about Malleus and MC’s children! Especially the Princessess. Unfortunately, they’re more like Malleus than they or MC even realise it. Anyway, my main reference for SD/N is none other than... TADA! Fyodor Dostoevsky from BSD!
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It’s just that Sherrie is a lot more lazy and rather keep to herself and stay at home. She only goes out of her to way to mess with people because of Renata and her tendecies to get into trouble.  
I’m still thinking on the draft for part 3 so we’ll see how that goes. Also, I was struggling wether to name Leona’s son or not. I think that honoured should go to @tri3tri​! 
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Patty have you ever asked Janus to join for dinner when you meet him? Maybe that can somehow help Logan with his flirting? Or at least get Janus more relaxed?
(btw you're adorable ily!!)
(*cracks knuckles* Oh yeah baby we’ve gotten to the angst. Words: 2364 )
Patty: ": D Oh hello lil magical bird who just talked to me! I love you too!! I didn't want to barge in too much into their relationship but now when my honeypie has asked him out once already I guess I can help just a bit!"
Patty had sunglasses on to look like a secret agent. This was an important step in her plan, she swore on it. She sneaked into the open library while chuckling to herself.
She glanced around and almost immediately caught her eye on Janus standing in the reception. She did a few sneaky walks between the bookshelves before sliding up to him.
"Hello Janister!" She greeted with a bright smile while putting her elbows on the reception to lean closer.
"Hiya PatPat. Logan is off helping a customer but he'll be back soon"
"Oh silly I'm not looking for him right now. I am actually here to ask if you could come over to our place tonight. You see I'm planning on making Jambalaya but I always make too much! I'm talking leftovers up to the roof!! But if a third person was there maybe I would be able to make a perfect amount" She lied. She was making jambalaya for Janus purposes alone!
Janus' heartrate shot through the atmosphere "To- me?- your place?- tonight?- I uh- I don't know if I have time-"
She pouted and did her puppy eyes "You sure? You don't have to if you don't want to!! But it would be nice!"
He let out a happy sigh "Sure"
She took his hand and let out a sqeaul "aaah Great! It'll be so fun!!"
Logan was leaning down so Patty could help him with his bowtie. "Are you completely sure I look adequate?" He asked.
"Oh honeybee, You look super duper ultra adequate. You're literally wearing a sweater with a math pun on it!!"
"Hmm sound argument. I can not deny the sexiness of math puns"
A knock came on the door. The couple stared at each other. Logan stimmed out of nervousness. Patty gave him a quick kiss before pointing between him and the door. They did a good luck high five.
Logan combed his hair back and leaned on the wall to look cool as he opened the door. Janus stood on the other side looking like a sardine that had just been pressed into a can.
He had on a purple vest with embroidered flowers details and with a long sleeved black button up under. Also a very funky pair of stripped pants with even funkier yellow snake socks under.
"Greetings Jan. You are looking" Like a dream. Like someone he wanted to kiss right this moment. "Very good"
"Aww are you trying to be a snake charmer Log-boy" Janus replied with a smirk.
"I am not a log or a boy. I'm an adult man made out of meat"
"You better be because I'm starving" He had downed 2 shots of vodka before coming to try to and cool his extreme anxiety. He was a lightweight.
Logan lead him into the living room "Are....Are you implying cannibalism?"
Janus shrugged while smiling.
The apartement truly did look like a mismatch of the couple's personalities. The walls were filled with maps of constellations and uplifting cat posters. On the bookshelfs cook books and travel books were stacked next to thick philosophy books and essays. The decorations were either cute porcelain animals, magical anime girl figurines or figurines of characters from Lo's different hyperfixations. The sofa was filled with fluffy blankets and pillows and stuffies were scattered around the light blue carpet filling the living room.
“Do you want to watch star trek while eating?” Logan asked with a hopeful glint in his eyes.
“As long as I get to watch your beautiful face as well” Janus flirted back while doing an unsteady fingergun.
“Oh- Of course” His crush’s sudden forwardness was making his heart flutter.
Janus curled up in the corner of the couch, making himself as small as possible. Logan sat down pretty far away from him.
He started the first episode. Janus had a constant smile on his face as he listened to Logan go between telling him facts and gushing over his favorite moments. All while he could hear Patty in the kitchen half singing along to dad rock.
“Does she want help with that?” Janus, known gentleman and also nervous wreck, asked.
“She’ll tell us if she need it. She likes cooking. I like baking. It usually works out”
Janus got an amused look on his face “You’re into baking? So all those times at work when you brought desserts, that was your making?”
“Yes. And they were delicious. Anything wrong with that?”
“No. No. I simply didn’t take you for the type”
“Well cooking involves creativity and there’s room for your own ideas. Baking doesn’t. It is only about following a structure and doing kitchen chemistry. Of course I love it” He lowered his voice “It is also tremendously good for when you need to flirt without words”
“Oh really? I better start looking up recipes then” He pulled in Logan's bowtie “You have any favorites?” 
In his head he had the guts to say ‘Your lips against mine would be my favorite’ in reality he said “HehuHFKdjf jam drops in the shape of heart. The heart part is important. It adds to the taste”
“It usually does”
Janus slowly looked him up and down. And then he realized what the fuck he was doing. He shot back into his corner of the sofa like a naked rat. Logan sat still with blushing cheeks, staring at the tv but not taking in anything that was happening except his racing heart.
“Done!” Patty exclaimed, coming in with a big ass fucking pot of jambalaya and a just as big bottle of wine.
She saw the nervous state both of the guys were in and quickly made up a plan. She slammed the pot down onto the coffee table and moved the blankets so they took up about half of the couch. Then she sat down using up as much space as possible leaving the guys no choice but to move closer to each other, If both of them sat their hands down they would touch.
Patty cuddled up to her husband with a proud smile on her face. Logan moved his arm around her. 
“It looks great sweetheart” He pressed a kiss to her cheek making her giggle.
“So do you!! And so does mr. star trek captain man!”
 She enjoyed the hell out of her jambalaya while the two idiots sent each other awkward smiles. Janus downed his glass of wine in record speed. (He took it slower with the food, he didn’t want to seem disgusting). 
The whole star trek episode went by. Logan asked Janus a thousand excited questions about how much he liked it. All of his answers made the nerd happy stim. They put on a documentary none of them were really interested in the background while continuing to chat. Patty went on a long epic story about how a kid at her daycare had tried to bite her finger off last week.
“Soooo” Patty sudenly changed the topic. She said it with an innocent tone “My nerdy lil honeypie over here had the biggest crush on Data for a while. It was adorable. ANd while we’re on the topic” The look she gave Janus was happy but it still sent shivers down his spine “You having any crushes lately? Just curious!”
Both of the men internally gasped at the audacity. The gall! The sheer power!! Janus was sweating like a naked rat who had just been clad for the first time.
“...Well.......I have actually been meaning to....Ask about the polyamourous thing?” 
The couple exhanged knowing glances before looking back at him “Mhm yeah Mhm” “I am poly and also a thing so I am an expert in this”
“So...I totally haven’t fallen in love with 3 people. 2 of which I met in the span of around a week”
Patton did a double thumbs up. Logan took a long sip from his wine. “We’re all gossipy bitches here. Tell all about it”
“Well. The first one is Remy-”
“The one with the sunglasses?”
“...Yes...Are....Don’t tell me they’re a serial killer”
Patty broke up into a chuckle “Logie-bogie tried to kiss them while he was drunk once”
“I threw up on their shoes”
“He threw up on their shoes!”
Logan saw the terror in Janus’ face as he worried that maybe 2 of his crushes were exes and quickly added “We are only acquaintance and I was momentarily struck by the impressive lenght of their legs” 
Janus went on to gush about Remy and Remus. Why he loved them. All the dates he had daydreamed about. And then finally his voice was shaking when he mentioned just having a third crush.
Patty let out a long yawn before he could say anything more. She stood up “Well looks like it’s time to snooze! I assume 2 big burly ultra masculine men like you two can handle the dishes”
“It will be a challenge but we shall do our best. Goodnight honey” Logan kissed her.
She leaned in and whispered “Good luck Logie-bear! You got this”
She giggled mischievously while going off into the bedroom. She closed the door behind her. Only the two lovebirds were left now.
“So the third crush? Who’s the lucky gentleman?” Logan asked.
Janus held onto his newly refilled wine glass so hard it nearly cracked. He forced a smile “Wouldn’t you want to hear about the fake couples counseling I go to together with Remus instead?”
“Fake what now?”
“Well me and Remus, who I am hopelessly in love with even though he clearly doesn’t feel the same way, started going to a therapist pretending we were a couple to see how long it would take before he realized we didn’t know each other. He hasn’t realized anything yet. It’s great!”
It looked like Logan’s eyes was about to bulge out of his skull “That sounds illegal. It should be. You are dragging shame onto the face of psychology you double dumbass!”
“I have done nothing wrong ever in my entire life and frankly I deserve to waste even more therapist’s time” Janus replied.
He let out a deep sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose “Which therapist is it that you’re harassing exactly?”
“Dr. Picani”
Logan’s eyes widened and he shut his lips tightly “Emile Picani?”
“Yes.....Please don’t tell me he’s a serial killer”
He slowly looked away while taking a sip from his wine “I have had intercourse with that man”
Janus choked on his drink. He coughed while staring at his friend with wild eyes “YOU FUCKED MY THERAPIST????”
