#the best song to dance (=jump around aggressively) to and feel alive
saraminia · 3 years
Du måla mig en karta, markerad med ett kryss.
Där är en sjöjungfru här är ett odjur.
Där blommar fyrklöver här växer otur.
Du är känslosvall jag är känslokall, du förändrar allt.
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sunjaesol · 4 years
and in the haze you see colours
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juke | human soulmate au | title: 5 am // amber run
The first colour she ever saw was purple.
When someone was born, they got to see one colour. To each it was different and often a reflection of one's aura. Julie's aura was purple and, naturally, it was the colour she could see. Which was unfortunate, as there weren't many purple things in life - not naturally, at least.
And so, her entire bedroom was purple. Purple walls and purple sheets and purple stationary. The rest were varying shades of grey. Often times, she asked her parents why some were lighter than others, and they told her about green and blue and red. It sounded like a fairy tale. Red was warm, apparently, and blue was flexible and green was fresh. Despite their best attempts, she couldn't visualise it.
It didn't matter. Once she met her soulmate, she would see all the colours imaginable.
Befriending Flynn was easy. The girl had purple ribbons in her hair and that instantly attracted Julie. Vice versa, Julie's orange dress was a plus for Flynn. Through their deep bond, oranges slowly infused itself in her cornea. Orange, like a child's laughter.
With Carrie came pink. Pink, like the fiery moves of a dancer. It was close to purple, so it wasn't a huge shock to see a bouquet of roses suddenly come alive with colour.
In retrospect, gaining orange and pink wasn't that amazing. Not when she lost her mother while doing so. Placing pink dahlias on her grave was just another punch in the gut.
Years passed and people around her found their soulmates. In freshmen year, so many students gasped and fainted as they crossed eyes with their One. She went to parties and someone would start randomly kissing the other. She went to open mics and watched as her soprano voice accompanied two people finding love. It was as beautiful as it was tragic.
Julie was seventeen and she still hadn't found her soulmate. Statistically, most had by now. Had she not gone to The Orpheum that night, she might’ve waited even longer.
Flynn urged her to go to this new and upcoming band, Sunset Curve, as their sound was someone she’d vibe with. Julie wasn’t really feeling it, drowning in homework and song ideas, but her friend was persistent. They needed a breather from everything and a concert was the perfect remedy. After a quick Google search, she realised they were her age. Curiosity swelled in her chest, wondering how they moved up from open mics or school assemblies to the iconic stage of The Orpheum. The only thing she could note about the band was the drummer’s pink hoodie. That was it.
The venue was packed when they arrived. Boisterous chatter, antsy for the band to come on stage and fill the spaces between the instruments. Glasses chiming of sodas and beers being filled and passed around, the soft hum of pop music blaring from a speaker. Most of the crowd were kids from neighbouring schools and all dressed more alternatively. Though she didn’t see most colours, it was clear as day the band tees were vintage and the trousers were ripped or checkered or both.
She shot Flynn a look. “Are you sure this is our thing?”
“Yes!” Propelling them to the front of the stage and consequently shouldering kids in the ribs, she added: “Their biggest hit is, like, insane. And you’ve been in a funk all week, so you need some insanity. To like, counteract it. I don’t know.”
Julie withheld a pout. She’s been ‘in a funk’, because while she was at Eats & Beats grabbing a coffee, two strangers fawned at the sight of each other. RIght in front of her nose, another couple found. It normally didn’t affect her that much, but it did this time. The girl was sick of hearing about romantical love instead of experiencing it herself. Sure, she had Flynn and Carrie and her family, but…
But she wanted that. She wanted more. And with each ticking hour, it felt less and less viable. Where was the One for her?  
The lights dimmed and the pop music stopped, smoke drifting across the stage as the audience began hollering and whistling. Egging the band to get on and give a performance worth watching. The hyped-up teens pushed everyone to the front, now Julie and Flynn forced to crane their necks to watch.
The drummer came on first, all applauding for him as he took his seat and started a drum beat that quickly upped in tempo. It swept them up in an atmosphere, heads bobbing and feeling that rise in anticipation.
Then the bassist came. His dark jacket glittered in the overhead lights, the flannel peaking beneath almost hinting at orange but remaining grey. He added to the beat, bringing in a bassline that had feet bouncing and more people cheering. The mic at the front remained empty, teasing its explosion of lyrics and electricity.
Finally, at the crescendo of sound, the frontman stormed on. He was all charm and smirks and cut-offs and blazing purple shoes. That caught her off guard, eyes dropping to the ultraviolet sneakers. A shock of colour amidst the grey.
His raspy voice belted out lyrics, a grin pulling on Julie’s face at the musicality. Grabbing Flynn’s hand, they jumped around with the other people. Their music was insane. It was fast and clashing and aggressive and raw.
With her neck in its odd position, she observed the singer for a beat. He was… hot. That was all Julie could think. He was hot. His hair falling perfectly right, big eyes, the smile breaking all lines in his face like a beautiful mosaic. Humming like an undercurrent was a buzz right beneath her ribs. Snug and warm, which could’ve been the vibrations from the amps, but it felt different. A good different.
They were in their fourth song when it happened. The band was kicking and jumping around, singing about making it big and not looking down, skyrocketing to stardom, when it happened.
The lead singer dropped to his knees and let the guitar riff bleed to the front row. The audience hollered, Julie laughing in delight at the expert playing, when her and the guy’s gazes met.
He yelped, music stopping short as he careened over the edge and crashed to the floor. Simultaneously, Julie felt the air knocked out of her lungs, losing balance and falling into Flynn. Her eyes were shrivelling with heat, as if hit with the embers of a campfire. A hammer slammed down on the buzz in her chest, electrifying the feeling till it was nearly unbearable.
Her eyes shot open. And then there was colour.  
The crowd dispersed in fright. Gasps and gawks echoed to the back, curious murmurs carefully watching the guy and the girl come to their senses.
“Flynn,” she exclaimed, grabbing for her friend. “Flynn, I can-”
Except she wasn’t there, joining the rest of the crowd further back. The bassist and drummer were watching on, baffled.
Oh. Her stare drifted to the squirming boy on the floor. Oh.
Luke scrambled upright, instantly coming face to face with Front Row Girl and all the colours he has wished to see forever. His eyes were burning from shock and euphoria, greys and whites bleeding out of his bloodstream.
Her hands grasped for his face, worried, lips forming words he hardly registered but vaguely processed as ‘asking if he was okay.’
“Y-yeah, yeah,” he stuttered, his gaze racing across her features to wholly take her in.
Warm skin and wide, brown eyes and dark lashes and curled, pink lips and a pointed chin and glossy, long curls dancing against her cheeks and soft hands and red - she was wearing red. His colour. His soulmate.
He laughed. “Hi.”
She matched it, giggling. “Hey.”
“Hi,” he sighed, still in disbelief that she was his soulmate. His soulmate. His soulmate. The One.
Her trembling smile softened, thumbs swiping across his cheekbones. “You have really pretty eyes,” she whispered.
Her own were shining with unshed tears and he felt himself choking up too. Never in a million years did he think he’d meet his soulmate. To him, it had always been music. Sure, it sounded nice, but he knew he shouldn’t be yearning for it. He had his friends - his aura was red and he gained pink from Alex and yellow from Reggie.
But suddenly she was here. She was really here.
“You’re- pretty-” he stumbled, causing her to laugh again.
Yeah, there was no way he’d be able to continue the gig. The Orpheum was a big deal, but meeting your soulmate? Most monumental moment of anyone's life.
There was so much colour now. So much life. There was so much more than just music and red and pink and yellow to enjoy. (Songs swirled in his mind though, exciting him to the bone as his hands slid to grab her own. Winking all coy, like the best was yet to come.)
“Do you wanna talk?” he rushed out after.
She nodded. “Yeah. You- uh- your band-”
Their fingers intertwined, warmth dancing in his heart. “Doesn’t matter,” he chuckled. “Really does not matter right now.”
The light of a camera flash and exhilarated screams of ‘soulmates!’ ripped them from their bubble. The bassist jumped offstage and clapped Luke on the back, whispering at him to go to the alley. Leading her away, there was no sense of doubt in their steps. Luke didn’t know her name, she maybe didn’t know his. None of that mattered. There was colour now.
From the alleyway, they found themselves wandering around the Strip as they talked for ages. Her name was Julie, his was Luke, they were musicians, they were seventeen, their auras were purple and red, he decided he adored her smile the most and she his twinkling eyes.
“I think they’re green,” Julie said, peering into his eyes. She was impossibly close and it sort of took his breath away. “They’re fresh.”
“Fresh?” he grinned.
She didn’t lean back - she didn’t want to, his soul simply enigmatic - and asked him the same question. “What are mine?”
His expression softened, a smile twitching on his lips. They’re beautiful. “Brown, I think,” he said instead. “Not sure though. You wanna figure it out tomorrow?”
Her stride halted, their grasp on each other nearly yanked apart. His brows raised expectantly. It was there - that invisible, innate, sense of understanding. It wasn’t just colour. It was the refusal to look at colour alone, ever again. It was insane for the both of them, how their rushing thoughts slotted all puzzle pieces together without a hitch. It had that satisfying click-click-click sound, like dominoes.
Luke found himself coming back to her, the space between them disappearing till their arms pressed together and there were no forces tugging them together. It was all themselves.
“I have a book about colour,” Julie eventually said. “We can learn them all.”
He smirked. “I can tell you your lips are pink.”
“Yours are too.”
“Yeah?” he teased.  
But then she lifted a finger and pressed against the plump skin. His heart stopped short at the sensation. Before he gave into the instinct to pucker them and kiss it, her hand dropped.
Julie grinned. “And now they’re red.”
When Luke kissed her, hers were red too.
@blush-and-books​ @bluefirewrites​ @unsaidjulie​ @willexx​ @unsaid-emily​ @ourstarscollided​ @pink-flame​ @constantly-singing​ @stydixa​
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tulipjeanohare · 4 years
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PAIRING: EZ Reyes x OC (Sloane)
NOTES: I wrote this during Season 2 and just never shared it but I’ve been wanting to get back into writing. SO, I hope you guys enjoy and I’d love feedback!
WARNING: Mature Themes.
Credit to the person who made the gif @shadesalvarez
WORD COUNT: 6, 370
It was another typical Friday night at the bar; the place was packed wall to wall, a new band was perched on the stage performing a set list of songs she’d never remember, and the regular unfavorable drunks were crowding the bar top. Just another weekend wasted working behind the bar when she’d much rather be somewhere else doing just about anything other than this. The bar wasn’t that bad, really. But it wasn’t what she wanted. It paid the bills and that was all that mattered to her as a single mother.
There was never time for men and she was fine with that. Her son didn’t need any other men dropping in and out of his life. That much she were sure of. So she lived the monotonous life that she had grown accustomed to the last few years. During the week she worked at a local art museum in an attempt to keep her passion for art alive while she couldn’t afford to actually make any then the weekend came and she spent her nights slinging drinks for every lowlife that decided to slither into the dimly lit hole in the wall bar off the highway.
It wasn’t as bad as it seemed, she had regulars that she loved seeing and for the most part everyone kept their hands to themselves and tipped rather well. The whole single mother thing did work to her advantage from time to time. But every now and then some idiot would come in trying to impress whatever frat friends he had drug along with him and made a pass at her. She could normally handle herself pretty well but when they got too aggressive she defaulted to the gruff, muscular man they’d hired to work security.
Tonight was no exception to any of this.
Earlier in the evening she had dropped her son off at her friend’s house and gave him an extra long hug. Promised him she’d see him bright and early in the morning and she was off. It never got any easier to leave him; he was four now and was the smartest kid she’d ever met, she might be a little biased but it was true. Those big brown eyes of his melted her heart every time he gave her the same sad puppy dog face before she left. She knew he was fine there. He loved her friend, she was like family to the both of them. But she still hated to leave him to go deal with a bunch of overly macho men for hours on end.
By the time she got to the bar the place was already crowded and the band had already started to play. As quickly as she could she made her way behind the bar and dumped her bag and jacket in the backroom before making her way to her first customer of the night.
EZ had taken off from the clubhouse almost two hours ago without a plan in his mind of exactly where he was going. All he knew was that he needed some space. He needed to forget the life he’d chosen for just a few hours and pretend he wasn’t the man he’d become. The loud engine of the motorcycle roared in his ears as he passed a big black sign reading ‘Big Al’s Roadside Bar, Next Exit’.
That’ll have to do, he thought to himself.
When he pulled into the gravel lot in front of the building there wasn’t a single motorcycle in sight and he felt a weight lift from his shoulders he didn’t know had been there. Before he headed inside he took off the leather cut with his name stitched on one side and shoved it into the bag on the side of his bike. There was no reason for anyone here to know who he was or that he ran with any club.
His watch read half past eleven when he entered the door. Enough time for him to have a couple drinks and maybe make his way to that motel he'd noticed just up the road. The place was loud and the people were crowded inside like a can of sardines so he figured his best bet would be to make himself at home up at the bar, hide himself in the corner there and get a little drunk.
Once he reached the bar though he was a little more than surprised to see such a beautiful woman behind it. All the bars in Santo Padre either had weathered old ladies behind them or former inmates he’d probably seen in passing during his time inside. The woman behind this bar was far more beautiful than anyone he’d seen back home in a long time. She had thick mess of black hair that fell well past her shoulders, he watched as she pulled it back into a bun at the nape of her neck.
She looked real. Not like the girls who hung around the clubhouse in hopes of becoming someone’s old lady. Her face was bare except for the gloss that created a sheen on her plump lips. Lips he’d pay good money to kiss. The black jeans she had on hugged her every curve so tightly he couldn’t help but stare when she turned to hand another bar patron their drink. The T-shirt she wore had the Virgin Mary printed on the front, exactly like the statue that sat inside the clubhouse in Santo Padre, but he was sure if wasnt some funny pun for her because he’d noticed the delicate cross necklace hanging around her neck. One arm had a smattering of tattoos he couldn’t quite make out while the other seemed bare.
It hadn’t occurred to him that he’d been staring at her until she turned to him, blowing a stray strand of hair out of her face before leaning her palms against the bar top, “you wanna order something or are you just gonna stare at me all night?”
“Shit, sorry,” he quickly answered.
A laugh fell from her lips, a laugh that rang over the music. It was sweet and soft, no malice behind it. It made EZ’s shoulders relax a little. “S’ok...not the worst anyone has ever done in this bar. Long day?”
“You could say that,” EZ replied.
Without a word she nodded, reached under the bar for a cold beer and popped the top off before sliding it across the table to him. “Nothing an ice cold beer can’t help, right?”
“Amen,” he smiled, reaching in his pocket for some cash.
Before taking it the bartender eyed it for a second, “you wanna just open a tab?”
“Nah, I’ll take it one beer at a time,” he assured her.
The rest of the night went off as usual; the same guys sidled up to the bar to grab her attention for a few quick moments before another pushed his way up to her. But there was one thing that was different tonight. The guy at the end of the bar.
He wasn’t like the others. His eyes were kind and he spoke with more eloquence than any man she’d met in her entire life had. He was polite and quiet, a god send on a night like tonight. So she spent a little more time at his end of the bar than any other. Any time he would finish a beer she was sure to be right there with a fresh one and he would hand her another handful of bills.
One beer at a time.
Things were beginning to quiet down at one when it happened.
She was wiping down the bar top at the other end of the bar when a new guy took a seat. He leaned over a little too close for comfort when she asked him what he wanted. Then when she handed him the class of brown liquor he’d asked for he grabbed her hand in his, which she quickly shook herself free of.
EZ took notice of the interaction. He’d been nursing another beer, trying to decide if it was time for him to head to that motel when he saw the guy grab hold of her hand. He felt himself begin to react before she shook her arm free, scowling at the guy before walking back down towards him.
“You alright,” he asked, his voice low so only she could hear.
A smile crept across her lips as she nodded, letting her elbows rest on the wood top while she leaned over it. “I get five of those guys a night...that’s nothing. I appreciate your concern though...I never got your name.”
“EZ,” he smiled, those pearly white teeth of his on full display.
Standing there across the bar from him, a mere few inches from him, she felt like her heart skipped a beat. There’s got to be a catch here, she thought to herself. “EZ? Interesting,” she smiled, holding her hand out for him. “I’m Sloane, nice to officially meet you.”
When he took her hand in his she could feel the slight blush creeping up her cheeks. She hoped to god he couldn’t see it in the dim lighting in the bar. But the rough, calloused feeling of his palm against hers felt nice. A sign of a real man.
And EZ got a rush of electricity through him as he held her hand in his. He could smell her perfume wafting in front of him when she leaned in closer to him. It was like a field of fresh flowers on a breezy day. “That’s a nice name, it suits you,” EZ said softly.
Before either of them could say anything else someone at the other end of the bar was shouting for her. Quickly she gave him an apologetic look before making her way to the person.
