#the best path is the path you never asked for. ⟹ verse; steadfast endings.
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i haven't been in a river in years. (also from will but theres a lot to unpack with this one)
"S'just water. Not too much to miss out on."
Twain has no lack of love for almost everything like this in the world, but the subject of rivers has always given him a distinctly unsettled feeling. The water always feels like it's seeping into every inch of his soul even though here and now, it's only lapping at his ankles. Only half of the nightmares he has about the Mississippi have to do with the act of drowning in it. It only needs to be there to scare him.
It's not the same river, but he finds it hard to enjoy rivers in general the same way he used to as a kid, when their currents were the only things that could take him away from home.
He's not really bothering to act quite as cheerful as usual---Will would see right through it anyway, like he always does. It's fitting, for a person the river brought him to. Sometimes he wonders if Will isn't just like the water, spread through every part of him in a way that makes being unknowable a distant dream.
Not that the understanding is special to Will. At least, it probably isn't. He seems to understand everyone that way---Twain used to think loving him was like thinking the sun might need him back. But he isn't that stupid, no matter how dumb he might feel in comparison. He knows a lot better now that Will only wants people to think he's alright just because he says so.
"... I don't hafta tell every story I hear to 44, y'know. And I'm not as bad at keepin' my mouth shut as you probably think." He sits down where he is, on the bank, water still reaching his ankles. Then he pats the spot next to him, an open invitation---Will doesn't even have to touch the water if he doesn't want to. "I'm just sayin'. Nobody out there better to listen to whatever anyone around might hypothetically wanna talk about."
taskmaster. / accepting.
#a story repeated word for word exactly as i heard it. ⟹ ic.#i think that what you're askin' for just might make things worse. ⟹ ask.#i never thought i could be comfortable in silence before you. ⟹ revenanthearts; william moriarty.#the best path is the path you never asked for. ⟹ verse; steadfast endings.#revenanthearts
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@ to my beautiful anon sister in Islam 🌺🌺
و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته 🤍
First of all, I opted to make a separate post and not share your ask for I didn't want to disclose your story or details and put them out there.
Secondly, THANK YOU FOR TRUSTING IN ME WITH THIS 🥺 Mashaa'Allah, Allahuma barik laha.
And jazaki Allahu kulla khayr for saying that my posts make you feel safe, it gave me goosebumps SubhanAllah because that's the ultimate goal, May Allah swt show his mercy and let his mercy and gentleness reach his servants via the channel of my words, ameen. Me and this blog are only a means and a reflection, may Allah swt increase our understanding and our hidaya (guidance). Ameen.
With that being said, I want to start by congratulating you and saying how proud of you I am for trying to commit to your prayers. I know " theoretically " that's a given and people take praying for granted but reality is different from one muslim to the other. We are human beings and every single one of us is experiencing their journey differently, one person's experience and struggles should not let them make judgements or assumptions about the rest of the Ummah. And for most of us, especially the newbies and the ones who just started their journey on the straight path, even committing to your five prayers is such a big deal, Alhamdulillah, so good job on that, may Allah swt keep you steadfast and help you improve in that area. There is so much more you can still accomplish regarding your prayers, so keep being excited and open, focus on improving yourself and your deeds and try to switch every negative thought or doubt you might have (for example of not being good enough) with a positive thought to always keep your spirit up and not to get bored or tired and end up giving up, AstaghfiruAllah. The journey to Allah swt is a long difficult path, and the beginnings are always beautiful and exciting, it's amazing when you find Allah swt and you decide okay I am going to start now, I am going to try and do good, and please Allah swt. But, you know what? it's that perseverance that's more important, the patience, the " trying and failing but still getting up and trying again and never giving up " that's more rewarding. So, my biggest tip for you would be to give credit to yourself, be proud of yourself, and always make duaa that Allah swt guides you, keeps you closer to Him, gives you the strength and patience to keep going thru this journey on His path. One of my favorite duaas to make is " Allahuma asleh lee qalbi : اللهم أصلح لي قلبي " as in My Lord fix my heart for me. I recite almost in every sujood and it's a reminder that our hearts are in the hands of Allah swt and that even if we think that we have become good Muslims now and we are on the right path, anything can change in a matter of seconds, and also, that we are not as good or fixed or healed as we think we are, that is why, even on our good days I think we still need to ask Allah swt to fix our hearts.
Another IMPORTANT duaa is from surat Al Imraan (3:8)
رَبَّنَا لَا تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِنْ لَدُنْكَ رَحْمَةً ۚ إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْوَهَّابُ
Rabbana la tuzigh quloobana baAAda ith hadaytana wahab lana min ladunka rahmatan innaka anta alwahhabu
Our Lord! make not our hearts to deviate after You have guided us aright, and grant us from Your mercy; surely You art the most liberal Giver.
This is important because there is a common belief in our religion that after one has turned to Allah swt and declared that they have repented or accepted the teachings of this religion, they will be tested, they need to prove their sincerity and if they really meant it. That's for one. And for two, also shaytan will try to trick the believer and distract and deviate them from the straight path ( I haven't recently made a post about this ). So try to incorporate those two duaas in your daily routine and Allahu almusta'aan my dear, may He swt bless every step you take and accept it from you 🤍🤍
Now, about the last part of your ask and your question: Ehem, ARE YOU SERIOUS? 😅 Bless your pure heart and innocent soul !!!!!. I know you don't need me to copy paste all the verse in the Quran talking about Allah's mercy and forgiveness because you already know THAT and you don't need me posting links of Shuyoukh and Muftis listing examples of how Allah swt accepted people's repentance and forgave them etc, you can do that yourself and I don't wanna make this post any longer. But let me just tell you one thing, wa Allahu a3lam. Had Allah swt not seen you worthy of His mercy and forgiveness, Had He not thought you deserved it, He would have never guided you to this state and to His straight path in the first place. In fact, He is the one who guided you because we don't guide whom we want but Allah swt does the guiding. And He guides whom He wants. So, why would He show you the way if He didn't want to forgive you? He already has forgiven you and He already has accepted your repentance and your deeds, in Shaa Allah 🥺🤍🤍 Look how many people around you, and elsewhere, everywhere in the world are still living astray, still living in Jahiliya AstaghfiruAllah, but He, in all his mercy chose YOU, guided YOU, because He swt LOVES YOU. And that's more that enough I'd say. ALHAMDULILLAH 🤍🤍
Update: After every prayer, recite this duaa: Allahuma a'ennee 'ala thikrika wa shukrika wa husni 'ibadatika
اللهم أعني على ذكرك و شُكرك و حسن عبادتك
My Lord help me to remember you, thank you, and worship you in the best way.
I will make duaa that Allah swt ease your affairs and take away all your worries, and fixes your heart. Allahuma ameen.
و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته 🌼
في أمان الله و رعايته و حفظه 🤍
P.s. I hope in this post I didn't " transpass " and I didn't say anything that is not up for me to say. I am no scholar, and so far away from claiming myself to be " pious ". I am just a servant of Allah swt with some background. We are all struggling and learning and striving in our journey towards Allah swt. I am only giving my personal thoughts to a sister who asked for help, Alhamdulillah that I could and I hope I was able to. In Shaa Allah kheir.
#ask#also I do apologize in advance for any spelling or grammatical mistakes as I don't proofread my posts
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Assalamu alaikum
Lately I've been getting this I'll feeling of being toxic...Despite of performing salahs on time...doing adhkaar...reciting the Quraan....
I feel if I am becoming arrogant...if all this knowledge would make me like the rejected one's Nauzubillaah... If I gain knowledge and not actually apply it or practice it ... if I am a hypocrite!!!!!!
It might all just be in my head but these thoughts really freak me out !!!
Wa alaykum assalamu wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu my dear :)
Can I just say at first and off topic SubhanAllah this is one of the cutest, purest, and most heartwarming anons I got? Allahuma barik your energy and your ghirah on your deen and your enthusiasm! Ma shaa Allah!!! It really really had me praising Allah swt ! And sis Allahuma barik laki the fact that you have such a level of taqwah (consciousness and awareness of Allah swt) is a blessing! I pray Allah swt preserve and only increase your taqwah more and more 🤍🤍 Because like I always say " bad people " or in your case " toxic people " never admit or even doubt that they are bad or toxic. The fact that you are so scared of being one is the proof that you are far from toxicity, Alhamdulillah :)
Now, here is what the sister who helped me with your ask is thinking, and I do share her thoughts and perspective:
Asalaamu alaikum dear anon,
I think we all have felt the way you're feeling right now. When it happens to ourselves, it is hard to get out of it but when I read your message all I could think is.. it's a trap of shaytaan.
There are some things we have to remember here. First of all, shaytaan will always try to get us off track. It's his mission, he won't stop until we breathe or last breath and he will do it to every single person who walks on this earth. It's his mission until the Day of Judgement. There is no point in our lives or our imaan that shaytaan will say 'ok, he/she has reached this level, it's time for me to leave them alone' no, he keeps going and going and going. In verse 7 of surat Al-Araf, Allah swt mentions that Iblis says :
قَالَ فَبِمَا أَغْوَيْتَنِي لَأَقْعُدَنَّ لَهُمْ صِرَاطَكَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ
(Iblîs) said, `Now, since You have adjudged me to be perverted and lost, I will assuredly lie in wait for them (- the Children of Adam) on the straight and exact path that leads to you.
So, that is actually a promise / an oath that shaytan took, and he will keep holding on to. So we have to be aware of it, and fight it. Which brings me to the following point:
When we're able to fight the whispers in one way, he will look for another way. Unfortunately, there's no ending to it. But all praise be to Allah, He has given us many ways to fight it.
Remember that shaytaan whispers these kind of things to get you off track, to get you away from your main goal which is Jannah. And the fact that you're feeling this way, that you're so aware of those whispers, shows how strong you are in faith allahouma baarik!
How to fight those whispers are many, but let me sum them up in one simple way
"... Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured." (13:28)
Remember your Lord in the ways that helps you the most.. dhikr, reading Quraan, praying, listening to lectures, reading books, etc.
Now, you said you're scared to be a hypocrite but the fact that you worry about it makes you NOT a hypocrite! You have to remember that we're only human beings, we're not meant to be perfect. We just always have to make sute that we are doing our bests and with the right intentions.
Finally, I might add a tip, always make duāa for Allah swt to purify your intentions, and make your deeds purely faithful to Him swt and for his sake. Ask Allah swt to purify your heart form every character that He swt doesn't like, like jealousy, envy, riyaa (showing off), hate, and so on..
And I will end this answer with this beautiful duaa from our Prophet ﷺ : "He (ﷺ) supplicated frequently: 'Ya muqallibal-qulubi, thabbit qalbi 'ala dinika (O Controller of the hearts make my heart steadfast in Your religion)."
May Allah swt keep you steadfast on his path my dear sister,
Be safe,
- A. Z. & M.
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I Kissed His Books Goodbye
Kae Salonzo Perez- Dilla
April 30, 2021
It was in 2019 when one of my favorite Christian authors shocked the Christian world by announcing his separation from his wife. It was Joshua Harris, the famous author and pastor who wrote, "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" and "Boy Meets Girl" which sold millions of copies since their publication in the 90s and made him like a Christian celebrity. I was totally heartbroken when this news popped on my IG feed. A year before this devastating news, I came across Joshua Harris on Facebook and YouTube where I learned about his recent project at that time which is also the reasn why he resurfaced. He was on some documentary film of some sort where he reevaluated his very own books mentioned earlier. I have also watched his TED Ed segment where he apologized for the lives destroyed by his book. He said that he was too young when he wrote his famous books. I was puzzled at that time which led me to do more research a.k.a stalking. I am a good stalker, you know. Kidding aside! So, from there, I started stalking the Harris couple on their social media accounts. I will not forget feeling that something was already off from their relationship since they are both absent from each other's daily activities. I do not know if that is just normal with other people but to me, it isn’t. Also, it struck me that Shannon and the Harris daughters "appear" to be highly modern and very much "in the trend" kind of way when it comes to their clothes, music, and social media posts. Given that they are in the limelight of conservative believers, this is a diversion. I was not a diehard fan of Joshua Harris and so I do not really know what happened to him after writing his books, after getting married to the girl of his prayers, and after pastoring a mega church for 17 years. However, I suddenly recalled an information he disclosed in one of his books. It was about Shannon whose inches close to starting her music career but then converted to her newfound faith and so this dream career of hers was aborted. This, I strongly recalled when I found lots of her IG post informing the world that she is about to release her music albums -which her songs don’t have the slightest expression of her love for God. For a preacher’s wife, for a Christian woman, so to speak, her recent project gave me another major what-in-the-world-is-happening moment. These findings surprised me! That's why I'm not really taken aback when Joshua Harris announced that he and his wife, Shannon, are eventually divorcing. Perhaps something bigger is afoot since then.
I know I am very late to make a fuss about Joshua Harris and his chosen path today, but I just want to express my thoughts since I kept seeing him lately. I was instantly reminded that I followed him on IG! And now I think about unfollowing him so I would be free from another stress. So, following his separation from his wife in 2019, more of his announcements on the social media just got more terrible as time pass by. He then denounced his Christian faith and joined an LGBTQ parade publicly. What worst could happen now? He has been posting his personal criticism on “Christianity" and against people "in the faith" with the notion of man's freedom being suppressed by God's will. He makes obedience to God appear so vexing and that it���s the very thing that stifle man from enjoying earthly pleasures. He just twisted the truth about ‘love the sinner but hate the sin’. God is angry at the wicked every day and so we were all once hated by God until he shows us His grace (Psalms 7: 11). But tolerating a sinner could never equate to any form of love. Unless man sees himself as a sinner, he will never repent and seek God. Harris has numerous posts about this particular topic! As I see it, one could assume that it is his way of answering back to the spiteful comments he keeps on receiving from the Christian group. He’s making the believers look like a group of unbelievable people for hurting him with God’s truths. The truth will surely hurt him.
There is no denying of the fact that Joshua Harris is still a hot issue among Christians today. Every time Christians talk about relationships, Joshua and his books are brought into place. Before the declaration of his newfound path away from Christ, his books were said to be the "Bible" of Christian romance. Decades ago, Joshua and his books were often referred to when Christians tend to look for godly relationships to pattern theirs. I personally and seriously took note of the contents of his books since I was in a relationship when I read them back then. Just like the other Harris loyalists, I would always mention his name and the things I have learned from his books when giving advice to my friends both in and out of the church during girl talks. It's such a shame that I have to evaluate my old self and admit that I have passed onto others the words of Harris more than God's. This, I humbly ask forgiveness from the Lord. And so, fast forward to the present time, look at how events have turned now. No one knows what really happened between Joshua and Shannon, but I'm pretty sure that whatever hit their relationship is a reflection of their individual relationship with God which have finally come in fruition in time. The book of Jeremiah says in chapter 7 verse 24, But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward. Whilst spending years and years of their life in the ministry, I could not help but wonder, was God really there "in" them? Frankly, although no man is in the position, it’s hard not to question their salvation thinking about what happened to them.
Joshua Harris have said in an interview that he excommunicated himself from his church because he failed to follow the standards required by the scriptures. In his words, he sounded like he was the victim more than the traitor. To add, one of his videos on YouTube showed live reactions from the offended readers of his books. I personally think that was a clear picture answering the question of why he ended up retracting his beliefs in public. He responded to those people in oppose to what Christians should be doing when being persecuted. He wanted to please them so bad to the point where he just decided to abandon his post, leave his God or god and follow them as if that was the best decision to reach out to them. His mindset is just so disappointing. At some point, did he blame God for earning his haters? Is that why he went after people he doesn’t personally know and has no relationship with God? Was he supposed to reevaluate through the Bible or through people’s lenses? How many were Christians in that pool of readers? It was just necessary to apologize for the wrong points that resulted to misguided readers, but why leave the faith? It’s true that it takes lots of courage to face the music but I don’t see the part where leaving your faith is a new definition of bravery.