“No.......He fucked me” Logan replied in a quiet tone. “Besides he’s not even your real therapist”
“He is still a sort of therapist man to me! I told him I enjoy Lana Del Rey. That was a very intimate moment for me!”
“Well I had a very intimate moment with him too”
Janus looked at him with flushed cheeks and wide eyes. He let out a chuckle which turned into a laugh which turned into Logan not being able to not laugh along which turned into the room filling with nothing but flustered happiness and laughter.
Logan grabbed onto his crush’ arm just to have some contact with him while his eyes teared up from laughter. Janus leaned his head against his shoulder and curled up close to him while giggling so much his stomach hurt.
“Oh we’re idiots” Janus sighed.
“We are. We truly are”
They stayed sitting like that. So so close. Logan’s arm around him. Janus breathing being felt against the other man’s skin. Their hands touching. Only comfortable silence surrounded them.
A few minutes went by. Janus looked at him shuly. His thoughts worrying about everything and anything “Should we- ehm- the dishes?”
The moment broke. Logan moved away before standing up “I uh yeah- we should”
It was strange. Just dishing together with his crush made Logan happy. All he could think about was getting to be this close, this domestic, with him every day. Getting to wake up next to him. Kiss his knuckles. Share a morning with him.
“Who was the third crush by the way?” Logan asked, glancing over at his crush.
Janus stared down into the water “I- I can’t say it”
He stopped and turned fully to look at Janus. He had never been more unsure of where to put his hands before.
“Well I can...Say it I mean....I....I...Janus.....You make me happy just by being near me...You are so wonderful...I....I love you”
Logan couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He took a step forward and cupped Janus’ cheeks. He leaned forward, so close, so close that their noses and foreheads were pressed against each other. It felt like had been starving for this.
Janus froze. His wide eyes stared in shock at the other man. His hand moved up to his chest on instinct, to try and push him away.
Logan noticed his reaction. Of course he did. It was blindingly obvious. He forced himself to move away. He forced the desire to kiss him to simmer out.
“I-I’m sorry-” He mumbled out.
“No....Lo..” Janus took his hand. Holding it so so lightly in his own “I know” He looked up at him “I know. I’m sorry. I should go”
A horrible feeling of guilt filled Logan’s throat “You don’t have to” 
“I should go” He repeated, letting go of his hand.
Logan walked after him as he went to get his jacket “A date. Do you want to go on a date? Not just a hangout. Janus I- I want so badly to be close to you. We could go to the zoo, look at the snakes?”
Janus held his hand on the handle of the door. He didn’t look at Logan “Thanks for having me over”
He left. Logan stood alone in the hallway. His arms hanging helplessly at his sides.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
My Little Bird
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Summary: Now that Dean found you will he finally see you suffered or will things go worse?
Pairing: Mobster!Dean x Reader, Benny Lafitte, OFC’s
Warnings: angst, language, mobster business, pregnant reader (sue me), protective Dean (overprotective bordering on possessiveness), soft Dean (he tries at least), comforting
Sequel to: Little Bird
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Dean did not let you go. While Benny drives the SUV out of the parking lot Dean holds you carefully in his arms.
“My little bird will have a baby.” Whispering the words Dean smiles at his friend in the rear-view mirror. “Isn’t she the most beautiful girl in the world.”
“Boss, you should go easy on her.” Benny’s features soften as you tremble in Dean’s arms. “She’s not wrong with what she said…”
 “I tried to protect her. Nothing wrong with protecting my wife.” Grumbling Dean places one hand onto your belly and his eyes lit up. Looking at you in awe his features soften.
“That is great, Dean. Just do not stress Y/N. It’s bad for the baby and all.” Benny knows about a woman’s condition, hormones, and emotions during pregnancy as his wife gave birth to twins not long ago. “She needs stability and love.”
“I love her.” Muttering Dean strokes your belly, not taking his eyes off you. “Oh…Oh…” Wide-eyed he looks at you. “There was…I don’t know. I felt something.”
“He kicked.” Mumbling the word, you move your hand over your belly. “I guess our baby boy is awake now.”
“A boy!” Sniffling Dean presses his lips to your temple. “Benny! “The baby kicked me! It’s a little boy…” Humming you dare to meet Dean’s eyes for the first time and your breath hitches in your throat.
A single tear rolls down his cheek and you do not know how to react. “I got an ultrasound picture in my wallet.”
“Can I see it, please?” Nodding you look for your purse in the backseat, remembering Dean put it into the trunk.
“It’s in the trunk.”
“Oh—shit…” Stammering Dean tries to avoid more curses. “Sorry. I will try to not curse when the baby is around. My mom always said, ‘no cursing in front of Sammy’.”
“s’okay. I cursed this morning too. I burned my finger and…” Dean pants heavily. His nostrils flares as he checks on your hand, looking at your finger.
“We have to get the doctor! She burned her finger.” Getting his phone out Dean wants to call Alex, but you stop him before he can dial her number.
“Dean, it is fine. My boss put some ointment onto the finger, and I got a plaster. Look.” Pointing at the Winnie the Pooh plaster you try to convince Dean your life is not in danger. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”
“It hurt…crap. We need to make sure you’ll never get hurt again.” Dean looks at the plaster around your finger, sighing heavily. “I let you out of sight and you got hurt.”
“Boss, it’s a burned finger, not a broken neck. Calm, take a deep breath and let the protective beast sleep for a while.”
Knowing Dean too well Benny tries to calm his friend. “I know you are worried, but Y/N is not Cassie. You protected your wife well so far. I think Y/N can decide some things on her own, Dean. Give her space to breathe.”
“Space…” Glancing at your baby bump Dean tries to swallow the lump in his throat. “What if anyone tries to kidnap her or worse? I can’t let her leave the house alone.”
“You can at least let her do some things she likes to do. Your wife makes the best omelets I ever ate.” Not giving in Benny keeps in arguing. “I told you to not suffocate her any longer. I can’t see you suffer again.”
“Suffer.” Glancing at Benny you gulp as your friend nods. “Dude didn’t stop whining about how much he misses you. He played with a gun more than once, drank too much and even let Sam take over the business for a while.”
“Gun…wait!” Panting you look up at Dean. “You tried to kill yourself? DEAN!”
“I felt hopeless without you. I lost you, couldn’t hold you tight enough, my little bird.” Nuzzling you Dean hums as you gently touch his face.
“I tried to escape as you held me too tight, Dean. I never wanted to leave but you acted as if I cannot do anything right. Then you let that woman…” Sniffling you look at the wedding band at his finger. “You cheated on me with that woman…”
“I swear, it was only this once and…” Shaking his head Dean closes his eyes. “There is no excuse for breaking my vows. I am sorry.”
“Let’s get the lady home and you can regret your shitty behavior for the rest of your life if she’s willing to forgive you.” Dean’s eyes search your face as you refuse to look at him.
“I…I could try to…” Dean’s words come out in pants as he is not used to losing control. He never could show emotions and the one time he did – Cassie paid the price…
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“I can run you a bath and you can relax. Do you want to eat something?” Reluctantly walking into your bedroom, you can see Dean did not change a thing.
The book you read months ago lies abandoned on your nightstand. The silver necklace you forgot is draped over the fairy figurine he gave you to your birthday and the nightgown you wore before you ran away is placed onto your side of the bed.
“I…I didn’t change anything. You can do so.” Dean nervously cups the back of his neck, rubbing his sweaty palm over the skin. “I will prepare the bath for you. I bought those lilac bath bombs you like so much.”
“You remembered…” Sliding your fingers over the little figurine you take the silver necklace.
“I remember everything you like, little bird. I just…” Looking at you with sad eyes Dean shrugs. “Maybe I never learned how to express my feelings. My mom was soft and warm, just like you but my father…”
“He was a hard man, I know.” Stepping closer to Dean, the necklace still in your hands you press it to your heart. “I heard from it.”
“He taught me, no us, to not show emotions in our business. I followed his order, always.” Opening the top drawer of a commode Dean removes the false bottom to get a hidden box out. “I kept a few things from my mom. Look.”
Dean never talked about his mother or Cassie. All you know is that his mom got killed when he was around four and that his father was not the best at parenting.
“She was pretty.”
“We never got to know how she died. Dad told us the story but over the years, he changed details until it was more a fairytale than a story. Sometimes I even believed it was him killing her as she tried to leave him.”
Dean’s word let your heart drops as you look up at him. For the first time, you see something vulnerable in Dean.
The little boy from back then is still inside of the tall man in front of you and maybe, just maybe you can get a part of him back.
“What about Sam? Did he ever…I mean…”  Nodding Dean hides the pictures in the box before he shows you one of Cassie and him when he was younger.
“Sammy never believed dad’s story about mom’s death. We drifted apart for a few years as I followed dad’s order and Sam left the family business.”
Stepping closer you look at the box. You would like to have a look at all the things Dean is hiding in the box, but he opened up a bit, so you don’t push your luck.
“I see. Sam mentioned he was away for a while. I am sorry your father was…” Sniffling you peck Dean’s cheek. “Must have been hard to grow up with a hard man.”
Dean’s eyes sadden as he can read your mind. You believe he will not be a good father to his son, so he gets another picture out. It’s a picture of Dean and his bride, Cassie.