Once again EZ was tempted to watch her; the way she moved was so easy, like she was doing a dance every time she’d spin around to grab a bottle of liquor or reach one way or the other for a glass. The same piece of hair kept falling in her face until she finally pulled the hair tie from her hair and let it fall at her shoulders. Somehow it made her even more beautiful to him. The dark mess of hair she’d had pulled back before now framed her face. Every now and then she’d tuck a piece behind her ear before it fell again.
The way he was feeling towards this new stranger in front of him was different. It had been a long time since he’d felt any sort of way about a woman. His mind had been stuck on one in particular and it was becoming more and more evident that nothing was ever going to happen with them again.
She wasn’t Emily but deep down he felt like she might be better than Emily.
Just as he was getting lost in his thoughts he noticed the same guy from before giving her a hard time. But this time he had a hold of her forearm, hard enough that her skin was white where his hand held to her. He gave her a few seconds, waiting for her to pull free of him again or for the bouncer to jump in but nothing like that happened. The guy kept holding onto her and she was getting more and more agitated as the interaction went on.
“Let go of me right now,” she all but shouted at the guy.
He rolled his eyes, leaning in closer to her, “oh come on, stop playing hard to get and just let me take you home.”
Before she was able to get another word out EZ had his hand on the guys arm and was almost chest to chest with him. “Let her go before I make you,” he said, his already deep voice seeming to drop another octave.
Now it was a tangle of arms in the middle of them. EZ holding tightly to his while the guy still kept his hold on Sloane. And the next thing she knew the drunk guy was headbutting EZ and lunging towards him. With her arm now free her eyes darted around the room in search of her back up, the guy that was generally posted up at the end of the bar to keep his eye on her was nowhere to be found. All she could do now was hope it didn’t get too out of hand.
EZ took a quick swing at the guy and landed his fist right on his chin, knocking the guy back a couple steps. But that didn’t stop him from going at her new friend again; swinging with all his might in hopes of landing something. It was clear to Sloane that this wasn’t EZ’s first fight, he knew what he was doing but the other guy was way in over his head with too much testosterone and alcohol running through him to tell him to stop while he was ahead.
A few more punches had the guys lip bleeding and his already wobbly footing worse. By that time the bouncer had made his way back to the bar and quickly grabbed hold of the swinging drunk and started to cart him out of the bar. He turned to yell at the other man that he’d be back for him but she stopped him, “let him be, he was just stepping in to stop that guy. He’s fine.”
The bouncer glanced from his bartender then to the muscular man standing just a few feet from him, not a single bead of sweat on him. All he could do was nod and continue kicking the other man out of the place.
“You really didn’t have to do that,” Sloane shook her head, trying to conceal the smile attempting to break across her face.
As much as she hated having anyone thinking they needed to defend her honor she had to admit that it was really hot seeing him land that punch. And his body hadn’t looked bad doing so either.
She pulled another bottle of beer from the ice and handed it to him, “this one's on me, as a thank you.”
“You don’t have to,” he started.
Shaking her head she pushed the money he’d started to hand to her back his way, “I’m not taking no for an answer.”
The band had long since vacated the stage and people were filing out of the bar by the time EZ had decided it was time to leave. Sloane had been a breath of fresh air for him and he didn’t want to have to head out any sooner than he had to. But he figured she wanted to get the place cleaned and clock out so he’d dropped some cash on the bar top for a tip and started for the door. But soon he heard her familiar voice call out to him.
“Hey,” she shouted, her voice carrying over the soft music playing from above. “How do you feel about a couple drinks...back at my place?”
EZ wasn’t sure he heard her right. Sure, she’d given him a little more attention than any of the other bar goers tonight but he hadn’t even for a second thought she’d ask him back to her place. The room felt a lot quieter as he stumbled with his words, completely caught off guard. “Uh, yeah, yeah...that actually sounds great.”
“Give me ten minutes,” she replied before bouncing off to wipe down the tables scattered around.
The two of them fell into an easy rhythm on the drive to Sloane’s place, both of them eager to hear the other’s voice no matter what they were saying. Every now and then she’d catch his gaze lingering a little longer than he’d intended for her to see and it gave her those familiar butterflies from earlier in the night. She was having an internal battle with herself though; this is so stupid...what do you thinks going to come of this, she’d hear the voice in her head ask. But she didn’t care. It had been years since she’d had any kind of relationship with a man, one night would be good for her.
So, a fifteen minute drive later and they were pulling up to the front of her apartment building and he was following her closely up the stairs. To be fair he wanted to press her up against her door the minute they hit it but he restrained himself, he wanted to let the night last as long as possible. He was enjoying himself. Enjoying not thinking about his life back home.
“Place might be a little messy,” she told him, kicking her shoes to the side as soon as she stepped inside with EZ following suit.
While she busied herself in the kitchen searching for the liquor EZ wandered around the living room, taking everything in. The place was immaculate except for a few toys strewn about on the floor; a small blue blanket with cars all over it tossed over the side of the couch hastily, a tiny plastic easel in the corner with a freshly done finger painting clipped to it. Next to it was a larger one with the beginnings of an incredible, vibrantly colored painting.
“You have a son,” he asked, his voice carrying to Sloane in the kitchen as she grabbed a couple glasses.
Biting her lip she nodded, placing the glasses on the coffee table in front of the couch before making eye contact with him. “Yeah, he’s the one guy in my life,” she beamed. “Just turned four last month, he stays with my best friend while I work at the bar on the weekend. Is it weird?”
“Nah, I love kids,” EZ smiled. “Dad in the picture?”
Sloane shook her head, pouring some of the brown liquor into the glasses. “No, it’s probably for the best anyways. We make a pretty good little duo. What about you?”
“Just me,” he said, wincing a little as the hard liquor stung the back of his throat. “Pretty close with my pops...and my brother.”
It was tempting for her to question the little pause he made before he mentioned his brother but she didn’t think it was any of her business having only just met him a few hours ago. She felt so at ease with him though she almost asked, it was on the tip of her tongue to say something but she held back. The smile that lingered at the corner of his lips told her there was good there.
The two of them sat side by side on the floor in front of the couch; the coffee table pushed out a little to give them more room, their bodies turned towards each other so they could talk, the brown liquor getting less and less in the bottle. There had been a handful of moments where EZ had wanted make a move. To rest his hand on her thigh or tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear before leaning in for a kiss. But he wanted to hear more about her and her life and everything about her.
He was enthralled.
And so was she.
She could see the kindness in his eyes. Past the bruise under his left eye and the cut on his cheek there was more to him. When they had left the bar she’d noticed the motorcycle and wanted to ask him about it but she decided not to. There was probably something there she wouldn’t like and tonight she just wanted to have fun. Every time he made even the slightest move the veins in his forearms shifted just the slightest bit and it made her think of how it would feel to have those arms wrapped around her body. Then he’d speak and she was enticed by the deepness to his voice, the diction in the wash he spoke was nothing like she’d heard around there before. The guys there wouldn’t know how to string an intelligible sentence together if their lives depended on it.
EZ was different.
Sloane rested her head on the chest of the new man in her bed. One arm of his slung around her waist while his hand gently stroked her hair, tucking a strand behind her ear. She let her hand rest on his abdomen before she let her fingers trace lines down the center of his stomach. He was all muscle and she could feel it while he was on top of her, the way his body weighted over her as they moved in rhythm together.
The room was silent except for the heaviness of their breathing. EZ felt chills run up his spine the way she tucked her leg over his bare thigh while they laid there. Her soft skin felt like silk against his and he wanted to stay like this for as long as possible. If he closed his eyes long enough he could still see her silhouette above him in the dark room. He could envision the way her hips moved back and forth as she rode him. His fingers holding tightly to her hips until he finally pulled her down close to him so he could nip and kiss at her skin.
For a second he leaned down and pressed a kiss into the crown of her hair, a simple gesture that spoke volumes, before he spoke. “Ezekial,” he said quietly.
“Huh,” she questioned, turning so she could rest her chin on his chest.
The outline of his face just visible in the moonlight pouring in through the closed blinds. “That’s my name. My full name. Ezekial.”
“I like that,” a smile spread across her face and she wasn’t sure why. She turned her face to nuzzle her nose against his bare shoulder before peppering his skin with a few quick kisses. “Ezekial.”
EZ loved the way his name sounded coming off her lips. The raspiness in her voice and the way he could almost hear her smile as she said it. He’d heard it countless times before but it felt special when she said it.
After a few more silent minutes she got up to use the bathroom and he leaned over to grab his boxers, sliding them on before he turned the bedside lamp on. The bathroom door was left open a crack and he could just barely see her naked frame moving in front of the mirror before she pulled his shirt on over her head. His eyes wandered down her body as she walked back into the bedroom, the shirt of his clinging to her curves and just stopping below her ass.
“You’re incredible,” he grinned, reaching his hand out to her as she moved to the side of the bed.
She couldn’t help but smile back at him. Not because of the compliment but because of the way his face lit up as he said it. The laugh lines next to his eyes crinkled as his smile widened and it made his deep brown eyes even more endearing than they already were.
Thoughtlessly she let him take her hand in his and pull her down onto him on the bed. Her legs rested on either side of him as he let her sit in his lap, his hands resting at the small of her back. If he had it his way this night wouldn’t ever end. He hadn’t thought about the club or his brother or Emily all night and it felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
“Where’d they make you,” she asked with a hint of a laugh in her voice. “You’re...different. Good different.”
He didn’t answer her with words. He simply just wrapped his arms tighter around her and pulled her into his chest before he pressed his lips against hers once more. There wasn’t any hesitation there; her lips parted to allow his tongue to slide across her bottom lip before they let themselves get lost in the kiss. Sloane’s mind wandered back to earlier in the night after they’d finished their whiskey and their bodies had somehow moved closer and closer to one another where they sat. She could see his eyes move to her lips every now and then while they talked and she wanted to beg him to kiss her about a hundred times before he actually did.
And once he finally did they were quickly moving to the bedroom. Her bedroom she hadn’t shared with anyone but her son in a very, very long time. They’d stumbled down the hallway attached at the lips before he finally grabbed ahold of her and pressed her up against the wall. Her legs wrapped around his waist instinctively as they both yearned to be closer to each other.
“Is this okay,” EZ had asked, his lips trailing down her neck while his hands held tightly to her back side.
It had made her smile; it had been a very long time since any man had ever asked her permission for anything let alone this. So she had placed her hands on either side of his face and pulled his attention back to her face before speaking. All she said was a breathless yes before they stumbled their way to the bedroom.
By the time Sloane was able to pull herself back to reality, back from her thoughts Ezekiel had flipped her onto her back and was pushing his shirt up over her chest to let his mouth wander over her breasts. A shiver shot through her at the feeling of his soft lips kissing and sucking at her skin. She let her fingers run over the smooth buzzcut of his as he traveled farther and farther down her body until she could feel his warm breath between her thighs.
Before they had both been so hungry for each other all they wanted to do was get off and quickly. But now they wanted to take their time. EZ wanted to explore her body; he wanted to hear the way she’d moan the first time she felt his tongue on her, he wanted to know how it felt to have her body wrapped around his while they made love. Sloane wanted to hear his gruff voice whispering to her while he was inside her, to feel the weight of his strong body on top of hers once more.
The room had fallen silent except for the sound of the shaky breaths she was taking as he gave his full attention to her core. His tongue lapped at her lips teasingly before she felt his teeth graze the sensitive little nub tucked inside. A whiney moan escaped her, her back arching at the new sensation. His hands held tightly to her thighs with his face buried between them for what felt like an eternity and by the time he pulled back her entire body was shaking on the edge of an intense orgasm.
“Ezekiel...please,” she almost pleaded with him.
A smile curled at the corners of his mouth before he peppered the inside of her thigh with kisses, “be patient, baby.”
And she tried to stop herself from letting out the sound that came next but she couldn’t help herself. The moan was throaty and full of lust, her lips parted perfectly and bright cherry red from how she’d been biting on the bottom lip. Hearing him call her baby was more than enough to encourage her to hold off for him. If she was honest she’d do just about anything for him right now.
Once more his lips trailed her skin but this time he was heading upwards, leaving the spot between her legs he’d made himself at home at and making his way to her breasts. The pink colored skin of her nipples was pebbled and hard from just the light nibbles he was giving her skin. But he hadn’t forgotten about her needs; while his mouth made quick work of her nipples he let one hand slip between her thighs and slipped two fingers inside of her which elicited a sharp intake of breath from her.
Her body writhed underneath him in an attempt to hurry along her orgasm because she knew once she came like this he’d been inside of her. And her body felt like every inch of her was on fire the way he was working her core with just his fingers. The tips of his calloused fingers were gliding over her gspot repetitively while his thumb rubbed back and forth over her clit.
Just as her back began to arch off the sheets below her EZ moved his attention from her chest up to her neck and then let his lips rest against her earlobe before he spoke. “Can you come for me,” he whispered, his free hand caressing her side.
In her head she had a witty line to reply with but she couldn’t get it out. The wires were crossed because her body was in overdrive the way he was fucking his fingers into her. So she settled on a lot of eye contact and a quick, almost pleading, nod of the head.
“Good girl,” he cooed.
At that her legs began to shake and she let her nails dig into his bare back as she began to hit her climax. A few throaty moans broke the silence in the room before he pressed his lips to hers, letting his mouth swallow her audible pleasure as she came down.
For a few short moments the two of them laid there tangled together allowing each other to cool off. But she could feel how hard he was as his erection pressed into her hip. Without a word she slipped her hand between the two of them and slowly stroked him, his hips absentmindedly working in motion with her hand. “I need you,” she breathed, pressing her lips to his temple.
They both knew one of them should’ve reached for a condom. It wasn’t anything new to either of them to use protection but they couldn’t be bothered in this moment. Both of them ached to feel that closeness between the two of them again. They each wanted to feel the slow movements of the other while they were so intimately joined together. Before had been quick and sloppy. But this, this was going to be slow and needy for both of them.
They hadn’t spoken of it but they both knew the other needed this intimacy. He was looking to forget his life back home for a while and she was holding off on reality herself. She wanted to remember what it felt like to have a man’s gentle touch, to be with someone who wanted to be with her.
EZ lifted his head until their foreheads were resting against one another, his nose grazing the tip of hers as he repositioned himself between her legs. He pushed her legs wider with his muscular thighs, his cock grazed her lips for a second before he slowly slide inside of her.
In unison they both let out shaky moans; her hands gripped onto his biceps as he hovered above her, their faces still touching. His eyes studied her face for a few more moments before he began working his hips against hers. The soft sound of skin on skin filling the quiet bedroom. One hand of his slipped beneath her to grab hold of her backside while the other slide up her neck until it was placed just under her chin, the slightest amount of pressure applied.
“Ezekial,” she sighed, her lips curling into a smile at the feeling of his hand around her neck.
He had to clinch his jaw to keep his composure. Hearing his name fall from her lips like that, with the visual of his hand where it was placed was too much for him. And the way her body moved in rhythm with his as he fucked her slowly only made him more sensitive. To keep his mind occupied, to hold himself off as long as possible, he busied himself kissing up her jawine until he buried his face into the crook of her neck. The faint smell of her perfume lingered there.
Sloan let her eyes flutter closed as he allowed himself to rest on top of her, bringing them closer together as they fucked. One leg hooked behind him to keep them close while her hands held tightly to his broad back. His skin was soft to the touch and he smelled like sandalwood, she couldn’t imagine anyone like him ever being in jail but he’d divulged that to her earlier. If it had been anyone else she would’ve ended the night but not with EZ. No, for some reason even after he told her about his past she still felt safe with him.
“You feel so fucking good,” he finally spoke again.
She smiled against his ear, nibbling at the skin, before pressing him back from her and back onto the bed. For a split second he fell from her but she quickly straddled him and guided him back to her core. A shutter went through her at the way she stretched around him. “I could do this all night,” she finally replied, her breathing uneven.
That beautiful smile of his spread across his face and she couldn’t help but smile back. Even in the darkness of the bedroom she could still see how perfect it was, she could still map out the little creases at the side of his eyes that formed when he smiled.
Resting her hands on his chest she began to buck her hips back and forth quicker now. His hands found their way to her hips and held onto her as he watched her from below, his hips working up against her. Her eyes fluttered shut and her lips parted at the feeling of him slipping deeper inside of her. EZ’s eyes were fixated on the way her breasts bounced up and down with every movement either of them made.
The tattoos that littered her skin on display as she rode him and he wanted to kiss every last one, trace them with his fingertips while they laid naked together. He wanted to know about the little one that sat on her left hip all the way up to the lotus flower at the nape of her neck.
Soon he was pulled from his thoughts when he heard her call out his name once more. This time it was needy; her brow furrowed together as her body leaned down closer to his. Instinctively he placed his hand into her mess of hair and pulled her down even closer until they were chest to chest. Again their foreheads hovered close together as he began to take control.
