#the beginning of the ​babysitter club
steviesbicrisis · 1 year
Steve’s best relationship wasn’t even a relationship. He could barely call it a fling, a flirt. They never even went on a date. They never kissed.
Steve still thinks of it as the best whatever-it-is he has ever had with someone.
At the beginning it was mostly infuriating, how quickly Eddie managed to win the kids over, compared to Steve’s months of work as babysitter/nailbat swinger/monster fighter. Steve had to literally bleed multiple times to get an ounce of respect, Eddie only had to run a nerdy club about fictional bleeding and monster-fighting.
Then somehow, and Steve still has trouble pinpointing when and how it happened, everything changed.
Taking the kids back home from hellfire became something he impatiently waited for.
He and Eddie would barely talk for a few minutes and he would find himself replaying the conversation in his head for days. Anything he could say to get a reaction out of Eddie became fundamental, and if he started by picking subjects to piss him off, he ended learning about Eddie’s favorites, because few minutes after hellfire were never enough and Steve needed Eddie to talk as much as possible, until the kids were begging to drop it and go home.
Steve never questioned the change, most likely out of fear. He doesn’t think he ever was clueless, just really scared about what would potentially mean to be staring at another dude’s eyelashes as he goes on a rant about why Ozzy Osbourne is the best artist of his generation. Or blush whenever said dude would call him “baby”, or “sweetheart”.
Steve convinced himself that the thing he and Eddie were having was as good as it was going to get, nothing more.
Then Chrissy Cunningham died, Eddie ran, and Steve realized that the thing will never be enough for him.
He couldn’t not have Eddie. Not watch him as he entertains a bunch of freshmen, as he stomps with his worn out sneakers on top of forniture, as he puts his terrible music on to push away anyone who doesn’t care enough about him to stay.
Steve needed to see Eddie being alive, doing what his heart desires, and he needed to be next to him when he does.
Obviously, this realization came at the worst possible time.
Steve tried to tell him so many times: when they found him at the boathouse, when he was hiding at refer Rick’s house, when they were taking a stroll in the upside down, and even when they were driving a stolen trailer to a gunshop.
But, it seemed, Eddie had come to a realization just as important and he tried his best to avoid Steve at every given chance.
Steve tried to initiate the conversation as Eddie did his best to run away from it. And he ran until Steve had no chances left to tell him how he actually felt.
Steve doesn’t know if he’s allowed to say he lost something he never had. To mourn a relationship he never began. A partner that, technically, never became a partner.
After Eddie dies, Steve has no one to be next to but he can’t say he ever did.
Steve just exists waiting. He can’t tell if he’s waiting for the pain to go away or for Eddie to jump out of a bush and yell “ah! I got you sucker!! By the way, I’m in love with you too.”
For obvious reasons, that never happens.
What does happen, is a call.
It’s a normal Tuesday, as normal as you could define it after Hawkins almost collapsed into the upside down. Steve got into a routine, between checking on the ones at the hospital, helping out at the shelter, allowing Robin to check on him to see if he’s still alive.
The call happens while Robin is doing her kitchen check up - aka making sure he has food and that he’s eating it-, so she picks the phone like she did a million times before.
“Harrington residence, this is Robin” she says, cheerfully.
Steve doesn’t pay much attention to it as he’s folding his dad’s old clothes that intends to donate to the shelter, until he hears Robin’s loud gasp.
“What is it? Is it the hospital? Is it Max?” He rushes to the other room where Robin is.
She doesn’t answer but she gives him a look as she passes him the receiver.
Steve goes quiet, a million thoughts going through his head as he takes the phone from Robin.
He’s still unprepared when he hears that unmistakable voice “Baby”.
Steve gasps for breath “Eddie?”
Is that really you? What happened? Are you hurt? Isn’t this impossible? Is what goes on in Steve’s head, but he ends up just asking “are you okay?”
He can hear a chuckle, Eddie’s wicked chuckle, a further confirmation that it is him, “I’m- hanging in there… are you okay?”
Steve finds the question absurd. He isn’t the one who got left in the upside down, the one that got eaten by demonic bats, the one who died before Steve had the chance to tell him how he felt.
He answers truthfully nonetheless, “I’m… I’m not okay.”
“I’ll be there soon, I promise.”
“Please Eddie, come quick.”
“I’ll break the sound barrier for you.”
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ashwhowrites · 6 months
Eddie Munson x cheerleader! reader, Eds and Reader don't know each other, but Max and Dustin know both Eddie and Reader, and they both think that they would be a great couple so they try to get them to know each other but it never works. But what if Reader goes to the trailer park to take care of Max, or help her with homework but on her way to Max's trailer, Reader falls and Eddie sees it and helps her, after some time, Eddie and Reader start dating and it made Max and Dustin happy but they argue about who made that it happened? (I hope this make sense! I just imagine Max and Dustin seeing how similar Reader and Eddie are in some aspects so they're like, yeah, they would be a great couple, but for some reason, they can't make them like meet each other or even see each other! you can change some things if you think it'll be better!)
I love writing Max as a bestie. This idea is adorable. I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it! Thank you for requesting♥︎
Wingman vs Wingwoman
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Max was surprised to find herself being friends with a cheerleader, granted it was forced in the beginning. Max's mom has been on an insane level since everything happened with Billy, so she refuses to let Max be alone. Y/N became Max's babysitter, Max wasn't warmed to the idea at first but now it was more of friends hanging out compared to babysitting.
Y/N was way more chill and interesting than the other cheerleaders, shocking Max. They talked, watched horror movies, shared comic books, and went to skate parks. With all of Y/N's badass interests, Max realized she might not be the only one who would adore her. Max knew she had to get Y/N to meet Eddie.
Dustin fell in love with Y/N the second she walked into the student council. Dustin's mom wanted him to engage in more school activities ( apparently hellfire wasn't real enough. ) But the student council wasn't horrible when Y/N was the president. Dustin was a love-sick puppy when it came to her and he practically was her vice president with how much he did for the club. Or for her. With her leading confidence and how high she held her head, Dustin couldn't help but see a bit of Eddie in her. That's when it snapped in Dustin's head that Eddie would love to meet this girl.
Max was rushing Y/N to Hellfire with a purpose in mind.
"I'm gonna be late for the student council!" Y/N groaned as Max dragged her arm down the opposite hallway.
"I know! I just need to show you something." Max said, a tiny smirk on her face. Her blue eyes lit up with mischief.
Max cheered as they reached the door, Y/N looked at her confused for two reasons. One, Max was excited about something, and two it was about a door with hellfire written on cardboard.
"What the hell is this?" Y/N asked, Max didn't answer, so she yanked open the door.
Max's smile and mood fell when she didn't see Eddie. Just the same losers she always saw.
"Where is he?" Max demanded, her foot stomped against the glossy floor.
"Dustin, dude, we can't be late for this campaign. The rest of the sheep are already set up." Eddie scolded but Dustin didn't listen. Just yanking Eddie down the hall.
"Just one minute!" Dustin groaned. He sighed at the lack of patience Eddie had.
"Where are we even going?" Eddie huffed.
"Tada!" Dustin cheered as he yanked open the wooden door. Eddie peeked in over Dustin's head and felt confused.
"Tada? It's a group of nerds talking about the school."
"It's called the student council, and she's not here!" Dustin growled. Where the hell was she?
Max and Dustin had no idea they were trying to get Y/N and Eddie to see each other. And they had no idea they were backfiring each other's plans.
"No! I need Eddie, I've been trying to get him to meet this girl for weeks!" Max snapped at Dustin, her icy blue eyes glaring straight at him.
Dustin felt himself shivering in fear but tried to stay confident.
"I don't care. I've got a way better girl for Eddie to meet."
"Mine's better, just watch." Max scoffed as she raced off on her skateboard.
"What did red want?" Eddie asked as he walked to his van.
"No clue. But look, I need you to drop me off at school early tomorrow, student council meeting." Dustin lied, Eddie huffed but agreed as he started the engine.
"Max, what's up? Dustin said he needed me this morning." Y/N asked as Max kept looking up and down the hallways.
"I just need to see something!" Max said as she looked into the parking lot. She saw Eddie's van but she couldn't find him at all. She checked all the rooms she knew Eddie knew but nothing.
"Dude, we've been here for ten minutes, when does this meeting start? We are the only ones here." Eddie sighed. He could have gotten another hour of sleep but this damn kid.
Dustin checked his watch with a pit of anxiety in his stomach. Y/N said she'd be here and she is nowhere to be seen.
"Whatever. I'm going to have a smoke." Eddie said as he walked out the door.
Not even two minutes later Y/N walked in with a grumpy Max.
"Of fucking course," Dustin said as he shook his head.
Max and Dustin were slowly wanting to give up. Every plan they had was backfired. Somehow Eddie and Y/N were always at the wrong place at the right time.
Y/N groaned as she walked through the muddy trailer park. She regretted wearing her nice shoes. A huge van came speeding down the road, frightening her into slipping in the mud.
She groaned as she landed on her ass. Now her clothes were as muddy as her shoes.
The van slammed on their breaks and a boy came running out.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." The boy apologized, he kneeled next to her as he softly helped her stand up.
She went to scream in his face but once she took in his face, she was silent. He was the most gorgeous boy she's ever seen. His soft skin, bone structure, nice jaw, and flowing brown curls rested on his shoulders.
"Oh, that's alright." She shrugged off with a smile. She was sure she'd have fallen for him the same way if he still wasn't holding her up by the waist.
Eddie didn't hear a word she said. Too amazed at how beautiful the girl was. He didn't even realize he was still touching her until she shifted.
"Shit sorry." He apologized again as he removed his hands. He took in her muddy clothes.
"This will sound so creepy, but can I drive you to my trailer to get you new clothes? I feel awful." Eddie smiled as she laughed.
"It is super creepy, but I also don't want to babysit in these clothes." So she agreed and they rode off to his trailer. Only to connect the dots that Max was right across the way.
"Here! It's just an old shirt and some sweatpants." Eddie said as he handed Y/N the clothes.
"Do you want me to drive you to the trailer you need?" Eddie asked as they stood at his front door.
"It's actually just right there so I can walk. Thank you, what was your name?" She asked.
"Eddie Munson, and you?" He asked as he held out his hand.
Max eyed Y/N as she walked in covered in mud and clothes in her hand.
"What happened to you?" Max asked as she got off the couch.
"Slipped in mud, but I got new clothes so gonna change!" Y/N said she walked into the bathroom, with a smile on her face.
A month passed and Max was preparing to give up. No matter what she did, she never got Eddie and Y/N in the same room.
"Why can't you come tonight again?" Max asked, Y/N walked beside her down the hallway.
"I've got a date, but your mom is staying home," Y/N explained.
"Where is the date? I've got a guy for you and I bet he's way better than whatever loser you picked yourself."
"Rude, he is not a loser. I appreciate in a weird way that you want to set me up, but I'm fine. We are going to the movies."
"Dustin, I can't! I'm going to the movies for a date." Eddie sighed as he searched for an outfit to wear.
"Waste of time, bro. I've got the perfect girl for you. Just cancel, then come be my wingman at the diner then I'll set you guys up!" Dustin argued.
"First, I am way too old to be your wingman. It's creepy. And second, this girl is hot, I'm not ditching."
"Come on dude! You are my only ride and my mom said I needed a babysitter. Steve is working so please?"
"She's here, see ya," Dustin said as he ran to an empty booth with his date.
Eddie picked a seat where he could see the back of Dustin's head.
He smiled when Y/N took the seat across from him, blocking Dustin.
They dived into a conversation and the time flew by in seconds.
Dustin said goodbye to his date and walked over to Eddie, he noticed Eddie was alone.
"Stood up?" Dustin mocked as he pointed to the empty seat.
"Bathroom, now beat it," Eddie said, but Dustin sat down instead.
"I've got nowhere to go, you are my ride." Dustin shrugged, grabbing a fry from the plate in the middle of the table. "Plus, my girl would be so much better for you."
Max walked into the diner, and her mom drove her to pick up dinner. She waited near the counter as she waited. She gasped when Y/N walked out of the bathroom.
"What are you doing here? I thought you had a date?" Max asked, her arms crossed.
"I do! We changed it to her because he had to babysit." Y/N explained.
"Babysit? Can't get a real job?" Max mocked and rolled her eyes.
"Watch it. I'm a babysitter." Y/N declared as she glared at the younger girl.
"Is he still here? I want to meet him so I can prove my guy is better."
Y/N sighed but agreed, walking Max to the table.
Eddie looked between them confused, "you two know each other?"
"How the hell do you know her?" Dustin spazzed as he looked at Eddie with huge eyes.
"EDDIE IS THE GUY!" Max squealed, and Y/N was confused about her showing a positive emotion.
"What is going on?" Eddie and Y/N asked at the same time.
After Dustin and Max explained their sides, they left the couple alone. Dustin walked Max out to her car, killing time until Eddie was ready to leave.
"I so did that." Dustin bragged, he nodded in improvement as Eddie slid his arm around Y/N as they walked out.
"They didn't even know you were trying to set them up, plus she met him because of me!" Max argued
"No, she did not!" Dustin fought back.
"Yes huh!"
"No huh!"
"It's kinda cute they wanted us together so much," Y/N said, walking out of the diner.
"I'm surprised Dustin thought I was in your league." Eddie chuckled, his arm still over her shoulder.
"I'm surprised you'd even like a cheerleader," Y/N replied.
"When they look like you? Yeah, I like the cheerleader." Eddie teased, but his heart raced as she laughed and swatted at his chest.
He might have to give Dustin a praise for this.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 2 months
immortal apollo kids headcanons!
this is specifically for the rrverse versions of Apollo's immortal kids! but feel free to think about it in the mythology context too! :3
still has a room in Apollo's palace
still sleeps in it
but he also has a room in Eros's because he's an Erote
this makes for some awkward situations when Apollo and/or Eros have to go to the other's place to grab him for something or other
they basically share custody of him
divorced dads behavior
when he was little he tried to get people to marry his dad because he reeeally wanted to plan his dad's wedding
technically, he succeeded, because he was the one who made Apollo/Cyrene's marriage official XD
his hair is fluffy like a sheep's fluff. also somewhere between strawberry-blonde and a very light amber. and reaches to just under his chin. don't forget the floppiness tho >:3
has his dad's bright blue eyes
LOVES his dad's swans. and corvids. he loves birds.
probably because he also has wings
wings are brilliantly white with a soft pink and gold flush
never looks older than 16
many of the other Erotes find Apollo hot. Hymen is distinctly horrified to know this.
Himeros: Your dad's a DILF
Hymen: a what?
Anteros: don't you dare-
Himeros: A Dad I'd Like to FUCK-
Hymen: *much screaming*
also still has a room in Apollo's palace
as a matter of fact, he still lives in said room
his room is also in apollo's basement (he wanted it there)
he is the emo kid. but he's also not necessarily antisocial
he just likes his solitude. and honestly, mood
imagine dragons is a favorite band. and hozier. he likes "slower" songs as well as sad ones
has Apollo's long hair, but in a very dark brown
has vivid green eyes. like radioactive ones.
likes ponytails
cows are his favorite animal
they are calm creatures he can ramble too so he likes them
knows a lot about things. comes with listening rather than talking ;)
WILL infodump
these girls are the PARTY KIDS
they are the ones throwing parties in their dad's house at 2 am
they also still live in Apollo's palace
frequent clubs and discos; can be seen at concert venues and are in many of the big city concerts (ie, Las Vegas, Madrid, Vienna, ect.)
Borysthenis is the 'oldest' (Hypatē - the lowerest & first string on the lyre); has curly brown hair and dark green eyes
Apollonis is the 'middle' (Mesē - the middle string); has Apollo's blonde hair, but straight, and dark eyes (crow-like, even... >;3)
and Cephisso is the 'youngest' (Nētē - the highest string); has poofy black hair and silvery-blue eyes
Hypatē has a comfy sort of style, such as sweaters and sandals
Mesē likes to wear aesthetically dark clothes with silver accents
Nētē wears blouses and loose jackets
one time they highjacked the sun chariot and got away with it by pulling the puppy eyes
they have demigod children in CHB
the baby
died at 15- still treated like he's 10
snuck onto the Argo mission at 13
Idmon and Orpheus played pass the babysitter with Jason
He kicked Heracles in the shins once for "trying to steal my dad's stuff!!"
Atalanta and Asclepius were buddies
The Boreads played games with him to keep him occupied
went on the Calydonian Boar Hunt to make sure Atalanta didn't 1) hurt herself; or 2) kill someone
he grew up in the beginning stages of CHB
in 'camp' with him were: Jason (the oldest), Atalanta (raised by bears), and Hippolytus (it was his boarding school).
Theseus dropped by sometimes and Asclepius was able to smuggle his way into his belongs so he could visit Athens. just because :)
Jason and Atalanta freaked out and they and Hippolytus went on a 'quest' to find him
Phoebe the hunter is his favorite sister
he befriends snakes quickly
he died at 15
his death pushed Phoebe into distancing herself from her other siblings
when he was resurrected, he wasn't allowed to see Apollo
his only visitors in his prison medical school is his wife and children. he hasn't seen or heard from his father or any sibling in centuries.
has his mother's shiny black hair but his father's curls as well as his bright blue eyes
the REAL baby
has anxiety
severe imposter syndrome
pov: all your siblings are great and wonderful and accomplished people. and you made cheese and honey :)
mom and dad were very proud of u ofc but you feel like you didn't even do much
especially when your cool older brother went on the Argo mission even though he knew he would die (RIP Idmon)
gets easily defensive over agriculture (specifically the innovations and how they have taken over the Good Ol' Days's way aka his way)
(he got that from his dad <3)
he also got his dad's blonde hair, but in a honey tone. his skin tone is also darker and closer in shade to Cyrene's
makes really good charcuterie boards
hangs out in the Midwest
visits his mom in Cyrene, Libya (he is a good son ty)
(ironically) mice are his favorite from his dad's sacred animals
he hates locusts though
don't u love it that apollo's number is 7 and he has 7 immortal kids...
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trashmouth-richie · 10 months
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𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: escaping Hawkins was impossible, but he did it. when a ghost from your past shows up unexpectedly, bringing with him old memories and holding up a mirror to the train wreck life you’re living… you find it hard to trust him again.
𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ no minors, depictions of poverty, child neglect/ endangerment, drug use/abuse, alcohol use/abuse, endangerment, 18+ sex working, 18+stripping, violence, smut. no use of y/n reader has a name that’s introduced in the first chapter, and another “nickname” that is lightly used throughout this series. eddie also has a nickname given by reader.
𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎: this series switches pov’s between reader and eddie, thank you to @succubusmunson @joejoequinnquinn @choke-me-eddie @sweetsweetjellybean for helping me read through the first chapter, helped me brainstorm etc i love you
there are two easter eggs in this let me know if you catch em! like pokémon only not
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞: here i come, but i ain’t the same
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Stupid fucking bitch.
One dial tone waned into another, a monotonous wave taunting you from the end of the receiver. Your fingers tap impatiently against the counter. How long could a phone actually ring before it stopped or someone finally answered?
Too damn long apparently. 
Giving up and counting your losses, you slam the receiver back on the wall, muttering more choice words as you skirt your hips behind the wooden bar, thumbing through the blue lined notebook schedule.   
Work was packed. More-so than any other Friday night, but since it was the beginning of graduation weekend for Hawkins High— every Sam, Dick, and Harry had wandered into the bar looking for a cheap escape and a sugary drink. 
Lucky for them, that was exactly what Queen of Hearts had on the menu. And if you talked to the right person, the luck didn’t stop there. 
“No answer?” Jolene called over her shoulder, hands full with a bottle of Jack Daniels. 
Scribbling an angry dark mark through the name Ginger on the schedule, you toss the notebook back into the drawer shutting it with your hip.
“Just rang and rang,”  you say, annoyingly jumping in to help her finish pouring three Jack & Cokes. The soda fizzes under your thumb, “and before you try to cover for her, this is the fourth time she’s done this.” 
She lets out an exaggerated sigh, taking the cans from you and tossing them into the trash.
“Really thought this one would work out,” her long legs cross behind you to slot the liquor bottle back in its designated spot, “she had kids.. poor thing needed the cash.” 
The familiar ache of neglect radiated through you, “I found a babysitter for the nights she was working, told her I’d help pay… that asshole she keeps around probably found out she was working here.” 
Jolene raises her eyebrows. Her slender fingers hold the three drinks with ease, setting them on a tray.
“Can’t believe Jackie skipped town with that rich salesman,” she sighs heavily, leaning an elbow on the sticky bar, “lucky girl, something like that would never happen to me.” 
Jealousy pings in your chest but you shake it off, “he was really dreamy huh? Those beauty marks? His hair? His ass?” You wolf whistle, “cut me a slice.” 
You weren’t jealous that Jackie was now probably driving a BMW, that her life would be nothing but luxurious from here on out, or even that her boyfriend was movie star hot. 
What made your blood boil over was the fact that she got out, and you were still stuck here like hardened gum underneath a table. 
The club was a part of you. Like an unwanted birthmark, this lifestyle was something you couldn’t get away from. Understanding at a young age, when most girls were playing with dolls, just exactly the kind of life you were destined to live, and unfortunately it wasn’t outside of these four walls.
“Your time will come,” Jolene smiled, looking into a compact and wiping a smudge of lipstick from her teeth, “you’re still young, Miss Assistant.” 
You rolled your eyes, placing the tray on her awaiting palm. Since Jackie was gone, her job was now yours.  Tacking on added responsibilities with no pay raise in sight. You found out all too soon what a fucking joke that title of ‘assistant’ actually was. 
“Told him I didn’t want it, but you know how that went.” 
“I do kid,” she sighs, looking down at you, her eyes sweeping over the still pink scar in your eyebrow, “I really… oh honey, you’re gonna be a busy little bee tonight!” 
You breathe heavily through your nose, dragging your hands down your face, “don’t remind me.” 