“The reason I am so worried, so protective is that I lost Cassie at our wedding day.” Your hands start shaking as you take the picture out of Dean’s hands. “I know that I told you we divorced but…”
“She died?” Your eyes drift toward the picture of Dean’s first wedding and you feel a cold shiver run down your spine. “How…Dean?”
“We came out of the church and Sam; he called my name as I dropped my phone. I kissed Cassie’s cheek, told her to wait for a moment and went back into the church. It was barely a minute, but it was long enough…”
Dean takes a deep breath before he shows you another picture. It’s an ultrasound picture and he gives you a sad smile.
“I heard a gunshot and ran out, Sam and dad tried to hold me back, told me to wait but all I could see was Cassie dropping to the ground…”
“Dean…” Grasping for his hand you press it to your swollen belly. “I am so sorry…”
“Do you remember when you asked me about the scars at my stomach and shoulder? I lied and told you it was an accident when I was eighteen but the moment I tried to get to Cassie I got shot. Twice.”
Your eyes meet Dean’s and you can see the pain in these green orbs. “I hit the ground and all I saw before losing consciousness were her lifeless eyes and her ruined white dress. I lost my wife and child on the same day.”
Carefully placing the pictures back into the box Dean gets an envelope out. Your name is written in tidy letters on the white paper and there is a tiny bird next to it.
“I kept it…all of it.” Getting the love letter out you wrote Dean at the age of ten he smiles as you open the letter with shaking fingers. “I got the flower you gave me with twelve and the ticket from the movie we watched when we were fifteen.”
“After that, my dad and I moved away…” Nodding Dean looks at the letter in your hands. “I never thought I’d see you again.”
“I met Cassie and was ready to start a new life with her, but I never forgot about you. I always remembered my little bird.” Cupping your cheek Dean brushes his lips over yours. “I should get you some food while you have a warm bath. It’s getting late.”
Just like that Dean put his secrets back into the box and you nod, wondering if he will ever be able to open to you completely. “Dean…I am sorry for what happened to Cassie and your mom.”
“I know, Y/N.” Pressing a soft kiss to your temple Dean gently strokes your back. “I’ll get you something from the kitchen. Any wishes?”
“Peanut butter and jelly?” Whining you look up at Dean and he snickers at your choice of food.
“Still a peanut butter jelly girl…”
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The water relaxes your sore body. Working as a waitress while being six months pregnant is exhausting. Your feet hurt, just like your back but the emotional exhaustion is even worse.
Dean telling you about his past is a new level in your relationship, but you are still not sure if he will be able to grant you more freedom.
You can understand he is scared to lose you but keeping you in a golden cage will not do any good.
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“My wife needs something to eat.” Grumbling Dean looks at his cook. She smirks, already getting the porridge out.
“I said…” Gritting his teeth Dean points toward the fridge. “My wife wants food, not your rubbish. She hates porridge, you know that.”
“I want her to eat healthily…” Slamming his fist onto the counter Dean shakes his head.
“We do not need you any longer, or rather…” Smirking Dean tilts his head. “You are fired.”
While the cook leaves the kitchen, Dean gets a plate out to make you a peanut butter jelly sandwich. He is carefully removing the crust. Nodding to himself as he cuts the sandwich into two halves.
“Perfect…” Benny snickers as he steps into the kitchen. “Maybe give her an apple too.”
“Nope.” Popping the ‘p’ Dean takes the plate to walk out of the kitchen. “Y/N wants this sandwich, she gets it.”
“Good…that’s good Dean.” Humming Dean looks at his friend, licking his lips before he looks at the sandwich.
“Benny…thanks for your advice. My little bird needs more sunlight I guess. When she wants to go out, go with her. Never leave her alone.” Dean grumbles, but he knows he got no other choice than granting your more freedom.
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“How do you feel, Y/N?” Dean’s voice makes you jump as you hold your wedding picture in your lap. “You’re wearing my shirt…”
Dean’s eyes roam your body. You are wearing one of his favorite shirts and you look adorable to him. “Nothing suits me any longer. I am too big…”
Laughing Dean hands, you the plate and you smile as he removed the crust as your mom did for you. “You can have all of my shirts, but you can drive to town and buy new clothes, little bird.”
“Oh—okay.” Nodding you take a bite of your sandwich, moaning at the taste. “I could just ask Ellen. She has great taste and could get me the clothes I need. I would like to spend the day with you…”
“Yeah? You want to?” Sitting onto the bed to watch you eat your sandwich Dean smiles to himself. “We could go too. I could come with you and help you chose. We need a nursery too. Maybe Benny can help us.”
“Dean, do you think we can make it?” Placing one hand onto your belly Dean nods silently. “I’d like to try but I need more…”
“Freedom…I know…” Dean whispers as you eat the other half of your sandwich. “My little bird needs to fly.”
“I want to get to know more about your life too, Dean. I want more honesty and freedom. I promise to be careful. I would never risk our child gets hurt.” Rubbing your belly Dean sighs but he nods.
“I’ll try to be less overprotective from now on. I love you and the baby boy in your belly. I will make sure my little bird can spread her wings…”
>> Part 3
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Alternate Endgame
Summary: Fuck Endgame. Reader has precognitive abilities and we’re gonna fix this stupid movie.
Warnings: Cursing, endgame spoilers, maybe some tears?, fluff
WC: 4816
AN: It took me for-fucking-ever, and it is CRAZY long, but here it is.
Forever love to @writingwithadinosaur​ for CONTINUING to put up with my empty promises to write.
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You woke with a start; heaving deep breaths that just couldn’t seem to fill your lungs. You were coated in a sheen of cold sweat. It had been months-- no, years since you'd had a premonition that strong, and you were more than a little shaken.
Not thinking you reached over for the man sleeping beside you, but your fingers only met cool sheets. Of course they did. It had been 5 years since Sam had… disappeared, he wouldn’t simply reappear in your bed because you’d had a vision. No matter how much you wanted him to. 
Before Thanos, Sam had been there for you. You’d started as teammates, then friends, then more. Sam was everything. He was sweet, funny, and loyal. The fact that he was gorgeous certainly didn’t hurt either. He’d helped you process your visions. He’d hold you, press kisses to your temple, and let you talk through what happened if you could. If you couldn’t he was more than up to distract you. God you missed him. You missed his touch, you missed his voice, missed the tiny birds he’d draw on your mirror, or mission paperwork, or the small bird figurines he’d hide throughout your room. It hurt even more intensely, waking from a vision after so long, and finding him still gone.
As moments passed, and your breathing became less panicked, your mind began to clear, and details of your vision slowly, but clearly came back. Pain, a lot of pain, and death. There was hope, you thought for a second that you’d heard Sam’s voice… but there was so much risk involved. And the deaths you saw… you couldn’t take anymore death.
FUCK no. You wouldn’t let it happen like that. No way.
Knowing that sleeping again would be impossible, you dragged yourself out of bed, intending to make coffee, but paused at your bedroom door. Turning abruptly, you walked instead to your closet. Reaching onto the top shelf, you pulled down a large zip top bag with a few of Sam’s sweatshirts inside. You pulled one out and quickly re-sealed the bag. Bringing the fabric to your face and inhaling the lingering scent of detergent, cologne, and Sam, had fresh tears springing in your eyes. But it also brought a sense of determination, and confidence. 
Sam was with you. He wasn’t gone permanently, and he believed in you. He loved you.
Pulling the sweatshirt over your PJs, you left your room with a new sense of purpose.
The Aether; the reality stone. One of 6 infinity stones that had enabled Thanos’s snap. It had been given to the collector many years ago, and it was your only hope. 
Of course, that was assuming that the rest of your team figured out the whole time travel thing. 
Exhaling, you shook your head in disbelief. Time travel. 
Aliens, gods, titans, and now time travel. 
Before Carol had brought Tony and Nebula back, time travel would have been as ridiculously out of reach as it sounded. But with Tony back? You could see time travel being a distinct possibility, and a quick one.
Tony was refusing to help, which hurt, but you understood. He didn’t want to risk losing his daughter. Given how life seemed to take from Tony, his resistance made sense. Were Morgan your daughter, you wouldn’t risk her either. 
Although, caution didn’t sit well with Tony Stark. You had a feeling he would be unable to keep himself from at least trying to work out time travel now that he had an idea. He would try, and probably tweak his equation until it functioned flawlessly.
Tony would figure it out. And when he did, he would feel obligated to help; he wouldn’t be able to keep the knowledge that the team needed away from them. That meant you needed to learn as much as you could about the Aether before Tony figured out time travel. If it were anyone else, you would have had plenty of time.
Your original plan, to ask Thor, was a non-starter. The god of thunder had been through the fucking ringer. Honestly, you were shocked he was doing as well as he was. As soon as you could, you planned to sit with him awhile. Nothing invasive, but you got the feeling he wanted to talk, but didn’t know where to start.
Dr. Banner was able to fill in some blanks for you, but not enough.
Thankfully, once you were able to contact him, Wong was a veritable treasure trove of information. He was able to walk you through the process of using an infinity stone, being that he was the only one left alive who had done so in the past. Or, almost the only one.
“Rocket,” you called. The small creature had been across the room, talking to Thor, but came over as you waved him to you. “I need your help.” 
“With what?” he seemed genuinely curious, and then a little taken aback when you began to explain.
“I’m not sure you’ve been told what I can do,” you began. When Rocket shook his head, you explained your premonitions.