When a Christian is found to be challenged, he ought to thrive. What happened to standing fast in the faith written in 1 Corinthians 16:13? But instead, Joshua Harris allowed the enemy to overpower him. He heard the wrong side. Well, to start with, he's probably not a genuine Christian. We don't want to judge him but again, we have been warned in Ephesians 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; A Youtuber also commented that a Christian should never find his life in the Lord burdensome. Sadly, Harris has put down his cross, got tired and stopped following the Savior. A believer's walk with Christ was never promised to go through an easy road but we will always find ourselves consistently rejoicing in His grace despite the way. Otherwise, those who are just pretending to understand the gospel will soon be revealed and will simply walk away because they were not meant to be in the fold of Christ in the first place.
Just recently, not only Harris have denounced his faith in Christ. There were others. Although this is not new anymore because there were others even before Harris’s time, but in this age of social media, issues like this have great impact in the Christian society perceived in various wavelength. And this case has left Christiandom a question-- what do we do with the learnings gained from such persons? It is fitting to know where the line should be drawn when reading Christian books. The Lord has commanded us to daily seek Him in prayer and in the scriptures. Even the prophets enquired and searched diligently (1 Peter 1: 10). Hence, to check if the materials we read carry God’s truth in them, they must be aligned to what the Bible says. God’s words should affirm the ideas being offered to us by other books whether they appear new or not. I believe that the things I learned from Joshua’s books really helped me assess my former relationship and double check if it indeed glorifies the Lord. But I do not give credit to the author because most of the concepts of the godly dating he presented were extracted from the Bible and were inspired by the people around him that were ‘in Christ’, and Lord willing, still walking with Him until now. Joshua Harris have miserably left his once professed faith and no wonder when ‘his followers’ do the same too. The Lord only revealed the impending danger of following leaders and prominent individuals with such devotion that should only belong to God. We should be vigilant and be fully aware of where and with whom do we pour our faith into. 2 Peter 3:17, KJV: "Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness."
The books written by Joshua Harris have heavily influenced his Christian readers. However, more than those pages that illuminated his beliefs before, what would really speak for himself is the life he chose to live today. I have kissed dating goodbye long time ago, not because of his books, but because God has been gracious to me and provided me a godly man to marry. I won’t recommend Joshua’s books but I will be keeping them. If people see them on my shelf one day, I know significant lessons could be drawn from them --more than courtship and dating, but particularly about a Christian’s walk with Christ.
We are in the end times and we are witnessing the falling away of man as said in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. But by God’s grace, His true children will persevere until His glorious return. The sad story of Joshua Harris just proved that our God is a perfect God who is solely worthy of receiving man’s adoration and trust. Not that He needs any of it, but it’s just crystal clear that no one else does. And that no earthly relationship should we model ours after except that of Christ and His love for the church which we could learn nowhere else but from the scriptures.
Isaiah 40:25-31
To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.
Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.
Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel, My way is hid from the LORD, and my judgment is passed over from my God?
Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.
He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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3 for 1 AU’s
Hikaru no Go shizz.
Three au’s I probably won’t write, but need to get the ideas out.
1) Sai a Paediatrician with Anxiety™ and Hikaru, who will pull him kicking and screaming into the world of Professional Go.
A) 23 year old Sai’s strict but loving family, who had pressured him into being a medical student, he tried to negotiate being a nursing student but they wouldn’t have it, so now he's doing his first year of work following graduation at the hospital his parents own shares in, because he likes helping families out. He’s passionate about his career and is happy enough to leave Go to the side. After all, Go is just a hobby, he’s not even that good, right? (WRONG! WRONG ON MANY ACCOUNTS!)
Sai learnt Go from his Uncle and was unreasonably obsessed with the game, studying kifu and tsumego for hours and going to Go salons when he had free time all his life. He’s never been as passionate as anything as he had been about Go, but succumbing to his parents pressure he gives up his dreams of playing Go professionally, instead dedicating his life to helping people and making his parents proud.
Hikaru is a 15 year old kid with a badly broken leg that he soundly ignored for much too long, which finds him in the very hospital that Sai is working in. Sai gets attached to Hikaru and because the kid can’t do much but play video games (on the console that everyone shared in the Play Room) and board games (that are mostly missing pieces and tattered) he finds himself drawn into playing Go with his Grandpa and Sai, the nice but whiny doctor who likes to hang around work and interact with the family’s there during his spare time.
When he learns how to actually play and make sense of Go, Hikaru stops calling Sai nice, because the guy was an actual monster when it came to Go, soundly thrashing both children and adults unlucky enough to ask for a game, even his Shindou-go was reliant on the fact that his students saw what paths he’d create for them.
After a year in hospital and three surgeries later, Hikaru is out of hospital with the unfortunate news that he can no longer play soccer competitively, despite being other wise healthy. He then just slams himself into the world of Go, becoming just obsessed as Sai.
Both Sai and his grandfather want him to consider going Pro, especially considering the improvements he’s made in a few short months, but he resolutely refuses, even when he becomes flushed with challenges on Net Go. His reasoning? He won’t become a pro unless Sai himself can honestly tell him that he’s happy with only playing Go in his spare time. If he’s happy with the few games he manages to play.
On the flip side of this verse, no one knows who the mysterious and infuriating hikaru is, nor do they know who he studied off of, after nearly 15 straight losses on Net Go however, hikaru suddenly starts winning more and more of his games, able to go toe to toe against some of the known Professional players online, even if he himself was obviously still learning the game. Yoshitaka Waya knows only one thing, whoever this brat is, he’s gonna regret the day he called him an ‘over aggressive know-it-all with poor defence.’ 2) Hikaru the Soccer Player.
Hikaru is the cheerful, popular first string midfielder for his school’s soccer club, and Akari is their team manager. Together the duo have helped their middle school and high-school team reach the national winter soccer festivals three years in a row. Despite being a calm, calculated mid-fielder and being captain of his Middle School team, Hikaru has never been invited to any J.League tryouts, mostly because scouter’s say that he plays a relatively risk free game, with a low risk-low reward steadfastness that doesn’t reflect his competitive mentality.
Akari is one of the best managers at her school, an excited, cheerful girl who always knows what to say to bring her team out of a slump, matched with above average intelligence and insane training plans that her Coach is absolutely in love with, Akari’s love for the game was one born from her wish to understand her best friend that much more. In everything she does, Akari only hopes for the best for the boy she thinks of as her brother. After being voted as Vice-Captain for his school team, hitting a slump in his skills and nearly losing their team’s placing in the Summer tournament over the span of two weeks, Hikaru walks into a Go salon near his school to unwind, hoping to maybe win a few games like he did whenever he visited the Go club that Akari is also apart of. Unfortunately, he has the displeasure of running into one Ochi Kosuke there and while the other teen is surly, arrogant and infuriating, he’s undoubtedly a much better Go player. With the rest of his summer being amounted to three more soccer games and two one week training camps, one at the very beginning and one at the very end of summer, he finds almost half of his summer break is spent playing Go toe to toe with the arrogant teen.
In his hunger to win, Hikaru comes up with some unorthodox and risky Go plays to use against Ochi, plays that become integral to his team’s development as he finally utilises his analytical skills to their fullest capabilities, gaining the attention of some of the best under-19 clubs.
Meanwhile, Ochi knows that Hikaru is a famous soccer player at his High-School, but witnessing the insane improvements Hikaru makes in his Go skills in the span of one summer has him questioning if this teen really is just a soccer-idiot like the rumours say he is. After all, an idiot wouldn’t be able to lose against a Professional Go player at an even game with only a two moku difference. As he watches Hikaru improve, he has a faint, eerie desire for his (somewhat) friend to really take up his favoured game. Playing against Akira Touya has been what Ochi’s dreamed of for the past year he’s been a pro, but he can’t help but yearn for a true, all or nothing game against the jock who just won’t leave him alone.
in other words, a sports anime fanfiction with a lil bit of go because soccer player Hikaru is an absolutely amazing trope lmao.
lil fax about this au:
a) Ochi has a crush on Akari that only develops after he plays her in a game of Go, while she isn’t anywhere near as talented as her friend, she has three years more experience in the game and an uncanny intuition that makes her an amusing opponent. added to that she’s very pretty and since Ochi’s default emotion is crush them until it stops mattering, he manages to annoy the manager in a way only Hikaru has managed before. will this be a ship? no clue my dudes.
b) Sai is quietly alive, and is the neighbour to Hikaru’s grandfather, a sickly man who can rarely leave his house because of his frail constitution. After Hikaru coerces his grandfather into teaching him about Go following a week of straight losses against Ochi, Sai offers to teach the younger kid. Unfortunately Sai is no teacher and while he very much enjoys the game against the young teen, his only advice comes in the form of mercilessly ripping all of Hikaru’s strategies apart until Hikaru can pinpoint where exactly he first messed up and how he can recover from it.
c) Hikaru and Ochi become (begrudging) friends, only because Hikaru stubbornly refuses to stop bothering the other teen, if only until he can beat Ochi by a 8 moku difference, the same difference that Ochi had during their first game against each other. Ochi grouches and glares and puts his nose up, but is internally embarrassed at this new, affectionate and loud teen who always manages to say endearing stuff with a casual, relaxed face. (Who the heck says “One day I’ll catch you and force you to look only at me” with a serious face?????)
d) after discussing some plays in front of him and enthusiastically (on Hikaru’s side) teaching him the rules of soccer, Ochi offers valuable insight to the Hazeko soccer team. Akari hates it and hates him with a passion when she sees how good his analysis of the game is. It took her most of elementary and their first year of middle school to show any worthwhile game plays and he offers some barely two weeks into learning their plays? All the while with his nose in the air???? Hate.
e) before Shindou and Fujisaki showed up, Shindou with his swift observation skills and hard borne techniques and Akari with her spartan training methods, Haze High’s soccer club had little to no presence. With the two present and having just barely lost their semi-finals placing in the summer tournament, Hazeko returns to the Winter Kokuritsu determined to prove that their summer performance was no fluke. Now, if only they knew what the heck being stars meant and why Shindou suddenly developed a God Complex... Also who is the brat that Fujisaki is trying to crush and why the heck do they have to prove that with her guidance (re:torture) they’re better than that four-eyed brat? Why are first years so weird?
3) Akari the Pro and Hikaru who’s kinda just there until he very much isn’t 17 year old Fujisaki Akari leaves the Go world in an uproar after the former model enters the Pro exams as an outsider and wins with a spotless record.
Claiming to have started Go at 12, everyone in the Go world becomes curious about the young teen, especially when she manages to lose her Shodan match against Gosei-Ogata by a three moku difference. They all wonder the same thing, how did this model get so good and if she has been playing Go casually for five years, then why is it only now that she’s decided to become a Professional? At the peak of her modelling carer?
Inversely, Akari became a Professional Go player to honour her late mentor Sai, a kind neighbour who taught her and Hikaru to play Go while babysitting them for a week when the two were 12, despite them both thinking it an old man’s game, the competitive kids continued playing the game hoping only to defeat their teacher, who urged them to continue on the pro path after discovering that the two were great students.
The duo entered their middle school Go club and by their second and third year, they managed to win against Kaio, the best middle school Go club in Tokyo.
At 14, Akari loses interest in the game having never won against Sai and losing against Hikaru for the better part of the year, and she can’t help but feel like Hikaru will leave her behind when he considers becoming an Insei. Then, the unthinkable happens, Sai passes away while playing against the duo.
For the next year neither teen speak of Go, hanging out like normal until Akari gets offered a modelling contract that keeps her from school and in extension keeps her away from her childhood friend and Hikaru starts hanging out with delinquents.
Fed up with Hikaru distancing himself and finally realising that he was leaving her behind like she had feared years ago, Akari slowly begins to play Go again, relearning the game as she went to Go salon’s and using her old NetGo account. After nearly a year of being reacquainted with the game, she takes the pro exams with only one thing in mind, to play the coveted Kami no itte that her mentor sought after. If she’s already lost two of her closest people, then she’d learn to love the game that she used to fear, to keep the one thing that still tied them together, their style of Go.
plot points:
a) Sai was an up and coming former professional who was one win away from gaining his first title, Kisei, when a politician accused him of money laundering and fixing his students games. with this scandal, his students abandon him hurt because they assumed he didn’t have faith in their Go abilities and his opponents no longer face him with their all or with respect, thinking him a cheater and a disgrace to the Go community. after a win in the Kisei tournament that he knows was gained because his opponent was distracted by the rumours, Sai ceases to play Go competitively, having given up on his family’s approval and name for the game and lost seemingly everything that made the game worthwhile. He meets Hikaru and Akari almost nine years later, despite his personal misgivings and anxieties, he finds himself entranced with these young, talented children, gaining a lost love for Go.
b) At 29, a random park visit with the kids prompts him to face Touya-Meijin, who had been at the park playing a game against his student. Faced by his old rival who had continued to soar in the Go community years after his departure, Sai plays what he announces to be the most beautiful game he’s ever played. The two battle it out on the board for nearly three hours, when Sai finally beats the Meijin by a half a moku difference. Only three people in the world viewed this match, though the Kifu became sought after and studied long after it happened. The viewers? Ogata Seiji, Fujisaki Akari and Shindou Hikaru. Ogata has no clue what happened to the bright, but fearsome child who accompanied the strange Sai and bulldozed his way into the post match discussion, but he knows that where ever Fujisaki wondered, her friend would no doubt follow, no one that talented and that enthusiastic about Go could ever truly give it up.
c) Akira has no clue who this Fujisaki is, having not payed much attention to the Professional Exams considering his own preoccupation in the Honinbou tournament, but when he sees her kifu he has only one question, who is her mentor and is it the elusive man who managed to convince his father to give up his titles and become an amateur? If so, where is that mentor now? And how can Akira convince them to face him on the Goban?
d) Hikaru just wants people to stop spreading rumours about him and Akari, because the buddying model really doesn’t need all the flack people give them. If it means distancing himself to save her reputation, then he doesn’t care, ‘cause hell if he’s gonna let people be convinced their dating and it’s gross that those rumours even exist. It comes as a shock then, when after a campaign that makes her the face of popularised clothing franchise and a new perfume scent made for her, she decides to quit modelling and forces her way into the Go world, against her agency and her parents wishes. Watching his best friend take the Go world by storm, Hikaru can’t help but be angry at Akari for taking up Go again, all the while aching for the game he used to play and wondering, if maybe, Sai would be okay with him playing their game without him. Is it truly okay to play Go without Sai? And if so, when can he trounce Akari? Because she’s gonna get an ego if only upper-dan’s could beat her, and no way was she allowed to be better than him in the game! He refuses! Now if only he could remember how to get good at reading other people’s hands again, because now he could barely read ten moves into a game before getting lost. Also, why didn’t they play good stones like Akari and Sai? Everyone kept playing shitty stones and he can’t read their moves if they use such sloppy hands, jeez!
e) Waya has no clue who Shindou Hikaru is, or why he’s convinced he can beat the newest prodigy Fujisaki Akari when he plays like a clumsy beginner, but he’s determined to keep playing the fascinating teen, especially when he reveals his NetGo nick to be hikaru, a player who dominated the NetGo server nearly four and a half years ago and who hadn’t been seen since a year after he started playing. While Shindou definitely has some untapped potential, he can’t help but wonder why the teen can’t play with the breathtaking speed and monstrous traps like he used to.
f) Hikaru and Akari made each other’s NetGo accounts bc they’re brats like that, so Hikaru’s name is hikaru because Akari couldn’t think of anything else and it wasn’t taken and Akari’s is Fuji-Brat, because Hikaru is an ass like that, a lot of Go players would watch as the two matched each other stone for stone, surprised by how little these mouthy kids knew about the pro world, despite playing at insei level.
g) Sai just doesn’t mention things about the pro world bc he’s used to not talking about it and so, when Akari and Hikaru enter the professional Go world, they’re clueless about everything. They have no clue what dan is, but they know what a Title is, even if they only know the name of two of the titles and they still sometimes forget about the timer and why do they need oteai matches so often, also aren’t those creepy old men kinda weird, i don’t care if they’re important they’re staring and that’s rude/annoying. The Go world is predictably affronted by the duo’s lack of knowledge and it’s the cause of a few minor problems and scandals.
