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Rage. In my heart. All-consuming. FUCK AI.
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The thing about every modern Sherlock Holmes story is that it doesn’t understand that “disdain for the existing criminal justice system” is not only a fundamental part of the themes of the ACD stories it’s vital to making the whole concept work.
Holmes, when we first meet him, is on the bleeding edge of forensics for the 1880s, and this continues on into the ‘90s (the planted thumbprint in ‘The Norwood Builder’! the Sherlock Holmes test for hemoglobin in A Study in Scarlet! the use of pigs as substitute cadavers in ‘Black Peter’!) and beyond. He’s flippant about and disrespectful toward the police because he knows how criminology is a science and forensics matter and the cold hard facts are significantly more important than intimidating witnesses to extract coerced confessions, or deciding on a theory and bending the facts to make them fit, or relying on racist stereotypes to explain how people act and who’s most guilty (all things that really happen in the canon, btw). He’s smarter than everyone else because he’s doing things no one else understands yet, he’s made a study of crime and he understands how and why policing is a flawed institution.
This is why he’s not a cop, only occasionally allied with cops, and so often complaining or explaining that a moral injustice and a legal one are two different things. There are multiple antagonists (Sir George in ‘The Beryl Coronet’, Charles Augustus Milverton, Dr. Roylott, the parents in ‘A Case of Identity’) who he can’t catch in the jaws of the law but wishes he could, and at least one criminal he overlooks because he knows prison would only force them deeper into crime.
But. But.
In the 21st century, forensics are not only the backbone of police investigation they’re common knowledge to any average police procedural enjoyer or true crime fan. Holmes’s once-cutting-edge chemistry and geology are passé and ordinary now. If he’s going to be smart, he’s got to be looking ahead.
And what does that look like? It looks like knowing about the flaws in forensic analysis, like knowing about fingerprints maybe not being totally unique, like arguing over DNA evidence being misinterpreted and innocent people being sentenced for crimes they didn’t commit, like calling for the defunding and dissembling of police forces, like siding with the underclasses every. single. time.
Holmes shouldn’t be working with the cops, he should be trying to destroy them, and fighting to prove why they’re obsolete with science and quick thinking and research. Not doing that is spitting in the face of his roots and missing the whole point of what he’s working for.
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Unpopular opinion but literally not one person in the world should have their human rights violated
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For those who needed to hear it today
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i cant stop saying "grisp it"
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i’ve been a 23 year old girl and i can tell you it does not
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>be me, massive egg
>kind of a 6/10, mid looking, glasses, nerdy clothes, scruffy beard, baggy eyes
>have a type that i have to hots for
>gothy wth bangs, slightly chubby
>egg cracks, transition, dye my hair, change my fashion style, gain weight do to eating healthier
>mfw i became my type
>always was a little bi but now with hormones i start developing more of an attraction for men
>find out i like nerdy, scruffy guys with glasses and baggy eyes
>mfw past me is now my type
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i am the administrator
2. sure save in the fucking stinky folder whatever
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tumblr is the root of half the internets trends and memes
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Eating my bespoke lunch. Ravioli one tylenol cold.
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its so sad that radfem just means transphobe and not like. this
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Israel is now carrying out another massive terrorist attack in Lebanon. Similar to the pager attack yesterday, Israel is targeting electronic devices and making them explode all over the country:
Reuters news agency reported, citing both a security source and an eyewitness, that the devices involved in Wednesday’s explosions were portable radios, unlike the pagers that were attacked the previous day. Al-Mayadeen reported that the devices, apparently ICOM V82s, detonated, and “due to the devices containing highly flammable lithium batteries, the explosions were severe.” “The explosions caused massive fires in cars, motorcycles, apartments, and stores all over Lebanon,” the report added.
Several residential buildings and shops are on fire. Nine people have been killed so far, and hundreds more are wounded.
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People with family in Lebanon are now receiving texts and calls from their loved ones telling them not to worry if they don't hear from them for a few days, as they're scared their phones might be rigged with explosives.
What do you call this, if not terrorism?
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I made this image and it immediately started giving me a headache just by looking at it
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A big reason I can prob never truly quit Tumblr is this is the only website where I can read
[goof joke post about, say, Scandanavian geese]
[witty rejoinder]
followed by “Actually? I’m an ornithologist specializing in the migratory patterns of three specific species of geese over the Scandanavian peninsula, here’s a genuinely fascinating short essay about a highly specific field of work and study, I took quite a lot of time out of my day to write this just because I wanted to share my passion, you’re welcome”
it rules
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Hello skinny tgirl. Lately you've been complaining that your tits aren't growing. In front of you is a plate of food.
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