“And these visions are always accurate?” he asked, his furry little face serious.
“Yes. The visions are accurate, but meant as a warning. So far, when I have interfered, the future has been altered, and whatever I’d seen could be avoided.” Then, you proceeded to tell him about the future you’d seen in your most recent vision. “I can’t- I won’t lose any more of my family, Rocket. This plan I have, I- it will work, but I need your help.” Your expression was beseeching.
The raccoon didn’t ponder long though. “What’d’ya need?”
“I need you to tell me as much as you can remember about when Quill held the infinity stone, and when we have to go and retrieve the fucking things, I need you to help me get a specific one.”
Luckily, Rocket was willing to trust you. Something told you he didn’t trust easily, especially not when what you were telling him couldn’t be proven one way or another, but he’d lost a lot of people too. It seemed he was ready to take a chance.
When it came time to be split into groups to collect the stones, Rocket helped to ensure you were on the team with him and Thor, headed to Asgard.
Next step. Rock climbing practice, a lot of it.
“Bruce, I need a favor.” You crossed your fingers, hoping he didn’t ask too many questions regarding your request. 
Though Rocket knew a good portion of your plan, he didn’t know all of it. The fewer people who knew, the better. It wasn’t easy to convince Bruce to give you the extra pym particle. You’d stopped Scott from accidentally using one up, so there was one left, but Bruce was hesitant to give it to you. It wasn’t until your eyes began to water and your voice began to crack that Bruce caved; he couldn’t handle tears. Though you hadn’t planned to cry, it had worked in your favor. 
Actually, the hard part was getting Bruce to keep his mouth shut about you having the extra particle. Bruce had a hard time lying to anyone. You needed everyone as in the dark as possible, especially Clint and Natasha, or your plan wouldn’t work.
“See you in a minute,” Natasha said with a smile. You gave a smile back, hoping it didn’t appear strained and took a deep breath before “jumping” to Asgard, ten years in the past.
Thor was thoroughly distracted, with good reason, so it was a good thing you had Rocket on your side.
“I hope you know what you’re doin’,” Rocket grumbled as you took the carefully contained Aether from him.
“You and me both,” you replied quietly. 
“Good luck.”
You gave him a small smile before triggering your suit.
You appeared just far enough back that Nat and Clint didn’t hear you, but close enough that you could see them heading up one side of the mountain. They headed up the side that was clearly meant to be climbed, you however, went to the opposite side; a sheer rock face with a drop from an unbelievable height.
You’d received an odd look from Tony when you’d asked for a part of Peter Parker’s Spiderman suit. He’d given the gloves to you without asking the question that was clearly on the tip of his tongue, but you knew there would be many questions later as a result. The gloves’ grip wasn’t nearly as strong as it would have been for Peter, but they would be much better than nothing. Your other tools had been easy to obtain and stuff in a backpack; a combination ice axe and climbing hammer, pitons, carabiners and high strength climbing rope. Hopefully, the practice you’d managed would be enough.
Taking a deep breath you reached up and began your ascent. You needed to get as far up as you could and quickly, so that you could be in place and relatively stable when you needed to use the stone. 
You forced the pitons into the rock face and secured yourself, freeing your hands and arms to use the stone, and more importantly, catch Natasha. The two tasks had to be done simultaneously, or your plan wouldn’t work. 
Vormir’s guardian, and Clint needed to see Natasha fall, and believe she was dead in order to free the soul stone, but Natasha couldn’t die.
It felt like no fucking time had passed between when you finally anchored yourself and you could hear Nat and Clint arguing. 
Using the stone, you warped reality around yourself not a moment too soon, as Natasha was suddenly hanging just above you.
“Damn you!” Clint shouted. Natasha had clipped him to an anchor she’d shot into the cliff, saving him, and now she was dangling from his outstretched arm.
“Let me go,” she said, almost calmly. 
You knew in her mind, she was doing the right thing. Knew she was decided, resolved.
“No, please no,” Clint was crying. This would destroy him.
“It’s okay,” Natasha soothed ineffectively.
“Please-” Clint begged, but Natasha kicked off the cliff, forcing Clint to lose his grip.
For a moment, it felt like everything froze, then you blinked and reality seemed to split in front of you. You could see what you’d created for Clint and the guardian to see, but you could also see Natasha hanging safely from the second piton you’d secured just to the side of you. 
“What the-” she broke off, seeing the distorted reality of herself falling to her death. When you reached over and touched her shoulder, her head whipped around, suddenly able to see you and the reality stone.
“What the fuck-” You silenced her with a finger to your lips. You weren’t sure whether or not you could be heard by Clint or the guardian. Waiting just a few seconds until you saw Clint disappear, you released the control you had on the stone and gestured for Natasha to trigger her suit to return home.
She looked like she really wanted to argue, but she did as you asked.
Clint’s knees hit the floor and he almost dropped the soul stone when he turned and saw Natasha standing beside him. Tears were flowing down his face and all sorts of nasty curses in a multitude of languages flew from his lips. 
“Don’t you ever fucking do something like that again! Do you hear me, Tasha?! Fuck! You can’t give your life for mine. What the fuck were you- how did you-” Clint cut off and pulled Nat into a tight hug.
“I can’t promise never to do something like that again, Clint. I don’t know what happened. I thought-”. Natasha cut off too, tears in her eyes. She had been resolved to die to save Clint and the others, but she was glad she hadn’t had to.
“What exactly happened?” Bruce asked, looking from Nat and Clint to you. 
“What?” Clint asked, looking from Nat to you.
“Ask them. I sure as fuck didn’t know what was happening,” Natasha said on a long exhale.
You noticed Rocket and Tony were also looking your way. When Nat pulled far enough away from Clint to face you, they both looked at you too.
All eyes on you. Great.
“Well, I had a vision…”
You explained part of your vision. To be fair, you would have explained the whole thing, you wanted to, but there was a niggling feeling at the back of your mind telling you that you weren’t done. You couldn’t tell everyone. It sucked, but your friends-- your family would understand. When it all worked out, you would tell them, but not yet.
The final tweaks were made to the new gauntlet. You watched as Tony, Rocket, and Bruce hovered around the thing, clearly unsure if it was ready.
But you were only barely watching. As Tony’s attention was drawn away, you drew over to his latest Iron Man suit. You’d talked with Rocket, and had some idea the power the stones would put out, with that in mind…
“FRIDAY, could I bother you for a moment?” you asked politely.
“Of course. What can I do for you?”
Not a fucking moment after Bruce snapped his fingers and the compound was totaled. Most of the structure was underground, along with several of the team.
The worst part of having premonitions was that you couldn’t see everything. The visions  would scare the shit out of you, and give you just enough information to run on, but never the whole picture. Thus, you found yourself running with Clint and Natasha through an underground maze of destruction trying to avoid the fucked up alien hoard that was chasing you. 
ANY of that information would have been nice to know ahead of time.
It also would have been nice to know that a past version of Nebula was somehow in the present. 
Fortunately that problem was “solved” when present nebula showed up and shot her past self… God you couldn’t wrap your head around all this shit. 
A fight was underway as you cleared the tunnels, and it did not look good for your side. Although you noticed with a little shock, that Steve was holding Mjolnir. Or he was until Thanos knocked it from his hand, and cracked his shield. 
All you could see then was Steve, barely standing, alone, facing an army increasing in size. Your heart was racing. You knew Steve wouldn’t give in. You hadn’t seen him die, but that didn’t mean his life wasn’t at risk. Fuck! What were you going to do?!
Then a voice you hadn’t heard in years crackled over the comms, “Hey, Cap, you read me? Cap, it's Sam. Can you hear me?” and a glowing yellow portal appeared next to Steve. “On your left.”
Seeing Sam, in his Falcon suit, fly through the portal, you almost hit the ground.
“Sam,” you whispered, tears in your eyes, but a growing smile on your face.
“Hey babe, miss me?” You could hear the smirk on his face, and though it would have bothered you before, it made you laugh now. 
Your team had a chance. Hundreds of portals opened and thousands of people poured from them. You could vaguely hear chanting from the Wakandans, and see glowing shields being formed by the masters of the mystic arts. New hope and resolve formed in your chest.
“Every fucking day, Sam. Now let's end this so I can yell at you for disappearing on me.” He laughed, and you both ran into the hoards of Thanos’ followers.
Unfortunately, though the reinforcements were amazing, and desperately needed, Thanos and his army weren’t backing down.
Carol powered through ships, and struggled with Thanos, but she couldn't overpower him. When you saw her fall, and Tony began approaching the giant murder grape, you recognized your time to act.
“Carol,” you called as she rose, shaking debris from her hair. When she met your eyes, you waved her over. During the fight, you’d managed to speak to Thor, Dr. Strange and Wanda. They all knew you had a plan, though Strange seemed dubious, and they had all agreed to help. The fact that you’d managed to corral them all was a fucking miracle in and of itself, but what you were about to do, was still gonna be difficult.
Your group managed to stay out of Tony’s field of vision. What he was about to attempt, had to happen. What you needed was to reach him in time to alter the aftereffects. 
“I am– inevitable,” Thanos announces, snapping his fingers, which would have been gut wrenching, had the mad titan actually had the infinity stones in his gauntlet.
However, unbeknownst to him, Tony Stark had swiped them right out of his hands. Tony Stark, who was now pulsing with immense amounts of gamma radiation and pure power from the ancient relics.