#hikago#hikaru no go#fujiwara no sai#shindou hikaru#touya akira#yoshitaka waya#fujisaki akari#kosuke ochi#touya kouyou#touya akiko#shindou mitsuko#hikaru no go au#hikaru no go fanfiction#we hyperfixating#can u tell i work in a hospital lmao#a lot of my au's have a living or dead sai bc ghost sai makes me Uncomfortable™#lmao to being raised spiritually aware#ive made them 16 in all these aus so they can be in the hokuto cup and bc in my experience sports is more competitive in high school#maybe trash dump#maybe for when i don't have writers block#also friends ochi and hikaru is funny as shit bc ochi would hate it but he'd secretly dig having a friend lmao
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hello, hello, hello my friends ! my name is hannah. i’m 22, from the est, and i’m currently enrolled in school. i have a fairly simple schedule this semester and will be on as often as i can and i’d like to classify myself as pretty active. my baby, alyra mooton, has a ton of information about her under the cut — for both herself and house mooton. in an attempt to make sure this post isn’t a thousand miles long, you can find a timeline for alyra’s life here, all of her stats here, and all of her connections ( wanted and taken ! ) here. like this post and i’ll come at you for plots !
♔ → westeros presents alyra mooton, the lady of maidenpool and advisor to the king in the north. a raven sent word that she bears the resemblance to hailee steinfeld. the twenty five year old cis female was tactful & intuitive before the dawn of war, but have now become opinionated & unyielding. when songs are sung, their verses speak of bones scattered around a chalk stained witching table adorned with greenery too far north, soft hands made callous by impatience and desperation, and feverishly quick quills across pages, droplets of ink scattered across notes of past readings. whispers throughout the seven kingdoms claim that their allegiance lies with house stark, but fealty means little when you play the game of thrones. ( hannah, 22, est, she/her. )
long before house mooton became a vassal to the tullys, in the time before the andal invasion, there was a heart tree that the first men protected. the original mootons worshipped the old gods of the forest, the mooton sisters still do. when the andals invaded, the first men stood their ground as best they could, hiding away their stories under floorboards and in the hearts of their children, praying they would be passed down. the old gods of the forest heard their prayers, the old gods of the forest made sure their stories were told.
when the andals brought the light of the seven with them, house mooton found what similarities they could. they promised the children they would protect the tree in the center of their household and the children gave them a gift in exchange. they approached the lady mooton who was newly pregnant and placed their hands on her stomach, promising her prosperity, foresight, and good fortune. the children kept their promise and so did the mootons. the daughters born from this promise millennia ago came in a set of three, each utilizing a different aspect of foresight. every few hundred years, three little girls come again. and again. and again. as long as they are needed, they will come.
the mooton sisters, regardless of which three you speak of over the course of the last few thousand years, always come in the same three order and always pay the same three prices. the oldest will have dreams, vivid and hard to control but once harnessed an irreplaceable tool. all gifts come at a cost and this gift is steep and takes what it gives: sight. consider the silver lining. a lack of clarity in this world gives you the advantage of seeing the world beyond and all that it could be.
the middle of the sisters uses bones and fire, a risk every time she reached in her hand to the fire. wait too long and the bones crumple to ash, not enough and a false reading comes through. all gifts come at a cost and this gift balances on a moral scale: how many times are you willing to put an end to one thing’s life to learn more about a future that isn’t guaranteed ?
the youngest uses cards — decorative, artistic, beautiful — just like her. the cards, with enough good intention and energy, could help her bring truths to light. but asking the right question isn’t always easy. all gifts come at a cost and this gift requires wisdom that must be honed over years. even an experienced seer may misinterpret that which she does not understand.
each of the daughters also corresponds with one of the three faces of the seven that typically have feminine characteristics. though they do not follow the faith, they make appearances as though they do so they may blend in with other houses who do not embrace the old ways, especially in the riverlands. the oldest represents the crone, the middle represents the mother, and the youngest represents the maiden.
her childhood was one of confusing, vivid dreams and intuition too sharp for a small child. she was too keen, too curious, too wild, and then the birth of her little sister came and things started to make more sense. these are the next three, the children once more keeping their promise. gods save the king.
alyra has a memory, from when she was a little girl, that told her to scatter the bones on the ground. not to clutch on to what she knew but to scatter them against the wind, to have faith in what they would say. in the beginning she wanted everything to have a meaning, for everything to be structured, and to have a clear, individual voice. but they are bones and for all their rigidity, they were fluid in meaning. every time, they might change their tune or stop speaking completely. alyra learned early on that she needed to find her own way of listening, one of those methods was fire. her proclivity for fire is inherently different from a red priestess. she did not see the lord of light in the flames or understand his message or hear his voice. instead, fire was the conduit for the bones and the noises the bones make as they burn in the fire is as important as the bones when they’ve been pulled from the fire.
she was twenty when the red wedding happened and in her readings, no matter the question, find robb stark was the answer. she ignored the bones as much as she could because she was scared. her elder sister told alyra that she must find robb stark before lions sleep in a garden of roses. some meanings were thinly veiled. these were not. it was when alyra’s younger sister, all of sixteen, demands that she go that alyra finally accepted. weeks of ignoring the bones and time further spent traveling and she wondered what might happen when she finally crossed paths with the northern army. a young woman alone on horseback was not the cavalry that they needed but the mootons were loyal to house stark and had declared for them long before she had finally decided to ride out. the bones led her to the camp, the first example of her gifts.
let stannis have his red priestess. the children of the forest have sent their gift.
while i didn’t make a playlist, these are a couple of the songs that i listened to while creating alyra and her family. they’re not necessarily songs that she would listen to or enjoy, they have significantly influenced the build of her character and the way that i can understand her.
this city → sam fischer
the line that struck me the most: I remember mornings when my head didn't hurt / And I remember nights when art didn't feel like work why it makes an impact: alyra was fresh to war when she joined the northern army. she knew the stories of victors and the way they spoke of the battles but they were so romanticized for her. they didn’t tell her of the carnage, of the blood stains that would never come out, of the way she’d see it all at night. though not desensitized to it entirely now, alyra has found her ways to cope. sometimes when she does too many readings in a row, when she’s desperate for answers that she’s not ready for, she might wake up with flu-like symptoms; aches in her bones, a quiet, thrumming pain in her head, and a grip on her heart that doesn’t relax.
this feeling → the chainsmokers ft kelsi ballerini
the line that struck me the most: i’ll tell you a story before it tells itself and they tell me think with my head, not that thing in my chest why it makes an impact: when alyra is questioned, because there are certainly people who have accused her being a witch and i’m sure once in a while those accusations still fly, she has the same measured response, “i am of the land, the land is of me, and i can tell you what i see.” it has a similar energy to “i’ll tell you a story before it tells itself” and while some people might call her a hopeful child, she is confident in what she does and says. they tell her to think with her heart but they don’t know that cuts her off from her gift more than anything. she learned from a young age that overthinking the bones is the worst mistake she can make. her open heart is sensitive, but she is steadfast in her beliefs. gods save the people who try to convince her otherwise.
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Blessing what you like: Allahumma barik li wa la tadurruh [allah bless it and do not harm it] Sleep: [33,33,34] tasbeeh, ayat al kursi, last 2 verses baqarah, kafirun In the name of allah do i lay down my side. allah forgive me my sins, ward of from me my shaytan settle for me my debts and enter me into the loftiest assembly. [bismillahi wada'tu jambi. allahumma-ghfir li dhambi wa akhsi shaytani, wa fukka rihani, wa-jalni fi-n-nadiyyi-l-ala]. Istighfar [3] Ya arhama-r-rahimin [most merciful of those who show mercy] before any dua [3] [Salawat] Make dua: rainfall, fasting, call to prayer, night, last hour friday. Evil thoughts: istighfar Gatherings with meaningless chatter: Glory be to you Allah and to you be all praise. I bear witness there is no God but you. I ask you for forgiveness and I repent to you. Subhanaka-llahumma wa bi hamdik. Ashhadu an la ilaha illa ant. Astaghfiruka wa atuba ilayk. [G Every movement: bismillah, la ilaha illa allah, la hawla wa la quwwatta illa billah, salawat. Every blessing: mashallah. la quwatta illa bi allah Every misfortune: inna li allahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon Waking: Bismillah alladhi la yadurru ma ismihi shayun fil ardi wa la fi sama wa huwa sami'ul alim [in the name of allah in whose name none can do harm on the earth or in the heavens and he is the all hearing, the knowing [3] Bismilla ala nafsi, wa ahli, wa mali, wa dini. Allahumma raddini bi qada'ik wa barik li fima quddira li, hatta la uhibba ta'jila ma akhkharta wa la ta'khira ma ajjalt. [in the name of allah over my self, my wealth, my family and religion. allah make me pleased with your decree and bless me in that which i have been allotted so i do not like to hasten what you have delayed or delay what you have hastened. Asbahna wa asbaha-l-mulku lillh wal hamdu lillah wal kibriya'u wal azamatu lillah. wal khalqu wal amru wal laylu wa-n-naharu wa ma sakana fihima lillahi ta'ala. Ya arhama raheemin. La ilaha illa anta subhanaka-llahumma. Astaghfiruka li-dhanbi, wa as'aluka rahmatak. Allahumma zidni ilma, wa la tuzigh qalbi ba'da idh hadaytani wa hab li min ladunka rahmah, innaka anta-l-wahhab. [we have woken up this morning and the kingdom belongs to allah, praise is for allah, greatness and grandeur belong to allah. the creation and comman, night and day and all that lives in them belong to allah most high. O most merciful of those who show mercy. There is no god but you, glory be to you allah. I ask your forgiveness for my sins and I ask for your mercy. Allah increase me in knowledge and do not turn my heart away after you have guided me. Grant me mercy from You. Indeed you are the ever bestowing]. Tasbeeh [50] Friday Morning [3] Astaghfiru-llaha-lladhi la ilaha illa huwa-l-hayyu-qayyumu wa atubu ilayh [i ask forgiveness of allah besides whom there in no God, the living, the self subsisting and I repent to Him]. Going to Subh: Allah put light in my heart, light in my tongue, light in my hearing and light in my sight. Put light behind me and put light in front of me. Put light above me and put light beneath me. Allah grant me light. [Allahumma-jal fi qalbi nura wa fi lisani nura wa-jal fi sami nura wa-jal fi basari nura wa-jal min khalfi nura wa amami nura wa-jal min fawqi nura wa min tahti nura. allahumma atini nura. [Allah put light in my hearing, in my sight, behind me, in front of me, above me, beneath me. Allah grant me light]. After Fajr + Maghrib Thanks: Allah all the favours i have recieved in the morning are from you alone, you have no partner. to you belong all praise and thanks. [allahumma ma asbaha bi min nimatin fa minka wahdaka. la sharika lak. fa lakal hamd. wa laka shukr]. Dua: O living self sustaining from you i seek help and hope for your mercy so set right my affairs and do not entrust me to myself for the blink of an eye. [ya hayyu ya qayyum bika astagithu wa rahmataka arju fa asli li shan'ni kullah wa la takilni ila nafsi tarfata ayn]. Dua[7] Allahumma ajirni mina-n-nar [Allah protect me from hellfire] Tasbeeh [10] Sunrise: Allahumma anta-s-salamu wa minka-s-salam. asaluka ya dha-l-jalaali wal ikram aslih li din-alladhi huwa ismatu amri wa aslih li dunya-llati fiha ma ashi wa asli li akhirati-llati fiha ma adi, wa-jali hayata ziyadatan li fi kulli khayr, wa-jali-l-mawta rahatan li min kulli sharr. [Allah you are peace and from you is peace. I ask you owner of nobility and generosity, put right for me my religion which is the preservation of my affairs, put right for me my worldly life in which is my existence, put right for me my hereafter which is my return. Make life an increase for me in every good and death a release from every evil]. Sunset: [3] Allahumma maghfiratuka awsa'u min dhunubi wa rahmataka arja indi min amali. [Allah your forgiveness is vaster than my sins and your mercy is more hopeful for me than my deeds]. Leaving the house [7] Hasbiyallahu wa ni'mal wakil, la ilaha illa hu, alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbu-l-arshi-l-azim. [Allah is sufficient for me and how excellent a guardian is He there is no God besides Him in Him I have put my trust and He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne]. Tasbeeh [Market + 50 times (day)] Laa ilaaha ill Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul mulku wa lahul Hamdu yuhyi wa yumeet wa huwa hayyun laa yamut, bi yadihil khayr, wahuwa ala kulli shay’in qadeer. subhanallahi wa bi hamdihi. subhanallahi-l-azim.’ [there is nothing worthy of worship but Allah, He is alone without partner, to Him belongs dominion and praise, he causes life and death and He is the Living and does not die. In His Hand is all the good, and He is over all things competent. glory to allah and with his praise. glory to allah the great.] Ending every salah: I seek protecion from weakness, laziness, cowardice, old age, greed + arrogance. From insanity and all severe illnesses From the punishment in the grave, the evils of riches and poverty, the trials of life and death. From the hardship of tribulation, befalling misfortune + evil destiny. From delusion in the heart and disunity in my affairs. I seek your protection from disgusting qualities of characters, deeds and sudden desires. [Allahumma inni audhu bika min munkarati-l-akhlaq wal amali wal ahwa]. [Allahumma inni audhu bika min al ajzi, wal kasal, wal jubni, wal bukhl, wal kibr. Min al jununi wa sayyi-l-asqam. Min adhabi-l-qabr, wa min sharri-l-ghina wal faqr, wa min fitnati-l-mahya wal mamat. adhabi-l-qabr wa waswati-s-sadr wa min shatati-l-amr.]