“I’ll help out wherever, ‘kay?” 
Jolene had taken you under her wing when you first walked into Queen of Hearts. Freshly eighteen almost down to the hour, naive waters brimming your eyes, forced into this life. 
Her motherly ways comforted everyone, only thirty-three but in this industry that was practically ninety. Just like you, Jolene had deep roots in this place. 
Her tall frame slinks over to the waiting guys sitting at the stage, a pleasant smile on her lips. Twirling the ends of her black hair twisted into schoolgirl pigtails, laying the charm on thick. 
Staring over at her in a forlorn gaze, you hated to think of yourself still here ten years from now, a permanent fixture to this place, like Jolene. The lemons of life were squeezed and you had made the lemonade, but it was sour, bitter.. you longed for something sweeter. 
The bubbly fantasy is popped when Mickey Fritz’ oversized hand hits the counter like he’s a toddler in a highchair.
“Hey sugar tits, I’m empty o’er here!”
Your nightmare reality comes back into view. 
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The walls at Queen of Hearts were draped in deep shades of red velour, a cozy ambiance to invite strangers and locals alike. The bar was backlit and stocked with a decent selection of polished bottles of whiskey, gin and bourbon. 
His boots clapped along the wood floor as the pair walked further inside, leaving a plume of smoke in their wake, catching on the neon lights and creating a smoked crimson haze across the dark club.
The raised stage was centered, creating an aisle on either side of it, clad with leather backed red chairs surrounding it at every angle. For a night club in the middle of Indiana, it wasn’t half bad compared to the places he was used to out East. 
A row of booths were tucked onto the left side of the club, high top tables stood crowded with drunk college students, yelling loudly and making asses of themselves to impress the working girls. 
The music blaring over the speakers was a little cliche and too “pop” for his liking—fuck, had he really turned into one of those guys, questioning what a strip club was playing for music? 
He rolls his eyes at his own false pretentiousness, turning it into a wink at a cocktail waitress carrying a tray full of plastic flutes filled with a gut rot of pink liqueur. The gold thong she was wearing sat high on her hips, matching the cheap glittery cowboy hat on her blonde curls. 
Dark eyes follow her long legs to a nearby table, a fist to his mouth as he whistles and licks his chomps.
“Damn! Can you believe this used to be the Hideout?” Jeff squawked, not so casually adjusting himself as they slid into an open booth, “that was Gareth Emerson’s twin sister, she really grew up huh, remember him?”
He didn’t.
Much like anyone else Jeff had tried to bring up since he had agreed to meet up for a drink on the occasion that they were both home, he hadn’t given high school a second thought since the night he left. 
“Nah, man,” he said, grabbing for the sticky menu on the black table top, “I don’t.”
It had been years since he had seen Jeff, and he was surprised that he had recognized him at the gas station last night when he was filling up his motorcycle. 
His own appearance hadn’t changed much, dressed a little better, wore cologne now, normal shit that came along with getting out of puberty. 
Back then Jeff still had braces, a small lisp when he got really drunk. Now, he was a grown man. Living in Phoenix with a big important job at some company, home for the weekend to visit his parents, and watch his youngest brother graduate.
There would be no visiting family or old friends for him on this trip back to Hawkins. The thought of running into anyone he knew and having that painfully awkward small talk about the ‘good old days as a Tiger!’ made him cringe, as if that ever were the case for him. 
Having left this shit hole in the middle of the night seven years ago, he took nothing with him but some saved cash, his guitar, a full tank of gas and the clothes on his back. 
The heavy ache in his chest, brim filled with remorse, was an added carry on, something that didn’t go away with the miles he had put between him and Hawkins. 
He had planned to keep this town in the rearview, but life, probably karma, had other plans. 
Back in Hawkins strictly on “business,” that's what he told Jeff when the smiley old friend grabbed him into a bear hug in the checkout line, crushing the chips he was carrying to a powder in its aluminum bag. 
Technically, it was family business. But he hadn’t mentioned that to Jeff. He didn’t want the questions, didn’t want the pity.
He barely even knew his uncle that well anyway, but being the only living relative of the deceased, he didn’t have a choice when the call came through that he had passed. 
A week. That was the timeframe he told his job that he’d be gone for. Leaving just enough time to plan the funeral, and sell the trailer. 
Coming home to the haunting shadows of Hawkins was like playing in a graveyard filled with demons of his past. Sorrow filled every dark corner, looming around him like a fog, making him unable to forget the damage left behind. 
For years it had worked out fine, he had moved on. But every now and then, he had to push his inner demons down, and still to this day, years after the fact, they kept trying to crawl back up. The shame of his past coming to the forefront.
The music changes to another upbeat song that was popular on the radio, Jeff nods along to the beat, strumming his fingers against his belly like he was playing the guitar. 
He looked over at his old highschool friend and smiled for the first time since being back here, “still play?”
Jeff stretched a wide grin across his face, chuckling a little too loud, “only in my dreams… working seventy-hour weeks doesn’t really allow me to have that kinda freedom.” He nodded and smiled a little at the waitress who was coming to take their drink orders, “so what have you been up to man? It’s been years!”
He knew all too well about not having free time to spend the way he had wanted to. He didn’t even own a guitar anymore. The last time he saw his Warlock, it was sitting in a pawn shop in Nashville— the last of his many possessions sold to make ends meet. 
Ordering a beer, he counts his budget for this trip in his head, deciding to buy Jeff’s drink too. Maybe being back wouldn’t be so bad after a drink or two, a little liquid courage to get him through the night at least.
The pleather seat creaks beneath his weight when he leans back further into the booth, stretching his arms out wide. Trying to gain a sliver of comfort since being home. 
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Working the pole to Ginger’s song of choice, Once Bitten, Twice Shy, you found it hard to get into music you could care less about. But you didn’t have time to complain. 
Legs crossed and spinning upside down, bare besides a face full of makeup and a red thong, you pretended that you were anywhere else but there. 
How nice it would be to not have to crawl across dirty dollar bills, teasing a faceless man with your body so that he would be eager enough to slip a twenty into your g-string.
Collecting your tips from your set, you tap them against your vanity in the dressing room, counting out loud your mind already knowing how much money will be put away after bills are paid. 
The long jagged crack in your mirror served as the only looking glass you liked to look in. The warped shapes of your face looking back at you made it easier to swallow the life you were living, as if it were a fever dream, a disturbed Alice in Wonderland type reality. 
In the mirror you weren’t a dancer at Queen of Hearts. You could be a nurse, a librarian, a cook in a shitty home town restaurant who went home smelling like grease instead of men’s cologne and wearing suspicious stains. 
It could be easy, simple really. Bus tickets weren’t terribly expensive. Going to any city, a map in your hand and the saved coffee can of cash tucked into your purse. You could almost imagine the taste of the ocean. The thought of even stepping outside of Indiana was enough to power you for the rest of the night. 
As easily as the daydream came it fluttered away when the boss stepped into the dressing room. 
His eyes loomed in a dead stare, sweat pooling on his temples. The ice in his glass shifted as it melted into the whiskey. A Colombian cigar tucked into his fat mouth had an inch long ash waiting to fall. 
He wasn’t much taller than you, barely older, but his attitude and small dick made him seem eight feet tall. 
“The hell are you doing in here? Fucking Christ woman, the girls are drowning out there, those needle dick college fucks are about to swing fists and you’re in here staring at yourself?”
“Just takin’ a little break Tommy, I gotta change.” 
“I don’t need any lip from you, better watch it before I match that other scar y’ hear me?” 
His threats didn’t scare you, it was who he answered to that made you terrified. A bad report to the big boss and you’d be drinking your meals through a straw. You knew because it’s already happened. Turns out you don’t need your mouth to swing around a pole. 
“Loud and clear.” 
This type of life was the only one you had ever known. You quite literally grew up with this environment right under your nose, and everyone at the club knew it. 
The romance novels you kept in your purse were full of knights in shining armor type of men, another fallacy to your looking glass. 
The thought of anything else was only real in your daydreams. Escaping the festering wound of Hawkins was impossible, almost unheard of. No one with your background got out. 
But he did.
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Shoulder to shoulder, squeezing in sideways with grimy singles fisted in their hands, the club was stuffed to the hilt with sweaty, drunk, and extremely horny men. 
“… here!” you slam two more drinks onto the heaping tray and shove it into Wendy’s hands, “take this to those asshats and tell them we are out of triple sec, no more Long Island Ice Teas, if they want a drink they can order beer like everyone else.”
Wendy swung her hips with the Long Islands in tow over  to soften the hearts of the college boys. Batting her lashes, sitting topless on their laps and letting them tell her stories of the parties they went to, the classes they skipped and the girls they fucked. Anything to keep them from hollering and starting a fight with the locals. 
Lisa Ann was working over the business men from out of town, their briefcases shining with a matte patent leather, expensive watches adorning their wrists. Her pretty Marilyn Monroe smile on display as she brought over their drinks, tussling their hair between her pink fingernails, putty at her fingertips.  
Between the rest of you rotating between pouring drinks, collecting payments and trying to wiggle past the grabby hands of Donny, the roar of the busy hour had started to lull. 
All of you were tired and crabby, legs cramping and toes pinched in uncomfortable shoes. Jolene wiped her brow and blew out a deep breath. 
“Take fifteen,” you said to her, “I got it from here.” 
She shot you a wink and disappeared into the dressing room. 
Peeling the soles of your boots from the floor you lean your back against the shelf of liquor bottles. Working your hands on the base of your neck behind your head.
The usual crink that ached when you were stressed was flaring up again. Causing your shoulders to tense up and sending a pinched dull ache from your back up to your throbbing temples. Radiating your jaw, with a heat so fierce it could melt glass and it wasn’t even eleven o’ clock yet. 
Your eyes are pressed closed in a tight squeeze, maybe you could shut the pain out by pretending it wasn’t there.
“Tiffs just about done in room D,” Veronica chirped, her bracelets jingling in a metallic tune, “the ‘doctor’ again,” she explains with air quotes chuckling to herself.
“He’s only here on nights she’s workin’” you say exhaustedly,  “she’s his favorite.” 
Being one of the few regulars that wasn’t married, he was somehow the slimiest worm in the dirt. Tall and slender framed with icy white hair, he seemed to stare down his nose at the girls, his voice an eerily calm when he asked for Tiff, handing over the crisp fifties to secure her for the allotted amount of time. 
Beads click together as she stumbles in from the back, adjusting her lipstick and holding the ripped strap of her bra, followed behind her like clockwork was the doctor, tucking his oxford shirt into his slacks. 
Your jaw felt like it was going to ignite, as if it were covered in tension rods and the gears were  cranking it tighter and tighter, sweat beginning to form on your back, “can you hand me my purse?” 
Rustling your bag from underneath the bar, Veronica hands over the canvas tote, her emerald eyes staring at you expectantly like a serpent watching its prey, “care to share those little party favors?” 
Rolling your eyes, you move your hand through the contents inside. Pushing past a checkbook, lipsticks, and the papered corner of a tampon. Finally your fingers close around the smooth unlabeled bottle. 
Two tablets land in your palm when you pop the cap, and you shake it begrudgingly to release another tablet from the bottle for Veronica.
She giggles and grabs two shot glasses, pouring bourbon into them both. 
“Only one,” you instruct, a serious look in your eyes, “I’m not picking you up from the floor later.” 
A coy little smile on her lips, she brings the shot glasses over, handing one to you, “you worry too much.” 
Placing the pill in her free palm, you clink the glasses together in a little cheer. 
“To us,” Veronica grins, “may our titties stay perky, our asses juicy, the boys pockets fat and our kitties not loosey.” 
You roll your eyes and she laughs, her lips close around the glass the same as yours, and you swallow down the liquor, wincing at the taste. 
Within fifteen minutes the temporary high coats your brain like a warm blanket, floating you to a place far away from shiny poles, 6 inch heels, and ass slaps, away from Hawkins. 
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Jeff listens intently as he explains a very bland and watered down version of how he left Hawkins and traveled east, working odd jobs. 
Skipping the part about how he lied about his age to find work, and how he spent an entire month getting his ass kicked after dishwashing shifts at some swanky restaurant outside of Raleigh. 
He explained the good stuff, how he worked part time at a tattoo shop for one of his buddies he met in Philly. His full time gig being a lead shift at a factory. 
It wasn’t that impressive, he knew that, but he couldn’t make himself give a shit what anyone thought of him. For only being twenty-three, he was proud of having a paycheck every two weeks from a legit place. 
The click of the waitresses shoes on the floor had Jeff looking up, thanking her for the drinks. She was dressed a little more conservative than the other waitresses had been, wearing a black mini skirt and a see-through red long sleeved top, showing off black sparkly stickers that covered her nipples. 
But that wasn’t what had him taking a second look. At first glance he thought maybe it was just a note written in pen, a reminder of some sort on the top of her hand, lots of people wrote on their hands right? But when she set the drinks down, reaching past them and across the table to grab a napkin, sopping up spilled beer, he almost choked on air.
It wasn’t something written in pen, or a weird unlucky shaped birthmark. The marks on her hand were two small symbols, they had faded with time and were blown out a little on the edges. 
Of course they were, because the identical marks on his hand were blurred the exact same way. Two little symbols, done on the hottest day in July. The smell of his childhood room stung his nose as he thought of that day. 
A day when you were both only thirteen. 
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The regulars were bellied up to the bar holding an aluminum can toast to their long gone friend, hollering for you to play some David Allen Coe in a final goodbye. 
Flicking through the jukebox to find “Never Even Called Me By My Name,” you were too busy to pay any attention to the toast of the deceased buddy.
Maybe if you had, you wouldn’t have been completely blindsided. 
“Clovie?” A disgustingly sweet saccharine voice laced between bubble gum pink lips sang out from behind you, tapping you simultaneously on the shoulder, “be a dolly and run the drinks over to table 8, would ya?”
“Why c—”
Tiff was already gone, the door to the dressing room swinging shut in a shower of White Diamond perfume before you could even spin around and tell her where she could shove those aforementioned drinks. 
Outside of collecting her own tips, and pleasuring the doctor, Tiff never lifted a finger to help. 
Wiping your hands on the cleanest towel you could find, your muttering goes unheard as you cross back over to the bar and grab the cracked black plastic tray set with two large overflowing mugs of draft beer. 
The ground was sticky under your boots, like walking in half dried paint, sometimes you wondered if Wendy actually served a full drink to anyone. 
Balancing the heavy tray on your palm and shoulder, you pray that it won’t snap before you’re able to place the drinks down. 
Table 8 was occupied by a guy you had seen before but couldn’t remember from where, and a long dark curly haired woman who was facing away from you. 
The smile on your face was the fakest one you could make, hoping to maybe get a good tip before Tiff could notice and take her claim. 
“Alrighty,” your customer service voice sang with a false sweet sincerity, “looks like we have two Busch Lights?” 
The guy you had greeted smiled eagerly, moving his elbows from the table allowing room for the frosty mugs to be placed. 
Your fingers work gingerly to set the ruby colored drink napkins down first. The beer was placed carefully, his greedy fingers grabbing the handle before you could barely remove your hand from it. 
The second beer started to slide on the tray, and you over corrected causing it to land with a thud on the table, sloshing the pale ale all over the table—luckily not on the woman. 
So much for a tip, huh?
Apologizing quickly, you lean across the table and reach for the paper napkins. Wiping up the mess hastily you toss the wet heap onto your tray. 
Turning to the woman to offer her a look that’ll hopefully get you in her good graces— well enough that maybe her husband would reconsider tipping, “I’ll go fetch a rag and come back with another beer free of charge sweetheart,” you start to smile sheepishly, “I’m so s—”
The eyes you were met with were the deepest shade of brown, struck with astonishment, crowded by a grove of thick lashes, a look of dismay etched into them. 
Blinking once, twice, you couldn’t register if you were truly seeing this or hallucinating. 
You hadn’t seen those eyes in years, a flash of recognition drops on your face and the perky smile fades. Heart falling to the well of your stomach, punching the air from your lungs, heat rising to the surface of your cheeks. 
In an instant, you’re brought back to many years before tonight. When those eyes were younger, full of teenage angst and rebellion. 
Hell must’ve froze over, pigs were without a doubt flying overhead: Eddie Munson had returned to Hawkins. 
taglist: @mmunson86 @sidthedollface2 @winchester-angel @mrsjellymunson @joannamuns9n @tlclick73 @mewchiili @spacedoutdaydreamer @emxxblog @maybeisthemoon @str4ngergirlw0rld @chrrymunson @insertcoolnameherethanks @kellsck @prestinalove @mandyjo8719 @onegirlmanytales @mopeymopeymouse @veravee-blog @taintedcigs @eddies-acousticguitar @oeuryale @kthomps914 @bangaveragewhitewine @lil-quinnie @corrodedcoffincumslut @definitionwanderlust @madaboutjoe @littledemondani @eiightysixbaby @usedtobecooler
542 notes · View notes
anonymous-dentist · 1 year
Here’s something interesting about the strip club interrogation: q!Roier knows that q!Quackity is innocent. He knows because he’s Quackity’s therapist, and because he’s purposefully let Quackity think that they’re friends, but they aren’t. Roier has been planning his revenge for weeks, biding his time, and yesterday was the perfect opportunity.
The eggs calmed things down a little. Roier didn’t actively talk about revenge as much outside of torture chamber construction. But here’s what he said to Quackity before the eggs even arrived, he said that Quackity would be his own downfall and that Roier would be watching the whole time. And Roier has been.
Roier started his psychology office to get gossip, and Quackity was one of his patients. He basically proved his innocence in that session, which Roier knows. He knows that Quackity isn’t actually going to kill any eggs because Quackity has told him as much.
But that doesn’t mean that Roier can’t take advantage of the situation, does it? Quackity is a desperate and grieving father here, and everyone is wary of him, especially now with the news that the eggs are all going to die and with people becoming worried about the Federation.
He tells q!Wilbur that Quackity wants the eggs dead. After that, Wilbur is especially unwilling to allow Quackity even near Tallulah. Roier helps Quackity and Gegg destroy Tallulah’s area and he gets away with it, Quackity being the only one to really get in any serious trouble because of it. Tallulah can’t see Quackity anymore “for her safety”, and that’s probably what Roier wanted because he knows just how much Quackity loves her. They destroyed her home just moments after Quackity admitted that he saw Tallulah as a daughter. Roier tells other fathers that Quackity is dangerous at the school, and they agree. And who would doubt Roier? He’s a good father and a good friend. He’s the babysitter. He flirts with everyone. Why wouldn’t you trust such a nice guy?
Quackity is alone.
And now in the interrogation, Roier stays silent as Quackity is essentially manipulated into a confession while drunk. Quackity is going to trial, and he’s going to lose.
Roier admitted it himself later in that stream, this was just part of his revenge against Quackity. He wants to see Quackity miserable. He wants him to feel as desperate as Roier did when he was betrayed by him, and Roier probably won’t stop until Quackity has dug his own grave and lied in it.
He said that Quackity would be the one to ruin himself, and, really, is he wrong? To everyone but Roier and his audience, it does look like this is all Quackity’s fault. Even Quackity probably thinks so.
If this is the beginning of Roier’s plans against Quackity, the guy who didn’t even kill him, it’s gonna be rough seeing what he does to Spreen.
2K notes · View notes
2chopsticks2eyes · 4 months
(Part Two)
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This is part two of a multiple part series, please be sure to start from part one!
(Part One) | (Part Two)
2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Fem Reader
Themes: Angst, (Smut), (Fluff)
Word Count (all parts): ~21.8k | AO3
Summary: You were penniless and working tirelessly at a seedy club when you were assaulted. As soon as you resigned yourself to your fate, Lee Minho saved you, albeit grudgingly. You received treatment and you didn’t have to pay them a dime under one condition: You must be confined to his home for the remainder of your recovery.
Author’s Note:
The overall plot line was based off a recommendation from @linoots from Tumblr (I received permission from them to write this type of content)
(I’ve missed you all dearly. So sorry it’s taken so long 🥺)
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You silently watched as the doctor removed the IV that had been pumping fluids into your body for the past 48 hours and you rubbed the uncomfortable bandage he replaced it with.
You refused to make eye contact with him. In fact, you did not look or talk to anybody since you woke up in that same home-hospital room you had grown accustomed to. Not Chris, not Felix, and definitely not Minho.
You were a shell of your former self and you didn’t know if you were upset or relieved that you were revived. You didn’t know what to make of it. But now, there was one emotion you knew that burned brighter than your numbness.
You couldn’t quite believe Felix’s words when he said that Minho was the one who came to your rescue… again…
But that was preposterous. The bastard probably told the younger man to say that to make himself look better… Whatever, fuck it all.
You allowed yourself to be led back to your room to get some rest. However, when Felix left and Minho walked in, you fortified your walls even further. You felt your face turn sour with each passing moment without even looking at the man and you rolled over in bed so your back was facing him.
There was a long pause of silence that seemed to drag on for hours.
You finally heard a long sigh and then the sound of him plopping down into the chair by your bed. “You know…” He started, and you squeezed your eyes shut. “There’s a reason I bothered to do all of this...”
You tried your hardest to ignore him, but you couldn’t control the fact that his words piqued your interest, your ears already tuned-in to his velvety voice.
“Not just this time, but… the reason I brought you here in the first place.” After a moment of silence, he realized you weren’t going to respond, so he huffed in frustration. “Forget it.”
You suddenly heard the door open and you peered over your shoulder. Without turning to face you, he blankly said, “You are now required to have 24/7 supervision, congratulations.”
And with that, the man walked out while Felix walked in, a meek smile on his face and hands full with baked goods.
“In the mood for cookies?” You sighed and just returned to your side as you balled up in a mess of frustration and confusion under the covers, mind still tingling with the thought of what Minho was going to say.
“I don’t need a fucking babysitter, Felix. I’m a grown woman.”
Felix just huffed, obviously sick and tired of your complaints. “You know why it’s this way, sweetie. Don’t blame me for doing my job.”
