#the bill of rights
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kenyatta · 1 month ago
One of the many myths drilled into Americans’ minds from a young age is the noble, enlightened ideals of the Founding Fathers. Ask any schoolchild why the US Constitution was written, and they’re likely to rattle off any number of platitudes and cliches. They might say “to defend our freedom” or “to protect democracy.” Someone slightly older, who’s taken a college-level history class, might mention the need to replace the Articles of Confederation — America’s often forgotten first constitution — which we are told was “too weak” a form of government to run the country. But that explanation raises the question: What exactly were the Articles of Confederation “too weak” to do?
In reality, the US Constitution was not written to protect the rights and liberties of “the people.” It was created to protect the “right” of the rich to exploit the poor — a “right” that wealthy Americans increasingly realized the Articles of Confederation had been too democratic to defend.
In the words of historian Woody Holton, the same document that many Americans revere today was written by men who thought the “American Revolution had gone too far.” To the “Father of the Constitution,” James Madison, the purpose of the document was to “protect the minority of the opulent against the majority.” Like other aristocrats, slaveholders, and wealthy investors who made up the Constitutional Convention, Madison made explicit that he had a big problem with the “excess of democracy” unleashed by the American Revolution.
The reason we enjoy the protections enshrined in the Bill of Rights is that there were other forces the elites had to contend with. Chief among these was what founding elites of all stripes and across partisan lines called “the Democracy,” by which they meant the stubborn masses of ordinary people determined to vote, organize, and fight for their own interests. We have this popular discontent to thank for the Bill of Rights.
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eugenedebs1920 · 8 days ago
Do not obey in advance. Resist!
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dootledorp · 1 month ago
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Hear me out but slide show
(Thank you @gladosluver for your comment on my perfectly normal hear me out)
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sem24 · 4 months ago
You know my favorite thing about Halloween. Seeing people make sexy costumes out of things that should never have been sexy costumes.
Sexy nurse, sexy vampire, sexy fairy are out, pastiche, over.
Sexy traffic light, sexy Chicago rat hole, sexy gas station pump. Those are all the rage.
And there are two extremes, either there will be no effort. And it was clearly put together last minute. Which is why it is so weird. Otherwise known as the low-cut, short dress and fishnets in a vague color scheme resembling a random household object or fictional character. Maybe with like a sign saying what they are. (That’s how you get the sexy Dora the Explorers.)
Or they put so much effort into, in which case bravo, amazing, no notes.
Anyways shout out to sexy Gandalf and sexy bill of rights on TikTok.
Also shout out to couple who dressed up like J.D. Vance… and a sexy couch.
And Slutty Karl Marx
And Sexy Jim Henson
And sexy Cat in the Hat with sexy thing 1 and slutty thing 2.
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snaxle · 5 months ago
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archi-pelago · 3 months ago
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maybe never forgive. but things are different now. so we'll use maybe.
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stemmmm · 4 months ago
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bad youtube clickbait thumbnail that reads "I think I just had a therapy session with a DEMON???"
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eugenedebs1920 · 13 days ago
Here’s the business end of the Declaration of Independence.
When in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such a Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence indeed will dictate that the Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. It when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.
I’ve always loved that part.
Seriously though!… It’s an ominous precursor for Trump to figuratively, and in a way literally, remove the Constitution from the American people. One must ask themselves, why would he take the Constitution off the White House website? What would be the purpose of that? F*ckin, some 1984, totalitarian, scary sh*t!…
Strangely Trump has this way of, perhaps incidentally, perhaps intentionally, telling you what he plans to do before hand. He had said a few times that he would get rid of or rewrite the Constitution. This is not acceptable.
I don’t know if this is true but something I saw on the news a little bit ago, that in the Trump bible, the 14th Amendment is missing from the Constitution entirely. Seeing how he’s an insurrectionist, that’s convenient for him, and now he’s attempting to nullify the birthright citizenship of section one.
He is a tyrant, a traitor, a foreign asset and an asshole. We mustn’t be compliant. We have to fight back…
I don't know why the constitution isn't on the Whitehouse site anymore... other than he fact that it looks like Trump masturbated all over the website.
But if he doesn't want it on the Whitehouse website then that's enough reason for me to share it.
Here's the Bill of Rights for good measure
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candycatfalls · 6 months ago
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the book of bill is great
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The worst trauma comes from those who you love
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hollisartsblog · 5 months ago
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where is bill?
part 2 here
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arrimorr · 5 months ago
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The center of the galaxy
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eugenedebs1920 · 10 days ago
From where I stand it seems to me that we hate each other. We can’t stand the opinions, beliefs, or actions that the other engages in. So much so that we go out of our way to spite the other, to contrast the other, to “own” the other.