It was her turn to watch him as he fucked up into her in an attempt to get them both off. Short, choked moans came from both of them as they got closer and closer. She could see the neediness behind those brown eyes of his. And she could feel it in the way he was holding onto her, his fingers digging into the skin of her ass.
Slipping a hand between them she began to work her clit in time with the way he was working into her and it made her breath catch in her throat. The sudden newness of the pressure against the bundle of nerves drove her closer to the edge. And he could feel it in the way she tightened around him so suddenly.
Again they locked eyes as he fucked into her a few more quick times before he felt her tighten against him. Her mouth fell open as she let out the most lust filled moan he’d ever heard. Which only egged him on more, thrusting into her at a punishing pace until he finally released inside of her. Her lips rested against his earlobe as she let out a few more soft, whiny moans while he slowly continued to work into her.
The two of them went at it like this for the next few hours until the sun began to creep into the room through the blinds. He held her close against his chest as they spoke in hushed tones as if someone could hear what they were saying. It took everything in him to finally make himself leave her. But he knew he needed to start home or else he’d have more missed phone calls on his cell.
She pulled the sheets up over chest while she watched him pull his jeans on and search for the shirt of his she’d pulled on earlier in the night. The way his muscles moved under his clothes only made her want to pull them off again but she knew he had to leave. He had a life somewhere else and she had a son she was missing more than she realized at that moment.
“Last night was,” EZ paused, trying to think of the right word to us.
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Woods x reader
Short fic: Woods has had just about enough of the neon night life of Miami and is about to spend another night bored and alone... until he meets you
Loosen up, they said. Go have some fun, they said. We can't do anything for a week at least anyway, they said.
Bull shit, he says.
The noise of the neon club pulsates around him, loud as a warzone and yet... Different. The sound in this place has weight. It's heavy and his head feels like it's going to cave in. The lights strain his eyes and make him dizzy, and the smoke... a smell he's normally so accustomed to, is stifling, choking him.
All he has to hold onto, to keep his nerves from erupting inside him, is a tiny crystal shot glass gaurded by his trembling hands. It fits perfectly in his palm, and if he squeezes just a bit harder, it's likely to shatter.
Woods takes a look around from his seat at the bar. A dense haze surrounds him, and in and out of the glowing miasma weaves groups and couples of people, most of which are about half his age.
What is he doing here?
Frank shakes it off and finishes his shot. He slaps money on the counter and heads directly for the door with long, aggressive strides.
He never should've fucking come out here... He was just fine in his damn hotel room. In fact, next time he sees Mason or Adler, he's gonna-
Suddenly, his boot catches and he nearly crashes into the ground. Frank stumbles a few steps before whipping around, a venomous insult at the ready. But before he can utter a sound, he's caught off guard by...
You're hunched over, seated on the stairs and practically curled into a ball. A shame, given that it obscures your lovely outfit. Your face is mostly hidden behind your hands, but it's not enough to keep from revealing your tear stained cheek.
A touch of fear seeps into your eyes as you look up at the angry, imposing man. His eyes are sharp, and his teeth glint in the all the lights as he sneers back at you.
But then... He softens. He relaxes, releasing the tension captured in his shoulders and jaw. His eyes open fully and his mouth shifts from a snarl to something akin to regret.
"Hey uh, sorry... Didn't see ya"
You sniff and give him a forgiving nod, wiping at your eyes, but not before a small sob breaks over you again.
While he does like to pride himself on his tough, rugged nature... Woods is not a man completely devoid of empathy.
"Woah, hey... you alright?", he puts his arms out as though to steady a wild animal, and he approaches slowly.
You shake your head, "No, but it's nothing serious... Ugh, it's stupid if anything"
Woods takes a seat beside you, "Well I'll have you know, you're talking to the fucking King of stupid shit", he laughs, then stops abruptly when he realizes you're not joining in. "Ahem, but uh really. What's up?"
"My... boyfriend, ex boyfriend, dumped me right here and left with someone else. He's been waiting to do this, I know it, he was just too much of a coward to do it without his little support group to point and laugh at me", your nose crinkles in disgust and what could very well be angry tears trickle down.
"Damn... Asshole"
"Yeah... I was thinking of just heading home but, I don't want to leave on a bad note either, you know? Especially after all that... I want to do something for myself"
Woods thinks back to how he nearly tore you apart on his way out of here. "Yeah, I get that. For the record... I think you should", he gives you what he hopes is an encouraging little smile and pats your shoulder, before making to get up and leave.
There, his good deed for the day.
"Well wait... What's your story, huh? No offense, but... This doesn't really look like your scene", you look him up and down, from his tattooed, muscly arms, to his scruffy beard and rough face.
"Oh uh... I'm just passin through". He can hardly tell you that he's here on an illegal mission with his spec ops friends just a few streets down, so he hopes against hope that you'll accept his terribly crafted lie.
By some miracle, you seem to be willing to roll with it. You nod. "Right... Well, thanks for the talk", you dust off your knees and hop up with tiny refections of light bouncing off your sequined outfit, "but I'm going back in for at least one more dance"
You smile confidently, the first of it's kind all night long, but before you trot in through the door, "Say, do you want a dance? You seemed pretty pissed on your way out of here... Maybe you need a good end to the night too", wreathed in ethereal light, like a neon angel, you reach down to offer Frank a hand. "Could be fun", you wink.
A halo of blue and pink illuminates your hair and the gorgeous features of your face as you smile warmly back at him. And before he can even think, Frank finds himself feeling compelled to say yes.
Your clothes and jewelry clink and sparkle in the soft glow of the club, but Frank can't take his eyes off your hand holding his.
You lead him straight to the dance floor, with it's little beams of light shooting up from it. Classic synth hits have been blaring all night long, but you've arrived just in time for the next song. Blue Monday winds up, pulsating through the air, the beat penetrating down to your soul.
"Oh, I love this one!", you raise your hands above your head and jump a bit, just having fun, before launching into something of a choreographed dance.
A good one, at that.
Suddenly Frank feels out of place as he stands there stiffly. He picks and chooses some simple moves from the elaborate combos you're doing and tries his best to copy you. However, he finds himself more jerking to and fro then anything even remotely close to your fluid dancing.
You laugh, feeling a bit bad as you watch him struggle, "Here, like this..."
How does it feel...
You guide his tough, callused hands to your hips and let him feel the rolling motion as you clasp you your arms around his neck.
To treat me like you do...
Your faces are close. Closer then he's been to anyone in a long time... You tilt your chin up and whisper, just loud enough for him to hear, "Slow..."
When you laid your arms around me...
And just like that, everything clicks. The music, the lights, the atmosphere... It's like a whole other dimension and every last one of his senses feel alive.
And told me, who you are...
Frank rolls his hips in sync with yours and he forgets all his troubles. The mission. The cold war. Mason, Adler.... The only one left in this new, strange universe is you.
You, surrounded by dazzling lights as you glint and shine in the neon beams.
You, as you whisper praise to him for successfully performing this simple, young man's dance move.
You, as you turn around and ride his hips, swaying together as the beat drives you both.
His arms, scarred and bulging, caress up your hips and waist while you reach up too, stroking his jaw and planting a tender kiss to his cheek, unlike anything he's ever received before.
And as he turns you around to meet you mouth to mouth, pulling you in tightly, hands clamped on your hips as though you'll disappear. The heat of your body sending warm, excited shivers up his spine. The taste of peppermint and a touch of whiskey as he kisses your soft lips. The club and the noise dissolving away...
He thinks, maybe life off the field isn't so bad...
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lemonadesoda · 3 years
Prelude story: Parting Words
Summary: Snatcher has a few more words to say to the Captain before he makes his final departure--words best not said in front of the kid.
Notes: Tumblr-only post for now, to give the interested folks the opening context story for the main fic I'm working on (so that some things referenced in future previews will make sense as well.) Once the main story goes up on ao3, this one will go up there too. As always, hope you enjoy!
When the meeting room doors slammed shut, both the Captain and the First Mate let out low breaths simultaneously. In the presence of the two strange Earth beings representing the child, a suffocating pressure had been steadily building--whether real or imagined was difficult to say, but in the empty hallway leading back to the ship’s bridge, the air no longer constricted their chests, no longer sat heavy on their necks.
The two of them walked in silence, the First Mate tense and staring at the ground but constantly glancing sidelong at the Captain whose narrow gaze remained fixed in the distance, far beyond the extent of the corridor, beyond the walls of the ship, beyond the present moment.
The First Mate flinched first when the blanched white light of the corridor flickered once, then again. They blinked and shook their head as the normally faint shadows deepened, sharpening the corners where the walls met the floor. Finally surfacing from his reverie, the Captain stopped mid-step, going completely still as the room darkened around them and the clamping weight returned to the air once more.
“I have something more to say.” The shadow that stretched out in front of their feet across the void-dark floor opened familiar gold eyes. Before them, projected into the floor with the silhouette of his hands clasped behind his back was the one called Snatcher, the proclaimed King of Subcon.
“What are you-” the First Mate yelped, dancing backward. They looked to the Captain who remained rooted in place, then back to the intruder. “You can’t be here!”
Snatcher lifted upward out of the floor to stand face-to-face with the two of them. He grinned far too broadly for what his theoretical bone-structure should have supported, a burning crescent splitting his expression like a volcanic fissure. “Our contractual business has concluded. What I have to say is of a personal matter. Off the record, you could call it.” As it had before, his voice echoed, layered as though he were speaking from multiple directions at once. Though his grin held, his eyes narrowed by a fraction, giving a bladed edge to the expression. “There are some things that are better not to say in front of my child.”
“This could be considered an act of aggression,” the Captain said in a low voice. He had recovered his composure after the initial alarm of the consuming shadows, returning to his rigid posture from their formal meeting.
“Good,” Snatcher snapped. “Because I really must emphasize that the only reason you are still alive is because that little kid, for some reason, prefers you to be.”
The Captain stood eye-level with Snatcher, forced to dig his heels into the floor to hold his ground. “What is your purpose in making these threats? I have already agreed to your terms.”
Just behind him, the First Mate straightened themself and moved up alongside the Captain. Snatcher’s lantern gaze flicked toward them, and he stared them down, holding the sickle-sharp smile in place until the First Mate’s jaw hurt from clenching their teeth. Like a bonfire, Snatcher radiated an aura that urged a retreat, that lit up the neurons in the brain that cried warning.
“Because I want to make some things very clear,” Snatcher said to the Captain, though still bearing down on the First Mate off to the side. “It would be in your best interest to make sure none of you come back. Because no one comes here to make threats or demands of our child. I don’t care if it becomes a diplomatic incident.” Snatcher’s shadowy form dissipated, melting like fog back into the floor.
“If it came down to it,” his voice came from over the Captain’s shoulder now, close as a whisper, making both the Captain and the First Mate whip their heads around, catching only darkness. “I would start an intergalactic war if only she asked me to.”
“That strikes me as irresponsible,” the Captain muttered, eyes searching the dark corners of the hallway for Snatcher’s reappearance.
“Then don’t make her ask me,” Snatcher said in a sing-song tone. His wheezing laugh rattled low in the air, shuddering through their rib cages. “I’m only warning you what’s at stake here. No matter what you or any of those people from wherever you came decide, we will protect our daughter above all else. But I can promise you this-” Snatcher materialized in the wall, shaping his silhouette in mimicry of the Captain’s form beside him. “If it really came down to it, you wouldn’t be around to witness the magnitude of your failure.” He lifted a clawed hand in the shadow and mimed a crushing vice with it. “So what happens next is really up to you.”
Snatcher peeled out from the wall, walking back into the center of the corridor as if from a hidden door. He looked at the two of them over his shoulder, the edge of his smile still visible. “Your move, Captain.”
With the echoes of a final cackle that shook the panels of the ship, the darkness blinked out all at once, replaced by the flash of the fluorescent white returning to the hall. Several meters ahead, the transport staff stood glancing about in confusion.
“Sir, what was that?” one of the staff asked as they approached. “There seemed to be a power failure just now, but we received no alert.”
The Captain remained silent for several seconds, prompting the staff to peer at him, brows furrowed.
“Have engineering check the power couplers in the central hall,” the Captain said quietly, glaring over the shoulders of the staff. They ducked their heads, nodding at the command and one of them tapped a message into their hand-held terminal before hurrying past them to finish teleporting the entourage from Subcon back to the child’s ship.
As they neared the bridge, the First Mate looked up at the Captain. “You’re really just going to let that slide? We’re well within our rights to issue a reclamation of the time pieces after that.”
“When considering our options, it would not be worth the risk,” the Captain replied, striding just ahead of the First Mate and not turning back.
The First Mate hastened to walk in line with him, trying to catch his attention. “And leave that level of technology in the hands of a child? With those sorts of people as her guardians?”
“I can trust that she understands what’s at stake.”
“She’s a child! How can she uphold the Oath? If those things or anyone else on the planet wants to get ahold of that power-”
The Captain halted as the doors to the bridge chimed to alert them to their opening, finally whipping his gaze to the First Mate. “A child who apparently has the power to start wars with a word, given who is protecting her. The time pieces will see no misuse without her say so.” He bit the words out, an edge of aggravation hastening the statement more than his habit.
The First Mate snapped their mouth shut under the Captain’s scrutiny, only returning a sullen look as the two of them stepped back out to the bridge, the command crews all turning in acknowledgment.
As they took their place at the helm overlooking the various control stations of the ship, the First Mate muttered, “You’re setting a dangerous precedent here. Are we really going to kowtow because of a few verbal threats?”
The Captain’s jaw flexed. The nearest control crews looked up for prompting as to the upcoming course of action.
“What would you do, then?” the Captain asked in a low, steady voice. “Compel an invasion of a planet so far beyond the system that we had no existing record of it? For a derelict ship and its crudely harvested time power? Is that what you’re asking me to risk?”
The First Mate stared at him, mouth parting in disbelief. “He actually got to you, didn’t he? You’d jeopardize the stewardship of time because you’re afraid?”
This time, the Captain turned on them, pivoting on his heel in a lightning-sharp about-face, and though he did not actually advance a step, the First Mate took a half-pace back from the force of their commander’s attention, eyes going wide.
“You feel so strongly about this?” the Captain snapped. Though his voice remained low, his tone drew the nervous attention of the crew. “Then you make the decision, and you take the responsibility for it. I will defer to you!” He turned, addressing the rest of the bridge. “The First Mate will relay upcoming orders. Proceed as they command.” He stepped back, tipping his head to the First Mate, but holding eye contact throughout.
The crew all watched the tense showdown in silence, waiting on the First Mate who glanced helplessly between them and the Captain. Finally, with a last, frustrated glare at him, they stepped forward to oversee the crew. “...Chart courses for Cerian. Prepare for hyperjump,” they said, the orders so barely audible, the nearby staff had to relay them to the rest of the bridge.
As the crew hurried about to prepare for the jump, the First Mate stepped back, once again in line with the Captain.
“The Board won’t be happy with this,” they said.
“I will deal with the Board, if that’s what you’re worried about,” the Captain said, an underlying snarl barely contained by his professionalism worn thin.
The First Mate hazarded a glance at him. The Captain stood, focused ahead as he always was, as the crew always saw him. But the years working as his second reported to the First Mate the weight that currently bore down on him, the tightly-reigned frustration at having his hand forced and stress at the upcoming confrontation with the rest of the powers of the Enterprise. And if that Snatcher was true to his word, with the Captain’s own safety dangling precariously in the mix. They lowered their head. They shouldn’t have pushed.
As the alerts on the terminals warned of the impending hyperjump, the First Mate grimly replied, “It is what I’m worried about.”
The Captain made no further response, and the ship launched them across spacetime empty-handed.
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whenimaunicorn · 4 years
Holiday Party from Hell
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Bobo Del Rey x Reader
Words: 1775 Rating: T Summary: You and Bobo are both full of surprises tonight. The first one: that this revenant would even show up to your corporate holiday party. No content warnings.
Oh no. No no no, this cannot be happening right now.
You shudder as you hear that oh-so-familiar rasping voice cutting through the soft chatter of your company’s holiday party. “The punch is just delightful! Judith, did you make this?”
You knew they were inviting clients this year. The past three quarters had shown record profits and so your company had rented out the most expensive venue around for a little thank-you soiree. You just...it had slipped your mind that a certain construction firm owned by a certain Mr. Del Rey was one of those clients.
You try to duck out of the main party room while his fur-coated back is turned, but you end up right in his line of sight as his head swivels at the exact worst moment, almost preternaturally fast, into your direction. “Y/N!” he exclaims, loud and thick with razor-sharp cheer, “I was hoping I’d see you here!”
And to make matters so much worse, your direct supervisor just happens to be standing right next to you as Bobo Del Rey approaches with a brimming cup of punch in each hand. “Mr. Del Rey,” Justin greets him warmly. “I didn’t think you had been working with Y/N at all. How did she get involved on your contract?”