. Min jahdi-l-bala wa min daraki-sh-shaqa wa min su-il qada]. After every salah: Ayat Al Kursi 10 [subhannallah, hamd, akbar] Allah assist me in remembering you and in thanking you and in goodly worship of you]. [Allahumma a'inni ala dhikrika wa shukrika wa husni ibadatik.] Guide my heart, make my tongue righteous and remove my hearts vile traits. [Wahdi qalbi wa saddid lisani wa-slul sakhimata qalbi]. Fajr [2,2]: Allahumma inni audhu bika min ilmin la yanfa wa min qalbin la yaksha, wa min nafsin la tashba wa min dawatin la yustajubu laha. From the cessation of your bounty, the transformation of wellbeing, your sudden vengeance and all that occasions your displeasure. [I seek protection from knowledge that does not benefit, a heart that is not utterly humble, a self that is insatiable and supplication that are not accepted. Min zawali nimatik wa tahuwwali afiyatik wa faj'ati niqmatik wa jami'i sakhatik]. Allah I ask you for good, all of it, immediate and future, that which I know of and that which I do not know of and seek protection from evil all of it, immediate and future that I know of and that I don't. I ask you for firdaus and what brings one near to it in words and deeds and seek refuge from hell and what brings near to it in words and deeds. I ask you for the good your slave and messanger muhammad asked for and seek refuge from the evil he sought refuge from. I ask you in all that you have dcereed to make its outcome rightly guided. [allahumma inni asaluka mina-l-khayri kullihi ajilihi wa ajilih, ma alimtu minhu wa ma lam alam. wa audhu bika mina-sh-sharri kullihi ma alimtu minhu wa ma lam alam. Allahumma inni asaluka-l-jannata-l-firdaus wa ma qarraba ilayha min qawlin aw amal. Wa audhu bika min-n-nar wa ma qarraba ilayha min qawlin aw amal. W as'aluka khayra ma sa'alaka abduka wa rasulukah muhammad saw wa audhu bika min sharri ma-sta'adhaka minhu abduka wa rasulukah muhammad saw, wa asaluka ma qadayta min amrim an taj'ala aqibatahu rashada]. Maghrib [3,2]: Ya muqalliba-l-qulubi thabbit qulubuna ala dinik [o turner of hearts make our hearts frim in your religion] Zuhr [4,2]: Allah make me satisfief with the lawful not unlawful and make me independent of anyone but you. Allah none can withhold what you have granted and none can grant what you withold. And the riches of the rich do not avail him against you. [Allahumma-kfini bi halalika an haramik wa aghnini bi fadlika amman siwak. Allahumma la mani'a li ma atayt wa la mu'tiya li ma mana'ta. Wa la yanfa'u dha-l-jaddi minka-l-jadd]. After Jumah: 3 qul [7] Asr [4]: Allah I ask you for your love, the love of those who love you and deeds that make me attain your love. Allah, make your love more beloved to me than my own self, my family or cool water. [Allahumma inni asaluka hubbaka wa hubba man yuhibbuk, wal amal-lladhi yuballighuni hubbak. Allahumma-jal hubbaka ahabba ilayya min nafsi wa min ahli wa min al-maa'il barid]. Isha [4,2] Allah make the best part of my lifespan the last of it and the best part of my deeds the last of them and make the best of my days the day I meet you. [Allahumma-jal khayra umuri akhirah wa khayra amali khawatimah, wa-jal khayra ayyami yawma alqak]. Night Prayer - Witr [3] [Qunoot in last standing after bowing + one tashhahud] Dua: Allah give me such forgivenss as will rectify my affairs in both worlds and have such mercy on me that I may be gladdened by it in both worlds. Grant me such sincere repentance that i never go back on it ever. Make me adhere to the path of steadfastness and make me never deviate from it. [Allahumma-ghfir li maghfiratan tuslihu biha sha'ni fi-d-darayn wa-rhamni rahmatan as'adu biha fi-d-darayn, wa tub alayya tawbatan nasuhan la ankuthuha abada, wa-lzimni sabila-l-istiqamati la uzighu anha abada]. Protection: Morning + Evening [3] I seek refuge in the perfect words of allah from the evil he has created + blow + 3quls [audhu bi kalimati-llahi-t-tammati min sharri ma khalaq]. Medicines: Fatihah + Allah lord of men, remover of discomfort, cure, for you are the one who cures, there is no healer but you [allahumma rabba-n-nas muddhiba-l-bas, ishfi, anta shafi, la shifaya illa ant]. Dinner: Alhamdulillahi-lladhi at-amana wa saqana wa kafana wa aqana. Fa-kam mim-man la kafiya lahu wa la mu-wi. [praise be to allah who has fed us, given us to drink, sufficed for us and given us shelter. How many there are who have no caretaker nor shelter-giver]. Death/Dua: Allah forgive me, have mercy on me and join me with the highest companion. [Allahumma-ghfir li wa-rhamni wa-lhiqni bi rafiqi-l-ala]. Anger: Allahu Akbar. Audhi bi-llahi min sharri nafsi wa sharrih shaytani. Fire: Allahu Akbar [Shaytan is created from fire - anger is internal fire. Don't be concerned with him, remember Allah] Seeing someone sick/tribulation: Alhamdulillahi-lladhi afani wa faddalani ala katheeran mim man khalaqa. [Praise be to Allah who has protected me and favoured me over many whom he created] Wudu: Ashhadu an la ilaha illa allah wahdahu la sharika la wa ashhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh. Dua: Allahumma afini fi jasadi wa afini fi basari waj-alhu waritha minni. La ilaha illa-llahu-l-halimu-l-karim. Subhana-llahi rabbi-l-arshi-l-azim. Wal hamdu li-llahi rabbi-l-alamin. Standing up for salah: La ilaha illa Allah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar. Subhanallah wa bi hamdihi, Astagfirullah [10] Allahumma atini afdala ma tu'ti ibadaka-s-salihin - Allah grant me the best you grant your pious slaves. Allahumma inni audhu bika min diqi dunya wa diqi yawma-l-qiyamah. Standing: Allah hears the one who praised him. Lord to you belongs praise . Equal to your creation and to your pleasure and to the weight of your throne and to the ink of your words. [Sami allahu li man hamidah. Rabbanna laka-l-hamd adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata arshihi wa midada kalimatih]. Bowing: Subhana dhi-l-jabaruti wal malakuti wal kibriya wal azamah Glory be to Allah the owner of might, kingdom, greatness and immensity. Subbuhun quddusun rabbu-l-mala'ikati wa ruh Most glorious, most holy, lord of the angels and spirit. Subhanaka-allahumma rabbana wa bi hamdik. Allahummaghfirli. Sujud: Allahumma laka sajadt wa bika amant wa laka aslamt. Sajada wajhi li-lladhi khalaqahu fa sawwarah wa shaqqa samahu wa basarah fa tabaraka-llahu ahsanu-l-khaliqeen. [Allah to you I have prostrated and in you I believe and to you I submit. My face has prostrated to the One who created and shaped it and formed my hearing and sight. Blessed is Allah the best of creators. Sitting: Lord forgive me have mercy on me and guide me to good deeds and character. [Rabbi-ghfir li wa-rhamni wa-hdini li sahlihi-l-amali wal akhlaq]. Confirmation Of Faith: Greetings belong to Allah as do prayers and good things. Peace be upon you prophet and the mercy and blessings of Allah. Peace be upon us the righteous servants of Allah. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his slave and messenger. [At-tahiyyatu-li-llahi wa-s-salawatu wa-tayyibat. As-salamu alayka ayyuhu-nabiyyu wa rahmatu-llahi wa barakatuh. As salamu alayna wa ala ibadi-llahi-salihin. Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah, wa ashhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh]. Salawat: Allah send prayers on Muhammad and peace and grant him wasila (highest station in paradise). I am pleased with Allah as Lord, Islam as religion and Muhammad as Messenger. [Allahumma salla ala Muhammad wa salam wa atina Muhammad al wasila. Raditu bi Allahi rabban wa bi Islami-dinan wa bi Muhammadan Rasula]. Dua: Allahumma inni zalamtu nafsi zulman kathira wa la yaghfiru dhunuba illa ant. Fa-ghfir li maghfiratan min indik wa-rhamni. Innaka anta-l-ghafuru-r-rahim. [Allah I have wronged myself greatly and none forgives sins but you, so grant me your forgiveness and have mercy on me. You are the most forgiving and the most merciful]. Allah grant us good in this world and in the herafter and spare us the punishment of hellfire. [Allahumma atini fi dunya hasanah wa fil akhirati hasanah wa qina adhaba-n-nar]. After Salah: Greet Angels. Verse of throne. Tasbeeh [Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar [10] Best forgiveness: Allahumma anta rabbi la ilaha illa ant khalaqtani wa ana abduk wa ana ala ahdika wa wa'dika ma-stata't. Audhu bika min sharri ma sana't. Abu'u laka bi nimaktika alayya wa abu'u bi dhanbi, faghfir-li fa innahu la yaghfiru-dh-dhunuba illa ant.
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The Character Development of River Song
The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
The story of River Song twists and turns as it runs through time and space. It forces its way through the harsh landscape of her beginnings, bends around the Doctor, until one day, it will meet its end at the Library. A worn book in the biography section, incomparable memories saved on the biggest hard drive in the universe. Arguably, some answers may only be found – or, indeed, questions may only be asked – if we try to follow River’s path in its actual order for once.
Hence, I will resurrect a series which began with Let’s Kill Hitler and has since pursued River’s life through Closing Time, The Wedding of River Song, and A Good Man Goes to War. Until now, River has revealed who she is to her parents and the Doctor, but the next time she encounters them, this knowledge will have already been washed away. The tides of time are merciless.
In The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon*, this is still a new kind of pain and flirtatious smiles can only hide so much. Around her, her past is colliding. An astronaut in a lake, tears running down her face. A child in a suit which swallows her whole, calling for help. It is a punch to the gut, but River Song would never have become River Song if she did not have the strength to bear it.
It is strange to watch The Impossible Astronaut with the awareness of how much River knows. An invitation to Utah does not pose a mystery for her and never holds the promise of a carefree family outing. Even if she truly forgot what she went through on the beach of Lake Silencio, she would be able to recite the historical facts by heart. “Some say this is when the Doctor dies.” The time and place are noted in pencil in her diary. They likely grace the pages of her PhD dissertation. And they would have been mentioned in her sentencing, for the supposed crime she committed there.
River knows what fate awaits the Doctor when he gets up to walk towards the lake. (Herself. A certain death. Maybe a clever escape?) When she fires at her own receding figure, she knows she will not hit her target. For a younger River, seeing herself might be a promise of forgiveness. For an older River, it is a cruelty, and so is making her parents witness the Doctor’s death. Amy, sobbing over his body. Rory, with what for River must be a familiar steadfastness, doing what needs to be done to give the Doctor a fire burial. It ends in a well-deserved slap, that will never be able to express the full pain of those moments.
“Now, I love a bad girl, me, but trust you? Seriously.” There is a slap in her face, too. Because however fraught their history, whatever half-truths and secrets lie between the Doctor and her, he was the person who defended her even as she was poisoning him. The moment she chose to give him her regenerations in Let’s Kill Hitler, she gifted him her trust in return. Whatever life has put her through, that trust in him is as much part of her rebellion against her fate as her refusal to kill the Doctor in The Wedding of River Song.
And so River will dive off rooftops without any hesitation, knowing that he will be there. And this Doctor will catch her. But he also doesn’t quite know her yet. There’s a sense of fascination and growing affection that makes it easy to forget occasionally. River can lose herself in the familiarity of flirtation and banter. But her future is haunting her just as much as her past is. Time looms, in all directions.
River’s fears fully rise to the surface in her conversation with Rory. She might have thrown a suggestive comment at the Doctor just moments earlier, but here we see just how strong her trepidation about the future is. She paints a romanticised picture of a young innocent girl instead of the young woman hell-bent on murder, but her future looms ever so truthful. The Doctor has already forgotten who she is. It is only a matter of time before he does not remember her altogether.
There are many turning points in River’s life, with so many crucial decisions. Time never truly stands still. River and the Doctor choose each other, over and over again. Now River’s ghosts have come back to haunt her. Because this is not when her own mother pointed a gun at her, not knowing the suit hides a child, not knowing it is hers. This is not when Melody Pond rescued herself from the Silence. This is not when River Song killed the Doctor. This is not when she refused to do so, all of time stops in its tracks. This is the time she must watch it all happen and that might be the worst of all.
She walks the winding paths of her past, almost to its beginning, to a little lost girl who is already trying to break free from the chains her supposed destiny put her in. “I’m scared of the spaceman,” says the little girl, but she is already in the space suit. It’s likely that another being from space stars in her nightmares and, unknowingly, her cry for help has reached the very person she was made to fear. The Doctor is coming for her. In a race to save a little girl, he cannot know that he might be the monster.
When it comes down to it, The Impossible Austronaut/Day of the Moon is an episode in which the task at hand is not achieved by its heroes. They never save the child. Melody Pond must claw her own way out of the space suit and run away. “She must be incredibly strong,” River observes, looking at the remains of her prison and it’s true in more ways than one. All alone in the word, with magic at her fingertips, Melody Pond will survive and find her parents eventually. It will take many years until she faces her kidnappers on even footing. By then, her name will be River Song.
After being forced to watch her fate unravel for two episodes, the moment they rescue Amy is the first time that history releases its holds on River and allows her to take revenge on those who stole her agency from her. The Silence formed her into a weapon and now her abusers, her owners, find themselves on the other side of her gun. River Song has reclaimed love for herself. She will reclaim kindness and wisdom, too, eventually. But River never tries to hold any claims to morality. Like time itself, she is not a merciful creature. The Silence played with fire and they will burn in it, too.
At the end of this adventure, we are privy to a private moment between River and the Doctor, full of familiarity, for the characters and for us. There is the back and forth with hints of a future, of a past, we have not seen yet, that echoes the goodbyes in Amy’s garden and at the Byzantium. There is also the sense that River has done this many times before, in her knowing smile, in the comfortable way she reaches for the Doctor’s bowtie. We might watch their romance in fragments, but scenes like this hint at the intimacy and love that are written between the lines.
Until River Song kisses the Doctor, just once more, and realises that it is the first. That this could even be the last. However much she has already lost, whatever pain she witnessed in these previous months, River did not even consider that this too would be taken from her so quickly. She knew this Doctor was much younger than the one she had countless adventures with. No Easter Islands for him. No Jim the Fish. But even as she saw his trust erode, she clearly thought she would not lose their relationship so soon. But that, too, might be slipping away from her now. River’s world is breaking apart further.
At the time when the Pandorica opens, she has taken the role of the mystery for granted. At the Byzantium, she has become well-versed in throwing herself into adventure – and, of course, a good deal of flirting – without letting the pain seep through. She will start teasing him about the future ahead, the adventures and revelations still to come for him. That time she is truly scared of, is still much, much farther away. But that too will happen one day.
This meta was started on November 13, 2016 and completed for Moffat Appreciation Day 2018.
*I’ve seen different version of River’s timeline and I think some switch this two-parter with The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang. This is the one I like best though.
Other parts in this series:
Part 1 - Let’s Kill Hitler
Part 2 - Closing Time
Part 3 - The Wedding of River Song
Part 4 - A Good Man Goes to War
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i was just taking a little nap. -Moran
"Yeah, with my cat."
It's not really Whipped Cream's fault she likes him more. Being a piece of his soul, he thinks it would probably make way less sense if she didn't prefer being cuddled up to Sebastian, but the fact of the matter is that she's still his cat, and he has to take his indignation out on someone.
"She already likes you more than me as it is, stop givin' her reasons!" he complains, though he's also quick to fill the spot WC had deserted the second Sebastian moved. Like pet like owner---or something. "You're literally leavin' me for my cat. And my cat's leavin' me for you. Not fair. I'm gonna run away with Will to get back atcha."
It's something that might have passed for an effective threat if it wasn't grumbled into the crook of Sebastian's neck.
"He'd do it, too."
challengers. / accepting.
#a story repeated word for word exactly as i heard it. ⟹ ic.#the best path is the path you never asked for. ⟹ verse; steadfast endings.#i think that what you're askin' for just might make things worse. ⟹ ask.#tocliimb
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[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Sixty-Seven: Royalty ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Itachi, Hyūga Hiashi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: To Rule Them All ] [ AO3 Link ]
It’s to be a double coronation of sorts.
Today is the day the elder princess Hinata turns eighteen, and will meet the first of her potential suitors. And in the same breath, so too will she receive her appointed knight: one assigned to guard her life with his own. Much like marriage, only death can part them.
Standing in a small room outside the main hall, he can be found adjusting his armor: checking buckles, buffing at any perceived smudges upon the steel, and ensuring the smooth draw of his sword. She’s to bid him her knight with the blade upon each shoulder, and the last thing he wants is to have it catch while everyone is watching.
Beside him, his brother gives a warm smile. “I can’t begin to say how proud I am, Sasuke. Today, you receive the highest honor a knight could ask for: to be entrusted with a royal life.”
Glancing up, there’s a hint of several emotions in the warrior’s gaze. “...I have to wonder how necessary I’ll be. If she weds a prince, she’ll have an entire army looking after her.”