This sounds like the start of a breakup with a romantic partner, when you finally have that heart to heart about the reality of your situation. Yet this is us, Americans, the Democrats and Republicans, the liberals and conservatives.
We can’t go on like this. We can’t keep continuing to hurt each other, to lie to each other, undermine the other’s worth. This is directed at both sides. Neither is innocent in their treatment towards the opposing side.
What’s not understood is that the plight for either is not different. The joys, the struggles, the pain, the hopes and dreams.
When it comes to our nation what is the main concern for us? We want to see our country succeed. We want to see it prosper. We want to ensure its defense. We want it to live up to the ethical standards it should. We want the citizens, who make this land, safe, secure, healthy and free.
Can we agree that that falls on the primary hopes we have for our nation? That both sides want? That’s a starting point.
Liberals, let’s start with you. Although majority of you live in cities both big and small you are reliant on rural America. From the hustle and bustle of the city it may seem as if what the bread basket and the south contributes, is not relevant to your urban existence.
Yet it is. Those who make up the small towns and vast farmlands of America are who put food on your plate. Who manufacture the industrial equipment that run and power your metropolis. Who work the oilfields and natural gas facilities. Who labor at ports and distribution yards importing and exporting goods for commerce.
This is strenuous, hard, dangerous, often life threatening work. The pay is not great at times and the risk of injury is abundant. A lot of these positions are in the elements, conditions that can rage from minus 30 degrees in the petroleum lands of North Dakota, to over a. Hundred degrees with 90% humidity in the ports of the gulf.
A lot of these jobs are brutal, thankless endeavors, with overbearing supervisors and unrealistic expectations. Busting their ass only to have 40% of their hard earned money taken through taxes, while their small towns limp along, a relic of their once thriving glory. They are the heart of this nation, pumping the blood , feeding the cells of society with the nutrients it needs.
We are in their debt. For they provide for urban areas what urban areas can not. It is their sweat and blood that bolsters our gross domestic product. Let’s give credit where credit is due.
Conservatives. City living is not a walk in the park, although often that is the only source of nature you’ll find there. Urban existence is traffic and smog, computer screens and documents, suites and ties. It is residential plumbing and remodeling. It is being gouged in rent prices to live in a room inside a building that you will never own.
City liberals live paycheck to paycheck at jobs they earned through degrees they loaned hundreds of thousands of dollars to receive. Loans that encase them in a modern form of indentured servitude, paying more on the interest of the loans than the principal itself. Loans they will be lucky to pay off before they retire.
They were told to get an education if they wanted to succeed in life, then afterwards find themselves unappreciated and underpaid but trapped in the inflated housing area their career lands them in. They watch as their rent goes up, their salary lays stagnant, and their higher ups get bonuses, while their personal workload grows ever larger.
City living is seeing what addiction and mental health problems do to the underprivileged. These troubled souls whose regrettable choices or unfortunate circumstances landed them on the streets, begging for spare change.
Yet in these skyscrapers and buildings are the nervous system to our economy. The administrators and executives, the researchers and lawyers, the bankers and traders, titans of industry executing the acquisition and sale of American commodities. Without these people the produce would rot in boxcars, the manufactured goods would collect dust in warehouses, the economic dealings that keep supply flowing would cease to happen. The nervous system of a body is no less important than its heart.
So! What is the animosity about? Why do we hold such contempt towards the other? Why is the head fighting the heart.
Again let’s start with liberals.
Your procurement of a college degree does not make you superior to anyone else. Sure you may have a masters in business, or accounting, or environmental science, or whatever it may be. Yet when your car needs serviced do you posses the resources and know how to fix it yourself? Do you have a plot of land where you grow your own fruits and vegetables, raise livestock and milk farm animals? Can you transport the goods you sell clear across the country in a big rig, 12 hours a day?
The values you hold may not align with others. Is it your place to force these values on to those who may not feel the same? Racism is never acceptable but to assume anyone who doesn’t think the way you do precisely, is prejudice, exudes utter hypocrisy.
You must remember the golden rule, to do on to others as you would have them do on to you. The smug attitude, a holier than thou approach, the entitlement of your convictions will not breed anything but contempt.
Realize that the most “unskilled” laborer knows things you are completely oblivious to. That the rancher and the rig worker have talents you will never possess. Most of all, empathize with your countrymen on the hardship they have and equate it to your own.
Conservatives. Live and let live. Your perceived morality is simply that, yours. It is not your concern what others do. For what your religion or your upbringing has instilled in you, is yours and yours alone. That is not to lessen your beliefs, it is to respect them as the compass that guides you.
There will be no compromise on hate. That goes for hate directed towards ethnicity or race, that goes for hate directed at sexual preference or identity, that goes towards gender or choices. This will not be tolerated in America. For you are no better, no more superior, no more righteous than anyone else. Do not claim the moral high ground above others when you are not without your flaws. Do not claim to know what’s best for people and the family they may or may not have or possess the ability to provide for.