“She didn’t,” Bobo says, thrusting one cup at you as your boss looks expectantly between the two of you. No chance you can get away with being rude, now. You accept the cup but remind yourself not to drink from it. “Ms. Y/L/N and I have . . . other entanglements.” His fingers flutter against the edge of his cup.
If there had been punch in your mouth, you probably would have spit it. What was he trying to make it sound like? “We’re in the same darts league,” you say, thinking fast.
The truth is, you’re kind of a consultant for Wynonna Earp and the cops. Your NDA prevents you from giving them anything dirty on Bobo’s business entanglements, but you also happen to have a knowledge base of a more occult variety that has helped them out on a number of their other cases already. And also run you afoul of the head honcho of the local hell squad. More than once. You’re probably the only person in this room that knows the real threat that “Mr. Del Rey” poses.
“Darts, huh?” Justin says, continuing the conversation while you and Bobo stare each other down through the twinkling lights and safe, festive music. “You do that in bars, right?” He shakes his head. “You’ve got to watch out in those kinds of places, Y/N. All kinds of unsavory types.”
“Oh, she knows.” Bobo inches his hip in a little closer to yours. “I think that’s why she keeps coming around. Likes that little taste of danger.”
Ugh. He’s going to run his mouth until he gets you in trouble, isn’t he. Your boss is backing away slowly, a rictus smile plastered across his uncomfortable face. Although, it is just a little satisfying to watch someone make that patronizing bastard be the one to feel self-conscious for a change. “We all gotta do something that’ll make us feel alive, right?” you say, not exactly looking at either one of them. “Blow off some steam at the end of the rat race.”
Justin gives you an incredulous look. “Think I’ll stick to my bridge club, thanks.” He pretends to see someone waving at him across the room. A quick check shows you no one is looking even remotely in his direction. “Excuse me.”
Bobo sidles in even closer. “Bet that felt good,” he intones.
You release your sudden deep breath in a burst. “Kind of.”
“You know, if you’ve been needing to blow off a little steam—"
You dodge as it feels like he’s trying to put his arm around you. “Seriously?”
Bobo peers at you from under heavy brows, undeterred in the slightest by your rejection. “I’m always serious.”
The moment is broken by another coworker, shouting your name across the room. “It’s time,” the office manager, Judith, calls. “Get over here!”
Oh no. When you’d agreed to rehearse the cute little line dance set to “Jingle Bell Rock” with the crew from your half of the office building, it was only because you figured no one embarrassing would be here to witness it.
Bobo’s head cocks. “Time for what?” He can’t have any idea what’s coming, but he’s grinning anyway. Maybe he can sense your instant discomfort.
“Nothing,” you bark. “Maybe you want to go outside for a smoke or something?”
He looms in a little closer, with a shit-eating grin. “My dear Y/N, are you trying to take me someplace more private right now?”
“What? No. I’ve got to go do this thing over here, now. Bye, Bobo.”
The ambient fairy lights draped around the room glitter off his rings as he wiggles his finger in farewell.
No luck on getting Bobo distracted enough to prowl away while you go line up next to your office friends and wait for the hired DJ to cue up the track. As that distinctive guitar riff signals the start of the song, and all the little colored spotlights point at your group, you see the revenant standing right at the edge of the dancefloor, front and center in the crowd of spectators. He ducks his head and says something to Martha, the adorable old lady who works as your main receptionist, something that makes her smile and nod and pat his arm.
And then the beat kicks in and there’s nothing to do but step and wiggle and wave your arms in the choreographed little movements that had seemed so cute in after-hours rehearsal, now turned completely mortifying under the gaze of the enemy.
Your stubborn streak flares up, though, and you resolve to dance the hell out of the whole number. The only thing more embarrassing than doing a cheesy dance in front of everyone is doing that cheesy dance half-heartedly in front of everyone. So you skip and you swivel and give it the best jazz hands of your life.
You can’t help the grin that stretches across your face by the finale. Everyone in the office cheers and applauds at the end of it, so you all must have done alright with it. You high five a few of your fellow dancers before heading toward the edge of the dancefloor as a swing rendition of “Santa Claus is Coming To Town” begins. It’s got a pretty great retro vibe, and you find your limbs loosening a little to the beat.
“We have to start planning for next year!” your friend calls behind you, and you turn back to nod at her with an enthusiastic smile.
When you look back in the direction you’re walking, you just about crash into Bobo.
Although, “crash” isn’t really the right word. He’s timed it just right, scooping you up with one hand catching yours while the other snakes around your back and turns your momentum into a little spin.
Is Bobo…dancing with you right now? Your feet follow along before your mind can quite catch up. One hand at the small of your back, holding you in close, but not too close to interrupt the footwork, the other holding your arm up and out, Bobo is definitely pulling you along in the classic steps of a swing dance.
Maybe you’re crazy, but you don’t pull away. It’s probably just because of the rush of that little performance, or maybe because your stubbornness has yet to fade away. Your feet find the steps and you realize, maybe, just maybe, it’s because Bobo Del Rey is actually a really good dancer.
He leads effortlessly, precisely on the quick beat, guiding you into turns and twirls almost before you realize you’re starting them. And if every time his hand returns to your waist, he might be tucking you in a little closer, what of it? Guys that know how to do any of the ballroom dances are so few and far between. Might as well forget who he really is and just enjoy yourself for a while.
All you have to do is look anywhere but his face. Because if you look at his face, this will get too weird, too real, and so you focus on his shoulder and pretend you’re being swept around the dancefloor by some other tall man with a penchant for furs.
“You’re really quite good,” he murmurs, at the step that brings his mouth closest to your ear.
He spins you away, and you tell yourself that’s the only reason your heart starts to race. “So are you,” you say politely when he catches you back up.
“I think we work well together.”
You shake your head at the very idea.
Bobo laughs under his breath. “Don’t tell me you’ve never thought about it.”
You set your teeth and fix him with a frown. “I know what kind of creature you really are. I’d never do anything on your side of the line.”
Bobo just clucks his tongue. “Don’t sell yourself short. Life has a way of…complicating things.”
He spins you out, fast and aggressive, so there’s not chance to give him another icy retort. When he pulls you back in, you’re up against his chest and you’re both breathing heavy.
Your eyes lock. You hope the look you’re giving him is a glare, and not anything that betrays the way his command of your body in this dance is…affecting you. Because, it kind of really is.
Thankfully, the song is almost over. Bobo breaks your staring contest first, eyes flitting around the dance floor. He starts guiding you backwards; maybe he’s found the right hole in the crowd for some final, flashy move. Your feet fly in front of him, and you realize you’re looking forward to it.
He doesn’t spin you, doesn’t attempt any kind of lift or twist. Instead, the two of you twirl toward the corner. And in the final trumpeting flourish of the track, your bodies rotate and he dips you. Deeply. His strong arm supports your back until you’re almost horizontal.
And he keeps you there, his wicked face looming over your own as the track shifts into the next song. He almost looks like he’s waiting for something. “What?” You try to make it sound like an aggravated snarl.
Bobo’s eyebrows jump, and he nods his head toward the ceiling.
You let your eyes focus past his face.
Fucking. Mistletoe.
You’re going to have to tell H.R. about this in the morning.
Link to my other Bobo works
Taglist:  @allsharingonebreath, @demoncrypt1066​, @writingfromasgard​, @that-was-not-supposed-to-happen​, @peachieowl @savismith​ @ceridwenofwales @equalstrashflavoredtrash​ @ivarinleatherpants​ @localfloorgoblin​
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cosmic-coyote7 · 4 years
Speed write from suggestions via Twitter
[ Lukanette - Camp Rock AU ]
(Kinda camp rock but sorta touched the second movie more. Oh well. ^^)
The sun rose above the cabins that formed a circle around a vast (and currently extinguished) firepit. The cabins were worn with their peeling paint and screen windows with holes in them, but many memories were contained in these structures. Countless lyrics had been written, hundreds of songs performed, and scores of various instruments had been housed here with their talented owners.
A sign at the entrance to the driveway declared this isolated place Camp Rock.
Legends had lived here and learned to find their voices and their talents. Being able to go here was a major opportunity and many worked hard for the chance to perform here.
One such performer was Luka Couffaine. Sixteen years-old and having been playing guitar since he was five, he lived and breathed music.
He hooked up his electric guitar into its amplifier as his fellow bandmate, Ivan, got behind his drums. His sister and bassist, Juleka, copied him in hooking up her instrument that was like another part of her body.
Ivan counted them down as Luke tested his microphone then ran his fingers over the strings, his electric blue guitar pick gleaming in the early morning sun. 
They began practicing, their sound projecting out over the campsite and beyond over the water.
Various campers began waking up and groggily making their way outside. Some people were jamming out with the band and dancing along to the sound, but most just looked annoyed at being woken up by loud rock music.
One of the few who looked grumpy was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She had once admired Luka, but she knew now he was a stuck up pretty boy who thought he was king of the camp because of his talent. 
They were rivals. 
Marinette preferred to sing and play piano. Luka could sing, too, but the guitar was his forte.
After the song was over, Luka jumped down from the stage and grinned broadly at Marinette, his dark and dyed hair already sweaty. 
He looked pretty, she gave him that, but she still didn't like his attitude. 
"How was that, Dupain-Cheng?" he asked smugly.
"It didn't put me back to sleep," Marinette offered. A few people snickered. 
Luka chuckled and backed up, his smirk prominent. "You ready for the battle of the bands tonight, Dupain-Cheng?"
Marinette’s smile was challenging. "You bet. Kitty Section will be blown away by Miraculous."
"That's my girl!" Alya Cesaire, the drummer for her band, stood proudly at her friend's side. 
Luka simply nodded then went back to join his own bandmates.
Later that afternoon, Marinette was hanging out with her own bandmates that made up her group, Miraculous. 
Their bassist (and sometimes pianist), Adrien Agreste, watched as she paced around and continuously fidgeted with her hair. "You okay, Mari?" he asked, concern in his bright green eyes.
Marinette scowled as she crossed her arms. "That Luka Couffaine thinks he's so cool and amazing," she huffed.
"I mean…" Alya turned her laptop around to show Marinette Kitty Section's Instagram and website. "They have over ten thousand followers."
"Half of them are simps for Luka," Adrien said dryly.
"He is pretty," Alya said fairly. "Talent and looks can get you ahead of the game."
Marinette rolled her eyes, not wanting to be reminded of Luka's sparkling eyes or his bright smile…
"We need to blow them out of the water at the battle of the bands," she said with determination. 
"Well, we're supposed to do covers tonight," Alya said. "Why don't we just focus on the topic we were given?"
"What was it again?" 
"Julie and the Phantoms," Adrien answered, his eyes twinkling. "We've been practicing 'Finally Free', remember?"
Marinette groaned and flopped down, resting her head in Alya's lap. "I'm so nervous. We need to be perfect tonight."
"I mean we'll be steller," Alya insisted, smiling as she patted Marinette’s head. "But we should just have fun," she continued as she gave Marinette her water bottle and the other sat up to drink. "You should just end this rivalry with Luka and kiss already."
Marinette choked and spat out her water as the fluid got down her windpipe and back up her nose as she coughed.
Adrien snickered, and Marinette threw a shoe at him in retaliation. 
"I do not wanna kiss Luka!" Marinette snapped, her cheeks flaming red like she had a sunburn.
"Mhm," Adrien and Alya said at the same time with twin tones of disbelief.
"I hate you both," Marinette grumbled as she grabbed her keyboard to continue practice. 
Luka chuckled as Juleka and her girlfriend, Rose, worked on adding sparkly designs to the instruments and jacket sleeves to look extra vibrant for battle of the bands.
"I'm so excited!" Rose gushed as she fiddled with Juleka’s jacket sleeve. She normally was their lead singer, but a cold had put her on vocal rest. She was already a chatterbox, so the best they could do was restrict her singing. "You guys are going to do an amazing 'Now or Never' cover!"
"Thanks, Rose," Ivan said as he tapped on his drums and adjusted their equipment. His smile was sweet.
"Miraculous is going to be a difficult rival," Juleka murmured in her usual soft tone.
Luka sighed. "We can handle them." His guitar strumming became a tad more aggressive. "The audience won't be able to take their eyes off of us." 
He took a pull from his water bottle, trying not to let the hostility take over and affect his playing. 
Rose smiled brightly as she dropped on the log Luka and Juleka were lounging on. They liked this spot on the shore of the lake. It was quiet over here. Peaceful.
"Yeah, but we know you won't be able to take your eyes off Marinette, Luka." 
Luka inhaled some water down the wrong pipe and choked for a minute as Ivan helpfully pounded him on the back. Knowing that was going to bruise his spine tomorrow, he scowled at Rose.
"You know it's true," Rose said with an upturned nose as she resumed her work with glitter.
Luka harrumphed as he grabbed his guitar and began to play more forcefully. "Come on. We have to practice."
"Welcome, rockers!" The head counselor, Clara Nightingale, beamed at the sea of campers that had gathered around the stage, eager faces upturned to gaze at the performers for tonight. 
"Is everyone having a good time?" Clara called. The campers cheered, their voices projecting out over the lake, sounding like a crowd at a real concert. 
Marinette was pacing up and down. She and her bandmates were huddled in a tented area to have privacy for changing and warming up. 
"Mari, will you chill? We got this." His smile was warm and encouraging, but Marinette still felt the jitters of stage fright. She, who burst into song practically everywhere she went, was nervous. It was a weird feeling.
Alya smiled as she finished her make up and put an arm around Marinette. "Don't worry about the competition part. Just rock their socks off, girl!"
Marinette smiled at her two best friends then joined them in a group hug. "You guys are the best."
Kitty Section was playing their best. That was obvious to everyone. Luka was shredding the notes and letting the entire camp hear just what his guitar was capable of.
Juleka’s deep bass added a mystical melody to the higher electric cords.
Ivan's drums boomed like thunder amongst the string instruments, their rendering of the opening song for Julie and the Phantoms was causing the audience to scream and jump around.
"We ain't searching for tomorrow..."
Ivan's deeper voice could be heard even over the wailing instruments. 
"Tomorrow," Juleka echoed him, her voice hypnotic. After she came out of her shell, she had found her singing voice.
"Because we've got all we need today,"
"Today," Juleka choruses.
Luka grinned at his sister then got up to his mic. 
"Living on a feeling that's been running through our veins"
Juleka stepped up to her microphone and belted out, 
"We're the revolution that's been singing in the rain!" 
She flipped her hair back as she held the last note, and the crowd went nuts.
They clapped along with the audience singing the chorus then rounded off the song. They took a bow and smiled hugely at their fellow campers. 
Marinette, who was standing off to the side of the stage, couldn't help but be entranced by Luka and how alive he looked up on stage. He was amazing…
Her jitters were gone. Her fears a mere memory.
Marinette had never felt so free than when she was performing on stage with her bandmates.
Adrien and Alya added their backing vocals as she sang 'Finally Free' with all the energy she could muster.
"We're all bright now
What a sight now 
Coming out like we're fireworks,"
Marinette giggled as Adrien jumped around and stamped his feet. He was a goofball, and she knew he found his happiness in music to escape his life at home.
"Marching on proud
Turn it up loud
Cause now we know what we're worth"
Alya beat on her drums and smiled wickedly as she sang and added her lower voice to the melody. 
Adrien joined Marinette in a duet, and he winked at her as she drew out the end of the verse and they jumped into the chorus.
Marinette danced over to Adrien and offered her mic. He grinned and sang back and forth with her.
"I've got a spark in me"
(I've got a spark in me)
"And you're a part of me"
(And you're a part of me)
"Now till eternity"
(Now till eternity)
"Been long and now we're finally free"
Little did Marinette know that as she danced away to jam out beside Alya's drums that a pair of light blue eyes was watching from the crowd, and they burned with jealousy.
Marinette finished the song, drawing out the note perfectly then grinning as she took a bow.
Adrien and Alya jumped up as the campers screamed even louder and applauded them.
Once she was off the stage and Clara had taken over again, Marinette paused as she saw a familiar figure standing beside the bonfire.
Luka was watching her with an odd expression: determination mixed with irritation and maybe… some admiration?
"Hey," Marinette greeted him. She smiled slightly, deciding maybe she had been a little petty. Seeing Luka so vibrant on the stage had softened her armor. "You and your band were spectacular. "
Luka blinked as if he wasn't sure how to react.  He lost a lot of the irritation to be replaced by shock. "Uh… thanks," he said nimbly.
She smiled, and he responded to it with his own. 
"You looked radiant up there." 
Marinette’s cheeks felt hot again. She smiled shyly and said, "Thanks, Luka."
He looked at her, really looked at her. Weeks of being rivals and giving one another a hard time all seemed like a childish waste of time. 
The way her eyes shimmered in the firelight did funny things to his heart.