“And I– am– Iron Man.” Tony snapped his fingers. That was your cue. You, and the most powerful teammates you had, reached out, and took Tony’s left hand. Power and pain radiated through your body. And that was all you remembered.
The rocky ground beneath you was not comfortable, but you were barely aware of the sharp stones digging into your back since your whole body felt like you’d been in a car accident.
“Fucking ow,” you groaned.
“Well what did you expect? Trying to divert that level of radiation; you’re lucky your crazy stunt didn’t kill you!” Dr. Strange was in full lecture mode it seemed. You could hear Thor and Carol talking just behind you, and when you cracked your eyes open, you caught a glimpse of Wanda’s magic trailing behind her. Your eyelids felt like there were hundred pound weights on them. Why couldn’t you keep them open? 
It took a full second and a half for your brain to re-engage; quickly recapping the past few days. You bolted into an upright sitting position, all but shrieking in pain as your gritty eyes frantically searched for one figure amidst hundreds.
“Hey kid, you gonna explain all this to me now? I don’t like being in the dark.” You looked directly behind you and burst into tears. Tony was looking at you with a slightly exasperated look on his face, belayed by the small smile on his lips.
“It worked,” you sobbed.
“I don’t know what all has been going on in this place, but I know you’re not supposed to be upset that we won,” came Sam’s voice. He walked up behind Tony, clapping him on the back as he stepped past him to crouch down beside you. “Hey, Gorgeous. I missed you.”
A wet laugh exploded from your chest, “I fucking missed you too, Sammy.” Your eyes overflowed and your smile wobbled as he rested his forehead on yours. 
“It’s okay. I’m here. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. I love you,” he soothed, cupping the side of your face and rubbing across your cheekbone with his thumb. He was home. Sobs shook you, and you knew it would be a while before you were able to stand. Or it would have been if Sam hadn’t picked you up and insisted on carrying you.
He didn’t let you out of his sight for several days.
It was actually weeks later, after some of the rubble had been cleared from where the compound once stood, before you finally explained what had happened. 
Not everyone was able to cram into Tony’s living room, so some people; Dr. Strange, and King T’challa and his people were there via remote communication. Rocket had even rigged up some sort of communications device into the Guardian’s ship so they could hear too.
“I had a vision,” you started. You were sitting in Sam’s lap, across from most of your family. Natasha sat in an armchair, with Clint perched on the arm. They’d both gone home to see his family almost immediately after the fight, but they both insisted on hearing what had happened.
Scott and Hope shared a couch. Bruce stood just behind it. 
Steve and Bucky were standing next to each other just to the side of you and Sam. They weren’t standing beside you, they wanted an explanation just as much as the others, but the two men were close with Sam, so it seemed they wanted to show that they supported you, as his girlfriend.
Tony was in an armchair across from Natasha and Clint. Thor stood behind his chair, and Wanda sat on the floor between the couch and Tony’s armchair. Even Carol was there, she sat backwards on a kitchen chair that she’d dragged into the room.
“We figured as much,” Tony replied. He smiled as his daughter ran into the room and all but threw herself onto Tony’s lap. He picked her up and situated her comfortably before continuing. “What exactly did your vision show.”
“For the most part, I saw just what happened. I saw you figure out the time travel thing. I saw us split into teams to get the stones. That's where I intervened,” you paused. Sam gave your hip a gentle, supportive squeeze. You hadn’t told him what you’d seen yet, but he knew you. Knew you were trying to say something that had gone horribly wrong. 
“I asked Bruce for the extra Pym charge, and I asked Rocket for some information, and to help me get on the team that went to Asgard.”
You saw Thor straighten then. He’d begun to take care of himself again, though you knew he was still overwhelmingly sad and lonely, he seemed to be working his way out of the deep rut he’d been in. “I don’t recall actually getting the stone. I was too distracted by my- my mother. Rocket did not show me the stone either. I just assumed he had it.” Thor looked at you, an unidentifiable emotion on his face. “Why did you need to be on our team?”
“I needed the reality stone. Wong and Rocket helped me get an idea of how to use it. And then I needed the extra Pym charge to take me to Vormir.”
Natasha’s brow furrowed. “I was supposed to die, wasn’t I?” she asked calmly. Clint stiffened beside her.
“No, you died in my vision. You weren’t supposed to die. That’s why I fixed it,” you gave her a look that brooked no argument, and she smiled in return.
“I used the stone to make it look like Natasha had died. Clint and Vormir’s guardian had to believe that it had happened. The only way to get the stone was-” 
“To lose what you loved,” Clint finished for you. You nodded. “I had to believe it or it wouldn’t have worked.” You nodded again, though he hadn’t phrased it as a question.
“I’m really sorry you had to see that, Clint, but it was the only way I could think to make it work.” You really were sorry. You knew Clint sometimes woke from horrible nightmares, occasionally about his family disappearing again, but also about seeing Nat fall.
He shook his head, and you let the subject lie.
“No wonder you were so fucked up when we all got back,” Steve said quietly to Clint. Then he turned to you. “That’s not it, is it?”
“No.” You looked to Tony.
“The suit wouldn’t have held that much power,” Tony concluded. “I didn’t think it would, but I didn’t have the time to strengthen it. I just didn’t know-”
“I know,” you said. “I had FRIDAY make some tweaks when you weren’t looking.” If it was possible to look proud and affronted at the same time, that’s how you would have described Tony’s expression. “Then, using the info I’d gotten from Rocket, I figured out how to displace the power, instead of letting it hit you alone.” You nodded at Carol, Thor, and Wanda. “I pulled the strongest people I knew, and lined us all up behind you before grabbing your shoulder just as you used the stones. The power was distributed to all of us, and we were able to hold, and diffuse it with no ill effects. I don't think it’s something anyone could have thought to do in the moment, it only happened because I had that vision.” You looked at Nat and Tony again. “After all we’ve been through, I couldn’t live in a world without you guys. Any of you,” you added, looking at everyone.
Tony had his arm wrapped tight around Morgan. And you heard a muffled sob from just behind you, turning a little, you saw Pepper. You winced, you hadn’t intended her to hear this. She saw your expression and shook her head. “Thank you,” she mouthed before walking to Tony’s side. She gave him a kiss and held his free hand in a death grip.
Clint had a grip on Nat’s hand too. White lines formed at the corners of Thor’s mouth, and Wanda looked like she was having trouble processing all the emotions in the room, but her eyes focused on you. 
“Why didn’t you tell us all this?” Bruce asked; he’d been quiet the whole time, though he’d known you had something going on earlier than most.
“I was afraid that if I said something, it would change something. I had no clue what was safe and what wasn’t and I knew-” you cut off, shifting to grip Sam’s hand, clearing your throat. “I knew if everything happened as it should, the dusted people would come back. I couldn’t risk that getting fucked up, just like I couldn’t let what I saw happen to Tony and Nat.” You squeezed Sam’s hand. “I’m sorry I kept this from you all, but I really couldn't risk it.” You closed your eyes, tilting your face to look at the floor.
You heard someone approaching, and felt Sam shift, but you didn’t open your eyes until you felt a hand on your shoulder. Natasha stood in front of you. As you looked up at her, you heard another set of footsteps approach. Tony appeared behind her. Steadily, your whole family came close. Natasha pulled you up, and into a tight hug. You felt Sam rise from behind you, he kept a hand on your hip. Tony put a hand on your shoulder, squeezing. Steve gripped your other shoulder. Bruce had a hand on one of your arms, which were around Natasha, and Clint gripped your hand. Looking around the room at the others, you saw pain, and gratitude in every face. 
“Don’t keep shit like that to yourself again, you hear me?” Natasha grumbled, tears in her voice keeping her tone from being very threatening.
You let out a choked laugh. “I’ll do my best.”
“Clearly your best is damn good. I’ll take that any day,” Tony said. Tears were in his eyes, and there were tracks of them on his cheeks. “You did a good job, kid.”
“We’re proud of you.” Steve gave you a smile. Clint met your gaze and though his eyes were still warry, he gave you a smile, squeezing your hand.
Sam’s hand ran up and down your lower back as Natasha and the others stepped back. “You’re amazing, baby. You did good, just like always.” He wrapped his arm around you from behind and pressed a kiss to your temple. 
Everyone settled back into their seats before Steve spoke again. “Is that all you changed? Nothing else we need to know.”
You laughed a little, drawing everyone's gazes again. “Well I did change one more thing, it wasn’t big though.”
“What was it?” Steve asked. 
“I kept Scott from accidentally using a Pym Particle when he was talking about how they worked. That was the only way I could have one to use.”
Hope rolled her eyes, “seriously, Scott?” Clearly she was well aware of Scott’s inability to be smooth.
Scott’s face was beet red, but laughter filled the room. It seemed that the group would be able to move on from the news after all.
“I wasn’t gonna use it!” Scott insisted.
“If you had to be stopped, then yes, you were going to use it,” Hope argued, rolling her eyes. “You’re hopeless.”
The room filled with laughter and you felt a weight lift off your shoulders. Leaning back into Sam, you let a long sigh escape you. It was over. The world was readjusting to having its missing members back, and after 5 years, you knew it would take a while, but, looking around the room, you had hope for the future.
You had your family after all. Your family, and your Sam. Everything was as it should be.