The topic was a constant now. He was obviously there for your physical therapy, but he was also everywhere else. You loved the man, you did, but there is only so much time you could stand without a little alone time!
You wanted to watch TV? He was there. You wanted to nap? He was there. You couldn’t even go to the bathroom without having to leave the door open so he ‘has access to you at all times’. Thank god he stayed outside while you did your business…
After a week of this bullshit, you decided to do something about it…
Throughout your exploration of the house, you found some rooms with names on them. Evidently the ones that Minho once said were strictly prohibited. A couple of the rooms had names you were completely unfamiliar with, but others, you remembered well. Chan, Felix, Jisung, Seungmin, Jeongin, and finally some large double-doors with the initials L.M.
Lee Minho.
The man had supposedly been ‘out on business’ the entire week, but you knew for sure he had come back today with all of the ruckus of the house staff.
So, when you were positive that Felix had finally passed out on the sofa in your room for the night, you, as quietly as humanly possible, snuck out of the room and tip-toed down the hallway and downstairs to the doors you knew by heart now.
The room was surprisingly extremely secluded and you thanked the heavens because you knew for sure you wouldn’t be able to keep cool once he was in sight. You were fully prepared to bang your fist all the way through Minho’s door to meet the man himself if that’s what it took, but as you raised your fist to knock, the door suddenly opened.
Well… shit…
You really didn’t want to admit it, you really didn’t, but… the sight before you was absolutely, without a doubt, mouth watering. He looked just as surprised as you, but you found yourself focused on something other than his face for once…
The man was completely shirtless, pajama pants riding low on his hips and revealing the prominent V of his abdomen. Speaking of abdomen, the dude was of course ripped. Well, maybe not Dr. Chris (Or Christopher, or Chan, or what the fuck ever you want to call him) kind of ripped, but enough to make your eyes bulge out and glue themselves to every inch of impeccably toned abs and pecs.
And another thing that stood out in particular was the sleeve of tattoos twisting and swirling around the upper half of his right arm. You had only seen him in button-ups thus far and, even if he rolled up his sleeves, you somehow hadn’t ever noticed it. You were usually hyper-focused on his face, but at that moment, all you could see was the vast amount of skin on display.
You swallowed the lump in your throat.
“What are you doing here?” His stern words snapped you back to reality and you had to rapidly blink to regain a semblance of consciousness.
What am I doing? You shivered and grimaced at yourself for your intrusive thoughts before meeting his eyes.
“Uh-uhh I–” You halted your words when you noticed he was clutching something on his side. Curiosity got the better of you and you peered around his towering frame to see a soiled and basically useless bandage dripping with blood. “Holy shit! Are you alright?!” You said stepping towards him instinctively, catching yourself once he tensed and stepped back, correcting his posture as if to defend himself.
Psh, what could you possibly do to him? You couldn’t even defend yourself…
He glanced at the cloth he was currently pressing to his side and made a disgruntled noise. “I’m fine.” He said with a curt and slightly annoyed huff. “Why don’t you have anyone watching you right now?” He grumbled, obviously frustrated as he looked around behind you in search of your babysitter.
You furrowed your brows, still peeved but also worried about the still-bleeding wound on his side. “I had to sneak away because I don’t necessarily appreciate being babysat like a fucking child! Now you need to refresh that bandage before it gets infected!” You borderline shouted.
You could almost feel the daggers he shot at you with his eyes pierce through your flesh. “I said I’m fine! Now go back to be– Hey!”
You cut his sentence off short when you saw a first aid kit that looked like it had been through war and back on a small table behind him before you marched your way in, not giving two flying fucks that you were invading his room. “Get your ass in here, we need to clean you up first.” You demanded, collecting the kit and marching into what looked like the ensuite, completely ignoring his protests.
Jesus, is this much luxury even necessary? You thought as you passed through his behemoth of a room. Gray, white, and covered in smooth marble and chandeliers, it housed all of the amenities to be considered its own wing of the house. The gray material of the sofa and bed looked so soft and luxurious you were tempted to walk over and run your fingers along them. But that would have to wait.
He slammed his bedroom door shut with a huff and turned around. “You can’t just–!” You ignored him as you strolled into the bathroom (Still unnecessarily gorgeous).
“Just get your ass in here and sit!” You shouted from the bathroom. When you saw him stop in the doorway and glare at you, you just proceeded to open the first-aid kit and then pointed at the black and white marble countertop next to the sink. “Sit.”
He rolled his eyes before squeezing them shut and breathing out a slow sigh. “You… You’re a pain in my ass.” He groaned before dragging his feet over to you and hopping up to sit on the counter like you asked. If you hadn’t been right in front of him, you would have almost missed the slight hiss of pain he breathed through clenched teeth.
Why you had felt a pang of sympathy for the man, you had no clue.
He watched you apprehensively as you washed your hands and moved to face him. A brief moment of awkward silence had permeated the air before you tentatively raised your hands to remove the soiled bandage.
Minho visibly stiffened, but he made no move to stop you as your shaky fingers slowly peeled back the gauze.
Holy shit. That was 100% unmistakably a bullet wound.
Your mind was automatically transported back to that first night where you witnessed this guy casually gun down those men, effectively splattering five different brains on the fresh snow without even batting an eyelash. Who the fuck is Lee Minho? And what all was he capable of?
“If you’re going to just stand there and stare, then kindly leave me the fuck alone.” His gruff voice made you jump slightly as you were pulled from your thoughts.
You cleared your throat as you proceeded to throw away the red-stained dressing. You avoided his eyes as you grabbed the saline solution and a towel, still feeling his eyes bore into you with every movement.
However, you froze as you held the saline up to the mangled skin. “U-um… Did you take out—?”
“Yes, I already removed the bullet. Get on with it.”
Your stomach churned at his affirmation of the cause of injury, but you were getting sick and tired of his assholery as you glared up at his blackened eyes. “You know, a little gratitude goes a long way, shithead.”
He seemed stunned for a moment, looking at you as if you had gone crazy before returning to his deadly glower. “Look here, Tinkerbell—“ You bristled at that stupid-ass name again… “YOU’RE the one that barged in here. YOU’RE the one who has been a pain in my ass ever since you got here. So, no, I won’t give ‘gratitude’ where it’s not deserved. Plus, you’re the one to talk…” He murmured the last bit, but you still clearly heard him.
“Then why bother saving me in the first place?!” You basically screamed at him.
Silence and a shocked disposition was all you got in return.
“I had nothing to live for anyway, so why bother?! You could have just as easily ignored what was happening and went on your merry fucking way. Could have left me behind that dumpster to freeze and bleed to death so you wouldn’t have to deal with this ‘pain in the ass’. Could have also left me alone to OD and suffocate on my own vomit the other day. So what gives?” You finished with a seething remark while gesturing to yourself.
His face was stark blank. “You want to know why I saved you?” He said through gritted teeth. You just responded with a curt nod. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration before his expression morphed into something more solemn. It seemed like he was having an internal battle before he began to speak. He finally sighed and leaned his head back against the wall mirror with closed eyes. “I once… I had a cousin, one that was very close to me. I would always be overbearing and protective and she would always tell me to stop babying her.”
He chuckled fondly as he reminisced and you found yourself latching onto his every word. You chalked it up to the fact that you were finally learning something about this enigmatic man and this whole fucked up situation.
“Anyway, as we got older and I got busier, I began giving her more space. She was becoming a woman and I accepted the fact that she could begin to take care of herself.” He paused, but considering the faintest waver in his voice and his dry swallow, it didn’t sound like it was because he was waiting for a response… “I thought she was safe… but there were… others… vile pigs that knew how close she was to me…”
Another beat of silence and you watched his face slowly morph from sorrow to unbridled rage.
“I found her in almost the exact way I found you…” His words felt like a punch to the gut and painful images flooded your mind as you swallowed the bile that rose to your chest. “But, in her case, the scum that had… done that to her had already fled and I… I couldn’t save—” He squeezed his eyes tighter and his jaw clenched hard around the emotions before they could spill out.
You both knew he didn’t need to finish that sentence.
You felt the numbness that had taken over your soul begin to crack once again at the feeling of sympathy towards his cousin, and that shit scared you like none other.
“So, yeah. You might be a raging bitch and I might be a pretentious motherfucker. But even so, I couldn’t just leave you… I just couldn’t…” You felt something churn in your gut and you furrowed your brows in frustration as to what it was. You watched him take a deep breath and sit up a bit straighter. “So, with that being said, I can’t just allow you to throw away everything you’ve worked for so far.”
As if indicating that he had enough of the back-and-forth, he attempted to grab the saline bottle from your hand, only to be met with adamant resistance. You gently pushed his hand away (thankfully without any struggle) and brought the saline and towel up to his ever-bleeding wound that was dripping down to the puddle it created, causing a concerning amount of deep crimson to flood the marble countertop.
You silently flushed the deep cavern with the solution until you deemed it was properly cleaned before moving on to the peroxide. “This might sting a bit…” You warned as you watched his jaw clench. He closed his eyes as you disinfected it and you wondered how he could keep so cool after having a bullet plunged into his side.
Once he was properly cleaned and covered in antibiotic ointment, you picked up the gauze and searched for some tape. Your eyes widened as he wordlessly moved to hand you a long compression wrap.
You emitted a noise that sounded somewhat like a sputtering engine and your face flushed as you saw his suppressed smirk. To wrap that thing around him, you would have to run your hands all over his muscled torso… fuck.
“Something the matter?” He lilted in that nonchalant, annoying timbre. Teasing. “If you don–”
“It’s fine!” You cut him off, maybe a bit too loudly as you refused to make eye contact. “It’s just… just… don’t you have any dressing tape?” You said as you coincidentally eyed his well-defined pecs and abs.
He shrugged. “Nope. Not with me anyway. I just have this—“ He said while waving the fabric in front of your face again with a challenging brow lifted.
You nervously chuckled and squeaked out, “O-okay… Stand up…” You instantly felt goosebumps rise all over your flesh as he hopped off the counter, keeping the gauze pressed to his wound, and stepped a bit too close for a man you barely even knew. Deep breaths, you can do this…
“Hey…” You slowly raised your eyes to meet his own at the sound of the softer change in his tone. He took the tiniest step back to make it easier for him to look you in the eyes. “If you're uncomfortable… I mean… I’m not…” You don’t think you had ever seen him struggle so much with his words. He sighed and closed his eyes before sadly looking at you again. “You have nothing to be afraid of with me… I wouldn’t even think of…” He huffed and shook his head in disgust as he seemed to be thinking of the exact same thing that had plagued you day and night since arriving here.
Before he could even drive his point home, you gently laid your hand on his shoulder, causing his gaze to return to you. “I know…” You replied. “You hardly scare me, Lee Minho.” You teased with a wry smile that even surprised you.
His disturbed face was slowly replaced with a pleasantly surprised grin similar to your own. You watched with feigned mockery as he raised the wrapping once again. “Then prove it, Tink.” You just scoffed and rolled your eyes at the shortened version of his unrelenting name for you and snatched the elastic cloth from his hand.
“Fine.” You huffed defiantly before looking at his abdomen once again. You tentatively pressed the end of the wrap against his heated skin that made you blush. You could feel him watching you and you suddenly felt like hiding.
You wrapped the bandage over several times, feeling yourself tense up every time you touched his bare skin, and secured it tightly once you were finished. “O—“ Your voice cracked when you tried to speak and your face heated as you cleared your throat. “Okay, you’re finished…”
You wouldn’t look him in the eyes, how could you after you basically forced him to let you run your hands all over his tan, muscular, and absolutely gorgeous skin?
“W—“ He hesitated and, despite yourself, you found your eyes instinctively seeking his own out to somehow read the words through his dark irises. You found he was searching your eyes as well with pursed lips before he looked away and cleared his throat as well. “Thank you.”
“Channie-hyung wasn’t available when I returned home so I tried to take care of it myself. I guess my half-assed effort didn’t do much, huh?” He chuckled and looked back at you with a meek smile.
Who the fuck is this man and where did Lee Minho go?
He nervously chuckled and you realized you’d been staring at the man far too long. You took a deep breath and stepped back. “Well, I kind of owed it to you now, didn’t I?” You said it lightheartedly, but he furrowed his brows.
“You don’t ever have to owe me anything.”
You arched a brow, but he just turned and began packing away the first aid kit again. You watched his back, trying to remember why you came to his room in the first place. “Minho?”
He stilled his movements.
“What do you even do?” He turned and arched a brow at you and you rolled your eyes, stepping forward next to him to lean against the counter. “Like, you are obviously loaded…” You said gesturing to your luxurious surroundings. “You have a full staff with a doctor to patch up nasty bullet holes like this and god knows what else…” You both looked at his bandage. “And not to mention the bullets you cleared through those guys’ heads without even blinking an eye that night…”
He bit his lip and you followed the action with your eyes. You instinctively wet your own lips. After he was done staring at the marble countertop for an unnecessarily lengthy amount of time, he hesitantly turned his body to face you.
“You could say I sort of run something like a… secret organization?” He said tentatively like it was a question unto himself and you furrowed your brows.
You squinted skeptically at him. “So… you're telling me—“ Is that worry on his face? “—that you're a secret agent? Like a spy?” You looked at him in disbelief.
He sputtered a restrained laugh and looked at you with a suppressed smile. “I suppose you could say I’m like a spy.”
“LIKE a spy?”
He looked up like he was deliberating. “Sure. Like a spy.”
“But not actually a spy?”
He groaned at your questioning and ran a hand through his messy hair. Come to think of it, this is the most dressed-down look you’d seen on him. Gone were the button-ups and slacks, now replaced by sweats and a compression wrap over his shirtless body.
He stood straight and crossed his arms, obviously ready for the conversation to be over. “Does it matter? Look, it’s already really late and Yongbok will panic if he realizes you ran off.”
Oh shit, that’s right. That’s the whole reason you were even there. In Minho’s bathroom. Standing closely to him. With the man half naked and you in your flimsy, silk nightwear. Your peaked nipples seemed suddenly way more apparent as you crossed your arms over your chest. You rapidly blinked as if suddenly waking up and quickly stepped back.
“I-I wanted to ask you something…” He arched his brow and you continued. “Can you please call off the reinforcements? I know I made a bad decision and all, but I will honestly go crazy if I have to use the bathroom with the door open one more time.” You found yourself begging rather than demanding like you had initially intended.
Why, though?
He looked hesitant and you quickly added, “I don’t even mean all of the time! Like, I’ll keep my bedroom door open so he can check up on me and he can even watch me secretly while I’m around the house, I just want at least a little sense of privacy!”
You knew you sounded like a pathetic child, but you had resigned yourself to that fate as soon as you had to take a massive, violent shit earlier that day and you knew Felix had heard everything from the other room. Without any doors to create that sweet, sweet sound barrier? Ugh… You were still mortified to look at him.
You silently watched him with imploring eyes as he tiredly rubbed his brow. “You…” You widened your eyes with a hopeful energy pulsing through them, hoping to portray as such as he looked into your pleading eyes. He sighed. “I suppose those terms are fair…” You lit up like a Christmas tree before he raised a finger. “BUT, if you are EVER alone ANYWHERE, you need to let him know where you are and give him regular updates on your whereabouts to let him know if you are okay. Okay?”
You vehemently nodded your head and perked up. “Thank GOD!”
He smirked and crossed his arms again. “I think I like you calling me a god. Have I upgraded from a narcissistic asshole?” He tilted his head with raised brows and you were, once again, reminded how gorgeous this man really was.
You rolled your eyes and went to shove his shoulder, but before you could even touch him, he grabbed your wrist in the blink of an eye. For some reason, you both looked surprised as he froze with your wrist in his hand from less than a foot away. Your heart was racing and you chalked it up to being from fear of someone grabbing you.
But why did that conclusion not feel quite right…?
Before you could ponder it, he dropped your arm and quickly stepped away. “Fuck. I-I’m sorry.” He shook his head and you watched worry swirl in his eyes.
No, you weren’t afraid of this man. You don’t know why, but you knew he wouldn’t hurt you intentionally. Even after everything… “It was just instinct! I swear! I would never intend to—“
“I know, Minho.” You cut off his panicking, but his brows gave away his lingering concern. “I guess I’m just going to have to take your word for it on the whole spy thing, though, because those were super fast reflexes.” You chuckled to ease the tension and his face softened slightly.
It was silent for a moment and he cleared his throat again. “Well, I should walk you back to your room, it’s late and I’ve had… a very long few days.”
You took a large breath and promptly left the bathroom. “I’m perfectly fine on my own, you know?” There’s that twinge of irritation again…
”I know, I know. But if Yongbok is awake, I want to be able to ease his worries and update him on his role in taking care of you.
Taking care of…
Not treating, not monitoring. Taking care of. You supposed that’s what they were doing, huh? Felix was, in fact, doing much more than treating or monitoring. He waited on you hand and foot and you were being a bitch about it. You made a promise to yourself right then and there to let him know as soon as possible how much you appreciated his care and apologize for your behavior.
You nodded, both to yourself and to Minho’s reasoning before making your way back to your room with the mysterious and intriguing man just a few steps behind you.
Felix was a saint. Not only did he forgive you when you apologized, but he went as far to say it was his fault for being overbearing. Which was obviously preposterous.
With your new parameters in effect, Felix decided to leave the estate shortly, before quickly returning with gifts for you. Among them were several jigsaw puzzles and you perked up at the sight of them. Over time, you had come to really appreciate those puzzles. So much so that you had already finished all of the ones currently at the estate, strangely enough. All kinds of different collections displayed on random tables throughout the mansion.
Felix was true to his word and gave you your space, only briefly giving you regular check-ups as you sat in one of the many living rooms that giant freaking place held and began the therapeutic work of putting together an adorable puzzle of a litter of kittens.
You would love to have cats…
When a sudden ruckus erupted down the hall, you furrowed your brows and looked behind you to the source. Down the corridor you saw the same seven men that you had seen regularly around the house (obviously minus Felix) dressed in what looked like active-wear gathering around the front entryway.
The men never approached you, but that was most likely because you tried to make yourself scarce once you saw one of them. Maybe Dr. Chris, Felix, and Minho you trusted, but you didn’t know those other men and it made you sick to your stomach thinking of being alone with a stranger without one of those three men accompanying you.
”Okay, guys, this is just routine training today, so no fire hazards, alright Hyunjin?” You heard Minho announce to the group.
Training? Like their super-secret-spy type training?
You felt yourself stand and march over to them without even formulating what you were doing. Who needs rational thought anyway?
If you were remembering correctly, the one named Jeongin spotted you first with a look of surprise. “Come. On. Hyuuung. We need to be prepared for anyth—“ Jeongin harshly elbowed the one who you assumed was Hyunjin and quickly spoke up.
’Hy-Mr. Lee, sir. I think someone is here for you…” He nodded a bow to you and you returned it, giving a meek smile to the group before meeting Minho’s gaze.
He looked slightly surprised before giving you… was that a smile? No, surely not…
You cleared your throat as Felix made his way over with hurried steps and a worried expression. You, then, glanced over at the other men who had become quiet as death upon you stepping up next to Minho. You scanned over them before slightly bowing. “Um… Good morning…” You introduced yourself before hearing a small ‘oh’ from the man beside you. You turned your head as he stepped forward and turned to face you again.
”I guess I haven’t really introduced them all to you yet… These are my… This is my inner circle.” He hesitated and turned to gesture to each of them. “Some I’m sure you already know. Like Channie-Hyung, Yongbok, and Jisung.” The three nodded politely with soft smiles. “But to formally introduce you to the others, this is Changbin…” The shorter, muscular man offered a shy smile. “Hyunjin…” Your eyebrows raise at the incredibly handsome man as his full lips formed a smile as well. “Seungmin…”
”Nice to formally meet you.” He said with an amused grin and you nervously chuckled as you informed him likewise.
”Then there’s our maknae, Jeonginnie.” Hyunjin cooed at the youngest when he also gave a shy smile and he received a death-glare in return.
All of the men remained incredibly polite, bowing their heads when introduced and maintaining their distance. Shit, they probably already know everything about you and your situation… especially considering the fact that no one asked you who you were or why you were there.
You guessed you understood and you were actually somewhat grateful. It saved you from having to explain it yourself and relive all of the pain again…
”It’s very nice to meet you all.” You gave the men a polite smile before turning to Minho again. You were on a mission. “Minho, can I please come train with you guys?”
You could hear a pin drop with how silent the room got. “You… you want to train?” You gave a determined nod before slumping your shoulders at his shake of the head. “No. No way.”
“What?! Why?!”
”Um, I think it’s best we head out first. We will meet you there sir.” The youngest quickly relayed before walking out the front door with the other men in tow, Felix quickly retreating to some other corner of the estate.
After watching the mass leave, you fixed your glare on Minho’s resolute expression. “Not only are you not employed by me, but you also have an injured arm—“
”It could be good therapy for me! And I can even raise it horizontally now!” You demonstrated the movement with gritted teeth, trying to hide the pain, and he responded with an unimpressed visage.
“You are already receiving therapy and you would just be a liability. So, no. End of discussion.”
A liability? Ouch.
You felt anger rise up in you and you took a step near him, his features remaining stone-cold. “You… You’re a… ugh!” You couldn’t even muster up the will to call him an asshole anymore. What the fuck was WRONG with you?
With the lack of anything better to say, you furiously stomped away up to your bedroom to fume in private, but not without flipping him off the entire way there.
“Knock knock, love.” Felix announced before stepping through your open doorway. It hadn’t been long since you petulantly curled up on the plush armchair by your window to angrily watch the rain outside.
Of course it would rain. Apparently fate had decided to mock you as if you were an actress in some sort of sad music video. Surely Felix would agree.
You watched with hesitancy as he held out his hand to you. “Follow me.” He said calmly with a smile. “I want to show you a new room.” You perked up at that notion. You had been running out of places to explore recently and the prospect of seeing something new was like a kid going to a playground.