Marinette walked up to him and leaned up, intending to kiss his cheek and consider them friendly rivals from that point on, but two friends who happened to be watching made their move.
Rose bumped into Luka and sent him right into Marinette while Adrien braced behind her long enough to avoid them hitting the ground.  He slunk away as the pair stared into one another's eyes for a long moment. 
Then they leaned in for a gentle but emotional kiss. They leaned back at the same time to touch foreheads, their smiles as radiant as the rearing fire behind them.
Clara was announcing the winner behind them, but it didn't matter. In Luka's and Marinette’s eyes, they both had won.
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
Requested by @pacificamott -> Hi I love the idea of a memory matchup its sounds amazing. If it's a alright could I get one for aot and mha please? I think one of my favourite memories was it was the day before the summer holidays and virtually nobody was gonna show up for the last day lol. Me and my friends met up and it was warm and bright and just summery you know? We barely ever met up as a group so it was nice to be together and we went to a field surrounded by woodland. It was so peaceful,the grass was so green and the trees were so beautiful. We had this cheap football we found and decided to muck about cause none of us were any good at it but we pretended to play like we were professional footballers and we were running about and it was so funny. My stomach hurt from laughing so hard. We then went to the river and jumped in. None of us had any swimsuits so our clothes got soaked but it was a nice cool down. It was nearing sunset but it was still warm outside. It was so much fun and I just remember feeling so happy that we had the whole summer ahead of us and we were all together it was just amazing.Everything was surrounded by trees and woodland and it just made me feel really grounded and happy to be alive. Hope that's okay :)
Hi there! This is such a cute and peaceful memory, it made me smile the whole way through reading it. For Attack on Titan, this person immediately came to mind, so for your first matchup I paired you with…
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I am so jealous of you because Armin would just be so enamored with everything you do, and the memories you both make on that warm summer day simply emphasized his emotions tenfold. That whole part about jumping in the river reminded me of the scene from the ocean, where he was just laughing and messing around in the water with such a feeling of fulfillment that you could see it materializing in the air around him. The fact that this time he’s jumping in the water with you makes him even happier.
Get ready to be blinded by his smile, because it’s rare and soft and beautiful. It tells you everything you need to know about how grateful he is to have you there in the moment, but he still tells you out loud anyways. Drag him onto the blanket-covered grass in a sunny patch and dry off from the water, and share stupid observations about what the rest of your friends are doing on their free day.
Connie, Sasha, and Jean are running around and tackling each other like maniacs, and Armin will start laughing his head off if you start commentating their shenanigans. He’ll join in on the play-by-play as well, until you’re both eventually roped up into playing their little game of makeshift football, and chaos unfolds when you manage to pull Historia into the mix because she’s surprisingly good at being aggressive when she gets into it.
Armin is the type of guy to pull you into the edge of the forest, climbing the biggest tree you can find on the outskirts and talking about everything you can see from its branches. He’s super sweet and always attentive to make sure you won’t fall down and hurt yourself. Probably asks to hold your hand all flustered-like, but relaxes quickly when you agree to it. “Just so I know you won’t fall!” the sweetheart insists when you lightheartedly tease him, but the crimson on his cheeks says otherwise.
He’s not particularly the best at the physical games that your friend group holds throughout the day, but no one is really trying hard to be good at it so it’s fun regardless. I don’t know why, but Armin seems like the person to be unexpectedly gifted at catching things, so Jean keeps throwing the ball to him and laughing when Connie’s already there to chase his ass. Please scold Jean for getting him targeted every play or else someone is going to break a limb.
I think Armin adores the sunset, and I have no other explanation for this besides the fact that he’s an ocean person. Sunsets are an integral part of the beach experience, so he easily grew to love the colors and the general warmth of it all. When you’re both leaving and those familiar hues start painting the sky, he gets super happy and will point out all the different shades that are visible.
Give him a big hug at the end of the day oh my gosh — while he often gets blushy at close contact, it’s been such a calming experience that he returns your embrace with full enthusiasm. He’s got such a pretty smile when thanking you for spending time with him, and it’ll only widen if you promise to do it again sometime in the near future.
All in all a really wholesome and happy dynamic for you and Armin (as it should be!!). Everything is just warm, peaceful, and beautiful when you’re both together, no matter the moment or memory. It’s incredibly important to have someone you can rely on who can offer a welcoming hand, and luckily you both act as that pillar for the other.
And then for your bnha matchup, I paired you with...
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Kirishima is the perfect mix of fun and relaxed, so having a peaceful, happy memory like that with you sounds right up his alley. While not super competitive to the point of becoming unbearable in a fun game, he still likes to play around and mess with his friends in those sorts of situations, so expect him to constantly be running around playing football after someone proposes the team game. He will whine if he’s not on your team, though. Expect lots of bear hugs from behind if you make a good run or catch a hard passed ball during your little unofficial match.
He loves splashing around in the river, too. His hair gets all flattened and goes past his ears when he finally gets out of the water, and he’ll try to make you laugh while shaking it all out like an adorable golden retriever. Also play chicken with him! Get on his shoulders and challenge as many classmate duos as you can in one afternoon — they all make for some very interesting competition.
Like I said earlier though, Kiri can be super chill when he wants to be, and that side of him shows during one-on-one time with you. If you or anyone from your friend group brings snacks to your summer adventure outdoors, he will make an effort to set up a cute little picnic scene, simply to eat and talk about whatever. Also don’t ask why, but he gives off huge vibes of someone who would love to cloud watch with you. He comes up with the most ridiculous things sometimes, but always manages to make you see the shape he points out.
“That’s clearly a dinosaur playing on a keyboard.”
“Eijiro, how in the world can you see something that specific?”
“No, I promise! The tail starts right there...”
Just the biggest but most kindhearted dork you’ll ever have the blessing of knowing. He’s down for anything you want to do whenever you both have free time, although he makes great suggestions/ideas if you can’t think of anything in the moment. Want to start a new game with the whole friend group? He’ll grab your hand and let you lead the way. Prefer just spending time together? Done deal. Go out of your way to do something he would be interested in though, and he’ll melt completely. His quirk may be tough but his heart is one of the purest and softest you’ll see.
Also just a side note: he’s the type of guy to play a song on his phone speaker and dance in a field with you. Not dancing super elegantly, that’s for sure, but silly and fun and in the way that makes you laugh so hard it hurts your side when he twirls you around clumsily. Mina, Denki, and Sero get a kick out of narrating it when they find you both goofing around as light music plays through the open area, and Kiri will wave them off with a blush (just a shade short of his hair color).
He’s very goofy and lovable, but also very calm for the most part, so summer days like the one from your memory are often super relaxed in nature. Kiri always manages to make it fun regardless of time or place, but lets just say that he especially enjoys those specific little moments with you: where the grass is green and fresh, the water is cool, and everything feels hopeful.
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seulgiology · 4 years
it’s just a gameㅣlee donghyuck
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pairings: best friend!haechan x best friend!reader
words: 1.6k
genre: very lowkey fluffy shit, basically low quality crack, just best friends being best friends
warnings: cursing, slight mention of sexual content, mentions of sex toys (nothing crazy ;), mentions of fighting
a/n: ALL CREDITS TO THE GIF GOES TO THEM!! yer yerrrr, it’s admin 1 back with haechan crack cause i need this in my life. ummmmm nothing much more to say here lol. irene fluff coming up next from me! so look forward to that ;)
disclaimer: This is a work of fiction from our imagination. It is not intended that the plot, theme, original characters, etc. portray any real-life events/people. Plagiarism is NOT tolerated on this blog. If you believe we have copied an existing authors’ work, please message us privately. thank you and enjoy :)
“Do you want to fucking die or something?”
“Yeah… But only ‘cause you’re here.”
“That’s your response? Weak.”
You and Haechan happen to be playing a survival game together in his and Johnny’s shared dorm room. Call of Duty? Overwatch? Destiny? To be honest, you really never knew, nor paid attention. You just knew he really, really loved playing these games. So why not try and take a dive into your best friend’s favorite alternate reality. However, you knew long before playing with him that he was kind of an aggressive player.
You sat on his bed with your laptop open while he sat in his gamer chair that he liked to call “Mark”(I like to believe I can always stay atop of my enemies. Mark just, unfortunately, has to be my greatest). 
“Why do you always choose the games you know I obviously suck at? And why does this one have...” You squint at one of the NPCs on your bright screen, “Nazis??? Hyuck, what the fuck do you have me playing.” 
Haechan quickly spins around in his chair just to look at you up and down in disgust before saying, “I don’t like Nazis either Y/N, but like, maybe you should look back at your screen before, I don’t know, one of them kill you. And for your information, the game is called Battlefield V.” He replies in that sarcastic way that he’s known for.
“Says the one who just died. Try again next time sunny.” You just saw his character die on his screen in his session of telling you off. His doe eyes go wide in disbelief and you can’t wipe the victorious smirk off your face as he curses and weeps at the loss of his life. “I can’t believe you just let that happen Y/N. What kind of best friend are you?” The theatrics come on as he pretends to wipe under his eyes and sniffle. If you didn’t know his antics by now you’d have gone over and seriously ask him if he was ok. 
But he’s Haechan. 
Lee Donghyuck. 
God of Entertainment. jungwoo is shaking
You scoff and reach over to the top of his bed, take one of the helpless pillows, and chuck it at his head for his extraness. You couldn’t help but laugh out loud lol at the surprising high-pitched yelp that came from him at your attack. He held the pillow in his lap and silently nodded to himself while closing his eyes, and the exasperated sigh that left his lips had you stifling your giggles. “I didn’t think it’d come to this, but you leave me no choice,” He looked at you with fiend sadness before getting up and taking slow, creepy steps towards you. 
Before he could speed up his steps, you tried to get up from his bed and make it towards the door, yet you failed miserably. “You think you can get away from me this easily Y/N? You’re literally as fast as the slowest turtle.” He said as he was gripping the back of your his t-shirt
"What- all turtles are slow, what are you even trying to say?" You said as you struggled against his strength. He pondered over what you said for a moment, and that moment was all you needed to rush out the room, shouts of triumph coming straight from your heart.
You run through the dorm jumping and stretching through odd places, Haechan hot on your heels. You're surprised you even made it this far without him catching you. "Don't think you're winning Y/N. I'm just having post-video game tiredness," he huffs out, obviously out of breath. You shoot a look back at him and knew you couldn't continue like this forever. 
You needed protection.
You ran into the nearest room, not caring who or what was in there. Turning the knob, you almost slam into, Taeil who turned out to be opening the door at the same time as you.  “Y/N? Hey-” He said a little listlessly while rubbing his eyes. You didn’t reply back and instead squeezed past him and hid behind his back, and used the oldest member as a shield. 
“Wow, you really must think I’m a fool to think that hiding behind the shortest person alive would protect you from my punishment.” He subtly and immediately apologized to his hyung for the insult, but continued on. Taeil gave a nod of acknowledgment but did a double-take for a moment. 
“Wait- ‘punishment’? What type of kinky shit are ya’ll doing? I didn’t know Y/N was giving you the strap,” You snap your head and look at him in horror, as Haechan damn near throws up in his mouth at the words spoken from the ambivert member.
“I support!” You hear a voice from deeper within the small room. (”Nobody asked Yuta!” Haechan exasperatedly shouted.)
“So this is how you guys think of me- a bottom.” Haechan excaims in disbelief. “But did they lie?” You think to yourself
You creep a bit further back into the room, hoping neither Taeil or Haechan have noticed, as they’ve started their own sibling-like argument with each other. You were successful taking small steps back, even hiding under the desk installed in the room. “Wait, where’s Y/N? It’s oddly quiet.” You can see him cock his hip to the side and pretend to think, you silently rolling your eyes at his statement. 
Your eyes snap to Yuta’s, trying to telepathically tell him to keep his mouth shut about your obvious hiding position. 
Yet, he had other plans for you. 
“They’re over there, under the desk, sitting on Taeil’s Switch.” He whisper-yells to Haechan and points to your location.
“Taeyong’s not in here though...?” i said what i said The oldest mutters off to himself.
You’re heart pounds in wait and you mentally face palm. Footsteps speedily walk over to you, and you didn’t get the chance to scramble back when he gripped your ankles and softly tugged you out. A pout took over your face as you looked up at your best friend from the ground, him standing tall and triumphant above you. 
“I hope you know we can fight.” You say as you continue to lay there, fierce as ever. An anxious look took over Taeil’s face as his eyes darted back and forth between you and Haechan. This wouldn’t be the first time you guy’s playfully fought each other. The whole 127 dorm knew how aggressive your mouth could be. He smirked down at you, getting ready to prepare a jab at you before Taeil began speaking.
“Hey- lets just all play a friendly game? Yeah?”
“I’ve been playing games since I’ve been here, just let me beat this gu-”
“I have Animal Crossing: New Horizons.”
“Say no more.”
You forget all about Haechan and run to his room and take out your Nintendo Switch with your game card already inside. You make it back in time to hear the current conversation. “Why are you guys stealing Y/N from me, I was just about to set up Just Dance 2020.” Haechan says while sitting behind a willing Yuta that lets him style with his current silver hair.
“I have a feeling you’re upset that you still have a 3DS instead of a Switch.” You say as you plop down next to Taeil who already had his game loaded. “Actually, I don’t need to hold a mini Taeyong in my hand when my 3DS is all I need,” He scoffs at you and folds his arms under him childishly. 
“Hyuck, it sounds like you’re talking about your favorite dildo.” You say to him, enjoying the snort that Yuta lets out. “Whatever, I just don’t know how you guys enjoy shaking trees and talking to animals with names like ‘Kid Cat.’ But go crazy.” He begins to stand up to leave, but he dramatically looked back at you absorbed in your game, conversing with his members. He let out a loud sigh, trying- and successfully- getting your attention.
You sigh out in defeat when you look at his pleading eyes that beg for you to hang out with him instead. You say your goodbyes to the other members who seem to understand how clingy your best friend can be.
“If we’re playing Just Dance, you have to let me win; and I won’t except no for an answer.” You say as you walk, a grin spread across your cheeks when he softly laughed at your statement. You both reach the living room and he gets straight into turning on the T.V. and turning the HDMI to the Play Station 4 the guys had set up already.
“Which song?” He asks as he scrolls through the song choices. “KILL THIS LOVE!” You’re bouncing on your feet at the thought of dancing to your favorite song. He presses play, but not before you catch the devious smirk on his face.
“What’d you do?” You both are standing next to each other, and he doesn’t say anything as you look to the screen, where your worst nightmare is staring back at you.
Sweat mode.
“You can’t do that! That’s cheating! I said let me win, but don’t let me die in the process.” You can feel yourself sweating already.  “Oh but it’s just a game, you’ll be fine hon. I am letting you win right?” His body is rushing with oncoming adrenaline from your whining, knowing that he’s won your competition.
You almost cry when the instrumental intro in the popular BLACKPINK begin. You put your all into the performance and Haechan barely moves his hands.
And there’s still a shit more songs after this.
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blubberquark · 4 years
Belated Protector Postmortem
I made the game Protector for the 46th Ludum Dare game jam. I did not make a tumblr post about it during the jam. Don’t think Protector is my best jam game, but what can you expect from a jam game? Hardly a glowing endorsement, I know. Download it from itch.io at this link, or don’t.
With some distance, I think it’s interesting to tell you why I don‘t think Protector is that good... or maybe “good” is not the right word. Some friends and other Ludum Dare entrants had encouraged me (privately) to keep working on it after the jam and fix the bugs. In my opinion, Protector is fine the way it is (for a jam game anyway), but any more work on it will be a waste of time. There will be no post-compo releases of Protector.
If you are just getting started making games, Protector could be a good example of when to stop working on a prototype. But first, let’s do the usual “game jam postmortem“ song and dance.
Game Description
In this moody puzzle-ish platformer, you control an invincible character tasked with guiding a small (and very vincible) dog through the level. You cannot control the dog.
Instead you can pick up and throw a bone, but you can’t carry the bone. When you press the bone throwing button a second time, the dog will chase after the bone.
One the dog is running, you cannot stop it. You also cannot call the dog to return to you. You have to clear the path for the dog before you let it loose.
What Went Right
Scope: I scoped Protector aggressively minimal. I remember feeling a bit under the weather on the first day of the jam, so I decided to take it easy and submit something small. I was okay with submitting a small game in the jam category. I just had this idea I wanted to try out.
There is only one level, and it’s not all that big. I submitted on the morning of the third day, with everything I wanted in the game, without losing any sleep, and with some time to spare.
Theme: The idea was my own take on that last level in Bastion, when the kid carries the battering ram, but as an escort mission. The main character was supposed to be some kind of brute or barbarian loosely inspired by the barbarian class in Diablo II. Obviously you keep a dog alive, because that’s the theme of the jam.