Perma Tags (Open): @buckyappreciationsociety , @17marvelousfreak , @melconnor2007 , @writingwithadinosaur​ , @whenallsaidanddone​ , @hello-sweetie-get-the-salt​ , @umwhatandrea​ , @pineapplebooboo​ , @thefridgeismybestie​ , @xlemon-limex​ , @sammysgirl1997​ , @4theluvofall​ , @geeksareunique​  @madcheshire89​ , @shakzer00​ , @ajimagines​ , @mummy-woves-you​ , @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for​, @strangersstranger​ , @dreams-of-feysand​
Avengers Perma Tags (Open): @ldyhawkeye​ , @gonnadiereading​ , @lilmissperfectlyimperfect​ 
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
can you do a story on S/O died when giving birth to kaito and kaito ask overhaul what his mother was like and overhaul almost start crying in the middle of explaining. and because kaito has the same eyes as S/O overhaul can't look him in the eye but kaito says I love you anyway daddy or something like that
laughs then cries* chisaki angsty folks why not??
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They will pay. They will see what pain really means on the life of someone. They complain about not getting a good grade on school, complain about politics, heroes, not getting into a fucked up school where they teach more of those sick things.
He had to right to complain. Because different from those bastards, he lost the love of his life. Five years, five years that this happened, and his grief never went away. Never.
Especially when he had someone that reminded him every fucking second on how she died and how she looked.
He couldn't despise the brat, he was a remaining of your sweet and angelic person while still alive... yet he couldn't fulfill the promise you made him do, seconds before you passed away on that cursed hospital bed.
He couldn't love him like a real father should... he tried, really, but how..? The kid was one of the most many reasons that you were gone in the first place.
Yet at least he didn't treat him badly or like Eri... you would be very disappointed and disgusted at him, looking at both of you from heaven.
At least Kaito could bring one or two rare smiles to him. Q silly yet adoring thing that he did and reminded him of you... but most of the time, he passed his days with Pops, Chrono and rarely with other precepts.
He had a busy schedule ever since he decided that he was going to turn this world upside down... make those heroes suffer how he had been for the past years, erase quirks out of existence and put the world back in the way it was.
Retribuit Pops kindness and put his son on a world without sickness, that was his objective... you would want the same... right?
A woman appeared in front of him... was he dreaming? The last thing he remembered was grandpop putting him into bed, again without seing his father.
He squinted his eyes and tilted his head in confusion before the said woman cooed something that he couldn't catch it and cupped his cheeks, the eyes of her, same color as his, shined with something that he only saw it in cartoons...
Love, her eyes were full of love. And the warmth she bringed to him by only a touch was so magical... he wanted more. He needed more, he never had that kind of attention before.
Although when he extended his hands the woman gave him a sad smile and got away, the more he searched for her the more she got away, not wanting to but... doing it at the same time.
He called her back, how many times he didn't count, but he started to run and shout for her even... Come back... don't stop... don't leave me..!
"Mom..." he mumbled as his eyes opened, the gentle woman no where to be found... since he only met the roof of his quarters, grabby hands on the air as some tears rolled down his chubby cheeks and fell on the matress when got up.
That word... he never had the privilege to know his mother, and everyone he knew just refused to talk about it, especially when his dad was around... like some taboo or something.
But that dream... was that his mom? Was she really? She was so pretty, so warm... so lovely. Why did she go away?
He looked at the window, Ray's of the sun passing thorigh the glass and hitting the floor of his bedroom.
An idea popped into his little head, gulping at only thinking about it... but he needed to know. That dream was too much real to be only a... what his father would call, a "childish and stupid thing".
Without changing, the kid jumped from his bed and walked out of his room, looking at the halls for any signs of human life around.
His gaze met the so know green jacket, the man using it no other than his father, that funny mask always present on his face... the funniest thing, he had even saw uncle Rappa without that bird mask, but his dad? Never on his life.
He walked and hidded on a corner when he heard uncle Kurono passing through, greeting his dad and going straight to his room, probably going to wake him up to start the day.
He grabbed the end of his uncle, more like real father figurine, and tugged once or twice to catch his attention. The man hummed in annoyance but he soon took off his mask when he saw him there.
"Well, for once you're out of the bed early." He said nonchantly as Kaito lowered his head, Hari arched one eyebrow at that and sighed while crouching down.
"Spit it out, what has gotten into you?"
"... I had a dream."
"Bad one? Kid, us from the yakusa ccant be scared of a fu-"
"No." He lifted his head and stared at Kurono, the same look his father carried most of the time, serious. "It was... different."
"Different?" He asked, eyebrow still lifted up.
"I want to talk with dad." He changed the subject and Hair immediately winced at that, knowing how Chisaki felt about... Kaito.
"Please uncle Kurono..." he lowered his head and turned his tiny hands into fists "Is really important... no one will tell me about it and he is the one that can answer it.."
"Ouch. That hurt." He said sarcastically as the kid didn't even smirked only looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"You won't answer me neither!" He whispered shouted "No one in here talks about my mom! I dont even know how she looked like!"
His body frozen at that. The topic was burried some years ago, indeed, and anyone who commented was dead on the spot, the only remains of them were the blood spilled on the walls, the ones that Overhaul demanded him to clean up.
"Kid, is not a good idea... trust me."
"Please.." the (E/c)'s eyes of the kid started to tear up and he couldn't supress any longer... knowing even that Pops himself wasn't going to keep it a secret anymore.
In the elder's words, it was torture what Chisaki was doing with his own son, providing even the figurine of his mother to him.
He sighed and got up, leading Kaito to his dad's office... he knocked twice and Kaito felt his heartbeat increasing ten fold when a nonchantly and irritated "name and bussiness" echoed form behind that door.
Kurono said his name and opened the door. Golden, cold and uncaring eyes immediate going down on him as he tried to stood still.
"What's the meaning of this?" He asked nonchantly with a sigh as Hari sighed.
"He wanted to talk with you. Really, important thing." Hari said directly, sparing a glance at Kaito, whoose was looking down at his feet worriedly.
"...Dismissed." he said and Kurono left, closing the door as the kid gulped "You have at least five minutes."
He looked up at his father, golden eyes not lifting up from his paper work as him made his way to one of the couches to climb on.
"Dad... you... you can stop with that for one second? Listen to me?"
"I have my ears open." He said monotonously "I don't have to have my eyes on you to listen to whatever you have to say."
He gulped at that, each words felt like a slap on him.
"P-Please..?" He sluttered and looked down in favor of not feeling the glare of his father before he sighed and got up to sit on the couch in front of him.
"It better be important for you to interrupt my work."
"... h-how..." he took a shaky breath before getting the courage to look up at him "How does mom looked like?"
Now that was a sign hee clearly didn't expected to happen. His father had his arms crosses and one eyebrow lifted up befor ehe zaid those words, but after? His eyes went wide open and he seemed even more pale than his was already, his gloved hands clenching at his arms.
".. Pardon?"
"M-Mom.." he mumbled, poking his finger together "N-No one talks about her, and I wanted to know... how she was.. appearance and such..." a small smile formed into the kid's face as Kai's face itself fell.
God how he wanted to send this kid away to suffer on his own misery... yet he had pushed the topic away for years already, receiving even a scold from Pops from his actions.
"Why exactly you're asking this out of the sudden?" He sighed, burying his face on his gloved hand as his frow deepened.
Both stayed in silence for a couple of minutes, the tension was in the air until Chisaki sighed deeply.
"You're such a pain..." Kaito winced but didn't take it the words to his heart as he listened carefully "Why your mother out of all the things...?" His voice breaked a little before he took one big breath and standed up, going to his desk and opening one drawer to take one small picture in his hands to sit down in front of his son again.
The kid frowned before his dad started to speak. Never looking on his eyes, gaze fixed on the photo that eh refused to show to him.
"Your mother was the most gentle and caring woman that I ever met... one pure of a kind on this sick world." His eyes carried sadness, Kaito was in shock at seing his father in such a state "I can't even describe her exactly, from how unique and precious she was..."
He sighed again and had the photo between his index finger and middle one, hesitantly handing the photo, gaze never leaving the floor.
Kaito widened his eyes and picked the photo eargly, (E/c)'s eyes shined at the sign in front of him. He picked a look at his father, whoose was glaring at the ground, head rested on his interlocked hands.
"Perfect (H/c) hair, soft and clean skin, voice melodious and sweet as honey and those-" he shakily breathed in as his eyes burned "Those goddamn beautiful eyes that you, of course, had to grab from her." He pointed blindly at his son who felt a bit attacked, but still holded the photo tight on his grip.
"One of the reasons I can't look at you properly... You just remind me too much of her..." he shakily exhale but arched one eyebrow at noticing his son gripped his little chest as a giggle escaped from him.
He dated to look at the kid, tears spilling from his eyes as he giggled at the image.
"It is her.." he whispered "Mom." he hugged the photo tight as he cried a bit as Kai could stare with a bit of disgust ye heartbroken eyes.
How could this kid cry over you since he didn't even met you?
He wanted to rip the photo out of his son hands, but only stared blankly at him. Waiting for when he got tired of it... his eyes burning like flames, yet he refused to spare one single tear in front of this kid.
The kid sniffled after a few minutes or almost an hour and hesitantly gave the photo back to his father, whose immediately took it back with a scoff.
"So that's why you don't like me?" The kid mumbled sadly looking up at Kai who wouldn't met his eyes "I remind you too much of mom?"