“True, but not as...directly,” Itachi reminds him. “Unless strictly necessary, you’re not to leave her side. From today on, her life is in your hands...and yours in hers. Both sword and shield shall you be.”
Sasuke can’t help a small sigh. “...it should have been you.”
“...perhaps in birthright, but Life has other plans for me. My fragility of my health is hardly becoming of a knight. I am content in my new path.” A hint of teasing alights his eyes. “I can put my mind to more use as an advisor now - far better than a body that oft betrays me. We’ll leave the hacking and slashing to you, dear brother.”
The jest earns a small smile, head bowing as a huff of humored breath escapes him. “...I suppose you’re right.”
It’s then a steward pokes his head through a door. “Five minutes, now - do be ready.”
The knight gives a curt nod. “Are you needed elsewhere?”
“I am. But I wanted to wish you luck, and relay my pride in you one last time.”
“You speak of it so often, it’s a wonder it’s not invaded my dreams.”
Rolling his eyes, Itachi takes his leave and moves to join the rest of the council. Left behind, his brother moves on from adjusting his gear to taking care of his nerves. Crowds don’t bother him: he’s been both around and within a huge army since he was a small boy. Numbers don’t frighten him.
What does (not that he’ll admit it) is the issue of first impressions. He’s never directly met the princess before. They’ve been in the same room, and he’s seen her from a distance. But they’ve never met eyes, nor spoken to one another. And now, they’re stuck with each other for the rest of their lives. At the very least, he’s heard she’s easy to get on with - kind, patient, if not a little reserved and perhaps timid.
...but he can hardly blame her with a father like Hiashi.
There’s no time to mull that over, however, as the door opens, and he’s guided to the foyer of the main hall. Beyond the doors, he can vaguely hear the pomp and circumstance as the princess is granted her honors and responsibilities. That’s more Itachi’s side of things. His part will come later, once that’s all said and done.
For the moment, he stares at the solid oak doors, eyes flickering over the woodgrain as he does his best to clear his mind. They rehearsed this once (with a stand-in princess: a scullery maid), so at least he knows what to do. But as for what to expect, well...that’s an entirely different matter.
And then he hears his cue.
There’s a slight jerk to his muscles, and then the doors open...slowly. Which he’s thankful for as he regains his composure. The hall is filled to the brim with aristocrats, bureaucrats, and other members of Hiashi’s courts. And among them, he knows, are a few of the potential suitors here to spend weeks vying their heirs to sweep the princess from her castle to their own.
Ignoring the feeling of eyes, Sasuke walks forward. The soft clatters and rustling of his armor fill the hall, and he’s more than thankful he remembered to oil it to prevent any squeaking.
At the end of the aisle, hands clasped at her front, is Hinata.
For a moment his mind entertains the thought of a bride approaching her groom, and he has to grapple with himself to keep from breaking into a smile.
Reaching her after the agonizing walk, Sasuke bows, and then draws his sword, presenting the blade as he kneels. “My lady,” he begins, head declined. “I come before you this day to offer you all that I am: my blade, to cut down your foes; my shield, to protect you from harm; and my life, to be given in your stead should the need arise.”
The weight of his weapon then lifts, and he lets one arm fall to his side as the other braces atop his knee. It then settles instead upon his shoulders as she recites her reply.
“Brave knight, chosen above all others for your skill, your valor, your bravery and your strength. Today I accept your offer. Be my sword, my shield, and my most steadfast protector. May you uphold the traditions of all knights of this realm...and of your bloodline, strong and true. From this day forth...arise, Sasuke of the Uchiha: chosen knight of the princess Hinata of the Hyūga.”
With the ceremony complete, Sasuke brings himself to stand, accepting the blade with another bow before daring to meet her eyes.
They’re soft and light, so unlike his own dark gaze. In tandem, they seem to study his, each clearly trying to get a sense of the other. But they’re not afforded much time before he shifts to a salute, and the king approaches.
“With this long-standing tradition complete, my daughter is now of the age to be courted, and safe in her dealings with a knight of the kingdom at her side. Only the most suitable of princes will be able to take her hand and make her a queen.”
From there, the ceremony seems largely complete, and the guests are given free reign to mingle. Hinata, however, excuses herself to a balcony...and Sasuke follows.
He lingers near the door as she approaches the edge, laying hands atop the railing and staring out. Affording him a glance, she then gives a soft, almost somber smile. “...and so it begins,” she notes quietly.
“My lady?”
“I’m taken from a governess, and given to a knight. Not even a full day of peace to myself. But...I suppose that is simply how it goes.” Half-turning, she seems to appraise him. “...and how do you feel about…all of this?”
His brow furrows just a hair. “...feel…?”
“Surely you’d rather have grand adventures and glorious battles than spend your time attending a princess with so little freedom. I feel guilty...you’ve been trapped.”
“...I consider it an honor. My family has long produced protectors of the throne. As for seeking glory...I’d rather avoid it now.”
“That would mean an attack on your ladyship. And as willing as I am to defend you, I also hope that no one would dare to harm you.”
“Such is the nature of royalty. There’s always some plot or ploy.” Her gaze casts back out past the castle.
After a pause, Sasuke dares to approach, standing beside her. “...I can think of far worse fates than being left in your company, my lady. I only hope I don’t encroach.”
That earns a humorless laugh. “There’s nothing to encroach. My life is hardly exciting. I keep mostly to myself.”
“You’ll have little peace now that you can be wed.”
Something seems to shift in her eyes. “...you swore to protect me...did you not?”
“I did.”
Looking back to him, Hinata searches his eyes, looking imploring. “...then, if I may be so bold...I would ask you protect me from that, as well.”
“...from suitors…? But, my lady, you -”
“I know what will become of me. I am the lesser daughter. My fate lies outside my lands, to the highest bidder. It is my sister who will keep our lands. And I...I will be fodder. Perhaps I’m a coward, but...I fear that fate. Marrying a man who will not love me. He’ll care only for my dowery. A sum to be paid to rid my father of me. And all that will remain to me, mine and only mine...will be you.”
Ever so slightly, Sasuke’s face slackens with surprise.
“...so. If you truly wish to keep your vow...you will protect me not just from harm of the flesh...but harm of the heart. My father will listen to you. He will trust a man’s judgment. If I tell you to rid a man from my roster of suitors...will you do it?”
“...of course. Anything for you, my lady.”
Relief seems to wash over her face, posture wilting. “...thank you. Your brother has spoken of you often...and he knew that I could trust you. I’m glad to hear his words were true.”
“My brother?”
“Yes. He’s told me much about you. He seemed to think that you would accept my odd request.”
He can’t help a small huff of a laugh. “...my duty is first and foremost to you, my lady.”
“Please...if you call me ‘my lady’ every waking moment of every day, I’ll go mad. If we are alone, you may call me Hinata. May I...in turn call you Sasuke?”
“I...would be honored...Hinata.”
“Soon you’ll learn that being royalty isn’t at all as glamorous as the commoners make it out to be,” she warns him softly. “But...it will be all the easier with you at my side.”
“...as I shall remain.”
Well, not QUITE before midnight, but...well, a little earlier than usual lol Just your typical knight in shining armor fic, ahaha - it was my first thought with this prompt. I have that pseudo-series with the other prince and princess 'story', but I thought it'd be fun to take a break from that with Sasuke as a knight, instead! If another prompt allows, I'll definitely be following this one up :3 But, for now, that's all from me! Thanks for reading~
#sasuhina#uchiha sasuke#hyūga hinata#uchiha itachi#hyūga hiashi#to rule them all [ au ]#365daysofsasuhina
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Header by @pantydean and is available on merch from her redbubble store. You can use all those fancy emojis (and more!) on our Discord Server!
The Masterpost is open for all creations by ProfoundBond members which are posted in entirely during that month.
Masterpost below the cut.
wargurl83 - @wargurl83
Fem Cas for Jess
Summary: Art created for Jess/Jscribbles of Fem Cas
JessJessTheBest - @saywhatjessie - JessJessTheBest
Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner
Summary: “I’m Baby Del Mar and I think y'all are mighty fine. It’s time for ass-whooping. Who’s next in line?” Baby Del Mar is one of the top faces in the WWE universe. But in real life, Dean Winchester is just a guy who wants to keep his personal and professional lives separate. This turns out to be a problem for several reasons.
Tags: WWE AU, Established Relationship, WWE typical violence, discussion of past injury.
Accompanying art by @purzelndesbaeumchen
kradarua - kradarua
The Stars, They Shine
Summary: Engineer-in-training Dean Winchester just wants to work on cars. Astronomer Castiel Novak spends his time holed up in the school’s observatory looking at the stars and trying to piece together his dissertation. They’ve never had any reason to cross paths. Not until they get roped into participating in the college theatre group, anyway. When Lisa invites Dean to join her at the mass meeting, he can’t say no to a pretty face. But the joke is on Dean when he accidentally lands the male lead and has to come to terms with memorizing lines and trying not to make a fool of himself on stage. Moreover, despite his best attempts to stay interested in Lisa, there’s no denying the strange gravitational pull he feels around Castiel. Castiel is just here to prove to Charlie that he’s capable of doing something besides research; it should be easy, except he finds himself becoming interested in Dean in a way he really did not expect. Dean is trying to navigate being way outside his skill set; Castiel just wants to hold onto his scholarship without pissing off the religious organization that gave it to him. It’s going to be a long semester, especially if Dean keeps forgetting his goddamn lines. The show must go on!
Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Theatre, Homophobia, Misappropriated Christianity, Astronomer!Castiel, Accidental Actor!Dean, Gay Panic, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, First Time
canadduh - @canadduh - canadduh
Uncle Dean: Adventures in Babysitting
Summary: Dean has always looked after his brother Sammy. So it was really easy to extend that care to his brother's kid. Dean watches his nephew while Sam spends five hours on self-care for the first time since the death of his wife almost six months ago. Dean and Cas talk about the future.
Tags: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Kid!Fic, Uncle Dean Winchester, Uncle Castiel, Dean Winchester is a good Uncle, Fluff, Parent Sam Winchester
sharkfish - @reallyelegantsharkfish - sharkfish
trustworthy for such work
Summary: Cas hugs his pillow, and he’s mostly asleep when a memory works its way in. His father watching Fox news, a fearmongering piece about ifrits in healthcare. His father’s voice, saying, Blood is how they take your wishes. Cas always assumed that meant through feeding. But —
Tags: Dragon Castiel, djinn dean, Dragons, Djinni & Genies, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Demisexual Castiel (Supernatural), Mutual Pining, Magic, Wishes, References to Addiction, References to Knotting.
longing for grapefruit
Summary: Dean lights up and takes the first hit, but instead of exhaling, he leans over towards Cas. It’s not a proper kiss, breathing in Dean’s air, but it’s intimate, and they take turns sharing hits in between kisses. Cas is flying. Cas can feel everything, Cas is out of his body. “Baby,” Dean says, soft in between them. “Let me make you feel good.”
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Recreational Drug Use, Marijuana, Oral Sex, Mental Health Issues, Hurt/Comfort, Shotgunning, Demisexual Castiel (Supernatural)
dancing backwards
Summary: Cas hears Dean Winchester come into the bathroom, but he’s too busy fiddling with equipment to acknowledge him at first, until Dean says, “So like, is there someone I can sue when I break my ankles?” Cas looks up to see the pair of pale pink stilettos hanging from his fingertips. The only thing he’s wearing is a long, dingy skirt with layers and layers of tulle like a tutu and dark, smudged eyeliner.
Tags: Actor Dean Winchester, Photographer Castiel, Dean Winchester in Heels, Fluff and Smut
The Answer
Summary: “Can I ask if you’ve done this before? BDSM shit.” “Is it that obvious that I haven’t?” “We were all new once,” Dean says, giving him a smile.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Sex Shop, BDSM, Gentle Dom Castiel, Sub Dean Winchester, Dom Castiel/Sub Dean Winchester, Paddling, Face-Fucking, soft Recreational Drug Use
overdressed and overeducated
Summary: My brother says I’m boring, Castiel wrote. Perhaps you can make me seem a little more exciting.
Tags: Stylist Dean, Cas is sad & bad at clothes, Meet-Cute, Weddings, First Kiss, Pen Pals
mittensmorgul - @mittensmorgul - MittensWraith
Lost Time
Summary: Dean figured Cas was only trying to let him down easy. He needed a little bit of time to figure out how to deal with it.
Tags: Fluff and Angst, Dean Winchester Uses Actual Words, Mutual Pining, Post-Canon, Newly Human Castiel, Love Confessions, First Kiss
ravenscat - @ravenscat-tumbler - ravensCAT
“They Were in the Bag!” (Panties and dildos)
Summary: The Luggage Mixup Au no one asked for. Basically pwp, almost, it was supposed to be and then feelings happened. Gross.
Tags: Top Cas/Bottom Dean, Rimming, Blowjobs, Shower sex, plane sex, Dean in panties, lawyer Cas
deliciousirony - @delicious-irony - deliciousirony
Arctic Light
Summary: Art for Northern Sparrow's Under The Midnight Sun
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, Dark-Eyed Junco (Original Character), Fanart DCBB, northernsparrow, Birds, Curious Birds, Physiology Of Angels, Angel Wings, landscapes, The Arctic, Deli, SPRW
dean-bangs-cas-in-the-impala (maknatuna) - @dean-cas-in-the-impala - Dean-Bangs-Cas-In-The-Impala
October in Paris
Summary: No matter where Castiel is he always thinks about Dean. Tags: Fluff, Romance, Friendship, Friendship that is slowly turning into romance.
EllenOfOz - EllenOfOz
For A Dream’s Sake
Summary: Part of the DCBB 2018. Just four ingredients is all they need to reopen the rift. Archangel grace, the Seal of Solomon, blood of a most holy man, and a fruit from the tree of life. Castiel returns from Syria with the fruit, saying that he killed some djinn and bargained with the rest. But just what bargain did Cas make with the djinni queen? What did he experience at her hands? Heaven's great leader of armies prides himself on his self-control, his steadfast courage under pressure. But when the djinni's dream is everything he's ever hoped for...
Tags: No Archive Warnings, canon level violence, canon verse, Djinn, angst with a happy ending, angel wings, season 13
Accompanying art by @usarechan
Bumocusal - Bumocusual
Six Degrees of Levain
Summary: Dean has a dog that won't stop vomiting, a brother with Sasquatch hair that brings all the ladies to the yard, and is developing a particular attachment to the hot guy that jogs by his house.
Tags: Police Officer Dean Winchester, Animal Lover Castiel, Meddling Sam Winchester, Fluff and Smut, Romantic Fluff, Shameless Smut, Vibrators, Anal Fingering, Anal, Kissing, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Rimming, Top Castiel, Bottom Dean Winchester
jscribbles - jscribbles
Your Story Isn’t Over Yet
Summary: One morning, Castiel wakes up suddenly very lady-shaped, and Team Free Will discover that a nephilim grows inside him. Sam has no idea how this could have happened considering Cas was supposed to be human, and Dean seems uninterested in finding out how or why their friend is pregnant and female - but he seems goddamn excited. Castiel retreats into himself, seemingly more depressed than usual. Sam is determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, though the others seem reluctant to discover the origin of the nephilim. Could the answer be right under his nose?