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Character Designs: I think nailed it with the brute and dog sprites. The brute is big and faceless, and the dog is small and cute. The proportions of the brute convey that he is strong and slow, and his shield (but no sword) should clue you in about his purpose.
Simple Dog Behaviour: The dog runs and bounces around pretty quickly. Once the dog is running, all bets are off, because you are too slow to catch up. You have to set everything up so the dog won’t kill himself, because he’s not a cat with nine lives. He is a dumb dog.
Any kind of AI or pathfinding would have made the dog less predictable, and the main objective of the game is to keep it alive (that was the theme of the jam), so simple, fast, predictable movement was key. The player has to be able to predict the dog’s path before it starts running.
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Level Design: The level is not that big. There is a variety of obstacles and set pieces, and these are all easy for the player character to navigate, but potentially lethal to the dog. In addition to multiple platforming challenges, there are two unique “set pieces” that break up the monotony.
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There are five different ways for the dog to die, and the level is constructed to make the player experience each of them once. Some are obvious, like the lightning cloud and the tower that shoots arrows, but the level is designed so that every player dies at least once. After mastering an obstacle once, it should pose no challenge on repeat playthroughs.
What Went Wrong
Controls: The controls are very simple, based on only the four arrow keys, X and C. These can be mapped to the left stick and first two buttons of a gamepad. In walk mode, the two buttons jump and call the dog, and the “up” direction is used to raise the shield.
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In throw mode, with the left/right axis controls the throwing angle, and the up/down angle controls the velocity. This control scheme feels too cumbersome. The X key is used for calling the dog and throwing the bone, based on context. This also feels cumbersome, but it makes it less likely for players to accidentally throw or call the dog when they want to jump. I still had to resort to putting the controls on the screen at all times.
For gamepad controls it would have made more sense to use the direction of the left stick for the throwing angle and velocity. For keyboard+mouse controls I could have implemented a mouse-based throwing system like in Gunpoint or a parabola indicator that shows where the bone will land. I could also have gone the other way with a Worms style throwing system in which the throwing velocity is proportional to the time the button was held. As is, the throwing uses the same buttons as platforming, but it doesn’t feel good.
Bone Physics: The bone physics was kind of bouncy and floaty. I implemented my own physics because the bone was the only object in the whole game that needs halfway realistic bouncy collisions. The player and the dog use platformer physics, so there was no need for a physics engine like Box2D, libODE, or pymunk. The bone is modelled like a simple spinning ball. I could have made the bone less bouncy to give the player more control, maybe even cheated by making it less bouncy only in the x-direction. I could also have gone in the other direction and modelled the bone as a rectangle or two balls connected by a line.
Dog Platforming: The dog sometimes gets stuck in a wall or on a ledge. This is bad. I could fix this by making the dog fall down or turn around when this happens, but that would make the problem worse. I’d rather have the dog (or the bone) stuck in a weird position until the player gets it out than having it sit inside a pit in an unwinnable position with believable physics.
The way bone physics and platforming work is very janky, but that is because the obvious fix would have unacceptable gameplay consequences.
Main Gameplay Loop: It goes like this: throw bone - move into position - let dog loose - wait for dog - retrieve bone - throw bone - move into position, and so on. There is no way to call the dog back because that would make certain puzzles too easy, no way to set multiple way points for the dog, no way to ask the dog to fetch the bone back to you, and no way to carry the bone - otherwise you could just walk over and drop the bone there.
The gameplay loop as it stands just doesn’t allow that many puzzles, and changes to the gameplay would make the current puzzles too easy. Adding more content is more or less incompatible with the current gameplay, and changes to the gameplay loop would break the existing balance.
Allowing the player to carry the bone, to use different tools than the shield, to call the dog back would destroy the game design.
What I Learned
Escort missions suck. I already knew that hidden complex systems are not fun, but even indirect interaction based on simple systems is hard to get right. Beyond that, I did not try anything new and outlandish. I just had the idea about the big protector and the little dog.
The most surprising thing was how poorly Protector was rated in the “Mood” category given the relatively high theme score. Having no sound really did me no favours, and neither did the GameBoy screen resolution or the 5-colour palette.
But importantly, despite all the gameplay shortcomings, this still works as a short game. If the game is short enough, it can be carried by novelty, and players will forgive janky controls, even if the controls are part of the game’s main difficulty. I relied on this insight in other jam games, but it does not translate to long-form games.
This is a bit meta, but it is important to understand when a game design does not work. To some degree I think game jams even encourage a kind of toxic positivity towards young people learning to program. By all means, you should encourage people who want to try their hand at game design, and you should not go out of your way to disparage teenagers learning to code or programmers who make programmer art because the graphic design in their enterprise software day job is done in a different department. All too often, instead of “keep it up“, we tell people who are getting started to keep working on their jam games. If a game has load of bugs, on some level it would be nice to have them fixed, and these bugs are an obvious starting point for a post-jam version of the game - but when I see buggy games with experimental gameplay ideas, I don’t always encourage the devs to keep tweaking the mechanics until it works. Some experiments have negative results, and that’s okay.
Some jam entries are great games, successful experiments if you will, but they can’t easily be made into longer games. That’s also okay.
Can We Fix This?
“But hypothetically” you ask me, “how would you turn Protector into a longer game if I hired you to be a game designer?”
Okay. Hypothetically. In this hypothetical world, you pay by the hour, no unpaid overtime, and no bonus based on how well the game sells ;-)
We need a story that glues all the levels together, and the dog platforming would be at most a third of the game. Maybe in some levels you and the dog fight side by side, maybe you explore some of the levels with the dog on a leash, maybe you tie the leash to a post at the level entrance and come back when you have cleared everything.
I can’t stress enough how important it is to have through-line that connects different types of gameplay, different set pieces and minigames.
In order to make the platforming and puzzle solving more interesting, you would have a different load-out in different levels. Some platforms are dog-only, and you would throw the bone (or a tennis ball) up there because you can’t reach it yourself. You would need a way to recall the bone (or tennis ball) or a way to recall the dog, maybe a dog whistle. Maybe you just have a limited supply of dog treats per level. Earlier levels just have the bone, and shield, later ones introduce mobility items for the player character, tennis balls, a collar, a leash, dog treats, a dog whistle, and so on.
It would be a fun idea (or a gimmick) to have most of the upgrades be for the dog, but that’s not very fun to actually play.
Another possible problem is if the dog handling becomes an afterthought, or a drag in the player, going back to fetch the dog after the level has been cleared. Escort missions are not held in high regard among players, so this could become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
With all these mobility items and larger levels, we would need an improved dog AI. We also could not have the dog fall into a pit of spikes, instead it should refuse to jump into unsafe distances, and somehow communicate to the player. We would also need a way to get the dog back down if it got up the wrong platform, and a way for the player to reset progress to the last check point or re-fill dog treats without creating an exploitable loophole where the player can just walk back and forth to the vending machine and win a level with infinite dog treats.
Oh no, the dog AI sounds complicated now. Complicated hidden systems are not fun, and training AI-powered animals is not that difficult code-wise, but it is difficult to pull off in a way that is fun and legible to the player. I still remember Black&White. Those animals were a gimmick. Somehow we need a way for the dog to communicate things to the player. Can the dog talk? Is there a bark code? Can the dog smell things?
One thing we absolutely must not do is vary the dog AI between levels. Players will have a really hard time as is, because the smarter the dog gets, the easier it becomes to accidentally mis-predict what it will do.
Think about all the parts of this rather comprehensive proposal: Complex AI, some kind of story, different controls, unlockable items, and level/puzzle design that integrates all of the above, all written from scratch or re-written for the bigger game. I’d rather spend the time on something else.
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Visions Of Bodies Being Burned clipping.
clipping.'s second entry in their horror anthology collection follows up 2019's There Existed an Addiction to Blood by conjuring up an atmosphere that rarely allows a moment to catch your breath. Here the Los Angeles-based trio takes Apple Music through the record's many horrors.
Say the Name William Hutson: “I had always wanted to make a track using that phrase from the Geto Boys, and we had talked about doing a Dance Mania Chicago ghetto house track about Candyman. I always liked that idea of a slow, plodding, more dance-oriented track, using that line repeated as a hook.” Daveed Diggs: “We had always talked about how that line is one of the scariest lines in rap music, it's just really good writing. Scarface does that better than anybody. What we had was this very Chicago, these really specific reference points, to me, that I had to connect. That's how I saw the challenge in my head, was like there's this very Texas lyric and this very Chicago concept. Fortunately, Candyman already does that for you. It's already about the legacy of slavery in this country. So I just got to lean into those things.”
’96 Neve Campbell (feat. Cam & China) Jonathan Snipes: “This was actually the second thing we sent them—we made an earlier beat that had a sample that we couldn't clear. We wanted to make something that sounds a little more like jerk music and something that's a little bit more tailored for them.” WH: "We didn't have our Halloween, Friday the 13th slasher song. The idea was to not have Daveed on it at all, except to rap the hooks, and just to have female rappers basically standing in for the final girl in a slasher movie. But then we liked Daveed's lines, we wanted him to keep rapping on it.” DD: “It felt too short with just two verses. We were like, ‘Well, put me on the phone and make me be the killer.’” WH: “There's a Benny the Butcher song called '’97 Hov,' this idea of referring to a song by a date and a person that's the vibe you're going for. So some of the suggestions were like, '’79 Jamie Lee Curtis' or '’82 Heather Langenkamp.' But then with Daveed on the phone and making a Scream reference, '’96 Neve Campbell' made more sense.”
Something Underneath DD: “There's a whole batch of songs we recorded in New York while I was also doing a play, and so we'd work all day and then I'd go do this show at night. For a long time, there was a version of this one that I couldn't stand the vocal performance on. It's obviously a pretty technical song, and I just never nailed it and I sound tired and all of this. So it ended up being the last thing we finished.”
Make Them Dead WH: “We did ‘Body & Blood’ and ‘Wriggle,’ which both take literal samples from power electronic artists and turned them into dance songs. The idea for this was, let's do a song that instead of borrows from power electronics and makes it into a dance song, let's try to just make a heavy, slow, plodding thing that feels like real power electronics.” DD: “When we finally settled on how this song should be lyrically, it was actually hard to write. Just trying to capture that same feel. There's something about power electronics that feels instructional, feels like it's ordering you to do something. The politics around it are varied, depending on who is making the stuff. But in order to sit within that, it had to feel political and instructional, but then that had to agree with us.”
She Bad WH: “That's our witchcraft track.” JS: “Obviously, this ended up having some melodies in it, but it started as those, but it really is just field recordings and modular synths, and there isn't a beat so much and the melody is very obtuse in the hooks. It's mostly just looped and cut field recordings.” DD: “I've been moving away from something that we did in a lot of our previous records, like really super visual, like precise visual storytelling that feels really cinematic, where I'm just actually pointing the camera at things, so that was fun to try that again.”
Invocation (Interlude) (with Greg Stuart) WH: “It's a joke about Alvin Lucier's beat pattern music, his wave songs and things like that, but done as if it was trying to summon the devil.”
Pain Everyday (with Michael Esposito) DD: “I love this song so much. Also, I definitely learned while writing it why people don't write whole rap songs in 7/8. It's not easy. The math, the hidden math in those verses is intense. It kept breaking my brain, but now that it's all down, I can't hear it any other way, it sounds fine. But getting there was such a mindfuck.” WH: “So then the idea was it's in 7/8, it's about a lynched ghost, so the idea we had was a chase scene of the ghost of murdered victims of lynching.”
Check the Lock WH: “This was conceived as a sequel to a song by Seagram and Scarface called ‘Sleepin in My Nikes.’ That was a rap song about extreme paranoia that I always thought was cool and felt like a horror, like an aspect of horror.” JS: “This is the one time on this album that we let ourselves do that like John Carpenter-y, creepy synth thing.”
Looking Like Meat (feat Ho99o9) DD: “I think they reached out wanting to do a song, and this had always felt, we always wanted this to be like a posse track, kind of. This was another one that I wasn't going to write a voice for actually, we were going to try to find a better verse.” JS: “Which is why the hooks are all different—we were going to fill them in specifically with features, but sometimes features don't work out. This is like our attempt at making the more sort of aggressive, like a thing that sounds more like noise rap than we usually do.” WH: “The first thing on this beat was I bought 20 little music boxes that all played different songs, and I stuck them all to a sounding board and put contact microphones on it, and just cranked them each at the same time.”
Eaten Alive (with Jeff Parker & Ted Byrnes) DD: “I had been in this phase of listening to Nipsey [Hussle] all day, every day, and all I wanted to do was figure out how to rap like that. So from his cadence perspective, it's like my best Nipsey impression, which we didn't know was going to turn into a posthumous tribute.” WH: “And the rapping was also partly a tribute, just spiritually a tribute to No Limit Records. That's why it's called 'Eaten Alive,' which is named after a Tobe Hooper horror movie about a swamp.”
Body for the Pile (with Sickness) WH: “It already came out [in 2016]. It ended up being on an Adult Swim compilation called NOISE. We did it with Chris Goudreau, our friend who is just a legendary noise artist called Sickness.” JS: “We always thought that would be a great song to save for a horror record, and then years went by and we weren't going to include it, because we thought, ‘Well, it's out and it's done.’ We looked around and I don't know, that comp isn't really anywhere and that track is hard to find, and we really like it and we thought it fit really nice. When we started putting it in the lineup of tracks and listening to it as an album, we realized it fit really nicely.”
Enlacing WH: “The cosmic pessimism of H.P. Lovecraft is all about the horror of discovering how small you are in the universe and how uncaring the universe is. So this song was about accessing that fear by getting way too high on Molly and ketamine at the same time, then discovering Cthulhu or Azathoth as a result of getting way too fucking high.” JS: “My memory is that this was never intended to be a clipping. song, that you and I made this beat as an example of, ‘Hey, we can make normal beats.’” DD: “That Lovecraftian idea was something that we played in opposition to a lot on Splendor & Misery, so it was good to revisit in a way where we were actually playing into it, and also it definitely feels to me like just being way too high.”
Secret Piece WH: “We wanted to really tie the two albums together, so the idea was to get everyone who played on any of the albums to contribute their one note. So we assembled the recordings of dawn and forests, and then almost everyone who played on either of these two albums contributed one note.” JS: “We have a habit of ending our albums with a piece of processed music or contemporary music. We ended midcity with a take on a Steve Reich phased loop idea, and we ended CLPPNG with a John Cage piece, and then There Existed ends with Annea Lockwood's 'Piano Burning.' So we wanted something that felt like the sun was coming up at the end of the horror movie, a little bit.” WH: “That was the idea was that we were exiting, it's dawn in a forest. So dawn in a forest in a slasher movie or a horror movie usually means you're safe, right? The end of Friday the 13th one, the sun comes up and she's in the little boat, but that doesn't end well for her either. We did not have the jump scare at the end like Friday the 13th.” DD: “I pushed for it a little bit, but some people thought it was too corny.”
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myremains · 3 years
Powerwolf - Call of the Wild
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Faster Than the Flame
Beast of Gévaudan
Dancing with the Dead
Alive or Undead
Blood for Blood (Faoladh)
Call of the Wild
Sermon of Swords
Undress to Confess
Reverent of Rats
CD 2
Sanctified with Dynamite (Ft. Ralf Scheepers)
Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend (Ft. Alissa White-Gluz)
Nightside of Siberia (Ft. Johan Hegg)
Where the Wild Wolves Have Gone (Ft. Doro Pesch)
Fist By Fist (Sacralize or Strike)[Ft. Matthew Heafy]
Killers with the Cross (Ft. BJÖRN Strid)
Kiss of the Cobra King (Ft. Chris Harms)
We Drink Your Blood (Ft. Johannes Eckerström)
Resurrection By Erection (Ft. Christopher Bowes)
Saturday Satan (Ft. Jari Mäenpää)
The whole thing began in 2003, when 2 hungry musician brothers met with a classical opera university student Attila Dorn in a pub, there, Powerwolf was born and the mystical mythical adventure began! Since then they have released 7 full length studio albums making this one quite an impressive number 8, the lineup has remained stable throughout other than needing a couple of drummer replacements. You can feel the theatrical presence and operatic styles in their beautiful brand of power metal which really gives them an edge in the genre, so much so that they sub headlined Bloodstock Festival and ever since that performance I have been obsessed.