You took his hand and allowed him to lead you to one of the many locked double-doors on the estate. What you saw made you gasp in awe. Bookshelves upon bookshelves lined the walls of a massive, two-storied library that was stocked to max capacity with what looked like brand new books as well as older than hell pieces of literature. All surrounding a cozy living area with couches, armchairs, and even a fireplace.
”Minho-hyung must really trust you to let me show you this. These books mean a great deal to him and many of them are extremely fragile as well.” He trusts me? You thought as you watched Felix’s eyes widen. “I-I mean Mr. Lee…”
You furrowed your brows and turned to him. “Why do you do that?” You asked and he just blinked at you with worry written on his features.
”D-do what?”
Playing dumb, are we? “That! Those other guys do it too! Why don’t you just call him Hyung? You all are obviously close. Why try to hide it?”
Felix nervously rubbed the side of his neck and looked down. “It’s not like we are trying to hide it, necessarily. We are just trained to remain professional. It’s just much harder when we are all home and much more relaxed.”
You nodded your head in understanding. “But why do you try to hide it with me? I’m not exactly here on business.” You arched your brow and he smiled sweetly.
”It…” He seemed hesitant to speak until he sighed and lowered his head. “If we keep things professional with you, it might be easier when we have to see you go…” You were taken aback. Easier? Is he saying they would miss you? Why? You were a nobody, and you were honestly kind of a bitch. No, that can’t be it.
”What do you mean by easier?”
He seemed confused by your question. “When you spend so much time with someone, it’s easy to get attached. Even the coldest heart can find warmth in someone they find trustworthy and important.”
Trustworthy? Important? You? What in the world did you do to earn those titles?
Felix must have read the disbelief on your face because he continued. “You and I have spent a lot of time together over the past months. I’ve learned a lot about you and your habits.” You blushed. He most definitely knows a lot about you. He’s seen a lot too. “I know you are a good person. I have an eye for these things.”
He winked at you and you huffed a chuckle.
“And Minho-hyung knows you are a good person too. He just has a different way of… expressing his feelings.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “No, it’s true! We discuss you and your progress often and the kind of leniency he gives you in this place is unheard of for anyone other than our circle. Even some of the house staff haven’t been allowed in some of these rooms you’ve seen.”
What on god’s green earth did you say to them to trust you? I mean, of course they can trust you. You bear no ill will toward any of them, not seriously anyway. But why do they think so? Felix could definitely see the confusion on your face when he gently placed a hand on your upper back and guided you two further into the treasure-trove of books.
“Don’t think about it too much, love. Just know that everything we do, we do out of good and pure intentions.”
You definitely thought about it too much.
You were determined.
You were going to get out of that damned house, even if just for a minute, whether he liked it or not. By exploring the house, you ended up finding a board room, like true business-official type shit. A long table surrounded by office chairs and even a projector screen. And with a small tip from Felix, you knew they all happened to have a meeting that morning.
An actual business meeting. Not the one including half-naked women this time.
So, after gearing up in some serious workout attire, you marched yourself to that exact room, not even bothering to knock. You were on a mission. ”Lee Minho, I demand to be included in your training. I won’t take no for an answer!”
His were the first eyes you seeked out when you entered the room and you willed yourself to not back down.
You, then, remembered the presence of the other seven men in the room and how silent everyone had become. It was as if they thought, if they move even slightly, all hell would break loose. And by looking at Minho’s facial expression, they might have good reason to think as such.
”I. Said. NO. Now please see your way out. As you can see, we are clearly busy.” You were pissed, no, more than pissed, but you squared your shoulders.
However, before you could utter a word, Jisung spoke up. “Hyung. I think we should let her. She is obviously passionate about it.” Minho glared at his friend and then back at you. He was silent for a moment, as if he was deliberating, before speaking again.
”FUCKING HELL, MAN! I have been sitting on my ass here for months now for a reason I’m sure everyone here already knows about—!“ You watched guilty expressions color the room. “—and now that I’m getting better, you’re not going to help me defend myself if something like that happens again?” You witnessed his eyes widen as a traitorous tear fell down your cheek. “Fuck. You. Lee Minho!”
Resilience be damned, you were itching to escape that suffocating room and the problem within it. You stormed away once more with a harsh slam of the door and a burning fire inside you fueled by hate and anger.
Fuck this.
You felt a plop on the couch next to you and you jolted in place with a tiny squeak.
After the meeting room fiasco, you had been spending all of your time in the library. You were so immersed in your book that you didn’t even realize there was another presence in the room.
With a quick whip of the head and an incredulous look on your face, you watched Minho smirk next to you in amusement. “For someone who is super quick with their tongue, you sure are slow with everything else.” He chuckled as you came down from your fright and you placed a hand on your rapidly beating heart.
That motherfucker just about killed you! Well, not literally, but still! You closed your eyes to collect yourself before opening them again to glare at him.
However, instead of that same annoying smirk, his face turned into one of regret. “Shit, I’m sorry… I didn’t even think if that would make you… fuck, I didn’t—“
”It’s fine!” You quickly cut him off, knowing where he was going with that statement. “I-I’m fine… you just startled me a bit.” You calmly placed your bookmark before turning back to him with narrowed eyes. He looked a bit more relieved.
”Still, I need to be more… considerate.” He looked down at his hands, avoiding your eyes. “In more ways than one…” You furrowed your brows in suspicion before he returned your gaze once more. “I’ve thought about it a lot and I realized that I haven’t necessarily been easy on you throughout all of this. I might have played a part in helping you physically, but I didn’t consider how this would all affect you mentally.”
You were speechless. Was this the same man? He’s actually being… remorseful…
“So, yeah. Sorry about all that…” He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck while averting his eyes. He clearly wasn’t used to apologizing so much. “I, um… I wanted to ask you if we could, like, start over?”
You had never seen the man fumble so much since meeting him and it was quite a refreshing sight. “Why? Are you about to drop another ridiculous rule on me and you’re just saying this to lessen the blow?” You huffed a bitter chuckle.
You could see his temper start to rise before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I’m saying this…” There was a slight edge to his voice before he opened his eyes again with a much more gentle demeanor. “—because I am tired of us butting heads.” He slumped into the backrest and you arched a brow. “And also because you were right.”
Okay. Something is seriously wrong.
”I thought it would be dangerous for you to train with professionals and be subjected to a room full of random men.” He limply turned his head your way while remaining melted into the cushions. “And yes, there will be other men there. All of my subordinates use this training center. It’s one of my most used gyms for my… industry.”
You scoffed. “Pft. ‘Industry’” You mocked with finger quotations.
He smirked. “Yes. Industry.” His face gradually returned to a more serious disposition. “There is also the matter of secrecy.” You nodded your head. Yeah, that made sense considering his occupation, but who were you going to tell? “Not saying I don’t trust you—“
”Why do you trust me?” You blurted, the question still buzzing around in your mind like an annoying pest. He furrowed his brows as if he didn’t understand. You continued. “Like, yeah, I get why you saved me now and all, but why do you trust ME?”
His brow slightly softened and he cleared his throat. “Y-you have given me no reason not to trust you. Why? Did you do something?” He said with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes. “No, asshole. It’s obvious to me that you should trust me, but you’re just going to take my word for it? You must be a really shitty spy.” He guffawed loudly, sitting up with a bright grin as he seemed like himself again.
”You haven’t seen what I can do, Tinkerbell.” You rolled your eyes, but you did find the notion intriguing.
”Oh yeah? What can you do?” You could see a spark light up in his eyes as he stared into your own and you had to gulp down the saliva that pooled in your mouth from the sight.
”Well…” He shifted to face you, elbow now propped up on the back of the couch. “You’ll get to see some of it when we train you.”
You felt your heart jolt. “When you train me?” You felt the corners of your mouth slowly lifting and his followed right behind.
”We leave at noon. Unless you’ve changed your mind?” He mused.
”No! No, I want to!” You looked at the clock. 11:30. Shit, he couldn’t have told you a little sooner? You sprang to your feet and he stood as well. “Just let me go change and I’ll meet you in the foyer.”
He just gave you a brief nod before turning on his heel and leaving you giddily buzzing in your skin.
Somehow, you had plenty of options to choose from, but you opted for a simple T-shirt and joggers. Not the cutest, but who were you trying to impress?
A vision of Minho flashed in your mind and you reeled from the thought. Ugh. Why did my head think of HIM? In fact, why were you thinking so much about him in the first place? You chalked it up to it being from interacting more frequently nowadays. Yes. That must be it. You resolutely threw on a hoodie over your shirt and marched your way to the foyer.
“You ready? It won’t be easy.” He said from where he was leaned up against the staircase banister. You took in the sight of his workout attire, not really taking the time to fully appreciate it until now.
He wore a loose pair of sweatpants and an airy tank top that allowed you to gaze at his intricate sleeve of tattoos once more. He would almost look human if he hadn’t been blessed with his other-worldly beauty.
You blinked away the thoughts and gave a firm nod to him in response. “I don’t want easy. I want effective.”
He smirked and stood up straight when you approached. “We’ll see soon how confident you are in that statement.” You glared and he gestured his head. “C’mon, let’s go.”
Instead of heading out the front, he made his way further into the house. You furrowed your brows. “Where are the other guys? And where are you going?”
”Tsk. So many questions!” He mused and grinned at your responding scowl. “The guys are already there and, as to where we are going…” He stepped up to a large door located in the next room and opened the door for you to enter first, your face surely gawking at the luxury. You heard a chuckle from behind you. “Your reactions are always so adorable.” He smoothly teased.
You whipped around and glared at him as he just continued walking past you. “Now…” He turned back to face you again. “Which one do you want to take?” He said plainly as he gestured to the plethora of extremely expensive cars.
The garage definitely looked like it belonged in a spy movie, but you were stumped. He said he was like a spy. Not a spy. Like a spy. You were still racking your brain as to what that meant.
Your eyes grazed over the fancy marble interior of the museum-like garage and the cars on display. How can someone have this much disposable income?
You didn’t know the first thing about cars, why did you have to pick?
When you just pointed to some random car, he raised his brows. “Really? The Rolls Royce?”
“Well, shit I dunno! Why do I need to pick? You obviously know more than I do when it comes to this!”
He cackled and led you closer to your chosen car. “Oh, I know waaay more than you, Tink.” You grumbled and he chuckled as he opened the door for you, letting you slide into the disgustingly luxurious vehicle.
”Why do you even have all of these cars? Don’t you have someone else to drive you?” He donned a cocky half-grin when he slipped into the driver seat.
”Sure, when I’m on business I do. But we are just going to train.”
In the blink of an eye, his face was directly in front of yours as he reached across you, eyes fixed on your seatbelt strap as he grasped the material. As soon as he stretched it across your body, he seemed to notice your surprise.
He froze, blinked at you rapidly, then quickly averted his gaze back down to the strap to buckle you in. He cleared his throat and gulped before starting the car. “Plus…” He added with a slightly strained voice. “It’s not nearly as fun riding as it is driving.”
“Was the bag seriously necessary? Who would I even tell?!” You seethed as you threw the black, silky fabric at him.
Before you two even left the driveway, he forced you to shove your head in a stupid black hood so you “couldn’t know the location” once you left the estate later. You told him that it was unnecessary and stupid, but the man insisted.
You ripped the damned thing off as soon as he put the car in park.
”Have you forgotten what I told you? About my work? Why are you surprised with the secrecy?” He explained calm and composed as he discarded the bag in the car again.
”Well then blindfold me next time! I could barely breathe!” You were over exaggerating, of course. That material was extremely airy and breathable, you just wanted to feel superior to such treatment.
”Well excuse me, your highness…” He rolled his eyes as he pulled out his keys and walked up to the door of a large, nondescript, concrete building. Unlocking and opening the door for you, he gave you an exaggerated bow.
You narrowed your eyes at him as you passed the threshold, and marched into what looked like a massive gym complex of some sort.
However, the entire building was devoid of life. Of course that’s not including the seven familiar figures you saw fighting on the far end of the room. ”I thought you said all of your employees train here?” You said with an arched brow.
Minho passed you with a shrug. “Not today they don’t.” Well that answered nothing…
”Hey there, girly! Ready to get that blood pumping?”
”Calm down, Changbin. She is still going through therapy, remember?” Dr. Chris told the younger muscle man from where he was doing crazy heavy deadlifts off to the side.
”I know, I know, grandpa.” Changbin smirked at the doctor’s glare. “But just remember: ‘What hurts today makes you stronger tomorrow.’”
The other men groaned in tandem and you found yourself slightly smiling. “That’s a great motivational outlook, Changbin.” You said to the group as you watched Changbin’s face light up.
”Okay, enough, enough.” Minho declared. “Today’s training is obviously a bit different than usual.” He gestured vaguely at you. “We have a base level trainee and she needs to be trained from ground zero.” He gave you a side-eye and a cocky smirk. “Maybe even lower than that…”
”Hey!” You made a move to give him a lighthearted shove, and then was immediately reminded of what happened last time as his hand shot to your wrist to stop the action. You tried to free yourself, but his grip was like stone. “Let me go, asshole!”
”Make me.” He said as he suddenly faced you, pulling you closer. “Come on, show me. What would you do if you wanted to be released?”
You didn’t have an answer for him. Any move you could possibly make would be caught by his cat-like reflexes. You just challenged him with your eyes before his own softened, along with his grip on your wrist.
Just as your wrist was released he gave you a couple pats on the head. “Don’t worry Tinkerbell. I’m sure you will figure it out eventually.” You just about growled at him as he walked over to stand by Chris who was now seated on a bench nearby. “Channie-hyung and I are just here to observe and critique ALL of you, so do your best.” The man made an annoyed expression and waved the back of his hand in front of him. “Well? Get on with it!”
With that, you found yourself surrounded by six (frankly gorgeous) men looming over you.
“Hey! Back off! Don’t all go at her at once! I said ground zero you pabos!” Minho shouted from the sidelines before the others retreated and Changbin stepped in front of you.
”Calm down, Minho. This is what I’m here for.” You breathed in a resolute huff and nodded at Changbin. “I’m ready.”
“Watch out for her arm!”
”Don’t actually try to hurt her, idiot!”
”That’s too rough!”
The entire training session Minho had shouted at each and every one of the men trying to teach me at least once and it was growing tiresome. “Why even let me train if I can’t even, I dunno, actually train???” You grumbled at the stubborn man as the group was taking a break. “I have legitimately learned nothing with the parameters you have set!”
”For real, hyung. You aren’t letting her show her full potential. She needs—“
Minho instantly cut Changbin off. “I will decide what is needed and I think that it would be better for her to just watch for now. It’s obvious that she is not ready.”
”WHA—?” You squealed with widened eyes and a disbelieving expression.
”Actually, I think she is doing quite well in her recovery…” Dr. Chris stated matter-of-factly where he stood next to the other six men drenched in sweat.
You watched Minho slowly turn his murderous expression to the doctor, but you stepped into his line of sight before he had the chance to retaliate. “Please let me continue… I promise I will take it easy, I just…” You looked down at your restless hands before returning your gaze to his blackened irises. “This is just really important to me…”
You watched as the man’s face minutely softened and glanced at the seven men around you that also awaited his instruction.
”Please?” You implored, not used to such pleading from your end. His eyes darted back to you before he moved to rub his temples with a sigh.
“Fine.” He groaned. “But base-line self defense only. We can move on to more advanced training once you have recovered a bit more.”
You don’t know why you felt such relief come over you. Maybe it was the satisfaction of even marginally getting through to him, but you let a wide grin escape as your body involuntarily moved to hug the man.
What the fuck?
Just as quickly as you embraced the man, you retreated just as fast with furiously heated cheeks. Why in the world did you do that? You were FAR from hugging terms with him! He probably just about shot you in the head from the unexpected touch!
However, you couldn’t help but notice the citrus and sandalwood scent emanating from his solid, warm body. His skin felt like flames against yours and you welcomed the heat. It didn’t last long, but the simple contact with him made your blood boil and quickly reddened your entire face.
When you pulled back and cleared your throat, you witnessed a millisecond of bewilderment on his stone-cold face before it was immediately schooled back into place (but that did nothing to cover up his bright red ears). “Th-thank you.” You mumbled before you escaped to the water fountain that was, blessedly, on the other side of the room. Never mind the fact you had a water bottle already with you by the group…
By the time you and the rest of the boys finished (which was a very productive start if you do say so yourself), Minho had informed he was called in for an unexpected ‘business meeting’ across town and that training would finish early for the day as he needed to take a couple of his men with him.
You were a bit disappointed, but at least you got to do something. Which was more than you expected honestly.
As you requested, you were blindfolded for the car ride back instead of the stifling bag he donned you with on the way there, but you rode back with only five of his men instead.
You could feel all of their eyes on you as you rode in silence. Jeongin drove the unnecessarily expensive limousine, Changbin, and Hyunjin sat across from you, and Felix and Chan bracketed you on each side.
The silence was even more suffocating than the bag you wore earlier as you felt yourself start to become antsy. “For the love of god, please someone say something! I feel like I’m an exhibit in a museum right now.” You whined and buried your face in your hands (even though you couldn’t see anything anyway).
”And what a lovely piece of art you are, darling~” Hyunjin lilted before you heard a slap of skin and an over dramatic squawk from said man.
”Yah! Don’t be a creep!” You heard Changbin exclaim as the precious Felix giggled next to you.
”It was supposed to be a compliment!” You heard someone click their tongue before Chan decided to speak up.
”It’s interesting isn’t it…” He commanded the whole group’s attention with practiced ease and you quickly realized the hidden influence this man had over the lot of them. Which would make sense due to the fact that the doctor had probably saved most of, if not all of their lives at some point in time. “I haven’t seen or heard of Minho ever taking it easy on a trainee before… Most of them have to come see me even after their first session with him.”
”For real though, the man is ruthless with everyone else! He will even push them through the pain of broken bones!” Hyunjin exclaimed incredulously.
”He wants to make sure they are prepared through anything, even excruciating pain.” Jeongin stated simply from the driver’s seat.
Holy shit, these guys are no joke! “What the fuck? Why can’t he do the same with me?!” The entire car went dead silent in response. You could feel the annoyance creep into your bones. “Is it because I’m a girl? Seriously?!”
You heard Felix scoff next to you. “As if.” He sputtered in amusement. “The female trainees are some of the toughest among all of us.”
Then why?
”Maybe he just has a soft spot for you…” You heard Hyunjin mumble and you outright cackled at that one.
”Are you kidding?! Have you seen the way he treats me??” You question with an incredulous chuckle.
“You never knooow~” Hyunjin stated with a teasing lilt to his voice before you heard another smack.
And before another word could be said, your blindfold was removed and you were ushered into the estate once more.
A soft spot? What a joke.
I hope you guys are happy with the turn-around. 😏
I’ve missed you all so dearly and I apologize for the wait. 🥺 I would say that the next part will come out sooner, but I don’t want to guarantee that if life decides to fuck with me some more. 🙃
As always, please like, follow, and share!
Thanks baby Stays! Love you and missed you guys! 💋😽💋
And of course my squad and tag list:
2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
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maybe-a-bi-witch · 10 months
Mia's Fic Recs
One Piece, HotD, JJK,
One Piece
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Just a little longer by @sleepymarimo
One time where Zoro pushes your affections away and another time when he begrudgingly accepts them.
The one that (almost) got away by @loguetowns
it takes him 12 hours to realize
Baby, let the games begin by @irisintheafterglow
Reader is a pirate hunter who used to compete with Zoro, before he joined the Strawhat crew. They reunite after Zoro joined the crew.
Got me spinning like a ballerina by @mydearlybeloathed
zoro doesn't dance, but he has no issue in watching you twirl yourself off your feet. so long as you twirl back to him when your feet get tired.
Ultimatum by @undiscovered-horizon
Zoro hits you with a "fine, I'll be your boyfriend" when you try to break off your casual situationship
Jolly Sailor Bold by @httpwintersoldier
your curse leads you to a certain red-haired pirate that ends up taking you hostage for the rest of your life. And you very much agree with the decision.
Puzzled by @mynewblackdress
Due to your insecurities, you thought Sanji was making fun of you whenever he complimented you until you realized he wasn’t.
Go Fish! (series) by @honnelander
reader and Usopp are playing a card game when Sanji finds them. teasing ensues.
House of the Dragon
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Be Quiet by @youraverageaemondsimp
DILF!Aemond Targaryen x Babysitter!Reader
Duty, Sacrifice by @ewanmitchellcrumbs
Her and Aemond have always loved to play hide and seek, however, the night he returns from Storm's End, their game takes a much more sinister turn.
Catalyst by @oneeyedvisenya
Your job as Dr. Targaryen's lab assistant becomes far more hands on than you expected.
His Love by @valeskafics
When Aemond finds you after you ruin Aegon's coronation, he is in for a surprise.
To have and to hold by @lilibethwrites
Reader goes to Storm's End, and instead of claiming Lucerys's eye, he makes reader his wife.
Jujutsu Kaisen
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Nanami Kento
Professor by @fairyhub
The Princess by @classyrbf
sometimes being a princess comes with strict rules and responsibilities so why not have a little fun with the man who was assigned to protect and defend you
Ex Husband Nanami by @classyrbf
Headcannons about ex husband Nanami
everything i was looking for by @awearywritersworld
when nanami became a salaryman, jujutsu wasn't the only thing he left behind. four years later, he's got his job back and he wants you back too.
Natural (series) by @justauthoring
you fit into their little family, perfectly - naturally.
Gojo Sataru
"do you like me?" "nope." by @awearywritersworld
even yuuji realizes that gojo has a crush on you, but you're oblivious as ever
I wanna show you off by @gojonanami
when you accompany your friends to a bar rich men and women frequent, you catch the eye of a certain white-haired rich
Is it over now? ft. Geto by @gojonanami
suguru thinks the only way you'll leave him is if he lies to you about cheating on him - and it is. but turns out, you're not so easy to leave -- for him and his best friend.
the cutest couple on the Internet by @osaemu
steamer!au - you flirt with his rival
Toji Fushigoro
stay as long as you need by @awearywritersworld
toji can't stop hanging around his new neighbor, even though she has a boyfriend. oh well, he knows he's better for her anyway.