His heart clenched at his words but he still maintaned his cold and uncaring nature, looking at your photo instead of his son.
"Is not that. You're my son. That's it." He said coldly as Kaito smiled a bit, happy at least to not hear that his father didn't actually hated him.
"Go. Is time for your lessons." He said bitterly as Kaito hesitantly nodded, opening the door only to stop a bit and call for his father, him finally looking at him in the eyes and almost breaked down.
"I still love you dad... And I'm sure that mom love you as well." He smiled and Kai swore that he saw not only the image of his son... but he saw you there. Smilling at him. Lefting his office.
'No matter where I am, or what you do, I will love you until the end... Chisaki Kai'
Yoir voice echoes in his mind as Kaito closed the door... his hand holding the picture shaking slightly as the tears started to fall down, from his eyes and smothering his mask and even dripping down the floor.
He put your photo down on the coffee table as he stood up, him getting up and letting out a shout as he punched so hard the wall that his gloved hand started to bleeding and the wall breaked.
"Dammit... dammit..!" He whispered as the tears fell, shoulders shaking as he rested his head on the wall "Why...? Why you had to leave so soon (Y/n)?" He didn't even thought about how dirty the floor was dirty as he hitted his back on the wall and sitted down, letting his tears fall freely
"Why... god, why did you take my angel away...?" He clenched the back of his head as he cried silently on his shoulders.
"You look happy. More than usual my boy." Pops smiled at his grandson looking down at the paper in front of him "Saw a blue bird or something?" He chuckled as the boy smiled widely at him.
"Nah! I saw mommy!" The elder had almost a heart attack at the boy's words.
"Yeah! I was dreaming and she appeared! But she didn't stay much though..." he mumbled that part a bit sadly as the elder got out from his shocked state and smiled at the boy, caressing his dark brow looks as he sitted down with him.
"Your mom surely loved you dearly kid.. She is always watching over you, the love of a mother is stronger than anything else."
The eyes of the kid shined at the old man's words as he looked up at him.
Both had their attention turned to the door where Chisaki appeared, face more obscure than usual as he looked at Kaito. Pops immediatly got on guard as Kai made a signal with his hand for the kid to follow him.
The kid got up along with the old man as he sended a look to Chisaki. The young man only stared blankly back as he got out of the room without much of a word at his son followed him quietly.
Pops, afraid of kai doing something with the kid, followed a bit after to make sure nothing happened as Kai stopped at one door of the house and opened with a key.
Kai got in the room and pointed with his palm at the inside for his kid to enter as he grabbed one lighter.
"What is this place dad? I never see it." Kai walked past his son and lighten a tiny flame and touched at least four candles of it, lighten them up.
"This is a shrine." He said nonchantly as mentioned for his son to kneel besides him "We pay respect for the people who are gone from this world."
Kai sighed and took out of his pocket q photo of you and out right on the center to look at his son nonchantly.
"The respect you have towards your mother even without meeting her once is... appreciated. So this place will be for only both us." He looked at the photo with a broken look "Pay respect and... talk, whenever necessary."
Kaito's eyes and smile widened at that as Kai scoffed and left the room, leaving his son looking at the shrine he made in the afternoon.
He got out and immediately got in front of Pops, who had his arms crossed, a pitiful look on his eyes but a smirk on his lips.
"What a nice change boy... She would be happy at that. Even honored."
He scoffed at that, lowering his gaze to hide his sadness as he mumbled a excuse to leave as Pops looked his sucessor leaving the hall with a worried look... only to look at his grandson talking happily and dare he say embarrassed with the shrine as you yourself were there...
At least that the kid could have thst at least now.
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vex-bittys · 4 years
Flufftober 2020: Day Twelve
Prompt: The Perfect Gift
Pairing: Fellswap Gold Skelebros
Category: Familial
It’s difficult to plan the perfect gift for your brother’s graduation from stripes to monster adulthood when you’re so busy worrying about his future. Thankfully, Wine prided himself on his strategizing. He started by listing all of the reasons that he worried about his brother, whom he affectionately called Coffee. If he listed his worries, he could organize and solve them more efficiently before turning his attention to the gift choices.
Wine’s primary concern involved the dangerous nature of their universe. Monsters in stripes enjoyed relative safety in the Underground, but adult monsters were always at risk of attack by ambitious monsters seeking to increase their status. Coffee possessed no combat skills; he hated conflict and avoided it whenever possible. The solution for this issue led Wine to his second source of worry: the party.
In order to guarantee Coffee’s safety (as much as anyone’s safety could ever truly be guaranteed), Wine had arranged a grandiose party for the milestone celebration. Many powerful monsters would be attending, showing that Coffee boasted powerful allies who would retaliate against anyone who harmed him. The Queen herself had RSVPed to the event! Wine hoped the sight of a Queen, a Royal Guard Captain, and a variety of influential guests would ensure that no monster dared to threaten his brother.
The party itself presented the third major worry that took up residence in Wine’s thoughts: Coffee would not enjoy the spectacular celebration at all. Wine’s brother became very uncomfortable in social situations. He disliked talking to others and being the center of attention. Thus far, Wine had not devised a solution to his brother’s social aversion. The party needed to happen, and Coffee needed to mingle. Forcing his brother into such a situation, whether for his own good or not, did not sit well with Wine.
The solution dawned on him like the sun that he hoped to someday see: he could kill two proverbial birds with one brilliant idea… if Muffet agreed to help him.
Thankfully, Muffet adored Coffee, so when Wine proposed his master plan to her, she agreed to help without argument or repayment.
Time careened forward as it often did when deadlines needed to be met. Working diligently, Muffet combined her talents with spider silk with Wine’s abundance of magic to craft a gift worthy of Coffee’s new status as an adult. The day of the grand event arrived, and with the party only a few hours away, Wine knocked on the door to his brother’s bedroom.
Coffee opened the door just a crack to see who might want to speak to him, and when he saw his older brother waiting on the other side, he threw the door wide open in welcome. Wine quickly assessed the room for threats, tactical advantages, and escape routes, a habit he’d developed as Captain of the Royal Guard. This room was where Coffee felt the most comfortable, surrounded by the things he enjoyed the most, all gifts from Wine intended to provide a happy life for his brother.
Coffee had a video game paused, the controller abandoned on the floor when Coffee got up to answer Wine’s knock. Rubik’s cubes and other puzzles were scattered about, and an army of figurines marched across the dresser top. Blankets and an overabundance of pillows hid the bed, and Coffee’s clothes were sorted in numerous piles in a system that only made sense to him.
Coffee stood in the center of the room, his private retreat, and wrung his hands, nervous about the upcoming social event. Wine gave his brother a gentle smile and held up the box that contained his brother’s gift. Coffee took the box reverently. He opened the gift by carefully untaping each end and sliding the box out, leaving the wrapping paper intact and tube-shaped. Wine chuckled warmly at this typical behavior of his brother’s. All of Coffee’s idiosyncrasies made him who he was, and Wine took a great deal of comfort in the routine-ness of them.
Coffee lifted a black hoodie out of the box. The hoodie material felt extremely soft, and when he pulled it on over his skull, the fabric wrapped around him like a comforting hug. The hood allowed him to hide his face so he didn’t feel so exposed. He lifted one soft hoodie string to his mouth and chewed the end of it. 
“i like it,” Coffee said quietly as Wine led him to a full-length mirror in the hallway. It took a moment for Coffee to actually look at himself in the mirror, but when he did, he gasped in delight. The hoodie read “Nervous Guy” when he first saw the lettering on it, but the words changed to “Happy Guy” as soon as the skeleton noticed the words and smiled.
“NOW YOU CAN EXPRESS YOURSELF WITHOUT NEEDING TO SPEAK,” Wine explained unnecessarily. Coffee gave him a rare and cherished hug, and Wine savored it with closed sockets before speaking again. “THERE’S ANOTHER GIFT IN THE BOX TOO.”
Coffee darted back into his room. Underneath the hoodie, the box contained a spiral-bound book with blank pages and a marker. Coffee already had sketchbooks, so he looked to Wine for a (necessary this time) explanation of the gift.
Coffee sniffled, tears gathering in his sockets. Wine truly understood him. Coffee had been so afraid of adulthood, so afraid of the implications of a social gathering that focused on him alone. He should have known that Wine would take care of him. He always did.
Leaning over the notebook, Coffee wrote a few words on the very first page, turning them to show his brother.
The lettering of Coffee’s hoodie (which now read “Grateful Guy”) and the message scribbled in the notebook blurred as Wine wiped tears from his own sockets. He and Coffee shared yet another of their treasured embraces, and the notebook laid on the floor, open to the page with the words “Best Brother Ever” written on it.
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Name: Michael Kaehler Species: Human (Medium) Occupation: Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT)   Age: 43 Years Old Played By: Mel Face Claim: Milo Ventimiglia
“Everyone else lives to die. Why wouldn’t you want something more than that?“
Everyone has a guilty pleasure. Their 567-piece strong Star Trek figurine collection. Their bi-monthly ice-cream and Real Housewives binge. Stalking their ex at 1 AM on Facebook. Cake for breakfast. But for some people, there’s a little less guilt involved. As far as Michael Kaehler’s concerned? There’s not much at all.