Tags: Temp MCD, mpreg (but not really), Temp Genderbend, Grace Baby, Angst, Grief, Implications of losing a child, Blood, Vomit
Cogitationes Publicae
Summary: While organising a store room in the bunker, Dean accidentally breaks a potion bottle, and the contents leave him with no internal monologue. What secrets will be revealed when all his thoughts are laid bare? Written for the Destiel Smut Bingo. Square fill: Consequence of a truth serum/spell Tags: Destiel Smut Bingo 2018, Truth Serum, Dean has no inner monologue, Cas approves of this, Consequence of a truth serum/spell
Hot for Teacher
Summary: Castiel Novak is a young new math teacher at Lawrence High, and Dean Winchester is a popular senior in his class. Dean has a bit of a crush, and Castiel can't help but notice Dean's charms. Written for the Destiel Smut Bingo. Square fill: hot for teacher
Tags: Destiel Smut Bingo 2018, hot for teacher, Teacher Castiel, Student Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester Has a Crush on Castiel, Castiel isn't oblivious to Dean's charms (No underage or relationship while Dean is a student)
MalMuses - @malmuses - MalMuses
Summary: Of all the things that Castiel, former Angel of the Lord, expected to become as a human, being clumsy was never one of them. When Sam catches the flu, Dean is forced to team up with Cas on a Wendigo hunt in snowy northern Minnesota. It goes terribly. Or does it? SPN Reverse Bang fic, with art by @harplesscastiel.
Tags: Fluff, Miscommunication, Bedsharing, Camping, Human Castiel, Clumsy Castiel, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sharing Body Heat, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Wendigo, Hunter Castiel
Personal Space
Summary: Dean is an astronaut, and he definitely chose the career so that he could help move humanity forward, not just because he didn't want to sit in an office, thank-you-very-much. Becoming the first human to set foot on Mars was never part of his five-year plan, but he loved his job and couldn't say no when the opportunity arose. He had spent plenty of time thinking about what he was risking never seeing again if something went wrong; his brother, brother-in-law, and the adorable kid they were adopting, not to mention his friends, his car, and pie. What he hadn't considered was what, or who, he might find when he actually got there. SPN Reverse Bang fic with art by @thefriendlypigeon Tags: Mars Exploration AU, Astronaut Dean, Alien Castiel, Established Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Way more feelings than you would expect, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Castiel Has Tentacles, Consentacles, Not as crazy as it sounds, Kid Jack Kline, So many references but actually not crack, Sam is a Good Brother, Jack is adorable, More Wholesome Than It Sounds, Tentacles, Tentacle Sex, Love Can Cross the Cosmos NSFW
The Doppelganger Effect
Summary: Dean had been having a pretty great week, all in all. There had been that case up in Dodge City where he’d worn a cowboy hat, he had made homemade burgers for dinner, and best of all? Cas was back from the Empty. Alive, unharmed, and in the bunker. Things were back to normal. Then they showed up to ruin things—Dean and Cas, Version 2.0. They're not just different, they're happy. Not to mention very... coupley. Thrown from their own world with magic unheard of since Purgatory, the doppelgangers need Team Free Will’s help—or is it Dean and Cas that need theirs? Suddenly, Dean is stuck in a minivan with two angels that hate each other, a (pretty awesome) copy of himself, and his gassy little brother. Through magic mirrors, ill-advised pacts with Eldritch gods and rather too many gas-station tacos, Dean and his angel face down the past, and decide on their future. A 2018 DCBB fic with art by EL.
Tags: Case Fic, Possession, Eldritch Gods, Car Accidents, Canon-Typical Violence, Eye Trauma, Tentacle Monsters, Horror, Canon Flashbacks, Dean Winchester is Bad at Feelings, Drinking, Pining, Slow Burn, Witches, Original Character Death(s), Mutual Masturbation, Gore, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sam Ships It, Casturbation
exceptcas - @exceptcas - exceptcas
No Call
Summary: While celebrating Sam's bachelor party in Vegas, Dean runs into Cas. --- This is based off of the song "Closer" by Halsey.
Tags: Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Past Relationship(s), Bachelor Parties
Hitori-Alouette - @hitori-alouette
Can’t do it alone
Summary: Art created for the DEANCAS CREATIONS CHALLENGE
Tags: #deancascc #destiel #deancasedit
#member masterpost#member masterposts#november masterpost#profoundnet#profoundnet monthly masterpost#deancas reclist#member fic#member art
29 notes
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6 Tips to Remain Steadfast in Faith
Any great goal you want to achieve requires you to make a solid plan and put effort to achieve this dream goal. Right…?
Now, how come we’d think of our faith as something we take for granted, or something we don’t need to put effort in to grow and strengthen…?
The Prophet himself (peace and blessings upon him) taught us a dua in this regard. Shahr bin Haushab reported: “I asked Umm Salamah (May Allah be pleased with her), “O Mother of the Believers! Which supplication did the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) make frequently when he was in your house?” She said: “He (ﷺ) supplicated frequently: ‘Ya muqallibal-qulubi, thabbit qalbi ‘ala dinika (O Controller of the hearts make my heart steadfast in Your religion).” [At- Tirmidhi].
This day and age with all the temptations, distractions and tribulations that are happening around us, we need to have a plan to achieve our ultimate goal of earning Allah’s Pleasure and Closeness and reaching a beautiful eternal Paradise after we leave this world, insha’Allah.
So here are 6 sure ways to keep you steadfast in faith.
Sincere daily dua (supplication)
Allah teaches us a great lesson every day. He has instructed us to say 17 times a day through our 5 daily prayers:
“It is You we worship and You we ask for help.” (Qur’an 1: 5)
This is not a coincidence. This is a reminder that no one can achieve success and steadfastness in faith except with the Help of Allah Almighty. We don’t just worship Allah; we need His Incomparable Help to remain on the straight path.
In a beautiful hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) he taught one of the most learned companions, Mu’adh (bin Jabal), words to recite in order to seek the Help of Allah.
Mu’adh bin Jabal (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) held my hand and said, “O Mu’adh, By Allah, I love you and advise you not to miss supplicating after every Salat (prayer) saying: ‘Allahumma a’inni ‘ala dhikrika wa shukrika, wa husni ‘ibadatika,’ (O Allah, help me remember You, expressing gratitude to You and worship You in the best manner.” [Abu Dawud and An- Nasa’i].
Dua is absolutely essential to receiving Allah’s guidance. The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said, “Verily supplication is worship.” [Related by the four Imams].
So let not a day pass without making supplications to Allah to help you and aid you. Speak to Allah in your own language and in your own way in supplication if you want. As long as you’re sincere and conscious of what you’re saying, then Allah will respond and will protect you and open doors for you. Allah is our Best Helper (AnNaseer) and He is Our Protecting Friend (Al Wali).
Reciting and Studying the Qur’an
The Qur’an is indispensable to one’s guidance and steadfastness. The best way to get closer to Allah is through His Own Words.
Continuing to listen to the words of Allah and recite them and explore their meanings will keep the heart engaged and will open it and guide it and keep it firm.
The Qur’an responds to everything that goes in your chest. Allah’s Infinite Wisdom and Mercy on His slaves is expressed in this timeless Book that speaks to the hearts and Minds that HE created.
From the beginning of the Book Allah Almighty says:
“This is the Book about which there is no doubt, guidance for those conscious of Allah” (Qur’an 2: 2)
So, studying the meaning of the Qur’an (tafseer), perfecting the recitation (tajweed), spending time with the Qur’an in contemplation and reflection (tadabbur) and reciting it on a daily basis is a very strong mean to strengthen the heart.
“[…] Thus [it is] that We may strengthen thereby [the Qur’an] your heart….” (Qur’an 25: 32)
Studying Seerah (biography of the Prophet) and stories of the Prophets and Companions
Allah has sent the messengers to deliver for us the message and teach us how to deal with all life matters. His life (peace and blessings upon him) is rich with stories and incidents and reminders that would help us deal with anything we face in life. There is so much solace and guidance in being reminded of his Seerah.
Allah Almighty says:
“Certainly did Allah confer [great] favor upon the believers when He sent among them a Messenger from themselves, reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom, although they had been before in manifest error.” (Qur’an 3: 164)
So studying the Seerah of the Prophet is a means of remembrance of Allah, purification of the self and learning of wisdom.
And Allah Almighty has sent the Prophets before and taught us their stories through the Book and hadiths to guide us and open our hearts and minds to the wisdom of what we see around us and how to deal with different tribulations.
Almighty says:
“And each [story] We relate to you from the news of the messengers is that by which We make firm your heart. And there has come to you, in this, the truth and an instruction and a reminder for the believers.” (Qur’an 11: 120)
And He Almighty says:
“There was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding. Never was the Qur’an a narration invented, but a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of all things and guidance and mercy for a people who believe.” (Qur’an 12: 111)
Practicing what one learns
Our iman (faith) can go really high up after listening to lectures or attending circles of knowledge. But few days, weeks, months later, we can lose this feeling and become spiritually drained. This is mainly because of not being consistent or practicing what one has learned.
As Allah Almighty says:
“But if they had done what they were instructed, it would have been better for them and a firmer position [for them in faith].” (Qur’an 4: 66)
Sometimes we delay following the instructions we hear or fear them or submit to the negative whispers of Satan. But if instead we strive to implement what we learn, then this definitely opens more doors of goodness and light and strengthens one in faith.
Allah says:
“And those who strive for Us – We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good.” (Qur’an 29: 69)
Having good companions always
Seeking righteous companions and remaining among those who are seeking the closeness of Allah Almighty is something that aids and strengthens one’s faith significantly.
As Allah Almighty The Most Knowing says:
“And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever [in] neglect.” (Qur’an 18: 28)
And the Prophet says: ‘The example of a good pious companion and an evil one is that of a person carrying musk and another blowing a pair of bellows. The one who is carrying musk will either give you some perfume as a present, or you will buy some from him, or you will get a good smell from him, but the one who is blowing a pair of bellows will either burn your clothes or you will get a bad smell from him.” [Sahih Al Bukhari]
Being among the wrong company is very dangerous on one’s uprightness and steadfastness. It weakens one’s iman and moves one from remembrance to heedlessness and from great striving on the path to negligence and weakness.
In contrast, righteous companions keep one reminded of Allah, they call each other to doing good, they advise each other against doing sins, they compete in good deeds…etc.
So make dua to find right companions and be among them as they are brothers and allies and a safety boat to one another.
Constant Repentance and following bad deeds with good ones
This is a very important step. We must do all we have in our capacity to remain steadfast. But if for any reason one weakened or fallen into sin, then learn how to get back up immediately and take control of your life. Don’t let the sin control you or define you.
Shaitan whispers to people to commit sins, and when they do, he makes them think that they’re hopeless and can’t be forgiven or that their repentance won’t be accepted. DON’T EVER FALL INTO THIS TRAP!! EVER!
No matter what happens, no matter how many times you’ve fallen into sin and repented and fallen into sin and repented, you should NEVER give up. Allah will always accept the sincere repentance of His slaves. So long as your soul is still in your body and you’re not associating anything or anyone in worship with Allah, then He will always forgive you and accept your repentance.
“Allah, the Exalted, has said: ‘O son of Adam, I forgive you as long as you pray to Me and hope for My forgiveness, whatever sins you have committed. O son of ‘Adam, I do not care if your sins reach the heights of the heaven, then you ask for my forgiveness, I would forgive you. O son of ‘Adam, if you come to Me with an earth load of sins, and meet Me associating nothing to Me, I would match it with an earthload of forgiveness.”‘ [At- Tirmidhi].
So, if you’ve ever weakened or fallen into sin, then immediately follow it with good deeds. As Allah says:
“And establish prayer at the two ends of the day and at the approach of the night. Indeed, good deeds do away with misdeeds. That is a reminder for those who remember.” (Qur’an 11: 14)
Remember that for repentance to be accepted, one has to 1- stop the sin immediately. 2- Regret it sincerely, and 3 – have sincere desire to not go back to the sin.
You can also perform the prayer or repentance.
The Prophet says: “There is no one who commits a sin then purifies himself well (does wudoo’/ablution) and stands and prays two rak’ahs (two units of prayer), then asks Allah for forgiveness, but Allah will forgive him. [Abi Dawood]
So, repent, pray, do dhikr, give some money in charity, help your parents, call family member, read Qur’an, do as many good deeds as you can even if small….
In short, strangle the sin with good deeds and do not let it strangle you!
And remember that Allah says:
“Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” (Qur’an 2: 268)
So, never give up on Allah and His path because His doors are always open for us, just seek Him and put all effort in the purpose that He created us for and the rewards that He has prepared for us. It is all worth it. Always.
May Allah help us and strengthen us and grant us from all the goodness of this life and the next and bring our hearts back to Him firm and sincere.
#islam#muslim#allah#prophet muhammad#hadith#quran#islamic reminder#islamic advice#islamic knowledge#islamic quote#surah#lastprophetsworld#islamic education#prayer#sunnah
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Belief Determines my Conducts Through my Actions in Trials
Sermon recap
Wisdom is the ability to choose the best goals and the best path to those goals. Who could have more wisdom than our omniscient God? That's right, no one! So why are you still trying to do things your way? Are you willing to go ALL IN for God?
Scripture Focus James 1:5-27
Today marked week three in our study in the book of James. We dig into verses 5-27 as Pastor Ric shines a light on how integrity relates to wisdom and what happens when we choose to do things our way instead of God’s way.
James 1:5 says, “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” James is commanding us to ask God for wisdom. How often do you do ask God for wisdom? And if you do ask Him, how do you receive the response? God gives us a clear path to wisdom in Proverbs, but first, as commanded in James, we must ask for it! We all fail to pray for wisdom on occasion or have prayed then gone on to do it our way anyway- maybe even justifying our choices based on the fact that we prayed about it. Deep down, we know we decided out of some type of convenience or because it was the path of least resistance.
In James 1:6-14, we discover that five core stepping stones are destroying our integrity.
The first step is double mindedness. Instead of leaning fully on God and seeking wisdom from Him, we try to customize our Christianity, cherry-picking what to believe, or do as it fits into our ideal life. So often we live with one foot in God’s world and the other firmly in our own. God gives trials that can grow our faith if we let it, but when we are wishy-washy about where we place our trust, seeds of sin begin trickling in. A double-minded person is unable to make a decision. So, in creeps desire, which causes us to make choices according to feelings. What feels good isn’t always what is right. When we make decisions based on emotions, rather than following God’s plan, it can cause keep us from seeing or understanding the consequences of our sin. When we fail to see the result of a sin, this leads to disobedience and rationalizing away the sin. When we live double-minded lives, we are failing to let God lead, and its impossible to choose the correct path this way. Someone or something always ends up destroyed.
So, How do You Fix it? You Decide to Decide!
Decide to stop being double-minded.
Decide to follow the wisdom of God rather than your desires
Go “all-in” on God’s way of life
Choose to stay under pressure the trials God allows in your life.
Because God has more wisdom than we do, He knows the right goals for each of us and the best way to reach those goals. God knows everything about us; He is steadfast and loyal. God will never lie, tempt us to sin, or deceive us. He made each of us unique and on purpose for a purpose. He will never change his mind about us. He loves us so much that He paid the price of sin before we were ever even born!
Once we decide to quit being double-minded, we have to change our beliefs. No longer should we be people who just a sit in church every Sunday morning and listen. Or people who read the bible but only pick out what is convenient at the moment. We need to start functioning from a place of faith a deep belief in the sovereign power God has in our lives. What we believe will determine how we handle the trials that life throws at us.
What you believe will show through your actions. Let’s become people whose actions reflect, align and are solely focused on God’s lead. Lets become people who earnestly walk the walk, talk the talk, and reflect the faith, truth, and steadfast belief we have in our Loving Father!
0 notes
“No Other Fortress” - Psalm 46
Dear Fellow Sheep,
Psalm 46 is an anthem of faith for every true believer. It is a declaration of confidence in the midst of opposition and a song of deep trust. It is a sword to wield when we are afraid, able to kill sinful fear. Grab hold of Psalm 46 when you receive a devastating diagnosis or when losing a loved one. Take this psalm with you to your deathbed. Have it ready and hidden away in your heart for the coming days of persecution. Take it with you into your prison cell, should that day come in your lifetime…I think it will most certainly come in mine. Take it with you if you are called to die a martyr’s death. Memorize it. Internalize it. Treasure the truth in it. Draw strength from its words in your greatest moment of need…in your deepest moment of pain…and in your sharpest moment of fear. Learn it well, so that you may use it well in the fight of faith.