Geto Suguru
One of your girls by @fairyhub
you can’t help your feelings for your brother’s best friend
Is it over now? ft. Geto by @gojonanami
suguru thinks the only way you'll leave him is if he lies to you about cheating on him - and it is. but turns out, you're not so easy to leave -- for him and his best friend.
Sukuna Ryomen
Men are so quick to blame the gods (series) by @awearywritersworld
your boyfriend is a heavy sleeper, leaving you to form an unlikely relationship with the curse occupying his body during the late hours of the night.
Death is no more by @rinhaler
you know you shouldn't be here, right? what would possess you to visit an underground fight club? one of the fighters is kinda cute though...
How you get the girl by @yuujispinkhair
He knows how ironic this is. He is Sukuna, the guy who is known to always wear a smug smirk on his tattoed face and have a snide remark ready at all times. And yet, when you stand in front of him and confess your feelings to him, he is at a total loss for what to do.
The brat and the child that comes with him by @mysicklove
Sukuna might not be the best older brother, but at least Yuuji doesnt seem to mind.
Lullaby for the past by @poe-daydreams
Best friends (older brother) Sukuna by @seeingivy
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libby-for-life · 4 months
The Lust Potion
For 200 subscribers. A special thanks to @breedtheseed who did some wonderful art for this story. Check out their work! This is Adamsapple.
Adam was bored. Clubs in Hell, while great in theory, were so crowded and filled with sinners all trying to cop a feel of him and Angel Dust. He growled when he felt someone pull his sensitive tail. He had thought he had hidden that. Angel Dust seemed to like the attention but Adam wasn't in the mood.
He tried moving away for some fresh air, but a hand grabbed him and he was face-to-face with some wolf-looking demon. His smarmy grin made Adam shiver in disgust.
"Hey there lamby~." Ugh. Gag. Adam wrenched his hand free and glared at the wolf. "Leave me alone, asshat."
The wolf just rolled his eyes. "Whatever, slut." Adam bristled but stalked off. He just wanted to leave.
Angel Dust would be fine on his own. Stomping out of the club, a bit drunk but he was still capable of walking and speaking, he made his way to the limousine they borrowed from Charlie.
Getting inside, he sighed. God, this was a nightmare! This was supposed to be his reward for participating in Charlie’s dumb activities and 'working hard on self-improvement.' This didn't feel like a reward. He felt smothered and dirty from all the groping.
Sighing again, he decided to sleep until Angel Dust came back. He was about to close his eyes when something purple caught his eye. It was small and hidden under the seats, its glass reflecting off the pale red light of Hell. Adam smiled. Was this Angel Dust's secret stash of liquor? Nice.
Getting on his hands and knees, he pulled it out. The bottle was decorated with little black hearts, the inside glowing slightly pink. No label. No name. Oooh. The good stuff.
Adam decided to wait until he got home before drinking it.
Adam helped the spider inside and onto the couch. God, how much did he drink? "Why is he so drunk?!" Vaggie demanded, glaring up at Adam. "I'm not his babysitter, Vagina. He's a grown man in charge of his own choices. Why don't you ask him when he wakes up?" He left a fuming Vaggie as he climbed the stairs. He wasn't in the mood to deal with her sandy pussy.
His bedroom was cozy and he flopped onto his bed. Finally. Back for some peace and quiet.
Then he remembered the bottle of alcohol he had in his pocket. Damn, the stuff must be strong to only fill a small bottle. Sitting up, he took the bottle out and looked at the glowing pink liquid.
Licking his lips, he uncorked the bottle and sniffed. Sweet. Very sweet. Not really his style but considering Angel Dust preferred his sugary drinks, Adam wasn't surprised.
He took a gulp and winced at the sweetness of the pink drink. Ugh. Whatever. He was about to take another drink when he felt a warmth begin in his belly. Whoa. This stuff was strong!
He tried standing up, but his legs felt shaky for some reason. He fell to the ground, the alcoholic beverage falling to the floor. Why did everything feel so hot? He struggled to sit up but only managed that. Adam's cheeks flushed as the 'alcohol' took effect.
Everything was so warm and tingly. His body felt so sensitive. The clothes he was wearing felt itchy and Adam wanted them off.
He tried to paw at his shirt, but his hands were too warm and tingly to do anything but paw at them pathetically. He whined, the warmth in his belly spreading to his crotch. Adam was so hot and everything felt so sensitive. Why weren't his clothes coming off?!
"Adam? Charlie wanted me to—"
The lamb demon turned, looking at Lucifer who just entered his bedroom.
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Lucifer just stared at the demon on the floor. He tried ignoring the position he was in and asked, "What are you doing down there?" Adam didn't say anything coherent. A whimper left his plump lips. The devil tilted his head, confused by that response. Did Adan hurt himself?
That's when he noticed it. The flush in his cheeks, the shaking posture, the drool escaping Adam's mouth, and his glazed eyes glowing pink told Lucifer there was something wrong with the lamb demon.
He walked over and was about to call his name again when he kicked something. Looking down, he noticed the purple bottle on the floor, pink liquid spilling all over the wooden planks and its sweet scent filling the air. Picking it up, he examined it. Lucifer recognized it immediately. A Lust potion. Shit. Shit! How did Adam even get something like this?!
Lucifer was brought out of his thoughts by another whimper. The devil turned in time to see Adam nuzzle his crotch. He gasped in shock at the boldness. "Wait! Adam, you're—" He was cut off by another whine, a tear-filled glance up at him made Lucifer blush hard, and a part of his brain shut off. A more primal and lust-filled Lucifer took hold of his body.
His demon features poked through and he smirked at Adam’s pathetic attempt at rutting on the floor.
His poor lamb...did he have an accident? The poor thing. Did he need Daddy to help him? Kneeling, he gripped Adam's jaw and brought him close. The demon moaned at the contact.
"Oh, my little lamb. So cute and desperate like this. Want Daddy to take care of my needy little boy?" Adam whimpered and tried to get closer, his body shaking from the potion.
Lucifer chuckled and picked him up easily. Placing him on the bed, the devil ripped through his clothes, desperate to get to that supple flesh. Adam moaned as the cold air nipped at his exposed body.
"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" Lucifer said, kissing his jaw. The lamb demon squirmed as he was peppered with small nips and bites. "So beautiful for me." Letting his snake tongue out, he slurped Adam in for a kiss. They both groaned, tasting each other as they hugged each other close.
Lucifer was quick to take charge. He gripped Adam's hair and yanked, pulling more delicious noise from him. "That's it, my little lamb. So good for me." The devil muttered as he bit along Adam's neck before looking at the demon's chest.
His lamb's chest was so big and perky. Some of it was because he was chubby but Lucifer wondered how much of it was because Adam used to objectify those particular assets and that made his demon form more feminine-like as Hell's punishment.
Lucifer didn't care. He loved them. Taking a chosen mound, he bit its nipple and watched as Adam shook in pleasure, more drool escaping his gaping mouth.
"Aw, does my lamb like that?" Lucifer teased before sucking on it. He looped his tongue around the nub and pulled before biting again.
He let go with a pop before he licked the twin on the other side. Adam was crying, writhing under the devil's touch.
A hand snaked down and caressed his lamb's dick and the lamb almost came on the spot. "Sh. Don't go cuming right now, little lamb. Just lie there and take what Daddy gives you." With a wave of the hand, Lucifer placed some magic around Adam's hard-on. He wouldn't be cuming unless Lucifer allowed him to.
Smirking at the sight of Adam whining out pleases and tears, Lucifer shuffled down and licked the shaft of the pulsing meat before him. Just like everything about Adam, it was huge.
He licked and deep-throated the appendage while he felt Adam's hole, the ring fluttering at his gentle touches. When Lucifer felt hands in his hair, he snapped his fingers. Magic pinned Adam's wrist to the bed, making him whine in protest. The devil simply spanked his thigh to reprimand the naughty lamb.
"I said to lie there and take it, little lamb. Don't make me leave you here." An empty threat. Adam needed this lust potion out of the system or it would literally burn him from the inside. But, Adam didn't know that. The whimpers and cries were brought to a sniffle making Lucifer smirk. "Good boy~."
Kissing his thigh, he went back to deep-throating Adam's cock. His lamb took it well, shaking and crying but not fighting out of the magical restraints.
Letting go of the shaking dick, he blew it a kiss before slowly taking off his own clothes. Soon, he was naked as well. The devil's cock stood proudly and he preened when his little lamb drooled even more at the sight of it.
"You see this, little lamb? It's going inside you~." Lucifer teased before lifting Adam's thighs to the headboard. He slipped the head in. His lamb was so tight! Adam moaned high, the needy lamb shaking and thighs trembling as he took the large appendage.
"That's it! Take it! You were made for taking cock!" Lucifer yelled, pounding into Adam.
The bed rocked under their combined weight and the lamb let out squeaks and little bleats as he saw stars.
He let go of the magic surrounding Adam's dick so they could both cum together, Adam's eyes were losing that pink sheen to it.
One last thrust was all it took as Lucifer came deep inside his lamb. Adam screamed as he was finally allowed to cum. "Aaaahhh~!" The Devil looked at his little lamb who gazed back up at him.
He smirked and crawled back up to put one last mark on him. Biting his neck hard enough to draw blood, he licked at the wound while Adam groaned in pleasure and overstimulation.
"Good little lamb. Now everyone will know it was you was getting fucked tonight."
"Mmm." Was all Adam could say before passing out. Lucifer just chuckled before releasing his wrists from the magical restraints. He settled his head between Adam's chest and snuggled close. Sure, he needed to know how Adam even got that Lust potion but for now, he wanted a nap.
Hope you guys enjoyed it! When I hit 400 subs, I'll do another special!
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noxturnalpascal · 10 months
Dancing is a Dangerous Game
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(FrankieMorales  x  F!Stripper!Reader)
A/N & Warnings: Sexual Content below - 18+ only, Frankie doing what he do (iykyk), unspecified age gap (anywhere from 10-15 yrs), talk of stripping/dancing as a job that pays the bills. The photos on the Moodboard are just for fun, the female Reader is not specifically physically described so you can imagine her however you want. Thank you to @saradika for the divider.
Did I make this prompt up myself for me and some fellow writers? Yes. Did I set the word count limit? Also Yes. Did I stick anywhere even close to that limit? *laughs hysterically.
PROMPT: Pick a Pedge Daddy character - Joel Miller, Frankie Morales, Dave York, etc. (it can be Canon or Non-Canon/AU/No Outbreak).
PPCU Daddy is surprised - and excited - to learn that the grad/postgrad student he hires to watch his child sometimes also works as a: stripper/dancer/cam-girl/onlyfans-model/dating-or-escort-service (or straight-up SW) 
*1000 word Minimum - 2000 word Maximum
WC: 4749  (I have a problem)
Frankie’s mouth was hanging open. He knew he should close it. He knew he looked like a weirdo. He knew he was about to get a “Catfish, lookin’ like a fish” joke from his friends. But for the life of him he couldn’t take his eyes off the stage, or close his gaping jaw.
Not since his babysitter walked on stage and started taking her clothes off.
To be fair, you're not his babysitter anymore. Not since he called you three weeks ago asking if you could babysit for him tonight and you broke the news to him that you'd gotten a new job and couldn't babysit anymore. At least now he understands why you left the not-so-lucrative world of babysitting for an arguably better-paying gig. 
You've only been dancing for two minutes and he already sees more money on the stage than he would've paid you to sit his kid tonight. He’s been watching as you undulate your body across the stage, bending and dipping, stripping down to your underwear. Even though part of him thinks he should, he definitely doesn’t look away when you divest yourself of your lacy little bra.
He always thought you were hot. He was a newly-single dad, interviewing you for a semi-regular babysitting gig. He tried to focus on your resume and your qualifications. He tried to breathe through his mouth so he couldn’t smell your delicate perfume. He tried to ignore the dewy pink lipgloss you had spread across your mouth, which is in stark contrast to the bright red lipstick you are currently sporting.
He was very motivated by the fact that you, as a graduate student in your mid-20’s, seemed more responsible to leave his kid with than the other applicants to his babysitting ad, all of whom were literal teenagers. But truth be told - you were also really fucking hot. Horny dad and the hot babysitter, what a fucking cliche he was.
However, in the eleven months you babysat for him, he never acted on his inappropriate attraction to you. He never treated you as anything other than an employee. You’d show up to his house, hair in a messy bun, wearing comfy clothes, ready to sit on the living room floor all evening playing with his kid. He was polite, and respectful, and was almost positive you never caught him staring at your tits.
Your tits that he’s most definitely staring at right now. Holy shit you have great tits.
“Fuckin’ A Fish, if you’re gonna keep your mouth open, you could at least pour some beer into it.”
“Huh?” Frankie snaps his head back to the table he’s sat at, surrounded by his friends. They all chuckle. 
“We’re about to order the next round and you didn’t even drink any of that one yet,” Benny says as he points to the dripping bottle in Frankie’s hand.
Oh, sorry, Frankie mumbles as he pushes the now-warm bottle to his lips and begins to drink the beer down, his eyes moving back to the stage. The entire club is lit only by colored lights that coordinate with the twirling lights and lasers pointed at the stage, pulsating to the tempo of the music you’ve picked. Fog rolls across the floor of the stage, cascading over the edge. 
There’s a single golden pole at an outcropping of the stage that you’re now gripping with both hands, sticking your ass out towards the audience and giving it a wiggle. You let go of the pole and hook your thumbs into the waistband of your panties. You slowly begin to push them down and just as the crack of your ass comes into view Frankie momentarily forgets that he can’t swallow liquid and breathe at the same time. 
He begins to sputter and cough, choking on the bubbly liquid and spurting it across the table onto the faces of half of his friends. He’s met with groans, curses, and several swats to the back of his head as he attempts to get his wheezing under control, and the fluid out of his trachea.
Santi, who somehow managed to avoid Frankie’s beer-foam projectile, slaps a palm on Frankie’s shoulder and says,
“Guys, Frankie’s real sorry, he’s just never seen a naked woman before.”
The laughter at Frankie’s expense serves as some form of forgiveness, and everyone slowly goes back to flirting with the wandering dancers and ordering their second round. Santi keeps his hand on Frankie’s shoulder and leans into Frankie’s personal space.
“You alright?” Santi asks, squeezing his friend’s shoulder firmly.
Frankie manages to mutter a strangled yeah before several rounds of trying to clear his throat. The lights have dimmed, sinking the club temporarily into a hazy darkness. He briefly registers that the song you were dancing to has ended, so you’ve most likely left the stage.
Santi laughs, shaking his head. He moves his mouth right to Frankie’s ear, almost whispering.
“When I convinced Will to have his bachelor party at this club I thought you’d be the one making your hot babysitter choke, not the other way around,” and he claps Frankie on the back hard, “if you know what I mean.”
Frankie’s eyes go wide as he meets Santi’s crooked grin, but his friend offers nothing more as he moves to the other side of the table, turning his devilish smile on the waitress. He orders two beers and three shots for each man, dismissing the groans of protest from the table. Bachelor Down!, he shouts at Will as everyone does their shots and chases them with cheap beer.
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You approach the table full of men with seven other dancers, each of you assigned by the club to give a 20-minute private dance to one of the members of the bachelor party. You’re each in various states of dress, but most are only half-dressed. You’re back in your lacy underwear set - panties and bra - but the sheer nature of the fabric leaves little to the imagination. 
Your previous job as a part-time nanny worked while you were an undergrad. When you started law school it became too much and you had to switch to more infrequent evening babysitting gigs so you had your days free for school and studying. Unable to keep up with school payments you recently had to find something new. Something that only required night and weekend availability, but paid really well.
Enter: Stripping. 
You’ve only been doing this job for a little over a month but you’d quickly gotten very comfortable with being naked in front of strangers. You had your little dance routine and could easily make flirty banter with the club’s customers. Your boss was impressed enough that he’d started assigning you party gigs with some of the other girls, like this bachelor group.
You walk up to the group of strangers, the rest of the girls fan around the table as you’re left standing just behind a broad-shouldered man with a baseball cap on, curls sticking out from under the back strap. You turn to the man with a big smile on your face.
Holy Fuck. 
Not a Stranger.
It’s Francisco Morales. The hot dad you until-recently babysat for.
He looks at you sheepishly. Your hands immediately fly to cover your breasts, suddenly mortified that your nipples are showing through your nearly-transparent choice of outfit. 
“Mr. Morales!”
“Oh I- I already,” he begins to stutter. Is he telling you that he’s already seen your tits? 
You look around at the collection of empty beer bottles and shot glasses on the table and figure that they’ve all been here for much longer than just your dance. So covering your nipples does nothing for your modesty as hot dad has probably already seen everything. You drop your arms to your side, attempting to look relaxed and casual.
“So I-uh. I guess you found a babysitter for tonight.”
He laughs. He actually laughs at your awkward attempt at diffusing the tension. Thank god. He opens his mouth to speak but before he can say anything one of his friends is speaking to the group. He explains that “everyone gets a private dance” and no one can object - and he looks right at Mr. Morales when he says this - because “it’s all been paid for already.”
Following the lead of the other girls you gently grab Mr. Morales’ hand, missing the looks back and forth between him and his friend. You do your best to confidently lead him back to the private rooms with the rest of his group. There are a dozen rooms in the hallway and eight of them have been held in reserve for this bachelor party group. Pulling him inside the last room on the right, you close the door behind you. 
The room is dim, save for the red glow of the lights. The ceiling and floor are both painted black and the three walls without the door are mirrored. Towards the left is a single high-backed black leather chair facing a brass pole that sits in the exact center of the room. On the far side of the room is a curved loveseat against the wall.
This should be easy. Not just because this is your job but because unlike any other man you’ve ever led back here, this is a man you are extremely attracted to. 
This is a man you have fantasized about.
You’ve imagined his curls between your fingers when you’ve grabbed a fistful of a customer's hair, imagined that it’s his stubble scratching between your breasts when you’ve pressed them close. You’ve envisioned his wide chest as you ran your hands down their front, his massive paws in your hands as you’ve taken their sweaty palms and placed them on your rolling hips. 
You’ve wished they were his thighs that you were grinding your ass onto and his erection that you all-too-frequently felt pressing into you. That should make this easy. But instead you’re super fucking nervous. Even more nervous than your first night here, when you dragged your panties down your legs and bent over, exposing your pussy lips to a packed room of strangers. 
What makes you most nervous is probably that the fantasies didn’t stop in the club. It would be one thing if they were just here, serving as a comfort, self-soothing by putting a familiar face in place of a groping stranger’s face. But that’s not the truth. You’ve imagined him at home too. 
In the shower, pretending your hands were his hands as you pinched and plucked at your wet nipples. Daydreaming about his weight on top of you, fucking into you, as you drove one of your toys in and out of your wet cunt. 
And if you’re being perfectly honest, you can admit that it’s been going on for almost a year, since shortly after he hired you to be his babysitter. Remembering the times you’d made yourself come on his couch, hours after his kid had fallen asleep, waiting for him to return home from a night out with his friends. Your hand stuffed down the front of your pants, petting your clit to the thought of him on his knees in front of you.
You never thought you’d actually be naked in front of your fantasy-DILF. This is like being slapped in the face with your own wet dreams. This is kind of a nightmare.
“Listen, you don’t have to-” he begins just as you start to speak as well.
“Mr. Morales I know-” and you both stop and let out breathy, nervous laughs.
“C-Can you please stop calling me Mr. Morales?”
“Oh sorry! Is that weird?”
“It sounds like the start of a bad porno,” he groans, laughing again. “Please just call me Frankie.”
“Of course, I’m so sorry Mist- Frankie. Sorry. Frankie.”
You both break out in laughter again, loudly this time, hoping to finally diffuse some of the tension. A knock sounds at the door and a deep voice - security - asks if everything is alright. You shout back that everything is fine and the room quiets down.
“I should start the music and get going,” you say quietly, motioning for him to sit on the curved red velvet seat against the far wall.
You press a button above his head and music starts up, the first of three songs forming a 10-minute loop that will repeat for this booking. You look into the mirrored wall to your left and notice how nervous you look. Then you meet his eyes in the mirror. Why does he look just as nervous?
You straddle one of his legs and shakily reach back to undo the clasp on your bra. You meet his eyes again. Fuck he can see how your hands are shaking. You look like such a fucking kid. A goddamn amateur. This is going to be the least-sexy lapdance he’s ever been given. 
You can’t stop the gasp that leaves your lips when you suddenly feel his hot hands covering yours at your back. 
“You can leave this on if you’d be more comfortable,” he says softly, barely heard over the pumping bass of the music.
“No I’m fine, I’m just…” you don’t know how to explain to him without embarrassing yourself but suddenly you’re making an admission and the word-vomit has left your mouth before you can even do anything to stop it. “I just always thought you were hot.” 
There it is. It’s out there now. 
He opens his mouth to say something and your nerves bubble up and come out as more words and why the fuck are you talking more?
“I know, I know,” you spit out before he can get a word in, “the babysitter thirsting after the hot dad, how prosaic, right? Talk about a bad porno.”
His warm hands still touching you, he slowly moves his fingers around yours, deftly undoing the clasp of your bra for you.
“It’s okay, I kinda… thought you were hot too,” his admission slips out in a whisper.
You really want to kiss him right now. But that would be a very bad idea. Security patrols the hallway and the door has a small window towards the top of it. It allows security to peek inside and see from the shoulders up. Usually if they can see your shoulders, all is good. If they can’t see your shoulders, it gives them an idea if rules are being broken or if the girls need help. 
Kissing - among other things - is against the rules.