“Beast Of Gévaudan” is a big big start, the chorus is ridiculously catchy, like a gothic and spooky Sabaton, using operatic group vocals, impressive guitar work, in my head I’m already out in a field head banging with my arms around fellow headbangers, what a feeling. They followed up that opening single with a second which has quite the guest vocalist, Alissa White-Gluz from the band Arch Enemy, “Demon’s Are A Girl's Best Friend” it's called and they really let White-Gluz take it away with the growls and screams, more like they’re accompanying her than the other way around, very sinister with those vocals but also with that sense of theatrics and playfulness with the standard Powerwolf style, not something I would make a habit of listening to but a nice collaboration. “Dancing With The Dead'' feels much thicker in the story telling aspect and it’s all tied together by an infuriatingly addictive chorus that is a sort of mix of Sabaton, NWOBHM and strong power metal vibes, I wasn't sure at first but now I am hooked alongside the album's Title track “Call of the Wild” and “Sermon of Swords” which are both written in a similar style but with a lot more punch and bounce. “Varcolac” is more what I love from these guys, very sinister and evil, the riff has that wave crashing edge to it the likes of which Amon Amarth would produce, but instead of metal Armageddon they layer on their orchestral hard rock with all that showmanship and talent that comes as a part of it, another really good example of this is “Glaubenskraft”, even though I can’t understand any of it it’s addictive and I could be singing any old bollocks. 
There are some great guests on the deluxe edition, one I was instantly drawn to was “Resurrection By Erection” which features Alestorm/Gloryhammer vocalist Christopher Bowes, and he adds a layer of crudeness and Scottish grit to their sound which seems to be the perfect fit. The next draw to me was obviously Trivium’s Matt Heafy on “Fist By Fist”, I’d never have attached a sound like this to Heafy but damn boy, he reached down and found the power metal spirit within and unleashed it, great song. “We Drink Your Blood” I’m adamant could be a future metal anthem sensation with Avatar’s Johannes Eckerstrom providing his screams and growls which fits absolutely perfectly. I can’t believe I forgot to mention “Sanctified With Dynamite” which is the first track in the second cd and one of my favourites off it, it guests Ralf Scheepers of Primal Fear providing vocals and is generally aggressive and high octane but it’s the chorus for me, the fist pumping catchy way that it’s written. The only track on this side of the record that isn’t as resonating with me is “Nightside of Siberia” which features Amon Amarth’s iconic vocalist Johan Hegg, it is a great song but to me when I listen to it, it's just a new Amon Amarth song to me, there's nothing wrong with that I just thought they’d apply more of their own style and utilise Hegg to heighten that but that's not how it appears to have come out to me.
The beautiful part of this is that the bonus CD would have been enough on its own without them needing to do the original album, but the fact that there is both is absolutely overwhelming and it has really paid off for these guys doing things the way that they have. The opportunities now live are incredible; they can put together very varied setlists and the opportunity for guest musicians to join them onstage has jumped through the roof. I'm excited to catch them on stage again!
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lostinsantacarla · 4 years
Twisted Love
Part 2-
Serenity had two options. Be smart and walk away from the challenge to live another day, while the wound in her heart festered some more until the night came around and he returned, or give in to the need and let him relieve both their wounds. The injuries he could produce were nothing compared to the agony she was in mentally without him. At least physical pain was a direct feeling on the surface instead of the other kind that hid beneath one’s skin like a coward.
Paul knew she couldn’t die from blood loss or most physical injuries and she wondered if he had pondered any ideas about how to kill her, let alone become aware of the fact that once she was gone, another form of chaos would erupt in his being. The loss of a mate. A soul mate to be exact, even though the term had long since become yet another thorn in her mind’s eye. It was too fluffy, and overused.
“I just wish things could go back to the way they were before,” she voiced. The words were meek like she was about to cry, but even that emotion was unworthy at this stage.
“Yeah!! Well they can’t!” His body slammed into the glass of the window as he said this, his arms out wide, and the palms of his hands once again flat against the surface. He looked crazed. High off some drug laden blood he’d consumed. “You brought this on yourself, Seren. Used and abused.” He chuckled. “Now I gotta cut these chains, one way or another.”
Paul was right. Serenity had been selfish with him and smothering and she knew better, even when he wanted to spend every moment with her, it still wasn’t enough. Her way didn’t suit his way all the time and it was unhealthy, even for a vampire.
No. Things couldn’t go back. It was better to move forward and face whatever fate had in store for them. A cleansing of sorts. If her death was the answer, then so be it. At least she would die in his arms, by his doing.
A weird sense of peace and freedom overcame her even as loneliness still reared its ugly head making her fret as she moved towards the lock. The unwavering stare she’d given him earlier now fell on the latch as her fingers slipped over it, and a hitch in her heartbeat took her breath away as the excitement of having him touch her again rose.  No doubt any sensible human wouldn’t be throwing themselves in the path of death, but the black hole she’d fallen into was endless. Not only was he her grim reaper, but he was also her savior.
What a predicament.
By opening the window and inviting him in, she was going to sign her life away. But it was something she’d already done a long time ago, the moment she’d let him into her life. The mark on her neck was proof of that, even if it wasn’t visible to the naked eye. It ran deep into her soul.
Paul was rocking to the tune of some song in his head on the other side, barely giving enough room for her to work. He lifted his head up at her with a cocky nod. One of those hot headed, sexy gestures he often gave others when he flirted.
It made the window on hinges harder to open considering it swung outwards and as soon as a small crack appeared, Paul grabbed hold and threw it open, nearly tearing it off.
The rain had shifted its pattern due to a light wind and it pelted the sill, inviting itself in before Serenity had a chance to give Paul the permission. She’d jumped back from the assault on the window, even though she’d expected such a move on his part.
This was her last chance to change her mind.
“You gotta ask yourself who you wanna be,” Paul said, the tips of his fingers resting lightly on the sill. Water dripped off of them in a steady rhythm. It left a sheen on the eye ring he wore.
Serenity felt a numbness come over her and she closed her eyes, gulping hard. Tears welled behind her eyelids and fell through dark eyelashes, down her cheeks.
The wind howled. The rain whipped in and misted over her bare skin. Another old song started to play somewhere in the shadows. It wasn’t in her mind or Paul’s, but an outline to their current situation from a familiar radio station. It brought her a sense of understanding, even through the tears, and she found herself mimicking the words, lip singing them. They played off of her as if the tune found her energy and fed off of it.
Sons of vengeance, can you rescue me They got me tied up to an old oak tree They had me screamin' and alone in the night I'm beginning to see what's wrong and what is right What is wrong and what is right Oh, oh, what is wrong and what is right
The gates was gettin' rusty, as we sailed into the dark The stars were out and shinin' against the moonlit hour The wolves were out and howlin', most of the time And I was cold and shiverin' and bleedin' in the night Bleedin' in the night, Oh, oh bleedin' in the night
Screaming in the night, Fighting for my life, I'd die for you…
She knew who she wanted to be all along.
“Come in.” It was that simple and that deadly.
Before she could open her eyes, cold, damp hands clasped around her neck, catching her breath, and locking it beneath her collar bone as she gasped unable to control the sound. Even without opening her eyes, she felt his swift movement bringing them both back until her spine hit the wall and her head knocked against it.
It wasn’t enough to cause swirling stars, but enough to open her eyes and take a real good look at the monster before her. Who could love such a thing? A snarling beast full of rage, fangs dripping saliva, and reddened demon eyes. It wasn’t blood lust that stirred his nature, it was the complex configuration of patterns inside his head that led him to believe he could still love when the cold darkness no longer provided a shadowed cloak from it. The promise of undeniable power and no regrets now a lie as he stared her down, hesitation evident as he paused, mouth still wide and a slight faltering quiver to his lips.
Instinctively, her hands fell on the wrist that pinned her. The dark spikes of his bracelet pricking the inside of her palm, even as she refrained from fighting. The light inside her easily able to throw him across the room, yet it too had become a crumbled, withered thing. It was the yin and yang effect. One needed the other to survive and when the balance was thrown off, the wheels that spun ceased and remained locked until the balance was restored.
The idea of trying to restore things was good, but there wasn’t a guidebook, only mystic lore and a set of rules that had never been broken, and so, the questions that were needed remained unasked.
Serenity had no idea how to restore the shift that brought them both agonizing pain. She only knew to follow her heart and the gut feeling deep inside. Everyone dies. It’s just a matter of when and how and maybe this was her way to find the light again. Although what good it would do the universe keeping a blood sucking creature of the night alive, she had no idea.  Perhaps the torment of his loss would bring things into perspective one night down the road, long after she was gone.
“I’m sorry,” she sobbed. His hold wasn’t tight enough to keep her words from sounding out. “I just want it to be over.”
Serenity didn’t mean the coupling between them, but a release from the pain. A release from the burden they were both carrying on their shoulders.
For a second a twinkle in his eyes reverted the amber into a smidge of beautiful blue and she could see the understanding behind his savage rage.
‘Me too.’
His words were silent. Sounded out inside her head but they were his and she reached forward, placing a hand over his heart.
‘Do it.’ She answered back, tilting her head as best she could in his grasp. The soft spot there on her neck smooth as the pulse brought the thick jugular vein to the surface.
No regrets.
Except his hesitation was off-putting. She grunted. A small squirm. There was still a barrier between them keeping him at bay due to their connection and her movement helped to wake him up.
Once more his hell bent eyes flared and he snarled, rushing up against her, his weight pressing her form into the wall as he bent down and locked his jaw, his fangs sinking deep like a hot knife through butter.
She gasped. Her body heaved and her hands moved, entangling themselves in the depths of his sopping wet hair. His bite both pain and pleasure. Once again, she closed her eyes, taking in every last thought and feeling she could as her blood pumped into his mouth, one gulp after another. The scent of his rain-soaked hair, a combination of purity and fresh air tainted by all the weed he smoked, and the overpowering incense that had long ago soaked into the material that made up his jacket. Drops of unruly water dripped onto her bare feet, and the small patches of bare skin where her shirt had raised due to his aggression, felt the cold metal that adorned said jacket. It jingled now and then as he moved in the moment, adjusting his mouth as if her blood weren’t draining fast enough.
All she could do was hold on until the stars danced and a veil of black cloaked her vision. It was cold then. Colder than his skin. In fact, in those last few moments, he felt hot to her, but she couldn’t feel her fingers. They were numb, pressed against his scalp as if she’d been holding on too long. Her body was weightless, her heartbeat absent. One last breath escaped her lips before it all went dark.
He laid her body down across the bed, a look of defiance on his face as she swiped a finger under his nose and stepped back, unable to really admire his handy work. The room was aglow through his eyes thanks to her life now circulating through every bone and joint and organ inside his body, but the relief had yet to come.
A sense of freedom and release. There wasn’t any. Instead he felt a knot in his chest and the hole of burden in his heart growing wider. His red eyes filled with remorse.
Fuck no. This wasn’t happening. It was the god damned mark. He had to rip it out. That was the only way. Otherwise he was no better than a human with all these feelings. That wasn’t why he became a vampire. Only the weak felt guilt for bringing death.
He shook his head, shedding the remainder of water from it and glared, blinking away the weakness in the form of tears. He moved forward, kneeled on the bed with one knee. The weight of his knuckles at her side caused the mattress to sink as he hovered over her form. She looked peaceful to him. No more pain. That’s what he wanted. He’d do it as respectfully and carefully as he could, he decided.
“Are you really going to kill her?”
Paul’s head jerked up towards the open window. The rain had stopped, and David stood there in the corner of the room.
(The song mentioned in this is called, Screaming In The Night by Krokus)
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theelliottsmiths · 5 years
Funniest making of video Rammstein moments?
Well this got... Comprehensive. It devolved somewhat as it got to videos I don't care about as much. This is not what you were expecting, I'm sure, but you asked so please be polite and read it. It's like 2/3 from memory so I'm sure I missed just the funniest thing that's ever been in one. Such is life.
P*ssy (let's see if this work of art gets into the tags):
Schneider being a nasty bastard rat man with his leg drumming
Everything Flake says. All of it.
Richard talking about his double, holding his hands about a foot apart
The hoover
Schneider's little kick at the camera because he's 18 years old at most
Das ist ein Bordell?
The little grass song
Schneider trying not to show that the thinks it's 'absolutely stupid'
Flake don't do anything
Their little weirdo best friend hang out warmups
Till practicing the murder scene
Paul singing the Rosenrot guitars as he learns how to flagellate himself. This is one of my fave things why does nobody talk about it?
Till saying he wants to make friends too
Till peeping out of the hood asking why(?) he needs make up
Can we count Richards hat and Flakes hair
Richard asking if they should have knives and won't they kill him?
OLI WITH THE WINE UP HIS SLEEVE. It's the funniest thing I've ever seen no matter how many times I see it.
Everything Flake says
Till, don't defend yourself. Richard, let someone else beat the devil out of Till!
The silence after Flake says he doesn't like pain as much as Till
Talking about how they had to make Paul bigger to play a dwarf
Flake talking about them wanting to name the album Herzeleid and then realising there was, unfortunately, already an album called Herzeleid and they're the ones who made it
Did the American tour influence this album? Nope!
Everyone's reaction to the spanking scene
When Paul feels the Cain Instinct rising and flings the food at Till, Schneider looking on to see his reaction instead of stopping Paul
No :(
Mit seinem Mündchen, so spitz!!!
The little opera battle at the end
The fact that it hasn't got subtitles (though I'd rather it did)
Schneider's dancing
Till saying the actress could like, permanently kick his arse
Schneider and Oli falling over.
Paul with the tusk
Jeez Schneider's dancing though how is he so many contrary things?
Till trying so so hard not to look at the actress' breasts while she's talking (does anyone know her name I feel gross just saying the actress). He does, but he tried.
Mein Land:
Paul and his pale, delicate Berlin skin
The way it cuts from the beach to Flake in his night makeup, which to me feels like they're implying it's his regular everyday look
Flake not super wanting to be there
The dancing. The only time I'm truly reminded of their ages is when I see them dance.
Richard hugging Jonas, just because of the way he flings himself. I bet he runs up to people and jumps, assuming they'll catch him.
Paul's little blink thing
...Richards hair.
Till dressed as snow white, spanking what would be Paul
Flake being an amphibian
Richard going off track to mention a woman with 'huge jugs'
Down to the booonnneeee
Ich Tu Dir Weh:
fleischfarrrrrrrrrbenen Drrrrrrrraht lang legst. His speech is so rounded, like the bubble writing every teenaged girl uses on posters
The whole mouth piercing story, really. I don't think it's as big of a deal as they do though? It was bigger than a standard piercing and he wasn't very smart about it but it was pretty much just a cheek piercing he treated poorly, he didn't remove a limb. I used to spray stuff when I had a lip piercing so that's just understandable, relatable content.
Ziggy Stardust
Flake saying he's being slandered
Paul's face the entire time he talks about the trucks
Mann Gegen Mann:
Is it weird that I think Schneider's lil drumming noises are funny in the background? They're so small.
Oli really doesn't look like Oli in the truck this isn't funny but that was a strange time huh
The guy losing his mind over the crash scene.
Richards driving face. I remember seeing it as a kid and it was just as funny then. Or maybe that's why I think it's funny
You're the driver, you can't be lying out there!
Keine Lust:
Flake wishing he could be that fat
His safely saddled pirouette
The boys cackling at each other when they see the make up and prosthetics
Schneiders giggle when he says it's his idea. Okay so this is more cute than funny, but have you ever noticed that he doesn't really have a medium laugh? It's either a polite huff or an avalanche of hysterical giggles
Schneider looking at himself in the mirror so seriously idk it just is funny
Paul singing in the makeup chair
Till getting into his suit
Schneider's face is falling to pieces but that's irrelevant!
Schneider peeling himself. Hallo!
Ohne Dich:
Flake insulting Till, Till saying he's going to really make him sweat because of how rude he was. Paul taking the piss out of Flake in the interview.
Did you expect me to run with you? How did you arrive at that?
Tills little mm after he says the sweat thing
He's alive, Schneider, come make it a trio!
Tills small mountain song
Okay mini rant time please bear with me I need to get this out. That guy when Till is getting taped into the astronaut gear? He told Till the Donald Sutherland penis zip story, yet when Till talks about it (using the name, pointing to his dick and zipping) the guy looks completely clueless. It's so American? How could he not get that that's the story Till was telling? Anyway it's funny because he zipped the penis of Donald Sutherland with it so... His boss, his boss did.
Again, everything Flake says. The urinals!
Paul saying their message is Fleisch, Fleisch and Ja and Ich Will, but Amerika was being so annoying that they had to make an exception
Richard with the arcade machine
The director says it's hard for them to play double speed because it's like a punk concert. They... They were all in punk bands. Maybe not Oli (I have no idea what his band was, someone said folk fusion to me once?) but the rest of them?
Paul's little history lesson in his lil nerd outfit
Rammstein created the conspiracy theory that America never went to the moon
Richard re: 10 litres of orange juice
America doesn't exist in East Germany. Why does every country have one country people think doesn't exist? Finland is a popular choice.
Mein Teil:
Schneider's giggling over being the perpetrators mother. Why was he so excited/embarrassed to pretend to be Armin Meiwes' mother?
Stop complaining!
Paul stomping on the suit. Am I just easily amused?
Schneider will just be a bit more woman
Oli's freaky faces
Flake talking about Swedish TV
Mein Herz Brennt:
Till trying to be diplomatic about the Spanish schedule. At least the walls were burning!