The first word off the Psalmist’s tongue is God. There’s no better place to begin to anchor our thoughts and root our confidence. There’s no wiser choice than to get our eyes off of ourselves and onto the One True God. We exist because He created us for Himself. We exist for Him. He is the self-existent One, having no beginning and no end….having no source outside of Himself, needing nothing, lacking nothing, creating everything, possessing everything….This is Elohim, the only God.
Verse 1 continues, God is our refuge and strength. Note the possessive, “our” God. He is not just THE God whose existence we acknowledge but OUR God…We know Him as our own…our Wonderful, Merciful Savior, Precious Redeemer and Friend. We belong to Him. We are His royal possession. He is our treasure and our inheritance. He is our God, and we delight to say that’s it’s so. Let the world continue to mock and blaspheme Him. Let them ignore Him or deny His very existence, but let us who have been redeemed boast in the God of our salvation!
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. All throughout the Psalms we see Yahweh pictured as a refuge and a fortress for those who trust in His word. Psalm 62:2 says,
“He only is my rock and my salvation, my Stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken.
Verse 8 says,
“Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.”
He is a fortress for His people unlike any fortress built by men. I have a massive book with pictures of all the greatest castles and fortresses throughout history, and some of them lasted centuries without ever being captured by an enemy. But no matter how thick or tall they built their walls, they would eventually fall into enemy hands. A more advanced catapult or battering ram would come along and penetrate the defenses.
But OUR GOD is our fortress…a refuge that has never fallen into enemy hands and never will. His defenses are impenetrable. The walls of the Lord around His people have no weaknesses. No device of men or devils can touch a child of God who is safe within his Father’s house. It is a mighty fortress, unassailable, invincible, and it must make Satan rage, for those who flee his kingdom of darkness escape him for good when they enter its gates. In the Mosaic law, the LORD gave instructions for cities of refuge to be established, so that someone fleeing from his enemies could be given protection by the warriors of that city. The minute a refugee stepped foot through the gate of a city of refuge, though his pursuers would be hot on his heels, the warriors of the city would immediately come to his defense.
Brothers and sisters, the minute your feet cross the threshold of God’s fortress, all of heaven’s armies surround you to protect you. The heavy door is then barred shut and what once pursued you and condemned you will never touch you again. Once inside the protection of Yahweh, you are safe, forever safe. Even though you die, yet you will live, because Jesus Christ is the Resurrection and the Life and those who take refuge in Him will never perish. If you have fled to this Mighty Fortress, He will not only protect and keep you through the first death but He will preserve your life from the second death. A Mighty Fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing. There has come or will come times in your life when you don’t feel safe, but completely exposed and vulnerable. It is in those times especially that Almighty God, the Unseen Defender does His best work.
God is our refuge and He alone is our strength. If you are safe in Him today, it’s because there came a day in your life when you saw your great weakness and inability to save yourself. Those who are safe in God’s house came there because they realized their desperate need for Him. We have NO strength to earn our way to God. We are so weak that when temptation comes we hardly lift a finger in resistance. Left to ourselves, we would choose Hell over Heaven, sin over salvation, rebellion over redemption.
But God. The LORD of Hosts, strong and mighty to save, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and truth. The King of all the earth saw our helplessness and brought salvation to us. He didn’t just show us the path to salvation and give us a second chance to save ourselves…NO...He knew we would blow every second chance and every third and fourth chance. We have NO strength in ourselves to accomplish anything of value to the LORD. We have no ability within to live up to His righteous Law. Our hearts are too sick with sin apart from Christ. We need a divine intervention to grant us forgiveness and a brand new heart.
Think of a grandmother in her 80’s with diabetes and a fragile heart condition. She couldn’t run if she tried because her body isn’t capable. Our flesh is the same way. Trying to earn our way to righteousness in the sight of God is like this frail grandmother trying to run a marathon. It can’t be done. It’s impossible. She would collapse within the first several yards, and likewise we have no strength in us to meet the standard of the Law. This is why your heart should leap to hear that GOD is your STRENGTH! He does the saving from start to finish. He runs the marathon. Christ had a heart able to fulfill the law and He did it flawlessly! Jesus earned your way back to God with every sinless day He lived on the earth, and He took the condemnation you earned upon Himself. You weren’t strong enough, so Christ was strong for you. He lived the life you could never live and died the death that you deserved.
Despite how Jesus is often portrayed in religious art, He is not pale and sickly, but strong and able to suffer the horrors of the cross. As a carpenter, His hands were no strangers to callouses. As the God-Man, He was spiritually strong in refusing every temptation. He was blameless and spotless...the perfect Lamb of God and the only One who qualified to take our place in judgement. We can only struggle to imagine the strength required to take the cup of wrath from His Father and drink it down…every burning, bitter drop…down to the very dregs.
The strength of His love for us is incomprehensible! Do you want to know the strength of this mighty fortress? If all of the combined strength of Satan’s kingdom could not stop Jesus from fulfilling His Father’s plan, then know for sure that no power of Hell will stop Him from taking you home...all the way home.
This strength of the Savior is omnipotent and unrivaled. Strength to see you through your darkest days. Strength to finish what He started in your heart. Strength to keep you from stumbling and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy.
The second verse of the hymn, “Debtor to Mercy” says,
“The work which His goodness began, The arm of His strength will complete. His promise is Yes and Amen And never was forfeited yet. Things future nor things that are now, Nor all things below or above, Can make Him His purpose forego Or sever my soul from His love.”
And how can we think about the strength of His love and not recall Romans 8:31-39?
“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies; who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us. Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Just as it written, ‘For your sake we are being put to death all day long; we were considered as sheep to be slaughtered.’ Burt in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Acknowledge that you are weak, brothers and sisters, but acknowledge all the more that your God is NOT. The Good Shepherd’s arms are strong for carrying weak and needy sheep. Rest in the limitless strength of His saving love.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Another way the second line could be rendered is that He “is abundantly available for help in tight places.” What situations come into your mind when you think of tight places? What are the trials and fears that tend to suck the life out of you? What fills you with fear? Whatever it is, He is very present and abundantly available to help in your moment of need. No matter how tight your tight place becomes, no matter how overwhelming, it is a small thing to the Almighty and He calls you to trust Him.
You may ask, “How can I tell if I’m trusting Him?” As I heard one old evangelist put it, “If you are trusting, then you are resting. If you are not resting then you are not trusting”. True faith rests and relaxes in knowing that the outcome is safely in the hands of a loving Lord. Are you given over to anxiety? Then repent and believe in the goodness of God.
Perhaps you have heard the quote from Corrie Ten Boom,
“If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed. If you look at God, you’ll be at rest.”
This is why it’s so important to study who God is and what He has done. As Psalm 111:2 says,
“Great are the works of the LORD. They are studied by all who delight in them.”
You won’t trust a God that you don’t know, and you won’t know Him if you don’t seek Him out in His Word. He has given you 66 books, rich and true, so that you can get to know Him and build your life on what He’s revealed to you. Get to know your God in Scripture. Study Him so that when you hear God refer to Himself as a “refuge” it won’t just be a nice illustration but a precious reality to your soul. Study and delight in your Savior so that when trouble comes you will be found standing on solid ground.
Moving on to verse 2…
“Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride.”
Mountains are synonymous with enduring strength. They stand strong throughout history. All through Scripture, mountains depict safety and security. In those days, if you feared for your life because of human enemies or natural disaster you could flee to the mountains and find safety. But in verse 2, the Psalmist creates a hypothetical situation in which the mountains slide into the sea.
The sea was a symbol of fear to ancient people. The sea claimed countless lives in those days. Boats were extremely vulnerable and even the best seamen often drowned. Even on the little sea of Galilee, which was nothing more than a large lake, the disciples feared for their lives when they got caught in a storm. So, this is quite an amazing picture being painted here.
We will not fear though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea. Though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride.
It pictures the things that have the most stability being overwhelmed by that which the people dread.
Imagine living near Mount Fuji in Japan. Each morning you wake up and see the familiar shape it makes on the horizon. You know that you will live and die just like millions of others, yet you expect the mountain to hold its position long after you cease to hold yours. Imagine waking up one morning and finding the horizon completely altered, no mountain in sight. You would know something has gone terribly wrong.
The Psalmist is describing something that we trust in…something we assume will always be there. What norms in life are you assuming to have permanence? What mountains are you trusting to never leave the horizon? Some of the blessings we enjoy today could easily vanish tomorrow.
Are you trusting in something like your financial situation to keep you safe? Have you placed confidence in the mountain of your money? Would you still feel safe if God saw fit to take it away? Investing can be wise, but would you still boast in your Mighty Fortress if your investments collapse?
Your 401k’s and Roth IRA’s may be fruitful today but barren tomorrow. You may wake up and see this mountain of prosperity all your life, but at some point it will slip away. Make sure that when it slides into the sea it doesn’t take you with it. Rather, stand with God’s people who say, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear.”
Another mountain we tend to trust in is one that is deeply woven into the very fabric of who we are. We are Americans and the United States is all most of us have ever known. We are members of a world superpower and are accustomed to enjoying the peace and prosperity it offers. The Apostle Paul instructs us to pray that our government would function as God intends it to function so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives to His glory, but only God’s government is permanent. Every earthly kingdom has an end.
If we had lived in the Roman Empire, we would have thought it was invincible. It was the dominant superpower for many centuries. Generations lived and died and all they knew was a time when all roads led to Rome, and being a Roman Citizen meant safety. But that time would come to an end. God raised up Rome to accomplish His purposes and He put down Rome to accomplish His purposes.
Paul traveled as a Roman citizen on Roman roads to spread the good news and plant churches. But God would later allow the decadent empire to sign its own death warrant and descend into chaos.
Caesars and kings and presidents conduct their business and exercise authority on borrowed thrones.
"The earth is the LORD’s and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it.” - Psalm 24:1
“Daniel said, ‘Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever, for wisdom and power belong to Him. It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings’.” - Daniel 2:20-21
God uses human authorities as He sees fit, but He does not allow any proud empire to boast forever. Pride always leads to a fall and the nation that feels most secure is the nation that will take the hardest fall. Rome was an abusive and wicked nation, and, in His time, God brought it to its knees as He has done with every earthly empire from Babylon to Nazi Germany.
If you want a case study about God’s sovereignty over earthly kings, read about King Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel. If there was ever a man totally full of himself, it was Nebuchadnezzar. He had created an entire state religion designed to worship him. He was in the habit of looking over his vast empire and congratulating himself on all his achievements...that is, until God took away his sanity and made him behave like a wild beast for 7 years. The amazing thing isn’t that he lived as a madman for all those years but that God graciously restored his sanity and changed his heart. Let’s let Nebuchadnezzar testify in his own words....Daniel 4:34-37 reads,
“But at the end of that period, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever; for His dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom endures from generation to generation. All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, But He does according to His will in the host of Heaven and among the inhabitants of earth; and no one can ward off His hand or say to Him, ‘What have You done?’ At that time my reason returned to me. And my majesty and splendor were restored to me for the glory of my kingdom, and my counselors and my nobles began seeking me out; so I was reestablished in my sovereignty, and surpassing greatness was added to me. Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise, exalt, and honor the King of Heaven, for all His works are true and His ways just, and He is able to humble those who walk in pride.”
Aren’t you glad to belong to the King above all kings? He considers all the powerful nations in world to be a mere drop in the bucket…Yet He is gracious and able to humble those who walk in pride.
It is a terrible thing to be proud but it is a worse thing to remain proud without a gracious humbling from the Lord. Be very glad, brothers and sisters, if God has humbled you and made you to trust in His mercy. We may very well see Nebuchadnezzar in Heaven, and what a delight it would be to join him in praising, exalting, and honoring the King of Heaven. He is a testimony to us that God owes nothing to the rulers and authorities of this world. All governments answer to Yahweh and He will accomplish His loving purposes for His people whether that government intends good or evil.
Something we must understand is that God is not in covenant with the United States of America, but He is in covenant with His chosen people from every nation, tribe, and tongue. We ought to give thanks to God for the peace and security that we enjoy for a time and for those that have risked or given their lives to protect us, but as we thank Him we must remember that this is not our home and that God has not sworn to protect it or prosper it. The USA has become a very prideful and wicked nation. With regards to abortion, our nation is responsible for a hidden holocaust that surpasses all the killing done by Hitler and Stalin combined, around 60 million lives. We also lead the world’s pornography industry. 60% of all porn websites worldwide are American websites. But pornography is not our worst export.
Our worst export to the rest of the world is the prosperity gospel…a distinctly American theology from Hell. The continents of Africa and South America are drowning in false teaching because of the garbage broadcasted on stations like TBN and Daystar. Faithful pastors in Africa are sounding the alarm because the face of African Christianity has become the health and wealth heresy. People in other nations look up to America and believe it to be a Christian nation, so they turn on the “Christian” TV station that’s being piped overseas and what do they see?? Joel Osteen….Benny Hinn…Mike Murdock…Jim Baker….Paul Crouch….all of these wolves fleecing the poor by promising them prosperity if they’ll just sow a seed and give an offering. These are desperately poor people being led to believe that if they just "sow a seed” to the so called man of God, then God will lift them out of poverty….all the while Christ is obscured….Christ is in the shadows…and the cross is trampled underfoot as having no value. This is American theology. Greed is the Alpha and Omega of the Prosperity Gospel.
This is our country deceiving the nations, and it ought not to surprise us if we see God handing America over to a Romans chapter one type of judgment. It ought not to surprise us and it ought not to upset us. If America ceases to exist tomorrow what will we have lost? Is this downplaying the mercies our country has received or the sacrifices of veterans? Absolutely not. For those of you who have served in the military or lost loved ones in war, God has used your service to protect lives and we thank you for your selfless service. Our servicemen and women put others welfare above their own and many don’t return home. Yet we must remember that all earthly kingdoms come to an end no matter how strong they appear. The soldier of Christ can give thanks for his country without putting his trust in it, knowing that His ultimate allegiance is to Heaven’s country and Heaven’s King. Should our government collapse and all its strength slide into the heart of the sea, what have we to fear? If we have Christ and He has us, what have we to fear? What have we to lose?
Are we different or more special than our brothers and sisters in North Korea? They know nothing of the freedoms we enjoy but they don’t need to. They have Christ and His promises, and therefore they have it all. Jesus will comfort them in the age to come as He will comfort us.
Do we deserve an easier road than our fellow Christians in India whose churches are repeatedly burned to the ground? Does God owe us a life free from the possibility of imprisonment? The day may soon come when our nation ceases to protect us, but will we cease to be protected? No dear brothers and sisters, God is our refuge and strength…A very present help in trouble…Therefore we will NOT fear should all that we know be changed, and should the mountain of our country slip into the heart of the sea….We will NOT fear, come what may!
If after some time, we are threatened with imprisonment or even death for publicly confessing Christ, then so be it. If those threats become a reality, so be it. We will not fear, for what can mere man do to us? Psalm 20 verse 7 says,
“Some boast in chariots and some in horses, but we will boast in the name of the LORD, our God.”
We are as safe right now as Christ is safe in Heaven, and we cannot die one second before He intends. Our days are in His book from beginning to end.
When you ponder what could happen to you, fix your hope on what WILL happen to you when Christ receives you into glory. Many things COULD come to pass, but the things Christ has promised WILL come to pass.
Take refuge in His words…not a single promise will fall to the ground. Not one will fail. God doesn’t leave you alone with your fears but is very present to BE your strength.
Any good father hates to see his child gripped with fear, and our Heavenly Father is far better. He calls you to stand firm in your faith, to stop trusting yourself and to trust Him. The work which His goodness began the arm of His strength will complete.