When he was barely out of toddlerhood, his mother, Allegra, was deeply concerned. She’d find him up late at night, talking to the air, conversations at a level even she couldn’t engage him in. When pressed, he’d tell of a woman, sometimes a man. Both covered in blood. The woman was friendlier, he’d say, but he liked the man better. Simon his name was. Simon says - tell your mother she’s a bitch and she deserves to die like one. Michael, alarmingly, was enamored with them. Childhood schizophrenia, Allegra would later be told.
Eventually the Kaehler’s would move and as luck would have it, they found Michael began to grow out of his childhood fantasies and eventually forgot all about them. At times he felt that he could see vague outlines of people or snippets of conversation in the wind, but everyone’s imagination plays tricks, doesn’t it? Nobody found anything off about him as he matured – he was popular, handsome, charming, smart. The kind of guy who had something to do with everyone, eager to impress all of them. Some dark thoughts from time to time, sure, but isn’t that just human nature? No, he had more pressing issues as a young teenager who’d grown too used to being told he was meant for great things. It was that somewhere along the line, it all stopped coming naturally to him.
Parties. Girls. Drugs. Drinking. Typical teenage outlets began to consume Michael whole from the pressure, too much a perfectionist to know where to even begin fixing things. The wrong solution became the right solution, and it was one of his classmates, Ryan, who began to unravel everything. Not a friend. Someone had stolen test papers from Ms. Mayhew, and if that someone was found out? They could say bye-bye to their chances at McGill. A confrontation in the deserted parking lot, emotions running high. A tyre iron that hadn’t meant to connect. An accident. A horror show, at first. And then as he drove Ryan’s leaking body out past the emerald fields of Antigonish County, heading as far, far away from home as he could get in a single evening, a tranquillity he’d never known began to course through him. He couldn’t get Ryan’s face out of his head as the life had flooded out of him, and now, so many years later, he realised murder was just as Simon had always claimed it to be. The Devil’s Nirvana. Relief.
From there on out, Michael’s obsession was a singular one. Death. Whatever he’d cared about before clubbing Ryan’s skull in, he didn’t give a damn about now. He would learn that death didn’t look like it did on the TV. It was a blank slate, a discarded shell. Mannequins and hunks of meat. Sucked bone dry of energy that he claimed for himself. Devoid of secrets, or so it had seemed.
Ellie, 22 years old, was the fourth one to die and the first one to stay and when she woke him, screaming, crying in the motel bedroom attached to the bathroom he’d drowned her in nothing made sense. She seemed so real. Simon says tell her she’s a bitch and she deserved to die like one. It all came flooding back. As her killer reeled at the sight of her she tried everything to give as good as she got, her fury making her seem more alive than any person had any right to be. She’s the one who’s stuck around the longest. Watching on as he became an EMT, not content to control only death. Watching on as he became a father, creating new life that stood no hope in replacing those he’s taken. His victims come and go, moving on, losing sight of him, but their weight on his scales remains. And wherever he runs to, loving wife, unquestioning family in tow?
It’ll always be following, and the weights continue to climb.
Character Facts:
Personality: Observant, calculating, charming, deceitful, domineering, arrogant, patient, sarcastic, intense, distant
Following his first murder, Michael was almost destined to become a drifter as he lost sight of what to do with his life. It took him until his 20s to get back on track and become the valued member of society he always yearned to be, and he has hidden this prior aimlessness from everyone he knows. 
Has four primary ghosts who haunt him: Ellie, who is the most chatty and annoying and scared at the prospect of moving on; Hauser, a homeless Vietnam veteran who is the least volatile and tries to get the others to work together; Claire – a former girlfriend and the most vindictive of the four, and Chase – a high school senior who was killed alongside his family who all decided to let go of their hate and move on.
Was left with nerve damage and a crooked mouth after a brawl that almost went south with a victim.
Active in the community and enjoys volunteering. Building bird houses? Shore clean-ups? Blood donations? Wrangling a moose on the loose? (Actually, maybe that one’s better left to animal control…) Whatever it is, Michael’s happy to get involved.
Isn’t aware of the supernatural or even any other mediums.
Fluent in Italian and proficient in French.
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underworldwitxh · 5 years
Pairing: Shouji Mezo/Fem!reader
Rating: T
Warnings: short reader, fluff all the fluff… you’ve been warned. 
Song: Suga Boom Boom - down3r
Prompt: “don’t go far from me”
A/N: this is written for the bnharem Valentine’s day collab. i chose Shouji. i hope yall like this, it was really fun to write. to see the other works in the collab click here
You and your boyfriend Mezo Shouji, had decided to go out to the mall to celebrate valentine’s day. When you arrived both of you were taken back by the sheer amount of people out in droves at the mall today. You immediately grabbed Mezo’s hand, your social anxiety kicking in. Mezo smiled gently down at you, he squeezes your hand. 
He changed one of his limbs into a mouth as he whispered to you “Darling, if it would make you feel better we can go somewhere else. Ok?” You shake your head no, looking up at the towering man. At 187 centimeters your boyfriend towered over your 152 centimeter frame. While it was sometimes a hassle, like when you wanted to kiss him. For the most part it was a nice thing. He could carry you if your legs got too tired from trying to keep up with his larger stride. Not only that but he was obscenely strong because of all the training he did for his hero work. 
So you while you knew you were safe, you still clung to Mezo’s hand and stayed close to his side. “Please dont far from me, Mezo?” Your quiet voice called out, if he wasn’t so in tune to listening to your softly spoken words, he would have missed them. He grips your hand tighter and squeezes softly. The two of you continue to wander the mall. Eventually you settle on going to watch a movie at the theater. When you get to the counter and you see that they’re still playing Birds of Prey you squeaked. You’d been wanting to see that movie for some time, since Suicide Squad in fact. You loved Harley Quinn and had actually cosplayed as her for a few conventions around the area. To say you were a fan would be an understatement. Once you bought your tickets and snacks the two of you went to find seats in the theater. 
After the movie the two of you went back to wandering around the mall. Even with the it being as crowded as it was you still had a good time. You were able to get something for Mezo and he got you something as  well. You both decided to wait until you got back to the apartment you shared before giving the other your gifts. You had picked up an order you had placed at one of those kiosks that made custom plaques, it said “Hero of my heart” with a candid picture of the two of you standing in a park gazebo while sakura flowers floated around you it also had the date you two had started dating and there was places on it for other important dates to be added. The kioski worker told you that if you wanted dates added that it was a free service they offered to patrons. It was beautiful and you were grateful that one of Mezo’s fans had sent him the picture of the two of you. You were excited to see what mezo had gotten for you and you tried to get the towering man to tell you by badgering him. Hed just chuckle at you softly and shake his head. You pouted cutely when he would shake his head at you. All that made him do was carrasse your hair and lean down to nuzzle your hair snickering at you. 
Mezo, wouldn’t give you any hints as to what he had gotten you but he just told you. You’d love it. Well that was a bit presumptuous of him because he honestly didn’t know if you would love it, he hoped you would because it would make him the happiest man in the world. The small box burned a hole in his coat pocket where he stashed it before he came back to collect you from where you were getting his gift. 
The moment the two of you arrived at your apartment. You went to your shared bedroom and pulled a few more gifts you had gotten for Mezo. While he went to the closet in the hallway to grab the rest of your presents. To say that the two of you had gotten the other a lot would be an understatement. Not that there was anything wrong with that of course. You loved each other so it was only natural that you wanted to get the other something special. When the two of you met back in the living room you both had a couple packages for the other. You smile brightly as you hand Mezo your gifts. And while you cant see it you just know he’s smiling as well from the way his eyes crinkle at the corners. He hands you almost all your gifts, he does keep one of them back. 
You open one bag and find a gift certificate to your favorite store that sold hero merch, you already knew what you were getting. One of the limited edition Tentacole figurines and Anima figurines seeing as you loved supporting the quiet man. That and it made Mezo laugh when you would fangirl  one of his old classmates. The next bag contained one of those build-a-bear stuffed animals. When you cuddled the bear you felt a heartbeat and then heard Mezo’s voice telling you he loved you. You teared up because you had mentioned once that you would love to have one of these for when he went on those long missions and couldn’t call home. You hugged him tightly, tears in your eyes as you open the last gift which caused you to tilt your head in confusion. All it said was “Darling, when we first met i didn’t know then how much you would become important to me. Everyday with you doesn’t feel like enough. So Darling look up because I have an important question for you” reading the letter confused you a bit but when you did as the letter asked. You gasped because there in the center of the living room floor was the man you loved so much on one knee with a jewelry box in his hands. “Darling, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” Mezo asked, his mask around his neck as he looked at you with pure love in his eyes. 
Your eyes widened and your hands flew to your face as you took in the scene before you started nodding vigorously and screamed out “YES!! OH MY GOD!! MEZO YES A HUNDRED TIMES YES!” You launched yourself at him your arms going around his neck as you kissed his mouth crying and mumbling how happy you were and that you loved him so much. After that you made him open his gifts. To say he wasn’t emotional would be a lie. When he saw the plaque his eyes teared up, he remembered that day. It was on one of your first dates. Both of you were so nervous. When he saw the other gifts he got equally emotional. He loved you and the fact you had gotten him things both for here at home and for his office just made him love you more. He immediately set up the plague on one of the shelves around the apartment. 
To say today was a blessing would be to sell it short. The love you have for each other is something that only happens once in a lifetime. And you each made sure to appreciate it.
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