You barely turn to look at the windowed door but you’re embarrassed to think that Frankie must know what you’re thinking because it’s like he can read your mind. Or maybe he’s just thinking about kissing you too? Either way he puts his hands back down to his sides and lets you lean into him, allowing your bra to slowly shift down your shoulders until it falls into his lap.
Your tits are right in his face. You’re half naked in front of the hot dad whose child you used to babysit. The hot dad who you’ve pictured doing this exact thing with - and more. But he’s not even looking at your tits. He’s looking you right in your eyes and making you feel more naked than you’ve ever been in your whole life.
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He shouldn’t be here, not doing this, not with you. He should ask for a different girl. He should tell the security guy to kick him out. He’s making you so uncomfortable, he can tell by your twitching movements and halting breaths. He can’t stop staring at you like he’s some kind of lonely creep, what a fucking weirdo he’s being.
You position your legs on the outside of his, keeping his legs slightly open and his hands obediently face-down on the couch next to him. You’re straddling him but hovering above his lap, seemingly careful not to touch him. When you put your hands on his shoulders to brace yourself you begin to stiffly roll your body towards and then away from him.
He doesn’t know where to look. He can’t keep looking at your face, he knows the eye-contact is getting very disturbing. Why the hell did he tell you he kinda thought you were hot too? At least he didn’t admit the truth, that he thought you were fucking supernova-hot. He’s had to bite his tongue countless times to stop from asking you out.
He focuses his eyes at the hollow dip that lies at the base of your throat. It has a dance of its own, moving slightly with your pulse and rolling with your shallow breaths, the rise and fall of your chest a baseline rhythm. He tries not to think about your bare breasts just below, breasts that he’s thought about putting his hands on every single time you’ve walked into his house for the last year. 
He can see your deep red lips in his peripheral vision, and immediately the image of those lips on his skin is conjured. He pictures a chaste kiss planted on his cheek followed by a less-chaste thought of his thumb pressed into your mouth, your eyes looking up at him while your lips leave a red ring on his hand. He needs to fucking calm down. This is just a dance. You’re at work doing your literal job.
He suddenly notices you’ve almost completely stopped moving. He looks up at your face and you’re wearing a tight, pained expression. His brows furrow. Oh no. What’s wrong? Is his erection noticable? Is he creeping you out too badly? Do you want him to leave? He opens his mouth to ask if you’re okay but you silence him with a gentle squeeze to his shoulders.
“I think I’m gonna die if you don’t touch me,” you squeak out in a strained whisper.
In the back of his head a part of him thinks that he shouldn’t immediately cave. It shouldn’t be this easy. Part of him thinks he should need more than just you saying that. 
But he doesn’t. At all.
He slowly slides his body down the sofa, pushing his frame between your legs. You move your feet apart to accommodate his wide shoulders once you realize he won’t fit otherwise. He stops when his ass is sitting on the floor and his head is just above the seat of the sofa, you towering over him. He reaches down and begins to take off your platform heels one at a time. 
As your bare feet hit the floor you run your hands up your neck, over your face, and through your hair, your knees knocking at his shoulders. Touching you gently with only two fingers on each hand, he pushes on the backs of your thighs, guiding you even closer to his face. He grabs your feet and holds them in his hands, forcing your legs to fold and pushing your knees past his ears as his head rests back on the seat.
You’re kneeling at the edge of the sofa, shins on the cushion, feet dangling over his shoulders, your toes curled in his massive hands on his chest, and his head between your thighs. Your face still looks uneasy, and he can just make out whining noises over the music. High-pitched and breathy, the way a dog would beg for scraps at the dinner table.
“Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna touch you now,” he growls.
You grab the brim of his hat and twist it off his head, immediately diving your fingers into his locks. He squeezes your toes and you take his cue, lifting your hips and canting them towards his waiting mouth. Latching his mouth onto your underwear, he runs his tongue up and down your covered seam. 
He feels you begin to rock your hips into his face, rolling your body above him. Any security who looked in the window would see your shoulders moving to the beat and assume you were kneeling on the couch and giving a lap dance. He can only barely see you from his angle, sees the lace of your panties, sees your wrists grabbing at his hair.
Letting go of one of your feet, he grabs at your wrist, dragging your hand from his head to the front of your own underwear. You run your fingers down yourself, parting them around his mouth, letting his tongue tangle in them. Then you grab the edge of the gusset and pull it to the side.
Wasting no time, he immediately begins to lick at your folds, tasting the wetness that has gathered there. A lot of wetness. Christ, you’re so fucking wet. His nose touches just below your clit and a string of your arousal attaches him to you when he pulls back slightly.
A slight pause in the music has his heart stop and his stomach in his throat. After a couple seconds - that seem to stretch on forever - the first song begins playing again, restarting what must be a looped set of music. 
That must mean this private dance-time is halfway over. Ten minutes left but since you two probably started after everyone else you might not have the full ten minutes of privacy if his friends decide to burst in the door. Which, if they’re led by Santi, is a real possibility.
Less than ten minutes. No problem.
You must also feel the sense of urgency because you adjust your hand that is holding your panties to the side. You take your thumb and pointer finger and move them over yourself, parting your lips to open yourself more to him and pulling up slightly, exposing your nub. He flattens his tongue in response and drags it over your sensitive bundle, noting the way your body trembles when he does so.
He knows he doesn’t have the time to edge you as he’d like to, but he can’t help himself when he moves his head lower and twists his tongue into your hole, thrusting it into you. You are bouncing yourself slightly up and down, helping him fuck yourself on his tongue. He feels your wetness pouring over his lips and dripping down through his whiskers.
He feels your hand leave your own body and tangle back in his curls along with your other one, grabbing two fistfuls of hair tightly in your grip. Having had enough of his teasing you’re apparently deciding to take matters into your own hands.
Frankie loves eating pussy but this? This might be his favorite thing in the whole world.
He angles his head perfectly, opens his mouth, and sticks his tongue out stiffly as you begin to grind your pussy against his face. You’re using his nose, his tongue, his chin, even the bristles of his facial hair. You’re using whatever you can to get yourself off as you ride his face. It takes everything in his power not to break out in a giant smile.
He doesn’t hear you, you’re still being the quietest you’ve been since you got in this room, but he feels it. Shit, does he ever feel it. He feels your body tense, then your legs quiver, feels the pulsing in your cunt as you press yourself firm into his still-open mouth. He gently laps up your gushing orgasm as you release the grip on his hair and whimper softly above him.
Knowing you’re short on time, he has you climb off him much sooner than he’d like you to. Your heavy-lidded eyes meet his and then yours go wide. You bend down and grab his hat, plopping it back on his head and attempting to tame his just-fucked-hair back underneath it. You run to the corner of the room and grab a small robe hanging on a hook, skipping back over and roughly wiping his face off with it the way you would a toddler after a meal.
He quickly adjusts himself, tucking his protruding hardness under his belt in an attempt to conceal it as he watches you adjust your askew panties. Still topless, you throw the robe back towards the corner in a panic just as there is a quick knock at the door. Without a signal to enter the door flies open anyways, no less than three of his friends bursting through the doorway drunkenly, shots in hand for Frankie to partake in.
They make Frankie drink the shots before he even leaves the room and then they drag him away from you, hollering obnoxiously. All he can manage is an apologetic look over his shoulder as he hears the final song finally come to an end. Time’s up. Luckily you’re laughing at their antics and don’t seem to be upset. Maybe you were just flirting with him because that’s your job. Maybe you just wanted a good tip.
A tip! Shit.
Being dragged down the hallway Frankie grabs Santi by the arm and asks in his ear how much he should tip you. Santi says he usually tips $200. Frankie is shocked that a 20 minute dance would garner that big of a tip, but then again it’s been a long time since he’s been at a place like this. And to be fair, you - albeit unknowingly - let him fulfill a long-time fantasy of his.
$200 is more than he would have paid you to watch his kid tonight. No wonder you’re not his babysitter anymore. He fishes around in his wallet and takes out all the cash he has, $236. He manages to break off from the group of guys after they do another couple shots and he looks around for you. 
Unable to find you he spots one of the girls you came to the table with and she lets him know you’re on a break but she can get the tip to you. He hands her the folded bills and she thanks him by leaning in and giving him a peck on the cheek. When she pulls back from him she widens her eyes at him and flashes him a knowing smile.
“I’m sure she’s very appreciative… of the tip,” she winks.
Frankie tries not to blush and resists the urge to high-tail it to the bathroom and wash his face off, opting instead to keep the scent of you on him. He returns to the table of his too-drunk-to-notice friends and finishes out the night of revelry.
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You’re probably asleep
I’m just getting home actually
Oh cool me too
Sorry to bother 
I just wanted to make sure you got your tip
I left it with your friend
I did, yes. Thank you so much.
Cool 👍
Don’t take this the wrong way…
But how drunk were you tonight?
What did I do?
I’m so sorry
No, don’t be sorry!
I’m not trying to be rude.
I just….
Did you mean to tip me that amount?
Oh my god
Was it not enough?
I can give you more
I’m really sorry
Do you have Venmo?
No! OMG. It was plenty!
Literally the most I’ve ever been tipped is like 40%
You tipped me 118%
Yeah so I just wanted to make sure you didn’t get too drunk
And accidentally just give me everything in your wallet
Is that what happened?
Because I can Venmo some money back to you
It’s really not a problem
Sorry no
I just tipped what my friend told me to
Well I checked with the other girls….
NONE of your friends tipped that much
And they were all very generous!
But none as generous as you
He’s such an asshole
I’m sorry
I didn’t know
I feel like an idiot
Again, please don’t be sorry
It was VERY generous of you
And I’m very grateful
I was in a giving mood tonight I suppose
Mr. Morales, is that you being flirty?
Oh we’re back to Mr. Morales now?
Can you get a babysitter on Wednesday night?
I don’t have custody this week so no babysitter needed
We should go out to dinner
Oh we should?
Yeah we should
MY treat
LOL I should hope so!
Pick me up at 7 😉
I will
See you Wednesday
322 notes · View notes
worth-the-chaos · 9 months
Adventures in Babysitting - Steve Harrington x female!reader - Chapter 10
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Chapter Summary: The Russian invasion and the upside down begin to merge as you meet up with the rest of the crew. You are in the fight of your lives as you scramble to try to stop the monstrous creature from the upside down before it destroys you.
Content Warning: violence, upside down, swearing
Word Count: 5.8k
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this chapter. Right now I can’t decide if I should start on season 4 or if it would maybe be best to pick up the story after season 5 drops since it ended on such a cliffhanger. Let me know what you think!
Series Masterlist | Chapter 9 | Next Part
The five of you exited the bathroom quietly, merging with the crowd leaving the movie to blend in, hoping that no Russians would find you. Your eyes darted around, scanning for any potential threat as you made your way through the crowd. There were so many people, you were beginning to feel claustrophobic. Suddenly, you felt a hand grab your arm, and your heart jumped to your throat as you turned around and prepared for the worst.
You were met with the concerned eyes of a stranger. You recognized him from somewhere, but right now you couldn’t quite place it. You wriggled free from his grasp as he opened his mouth to speak.
“Hey, are you okay? What happened to you?”
“Oh, I’m fine…yeah, I-I just got into a bit of a…car accident a couple of days ago—while I was out of town!” You quickly added at the end. Hawkins was a small enough town that any car accidents would certainly be reported. He looked skeptical and opened his mouth to speak again, but you quickly cut him off, “I really have to be going now.”
Without another word, you slipped through the crowd, putting more distance between yourself and the boy while you tried to connect the dots to figure out where you knew him from. It finally dawned on you as your mind flashed back to the Hellfire Club shirt he was wearing under his leather jacket. It was Eddie Munson. You never got the chance to really talk to him at school, mainly knowing him via the rumors that circulated around about him being bad news.
“Y/n! Where were you?” Steve whisper-shouted as you finally made your way next to him. His mind had flashed to the worst case scenario when you were no longer beside him, and he was ready to fight tooth and nail to find you.
“I just fell behind a little bit…sue me,” you rolled your eyes, trying to stay casual. You didn’t want to tell him about how Eddie had noticed that you were injured. The more low-profile you stayed right now, the better.
“Alright, we just need to get on the bus with the rest of these people, and home sweet home, here we come,” Dustin spoke up. No sooner had he said the words did you recall a very important detail from your conversation with the Russians.
“Uh, Dustin?” You spoke up hesitantly, “yeah, we might not wanna go to your house.”
“Well, I might’ve told them your full name,” Steve spoke up sheepishly. He felt really guilty about it, but he couldn’t really go back and undo it.
“What is wrong with you?!” Dustin seethed, exasperated with the idiot that his babysitter was somehow in love with against all odds.
“Dude, I was drugged.”
“So? You resist! You tough it out like a man!”
“Oh yeah, that’s easy for you to say,” you rolled your eyes as you came to Steve’s defense. You were in the same position that he had been in and you knew for a fact that you had “toughed it out” and it didn’t make a damn difference with that shit in your system.
“Guys,” Robin spoke up hesitantly. You noticed men dressed in black, checking bags as people left the mall. You immediately could tell that they weren’t some low level mall security guys…these were Russians. One of them turned and made direct eye contact with you and your heart began to race again, mind flashing back to what it was like to be tied up in that underground facility.
“Abort! Abort!” Dustin yelled as you all turned to run the other way. You darted to the escalator, hopping up on the divider between the two and sliding down to the lower level. As you entered the food court, you jumped the counter to one of the various food stands, gesturing for your friends to join you.
“Come on!” You shouted. They swiftly moved behind the counter and the five of you sat with your backs to it as you listened to the footsteps of the Russian guards. Steve’s hand gently began to interlock with yours and you held on tightly, trying to ease the panic that was settling in your chest.
“Y/n, we’re gonna be okay—I’m gonna make sure of it,” he leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispered ever so quietly. You turned towards him, fear in your eyes as you whispered back.
“I don’t know what to do Steve. It’s not like they’re going to give up,” you started, “they’ll leave when we’re dead.”
Your suspicions seemed to be confirmed as you heard footsteps approaching. It sounded like there was more than one of them, indicating to you that they had found your hiding spot. Your breathing picked up as you braced yourself for the worst. The footsteps stopped and a silence fell across the mall. You squeezed your eyes shut as a single tear ran down your cheek.
Suddenly, a car alarm began blaring loudly, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin. You heard the sound of metal being crushed, and you imagined the car flipping as you felt the ground reverberate with each thud of the vehicle against the tiled food court floor. Slowly, but surely, the five of you peaked out over the counter, taking in the sight of the four Russian guards, presumably dead on the floor.
You looked around, taking in the sight of the crashed car before your eyes finally caught sight of Eleven on the railing. The rest of the kids were with her, as well as Nancy and Jonathan. The seven of them ran down the escalator, meeting you in the middle of the mall.
“What are you doing here?!” Lucas yelled at Erica and you cringed knowing it was on you for putting the Sinclair girl in harm’s way.
“Ask them, it’s their fault!” She pointed at you and Steve.
“True, yeah. Totally true; absolutely our fault,” Steve quickly fessed up, not wanting it to turn into a huge argument.
“I don’t understand what happened to that car,” Robin interjected, her eyes wide as she tried and failed to understand the physics of it all.
“El has superpowers,” Dustin answered simply.
“I’m sorry?” Robin responded, clearly dumbfounded by the boy’s explanation. This was the first time in a while that you realized how ridiculous everything that you had went through in the past two years sounded.
“Superpowers. She threw it with her mind. C’mon, catch up,” Steve rolled his eyes.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Nancy asked looking at Robin.
“I’m Robin. I work with Steve and y/n.”
“She cracked the top secret code,” you chimed in.
“Yeah, which is how we found out about the Russians,” Steve continued.
“Russians? What Russians?” Jonathan asked confused.
“The Russians!” Steve shouted back.
“Those were Russians?” Max spoke up. Clearly you had all be dealing with different shit and after several miscommunications later, you were still trying to catch everyone up on the latest dangers pervading Hawkins. Suddenly, El collapsed to the floor, quickly ending your very confused conversation as Mike ran over to her followed by the rest of you.
“El! What’s wrong?!” He asked.
“My leg. My leg,” she whimpered, as tears began to run from her eyes. Her face was twisted in pain and your heart ached for her. Nancy unwrapped her wound and you all realized that there was something in her leg, watching as it writhed and slithered underneath her very infected looking skin. She began screaming out in pain and Mike continued to talk to her, desperately worried for his girlfriend.
“Keep her talking, keep her awake, okay?” You looked at everyone before darting off to a storefront in the food court. You pulled several drawers open, desperately looking for anything you could use to remove whatever that thing was crawling in the poor girls leg. You finally gathered a knife, a wooden spoon, and gloves, turning on a burner to the stove and sterilizing the kitchen knife in the flame.
You sprinted back over to the group, who had repositioned El, propping her up. “Okay. Alright, El? This is gonna hurt like hell, okay?” You spoke to her softly.
“Okay,” she gasped in pain.
“I need you to stay very still for me. You’re gonna want to bite down on this,” you handed Mike the wooden spoon and he placed it gently in her mouth, her teeth already biting down on the handle as she cried in pain. Everyone was terrified, and your heart was beating wildly. You didn’t know what the hell you were doing, but given all the weird ass shit you’d been through, you knew you had to get whatever the hell it was win her leg out.
You pressed the knife to her shin, drawing it downwards to make an incision, wincing greatly as she cried out in pain. “I’m so sorry, El,” you breathed out, taking your gloved hand and sinking it into the incision. El screamed out while everyone else exclaimed in disgust. Your eyes started watering and tears began to cloud your vision as you attempted to feel for the thing writhing under her skin but to no such avail.
“No! Stop it!” Eleven dropped the spoon and began yelling at you. You quickly pulled your hand away and scooted back. “I can do it.”
Your heart broke at how pained her voice sounded, and she held up her hand above the broken skin. The slug came back to life as it began to slither across the side of her calf, moving closer towards the incision. She screamed and the storefront windows behind you shattered. Steve and Robin backed up as you darted forward, shielding kids’ heads from the glass raining down.
Eleven finally pulled the creature out of her leg and the sight of it made you immediately nauseous. It looked like a mess of bone and flesh and blood, and she tossed it across the mall from you. It began to skitter away before being quickly smashed under the shoe of the one and only Jim Hopper.
While everybody stared at Jim and Joyce and Murray, you rushed to El’s side, pulling her into a tight hug and cradling her head. She cried in exhaustion as she held onto you. “Shhhh, it’s okay; everything’s going to be okay,” you whispered into her hair, trying to calm her down. You were crying too, tears silently falling down your face as you rubbed soothing circles across her back.
By the looks of it, the three adults had experienced some shit too, and you were afraid of what they had to say as they approached the rest of you.
How much more complicated could all this shit get?
After about fifteen minutes of explaining, you were all on at least slightly the same page. It was difficult to wrap your head around it all. It was difficult to imagine all of the people that Hawkins had just quietly lost, disappearing over a matter of days.
“Okay, so, just to be clear, this…big fleshy monster thing that hurt El, it’s some kind of gigantic…weapon?” Steve asked, feeling the need to clarify what he had heard.
“Yes,” Nancy answered. Knowing that her and Steve dated often made you feel small in her presence. Especially since things hadn’t ended quite amicably between them.
“But instead of, like, screws and metal, the mind flayer made its weapon…out of melted people.
“Yes, exactly,” Nancy replied again, her tone indicating that she was a bit tired with his clarifying questions.
“Yeah, okay, just making sure.”
“Are we sure this thing is still out there? Still alive?” Joyce asked. You were grateful the adults were here. Something told you that if you tried to tell any other grown ups about all this messed up shit, no one would believe you. You were glad you at least had the chief of police and probably the most badass mom in all of Hawkins on your side.
“El beat the shit out of it, but yeah, it’s still alive,” Max confirmed.
“But if we close the gate again—“ Will spoke up.
“We cut the brain off from the body, and we kill it…theoretically,” Lucas finished his thought. Hopper looked hesitant and you felt the same way. It seemed like all of you kept going through all of this shit just for it to come back. You were damn tired of it coming back.
“Yoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo!” Murray Bauman’s voice rang out, cutting off your doomsday thinking. He frantically waved papers in the air and pulled Hopper and Joyce aside to explain the maps he’d drawn up of the Russian facility. You hovered behind him, noticing how crudely drawn they were, knowing that his estimates were far off.
“…I don’t know the scale on this, but I think it’s fairly close to the vault room…maybe fifty feet or so,” Murray finished explaining the location of the gate. You scoffed trying to bite back a chuckle at how grossly he’d miscalculated.
“More like five hundred,” Erica chimed in, “What, you’re just gonna waltz in there like it’s commie Disneyland or something?”
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Murray spat at the young girl. Geez, he could use some lessons in babysitting, you thought as you rolled your eyes at his condescension.
“Erica Sinclair. Who are you?” She shot back and you couldn’t help but smile. Sometimes her sass really did pay off…so long as it wasn’t directed at you.
“Murray…Bauman,” he answered, his voice trailing off as he wondered why he was even entertaining her question.
“Listen Mr. Bunman, I’m not trying to tell you how to do things, but I’ve been down in that shit hole for twenty four hours. And with all due respect, you do what this man tells you, you’re all gonna die.”
“I’m sorry, why is this four-year-old speaking to me?”
“Um, I’m ten, you bald bastard,” Erica shot back. You grabbed her shoulders to settle her down.
“Erica!” Lucas scolded.
“Just the facts!” She defended herself.
“She’s right. You’re all gonna die, but you don’t have to. Sorry, may I?” Dustin asked as he sat down with the map. “It’s a bit of a maze down there but between me and Erica, we can show you the way.”
“You can show us the way?” Hopper asked incredulously.
“Don’t worry, you can do all the fighting and dangerous hero shit, and we’ll just be your…navigators,” Dustin assured the man. You couldn’t believe that was even a genuine suggestion the boy had, as you pushed past Hopper, slamming your hands down on the table causing Dustin to jump.