No matter what blessings we lose when God shakes the earth, we don’t have to be afraid because there is a place where no storm can reach…where no earthquake trembles…and where no earthly government can touch us. Verse 4 continues in our Psalm,
“There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the most holy dwelling places of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.”
My friends, if you are a citizen of this city, then you dwell securely. If your name is written in the registry of this city, it will never be blotted out. If your life is not in this world but hidden with Christ in the holy dwelling place of the Most High, then your foundation cannot be moved. God is in the midst. No matter how dark your experience, no matter how high the flood waters of evil rise around you, no matter how frail you become in battling principalities and powers, God will help when morning dawns. There is a morning on the horizon when all of God’s people will look upon the triumph of their Savior and be satisfied. The day will come when we can permanently retire our battle gear, and live at peace in the age to come…every tear, every sorrow, every stabbing pain will end. But the time is not yet.
Verse 6 says,
“The nations made an uproar, the kingdoms tottered; He raised His voice, the earth melted. The Lord of Hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our stronghold.”
The days in which we live are days in which nations panic, and kingdoms crumble. All it takes for the mightiest nation to fall is for one word to be spoken….one verdict from the mouth of God and all the strength of a nation melts into chaos. Therefore, verses 8-11 say,
“Come behold the works of the LORD, who has wrought desolations in the earth. He makes wars to cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariots with fire. ‘Cease striving and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’ The LORD of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our stronghold.”
Those who build their life on an earthly foundation will be disappointed. The ground beneath their feet will give way and every success and accomplishment will slide into the sea. But there is solid ground for all who will stand upon it. There is a mighty fortress for all who would take refuge in it.
There is a city for the children of Abraham…a city whose architect and builder is God. By faith we enter in and are eternally safe. By grace we are called into this hiding place to take cover until the indignation of God passes by.
Where are you standing today? Are you trusting in a mountain that will fail you or in the mighty fortress that will save you? Where are you investing your confidence?
“Did we in our own strength confide, Our striving would be losing. Were not the right man on our side, The Man of God’s own choosing: Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He; Lord Sabaoth His Name, From age to age the same, And He must win the battle.” - Martin Luther, “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”
In the end, it won’t matter how comfortably or uncomfortably we lived in this life. What does matter is ending up on the right side of the throne on judgement day. Will you stand at Christ’s right hand or His left? That is the question that must be answered without delay, because that is the ultimate trouble on the horizon. But especially on that day, the LORD of HOSTS will be with us, a very present help in trouble. The God of Jacob will be our stronghold, and because of the blood of the Lamb, we will not perish.
“Let goods and kindred go, This mortal life also. The body they may kill, God’s truth abideth still. His kingdom is forever!” - Martin Luther, “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”
In His Grip,
Just Another Sheep.
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5/30/2021 DAB Transcript
2 Samuel 15:23-16:23, John 18:25-19:22, Psalm 119:113-128, Proverbs 16:10-11
Today is the 30th day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you today as we greet a brand new shiny sparkly week that will lead us into a brand new shiny sparkly month before it’s over with. So, new beginnings are all around us and it’s a beautiful thing, a beautiful reminder that we can keep starting over, we can keep moving forward. So, I’m grateful and so thankful that we can be on this journey together. And so, let’s just reach out and throw open the threshold and move into this new week. We’ll read from the Christian Standard Bible this week. And we’ll pick up where we left off yesterday in the book of 2 Samuel that will be chapter 15 verse 23 through 16 verse 23 today. As just by uh, short way of reminder King David is on the run and has left his palace and is fleeing from his son Absalom who is making an attempt to take over the kingdom. And so, we pick up that story. 2 Samuel 15.
Jesus, we love you. We have come to this point now in the final gospel where…where You are hanging from a cross and we have traveled all these miles and watched You bring truth and light and good and good news and healing and restoration into the world and…and the world chose the dark. Chose to snuff You out if possible and the sad thing is that these tendencies they exist in the world and they exist in each of us. And so, as we imagine as we look into our minds eye and imagine what it is we’re reading it’s unthinkable. The injustice is beyond description. The love on display, the willingness to be that sacrifice, is beyond description. And so, we surrender. This is what we do so often because the scriptures continually lead us to this place that you have modeled: surrender, surrender everything, everything to God be utterly dependent upon God. We are seeing that modeled even…even in death, even in death on the cross. And so, Jesus we thank You and as we say just about every time that we come through this territory, what is a thank you, these are words, what words could we put together. How…how could we even describe this. It’s gotta be spoken with our very lives in surrender. And so, Holy Spirit come and help us continue to walk that narrow path that leads to life because it is a path of surrender. Come Holy Spirit we pray, in the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.
Prayers and Encouragement:
Hello, my name is Frank. I recently was attacked in the brain by COVID. Uh, there wasn’t much hope for me at first uh, I owe many thanks to my favorite sister-in-law, Risa, my best-friend, my wife Harriot, for praying…getting people to pray, people following His ___ asking…asking God to spare me because I am a believer in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. And within twelve days I got myself home. I’m still weak and recovering but it’s a journey that will have a happy ending. I’d like to thank everybody who prayed for me and I’ll never forget it. I love you guys, Jesus loves you.
Hi, my name is Phoebe, I am from Northern Alberta and I love Daily Audio Bible. It has helped me through some of the darkest times in my life. There is still 1 thing that I really need prayer for ___ my daughter Timaeh. Three and a half years ago she told me that she was an atheist. I just need prayer for her to be delivered from the blindness and bondage that Satan is trying to keep her in. Please pray for her, I thank you.
Hi Daily Audio Bible family it’s Madison from Southern California. I’ve called in before. Um, it is May 26th but I’m actually a little bit behind and I just listened to the May 24th reading and in particular I was so moved by the woman who prayed for the young man who was taken into custody and her prayers through that experience he would surrender his life to the Lord. Um, I was so moved by that and um I want to come on here and humbly ask for a similar prayer request for my own very dear friend who I have asked for prayer about before. Um, I’ve been praying for his sobriety and for his salvation. Um, on June 1st he has a hearing for a DUI that he received uh, in September of 2019. Um, and this sentence is going to be different no matter what, it’s going to change his life it might even change his career, how he goes about his day-to-day life and I know that he’s scared. Um, but I am just praying that this can be something that brings him to his knees and helps him to see his need and helps him to see the great mercy of Jesus even though he’s facing punishment for you know, his own human mistake actions. So, if you all would just pray with me for him, for so many who are kind of facing a reckoning that they would come to know Jesus, um, it would mean so much.
I would like to pray today for all my brothers and sisters both in Australia where I live and all over the world who love the Lord and need the Lord, daily, as I do. We are so fortunate and so blessed to have each other near and far. To be the body of Christ and to be the believers, those of whose eyes have been opened, whose heart have been opened and who’ve been given through God’s grace the understanding of the gospel. The hope of a sure future and peace and joy in their hearts today. No matter what we go through, brothers and sisters, remain faithful, remain steadfast in your faith, in your belief and in the sure knowledge of the future. I pray that any of you, who are experiencing heartache, disappointment with people, family or friends, may be comforted and reassured of God’s love. Because at the end of the day people will disappoint and hurt us but there is 1 who holds us near and who calls us friends. He’s the one whose love is the most important who has put trust in us, we value the highest. So, I hope and I pray and I send my love to each and every one of you. Those I will never meet as well as those I know. And may your life be blessed. And may you be loved by family and friends especially Gods love be sure and steady and forever lasting. Amen.
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6 Tips to Remain Steadfast in Faith
Any great goal you want to achieve requires you to make a solid plan and put effort to achieve this dream goal. Right…?
Now, how come we’d think of our faith as something we take for granted, or something we don’t need to put effort in to grow and strengthen…?
The Prophet himself (peace and blessings upon him) taught us a dua in this regard. Shahr bin Haushab reported: “I asked Umm Salamah (May Allah be pleased with her), “O Mother of the Believers! Which supplication did the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) make frequently when he was in your house?” She said: “He (ﷺ) supplicated frequently: ‘Ya muqallibal-qulubi, thabbit qalbi ‘ala dinika (O Controller of the hearts make my heart steadfast in Your religion).” [At- Tirmidhi].
This day and age with all the temptations, distractions and tribulations that are happening around us, we need to have a plan to achieve our ultimate goal of earning Allah’s Pleasure and Closeness and reaching a beautiful eternal Paradise after we leave this world, insha’Allah.
So here are 6 sure ways to keep you steadfast in faith.
Sincere daily dua (supplication)
Allah teaches us a great lesson every day. He has instructed us to say 17 times a day through our 5 daily prayers:
“It is You we worship and You we ask for help.” (Qur’an 1: 5)
This is not a coincidence. This is a reminder that no one can achieve success and steadfastness in faith except with the Help of Allah Almighty. We don’t just worship Allah; we need His Incomparable Help to remain on the straight path.
In a beautiful hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) he taught one of the most learned companions, Mu’adh (bin Jabal), words to recite in order to seek the Help of Allah.
Mu’adh bin Jabal (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) held my hand and said, “O Mu’adh, By Allah, I love you and advise you not to miss supplicating after every Salat (prayer) saying: ‘Allahumma a’inni ‘ala dhikrika wa shukrika, wa husni ‘ibadatika,’ (O Allah, help me remember You, expressing gratitude to You and worship You in the best manner.” [Abu Dawud and An- Nasa’i].
Dua is absolutely essential to receiving Allah’s guidance. The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said, “Verily supplication is worship.” [Related by the four Imams].
So let not a day pass without making supplications to Allah to help you and aid you. Speak to Allah in your own language and in your own way in supplication if you want. As long as you’re sincere and conscious of what you’re saying, then Allah will respond and will protect you and open doors for you. Allah is our Best Helper (AnNaseer) and He is Our Protecting Friend (Al Wali).
Reciting and Studying the Qur’an
The Qur’an is indispensable to one’s guidance and steadfastness. The best way to get closer to Allah is through His Own Words.
Continuing to listen to the words of Allah and recite them and explore their meanings will keep the heart engaged and will open it and guide it and keep it firm.
The Qur’an responds to everything that goes in your chest. Allah’s Infinite Wisdom and Mercy on His slaves is expressed in this timeless Book that speaks to the hearts and Minds that HE created.
From the beginning of the Book Allah Almighty says:
“This is the Book about which there is no doubt, guidance for those conscious of Allah” (Qur’an 2: 2)
So, studying the meaning of the Qur’an (tafseer), perfecting the recitation (tajweed), spending time with the Qur’an in contemplation and reflection (tadabbur) and reciting it on a daily basis is a very strong mean to strengthen the heart.
“[…] Thus [it is] that We may strengthen thereby [the Qur’an] your heart….” (Qur’an 25: 32)
Studying Seerah (biography of the Prophet) and stories of the Prophets and Companions
Allah has sent the messengers to deliver for us the message and teach us how to deal with all life matters. His life (peace and blessings upon him) is rich with stories and incidents and reminders that would help us deal with anything we face in life. There is so much solace and guidance in being reminded of his Seerah.
Allah Almighty says:
“Certainly did Allah confer [great] favor upon the believers when He sent among them a Messenger from themselves, reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom, although they had been before in manifest error.” (Qur’an 3: 164)
So studying the Seerah of the Prophet is a means of remembrance of Allah, purification of the self and learning of wisdom.
And Allah Almighty has sent the Prophets before and taught us their stories through the Book and hadiths to guide us and open our hearts and minds to the wisdom of what we see around us and how to deal with different tribulations.
Almighty says:
“And each [story] We relate to you from the news of the messengers is that by which We make firm your heart. And there has come to you, in this, the truth and an instruction and a reminder for the believers.” (Qur’an 11: 120)
And He Almighty says:
“There was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding. Never was the Qur’an a narration invented, but a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of all things and guidance and mercy for a people who believe.” (Qur’an 12: 111)
Practicing what one learns
Our iman (faith) can go really high up after listening to lectures or attending circles of knowledge. But few days, weeks, months later, we can lose this feeling and become spiritually drained. This is mainly because of not being consistent or practicing what one has learned.
As Allah Almighty says:
“But if they had done what they were instructed, it would have been better for them and a firmer position [for them in faith].” (Qur’an 4: 66)
Sometimes we delay following the instructions we hear or fear them or submit to the negative whispers of Satan. But if instead we strive to implement what we learn, then this definitely opens more doors of goodness and light and strengthens one in faith.
Allah says:
“And those who strive for Us – We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good.” (Qur’an 29: 69)
Having good companions always
Seeking righteous companions and remaining among those who are seeking the closeness of Allah Almighty is something that aids and strengthens one’s faith significantly.
As Allah Almighty The Most Knowing says:
“And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever [in] neglect.” (Qur’an 18: 28)
And the Prophet says: ‘The example of a good pious companion and an evil one is that of a person carrying musk and another blowing a pair of bellows. The one who is carrying musk will either give you some perfume as a present, or you will buy some from him, or you will get a good smell from him, but the one who is blowing a pair of bellows will either burn your clothes or you will get a bad smell from him.” [Sahih Al Bukhari]
Being among the wrong company is very dangerous on one’s uprightness and steadfastness. It weakens one’s iman and moves one from remembrance to heedlessness and from great striving on the path to negligence and weakness.
In contrast, righteous companions keep one reminded of Allah, they call each other to doing good, they advise each other against doing sins, they compete in good deeds…etc.
So make dua to find right companions and be among them as they are brothers and allies and a safety boat to one another.
Constant Repentance and following bad deeds with good ones
This is a very important step. We must do all we have in our capacity to remain steadfast. But if for any reason one weakened or fallen into sin, then learn how to get back up immediately and take control of your life. Don’t let the sin control you or define you.
Shaitan whispers to people to commit sins, and when they do, he makes them think that they’re hopeless and can’t be forgiven or that their repentance won’t be accepted. DON’T EVER FALL INTO THIS TRAP!! EVER!
No matter what happens, no matter how many times you’ve fallen into sin and repented and fallen into sin and repented, you should NEVER give up. Allah will always accept the sincere repentance of His slaves. So long as your soul is still in your body and you’re not associating anything or anyone in worship with Allah, then He will always forgive you and accept your repentance.
“Allah, the Exalted, has said: ‘O son of Adam, I forgive you as long as you pray to Me and hope for My forgiveness, whatever sins you have committed. O son of ‘Adam, I do not care if your sins reach the heights of the heaven, then you ask for my forgiveness, I would forgive you. O son of ‘Adam, if you come to Me with an earth load of sins, and meet Me associating nothing to Me, I would match it with an earthload of forgiveness.”‘ [At- Tirmidhi].
So, if you’ve ever weakened or fallen into sin, then immediately follow it with good deeds. As Allah says:
“And establish prayer at the two ends of the day and at the approach of the night. Indeed, good deeds do away with misdeeds. That is a reminder for those who remember.” (Qur’an 11: 14)
Remember that for repentance to be accepted, one has to 1- stop the sin immediately. 2- Regret it sincerely, and 3 – have sincere desire to not go back to the sin.
You can also perform the prayer or repentance.
The Prophet says: “There is no one who commits a sin then purifies himself well (does wudoo’/ablution) and stands and prays two rak’ahs (two units of prayer), then asks Allah for forgiveness, but Allah will forgive him. [Abi Dawood]
So, repent, pray, do dhikr, give some money in charity, help your parents, call family member, read Qur’an, do as many good deeds as you can even if small….
In short, strangle the sin with good deeds and do not let it strangle you!
And remember that Allah says:
“Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” (Qur’an 2: 268)
So, never give up on Allah and His path because His doors are always open for us, just seek Him and put all effort in the purpose that He created us for and the rewards that He has prepared for us. It is all worth it. Always.
May Allah help us and strengthen us and grant us from all the goodness of this life and the next and bring our hearts back to Him firm and sincere.
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