Let’s keep in mind there are forces that benefit from our division. There are powers who seek to profit from us, unable or unwilling to find common ground. For the thing the “masters of men” fear the most is our uprising against their subjugation.
By creating an us versus them discourse it has split the country in two, causing a stalemate. The overwhelming population trapped in trench warfare over culture differences. The whole time the distraction from this, takes our eye off the injustice being committed to all.
Wealth inequality has never been greater. The American dream seems out of reach. Our pursuit of happiness lays glum. This is not the consequence of liberals wanting a woman’s bodily autonomy, nor is it because conservatives want a common sense immigration policy. This is because we are being oppressed by an upper class that has molested the purpose of capitalism, hoarding all the capital for themselves. Musk, Bezzos, Koche, Soros, these are not figures to idolize, they are the face of the economic disparity that crushes the middle class.
Before we conclude let’s get a few things straight. Not all, in fact a small portion of Republican voters are racist, many far from it. They live in harmony with all walks of life and harbor no disdain for the pigmentation of skin. It is wrong, it is uncalled for to assume otherwise.
Family planning and a woman’s bodily autonomy is a fundamental right. There is no such instances where a child is aborted in the 9th month, or as has absurdly been claimed after they’re born, that’s called murder. Unlike many of our political leaders, doctors and health care professionals hold true to their oath. To do no harm. The percentage of abortions that happen after the 4th or 5th months is minuscule and usually due to unviability of the fetus. The 8th and 9th month claim is so so insignificant and always for the same reason. So conservatives. Don’t believe the lies that are being told to you.
Those who didn’t go to college, those who work with their hands, are not dumb. The skills that many have acquired despite higher education are crucial to society. Just because someone doesn’t have a college degree that does make them uneducated. They can build, fix, create, herd, grow, that which not only is needed for our country to thrive, but is that which many are unable or unwilling to do. Do not judge someone by their accent or by the grade level last completed.
It is the privilege of no one to say who someone can love, who they want to be, or see themselves as. Love is a personal experience, many times unexplainable. If two men are in love, that is their prerogative and has absolutely nothing to do with the opinion of anyone else. If a woman sees herself as a man, or visa versa, that is their personal perspective and not privy to the judgment of anyone else. This is not perverse or in some way a threat to the youth. For if we can recall the worst abuse directed at children has been committed by religious institutions, and family members. Don’t concern yourself with who others love or how they want to love. Thier love belongs to them. Just focus on the love you give and the example you set for your children and the world around you.
Let us not fall into this trap of division. Let us not be influenced by a one sided view. Let us not be divided by our differences but united in our similarities.
For this is the land of the free and the home of the brave, this is a country for the people, by the people, where we hold this truth to be self evident, that all people are created equal, that they are given their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That this is all of us. No matter who we are, what we do, where we’re from, who we love, the ethnicity we are. We are the United States of America. We are the people spoken of when written, we the people in order to seek a more perfect union. The most important words there are united and union.
We are stuck with each other, we can not simply say this isn’t working out and pack our stuff and leave. Deep down we still love each other. We still need each other. We still admire each other. Let us remember that as we move forward into the future together.
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dias-shenanigans · 2 months ago
tl;dr: it is not constitutional to teach evolutionism in public schools but not creationism. an all-or-nothing approach should be implemented to avoid promoting one belief system over another.
ok so.
we're doing a lot of stuff about the Bill of Rights and the Constitution in school rn. and I was thinking. it says that the US isn't allowed to promote any belief system over another. however. not everybody believes in evolution, but it's taught in every public school. THIS IS NOT CONSTITUTIONAL. they are promoting the evolutionist belief system by NOT TEACHING ANYTHING ELSE. personally, I think that there should be an "all or nothing" approach when teaching this stuff. you can teach evolutionism and creationism, or DON'T TEACH EITHER OF THEM. like, they do a "nothing" approach when it comes to holidays! but in my personal opinion, "all" is better. in my elementary school, every year we'd do a "winter sing-along." we sang songs about Christmas, Hanukah, Ramadan, Diwali, Kwanzaa, the winter solstice... basically EVERY winter holiday you could think of! and it was amazing!
anyway. all or nothing, public schools. all or nothing.
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iri-desky · 1 year ago
(IMPORTANT UPDATE: Kosa will not necessarily pass on the 26th. It only has the support to pass in Senate, and we STILL HAVE TIME. That being said, time is of the essence.)
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We won't let this stand any longer. Let's start a riot and get this trending.
(Update: this is outdated, but we should still talk about it. Get Kosa trending.)
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mollyjimbly · 7 months ago
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use this call script accordingly 👇
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