Paul being a nasty little thief
The cones.
Paul's reaction to the cones. The giggles.
Till talking to the child!
Oli with the kids when he's in his net. You know what meme that's like, fishermen talking and one gets caught in the net and they're like is it just me or is Dave being hot right now? Yeah that's all I can think then I see his net.
Paul talking about the captive costumes and shouting at Schneider through the cone
Richard having dreadlock flashbacks
The. Finger monster thing where it's like Ta Da
Feuer Frei:
Paul Kebab
Homemade Star Trek video. Paul, please dig it out.
Ich Will:
Paul in the corridor
I really like the way Paul says DDR. Its not funny, I just need to point it out I am legally obligated. Small and cute little country
Paul talking about the cameras killing them and being dramatic
Flake talking about being popular in Iceland
Mein Ohr!
Links 234:
Are there subtitles because of the accent?
That's it, I don't like this one very much at all
Du Hast:
When they forget to tell the fire boy he can cool off
Schneider: Paul was upset we tucked him away behind the drums where he could do nothing, he loves meddling and offering his opinion
Paul: *rants about everything wrong with the video* (Paul is correct in every criticism)
Du Riechst So Gut 98:
Till being shy kissing a woman is very funny to me
All of it. The hair, the set, the costumes. Everything. Their reactions to all of those things. What on earth.
Poor Paul talking about the haircuts as if he's ever had more than one decent haircut in his life. Two at most.
Till seems content with it but maybe he's just being diplomatic.
Schneider, me and Oli just fool around in the background and crowd the picture with too many people
B... Bird head. Plague doctor.
Du Riechst So Gut 95:
I love how they talk about it but even though the video itself is super funny, the making of? Not so much.
Schneider saying they wanted to appear aggressive and masculine, screen cuts to what is essentially a gay p*rno/tampon advert
Of course, we had to rub oil into out bodies. Of course.
Till talking about how he layered sunglasses and got the slashes metal things to help. Is it funny or am I just tired now?
Rammstein (I always forget this exists, it's so hard to find it):
Ah yes, first video, let's ask David Lynch. Why not?
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pathogenic · 4 years
Y’all are getting tunes whether you ask for them or not
1. A song that reminds you of your childhood
Orinoco Flow - Enya
One of my favorite songs as a kid. I still listen to it because I love the otherworldly feel it has to it. Plus now I associate it with Myst because the instrumentals are a lot like the Myst classic soundtrack. That matters because the Myst series is the only video game my mom plays and I have fond memories watching her play.
2. A song to sleep to
Bad Wings - The Glitch Mob
The Glitch Mob has a lot of tracks I find to be rather soothing. This one especially because it is slower than most of their other tracks. I actually found this one when I was playing my bed time Pandora radio like back in ohhhh 2014 I believe? So it works.
3. A song that your best friend loves
We’ll roll with Isa over @ aiiizawa 
Pay No Mind (Feat. Passion Pit) - Madeon
Feeling is pretty mutual on how much this song rocks. It is nice, bouncy, and the song just makes you feel warm all over.
4. A song that hypes you the fuck up
Never Gonna Stop (The Red, Red Kroovy) - Rob Zombie
I will not be surprised when I get a speeding ticket due to this song. It’s just that good and I will never not go apeshit to it. I also love the bass in the intro, it sounds fucking killer in almost every car/truck I’ve been in.
5. A song you like to daydream to
Here Comes the Rain Again - Eurythmics
It’s soothing, it has a sweet vibe to it, it also has a longing feel to it. It works for almost every ship of mine, it instantly puts me in a mood. What else could I want from it?
6. A song that’s on at least 3 of your playlists
Bite Me! (Chrom Remix) - Hocico
This one was recommended to me by a very dear friend and I just love it. It’s on my personal playlist, a playlist for a friend’s character, and my general VtM playlist. It’s just a really cool song.
7. A song that you love from a genre you don’t usually like
Train, Train - Blackfoot
Rockabilly is something I want to get more into, but I really am so choosy. This was one given to me by my Dad and he was absolutely right to. The song fucking slaps.
8. A song that you liked when you where 10 that still slaps
Imaginary - Evanescence
I’ve loved Evanescence since I was a little one and I’m still right on that. Amy Lee’s voice is amazing and I still listen to her very often. This one was my favorite as a kid because on the Fallen album, you go from Tourniquet with it’s full orchestra ending and then it drops to this single violin in the intro and that rocked. I was always so excited to hear it as a kid. I also loved shouting “FLOWERS”. Didn’t really know any of the other lyrics until much later.
9. A song that makes you want to go on an adventure
Uncharted Worlds - Sam Hulick
Is it cheating to pull from a game OST? Either way, this song always makes me want to explore the galaxy. Lucky bastards in ME.
10. A song you’d want to dance with your partner to ( or future partner )
Ragtime Cat (Ft. Lilja Bloom) - Parov Stelar
I’ll take my L on this one, but I do genuinely love electro swing, I love swing dancing, and this one feels like the perfect one to dance with. It has a fun tempo and I also love the jump between new and old in this song.
11. A song to stomp around and pout to
Happy? - Mudvayne
I mean really, what else do you need beyond a passive-aggressive nu metal song to be angry to?
12. A song to listen to whilst you lie in a meadow
Wheel in the Sky - Journey
Sounds like the perfect place to contemplate, and Wheel in the Sky is the perfect song to do that with. Think about the future and fate while enjoying a good tune by Journey.
13. A song that reflects your views on love
Sparks - Faith and the Muse
Kind of my go to love song? There is a reverence and a hesitance in this song that really speaks to me. Love is scary, but it’s alive and well.
14. A song to sing to the sun
I could have been cheeky and picked The Sun by Gothminister, but I won’t
Honestly, I’m not sure how to read this, so take something that is definitely a daytime tune with Song 2 - Blur
Not a “sun” song, but I always associate it with the kind of sports I like and that as close as I can get.
15. A song you like that sounds like its on the soundtrack to an indie coming of age film
Volcanic Jig - Natalie MacMaster
Feels like the kind of light, bouncy stuff they would play in an opening scene to me.
16. A song that you like that romanticises being a teenager
Electricity - Red City Radio
At least part of it. It has a growing up with someone you like kind of feel to it and part of that would have to be being a teen. Beyond that, evidently nothing I listen to matches this either.
17. A song that makes you want to grab your friends jump up and down dancing and screaming the lyrics
Devil’s Dance Floor - Flogging Molly
Mostly because it’s just the song stuck in my head really bad, but that chorus, it sounds so fun to sing!!
18. A song that you like that the lyrics are just so beautiful they’re practically poetry
Oh I regret using Sparks already
Love You To Life - Grace Jones
Might as well be a poem really! Just take a listen and enjoy.
19. A song that you can imagine listening to in an abandoned church ( if it isn’t hozier im judging you, but whatever )
Listen to more artists
Sunday Morning - The Bolshoi
I would pick this one for a number of reasons - first off, it has a good sort of distant feeling to me that matches an abandoned place, second it has to deal with negative feelings with Christianity, which would match my mood best while standing in a church, abandoned or not.
20. A song from the soundtrack of a film that you like so much after the film finished you immediately looked for it
Warrior Falls -  Ludwig Göransson
Yes, it is a Marvel movie soundtrack, but consider - The drums in the Black Panther Soundtrack rock. Now to be honest, this is like one of the only movie soundtracks I have saved. If we went video game, then god it might have to be
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag Main Theme - Brian Tyler
AC soundtracks in general tend to fucking rock, but this theme is so powerful every time I hear it, I’m fuckin ready to be a pirate.
21. A song for when the sun has gone down and you are feeling absolutely buck-wild with exhilaration!
Augen Auf - Oomph!
I have so many songs that work for this. This is normally when I listen to music so I have many Manic Energy Songs. 
22. A song that makes you feel like you’re strolling through Ancient Greece living your best life
Very specific indeed, but perhaps Antvmnos - Eluveite ?
Tell me it wouldn’t be perfect to stroll a Greek shoreline with.
23. A song that when you listen to it you’re transported to a liminal space, time is pointless and you must sit and wallow in the void that remains
Black Car - Beach House
I listen to this song and my mind is instantly somewhere indescribable and unknowable and all I can do is listen, relax, and go through it. It’s very pleasant to me.
24. A song to listen to on a long drive when you have the really strong urge to keep driving until you find somewhere to start a new life (preferably a europian city whose language you don’t speak)
Perhaps not that exactly, but a song that makes me want to be a weary traveler seeing sights most can only dream of is Far Horizons - Jeremy Soule
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dangerwatson · 6 years
Tumblr media
It’s ya girl Lin back on my ‘ let’s cry about a beautiful woman together ’ bs. Here’s MJ ! It’s long, but that’s to have all her relevant information in one place should you ( or me more than likely ) need to hit it up for future reference. I’m excited to have her here ya’ll.
Given / Birth Name : Mary Jane Watson Nickname / Preferred Name : MJ, Red Alias(es) : N/A Birthdate / Age : June 19th 1991 / Twenty - Seven Place of Birth : Montoursville, Pennsylvania Current Location : Little Italy, NYC Gender Identity : Cis Female Sexual / Romantic Orientation : Disaster Bisexual Ethnicity / Race / Cultural Heritage: African - American && German Marital Status : Single Occupation : Field Reporter && Political commentator for Weekly Review Religious Beliefs : Agnostic. Raised Christian.
Height : 5′8″ Weight : 135 Body Type / Build : Entirely Average. Could stand to go to the gym, but honestly who has that kind of time. Don’t compare her to fruit she hates that. Eye Color : Green  Hair Color / Texture : Auburn. Worn natural, 4b curls and all. Sometimes braided, sometimes weaved, sometimes in bantu knots or covered by headscarves. She’s very particular with her hair - touching it can and will lead to physical harm against the perpetrator if unwelcome. Recognizable Features / Scars : Big ol’ dimples and a slight cleft chin. Dusting of dark freckles across nose and chest. Speech Patterns / Accent : Has a deeper voice, boarding whisky worn. Because she’s moved around the majority of her childhood MJ has no discernible accent, giving her a modulated tone that’s perfect for clear annunciation across media platforms. Languages Spoken : English, French, ASL Powers / Skills / Abilities : No powers, however MJ has a nose for good stories, and tends to follow wherever they take her.  Overall Health : Good.
Order of Birth : Youngest Number of Siblings : 1 Father’s Status + Relationship : Phillip Watson, alive. An abusive alcoholic, former High School English teacher. No relationship amends have been made. Mother’s Status + Relationship : Madeline Watson nee Rains, deceased. A starry eyed dreamer, former actress turned stay at home mother. Left Phillip after he struck Gayle, bounced both children through various family members. Passed away shortly after from congenital heart failure exacerbated by stress and lack of access to treatment. Sibling Status + Relationship : Gayle Watson, older sister by almost five years. Unlike MJ, continued to have a relationship with their father. Married her schoolyard sweetheart and had two children. He divorced her around the same time MJ graduated high school, leaving both sisters ( and her nephews ) living under Aunt Anne’s roof. They’re nearly estranged. When she visits her aunt and nephews, both sisters make a point of keeping their conversations short -- if they happen at all. Loyalty / Affiliation : Outwardly neutral, though subject to change behind closed doors.
MBTI : ESFJ Hobbies : Dancing. Doesn’t matter where, when, why or how. Catch her pulling an n*sync routine in her living room at 4 PM on a Tuesday. MJ also has a knack for exploration. There are a lot of ( read : free ) things to do around the city and magically finds them all. Who cares if you have no interest in the Fungi Festival, there are booths everywhere for a quick way to kill an afternoon. Tried needlework one afternoon, didn’t stick and now there’s an abomination of mutant looking cats hanging above her bathroom door. Bad Habits : Smoking. Fixing / hyper - focusing on her hair when uncomfortable or stressed. Jumping head first into the dating scene only to find out it’s the shallow end. Providing 20 second long fart sounds whenever someone asks “how are you?” Taking care of others before taking care of herself. Three Positive Traits : The silent Mom Friend. Allow me to explain : MJ is traditionally that bitch^tm making sure you get home okay after hanging out, she ensures your soul is as well nourished as your body. For all of her outward party-girl aesthetics and a forced mean girl perception on her by others, she makes sure her friends are in good headspaces. That they feel encouraged to follow their ambitions and ultimately celebrate every success no matter the size. It’s the type of selflessness that she’d wanted for herself growing up, so I’ve labeled it as her BEST trait. She’s incredibly outgoing. An extrovert through and through, getting her battery charged by being around people. It’s what makes her an attractive personality. When in a battle of small talk, MJ not only listens and remembers those small shared details but she knows how to keep the conversation going without making it seem like a chore. I love how in tune she is like that, girl vibes hard with new and old friends alike. Finally, MJ would make a professional bargain hunter blush. She grew up poor and as a direct result is extremely careful about what she’s doing with money. And yes, being financially responsible during these trying times as a Millennial trying to earn that bread is pretty much a given good quality. We all wish it wasn’t, but here we are. Three Negative Traits : MJ is stubborn to a fault. When she digs her heels into something it’s hard to get her to stop until a desired outcome is achieved ( or undesired, event depending ). While this is usually reworded as a positive asset —- being so DRIVEN and MOTIVATED —– that’s simply not the case with her. She’s lived through all consequences resulting from this inability to budge and none of the supposed rewards. Been fired from more jobs than she’d care to admit for telling former bosses where to shove unrealistic worker expectations, or coworkers where they can file passive aggressive bullpucky. She’s also incredibly stunted emotionally. As mentioned, she’s a silent Mom Friend, but reciprocation of her actions isn’t met with as much of an openness as one might expect. MJ keeps her feelings to herself, and it usually builds up until she suffers a full scale breakdown triggered by something mundane like … dropping a fry or seeing a lady bug stepped on. Decompressing is a word in her vocabulary, for sure, but it was easier to partake in as a 20 year old than as a near 30 year old with responsibilities and bills to pay. Picky puts it in palatable terms, but MJ knows what she likes and how she likes it. When she doesn’t, then she’ll quickly find a preference. In the meantime we’ll say she’s very particular about what styles she likes to wear, how her make up is, how her hair looks, and over all what image she’s presenting to a general public. It’s a habit she hasn’t been able to shake. Moral Alignment : Neutral Good
One Song : Dead and Lovely - Tom Waits One Quote / Piece of Art : “Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful.” One Fear : Following the Watson Women path of horrible no good very bad mistakes and poor life decisions. One Strength : Persistence One Object : Breathe Right Nasal Strips One Place : May’s kitchen One Food : Garlic One Scent : Cinnamon. One Lucky Charm : Old tattered friendship bracelet
Pretty typical “American Dream !” 50′s family dynamic. Everyone looking great in their Sunday best photos, father with a steady job, stay at home mom to save on daycare, two daughters and a stray cat named Sir Stinkybottom.
Father started facing emotional breaking points brought about by lack of what he considered satisfactory income and inbound midlife crisis. Turned to drinking, ( turned into a right train wreck. )
Mary-Jane, Gayle and Maddie hopped from various family member’s couches to crash for a couple of weeks at a time during the separation process from Phillip.  This lasted a year.
Maddie passed away when MJ was around 10 and Gayle 15, Gayle instantly taking up the role of Mother Figure to MJ’s wild child foil. MJ maintains she doesn’t remember all that much about her mother while Gayle remembers everything and that becomes a point of contention. 
Father returns into their life. It’s messy, he eats away at their still developing ego’s like the cancerous human blob he’s chosen to become. Their Aunt Anna, who they live with, intervenes when she can.
Gayle gets the fuck outta there by marrying her high school sweetheart, moving to the midwest and popping out two adorable munchkins named Kevin and Thommy.
MJ has the pleasure of dealing with their dad alone for the next five years. Which she does by a little thing called home avoidance. Garners the reputation quickly as a party girl at Midtown, someone ready to go anywhere and everywhere at any time. 
Began solidly working around fifteen to help Anna out, sometimes in Diners, sometimes in retail. Her ability to sell her brand began early and honed with surgical precision during these years. All currently reflected across media platforms where she became a 2010 influencer ( and paid for little more than modeling ).
Started college at seventeen, typical move. Took 6 years for her to finish as she paid her way through without loans. The last thing MJ wanted when finally breaking out of Queens was a student dept choker. Graduated at 23 with a dual bachelors in journalism and political science.
Bounced between larger broadcasting industries for a few years as an underpaid intern before growing concerned by their lacking criteria. The burnout was real.
Tirelessly sought employment at her favorite ( but SMALL ) news agency. By luck of the draw she was screen tested and hired on for a slot as field reporter.  
She’s been with Weekly Review since. Now having two years under her belt ( still extremely Green in her industry ), she’s pushing for higher scope investigative journalist pieces. And for once, they’re not telling her no.
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