“No way in hell. Literally over my dead body,” you shouted, “what the fuck has gotten into you? I can’t believe you would just—”
Hopper quickly cut you off, putting his hands on your shoulders. “Cool it, okay?” He reminded you before turning to Dustin. “She’s right though. Absolutely no way in hell.”
Hopper moved to start gathering materials and you moved to join Steve as he sat on the countertop of one of the restaurants. “This is all pretty batshit crazy,” you spoke up, hugging your knees to your chest.
“It really is,” he sighed looking around at everyone prepping for the worst. “I mean, I just don’t know how we keep getting ourselves into all this shit, you know?”
“I think we just care too much,” you answered laughing. He chuckled back and there was a pause, both of your minds elsewhere as you tried to process all the shit that was inevitably about to go down.
“Hey,” you spoke up again. He looked up at you and you took in the sight of his bruised eye and his busted lip. “Did you mean it?”
“Mean what?”
“What you said earlier…did you really mean it?” You held your breath as his lips turned up into a small smirk.
“Every word,” he responded simply. When you didn’t really smile in return, he was quick to speak up, sliding towards you as he grabbed your hand. “Y/n, what’s wrong?”
“I just…I-I don’t wanna be another one of your girls,” you repeated the sentiment from your fight earlier, but this time it wasn’t accompanied by seething rage. Instead, it was born of pain and fear. Fear that you weren’t enough for him. Fear that he would leave you. Steve’s heart sank and he wished that he could go back and erase his mistakes, but he couldn’t. What he could do was fix them though.
“Y/n, you’re not just ‘another one of my girls.’ I wish you would understand that,” he started, looking you in the eyes with so much sincerity that you felt compelled to look away, but you didn’t. “You are the girl y/n. I don’t want any of those other girls….I mean, why would I when I have the perfect one right in front of me?”
“But, that’s the thing…I’m not perfect,” you countered as you began to tear up. “I yell at you all the time, and-and I get you into these fucked up situations, not to mention the amount of times you’ve gotten the shit beat out of you so that I don’t get the shit beat out of me, and I’m not pretty like the other girls you talk to and—“
“Woah, woah, woah! Y/n, are you kidding me? You’re fucking gorgeous! Those other girls don’t even come close to how amazing you are. And there’s no one I’d rather get the shit kicked out of me for than you, okay? I need you to understand that,” Steve pleaded. You leaned into him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you held him close. He placed a kiss to your temple, and you held onto each other like that until Hopper came up to the two of you, speaking suddenly and causing you to jump.
“Hey, here,” he said tossing a set of keys that Steve barely caught in time, “I need you to take the kid to his dumbass radio or whatever.”
“Of course, yeah we can do that,” Steve replied hopping off the counter as he reached a hand out to help you down.
“Good…and you two—you’re, uh, being safe, right?” Hopper suddenly asked. You looked at him quizzically, unsure what his line of questioning was getting at before he added, “you know, we don’t need any more kids running around here complicating shit.”
You felt your entire face heat up as you caught on to what he was implying before Steve quickly spoke up, “No—I mean, yes! Wait, no. It’s just, we’re not…we’re not you know—“
“We’re not engaging in any activities that would add to the population,” you answered for Steve, rolling your eyes at Hopper’s intrusive question as you added, “so you don’t have anything to worry about in that department.”
The look Hopper gave you told you that he wasn’t buying what you were selling, and you rolled your eyes again, pulling Steve behind you as you grabbed Robin, Erica, and Dustin, heading out to the parking lot. When Steve saw the car he would be driving, his face lit up and suddenly he didn’t mind being on babysitting duty anymore.
“Oh, man, now this…this is what I’m talkin’ about!”
“‘Toddfather’?” You read the license plate, thinking about how stupid men were.
“Oh, screw Todd! Steve’s her daddy now!” The boy exclaimed as he hopped in the driver’s seat.
“Did you just talk about yourself in the third person?” You asked incredulously.
“Did he just call himself daddy?” Robin added, her question focusing on the more outrageous aspect of Steve’s statement. Steve ignored both of you as he peeled out of the parking lot, chuckling as he honked the horn a couple of times.
“This isn’t a joyride! We’re trying to be inconspicuous here!” You reminded him, a scowl etched on his face.
“Sorry,” he replied but he couldn’t quite wipe the smile off of his face. He thought about how perfect this moment would be if the world wasn’t basically ending…and there weren’t three other people in the car. Just him and the girl of his dreams in a fancy ass convertible, driving as if they had all the time in the world.
Time passed and the glee that Steve was once filled with dissipated, as he continued down the same road for what felt like forever.
“How far away is this place?” He asked Dustin, frustrated and hoping that the boy was relaying the right directions.
“Relax, we’re almost there.”
“This Suzie girl must be pretty special if you lugged this thing all the way out here just to talk to her,” you spoke up, turning around as you smiled at the boy behind you. The young love was pretty cute, you had to admit…even if Henderson was a pain in the ass.
“I mean, nobody’s scientifically perfect, but Suzie’s about as close to being perfect as is humanly possible,” Dustin smiled back at you as he explained.
“She sound made up to me. She sound made up to you?” Erica chimed in, unable to believe the fact that the annoying boy to her left could possibly have pulled a girl as perfect as he was describing. No one said anything, and Dustin’s face twisted into a frown as he looked to Steve.
“Why are you hesitating, Steve?”
“I’m—I’m—I’m not! I’m not! I think she sounds real. You know, totally, absolutely real,” Steve spoke up.
“Left! Turn left!” Dustin suddenly yelled out.
“There’s not a road here?” You replied, turning in your seat to look back at the boy.
“Turn left now!”
Steve cut the wheel hard and you slid in your seat, grateful for the seatbelt holding you in place as you shrieked and Steve began ascending the unpaved hill. The ride was bumpy and as gravity began to work against you, you could feel the car beginning to struggle.
“We’re not going to make it!” You shouted at Steve.
“Yes we are! Come on, baby, come on!” The car stopped as its wheels spun. Steve kept revving the engine, but to no avail.
“Guess the Toddfather has its limitations,” Robin spoke up from the backseat. Steve scowled, putting the car in park as you all got out, walking the rest of the way to Dustin’s radio.
As Dustin gave Murray directions, things were pretty boring for you, Steve, and Robin. You had been drugged during the time the kids were moving through the ducts, so you weren’t useful in navigating. So, you laid on your back staring up at the stars as you waited. Being so far away from Hawkins made them easier to see, and you took a deep breath as you reveled in the moment of calmness, trying to forget about the horrors you were facing, just for a minute.
Your moment of tranquility ended sooner than you had expected, as you heard Steve’s voice ring out. “Hey guys.”
You immediately shot up, joining him as he looked down the hill. You could see all of Hawkins from here and the lights on the mall were going ballistic. You all ran back towards the radio and Dustin screamed into the transmitter. “Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Do you copy? Over!”
You heard a monstrous shriek over the radio as an inhuman scream ripped through the air around you. Dustin kept repeating his call over the radio but it was no use. They were in deep shit back at Starcourt.
Steve got up, sprinting away and you were right on his tail as Erica shouted at you. “Where are you going?!”
“To get them the hell outta there!” Steve shouted back.
“Stay here, contact the others!” You yelled, following Steve to the car.
“Stay in touch,” Robin tossed you a walkie talkie, letting you know that she’d keep the kids safe and far from danger as you hopped into the passenger seat. Steve took off down the hill and you gripped to anything you could hold onto as he drove recklessly back towards the mall.
“Steve, I’m scared,” you spoke up, gripping the armrest of your seat.
“I know, y/n. I am too,” he replied, “but if I know anything about the two of us—after all this shit we’ve been through—it’s that we’ve got this, okay? So we’re gonna get them and get the hell out.” You took a deep breath as he said it, nodding. You drove the rest of the way in silence, trying to control your breathing as you psyched yourself up for the hell you were about to face. Steve described it so simply, but you knew it wouldn’t be that easy.
Just as you were peeling into the parking lot, you saw the familiar sight of Billy’s car…speeding straight toward Nancy Wheeler. Steve pressed his foot to the floor, ramming into Billy’s car just in time to knock it off course and save Nancy from getting mowed down. You would definitely have whiplash the next day, but you decided it was very much worth it if it meant that Nancy was unharmed. You and Steve finally looked up, catching your first glimpse of the massive creature scaling the outside of the mall. It looked exactly like the shadow monster Will had drawn, except it was fleshy and bones stuck out at odd angles every which way.
“Get in!” Nancy shouted, as she pulled her car around and the two of you piled in the back. The monster leapt from the building, following as Nancy sped off out of the parking lot. Your heart raced and you buried your head in Steve’s neck as you grabbed onto him, not wanting to look at the creature anymore.
After getting a considerable distance away from the mall, hearing a weird ass musical number from Dustin and his girlfriend, who against all odds really did exist, you realized that the monster that had been following you had turned around.
“It’s turning around!” You yelled out.
“Maybe we wore it out?” Lucas suggested.
“I don’t think so,” Jonathan spoke up, quickly cutting the wheel and turning back towards the mall. Lucas passed all of you several fireworks and you split up, making your ways to different spots on the upper level.
When you got back into position, the flesh monster was standing right in front of El and Billy, reaching for her as you enacted your plan. You threw the first firework, it exploding in a spray of sparks as the creature shrieked, it exploding against its fleshy exterior.
It was really a sight to behold as the mall erupted into bright flashes of color. It was being hit from all sides, distracted from El, as it continued to get knocked from side to side.
“Hey asshole! Over here!” Steve yelled as he lit another firework and chucked it as far as he could. This is absolutely batshit fucking crazy, you thought as you threw another firework. As you threw them, you thought about all that you had been through. You thought about the young kids around you who had to grow up way too quickly. You thought about Will and Barb and Bob Newby and the horrors they had faced. You thought about all of the people that were killed to form the fleshy creature right before your eyes.
You thought about all that you had lost and you threw the fireworks with all your might.
Your stash was dwindling and as you lit another firework to throw it, Steve screamed over the walkie talkie. “Dustin! We’re out of time!”
“Hurry! Close it now!” You heard Dustin’s voice crackle through the receiver, letting the adults know that it was their time to shine. Steve threw your last firework, which went off in a fiery spray of multicolored sparks, before you realized that there were no more fireworks to be thrown.
You could see Billy standing in front of the massive monster, stoping one of its clawed arms as it reached out towards El. More bony arms appeared, slithering out of the creature as they darted forward stabbing into Billy’s side. You stared wide eyed, in shock and unable to look away. You began to hyperventilate, terror gripping every inch of your body as your legs began to give. Steve was quick to grab you before you fell, quickly pulling you to the floor as he sat, cradling the back of your head as he pulled your face into his neck.
“Don’t look, don’t look, don’t look,” he whispered to you and you could hear the terror in his voice as well, “I’m here, y/n. I’m here, okay?” He wanted to tell you that everything would be fine, but this time he wasn’t so sure. He glanced over at Billy as another arm darted forward, piercing through Billy’s chest. Steve quickly averted his eyes, wishing he had taken his own advice and hadn’t looked. Billy wasn’t coming back from that.
Max screamed out to her brother and you sobbed into Steve’s chest. Suddenly the creature began writhing, screeching and snarling in pain as it stumbled around the mall. It crashed into pillars and Steve was barely able to move you both out of the way as it careened into the railing right beside you. It thrashed a bit longer before finally falling to the ground with a resonating thud. You all gawked at it, and even though it sat in a heap on the floor, you couldn’t help but feel unease at the sight.
You didn’t get to stare at it for long before the army was bursting through the doors of the mall, guns a-blazin’ just as Steve had predicted. You all put your hands up to display that you weren’t a threat as the US soldiers escorted you out of the building. You all sat in the parking lot while they searched the facility, finally torching the mall once everyone was out. It was an elaborate cover up but you understood why it had to remain a secret.
Emergency vehicles soon showed up to attend to the fire and the wounded, and you and Steve sat side by side on a gurney. You weren’t really sure what to say. It didn’t feel like there was anything you could say in this moment. It felt like the world had ended and you were just so damn tired.
“I guess we’re gonna have to find new jobs now,” Steve finally sighed as he spoke up, smirking at you after his statement.
“Yeah….maybe ones with less obnoxious uniforms this time,” you smiled a sad smile back as you leaned into him. He threw his arm around you and it all felt so comfortable. You wished it could be under better circumstances.
After getting checked out by the EMTs on scene, your face was looking a lot better; no longer caked in dried blood. Miraculously, a soldier had located Steve’s car keys in the Russian base, and an EMT returned them to him as you sat there.
“That was quite the fire,” the EMT spoke up. You stared wide eyed and clueless for a second as you tried to gather your thoughts enough to play to the narrative that had been constructed.
“Uh, yeah…we were, um, we were really scared,” you breathed out, deciding it was better to focus on half truths at least. You never were the greatest liar.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” the EMT responded, flashing his light to check your eyes. He continued as he clicked it off, “I just don’t quite get how you both would have sustained injuries like this though. I mean, seems a bit odd considering none of the other kids showed up looking like this. And I guess I’m a bit put off by the fact that the US military is here. Hawkins is a safe town, seems a bit extreme for a mall fire.”
“I don’t know what to tell you, man. There was a fire and we got hurt. And I don’t really have a clue why the military is here; I’m just some dude working for minimum wage at a nautical themed ice cream parlor,” Steve spoke up, his tone very much indicating that he wasn’t going to give the EMT any more information.
“Whatever you say I guess. Anywho, you guys are good to go,” the EMT replied, dismissing you from the gurney. Steve and you walked over to his car, and he opened the passenger door for you and you went to get in, hesitating before you ducked down.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” Steve asked, his hand still on the door. You turned around quickly, staring up at him through your lashes. Your eyes met his and you just stared at each other for a while before you glanced down at his lips. He got the hint and began to lean in towards you, one hand going to the nape of your neck as the other wrapped around your waist to pull you closer.
Finally, his lips were on yours, and it was well worth the wait. Maybe you were two broken people who walked through hell and back, but right now it didn’t matter. All that mattered was the way he was kissing you like his life depended on it. You didn’t care about the way your lip was still split and bruised, reveling in the pain if it meant that you got to have him; if it meant that he could be yours.
Your lips moved with his in such a perfect harmony that you felt like you were dreaming. After a moment, he placed a few more gentle pecks against your lips before pulling away. Your lips chased his, desperately wanting more, but you opened your eyes to look up at him. Your heart caught in your throat at the expression on his face. You’d never seen him look at you like that before.
He opened his mouth to speak but couldn’t seem to find the right words. How was he supposed to tell you that you were perfect? That you were the only thing really holding him together? That you were the reason that he woke up in the morning and showed up to that shitty job and the reason that he decided to stay in Hawkins instead of trying to move away from his shitty parents?
How was he supposed to tell you that you were his reason for being?
He didn’t think he would ever find the words, so instead he settled on “I really love you y/n—like a lot.”
You smiled up at him and pulled him into a hug. “I think I love you too, Steve,” you chuckled, pulling back to plant another kiss on his lips. He smiled into the kiss, realizing that he would never get tired of kissing you.
It was three months later and you and Steve were finally, officially dating. You were rocking out to the radio in the front seat of his BMW, singing off key with Robin as Steve pulled into the parking lot of Hawkins’ Family Video.
“You put your mom down as a reference?” Robin asked incredulously as she stepped out of the car.
“Yeah. Why not? She’s like, super well-respected,” Steve argued and you rolled your eyes, biting back a smile.
“You’re such a dingus,” Robin sighed, stepping through the door Steve held open. You stepped through the doorway after, Steve placing a hand on the small of your back as he guided you into the store.
Your nose twitched a bit when you realized that Keith worked here. He was kind of really icky and had asked out just about every girl you went to high school with. You’d never met someone that desperate for a girlfriend before. When you had handed him your resumes, he looked at you all like you were idiots, clearly irritated that you were wasting his time.
“We didn’t get fired, you know,” you spoke up as you scowled, annoyed with the boy at the counter.
“Yeah, the mall burned down, and like killed a bunch of people,” Robin chimed in. In a way, she was looking for pity…most of the Hawkins’ community knew that you kids had been there when shit went down.
“Thanks for sharing. Didn’t know,” Keith deadpanned. “Three favorite movies, go!” He added pointing at Robin.
“Uh....The Apartment, Hidden fortress, Children of Paradise.” She quickly answered.
“You, go!” He swiveled and pointed at Steve.
“Favorite movies?”
“Did I stutter?”
“Uhhh…Animal House for sure…yeah, uh, um—Star Wars!”
“Which one?” You asked, looking up at him, annoyed that he’d just named an entire franchise.
“The one with the teddy bears, duh,” he smirked back at you as you groaned while he squeaked like an Ewok. “No? Uh…oh, the one that just came out. The movie that just came out—the one with the DeLorean and Alex P. Keaton, and he’s trying to bang his mom,” Steve chuckled while he explained it and you rolled your eyes.
Keith couldn’t really believe what he was hearing and he pointed at you and Robin. “You two start Monday,” he said before turning to Steve, “and you start never.”
“Will you just, give us a minute,” you said gesturing to you Robin and Keith.
“Why?” Steve asked, annoyed.
“Steve,” you warned the boy not to make things more difficult, placing a small peck on his lips which was enough to convince him to move along.
“Oh come on! Steve, y/n? Steve?”
“Listen, I know he’s a bit…he’s a bit of an idiot, but that’s beside the point. Anyway, he’s got other qualities,” you argued.
“He’s a douchebag of the highest order, y/n.”
“He was a bit of a prick to us in high school, I’ll grant you that, but he remains…a total chick magnet,” Robin gestured to you, and you flushed wildly.
“And this is relevant to me how?” Keith questioned, done with Robin’s bullshit.
“Uh, earth to Keith….the ladies will come in just to see him. They’ll come in, in droves. We sold so much ice cream they had to get a second shipment from Michigan! Isn’t that right, y/n?”
“Yep. Michigan,” you confirmed her lie.
“And these ladies are hot,” Robin continued, “they are so very hot. And there are too many of them for little Steve, especially now that he’s unavailable. He needs your assistance Keith.”
“What’s in it for you? Are you guys some sort of weird ass thruple?”
As soon as he said it, Steve clumsily knocked down a cardboard cutout, awkwardly trying to fix it.
“Gross, no,” Robin replied, “we’re just friends.”
Steve turned around the cardboard cutout recognizing immediately the movie it was from. “Oh Fast Times! Fast Times, ever heard of it? Top three for me, Keith.”
You and Robin laughed, and Keith groaned. “Fine, but if he screws up, it’s on the two of you.”
You knew he was gonna screw up, but you didn’t care, running over to him as he pulled you into a hug. “You ready to be coworkers again?” You asked as you smiled up at him.
“I mean, we do make a pretty kick-ass team.”
a/n: I hope you enjoyed this! If I end up going on hiatus, send me some requests! I’m definitely interested in continuing writing for Steve as a character. Reblog if you’re feeling generous ;)
@season4steve @sassyheroneckgiant @tangledinthegreatxscape @maeve-wileyy @palachannie @chaerfull @usaguisenpaisblog @emilieluckwood @sabrinadelreyy @mochminnie @xprloki @kitdjarin1
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littlerosetrove · 6 months
I think the show is going to start doing better by Eddie in upcoming episodes, and I desperately hope I’m right. Some critical thoughts incoming because I just want better for Eddie.
My focus of this post is about Eddie being in a romantic relationship, although there are absolutely so many potential storylines to delve deeper into with Eddie. Trust me, I know. 
I do get why Eddie was with Ana, I do. That man was still repressing so much trauma for starters, and (even now) Eddie was also feeling pressured by society and his upbringing to “give Chris another mom.” It was something Eddie felt like he should do. And hooboy does Eddie still need to work on issues surrounding things he often feels like he “should” do. We all know that Eddie stuck it out with Ana far longer than he should have (Ana is guilty of this two, cause it takes two to tango). An apt description for Eddie is that he’s “the architect of his own misery.” ← Idk who originally said this phrase, but I got it from @yramesoruniverse, and it’s true. 
Speaking of misery. No matter how the show tried to paint it as something cute and good, there is nothing actually good about Marisol and Eddie. Let me explain and bear with me. 
Let’s be real. The show during 6B treated Eddie’s loneliness and his subsequent desire to date as a joke. Maybe not 100%, but even 1% is too much. That montage of Eddie going hiking, playing golf (??), and hanging out at a fucking country club (?????) to find a date? That was played for laughs. 
Now at one point, Eddie had a genuinely great heart to heart with Bobby. I can’t recall their conversation exactly right now since I haven’t rewatched season 6 since it aired, but I know Bobby basically said Eddie should find someone who will sit with him during the hard times (please correct me if I’m wrong).  
But then the show tried to frame Eddie running into Marisol - someone he met on a call - as this spark, this magical moment. Let’s remember that in season 6 Eddie was wistfully reminiscing on his and Shannon’s beginning and called it magic. And so again, the show tried to say, “Hey look! Eddie bumping into Marisol (no last name) is meant to be. This is magic!” Then we jump into season 7 where we’ve gotten no development on Marisol still, and zero development on their relationship, unless you want to call Eddie admitting to using Marisol as a babysitter as some development. Hell, we don’t even know how Chris feels about her. With all of this in mind, to me this just looks like Eddie had grabbed onto the first person he could so he wouldn’t be lonely. If the show wanted us to care an iota about Marisol or their relationship in any capacity, they would have. But they haven’t. And that’s just heartbreaking for Eddie. All they’ve given Eddie is a surface level, nothing of a relationship. 
It’s clear Eddie and Marisol are going to break up in 7x7 at the latest, and… for what? 7x5 will definitely have to do some backfilling on where and why their relationship isn’t going to work (it doesn't appear Marisol will be in 7x6). Even still, what was the point of it all?? Before anyone says it, yes Eddie is allowed to date, even casually, but GD there’s been nothing to grasp onto, you know? No reason to feel even remotely excited or happy that Eddie’s dating, specifically not with Marisol (and the actress is a shitty person) who ffs doesn’t even have a last name. Just having two attractive people in the same room does nothing for me, sorry. 
