#the best of luck my friend
silkentine · 5 months
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Um so this fic made me laugh so hard… 😁👉👈
Check out the newest zosan fic by @blasphemlm on AO3 here: On Sight
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moonpaw · 6 months
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I love unhinged women
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Shinsou: I hate all those things that were like, “they used to be so strong and funny…. ThEn [insert trauma here], now they are a shell of what they once were”
Shinsou: I can be traumatized and still be strong and funny. I’m the funniest fucker I know
Tsuyu: yesterday you said that you wanted to enter a coma so you didn’t have to deal with an authority figure being mad at you again
Shinsou: both can be true, am I not allowed to have duality, tsuyu??
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yeahbumbleby · 2 years
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Warrior Nun (2020—) 
season 1, episode 2 / season 2, episode 8
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zetadraconis11 · 6 months
Don't forget that MC actually has a shop in Hogsmeade. and the things that you can collect from the animals and plants.
But with the Animals only what they want to give.
That too! MC was a lil moneymaker, lol
The only disappointment was that you couldn't REALLY sell things in the shop. Like, you could sell clothes, but that's normal. I wanted to sell my surplus of plants and things, but I couldn't. We were robbed.
So this is how I imagine the group would be/react...
*in the MC's shop in Hogsmeade*
MC: If you need any potion ingredients, let me know, and I probably have some you can use.
Garreth: Really? Like...mongrel fur and spider fangs?
MC: Yeah, I've got a whole cubby for just jars and jars of spider fangs. I even alphabetized which spiders they came from! I was very bored.
Garreth: Wow...You probably want some payment, right?
MC: Eh, I'll give you a student discount. You don't have to pay. Just don't completely wipe out my storage.
Poppy: Is that...THE giant Venomous Tentacula leaf?
MC: Yep. Hobhouse didn't want to come with and get his own leaf, so I thought some herbalist would love to buy it.
Amit: Wow, you have such an array of scarves.
MC: So many of the same ones. I figured someone would want to buy a few.
Natty: I cannot believe you have your own store! Was it expensive?
MC: Not too expensive. I managed to save up some gold-
Ominis: You mean Galleons.
MC: Yes, those. Anyway, I managed to pay upfront, and now, I've got this place! Oh...what time is it?
Sebastian, checking pocketwatch: It's almost nine.
MC: Okay, everyone out.
Garreth with arms full of jars: I wasn't done perusing your supplies!
MC, once they're all outside: I made an agreement with the poltergeist, and he gets to have the store after nine.
Natty: Wait...what?
Amit: Did you just say poltergeist?
MC: Yeah, when I bought this store, the owner was in cahoots with the poltergeist that lurks in the shop. He drove past owners mad, but I managed to make an arrangement with him.
Poppy: ...Can we go back to the part you said a poltergeist lurks here?
MC: There's a chest that leads you down to his elaborate labyrinth of spooky things. There were mannequins, flipped rooms, and stretched hallways. Then I fought his "monster", which was a troll-sized pile of furniture.
Sebastian: You faced all of that ALONE?
MC: Oh yeah. And then when I went to report to Officer Singer about the owner, the owner easily stopped her, and I had to face that mental witch alone. So, not THAT unusual for me. Just annoying.
The group:
Ominis: ...
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floofery · 6 months
Out of all the omori characters basil was nerfed the most he was already blonde but god made him gay and vegetarian too. he probably has food allergies
if anyone among the omori cast was going to go out from their own immune system itd be. fucking . basil. like this man was born and the universe decided it hated him
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riftdancing · 4 months
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A Glimpse into the Past
Sometimes in the throws of my deepest dreams I can still taste the humid air of that city. The sensation of wooden hilt and metal blade playing on my fingertips. The roll of gil coin down my tail feeding into hidden pockets. Even before she discovered me, made something of me, I showed promise. Back then I was nothing more than a delinquent, but she could see the warrior I could not. "Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary. The real hero is the woman who fights even though she is scared." I hope I didn't disappoint you. I hope I am worthy of this new life.
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lesbianralzarek · 1 month
sometimes a friendship of 3 months ends in explosions, and sometimes your best friend who youve known for 10 years walks away and its just... "well, i suppose thats it"
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hyenagurl · 2 months
i was telling my (uber-straight female) coworker about a huge horny crush i had (and still have) on a female friend of mine that ive had for years at this point, and she responded by saying i reminded her of a tiktok of a “bi girl” saying shes “too scared” to date a woman… maam i will flirt openly with a woman if shes open to it and i eat pussy. i would have gone for it had she not already had a man bc i already know shes bi and thinks im hot. im scared of and contemptuous of MEN at this point in my life 😭😭😭😭😭😭 please dont confuse my brand !!!!
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madam-of-lithuania · 2 months
My dear Mutuals do you want to be my friend -> close friend -> best friend
Who wants to be friends -> close friends -> best friends with me
Feel free to let me know, no pressure ^^💖💜✨️
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davinciae · 1 year
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sandray + not special
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snudootchaikovsky · 6 months
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little-pup-pip · 4 months
Hey, so how would I go about finding a CG?
That's a great question, but I don't know, exactly! Here's the thing, my anonymous friend, this question is not something I can give lots of one-size-fits-all advice about! I don't know your personal relationships, your age, or anything about you! However, I can give a little advice.
Everyone's journey with this is going to be different. Personally, I was lucky to find a partner who was open to the idea of being my CG, and the transition into that role happened very organically, but not everyone has that. Just like some people's CG's are their friends, and I've never had that!
How you find a CG for yourself truly depends on your circumstances. I would start by thinking about whether you can ask anyone who's currently in your life about it! I say this because you already know the people around you, and I want you to be as safe as possible. I know feeling lonely sucks. I felt the same way for a long time, and having someone be there when you regress is great, but you need to be safe, too.
And if there isn't anyone in your current personal circle you want to be your CG, I advise having a lot of caution if you look for someone online!! I'm serious!! Especially if you're a minor!! I don't want you to be afraid, but I want you to be vigilant with this.
If you go the online route, we have a great agere community here on Tumblr, and engaging with other regressors and CG's is a great place to start! This is a relationship dynamic that requires a lot of trust, and in my opinion you should have an established friendship with someone before asking them to be your CG. It should take a lot of trust to want/have someone to be responsible for you in such a vulnerable state!! Anyway, this is very long, so I'll stop here. I wish you lots of luck, friend!
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leynaeithnea · 4 months
Hellowww obssessed with EPIC still
Had a thought
Listening to Mortius and Casper react to the Ocean Saga, they pointed out that theres a considerable tone shift for Odysseus in "Luck Runs Out" especially considering he just lost the first men in 10 years, including his best friend
Now the question
Could the shift of tone in "Luck Runs Out" to Odysseus sounding weirdly optimistic be because
1. he's in denial and desperate, straight up "ignore the past and go home asap have a mental breakdown later"
2. he's putting on a brave face for his crew so they still believe in their captain and general who got them all through the trojan war even after what just happened
3. he's trying to live up to Polities ideals as a way to "Remember Them" as he promised three songs ago
4. he's slowly descending into madness; and its all three of that
Or is there another reason (canon or not) that could explain that?
My personal favorite will be number 4, he's taking another step towards madness, being in denial about what just happened and trying to hold out and show a brave face to his crew to show them he's still capable and wanting desperately to believe in Polities ideals
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mx-giraffe · 5 months
I smell a content-starved World Trigger fan, whoever just went through and liked all my World Trigger posts. Me too, buddy, me too 🥲🫶
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onioneyez · 11 months
Just realized bc of timing I’m going to have to do my therapy session tomorrow dressed as sad Crowley
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