To try and conclude this, this *gestures at everything I just said* is why I want better for Eddie and Ryan. I really really hope we’re going to get something of substance for Eddie as a character. Yes it’s been great to see Eddie so much happier in season 7 (thanks to therapy, though he needs more, and Buck and Tommy lbr), but, and to stick with the relationship aspect of it all, I want better for Eddie. Idk if Eddie will have or needs someone like Tommy for himself, or if Eddie is just going to work on himself before the next relationship he’s in will be Buck. We’ll have to wait and see, but yeah…. Eddie just. deserves better. 
(this post was inspired by a recent conversation I had with @elvensorceress)
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sixzeroes · 2 years
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moon taeil’s basement is where dreams come true. at least, that’s how it goes for no celestial, a pop rock band on the rise. part-time students, full-time artists—the four of them are booked and busy, their entire souls poured into their musical careers. but what the quartet want more than just fame is a taste of love—something taeil’s basement can’t exactly fulfil.
maybe, college might offer some help.
alternatively, a retelling of my college experiences through a not-very-researched band au because i’m desperate for band!nct </3
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TRACK #01 _ is this song about us?
► eight years ago, you decided to end things with your first boyfriend after agreeing that the relationship wasn’t working. it was heartbreaking, but you got over him with time—or so you thought. your heart is starting to run at an all-too-familiar erratic pace. perhaps, your feelings for him never went away. and perhaps, he’s in the same predicament as you, considering that the band’s latest album is allegedly dedicated to his first love.
pairing. vocalist!renjun x psci-major!reader(f). genres. exes-to-lovers, pop rock band au, university au, non-idol au, tbd.
status. unreleased.
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TRACK #02 _ the mundane things in life.
► you’re a little plain, but it’s not like you really care. there’s nothing wrong with simply living life on do not disturb, low power mode, silent mode on. but some alarm begins ringing in your monotonous lifestyle—and all of a sudden, you’re out on your very first clubbing night, drinking your very first cocktail, listening to a live band for the very first time, and having your very first kiss with the hot drummer in the restroom.
pairing. drummer!jeno x art-major!reader(f). genres. strangers-to-fwb-to-lovers, pop rock band au, university au, non-idol au, tbd.
status. unreleased.
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TRACK #03 _ keeping tabs on lee haechan.
► this is the first time you’ve seen your best friend in love, and to be frank, it’s kind of scary. she’s developed a crush on some guy she slept with who just so happens to be a student in your faculty, too. so, you’re tasked with keeping tabs on her newfound love. no biggie, except for the fact that you’re starting to fall in love with the guy who was lowkey an asshole at first but is now caring and gentle and—wait, he has a twin brother?
pairing. guitarist!donghyuck x bio-major!reader(f). genres. (one-sided) enemies-to-lovers, pop rock band au, university au, non-idol au, tbd.
status. unreleased.
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TRACK #04 _ ditto (hope you feel the same).
► one month, and not once have you seen the face of your student’s guardian. you’re more of a babysitter than a tutor at this point, teaching the teenage girl a few basic survival tips. when you begin to doubt the existence of her uncle, he comes stumbling through the front door, reeking of alcohol. you aren’t sure who you had been expecting, but nothing would’ve ever prepared you for the sweet family guy no celestial’s bassist is.
pairing. bassist!jaemin x econ-major!reader(f). genres. acquaintances-to-lovers, pop rock band au, university au, non-idol au, tbd.
status. unreleased.
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IN A CERTAIN SENSE, MOON TAEIL IS A FATHER TO FOUR YOUNG ADULTS. In the same vein, he’s basically the manager of a pop rock band. Don’t ask him how or why; he’s not too sure either. At one point in his life, he ended up babysitting his younger brother and three of his friends. They must’ve had one hell of a time because afterwards, four little gremlins would show up at Taeil’s bedroom with expectant eyes.
Those four little gremlins are the same ones that have now established a band and utilise Taeil’s basement for all sorts of things. Not only is it their studio, it’s also become their makeshift living space. At least they pay rent through the revenue their gigs bring in.
Club Moonlight is located at the edge of Neo Culture University, amidst a plethora of restaurants that close by ten p.m. It’s a sensation on campus, a must-go-to-at-least-once-in-your-life sort of place. With the nightclub alone, Taeil rakes in a good amount of money. But when No Celestial performs, the income is outstanding.
Taeil, to be frank, is a little worried for the boys. He can’t even refer to them as ‘boys’ anymore, either. They camp out in the basement and live off of cup ramyun whenever Taeil forgets to feed them. But then again, it’s not like they lack survival abilities or social skills. Perhaps, Taeil is just overthinking as a result of practically raising them for nearly fourteen years.
He sighs, setting down the cup he’d been drying for the past ten minutes. In thirty minutes, the club is to open and No Celestial is planning to play a few songs. Taeil looks over at the stage, where the DJ set had been pushed aside for the band’s equipment.
Huang Renjun, the lead vocalist and keyboardist, is busy messing around with his electric keyboard, adjusting the volume to his liking. Taeil is the least worried about him; he’s quite the competent kid who has demonstrated independence on many occasions. Renjun is just…a little too mean to people with his blunt truths. Taeil fears he might end up creating several enemies here and there without actually meaning to.
Lee Jeno, the drummer, is flipping through his music sheets with his lips pressed into a thin line. Taeil is very, very worried about him—not that Jeno is incapable of surviving, but as his older brother, Taeil can’t help but feel nervous at the thought of allowing the kid to live all on his own with no adult supervision. Additionally, Jeno likes to sleep around. Taeil respects the game, but he’s concerned about, you know, STDs and the like.
Lee Donghyuck, the rhythm guitarist, is off to the side with his guitar, plucking the chords and fixing the tune. Taeil is also very worried about him. He’s a smart kid and will probably survive just fine, but he comes from a rich family who are rather dead set on making him a doctor. Donghyuck is also an alcoholic, although the kid firmly denies the accusation. Taeil just hopes that the habit of downing soju will disappear soon.
Na Jaemin, the bass guitarist, is nowhere to be seen. Taeil technically has nothing to worry about as Jaemin is already a legal guardian and has been taking care of his niece for three years now. But the kid is overworking himself to provide for the girl, and it’s evident that the hours spent doing physical labour is taking a toll on his body. Taeil can only pray that graduating will allow him to land a stable career with a hefty income.
The clock strikes ten forty-five. In fifteen minutes, the nightclub will be in full swing, with No Celestial on stage and his employees running around to keep things in order. Taeil scans the bar, ensuring that everything is tidy. He clasps his hands together.
It’s time for another night of fun.
now playing ► no celestial by le sserafim.
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nabi’s note | whaaaat a pop rock band au when i have zero clue as to how bands work??? (dawg could i even count this as a band au it just feels like a college au,,) n e ways i am so so excited to start this series bc it’s a mix of my fantasies and my irl experiences lol we’ll see where this goes 👀 ngl this was supposed to be a university/college au but i really felt the need to make it a band au so i decided to shift some things around to make them a band 😹😹 i am a sucker for rockstar!00line so it was about time i made a cute lil bad boy rockstar band au for the dudes that i’m obsessed with ^^ ik i’ve been lowkey uploading a lot of stuff but i just have sm ideas rahhh i need to get them out asap! also yes this is inspired by le sserafim!! i don’t really listen to them but this song is so good i just had to <3
btw | i’m not too sure yet but depending on the flow of my feelings, these works may contain smut! for now, the series is definitely suggestive, but i might write smut if i feel brave enough lol ^ 
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bookns · 1 month
Sobbing because I will never get over graduating high school with my past. With this blog. I wrote my college essay that got me accepted into every college I tried to get in to about bookns. Now I'm days away from starting college which is just so...so surreal.
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My cap carried bookns and everything that makes bookns bookns come to life. The book that I had destroyed was the babysitter club book 100, Kirsty's worst idea. Maybe it was my worst idea but I had destroyed the book and glued it on. I don't regret it. That book series is the reason I am a reader, and more importantly a writer of this blog. It has a hidden ladybug for my miraculous days..the very beginning of this blog. There are flowers all around it because some day a boy would like to know my favorite flowers, Inej. The inside of the cap is blue for the best fucking blue food in the world, Percy. Lastly, she'd be so proud of me I would like to think. A Taylor quote for the shit that was high school.
because long story short, I survived.
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And now, from a total of 519 submissions...
Our Competitors!
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The Ballerina Battle will begin on Tuesday, October 10. Polls will go live at 12:00 PM.
Part One (Tuesday, October 9)
Angelina Mouseling (Angelina Ballerina) vs. Natasha Romanoff (Marvel Comics)
Gwen Stacy (Spider-Verse) vs. Fakir (Princess Tutu)
Ballora (Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location) vs. Strawberry Shortcake (Strawberry Shortcake)
Barbie (Barbie) vs. Clara (Barbie in the Nutcracker)
Ahiru Arima (Princess Tutu) vs. Haruno Haruka (Go! Princess Pretty Cure)
Cassandra Cain (DC Comics) vs. Amélie Lacroix/Widowmaker (Overwatch)
Pearl (Steven Universe) vs. Victoria Page (The Red Shoes)��
Billy Elliot (Billy Elliot) vs. Medic (Kamen Rider Drive)
Bon Clay (One Piece) vs. William Longtail (Angelina Ballerina)
Nikolina Pavlova (The Great Ace Attorney) vs. Minako Okukawa (Yuri! On Ice)
Rue Kuroha (Princess Tutu) vs. Margo, Edith, and Agnes Gru (Despicable Me)
Duchess Swan (Ever After High) vs. Hilary Van Doren (Fame 1980)
Nina Sayers (Black Swan)vs. Rapunzel (Tangled)
Anteaterina (Princess Tutu) vs. Genevive (Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses)
Roza Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) vs. Christine Daaé (The Phantom of The Opera)
Yuri Katsuki (Yuri! On Ice) vs. Yuri Plisetsky (Yuri! On Ice)
Part Two (Thursday, October 11)
Minto Aizawa (Tokyo Mew Mew) vs. Suzy Bannion (Suspiria 1977) 
Izumi Sena (Ensemble Stars) vs. Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) 
Eli Ayase (Love! Live!) vs. Mytho (Princess Tutu) 
Odette (Barbie in Swan Lake) vs. Kristyn (Barbie and the Pink Shoes)
Dee Dee (Dexter’s Laboratory) vs. June (Little Einsteins)
Meg Giry (The Phantom of the Opera)  vs. Center Stage cast (Center Stage)
Alice Nimbletoes (Angelina Ballerina) vs. Shirayuki Hime (Happiness Charge Precure)
Jessi Ramsey (The Babysitter’s Club) vs. Debbie Jellinsky (The Addams Family)
Sara Johnson (Save the Last Dance) vs. Mr Mistoffelees (Cats)
Grace Monroe (Infinity Train) vs. Find Me in Paris Cast (Find Me in Paris)
Félicie (Ballerina/Leap) vs. Shim Deok-chul (Navillera)
Victoria (Cats) vs. Tandy Bowen (Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger)
Minami Kaido (Go! Princess Pretty Cure) vs. Téa Gardner (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Catherine Dollanganger (Flowers in the Attic) vs. Adelaide Wilson (Us 2019)
Annie Edison (Community) vs. Ruou Mori (Dance Dance Danseur) 
Rachel Berry (Glee) vs. Balletusa and Primausa (Sanrio)
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laylawatermelon · 3 months
Now all we need is a queer club scene a la lone Star.
Buck would absolutely flourish, henren would be flirting, Eddie would be sitting at the bar doing a beer watching Buck like a hawk and sometimes smiling, Tommy would be in the void floating (sorry babe I'm a Buddie 4 lifer), and for a lil pizzazz Maddie and Chimney also go.
(it evolved into a tiny fic 🥺if you wanna read you can🥺)
ao3 link :
Ravi is probably there somewhere with someone in the VIP section looking down at them both happy but also a bit worried to see them.
(he's been working with them for a while now he knows the rumors of that many collective jinx powers they hold)
He sends them drinks periodically and they all wonder if someone is about to get a sugar daddy and then realize they're all couples so who's the couple who's getting a third?
Hen has her hands permanently glued to her wife's side and her head in her neck. She's murmuring sweet nothings and Karen giggles it away as she rubs any part of her that's closest to her and sips her drink.
Chimney and Maddie chat as they become a two-headed, four-limbed creation that smells of tequila, love, and laughter.
Maddie is constantly getting compliments on her shiny outfit and nails and ends up beside Buck periodically through the night, both of them like radiant sunlight to others.
Chimney also magically appears next to her almost instantaneously but vanishes and returns with drinks for his friends eventually chatting up the biggest guys he can on their gym regimen and suggesting they buy a calendar to support the new Asian Sex Symbol.
Of course, they sell a few copies.
Buck is the crown Jewel of the drag queens who are all shapes, sizes, and identities getting off of a show to have a nice night out.
He's marvelous and praises their outfits before quickly getting sucked into impromptu makeup and drag lessons, cards for shows, drunken histories, sexuality stories, and good ole fun lip-syncing.
And of course, since he's a bright star who everyone loves, many people begin their hunt.
A quick wink, a lingering smile, a hand on his lower back that lingers as long as a guy slides past him.
Okay, that's it.
Eddie orders another two beers, checking his phone for the babysitter's update before pocketing it.
He slides up behind Buck sliding a beer in his hand and resting his head on his shoulder his hand coming up to his waist.
The girls immediately gush about the two saying there are Two Hot Firefighters ready to put out their fire and Eddie bursts out in laughter.
They begin to fawn over him next complimenting his jawline and face suggesting he go into modelling or movies.
One of them says it's a waste but they'd be all fired up if they see him covered in soot. Another asks if he's on the same calendar as the sexy Asian guy.
Buck pouts telling them no and he's the focus again.
The drag queens then launch into a spiel about fire safety and if they could do a lecture at a show or help them.
Buck ends up video calling Bobby at the request and he and Athena are laying in bed amused as they watch him stumble through his words before a crowd of colorful queens squeeze into the frame.
He assumes them he'll think about it and the comment on Athena's beauty before the call is cut.
Bobby turns to Athena after the call and she laughs. "Your boy is always getting into trouble." He kisses her forehead softly. "We should go next time." "Let's."
Later that night as Christopher's finally dozing off, his phone slipping out of his hand he jolts at the sound of the front door bursting open.
Harry and Denny freeze on the phone, their faces both lit up by their computer screen, "What was that?"
Chris reaches for his glasses and slips them on staying quiet.
He listens again and relaxes as he hears giggles and shushes.
He rolls his eyes and pulls his covers over his head. "It's my dads."
The shuffling gets louder and he groans softly as his door is knocked on before it's pushed open.
Eddie grins down at his son's lying form and stumbles over as gracefully as he can. Buck is in the kitchen filling two (plastic) cups with water and shakily walking to his room.
Eddie walks to the left of his bed and kneels down resting his head on his arm.
He pats his head suddenly emotional, "I love you so much you know that?"
Chris frowns at his distressed tone but also notices the softness in his touch.
They watch him and Buck tiptoe in to hand Eddie a cup and rest his on a nightstand.
"We should probably let him sleep, okay babe?"
Eddie drinks from his cup smiling and pats Chris' head one last time. "Okay. Night son."
As they're leaving Buck sticks his head back in, "By the way your phone light is still asking through the blanket. Go to bed, Chris."
Harry and Denny burst out laughing and Chris promptly hangs up. He closes his eyes with a smile on his face as his dads fall into bed sloppily in the next room, leaving their problems for themselves tomorrow. 
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4pfsukuna · 7 months
please asexual!reader x megumi
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I wasnt sure if you wanted a headcannon or drabble so… here’s both. Y’all also give me way too much freedom when writing, i love it! Your wish is my command sunshine!
you actually started off as enemies, you hated that he was so expressionless and only expressed anger, discontent and disgust, how did GOJO raise him
He hated that you were exactly the same yet judged him so hard. Except you were more sarcastic and had your own sense of dark humor.
It was when you cracked a joke about yuji and sakuna at the worst possible time that he couldn’t even fight back the way his lips quirked up, he claims it was a muscle spasm.
And maybe you arent entirely horrible and unbearable and your music taste is cool and your taste in fashion is mainly dark clothes but the way you can dress for every aesthetic— hes impressed.
He wasnt smitten by just one joke… it was also the way you smiled and looked so smug after every joke you told it was cute.
“If you stop oggling at y/n and pick a food spot that would be nice” Nobara teases and his glare is back on the girl he seen as an annoying sister.
Its the day you wear your hair in its fro running out of arm strength to wrestle it into a style you opt for it and he cant help the stare. You smell like cocoa butter, skin is sun kissed and that laugh… its soft and airy and he almost hates how sickly sweet it was. That was the laugh that was reserved for him so why were you laughing with Todo?
What could that idiotic brainless brute say that was sooooooo funny? Wait why did he care?
It didnt matter cause he was already in tow when Todo reached out to touch your hair.
“With this treasure i summon—“
“Megs wait!” The nickname was an accident but you dont miss the way the red coats the tip of his ears and he clears his throat.
You use it to your advantage everything becomes “megs this” and “megs that” and hes happy to comply.
You begin flirting in insults and your friends never know if your flirting or are actually about to brawl.
“I know how much you enjoy reading so i got you this book…maybe now instead of your spikey little head being a passageway for air it can actually hold thoughts.” You smile giving him the book ignoring the way everyones jaw is on the floor. He eyes you before picking on the one thing he knew could get you bent out of shape.
“Im suprised you were tall enough to reach this.. or smart enough to find the library.”
“One day im going to finish you and not even big ragga the opp stoppa can save you” you say holding him by the front of his shirt your noses nearly touching yet he looks completely unfazed. Actually theres an arrogant smirk on his face that nobody quite expected.
“Can you two fuck already and get it over with” Maki exhasperstes and you become visibly uncomfortable… for the rest of the entire day. Her harsh comments never bothered you, he watched you say worse stuff to her and even leave her stunned before sharing a laugh.
Its when he realizes you're asexual and those comments bother you. 
He may or may not threaten to bring out mahoraga if anybody else in the group makes sexual comments around you.
“Hey megs can i wear your jacket?” You ask already wearing his black and blue motorcycle jacket over your black crop top and mini skirt hair in 2 spikey buns immitating his hair and he wants to be angry cause he hated people touching his stuff but… you called him megs. And you look hot! 
He couldn’t keep his eyes off you while you danced at the bar, he told himself it was because he was the designated driver and babysitter of the group he had to make sure everyone was okay. 
You looked so carefree and adorable in his jacket, he even pretends not to notice you using your ability to control shadows to get rid of a man who got to close but he did smile.
He likes feeding you— now hear me out! It happened after the club you had been super drunk and hungry and there was a late night ramen bar Yugi suggested but megumi cant help but watch the way you put at the chopsticks. He assumes you dont know how to use them and that begins the tradition of him feeding you every time you go out.
Until its every time you eat ramen… ramen becomes your favorite food.
“Does he know that she knows how to use chopsticks?”
“I-im not sure but he actually looks… happy? Lets not say anything”
He likes when you play with his hair.  One day hed been sitting next to you fighting sleep and all it took was a hand in his hair your nails softly scratching his scalp and he was fast asleep on your lap. He actually wrapped his arms around your midsection locking you in so you couldn’t move.
And when yuji and Todo walk into yuji and megumis shared apartment the scowl on his face is the meanest they’ve ever seen. How dare they interrupt his quiet time with his woman?!
Its quiet when he yells that at him… but an akward silence he didnt mean to yell that he was just so exhausted from all the missions hes been on and lack of times hes been able to spend with you.
“Damn take me on a date for dinner and a movie first” you break the silence and he gives you a sheepish grin laying back on your lap trying to cover the burn of his cheeks and ears.
“You hate cliche dates like that… ill take you somewhere better” he fights the urge to stutter.
And he does he takes you to a sip and paint class where neither of you follow what the teacher painted. He painted a picture of you under the moonlight and you painted a stick figure with a bunch of letter M’s on the head for his hair.
“My hair isn’t that damn spikey!”
He hangs the picture up in his bedroom anyway making sure your signature is on it.
Megs closet is your favorite place he has so many cool things he doesn’t wear.
“You jerk the tags still on it” he scoffs seeing you in his new hoodie.
You give it back because it doesn’t smell like him anyway and opt for a beanie… and jacket.
“What? Youve worn this” “no, i tried it on”
He loves when you wear his clothes and the way it looks so big on you but youre just happy with anything that his and he doesnt understand how you can be so infatuated with him or anything involving him but its equivalant to the way he was with you.
Megumi smiles down at you completely infatuated with how cute you look in his shirt, it swallows you whole but you don’t seem to mind and he doesn’t pay much attention to the denim blue dye fading onto the collar from your hair. The denim bite was a mishap you were actually trying to dye your hair the same color as his and honestly once you told him he didn’t give a damn about the dye on his new fresh white nike tee. 
“Is that my shirt?” His voice sounds annoyed but you knew better this was megs we were talking about. He always sounds annoyed and you nod cutely up at him watching as a smile builds on his face. He kisses your forehead before walking over to the kitchen ready to sneak a taste of whatever you'd been cooking. 
“I'll pop your fingers with a wooden spoon so you better think twice about going in my pot” you threaten watching as he sends a disbelieving look over his shoulder. 
“You know speaking of food Yuji told me you absolutely do know how to eat with chopsticks and that i don't need to feed you” he retorts ruffling his hair which you gasp at. You were going to fold yuji like origami and flick him far off to where he wouldn't be found. 
“Fine…you can have a bite of the salmon” you wager but he's quick.
“What?! No,3” he tries happily walking toward the stove,
“Two and you keep feeding me with chopsticks and ill show you the fudge chocolate cake i made you for dessert” you promise watching as his face lights up.
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